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(CoH Lab Mana Page 1470 CEH Lab Manual Hacking Wireless Networks Module 16 Toon KEY © Valuable A Test your beereinige B Webexercise LD Workbook review & Tools demonstrated in this lab are available at EACEH- ToolsiCEHV14 Module 16 Hacking Wireless Networks (CoH Lab Mana Page 1472 Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, Hacking Wireless Networks Through radio frequency technology, Wi-Fi allows devices to acess wireless networks without cables jrom anywhere within range of an access point, Lab Scenario Wireless networking is revolutionizing the way people work and play. A wireless local area network (WLAN) is an unbounded data communication system, based on the IEEE 802.11 standard, which uses radio frequency technology to communicate with devices and obtain data, This network frees the user from complicated and multiple ‘wired connections. With the need for a physical connection or cable removed, individuals are able to use networks in new ways, and data has become ever more portable and accessible. Although wireless networking technology is becoming inereasingly popular, because of its convenience, it has many security issues, some of which do not exist in wired networks. By nature, wirelessly transferred data packets are airborne and available to anyone with the ability (0 intercept and decode them. For example, several reports, hhave demonstrated the weaknesses in the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) secusity algorithm, specified in the 802.11x standard, which is designed to enerypt wireless, data. Asan cthical hacker or penctration tester (hercaftct, pen tester), you must have sound knowledge of wireless concepts, wireless encryption, and related threats in order to protect your company’s wireless network from unauthorized access and attacks. You should determine critical sources, risks, or vulnerabilities associated with your ‘organization's wireless network, and then check whether the current security system isable to protect the network against all possible attacks. Lab Objectives ‘The objective of the lab is to protect the target wireless nctwork from unauthorized access. To do so, you will perform various tasks that include, but are not limited to: ® Discover Wi-Fi networks: = Capture and analyze wireless traftie = Crack WEP, WPA, and WPA2 Wi-Fi networks Lab Environment “To cary out this lab, you need: ® Windows 10 virtual machine * Parrot Security virtual machine = Linksys 802.11 g WLAN adapter © Web browsers with an Internet connection ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Coun "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. (CoH Lab Manual Page 1472 Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, = Administrator privileges to sua the tools Lab Duration ‘Time: 12% Overview of Wireless Networking In wireless networks, communication takes place through radio wave transmission, which usually takes place at the physical layer of the network structure. Thanks to the ‘wireless communication revolution, fundamental changes to data networking and telecommunication are taking place. ‘This means that you will need to know and understand several types of wireless networks. ‘These include: Minutes "Extension to a wired network: A wired network is extended by the introduction of access points between the wired network and wircless devices = Multiple access points: Multiple access points connect computers wirelessly = LAN-to-LAN wireless network: All hardware APs have the ability to interconnect with other hardware access points "= 3G/4G hotspot: A mobile device shares its cellular data wirelessly with Wi Ficenabled devices such as MP3 players, notebooks, tablets, cameras, PDAs, and netbooks Lab Tasks Ethical hackers or pen testers use numerous tools and techniques to hack tanget wireless networks, The recommended labs that will assist you in leaming_ various wireless network hacking techniques include: ea 1 | Footprint a Wireless Network v 11 Kind WiFi Networks in Range using, 1 NetSurveyor 2__| Perform Wireless Traffic Analysis y v 21 Find WiFi Net Packets using Wash and Wis ‘ y 3_| Perform Wircless Attacks y V v 3.L_ Find Hidden SSIDs using Airerack-ng v 32 Crack a WEP Nenwork using Y Wifiphisher 3.3 Crack a WEP Nework using 1 1 Airceack-ng, 34 Crack a WPA Network using Fern q Wifi Cracker Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 35. Crack a WPA2 Network using a Airerack-ng 3.6 Greate a Rogue Access Point 0 Capture Data Packers using MANA- v Toolkit Remark [C-Counel has prepared considered amount of lab exercises for student to practice during the day ass and at their fre Hime to enhance their knee and sil ‘Core - Lab exercise(6) marie under Cote ae recommended by EC-Counel to be pmtised dusing the Seday ele ‘s#Selestudy Lab exerisc() maked under self study is for students to practise at thie fee time. Stops to access the ational lab exereses cane fornd inthe First page OF CEN Tv walame | book ‘+#*iLabs - Lab cxcrcise(6) mated under abe are available in our ilbs solution. abe is «cloud based virtual lab cevironment prceonfgurad with vulnerblitics, exploits, tools and scripts, and can be accessed from anywhere with an Intenet enancedon. [Fou are interested to learn more about our dabs soluioa, ‘lease contact your training center or vit htps//labs.ecennncil oe. Lab Requirements ‘Before you begin the labs in this module, you must configure your environment, so that you can connect your machine to a wircless network. Por this purpose, you will need a wireless network adaptor and an aecess point. “The demonstrations in this lab use a Linksys 802.14 g WLAN adapter and CEH-LABS ‘as the access point. The CBH-LABS access point has been configured with WEP, WPA, and WPA2 encryption as per the lab requirements. Note: Here, the WEP encryption key is 1234567890. The WPA and WPA2 encryption password is password. s adapter, the steps to set up the adapter 1. Connect your access point CEH-LABS. Note: Ensure that wireless router is plugged in to the network/Intemet. 2. ‘Turn on the Windows 10 virtual machine, and log in with the credentials Admin 2nd PaS$wOrd. 3. Navigate to EACEH-Tools\CEHv11 Lab Prerequisites\Linksys Adapter, right-click setup64.exe, and click the Troubleshoot compatibility ‘option. (CoH Lab Manual Page 1473 ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Count "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. = ce per eat = BEE ame oes) hE) @ errnieee etocuce capr Pate ™ captor mfrerame Mew ‘access a e boson ‘Pin to Start lou > . ‘ee Wf tae Bronce 4 ge eee “a — B documents tse Proto tbr Downie Ge estore seveus venient D Msc Bee Sendo. Pics Gas vec: © stort Local Dak O cenfgams See | Gate aioe GB irkytirtenarager oe = eee | saeoxctean (eer Teck : “ Spemmvotmel ie item sted 26M ge The Links Adie Feder 4, ‘The Program Compatibility Troubleshooter wizard appears and begins Detecting Issues. 5. After the issues have been detected, the Select troubleshooting option wizard appears; click Try recommended settings. Try recommended settings Sslet this option totes run program using recommended compatibitysetngs > Troubleshoot program Select ths option to cheote competbity settings bared on problems younetice ge 2 Clk Ty ceammendalticgs (CoH Lab Manual Page 1474 ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Count "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 6 Program... {Sl Progam Compatiilty Teubleshooter Test compatibility settings for the program Setongs apples to setup Window: compasty mode: Windows Via (Sence Pack2) ‘You need tots the program to make sre these new stings fed the probe before youan elec Neate cortinue Tenth Figae eo Campy Tablet iad 1 8 A User Account Control pop-up appears; click Yes, ‘The Linksys Adapter Setup Wizard appears; click Next. Ta RSE Deno renesd Welcome to Linksys Setup Wizard ‘ies zat luce you tough few easy ps0 Sep ard core youre unin mee Insta Onver ‘etc your tngunge: [Engisn E] ceo orn %, gue Linky Adaper Soup Wizard (CoH Lab Mana Page 1475 ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Count "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. In the Test compatibility settings for the program wizard, click Test the Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 9. In the License Agreement wizard, check the | accept this agreement checkbox and click Next. 10. ‘The Preparing System for Install wizard appears; wait for it (0 complete. aN tated Preparing System for Inst res Wireless Setup ge 5: Prpacing Spm or el wind 11. The Insert Adapter wizard appears. Plug your Linksys 802.11 g WLAN adapter into an available USB port. EF Tris Wea Les sao sert Adapter Inset your new tape moan avalable USE got # you ha he adorter = ‘eeibeore staring tn zed ferowe # ant gat erg d a wire / l Saas ‘ar inserting your adapt, mie log boxes may appear ‘ocossay, set Cont Aya ot Yost proeae igure ine Adprin (CoH Lab Mana Page 1476 ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Count "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 12. After connecting the Linksys 802.14 g WLAN adapter, 2 New USB Device Detected wincow appears, Select the Connect to a virtual machine raclio- button under Choose where you would like to connect Linksys 802.11 g WLAN, and under Virtual Machine Name, sclect Windews 40; click OK. Chose nh you rate ace nt 402119 WLAN Vigae Nev USA Doce tsa wn 13, Inthe Linksys Adapter Setup Wizard window, observe that the adapter tars Installing... |. After the installation completes, a Congratulations! Your adapter has been Installed correctly notification appears; click Next 14, Teaco defend Adapter Insta Congrats! Your ade hasbeen installed covet fread Cem Figure 6 Adapter Ital ution (CoH Lab Mana Page 1477 ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Count "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 15. An Installing Linksys Wireless Manager wizard appears and installs the Linksys software. On completion, the Connect to 9 Wireless Network wizard appears and the adapter starts searching for available wircless networks. 