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The Power Within

Trust the Power within YOU.. of all the Magic in this world the Power is within ourselves. Keep a Positive aspect on all things and outlooks, NO matter how grim they may seem. Times can be hard and we can always get beyond them in time. Patience is a very important factor and believing all will be ok no matter what. We all go through hard times, but is always someone having it worse. we cant be selfish and just think of ourselves..I have seen so many in difficult situations but yet still give all they have to others and keep them with a positive outlook.. Anything is possible at any giving moment so never cut anything short any possibility of a chance for the better.. a person is only limiting themselves in this process when they do why set a limit?.. Bad things happen just make the best of it till your just not here anymore..never cut yourself that chance of bettering yourself or another or helping with positive insight it never hurts it helps more then anything.. ~Believe in yourself and make it Happen~ This is the site slogan and its stands true by its meaning. you give power to yourself to break beyond ..anything is possible.. Trust yourself.. trust those you believe in, I have seen so many in doubt but at same time look to their Guides or Gods and Goddess.. but if you doubt yourself your doubting them in helping you see the way. you have to give all Positive outlook for yourself. You are the only one who can make that change. you can get all the suggestions and words of help or wisdom you can find..but all boils down to you.. no one can live your life for you. Take control and Know You can make the change. Huggs and peace to all Shadow

Expectations and Appreciation

What do you expect to finally appreciate? And what do you need to appreciate? what is most important and the most valuable to you to appreciate.. Why do so many have such high expectations? When their expectations are not met then they dont appreciate what they have making being happy almost impossible..I see many with bad relationships or hate their jobs or not doing well in school..Things happen and happen for reasons whether is your choice or not..People have to understand when something is beyond their power it is what it is nothing that makes them less at all and some take it this way.."How dare they do this or that?" well that is them it is not your fault all you can do and expect to do is make the best of any situation you can you cannot force things to happen they just have to you can work toward most things but cant force when a situation fails then the best thing to do is except that and move on to make your next step a step forward in continuing progress in your life and future why dwell on something you cant change why let someone who has changed their mind or is a certain way effect you why allow it to reach you and effect and hold you back.. when you are in control of every minute of your life from there when a situation is found to not cannot force another to except a change or ways they dont work well with or comprehend for them what we all want is happiness and the right person or right boss..and in most cases you have to deal with "sub" to what you would like or expect this is not the perfect world we want for ourselves..a Utopia everyone would love this..but you can make your own Utopia move forward till you find all the things you seek but will remind many what is the most valuable to appreciate in life. Its not lots of money. Its not nice cars or the perfect partner..either way without any of these life will move on what you should appreciate is the Sunsets and sunrises and breathing another day anything less then that is your own expectations and Im sure many have very high standards for themselves..maybe they feel they deserve such,, maybe we all do but is not that way for most and alot I have learned from self experience and seen much.. I have seen hard times,, I have seen bad relationships personal or friends..I have seen good and bad jobs.schools,teachers,, all you can do is make the best of whatever situation your in.. Ask yourself what do you want and if your getting it why fight and argue with what you have and not do something different why try to force and continue and unseemingly inevitable situation? Learn to not just except but try to understand that if something doesnt seem right then it probably isnt vhen things are right you will know and will be content but untill then dont let anything stop you dont hold feelings let them go dont ask why? Let it go just is leave at that.. And most of all just try to learn to appreciate everyday your on this Earth and can enjoy the beauty out there everything else is in allot of cases is material or false pretenses and false causes. If it doesnt seem right or vorks out so dont hang onto it only holding yourself back.. Shadow

