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City of Manila

One Mehan Gardens, Manila
Tel. No. 309-0588

Year Level : 3rd year BEN

Course Title : Human Resource Management

Contents :
What is procurement? Human resource procurement?
Best practices for HR procurement?
The answer to this question is important to know since you as future
entrepreneur will be acquiring people to work with you or if you will be working
with a company you need to know the process and tips on how companies get or
hire employees to be at your best in facing your future employer.

A. Definition; Procurement Function; Best practices for HR procurement

Procure means to get, gain or obtain something. Here, HR

Procurement includes getting the employee in the organization using various
sources. For getting a new employee, organization can use the sources like
manpower agency or employment exchange, references or referrals, and
other different sources. HR procurement is concerned with obtaining the
proper kind and right number of personnel at the right time and at the most
economical rates. It deals specifically with the determination of manpower
requirement, recruitment, selection, induction and placement.

In human resource procurement, the first consideration is the recognition

by management about the need for sound policies and procedures on
recruitment, selection, hiring and the best candidate of every vacant job of the
organization. There should be a clear policy and procedure to meet
company objectives.

What is procurement function?

Procurement is the first operative function of personnel management. It is
concerned with procuring and employing people who possess necessary skill,
knowledge and aptitude. Under its range or limits, you have job analysis,
manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement, induction and internal

1. Job Analysis. It a process of collecting information and analyzing the

information connected to the operations, duties and responsibilities
pertaining to a specific job.

2. Human Resources Planning. It is a process of determining and assuring

that the organization will have an adequate number of qualified persons,
available at proper times, performing jobs which would meet their needs and
provide satisfaction for the individuals involved.

3. Recruitment. It is the process of searching for prospective employees and

stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.

Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management
4. Selection. It is the process of ascertaining qualifications, experience, skill
and knowledge of an applicant with a view to appraising his/her suitability to
the job in question.

5. Placement. It is the process that ensures a 360º fit, matching the

employee’s qualifications, experience, skills and interest with the job on offer.
It is the personnel manager’s responsibility to position the right candidate at
the right level.

6. Induction and Orientation. Induction and orientation are techniques by

which a new employee is rehabilitated in his new surroundings and
introduced to the practices, policies, and people. He must be acquainted with
the principles which define and drive the organization, its mission statement
and values which form its backbone.

7. Internal Mobility. The movement of employees from one job to another

through transfers and promotions is called internal mobility. Some
employees leave an organization due to various reasons leading to
resignation, retirement and even termination. These movements are known
as external mobility. In the best interest of an organization and its
employees, such job changes should be guided by well-conceived principles
and policies.

These are the Best practices for HR Procurement or the so-called professional
procedures that are accepted or prescribed as being correct or most effective in handling

1. Providing security to employees. When a company hires an employee, the

firm will make the newly hired secured in the position in the company, meaning
he is safe in his employment.

2. Selective hiring: Hiring the right people. When applicants apply for a job,
you as a recruiter or hiring manager will select the best and qualified applicant
that suits the position, you do not hire everyone who applied. You can choose
the best applicant thru interviews and tests applicable to the position.

3. Self-managed and effective teams. You must manage or handle your

employee in a way that they will feel that they are being needed and valued. It
means you must welcome their ideas, suggestions and opinions. Make them
feel that you will be working together as a team.

4. Fair and performance-based compensation. Employees in the organization

can feel their worth if they are being paid equally and fairly based on their
output and performance.

5. Training in relevant skills. The firm thru the HR personnel will hold a training
and development program intended to enhance their knowledge and skills; in
some cases, training is conducted to teach new learnings and updates.

6. Making information easily accessible to those who need it. Any new
policies/ rulings and procedures must be well announced to every employee
within the company thru a memorandum. Every department must be given a
copy and make it accessible to every employee particularly to those who need
it or will be needing it.

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B. What is Resources Procurement in HRM?
HR Procurement. As procuring human capital becomes more about value and
less about cost, a strong, mutually respectful and beneficial relationship with HR
can help procurement better identify and reduce risks, create more effective talent
acquisition processes, and ultimately, get the best value for their income. There is
another way that HR and procurement work together, and that is with HR
functioning as the procurement team. This has two parts: procuring people, and
procuring supplies.

1. Procuring people. People are a resource – many would say a business’s most
important resource (and certainly one of the most expensive). Procurement,
then, for HR, is the function of their job that makes them the expert in finding
and obtaining this resource. This part of HR usually falls under recruitment, with
recruiters focusing their time and skills in this area.

2. Procuring supplies. HR is also often responsible for physically ordering office

supplies that the people in the office need and use. Anything from printer paper
to coffee to pens (and in many small businesses the furniture, etc.) is often
taken care of by a human resource manager. Supplies might also mean the
physical needs of a business-sponsored event, whether it’s tables and banners
and streamers or food, drink, a guest speaker, and sound equipment.

