TC Exam Study Notes

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 Issued 4 times daily

 Cover 12 hours plus 12 hour IFR outlook (for the last one)
 Weather below 24,000 ft
 7 GFA areas
 QS (quasi-stationary) = less than 5 kts
 Heights ASL unless noted otherwise


1. Power idle, neutralize ailerons.

2. Full opposite rudder.
3. Move control column steadily forward, far enough to break the stall.
4. Hold control inputs until rotation stops.
5. Neutralize rudder, level wings, recover smoothly from the dive.


*for each engine

 Fuel quantity gauge

 Landing gear position indicator
 Pressure-adjustable altimeter
 Magnetic compass
 Manifold pressure gauge * (constant speed propeller)
 Tachometer *
 Oil pressure/temperature gauge *
 Coolant temperature indicator (liquid cooled engine)
 Two-way radio


 Day VFR equipment

 Pressure-adjustable altimeter
 Landing light (with passengers)
 Position and anti-collision lights
 Turn and slip indicator or turn coordinator
 Adequate source of electrical energy for all electrical and radio equipment
 A number of spare fuses that is equal to at least 50 percent of the total number of installed
fuses of that rating.
 Stabilized magnetic direction indicator or gyroscopic direction indicator
 Means to illuminate all flight instruments

 High temperature
 High airport elevation
 Low pressure
 High relative humidity

Cause of Convective Turbulence

 Uneven heating of the ground

Precipitation in winter warm front


 Land and hold short operation

 PIC accepts clearance only when certain he will come to a full stop before the intersection
 Requires a full read back of LAHSO clearance

Factors Affecting Density Altitude

 Temperature
 Airport elevation

Rate of climb Vy not affected by wind (won’t change the rate you climb, just the horizontal distance it
takes to reach a specific altitude)

Angle of climb is affected by the wind (stronger wind = slower gs = steeper climb angle)

*both types of ailerons are designed to overcome aileron drag

Frise ailerons

 Upgoing ailerons sticks forward into the wind, downgoing aileron is streamlined

Differential ailerons

 Downgoing aileron causes less drag than upgoing aileron bc it moves through a smaller angle

When you turn off a magneto, you ground it.

Ppr radar detects everything

Ssr radar only detects things with a transponder

Illusion turning into wind

 Downwind = slip
 Base = skid
Marginal VFR

 3 sm visibility
 1000 to 3000 ft ceilings

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