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Research Article

On How to Be Unpredictable
Evidence From the Voluntary Task-Switching Paradigm
Ulrich Mayr and Theodor Bell

University of Oregon

ABSTRACT—The voluntary task-switching paradigm requires cently showed in what they called the voluntary task-switching
subjects to select randomly between tasks and promises to paradigm, in which subjects were asked to select randomly
provide a window into executive task selection independent of between two competing tasks on a trial-by-trial basis. Subjects
exogenous influences present in standard task-switching sit- switched on only about 35% of the trials, even though true
uations. We show here that the degree to which subjects random selection would have required a 50% switch rate. This is
perseverate on tasks across trials captures unique individual remarkable given that when people are asked to produce a
differences variance, but also that the switch rate is under random binomial sequence, they tend to show an increased al-
strong stimulus-driven control: ‘‘Voluntary’’ switches are ternation rate (i.e., the gambler’s fallacy). Thus, the voluntary
much more frequent when the stimulus changes than when it task-switching paradigm allows one to assess a bias toward
repeats. Most important, we show that individuals whose no- perseveration, and it seems plausible to interpret this bias in
switch trials are selectively slowed exhibit less perseveration terms of the degree to which voluntary control can override the
and stimulus-driven effects (and thus more voluntary selec- pull toward sticking with the currently most active task set.
tion) than individuals whose no-switch trials do not show this A second obstacle to randomness can come from environmental
slowing. We suggest that selective slowing indicates a strategy events that habitually trigger certain action tendencies (e.g., in
of treating trials as discrete events—possibly through inhi- tennis, an opponent on the right side of the court may bias one to
bition of the preceding task set. These results not only demon- hit the ball into the left side of the court). In the present work, we
strate massive nonvoluntary influences on voluntary selec- show that when people are asked to make random selections
tion that are largely untapped by standard task-switching between two tasks, an important source of influence is whether or
measures, but also show how such influences can be counter- not the stimulus situation changes across trials (see also Arrington
acted through strategic adaptations. & Logan, 2005). Stimulus changes prompt subjects to switch to
the alternate task, whereas stimulus repetitions induce task rep-
etitions. Thus, the voluntary task-switching paradigm makes it
Sometimes it pays to be unpredictable. Tennis players who hit
possible to capture two strong biases influencing random selec-
the ball in the corner their opponents have not prepared for and
tion: the perseveration bias and the effect of stimulus repetitions.
negotiators who catch their counterparts off guard by making
Obviously, in competitive situations, such biases contain infor-
unanticipated overtures will often profit from their unpredic-
mation that could be used to predict an opponent’s future actions
table behavior (e.g., Glimcher, 2003). However, being un-
(Glimcher, 2003; Rapoport & Budescu, 1992).
predictable is difficult. In most natural situations, being un-
Both the perseveration bias and the stimulus-repetition bias
predictable is in essence an executive control problem because
are interesting phenomena, but do they actually provide new
it requires insulating one’s decision against contextual influ-
information that one cannot learn from the standard way of as-
ences. An important source of influence is the recent history of
sessing executive task control? And if they do, what is the novel
one’s own choices (Baddeley, 1966). For example, it should be
aspect of such control that becomes apparent only when people
easier to reuse a just-implemented plan of action than to change
try to make random task choices? These are the questions we
to a new plan (e.g., Rogers & Monsell, 1995); as a result, there
address in this article.
should be a perseverative tendency in sequences of action
choices. In fact, this is what Arrington and Logan (2004) re-
Address correspondence to Ulrich Mayr, Department of Psychology,
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, e-mail: mayr@uoregon. Whereas in the voluntary switching paradigm introduced by
edu. Arrington and Logan (2004), subjects are free to choose between