C. What are the responsibilities In HR Recruitment?

Roles & Responsibilities In HR Recruitment; Role and responsibility of recruiter;
recruitment officer job description

What is recruitment? Recruitment refers to the process of identifying,

attracting, interviewing, selecting, hiring and onboarding employees. In other
words, it involves everything from the identification of a staffing need to filling it.
It simply means attracting prospective employees to apply in the company.

What is recruiting in HRM? Human Resource Management, otherwise known

as HRM or HR for short, is the function of people management within an
organization. HR is responsible for facilitating the overall goals of the
organization through effective administration of human capital — focusing on
employees as the company's most important asset.

Business involves continuous selecting and hiring of the right people who can
contribute to the growth of the organization.
The primary responsibility of an HR recruiter is to hire the most suitable
employees for new job positions within the organization and to retain them
tactfully. In order to fulfil the company's exact requirements, it is the job of the HR
recruiter to develop and execute new recruitment strategies.

 Designing and implementing the overall recruiting strategy. Candidate

Screening. Recruiters are responsible for screening resumes to determine
which candidates meet the minimum requirements based on the job
description available.

 Sourcing and attracting candidates by using databases, social media etc.

Background Check. Shortlisting resumes based on several search factors
such as skills, recently updated resume, location, experience, previous
employment etc.
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 Conducting interviews and filtering candidates for open positions. In some
organizations, recruiters are responsible for conducting initial interviews,
which are then used to narrow the number of potential candidates who will be
interviewed by the hiring manager. Often times, recruiters will set up interview
appointments between the chosen candidates and the hiring manager.


Recruitment officers are responsible for attracting suitable job candidates or
students to an organization or school. They understand their organization's
needs, engage in marketing, build relationships and screen applicants to find the
best match for open positions.


Before we proceed, we must know, what do we mean with ‘Qualified Applicants’.
It means the applicant meets the proper standards, requirements and training set
in a position applied for. Also, Employers seek the most qualified applicants
mean those who have the most experience and relevant training. There are a
wide variety of sources available for business owners to use in finding qualified
applicants to fill job openings. Some of the best common sources include:

 Current employees - Promoting someone from within the company helps

keep employee morale high, but small business owners should take this
approach only if the person meets the job specifications. In order to facilitate
hiring from within, many companies maintain a skills bank on current
employees, post notices about job openings and encourage employees to
apply, and incorporate apprenticeship programs into employee training. Hiring
from within may be difficult when there is a pressing need to fill a position and
the required expertise does not exist in-house. Furthermore, Pinsker noted
that it is a good idea for companies to fill at least 20 percent of job openings
from outside, because outsiders tend to bring new ideas.

 Employee referrals - Many job openings in small businesses are best

publicized by employees via word of mouth. Most employees will only
recommend applicants with proven abilities. New hires can be an especially
good source of referrals.

 Networking- developing a wide range of personal contacts within the industry

and community can provide a number of benefits to small business owners,
including job candidates or referrals. Sources of networking connections
include trade shows, associations, committee memberships, and charity
functions. Pinsker suggests that business owners also encourage their
employees to develop their own networks of contacts and to contribute names
to the company list.

 Schools and colleges, it depends on the type of position to be filled like high
schools, vocational schools, colleges and universities can be good sources of
applicants. Students are particularly good applicants for part-time positions or
those in which prior experience is not needed. Companies usually send a
representative to campus twice per year to meet with and interview students.

 Alumni placement offices- Many colleges keep resumes on file for alumni
who are seeking job or career changes. Alumni files can be a good source for
companies seeking educated candidates with more work experience than
recent graduates generally have.
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 Associations- Most trade associations maintain a central clearinghouse of
candidates who wish to change jobs. Trade shows, conventions, and seminars
sponsored by associations can also provide valuable opportunities to meet
potential employees.

 Public employment offices- The U.S. Department of Labor offers job

placement services to some categories of workers free of charge. In many
cases, public employment offices will provide small businesses with lists of
pre-screened applicants for a certain opening.

 Job fairs it is an event where employers offer information about their

companies to people who are looking for jobs. The events give employers the
chance to recruit employees who are educated in specific subject areas. Job
fairs can increase the number of resumes and applications companies receive
from candidates who are actually qualified for the positions they need to fill.

 Private employment agencies mean that these organizations match job

seekers with potential employers for a fee, usually paid by the employer once
a candidate is hired.

 Employment thru advertising includes everything from a "help wanted" sign

in the window, to print ads in local newspapers or specialized publications like
trade magazines, to classified ads on cable television or the Internet.
Advertising can be expensive, so it is important to evaluate media carefully. It
may be helpful to ask other business owners about their experiences
advertising in various media.

