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The secret annex is conformed for 8 places.

The first place is the bookcase, that room was very important
because it has a secret entrance of the hiding behind to a bookshelf and a map, also that place has office
documents and it´s so small place. The next secret annex´s place is the entrance it is inside of the secret annex,
in that place be a wooden staircase where Anne wrote some texts in her diary, besides next to that place be a
bathroom. The bathroom it´s other secret annex´s place, it has a toilet and a washbasin but all days from 8:30
am to 9 am those who were in the secret annex can´t use these, also the bathroom has a mirror and Anne
wrote some texts about her changes, she liked see herself at that mirror.

Returning to the stairs at the entrance of the secret annex, on the left side Otto, Edith, and Margot Frank´s
room is found; in that place there is two beds, a small bookshelf, a table with two chairs that Otto use that to
read Dicken´s books. On one wall of that room there are the height measurements of Ana and her sister, they
also have a small map of Normandy; on the right side be a door that connect to room of Anne and Fritz.

In the room of Anne Frank and Fritz Pfeffer there are two beds, one for Anne and the other for Fritz, it´s room
is very important because has a desk where Anne wrote in her diary; the walls of the room were decorated
with pictures of Hollywood stars, art, and royalty. The room has a window and Anne wrote in her diary about
her entertainment spying on the neighbors with her binoculars.

Returning to the stairs at the entrance again, up the stairs is the room of Hermann and Auguste van pels; that
room it’s the biggest of the secret annex. There is the kitchen, a small fireplace, a living room where they
played board games, a desk and two beds. Next to the kitchen be the peter´s room.

The peter´s room has a him bed, him bicycle, pictures of actresses in the wall, a small bookshelf… The room is
a little small but has a ladder to the attic.

The attic is the favorite place of Anne, it´s obscure, there was a pantry, a barrel of potatoes, bags of beans,
windows, boxes and old furniture.

Anne wrote some texts about her experiences in the attic window, she dreamed of being able to go outside.

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