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The following text is for question 1 to 4.

Tawangmangu is one of the most popular tourist resorts in Central Java.It is located about 40 kilometers to the east of Solo. It has beautiful parks and famous waterfall called Grojogan Sewu. The winding roads through the mountains make this tourist attraction even more enjoyable,especially on holidays and over the weekend.Tourists can not only get a breath of fresh air, but can also enjoy the scenic forest filled with pine trees and fruit and vegetable farms, The 90-foot waterfall runs down a steep hill. The water springs from the slope of Mount Lawu and pours down in a stream for miles and miles,making the surrounding area damp.

1. What does the text talk about ? A. B. C. D. 2. How high is the waterfall ? A. B. C. D. 3. What is the weather like there ? A. B. C. D. 4. They can not only get a breath of fresh air. What does the underlined word refer to ? A. B. C. D. The following text is for question 5 .


5. Where can you find the notice? A. B. C.


The following text is for question 6 to 7. Dear Hany, I hope you come to my house this afternoon. We ll finish our math task together,please. Come at 4 p.m.


6. What will they meet for ? A. B. C. D. 7. When will they do their task ? A. B. C. D.

The following text is for question 8 to 11. A Wet Night Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field.As soon as it was done,they cooked a meal over an open fire.They were all hungry and the food smell good.After a wonderful meal,they told stories and sang a songs by the campfire. But some time later,it began to rain.The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent. Their sleeping bags were warm and comportable,so they all slept soundly. In the middle of the night,two boys woke up and began shouting.The tent was full of water!They all left out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside.It was raining heavilly and they found that a stream had formed in the field.The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent.

8. Who the characters of the text ? A. B. C. D.

9. Did they succeed in their camping ? A. B. C. D. 10. When did the event take place ? It took place... A. B. C. D. 11. This statement is not correct ? A. B. C. D.

The following text is for question 12 and 13. All of students must come to school earlier because we shall attend the ceremony to celebrate Heros day tomorrow. All of students wear complete uniform. Headmaster

12. What will they do for ? A. B. C. D. 13. Where is tthe text placed ? A. B. C. D.

The following text is for question 14 to 17. Once upon a time,there was a local ruler named King Sulahkromo.The King had a Prime Minister named raden Sidopekso.The Prime Minister had a wife namedSri Tanjung.She was so beautiful that the king wanted her to be his wife. One day , the king sent his prime minister to a long mission. While the Prime Minister was away, The King tried to get Sri Tanjung.However he failed.he was very angry.Thus, when Sidopekso went back,the king told him that his wife was unfaithful to him. The Prime Minister was very angry

with his wife.Sri Tanjung said that it was not true.However, Sidopekso said that he would kill her. He brought her to the river bank. Before he kill her and threw her into the river,she said that her innocence would be proven. After Sidopekso killed her, he threw her dead body into the dirty river. The river immediately became clean and began to spread a wonderful fragrance.Sidopekso said,Banyu...Wangi...Banyuwangi. This means,Fragrant water. Banyuwangi was born from the prove of noble and sacred love.

14. What does the text tell us about ? A. B. C. D. 15. What can we learn from the story about ? A. B. C. D. 16. What is the purpose of the text above ? A. B. C. D. 17. Who was Raden Sidopekso ? A. B. C. D.

The following text is for question 18 and 19. Dear Marry, Hi friend, here I invite you to my 13 th birthday party Date : Monday, Mei 7,2011 Time : 4 p.m Place : My House (Jl.Anoman 31 Madiun) Please come on time.

Cheers, Rose

18. How old Rose ? A. B. C. D. 19. What is the purpose of the text above ? A. B. C. D.

The following text is for question 20 and 22. The active volcano Mount Tangkuban Perahu is in Bandungs most well known nature attraction. One of its unusual features,beside its having two adjancent craters in the shape of unupterned boat, is the fact that you can drive all the way up to the top, right up to the huge rim of crater at an elevation of 1.830 meters. On a reasonably clear day. Two other volcanoes can be seen in the distance, mount Ciremai (1.078 m),the tallest mountain in Java, and mount Tampomas (1.684 m).At the foot of the mountain,you can also see the attractive ciater tea plantation. 20. What is the best title for the text ? A. B. C. D. 21. Which mountain can be seen from Tangkuban perahu ? A. B. C. D. 22. Is Tangkuban Perahu an active volcano ? A. B. C. D.

