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Summary Prospero who has watched
Ferdinand's behaviour and conduct is now sure that
the young man is really in love with his daughter
Miranda. He tells him that the hard work imposed on
himwas nothing but a test of his love for Miranda. He
frees him of his hard labour and gives his blessins
to their marriage but warns Ferdinand not to indulge
in sex before marriage. If they do so, it will result in
hate, disdain and discord. Ferdinand makes a solemn

pledge to honour the sanctity of love by all


Prospero then orders Ariel to entertain themat this

in the
happy occasion. The entertainment takes place or
form of a masque. In this masque, Iris, the goddess
of thne
the rainbow, Juno, the wife of Jupiter and queen
and Ceres
gods, who protect the sanctity of marriage,
anearth goddness, take part to provide
to the couple. But towards the end of a dance, Prospero
suddenly recalls Caliban's treacherous plot and the
to end the masque immediately. This surprises
that she has never
young couple and Miranda says
seen her father so angry.
Prospero asks Ariel about the three
Ariel tells him that they were so drunk that they

the air and beating the earth. He had left

them in the pond behind Prospero's cave. Prospero
clothes on a line to
asks him to hang some colourful
distract them when they approach. Soon the three
Caliban, Trinculo and Stephario

spot the
clothes. Caliban is eager and impatient to get on with
the murder of Prospero, but Trinculo and Stephano

are attracted the clothes and are indifferent.

Prospero, the powerful magician, unleashs the spirits
in the form of hounds to chase Caliban, Stephano
Trinculo away.
Critical Commentary: The masque included in
this scene lessens our interest in the play. No doubt,
the masque is an essential part of the main
which leads up to the union of two houses, Milan and
and happinessof Ferdinand and Miranda, but
it hampers our interest.
The masque has another importance in the play.
It depicts the dominance of the supernatural elements
in the play bortd
The second part of the scene depicts the Iludicrous

ending of the treacherous plot hatched by Caliban

with Stephano and Trinculo. The plot failed to arouse
our interest. The funny situation created by the three
characters do provide some fun, but they are not of
high standard.
The scene is important because it ends the plot to
kill Prospero in his afternoon nap.

vexatious annoyancee
ratify Contirm eri
disdain hatred
Phoebus the Sun god
Hymen god of marriage
rabble mob

abstemious bs not allowing to have too much

Su aif elssvor insgmo food

ardourub sme :intensity
pertly d of smartlyy denws oemol ole
leas fields
nymphs ol water-maids

lass-lornvigrolo : forsaken by a girl.o l d

bow ebrisrusi rainbow
her son Cupid, god of love
Paphos o Venus; sacred home M
Mars o1sqeo1 ofi god of war
twainn i esnib two M bs bnaibis
foison plenty plentiful yse brsodoro
st eidl omolA ttw
naiads spiritsiM
ilMdiwgom ald
trumpery9 yd:garments, showy but inferior
mischance O misfortune g diie.2
o1 or o C
foot-lickeroluonil :humbleslave onol brts
pass of pate i s aoii i Witty jokeortols moiore tiont

goblins eVg o1eqeo small ugly creatures

cat o mountain name of a leopard brseieo
name of a dog
dori no ab
hogshead .
a large cask
dropsy a type of disease

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