Tolerance is a word giving for "putting up with" in most cases. Having tolerance for some ones actions or their behavior or how even for large corporation actions or even governments actions for certain things is very general this word tolerance or tolerate.. When is it we tolerate or find tolerance? Where it derives from is within you and your expectations. if someone does something that doesnt suit your way or your expectations you find yourself the one tolerating.. When it is true fact each to their own is a big part of having free will as long as it doesnt interfere with the next when it does interfere with the next (another individual) then it becomes trespassing same as enforcing an idea or a way that may suit you but not them we are all different. We all grew up different lived different raised different some similar but not any are the same. Never think anyone is out to invade or violate..they are who they are by means of their ways of growing up and what they use to at the most good or bad some things have to be worked out but is up to them and them only they can be giving ways to be helped if they want it.. But are allowed to be who they are as long as I say it doesnt interfere with others so much it causes problems or aggravation or negative vibes disrupting their area of persona and beliefs Which is a major problem that stenches over the craft with other religions as with judging and not knowing at same time..that is ignorance that is their fault and no one elses they choose to believe what they will but they should never enforce that belief enough to overcome anyone and their ways or a whole community.. So back to tolerance never feel the right to tolerate. Tolerating is an ego move when you think your beyond the next to say such..that you have the right to think you are the one who knows whats right for them and what their rights are as an individual by your standards.. Only time anyone can really interfere is if they are asked about a situation they have and they know could use improvement and in some cases where a person thinks that someone could use a change is usually that person themselves since they need to adjust to how this person is if they cant understand certain ways or actions.. again as long as it dont interfere with your ideas or they try will all ways be questioned because not many know or understand something about another..

Some things I see amazes me but I try to see it as their way of growing up or the society they were around as with me I was in and around many society (communities) growing up which helped me see many different sides and ways.. so before ever judging or feel your tolerating with someone else or their ways..that is their way they know and will not understand another questioning it they will be oblivious to why.. Some will know that they have ways that are not positive toward others and is due to issues they have or had in past or present and they want it worked out or help and will ask.. Those that know but never ask and want to invade .violate or trespass others ways of being.. Thats when you just stay away from them after so many times of them doing that to others they will be on their own and funny thing is many do and know this and lose as such and then ask and wonder why acceptance is one thing as with tolerating.. As long as its positive and you try and others will see actually attracts cause others although different all want the same thing out of life to care and be cared for to love and be loved and to enjoy life and be happy.. so if you find yourself tolerating think about the person and their situation and how it possibly maybe for them and to realize we are all just different in our own ways but not intentionally trying to interfere with the next..but make sure whatever you do use common sense common courtesy to the next as with anyone and as you would like as a person in your own space.. Im not even going into those who want to be treated like queens and kings thats fantasy and ego period maybe do something on this some other time I doubt it though lol honestly.. I find allot of this relates to me in some ways I dont have much patience especially for those that dwell on causing disharmony on others it is not necessary to even happen or be there but some are so unhappy with their own lives they want to see others should suffer as well.. and that is not even nowhere right in any ones book and Im the one that if it causes agro I will eliminate quickly..I do not waste my time on things like that.. But I do all the rest and that is take consideration for allot of things allot we never will know about another or understand but try to help if they ask.. Thank you Shadow

Never forgetting your friends and mentors

Each of us have a time where we need someone for guidance or just to be a friend when things are not so good if to be support and understanding or wise words of inspiration to help one thru difficult times.. Allot of times this can change a persons life around for the better they can see clearly for their new direction in continuing and furthering themselves for a better life and understanding. Then there will be times that we attempt to carry on ourselves..some may go successfully some may trip and yet come back with more questions and guidance from the ones they have trusted in all this.. There is a time you will have to move on yourself as the guiding friend or mentor to continue in your own path as with anyone else.. But ...the main thing you dont want to forget is the ones who have helped you or helped guide you and it goes both ways. So no matter the changes in your life never forget those that have been there for you. it goes 2 ways allot of the times helping each other.. they maybe there when things goes bad for you..but if you abandon them they will not and you will have no one to turn to.. Never forget your true friends or leave them standing in the the worst thing you can do to them and their trust in you.. Friend, mentor, guide, doesnt matter all have their times when need a friend.. again never abandon those that were there for may need them one day.. you never know.. Thanks Shadow

