Fluency 1 - Teacher

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FISK Immediate

in English

CYRER Excusive
FISK Online
Contens Fluency
General iniormation
FISK IMMEDIATE CONVERSATION IN ENGLISH is a course for young adults and adults. The series is
composed of six books:
ICE. Essentials 1

ICE. Essentials 2
IC.E. Transitions 1
IC.E. Transitions 2
IC.E Fluency 1

IC.E Fluency 2
After Fluency 2, there is one more book whose aim is to prepare students for the last exam of the
course to get the final certificate.


FLUENCY1 is the fifth book of the series for young adults and adults who are already able to
communicate in English in several situations. They must have finished Transitions 2 or achieved this
level through a placement test.
The book aims at mastering the students' communicative skills by means of lessons that present
extensive vocabulary and grammar allowing students to communicate more easily and naturally
in English.
Also, this book provides the students with opportunities to express themselves in a series of
different situations, through contextualized exercises to make the learning process more effective,
boosting the students' confidence to use language more fluently and more accurately. Some
cultural aspects are also introduced throughout the book, bringing the content of each lesson closer
to real life.

There are 10 regular lessons which focus on the presentation and practice of more refined
language structures to help students communicate quickly and effectively in English. They also
introduce more advanced topic vocabulary, phrasal verbs and idioms. In addition, you'll find
practical exercises to help learners develop the main language skills.
The book also brings 5 communicative lessons called Fluency boosters. These lessons were planned
to provide additional speaking practice as well as to present a video activity and a pronunciation tip.
Another additional feature of Fluency 1 is the Writing bank. There are 5 different exercises which
were designed to enhance students' writing skills. The Nrap it up! lessons come after lessons 5 and
10, offering a sequence of exercises meant to prepare students for the tests. Last but not least, the
book brings different sections at the end: Word booste, Language booster and Self-study

Each regular lesson: 3 hours Total: 30 hours

Each Fluency booster: 1 hour Total: 5 hours
Each Writing bank: 30 minutes Total: 2 hours and 30 minutes
Each Review: 1 hour Total: hours
Each Evaluation: 1 hour Total: 2 hours

Total: 41 hours and 30 minutes


Student's book
1 0 regular lessons
5Fluency booster lessons
Word booster
Language booster
Writing bank
Self-study Answer key
Cyber Fisk - exclusive online content

Audio recordings of monologs,

dialogs, vocabulary and some written exercises.
Games based on the content of
the book to practice structure, vocabulary, writing and listening.
Lab activities to practice andlistening speaking.
Teacher's Edition book
General information about the course and the course components.
Same contents as the Student's book with answers to the exercises in red.
Teacher's notes containing procedures, background notes and scripts
comprehension exercises and the videos. forthe listening

Class audio -

available for download on "Area Restrita"

The recordings available for the students (a)plus the recordings

comprehension exercises and the listening comprehension tests ( for the listening
Class video -

available for download on

"Área Restrita"
The video consists of short documentaries. This feature has
been added to the course
to serve as a learning tool but also to not only
promote extra motivation in students.
See more information on page XI.


The lesson starts with a double-page photo collage

to introduce the main theme. Questions to promote
brief warm-up conversation are available on the right
bottom corner of the second page.









The regular lessons are divided into three parts. Each part is
composed of two pages.
The title of each part brings a question too
1.1 promote immediate conversation.

What kind of friend are you?

1 Kick it off!
A. Choose what applies to Kick it off! is a short conversation
you. activity meant to make students relate
I've known my best friend for to the theme of the lesson. This section
also introduces a few words / phrases
T (always / never) get togethe about the main theme of the lesson.

I (have / don't have) friends on Facebook.

I'm (single / married engaged/ divorced). It's complicated.

I (get along/ don't get along) well with my next-door neighbor.
I (don't/ really) enjoy talking to people I don't knowN.

B. Talk to The new

speaking bubble icon
a friend about your answers.
indicates that students must not only
A: l've known my best friend for more than ten ask additional questions, but also
years. He's
reasons for their choices.
B: Really? Where did meet?
you guys
A: We met in e
First, students use the Word booster at the end of
the book to learn new topic
vocabulary. Then, in the
Vocabulary Vocabulary
they perform
2 meant to put the new vocabularytwo speaking tasks Mr
into practice. booster page 104

A.What are they like? Choose three people to talk about.

your mom / dad
your next-door neighbor your girlfriend boyfriend
your fiancé / fiancée
your best friend
A: What is your next-door neighbor like? A: Do you get along well?
8: He's friendly and outgoing. B: Well, | think so. .

B. What kind of
person are you? Talk to a friend.

Ithink / guess
lI'm (not)
Really?/ Are you for real?
Me too. / Me either.
Yeah, you seem to be (shy).
orsa3 is63 maw.fokoaearch. cam.br

V Fluency
In Speak Up, a
There are always two tasks in each listening
minor teaching
comprehension exercise. The first one focuses point is introduced
on listening for general information, while the
through a speaking
second one focuses on listening for specific
information. task.
3 Listening 4 Speak up
A. What should friends have in common?
A. Who are they talking about?
Check your answers.
> b e close in age

>have similar social backgrounds

h a v e the same values and beliefs

>have similar perSonalities

DusTin >have the same interests

Rachel LUCy

next-door neighbor

(ex-) boyfriend/ girlfriend B. Now talk to a friend about your

(ex-) husband/ wife answers.

(best) friend
C. Group discussion
Jake is a generous guy.
When a friend of his
B. Listen again and mark the sentences needs a hand, he
True or False. gives up his own time
to help. He doesn't even
1. ) Rachel met this person at her birthday
mind lending money.
Some people think he
2. Julian enjoys helping people. shouldn't do that.
3. ( Rachel and Julian have big plans for
next fall. How about you? What do you think?
Is it easy to say "no" to your friends?
4. Dustin liked Anna's smile.
Do you enjoy helping people?
5. Anna doesn't enjoy a laid-back life.
Have you ever lent money to a friend of yours?
6. They are still friends nowadays. What would you never lend a friend?
7. Lucy met this person when they were

8. They are not neighbors anymore. LEARN

9. They just talk to each other on the
a neighbor of David's
one of David's neighbors
C. Do you believe in love at first sight? Talk a
cousin of mine
one of my
to a friend. cousins
some friends of hers
some of her friends
assion (im )possible attraction -illusion
A summary of the new teaching point.
The Word bank- present in some
exercises i s meant to provide 9 Fluency
students with key vocabulary to help
them answer a more complex question.

How long have you been using social networking?

1 Learning Present perfect vs. present perfect continuous

A. Read this.rae

l've been using this new app fora couple ofweeks

now (1). It's a social networking app that allows people
to practice different languages. P've added more than
50 people from all over the world so far (2). I've been
Either a short passage or a
practicing my Spanish a lot because I want to visit my quick listening comprehension
cousin in Madrid next summer. task sets the context for the
presentation of the main
teaching point of the lesson.

B. Look at the sentences in blue in the text and complete.

Students will be guided in this short task to deduce
the usage of the teaching point. The explanation of
the language structure is done using the Language
Booster at the end of the book.
Lerhbooster page 119

C. Complete the sentences below

1. I've been using (Instagram) for about

2. Ive posted photos this week.

3. I've been following on (Twitter) since

4. I've already changed my profile picture on (Facebook) times.

D. Talk to a friend about your answers.

A: I've been using Instagram for about 5 years. I've followed more than 1000 people.
B: Wow! That's a long time! How many photos have you liked today?
A: More than 20, I guess

E. Choose three questions and ask a friend.

How long have you been living at your curent address? How long have you known your best friend?
How many languages have you learned so far? How many times have you been to (Fortaleza)?
What TV shows have you been watching that you What has been happening in the news lately?
would recommend?

VIl Fluency 1
Have you ever had a crush on a friend?
Topic-based phrasal verbs are
presented through a QR Code
1 Vocabulary Phrasal verbs activity.
A. Study this. EYBE
ask out put up with look up to
drift apart break up (with) get back together Word
page 104

B. Talk to a friend.

Why do couples usualy break up?

What kind of people can't you put up with?

A Can you remember any celebrity couple

that has gotten back together recently?

Should girls ask boys out?

Who do you look up to in your family?
Why do friends sometimes drift apart?
2 Listening
A. Listen and answer. More listening comprehension
exercises to help learners master
Who are they talking about?
this important skill.

B. Listen again and correct the sentences.

1. Andrea is telling Sue something big.

2. Andrea cheated on her boyfriend.

3. Sue and Rachel can't put up with Andrea's boyfriend.

C. Group discussion
What would you do if you were Andrea?


3 Sounds good 4 Check this out!
A. Study these word combinations with A. Match, Two idioms are presented in each
lesson, so learners can broaden their
relationship. 1. Dean
vocabulary. This presentation is always
They followed by group discussion.
a healthy /a strong/a harmonious
a difficult/a stormy 2.I think Robert has a thing for Sarah. He
a long-tem/ a
long-lasting doesn't stop looking at her.
a close
T o be attracted to a person.
Presentation of
collocations followed relationshio T o instantly become good friends.
by two different speaking tasks.

destroy a
begin a
B. Group discussion
1. What do you do when you don't hit it off
in a
with a person you meet for the first time?

2. How do you know if a person has a thing

B. Talk to for you?

a friend. .
Are you in a relationship at the moment?
talk g e t t o knoW - Ignore - pretend

What can destroy a relationship?

Have you begun a new relationship lately?
What is important in a long-term
5 Fluency
A friend
Do you have a strong relationship with The lesson is always wrapped up through
your family? in you. t a speaking task which is
a persor Of
Can "exes" have a harmonious relationship a short paragraph,
some questions
makes li and useful expressions to help learners
after breaking up? Why/why not?
their point of view.
wrong. 1upport
they don't see each other regularly.
C. Write two questions using combinations
from A. 1. What does the first sentence mean?

2. How many true friends do you have?

3. What are the benefits of a harmonious

relationship with your friends?
4. How long does a friendship last?

5. Do you believe that true friends never drift


In my opinion, Personally, I think...

have to say that... The way l see it, .
D. Ask the questions above to a friend.

13 Fluency1

IX Fluency1

IC.E. Fluency 1 presents learners with a wide range of phrasal verbs and idioms so they can become
more tamiliar with them and understand their importance mainly in spoken language. In addition,
learning how to use phrasal verbs and idioms correctly will make learners sound more natural in
The presentation of phrasal verbs is done in the section Vocabulary, while the presentation of
idioms is done in the section Check this out!. Besides, phrasal verbs and idioms re also introduced
in the lesson in reading passages, listening comprehension exercises among other learning
resources available in IC.E. Fluency 1.


Say that they must use the Fisk QR Code app and the code on the page to find out the
definitions to the phrasal verbs in the book.
Pair students up and ask them to do the task using the QR code.
- When they finish it, go over t h e list of phrasal verbs in the book. Write them on the board.

You should review or introduce the simple past and past participle forms.
Ask extra questions. In case they have problems with any phrasal verb, help them.
-Assign the corresponding phrasal verb exercise in the Word booster as homework and correct
orally in the following class.

-If for some reason they are not able to use their phones, you can choose one of the
following alternatives
Alternative 1:
- Pair students up and ask them to complete the written exercise in the Word booster in class.

Allow them some time to do the exercise.

Correct orally.

Ask extra questions to check comprehension.

Assign the QR Code activity as homework

Alternative 2:
- Access the QR Code through a computer and show the task on an interactive board.


The Self-study section is included at the end of the Student's book with a sequence of written
exercises meant to provide additional language structure practice
At this level, the students are supposed to do these exercises as homework and correct them
themselves using the Self-study Answer key. Therefore, there is no need to correct them in class.
Just be ready to solve specific doubts students might have.


The students are formally evaluated twice in FLUENCY 1, after lessons 5 and 10. The minimum
passing grade is an average of 60 and none of the individual grades may be below 50. A
student whose average is below 60 or who gets an individual grade below 50 can be given a
second chance test. However, we do not recommend that the student take more than one
second-chance test during the book.
NOTE: In Fluency 1, the recordings for each exercise of the listening comprehension tests are
recorded only twice.






Explorations is a fictitious series that brings interesting subjects in a documentary-like format. The
themes of the episodes are somehow connected with
something discussed in the previous lessons.
The episodes basically bring structures and vocabulary
previously taught in the lesson. However,
there may be some topics that students haven't formally learned
yet. The idea of using this
approach is to expose learners to as much natural language as possible. Those
are not essential for the
language items
comprehension of the episode and can be easily deduced by the students.
Therefore, there is no need to explore them in class.


Episode 1 - Mood food

Episode 2-Thrills and chills

Episode 3- Discoveries by accident
Episode 4- Time flies
Episode 5-Video game fever




We've been living such a crazy and stressful life that some days we feel like staying in bed and
doing nothing at all. While some people go see a doctor for help, others try different things,
such as sports and alternative therapies. But let me tell
you a secret: the place to find the cure
for these problems might be closer than you think, more specifically, in your kitchen.

Just like every other part of our body, the brain is affected by what we eat and drink. Here's a
simple example: if you haven't been in a good mood lately, chances are you've been eating too
much sugar and fat. When consumed in excess, these items can make people blowa fuse.

Interesting, huh?
And there is more. If your blood sugar drops, you are also likely to feel more irritated and
To avoid this, nutritionists recommend that we regularly eat foods which release
energy slowly,
such as pasta, rice, oats, wholegrain bread and cereals, among others

Here's another fact: Did you know that most people feel little
depressed when they starta diet
to lose weight?

That happens because they must cut down on carbohydrates, and carbs are responsible for
making us feel happy and relaxed. A good way to fight this is consuming more portions of dark
green vegetables, such as broccoli and spinach

Speaking of diets, our brain works more efficiently when we follow an eating plan that is rich
in protein. So next time you have a difficult test in the
morning, try having a high-protein
breakfast. Eating omelets, for example, will make you feel more focused, but that doesn't mean
you don't need to study for the test, ok?
Finally, let's talk about the importance of staying hydrated.
Not drinking enough fluid will probably make you lose focus. According to health experts, we
should drink 6-8 glasses of fluid a day. Water, of course, is the healthiest option, but you can
also drink tea, coffee or juice. Just be careful with the sugar and caffeine in these fluids. When
consumed in excess, caffeine makes us anxious and depressed.
All in all, taking care of our eating habits is essential. The food and drinks we consume have the
power to affect our mood and nobody wants to feel bad all the time.

For more information about healthy eating and how food can change your mood, talk to a
And that's a wrap! Stay tuned for new episodes of EXPLORATIONS. Only at FISK!


Nobody can deny that roller coasters are an essential part of any theme park not only in
America, but also anywhere else in the world.
The inspirationfor this kind of entertainment dates back to the 18th
century, when the Russians
invented ice slides. These slides were frozen over with ice and riders down the
slopes at tremendous speeds. People had never seen such a thing before.
were sent slippery
In many parts of the world, roller coasters are known as "Russian
mountains". Interestingly, the
Russians refer to roller coasters as "American mountains".
Nowadays, roler coasters can be made of either wood or steel and they can use different
combinations of loops, drops and turns to make rides insane. There are even roller coasters with
special effects.

Modern theme parks compete to have "the tallest, the fastest, the scariest and the
extreme" roller coasters ever. While some people enjoy the thrills and
chills, others are scared to
death. Just thinking of riding on one gives them the
But why?

Roller coasters intentionally designed to be scary. They appeal to the same part of the brain
that enjoys horror movies and other scary stuff. Besides, the roller coaster
many other kinds of phobias at the same time.
phobia can trigger
Although rides are very safe these days, to a phobic this irrational fear can bring about a lot of
unpleasant sensations, such as dizziness, sweating, elevated heart rates, shortness of breath, etc.
Experts have been working together with famous theme parks to understand this fear and to
to come up with treatments to minimize the eftects of the try
coaster phobia or even help
overcome it. people
In conclusion, roller coasters are designed to make
people face their fears and go beyond their
limits. Many people believe that they should do
something out of their comfort zone from time
to time and roller coasters can help them achieve this
goal by creating a "heart-in-the-mouth"
effect. While some people love this sensation, for others it can be a
And that's a wrap! Stay tuned for new episodes of EXPLORATIONS.
Only at FISK!
Xl1 Fluency1
When you think about inventors, you probably picture a bunch of geniuses inside a well-
equipped research lab, surrounded by state-of-the-art technology, performing bold experiments
that might result in things that will instantly change everything.

