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‘The Function fs) =e + 1, € R, may be represented on a graph as a ty = In, ther wean be expressed as a @ oO o e 4 Cire onera, 2s FRase Heaths Rp] (Ress sf esi’) A simplified form of 120- In3-In a2 w @) © @) nto Af) 2) ‘em dreferso the graph below (notdrawa toserk) showing y=g ad ye'G). pee ae yee) ‘Taeco-ordinates Qe @ @D ® Ga 4 © eb O) oa “ @ © © ae Thefirstdscivativeot «with wewpectio: 9. The grédient of the tangent 48 the eurve is s-Dy tye SarQiie OF 2 © 1B oF © © s ™ 6 i uy 2 1, nye then & iegivenby 4 “ ® ona . we ® " mer in x © Fest Om wo ae m2 © a2 : fe FyreiGainil ee ao Oar 4 = ® oF © oO 4 © 4 o WB a4 “ Cheba mse tems fp w “ » 2 ; ™ o t ; © 1 » “The partial fections of ae = te 16, The S*term in the ssjuence that Is defined! span by theretasion Me II ST i 8 ® pes Ga ® e_, O#R © Ged 5 © ie gita+ tie © ei GD ET s o£ » o am ar er . » # (Given eos 2x =1~2aie*x, is 17, If the terms of the sequence thy ty My oy yo ay the resmrence a es relation y= 1,43, a2, then he tom @ 2 my becxpromades » A) 44a Oa ® 426-0 z © am M15 @) sor 19, 20, a ‘Wie ofthoflowing sequences consist of the frat FOUR terms of an arithmetic progresion? Oma "0 fon Too B) m-GF1, 4B. WHI ©) Bath, 23, Bar Beth OR Rn-d nb “Th sum of thorn teem of serio is :-( 3) | Tee Vakio tthe SBOCND term 2 wig 3 ® 7 as Ose oot ‘Tati fen tec propestois” tac tocrmmen dere. “Taesum oft IRST20temsis w BB e) us © so ” 0 “Taos lfinty i eros FD ta 4 BO -tezst Fatseemes. gtr -te ssh —— ® oe “a ®) Pa © ©) 2 23. 24 35, ‘The caprecion #1 can be einmliied ea and writen as wa ® w O a3 O e-y sie ® [2"3) © (2) ft] ‘The cecfficient of = in the binomial pansion of @-a) ie «200 (orm © 6 () im “cyomats wm pes ax wr Bete, @ GHG, © 1640, 26. 28 29, ‘The evetTicient of" in the axpansion of 2etayis (a) ite Bie © 2a ) do ‘The THIRD term jn the power sorios expansion of 4254 |r] F5 TDGSe maybe wrtenas 22 “The gradient of tho tengent to the curve a Bo byep Satis 2 @ B ow i Os o 6 © ep wa 4 als) 2 srt 3) inasuatto =) 7-1 then the solution of » 1 Giventhar 2 om fe Aho dere al squationcan be expressed as Wi by 408 “ @ Barba o ? Daly 2dy i @ Fea lon © TF ep g © Sagan fagyeye EB aoe © keay tien F B 1s 6. 1 8 sag cies wuremeats wy waste B Bese G mete fp mre a‘ P xlee wy Einbee © 2b he Linhae xpr© © Shel 6} Aofimslie oO ar xf af ag er ww mtb dere © wr'gare @ rwr'anre » Fortherecurerce relation 4, =@,~a..) where, = Vand a, =3,the value oF, is @ 3 ® 1 © - ™ 9 ‘Which afte fellowing series are arithmetic 0, o N. w ® © © Savy Ye Dhow) Dorms" and tony Tard Vay [lana 1¥ ony LMandrV only “The sum wintinty of the geomettc series w » © ‘Which ofthe following eon be the FIRST POUR terme af se arithmetic progyessiou? a ® © o To" i000 n= (wl), (042,043) sn Bab, 48, Dos, nel ninn2 806 » 2, Which xm ofthe sequence 3.8.27... is 2, quite 350457 wos ie Gow ow £ mm the series $4504 grt senapproschezinGniy, eau of theses spprouches 2 w 5 ; 2 oF 2 o@ 4 mF or testa ot ihe ses 9 — a @ © “lexa ©) “tesa “he sum tontany obese i peadnchenbaae! Haase are ct ter ct i 2 “) © ° “The Maciarinseries forsinx up thetemm woe w © » ‘coats wes, mara, © fe, ewe, a ‘Theexpression Tpy can be simplified 0 wo a 2 © on-3 D) r@-v ‘The mnluecofetenniivependent oF rin he voomttegaraonet(2?e) » (3) 2 3. “6 ‘The binomial expantion of (Laying, ascenlingorderyptosis Wo ee BW eattothe © aeear= Mates. ‘A table of height 92.5 can will have extr oundect x &) s008en @)— £e.t0em © Alsen D ssen Theeqatione— <= Olasarvet between (a) Gand uu: @) tanta © nt © Sands IC A-and B exe two events such tht PAD= ee) ws MAN thon POQUB) ® oo i o 5 oF £ o F ‘The mumber of sistint yermuations of the leters ofthe word POSSIBILITY is ay, Bm ere) uw O 32 Iu bow many ways ean student cou ‘consstingot Ssniden's be formed fom 40 Scents if2 particular students must be on w B® 7G © » * A tox contains 4 oranges, 3 apples ard 5 pimeapofes. aris the probabil tha! ONE Fuitdrsn randomly Romibe boss nether orange ner app a WO G = oD a oO = OT % ”. ‘Arclayteam of fveteachers isto bechoses Homa grouper fieen teachers Inhow many ways couldtis relay tem be chosen? w m o c) Nand Vers mually exclusive evens. IF Ao)~E and PCy “ 0 © © ‘A bag contains 1 ea, § blue ane? green Ing rancom craw, wast isthe probability ofselectiaga mabe hats NOT 13, io Is eercles geet 4 w 5 10 @ 3 8 @ 3 6 » 2 38 ». va Theme p=|2 5 st ) 33 } “The determinantof Pie w -2 @ -2 oO 2 oO @ “The numberof posible vals of «which sat thesyster of sega uations, Dev dy Hee 5 ae 4 6) Fae I 6 +9) F6r= 15, ~ ® o » [Alea 3 4 3 matrix wth determinant 14, ( 4 =) @ ® 4 cs one square rot 303 ~ 4158 4k. The conjugate of the complex suber talite a 3-7) 2 we Be oO 2 o 26 “thereal mmbers wand vsueh tt ‘ ® © o “the complex womber s=Lei3 ca Be expressed ey Be Seine wy con Sot Bee Zein oy Vite Zien 9 45. Wich of ihe following isa sketch ofthe locus of the point represented bythe complex number given that fers{=3? o 4 I YOU FINISH BEFORE TIMEISCALLED,CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. Test cope 02234010 FORM TP 2009236 MAYAUNE 2000 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION PURE MATHEMATICS ANALYSIS, MATRICES AND COMPLEX NUMBERS Ual2-Papero1 PO minutes RWAD THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. |. Thisteetsonsistsof4Sitens, Youwilltave 99minctestoenewer them. 2. Inaddittontethistest looker, youshouldhave ananewersheet. 