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DNA: The Key of Divine Power

An excerpt from The Knowledge of Wisdom: The Miraculous Mysteries of the Way of Jesus (Chapter 15) by John of the Gentiles 15. DNA
Each of his (Gods) words (every DNA sequence) is the product of his will and the revelation of his speech. Since they were the depth of his thought, the word (the DNA sequence) that came forth caused them to appear (caused them to be created), along with mind (the physical thinking body) that speaks the word (that is capable of speech)they dwelled in silent grace (they existed as a DNA sequence)before being revealed (before coming into existence)So it happened that the word (the DNA sequence) came forth when pleasing to the will of him (of God) who willed itnothing happens without the fathers will (without Gods will)the father (God) knows the beginning (the birth) and the end (the death) of all (humans), and at their end (at their death) he will greet them (at the Resurrection and the Judgment)The name (the DNA sequence) of the father (God) is the son (Jesus)(they both have the same DNA sequence. Everyone elses is unique). In the beginning (at his birth) he (God) gave a name (a DNA sequence) to the one (to Jesus) who came from him, while he (God) remained the same, and he (God) conceived him (Jesus) as a son (God cloned himself, the result being Jesus). He (God) gave him (gave Jesus) his name (his DNA sequence). The son (the physical body of Jesus) can be seen, but the name (his DNA sequence) is invisible (cannot be seen)itis the mystery of the invisible, which comes to ears completely filled with it (every cell within the body, including the cells which comprise the ear, contain ones DNA sequence)the father (God) has no beginning (no birth; he was not born of a woman; God has no belly-button!), he (God) alone conceived it (his DNA sequence) for himself (God created his own DNA sequence) as a namethis is the true name (as opposed to a surname)This name does not derive from ordinary words or name-giving, for it is invisibleOne who does not exist has no name (has no DNA sequence)One who exists exists with his name (according to his DNA sequence)to him alone the father (God) has given a name (ones DNA sequence is unique to that individual)This is the true namethe proper nameThis is the proper name, and there is no one else who gives it to him (God alone created the double helix of DNA)That is why the father (God) brought him (Jesus) forththat he (Jesus) might glorify the fullness, the majesty of his name (of Gods DNA sequence. See Colossians 1:19-20)All the emanations of the father (God) are fullnesses, and all his emanations find their root in the one (God) who caused them all to grow from himself (all DNA sequences proceed from God, from his original DNA sequence. Our unique DNA sequences are the result of mutations of His original DNA sequence) - The
Gospel of Truth by Valentinus (We have said that everything that the Blessed Holy One brought into His world has a name emanating from its concept. It is thus written (Genesis 2:19), All that the man called each living soul, that was its name. This teaches us that each things body was thus. And how do we know that each things name is its body? It is written (Proverbs 10:7), The memory of the righteous shall be a blessing, and the name of the wicked shall rot. What actually rots, their name or their body? [One must agree that it is their body.] Here too, [each things name refers to] its body. - The Bahir Section III (80))

The following selection speaks of DNA: Thou (God) art the Creator of those who have not yet manifested, for it is these whom Thou

