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The Role of Risk Assessment in Engineering Practice

Conference Paper · April 2013


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Mobayode O. Akinsolu



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Business, Enterprise and Practice 12th Research Seminar Series Workshop

The Role of Risk Assessment in Engineering Practice

Mobayode Olusola Akinsolu
School of Engineering, Design and Technology
University of Bradford

Abstract-This paper examines the central role of risk quantitative, semi-quantitative and qualitative attributes
assessment as a vital routine in Engineering Practice. Risk of risks. This progressive study portrayed the wholeness
assessment is the determination of the measure and value of and objectivity of risk assessment in the implementation
risk related to an existing situation and a known threat. of engineering policies, programmes and projects. [4]
Engineering Practice involves the application of the
principles of physical and social sciences to the design,
It is good to note that risk assessment is not limited to
development and implementation of projects, programmes the theory and practice of engineering. It has a foothold in
and policies, which have important implications in the medical, hospital, food, chemical and bio-medical
cultural and ethical traditions of various host communities. industries. However, it is often carried out in a more
These projects, programmes and policies can be faced with complex way in the disciplines of Risk Engineering,
the constraints of scope, cost, time and quality. There is, Safety Engineering and Reliability Engineering where
therefore, the need for a thorough iterative conduct of risk threats to life, environment and machine functioning are
assessment at the design, planning, monitoring and ascertained and dealt with. One major task risk
execution stages of engineering projects, programmes and assessment performs in engineering practice is the
measurement and assignment of values to the two
All through history and in recent times, many lives have variables that revolve round engineering risks –
been lost, properties destroyed and insolvencies have been probability of occurrence and potential consequence or
created in numerous engineering organisations owing to impact. [6]
failed projects, programmes and policies that led to This paper examines the concept of risk in engineering
avoidable disasters. If only risk assessment had been and its definition in the first two sections. An overview of
routinely utilised in the design, development and risk assessment process, tools and techniques and the
implementation of these projects, programmes and policies, organisational perspectives for the conduct of risk
likely loss or injury to people and properties would have assessment are depicted in the subsequent sections. On
been identified, analysed, qualified, quantified and mitigated
if not totally eliminated.
the whole, the benefits, opportunities and challenges
associated with an effective and efficient conduct of risk
Keywords: Engineering, Risk, Risk Assessment assessment in engineering practice are highlighted and
Owing to complexity in structure and nature, In engineering practice, risk is the tendency that a
engineering practice has been described to be fickle, chosen line of action and or the choice of inaction will
unpredictable, volatile and fraught with risks [1]. Many lead to a deviation from a desired outcome or result. In
professional bodies such as International Organisation for other words, risk in engineering practice arises as a result
Standardisation (ISO), Committee of Sponsoring of uncertainties in the environment, security, cost, quality
Organisations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) and and timeframe of engineering policies, programmes and
Project Management Institute (PMI) have identified risk projects. Therefore it can be said that an essential element
assessment to be a specialised process embedded in the of risk in engineering practice is uncertainty – the fact
framework of good management practice [2], [3], [4]. that engineers can’t tell exactly the failures that may
Risk assessment is not only considered as a managerial likely occur, when, where and how the failures will occur
procedure, but it is also viewed as a crucial independent [7]. Evidently, these uncertainties prove the probabilistic
discipline in engineering. While this proves to be true, the nature of engineering risks. The concept of risk in
Royal Academy of Engineering generated a clearer engineering practice further combines the chance for
synopsis of risk assessment being a process and a failures with the consequences caused by the failures.
discipline in the second in a series of reports on managing Therefore, the assessment of risk in engineering practice
engineering risks produced by working groups of involves both probabilities and consequences. This
professionals [5]. relationship can be represented mathematically in
Of course, recent times have experienced increased equation (1) below.
attention and focus on risk assessment. It has become R = ƒ (Pm, Cm) (1)
increasingly clear that the need for a holistic framework Where R is the risk linked with event ‘m’, Pm is the
to effectively identify, assess, and efficiently manage risk probability of event ‘m’ occurring and Cm is the
is a crux in the practice of engineering. Though risk consequence of event ‘m’ occurring. The above
assessment has always been associated with mathematical mathematical representation depicts that risk is a direct
models and analytical tools, a qualitative approach was function of the probability of an event occurring and the
underscored by PMI. PMI studied and showcased the consequence associated with the occurrence of such event