Well, we'e got part of it right, but the truth is:

Some of the world's most important discoveries were accidents caused by clumsy scientists
misguided inventors and even crazy chefs.

Today's episode will highlight some noteworthy inventions that prove that mishaps are not
always awful.

To begin with, let's talk about an invention which makes modern life much easier, the microwave

This small rectangular "box was invented in the United States in 1945. its inventor, Percy
Spencer, was working with a microwave-emitting magnetron when he felt an odd sensation in
his pants. A chocolate bar that was in his pocket had melted. He immediately associated the
melting with the microwave radiation. That was the birth of the microwave oven.

Another fortunate mistake that was turned into a great invention is play dough. This kids
favorite was discovered in the 1930s, when a man from Ohio created a substance to clean
wallpaper. Later, teachers from different parts of the country learned that it could be used as a
modeling compound to make arts and crafts projects at schools. But it wasn't until after World
War II that the inventor's nephew had the idea to give the product a new name and sell it to
schools and teachers. It was an immediate success

Finally, let's talk about a popular stationery item found in any office across the country: Post-it
notes. The formula behind it was discovered by mistake in 1968, when Dr. Spencer Silver was
he invented adhesive that stuck to
attempting to create a super strong adhesive. Instead, an

abjects but could be easily removed. It took him years to find a potential use for his discovery. It
was only in 1980 that 3M agreed to distribute Post-it notes nationwide.

All things considered, it's important to say that necessity is not always the mother of invention.
So whetheryou're working on an experiment with materials or on a new business model
remember thatfailures will inevitably happen, and when one does, don't get upset. After all, this
slight mishap might be your "Eureka" moment.

And that's a wrap! Stay tuned for new episodes of EXPLORATIONS. Onhy at FISK!


YOur alarm goes off in the morning and you have no time for the snooze button. You just hurry
up to hit the shower, get dressed, grab something to est and rush off to work or school.

A stressful long day is awaiting you. You'l bounce from task to taskjust trying to giveit your
best shot without any chance of taking some time off to clear your head.

Then, you go back home have dinner and hit the couch for some TV time. inally, you go to
bed, but deep inside, you feel exhausted because you know that youll have to do it all over
again tomorrow.
For most of us, this is a common scenario. The simple, unpleasant truth is that we are busier
than ever. We are living fast.

Statistics have shown that people across the globe walk on average 10% faster than they did
around 20 years ago. On the other hand we are driving more slowly. Cars are faster, but the
traffic is much worse. We spend more time sitting in our car seats than we do sitting on our
couches. Sad, huh?

We are also less patient than we used to be. If people go to the supermarket.
across a long checkkout line, they simply give up. And if it takes an elevator more than 15
seconds to arrive, we get stressed out.

Now, the big question is: how can we manage time so we can live better in the long run?

Here area few tips.

First of all, LEARN TO SAY "NO":

This little word can change your life. When a person asks you to do something that you really
don't have time to do, just say NO politely.


You don't need to be online 24/7. Going offline for a while will help you manage time and focus
on performing tasks that demand more attention.


Have a reminder system to show you what you must do and what your deadlines are. It will help
you decide your priorities.
In essence, we all need to work hard at having a balanced lifestyle. First define what balance
means to you; then set achievable goals and go tor it. Remember to cut out distractions and
review your progress from time to time. By doing these little things you will find the time to chill
out and enjoy life.

And that's a wrap! Stay tuned for new episodes ofEXPLORATIONS. Only at FISK!

XV Fluency

Before Mario Bros captured our hearts, video games were basically used for academic purposes.
demonstrate the power of new technologies.
In the 1950s, scientists designed the first model to
were tested out on games like tic-tac-
At that time, rudimentary forms of artificial intelligence
toe or chess.
when computer sizes went down and
Commercial video games only took offtwenty years later,
new technologies were introduced.
entertainment worldwide.
Nowadays, video games have become a big hit and a unique form of
t goes without saying that there are several kinds of platforms that can be played anywhere
the time.

Here are some curiosities about this global phenomenon.

table tennis
Arcades became a hit in 1972 thanks to Atari's Pong, a game that simulated a

Pac-Man, considered an icon of popular culture, was created by a Japanese game designer while
eating pizza
Because of the popularity of the game Mario Bros in 1983, a lot of children were named after
this iconic character.

The best-selling console of all time is the PlayStation 2, with more than 150 million units sold.

49% of American adults play videogames. 65% of American households own a device to play
video games
Mobile gaming is a multi-billion-dollar industry these days. Curiously, this platform was boosted
thanks to the release of the iPhone and the App Store.

There are over 2 billion gamers in the world. Half of them comes from the Asia-Pacific region.

The average age ofgamers is 38.

59% of gamers are men.

Taking everything into account what does the future hold for video games?

Although it's rather complicated to predict, the future of gaming seems quite exciting.

New trends indicate advances in technologies like virtual and augmented realities. Also, the
enduring stereotype of the lonely gamer might be on borrowed time because collaborative
gaming wil probably get more and more popular.

In conclusion, the world of video games advances in new and interesting ways so the gamer will
have a richer, more immersive and fun experience.

And that's a wrap! Stay tuned for new episodes ofEXPLORATIONS.Onty at FISK!

echnology plays an important role in people's lives. Therefore, it can also be an important tool in
the learning process.

FISK IMMEDIATE CONVERSATITON IN ENGLISH makes use of several technological resources

to make the language acquisition process a more interesting and effective experience for your
These are the resources available for IC.E. FLUENCY 1:

Exclusive online content which allows students to practice the language through a variety otf
activities such as audio recordings, games, lab activities, etc.

QR Code activities5K
Once students download the Fisk QR Code reader (available on the App Store and Google Play),
they can target the code on the page with their smartphone/tablet cameras to access an extra
activity related to the lesson they will study/ have just studied.

Digital Material DIGITAL

A reproduction of the book into a multimedia application that makes lesson presentation much
more appealing to your students. This resource is supposed to be used in class by the teacher.

We strongly recommend that you explore the Digital Material before using it in class. Some
procedures for lesson presentation may be slightly different from the ones presented in this

It is extremely important to get to know each resource in advance to make the best use of it and
engage your students in the learning process.


In this Teacher's Edition the new words are shown in boxes, which is a great help in lesson
planning. There are different techniques you can choose from to deal with them. What you
should bear in mind is the context in which they appear. For instance, if it is an activity where the
focus is on learning vocabulary, then the words should be explained. On the other hand, if they
are in a reading extract, students should be given the opportunity to try to understand them
in the context. If there are new words in the exercises, then you should make sure the students
understand them before doing the activities.

XVII Fluency L
Here are some suggestions to present new words:

. Pictures Real objects (realia)

Paraphrasing Synonyms
Flashcards .Drawings on the board

.Gestures Giving examples (in a context)

Definition Translating
Remember to use the new words whenever an opportunity presents itself. Encourage the students to
use them as well. In order to retain vocabulary learners need to use words in a variety of contexts, so
recycling and reviewing is an important part of the process.


A lot of things that we call "mistakes" should be seen as learning steps and should not be
frustrating to the teacher or inhibiting to the student. If a teacher wants to be successful in dealing
with mistakes, he/she has to keep in mind when, how and what to correct.

First of all consider the kind of activity, whether it is a whole class practice, and the teacher is in
total control, or if it is pair or group work, in which the students work more
independently. If you
are practicing new structures or vocabulary with the whole class, you should point out what is
incorrect and then correct in the group. This should be done
by using the following techniques:
First, give the student a chance for self-correction. Ask the question again or simply say "Pardon?".
Then, if the student is not able to recognize and correct his/her mistake, you can prompt the
answer by using gestures or
indicating where the problem is.
If the student cannot provide the right answer, ask the class for help.
On the other hand, when the students are
them to correct mistakes.
working in pairs or small groups, you shouldn't interrupt
Instead, move around the class only paying attention to their
and supplying structures and performance
the most common mistakes.
vocabulary when requested. As soon as the activity is finished, correct
Always address the group as a whole, never mention names. Corrections
should be viewed as positive and
ways to improve or do better in the future, and we shouldn't
to be encouraging and
congratulate everyone by saying, "Well done, everyone!" Try to forget
the students for saying always praise
something right, pronouncing the words correctly, doing
good work, etc.

Sp spelling

wW = wrong word

G Grammar
(Tense?, Aspect simple, continuous, perfect?, etc.)

?= unclear meaning
(try to rephrase)

WO = word order

WF=word form
(Noun or adjective?, Adjective or adverb?, etc.)
V= word missing
(article, etc.)
O= missing punctuation
."; etc.)


Expose your students to much English as possible. At this level, the

students should be able to
understand most of the explanations in
English, without translation. However, on a few occasions,
you may still need to use translation for the sake of
are being asked to do. It is also
ensuring students' understanding of what they
advisable that you encourage them to use
English all the time.


class 60-minute classes 75-minute class 90-minute classes

1 Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 1

Lesson Lesson 1 Lesson 1

Lesson 2
3 Lesson 1 Lesson1/2
Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 2

5 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Fluency booster 1/Writing bank 1

Lesson 2 Fluency booster 1 /Writing bank 1 Lesson 3

7 Fluency booster 1 Lesson 3 Lesson 3

Lesson 4
8 Writing bank 1/Lesson3 Lesson 3
9 Lesson 3 Lesson 3/4 Lesson 4

10 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Fluency booster 2/ Witing bank 2

11 Lesson 3 /4 Lesson 4 Lesson 5

12 Lesson 4 Fluency booster 2/Writing bank 2 Lesson 5

13 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Wrap it up!1/Test 1

14 Lesson 4/ Fluency booster 2 Lesson 5 Test 1/Lesson 6
15 Fluency booster 2/Writing bank 2 Lesson 5 / Wrap it up! 1 Lesson 6

16 Lesson 5 Test 1 Lesson 6/ Fluency booster 3

17 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Writing bank 3/ Lesson 7

18 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7
Lesson 7/ Lesson 8
19 Wrap it up!1 Lesson 6/ Fluency booster 3

20 Test 1 Writing bank 3/Lesson 7 Lesson 8

Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8/ Fluency booster 4

22 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Writing bank 4/ Lesson 9

Lesson 6 Lesson 8 Lesson 9

Fluency booster 3 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 / Lesson 10
Lesso 8/ Fluency booster 4 Lesson 10
25 Writing bank 3/ Lesson 7
26 Lesson 7 Writing bank 4/Lesson 9 Lesson 10 / Fluency booster 5

27 Lesson 7 Lesson 9 Writingbank 5/Wrap it up! 2

28 Lesson 7 /8 Lesson 9 Test 2

29 Lesson 8 Lesson 10

30 Lesson 8 Lesson 10

31 Lesson 8 / Fluency booster 4 Lesson 10 / Fluency booster 5

32 Fluency booster 4/Writing bank 4 Writing bank 5/Wrap it up! 2

33 Lesson 9 Test 2

34 Lesson 9

35 Lesson 9

36 Lesson 10

37 Lesson 10

38 Lesson 10
39 Fluency booster 5

40 Writing bank 5
41 Wrap it up! 2

42 Test 2
42h 41h30min 42h

in English


M. A. Johns Hopkins University
School of Advanced International Studies - Washington, D.C.
B.A. Syracuse University - Syracuse, New York

Vera Laurenti Bianchini

Planning and Development

Thiago Grassi Barbieri

Assisted by
Lygia Watanabe


Eduardo Benaglia

Planning and Development

Roberto Carlos Napier Júnior

L Canton- ME



Eduardo Ricci

RHF Foundation

First Edition- 2018

All rights reserved

SUPPORT Editora e Papelarla Ltda.

Av. Lins de Vasconcelos, 2684
São Paulo- SP
Welcome to Fisk Immediate Conversation in English Fluency1

The fifth book of the series for young adults and adults has been designed
to master students' communication skills in English through a wide range of
speaking tasks, language structures and more refined vocabulary.
1CE Fluency 1 aims at making learners more independent in English so that they
can use it more fluently and accurately.

Take an active part in your classes and, outside, use Cyber Fisk. Also remember
that the more contact you have with English the better. Listen to music, watch
movies and TV shows and read whatever you can.

Hop on and enjoy the ride!


QR Codes You must have a smartphone/ tablet equipped with a camera.

Download the QR code reader / scanner application feature (Cyber QR)
from the app store.
Use your Cyber Fisk username and password to log in to the app.
Point the camera at the QR code.
ESK Access the content.
Relationships In this lesson you will learn how to:

describe persona
u s e the structure a friend of mine
use the present perfect vs. present perfect continuous
make word combinations with relationship page 6

Food In this lesson you will learn how to:

talk about fruits and vegetables

use compounds of some, any and no
use the structure how long + it take to...?
2 make word combinations with food page 14

Fluency booster 1 page 22

Traveling In this lesson you will learn how to

talk about airtravel

use superlatives +
present perfect
use the past perfect

3 make word combinations with trip

page 24

Sports In this lesson you will learn how to:

talk about extreme sports

use negative questions and tag questions
use the third conditiornal
4 make word combinations with sport and
page 32

Fluency booster 2 page 40

Fashion In this lesson you will learn how to:

describe clothes and fashion

use quantifiers
use adjective order

5 make word combinations with clothes

page 42

Wrap it up! 1 page 50

Technology In this lesson you will

learn how to:
PASSWORD PROTEC talk about technology
use subject questions
u s e some modals in
the past
make word combinations with
HACUNG DETECTE technology page 54

Fluency booster 3 page 62

Health In this lesson you will learn how to:

describe parts of the body

use emphatic do, does and did
use wish simple past

make word combinations with treatment

page 64

Time In this lesson you will learn how to:

talk about early birds and night owls

u s e the structure have /
get something past participle

use the structure verb + object + infinitive

make word combinations with time
page 72

Fluency booster 4 page 80

Consumerismn In this lesson you will learn how to:

talk about advertising

use intensifiers

9 use double comparatives

make word combinations with money
page 82

Games In this lesson you will learn how to:

talk about games and related words

use prefixes (un, im, in, ir, dis)
u s e direct and indirect
10 make word combinations with
page 90

Fluency booster 5 page 98

Wrap it up! 2 page 100
Word booster
page 104
Language booster
page 119
Writing bank Mastering connectors page 123
Mastering connectors I
The passive page 124
Parallel stucture page 125
Uses of THE page 126
page 127
Extra pages
page 128

page 131
Self-study- Answer key
page 141



Tell students to look at the
photos and ask them some questions.
Suggested questions:
What kind of
relationships do you see in these photas?
(e.g. friends -

and sister-
husband/ wife -fiancé/
fiancée- mother/father/
In your
opinion, do boys have a better relationship withchldren)
moms or with their dads? How their
about girls?
Can a boy be a
girl's best friend? How about the opposite?
Do you have a BFF?
How often do you hang out with
your friends/fa
What kind of friend are you?

1 Kick it off!

A. Choose what applies to you.

T've known my best friend
I (always never) get together with my close family.
I (have/ don't have) friends on Facebook.

I'm (single married

engaged / divorced). It's complicated.
I (get along/ don't get along) well with my next-door neighbor.
I (don't / really) enjoy talking to people I don't know.

B. Talk to a friend about your answers.

A: I've known my best friend for more than ten years. He's a good guy.
B: Really? Where did you guys meet?
A: We met in elementary school. How about you? Do you have a best friend?

2 Vocabulary Describing personalities Word. booster

page 104

A.What are they like? Choose three people to talk about.

your mom / dad
your next-door neighbor Ayour girlfriend / boyfriend
yourfiancé/ fiancée your best friend
A: What is your next-door neighbor like? A: Do you get along well?
B: He's friendly and outgoing. B: Well, I think so.