 Outplacement agencies- Outplacement firms are similar to private

employment agencies, but their fees are usually paid by former employers who
have laid off or downsized workers. Small businesses with job openings can
usually be placed on a mailing list free of charge to receive information on
candidates who need a new job.

 Temporary Services. There are firms that offer employees to another firms
to fill a wide range of needs, from clerical to manufacturing to professional
services. Hiring temporary employees can be a valuable method for
companies to screen people before hiring them on a permanent basis.

 Internet job banks- There are a number of recruiting sites on the Internet
that allow employers to screen candidates online. The Internet can be a
valuable recruiting tool, particularly in terms of locating potential employees.
Experts recommend that employers use several of the hundreds of available
sites in order to find the ones that best meet their needs.


What is Employment Test? It means, it is the practice of administering written, oral,
or other tests as a means of determining the suitability or desirability of a job


Employment tests are the best possible tool in understanding the capacity of the
candidate to adjust with the job requirements. How much a candidate can adapt to
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the situation in the organization can be known with the help of tests. Various types
of tests are conducted to measure the analytical and logical capacity, reasoning
ability, aptitude, psychology and strength of the candidate.

Role of Employment Tests

1.Elimination of incompetent and unsuitable candidates becomes easily possible.
2. Psychological, mental and analytical capabilities of a person are identified.
3. It can be used as a tool to understand the nature of a person and their career
4.Analytical, rational and objective comparison between the candidates is
5. Accuracy and perfection in the selection procedure can be achieved.

What are the types of employment test?

The following are the types of employment tests, and its corresponding roles:

On the Basis of Objectives:

1. Interest tests. These are used to find out the area of work in which the
candidate is interested to work.

2. Intelligence tests. Mental ability, judgment capacity and learning skills can be
measured through these tests. The imagination and visualization capacity of a
person can be very well understood.

3. Personality tests. Personal traits such as emotions, expressions, confidence

and courage are evaluated through it. This is conducted to find out the
maturity, inter-personal skills, emotional stability, capacity to get along,
behaviors under stress and strain, etc.

4. Trade tests. How much a person is competent to do a specific nature of job is

understood by conducting the trade test.
5. Achievement tests. Skills, abilities and knowledge prescribed by the candidate
throughout the selection process are to be practically checked through this

1. Simulation tests. The behavior of a candidate in one particular circumstance

is measured by creating the artificial environment.

7. Assessment tests. The selected candidates will have to take up a lot of job
responsibilities in future. This test is conducted to extract the potential of a
candidate to work in the authoritative positions.

On the Basis of Aptitude:

Aptitude Test assumed that individuals have inherent strengths and
weaknesses, and have a natural inclination toward success or failure in
specific areas based on their innate characteristics. Also, it is the potential
which an individual has for learning the skills required to do a job efficiently. In
short, aptitude test is done to find out whether the candidate will be able to do
a specific job or not.

1. Vocational aptitude tests. This test helps to understand the adaptability of the
candidates for the job allocated to them. How much they are receptive
towards the job is measured through it.

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2. Logical aptitude tests. The candidate applying their own mind and ideas to
make their work perfect and interesting is called their logical capacity and


What is applicant/employee background check? A background check is a
way to learn detailed information about a potential employee’s history. Although
you may be able to gain some insight from the applicant’s resume, and they may
even divulge some personal information during their interview, a professional
background check goes into detail about the candidate’s background. It gives
you information regarding their past, which will help you make an informed
decision when it comes down to the hiring decision.

Employment History / Verification. While a job candidate will likely disclose

their past work experience on their resume and job application, conducting a
background check that includes employment verification allows you to be sure
they have the experience they claim to have. This includes checking their past
job titles, timeframe of employment, salaries, and more. It is important that you
are hiring the best person for the position, and false experience just won’t do the

Credit Checks or Credit History. While credit checks do in fact check credit,
they also cover a lot of personal information including present and past
addresses and social security number, as well as any present or past debts,
payments, and late payments. Doing a background check that includes a credit
check helps you feel confident about the person you’re hiring if he/she is truthful
and responsible.

Criminal Records. This one is pretty straight forward regarding the background:
you will want to do a criminal background check to ensure the individual you are
hiring won’t be a danger to your company or to other employees. It is important to
consider the type of offense that was committed, as well as the time that has
passed since the incident. The NBI clearance is the best help to assist us about
the criminal record.