3. Donothe concemed thi the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers han there ae items snthisteet, 4 —_Eachtern inthisest has fou suggested onswaraletored(A),(B),(C),(D), Readeschiter vou ‘re abouttoaasirerancdesidewhienchnce «bs 5 Qnyouranswcrshect, fh hemumbor which coreepondtovouritemandshidethespscehaving, “= SS ce eee a rena et * i Theexpression (| + /3}ie equivalent ‘Sample Answer @ 4 ©00© i 4. © i43vy5 e By ‘The best answer otis item is "6+ 249" so answer space (D) hasbeen sheded © Myvawanttochngsyouranswer besuretoeracyouroldansweremrleclyan sla yournew choice. "7 Wheayousre toldtobezin, um ihepege and work as quiskly andescarefillyes youcan. [fyou "snot acswer an item omititend go cate thevextone. Your score willbe the tota ataabes of ‘Youmsy doeny rough rerkiathisbooket 3. Theuseefsiten,non progremmnsblesciowficaleulacrsisallowed, EeaminationMatciohs A liscof mathematical formulae and tables, Revised 2008) DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD 70 po $0. Tem 1 vefers tothe fsowing graph. 1. The graphs shove proses yates Bit, kee ©) yreeent * ee a monary pak a wo Ikea} a & be ow rats) ©) ie 13+), Bae a © 2D" AxeD, 3 en 1 * Jj . O) NGG 26, w 2 6 "Taepopuition Pofan insect colony atime Bx logiven by ?(0)=20000", i IEP = 4000 when t=6, then kis y © Sty" w Bs @) 3an3y 2 =tn2 o Te 2 o © oe » + 16 wo @ ae oO ©) ane 4 The derives ( Te) is — n 1 » + o d mo chen a o dooe(3) cate 1 oF a2 o yy © iar AF 1 z wm brs forte ‘The solution to the differentia! equation Bynes Bryne is A yrerre ® yezete ( yajetee D) yer toes 13. 4 1 ‘The populations colony atbactraisgiven 15, yA. where she population ater cme ‘Thoursard 4, isthe ina population. new ‘many hours wlth population tile? wos es © sins Sins Xe d= Jessie ray be expreed at fee’ eve my Ss fear ‘The solution of the éittrontiet equetion 2 tyanx=coiagiventythecontionce 1 JZ ores)ae-fas ® Jvc sacs fens ae © Sxleordeee faecxes ) [Ebwosleen feos! xa then fterG) deis 17. ‘Which ofthe folowing sequences, {U,) converses? » (9 © (I ‘The sum af he fist ermsoFa geomerie wel] nen orn SECOND terms ay 2 wy 1 mF 3 oF m1 Forwnac vanies of x is the series E00 convegear (a) taxed @) -2<452 © -texer 3 deed ty ~fex3, Thisseguence i (A) canergent ) dvergeat C oetkng ©) peed ee SemesndtStefolntapcoeet © aes o «{S) 2, 2, renin, wy o ~% o z o 2 Which ofthe following eles are athmerte nice? (A) Vand tonly (6) Land IV only (C} Mand tv eny () Mand 1V ealy ‘The sum of the infinite aeometc series 18060420, ie wos @ wm © ws @) 70 2s, 26. 2, 38 rresinarS2('J 29 Thetrmte7-a9| sundial = hepato’ Peeonisafasinploperdubmot ™ 9 lenght Whentisunded aes 3.14, @ 3 P08 dg =941 woutedtocdlate 7: 6. 2 houpperboundtis : o Ft iF 3 a (a) 26.189), O55 Tawa cbtotenn title esis @ 2.1) © %xs) 8 wos % o 3 © 26.19 [EE ma AsstbieNewtniaphonientonteite 3° Thebans otc (egos equatiue den 5=0'8 Ogee 7 24 ( : ( ( Qs, 1) Deed Gx +1)65 Bete ©) ng atlases to ‘The values of forwhichthe expansion of 1 ) Taorsngy saiaere @ lex<1 * @ 222 oO > x2 2endea2 GOONTO THENEXT Pack CBHOIOCAPEDRE® 33, “ 1), ese dettminn z a py ig @ fodtto dehy hye ia g O leq pth a Ppa. o RAR GRY Tn howmary way'can the eters PORSTUT bearranged sothetibe T and U are chavs gether? a w ¢ @ 8 oO «@ © snr The uber of possible valass of which sae theyatam ofsimutancousexuatons, Det yt 2-5 bet He 10 Gtr eras @ oo @ 3 @2 @) 3 34 as 36. 1-2 9) 76-1 ttre] 3 1 s}andpa is 3 123, To po then 7Q=| 0 21 |, Themarix P* oon quae (a) roy ary 1 © FF qe “ © 1 Exre o wt O 8 “Two coins ad adie with faces umber | to6 ‘ae thrown logather once. Assuming tat the ‘eand coins ae ag, the robabity of ebtainin. hea and «number less tan ¢ fe 2 w 5 m @, 2 © | 3 © 7 37. The non-singular metric Ais given by gq, nh a 2 ot 2) the deteminane ofa is 351 A) ~36 wa © 2 ©) 4 38, Which of the fatlowing systems are concizent! Loortyss Popes Tae 3y-2re— a Cet Sy 3e=15 TL aeay=7 by ™ Berar ts wtyte-8 a (A) Tondttonty ®) andiveniy ©) [.MandrVenty ©) tiytlland ¥ only 39. Thercets ofthe equation 2" +6 1 (n2santoCArE 2009 The complex number z= V5+i can be expres as wo Aegoas) wm Aegon © aco +1sin 2) om {ogo} Trevae totais)! a wm 4 @ 4 © 1 D4 Giventet ¢= 1+ hen be expoental formof the complexe is w oF @ OC aes O)aetl GOON TOTHENEXT PAGE «a “4 (hed, Matthew Josh, Poul and Tien are ‘rvelling ina 5-seater cat with3 persons in ‘he back and 2 perscns inthe Gon. Fach person oocupies a seat. The number of dliffeen: ays they exn sit inthe oar if Tian sin the back and fost ive Is a @ 2 © us ©) a0 A committe of3 teachers, 3 dactors end 2 lawyers to be chosen frm §tachera, 4 onto ane 6 lavy ec. The aumberof ways in which hs commitoe canbe chosen ¢ wo B34 © ©) 4s ‘onemarie ic chosen, without eplaceren, om beg oP 11 sue 2149 edna, then the pobeblityofxttng arena blefollowed by2 bus marbesis w 3 aS © 2 i IF YOUFINISHBEWORE TIME [S CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THISTEST, Wine ave a ® oO o © Given hat ab, ¢ nd ae constants thea fp « ®) © © 2 cam bo exprosied at Sabb ee atn|a}+bia)x—i]+k eine alas clap 1 Jleoesseorsida w 3 [lees cose] dx 8) Eflev cons) at (0) fleoete-coe2s) ar @) looters) dr “Te general solution (or the second onder fyb iterental equation £252 42 <0is pation 2y=0) (A) y=Aer oy xBet @) yaAee + Bet (© y=e(A+Bx) @) y= A+BD tog a “ » © set o #1 Lawn ies 2 alta Olina @ fica 2 © Ter L oy = 10. “ ro) 2, 6 14. rs a, * ’ tr 