The following text is for question 23 and 24. Elegant Architecture Finest Material MENTENG APARTMENT 1,2,3 Bedrooms and Penthouse Available

Open 7 days/week Free Pickup for Viewing School Bus Available Call us for viewing 3149916

23. Where is the location of the apartment ? A. B. C. D. 24. We can get more information without going there. A. B. C. D.

The following text is for question 25 to 28. Going to Parangtritis Beach Hi my name is Joko. Last week my family and I had a picnic.We went to Parangtritis beach. We went there by bus. We left home at six in the morning and arrived there at nine. When we arrived there, we did many activities.We walked along the seashore, rode a cart, and so on.Actually, we also wanted to swim, but we werent allowed to swim because its too dangerous. We were not the only family who went to the beach.There are many other families.Some of them were playing soccer of flying kite. There were foreign tourist,too. Some of them were sitting in the hut and others were flying kites. When we were tired,we took a rest and had some meals and drink. At one oclock we went home. It was tiring but we were happy. 25. What is the main idea of first paragraph ? A. B. C. D. 26. How did they go to parangtritis beach ? A. B. C. D.

27. We left home at six. We refer to.... A. B. C. D. 28. How did they feeling ? A. B. C. D. 29. Arrange the following words into a correct sentence Have/does/a/legs/cat/four A. B. C. D. 30. Arrange the following words into a correct sentence A. B. C. D. 31. Arrange the sentences below into a correct paragraph A. B. C. D. 32. Arrange the sentences below into a correct paragraph A. B. C. D.

The following text is for question 33 to 36. The Monkey and The Crocodile The crocodile was very greedy for the bananas,which grew on the palm trees around its pool, but he could not manage to pick them. A generous monkey noticed this, and threw him down a bunch. The crocodile ate to its fill and also left some of the bananas for its wife. But the wife turned the crocodile against the monkey,If that monkey lives on bananas,then its liver must be big and sweet, she said. The crocodile began to think like her. He went back to the monkey the next day and asked it to pay a visit to his wife,as she was sick and needed an

advice on the proper medicine to take. The monkey jumped onto the crocodiles back.The crocodile cornered the monkey and said, foolish one, your liver is the only medicine I need. My liver is so valuable to me that whenever I go out, I leave it in a safe place up in the tree.Youll have to take me back to fetch it, replied the monkey.So the monkey was ferried back across the pool. Then it climbed quickly up its banana tree and the crocodile is still waiting for the monkey to come back.

33. Where was the monkey at that time? A. B. C. D. 34. After reading the story,we can learn that.... A. B. C. D. 35. What is the same meaning of greedy ? A. B. C. D. 36. Then it climbed quickly up.... The italic word refer to.... A. B. C. D. The following text is for question 37 to 40. ....(37) there was a prince.He lived in a beautiful castle in France.One day,an old and ugly woman came to his castle.The Prince didnt like her and sent her away. Suddenly the woman turned into a beautiful fairy.She cursed the prince and his castle.The prince became a beast.The prince could be a human again if a woman fell in love with him. One day, a man named Maurice traveled past the castle.It was raining heavily....(34)he came into the castle. In the castle Maurice captured the Beast.First his daughter, Belle didnt like the Beast....(38)he was mean.Then the Beast slowly changed.He was not mean anymore. Belle ....(39)to like him. She fell in love with...(40). She declared her love to the beast.Finally the spell was broken.The beast and his servants became human again.The Beast and Belle got married.Both of them lived hapilly.

37. M A. B. C. D. 38. Kg A. B. C. D. 39. J A. B. C. D. 40. J A. B. C. D. 41. K A. B. C. D. 42. K A. B. C. D. 43. L A. B. C. D. 44. L

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