16. The list of the available wireless network in range appears, as shown in the sereenshor, 17. Select CEH-LABS and click the Conneet button. ros (Duyn nai a ae oa. = — Lx] gute: Coonet in Winless Nerwoek wna 18. In the Qulekly Connect Using Push Button wizard, click Skip. 19. In the Connect to a Wireless Network wizard, type the password of wireless network CEH-LABS (in this eximple, password) in the Your network requires a security key. Enter it here: ficld, and click Next. Eee Tees Prd oa Oaaaee igure 102 Coane Wits Network wand (CoH Lab Mana Page 1478 ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Count "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 20. "The wizard shows the message Gheeking Connection 2s the adapter attempts to connect to the network, 21. ‘The Connected to Your Network screen appears in the wizard once the ‘connection has been established. Click Finish to exit the setup. Ne toree ected to Your Network Conger, or aa as ee carga your cnt 2 = (feomers ay cea ey awh tare (38.0) O seetece singe a © Len ans cnc ae vce hs nk Figure 11: Const to Your Network mesage 22, When the Linksys Adapter Setup Wizard notification appears, click OK. Ea Cals Klages Was LUnksys Adapter Setup ward our sting en saved to your desing asin Adapt Figure 12: Linkays Adapter Setup Wiser notin 23, A Manage your wireless networks pop-up appears, click OK. Manage your wireless networks To help manage your connections to wireless networks, the Linksys Wireless Manager uty has ban installed on your compute. You can access this uly from the Start Menu, or by double-icking the Icon shown below, located in the system tray. Figane1% Manage your wires networks pops (CoH Lab Manual Page 1479 ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Coun "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 24. Close all windows and click Show hidden icons (GM) from the bottom- right comer of pBggktop. You can observe the Wireless Network ‘Connection icon (>), 28 shown in the screenshot. 25, You can double-click the Wireless Network Connection icon HID co manage wireless network connections. igre 14 Wises Nerorh Connection fn 26, Your Linksys 802.41 g WLAN acaprer has been configured suc fully 27. In this way, you can connect your virtual machines to a wireless network Repeat these stepsif you wish to connect to the wireless network with another ‘virtual machine. Note: You can use the adapter for only one virtual machine at atime. ‘Now that we have set up the wircless adapter, we shall disable the cthemet adapter. “To do this, follow these steps: 28. In the Windows 40 virtual machine, open Control Panel and navigate 10 Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center. 29. In the Network and Sharing Genter window, click Change adapter settings in the left pane. IE Vianna Sonng Cone re © 1» EEmneroniea mene) Nee scone I at —B Peete! jew your basic nework information and set up connections. Change advanced sang causes ecestpe —_ntnet sings Pubic etre Connections WF (CLAS) 9G Sep anew ceoecton or meter (CoH Lab Manual Page 1480 ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Count "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 30. In the Network Connections window, right-click the Ethemet0 adapcer and click Disable from the options. 31. ‘The Ethemet0 is disabled; observe that WHFI adapter is connected (0 the (CEH-LABS network. B Network Connections aT © > + TON. > Network. > vO) | SewrchNebwork Conne,. 2 Organize ~ Enablethis network device > E-ae = ethemetd Mig Serica Bal ome tmabled intel) £25741 Gigabit Network C. "® Niocap Loopback Adapter w mene ail compact Waele G USB Neo ge 1 We ager acted 32. Close all open windows and turn off the Windows 10 virtual machine. Lab Analysis ‘Analyze and document the results related to this lab exercise. PLEASE TALK TO YOUR INSTRUCTOR IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS RELATED TO THIS LAB. (CoH Lab Manual Page 48 ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Count "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Toon KEY © Vatuable Information # Veo Kaowlalge By LY Workbook Review (CoH Lab Manual Page 1482 Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, Footprint a Wireless Network Footprinting a wireless network involves disconering and footprinting the wireless network in an actve or passive may. Lab Scenario As a professional ethical hacker or pen tester, your first step in hacking wircless networks to find a Wi-Fi network or device. You can locate target wireless network using various Wi-Fi discovery tools and procedures, including wireless footprinting, and identifying an appropriate target that is in range. “Attackers scan for Wi-Fi networks with the help of wircless nctwork scanning tools, which tune t0 the various radio channels of networking devices. The SSID (Service Set Identifier), which is the wireless network’s name, is found in beacons, probe requests, and responses, as well as association and re-association requests. Attackers ‘can obtain the SSID of a network by passive or active scanning, After doing so, they ‘can connect to the wireless network and launch attacks. “Asan ethical hacker and pen tester, you must perform footprinting to detect the SSID ‘of a wireless network in the target organization. This will help to predict how effective additional security measures will be in strengthening and protecting, your target organization's networks. ‘The labs in this exercise demonstrate how to footprint a wireless network using various tools and techniques. Lab Objectives # Find Wi-Fi networks in eange using NetSurveyor Lab Environment ‘To carry out this lab, you need: = Windows 10 virtual machine © Linksys 802.14 g WLAN adapter = Web browsers with an Internet connection * Administeator privileges to sun the tools ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Coun "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. = TASK 1 Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, " NetSurveyor located at EACEH-Tools\CEHV11 Module 16 Hacking Wireless NetworksiWiFi Discovery ToolsiNetSurveyor * You can also download the latest version of NetSurveyor from the official website. If you do so, the screenshots shown in the lab might differ. Lab Duration ‘Time: 10 Minutes Overview of Footprinting a Wireless Network To footprint a wireless network, you must identify the BSS (Basic Service Set) or Independent BSS (IBSS) provided by the access point. ‘This is done with the help of the wireless network’s SSID, which can be used to establish an association with the access point to compromise its security. ‘Therefore, you need to find the SSID of the target wireless network. Footprinting methods to detect the SSID ofa wireless network include: * Passive Footprinting, in which you detect the existence of an access point by sniffing packets from the airwaves * Active Footprinting, in which a wircless device sends a probe request with the SSID to see if an access point responds Find Wi-Fi Networks in Range using NetSurveyor iS TtasK Install and Launch (CoH Lab Manual Page 483 Here, we will use NetSurveyor to find the Wi-Ti networks in range. 1. ‘Turn on the Windows 10 virtual machine and log in with the credentials Admin and PaS$wOrd. Note: Ensure that the Linksys 802.11 g WLAN adapter is plugged in and connected to the Windows 40 virtual machine. If the adapter is not connected to the virtual machine, unplug and plug it in again, \ New USB Device Detected window appears: select the Connect to a virtual machine radio-button, and under Virtual Machine Name, select Windows 10; click OK. 2. Navigate 10 E:GEH-Tools\GEHv11 Module 46 Hacking Wireless Networks\Wi-Fi Discovery ToolsiNetSurveyor anc double-click NetSurveyor-Setup.exe. Note: If a User Account Control pop-up appears, click Yes. ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Count "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 3. ‘The Setup - NetSurveyor window appears; click Next. > Nesameyoris an RIAL (WEE tw discovery tol that hess infemation abou neaty See Welcome to the NetSurveyor tefl aye I aboepors Setup Wizard the SSID fi ach cle nerwndi dees song ‘havi ntl Netuveyor 2.096860 on your conte. seihthe chanel el by fone ttsrecamended thet you cos ater apa before that mews Ui ‘continuing. Neues pets can ceconcl sent Ness pore Ciceent te contue, rCancl next Set PDE oat Fie 11.1: Sep - Nuno window 4. Follow the steps to install the application using the default settings. “After the installation completes, the Completing the NetSurveyor Setup Wizard screen appears. Ensure that the Yes, restart the computer now radio burton is selected and click Finish. Completing the NetSurveyor Setup Wizard To compete te iretalaion of NeSurveyr, Sep must ‘estar your conocer, We You We este ron? No, esta the compe ater Fg 12: Comping te NeSureor Srp Weal centab Mona! Pope 184 {thal ctng and cuntemensares Copy © by Comma "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. TASK Discover Access Points in the Network CEH Lab Manual Page L485 Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 6. After the system reboots, log in with the credentials Admin/Pa$$wOrd, Note: Ensure that the Linksys 802.14 g WLAN adaptcr is connected to the Windows 10 virtual machine. As before, ifthe adapter is not connected, unplug and plug it in again. A New USB Device Detected window appears: select the Connect to a virtual machine radio-button, and under Virtual Machine Name, sclcct Windows 10; click OK. Launch NetSurveyer by double-clicking the NetSurveyer shortcut from Desktop. Note: Ifa User Account Control pop-up appears, click Yes. 8. NetSurveyor initializes, and a list of discovered access-points in the nctwork appears under the Network Discovery tab, along with details such as SSID, BSSID, Channel, Beacon Strength, etc. as shown in the screenshot. 9. In the lower section of the window, the Channel Usage tab displays a graphical view of the usage of 802.11 channels by discovered access points. Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 10. In the lower section of the window, click the AP Timeecourse tab to view the timecourse of Beacon qualities by SSID in a graphical format. CEH Lab Manual Page L486 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 11, Click the Channel Speetrogeam tab to view the spectrogram of the 802.11 channel usage. This information can be used to perform spectrum analysis, actively monitor spectrum usage in a particular area, and detect the spectrum signal of the target network 12, Similarly, you can gather detailed information about the discovered access points with other graphical diagnostic views by navigating to different tabs in the lower section, Information you can discover includes differential beacon qualities by SSID, the timecourse of 802.11 channel usage, and a heatmap of 802.11 channel usage Drax 13. To save the gathered information in a report, click File from che menu bar and sclect Create Report... from the options. Generate a , Report FEL NetSurveyor = 60211 Discovery Tool = Nuts AB) View Logging Help "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 14. The Report Charts As An Adobe PDF File (*.pdf) window appears. Navigate to the location where you want to save the file (in this case, Downloads), casurc the File name is NetSurveyor Report, and click Save. EL Repo Chars Ar An Adobe POF Fe pa) © 5 + Bo THPC > Downloads Ongonize > New folder © onedive mm This PC Saveartype: Adobe POF Fes (pe) 1 Hide Folders Fare 15, A How do you want to open this file? pop-up appears. Choose any ‘option (in this example, we will use Microsoft Edge) and click OK. Report Chars As An Adobe PDF Fle (pl window 16, The NetSurveyor Report opens in the default pdf viewing application (here, Microsoft Edge), displaying a list of discovered access points. Scroll own to view the detailed report about them, (CoH Lab Mana Page 488 ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Coun "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. You can ako use cxther Wil dnconery tools such a inSSIDer Phas (bps /aemetagecke om Wi Giips/ fants 1), Acrylic WEF Home (haps: /wwsacyewisec om, WirlessMon (ips/ www pnsnarke cand Elan HeaMapper (haps:/wowekshanen im) mdscover acces points ‘Scanner CEH Lab Manual Page L489 Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 5 Qeanls [2019-12-19 12:44:567] 902.11 Network Discovery “Channel REST (abr) Secor Sa) Netsuneyor Report pat ee 5 & [2019-12-19 12:44:5621 Timecourse of Beacon Qualities by SSID Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 17. This concludes the demonstration of how to ind Wi-Fi networks in range using Wi-Fi discovery tools. 