alone knowest we know them not. - Gnosis of the Light Pythagoras spoke of DNA when he taught that God gave every species something he called a seal, each species being stamped with a divinely given pattern which determined its physical form. This he likely learned from The Bible: It is turned (a turning; a twisting) as clay to the seal; and they stand as a garment (the body is at known as a garment which must be shed before one may attain eternal life). Job:38:14. Ones DNA, which is present in every cell of ones body, is considered to be the soul of the person. This is not to be confused with ones spirit (ones spirit is composed of entangled information within photons of light). A persons soul is his DNA sequence. In most cases, when a religious scripture refers to a persons soul, it is a reference to the persons DNA sequence. In the 3rd Century A.D. R. Samuel bar Nahman spoke of the unzipping of the doublehelix of DNA when he said that at Adams creation God created him facing both ways (image/mirror image; indicative of a standing wave) before sawing him in two (as Eve, female/direct light reflected back along its own path was derived from Adam, the male/direct light. See Genesis 2:21-22). The Tetragrammaton, the ineffable name of God, the unutterable name, as well as the Gnostic IEOU, represent what scientists today know as the four base sequences of DNA: TGAC. There are 72 possible arrangements of the Tetragrammaton, the four-lettered name of God in Hebrew, resulting in what is called the Shemhamforesh whereby the perfection of man is achieved. This arrangement affords a great diversity of beings. Indeed, according to the noted physicist and astronomer Carl Sagan, there are more possible DNA combinations than there are atoms in the Universe. DNA is, in the words of Karl von Eckartshausen (June 28, 1752 May 12, 1803 A.D.) in The Cloud upon the Sanctuary, the inmost part of man, the divine in him, it being a divine and incorruptible substance contained in the blood and that it was requisite that this divine substance (DNA) should incarnate in humanity and become human, and therein transmit the divine and regenerative force to humanity. This was a teaching imparted by the fallen angels. Consider the following 18th Century thought from a man steeped in esoteric knowledge: The divine in man (his DNA), imprisoned by the bonds of this matter, is his immortal part, the part that should be at liberty, in order that its development should once again rule the mortal. Then once more does man regain his original greatness. But a means for his cure, and a method to externalise what is now hidden and concealed within, is requisite (the extraction of ones DNA is required). Fallen and unwise man of himself can neither know nor grasp this expedient; he cannot even recognise it, because he has lost pure knowledge and the light of true wisdom; he cannot take hold of it, because this remedy is infolded in interior nature, and he has neither the strength or power to unlock this hidden force. Hence Revelation to learn this means (of extracting ones DNA), and strength to acquire this power are necessary to man. This necessity for the salvation of man was the cause of the determination of Wisdom, or the Son of God, to give Himself to be known by man, being the pure substance out of which all has been made. In this pure substance (DNA) all power is reserved to vivify (to give life to; to reanimate; as to clone) all dead substance, and to purify all that is impure. - The Cloud upon the Sanctuary by Karl von

The following treatise on DNA and the genome comes to us compliments of the Rosicrucians circa. 1615 A.D.: Although that great book of nature (the genome) stands open to all menthere are but few that can read and understand the sameThese characters and letters, as God hath here and there incorporated them in the Holy Scriptures, the Bible, so hath he imprinted them (as DNA) in all beasts. So that like as the mathematician and astronomer can long before see and know the eclipses which are to come, so we may verily foreknow and foresee the darkness of obscurations of the Church (the body is considered a church), and how long they shall last. From the which characters or letters (of DNA; of the genome) we have borrowed our magic writing, and have found out, and made, a new language for ourselves, in the which withal is expressed and declared the nature of all things. So that it is no wonder that we are not so eloquent in other languages, the which we know that they are altogether disagreeing to the language of our forefathers, Adam and Enoch, and were through the Babylonical confusion wholly hidden. Confessio Fraternitatis (Rosicrucian) (there were said to be 72 languages after the Babylonian confusion, in allusion to the Shemhamforesh) (In such a way a certain genetic sequence may be incorporated within the words of a book, words which may form a few simple lines in a sonnet or even of such lengths as to constitute a story, in books such as The Bible, a code of sorts)

The following comes to us courtesy of A. E. Waite: A single word comprehends all things, and this word consists of four letters (the four base sequences of DNA, namely, TGAC): it is the Tetragram of the Hebrews, the AZOT of the alchemists, the Thot of the Bohemians, or the Taro of the Kabalists. This word, expressed after so many manners, means God for the profane, man for the philosophers, and imparts to the adepts the final term of human sciences and the key of divine power; but he only can use it who understands the necessity of never revealing it. - From A. E. Waites introduction to his translation of Eliphas
Levis Dogma et Rituel de la Haute Magie Book1 (in uncovering allusions, man=Adam=DNA)

It must be noted DNA clamps are shaped like the Star of David, evincing a hexagonal shape. Hexagonal shapes are indicative of standing wave patterns:

Other works on DNA: When the soul (DNA) was made, the word made (a cognate of the word maker, as well as the word Amsu, the name used to denote the spermatozoa translated into the god Horus/Azazel) is used. [The word created is then used:] Male and female (both words employ the root word

ma-) He created them (waves; as standing waves, an essential ingredient in the making of DNA). The word formed was used when the soul (DNA) was combined with the body and the spirit was brought together. How do we know that forming means bringing together? For it is written (Genesis 2:19), And the Lord God formed (gathered) all the beasts of the field and all the flying things of the heaven, and He brought them to the Man to see what he would call each thing. This explains the verse (Genesis 5:2), Male and female He created them. It is also written (Genesis 1:28), And God blessed them. - The Bahir Section V (197-198) The word blessed denotes eternal life. The root bl-, used to form the word blessed (compare to bleed), is also the root of blood, wherein is contained ones indestructible DNA: At feasts, remember that you are entertaining two guests, body and soul (DNA). What you give to the body, you presently lose; what you give to the Soul (your DNA), you keep forever. - The
Golden Sayings of Epictetus CLXXVIII (For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul (DNA). - Leviticus 17:11. And again: the life of all flesh is the blood thereof - Leviticus 17:14) (Note also the similarities of the words blood and bloom, for as The Bible explains: Man that is born of a woman...cometh forth (blooms) like a flower - Job 14:1,2)

