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Philippine Eagles Basketball League

Agila Cup, Season 1

Opening Day Program

1. Lighting of Torch All Teams
2. Team Parade All Teams
3. Eagles Universal Prayer JP Media (PEBL Official Media Partner)
4. National Anthem JP Media (PEBL Official Media Partner)
5. Eagles Hymn JP Media (PEBL Official Media Partner)
6. Welcome Remarks Kuya Lenon Borja
PEBL Commissioner
7. Oath of Sportsmanship Kuya,
PEBL Commissioner

8. Special Performance/s
 Kuya
 Righteous One
 Kuya

9. National President’s Message Kuya

10.Fraternal Message Kuya
PEBL Commissioner
11.Inspirational Message Kuya
12.Eagles Pledge Kuya
PEBL Commissioner
13.Closing Remarks Kuya
PEBL Commissioner

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