18. Close all open windows and document all the acquired information, 19, Tusa off the Windews 10 virtual machine and unplug the Linksys 802.11 Lab Analysis Analyze and document all the results discovered in the lab exercise. PLEASE TALK TO YOUR INSTRUCTOR IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS LAB eons! Yes C1No Platform Supported EZ Classroom CliLabs CEH Lab Manual Page 490 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyigh © by EE-Counell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, Perform Wireless Traffic Analysis Wireless traffic anabysis is the process of identifying vulnerabilities and susceptible victims in a target wireless network. Lab Scenario professional ethical hacker or pen tester, your next step in hacking wireless networks is to capture and analyze the traffic of the target wireless network. “This wireless traffic analysis will help you to determine the weaknesses and vulnerable you will determine the network's 2B Web Exerc proadeasted SSID, the presence of multiple access points, the possibility of recovering ED Wortdsook Review SSIDs, the authentication method used, WLAN encryption algorithms, etc. “The labs in this exercise demonstrate how t0 use various tools and techniques 10 ‘capture and analyze the traffic ofthe target wireless network. Lab Objectives # Find Wi-Fi networks and sniff Wi-Fi packets using Wash and Wireshark Lab Environment “To carry out this lab, you need ® Parrot Security virtual machine * Linksys 802.11 g WLAN adapter + Web browsers with an Internet connection = Administrator privileges to run the tools Lab Duration ‘Time: 15 Minutes Overview of Wireless Traffic Analysis Wireless traffic analysis helps in determining the appropriate strategy for a successful attack. Wi-Fi protocols are unique at Layer 2, and traffic over the air is not serialized, which makes it easy to sniff and analyze wireless packets. You can use various Wi-Fi packet-sniffing tools to capture and analyze the traffic of a target wireless network (CeH Lab Manwal Page 1408 ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Coun "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, Find Wi-Fi Networks and Sniff Wi-Fi Packets using Wash and TASK 1 Wireshark Here, we will use Wash to find Wi-Fi setworks and Wireshark to sniff Wi-Fi packers. Wruhisoutinyihar rot Security virtual machine. In the login page, the can be use okey attacker username will be selected by default. Enter password as teor in WPS-conbe coe the Password ficld and press Enter to log in to the machine. tides nerd Kal tmables ou to check the deces prints in locked ‘Turn on the crunlocked sare Tis is cman, bscare most cabled were stoma lec afer fiver mene ursiccesfel login ters stem before sack and an be tnlocd ely mann the administrator interac Note: "If a Parrot Updater pop-up appears at the top-right comer of Desktop, ignore and close it. © Ifa Question pop-up window appears asking you to update the machine, click Ne to close the window. Grasx a4 Plug in the Linksys 802.44 g WLAN adapter Putthe Wireless > New USB Device Detected window appears. Sclect the Connect to a Interface in virtual machine ridio-button under Cheese where you would like to Monitor Mode ‘connect Linksys 802.11 g WLAN, and undcs Virtual Machine Name, sclect Parrot Security; click OK. (EH Lab Manual Page 1492 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, New USB Device Detected Choose where you woud keto comect iksys 802.116 WLAN rts Machine ome Claemenber my chace and donot ask agar 4. Click the MATE Terminal icon at the top of the Desktop window to open a ferminal window Figure 21.5: MATE Terminal icon 5. A Parrot Terminal window appears. In the terminal window, type sude su and press Enter to run the programs as a root user. 6. In the [sudo] password for attacker field, type toor as a password and press Enter. Note: The password that you type will aot be visible 7._Now, type ed and press Enter to jump to the root directory. gure 2: Running the programe a ror wer CEH Lab Manual Page 1493, Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks 8. In the Parrot Terminal window, type Heonfig and press Enter. Observe that the wireless interface (in this case, wand) gets connected to the machine, as shown in the screenshot 9. In the terminal window, type alrmon-ng start wianO and press Enter. ‘This command puts the wireless interface (in this casc, wlan) into monitor mode. 10 ‘The result appears, displaying the error: “Found 2 processes that could cause trouble.” To put the interface in monitor mode, these processes must be killed 11. Type airmon-ng check kill and press Enter to stop the network man: and kill the interfering processes. on (eH Lab Manual Page L494 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell ‘Al Rights Reserved. Reproduction ls Suit Prohed Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 12. Now, run the command interface in monitor mode. irmon-ng start wlanO again to pur the wireless 13. Note that Linksys WUSB54GC v3 802.11g Adapter is now running in monitor mode on the wlanOmon interface, as shown in the screenshot 14, Now, we shall find Wi intesface wlanOmen. i networks (access points) by using the wireless 15, ‘Type wash -i wlanOmon and press Enter to detect WPS-enabled devices. Note: The command 4,~interface= specifics the interface to capture the packets. 16. The results appear, displaying the discovered Wi-Fi access points, as shown in the screenshot. Note: If no results appear, restart the Parrot Security virtual machine and perform Steps 4 - 8, ype wash 4 wianOmon in the Terminal window, and press Enter. 7. Now, click Applications in the top-left comer of Desktop and navigate (0 Gras 1.3 Pontesting -> Information Gathering > wireshark. Capture Wireless 18: A sccutity pop-up appears, enter the password as toor in the Passwerd field ‘Traffic and dlick OK. CEH Lab Manual Page 495 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copycat © by EE Commel "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 19. ‘The Wireshark Network Analyzer window appears; double-click the wireless network interface (in this ease, wlanOmon) to start capturing, nctwork traffic. EF Wirstkisa network proncelsifer ‘dale Its you ‘apaure and intenetvely bre the trie mining ons tapyt retwork ‘Wireshark can sed tive dats fmm Eshemet, “Token Ring FDDI, ei Fle Eak View Go Capture Ansize Susie Telephony Wieess Tools Help TS] ewpresson. + ran Sith nd ‘8112.11 wireless LAN. Capture Nocap isa brary thc is using ths fier: (RE ft ‘Alinterfaces shown ped Wick feecamiae WLAN Lr traffic analysis, . ‘isualization, deil-deo, Leapbect:to i salen a = lee = Cerne cape econ = wchueatbe Serer hf xsd eeepc uron — usin renin eto pemynce menor = {Spawn ate SEtomote core hein = Swan once teat pane = ner anaes mel ewe Fe, The at mn srdlieherenive be / Radatap bender fel to 20, Wireshark starts capturing network traffic. Note that the captured {gather enbeal snformauon wireless packets are labeled 802.41 under the Pretecel column, as shown such as protoco and jin the screenshot. cenyption technics twee length de ames, MACakinsse, ct xe Youcan abo use chain ne re) emeamnantatraiee eng i Ss] Ream says i 2) eeeeetaes: lots 25) 25 Ackowteagenen, Fase sn), OmnipeskNework | brane brass eee 33 . Protocol Anayasr SSntooeeser accra eee ire (272 bits), 34 bytes captured (272 bite) on interface 0 uaps//wwwtamosccm ) and Capaa Portable ‘Network Analyzer Gewese (ips/ferwe-clasofco Goat et sm) w anajze Wi tie Fee 21.10 Wiese window cp packs (CoH Lab Mana Page 1496 ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Count "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. (CoH Lab Manual Page 1497 Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, Note: In a scal-life attack, attackers use packet capture and filtering techniques to capture packets containing passwords (only for HTTP websites), perform attacks such as session hijacking, ete. 21. This concludes the demonstration of how to find Wi-Fi networks and sniff Wi-Fi packers using Wireshark. 22. Close all open windows and document al the acquired information. 