2aay ite vane ot Hat oe point (1, 2is a «6 Oo 8 & 2 o % foe? eam wy faerie Foor eve Lt @ ferhinase 1a Asnaeve 44 ‘A fuoetion/is defined by ft) =2e*~ 1 for all real values of . The inverse function, Pot ptecetined by (A) Binlevihxer ® Fist) x68 @ HG} wo Met}ur logy? =x ten 1og,0.128, In temas of wW me-3 @) 7s le © = Oo & as, 16, a, 18, “4 “The munber of bacteria preset in a culture 19. small by =a! where k>-0, isthe ‘population elt Roar, and y ie the nat Population. ‘Tae cute of giowth,€, when fxSisgivenby 20. ) OTe » + a. Giventt SHE" then forma, Sseen wy @) © oO For what values of + te the sven Soe convergent? w Kot @) kel © -lexsi @) -lexst ‘The coefficient cf a? in the expansion of ibe “as os as 0% “A sequence ts define a tg = ‘where, 1, (= N). The 20*term of he sequence w i 1 oo Oo f 20 o F 24, “Te sum infinity oF tp rome ees 1641249400... “wo oe) 7 © 16 o 6 Le, tones w i » 2 ©: ea “Tre coettisien of in heseries expansion or(-a)''s w 4 ™ 3 © m2 the cofficiemof in (6m is-B4, then thovalncef ais w 26. 28. ete tre length ef «pice of pipe is Sera snd ils mensred length is 51 em, then the relative error in lengths w) 1% @) 2% C) 3% ©) 4% By using the Newion-Raphsen method with 2 Tlest approaimation x, the second Approximations, fore oot of the equation Pee 4-25 may be expressed as rata 428 w Ao @ © o ‘The sum of the first tems of eres io 1 (2) tt se sens 3 o % Ba 2 a © & is 1 30. a ‘A music ant salle 48 000 CDs inthe Fst year of telesse. Sales ate halved exch ‘ubeequea: year each CD is sold fr 525, then tte valve of sales fr aperticula yee, canbe expressed 2s a resenco(S) ie a P=25.as000( 4) © Busy ) — P=25(24¢00)"* ‘Teo quantities, yan were messureé. The ‘lls, rounded conect toto significant figures, were y=9.8and~93, The lower sod pperboundsrepectvely forthe wae ne ae (®) osamios (BOS anos ( oamsos ©) osmos ‘Two events A and Bare such tha P (4) = 05, P(@) = 0.16, P(A B) = 0.48, Puob= w oe B) 018 © 0% ©) om 2 = 1 | .merRSTROWof Ds 6 te eo-setor matixorM es wo fit CGiventnet Hicanonsingule, square mat, the determirant [FP ofTP. is 2 1 @ sia © BF L oe Ky 34 Themumber of porsible valuss ofxwhich 37, The determinant of the matrix sisy the system of simmlaneces equations, ho 3 we tyemes “ f 2s o5 4 45 4 6 4 dem 10 +97 + Gea -25 w 2 6 a © 108 Dm wo @ ot © 2 38. The roots of a quadratic equation o 3 a tbr + 0=0, are the complex numbers T-2eand 2~ The equation s 35, Theroets of theequation 2 +t = we A B-O1dx-4- 41-0 BF -GHpxbdssi-0 wha (© F-G-)r¥d43i=0 rte o oO @D) xe ‘The FIRST ROW of thsproduct PQ of the (v0 3x3 matin aoe 243 “ 5-6 5}zm@=| 9 0-1 “1 23 34 ® e wm #33 ® 424 o Oo mon mm: Magee “The expression {(L+07-—(1~iTisequal aw 4 ® 2 © 2 © 4 a, a 4s . "The principal value ofthe enpument ofthe 44 complex aumber’~2iis ar w Fy =n wo = oF a o» = expressed as “ {in how many wey can the letters PORST ‘be aranged so Lia the eters Rand S are slays togetner? A Stn4l x2 @ ©) 4tx2 o 4 “The eters of the Word IR REG ULAR fre to bearaiged ina ine. ‘The numb of possible vrangemensin wich the Rsare rottogetteris w ® Ww 97 () 9inTxat “Thelocusofthe pots dseribodby acomples umber 2 i given by fe 1~2il= 3. The lexus deseriber neve with (A) come 1.2) and raion 3 units @B)centto( |, 2) andradius Suni (©) conte, 3)andradis3 units (D) —centecH.2)andadias9 wits IFYOUFINISHBEF ORE TIMES CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. FORM TP 2011233 9, “" rest CODE 02234010 MAY/JUNE 2011 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION PURE MATHEMATICS ANALYSIS, MATRICES AND COMPLEX NUMBERS Unit 2— Paper 01 90 minutes 01 JUNE 2011 (a.m.) READ THE FOLLQWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. ‘This test consists of 45 items. You will have 90 minutes to answer them. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an Answer sheet. Do not be concerned that the:answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this test. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. (On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. ‘Sample Item “The expression (1 + V3 Fis equivalent to ‘Sample Answer @ 4 ®QOOe (B) 10 © 1433 ©) 44249 ‘The best answer to this item is “4 +2 J3, so answer space (D) has been shaded, If you want to change your answer, be sure to erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. ‘When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can, Ifyou cannot answer an item, omit it and go on to the next one. You can retum later to the item omitted. Your score will be the total number of correct answers. ‘You may do any rough work in this booklet, ‘The use of silent, non-programmable scientific culculators is allowed. nat A list of mathematical formulae and tables. (Revised 2010) CHNUEO AAU DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. 