774 Copyright r 2006 Association for Psychological Science Volume 17—Number 9

Ulrich Mayr and Theodor Bell

tasks on each trial, in the standard switching paradigm, a task severation or stimulus influences. On a mechanistic level, such a
cue or a sequential rule (e.g., ‘‘switch every two trials’’) informs discrete-event strategy might be achieved by actively sup-
subjects which task is currently required. The standard para- pressing the most recent trial event, thereby clearing the slate
digm has become a widely used tool for studying executive for an unbiased decision on the next trial. Mayr and Keele
control. Specifically, the switch cost, that is, the response time (2000) have provided evidence for task-set inhibition in the form
(RT) difference between trials after a task switch and trials after of the backward-inhibition effect (i.e., slower RTs when re-
a task repetition, is supposed to reflect in some manner the turning to a recently abandoned task than when returning to a
demands of changing task-relevant cognitive configurations less recently abandoned task). A simple prediction follows from
(e.g., Monsell, 2003; but see Logan & Bundesen, 2003). An this hypothesis: For those subjects who use inhibition during
additional phenomenon that plays a critical role in the current voluntary selection (and therefore achieve a high switch rate),
study is the fact that not only switch RTs, but also no-switch RTs no-switch trials should take particularly long. The reason is that
from a task-switching block, show marked increases compared for these subjects, no-switch trials require a return to the pre-
with RTs from single-task blocks. These so-called mixing costs vious and therefore still suppressed task set. In contrast, switch
or global costs reflect the general demands of having to select trials do not require a return to the just-executed task set and
between tasks on a trial-by-trial basis, even when no actual therefore should not be affected by the amount of inhibition
change in task is required (e.g., Mayr, 2001; Meiran, 2000). used. In other words, we expected that global costs assessed in
Arrington and Logan (2004) argued that standard task- the voluntary paradigm (i.e., voluntary no-switch RTs minus
switching procedures may fail to elicit true endogenous control single-task RTs), but not voluntary switch costs, would be pos-
simply because subjects are not free to select tasks according to itively related to switch probability.
an internal process, but rather need to adhere to external
prompts or instructions regarding task sequences. Thus, the THE PRESENT STUDY
voluntary paradigm may capture something about executive
control that is not represented in the standard paradigm. This In order to examine the degree to which the voluntary switching
hypothesis, however, remains to be tested. For example, in the measures capture reliable and unique individual differences
voluntary switching situation, individuals may simply be less variance, we assessed both voluntary and standard switching
willing to switch the harder switching is for them (i.e., the more across two pairs of tasks. The first pair of tasks (number tasks)
time it takes). In this case, the voluntary switch rate may rep- was taken from Arrington and Logan (2004) and involved
resent no unique individual differences variance over and above judging whether numbers (1 through 9, omitting 5) were odd or
what is already represented in standard switch costs. If the even and whether they were larger or smaller than 5. The second
voluntary switching paradigm provides a unique way of as- pair of tasks (spatial tasks) required making either spatially
sessing executive control, then one should find measures that compatible or spatially incompatible responses to the spatial
can be reliably established within the voluntary paradigm but location of a circle. In order to make the standard switching
are relatively independent of traditional switching measures. As paradigm as comparable as possible to the voluntary switching
our results show, the voluntary switch rate, and with some paradigm, we used an alternate-runs paradigm (Rogers &
qualifications the effects of stimulus repetition versus change as Monsell, 1995) in which subjects are asked to switch every two
well, captures a surprisingly large amount of both reliable and trials, but unlike in the usual procedure, we gave no external
unique individual differences variance. sequencing support. Thus, in terms of external stimulation, the
voluntary and the standard paradigms were identical.
OVERCOMING NONRANDOMNESS Stimulus repetitions are relatively rare in the number tasks
(i.e., p 5 .125) and therefore may not play a very prominent role.
The finding that voluntary switch rate and the dependency of Therefore, for our second set of tasks, we selected tasks that
switch rate on stimulus repetition versus change are fairly in- maximize the potential role of stimulus repetition versus change:
dependent of standard task-switching measures leads to the The spatial tasks had only two possible stimuli (a circle near the
most important question: What exactly is the unique aspect of top of a vertically elongated frame, a circle near the bottom of the
voluntary task choice that is captured by these variables? And same frame), so that both repetitions and changes were very
more specifically, can one identify factors that allow people to prominent events, each occurring on about 50% of trials.
overcome the obstacles to random task selection? Optimally,
such random selection implies that each trial is processed in METHOD
isolation, without regard to task choices or stimulus events on
previous trials (Baddeley, 1966). Thus, one might speculate that Participants
those subjects who manage to approach trials as discrete events, Seventy-two undergraduate students (44 female) from the Uni-
rather than as a continuous flow of interdependent selection versity of Oregon participated in this study in exchange for
instances, should be particularly successful in resisting per- course credit.