 Other specific background examples which require and worth verifying;

 Education history (high school, university, etc.) because diplomas and other
certificates can be forge here in Manila.
 Social media profiles are used to fool people and earn money from them.
Verification is necessary
 Driving record like education history and medical records can be forged and
made as if authentic, that is why it needs to be verified. Sometimes,
applicants transact with fly-by-night clinics and unlicensed doctors


A job interview is a conversation which occurs between a potential employer and
a job applicant. During the job interview, the employer has the opportunity to
appraise applicant’s qualifications, appearance and general fitness for the job
opening. In parallel the applicant tries to learn more about the position, to
appraise the employer and to find out if your needs and interests will be met.
Think of the interview as a conversation between two people where each person
is trying to learn more about the other. The interview process is a two-way street.
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You are traveling toward a goal—the right job and the employer is traveling
toward a goal—the right hire.


The main purpose of a job interview is from an employer’s perspective to get an
insight into your personality, competencies, capabilities and achievements. From
your perspective, apart from the obvious opportunity in regards a new position, it
also provides you with an opportunity to assess whether your career goals tie in
with what the company is offering.

It also provides you with an opportunity to ascertain whether you really want the
job and whether you possess the required skillsets to fulfil the requirements of
the position. Importantly, the two-way interaction gives you a good indication of
the company’s culture and whether or not you feel that you will fit in.

The purpose of a job interview is to determine if the applicant in front of you is

qualified for the position for which he or she is applying, and if the individual
would be a good fit for your company.

TYPES OF JOB INTERVIEWS. Before you go on your interview, you should

realize that there are several common types of job interviews. In this chapter,
we wilI be discussing the three of the most common types of job interviews.

1. Traditional One on One Job Interview.

This is where you are interviewed by one representative of the company,
most likely the manager of the position you are applying for. Because you
will be working with this person directly if you get the job, the manager will
want to get a feel for who you are and if your skills match those of the job
requirements. This is the scenario you’ll face most often: You sit down
with a solo interviewer and answer a series of questions designed to help
her figure out if you’re a great candidate for the job. Before the pandemic,
it is a face to face encounter, but durtheing se days of pandemic, this may
be done via zoom, google meet, viber or skype.

2. Panel Interview. In a panel interview, you will be interviewed by a panel

of interviewers which may consist of different representatives of the
company such as human resources, management, and employees. This is
conducted to save time or to get the collective opinion of panel regarding
the candidate.

3. Group Interview. Many times companies will conduct a group interview

to quickly pre-screen candidates for the job opening as well as to give the
candidates the chance to quickly learn about the company to see if they
want to work there. Many times, a group interview will begin with a short
presentation about the company. After that, they may speak to each
candidate individually and ask them a few questions.

No matter what type of job interview you go on, always do your best to prepare
for it the best you can ahead of time so you can do your best and show them the
best of who you are. Here are some of the other types of interviews:

 The Phone Interview. A call is typically a first-round screening to see if

you’re a fit to come in for a full interview, so nailing it is the key. You’ll
want to prepare just as you would for an in-person interview, with some
key adjustments for the phone format.
Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management
 The Video Interview. Video interviews take the phone-screening
interview to the next level, and they’re becoming a regular part of the job
application process for many companies. From choosing the right on-
screen look to making sure all of your tech systems are a go, you’ll want to
be 100% ready.

 The Lunch Interview. Has your potential employer suggested an

interview over a meal? That’s a good sign—it usually means she wants to
learn a little more about you and how you act outside of the office. We’ll
show how to highlight your strengths and accomplishments while trying to
maneuver a mouthful of food of your choice.

 The Group Interview. Group interviews aren’t common, but you might
find them for sales roles, internships, or other positions in which the
company is hiring multiple people for the same job. How do you catch the
hiring manager’s eye when you are part of the group? It takes a little gusto
and a few smart tactics.

 The Working Interview. In some industries—writing, engineering, or

even sales—you may be asked to complete an actual job task as part of
the interview. Basically, your interviewers don’t want you to tell them you
can do the job, they want to see it.

 The Career Fair Interview. If you’re attending career fairs as part of your
job hunt, get ready for impromptu interviews, where you’ll only have 10 or
15 minutes to sell yourself to the recruiter for a chance to come in for a full
interview (done in schools/universities or a bigger venue where there are
more companies present, who are in need of manpower.


STAGE 1: Introduction
Lasting approximately two to three minutes, you are meeting the interviewers and
being escorted to the interview room. It is essential that you start strong, offering
a firm handshake, standing confidently, and making good eye contact. Some
reports indicate that employers will make their decision to hire a candidate within
the first 30 seconds of the interview! Employers may take the time to share
information about their organization. Feel free to jot down notes to remember key
points for future reference.


The longest portion of the interview, is when the employer asks you questions
and listens to your responses. The interview is a 30-minute screening interview,
or typically about 20 minutes long.

STAGE 3: Your Questions

The employer will ask if you have any questions. This is your chance to
demonstrate your knowledge of the organization by asking thoughtful questions.
Always come prepared! Bring at least three questions, but also feel free to modify
them based on the information you learn during the interview. Be sure to make
notes as the interviewer answers your questions.