1. Asimplified form of In 120~In3 In 8 + In 2 ig @ @) © @) Item 2 refers to the following graph. y q 2. The graph above represents A) y=bga ®) y=bsx © ye-eta (©) yeeta-y a Lanse w 2 z ® x © Zan? x ©) 3(las? (2234010/CAPE 2011 A-curve is given parametrically by the equations x= 2, y= e+ 21 The expression for x is given by 1 A TW t+1 1 ® 2-1 © Ta 241 o» Ione" Fry “ rae'(Z+e ee jee (z)+« © aw(Z) +e ©) fiat (5) : ‘The general solution for the second-order ‘ ay sy differential equation <* 3% 5 2y=0 is ial equation “7-3 +27 (A) yn Ack +x Ber (B) y=Ac*+ Bet (© y=e(A+ By ©) y=e(A+Bx) GO ON TO TIE NEXT PAGE 10. Be If In (2x—5)—In (x+3)=0 then xis equal o 0 5 ®) q © 8 @) 10 1 The derivative of In x3 is L wo F 1 ® -~ OQ © x Itty = 10, then % is equal to rm 10 O aay ® a ae. © =» @) Ify= tan" (32), then & is 1 a“ 14927 i ® sa 3 © 14927 3x, © 5 0223401 0/CAPE 2011 u. 12, 1B. Given that cos 2x = 2 cos? x ~ 1, feas(2) is iit (A) Axi feosdy. (A) 3 +3) sos dx de @ xs foostae 2 4 1 = © prt foos5 te 1 L ©) 5xtzfeond ae Given that ffx) = In 3x%, then f“(- 2) is equal to @ -1 ® - L © 2 © 1 A function fis defined by f(x) = 2e*— | for all real values of x. The inverse function, Sof fis defined by () 3in@+D.xeR © Fingxs1)xer © fo) 2-1 3 o fo) sen GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 14, 45, 16. If 2,=ftan"(2) de may be expressed as 17 tan! y then J tan(x) ds is al “ wns fran? xde @ MEE funede © ME feat eae 0 Ms feaneae in ‘tem 15 refers to the diagram below. 19. The coordinate (a, b) is & dn2,4) ®) Ge) © Gia2) ©) 26 For 2n<1, Zen = se (A) ® (c) (0) 022340 WCAPE 2014 Which of the following sequences is the first four terms of an arithmetic progres- sion? (A) nn-2,0-40-6 (B) n,~(n+ 1), (2 +2), {n +3) (© = n2n+1, 2n+3, 20 +8, 2n+ 14 0} A ©) ™ 59" T06" Toon For what values of xis the series 5°(2x)" convergent? = () -4ex<4 ® -2<5<2 © -1 In. then. (2) equals at 1 5 «cy £ wo 1 it s =2yy, then the value of at atthe point (1, 2) is a) 6 iB 8 © 2 (Dp) 16 Given that In? =a. In 3 = 6, In ~e.thea In 750 is (A) atbee (B) atb+te © atibte @) 2+ 2h+2 ‘The gradient of the tangent to the curve at Q2.1)is e& 2 B) a @® | «) 5 wo 6 The coefficient of a°b’ in the expansion of farby ‘The expression e™* may be written as A ae @) 8 a) °C, (Ine @) () Inde © °C, @) , 15, The number of bacteria present in a culture is modelted by y= ye, where k > 0, pis the n Ce LES an science eapaaat + population. The rate of growth, ¢, when © 1= Sis given by "\,f*) (A) cme wlth) (B) chet - (C) c= hye" @ (23) () c~se* = © (37) 16. Which of the following sequences is the (5) first four terms of an arithmetic progres- wy lave (A) nn-2.n-dn 6 » (B) a 4nt (a+ 2), 40+ 3) (©) ane t2043,.20+8 : “a 10 Mm 1.4.4, 5 10° 100 To00 m 2 © 3 1 For what values of x is the series 2 sonvergent? w) 3 wl (B) xsi © -texet (Dy -tsxst 2 2 2 J 24 Tru, where u, = Lande N. The 20° term ot the sequence is A sequence is defined a8 x, = ) t wm ot ? at © 8 20 2s, wo » 21 m2 (a ) ae 26. @) --4, al @ - wl (Dp) ae nel ‘The walues of x for which the expansion of 1 Jaros de tA) Pex ; n (By («) (DB) xs-2and.e~2 "Cequals w HC, ® Cr, © fxe w xe, tl A sequence is defined asm, ~ 2, 4, a= u, bt, «fore > 3. This sequence is (A) convergent (B) oscillating {C) divergent (D) periodic The value of the term indapendent of x in the “ ("7 4] a [| Ifthe tue Lenzth of 4 piece of pipe is 50 em and its measured length 1s SL em, then the relative error in length is tay Uo [By 2% ic [Do 28. A table of height 92.5 em will have error 18 OF bounds of oe ee L123) ! (ay 2008 ' (By 10:10 ' (C015 then o 5 fz 6 0 29, A music artist sells 48 000 CDs in the PQ=|0 21 Of. first year of release. Sales ae halved each el i subsequent year. If each CD is sold for $25. then the value of sales fora particular year, ‘The matrix P' equals nn.can be expressed 25 iy or" ’ i 1p)" Ww p=25¢13000( 1] HBA 2, © Pr (By p-24so00/ 4) 1 iB om to a © a 33, Thenumber of distinct permutations of the (BD) P=25\240009 fetters af the word POSSIBILITY Ay") 30. The fiction ffx) = 3 + 4x — x has a root @ in the interval @) HRDER) (A) 0%ee1 ut (By teas? > sa (© 26K<3 I (BD) 3exe4 (Dy) MP, 31 Inthow many ways can the letters A.B. C.D and E be arranged so that the pair A> : and B, AND the poir C and D are always together? (ay 42% aw 3 5 ae Bs! (8) (Ch 512 fed \ ce (D) Bix2xd @) B 36, 37. The roots of the equation e+ 1 =O are 9. «a idl (B) é «cy a (D) “ii The complex number z= W344 can be expressed as, “ (ay Va{coo% visin) « 2{ os + sin i 2{ cos + sin Xand Yare mutually exclusive events. If Pa) =F and Pe) =t = then PCY) = a! 9 wy 2 o + 20 ©) The roots of s quadratic equation ar by +e =0, are the complex numbers 1» 2iand 2-7 The equation is OA) E-GBriet4+3i=0 @) Gtor- 4-3-0 © ~ Gade rds 30 (DP) SAGAN t4s WHO he value of (cos + isin F is The value of (cos +isin | (Ay 2 (B) «od (Dy 2 ‘The expresssion /[(1 + Cl —2"] sequal to (ay 4 B22 («2 m4 ‘The roots of the eguation 2x" + 6x +17 =0 (ay (B) « wy 32 8 42 Atsa3x3 matrix with determinant 14 Item 44 refers 10 the table below which Ifthe matrix of cofactors A is shows the number of males and females 4-14 -2) and their preferences far Drink A and Si ay <3 Drink B 17 3) then At = (4 14 -2 wy Als 7 =s iq LP 3 43 ii 1 44. One person is randomly selected, What we) fle -7 7 is the probability that this person is female la css and prefers Drink 8? . 44-2 1 © gt 7 “| MS § 1-7 3 t wt 43301) : wy ina ot o7 @ 4 4 is -2 -5° 3) l pt m5 43. The leuers ofthe word [RREGULAR are to be arranged in aline, The number of possible arran w E © east SBS MSS Re 45... The locus of the points described by a are NOT together is complex number 2is given by 1-243. The locus desctibes acile with aw 7 @ g-n (A) centre (-1, -2) und radius 3 unies «tan (B)—centze (1, 2) and radius 9 zu (©) centre (1, 2) and radius 3 units (D) centre (1! 