, .
B. What kirnd of person are you? Talk to a friend.

I think / guess I'm (not).. Me too. / Me either.

Really? / Are you for real? Yeah, you seem to be (shy).
naslia 193 www.latoseurcn.com.br

Teacher's Notes
1.1 What kind of friend are you? Explain the words fiancé/ fianceé. Write them on
the board and have group repetition.
Read the title out loud and address the question to
the whole group. - Ask two students to read the model dialog in the
- Pair them up and allow them some time to talk.
1 Kick it off!
Remind them to ask additional questions.
A. Tell students they are going to read some
sentences about relationships and they are
supposed to choose what applies to them. Shortcut
Read each sentence, the - In case you don't have much time, ask students

vocabulary. Write the new words on the board and to choose two people each to describe.
model pronunciation by having group repetition.
you read each sentence, students complete the

B. Say that they are going to describe themselves using

task. the vocabulary they've just learned.

B. Pair students up and Go over the expressions in the box, making sure they
explain that they are supposed
to have a brief conversation using the sentences understand how to use them.
from A. Pair students up and allow them some time to talk.

Ask two students to read the model dialog in the Remind them to ask additional questions.
Wrap the activity up by asking some students to
-Explain that they are supposed to read the describe their partners to the whole group.
sentences in the book, making extra comments
about them. You can point out that, in the example,
the sentence "He's a good guy" is extra. Remind
New words
them to ask additional questions as wel. divorced next-door
- Allow them some time to talk. engaged single
fiancé/fiancée to get along

2 Vocabulary married

A. Start the activity by asking students what they are

- As they answer, write some of the adjectives they
use on the board:

(Some adjectives they learned in calm,

Transitions 1:
adventurous, organized, friendly, extroverted, shy,
messy, stressed)
- Say that in this lesson they are going to improve
their vocabulary to describe people's personalities.
- Ask them to go to page 104.
- Say that they are going to take turns describing
people they know.

8A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
C. Write the expression love at first sight on the board
3 Listening
and explain it by saying that it is used to describe
A. -

Say that they are going to listen to Rachel, Dustin when a person has an immediate and strong
and Lucy talk about relationships. attraction for a stranger when they first meet.
- Explain that they have to listen to the recording and
write who they are talking about.
Pair students up and read the question in the book.
Ask them to have a brief discussion about it.
- Go over the words in the box and play the recording
Mention that they can use the words in the Word
once- students do the exercise. bank to answer the question. Go over them, having
Correct orally. group repetition and explaining the new ones.
- Allow them some time to talk.
Rachel 4 Speak up
Julian and I have been together for 3 years now. We have A. Read the question in the book and go over the
done so many incredible things. We first met at my
cousin's birthday party and since the beginning we got possible answers, explaining the new words.
along really well. He's a very strong and independent guy - Allow students some minutes to check their
but at the same time he's kind and generous. He doesnt answers. Mention that they can add other reasons.
mind helping other people. That's whyI love him so much.
I'm sure he's my other half. We are planning to get B. Pair students up and ask to a
discussion using what they checked in A. Remind
them have brief
married next fall. I cant wait.
them to ask additional questions.
Imet Anna when we were in college. I still remember her Wrap the activity up by asking some students to
smile It was beautiful. She was friendly and outgoing. It
present their ideas.
was love at first sight. We dated for about 6 months and -
You can also ask some extra questions to encourage
ended up getting married in the same yea. I know it was the discussion.
fast, but we loved each other. Now I know I was wrong.
Our marriage didn't work out at all. Anna is a very difficult Suggested questions:
person. She's all crazy and wild. She wanted to go out Do you believe that people with opposite
every single weekend, you know. Ireally didn't like that. personalities can be good friends?
Ima laid-back guy that always needs time to relax. Id
Are your friends around the same age you are? How
rather livea calm life. And Anna simply didn't understand about your social backgrounds? Are they the same?
that She complained all the time and called me "lazy.
Well, after two years living together, we decided to get Could you be friends with a person who likes things
divorced. Today we cant even talk to each other anymore you don't? (e.g. different types of music)

Lucy C. Ask a student to read the introduction about Jake.

Ive known Emily since I was 10. She was my next-door Write the board: a friend of his/a friend of

neighbor and we would play for hours when we were kids.

We used to go to the same school too. As we grew up

Explain that we use this structure to talk about one

of his / Jake's friends.
together, we became very close. We have shared s0 many
experiences. We knowa lot about each other. She's been

Read the examples in LEARN THIS! out loud and call

iving in another city for 3 years now, but we always find students attention to the use of the possessive
some time to meet and of course the Internet helps a lot pronoun/ genitive case after the word of
too. We are connected all the time. Thank God for that -

Ask the questions in the book to the whole

and have students answer them.
B. Say that they are going to listen to the speakers Make sure everybody participates
once again to get more details.

Explain that they have to write whether the New words

sentences in the book are true or false. attraction nowadays
beliefs passion
Ask different students to read the sentences in the each other smile
book. If necessary, help them with the vocabulary. illusion values
- Play the recording once students do the exercise. love at first sight social background
- Correct orally. New verbs
to give up one's own time to need a hand

3 Listening 4 Speak up
A. Who are they talking about? A. What should friends have in common?
Check your answers.
be close in age
have similar social backgrounds
>have the same values and beliefs

>have similar personalities

Rachel UUstin have the same interests

boyfriend best friend
next-door neighbor
(ex-) boyfriend/ girlfriend B. Now talk to a friend about your
(ex-) husband / wife answers.
(best) friend
C. Group discussion
Jake is a generous guy.
B. Listen again and mark the sentences When a friend of his
needs a hand, he
True or False.
gives up his own time
1.(F) Rachel met this person at her birthday to help. He doesn't even
party. mind lending money.
2. (T) Julian Some people think he
enjoys helping people.
shouldn't do that.
3. ( T) Rachel and Julian have big
next fall.
plans for
How about you? What do
you think?
4. T) Dustin liked Anna's smile. Is it easy to say "no" to
your friends?
5. (T) Anna doesn't enjoy a laid-back life. Do you enjoy helping people?
Have you ever lent money to a friend
6. (F) They are still friends nowadays. of yours?
What would you never lend a friend?
7. ( T) Lucy met this person when they were
8. T) They are not neighbors anymore. LEARN
9. (F) They just talk to each other on the THIS!
a neighbor of David's
one of David's neighbors
C. Do you believe in love at first sigh1? Talk a
to a friend. cou_in
one of
of mine
my cousins
some friends of hers
some of her friends
passion (im)possible attraction illusion

How long have you been using social networking9?

1 Learning Present perfect vs. present perfect

A. Read this.aE

I've been using this new app for a couple of weeks

now (1). It's a social networking app that allows people
to practice different languages. I've added more than
50 people from all over the world so far (2). I've been
practicing my Spanish a lot because I want to visit my
cousin in Madrid next summer.

B. Look at the sentences in blue in the text and complete.

(2) This sentence describes the result of an action.
N ) This sentence emphasizes the duration of an action. Langyage page 119

C. Complete the sentences below.

1. Ive been using (Instagram) for about
2. I've posted photos this week.

3. I've
been following on (Twitter) since
4. I've already changed my profile picture on (Facebook) times.

D. Talk to a friend about your answers.

A: I've been using Instagram for about 5 years. I've followed more than 1000 people.
B: Wow! That's a long time! How many photos have
you liked today?
A: More than 20, I guess.

E. Choose three questions and ask a friend.

How long have you been living at your current address? How long
have you known your best friend?
How many languages have you learned so far? How many times have
you been to (Fortaleza)?
What TV shows have you been watching that you
What has been happening in the news
would recommend? lately?
Teacher's Notes
1.2 How long
have you been using social networking? E. Explain the exercise and pairstudents up.
Read the title out loud and address the question to
the whole group.
Allow them some time to talk and remind them to
ask additional questions.

1 Learning Shortcut
A. Play the recording students read the passage in In case you don't have much time, have students
the book. ask two questions each.
B. Call students' attention to the sentences in bluue
(exercise A) - -

Ask them to try to guess the difference between the New words
sentences by matching them with their
explanations. Current profile picture So tar

Allow them some time to do the exercise.


Correct orally and ask students to go to page 119. New verb

to emphasize
C. Ask students to read the sentences individually and
complete them.

Allow them some time to do the activity.

D. -

Pair students up and ask them to have a brief

discussion using the sentences from C.

Ask two students to read the model dialog in the

Explain that they are supposed to read the sentences
in the book, making extra comments about them.
Remind them to ask additional questions as well.

IOA Fluency
Teacher's Notes
into small groups.
2 Reading
D. Divide the students
Read the questions in
the book and make
A. Ask the questions in the book to the whole group
students understand them.
and have students answer them.
the words in the Word
- Make sure everybody participates.
Mention that they can
Go over them,
bank to answer the last question.
the new ones.
B. Say that they are going to read a text about online having grouprepetition and explaining
friendship. - Allow students some time to talk.
-Play the recording students read the text.
- Ask them to read it again in silence and do the New words
exercise in the book. You should time your students.
Recommended time: 3-4 minutes. critics long-lost
- Ask them to compare answers with a friend. .for a while on the one hand
- Correct orally. for good or bad
C. - Explain the exercise and pair students up. in fact
i n person
Allow them some time to complete the task.
- Correct orally.
New verbs
to keep up with
t o cultivate
Shortcut to unlearn
to interact
In case you don't have much time, assign this
exercise as homework and correct orally in the
following class.

2 Reading
A. Group discussion
Are(Facebook) friends real friends? A
How many friends do you have on
Have you found any long-lost friends

B. Read the text and underline.

1. The reason
why Josh is not completely alone. OAndreyPapov www.fotosearch.com.br

2. The positive side of social

3. The negative side of it.
4. The author's
example on what to do to avoid
the negative side of social
Cyber friends
1 Josh Smith is home alone, but in fact, he is
not completely on his own. He's
been using
C. Find words with the same his iPad all morning to check whats going on
meaning in
with his 465 Facebook friends. He's already
the text. 5 posted a new photo, updated his status twice
alone (line 2)- on his own and learned that a long-lost friend of his is
moving to Canada.
several Josh has been using Facebook for several
many (line 8) years and like a lot of people, he cant
10 imagine his life without it
to keep infomed to keep track of Social networking sites have
about (line 18) changed the
way we interact with each other and this fact
has divided opinions on how
Sites really are.
healthy these
tosay (line 22) to claimn
15 On the one hand, some people say that
to keep in touch with sites like Facebook help us cultivate
to keep in contact relationships. Friends and family often move
with (lines 30/31) and these services help us
keep track of our
loved ones. In real life, it would be almost
20 impossible to keep up with 465
in person (line 33) face-to-face example. people, for
On the other hand, critics claim
that social
networking makes us unleam how we
D.Work in small groups. interactin person with each other. We
25 a lot about a know
person we have never actually
1. "Everybody is addicted to social networking." met, but we know little about our next-door
Do you agree with this sentence? neighbor, for example.
Why/why not? Who's right? It's hard to
2. How many times For good or bad, social
a day do you check your
30 and it's here to stay. It networking is real
social networking accounts? helps us keep in
touch with people we like, but at
the same
3. What are the pros and cons of social time we'd better remember that
is virtual and it doesnt everything
networking? replace face-to-face
interaction. So, go have a drink
35 friend you like so much and youwith that
stay connected - bad behavior pivacy seen fora while. Your Facebookhaven't
can sometimes wait.

Fluency 1
Have you ever had a crush on a friend?

Vocabulary Phrasal verns

A. Study this.
ask out put up with look up to
drift apart break up (with) get back together Word
page 104

B. Talk to a friend. .
Why do couples usually break up?
What kind of people can't you put up with?

A Can you remember any celebrity couple

that has gotten back together recently?

Should girls ask boys out?

Who do you look up to in your family?
Why do friends sometimes drift apar?
2 Listening
A. Listen and answer.
Who are they talking about?

They aretalking about afriend of Sue s./

They're talking about Andrea.
B. Listen again and corect the sentences.
1. Andrea is telling Sue something big.
Sue is telling Rachel something big.

2. Andrea cheated on
Andreas boyfriend cheated on her:
3. Sue and Rachel can't put up with Andrea's boyfriend.
Suecan putup with Andreas boyfriend

C. Group discussion
What would you do if you were Andrea?

Teacher's NoteS
1.3 Have you ever had a crush on a friend? B. -Explain the exercise and pair students up.
- Allow them some time to talk and remind them to
- Read the title out loud and address the question to
the whole group. ask additional questions.
1 Vocabulary
2 Listening
A. Start by explaining that a phrasal verb is a A. Ask students what's going on with the girls in the
combination of a verb and one or two particles. photo.
Mention that they are extremely used in English and to listen to a conversation
Say that they are going
are found in a wide variety of contexts. between them.
recording and
- Say that in this part of the lesson they must use the
Explain that they have to listen to the
Fisk QR Code app and the code on the page to find answer the question in the book.
phrasal verbs in the
out the definitions to the book - Play the recording once students do the exercise.

Pair students up and ask them to do the task using - Correct orally.
the QR code.
- When they finish it, go over the list of phrasal verbs Script:
in the book. Write them on the board. You should heard!
A: Rachel, you wont believe what Ijust
review or introduce the simple past and past B: What happened, Sue?
participle forms.
A: Remember my neighbor Andrea?
Ask extra questions. In case they have problems with B: Uh-huh.
any phrasal verb, help them A: She's getting back together with her ex-boyfriend.
B: Wow! I can't believe it
Suggested questions: Isn't he the one who cheated on her with a friend of hers?
Have you ever askeda friend out? A: Uh-huh.
What can make family members drift apart? B: Unbelievable! I would never get back together with him.
A: Youre right. Besides, I can't put up with him. He's such
Have you had any teacher who you looked up to?
an idiot.
What kind of thing cantyou put up with in a relationship? B: How long have they been apart from each other?
How hard is it to break up with someone? A: Hmmm. Let me see.. I think they broke up at the time
Do you have a friend who has gotten back together Istarted my newjob.
B: Oh, it's been almost a year!
with someone recently?
- Assign Word booster 1.3 as homework and correct A: Iknow!

orally in the following class.

B. Say that they are going to listen to the girls once
are not able to use their again to get more details.
Iffor some reason they
phones, you can choose one of the alternatives on Explain that they have to correct the sentences in
page X (General Information) the book according to the recording.
Ask different students to read the sentences. If
QR Code- Answer key necessary, help them with the vocabulary.
1. When you ask somebody out, you invite this person to -Play the recording once students do the exercise.
go on a date with you - Correct orally.
2. If two or more people drift apart, their relationship
C. Ask the question in the book to the whole group
gradually ends.
and have them discuss it.
3. When you respect or admire somebody, you look up
to this person.
4. When you put up with an unpleasant situation, you
don't like it, but you accept it in a patient way. New words
to ask out to get back together
5. If you break up ith your boyfriend/ girlfriend, your
to break up with to have a crush on
relationship ends.
to cheat to look up to
6. When two people get back together, they start having
a romantic relationship with each other again. to drift apart to put up with

12A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
3 Sounds good 4 Check this out!
A. Say that they are going to learn word combinations A. Pair students up and ask them to read the examples
with relationship. in the book and match the idioms with their
corresponding definitions.

Play the recording and have group repetition.

- Make sure they understand each combination. If
Correct orally and make sure they understood each
necessary, translate. idiom.

B. Pair students up and ask them to use the

B. Ask the questions in the book to the whole group.

in the book to have a brief discussion. - Mention that they can use the words in the Word
Allow them some time to talk and remind them to bank to answer the questions. Go over them, having
ask additional questions. group repetition and explaining the new ones.

Shortcut 5 Fluency
In case you don't have much time, ask each student students read the paragraph.

Play the recording -

to choose only two questions to ask each other. - Explain the meaning of bring out by translating it.

Ask the questions in the book to the whole group.

C. Say that they are supposed to write two questions, the expressions in the box
using at least two different combinations from Encourage students to use

in their answers.
exercise A.
Allow them some time to write the questions. Make sure
everybody participates.