STAGE 4: Closing
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During the last few minutes, take the time to end on a positive note. Reiterate
your interest in the position and gather business cards from everyone present.
Be sure to thank them for the invitation to interview and offer a firm handshake
while making good eye contact.


There are ten (10 ) most common interview questions being asked to applicants and
the content of your supposed answer are given here below as your tips so that you
will be prepared just in case you encounter these questions.

1. Tell Me About Your Self. This is one of the first questions you are likely to be
asked. Interviewers will likely start out with a question about yourself and your
background to get to know you. Be prepared to talk about yourself. You can start
with your name, share some of your personal interest and experiences, such as your
hobby or a brief account of where you grew up, your education and what motives

2. Why do you want this job? This question is an opportunity to show the
interviewer what you have to offer the company, and what you would achieve if you
got the job. Demonstrate the skills you have to be successful in this role as well as
your potential to bring a new perspective to the business.

3. Why should we hire you? Interviewers often ask this question as a way to
determine whether or not you took the time to research the company’s need and to
learn why you see yourself as a good fit. This is a good time to review the
qualification and requirements in this job listing, so you can craft a response that
aligns with what the interviewer is looking for. Interviewers want to know what you
can offer and this is an opportunity to explain why you are the best candidate.
Employers often ask this question to identify why you might be more qualified
applicant than other candidates they are interviewing.

4. What is your greatest strength? This question gives you an opportunity to talk
about both your technical and soft skills When you are answering this question
remember to “show” rather than “tell”.

5. What is your greatest weakness? It can feel awkward to discuss your

weaknesses in an environment where you’re expected to focus on your
accomplishments. However, when answered correctly, sharing your weaknesses can
show that you are self-aware and want to continuously get better at your job—traits
that are extremely attractive to many employers. This question is an opportunity to
show the hiring manager that you are well qualified for the job because the manager
wants to know whether you can take on challenges and learn new tasks.

6. Why do you want to leave/have left your job? Be prepared with a response to
this question. You’ll need to give an answer that’s honest and reflects your specific
circumstances but keeps it positive.

7. What are your salary expectations? Questions about money are always tricky
to answer.

8. How do you handle stress and pressure? The best way to respond to this
question is to share an example on how you have successfully handled stress.

Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management
9. State a difficult work situation or project and how you handle it. Employers
ask this question to gauge your level of self-awareness and ensure your sources of
motivation align with the role. There is no right or wrong answer in this question. How
you react will show the hiring manager your work style and how you manage issues.

10. What are your goals for the future? Understanding how you imagine your life
in the future can help employers understand whether the role and company fits in
with your personal development goals. Keep your answer focused on the job and the
company, and reiterate to the interviewer that the position aligns with your long-term


Placement is a process of assigning a specific job to each of the selected candidates.
It involves assigning a specific rank and responsibility to an individual. It implies
matching the requirements of a job with the qualifications of the candidate. It may
involve a new job or different job.

Job placement may also be a service for finding a suitable job for someone,
especially a temporary job for a student or unemployed person.


A. Human Resource Development; Its roles?

Human resources development refers to an organization's focus on improving the
knowledge, ability, skills, and other talents of their employees. Companies that care
about the success of their employees and want to improve company performance
recognize this is done by the skills of employees and will be willing to spend time and
money on the growth and development of their employees.

What Is the Function of Human Resource Development? -The function of human

resource development is to improve performance and ability. While employees are
often expected to know a certain amount about their jobs or have a specific degree or
level of education upon hire, much of what an employee learns about their job is
developed over the course of doing the job. This development includes specific
organizational knowledge or job-specific duties that are not necessarily taught in the

Regardless of the form the development takes, it functions as a means to improve the
overall performance and ability of employees in the jobs they are doing and in future
positions. Human resource development can function to improve performance or
individual abilities in an area in which an employee is weak (such as management
skills or accounting practices). It can also function to teach an employee about an
area in which the employee has had no prior experience, such as when transitioning
from one role into a different role (i.e., cross-training).

B. Role of Human Resource Development:

 Human Resource Development reinforce the executive skills by people aware
about their skills required for job performance and by outlining performance
•It uploads career planning and ensure all around growth of employees.
•It makes utilization of manpower by employing right man to a right job at the right
•It is two ways process and establishes congenital growth of employees.
Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management
•It is action oriented. Employee’s contributions are rewarded handsomely.
•It facilitates human resource planning and control by maintaining update data about
the manpower for present and future use.
•It fights resistance to changes and employees become accommodating and willing to
accept the change.

HR development may also function to help an organization conform to government

regulations or guidelines by training employees on relevant laws or regulations for
which they are responsible. It may also take the form of professional development by
educating in specific areas or fields.

C. Manpower training; Employee training; Benefits of training

Employee Training: Meaning, Need and Importance. Training is concerned with
increasing the knowledge and skills of employees for doing specific jobs, and
development involves the growth of employees in all aspects.