23. Tum off the Parrot Security virtual machine and unplug the Linksys 802.1 WLAN alapier. Lab Analysis Analyze and document all the results discovered in the lab exercise PLEASE TALK TO YOUR INSTRUCTOR IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS LAB Intern Byes ONo Platform Supported Classroom ZiLabs ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Coun "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. © Vatuae Information PF Toxo Kao Bw (CoH Lab Manual Page 1408 Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, Perform Wireless Attacks Various tools and techniques can be use to launch attacks on large mireless networks «and so test their security status Lab Scenario Asan expert ethical hacker or pen tester, you must have the required knowledge to perform wircless attacks in order to test the target network's security infrastructure. After performing the discovery, mapping, and analysis of the target wircless network, you have gathered enough information to launch an attack. You should now carry out various types of attacks on the target nctwork, including Wi-Fi encryption cracking (WEP, WPA, and WPA2), fragmentation, MAC spoofing, DoS, and ARP poisoning attacks. WEP encryption is used for wireless networks, but it has several exploitable vulnerabilities. When secking to protect a wireless nctwork, the first step is always to change your SSID from the default before you actually connect the wireless router to the access point. Moreover, if an SSID broadcast is not disabled on an access point, ensure that you do not use a DIICP server, which would automatically assign IP addresses to wireless clients. This is because war-driving tools can easily detect your internal IP address. ‘As an ethical hacker and pen tester of an organization, you must test its wireless sccutity, exploit WEP flaws, and crack the network's access point keys. “The labs in this exercise demonstrate how to perform wireless attacks using various, hacking tools and techniques. Lab Objectives "Hind hidden SSIDs using Airerack-ng "Crack a WEP network using Wifiphisher * Cricka WEP network using Aircrack-ng * Crick a WPA network using Fern Wifi Cracker * Crack a WPA2 network using Aircrack-ng © Create a rogue access point to capture data packets using MANA-Toolkit ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Coun "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. (CoH Lab Manual Page 1409 Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, Lab Environment “To carry out this lab, you need: Parrot Security virtual machine ‘Windows 10 virtual machine Linksys 802.11 g WLAN adapter ‘Web browsers with an Intemet connection Administrator privileges to run the tools Lab Duration ‘Time: 100 Minutes Overview of Wireless Attacks “There are several different types of Wi-Hi attacks that attackers use to eavesdrop on ‘wireless network connections in order to obtain sensitive information such as passwords, banking credentials, and medical records, as well as to spread malware. ‘These include: ‘Fragmentation attack: When successfl, such attacks can obtain 1,500 bytes ‘of PRGA (pseudo random generation algorithm) ‘MAC spoofing attack: The attacker changes their MAC address to that of an authenticated user in order to bypass the access point’s MAC-filtering ‘configuration Disassociation attack: The attacker makes the vietim unavailable to other wireless devices by destroying the connectivity between the access point and client Deauthentication attack: ‘The attacker floods station(s) with forged ‘eauthentication packets to disconnect users from an access point ‘Man-in-the-middle attack: An active Internet attack in which the attacker attempts to intercept, read, or alter information between two computers Wireless ARP poisoning attack: An attack technique that exploits the lack ‘of a verification mechanism in the ARP protocol by corrupting the ARP ‘cache maintained by the OS in order to associate the attacker’s MAC address with the target host Rogue access points: Wireless access points that an attacker installs on a network without authorization and that are not under the management of the network administrator Evil twin: A fraudulent wireless access point that pretends to be a legitimate ‘access point by imitating another network name Wi-Jacking attack: A method used by attackers to gain acc ‘enormous number of wireless networks to an ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Coun "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, SHEET Find Hidden SSIDs using Aircrack-ng Here, we will use Aircrack-ng to reveal a hidden SSID. & Based cade ee cSeE aoy WEP encryption and a hidden S ‘organirations hide the ‘Note: Before starting this task, configure the target access point (GEH-LABS) with ID. SMaenacs, Note: Bnsure that more than one machine or device is connected to the access srk by me point (CEH-LABS) bradnsing Bocas they apart of he 1. Turn on the Parrot Security victual machine only eyo (agniraten, SSIDscan 2. In the login page, the attacker username will be selected by default. Eater be wed by atch 10 password as teor in the Password ficld and press Enter to log in to the breach theseniy of he Peechine swe news : rseve hing : ogaiatoreSD dos Note: se sald + If a Parrot Updater pop-up appears at the top-right comer of Desktop, ienore and close it If a Question pop-up window appears asking you to update the machine, click Ne to close the window. > Nimackenisa 3. Plug in the Linksys 802.14 g WLAN adapter. scowok aivat te cimsingofadeecos, 4, A New USB Device Detected window appears. Sclect the Connect to a aryl etea virtual machine radio-button undcr Choose where you would like to baleen connect Linksys 802.14 g WLAN, and undcr Virtual Machine Name, sclect foc 81211 vices Parrot Security; click OK. scowls The pegs tans on bh Ta and Tew USB Device Deeced Wind Chose where vou woke to connect Linksys 8021.0 YAN Ocommect to the host Wud Madine Rane Clrevenber my che and do rot ack acon en] ES Fg. Nev US Dei Ds window ‘et Lab Manual Pope 1500 ‘tical Hacking and Countermeasures Copy © by EE Sune "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 5. Click the MATE Terminal icon at the top of the Desktop window to open a Terminal window 6. A Parrot Terminal window appears. In the terminal window, type sudo su. and press Enter to run the programs as a root user. 7. In the [sudo] password for attacker field, ‘ype toor as a password and press Enter. Note: The password that you type will aot be visible. 8. Now, type ed and press Enter to jump to the root directory Doras a 9. In the Parrot Terminal window, type airmon-ng start wlan0 and press ——_— Enter. This command puts the wireless interface (in this case, wlan) into ecvandarpend monitor mode, Interface into Monitor Mode 10. The result appears, displaying the error: “Found 2 processes that could ‘cause trouble”. To put the interface in monitor mode, these processes must be killed. Note: This process might differ in your lab environment. CEH Lab Manual Pog 50 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyigh © by EE-Counell "AI Rights Reserved. Reproduction fStrctyProhstes Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks 11. Type alrmon-ng cheek kill and press Enter to stop the network managers and kill the interfering processes. 314 Luin command toll he inefering proceses 12. Now, run the command airmon-ng start wian0 again to put the wireless adapter into monitor or promiscuous mode. 13. Note that Linksys WUSBS4GC v3 802.14g Adapter is now running in monitor mode on the wlanOmon interface, as shown in the screenshot Note: The interface name might differ in your lab environment. janOmon and press Enter. This command requests 14. Type alradump-ng TASK 4.2 a list of detected access points, and connected clients (“stations”) Discover the Available Access. Points 15. ‘The result appears, displaying the available access points. Note the hidden ESSID associated with BSSID: B4:75:08:89:00:60. Note: The BSSID associated with the hidden ESSID will differ in your lab environment CEH Lab Manual Page 1502 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyigh © by EE-Counell ‘A RightsReserved. Reproduction Suit Prohited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, Note: airodump-ng hops from channel to channel and shows all access points from which it can receive beacons. Channels 1 t0 14 are used for 802.11b and g 16, Click the MATE Terminat con A atthe top of the Desktop window to open another Terminal window Stasm 4-3 17. A Parrot Terminal window appears. In the new terminal window, type sudo Capture Iv ‘su and press Enter to run the programs as a 2001 user. PTarset Access, _'* 18 the [oudo] password for attacker fell, spe tear as a password and ee pecs Enter. Note: The password that you type will not be visible. 19. Now, type ed and press Enter to jump to the root directory. 20), In the terminal window, type airedump-ng —bssid B4:75:06:89:00:60 ‘wlanOmon and press Enter. Note: In this command, # bssid: MAC address of the target access point (ia this example, 1B4:75:06:89:00:60) * wlanomon: Wiseless interface Ce Lab Manual Page 503 {chica Maching ond Countermeasures Copigh © by EE Samet "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 21. Aicodump-ng starts capturing the Initialization Vector (IV) from the target AP, as shown in the screenshot 22. ‘The list of connected clients (“stations”) appears. You can observe that there are two dlients connected to the target access point (B4:75:08:89:00:60). In this task, we will send deauthentication packets to the client STATIOI 6:06:30:23:03. [eave airodump-ng running. Note: ‘The client station BSSID will differ in your lab environment. 1 icon ED oom 24. A Parrot Terminal window appears. In the terminal window, type sudo su. nd press Enter to run the programs as a r00t user. 23, Open another terminal by clicking the MATE Term the top of Desktop. BS task Send De-Auth Packets to the Client 25, In the [sudo] password for attacker ficld, type teer as a password and press Enter. Note: The passwonl that you type will not be visible. 26. Now, type ed and press Enter (0 jump to the root directory. 27. In the new terminal window, type alreplay-ng ~deauth 45-2 'B4:75:06:89:00:60 -c 20:A6:0C:30:23:D3 wlanOmon and press Enter to generate de-authentication packets. Note: In this command, © -deauth: Activates deauthcntication mode © 48: Number of deauthentication packets to be sent sa: Sers the access point MAC address -e: Sets the destination MAC addeess © wlanOmon: Wireless interface Note: If you get any errors while running the command, reissue the command multiple times until it executes successfully CEH Lab Manual Page 1504 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. eH Lab Manual Page 1505, Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks Fur 5.110 aap generating ic 28. The source MAC address should be associated with the access point in order to accept the packet. Because, in this ease, the source MAC adress used to inject the packets has no connection with the access point, the access point usually ignores the packets and sends out 2 deauthentication packet, which contains the access point’s SSID, in plain text. In order to create a fake authentication, we need to associate it with the access point. 29. Switch back to the terminal window where airodump-ng is running. You will observe that the hidden SSID associated with BSSID 1B4:75:08:89:00:60 appears under ESSID as CEH-LABS, as shown in the screenshot Note: In sca access point and erack the encryption method (WEP, WPA2) associated with it to obtain the access key or password, life attacks, attackers will obtain the hidden SSID of the target 30). This concludes the demonstration of how to use Aircrack-ng to reveal a hidden SSID, 31. Unplug the Linksys 802.11 g WLAN adapter. 32. Close all open windows and document all the acquired information. 33. Turn off the Parrot Security virtual machine. Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell ‘A RightsReserved. Reproduction Suit Prohited. TASK 2 © Wilphisherisa rege aecess pint Framework fr condctng mom onpprertsce Wi scouny axing, Using Wikpishes, pen teeerscan easy achieve mniotoee poten apie wes ‘Ghent by peforming teegeed WiFi asocation racks, © Wifiphishercan be fanher ued o mount sicim-cnstomied web Phshnagattcks acart the connect certs in onder capmate ‘eres ach a8 from thin pany Tin pages WPAAWPA2 Phare Keys) orinfeer the wea staone with malware (CoH Lab Manual Page 1508 Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, Crack a WEP Network using Wifiphisher Here, we will use Wifiphisher to crack a WEP network, You can also crack a WPA/WPA2 network with the same tool, but, if you do so, the steps might change. Note: Before starting this lab, unhide the hidden SSID of the target access point (CEHLaBs). ‘Note: ‘To perform this task, you must have a mobile device (ja this example, we are using an Android phone). This will be the victim’s device in our scenario: the victim will use it to connect to the rogue access point created by Wifiphisher, and ‘once he/she enters the pre-shared WEP key, itwill be captured by the application, 1. ‘Turn on the Parrot Seeurity virtual machine 2. Inthe login page, the attacker username will be selected by default. Enter password as toor in the Password ficld and press Enter to log in to the machine. Note: "If a Parrot Updater pop-up appears at the top-right comer of Desktop, ignore and close it. © Ifa Question pop-up window appears asking you to update the machine, click Ne to close the window. 3. Plug in the Linksys 802.14 g WLAN adapter. 4. A New USB Device Detected window appears. Sclect the Connect to a virtual machine radio-button under Cheese where you would like to ‘connect Linksys 802.11 g WLAN, and under Virtual Machine Name, sclect Parrot Security; click OK Nevuse DenceDaesed Chote hare you neue he aac 82.9 HAN Cornett te hest gue 32.1: New USB Devise Detect window ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Count "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 5. Click the MATE Terminal icon at the top of the Desktop window to open a Terminal window 6. A Parrot Terminal window appears. In the terminal window, type sudo su and press Enter to run the programs as a root user. In the [sudo] password for attacker ficld, type toor as a password and press Enter. Note: The password that you type will not be visible. 8. Now, type ed and press Enter to jump to the root directory 9. In the Parrot Terminal window, type apt-get install libnl-3-dev libnl- genl-3-dev and press Enter to install the dependencies for Wifiphisher. Borask 2.4 Install Dependencies 10, Once the installation has finished, type apt-get install libsstev in the terminal window and press Enter to install the Hbsst-dev dependency Note: If the above command does not work, then nun the dpkg ~configure -2 command before trying apt-get install libsst-dev ayzin, CEH Lab Manual Page 507 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyigh © by EE-Counell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, (EH Lab Manual Page 508 ul Figase 82:3: Ietalg the Ube dev dependency Once the installation has completed, type git clone httpsz/ and press Enter to clone the reguehostapd repository. Note: You can also access the tool repository from the CBH-Tools folder available in Windows 10 virtual machine, in case, the Gitl Tub link does not exist, or you are unable to clone the tool repository. Follow the steps below in order to access CEH-Tools folic: from the Parrot Security virtual machine: 13, * Open a windows explorer and press Ctrl#L. ‘The Location field appears; type smbz/ and press Enter to access Windows 10 shared folders. ©The security pop-up appears; enter the Windows 10 vistual machine (Username: Admin and Password: PaS$wOrd) and click credentials Connect. = ‘The Windows shares on 10.10.1010 window appears; navigate to the location CEH-ToolsICEHv11 Module 16 Hacking Wireless Networks/GitHub Tools! and copy the roguehostapd foller. © Paste the copied roguehostapd folder on the location ihomelattacker!. * Inthe terminal window, type mv homelattackeriroguehostapd iroot! After cloning roguchostapd, type ed roguehostapd and press Enter to navigate to the cloned repository Now, type python install and press Enter to install the roguchostapd application. Note: Roguchostapd is a fork of hostapd, the famous user space software access point. It provides Python ctypes bindings and a number of additional attack features. It was primarily developed for use in the Wifiphisher project. Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks parro Oca a ae EPA PRE 2 EP EET] i arr) te: Enumerating objec ioe emt sae Mee Sarees area CU ery iCMCn er meri Cer ot p iving objects: 106% (1004/1004), 2.09 MLE | 1.66 MiB/s etree Cr MC sarerl FMI) ered st coer eet er) INFO iting top-level names to roguehostapd.egg-inf Semen me rest itT) eading nanife: Serer ea ee . an cree eer eee ty * eC mety 14, After the installation finishes, type ed « and press Enter to navigate Now that all the required dependencies have been installed, itis time to clone and install Wifiphishes. Type git clone httpsy/ and press Enter (0 clone the Wifiphisher repository TASK 2.2 Clone Wifiphisher Note: You can also access the tool repository from the CBH-Tools folder available in Windows 10 virtual machine, in case, the Gitl Tub link does not exist, or you are unable to clone the tool repository. Follow the steps below in order to access CEH-Tools fokier from the Parrot Security virtual machine: * Open a windows explorer and press Gtrl#L. ‘The Location field appears; type smbz/ and press Enter to access Windows 10 shared folders. CEH Lab Manual Page 1509 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell ‘Al Rights Reserved. Reproduction ls Suit Prohed Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks "The security pop-up appears; enter the Windows 10 victual machine credentials (Username: Admin anc Password: PaS$wOrd) and click Connect. * "The Windows shares on winclow appears; navigate to the location CEH-ToolsICEHv11 Module 16 Hacking Wireless NetworksiGitHub Tools! and copy the wifiphisher folder. = Paste the copied wifiphisher folder on the location fhomelattacker/ "In the terminal window, type mv homelattacker/wifiphisher root 16, After cloning Wifiphisher, type ed wifiphisher and press Enter 10 navigate to the cloned repository mec oor SS Coe M Na FPA TERETE eR i Tay er Boras coe ocean) Piece jects: 100% (3: eeterat) Sete eee Mer TT) os ota PcmrEst og Now, type python3 install and press Enter to install Wifiphisher. Tas creo wi fiphisher .egg-info/PKG-INFO cme mC mer at ate Pee Cees entry points to wifiphisher.egg-info/entry_poin certo mrur in nerreeni eesti tr ena Reet Tt ater ety sce aCe rest eerste TL, Prrece etCge Cre eer et) Serer ie er rts ee Peace rye Parca) CEH Lab Manual Page 510 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell ‘A RightsReserved. Reproduction Suit Prohited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 18. After the installation finishes, rype ed .. and press Enter to navigate back to the reet directory Figure 32.4 Navigating othe oo deta 19. Type wifiphisher ~force-hostapd and press Enter to launch the Wifiphisher application, Figure 329, Launch Wipisher 20. Wifiphisher initializes and appears in the Parrot Terminal window 21. Te scans the network for available access points and displays them, as shown in the screenshot. 22. In the list of available access points, we will select CEH-LABS. Use the Down Arrow kcy on your keyboard to navigate to the CEH-LABS acccss point and press Enter. 23. Note the YOU HAVE SELECTED CEH-LABS notification in the lower section of the window CEH Lab Manual Page 512 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks Fe 3.2.10 Discover access points 24, ‘The Available Phishing Scenario wizard appears. Use the Down Arrow key to navigate to Network Manager Connect and press Enter to sclect the option Note: In this task, we are selecting the Network Manager Connect option However, you can use any of the other available phishing options (Firmware Upgrade Page, OAuth Login Page, or Browser Plugin Update). Note: With the Network Manager Connect option, aficr connecting to the rogue access point, the vietim receives a “Connection Failed” page in the ars, asking the victim browser. Thereafter, a network manager window app. for the pre-shared key. Once the vietim enters the key, it is captured by Witiphisher. 25. After selecting Network Manager Connect, you will observe a YOU HAVE SELECTED wifi connect nolification in the lower section of the window, as shown in the sercenshot. CEH Lab Manual Page 512 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell ‘A RightsReserved. Reproduction Suit Prohited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 26. A window appears, displaying the fake network that we have created under Extensions feed. Note that deauth (deauthentication) packet sent to the all the connected devices. 27. Now, switch to your “victim” mobile device. Note that point with the name CEH-LABS has beca created along w rogue access h the original CEH-LABS access point, as shown in the screenshot To Taem arr 28 Observe that the rogue access point does not have any secusity enabled berenenieciesiad < WLAN ‘Access Point Using Pro-shared Key WLAN @ © ceH LARS a> = ceHLABs = Woy a ° s Add network > Additional settings > ‘et Lab Manual Pope 1512 ‘tical Hacking and Countermeasures Copy © by EE Sune "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 29. Click on the rogue access point GEH-LABS (the one that is unsecured). Note that your device initializes a connection with the access point and stacts obtaining the IP addcess. ‘dd network gue 32:14 Connecting the ge aces point 30), After your device has connected to the CEH-LABS access point, you will notice that there is no Internet. Note: Connecting to the rogue access point may take some time. < Won yn © Comctcarune = coves a> hey a> Figure 3.215; Ganncction etblshed with on intent (CeH Lab Manual Page 1514 ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Count "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 31. Now, switch back to the Wifiphisher window running in the Parrot ‘Security virtual machine, You can see the connected device under the Connected Victims section, as shown in the screenshot. gure 3216 The connected viet 32, Switch back to your connected Android device. Slide down from the top of the device and tap the Connect te Wi-Fi option, as shown in the sercenshot Note: If you arc immediately redirected to the Enter the password for “CEH- LABS" page, proceed directly to Step 33. O@ “This WLAN network hs ne access tothe intemet em ‘Apo updates ae ready x (CoH Lab Mana Page 1515 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 33. ‘The Enter the password for “GEH-LABS" scrcen appears. Under Enter Bi tasn Password, type the pre-shared key in the Password field and click Join. Crack WEP Pre- Note: In this example, the pre-shared WEP key is 4284567890 shared Key x CEH-LABS. v connect teraticaly © Enter the password for ‘CEH-LABS* Enter Password Password You can algo access this Wi near any iPhone, tPad, or Mac whe! etwork and has you in ther contacts. igi 32.18 Kner the pesharal WED hey 34, Now, switch back to the Wifiphisher window and note the key, as shown in the seccenshot. 