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Paper: A Convolutional Neural Network for Modelling Sen-

Mushfika Rahman
Date: 28/3/2022

Quote The sentence modelling problem is at the core of many tasks involving a degree of natural
language comprehension. pp.12.
Overview The author of this paper states that sentence modeling aims to represent the semantic con-
tent of a sentence. The existing approach rarely observe individual sentences. Whenever
the approaches observe individual sentences, the features are represented in terms of words
or n-gram words. The basic of sentence modeling includes a feature function which is the
features of the sentence are extracted from the features of the words or n-grams. Moreover,
all the existing approaches include composition-based methods. Furthermore, composition-
based methods were applied to vector representations of word meaning for generating vectors
for longer phrases. The authors have proposed a sentence embedding method using a con-
volutions neural network with a dynamic max pooling operation. The proposed network is
capable of handling input of various lengths. Their proposed architecture includes K-max
pooling which extracts the K highest values from the p time sequence. Moreover, the Dy-
namic K-max pooling algorithm selects k dynamically based on the number of convolutions
layers and K in the final k-max pooling.
The authors claim that their proposed architecture has surpassed other approaches in
different tasks. Their claim is backed by an experiment performed on different settings in
a different dataset. Their network has been trained on a large corpus of Twitter set[Go
(2009)]. It outperformed the baseline by reducing the errors in prediction in the Unigram
and bigram reports for the sentiment analysis task. Furthermore, the network is able to
surpass the movie review [Maas et al. (2011)] in the both binary and multi-class classifiers.
Intellectual Convolutions Neural Networks have shown excellent performance in the computer vision
Merit task. However, they have advanced their knowledge in natural language processing tasks.
The authors introduced the dynamic pooling layer and a non-linearity form a feature map
similar to the object recognition task. The existing research was natural language process-
ing focused on finding word embedding, including a recurrent neural network. Therefore
research for implementing a neural network for embedding is well-reasoned as recurrent neu-
ral networks are difficult to train. The research involved students and professor from Oxford
University. Their works were recognized in various conferences prior to this research. The re-
search’s experiment is based on various datasets and either replicate or outperforms baseline
models, making the results more credible.
Broader The researcher has implemented that CNN that could be applied to the field of computer
Impact vision could be applied to another field, e.g., natural language processing task. The work
has been further disseminated into later publications since 2014, and the citation number is
3815. The research involved Ph.D. students and a professor.

Keywords Computing methodologies, Natural language processing, Machine learning, Convolution
Neural Network, Deep Learning.
Discussion • How the network is able to handle input of varying length is not stated properly.
• CNN performance on long sequence is not reported.

Table 1: Grade deductions by section

Overview Intellectual M. B. Impact Keywords Questions Is Online?

A. Go. Sentiment classification using distant supervision. 2009.

A. L. Maas, R. E. Daly, P. T. Pham, D. Huang, A. Y. Ng, and C. Potts. Learning word

vectors for sentiment analysis. In Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the As-
sociation for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, pages 142–150,
Portland, Oregon, USA, June 2011. Association for Computational Linguistics. URL

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