Volume 17—Number 9 775

Voluntary Task Switching

Mean Response Times (RTs; in milliseconds) and Error Percentages for All
Relevant Task Conditions

Spatial tasks Number tasks

Condition RT Errors RT Errors
Single task 379 (70) 2.5 (2.6) 568 (80) 4.1 (3.4)
Standard no switch 607 (177) 3.6 (2.8) 647 (127) 2.8 (2.3)
Standard switch 1,018 (287) 9.4 (7.0) 1,040 (265) 6.0 (4.5)
Voluntary no switch 499 (151) 5.7 (6.2) 762 (169) 4.3 (4.0)
Voluntary switch 845 (248) 14.1 (11.1) 997 (237) 6.5 (6.4)

Note. Standard deviations are given in parentheses.

Materials and Procedure subjects were asked to choose tasks as randomly as possible on a
On each trial of the number tasks, a digit from 1 to 9 (excluding trial-by-trial basis, ‘‘much like a coin toss’’ (exact instructions
5) was presented within a centrally located square white frame were closely modeled after those of Arrington & Logan, 2004).
measuring 4.7 cm  4.7 cm. The digits were presented in red on For the standard switching procedure, subjects were asked to
a black background. Depending on the task, subjects judged work through each block according to an AABB schema (A 5
whether the digit was lower or higher than 5 or whether it was compatible for spatial tasks and high/low for number tasks). In
odd or even. For the high/low task, subjects pressed with their case of an error, the stimulus stayed on the screen, and the
left index finger the ‘‘7’’ key if the digit displayed was greater AABB schema appeared with the current sequence position
than 5 and the ‘‘4’’ key if the digit displayed was less than 5. In marked. After the correct response was entered, the next trial
the odd/even task, subjects pressed with their right index finger was initiated.
the ‘‘-’’ key for even digits and the ‘‘1’’ key for odd digits.
On each trial of the spatial tasks, a large red dot appeared on a RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
black background either at the top or at the bottom of a vertically
Trials on which errors were made, trials following errors, and
oriented rectangular frame measuring 14.3 cm  4.7 cm. For the
trials on which RTs were greater than 5,000 ms were not con-
compatible task, participants pressed with their left index finger
sidered for further analysis. Table 1 shows mean RTs and error
the key ‘‘7’’ or ‘‘4’’ on the numerical keypad (these keys are
percentages from all conditions. As error results confirmed RT
vertically aligned), according to whether the dot was at the top or
results, they are not considered further here. Across the two pairs
bottom of the frame, respectively. In the incompatible task, ei-
of tasks, there were substantial, and in all cases highly reliable
ther the ‘‘-’’ key or the ‘‘1’’ key (also vertically aligned on the
( p < .01), differences between the single-task and the no-switch
numerical keypad) had to be pressed using the right index finger,
conditions (global costs), as well as between the no-switch and
but the top key had to be used for the bottom location and the
the switch conditions (switch costs). Replicating the results of
bottom key for the top location. The stimulus remained on the
Arrington and Logan (2004), we found a strong perseveratory
screen until a correct response was given.
tendency in the voluntary conditions. The switch rate was .30 for
In all tasks, the stimulus appeared 100 ms after the response
the spatial tasks and .38 for the number tasks. In both cases, the
to the previous trial and remained on the screen until the par-
p value of .5, expected in case of random selection, was far
ticipant responded correctly. (In case of an error, the stimulus
outside the confidence interval around these values.
simply stayed on the screen until the correct response was en-
All subjects first worked through twelve 48-trial blocks with Stimulus-Controlled Volition?
the spatial tasks and then through twelve 48-trial blocks with the Are voluntary task choices truly endogenous, or are they af-
number tasks. For both pairs of tasks, the same basic sequence fected by prominent stimulus events, such as stimulus repeti-
of blocks was used. The first four blocks tested single-task tions versus changes? Figure 1 shows the switch rates for
performance (spatial: compatible for Blocks 1 and 2, incom- stimulus repetitions versus changes in both pairs of tasks. It is
patible for Blocks 3 and 4; number: high/low for Blocks 1 and 2, apparent that stimulus repetition versus change had a dramatic
odd/even for Blocks 3 and 4). Blocks 5 through 8 used the effect on switch probability: There were more than twice as many
voluntary switching procedure, and Blocks 9 through 12 the switches in case of stimulus changes than in case of repetitions
standard switching procedure. For every change in block type, for the spatial tasks, F(1, 71) 5 120.01, prep > .99, Z2 5 .63,
there was an on-screen instruction (with supporting instruction and there were about 30% more switches for stimulus changes
from the experimenter) and a 16-trial practice block that could than for stimulus repetitions in the number tasks, F(1, 71) 5
be repeated on demand. For the voluntary switching block, 34.84, prep > .99, Z2 5 .33. The difference in repetition effects

