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Ergonomics Plan

As an administrative professional, I am likely to spend a large amount of time working at

a computer. My computer monitor is placed slightly below eye level and approximately 30
inches away from me. I have the mouse and keyboard placed in line with each other. The
keyboard’s height is adjusted to allow my elbows to be bent about 90 degrees and close to my
sides. The mouse is the correct size for my hand. I arranged for my desk chair to be positioned
enough so that both feet are flat on the floor. My ideal posture while maintaining proper
ergonomics is sitting up straight with my feet flat on the ground. Elbows adjusted to a ninety-
degree angle, arms relaxed to my side, shoulders not hunched, and wrists in a neutral stance
parallel to the keyboard. My ideal lighting is natural lighting for easy reading. The monitor's
lighting will be low-leveled and set to a cooler tone.
My current arrangement is similarly described to the arrangement above. I'm currently an
asynchronous student. A key difference is that I tend to work from my bedroom. Although I find
more comfort in working from my bedroom, there are more distractions. I can alter my
workplace to the living room area as it has a suitable desk and desktop. I will be able to
efficiently work and practice proper ergonomics. I will also benefit from the change of posture.
Laying down in bed isn’t practical to complete assignments or maintain focus.
Daily habits and activities such as working at a computer, cradling the phone, slouching,
or carrying groceries can cause body pain or discomfort. Ergonomic principles can help or
prevent these conditions by placing the items used most in easy access. Ergonomics can
benefit me by reducing discomfort, strengthening muscles, improving mental insight, and
increasing blood flow. At the workplace, I can experience less anxiety, improve my awareness,
improve moods, and increase productivity and focus. I believe more engagement will be another
benefit when practicing good ergonomics.

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