Souls (DNA as found within every cell of the body) have permanency enough to remain unchanged until the judgment, a point which Hermes Egyptius recognized when he said that the Soul (DNA) after its separation from the body was not dissipated back into the Soul of the Universe (at death, ones DNA is not broken down into its composite parts), but retained permanently its distinct individuality, In order that it might render, to use his own words, an account to The Father of those things which it has done in the body. De Anima (On the Soul) xxxiii
(Aristotle) (Aristotle no doubt learned this from the Egyptians as the Egyptian Book of the Dead Chapter LXXXV states: I am the god Hu, and I never die in my name Soul (DNA)My name is My name decayeth not. I am the Soul (DNA))

DNA is in effect a natural superconductor capable of storing light in which is contained information, acting as a data recorder of sorts. Resurrection from death is possible because though our bodies may die here on Earth entangled particles elsewhere retain the information contained within the particles which make up our human bodies in an immense external place. In computer terms, in the syzygy which constitutes ones spirit, the information contained within the files of our human body (in this case the below) is saved in an external memory device (in the above). The intermediary serves as a data buffer. Your DNA can be likened to the code of a computer program. DNA is known as the Tree of Life: DNA, the ancient cabalistic Tree Of Life portrayed in the Biblical Torah, is now coming to be viewed as a live vibrating structure, rather than a fixed tape recording. Many modern scientists regard DNA as a shimmering, waveform configuration, able to be modified by light, radiation, magnetic fields or sonic pulses. The legacy of Thoth (Thoth is also known by the name Hermes)/Enoch suggests this language of Light, the harmonic science of the ancients, could actually affect DNA. - The Secrets of Thoth and the Keys of Enoch by Dr. James (J.J.) Hurtak (there is hope of a tree
(the Tree of Life; DNA), if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease. Though the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground; Yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant. Job 14:7,8-9)

The following scripture speak of Tree Of Life portrayed in the Biblical Torah as mentioned above: And out of the ground (in an upward direction) made the LORD God to grow (an increase) every tree that is pleasant to the sight (the seven waves of the visible light spectrum), and good for food (which provides energy and sustains life); the tree of life (DNA) also in the midst (nucleus) of the garden (cell), and the tree of knowledge of good (+) and evil (-) (magnetism; polarity; indicative of the presence of a magnetic field). - Genesis 2:9 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil (magnetism; polarity): and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life (DNA), and eat, and live for ever - Genesis 3:22 So he drove out the man (direct light); and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword (a sword represents a transverse wave of light) which turned (indicative of a spinning motion) every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. - Genesis 3:24 The Human DNA is a biological internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. The latest Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), minds influence on weather patterns and much more. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies without cutting out and replacing single genes. Only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. It is this subset of DNA that is of interest to western researchers and is being examined and categorized. The other 90% are considered junk DNA. The Russian researchers, however, convinced that nature was not dumb, joined linguists and geneticists in a venture to explore those 90% of junk DNA. Their results, findings and conclusions are simply revolutionary! According to them, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as data storage and in communication (think: the 72 languages constituting the Shemhamforesh). The Russian linguists found that the genetic code, especially in the apparently useless 90%, follows the same rules as all our human languages. To this end they compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that the alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar and do have set rules just like our languages. So human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA. DNA Can be Influenced and
Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf

This gives a whole new meaning to the words: Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein... Revelations 1:3 considering DNA may be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies.

21. Sepher Yetzirah

Genetic Sequencing Like the Sepher Yetzirah, the Gospel of Truth by Valentinus speaks of the human genome: For if his will had not come from himhe revealed it as knowledge that is in harmony (synchronized) with the expressions of his willthat is, knowledge of the living book (the living book of life, which is the human body), which he revealed to the eternal realms at the end as his letters (his letters comprise the human genome). He showed that they (the letters) are not merely vowels or consonants, so that one may read them and think them devoid of meaning (if one reads the genetic sequence it seems to be words devoid of meaning). Rather, they are letters of truth; (comprising the human body) they speak and know themselves. Each letter (gene) is a perfect truth like a perfect book, for they are letters written in unity (translated they form living beings), written by the father (written by God) for the eternal realms, so that by means of his letters they might come to know the father (by these means they attain the ability to attain knowledge). The
Gospel of Truth by Valentinus