776 Volume 17—Number 9

Ulrich Mayr and Theodor Bell

characteristic that generalizes across different tasks. As shown

in the diagonal of Table 2, and as is broadly consistent with
results of other psychometric studies of task switching (e.g.,
Kray & Lindenberger, 2000; Miyake, Friedman, Emerson,
Witzki, & Howerter, 2000), the remaining measures also showed
substantial, albeit somewhat smaller, between-task correlations.
We report the results of analyses at the level of across-task ag-
gregates, mentioning task-specific results only when they de-
viated from the aggregate pattern.
In order to determine whether the voluntary switch rate cap-
tured not only reliable but also unique variance, we needed to
examine to what degree it was related to standard switch
measures. As is apparent from Table 2, the ability to switch fast
in the standard switching paradigm translated into a somewhat
higher switch rate in the voluntary paradigm. However, it is also
obvious that with a correlation of .24, prep > .88, switching
speed captured only a small part of the variance contained in the
voluntary switch rate. Also as shown in Table 2, there was no
Fig. 1. Mean switch rate as a function of stimulus repetition versus correlation between the standard global cost and switch rate.
change for both the spatial and the number tasks. Error bars reflect the Thus, the switch rate did provide reliable information that was
95% within-subjects confidence interval associated with the repetition
effect for each of the two tasks. not available from the standard task-switching paradigm.
With regard to the core task-switching measure, switch cost,
across tasks was also reliable, F(1, 71) 5 19.89, prep > .99, the correlation across paradigms was .68, prep > .99. Thus, in
Z2 5 .22, and was probably due to the fact that stimulus changes this regard, the voluntary and standard paradigms seemed to
were less prominent events in the number tasks than in the capture highly overlapping information. This may have been due
spatial tasks. In subsequent individual differences analyses, we to the fact that in our version of the standard paradigm, subjects
use the ratio between the voluntary switch rate for stimulus had to exert a great deal of top-down control, and results might
repetitions and the voluntary switch rate for stimulus changes as have been different with more bottom-up task-selection support
an indicator of stimulus-repetition effects. in the form of task cues (Meiran, 1996) or sequencing support
(Rogers & Monsell, 1995).
To explore the degree to which the susceptibility to stimulus
Does the Voluntary Paradigm Capture Unique Individual influences during voluntary switching forms a stable construct,
Differences Variance? we calculated the correlation between the stimulus-repetition
The correlation between voluntary switch rates for the spatial effect in the spatial tasks and in the number tasks. This corre-
and the number tasks was surprisingly high, r 5 .82, prep > .99 lation was reliable, albeit relatively small, r 5 .26, prep > .88,
(see Table 2). Thus, switch rate reflects an individual differences possibly reflecting the different roles stimulus repetitions play

Correlations Between Core Variables Averaged Across the Spatial and Number Tasks

Standard Standard Voluntary Voluntary Voluntary Stimulus-repetition

Measure global cost switch cost global cost switch cost switch rate effect
Standard global cost .57nn .19 .43nn .28n .02 .05
Standard switch cost .09 .46nn .08 .68nn .24n .16
Voluntary global cost .40nn .01 .43nn .11 .67nn .43nn
Voluntary switch cost .06 .54nn .28n .34nn .45nn .36nn
Voluntary switch rate .14 .17 .73nn .43nn .82nn .51n
Stimulus-repetition effect .03 .16 .45nn .42nn .51nn .26n

Note. First-order correlations are shown above the diagonal; correlations after partialing out averaged, single-task baseline response times (RTs)
are shown below the diagonal. Correlations between the number and the spatial tasks are shown on the diagonal. Global costs were computed by
subtracting single-task baseline RTs from standard and voluntary no-switch RTs, respectively. Switch costs were computed by subtracting
standard and voluntary switch RTs from standard and voluntary no-switch RTs, respectively. The effect of stimulus repetition on voluntary switch
rate was computed as the ratio between the voluntary switch rate for stimulus changes and the voluntary switch rate for stimulus repetitions.
prep > .88. nnprep > .95.