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University of Bradford
12th Research Seminar Series Workshop Business, Enterprise and Practice

At the risk of repetition, the development and Risk Description

implementation of engineering policies, programmes and
projects is subject to constraints. These constraints have
associated levels of uncertainties which depict risks from Risk Identification
a theoretical point of view. Thus, the scope of risk
assessment represents a range within which these risks
are controlled and kept at a greater confidence level Risk Estimation
acceptable in good engineering practice. Fig. 1 shows the
quintuple constraints and their associated level of
uncertainties that present risks in engineering practice. Risk Evaluation

Risk Response Plan


Implementation and Closure

Fig. 2 Process Stages involved in the Conduct of Risk Assessment

The discipline of risk assessment primarily focuses

upon the qualification and quantification of the risks
related to a spectrum of negative consequences in general
practice. However, risk engineering as a subject addresses
Fig. 1 Quintuple Constraints and Associated Risks [8] the broader topic that includes the positive as well as
negative consequences [7]. As slightly addressed in the
introduction, risk assessment used to be a measure of only
Where K and K+1 phase lines depict the the quantitative value of risks, but critics expressed
implementation progress, they also represent the balanced concerns that this approach to risk assessment tends to be
state of policies, programmes and projects development. overly quantitative and reductive. They argued that risk
Resulting from a thorough conduct of risk assessment, the assessments ignored qualitative differences among risks
status quo of implementation at a subsequent phase is by dropping out important non-quantifiable information
presented as risk lines, and the sections between each two [6]. However, risk assessment currently involves a
risk lines show the state an engineering task can achieve holistic study of risks in which assumptions and
in the face of risks. As exemplified in fig. 1 the shaded uncertainties are clearly defined, identified, considered
area is called risk status area. [8] and presented in their qualitative, semi-quantitative and
III. DEFINITION OF RISK ASSESSMENT quantitative measures [4].
Risks constitute a part of all efforts in engineering IV. OVERVIEW OF RISK ASSESSMENT PROCESS, TOOLS
practice. This is why a thorough understanding of risks, AND TECHNIQUES
its cause and impacts is pertinent for success in In a view to highlight the definitive role of risk
engineering practice. Risk assessment is not an add-on to assessment in engineering practice, a tabulated summary
mainstream operating activities in the development and of the process stages, tools and techniques that can be
implementation of engineering tasks. Rather, it is an employed for the effective and efficient conduct of risk
iterative process that must be continuously employed and assessment in any engineering context is given in table 1.
embedded in ongoing functions and operations in The process stages have been defined to be iterative as
engineering practice [5]. Fig. 2 shows an iterative indicated in fig. 2. Table 1 is a guide developed for a
structure following a sequential order in the conduct of standard conduct of risk assessment by the Office of
risk assessment. It will be observed that it is the review Government Commerce (OGC), United Kingdom [9].
stage captured in the decision (diamond) block that Obviously, there are no simple rules for determining
triggers the iteration in this approach to risk assessment. which tool and technique should be used in a given
Though there are no simple rules for determining which situation while carrying out risk assessment. Nonetheless,
algorithm should be used in a given situation, Fig. 2 the tools and techniques associated with the process
provides an approach to a well structured conduct of risk stages of risk assessment must be utilised appropriately
assessment [9]. and religiously. While there are many more tools and
techniques available for the good conduct of risk
assessment not listed in the summary given in table 1, the
table in itself provides a workable framework in
evaluating approaches to assessing risks in the
development and implementation of policies,

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programmes and projects in engineering practice. Owing