2) and radivs 9 units Dy) ona END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE ME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. MOBMMCAPE 2017 UVRUTETAD EE FORM TP 2013235 6 [CANDIDATE -ELEASENOTAL PRINT your nanos thar Below and turn booklet whi the aswversnee. faites @ deo may} results aiuelieation, rest cove 02234010 MAY/TUNE 2013 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION® PURE MATHEMATICS ANALYSIS, MATRICES AND COMPLEX NUMBERS Unit2— Paper o1 F hour 30 minutes 05 JUNE 2013 (a.m. READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. This test consists of 45 items. You will have 1 hour and 30 minvies to answer them. In addicion to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet, Do not be concerned that the answer s items in this test provides spaces for more answers than there are neh item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C).(D). Read each item ‘you are abou! to answer and decide whieh choive is best. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen, Look at the semple item below. Sample em ‘The expression (1 +/3 }*is equivalent to ‘Sample Answer ws O9O@ ®) 10 © i438 () 4425 ‘The best answer to this item is “4 +2 V5~, so answer space (D) has been sheded. Ifyou wanito change your arewer, be sume to erase it completely before yow Allin your new choice When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly end as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, omit it and go on to-the next one. You can return later to the item omitted. Your score will be the total number of correct answers, You may do any rough work in this booklet The use of silent, non-programmable scientific calculators is allowed. Examination Materials: A list of mathematical formulae end tables. (Revised 2012) DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO Si Copyright © 2010 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. 1. Fis the conjugate of z. Which of the 4 following ace always true? t u mM. 27 isreal vy. Z icreal (A) TandiTonty (B) band {if only (©) Mand IV only (D) Hand JV only 2, The complex number expressed as V+ can be A [vosZ+isinZ Bl cos sisin® ©) Valas% visint © fetus!) © alu Zaien a oO Oo > 02234010/CAPE 2013, The expresssion i [(1 +H ~ C1 - Dis equal to w 4 @® 2 © 2 ©) = Tesemecmentee= texas Ii represented on an Argand diagram as “ Jn + ® Jin 1 Re a 2-1) © tn “I i i | ir @) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 6 Mffie)= In 2x, then Fe) = 9. w 2 @® J © 2 A (D} z 7 0. 8 Thederivative of ia { } with res " (y) there li. (A) 3x ' @) "ae t oO h (D) 3x 12. 0223401 O/CAPE 2013 Ifey— 57 = 10, then 2 is equal'to “ ‘The integral of is tox The ingen of Ti with eepeertox (A) ux te @) utree © strte @} sexta te [we Dianz “ @) © ©) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 13, 14 6 4. A curve is given paramettically by the 16. equationsx=#-2r, y=#+2r, The simplest expression for the gradient of the tangent in terms of is wo 2 rel 2-2 ®) +2 ra @ 4 o 7. B 18, © As fant rae (Dy SEs fumede Teeny may be expressed as wy 24244 Go) x17 Grek ®) [nes iB Souk © x + 6x+17 La ©) x) 46x417 02234010/CAPE 2013 For-1<20<1, DQa) = w ® 2 © 1420 2a Oe Whien of the following sequences is the first fourtermsofan arithmetic progression? (A) nn-2.n- dnb (B) 1. + 1 (nF 2). (n+ 3) oO SLR t8 py x » 10° 100° 1600 “The sur of the Sst terms of a series is (4) «The value of the SECOND 4 term is a) ® c oO GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE i i 20, a. If the yy Uy My relation 1, terms of the sequence u, .» satisfy the recurrence = u.73,n21, then the m tere, may be expressed as (A) us6n B)u+3n ©) u,+6(n—1) @) uv, #3@-1) ‘The function fx) =x°-3x~ I has NO reat root in the open intervat (A) (2-1) 1,0) © 1) my 0,2) The sum to infinity of a geometric series is ae «The range of xis (A) wlexet B) 2 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 37, 39, ri 4 IfM=|3 2-1], thentheco-factor of 60 5 the element 3 in M above may be written as w l ] a 1 5| o fy sas at ‘The FIRST ROW of the product PQ of the two 3x3 matrices Z 24 3) S}an¢Q=| 5 0-15 3-2 4, (A) @ -4 3) B® (6 -5 7 © ae o 7 (0) @2 -35 -1) The letters of the word IRREGULAR are to be arranged in a line. The number of possible arrangements in which the 3 R5 are NOT together is ay 7 «B) © oH D) 91-9tx3t (02234010/CAPE 2013 40. 4 42. 1 1M=/3 ‘ ®) h a4 oe ] z © {1-2 f Et bt 1a p o} +f of mo | t+ Ath | The general solution of a second order ordinary differential equation is WO =, cos 2r + ¢, sin 2, How many Solutions result from applying the boundary conditions y (0) = p (2x) =5 where b is @ constant? (A) 20 solution (8) one solution (©) wo solutions (D) infinitely many sotutions Ifthe auxiliary equation fora second order differential equation with real, constant coefficients is given by + 6h +50 =0, then the general solution of the differential equation may be given by (A) yee (a+ By Beh =f Opvjelrde + C ©) pede Boon @) y=e" (4 cos Bx +B sin Bx) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE “Os 43. Given that y= 0 at x= 0, the general 45. The general solution of the differentia! solution of the differential equation y+ 6p" + 9 =O is (A) pret 4 Br (B) ye xBe-™ (© psc a+By () equation @ = (Ay yee (B) yoke © yarrk (>) yrmrx+k 44, The general solution for the second-orcler a} ae (A) ys Ach tx Bet (B) p= Ac*+ Bet ©) y=eA+ Bu ©) yee (arBy) END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 02234010/CAPE 2013 CAPE 2014 Pure Mathematics U2 PI Be 21 2. Which of the following is « sketch of i: oe the locus of the point represented by the complex number