In case you don't have much time, ask students New words
to write the questions at home and have the harmonious long-term
conversation in D in the following class instantly stormy
D. Pair students up and ask them to use their questions New verbs
to have a brief discussion.
Allow them some time to talk and remind them to to attract to hit it off
to have a thing for t o pretend
ask additional questions.

3 Sounds good 4 Check this out!
A. Study these word combinations with A. Match.
relationship. 1. Dean hit it ofß with Sam when they first met.
They are best buddies now.

a healthy / a strong/a hamonious 2. I think Robert has a thing fon Sarah. He

a difficult /a stomy anship
doesn't stop looking at her.
a long-tem/ a long-lasting
a close relationship
(2 To be attracted to a person.
have a (1) To instantly become goodfriends.
enjoy a relationship
build a
destroy a
relaionship B. Group discussion
begin a
elbionsip 1. What do you do when you don't hit it off
in a
with a person you meet for the first time?
2. How do you know if a person has a thing

for you?
B. Talk to a friend.
A r e you in a relationship at the moment? talk g e t to know - ignore pretend

What can destroy a relationship?

Have you begun a new relationship lately?
What is important in a long-term 5 Fluency ÉYBER

A friend is somebody who brings out the best
D o you have a strong relationship with
in you. Having a harmonious relationship with
your family?
a person who you can always count on is what
Can "exes" have a harmonious relationship
after breaking up? Why/why not? makes life easier when everything seems to go
wrong. True friends never drift apart even when
they don't see each other regularly.
C. Write two questions using combinations
from A. 1. What does the first sentence mean?

2. How many true friends do you have?

3. What are the benefits of a harmonious

relationship with your friends?
4. How long does a friendship last?

5. Do you believe that true friends never drift


In my opinion, Personally, I think..

Thave to say that.. The way I see it, ...
D. Ask the questions above to a friend.

13 Fluency
Tell students to look at the
Suggested questions:
photos and ask them some questions.
Do you know how to cook?
How would you describe
your diet?
What did you have for (breakfast)
How often do you eat fruit and
How many times
a week do you eat junk food?
Are you allergic to any food?
Are you a fussy eater?

1 Kick it off!
A. Answer these questions.
What's your favorite food?

What's your comfort food?

How often do you eat meat?

Do you eat fruit and vegetables regularly?

Do you enjoy eating salad?

Do you like to try different foods?

B. Talk to a friend about your answers.

A: My favorite food is pasta. I eat pasta at least once a week.
B: Can you cook pasta?
A: Unfortunately, I can't.

2 Vocabulary Fruits and vegetables Word

pages 105-106

A. Challenge.
Can you say... in English?

one yellow fruit

two green fruits, three red fruits,
four vegetables you can put in a salad, and
five vegetables beginning with a consonant

B. Talk to a friend.
Do you eat fruits for breakfast? If yes, which one(s)?
What's the most delicious fruit in your opinion?
What fruits would you put in a fruit salad?
What vegetables would you never put in a soup / salad?
What's the worst vegetable for you? supermarkets
Outdoor markets
Do you ever buy fruits and vegetables? If yes, where? produce stores

Teacher's Notes
2.1 Are you a fussy eater? B. Students continue in pairs and are supposed to use
the questions in the book to have a brief discussion.
Read the title out loud and address the question to
the whole group. - Mention that they can use the words in the Word
bank to answer the last question. Go over them,
havinggroup repetition and explaining the new ones.
1 Kick it off!
Allow them some time to talk and remind them to
A. Tell students they are going to answer some ask additional questions.
questions about their eating habits.

Read each question in the book, presenting the new

vocabulary. Write the new words on the board and Shortcut
model pronunciation by having group repetition. In case you don't have much time, ask students to
Allow students some time to take notes about their choose only two questions each.

B. Pair students up and explain that they are supposed Background note:
to have a brief conversation using the questions
from A. Fruit or fruits?

Ask two students to read the model dialog in the The plural of fruit can be either fruit or fruits.
book. - When we refer to it as a group, the right word is fruit.

Remind themadditional
to ask questions. We shouldrn't eat more than five senvings offruit every day.
Allow them some time to talk. Fruit is good for our health.

Wrap the activity up by asking them what they Would you like some fruit?
usually eat on a normal day. -
When we are emphasizing the different kinds of fruit,
then it's correct to say fruits.
2 Vocabulary Coby's favorite fruits are strawberries and grapes.
A. Start the activity by asking students what fruits and Tlove tangerines and other citrus fruits.
vegetables they know in English. The store downtown has a wide selection of fruits.
As they answer these questions, write some of the If you are not sure whether to use fruit or fruits, the
words they say on the board. safest option is fruit.
Say that in this lesson they are going to learn fruits
and vegetables in English.
New words
Ask them to go to pages 105 and 106.
Consonant outdoor market
Now pair students up and allow them some time to
complete the challenge. fruit salad produce store
Correct orally.

16A Fluency1
Teacher's Notes
3 Listening C. Pair students up and read the question in the book.
Ask them to have a brief discussion about it.
A. Say that they are going to listen to four people
describe their eating habits. - Mention that they can use the expressions in the
- Explain that they have to listen to the recording and box to help them. Go over them and make sure the
say how many of them don't eat any fruit or vegetables. students can understand them.
- Play the recording once - students do the exercise. - Allow them some time to talk.
- Correct orally.

4 Speak up
Script: A. Ask students to think of items to complete the
Speaker 1
sentences in the exercise.
Im a vegan, you know. I don't eat any meat or fish. Besides,
Go over each sentence, explaining the new words
I don't eat things that come from animals either, like eggs
and milk, for example. I believe it's wrong to sacrifice and making sure they understand them.
animals for food. There are a lot of vegetables and fruit we Allow them some time to complete the exercise
can eat. We don't really need meat to survive
Speaker 2 B. Before having them talk, read the examples in the
book and explain the use of the compounds of
Ilike to
eateverything,I mean, Ienjoy trying diferent
kinds of food, from different places and cultures. I never some, anyand no.
sayI don't like anything unless I try it first. Ive already
eaten so many things that I can't even remember all of Write the examples of LEARN THIS! on the board,
them. Next month I'm flying to Australia and I want to try pointing out the differences between something,
kangaroo meat. I think it will be quite interesting. anything and nothing.
Speaker 3 Ask student's help to match the rules with the
Im trying to follow a diet, you know, but I must confess compounds.
that it's quite difficult for me. I went to see a nutritionist
the other day and he gave me a diet plan to follow. The Pair students up and ask them to have a brief
most difficult part is that I don't like a lot ofitens he discussion using what they wrote in A. Remind them
included in my plan, such as fruit and vegetables. I don't to ask additional questions and to pay attention to
eat them at all. Theyre quite disgusting. Ugh! the correct compound they are supposed to use.
Speaker 4 -

Allow them some time to talk.

I would never become a vegetarian because I really enjoy
eating meat. I dont need to eat it every day, butI couldn't
imagine myself without it at all.Another reason why
Icouldnt become a veggie is because there are just a few
vegetables I eat, like potatoes and carrots. And there are New words
lots ofother items thatI cant eat. Broccoli, for instance anything smell
I simply can't. And I can't imagine myself having only nothing somebody
a salad for lunch, for example. I'd rather have a delicious nowhere Somewhere
steak instead.
New verbs
t o live without
B. Say that they are going to listen to the speakers
once again to get more details.

Explain thatthey have to match the speakers 1-4 with

their opinions. There's one opinion they don't need.
Ask different students to read the sentences in the
book. If necessary, help them with the vocabulary.

Play the recording once students do the exercise.

- Correct orally.

3 Listening 4 Speak up
A. Listen to four people describe their A. Think of the items below.
eating habits. How many of them don't couldn't live without

Something you
eat any fruit or
vegetables? (food)

somewhere you would like to go for a nice


somebody you would cook dinner for

One person doesn t eat any something you would never eat
fruit or


someone you would invite for a piza


B. Listen again. Match speakers 1-4

with their opinions.
Somewhere you would never have a meal
3) I dislike all kinds
of fruit and
(4) I don't love vegetables, but I eat a few B. Now talk to a friend about your
of them.
answers. ollow the model below.
1)Ithink we shouldn't kill animals for A: Is there anything / anywhere / anybody...?
B: Yes there-is. (I couldn't live without
)have already eaten kangaroo meat chocolate ).
and I liked it.
No, there isn't anything anywhere
(2) Ialways try something before saying anybody...
don't like it.
C. Do you always try al kinds of food Is there
anything you would never eat?
before you say you dont like them? Yes, there is something l'd never eat.
l'd never eat kangaroo meat.
Talk to a friend. No, there isn't anything l'd never eat.
No, there is nothing ld never eat.
Now match:
Of coursel do. (1) affirmative sentences
No way!
2 questions and negative sentences
3) affirmative sentences, negative meaning
It depends on (the smell, 2 anything, anywhere, anybody, anyone
the appearance...) something, somewhere, somebody,
(3) nothing, nowhere, nobody, no one

17 Fluency
How well can you cook?

1 Learning How long it take +

A. Listen and complete.

Intoday's episode the chefs will have to cook

Veggie dish. They will have
30 minutes to complete this task and they
can't make a salad

B. Answer this question.

How long will it take the chefs to cook their dishes?
Itwill take them 30 nninutes to cook their dishes.

LangyJ? page 119

C. Make combinations and talk to a friend.
you cook spaghetti save money for a nice vacation
does (a family member) read a 500-page book
did (a classmate) choose an outfit to go out
get dressed in the moming decide what to order at a restaurant
will your mom and dad
leam (French) walk back home
would you and me
get to school / work

D. Can you guess the information below?

1. It
would take. days to count to a million.
2. It usually
takes weeks to climb Mount Everest.
3. It took the first spacecraft
days to go from Earth to Mars.
4. It will probably take
years to discover the cure for cancer.

E. Now compare your answers with friend.

a .
guess you're right. T'm not sure. In my opinion, it (takes).. Ihave no idea.

Teacher's Notes
2.2 How well can you cook? D. Ask students to read the sentences in the book and ty
to guess the answers.
Read the title out loud and address the question to
the whole group. Allow them some time to complete it.

1 Learning E. Say that they are going to compare answers with a

A. Say that they are going to listen to the beginning of
to ask questions using how long +
a cooking competition show. They are supposed
it take + to and to use the expressions in the box to
Play the recording once students read the passage
answer them.
in the book and fill in the blanks.
- Allow them some time to talk.
Correct orally. - Correct orally.

Hello everyone! Welcome to America's Next Chef! Background notes:
1. It would take 23 days to count from one to a million
OK chefs! in today's challenge you 'l have to be very out loud, according to the book How much is a
creative. Your task is to make a delicious veggie dish. million?, by David Schwartz.
You can't use any kind of meat or fish. Use any 2. Most expeditions to Mount Everest last around 8 weeks.
vegetables you want: potatoes, carrots, zucchinis,
3. The first spacecraft ever to make the journey from
anything.. One more thing:you cannot makea salad,
Earth to Mars was NASA's Mariner 4, which launched
ok? Youll have 30 minutes to make your best veggie on November 28th, 1964 and got there on July 14th,
dish. Are you guys ready? GO! 1965. The total flight time was 228 days.

B. Ask students to answer the question in the book New words

using the information in A. Cure outfit
Allow them some time to do the exercise ° MarsS spacecraft
- Correct orally and ask students to go to page 119.
New verbs
to discover to walk back
C. Explain the exercise by calling two students to
model an example to the whole group.

Go the list of activities in the book, modeling


pronunciation and teaching the new words.

Pair students up and allow them some time to talk.
Remind them to ask additional questions.

In case you don't have much time, have students
ask two questions each.

18A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
small groups.
2 Reading
D. - Divide the students into
and make sure
A. Ask the question in the book to the whole group
Read the questions in the book
students understand them.
and have students answer it.
Mention that they can use the words in the Word
Make sure everybody participates. the last question. Go over them,
bank to answer

and explaining the new ones.

B. Say that they are going to read a text about cooking. having group repetition
- Allow students some time to talk.
students read the text.

Play the recording-

- Ask them to read it again in silence and do the
exercise in the book. You should time your students.
New words
Recommended time: 3-4 minutes. go0d c a lU a g
Ask them to compare answers with a

brand-new inspiration u 0
Correct orally.
.collection intriguing
C. Pair students up and explain that they have to find
in the text the other two words to complete the combination masterpiece doin prUNE -
exercise. perfectly
- Allow them some time to complete the task.
cook lover purpose
- Correct by playing the recording and having group
cookbook timing
Ask some extra questions to practice. creativity uniquee

Suggested questions: domestic appliance whether

How long does it take to bake a carrot cake? edition World-famous

Can you fry an egg? globe

Have you ever roasted a chicken?
New verbs
Is it possible to grill vegetables?
How long does it take you to peel an orange? to boil to grill

to calibrate .to peel

Shortcut to chopp to satisfy
In case you don't have much time, assign this to come to life to slice
exercise as homework, correct orally in the
following class and ask the extra questions to cover t o wonder
above to practice.

2 Readin9
A. Group discussion
I s cooking an art or a science?

B. Read the text and answer.

1. What's the purpose of the text?
a) To show the author's opinion on cooking.
b))To advertise a book.
c) To discuss whether cooking is an art or
a science.

2. What's Cooking for Geeks?

It's a book.

3. Who's Jeff Potter?

The magic behjnd
He's the author of the book. COoking
1 Nobody can deny that cooking is an art. Chefs
4. Who is this book most appropriate for?
and cooking lovers all over the globe can make
a) chefs and cooking lovers incredible combinations of taste, aroma and
b) cooking students colors and as a result, real masterpieces come
5 to life.
(c))geeks and nerds that want to learn
But have you ever wondered how long it takes
about cooking
to fry an egg perfectly? Or how about this:
why do we bake some things at 175°C and
others at 190°C? These intriguing questions
C.Ways of cooking 10 are here to show that cooking is more than a
3. roast form of ar.
In the book Cooking for Geeks, author Jeff
Potter discusses the science behind what
4. bake happens to food as it cooks. More than
1. grill 15 a cookbook, it helps you apply curiosity,
inspiration and creativity to the food you
2. fry
The brand-new edition is even better than
the first one and it covers everything from
20 calibrating your tools in the kitchen to the
. boil science of fats. It also includes interviews
7. chop with world-famous chefs and a large
6. peel 8. slice collection of recipes to satisfy
all the curious, smart and
D. Workin small groups.a 25 hungry geeks out there.

1. How much do you know about cooking? If you want to leam what
makes a recipe work so
2. Are you able to follow recipes?
that you can
3. What's the hardest part about cooking? create your own
30 unique dish,
Cooking for Geeks
ingredients amount timing is a good call.musols
domestic appliances consistency

19 Fluency LL
Are youa foodie?

1 Vocabulary Phrasal verbs

A. Study this. EYBER

bolt down eat out pick at

eat up cut down on pig out (on) Word
page 107
O Geleol www.lotosearch.com.br

B. Choose three questions to ask a friend.

When was the last time you had to bolt down a meal because you were late?
How often do you eat out?
When you were a child, did you use to eat up your greens?
What makes you pick at your food?
Have you ever had to cut down on sugar?
When you are on a diet, do you usually pig out on cheat days?

2 Listening
A. Listen and answer.
Who are the speakers?
A motherand her son.

B. Listen again and check the sentences that apply.

1. Dustin didn't eat up his food. He only picked at it.

2. He got sick because he ate spinach salad.

3. He's not hungry because he ate some fries.

4. He bolted down his breakfast because he was late.

5. He ate fast food for lunch.

6. His mom thinks he should drink less soda.

C. Group discussion
When you were younger, what were your eating habits like?

Teacher's Notes
2.3 Are you a foodie? 2 Listening
Read the title out loud and address the question to A. Ask them to describe the photo in the book.
the whole group.
- Say that they are going to listen to a conversation

and they have to identify the speakers.