An over view oversight::Learning your powers and Gifts

In my last few years I have met many on their new paths too research and understanding who they are and to learn more about a spiritual path they have chosen or knew they were part of since a very young age..some Light workers, pagans, Wiccans, Native American.. And what I have found although their techniques vary from one to another..They all serve a similar purpose..Love and respect to nature and Mother earth and Love for life and its creator, Gods or goddesses.. Some with help from their guides who lead them in directions to help them further themselves to help continue or bring forth knowledge for other people around them to learn.. With some have known all their lives they were "Different" but didnt know why..I myself was one of those since 5 years of age and find themselves years later just starting to do research and trying to get caught up many who become more aware in their older age tend to feel as if they are "late" which they are not many of us live life and go thru its routine and is what needs attending to during those times. never feel "late" the "calling" hits you or comes from inside when you are able to and can spend time researching to answer long lost questions.. Who am I? Why do I have certain gifts? What are my powers and how can I use them? First when you find yourself time to research.. go with keywords that come to if you have premonitions.. do a google search with "premonitions" and study many times when I did keyword search such as premonitions.. other terms come to your attention from what you read.. Then you keyword search goes on n on..there will be several terms to a discussion usually reference terms at the end of a discussion and whichever attracts your attention to look at it..check it out and read..if it doesnt seem right for you..move to another term that seems to follow along with how you think or feel.. With the few years of research and a few intuitive friends in the past were able to feel in blanks for me..then it became more I researched into what was giving to me and all started making sense or pieces of the puzzle started filling in.. between researching into what you feel or attracts your attention and asking other people that may be familiar can really help in filling in those blanks.. but will remind.. we all are different although same paths for some.. we are just different and for different reasons and purposes all unique.. so research and digging is the best first step before asking questions.. and as you research clearer questions will come to life and you see people who may have knowledge on this particular subject may can help guide you to a new or better direction..

and as far as powers.. have seen many that have been told in past they have great powers.. and want to know how to use those powers now?.. Some of us believe different ideas with past lives or not..I know that even if I was this awesome hero or Angel in my past life with great powers I served it well then for my purposes then..but now I am in this lifetime with what I have any powers you had in past may still be there and some do remember.. but in actuality the powers you can use now are with your knowledge you have or have learned if words of wisdom or encouragement to further the next on their path.. that alone is power within itself.. To show Love and kindness and help direct those or guide those in a positive direction and to show love to Mother earth and its people and help them in understanding their paths is very powerful.. And please vhateuer you do .dont ouervhelm yourself vith information at once.. let it take its time never can force answers.. it will come to you.. never feel dumb for lack of knowing something you think you should.. that is your expectations.. not the "callings" I have a feeling the "calling" understands it takes time or would all be handed in our laps. All ways a gradual process Everyone of us started somewhere.. some earlier then others doesnt matter as long as we all stand together to help one another.. we all have our roles we play it out as its needed.. each with our own gifts and powers ... Thanks to All and Good luck on your search for Answers :) Shadow

The Storm
As clouds of a storm .. They come and go. Showers of rain or the white glow of snow. The sky bright and blue soon turns brisk and gray Flashes of lightning turns night into day The wind rushes by cleansing earth and sky the thunder rumbling in the distance as it says goodbye And as the wind finally slows leaving the river in a fast flow the storm is gone the sky is bright. once again all is calm. Traces of a breeze leaving all calm and at ease the air fresh and clean till the next storm blows in. Storms come and go..they build.. they high in energy..then they are gone..and another will come.. their high energy makes a spectacular storm and scene..then poof is all over..bringing a new day..a new beginning and the previous storm with its mystic show is forgotten in time.. peace to all Shadow

To Sympathize and have compassion to "It's just Life"

In my time being around a group of people who come and have basically same beliefs and wants for their paths and share .. knowledge and information.. all for the same cause.. for betterment of their path or belief to clear the mud that has smeared the names of each paths from the past. and it's growing and becoming more open .more and more are coming out.. we all have our beliefs in what happens and why..purpose of life and why we are here. and with all that is going on in the world today. so much is many people suffering as they have all throughout history.. but most who are suffering are only recognized if they are local .. someone a 1000 miles away has a less chance of get support or sympathy or even a second thought no matter how horrendous things maybe.. and maybe if its close to home you might get some results.. as with Earth healing..we have been promoting Earth healing to help Earth..and maybe 5 will show out of thousands for whatever what it is.. most know we are here for a purpose do a job and do what we can while we are here..some will say death is not the final . I dont fear death myself knowing I will continue after this one where ever. but lately I have had someone who I know very well thru a friend who a family member is very ill and wasnt doing good at all.. seemed every time you turned around when there was hope of improvement it turned..