The living book of the living, which is to say, the living book of life, is the human body, indeed, in the Gospel of Truth by Valentinus Jesus was said to have appeared, put on that book (of life; he was made incarnate), and was nailed to a tree. The tree (cross) esoterically represents the transverse electromagnetic wave (+), the basis of all matter, and hence, of all material existence. Foreknew and Predestined For thou (God) didst form my (Davids) inward parts, thou didst knit me together in my mothers womb. Thou knowest me quite well; my frame was not hidden from thee, when I was being made in secret, intricately wrought in the depths of the earth. Thy eyes beheld my unformed substance; in thy book (of life; the genetic sequence of his human body) were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. Psalms

the LORD (God)formed me (Jesus) from the womb to be his servant, to bring Jacob (a reference to Israel) back to him (God), and that Israel might be gathered to him - Isaiah 49:5 Now the word of the LORD (the Holy Spirit) came to me (Jeremiah) saying, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations. - Jeremiah 1:5 Jacobwhom I (God) have chosenwho made you, who formed you from the womb.
44:1,2 Isaiah

The LORD (God) called (called to election) me (Jacob) from the womb (Jacob is chosen, that is, genetically engineered), from the body of my mother he (God) named (genetically engineered) my name (his DNA sequence). He made my mouth like a sharp sword (the

reference to a sharp sword is a reference to the Holy Spirit. This is another way of saying he becomes Gods mouthpiece). - Isaiah 49:1,2 (The sharp sword is symbolic of the transverse electromagnetic wave of
which what is known as the Holy Spirit is composed)

he (God)had set me (Paul) apart before I was born DNA, was a known quantity before he was conceived in the womb)

Galatians 1:15 (Pauls genetic make-up, his

The words foreknew and predestined mean genetically engineered. Those whose names are written in the Book of Life of the Lamb (Jesus) before the foundation (before the beginning) of the world (See Revelations 13:8), before the creation of man, are the chosen who God and Jesus foreknew first as DNA sequences which they wrote and/or chose and are as such predestined. This means their DNA sequences were planned, they were recorded and they existed solely in a written form which would later be translated into a living, breathing human being. The word chosen is in a like way a term concerning a persons genetic makeup, his DNA sequence, is foreknown prior to conception, that is, the chosen are in fact genetically engineered, and in this way the person is thereby predestined, created by God and Jesus for a very specific purpose. And it seems all the major players in Biblical history are chosen. Jesus was chosen, as was King David, the Prophets, the Apostles, and the Judges, among others. It is said of the Chosen: Thrice blessed (in Greek, Trismegistus) are they (the Chosen) who were proclaimed (whose DNA sequence was written) by the Son (Jesus, in the Book of Life) before they came to be (before they were born) - The Apocryphon of James Consider also the following excerpts from the Gospel of Truth by Valentinus: Each of his (Gods) words (every DNA sequence) is the product of his (of Gods) will and the revelation of his speech. Since they were the depth of his thought, the word (the scientific equation which governs everything) that came forth caused them to appear (caused them to be created), along with mind (the physical thinking body) that speaks the word (that is capable of speech)they dwelled in silent grace (they existed as a DNA sequence)before being revealed (before coming into existence)So it happened that the word (the DNA sequence) came forth when pleasing to the will of him (of God) who willed itnothing happens without the fathers will (without Gods will)the father (God) knows the beginning (the birth) and the end (the death) of all (humans), and at their end (at their death) he will greet them (at the Resurrection and the Judgment)The name (the DNA sequence) of the father (God) is the son (Jesus)(they both have the same DNA sequence. Everyone elses is unique to that individual). In the beginning (at his birth) he (God) gave a name (a DNA sequence) to the one (to Jesus) who came from him (from God), while he (God) remained the same, and he (God) conceived him (Jesus) as a son. He (God) gave him (gave Jesus) his name (his DNA sequence). The son (the physical body of Jesus) can be seen, but the name (Jesus DNA sequence) is invisible (cannot be seen by the human eye)itis the mystery of the invisible (the mystery of the microscopic), which comes to ears completely filled with it (every cell within the body, including the cells which comprise the ear, contain ones DNA sequence. The DNA is the same in every cell of the body)the father (God) has no beginning (no birth; he was not born of a woman), he (God) alone conceived it (his DNA sequence) for himself (God created his own DNA sequence) as a

