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88 Union Avenue- Suite 1204- LB 38

Memphis, Tennessee 38103
Phone (901) 525-2272 Fax (901) 527-8303

January 5, 2015

Mr. James Mongoven, Attorney

Office of Policy and Evaluation
Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20580

Dear Sir:

Enclosed herewith is Annual Report of2014.


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cc: John McQuiston

Annual Report- 2014

1. The name of the Association is:

American Cotton Exporters Association

2. The location of all offices or places of business of the Association are:

88 Union Ave., Suite 1204- LB 38

Memphis, Tennessee 38103

3. The names and address of all Officers and stockholders/members ofthe

association are:

President: Mike D'Addabbo P. 0. Box 3254

Cordova, TN 38088

Treasurer: William E . May, 88 Union Ave., #1204-LB38
Memphis, TN 38173

(Please note Attachment A- Shareholders 2014

4. List of amendment of and changes in the Articles of Incorporation of

Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Association during the past
year. Attachment B (None)

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ACEA Shareholders lD13-l014
Attachment A
ACG Cotton Marketing. Inc.
P. 0. Box21463
Lubbock, TX 79408

Bruce Allbright Agency, Inc.

4325 N. Golden State Blvd., #105
Fresno, CA 93722

Allenberg Cotton Co.

P. 0. Box 3254
Cordova, 1N 38088

Calcot, Ltd.
P. O.Box259
Bakersfield, CA 93302

Cargill Cotton
7101 Goodlet Farms Parkway
Cordova, 1N 38088

Commodity Export Corporation

P. 0. Dox 64658
Lubbock. TX 79464

DECA International LLC

2029 Peabody Ave.
Memphis, 1N 38104

Eastern Trading Company

P. 0. Box 3848
Greenville, SC 29608


P. 0. Box 119305
Dallas, TX 75219

Glencore. Ltd.
Three Stamford Plaza 14111 Floor- Cotton
301 Tresser Blvd.
Stamford, CT 06901

Loeb and Co.

Montgomery, AL 36101

Lyons Cotton, Inc.

P. 0, Box 3650
Memphis, 1N38173

7400 East Campbell Road, Suite 470
Richardson. 1X 75281

Plains Cotton Cooperative Association

P. o. Box 2827
Lubbock, 1X 79408
M. Schiefer Trading Co.
P. 0 . Box 1065
Lubbock, TX 79408

Noble Americas Corp

2000 W. Sam Houston Parlcway. S
Houston, TX 77042

Jess Smith & Sons Cotton. LLC

P. 0 . Box 1178
Bakersfield, CA 93302

P.O. Box537
Greenwood, MS 38930

Toyo Cotton Co.

P. 0. Box 740008
Dallas, TX 75374

Toyoshima (U.S.A.), Inc.

19600 Magellan Drive
Torrance, CA 90502

Underwood Cotton Co., Inc.

1511 Texas Ave.
Lubbock. TX 79401

White Gold Association

P. 0. Box 12768
Bakersfield, CA 93389

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