to the scope of this paper, table 1 will not be discussed. A. Policy Perspective
However, a full description of the risk assessment This is an organisational perspective that is concerned
process, tools and techniques is given in the available with ensuring overall business success, vitality and
guide developed by OGC for Risk Management. [9], [10] viability. It acts by creating a platform for the assessment
V. RISK ASSESSMENT AND ORGANISATIONAL of risks across all the tiers of the organisation and plays a
PERSPECTIVES key role in the execution, development and
As stated earlier, engineering practice is characterised implementation of remediation. The policy perspective
with a very strong matrix of functions and operations. also establishes a chain of communication between all
These functions and operations are clearly stated, other organisational perspectives. Typical areas of risks
sometimes described in organisational charts. Though within the policy perspective are competition, acquisition,
organisational charts present a well structured view of an legislation or regulation and reputation. All engineering
organisation, the complexity of functionalities which organisations are faced with uncertainties arising from
varies within the organisation leaves a labyrinth. more or less competition, acquisitions of skill
However, four clear perspectives with associated degrees development, emergence of new technologies and
of risks are always present at various levels within every mergers, changes to legislations or regulations having
engineering organisation. These perspectives provide the financial impact and disasters (fire, flood, acts of
basis for estimating and evaluating the consequence and terrorism and subsidence) that affects reputation. [9], [11]
likelihood of risks within the organisation. These B. Programme Perspective
perspectives are discussed as follows: Programme perspective is contextual with the
alignment of groups of related projects to the
RISK ASSESSMENT PROCESS STAGES AND THE CORRESPONDING organisation’s business strategy. It outlines the
TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES [10] management of these projects in a coordinated way to
Process Stage Tools and Techniques
obtain optimal benefits and maximum control.
Stakeholder analysis Programme perspective sets the course for the assessment
PESTLE analysis of risks within the organisational programmes, projects
Identification –
SWOT analysis and operational activities that constitute the various
Horizon scanning programmes. In other words, the programme perspective
Defining the probability impact matrix
tells on the project perspective, operational perspective
Historical information
Prompt list and vice versa. [1], [9]
Cause and effect diagrams C. Project Perspective
Grouping techniques, including As the name implies, project perspective sets the scene
brainstorming, nominal group technique for the assessment of risks within concerns associated
Identification –
and Delphi technique
Risks with delivering defined outputs to an appropriate level of
Individual interviews quality within agreed scope, time and cost constraints. In
Assumptions analysis other words, it is the nucleus for identification and
Constraints analysis estimation of the risk factors associated with the delivery
Risk Descriptions
Probability assessment
of a project. It puts into consideration such things as
Impact assessment stakeholders, dependencies, timelines, cost, and other key
Proximity assessment considerations. Typical areas of risk within the project
Expected value assessment perspective are requirements, deliverables, skills,
Summary risk profiles resources and quality. [4], [9]
Summary expected value assessment
Evaluation Probabilistic risk models D. Operational Perspective
Probability trees Project managers and coordinators have always argued
Sensitivity analysis that operational perspective within the organisation
Risk Response Planning should be streamlined to the project perspective. While
Response Plan Cost-benefit analysis
this may be good and functional in certain contexts, it
Decision trees
Management meetings
will be illogical since projects are temporary endeavours
Review limited by resources and time. Depictions of the various
Internal and External auditing
Update summary risk profiles lines of authority in every enterprise proves operational
Implementation and
Risk Exposure trends perspective to be a core in the conduct of all business
Update probabilistic models activities, that is, operational perspective is wider than
project perspective. It is premised on the daily
maintenance improvement and correction of appropriate
levels of business services to customers and the general
public. Operational perspective sets the scene for the
assessment of risks within particular operational and
functional areas in the organisation. [1], [9], [12]
Effective and efficient risk assessment ought to begin
and end with specific business objectives anchored in

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University of Bradford
12th Research Seminar Series Workshop Business, Enterprise and Practice

beneficial perspectives defined by management. Based on

the clear interrelationships that exist between the different
organisational perspectives and their associated risks, a
thorough understanding and assessment of the risks
associated with the perspectives of every engineering
organisation is imperative for progress and success. Fig. 3
is a modified diagrammatic representation of
interrelationships between organisational perspectives
developed by the Office of Government Commerce
(OGC), United Kingdom for the assessment of risk. [9]

Policy Perspective -

Fig. 4 Plot of Risk Assessment Investment against Risk Threats and

Losses [8]

Programme Operational PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and OGC both

