Speaking Nastya Eng

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Вопросы для SPEAKING.

Отработка лексики из воркбука “Head over heels in love”

The ins and outs

Do you like to get bogged down in all the ins and outs of something that you study? If you don’t
understand subjects - do you study more about the topic by yourself or you just need to cover
something that you need leaving all ins and outs?

Take a toll
What situation in your life took a toll on your health? In what way? How did you manage to bounce
back from feeling bad? How are you feeling these days?

What do you feel when things are scattered around your space? Does a mess distract you from work
or studies?

What should a person work on in order not to become clingy? Do you know any clingy people? Why
are they like that?

What type of music do you find ethereal? What songs can you listen to all day? Is music an essential
part of your life? Are you prone to catching an earworm?

Are you an intrepid person? Is it easy for you to embark on a journey without long preparations? Do
you enjoy taking risks? What is the most intrepid thing that you’ve done?

Embark on
Is it easy for you to embark on a new career or just a new life in general? Do you easily leave things

Have in stitches
Are you more extroverted or introverted? Are you a fan of telling jokes? Do you tend to have others in

What are you often apprehensive about? Are you apprehensive about your future? Do you have plans
for the next 6 months of your life?

Give a piece of mind

How do you behave when people try to give you a piece of their mind and share unsolicited advice?

Glued to
Is there something you’re glued to more than you want to be? Are you addicted to something? How
do you try to beat addiction?

In what situations can you be hostile towards people? What character traits do you despise in others?
a person behaves hostile towards you, how do you react?
Was there something that you tried to do, but all your efforts seemed absolutely futile? Why did you
decide to do that? Why do you think it was futile? Will you give this one more chance?

Who made the biggest impact on you? What things did this person instill in you? Was this a positive
or negative influence?

Is there something that you’re self-righteous about? For example, some vegans are self righteous and
judgemental, they wholeheartedly believe that meat is detrimental to our health and they preach this
idea. What about you? Is there something that you’re self-righteous and want everyone to think the
way you think about it?

Backfire on
Do you believe in karma? Is it true for you that everything that we do will backfire on us?

Hit home
Whose words can hit home to you? Whose advice do you always listen to?
Do you like music? Can lyrics of some songs hit home to you?

When you’re in a precarious situation - who do you turn to for help? Has your health ever been
precarious? What was it? How did you deal with it? How is the situation with your health now? Do you
feel better?

What does it mean for you - to work in hazardous conditions? Would you venture to work in such
conditions if you got a lot of money? Or do you prefer comfort over salary?
What about hazardous weather conditions? Have you ever been a witness of such weather
conditions? What was it and how did it influence other people and the area?

What problems might ensue from overpopulation?
What problems might ensue from overeating?
What problems might ensue from pulling an all-nighter? Do you tend to pull an all-nighter or do you do
everything beforehand?

In the long run

How does procrastination influence people’s lives in the long run? Are you prone to procrastination?
How do you deal with it?

Rein in
Do you rein in your emotions? If you want to burst into tears in front of other people - do you just start
crying or you control yourself, swallow the tears and forget about it? If you rein in your true emotions
all the time - what problems might ensue?
Are you satisfied with your current life situation money-wise? How much money do you need in order
to be content with your life? Is money important for you? Do you believe that money can make a
person happy?
Do you like your city climate-wise? Would you like to change the location one day? Why?

Is it easy for you to distinguish English accents? Can you distinguish an American accent from a
British one? What features do you pay attention to better identify the accent? What accent are you a
fan of? Why?

All people have something that they are passionate about. What realm is your scene? In what sphere
do you feel like you’re a pundit and can share your experience with others?

Are you an impetuous person? Is it important for you to get everything at this very moment? If yes,
how do you deal with it?

Do you linger before taking the plunge and doing something new? In what situations can you linger?
When you can’t decide what to choose - what do you do? Do you ask for your parents’ or friends’
advice or do you turn to other methods?

What is your attitude to tremendous life changes? Do you easily adjust to new things or does
it take time for you to get used to them? Imagine that you move to another country - how
many days will you need to adjust to new people and new surroundings? What obstacles
will you have to overcome, in your opinion?

Do you have any quirks? ( For example, I listen to fortune telling videos when I’m bored)
What quirks will you never put up with in other people? Is there something that you’d like to change
about your quirks? Do you have friends or just acquaintances with unusual quirks?

What things you can’t endure in friendship? What about relationships?
Have you ever had to endure the pain? What kind of pain was it?

How did you get away with some crazy things that you did in childhood? How did you make your
parents relent and forgive you?

What is more important for you - winsome appearance or winsome mind?
What things do you find appealing in other people and in your (future) partner?

Do you have any shortcomings in your character? What character traits would you like to weed out?
What traits would you like to work on and develop?

What kind of disposition do you find attractive in people? For example, Justin Bibier has a quiet
disposition, he’s rather reserved, while his wife has a sunny disposition - she’s cheerful and

Keep under wraps

Are you good at keeping things under wraps? Can your friends confide in you and share their deepest
secrets? What things do you usually keep under wraps? Do you share your plans with others?

Akin to
Who are you akin to the most appearance-wise and character wise?

What a perfect friend should embody? What a perfect partner should embody?

If you’re experiencing acute pain - what are your actions? Do you google symptoms or call an
ambulance? What acute pain did you go through? How did you recover from it?

How can you rekindle friendship after a long hiatus? What about relationships? What do people need
to keep in mind in order to rekindle their feelings?

Do you need to be seasoned in order to achieve success in some realm? If you become famous
overnight - do you need to hone your skills and become seasoned in order to stay popular?

Are you a vulnerable person? Do you easily get offended by negative comments about you? How do
you deal with your vulnerability? Do you think it is something that you can work on or it’s instilled?

What was the last prudent choice that you made? Are you satisfied with the outcome?

Would you venture to move to another country on your own? What country would it be? If not, why?

Share your opinion - do hard working people inevitably become successful? What should you do in
order to come to inevitable success?

Dwell on
Do you often dwell on your past mistakes? Do you have any regrets about your past? Is there
something that you keep dwelling on and think that you could have done it differently?
Do you easily get deluded by others? Can you sense the deception?

If someone starts pinpointing your negative character traits - how do you feel about it? Do you take it
in your stride and change those things about you or you never pay attention to what others say about

What do you do when you feel utterly downbeat? How do you get into the right headspace? When
your close people feel this way, how do you help them?

What trendy things do you wholeheartedly support? Write down at least 3 things or ideas that you
support and say why. (For example: women should be independent, because….)

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