Task For Modules 7-8

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Module 7 Free Patent Act

1. Who will be the beneficiaries of this act?

- Any Filipino citizen who is an actual occupant of a residential land may apply for a Free
Patent Title.
2. Is this act advantageous, disadvantageous, fair , unfair or no effect to:

(briefly explain your answer)

a. Person applying for patent - this is advantageous because this is the main purpose of
this act; to provide free patent rights of a property owner.

b. Government - this is advantageous for the government as well because it will help them
in a way that they will prevent any future issues regarding patent matters because they
have made this act. Also it will help property owners to lessen the burden of their
patent fees in the future.

c. General public - I think this will affect the general public fairly because it will provide
them a free patent of their property.

d. RE practitioner - this will also be fair for RE practitioners because they can share to their
clients that this type of act exists especially if the property fits under the requirements
needed for application.

3. Why do you think the jurisdiction on approving free patents fall under DENR?

- Because lands are in their expertise and they are the best fit to analyze if a land can be
used by the citizens.

Module 8 Open Spaces

1. Why are open spaces in subdivisions important?

- Because open spaces provide recreational areas for residents and help to enhance the
beauty and environmental quality of neighborhoods. And because it provides
environmental and social benefits, it also helps preserve the beauty of the subdivision
ecologically, and delights folks in urban areas.
2. Is 30% a good enough area to be dedicated to open spaces? Why or why not?
- I think it is an enough percentage to provide open spaces in a subdivision because as a
person living in one, I have noticed that these spaces are enough for residents to enjoy
the scenery inside the subdivision without feeling the need of inadequately wanting
more space.
3. Is it fair to put the cost of the open spaces and its development to the homeowners? Why or
why not?

- No. Because the development of open spaces is the obligation of the developers. PD
1216 stated that owners can donate but not entirely be liable for the cost of these
developments. Also, owners are paying for association dues and those dues are part of
paying the maintenance of public spaces around the subdivision. So it’s not right to put
the cost of open spaces and developments to homeowners entirely because those are
the obligation of developers and local government units.

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