Writing 1 - Advance 4

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So, today I’m going to talk about some wishes and regrets that I had and have until

for things that I did or didn't before the pandemic and even now I don’t do it.
First at all, I regret I hadn’t done exercise the first six months of pandemic. Before of
the pandemic starts, I used to wake up at 6:00 am to work out in the gym, but then I
normally woke up at 9:00 or 10:00 am. I forgot do exercise almost all the first year.
But it’s great to know that now I get up of bed at 7:30 am and I go to the gym and then I
start my day.
Second, I regret I hadn't gone to the psychologist before. I had to pass a lot of things on
these years to finally went to psychologist, and was a wonderful experience. His name is
Junior and it's a great person, he listens to your but for real; and I thing that everyone
needs to be heard. Actually, I'm a Life coach and I know how gratifying is help other
people to see the greatest they have inside.
Now, I wish the pandemic finished and get in a plane to travel for all Perú. The first
place that I visit will be Puno again, because I want to get away for all the city noise.
Later, I want to go to Arequipa for see the future city when I will live.
Actually, before of the all situation that we live now, exactly in January of 2020, I had
the opportunity to do a travel for a few cities in Perú and Bolivia.
Some friends and I, traveled from Piura to Uyuni, the final destiny was “Salar de
Uyuni”, where we would to take some pictures in the salt flat, for the "mirror effect".
We known different places of the south of Perú, like Cusco, Arequipa and Puno. When
we came back, we had planned a next trip but… pandemic got in.
So now, I hope that all of this end very soon to get on with our lives.

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