35. After obtaining the key, press Ese in the to quit, ifiphisher application window 36. This concludes the demonstration of how to crack a WEP network using Wifiphisher. 37. Close all open windows and document all the acquired information (CoH Lab Mana Page 1516 ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Count "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, STREET Ltack a WEP Network using Aircrack-ng In this task, we will use the Airerack-ng suite to crack the WEP encryption of network. Note: Before starting this lab, unhide the hidden SSID of the target access point (CEH-LaBs). 1. Turn on the Parrot Security virtual machine 2. In the login page, the attacker username will be selected by default. Enter password as taor in the Password ficld and press Enter to log in to the machine. Note: + If a Parrot Updater pop-up appears at the top-right comer of Desktop, ienore and close it, © If a Question pop-up window appears asking you to update the machine, click Ne to close the window. 3. Plug in the Linksys 802.14 g WLAN adapicr. 4. A New USB Device Detected window appears. Sclect the Connect to a virtual machine radio-button under Choose where you would like to ‘connect Linksys 802.11 g WLAN, arid uncer Virtual Machine Name, sclect Parrot Security; click OK. ‘New USB Device Detected Choose where you would ke to connect Linksys 802.11 9 WLAN Orconnect to the host [© connect to virtual machine] vetual Machine Name (lRemember my choice and do not ask again (oa) coat (CoH Lab Manual Page 1517 ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Count "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks 5. Click che MATE Terminal icon at the top of the Desktop window to open a Terminal window 6. A Parrot Terminal window appears. In the terminal window, type sude su and press Enter to run the progeams as a root user. In the [sudo] password for attacker fick, type toor as a password and press Enter «The password that you type will not be visible 8. Now, type ed and press Enter to jump to the root directory Doasco 9 rot Terminal window, type airmon-ng start wlan and press ——ast Enter. This command puts the wireless intesface (in this casc, wlan) into Put the Wireless monitor mode = 10. ‘The result appears, displaying the error: “Found 2 processes that could Monitor Mode cause trouble.” To put the interface in monitor mode, these processes must be killed Note: The processes might differ in your lab cavisoament. Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell CEH Lab Manual Page 1518, ‘Al Rights Reserved. Reproduction ls Suit Prohed Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks 11. Type alrmon-ng cheek kill and press Enter to stop the network managers and kill the interfering processes. Figue 3.5: leing command to linen pros 12, Now, run the command airmonang start wlan0 again to put the wiseless adapter into monitor or promiscuous mode. 15. Note that Linksys WUSBS4GC v3 802.11g Adapter is now running in monitor mode on the wlanOmon interface, as shown in the screenshot 14. Type airodump-ng wlanOmon 0 airodump-ng to display a list of detected access points and connected clicats (“stations”) press Enter. This command requests CEH Lab Manual Page 1519, Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell ‘A RightsReserved. Reproduction Suit Prohited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks Note: In this lab, we will crack CEH-LABS Note: In this ‘This might dif ample, the connected client STATION is 205 in your lab environment. Note: airodump-ng hops from channel to channel and shows all the access points from which it can receive beacons. Channels 1 to 14 are used for 802.11b and g, 15. If you wish to can search only for available WEP networks, run the airodump-ng wlanOmon ~encrypt wep command, 16. The result appears, displaying only the networks with WEP enabled, as showa in the sezeenshot. [CERES EE 17. Before proceeding, you must check if an injection attack canbe performed on the target access point. CEH Lab Manual Page 1520 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell ‘Al Rights Reserved. Reproduction ls Suit Prohed BS rask 3.2 Test for Wireless. Device Packet Injection Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 18, Click dhe MATE Terminat con ME at tie op o€ the Desktop vind 10 open another Terminal window. 19. A Parrot Terminal window appears. In the new terminal window, type sudo ‘su and press Enter (0 run the programs as 4 root user. 20. In the [sudo] password for attacker ficld, type tear as a password and press Enter. Note:’The password that you type will not be visible, 21. Now, type ed and press Enter (0 jump to the root directory. 22. In the terminal window, type alreplay-ng -9 -e CEHLABS -a 1B4:75:08:89:00:60 wlanOmon and press Enter. Note: In this command, -®: tests injection and quality fies the target IP access point SSID (in this case, CEHLABS); «a: specifies the MAC address of the target access point (in this case, B4:75:0B:89:00:60); and wlanOmon: is the wireless interface. 23, The result appears, showing that Injection is workingl, as shown in the sereenshor. Note: If you receive any extors, rerun the command multiple times until it executes suecesstully Task a. Capture Iv Packets from the Target Access Point CEH Lab Manual Page 525 24, Now, you must instruct airodump-ng to begin capturing the Initialization Vector (IV) from the access point. ‘To do so, in the terminal window, type airodump-ng ~bssid B4:75:08:89:00:60 -c 1 -w WEPcrack wlandmon and press Enter. I cave airodump-ng running. Note: In this command, =bssid: is the MAC address of the target access point (in this case, B4¥78:0E:89:00:60); -: is the channel on which the target access-point is running (jn this case, GEH-LABS is running on channel number 4); -w: is the name of the dump file prefix that contains the IVs (in this case, WEPerack); ancl wlanOmon: is wireless interface Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 25. Airodump-ng will capture the IVs generated from the target access point, as shown in the screenshot. Fig 5.12 simp ng opasing pices 10m AE om ew terminal window, type sudo root User. 26. Open another terminal by clicking the MATE Termi the top of Desktop. A Parrot Terminal window appears. In the ‘su and press Enter (0 run the programs as 28, In the [sudo] password for attacker ficld, ype teer as a password and press Enter. Note: The password that you type will not be visible. 29. Now, type ed and press Enter (0 jump to the root directory. 34), In this new terminal window, type aireplay-ng -3 -b B4:75:0E:89:00:60 - hh 20:A6:0€:30:23:D3 wianOmon and press Enter. This command will generate ARP traffic in the network. ‘The reason for choosing ARP request packets is because the access points will usually rebroadcast them, and this will generate new IVs. Note: Reissue this command until it suns successfully CEH Lab Manual Page 1522 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks gparrot VAT ERE PETES Pra aa eee er ee rae ae ss Piet eee crema CI ene meer eet erty Sen eer a) eer Cee oer ery ARP rare reed requests eens 31, Wait until the number of send ARP packets reaches the range of 15,000— ing ARP tr: ffic in the 000, and then press Gtrl#G to stop genera network 32. Switch back to the terminal window where aicodump-ng is running. Wait 00. until the number of captured packets reaches the range of 15,000~ Press Gtrl46 to stop the capture. CEH Lab Manual Page 1523, Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell ‘A RightsReserved. Reproduction Suit Prohited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks 33. Now, launch airceack-ng to recover the WEP key from the capture file EB rasK a5 ; —e Type alrerack-ng WEPerack-01.cap and press Enter. Obtain WEP Key 34. Airerack-ng will crack the WEP key of the CBH-LABS, as shown in the screenshot CEH Lab Manual Page 524 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell ‘Al Rights Reserved. Reproduction ls Suit Prohed Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks 35. Now, we will connect to the CEH-LABS access point using the cracked Drask se WED key. ‘To do so, click the Ethernet network connection icon Connect to the from the top-right comer of Desktop. ‘Target WEFI 36. From the drop-down options under the WEFI Networks section, click Network CEH-LABS from the available access points. Figite 33.16 Cannecig othe CE-LABS acces pint 37. \ WiFi Network Authentication Required pop-up appears; type the cracked key and click the Conneet button Note: In this example, the key that we have cracked is 1234567890 Prete ae se Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell CEH Lab Manual Page 1525, ‘A RightsReserved. Reproduction Suit Prohited. = TASK WPA wins Protcted Access) isan hance wicks exception proweal defined by the 90215 Stand thar es Teenpeal Key Integity Protocol (KID, 48-bit WWyand 64-bit Message Integy Code (IC) ing check. TKIP tes the RC team cpherennypton wit 2eatkeye The rel is stronger enesypion and sntheniasion than WEP. (CoH Lab Mana Page 1526 Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 38. After successful authentication, 2 Connection Established notification appears at the top-right corner of Desktep, as shown in the screenshot Note: In real-life attacks, attackers will use this key to connect to the access point and joint the target network. Once they enter the target network, they can use scanning tools to scan for open devices, perform a vulnerability analysis, and then start exploiting any vulnerabilities they find. 39. This concludes the demonstration of how to crack a WEP network using Nirerack-ng. 40. Unplug the Linksys 802.11 g WLAN adapter. 41. Close all open windows and document all the acquired information. 42. Turn off the Parret Security virtual machine. Crack a WPA Network using Fern Wifi Cracker Hese, we will use Feen Wifi Cracker to crack a WPA network. Note: Before starting this task, you need to configure your access point router (CEH-LaBS) to use WPA encryption. ‘To do so, navigate to the router’s default IP address and change the authentication settings from WEP to WPA. password as password ‘Note: Before starting this task, you wil also nced to enable the ethernet adapter in the Windows 10 virtual machine. the 1. In the Windows 10 virtual machine, open Control Panel and navigate to Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center. 2. In the Network and Sharing Center window, dick Change adapter settings from the left pane. 3. In the Network Connections window, right-click the Ethernet adapter and click Enable from the options. 4. Ethemeto will now be enabled. Close all open windows. 