Manpower Training is an activity which aims to improve and develop the attitudes,
behavior skills, and knowledge of employees in accordance with the wishes of the
company. Thus, training is meant training in the broad sense, not limited only to
develop skills solely.

Meaning of Training: “Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of
an employee for doing a particular job.” — Edwin B. Flippo

Training is an organized activity for increasing the technical skills of the employees to
enable them to do particular jobs efficiently. In other words, training provides the
workers with facility to gain technical knowledge and to learn new skills to do specific
jobs. Training is equally important for the existing as well as the new employees. It
enables the new employees to get acquainted with their jobs and also increase the
job-related knowledge and skills.

The need for training of employees arises due to the following factors:
(i) Higher Productivity: It is essential to increase productivity and reduce cost of
production for meeting competition in the market. Effective training can help increase
productivity of workers by imparting the required skills.

(ii) Quality Improvement: The customers have become quality conscious and their
requirement keep on changing. To satisfy the customers, quality of products must be
continuously improved through training of workers.

(iii) Reduction of Learning Time: Systematic training through trained instructors is

essential to reduce the training period. If the workers learn through trial and error,
they will take a longer time and even may not be able to learn right methods of doing

(iv) Industrial Safety: Trained workers can handle the machines safely. They also
know the use of various safety devices in the factory. Thus, they are less prone to
industrial accidents.

(iv) Reduction of Turnover and Absenteeism: Training creates a feeling of

confidence in the minds of the workers. It gives them a security at the workplace. As
a result,turnover and absenteeism rates are reduced.

(vi) Technology Update: Technology is changing at a fast pace. The workers must
learn new techniques to make use of advance technology. Thus, training should be

Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management
treated as a continuous process to update the employees in the new methods and

(vii) Effective Management: Training can be used as an effective tool of planning

and control. It develops skills among workers and prepares them for handling present
and future jobs. It helps in reducing the costs of supervision, wastages and industrial
accidents. It also helps increase productivity and quality which are the cherished
goals of any modern organization.

7 Benefits of Training Employees for an Organization

Some of the benefits of training employees for an organization are as follows:

(i) Economy in Operations: Trained personnel will be able to make better and
economical use of materials and equipment’s. Wastage will be low.

In addition, the rate of accidents and damage to machinery and equipment will be
kept to the minimum by the well- trained employees. These will lead to less cost of
production per unit.

(ii) Greater Productivity: A well trained employee usually shows greater productivity
and higher quality of work-output than an untrained employee. Training increases the
skills of the employees in the performance of a particular job. An increase in the skills
usually helps to increase both quantity and quality of output.

(iii) Uniformity of Procedures: With the help of training, the best available methods
of work can be standardized and made available to all employees. Standardization
will make high levels of performance rule rather than the exception.

(iv) Less Supervision: If the employees are given proper training, the responsibility
of supervision is lessened. Training does not eliminate the need for supervision, but it
reduces the need for detailed and constant supervision.

(v) Systematic Imparting of Skills: A systematic training programme helps to

reduce the learning time to reach the acceptable level of performance. The
employees need not learn by trial and error or by observing others and waste time if
the formal training programme exists in the organization.

(vi) Creation of Inventory of Skills: When totally new skills are required by an
organization, it has to face great difficulties in employment. Training can be used in
spotting out promising men and in removing defects in the selection process. It is
better to select and train employees from within the organization rather than seek the
skilled employees from outside sources.

(vii) Higher Morale: The morale of employees is increase if they are given proper
training. A good training programme will mould employees’ attitude to achieve
support for organisational activities and to obtain greater cooperation and loyalty.
With the help of training, dissatisfaction, complaints, absenteeism and turnover can
be reduced among the employees.

D. Steps in Training Process and Development Process

Step # 1. Identifying Training Needs: Training need is a difference between

standard performance and actual performance. Hence, it tries to bridge the gap
between standard performance and actual performance. The gap clearly underlines
Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management
the need for training of employees. Hence, under this phase, the gap is identified in
order to assess the training needs.

Step # 2. Establish Specific Objectives: After the identification of training needs,

the most crucial task is to determine the objectives of training. Hence, the primary
purpose of training should focus to bridge the gap between standard performance
and actual performance. This can be done through setting training objectives. Thus,
basic objective of training is to bring proper match between man and the job.

Step # 3. Select Appropriate Methods: Training methods are desired means of

attaining training objectives. After the determination of training needs and
specification of objectives, an appropriate training method is to be identified and
selected to achieve the stated objectives. There are number of training methods
available but their suitability is judged as per the need of organizational training

Step # 4. Implement Programs: After the selection of an appropriate method, the

actual functioning takes place. Under this step, the prepared plans and programs are
implemented to get the desired output. Under it, employees are trained to develop for
better performance of organizational activities.