1 Vocabulary - Play the recording once - students do the exercise.

Pair students up and ask them do the task

to using the Correct orally.
QR code.
When they finish it, go over the list of
phrasal verbs in

the book. Write them on the board. You should review Script
introduce the simple past and past participle formns. A: What's wrong, Dustin?! You only pickedat your dinner.
Is there anything wrong with it?

Ask extra questions. In case they have with

problems B: No, mom. Everything is fine. Im st not a big fan of
any phrasal verb, help them. broccoli you know. And I don t like green beans either.
Besides, spinach salad makes me sick. I'd rather have
Suggested questions: Some fries instead.
Did you have to bolt down your breakfast this A: Come on, Dustin. Dont act like a baby. You'd better eat
because you were late?
vegetables and greens.
Did your mom use to tell you B: Idon't ike them at all and to tell you the truth, Im not
to eat up your food when
you were a kid? hungry right now.
When you were a child, did you A: Are you kidding? You've got to eat something, sweetie.
use to pick at your I'm worried about you. You didn't have breakfast this
food during meals?
morning and you bolted down a burger for lunch
When was the last time you ate out? because you were late for your football practice.
Should people cut down B: Im fine, mom. I'l eat some pizza later
on sugar?
Do you usually pig out on weekends?
A: Junk food again, Dustin?! You can't ive on that.Im not
saying you have to eat healthy food all the time, but
Assign Word booster 2.3 as homework and correct you've got to add some to your daily meals. And one
orally in the following class. more thing: I think you should cut down on soda as
well. It has too much sugar in it
If for some reason they are not able to use their B: Oh, mom, please! I'm not on a diet
phones, you can choose one of the alternatives on
page X (General Information).
B. Say that they are going
to listen to the
once again to get more details.
QR Code - Answer key Explain that they have to check the sentences that
1. When you bolt down a meal, you eat it quickly. are correct according to the recording.

Ask different students to read the sentences. If

2. If you eat up something, you eat all of it.
necessary, help them with the vocabulary.
3. When you pick at your food, you are without an appetite. -

Play the recording once students do the exercise.

4. If you eat out, you usually have a meal ata restaurant, - Correct orally.

not at home.
5. If you cut down on sugar, you consume less of it, C. -

Ask the question in the book to the whole

usually to improve your health. and have them discuss.
-Make sure everybody
6. If you pig out, you usually eat a lot of food. participates.

New words
B. Explain the exercise and pair studentsup
Teach the expression "cheat day" by saying that it cheat day foodie
refers to a day in which you are allowed to break
your diet because "to cheat" means to break or not
New verbs
follow the rules. t o bolt down to eat up
t o cut down on to pick at
- Allow them some time to talk and remind them to
t o eat out t o pig out on
ask additional questions.

20A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
what they are
3 Sounds good B. Pairstudents up and explain
supposed to do.
A. Say thatthey are going to learn word combinations
- Allow them some time to talk.
with food.
have group C. - Address the topic in the book to the whole group.

Play the recording and repetition.

- Make sure they understand each combination. - Have students share their experiences.
If necesary, translate.
B. - Pair students up and ask them to use the questions
5 Fluency
in the book to have a brief discussion.
- Play the recording- students read the paragraph.
-Allow them some time to talk and remind them to
- Explain the new words if necessary.
ask additional questions.
- Ask the questions in the book to the whole group.
- Encourage students to use the expressions in the box
in their answers.
In caseyou don't have much time, ask each student - Make sure everybody participates.
to choose only two questions to ask each other.

C. Say that they are supposed to write two questions, New words
using at least two different combinations from
24-hour rotten
exercise A.

Allow them time to write the

canned salty

some questions.
Convenience store spicy
diner spoiled
fresh sugary
- in case you don't have much time, ask students to

write the questions at home and have the frozen take-ouut

conversation in D in the following class. gourmet vending machine
kids worldwide
D. - Pair students up and ask them to use their questions nutritious
to have a brief discussion.
- Allow them some time to talk and remind them to
New verbs
ask additional questions. t o go bananas t o spill the beans

4 Check this out!

A. Ask students to read the examples in the book and

match the idioms with their corresponding definitions
- Pair them up and allow them some time to do the

Correct orally and make sure they understood each


3 Sounds good
4 Check this out!
A. Study these word combinations with
A. Match.
food. vaE
1. Jack went bananas because he gota
delicious / tasty / excellent
2. 1 tried to make Jack
nutritious / healthy Spill the beans
on how
he got his promotion, but he didn't
goumet / quality say a
junk/ fast
diet / low-fat fooo ) T o get very angry, upset or excited.
poor/unhealthy 2) To tell people secret information.
saltySugany spicy
frozen / fresh
canned/ organic / processed food B. Talk to a friend.
home-made / take-out o Have you ever spilled the beans
on something
spoiled rotten you were not supposed to? What happened?
Jtogod.0 ade food
consume / eat / have
C. Group discussion
cook/ prepare/ make Talk about situations that make you
bananas. Explain why.
The food smells /tastes looks (good).
5 Fluency ae
B. Talk to friend.
3 Every day tons of fast food are consumed
worldwide. This poor type of food has
Would you rather have salty or become
sugary a cheap and easy option which can be found in
How often do you consume
gourmet food? vending machines, diners, 24-hour convenience
What food doesn't look good but tastes stores among others. We all get more and
good? addicted to it in a world where we
Do you and your have less time
family ever buy canned to cook.
How many times a week do you prepare 1. Do you
agree that we are addicted to fast
your own food? food?
2. How often do
Where do you usually you consume fast food?
buy low-fat food? 3. Why do/don't
you consume it?
C. Wite two 4. Should parents give fast food
questions using combinations 5. Would you rather
to kids?
from A. have fast food
food? Why?
or horme-made

That's exactly what I think.

agree that..
That's not true.
D. Talk to a friend using the Well, I don't see it that way

Fluency 1
FluencCy 1

1 Speaking
A. Get ready for a debate.
Choose the topic.
1. Men cook better than women.
2. Cheap restaurants usually serve poor food.
3. Friendship between a man and a woman is net possible.
Get together in two groups:
Group A agrees with the statement.
Group B disagrees. YES NO
In your own group, discuss:

the arguments you can use


the examples you can give


how to respond to counterarguments

Take notes of the main points. © focalpoint www.fotoOsearch.com.br

Decide how you are going to introduce your point of view and who is going to present it

(B. Debate the topic chosen.

We believe that. Don't you think that...?
We agree that., but. No way!
That's not true. That depends on..

C. Who do you think won the debate? Jrdut

Teacher's Notes
Fluency booster 1

1 Speaking
A. Go over the topics for the debate in the book.

Have students choose one of the topics.

- Divide them into two groups. One group agrees with the statement and the other disagrees.
- Allow them some time to discuss and take notes of the main points, following the items in the book.

notes. Say that they can

use the
B. -

Explain that they are supposed to support their point of view by using their sure they understand their use.
and make
expressions in the book during the discussion. Go over the expressions
- Have students debate the topic. You are the mediator. While they are discussing, guide them and if necessary, ask

some questions to promote more conversation.


Make sure everybody participates.

have them decide
C. Address the question to the whole group and the winner

New words

counterargument debate

22A Fluency
Teacher's NoteS
2 Watch this!
called Explorations
to watch a documentary
A. -
Start theactivity by mentioning that in Fluency 1 they're going our mood.
we c o n s u m e have the power
to affect
Ask students if they believe that the foods and drinks
this question.
Say that episode 1 is going to help them answer
shown in the book with the audio
to watch the video segment and compare the scene
Explain that they have
point out the difference.
the exercise.
Play the video segment o n c e - students do
- Correct orally.

more details.
B. Say that they are going to watch the segment once again to get
- Explain the exercise and go over the sentences in the book.

Play the video segment again- students do the exercise.

- Correct orally.

- Wrap the activity up by asking their opinion about the episode.

3 Pronunciation
Remind them that mispronouncing them can
A. - Say that in Fluency 1 they are going to focus on word endings.
change the meaning of what they are saying.
Mention that this exercise focuses on the final /k/ and /g/sounds
- Play the recording once - have students follow it in their books.

Play the recording again have group repetition.

- Ask the students to take turns reading one group of words.

B. Have different students read the questions in the book out loud. Make sure they pronounce the word endings
- Then pair students up and allow them some time to talk.

Writing bank
- Ask students to go to page 123.

New words
bug fog
carbs on a daily basis
depressed sugar level

New verbs
to relieve

2 Watch this!
A. Watch Episode I of Explorations and answer.

Compare this scene with the audio on the

video. What's different?

B. Watch the episode again. What can be inferred from it?

1. Yoga can help us deal with everyday stress.
2. Spending some time in your kitchen can relieve stress.
3. A good way of preventing your sugar level from dropping is to consume spaghetti.
4. Cutting down carbs when you
on are on a diet can make you feel a little depressed.
5. Mark is having a hard time concentrating at work. Consuming more carbs would make
him focus more.
6. Everybody should drink at least 6
glasses of fluid on a daily basis.
7. You'd better avoid drinking coffee and tea at all costs because of the caffeine.
8. All in all, a person's eating habits can affect his/her mood.

3 Pronunciation final /k/ /g/ sounds

A. Listen and say.vn
work make blog bug
COok check fog egg
like snack mug bag

B. Talk to a friend.
How often do you cook?
Have you watched A Bug's Life?
Do you have a blog?
Can you make a cake? Wridng,bank1 page 123

Can you fry an egg?

How often do you have a snack?

23 Fluency
7austs, huntius Dain?12
VadinGuzhva Patio L robw:ils n Elenethewise 7epliyr i8




Tell students to look at the

photos and ask them some questions.

Suggested questions:
What is the place in the photos?
How many times have you been to an airport?
What's the biggest aiport in (Brazil)? Do you know it?
Why do people go to the airport?
Have you been to the airport recently?

1 Kick it off!
A. Check what applies to you
already missed a flight.
9 Non

had a flight canceled / delayed several times.

already had a hard landing.

never had my baggage lost.

traveled first class more than once.

never traveled by plane.

B. Talk to a friend about your answers.

A: Ive already missed a flight because I got stuck in traffic.
B: Really? Were you able to travel on another flight?
A: It took me ten hours to catch another flight.

2 Vocabulary At the airport Word

pages 107-108

A. Talk to a friend.
What's the closest airport to your house?
How big is t?
How long does it take you to get there?

B. Group discussion
What makes a good airline? Give reasons. on-board service delays
comfort cheap expensive

Teacher's Notes
3.1 Have you been to the
airport recently? B. Ask the question in the book to the whole group.
Read the title out loud and address the Mention that they can use the words in the Word
the whole group.
question to bank to answer the question. Go over them, having
group repetition and explaining the new ones.
1 Kick it off!

Have students share their ideas. Make sure

A. Tell students they are going to read

everybody participates.
some sentences
about experiences at the airport.
Read each sentence,
presenting the new vocabulary. New words
Write the new words on the board and model
pronunciation by having group repetition. delay (noun) on-board service
As you read each sentence, students check the hard landing
situations they have already experienced.
B. Pair students up and explain f cod New verbs
to have a brief conversation
that they are supposed
using the sentences to delay
from A.

Ask two students to read the model dialog in thee

Explain that they are supposed to read the
sentences in the book, making extra comments
about them. Remind them to ask additional
questions as well.

Allow them some time to talk.

2 Vocabulary
A. Start the activity by asking students if they can get
around an airport easily.
Say that in this lesson they are going to learn words
related to airports.

Ask them to go to pages 107 and 108.


Now ask students to write two questions using the

vocabulary they have just learned individually.
Allow them some time to write the
Pair them up and ask them to use their questions
and the the book to have
ones in a brief conversation.
Allow them some time to talk.

Teacher's Notes
B. Say that they are going to listen to the speakers
3 Listening
once again to get more details.
A. Explain that they have to listen to a conversation
sentences that
and answer the questions in the book. Explain that they have to check the
Go over the questions and the alternatives before apply to what they heard.
Ask different students to read the sentences in the
playing the recording9.
book. If necessary, help them with the vocabulary.
- Play the recording once - students do the exercise.
- Play the recording once students do the exercise.
Correct orally.
Correct orally.

Script: C. -
Read the question in the book out loud. Mention
that they can use the words in the Word bank to
A: Next please. (calling)
answer the question. Go over them, having group
B: Good morning. repetition and explaining the new ones.
A: Good morning, sir. Where are you flying to today? Pair students up and allow them some time to talk.
B: Paris.
A: Passport please. 4 Speakup
B: Here you are. A. Read the question in the book and go over the
A: Would you rather have a window or an aisle seat? possible answers, explaining the new words.
- Allow students some time to check their answers.
B: Aisle, please.
Mention that they can add other reasons.
A: Are you checking any bags?
B. Pair students up and ask them to have a brief
B: Just this one. discussion using what they checked in A. Remind
A: Place it on the scale, please. them to ask additional questions.
B: OK. Allow them sometime to talk.
A: Oh, I'm afraid it's over the limit. C. - Write on the board: (New York) is the best place Ive

B: How much is the excess baggage fee? ever been to.

- Explain that we often combine the Superlative with
A: That's 100 dollars.
the Present Perfect.
B: 100 dollars?! That's a rip-off! uleto( Read the examples in LEARN THIS! out loud and
A: Im sorry, sir. There's nothing I can do about it.
make sure students understand them.
B: OK, OK. IU pay the fee, then. -

Then, pair students upand ask them to take turns

Some minutes later.. asking and answering the questions in the book.
B: I have a stopover in Chicago. Do I need to pick up Allow them some time to talk.
my luggage there?
A: No, sir. It will go straight through to Paris. New words
B: All right.
aisle seat seat Cala
A: You're all set. Here's your boarding pass. Your seat
boarding stopover
number is 14C.
Boarding starts at 8:50 at gate 12. Have a nice flight! companion travel agency
excess luggage fee
B: Thank you!
New verb
to repack

3 Listening 4 Speak up
A. Listen and answer the questions. A. What is the best thing about traveling?
Check your answers.
discover new places
meet new people
>relieve stress
try different foods
learn about different cultures

1. Where does this conversation take

a) on a flight B. Now talk to a friend about your
(b)) at the check-in counter answers.
c) on the phone
d) at the information desk C. Talk to a friend.

2. Where is the man flying to?

What's the coldest place you've
Hes fhying to Paris. ever visited?
Who's the best travel companion
you've ever had?
B. Listen and check the sentences
that apply. vA
A What's the most amazing thing
you've ever done?

1. Sam's flight is delayed.

2. He wants an aisle seat.

Who's the worst travel companion
you've ever had?

3. He is checking two bags. What's the most incredible city you've

been to?
What's the hottest place
4. His bag is too heavy.
5. He must pay a 100-dollar fee.
ever visited?
6. He doesn't mind paying the fee.

7. He decided to repack his bags instead.

8. He has a stopover in
Chicago. THIS!
9. His boarding starts at 8:50. Times Square is the most
place l've crowded
10. His seat number is 12C. ever been to.
(l've never been to a more crowded place.)
C. Would you pay the excess luggage fee? l've ever met.
Sarah is the prettiest girl
Talkto a friend. (Ive never met a prettier girl.

repack complain travel agency

Captain America is the bes
superhero ever!

Fluency l
Are you a good travel companion?

1 Learning Past períect

A. Read this.

Dustin is without a doubt the best travel companion I've

ever had. Last month we went to Milwaukee for the
weekend. We rented a two-bedroom apartment downtown
and it was great. The best thing about our trip is that Megan
Dustin treated me very well. When I woke up on our first
day there, for example, he had already fixed breakfast
for us and I can say it was the best breakfast ever!
really want to travel with him again.

B. Complete the timeline according to the order things happened.

Dustin They had
1 ) Megan woke up. woke uP. breakfast.
(2) Dustin fixed breakfast.

booster page 119

C. Make these sentences true for you.

1. I had already traveled alone when I was 10 years old.
2. I had learned to write my name before I started school.

3. I hadn't learned another language before I started this course.

D. Talk to a friend about your answers.

A: I hadn't traveled alone when I was 10 years old. My parents were too strict.
B: Really? How old were you when you first traveled alone?
A: I guess I was 15.

