Quiz No. 1

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A. INSTRUCTIONS: Match the images in column A about plate tectonics and plate boundaries with its
definition/description in column B. Write the only the letter of your answer on the space provided in column A. (13 Points)

Transform Boundary

A. This type is thicker than oceanic

and doesn’t subduct

Divergent Boundary

B. A wave from an earthquake or an explosion,
that can travel along the Earth’s surface or through
Earth’s interior

____K______3. Convergent Boundary

C. This type is thinner and

denser than continental

____A_____4. Subduction Zone

D. Part of the driving force for plate tectonics,

this process moves heat from the interior of the Earth
towards the surface, as cooler plates sink back into the

E. Sections of the Earth’s surface that move--

___M______5. Earthquakes these sections can include both continental and
oceanic crust
__B______6. Seismic waves

F. This happens at a mid-oceanic ridge where

two plates are moving apart and new crust is forming.

____I_____7. Epicenter

G. The dividing line where tectonic plates meet

____E_____8. Tectonic plates

H. Plate boundary where the plates slide past

each other

__G_______9. Plate boundaries

I. The point on the Earth’s surface directly

above the earthquake

____c____10. Oceanic crust

J. Plate boundary where the plates move apart

___A_____11. Continental crust

K. Plate boundary where the plates collide

_____J___12. Seafloor spreading

L. One tectonic plate is pushed

beneath another plate

____D_____13. Convection

M. These events are common at plate

boundaries, and are caused by the motions of the
plates or of magma.

B. TABLE COMPLETION: Complete the table below about plate boundaries. (9 Points)
Occur on what type of Describe the movement of Give specific example
Boundary the type of Boundary

RIFTS DIVERGENT BOUNDARY when plates move away rift is a linear zone where
from one another the lithosphere is being
pulled apart
TRENCHES convergent plate boundary where two or more tectonic Trenches are long, narrow
plates meet depressions on the
seafloor that form at the
boundary of tectonic
plates where one plate is
pushed, or subducts,
beneath anothe
RIDGES divergent boundary where new ocean
floor is created as the
Earth's tectonic plates
spread apart
FAULT divergent boundary If tension builds up along Faults are cracks in
a fault and then is the earth's crust along
suddenly released, the
result is an earthquake
which there is
movemen t
ISLAND ARC subduction zone Island arcs are long
chains of active
volcanoes with
intense seismic

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