Step # 5. Evaluate Program: It consists of an evaluation of various aspects of

training in order to know whether the training program was effective. In other words, it
refers to the training utility in terms of effect of training on employees’ performance.

Step # 6. Feedback: Finally, a feedback mechanism is created in order to identify the

weak areas in the training program and improve the same in future. For this purpose,
information relating to class room, food, lodging etc., are obtained from participants.
The obtained information, then, evaluated, and analyzed in order to mark weak areas
of training programs and for future improvements.

A Training Process involves the following steps:

1. Assessment of Training Needs: -Before training someone, it obviously makes

sense to know whether the person really requires training and if so, what the training
should achieve. Training, therefore, traditionally starts with determining what training
is required. How you analyse training needs depends on whether you’re training new
or current employees.

The main task in analysing new employees’ training needs is to determine what the
job entails and to break it down into subtasks, each of which you then teach to the
new employees. Analysing current employee’s needs can be more complex, since
you have the added task of deciding whether training is the solution.

2. Preparing the Training Programme: The second step after determining the
training needs in the training process, is to prepare the training programme for
meeting these needs.

The training programme should be such that it should address the following issues:
a. Type of trainees both new and old

b. Type of training material that is required

c. Resource person who will provide training

Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management
d. Duration of the training programme

e. Method of training.

3. Preparing the Learners: It is necessary that the trainees who are going to attend
the training programme should be well-prepared for the program. If they are not
prepared, they will not take interest in learning the important aspects of the training
programme. Therefore, there should be preparation for the learners so that they may
derive maximum benefit out of the training programme.

4. Implementing Training Programme: This is the action phase of the training

programme. In this phase, the trainer demonstrates and illustrates the new methods
and knowledge to the learners. The learners at this stage are exposed to the various
training activities. The key points are stressed upon and one point is explained at one
time for making the training an effective learning experience for the employees.

Audio-visual aids are used to demonstrate and illustrate and the trainer encourages
the trainees for questions in order to maintain the interest of the learners in the
training programme.

5. Performance Try Out: In this stage, the trainee is asked to perform the job
several times, slowly. The mistakes of the trainees are corrected and if necessary,
the complicated and difficult aspects are explained again.

6. Evaluation of the Training Programme: Evaluation of training is an attempt to

obtain information (feedback) on the effects of a training programme and to access
the value of the training in light of that information. While organisations may be
devoting a lot of money and efforts towards designing and conducting training
programmes, due attention is often not paid to the evaluation part. This may be
vested in the belief that measurement of effectiveness of training, if not impossible, is

E. Training Methods. Refers to a way or technique for improving knowledge and

skills of an employee for doing assigned jobs perfectively. The organization has to
consider the nature of the job, size of the organization & workers, types of workers
and cost for selecting a training method.

Different types of the Training method.

1. On-the-job training or internal training

- Apprenticeship programs. - Temporary promotions.

- Job instruction training (JIT). - Committees and junior
- Planned progression. boards.
- Job rotation. - Coaching.
- Creation of assistant – to

2. Off-the-job training or external training

- Lectures. - Reading, television & video
- Straight lecture. instructions.
- Discussion method. - Business Simulation.
- Demonstrations. - Cases presentation.
- Seminars and conferences. - Equipment simulators.
Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management
- Business games. - Vestibule training.
- Experimental exercise. - Sensitivity Training (T-
- Role-playing. groups).
- Behavior Modeling. - Computer-based training.
- Computer modeling.

F. Manpower development now commonly referred to as human resource

development, is an ongoing process that analyzes, forecast and projects an
organization’s future manpower requirements. In other words, manpower
development focuses on such issues as whether the organization is ready to
compensate for the loss of experience from retiring employees and if employees are
adequately prepared to implement organizational change with their skills as a result
of the experience they have gained from their various higher institutions. Manpower
development is a process that seeks to optimize an organization’s usage of its human
resources. It requires an integrated approach that addresses multidimensional
aspects of employees, ranging from enhancing technical and interpersonal skills to
creative thinking and leadership.

The objective of human resource manpower development is to provide a

framework for employees to develop their competencies necessary for individual and
organizational efficiency and productivity as well as career growth. The employer is
responsible for devising programs geared toward an employee's career development
and job skills acquisition after employment through training, performance
management and organization development. Manpower development is typically a
part of the organization's human resource strategy and aims to maximize human
capital potential so as to attain strategic business objectives.


1. Analyzing Organizational Objectives. The objective to be achieved in future

in various fields such as production, marketing, finance, expansion, and sales gives
the idea about the work to be done in the organization.

2. Inventory of Present Human Resources. From the updated human

resource information storage sys-tem, the current number of employees, their
capacity, perfor-mance and potential can be analyzed. To fill the various job
requirements, the internal sources (i.e., employees from within the organization)
and external sources can be estimated.