so one day I not herd from this person and brought it up to a couple I know because I am concerned ..this person is young had already survived a bad accident not 6 months ago or little more and then was popped with surprise brain surgery..and after complications there they had to go back in.. so after getting to know this person..knowing she had such hard life already but still young.. I will see that as unkool. not right.. unfair.. so I showed this concern to couple in a conversation..and all I got was ."what can I say" or thats life.. I mean to me when Im told that you might as well say you dont give a sympathize and have compassion has been exchanged for "thats life" so easy. We may know thats life we see it all the if something happen to me..I will know .I will probably get the ..welp he was ok.. but thats life.. Im really amazed at how much this is flung around..when it comes to someone else but them or someone around them.. the number of people who think like this is staggering.. I dont know. I have the same belief as most .. allot is life but you make the best of it.. you make changes when you can.. but when you come across an instance as with this young girl.. how can anyone just say.. thats life.. or not have one nice concerned word about them? think people need to drop their arrogance in using "Thats life" so literally because to me is only showing careless unconcerning. mindset.. and I for one dont hang around people who think this way or use this excuse every chance they what it is an excuse .. some I understand have to protect themselves and their feelings .. that yes I understand..

I have already seen how the majority act upon situations..or when it comes to helping with Earth healing or caring for someone and it is very sad.. that people are turning into careless robots and follow a belief pattern as they tend to show or act on except when is needed the most. and I was told I needed to understand.. I do understand and I see allot and I dont like it.. but as I told them each to their own.. because I know over all as long as I do what I am suppose to .. I am doing just that.. and whatever else anyone else thinks or believes or acts.. is their own.. just to me its tasteless to be around certain people who are as they are sometimes.. and then still act arrogant on top of that.. disconcerning for the most part.. so if youre going to follow your path and want to help others it and be sincere.. dont do it because you looking for your own benefit.. because when it comes down to it in most cases I have seen..they bury their head in the sand.. wish those the best when it ever comes to them that they have those to be there for them..when in need if ever.. this is how I see it.. I have true concern in what I do..nothing fake about it.. so why I was concerned for this girl..and I get what I got for expressing that?.. no thank you.. I keep my concerns to myself for now on.. Thank you Shadow

Reversed Engineering :: The Human Race?

You hear about scientist reverse engineering technology that was found or has been acquired. they take this technology and take it apart to see how it see if they themselves can build such technology times though they run into metals, elements or compounds that are not found on Earth or is even known to exist on Earth.. so then their project becomes second hand metals and allot of trial and error work..and cost allot of moneys for the research..

I was thinking about research I had done and you hear that 1000's years ago buildings were built in ways that we cant even comprehend now with our machinery or mathematically equivalent to those times. this would be during the Sumerian and Annunaki occupancy and even found before then..buildings of great structures solid lime stone they say that we dont even have a crane now that can lift them.. and you hear about all this high tech of using math and calculations to the dime on a star system as Orions belt and the Pyramids .. allot of Pyramids across the world can be directed to a main point to a star in the sky.. it is said in the past 7 species of the human race had been wiped out due to failure in achieving certain goals with the race thus destroying it .. then when it came to ours they found doing this over n over took too long they left this race alone to watch it ..see how it would advance on its own..