z, given that jz + 5t| = 37 (A) 4-7 NS “ B iS 7-4i ® FF 3 @ &! me 3 3 BHi o F ®) a © » @) io 02234010/CAPE 2014 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE If 1;=[tan"(x) dt may be expressed as tan x 1, Thay then ftan’(x) de is (A) ®) © @) x+5 Far eeeaTy mY be expressed as ?,2 , 8 O Pei nT ‘The value of (005+ isin 5? is (A) -2 (B)-1 «) 1 @) 2 6 7 is the conjugate of z. Which of the following are always true? LRH U0 agz=argz Mm. 27 isreal WF isreal (A) Land I only 8) Land If only (© Mand tv only @) Mand IV only Given e#*”—x~0, then ® is equal to é 1 WO oh ® + er I-e"” oO Gr l-e"” (D) The roots of a quadratic equation ax? + bx +¢=0 are the complex numbers 14 2g and 2— i, The equation is (A) #-Gtpxr+4+ (B) #-Gtix-4-3i (C) P-G-pxt443 (D) 2+Gt)x+4+3=0 =0 uu. 1 Jaa" @ ai@re (B) 2tm"Qx)+e © war'exse © fur'@re Giventhatix) = In3z*, then J” (-2)equals @ -l 1 ® + i © 5 © 1 Given that 22-1448, then the exponential form of the complex number i @) © @) 2" One square root of 3 ~ 4i is @) V3-2 @® G+x © 2: ©) 24 2B. 15, Given that a, b, c and kare constants, then en* can be expressed as (Ay 24d infx-t]+k x (8) alo|x|+bin|x-1]+k bic ©) ainixi+z+eore ) ainjx2te mfx-i]4k ffs, ») is such that GF ~e[-sin +) + 008 (x +y)] and Es z ~~’ sin (e+ y), then which of the following is TRUE? (A) Ax. y) = etsin & + y) (B) f(e.y) = et cos + y) (C) f(y) = e' sin (x + y) + cos (xt y) D) f(y) = er cos (xe +y) ffx, y) is a continuous function, which of the following is true? Fe Oey @ 2.8 © % ow F.4.8 a ay" ay GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 28s ‘Which of the following sequences is the 20. ‘The Maclaurin series expansion for sin x, firstfourterms ofan arithmetic progression? ‘up to the term in 2, is ee, 2 © T5700'T000 @ ate B) (nt 1, (+ 2),-(2 +3) ? ®) re (241,20 +3, 2+ 8 a3 Fox ©) 4n-2,n-4,n-6 © lexst-e vox ) ten S-F For what values of x is the series >’ x’ ‘convergent? nt w@ 21, — Asequence is defined as ny eta (@) xs! l+u, © -lexed where uw, Landa € N. The 20* term of @) -Isxsi ‘the sequence is wo s A sequence is defined as w, = 2, u,~ 4, 20 u=u,,+u,,, forn>3. This sequence 1 is ® FF 2 (A) periodic 19 (B) divergent oe 0 (©) oscillating 20 (D) convergent om # For the recurrence relation a,,, ~a,- a, where a, = 1 and a, =3, the value of a, 38 99. a -3 @® -1 © 1 © 3 “6s ‘The sum of the first n terms of « geometric series is [-()} ‘The value of the SECOND term is * (A) a 1 ® + 3 oO 7 @) 1 ‘The equation ¢*—x*=0 has. root between (A) end) ®) land? © 2and3 @) Banda ‘The binomial coefficient (3) isequivalent to w (t(t) © (2) © (*,?) ) (8) 26, 2. 28. ‘The value of the term independent of x in = the binomial expcsion of ("+ 1) is (") @) ( © (" ( @) © If the coefficient of 2? in the expansion of (6 —ax)' is -84, then the value of a is wo -£ ® -x © % @) -36 ‘The coefficient of x in the Taylor series expansion of x) = cos x about x= 0 is “5 @® 5 og o - GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 3 ‘The values of x for which the expansion of L [Goo—s0x) is vlid ae (A) -12 Which of the following statements is true? @ ar ® © Eeer)-+¥ © Zr SP “The general solution for the second-order differential equation 2 = 3 +2ye0is (A) peal Be (B) y= Ae¥ +x Ber © yre(a+Bx) (D) y=e*(A+Bx) 33. -2 0 1 S|and 23 6 -10 3-5} then o 7 0 of 2 0 0 21, ‘The matrix P~! equals (a) Pay! @) ary’ © 3 1 Dp) 4 PY ae ‘The number of distinct permutations of the letters of the word POSSIBILITY is Py (B) NPP) ut © an @) "Py GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 36. 36. 133 ah IfMs|-2 4 1], the FIRST ROW of 056 the co-fuctor matrix of M is: -19 -12 -10 (A) “* # + 8 8 1-2 0 em jee e 19 12-10 38. © le« = oes -1 20 om lee ae € A sample space S consists of 3 mutually exclusive and exhaustive events Q, Rand S. If P(Q) = 0.3 and P(R)= 0.6, then P (5) = 30. ) 01 @) 02 © 06 ©) 09 In how many ways can a student council consisting of 8 students be formed from 40 students if2 particuler students must be on the council? @ @) MC, © @) *c, Xand Y are mutually exclusive events. If P(X) =f and P(N) =4 then P(XUN)= @) 3 BIH Ble oly ol Given that His a non-singular, square matrix, the determinant, EP, of E?, is (A) 2H) 1 @ Al © PF 1 © |e ‘The determinant of the matrix 3-1 3 Ms/2 3 -2/is 05 4 (A) 20 ® o (104 (Dd) 24 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 40. 41. 42, ‘Two qoins and a die with faces numbered 1 to Gare thrown together once. Assuming that the die and coins are fair, the probability of obtaining 2 heads and a number less than 4 @ ® } © 3 #8. o 3 Tfonemarbleischosen, withoutreplacement, from a bag of 1] blue and 9 red marbles, then the probability of getting a red marble followed by 2 blue marbles is @ ® © 9 N10 © 31918 44, Asuitable integrating factor forthesolution of the differential equation dy BD ax (A) 2x ®) In2x © # oOo * Inem 43 refers to the Venn diagram below which shows the probabilities associated with events K and Z in a sample space S. ‘The probability that Z occurs, given that K occurs, is A) 025 ®) 033 © 035 @) 095 Item 44 refers to the table below which shows the number of males and femalesand their preferences for Drink A and Drink B. Male Female Total DrinkA 12 1830 DrinkB 20 1030 Toth = 32286. ‘One person is randomly selected. What is the probability that this person is female and prefers Drink B? 1 OW | 1 B) = @ 5 5 (a © 1 Dm) + QO 5 -10- 3 x3 matrix with inverse Q~, then 000 @ joo0o0 