E. Make combinations and ask a friend. J

Had you learned how tode a bikO before you were 7?
Who, in your family, hadfound ajob before he/she was 21?
Before you started high school, had you Started this course? gotten married
raveled abroad?
Teacher's Notes
3.2 Are you good travel companion?
a E. Explain the exercise and pairstudents up.
Read the title out loud and address the question to Allow them some time to talk and remind them to
the whole group. ask additional questions.

1 Learning
A. Play the recording -

students read the passage in - In case you don't have much time, have student
the book.
ask two questions each.
B. Read both sentences in the book out loud and
that they are supposed to put them in the timeline
as they happened.

Allow them some time do the exercise.

New word
Correct orally and
ask students to go to page 119.
C. Ask students to read the sentences
individually and without a doubt
make the necessary
changes to make them true for

Allow them some time to do the activity.

D. Pair them up and ask them to have a brief
discussion using the sentences from C.

Ask two students to read the model dialog in the book.

Explain that they are supposed to read the
sentences in the book, making extra comments
about them. Remind them to ask additional
questions as well.

28A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
D. - Divide the students into small groups.
2 Reading
A. Ask the question in the book to the whole group Read the questions in the book and make sure

and have students answer it. students understand them.

Make sure everybody participates. - Ask them to discuss the questions.

- Allow them some time to talk.
B. Say that they are going to read a text about travel
- If time allows, have them vote for the best title.
- Play the recording- students read the text.

- Ask them to read it again in silence and do the New words

exercise in the book. You should time your students.
Recommended time: 3-4 minutes. annoying i n short
around the corner last-minute
Ask them to compare answers with a friend.
- Correct orally. buddy sn }1t5pissed off Jsstote
sunscreen lotion
C. Explain the exercise and
pair students up.
dose till
Allow them some time to complete the task.
equally important trouble
- Correct orally.
.flexible valuable

Shortcut New verbs

In caseyou don't have much time, assign this exercise to go up in flames t o stick to the plan
as homework and correct orally in the following class.
to keep one's cool to wreck

2 Reading
A. Group discussion
What makes a good travel companion?

B. Readthe text and say what these

people should do.
1. Linda's travel companion has just opened
Linda's bag without asking. She wanted
to use her sunscreen lotion. Linda didn't
like her attitude. What should she do?
GIulioFornasar www fatosearch.co

Linda should talk to her)

2. Mary is really pissed off because Lucy

doesn't want to go to that concert they
1 With summer vacation just around the corner,
had chosen. Lucy wants to go to another it got us thinking about what makes a good
one. What should Mary do? travel companion and how a person can be
less annoying while traveling with a friend or
(Mary should be more flexible.) 5 a family member.
Last yearI spent two weeks in Mexico with
Alex, a good friend of mine. I had never
3. Robert doesn't want to visit the Natural traveled with a buddy before and although we
had some problems, we made it till the end
History Museum with Pablo because Pablo 10 and the most important thing: we kept our
is getting on his nerves. What should friendship from going up in flames.
Robert do? The first thing I leamed is that we don't need
to spend all the time together. You've got
He shouldtake some "me" time.) to have some "me" time.
15 in small doses, like going to the nearest
drugstore, for example, will let you and your
companion chill out and have a better time
C. Find words/ phrases with the same Also, talk to your companion as soon as
20 an issue comes up. Don't wait until
meaning in the text. things
get worse. You can avoid a lot of trouble if
buddy you have an honest conversation with him
friend (ine 8) orher about what is bothering you. Equally
in small doses important is to hear him or her too. I'm sure
ite by little (ine 15) 25 you two will work it out.
issue Being flexible is another valuable tip. You
problem (ine 20) don't have to stick to the plan all the time.
One of the most incredible things about
to do something the way to sticktothe plan traveling is going outside your "everyday
you planned (line 27) 30 box" and exploring the world. Maybe that
last-minute change will give you two the
o wreck
to destroy (ine 38) best experience ever. Maybe not. The
important thing is to be open to changes.
In short, when traveling together with
D. Work 35 someone the secret is to try to keep your
in small groups cool when the pressure is up. This will
1. What do you think is the best title for this help you both enjoy the trip and avoid
article? wrecking your friendship at the same time.
2. Where would you probably find it?

29 Fluency1
When was the last time you took a trip?

1 Vocabulary Phrasai verbs

A. Study this.
pick up take off - or

stop by seeoff
drop off Come back Word
page 109

B. Talk to a friend. .

How many times do you usually stop by a

gas station when you are on a road trip?
How do you feel when the plane takes off?

A Have you dropped anybody off at the

airport recently? If yes, who?

When you are traveling, do you feel like coming

back home after a while?
How do you feel when you see a good friend off?
Have you picked anybody up at the bus station
lately? If yes, who? B
2 Listening
A. Listen and answer.
Who is Jessica?
She is afriend ofhissister'.

B. Listen again and mark the sentences Irue or False. v

1. The man took his sister to the airport. 7

2. He needed to pick up his sister's friend at her house. T

3. His sister's friend was stressed out because they were late. F
4. The girl started yelling at his sister.
5. Somebody had overslept. T
6. They found out their flight was delayed. F

C. Group discussion
Have you ever had a day when everything went wrong? What happened?

Teacher's Notes
3.3 When was the last time you took a trip? 2 Listening
Read the title out loud and address the
the whole group.
question to A. Say that they are going to listen to a guy talking
about something that happened last week.
- Play the recording once - students do the exercise.
1 Vocabulary

Pair students up and ask them to do the task

using the Correct orally.
QR code.
When they finish it, go over the list of Script
phrasal verbs in
the book. Write them on the board. You should review
or introduce the
Last week I needed to dropmy sister off at the airport.
simple past and past participle forms.
Ask extra We got up very early because her flight was scheduled
questions. In they have problems with
any phrasal verb, help them. to take offat 7 a.m. My sister was going to travel with
her friend Jessica. So, on our way to the airport we
Suggested questions: stopped by her place topick herup. When we got
Who will pick you up after class today?
there Jessica wouldn't answer the door and my sister
When you go to school or to work do you usually stop
off to do something else before you get there? got very stressed out because she didn't answer her

Who drops you off at Fisk? phone either. After many attempts, Jessica finally

Should you stand up when the plane is taking off? answered her phone and my sisterfound out she had
Do you enjoy going to the airport to see friends off? Overslept My sister got angry and started yelling at

Jessica. Five minutes later, we were able to leave

Is there a restaurant you would never come back to? Why? GCl
Jessica's house and I spedup to get to the airport in

Assign Word booster 3.3 as homework and

orally in the following class.
time. By the time we got to the airport we found out
their flight had been canceled. At this point I couldn't
- If for some reason they are not able to use their
look at my sister's face because she was really mad
phones, you can choose one of the alternatives on
What a day!
page X (General Information).

QR Code- Answer key

B. - Say that they are going to listen to the speaker once
1. If you pick a friend up at the airport, you go to the
airport to get him/her and take this person home. again to get more details.
Explain that they have to mark the sentences true
2. If you drop a friend offat the shopping mall, you
give this person a ride there.
orfalse according to the recording.

Ask different students to read the sentences. If

3. If you stop bya place during a road trip, you interrupt
necessary, help them with the vocabulary.
your journey briefly to see something or somewhere
else. Playthe recording once students do the exercise.
4. When a plane takes off, it leaves the ground and -Correct orally.
begins to fly.
5. If you go to a bus station to see a friend off you go C. -

Ask the question in the book to the whole group

there to say goodbye to this person and wish him/her and have them discuss.
a good trip
6. Jack returned from Paris last week. The word
New words
'returned' can be replaced by came back.
t o come back t o see off
to drop off to stop by
B. Explain the exercise and pair students up. to go wrong t o take off
Allow them some time to talk and remind them to to pick up
ask additional questions.
to yell

30A Fluency1
Teacher's Notes
3 Sounds good 4 Check this out!
A. Say that they are going to learn word combinations A. Ask students to read the examples in the book and
with trip. match the idioms with their corresponding definitions.
Play the recording and have group repetition. - Pair them up and allow them some time to do the

Make sure they understand each combination. Iff exercise.

necessary, translate. - Correct orally and make sure they understood each
B. -Ask students to complete the questions in the book
B. - Ask the questions in the book to the whole group.

Next, pair students up and ask them to use the

questions they completed to have a brief discussion. - Have students share their experiences.

Allow them some time to talk and remind them to

ask additional questions. 5 Fluency

Play the recording students read the paragraph.

Shortcut -

Explain the new words if necessary.


In case you don't have much time, ask each student -

Ask the questions in the book to the whole group.

to choose only two questions to ask each other.
-Encourage students to use the expressions in the box
in their answers.
C. Say that they are supposed to write two questions, -

Make sure everybody participates.

using at least two different combinations from
exercise A.
New words
Allow them some time to write the questions.
brief U of a lifetime
D. Pair students up and ask them to use their questions
daunting on one's own L
to have a brief discussion.
extended Overnight Ju
-Allow them some time to talk and remind them to fantastic quick
ask additional questions. fruitless uncertain
homesick Wise I.s
New verbs
In case you don't have much time, ask students to
write the questions at home and have the t o arrange o toextend
t o be up in the air to hit the road
conversation in D in the following class.
to cut short

3 Sounds good 4 Check this out!
A. Study these word combinations with
A. Match.
trip. 1. Their trip to Cancun is upin the air. They
a long/ an extended don't even know when to go.
a short/a brief / a quick 2. I want to get to Cancun by noon. So, we'll
a day
/aweekend / havetohitthe road before 7 a.m.
a fantastic / a memorable/ (2) To take a trip, mainly by car.
a great/ a nice / a pleasanttrip
1 ) To be uncertain.
a fruitless /a terrible
a businesss trip
B. Group discussion
be on a g o on aa trip
take a / have a 1. What would make you wiser, hitting the
arrange a / organize a
trip road for 10 years or reading 10,000 books?
plan a/ cancel a 2. How do you feel when your flight
cut a.. short /extend a confirmation is still up in the air one day
before your trip?
a trip abroad/ the trip of a lifetime
a trip to (Alaska)
*Cut a trip short
5 Fluency
B. Complete the questions using the
Traveling alone can be daunting for some
combinations above and talk to
people. Reasons may vary from person to
afriend. person, but the thing is, when we travel
Have you ever a
alone we have the opportunity to take some
trip? time for ourselves and do the things we really
Do you enjoy. trips?
like and the way we like to do them. So, if you
Have you gone on a .

trip recently? feel like traveling on your own, go for it. I'm sure

you won't regret it.

Tell me about a/an
trip. 1. Have you ever traveled by yourself? If yes,
Do you ever take. how was it? Did you feel homesick after a
When was the last time you took a trip

2. What's the best part of traveling on your

C. Write two questions using combinations
3. How about the hardest?
from A.
4. Where would you never go alone? Why?

In my experience.. Some people say that.

on the one hand.. .On the other
D. Ask the questions above to a friend.
31 Fluency
21 2 30


Tell students to look at the photos and ask them some questons.
Suggested questions:
Are you a sports person? ut
What's your favonte sport?
Do you play any sports? How often?
How often do you watch sports on TV?
Would you rather play team sports or individual sports?
What do youthinih of exteme sports? Are they individual
actvities or do y involve team effort?
Are you into extreme sports?

1 Kick it off!
A. Answer these questions.

Who's your favorite sports person?

Do you cheer for a team? Which one?

living? Why/why not?

Would you like to play sports for a

Do you have a team jersey? When do you wear it?

match at a stadium? How was it?

Have you ever watched a soccer

B. Talk to a friend about your answers.

A: My favorite sportsperson is David Beckham. I really look up to him.
B: I like him too. He's very talented. Is he still playing soccer for a living?
A: I'm not sure about that. How about you? Who's your favorite sportsperson?

2 Vocabulary Extreme sports and sports equipment

A. Think of two different extreme spots and talk to a friend about them.
Questions you can use: Word.booster
pages 109-110

Do you do this sport (in a cold place)?

Is it a water sport?
Do you need (a helmet) for this sport?

B. Talk to a friend. 3
Have you ever (scuba diving)? If yes, how was it? / If not, would you try it?
What's the scariest / most thrilling extreme sport in your opinion? Why?

When it comes to extreme sports, how important is the equipment? Give reasons.

Should kids do extreme sports? How about the elderly? talk to a professional
check out the equipment you need
What should you do if you wanted
to go (rafting )? follow the safety instructions

Teacher's Notes
4.1 Are you into extreme
sports? B. Say that they are going to have a conversation

Read the title out loud and address the about extreme sports.
the whole group. question to
Teach the new words by writing them on the
board, having group repetition and translating
1 Kick it off! them if necessary.

A. Tell students they Explain that they are supposed to take turns asking
are going to answer some
the questions in the book. Mention that they can
questions about sports.
use the words in the Word bank to answer the

Read each question in the book, presenting the new last question. Go over them, having group
vocabulary. Write the new words on the board and repetition and explaining the new ones.
model pronunciation by
having group repetition.

Allow students some time to take notes about their

Pair them up and allow them some time to talk.
Remind them to ask additional questions.

B. Pair students up and explain Shortcut

to have
that they are supposed
a brief conversation
using the questions -in caseyou don't have much time, ask students to
from A.
choose only three questions to discuss

Ask two students to read the model

dialog in the

Remind them to ask additional questions. New words


Allow them some time to talk.

(soccer) match sports person
2 Vocabulary elderly stadium

A. Say that in this lesson they are going to learn extreme sport thrilling
some extreme sports and sports equipment. for a living when it comes to

Ask them to go to pages 109 and 110. jersey


Now say that they are going to take turns guessing

and describing extreme sports. Student A thinks of New verbs
a sport, but doesn't tell Student B. Student B asks to cheer for
yes/no questions to try to guess it. When Student B
guesses the right word, they change roles.
-Go overthe model questions in the book and say
they are supposed to come up with other questions
Allow them some time to talk.

34A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
3 Listening C. Read the sentence in the book and make sure

students understand its meaning.

A. Say that they are going to listen to Brenda, Steve
and Jack talk about extreme sports. Pair students up and ask them to give their opinion

- Explain that they have to listen to the recording and

about the sentence.

say who is in favor of extreme sports. Go over the expressions in the box.
to talk.
- Play the recording once students do the exercise. Allow them some time
- Correct orally.

4 Speak up
Script: A. Read the question in the book and go over the
the words.
Steve possible answers, explaining new

- Allow students some time to check their answers.

I can't understand why people risk their lives doing
extreme sports. It's simply insane. If something goes Mention that they can add other reasons.

wrong and the safety equipment doesn't work, you brief

B. - Pair studentsup and ask them to have a
can die just because you wanted to experience discussion using what they checked in A. Remind
something thrilling. Iguess the government should them to ask additional questions.
ban these activities for good. People should try
egular sports, instead. You can have a great time C. Ask them to look at the illustrations in the book
and say that this extreme sport is called wingsuiting.
doing something normal, like soccer or basketball
If time allows, ask them to use their smartphones to
for example. search for short videos of it on YouTube.
Brenda - Read the introduction in the book and ask the
LastJanuary I had one of the best experiences ever to the whole group. Help them with
I still remember the freedom I felt when Ijumped off the vocabulary if necessary.
that plane. Going skydiving is great. I confess I was a
Make sure everybody participates
ittle worried before doing it, though. Lots of people
criticize extreme sports because of the risks, but if you - Read the LEARN THIS! note and make sure students
follow the safety instructions carefully, nothing will understand it.

happen to you. Life is too short to be scared. Be - Ask each student to write an extra question related
brave and do what makes you happy! to the topic of the discussion, using a negative
question, a negative tag question or the expression
don't you think.
Im really into extreme sports. I always check
from the of - Allow them some time to write.
videos online. The idea ofjumping top
makes me feel excited. - Pair students up and allow them some time to talk.
a mountain or offa plane
and the sense
Maybe it's because of the adrenaline extreme
offreedom. Unfortunately, I haven'tand any
Theyre quite expensive
sports yet. I'mjust
seventeen. My parents would never let me do any
New words
for sure. Iguess I'll have to wait a little longer. excitement jumper
insane wingsuiting
to the speakers
B. Say that they are going to listen New verbs
once again to get more details.
t o ban to risk
- Explain that they have to write who said what.
- Ask different students to read the sentences in the
book. If necessary, help them with the vocabulary.
- Play the recording once - students do the exercise.