allot of information or disinformation is out there. allot of these you can research yourself and judge for yourself. somewhere down the line they will say. that some have took it on their own to watch over control what we do we live and how many lives..this scenario is recent from the time of emperors till now.. there are people out there doing this now it is seen and heard almost about every day now..and allot of these controllers are making their intents very boldly to say we going to do this whether you like it or not.. you can find tons of conspiracy theories in youtube on all these subjects and wind up with just a little bit more peace of the puzzle.. never known a puzzle to be so hard to put together ..when at times its not really a puzzle see it every day is happening.. so not a puzzle but just is.. over all what i seen in all this ..which has been 100's and hundreds of videos with all the known technology of back when to the point we are now.. although we have advanced technologically in last 20-30 a mystery in itself. when allot are used as tools for the mentioned above agendas anyway.. as with tracking people with iphones.. or brainwashing with propaganda toys etc.. other then that it seems to me from those of the Sumerian times till now as a human race we are being reversed engineered .. when you go from having all this technology ..back then to only having it again basically the last 20 years or so..and we still dont have the machinery required to build what they did back then I mean I remember the black n white tv.. that wasnt long ago for someone like me and now we have all these pocket toys is also said that other races ..are trying to figure us out..see what makes us tick they know nothing of emotions.

only way I see a race like that finding out anything instead of one by one watch a society reversed engineered so they can find out how we all work..why we become who we are to get to certain points and levels.. and at same time been giving pocket toy candy.. to make us fill as if we are really advancing at fast pace ..when in actuality we are supposedly thousand years behind in technology have we been purposely reversed in the human race for the benefit of another to learn..why has it took so long to make up so many years of whats been lost..when you see what the technology left behind back then but the blue prints are nowhere to be found.. unless your some math major and can spot an equation in hieroglyphic writing then you might be able to see something..but will say has already been 1000's doing this for years ..and we are not really that much further along in knowing..again allot of assumptions ..but enough that the overall picture ..gave me the conclusion for reversed engineering-The human Race


Mirror Mirror on the wall who are we after all....??

At times I hear those speak of how they look..and as we know when you look at images ..It's always an image of a perfectly slinder person.. when we are all different shapes and was these images chosen as the "perfect' image? everything you see always shows someone of thin built and shaped to what they assume is a "perfect" shape.. kids grow up with these "perfect" images in their toys..we are shown figures of the higher realm always being this "perfect" thin size.. but as a whole we are all who was it that decided and made it imperative that this is the way we should all look? who set this standard that causes so many to compete with ..when actually they are who they are and look the way they are as the person ,,the individual they are..but yet find themselves competing with an image thats been chosen and thrown out there as "THE perfect being".. We are all who we should be and look as we should.. even if with health..I see many who condemn themselves for what their health has done to them.. something they cant help.. but seemingly forced to compete not happy with themselves struggling to be someone they are not to be recognized or get the same attention as those seemingly "perfect"..which to me is not "perfect". Behold the persons mind no matter how they look this is where many fail..they go for looks and not who the person actually is..thus I have seen many times that those that made themselves to look so perfect ..had the worst attitudes probably from way they looked thus was alright for them to judge others and think they were not worthy of attention or their knowledge was less worthy to listen to..

I know are many out there that were always slender.. that is who they are..and when they dont compare to the next and judge others for who they the way it should be.. matter who you are ..dont cut yourself short for being an equal no matter how you are are an individual different then the next..with your own ideas, thoughts and all want basically the same for themselves and those around them..Happiness being the main one.. being happy with who you are doesnt limit you to progress ..but letting someone effect you with their expectations in looks..does limit you.. You be who you are no matter what..never let anyone or propaganda hold you back or others expectations..these that judge and compare ..seem to have issues with themselves to waste time bothering in doing these things.. There is no competition..only progression in each individuals life so they can do what they can to be happy in life without judgment over looks alone.. Written by Shadow

My Perception on the different Paths and Purposes

I am writing this due to acknowledgement between different beliefs and paths I have been around. I listen to stories of ghost and spirits which I know to be true or possible being that I never leave out possibilities. And I have noticed that when a Lightworker.. they seemed to be turned off quicker then others.. One thing is understanding another path and the one thing I have learned with all these paths. is some have similarities.. they all have had a History of deceit and lied upon ,ridiculed, the Templars fell to the same fate as witches in the past. And some of us have grown to know that our history books are not exactly correct on how Earth started how human race came about. how we evolved so fast. In the Light workers past ..they were in great wars between the light and negative forces..and they lost to it. So there is so much coincidently similar between all these paths including the Native Americans.. look how they were done.. And from my understanding or from what I have seen or hear mentioned from all the paths is we want the same thing.. betterment for Earth and human kind.. But I am still not understanding the indifference in those who believe so much the same.. we are not as united as one as we should be.. allot is getting better but are some to trying to separate themselves for whatever reason.. when all have the same positive intents as mentioned above.