000 oor ® [010 100 100 © |010 oot vit (Dd) fi lit END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 0223401 0/CAPE 2014 PURE Paz ZOWS The conjugate of the complex number 1 Todi is 2 (a) ® 3 © 1-H © den ‘The complex number z=V3+ can be expressed as Val eosE+ 2) v3 3. ® i(corE sin) 2 ag © lenk ti) © afcos2 Given that cos 2x: then frsne(2) is pany @ 2-% ® 2-2 x © Lay @ F- 02234010/CAPE 2015 One square root of 3 - 47 is A) 3-2 ®) V3+2i () 2-i @) 241 The complex number z can be represented on an Argand diagram as “ tm * al eR? a}-—__- 2 Re 3 we tn t a ‘Re ar =,-1) tn © tm Nf a 9 ‘Re © In 4 1 ol 2 Z - ‘Re a = GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Af fx) = In 2x, then f' (x)= 10. a 2 z 1 B) lg ® 5 © (D) ‘The equation e*—x*=0 has a root between (A) Oand1 re B®) Land2 (©) 2and3 (D) 3and4 ‘The number of bacteria present in a culture is modelled by p= y,e", where k> 0, yis the Population after « hours, and y, isthe initial population. The rate of growth, ¢, when 1= Sis piven by 2 @) c=e* () che’ © c=5e @) = hyo dep ii Felina) wm 2 x (8) ae © Fong? x (D) 3.(n xP 0223401 0/CAPE 2015 Given that a, b, ¢ and & are constants, then 3 sep dx can be expressed as . A Sebinfe-t+e x @®) aln|x|+bIn{x-1|+k © — alnff+bs— oe x x-1 ©) atnfs|—2+ einfe ape The integral of Ge GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 14. 15. A curve is given parametrically by the 16. equations x = f — 21, y= +21. The simplest expression for the gradient of the tengent in terms of tis tol rc) TA 2-2 ®) 42 o tf t+] go = u-2 7. eS fi-9x* @ ® 5 © 3 = 18. ©) printaree ‘The argument of the complex number vel Q2n 2 z w = @ 7 z © F o = 2 (02234010/CAPE 2015 For-1<2n<1, 9(2n)" (a) iow 1 © Ta o ® If the terms of the sequence yy Myy ty ong Ho Satisfy the recurrence relation u,,, = 1u,+3, "21, then the n term, may be expressed as (A) 4430-1 ®) ,+6@-1 (©) +3" O) 1,46" ‘The 5* term in the sequence that is defined by the relation u, =(—1)™ nz Lis -10 oe 35 ® | 5 OF 10 oO FG GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 19, 21, Which of the following sequences, {u,}, 22. converges?” ae » 3} © {cy} @ 2. Which ofthe following series are arithmetic series? L Lewin i 209 ML Yrosetr+ WV. Yog,3°% mt m4, (A) Land 111 only (8) Land IVonly (C) Mand t¥ only (D) LMand 1Vonly ‘The sum to infinity of a geometric series 1 : is}. the range of xis 1g “eae @ -Iwerm and the n* partial sur of a series. ievaluc ofS ,.,~S. when calculated on the series is Ww 4, ® a, © alta, 0) a,-a, Thebinomial coefficient (5) isequivalent we ( ®) (a%s) © (7 (nro Given that, = x(t aE “w o 2 ® F «c) 1 @M) @ GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 25, 27. ‘Thevalueofthetermthatisindependentof 28. xin the binomial expansion of ( + 4 is i 12 a) ( 2) 12 # () 12 © (%) 12 @) ( a) 28. Given that the coefficient of the term in b? in the binomial expansion of (a+b)* is 40, thena= @ 2 @ 4 © 10 ©) 2 If $2" 2 Let fe a continuous function with £(0) = 1 and f (0.8) =~ 0.75. ‘The first approximation to the root in {0, 0.8}, using linear interpolation, to 3 decimal places is (A) 0.000 (8) 0.400 (0444 () 0455 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 3 32. In how many ways can the letters P, ©, R, S and Tbe arranged so that P and Q, are always together, and R and S are always 3 together? (a) 3 ® 3 © siz (D) 31x2x2 ‘Ais a3 «3 matrix with determinant 14, 1f'the matrix of cofactors of A is ‘4-14 -2 3-7-5 4-9 3 then A? = (4 714-2 alg: 27 35 a“ il? ee M4. f43t @ aj-4 -77 Mog 5 3 4-14 -2 © ls 7 -s 1 431 @) —|-14 -7 7 1-20 up=|3 1 5|and 123 -1 6 -10 o- [« 3 = se 707 200 po-|o 2 0 0 021 ‘The matrix Pt equals fA) (PQ ®) @P 1 () a e o +e 2 Given that y= 0 at x= 0, the general solution of the differential equation yt 6+ y= Dis (A) pret+ Be 8) yr Bre™* () prertat ay (0) yre™+sx GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 35. ‘A sample space X consists solely of 3 mutually exclusive events, Q, Rand S. If P(Q) = 0.3 and P(R) = 0.6, then P/S) = @ o1 ®) 02 © 06 (D) 09 A school debating team comprising 3 teachers, 3 boys and 3 girls is to be chosen from 5 teachers, 4 boys and 6 girls. The number of ways in which this team can be chosen is (Ay 27 (By) 84 (Cc) 182. (D) 800 37. 38. Item37 refers to the following table which shows the number of males and females and their preferences for Drink 4 and Drink B. Male Female Total DrinkA = 12,1830 DrinkB 20,1030 Total 32-28 ‘One person is randomly selected. What the probability that this person is female and prefers Drink B? Es w % 2 ®) 3 a © it i @ 2 ‘The FIRST ROW of the product PQ of the two 33 matrices a g (2% 3) Pel 5-6 s/mige] so -1 123 (3-2 4) @2 -4 -) @) (6 -5 7) © (6 o 2 () @2 -35 -1) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 39, 40. 