namethis is the true name (as opposed to Gods surname, YHWH)This name does not derive from ordinary words or name-giving, for it is invisible (it cannot be seen by the human eye)One who does not exist has no name (one who does not exist has no DNA sequence)One who exists exists with his name (according to his DNA sequence)to him alone the father (God) has given a name (ones DNA sequence is unique to that individual)This is the true namethe proper nameThis is the proper name, and there is no one else who gives it to him (God alone created the double helix of DNA)That is why the father (God) brought him (Jesus) forththat he (Jesus) might glorify the fullness, the majesty of his name (of Gods DNA sequence. See Colossians 1:19-20)All the emanations of the father (all the DNA sequences which God wrote; these are the DNA sequences of the chosen) are fullnesses (are DNA sequences capable of being translated into a living, breathing being), and all his emanations (all the DNA sequences which God wrote) find their root in the one (God) who caused them all to grow from himself (all of the DNA sequences of the Chosen are derived from Gods original DNA sequence. If you are not chosen, that is, if your DNA sequence was not written by God, your DNA sequences are uniquely the result of mutations from Gods original DNA sequence) - The Gospel of Truth by Valentinus The Gospel of Philip also speaks of the Chosen: The master (Jesus) said, Blessings on one who is before coming into being. For whoever is (incarnate), was (first existed as a genetic sequence) and will be (will exist in yet another form). - The Gospel of Philip It goes on to say: There was another generation of people (of a certain genetic make-up), and these blessed people were called the chosen spiritual ones - The Gospel of Philip The Chosen are incarnated souls in human bodies whose DNA sequences were written by God. The Sepher Yetzirah speaks of twelve oblique points. Schematically speaking, this diagram has the appearance of the Star of David within a hexagram. The twelve points are also considered to be simple letters and these correspond to twelve directions: 1. East-height 2. North-east 3. East-depth 4. South-height 5. South-east 6. South-depth 7. West-height 8. South-west 9. West-depth 10. North-height 11. North-west 12. North-depth

those letters which we call double are the images of the images of these elements(THINK: Sephira Yetzirah). The following can be found in the Eighth Lesson/The Qabalah V of Elements of the

Qabalah by Eliphas Levi: The ten numerical signs, the twenty-two lessons letters of the alphabet and the four astronomical signs of the seasons are the summary of the entire Qabalah. Twenty-two letters and ten numbers give the thirty-two ways of the Sepher Jetzirah; four gives the mercavah and the shememamphorashThese four elementary, astronomical signs are the four forms of the sphinx and the four animals of Ezekiel and St. John. (Compare to the thirtytwo marks of the Diamond Sutra) The sephirotic realm is also known as the world of unity. The first five books of The Bible, called the Torah, being composed of the Books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, in its original Hebrew form exactly as written by Moses, composes a blueprint by which humanity may be rescued from the bondage of matter when immersed in the waters of baptism. Indeed, for Kabbalists, Torah is believed to be the incarnate form of the divine Presence assuming a human shape (anthropos). Concurs the Freemasons: The gist of the Cabala is expressed in the words of Philo, who says that: The law of Moses is like to a living creature whose body is the literal sense, but the soul (DNA) is the more inward and hidden meaning, covered under the sense of the letter. - The Arcane Schools Chapter 6 by John Yarker The Torah scroll literally represents the scriptural body of the divine (gufei torah) and is the blueprint of immortal creation. The Sefer ha-Yihud states His (Gods) name (Gods perfect genetic make-up) is his Torah and the Torah is madein the supernal image. Ones name represents ones DNA sequence. The Torah is a revelation of Gods perfect DNA sequence. This is a mystery most profound.

The Knowledge of Wisdom

The Miraculous Mysteries of the Way of Jesus

By: John of the Gentiles

The Knowledge of Wisdom

The Miraculous Mysteries of the Way of Jesus
Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 JMB Productions All rights reserved including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form Revised Edition: 6/15/11 United States of America

A ray of Hope shines upon our world; in this Hope the majestic soul unfurls; it provides a path for the righteous steed to mount, so as it may return unto the bright eternal fount. John of the Gentiles

Table of Contents Chapter: Chapter I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Baptism The Rapture Process The Tree of Life The Bridal Chamber: The Androgynous Zygote The Perfect Human The Holy Spirit: Water of Life The Word In the Beginning Light Waves Sun/Moon: The Standing Wave Black Holes The Cross The Dialogue of the Savior DNA Biological Creation Nuclear Destruction The Living Universe Burning Lust and Fear: Fetters that Bind The Thanksgiving Scroll from Qumran Sepher Yetzirah The Pythagorean System The Pyramid The Quest for Eternal Life The Way The Four Rivers The Qabbalah Appendix A

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