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Task for module 3

A. RA 9904

1. What is the Magna Cart for Homeowner’s and Homeowner’s association

(RA 9904)?

- It is the famous governing law used by Homeowner’s Associations or

HOA among subdivisions in the Philippines. This law is to fulfill the
constitutional principles directing the State to encourage, promote, and
respect non-governmental, community based, and people’s
organizations in serving their legitimate collective interests.

2. Why is RA 9904 important?

- RA 9904 is important because this gives the homeowners to have their

own say regarding the subdivision that they are living at. RA 9904
provided the homeowners their own rights to have an order in their
subdivision because if no one will handle or take care of the subdivision
then there will always be a ruckus or worse the subdivision will be a
disaster. Through this law, it can give opportunities to the residents to
voice out their concerns and be able to unite for the betterment of their

3. Give atleast 3 rights of a Homeowner’s Association member? Why are

these rights important?

a. To avail of and enjoy all basic community services and the use of
common areas and facilities;
b. To inspect association books and records during office hours and to be
provided upon request with annual reports, including financial
c. To participate in association meetings, elections and referenda, as long
as his/her bona fide membership subsists;
These rights are important because as a member of the association and a
homeowner it is an individual’s right to enjoy all the amenities and facilities
in the common areas because it’s part of the homeowner’s association
dues that a homeowner is paying. It is also the right of a member to access
and assess the financial books of the subdivision in order to have an idea of
what is going inside the subdivision financially. It is also important that as a
member you have the right and duty to participate in meetings that
concerns for the betterment of the subdivision.

4. Given the rights and powers of a Homeowner’s Association, Is it good that

they have this rights and powers? Why or why not?

- I think it’s good for the homeowners to have these rights as long as it’s
not abused. Because as a person that lives in a subdivision, I have seen
the effects of how a HOA manages our subdivision and I can say that
without their policies or regulations mandated in our village it would be
a disaster especially during hard times. Sometimes their policies can
have disagreements by some homeowners but I believe that the policies
they are creating is for the betterment of our subdivision. And if ever it
can cause a negative to some then their concerns will be brought up to
the office to find a solution for it.

5. What is the relationship of the HOA to the Local Government Unit?

Explain or provide example

- An example that I will provide is based from personal experience. So

during the first phase of the pandemic all residents are given a
quarantine pass to show to the guards, polices or grocery stores because
this pass represents that you are the person responsible to buy the
essentials for your household. So the passes that were distributed to us
are from the barangay our village is addressed at. So with this
experience in times of hardship or anything relating both the HOA and
LGU these type of situations will bring them together to work hand-in-
hand for the betterment of the residents. The HOA are also helping
LGUs in a way by providing data or updates regarding of what is
happening inside the subdivision that concerns the LGU.

6. What is the relationship of the HOA to the National Government


- HOA can help mandate policies announced by the national government

agencies to the subdivision so that the national government agencies
won’t have a hard time mandating their policies to every subdivision by
going there and observe if the policies are being followed because that
will be the job of the HOA.

7. How can RA 9904 affect the housing and subdivision development in the

- This can affect the housing and subdivision development in our country
in a lot of good ways because having this law gives the do’s and don’ts
of what an association member can or cannot do. This also affects the
residents in maintaining peace and order in their community to feel that
they are safe and heard in their own homes. Having this kind of law in
the field of housing and subdivision can benefit real estate practitioners
and homeowners in a way that people are doing something to make
their subdivision a better place for all.

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