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Keith Yoshni B.


BSIT – 12A


Inequality of power, for example in areas with either no trade unions or a very small number of
trade unions, may lead to significant exploitation by international corporations. While economic
inequality is the result of unequal accumulation of wealth, social inequality refers to disparities in the
distribution of economic assets and income as well as between the overall quality and luxury of each
person's existence within a society. While social inequality exists because there is a lack of wealth in,
economic inequality is the cause of unequal accumulation of wealth. Poverty despite progress, there are
still far too many individuals who don't make it through their first birthday because they were too poor
to survive. The importance of aid and a more equitable commercial system cannot be overstated. As we
are going to discover, it has the potential to be of tremendous assistance to underdeveloped nations,
and it has the potential to propel such nations up the first rungs of the progression ladder. Even in the
nations with the highest standards of living, tremendous shifts are taking place. To be poor is to be in a
state or circumstance in which a person or community does not have access to the financial means and
basic necessities necessary to maintain a level of life that is considered adequate by social standards.
The term "poverty" refers to a situation in which an individual's income from paid work is so inadequate
that they are unable to meet their most fundamental necessities as humans. Any employee who has
specialized knowledge, training, experience, and (often acquired) skills in their line of work might be
considered a skilled worker. A worker's education level may be determined by where they received their
training: a university, a college, or a technical school. There is also the possibility that a talented worker
acquired their abilities via on-the-job training. Because to globalization and advances in technology,
there is a dramatic decrease in the need for people with low skills, intermediate skills, and conventional
levels of expertise. The phenomenon known as "brain drain," which is a result of globalization and refers
to brilliant or educated individuals from third world nations moving to first world countries in search of
better chances, raises another ethical concern. The word "brain drain" is a slang phrase that refers to
the significant outmigration or migration of persons. A brain drain may occur when there is unrest
within a country, good professional prospects in other nations, or a desire to pursue a better quality of
life. All of these factors may contribute to the departure of highly educated people. Natural resources
are defined as those resources which would have existed even in the absence of human intervention.
This encompasses all desirable qualities, including magnetic, gravitational, electrical, and other
properties and forces, etc. The term "natural resources" refers to things like minerals, forests, water,
and fertile land that are found in nature and have the potential to be exploited for financial advantage.
Other examples of natural resources are sand and gravel.

The world's nations have an obligation to assume their part of the responsibility for mitigating
the threats that it has created. It is imperative that developed nations provide financial assistance to less
developed nations if the latter are to experience economic expansion and development. The advantages
of dividing up responsibilities are far more numerous than those of trying to handle everything on your
own. In addition to other things, responsibility sharing includes the following: Improves the overall
morale of the squad. Give the impression that they are valued and respected to the people of your
team. It is necessary to take concerted effort in order to solve the challenges of poverty and hunger on a
global scale. The manner in which the issues are addressed has to be adapted to suit the nature of the
answer. According to the definition, coordinated action requires a range of abilities and areas of
knowledge, and the premise behind it is that individuals working together may accomplish more than
any one participant could do working alone. The most important thing to do in the event of a pandemic
is to provide assistance to individuals who are most at risk of being infected with the disease and to
support the nations in which outbreaks have taken place. We provide help in regions of the world in
which we do not have a physical presence by way of our Regional Office or a neighboring national office,
in which case we share responsibility for those regions. When dealing with widespread threats like
climate change or a fresh financial crisis, it may be necessary to enlist the assistance of a large number
of nations and a diverse set of organizations. In almost every instance, a coordinated effort on the
international level is required. Long-term political expediency is essential in order to combat threats
such as the Islamic State, Ebola, the financial crisis, climate change, or growing inequality. The pursuit of
short-term political gain has led to disastrous long-term implications and the construction of an auxiliary
spillway that is perilously inadequate. Despite this, adequate action has not been taken.

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