5. Turn on the Parrot Security virtual machine. 6. In the login page, the attacker uscrname will be sclected by default. Enter password as teer in the Password ficld and press Enter to log in to the ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Count "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. The TKIP eatin pretned cabs WPA wo esate the weakness of WEP byindding perpacker rmsing fonctions, messpe innagne checks exter initalaation vectors and ‘cheng mechanism Nonetheless, the WPA, ‘eer meth has is ‘own vues and ce be cracked using ‘aroustachnigoes and Fem Wil Crkeris aiken ceasing fal attack software pram thats blew ‘cack and recover WED/NPA keys, as well ss nin oer enw Insed attacks on wie oF wide networks The ‘asus ype of wees sacks dat the program ‘ean cary oatincinde sesso ipekig seree bruce-encng TID injecting, and nome. (CoH Lab Manual Page 1527 Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, Note: If a Parrot Updater pop-up appears at the top-right corner of Desktop, ignore and close it. © Ifa Question pop-up window appears a machine, click Ne to close the window. 7. Pig in the Linksys 802.14 g WLAN adapter. & A New USB Device Detected window appears. Select the Connect to a virtual machine ridio-button under Cheese where you would like to ‘connect Linksys 802.11 g WLAN, and unde Virtual Machine Name, sclect Parrot Security. Click OK. you to update the ew USB Dence Oecd eee Poe a = eu Maine are (CJtenentr my che ar do rot as pan a) Fee 341: New US Dee Detect win Note: In this task, we will sea sample password file (password.tet) containing a list of passwords to crack the target WPA network. 9. First, we will copy the password. file from the shared network drive to the Desktop of the Parrot Security virtual machine. 10. Open any explorer window and press Gtri#L. The Location ficld appears; {ype smbdH10.10.10.40 anid press Enter (access Windows 410 shared folders 11. The security pop-up appears; cater the Windews 10 virtual machine credentials (Username: Admin and Password: PaS$wOrd) and click ‘Connect, 12, The Windows shares on 10.10.1010 window appear CEH-Tools folder. double-click the ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Count "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks 13. Navigate to CEHW41 Module 16 Hacking Wireless Networks\Wordlist ancl copy the file password.txt. Close the window ge 342 Copy psowonde 14, Paste password.txt on the /attacker/Desktop, ge 34:8 Pate psn ii the oe dace 15. Click the MATE Terminal icon at the top of the Desktop window to open a Terminal window 16. In the [sudo] password for attacker ficld, ype toar as a password and press Enter Note: The passwonl that you type will not be visible. 17. Now, type ed and press Enter (0 jump to the root directory. Dorask 18, In the Parrot Terminal window, type fern-wifteracker, and press Enter to launch the Feen Wifi Cracker application. Launch Fern Wifi Cracker ‘Application Fig 344: Lach Fem Wi acer Apion (cet tab Manual Page 1528 ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyght © by &&-Counel "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 19, Ferm WIFI Gracker opens. If a Fem Professional pop-up appears, click No, 20, Click Select Interface and from the drop-down list, select the wland interface, 21. A Tips - Sean settings pop-up appears, click Ok. 22. ‘The selected adapter (wlan) loads, and the notification Meniter Mede Enabled on wlanOmon appears in the selected network adapter field. 23. Click the Sean for Access points button to initialize the scan for the access points. Sl TAsK 4.2 Discover WPA Enabled Access Points eer | a=) © scone Ace pes Femmnicaers.0 iy See tama ie Nepean Wig 45S for aes pts Cen ab Manual Page 1529 {chica Maching ond Countermeasures Copigh © by EE Samet "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 24, Note that detected access points with WPA enabled are shown next t0 the WI FEWPA button, Note: The number of detected WPA neoworks will differ in your lab avironment, 25, Click the Wi FI WPA button. ey +) | Same ®) | fae Ferri cracker3.0 a ben ion 37S ete feminy enoten steph iglEe wenn on enn Sartre ep neoegreaetcom Figure 346: Cc WF EPA Button (CoH Lab Mana Page 1530 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 26. The attack Panel window appears. A list of access points with WPA Biitasn aa, enabled appears under Select Target Access Point, In this task, we will Select the Target crack the CEH-LABS WPA access point Access Point 27. Select CEH-LABS from the list and click the Browse button present at the bottom-right comer of the window 28, The Select Wordlist window appears. Navigate to the location JattackerlDesktop, and sclect password.txt, Click Open, 29. See that the selected password.txt file appears. Now, click the WI FI Attack button in the right pane to launch the attack. TASK Launch WPA Attack CEH Lab Manual Page 524 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks 30, The atta access point, deauthentication, capturing the handshake, and, finally, brute-forcing WPA encryption, as shown in the screenshot. initializes and goes through various phases sueh as probing the CEH Lab Manual Page 1522 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell ‘A RightsReserved. Reproduction Suit Prohited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 31. After the completion of the Current Phrase bar, the cracked WPA KEY appears, as shown in the sereenshot 32. If the Attaek Panel window automatically closes, relaunch Ferm Wift Cracker from the terminal window and click the Key Database bution. 33, The Fem - Key Database pop-up appears, displaying the acquired key for CEH-LABS, as shown in the screenshot. (eH Lab Manual Page 1523, Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "AI Rights Reserved. Reproduction fStrctyProhstes (CoH Lab Manual Page 1524 Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, Pye venient Figure 3411 Kem - Key Dats pop-up 34. This cracked key can be used to connect to the target access point CBH- Lass. 35. This concludes the demonstration of how to crack a WPA network using Fern Wifi Cracker. 36. Unplug the Linksys 802.11 g WLAN adapter. 37. Close all open windows and document all the acquired information. 38. Turn off the Parrot Security virtual machine. Aftce performing the task, disable the ctheenet adapter in the Windows machine: 10 vietual 39. In the Windows 10 virtual machine, open Gontrol Panel and navigate to Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center. a In the Network and Sharing Center window, click Change adapter settings in the left pane. 41 In the Network Connections window, right-click the Bthernet0 adapter and click Disable from the options. 42, Ethernet will be disabled. Close all open windows and turn off the Windows 10 vienual machine ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Count "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. TASK 5 Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, Crack a WPA2 Network using Aircrack-ng & WPADisan upyrade to WPA itincides mandatory support foe Conte Mose with (Gp Block Chinen an APS ced encryption petocol wih shone, WPAD haste movies operation: WPA2.Perona and WPA2-Eaterpse Despite being stage than both WEP and WPA, the WPA2 enenpton methed cas ako be crac wing ‘ios techniques and tools (CoH Lab Manual Page 1535 In this task, we will use the Aircrack-ng suite to crack a WPA2 network ‘Note: Before starting this task, you need to configure your access point router (CEH-LABS) to work in WPA2-PSK (Pre-Shared Key) encryption mode. To do so, navigate to the router's default IP address and change the authentication mode from WPA to WPA2-PSK, with the password as password 1. ‘Turn on the Parrot Seeurity virtual machine 2. Inthe login page, the attacker username will be selected by default. Enter password as toor in the Password field and press Enter to log in to the machine. Note: "If a Parrot Updater pop-up appears at the top-right comer of Desktop, ignore and close it. © Ifa Question pop-up window appears asking you to update the machine, click Ne to close the window. Plug in the Linksys 802.11 g WLAN adapter. 4. A New USB Device Detected window appears. Sclect the Connect to a virtual machine ridio-button under Cheese where you would like to ‘connect Linksys 802.11 g WLAN, and under Virtual Machine Name, sclect Parrot Security; click OK ‘New USB Device Detected CChooge where you would ike to connect Lrksys 802.12 WLAN Cremenber myc and donot ek gan a gure 35.1 New USB Deviee Dated window ‘Ethical Hacking and Countermessures Copyright © by EC Count "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 5. Click the MATE Terminal icon at the top of the Desktop window to open a Terminal window 6. A Parrot Terminal window appears. In the terminal window, type sudo su and press Enter to run the programs as a s00t user. 7. In the [sudo] password for attacker ficld, type toor as a password and press Enter. Note: The password that you type will not he visible 8. Now, type ed and press Enter to jump to the root directory 9. In the Parrot Terminal window, type alrmon-ng start wlan0 and press Enter. This command puts the wireless interface (in this case, wlan) into monitor mode. 10, The result appears, displaying the crror: “Found 2 processes that could cause trouble.” ‘To put the interface in monitor mode, these processes must be killed. 11. Typeairmon-ng check kill and press Enter to stop the network mas and kill the interfering processes. 12, Now, run the command airmonng start wian0 2 adapter into monitor or promiscuous mode. ain to put the wireless CEH Lab Manual Page 1536 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks 13. Observe that Linksys WUSBS4GC v3 802.11g Adapter is now running in monitor mode on the wlanOmon interface, as shown in the screenshot 14. We will now use alrodump-ng to gct a list of detected access points and connected clients, In the terminal window, type alredump-ng wlanOmon and press Enter. Note: Airodump-ng hops from channel to channel and shows all access points from which it can receive beacons. Channels 1 to 14 are used for 802.11b and g, (eH Lab Manual Page 527 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell ‘A RightsReserved. Reproduction Suit Prohited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, Note: In this example, the connected client (“STATION”) is 54:13:78:22:6AxC8, It might differ in your lab environment. 15. In this lab, we will target the access point CBH-LABS to perform WPA2 cracking Note: If you are unable to obtain the station BSSID using this command, you can do so with the command in Step 17. 16, Click he MATE Terminal con EB aie top of tne Desktop window to open another Terminal window. .