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Locating a warehouse for an EV battery is very Imported for the supplier and
also the manufacturing unit. Battery warehouses are highly engineered
warehouses and so we have to take utmost care before manufacturing them.
Things we will take into consideration while locating a warehouse are:
 Nearness to manufacturing plant of EV or to markets
 Power supply (solar grid, wind energy, etc)
 Infrastructure
 Talented workforce
 Supply chain infrastructure

Warehouse requirements:
There are many requirements for the warehouse, some of them are as follows:

 Barrier Protection: Batteries should be kept in a battery room,

away from heavy traffic areas. If this is impractical, or if only a few
batteries are kept on the premises, they should be kept in a closet
or behind some kind of barrier that would prevent people from
accidentally coming into contact with them. The barrier should be
posted with “Explosion Hazard” and “No Smoking” signs. Seismic
protection should be provided in earthquake-prone areas, and
electrical outlets and light switches should be located outside of
the room. Metal battery racks should be grounded, and floors
should be acid-resistant.

 Ventilation: The room or closet where batteries are kept should

be well-ventilated at all times. Batteries continuously give off a
mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gas, and concentration of these
fumes can be hazardous to workers’ health and cause a
combustion hazard. The exact amount of ventilation needed
depends upon the size, type, and quantity of batteries stored. The
Material Safety Data Sheet for the particular battery will provide
recommended ventilation levels.

 Cleanliness: Batteries should be kept clean and dry at all

times. Moisture causes the cells to corrode, which can result in
leakage. Accumulation of dust, dirt, and debris can also be
corrosive, and is a fire hazard as well.

 Temperature control: Never allow the battery storage area to

exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit. High ambient heat can cause
some types of batteries to rupture and spill electrolyte solution,
and certain types of batteries present a combustion hazard when
off-gassing into a high-heat area.

 Fire code requirements: Smaller commercial developments in or

near cities may have stricter requirements from building and fire
departments than utility-scale projects in isolated areas. Providing
adequate access and understanding minimum turning radius and width for
access roads will impact your site layout. Sites may also require an
internal fire suppression system since it may not be economical to run a
water line.
 Periodic Maintenance: Employees should perform visual
safety inspections of stored batteries at least monthly. The
batteries should be checked for corrosion, cracks, and leaks, and
should be wiped down to prevent dust accumulation. The storage
area’s temperature should be checked, and all ventilation
systems should be tested to ensure functionality. The employee
should verify the availability of all safety equipment and should
check the fire extinguisher to make sure it has been inspected as
scheduled. If any part of the inspection is not right, appropriate
and immediate action should be taken to rectify the issue.

 Integration with electrical infrastructure : Proper

integration with the electrical infrastructure is required for the
charging and export of the power from the battery.
Operating expenses:
 Rent: Expenses incurred by renting the land, machinery, etc.
 Salaries: Salaries of the workers on a permanent and contractual basis.
 Transportation(internal/external): Internal material handling cost
and other internal warehouse material handling costs. External supply
chain cost of sending materials from warehouses to retailers and
manufacturing units.
 Power supply: Expenses for charging the battery from the power grid.
 Maintenance: Warehouse maintenance expenses like repairing of
machinery, replacing machines, cleaning, etc.

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