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Student: Dennys Gustavo Atoche Garces.

Speciality: Ing. Quimica.
Level: Pre-Intermediate.
Teacher: Lic. Karen Rumiche Dominguez.
Work title: Workbook (Pag 4, 5 and 6)

Date: July 2nd of 2021, Piura – Peru.

Pag 4.

A. Complete the dialogues with the Present Simple or the

Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

1.Sam: Hey Tina, how’s it going?

Tina: Pretty good, Sam, how are you?
Sam: Great! Do you want (You/ want) to go to the cinema tonight?
Tina: Sorry, we don’t go out (not go out) on Saturdays. Tom and I always
stay (always/ stay) at home and watch(watch) TV.
Sam: That’s OK. Is Tom there now?
Tina: Yes, but he is talking (talk) on his mobile with his sister, Julie. Do
you remember (you/remember) her?
Sam: Yes. Of course. She is living (live) in London at the moment, right?
Tina: Right, but she’s in town now. She is staying (stay) with a friend for a
few days.
Sam: That’s nice. Tell her I say hello.
Tina: Sure.

2. Alison: What is Harry doing (Harry/do) in the kitchen?

Wendy: He is making (make) dinner for some friends.
Alison: Really? Who?
Wendy: You don’t know (not know) them. They’re from work.
Alison: Oh, OK. So, does he cook(he/cook) every day?
Wendy: No, I usually make (usually/ make) dinner. But today I am not
cooking (not cook). He wants (want) to make dinner for us.
B. Use the prompts to make questions. Then look at the pictures
and answer.

1. do cats drink orange juice?

No, they don’t.

2. does kelly go shopping on sundays?

No, she doesn´t.

3. do the girls study the weekend?

No, they don´t.

4. do jason ride bike now?

No, he doesn´t.
Pag 5.

B. Complete the dialogues with the Past Simple of the verbs in


1. Dylan I called you yesterday, but you didn´t be (not be) home.
did your sister tell (your sister/tell) you?
Tyler No, she probably forgot (forget).
Dylan I tried (try) your mobile pone, but it was (be) switched off.
Tyler Actually, I didn´t have (not have) it with me. Anyway.
What did you want (you/want) to tell me?
Dylan I wanted (want) to invite you to dinner on Saturday.
Tyler Great. See you then.

2. Andy Hey Jake, what did you do (you/do) last night?

Jake I went (go) to the cinema with Henry.
Andy What did you watch (you/watch)?
Jake Madagascar 2. We loved (love) it.
Andy I thought (think) Madagascar 2 is a children´s film.
Jake Well, is isn´t.
Pag 6.

C. Complete the dialogues below. Use used to and the prompts


1. A: I am making a salad. Would you like some?

B: Yes, please. I didn´t use to eats salads (I / note at / salads), but now I
love them.

2. A: Hi, Dylan. Where’s Daisy?

B: She’s working. She didn´t use to work Saturdays (she / not work/
Saturdys), but now she does.

3. A: I used to be very fit (I/ be / very fit) in the past.

B: did you use to go gym (you/ go/ gym)?
A: Yes, four times a week.

4. A: Your cousin Mike lives in Barcelona, right?

B: No, he used to live Spain (he/ live/ Spain). He lives in England now.

5. A: How’s Ted?
B: I’m not sure. We used to meet for lunch every day (we/ meet/ for
lunch/ everyday), but now we are both very busy.
D. Match

1. Lydia doesn't like calling people. // or writing. i sent her an e-mail two
weeks ago and i never received a reply.

2. Drop me a line when you have some free time. // Ok. what's your e-
mail address?

3. How do you keep in the with your friends in france. // I don't. We lost
touch a few years ago, I'm afraid.

4. Who was on the phone? // Mr smith, he wants to have a word with us.

5. Why didn't you return my call? // I was out shopping all day.

E. Put he dialogue in the correct order.

1. Hi Chris, I wanted to have a word with you.

2. Really? About what?
3. The good old days. ¿Do you remember when we used yo play
4. Of course, I do. It was great.
5. Yeah so, I´m thinking about playing again. What do you think?
6. Sounds good, Give me a call when you find a team
7. Actually, I found one yesterday.
8. That´s great. Hope it´s a dood team.

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