\ Parrot Terminal window appears. In the terminal window, type sudo su and press Enter to run the programs as a root user. 18, In the [sudo] password for attacker ficld, type tear as a password and press Enter. Note: The password that you type will not be visible. 19. Now, type ed and press Enter (0 jump to the root directory. 20. Now, you should sun airodump-ng to capture the packets from the access point. To do so, in the new terminal window, type airodump-ng ~bssid 'B4:75:0E:89:00:60 -c 11 -w CEH-LABS-01 wianOmon and press Enter. Leave airodump-ng running, Note: In this command, ssid: is the MAC address of the target access point (in this case, B4:7:0:88:00:60); -e: is the channel on which the target access point is configured (in this case, GEH-LABS is running on channel number 44); -w: is the name of the dump file prefis which contains the IVs (in this case, CEH-LABS-01); and wlanOmon: is the wircless interface Figur 3.5. soup mg eapuing the pacts CEH Lab Manual Page 1528 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 22. A Parrot Terminal window appears. In the terminal window, type sudo su and press Enter fo run the programs as a root user. 21. Now, open another terminal by clicking the MATE Te at the top of the Desktop window. 23, In the [sudo] password for attacker ficld, type tear as a password and press Enter. Note:’The password that you type will not be visible, 24. Now, type ed and press Enter (0 jump to the root directory. Dorase br 25: Inchis new terminal window, type alreplay-ng -0 14 -a — (B4:75:08:89:00:60 -c 54:13:79:22:6A:C5 wlanOmon and prcss Enter. ‘Send Deauth Packets Note: In this command, -0: activates deauthentication mode; 44: is the number of deauthentication packets that should be sent; -@: sets access point MAC address; -e: sets destination MAC address; and wlanOmen: the wireless interface. igure 3.50: siren ponent 26. Rerun the above command multiple times to send a large number of de authentication packets. Note: If you get an etror while issuing the command, rerun it multiple times until it uns successfully CEH Lab Manual Page 1529 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Task 5.3 Capture WPA Handshake Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 27. Switch back to the terminal, where alrodump-ng is running and keep capturing packets until you see the WPA handshake: B4:75:0E:89:00:60 notification, which indicates that a WPA/WPA2 handsh: successfully captured for the target BSSID. 28, Press Gtrl¥€ to stop the capture. Task 6.4 Obtain WPA2 Key CEH Lab Manual Page 1540 29. Now, open a new terminal window. In the terminal window, ype sudo su and press Enter to run the progeams as a root uses. 30), In the [sudo] password for attacker ficld, type toor as a password and press Enter. Note: The password that you type will not be visible. 31. Now, type ed and press Enter to jump to the root directory 32. Type ep ihome/attacker/Desktopipassword.txt irootDesktop! and press Enter to copy the file to the root directory. 33. In the terminal window, type airerackeng -a2 B4:75:06:89:00:60 -w IrootiDesktopipassword.txt rootCEH-LABS-01-01.cap and press, Enter. ‘The file CEH-LABS-01-01.cap contains captured packets located at frootiDesktop. Note: In this command, -a: specifies the attack mode (in this case, 2 [WPA- PSK)) and -w: specifies the path to a wonllist (we created the file password.txt on the Desktop carlicr in this lab) 34. The result appears, showing the WPA handshake packet captured with aicodump-ng. The target access point’s password is cracked and displayed in phin text next to the message KEY FOUNDI, as shown in the sercenshot Note: If the password is complex, airerack-ng will take a long time to crack it Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Vou cana Elcomof Wireless Security Auditor (feips/ frre comsafie on, Portable Penetrator (hapa /wsecpoentcn tu), WepCrackGut (haps /smcefong), Pyrit Geisha om, aed Wepatack (hap /wepattack scum ongent) tm erch WEPARPAWPAZ repin S TASK 6 CEH Lab Manual Page 1542 Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks Figure 3.5.1: drench ng has sucefullycacked the WPA b Note: In real-life attacks, attackers would use this key to connect to the access et network. Once they enter the target network, they can use scanning tools to scan for open devices, perform a vulnerability analysis, and then start exploiting any vulnerabilities that they find point and then join the ta 35. ‘This concludes the demonsteation of how to crack a WPA2 network using Airerack-ng. 36. Close all open windows and document all the acquired information, 37. Tum off the Parrot Security virtual machine and unplug the Linksys 802.11 g WLAN adapter. Create a Rogue A‘ MANA-Toolkit Point to Capture Data Packets using Here, we will use MANA-Toolkit to exeate a rogue packers. cess point and capture data Note: To perform this task, you must have a mobile device (in this case, we are using an Android phone). This will be the victim’s device in our scenario: the victim will use it to connect to the rogue access point created with MANA: Toolkit. Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell ‘A RightsReserved. Reproduction Suit Prohited. Rogue acces pons se ket wen pots that an attacker ntl nctwork without tthriation an ths are rot nder the menage of fh ‘network administrate Ue ce authonrd access pnts om the target wwivkon tron hey ee noc catigued foray ‘ype of ecu. Tas a rogue access pint can provide backicor acces tothe tmget wicks serwodke > MANA-Tootit set of ol that ae us byanackess w cea rogue acess pints cay cot sifing and MITC ack a bps HIPS and HSS, (CoH Lab Manual Page 1542 Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 1. ‘Turn on the Parrot Seeurity virual machine. 2. Inthe login page, the attacker username will be sclected by default. Enter password as toor in the Password field and press Enter to log in to the machine. Note: © If a Parrot Updater pop-up appears at the top-right comer of Desktop, ienore and close it. © [fa Question pop-up window appears asking you to update the machine, click Ne to close the window 3. Plug in the Linksys 802.11 g WLAN adapter. 4. A New USB Device Detected window appears. Select the Connect to a virtual machine radio-button under Cheese where you would like to ‘connect Linksys 802.11 g WLAN, and under Virtual Machine Name, sclect Parrot Security: click OK. ‘New USB Device Detected Chose where yu woud ke to connect urksys 6021 9 WLAN Connect to the host Connect toa wrtal nacre] tual Macane Name Dlienenber my choce and do nt ask agan 5 ee 5. Click the MATE Terminal icon at the top of the Desktop window to open a Terminal window. igre 362: MATE Terminal icon Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 6. A Parrot Terminal window appears. In the terminal window, type sudo su and press Enter to run the programs as a root user. 7. In the [sudo] password for attacker fickl, ‘ype toor as a password and press Enter. Note: The password that you type will not be visible. Now, (ype ed and press Enter (0 jump to the root directory. 6 Running he popes aba mot we ao. 9. In the Parrot Terminal window, type git clone ~depth 1 a httpsy/ and press Enter to clone the Clone MANA-Toolkit repository MANA-Toolkit Note: You can also access the tool repository from the CBH-Tools folder available in Windows 10 vircual machine, in case, the GitHub link does not exist, oF you are unable to clone the tool repository. Follow the steps below in order to access CEH-Tools folder from the Parrot Security vistual machine: © Open a windows explorer and press Gtrl#L. ‘The Location field appears; type smbz/ and press Enter to access Windows 10 shared folders. ©The security pop-up appears; enter the Windows 10 vistual machine credentials (Username: Admin anc Password: PaS$wOrd) and click Connect. The Windows shares on window appears; navigate to the location CEH-TeolsIGEHV11 Module 16 Hacking Wireless Networks IGitHub Toots! and copy the mana folder. = Paste the copied mana folder on the location ihome/attacker! Inthe terminal window, type mv Ihome/attacker/mana /root! CEH Lab Manual Page 583 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyigh © by EE-Counell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited. Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks 10. ‘Type ed man MANA-Toolkit and press Enter to navigate to the cloned repository of CEH Lab Manual Page 1544 LL. Type git submodule init and press Enter to fetch the submodules of MANA-Toolkit. 12, The result appears, displaying the submodules that are required to launch MANA-Toolkit. ‘These submodules must be cloned and placed in the respective specified paths. Minimize the Terminal window. Figue 365: etching the segue roles 13, Now, click the MATE Terminal icon at the top of the Desktop window to open another Terminal window 14, A Parrot Terminal window appears. In the terminal window, type sudo su and press Enter to run the programs as a root user. 15, In the [sudo] password for attacker field, (ype tear as a password and press Enter. Note: The password that you type will not be visible. 16. Now, type ed and press Enter to jump to the root directory. Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell ‘A RightsReserved. Reproduction Suit Prohited. Task e.2 Install Submodules CEH Lab Manual Page 545, Module 16 - Hacking Wireless Networks, 17. In the new Terminal window, type git elone httpsd/ anc! press Enter to clone the hostapd-mana submodule. igure 3.66 Cloning hostap maa Note: You can also access the tool repository from the CBH-Tools folder available in Windows 10 virtual machine, in case, the Gitllub link does not exist, or you are unable to clone the tool repository. Follow the steps below in order to access (CEH-Tools folder from the Parrot Security vistual machine: * Open a windows explorer and press Gtrl#L. ‘The Location field appears; type smbz/ and press Enter to access Windows 10 shared folders. ©The security pop-up appears; enter the Windows 10 vistual machine credentials (Username: Admin and Password: PaS$wOrd) and click Connect. The Windows shares on 10.10.1010 window appears; navigate to the location CEH-TooIsICEHV11 Module 16 Hacking Wireless Networks IGitHub Tools! and copy the hestapd-mana folder. Paste the copied hostapd-mana folder on the location Mhomelattackert Inthe terminal window, (ype my Ihomelattackerthostapd-mana Irooti 18, By default, the application will be cloned in the root directory. We will nced to copy the content of hestapd-mana repository and paste at the location freotimana/hostapd-manal, so that it isin the lo by MANA-Toolkit (see Step 12). tion required 19, In the terminal window, type ¢p +t roothostapd-mana /rootimanal and press Enter. Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Copyright © by E-Coumell "Al RightsReserved. Reproduction fSrcty Prohibited.

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