3. Forecasting Demand and Supply of Human Resource. The human

resources required at different positions according to their job profile are to be
estimated. The available internal and external sources to fulfill those requirements
are also measured. There should be proper matching of job description and job
specification of one work, and the pro-file of the person should be suitable to it.

4. Estimating Manpower Gaps. Comparison of human resource demand and

human resource supply will provide with the surplus or deficit of human resource.
Deficit represents the number of people to be employed, whereas surplus
represents termination. Extensive use of proper training and development
programmed can be done to upgrade the skills of employees.

5. Formulating the Human Resource Action Plan. The human resource plan
depends on whether there is deficit or surplus in the organization. Accord-ingly, the
plan may be finalized either for new recruitment, training, interdepartmental transfer
Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management
in case of deficit of termination, or voluntary retirement schemes and redeployment
in case of surplus.

6. Monitoring, Control and Feedback. It mainly involves implementation of the

human resource action plan. Human resources are allocated according to the
requirements, and inventories are updated over a period. The plan is monitored
strictly to identify the deficiencies and remove it. Comparison between the human
resource plan and its actual implementation is done to ensure the appropriate
action and the availability of the required number of employees for various jobs.

G. EMPLOYEE TRAINING Is the process for providing required skills to the

employee for doing the job effectively, skillfully and qualitatively. Training of
employees is not continuous, but it is periodical and given in specified time.
Generally training will be given by an expert or professional in related field or job.


 Keep up with industry changes  Grabs in new talent
 An opportunity to learn  Self-confidence


 Increased stress  Lost of interest
 Too much of theory  Leave for new job

General Benefits from Employee Training and Development

 Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees.
 Increased employee motivation.
 Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain.
 Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods.
 Increased innovation in strategies and products.
The best types of employee training methods for your workforce may include:
 Instructor- led training- is the practice of training and learning material between
an instructor and learners, either individuals or groups.
• e-Learning- e-learning is conducted via electronic media, typically on the
• Simulation employee training - is the creation of a true-to-life learning
environment that mirrors real-life work and scenarios.
•Hands-on training – is a direct practical experience in the operation or
functioning of a skill or task and involves active participation by an
•Coaching or mentoring - is more focused on creating an informal
• Lectures - an educational talk to an audience, especially to your employees.
• Group discussion and activities - is a group of individuals, typically who
share a similar interest, who gather either formally or informally to discuss
ideas, solve problems, or make comments.
• Role-playing- is a learning structure that allows students to immediately apply
content as they are put in the role of a decision maker who must decide
regarding a policy, resource allocation, or some other outcome

Different types of the Training method.

Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management
 On-the-job training or internal training. This method must be applied on
proper place while the trainee is working. It is very essential for a worker to be trained
well so they could develop their skills and to know how to develop an organization.

 Apprenticeship program is a system for training a new generation of

practitioners of a trade or profession with on-the-job training and often some
accompanying study (classroom work and reading). Apprenticeships can also
enable practitioners to gain a license to practice in a regulated profession. an
arrangement in which someone learns an art, trade, or job under another

 Job instruction training (JIT) JIT consists of four basic steps. Preparing the
trainees by telling them about the job and overcoming their uncertainties; presenting
the instruction, giving essential information in a clear manner; having the trainees try
out the job to demonstrate their understanding; and placing the workers into the job,
on their own, with a designated resource person, who is ready to provide the required

 Planned progression. Planned progression it's giving the employee the idea of
the right path for development. Also, they must know and have the requirements of
being advance and having a dedication for achievement.

 Job rotation. Job rotation it helps employee to increase their knowledge to

every kind of work. Also, in incase that there is some vacancy all the employees are
capable to replace the vacant position. Especially if the vacant position was the
managerial position

 Creation of assistance. Creation of assistance this some kind of method where

employee who were undergo for a training are going to be guided by the superior that
has a more experience and capable to guide and give an assistance to the one who
needed it. Until they were become independent and capable of doing things by

 Temporary promotions. Temporary promotions is when the manager wasn't

around there are someone that going to replace its position and to take all the
responsibility that the real Manager used to do. Also doing this thing can also help to
be trained well managerial.

 Committee and junior board. Committee and junior board it are giving
privileged to the trainee to be close and to interact with the experience manager so
they could have some experience too. Also, its aim is to help a managerial trainee to
be aware in the different kind of issue and some things regarding in the whole
organization. And trainee must submit their reports to board to demonstrate their
analytical and conceptual abilities.

 Coaching. Coaching is training the trainee not also be trained well but also to
build their confidence and their good relationship between the superior who used to
train them. In coaching a subordinate, the superior required to have patience and
wisdom. And must delegate their authority.

Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management

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