Volume 17—Number 9 777

Voluntary Task Switching

Fig. 2. Scatter plots showing individual switch rates (left panel) and the effect of stimulus repetition on
switch rate (calculated as the ratio between switch rate for stimulus changes and switch rate for stimulus
repetitions; right panel) as a function of voluntary global costs.

in the two task pairs. There were no reliable relationships be- the demand of making trial-to-trial decisions about the next
tween the stimulus-repetition effect and either standard global task. It is possible that the tight relationship between voluntary
costs or standard switch costs. global cost and switch probability simply suggests that if sub-
To what degree are individuals with an overall high switch rate jects generally slow down, then switch probability increases. If
also those who are relatively resistant to stimulus-repetition that were the case, the same relationship should have emerged
effects? The relevant correlation was substantial when results between voluntary switch rate and voluntary switch RTs. How-
were aggregated across tasks, r 5 .51, prep > .98 (spatial tasks: ever, this correlation was small and not reliable, r 5 .07, prep >
r 5 .61, prep > .99; number tasks: r 5 .30, prep > .88), .6. The left panel of Figure 3 shows voluntary global costs and
suggesting that individuals who switched frequently in the switch RTs after subtracting out single-task baseline RTs, for
voluntary paradigm also made their task choices relatively in- three groups of subjects defined by their voluntary switching
dependently of whether the stimulus repeated or changed. rate. Global costs were largest for subjects with high switch rate,
Thus, susceptibility to the perseveration bias and the stimu- whereas switch RTs showed no systematic effects. The corre-
lus-repetition effect constitute reliable individual differences sponding interaction between the no-switch/switch factor and
measures, and these two constructs share a considerable amount switch-frequency group was reliable, F(2, 69) 5 6.69, prep >
of variance. The next question is whether it is possible to identify .98, Z2 5 .16.
factors that account for the individual differences in the degree A stimulus-repetition effect on switch rate can emerge only
to which random, unbiased choices are made. when the events of the preceding trial are still present in
memory. Thus, a discrete-event strategy as expressed in in-
creased global costs might also work against the influence of
Overcoming Nonrandomness stimulus repetitions. We found a substantial negative correlation
Earlier, we suggested that subjects might adopt a discrete-event between voluntary global costs and the repetition effect, r 5
strategy by inhibiting the most recent task set in order to resist .43, prep > .99 (see the right panel of Fig. 2; spatial tasks: r 5
the tendency to perseverate on the most recently executed task. .63, prep > .99; number tasks: r 5 .24, prep > .88). No cor-
Such a strategy should make it harder to repeat a task (because it responding effects were found for standard global costs (overall:
has just been inhibited) than to switch tasks, which in turn r 5 .05; spatial tasks: r 5 .13, prep > .77; number tasks: r 5
should translate into a positive relationship between global costs .002). The right panel of Figure 3 shows voluntary global costs
(i.e., no-switch RTs in the voluntary procedure minus single- and switch RTs after subtracting out single-task baseline RTs,
task RTs) and switch rate. The predicted relationship between for groups of subjects with small, medium, and large repetition
global costs and switch probability in the voluntary paradigm effects on voluntary switch rate. The pattern evident in the figure
was substantial (r 5 .67, prep > .99; see Table 2) and, as shown in is consistent with the correlational analyses: Voluntary global
the left panel of Figure 2, very orderly. The high correlation is costs are largest for subjects with small repetition effects,
particularly striking given that the correlation between the whereas no such effect is apparent for voluntary switch costs.
switch rate and the standard global cost was near zero (see Table The corresponding interaction between the no-switch/switch
2). This pattern strongly suggests that voluntary global costs factor and the three-way split of subjects in terms of the repe-
reflect individual differences in strategic adaptations specific to tition effect was reliable, F(2, 69) 5 6.69, Z2 5 .16.