1 9. A,B, Cand Dare four3.x 3. matricies, Given that AB=J, BC=K, CD =L, ABC =P and BCD = Q, where J, K, L, P and Q are matrices, the product of ABCD is (Ay IQ (B) JKL « LW @) PD ‘Two coins and a die with faces numbered 1 10 6 gre thrown together once. Assuming thatthe die andoinsare fair, the probability ofobtaining 2heads and anumber less than 4is ws o } @ 2 o : ‘The general solution of the differential equation 2.2 is as (A) yae (8) © ©) 42, A suitable integrating factor forthe solution of the differential equation uem43 refers to the Venn diagram below which shows the probabilities associated with events K and Z ina sample space S. 0.05 The probability thet Z occurs, given that oceurs, is (A) 0.25 (B) 033 (©) 035 @) 0.95 GOAN TOTHE NEYT Dace 44. The number of possible values of x 48, -10- which satisfy the system of simultaneous equstions, (A) @) © @) Qe + By +22 = 5 4x + 6y + 4z= 10 Gx + Sy + 6 = ~25 END OF TEST The matrix A represents # system of year equations after some elementary row ‘operations have been performed. Be rea As|o 1-122 00 0:2 Which ofthe following statementsis TRUE? (A) The solution is unique. (B) There is'no solution. (©) Thereare infinitely many solutions. (D) The solutions are dependent. IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. NP 7341 0/CAP 2016 [CANDIDATE PLEASE NOTE: + |rrtvr your ame om te ine below and retara eis booklet with our anewer sec. Fare too 9 uy restr in isquatieation. test cove 02234010 FORM TP 2017299 = MAY/IUNE 2017 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION® PURE MATHEMATICS ANALYSIS, MATRICES AND COMPLEX NUMBERS. UNIT 2 —Paper 01 J hour 30 minutes 06 JUNE 2017 (a. READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1 This test consists of 45 items. You will have | hour and 30 minutes to answer them. 2. _ In addition to this test booklet, you should have an ‘answer sheet, 3. Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this test. 4, Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choiee is best 5, On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space: having the same letter as the answer you have chasen. Look at the sample item below. Sample em ‘The expression (1 +./3 }’ is equivalent to Sample Answer (a) 4 ©®O0® ®) 10 (Cy 1438 (D) 442V3 The best answer to this itcm is “4 +2 3”, so (D) has been shaded. 6. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. a When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. Ifyou cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later. 8. You may do any rough work in this booklet, 9, ‘The use of silent, non-programmable scientific calculators is allowed. ‘Examination Materials: AA list of mathematical formulae and tables, (Revised 2012) DO _NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO So. Copyright © 2016 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. a 724ataeea BE 2017 1. Expressed in the form d+ Bi, where abeR, tH ~ T+ “@ 2 () -2r © 2 ©) 2 2. The complex number 2=V3+i can be expressed as (a) Val cos-ssn) 0223401 0/CAPE 2017 3. Which of the following is a sketch of the locus of the point represented by the ‘complex number z, given that [z + 5i| = 3? “ », GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, One square root of 3 — 47is 8. A V3-27 @®) J3+2 (C) inf (Dy) 2+F Zis the conjugate of 2, Which of the following are always true? 9 1 [Fl=|21 iL argz~argz MM, 22 isreal (A) Land tl only (B) Land {lf only (©) Wand itt only (@) |, Wand tl i de Given that y = tan'(2x), then & equals wy a) 10. @® An 2 OQ War 1 ae Given ¢*17—x=0, then 2 is equal to A) it wo & © len ©) 022340 10/CAPE 2017 The number of bacteria present in a culture is modelled by y=y,e%, where £>0, yis the Population after ¢ hours, and y, is the initial Population, The rate of growth, o, when 175 is given by (A) cme (B) c= he (© c= Se" (DB) c= hye ‘The derivative of the function ye to =} wih respect to x is wm Be sin’ (B) ~seexcosecx (c) (D) Given thatf{x)= In3x*,then /'(—2)equals. @ ot 1 o 3 1 oO + © -1 tegral of 5 with respect tox Ey (A) tanx tc (8) wrx+e (C) sete +e (D) secxtane +¢ GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 12 faerie = : 18. Given sect 1+ tants, J" = 2 aeis A deec o = Be ® mw © ene 4 © 24 (D) 2 1+C O 4 D) 1-2 ©) Z 13. The argument of the complex number poner Len 16. By using the Newton-Raphson method 202 with a first approximation x,, the second ‘approximation x, , fora root of the equation 2 x5 =2 +25 may be expressed as (A) = 6 ey = gop togt ros ®) F SSS © = @) «) 3 Dp) = © m 4 (0) 14. Iffis such that ae 17. Given that u, represents the 7 term of a 2% PE rah toon ety) sequence, ‘which of the following converges? * ~e' sin (+ y), then which of the @ ag following is TRUE? ® 5 = 7 A) flsy)me'sin ety) © mee 8) fey)=e' cose +y) (©) f&y)=e" sin &+y) + 608 ty) an ©) fey)-€ cos a+y) @) 5 =) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0223401 0/CAPE 2017 ‘The sum to infinity of a geometric series 18. Asequence is defined as 4, ‘na l+u, = where u, = and ne N. The 20th term of the sequence is A) -l— 20 2 o 2 21 22, The coefficient of a*6* in the expansion of (a+ Byis 19. Let a, and S, denote respectively, the value of the n® term and the n® partial “7 sum of a series. The value of $ ,,.~S, ®) 21 when calculated on the series is Q ©) 30 a, 2 is ae 23. Thesumofthe hee terms ofa geometric @D) Aa series is [ (3) | The value of the SECOND term is 20. Whichofthe following seriesare arithmetic series? 1 _ w 5 L +3r) = ® 5 Soe) : 2 © 3 MY tog g(r +1) ©) 1 v. Shep3° 24, Given thats, SE-B ins, is (A) Land tH only (B) Land 1V only (a) 0 (©) Illand 1V only 2 (D) 1, Wand 1V only 5 © 1 (D) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 022340 10/CAPE 2017 25. The equation x* ~x~3 =0 has one real 29, positive root in the interval (n, 1+ 1). The value of nis @ 1 (B) 2 © 3 ©) 4 26. Thevalueof the term thatisindependentof x in the binomial expansion of (e -4) : is *, > 30. “ (2) © & © () » (8) 27. Given that S7k(R-+D=5, then, for m

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