So why is there a separation or still judgment on those that are of another path as long as they still believe in the same intents. I have sit and watched and listened and experienced things in others paths. but I know a few as with myself believe in a bigger universal spectrum. But at times I find us hiding in the midst of the very ones that had been hiding themselves due to their path. So when I seen this thought I would ask why.. If I take and believe in someone and know its for positive intent and possibilities of different things happening from fore told stories..then why are the Universal path still hiding within the hidden..

There is a discrimination at times and I dont understand why..some of us believe so dear of what we have come to learn about life and Universal incidents as those who have learned about their path through the earthly past..for some us it goes back further then most can fathom.. So for those that dont understand the Uniuersal aspect..try to understand when you are being called upon a job or duty they will not all be the same is part of us all being unique ad indifferent but all for the same purpose in life. There is much information out there now..proof of existence prior to vhats been stated in history books civilizations that date back many many years before is said the cave man existed ..was highly intelligent life then with highly intelligent structures being built.

Many of us have our purposes and callings..cannot under estimate another just because they are not of your same belief pattern ..what you should notice is their intentions and for what purpose..we all work together for same causes As mentioned before. So why seclude yourself from other ideas. When there are some listening to you and acknowledging what you have to say or offer or the intentions you have.. Although I do realize is many out there who have intentions but really dont follov through vith them.. only to pacify themselves enough and are done.. We cant make changes working at it part time. you have to really want the Earth and all its inhabitants to survive and become a higher vibration for happiness and love and joy. We dont just concentrate one time and its done..we have to keep working at it keep sending your prayers ..hopes..positive energies ..light candles, incense .all that and keep that momentum of intention going . I fear that most give up due to not seeing a quick response to their tries.. nothing is easy ..but I assure you all positive intentions are recognized whether you know it or not changes the frequencies on Earth that surrounds Earth and effects all those on earth . There is so much negative on earth ..they do not stop or will till they just cant anymore. so why should we stop and let the negative prevail..and it will not if just few of us..and it can be done.

Just want people realize sitting and thinking about wanting to help or do something not going to help much vhen it doesnt take much of your time to light a candle send a positive prayer to all in the world.. And as a Earth healer with a few others. this is what we do. and we believe there is higher more advanced race that gives us our signs and our next missions or jobs to fill our calling from beyond Earth. So as those who are in their other paths doing what they can which many do and are sincere you have other paths working right beside you for same reason although you dont understand them ..but they are.. Some of us as Living guides or light workers have seen the hype and misused ways of the lightworkers thru others ideals ..which usually means money but no there are a few left ones out there and are gifted and channeled messages as you are messaged through your guides. We all work together here and our intentions are to help mother earth and all its inhabitants every chance we get with all our energies we can utilize.. Thank you Huggs and Peace Shadow

This is a few of my writings. My work is usually hidden on site or when I am in chat helping someone when they need it. I have learned from so many here only furthering my knowledge and experience allowing me to help others. So a lot I speak or Little vords of visdom are usually in chat since I really dont do much writing. I have more on site but is more intended for site purpose and understanding different scenarios or instances that come through the site to help my team be aware of how to deal with something or someone who needs further assistance the Team can usually help in that. Am known to be little Cryptic in my writing but is just the way it comes out even when I sometimes speak in chat on a serious hopefully some of what I written or what I have said in chat helps shed some light or a different insight or a better outlook on Life in general and yourselves..We all have the power to take control of our lives you have to make it happen, reach for it and work with it. Thanks to all in the Forest and the Forest Team And Breeze of all for teaching me all I know about this site ;)


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