778 Volume 17—Number 9

Ulrich Mayr and Theodor Bell

Arrington and Logan (2005) reported small effects of stimulus

repetition versus change on switch rate. From the small size of
these effects, the authors concluded that task choice is largely
endogenous. Empirically, the difference between their results
and ours is probably more apparent than real: Arrington and
Logan used only the number tasks, which we found exhibited
smaller repetition effects than the spatial tasks, and their
analyses focused on the average effect across a range of intertask
intervals, whereas we focused on a short intertask interval.
Theoretically, the present finding of massive stimulus-induced
effects at least for certain conditions (e.g., prominent stimulus
events and a short intertask interval) demonstrates that, in
principle, the cognitive system is highly susceptible to ex-
Fig. 3. Voluntary global cost (no-switch response time minus baseline ogenous influences during voluntary choice, even if these in-
response time) and voluntary switch response time (minus baseline re- fluences may not always become fully apparent.
sponse time) for three groups of subjects (n 5 24 per group) varying in
switch rate (left panel) and stimulus-repetition effect (right panel). Error
With regard to the virtues of the voluntary switching para-
bars reflect the 95% within-subjects confidence interval associated with digm, the finding of strong exogenous influences contains both
the interaction between trial type (switch vs. no-switch) and group. bad and good news. On the one hand, it somewhat qualifies the
claim that this paradigm is particularly suited to study endog-
enous control (Arrington & Logan, 2004, 2005). On the other
Finally, to what degree is the tendency to treat trials as dis- hand, it shows that this paradigm is well suited to examine ex-
crete events, as indexed by voluntary global cost, the driving actly those factors that stand in the way of voluntary control.
force between the overlap in variance between the switch rate Given the strong effects of prior task and stimulus change
and the effect of repetition on switch rate? Using partial corre- versus repetition on task choice, it may seem that there is little
lation, we found that the first-order correlation between switch that is actually voluntary in the voluntary switching paradigm.
rate and the stimulus-repetition effect was reduced from .52 to However, we also identified an important individual differences
.34 after controlling for voluntary global cost. This implies that characteristic that modulates the degree to which subjects can
58% of the variance shared between the two measures was as- operate independently of the recent past or prominent stimulus
sociated with voluntary global cost. Thus, the degree to which events. Empirically, this characteristic expresses itself in the
people adopt a discrete-event strategy explains a considerable fact that a selective slowing of no-switch RTs (but not switch
amount of the variance shared between the two different ways in RTs) in the context of the voluntary paradigm goes along with an
which subjects deviate from true random control. increased rate of switching and a lower influence of stimulus
change versus repetition. We suggest that selective slowing of
no-switch RTs indicates a discrete-event approach to individual
CONCLUSION trials. One possible mechanism behind such an approach is
inhibition of the most recent task set (Mayr, Diedrichsen, Ivry, &
Arrington and Logan (2004) speculated that the voluntary Keele, in press; Mayr & Keele, 2000). Such inhibition should
switching paradigm might reveal aspects of executive control make it harder to reaccess the same task set in case of a no-
that cannot be captured within the more constrained, standard switch decision, but should not interfere with selecting the al-
paradigm. Our results generally confirm this speculation, but ternate task. This account is fully consistent with our finding that
also elucidate critical factors that determine the degree to which switch rate increased and stimulus-repetition effects decreased
random task choices are actually achieved. In addition to rep- as a function of voluntary no-switch RT (global cost), but not as a
licating Arrington and Logan’s (2004) basic result of a strong function of voluntary switch costs.
perseveration bias, we showed that this tendency is highly re- The conclusion that task-set inhibition is critical for a dis-
liable across different tasks and relatively independent of tra- crete-event strategy is indirect and based on correlational data.
ditionally assessed switch measures. Furthermore, we showed An alternative possibility is that longer no-switch RTs provide
that task choice is influenced not only by the nature of the more opportunity for passive decay of the preceding task set.
preceding task, but also by bottom-up stimulus factors. Specif- However, in a follow-up experiment in which the intertrial in-
ically, stimulus repetitions promote voluntary task repetitions, terval was varied between 100 and 1,000 ms, we found only a
whereas stimulus changes promote voluntary task switches. small increase in switch rate for the longer interval and a reli-
Thus, it seems that even when subjects have full control over able correlation between global cost and switch rate for both
task choice, they have difficulty escaping prominent bottom-up the short and the long interval. Finally, there is recent evidence
influences. from Philip and Koch (in press) suggesting that in a standard

Volume 17—Number 9 779

Voluntary Task Switching

switching situation, task-set inhibition is larger the more fre- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and
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780 Volume 17—Number 9

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