- Correct orally.

3 Listening 4 Speak up
A. Listen to three people talk about extreme A. Why do people do extreme sports
sports. Who is for extreme sports Check your answers.
Extreme sports...
provide new experiences.
>add excitement and adventure to life.
are challenging.
give a strong sense of freedom.
help you get fit.

Steve B. Now talk to a friend about your
Brenda and Jack are for extreme spor1s.
C. Group discussion
B. Listen again. Who said what? Mark J
for Jack, S for Steve and B for
Brenda. A
(S) thinks extreme sports should be banned.

(J) doesn't mention safety. Deadly extreme sports like wingsuiting are
more popular than ever.
(saysextreme sports are expensive. People should consider the risks of
wingsuiting before doing this sport,
(B) has gone skydiving. shouldn't they?
Sports like this are insane, don't you think?
(B) says you should do what makes you
Doesn't it seem jumpers don't care about
happy. their lives?
(S) would never risk his/her life doing Shouldn't the government ban this kind of
extreme sports. activity?

C. Life is too short to be scared. What do

you think of this sentence? Talk to a
friend. S LEARN
I couldn't agree more. I also
think that... You can use negative questions and ta9
questions when you offer your opinion and
somewhat agree with it. For want the other person to react to it.
I totally disagree with it English, the
In informpalspoken
expression Hont vouthink
cân be used
because.. as a tag question.

35 Fluency1
How do you feel when your team loses?

1 Learning Third conditional

A. Listen and complete.

Another win for Manchester City

Tens of thousands of fans enjoyed the most exciting
match of the season at Wembley Stadium yesterday.
Manchester City beat Liverpool 2 X
Although Liverpool scored the first goal of the match,
minutes after it had started, the team
missed penalties. Manchester City fans are
on cloud nine.

B. Answer this question.

What could have happened if Liverpool hadn't missed the penalties ?
Ifthe team hadn't missed the penalties, they might have. won the match

page 120

C. Complete the sentences below.

1. IfI hadn't come
here today,
2. If I had been born into a famous family,

3. I if I had saved more money.

4. IfI hadnt started my English course,

D. Compare your sentences with a friend. Y .

E. Read and alk to a friend. Things would have been diferent i. K

In 2014, Germany beat Brazil 7 x 1 in a heart-breaking soccer match which
Brazilians and the rest of the world will never forget. Here is some background
information on the Brazilian team:
Brazil defender and captain Thiago Silva was suspended for the match because
he had gotten too many yellow cards.
Neymar, the most famous Brazilian player, didn't play in the match either because he
had suffered a back injury.
The pressure was high on the Brazilian team because the World Cup was being
held in their country.

Teacher's Notes
4.2 How do you feel when your team loses? C. Ask students to complete the sentences in the book

Read the title out loud and address the question to individually.
the whole group.
Allow them some time to do the exercise.
1 Learning
D. Say that they are going to compare answers with a
A. - Say that they are going to listen to the end of a
soccer match.

Play the recording once students pay attention.

Allowthem some time to talk and remind them to
ask additional questions.
Now ask them to read the newspaper article in
the book and fill in the gaps with the information E. Play the recording - students read the text in the
from the recording. book.
If necessary, play the recording a second time. - Explain that they are supposed to come up with at
- Correct orally. least three suppositions about this game. They are
supposed to use the Third Conditional. If necessary,
provide an example on the board.
And that's the end of the game, folks! Manchester
Pair them up and allow them some time to talk
City beat Liverpool 2x1 and it is this year's winner. Remind them to ask additional questions.
Unbelievable! Liverpool had such a great season. Wrap the activity up by asking them to share their
Liverpool fans are devastated. If Liverpool hadn't suppositions with the whole group.
missed those two penalties, they could have won the
game. On the other hand, the Manchester supporters
are on cloud nine. At first, the team seemed tired, but New words
when the opposing team scored the first goal of
the match, after 5 minutes, things changed quickly for back (part of the body) heart-breaking
i c
Manchester City. What a game! captain fens of thousands
defender World Cup
B. - Ask students to answer the question in the book goal yellow card
using the information in A.
- Allow them some time to do the exercise.
to be held to miss a penalty
- Correct orally and ask students to go to page 120.
to be on cloud nine t o score
to beat

36A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
2 Reading D. - Divide the students into small groups.

A. Ask students ifthey know what the number one - Read the situation in the book and make sure
sport is in the countries in the book. students understand it.

Make sure everybody participates. - Mention that they can use the words in the Word
bank to answer the question. Go over them, having
Background notes:
group repetition and explaining the new ones
The United States - football
- Allow them some time to talk.
Brazil soccer
Japan baseball
New words

B. Say that they are going to read a text about soccer. BC (before Christ) field me

Play the recording- students read the text. complex legendary

countless J c e i d n Ta - low-income

Ask them to read it again in silence and do the

exercise in the book. You should time your students.
draw mpo padding i
(in a soccer match)
Recommended time: 3-4 minutes. playground

Ask them to compare answers with

a friend. even
- Correct orally.
extra time referee
(in a soccer match)
fabulous thousands of
years ago
C. -

Explain the exercise and pair students up.


Allow them some time to complete the task. New verbs

to date back t ooriginate
Shortcut to dribble t o snap up
-In caseyou don't have much time, assign this exercise to eliminate
as homework and correct oraly in the following class.

2 Reading
A. Group discussion
What is the number one sport in these
countries? the United States Brazil Japan -

B. Read the text and mark the sentences

True or False.va
1. ( T) The words football and
the same thing all over the
except in the United States.
2. (F) The sport was originated in China
thousands of years ago.
3. ( T) Early Chinese people
used to
dribble and kick leather balls into a
Aglobal passion
small net. 1 When you hear the word football you may think
4. (T) Soccer is very popular because it is
of quarterbacks, dressed in pads and helmets,
not complex. running around the field, but today we are
going to talk about another kind of football. A
5. (F) All Brazilian players come from poor 5 football which is
popularly known as soccer
families. here in America.
6. ( T) Everywhere you go around the Although American football is the number one
globe, you will always find something sport in the United States, soccer is the most
related to soccer. popular sport worldwide. It rates as number
10 one in more than 175 countries.
C. Find words This global passion dates back as far as
phrases with the same thousands of years ago. Nobody knows for
meaning in the text. sure where it first
appeared, but there is
evidence of the sport in China,
famous (line 5) Opularlyknown_ 15 and 3rd centuries BC, when during the 2nd
people dribbled
leather balls by kicking them into a small
worldwide net.
globally (line 9)- Nowadays, about 120 million regular team
players and countless other people
sport in stadiums, on beaches, in play
lO Fale the
to classily ine 9) 20 and even on the streets. The playgrounds
reason for its
1O belong to an earlytime (line 11) odae back popularity because soccer is quite simple.
All you need is a ball, two
of ground.
posts anda piece
fabulous (line 25) Brazil has produced some of the most
25 legendary players in the world. Many of them
to acquire quickly (ine 27)10up p come from low-income families and are
snapped up by rich professional European
D. Work in small groups. Reasons for loving soccer may vary from
30 person to person, but one
In soccer matches, draws should be no matter where
thing is certain:
you go to, you will find
eliminated and
penalties should be used to Somebody wearing a soccer jersey, or hear
give a result for every game, don't you think? an enthusiastic conversation
about "the beautiful
35 game."

rules releree - extra tine


Do you ever warm up before working out?


1 Vocabulary Phrasal verbs

A. Study this.a
k i c k off Ceco
work off

try out for knock outs

give up cool down Word
page 110

B. Choose three questions to ask a friend.

How often do you cool down after a workout?
Have you ever tried out for your school's (soccer) team?
How long do you have to run to work off slice of
a pizza?
When was the last time you knocked classmate out of school
a a competition?
How would you feel if you had to give up a sports
competition because of an injury?
What time do soccer matches usually kick off on

2 Listening
A. Listen and check the phrasal verbs used.
work off try out for/ give up
kick off knock out cool down

B. Listen again and answer the questions.

1. Why did Kyle need to work out?
Because he needed to work off thepizza he had eaten.

2. What did Sue try out for?

She tried out for the schools soccer team
3. What's happening next Saturday?
Her first game.

C. Group discussion
People should never give up on their goals. Do you agree with this sentence? Why/why not?
Teacher's Notes
4.3 Do you ever warm up before working out? 2 Listening

Read the title out Ioud and address the question to A. Say that they are going to listen to a conversation
the whole group. between Kyle and Sue.
Explain that they have to listen to the recording and
1 Vocabulary
check the phrasal verbs used in the conversation.

Pair students up and ask them to do the task using the - Play the recording once students do the exercise.
QR code.
When they finish it, go over the list of phrasal verbs in -Correctorally.
the book. Write them on the board. You should review
or introduce the simple past and past participle forms. Script:
Ask extra A: Kyle, what are you doing?

questions. In
they have problems with
B: I'm cooling down, Sue. Ive just run 10k. I really
any phrasal verb, help them.
needed towork off that pizza we grabbed last night
Suggested questions: A: Isee. Well, I have something to tellyou.
What do you do to work off anger? B: Really? What happened?
Would you try out for a singing competition? A: My P.E. teacher has justcalled and guess what?! 'm in!
What would you never give up? B: Are you serious?! Congratulations, Sue!Iknew you'd
Do soccer matches ever kick off on Sunday mornings? make it when you tolad me you were going to try out
for the school's soccer team. Im really haPpy for you.
How do you feel when you knock a friend out of a
A: Thanks, Kyle! I really appreciate that Now Ill have to
work hard to show my team Ireally deserve this last
How long
out in the gym?
did you
cool down the last time you worked
B: Im sure you wil. You're a very dedicated player
- Assign Word booster 4.3 as homework and correct
You never give up on your goals.
orally in the following class. A: You're right. Hey, listen! You are coming to my tirst
- If for some reason they are not able to use their
game next Saturday, arent you?
phones, you can choose one of the alternatives on B: What time is it?
page X (General Information). A: It kicks off at 3 o'cock.
B: IH definitely be there.

QR Code-Answer key
1. James ran 10k to work those hamburgers off. To work B. Say that they are going to listen to the
off means to get rid ofsomething by doing physical speakers
once again to get more details.
activity. Explain that they have to answer the questions

2. When I was in elementary school, Itried out for the according to the recording.
football team. To try out for means to be tested to -

Ask different students to read the questions. If

see ifyou are able to do something.
necessary, help them with vocabulary
3. Tina gave up the basketball team because she was
too busy studying for her finals. To give up means

Play the recording once -

students do the exercise.

to stop doing something that you do regularly. - Correct orally

4. The soccer match kicks off at 4 p.m. To kick off means

C. -

Ask the question in the book to the whole group

to begin something.
and have them discuss.
5. Jake knocked Matt out in the school competition. To
knock out means to defeat somebody.

6. After working out for over one hour, Sheila and her New word
sister cooled down in the swimming pool. To cool workout
down means to become calmer, especialy after doing
physical activities
New verbs
B. Explain the exercise and pair students up. t o warm up to kick off
Allow them some time to talk and remind them to
t o work off to knock out
ask additional questions. to try out for to cool down

38A Fluency 1
Teacher's Notes
3 Sounds good 5 Fluency
A. Say that they are going to learn word combinations - Play the recording- students read the paragraph.
with sport and sports. - Explain the new words if necessary.
Ask the questions in the book to the whole group.

Play the recording and have group repetition

- Make sure they understand each combination. If
Encourage students to use the expressions in the box
necessary, translate. in their answers.
Make sure everybody participates.
B. - Pair students up and ask them to use the questions
in the book to have a brief discussion.
- Allow them some time to talk and remind them to
New words
ask additional questions.
amateur human being
Shortcut Combat indoor
- In case you don't have much time, ask each student Commentator limit
to choose only two questions to ask each other. outcome
creature risk taker
C. Say that they are supposed to write two questions,
enthusiast risky
using at least two different combinations from extraordinary sensation
exercise A.
facilities sports
- Allow them some time to write the questions. thrill
- In case you don't have much time, ask students to
New verbs
write the questions at home and have the to drop the ball t o push
conversation in D in the following class. t o give something to take up
one's best shot

D. - Pair students up and ask them to use their questions

t o go beyond
to have a brief discussion.
- Allow them some time to talk and remind them to
ask additional questions.

4 Check this out!

A. Ask students to read the examples in the book and

match the idioms with their corresponding
- Pair them up and allow them some time to do the
- Correct orally and make sure they understood each

B. Ask the questions in the book to the whole group.

- Have students share their experiences.
- To encourage the discussion, ask extra questions.

3 Sounds good 4 Check this out!
A. Study these word combinations with A. Match.
sport and sports.aE 1. Every time I depend on my brother, he
drops the ball. It's so disappointing.
amateur professional
competitive SporiS 2. I'm sorry, I don't know what happened. I
team individual
indoor / outdoor Spords gave itmy best shot. but I couldn't finish
dangerous / risky/ hazardous Sportis the report in time.
water/combat motor SportS (2) Totry really hard to succeed.

do (a) /play (1) To make a mistake orfail, or let

(a)/ take up (a) someone down.

event B. Group discussioon

Spors center / facilities / field
person / personality/ star 1. Have you ever dropped the ball at school
STOrS enthusiast/ fan/ follower work? What happened?
Sports commentator 2. "No matter what you have to do, always
channel / page paper give it your best shot. " Do you agree with

cOverage program this statement? Why/why not?

Sporscoodibag / equipment / clothes
goods /car

5 Fluency
Human beings are extraordinary creatures.
B. Talk to a friend. They have the power to overcome their fears
D o you prefer indoor or outdoor sports? and go beyond the limits just to say, "1 did it!".
What's the most hazardous sport you know? Facing dangerous situations is a good exercise
Have you evertried combat sports?
to boost your self-confidence. Extreme sports
can help you push these limits
and at the same
D o you ever buy sports clothes/ goods? time have some fun because
How often do you watch sports programs? feeling the thrill of
a sport is a really
good sensation.
When was the last time you went to a
sports event? 1. Are you a risk taker? utu c cd
2. What's the most
dangerous thing you've ever
C. Write two questions using combinations done? What was
the outcome?i a
from A.
3. Have you ever taken a risk and then
regretted it? What happened?
4. Would you risk
your own life only to feel the

Personally, You see,

D. Talk to a friend using the questions
In fact, ... Anyway,
39 Fluency
1 Speaking
A. Ready to plan your next tripP
Choose a destination.
1. New York
2. Las Vegas
3. Orlando

Get together in two groups and plan a trip for three different budgets.
-VIP: $100,000 t oftot
Standard: $10,000 podkos
- Budget: $1,000 cené u (
Grazstudio www.fotosearch.com.br

In your own group, discuss:

dates and length of the trip
- accommodations

- activities

- highlights dkcqu

Take notes of the main points.

Decide how you are going to present your ideas.

B. Present your travel plans.

C.Which was the best plan?

Teacher's Notes
Fluency booster 2
1 Speaking

A. Divide the students into two groups.

Ask each group to choose a destination for their next trip.
Explain that they have to plan a trip for the three budgets in the book.
- Allow them some time to plan their trips, following the topics in the exercise. Mention that they also have to decide

how they are going to present their ideas.

B. Allow each group some time to present their travel plans.

C. -

Have students vote for the best plan.

New words
budget standard

highlights VIP

4OA Fluency
Teacher's Notes
2 Watch this!
A. Ask studentsif they enjoy riding on roller coasters.
and why some people love them while others

Say that episode 2 is going to talk about the history of roller coasters
are scared to death.
book what's true about roller coasters.
-Explain that they have to watch the video segment and answer in the
Play the video segment once students do the exercise.