Perspective -Risks Perspective -Risks identified risk assessment as the only applicable and
practical tool that can be used to measure an
organisation’s ability to achieve its objectives. They also
suggested that risk assessment forms the cornerstone of
effective and efficient management programmes by
providing a clear guidance to the organisation in making
informed decisions. Suffice it to say that risk assessment
Project Perspective - ensures the alignment and achievement of organisational
Risks objectives by facilitating continual improvement and
reducing negative surprises within the various
perspectives of the organisation. [1], [9]
Fig. 3 Interrelationships between different Organisational The proper conduct of risk assessment in engineering
Perspectives [9]
practice is capital intensive and many organisations are
Using Fig. 4 Yunna Wu, Yong Huang and Kai Xiong not willing to invest in it. Nitin Nayak and Rama
established that increased investment in risk assessment Akkiraju of IBM agreed jointly that lack of expertise,
will result to a clear decrease in the measure of bureaucracy and data access restrictions are also some of
uncertainties and risks generated by constraints inherent the many challenges in the conduct of risk assessment in
in the development and implementation of engineering organisations. They inferred based on their personal
policies, programmes and projects. They also suggested experiences and observations that the limitation of risks
that since the proper conduct of risk assessment and risk assessment to functional silos such as
juxtaposes historical information and real-time production, supply and finance within organisations poses
information in every engineering organisation, a good to a challenge. [13]
risk assessment will always reflect the organisation’s No doubt, the benefits and opportunities of risk
status quo objectively creating a basis for improvement. assessment in the development and implementation of
In other words, the more time, attention and cost an engineering policies, programmes and projects outweigh
organisation channels towards the proper conduct of risk the challenges. Though risk assessment roles have been
assessment, the more likely the organisation will thrive in well identified in engineering practice through workable
the face of uncertainties and risks. [8] integrated frameworks, much authority and attention still
In Fig. 4, the shaded portion signifies risk losses at needs to be delegated and devoted to the conduct of risk
matching investment level. RCO depicts the least assessment across all organisational perspectives.
investment cost. L-k and L+k denote the scope of risk Cogently, a more holistic and definitive role still needs to
threats and losses (L+k are losses with benefit possibility). be given to risk assessment in the executive and
[8] functional helms of every goal driven engineering
[1] PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) LLP, (2008, December) A
Practical Guide to Risk Assessment*. [Online]. Available:
management/assets/risk_assessment_guide.pdf [Accessed:
02February, 2013].

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[2] Louis Kunimatsu, (2011, October) Risk Management Basics – ISO [7] J. X. Wang and M. L. Roush, What Every Engineer Should Know
31000 Standard. [Online]. Available: About Risk Engineering and Management, W. H. Middendorf, New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 2000.
df [Accessed: 03 February, 2013]. [8] T. Wu, Y. Huang and K. Xiong, “Research on Risk Management
[3] The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Gains of Construction Project Based on the Goal Orientation
Commission, (2004, September) Enterprise Risk Management — Perspective.” Presented at IEEE International Conference on
Integrated Framework [Online]. Available: Quality and Reliability (ICQR), 2011. [Online]. pp. Available: IEEEXplore, DOI: 10.1109/ICQR.2011.6031746 [Accessed:02
[Accessed: 03 February, 2013]. March, 2013]
[4] Project Management Institute, “A Guide to the Project [9] Office of Government Commerce (OGC), Management of Risk:
Management Body of Knowledge” 4th Ed. Pennsylvania, Project Guidance for Practitioners, 3rd Ed. London, TSO (The Stationery
Management Institute, Inc., 2008. Office), 2010.
[5] The Royal Academy of Engineering, (2003) Common [10] E. H. Conrow, Effective Risk Management: Some Keys to Success,
Methodologies for Risk Assessment & Management [Online]. 2nd Ed. Virginnia, American Institute of Aeronautics and
Available: Astronautics, Inc. 2003. [11] SANS Institute (2006) Risk Assessment Policy. [Online]. Available:
ethodologies_for_Risk_Assessment.pdf [Accessed: February,
2013]. resources/policies/Risk_Assessment_Policy.pdf [Accessed 09
[6] Wikimedia Foundation Inc. (2013, February, 22) Risk assessment. February, 2013]
[Online]. Available: [12] K. Heldman, Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide,
[Accessed 03 Feb, 2013]. 5th Ed. Canada, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2009.
[13] N. Nayak and R. Akirraju, “Knowledge Driven Enterprise Risk
Management.” Presented at Service Research and Innovation
Institute Global Conference, 2012. [Online] pp.564-573. Available:
IEEEXplore, DOI: 10.1109/SRII.2012.69 [Accessed: 02 March,

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