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Strome describes four main activities associated with maintaining a data system
Your answer :
Data modeling, data creating, data storage and data usage

That's correct!  Data modeling refers to how the data is stored, data storage refers to where the data
from and data usage is how the data is used. All of these activities are important and they do not o

2. One challenge noted in the lecture is that data needed for quality improvement
or research activities may not be readily available as it is not captured in the normal
workflow and is not in the EHR. Why is that?
Your answer :
Systems were not designed to capture the quality measures in the first place

That's correct!  An organizational strategy should include “Begin with the end in mind” for developin
organizational goal

3. Effective Data Stewards have the following qualities/attributes (select one


Your answer :
All of these answers are correct

That's correct!  Data Stewards serve at the intersection of business and IT, are subject matter exper
represent and contribute to data validation and data quality problem solving efforts. 

4. Based on the description in the lecture, how would you know if you were Data-
Driven in your work environment?

Your answer :
All of the answers are correct!

That's right, perfect!

5. According to Strome, Chapter 3, all of the following areas should be considered in
a comprehensive analytics strategy EXCEPT:
Your answer :
Physician champions

That's correct! 
While physician champions certainly support quality and performance improvement efforts, and could be part of
by Strome as a major component of a comprehensive data analytics strategy.

6. In chapter 5, Strome stresses the need for effective data management. Which of
the following statements best describes what that means?
Your answer :
A good data management structure shares responsibility for data ownership, stewardship, and management amon

This is correct.
Sharing data ownership among data owners “ensures the availability and trustworthiness of the en
makers require.”  (Strome, 2013)

7. According to the IBM article, approximately what percentage of healthcare data is

Your answer :

The article mentions that about 80% of health data is unstructured, which increases the challenge o

9. According to this article which of the following areas does enhanced data analytics
capabilities typically yield significant results?
Your answer :
All of these are correct.

That's correct.
Data analytics can facilitate effective population health management by identifying those patients a
hospital readmission, and developing risk-reducing programs. Analytics can also identify ineffective
inadequate cost-benefit ratio.

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