B. Say that they are going to watch the segment once again to get more details.
Explain the exercise and go over the sentences in the book.
- Play the video segment again s t u d e n t s do the exercise.

- Correct orally.

-Wrap the activity up by asking their opinion about the episode.

3 Pronunciation
A. Mention that this exercise focuses on the final /b/ and /p/ sounds.

-Play the recording once -

have students follow it in their books.

Play the recording again have group repetition.
- Ask students to take turns reading one group of words.

B. - Have different students read the questions in the book out loud. Make sure they pronounce the word endings
- Then pair students up and allow them some time to talk.

Writing bank
Ask students to go to page 124

New words
elevateed phobia
frightening rehab ttd.a u tocoe
ice slide ride (noun)
l o m d c
roller coaster

light bult shortness of breath a

nightmare steel

New verbs
to design to inspire to trigger


2 Watch this!
A. Watch Episode 2 of Explorations and answer.

What's true about roller coasters?

a) In Russia they are called "Russian

b) They are designed to scare people.

c))For most people, rollers coasters are
a nightmare.

B. Watch the episode again. Check what's right and correct what's wrong.
1. Ice slides inspired what we know nowadays as roller coasters.
2. The combination ofoops, drops and turns
wood and steel makes rides insane.
3. Roller coasters activate the same part of the brain that enjoys frightening things.
4. riggers
According to studies, the roller coaster phobia doesn't trigger other phobias.
5. Among the sensations one can have while riding on a roller coaster are: shortness of breath
dna elevated sugar tevel t t it

6. Roller coaster can be a good way offacing your fears and going beyond your limits.

3 Pronunciation final /b/ /p/ sounds

A. Listen and say.a

club grab cup lamp
carb rehab cheap map

job light bulb jump chop

B. Talk to a friend.
When was the last time you went to a club?

How high can you jump?

Do you enjoy low-carb food?

What celebrity has gone into rehab

Wridngbank2 page 124
page 124
How cheap is a cup of coffee?

Is there a lamp in your bedroom?


Tell students to look at the
photos and ask them some questions.
Suggested questions:
Are you into fashion?
What's your favorite color to wear?
Which celebrity has the best sense of style, in your opinion?
How often do you shop for clothes?
Do you ever buy clothes online? Why/why not?
Have you ever been to a fashion show?
Do you have a good sense of style?

1 Kick it off!
A. Check what's true for you.
When it comes to fashion...

I prefer comfort to appearance.

like to make a statement with my clothes.

I'm always critical of what other people wear.

High prices hardly ever prevent me from buying quality clothing.

I don't care about brand name clothing.

avoid drawing attention to myself, so I keep it simple.

B. Talk to a friend about your answers.

A: I prefer comfort to appearance. I hate wearing high heels, for example.
B: Well, I'm quite the opposite. I always dress to impress.
A: Are you for real?! What kind of clothes do you enjoy wearing, then?

2 Vocabulary Describing clothes and fashion

A. How cool do they look? Talk to a friend. Word
pages 111-112

Go to page 128. Choose three people each and take turns describing what they are wearing and

giving your opinion about them.

B. Talk to a friend. 3 dl
Who is the trendiest person you know? How about the scruffiest?
Can you name a celebrity who always looks sloppy?

What color combinations are stylish for the summer? How about winter?
What piece of clothing do you consider old-fashioned nowadays?

foedougn www.totgsearch.com.or

Teacher's Notes
5.1 Do you have a good sense of style? B. Ask students to write two questions in the book
Read the title out loud and address the question to using the vocabulary they have just learned
the whole group. individualy.

Allow them some time to write the questions.

1 Kick it off!

Pair them up and ask them to use their questions

A. Tell students they are going to read some sentences and the ones in the book to have a brief
about fashion. conversation.

Read each sentence, presenting the new vocabulary. - Allow them some time to talk.
Write the new words on the board and model
pronunciation by having group repetition.

As you read each sentence, students check the ones New words
that apply to them. brand
B. -

Pair students up and explain that they are

supposed sense ot style
to have a brief conversation using the sentences
from A. New verbs

Ask two students to read the model dialog in the book.

to dress

Explain that they are supposed to read the sentences to keep it simple
in the book, making extra comments about them. to make a statement
Remind them to ask additional questions as well.

Allow them some time to talk.

2 Vocabulary
A. Say that in this lesson they are going to learn words
to describe clothes and fashion.
- Ask them to go to pages 111 and 112.

44A Fluency1
Teacher's Notes
3 Listening C. Pair students up and ask them to talk to their
to listen to Kate and Jessica
friends about who they agree with. Mention that
A. Saythat they are going they are supposed to explain their answers.
talk about fashion.
- Go over the expressions in the box.
Explainthat they have to listen to the recording and
match each character with their opinion. - Allow them some time to talk.

- Ask different students to read the opinions in the

book and help them with vocabulary if necessary.
4 Speak up
Mention that one opinion is not going to be used.
A. Say that they are going to carry out a class survey

Play the recording once -

students do the exercise about fashion. In the book there are 8 items.
Correct orally. Depending on the number of students in class, each
student should be in charge of at least one item.
If you have more students in class than items, there
is no problem in having two students with the same
Ive liked fashion since I was a little giri. I used to save - Read the items in the box out loud, explaining the
my pocket money to buy fashion magazines every
new words.
month and I loved seeing celebrities looking so trendy
on those incredible pages, wearing those stylish - Have students go around the room interviewing
clothes. That was so magical! I used to say that I'd be their classmates. Remind them to take notes
as chic as them one day. Well, I'm 30 now and I can because they'll have to report the result to the
say I wear cool clothes. I'm a fashion designer, you whole group.
know, and I've been working for this fashion magazine Allow them some time to do the activity.
for three and a halfyears now. The best thing about it
is that I always receive nice designer clothes. In my B. Explain that they are going to share the result with
opinion, having a good sense ofstyle is essential the whole group.
nowadays because people always judge us by the way - Ask two different students to read the sentences in
we look. the speech bubbles and go over the LEARN THIS!
note in the book. If necessary, translate the
I think girls can go bananas sometimes just because
Call their attention to the verb agreement.
they want to look trendy. So, every month, they
spend lots of money on clothes just to look like those Students take turns reporting the results to the
celebrities in fashion magazines. That's terrible. For me, whole group.
the worst thing about fashion is that chic clothes
can be very uncomfortable. I hate wearing high
heels, for example. They can be stylish and make you New words
look amazing, but they make my feet sore at the end tice
of the day. A good sense of fashion is important, but designer clothes fashion trend
you've got to be reasonable as well. You can look good fashion fad pocket money
and be comfortable at the same time. IFI have to
choose between appearance and comfort Il go with
comfort for sure! Ater all, I like fashion, you know, but
I'm not obsessed with it at all.

B. Say that they are going to listen to Kate's part once

again to get more details.
- Explain that they have to answer the questions
according to the recording.
- Ask different students to read the questions in the
book. If necessary, help them with vocabulary.
- Play the recording once students do the exercise.

- Correct orally.

3 Listening 4 Speak up
A. Listen to two talk about fashion.
women A. How many people in the classroom?
What do they say about it? >buy designer clothes
Kate... (3) Jessica... (1) shop for clothes regularly
have more than 10 pairs of shoes
1. thinks that fashion is important, but you
can't be too obsessed with it. >wear shoes that make them taller

2. doesn't like fashion at all and thinks

>hate fashion fads
people can go bananas because of it.
3. can't live without fashion. follow fashion trends

readfashion magazines/ sites

B. Listen to Kate again and answer. spend a lot of money on shoes
1. How did she spend
use to her pocket
money? ont B. Group discussion
She used to spend it on fashion magazines.
2. How old is she now?
Most of us shop for clothes regulartly.
Shes 30.
3. What does she do?
She's afashion designer
Nobody hates fashion fads.
4. How long has she been working at her
current job?
She'sbeen working there for three anda
half years.
5. How important is a good sense of style LEARN
for her? THIS!
Forher a good senseofstyleisessential All of us
enjoy talking about fashion.
nowadayS. most of / many of/ a lot of/
some of / not many of / a few of
Other examples:
C.Who do you agree with? Give reasons. Most of our classmates follow fashion trends.
Some of the people I talked to hate fashion fads.
I agree with Attention!

I think is right/ wrong. Everybody enjoys talking about fashion.

| don't agree
Nobody enjoys talking about fashion.
with None of us
talking about fashion.
I n ordinary spoken
English the plural form
is used after none of.

45 Fluency 1L
What's the craziest outfit you've seen on TV?

1 Learning Adjectives
A. Read this.

live from the red carpet. Look! The

And we are

and only Meg Smith is here. She looks amazing

black silk dress. Her fiancé
tonight in this stunning
looks great too. Look at his trendy dark striped

suit. It's so stylish. They make a beautiful couple,

don't you think?

B. Answer.
Which of the adjectives in blue express an opinion? How about a fact?

opinion: Stunning trendy

fact: black silk dark striped

page 120

C. Put the words in parentheses in the corect order and ask the
question to a friend.
1. Who would you take with you to a(n). charming
Ewopean city?
2. What would you do if you received a(n) . ancient golden object as
a birthday gift?
3. Which is worse for you, a redfur Coat or big purple watch?
fur/red big/purple
4. Is a . stylishtigh shirt a good gift for a man?
5. Is a fashionable full-length dress a nice gift for a woman?
6. Do you think your mom would appreciate receiving a(n). huge oriental rug for
her birthday? oriental/huge

D. Diana asked her husband to buy a few things for her. Talk to a friend and compare what
she had in mind and what he actually bought. Go to page 129.
Teacher's Notes
5.2 What's the craziest outfit you've seen on TV? D. Ask students to go to page 129.
- Read the title out loud and address the question too - Say that Diana asked her husband to buy a few
the whole group. things for her, but she forgot to give him details
about the items.
1 Learning in pairs comparing
Explain that they will take turns
A. - Play the recording students read the passage in the items she had in mind and the ones he actually
the book. bought.
- Allow them some time to talk.
B. Ask them to refer back to the text and classify the
- Correct orally by asking different students to
adjectives in blue into opinion and fact.
describe the items to the whole group.
Allow them some time do the exercise.
Correct orally and ask students to go to page 120. New words
C. Ask students to complete the questions with the
adjectives in the correct order individually. charming red carpet
live stunning t r' ) tt
Allow them some time to do the activity.
oriental the one and only
Pair students up and ask them to take turns asking
the questions in the book.

Allow them some time to talk.

46A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
D. Divide the students into sma!l groups.
2 Reading and make sure
A. Ask students to describe the illustration by asking Read the questions in the book
students understand them.
the questions in the book.
discussion with their
Ask them to have a brief
the book and the
B. Say that they are going to read a text about Lady friends, using the questions in
Gaga. expressions in the box.
- Play the recording - students read the text. -
Go over the expressions in the
book and help them
- Ask them to read it again in silence and do the if necessary.
exercise in the book. You should time your students s o m e time to talk.
Allow them
Recommended time: 3-4 minutes.
- Ask them to compare answers with a friend.
- Correct orally.
New words
from head to toe
C. Explain the exercise and pair students up. animal rights
award iconic
- Allow them some time to complete the task.
bikini judgment-free
- Correct orally.

Shortcut .craziness offense

-In case you don't have much time, assign this exercise criticism organization
as homework and correct orally in the following class. slaughter dn
fleshy writer

New verbs
t o believe to shoot
to cause (quite) a stir to stand up for
t o offend

2 Reading
A. Group discussion
Who is the woman in the illustration?
Where is she? What's she doing?
What's she wearing?

B. Read the text and check the sentences

1. According to the writer, Gaga deserves
an award for her deed
during the VMAs.
2. Franc Fernandez, her personal stylist,
designed the dress.
3. The main difficulty for the designer was
that the singer would wear the outfit for a
longer time if compared to the meat bikini.
Fashion craziness
1 If there was an award for the weirdest outfit
4. Not everybody criticized her of all time, would ce inly go to Lady Gaga.
attitude. The iconic American singer drew attention
5. Animal rights organizations claimed that
to herself in 2010, when she attended the
Gaga offended as many people as she 5 MTV Video Music Awards wearing meat
impressed. from head to toe.
6. After this unique episode, Gaga admitted Designer Franc Fernandez got a call from
being a person who likes to judge people. Gaga's stylist asking him to design the
unusual dress. Gaga had shot a picture
10 wearing a meat bikini for a Japanese fashion
C. Match the words in orange in the text magazine some time before, but Fernandez's
challenge was much bigger because Gaga
with the definitions below. would wear the outfit for hours.
He used around 40 pounds of meat and it
courage 15 took him approximately three days to make
the unique model. At the end, Gaga loved
butchery 2 her fleshy dress. In her opinion, it was
massacre; slaughter very
comfortable and it didn't smell bad at all.
different; exclusive unique 16 While fans loved her boldness and
20 confidence, animal rights organizations
tostandupfor 28 protested against the singer's deecclaiming
to defend it was too offensive and
people were more
upset by the butchery than impressed by it.
all over one's body from head to toe Lady Gaga answered the criticism on a talk
25 show some days later. "As you know, I'm
the most judgment-free human
being on
Earth. It has many interpretations, but for
D. Work in small groups. me its saying, 'lf we don't
we believe in, if we don't
stand up for what
Are you for or against the fleshy dress? fight for our rights,
Was it a brave attitude or an offense to 30 pretty soon we're going to have as many
animal rights? Do you think she lost rights as the meat on our bones".
any fans because of it? Whether it was a bold attitude or an
offense to the animal rights, nobody can
It looks like.. deny that Gaga caused quite a stiron that
It seems like... 35 Sunday night. The pop singer won a total
It sounds like... of eight VMAs, including video of the year,
best female video and best pop video.

47 Eluency
Are you good at puting together an outfi? D
1 Vocabulary

drem up give ana
marten up throm aay
try on tand out Word
x g : 112

B. Make three quesions using three dffereri phrasal verts.

C. Talk to a friend usirg the quecions above.

2 Listening
A. Licter and angwer.
Who is a mtail panty tonigt, Julia or Dan?

B. Lichen agair ard complete. v

1. Dan likes vhen Julia dres es
2. Julia warted to ok imple
but segar.

3.Dan spos tvy Julis's house t pich up Mme lothe she wanted to give awsy.
4 Julia has airesdy thrwwn uway some pieos of dothing.
5. They ars Yrinvg to have pizza tgether on Frudaynight

C.Gup diuusion
VIrst do yu do uth cpAues yru no oniger wear?
Teacher's Notes
5.3 Are you good at
putting together an outfit?
Read the title out loud and address the
question to Script
the whole group. (Somebody knocks at the door.)
A: Julia, you look amazing! I love when you dress up.
1 Vocabulary B: Thanks, Dan. I have a cocktail party tonight. So I
Pair students up and ask them to do the task the
using had to smarten up, but I didn't want to look too
QR code.
you know. It took me a long time looking for
When they finish it, go over the list of phrasai verbs in 3 simple but elegant outfit
the book. Write them on the board. You should review A: Don t worry. People are going to love your outfit.
or introduce the You look tabulous.
simple past and past participle formms.
Ask extra B: Ihope so
questions. In case they have

problems with A: Listen, I was in the neighborhood andI decided to

any phrasal verb, help them.
drop by to pick up those clothes you wanted to
Suggested questions: give away, remember?!
How often do you dress up? B: Oh, Dan, I'm sorry. I totally forgot. I threw away
Would you tell a friend to smarten up itf he/she was some old piecesyesterday, butI didn't have time
looking too scruffy? to separate the ones to give away.
Have you ever bought shoes without A: No problem, Julia. Im going to this shelter near my
trying them on first? Cousin's house on Saturday afternoon. We still have
Do you and your family ever
give away things you don t some time.
Use anymore?
Do you throw away old clothes or B: Great, Dan. Ill separate my donations and then 1l
give them away? take them to your house on Friday night, ok?
Would you use your sense of style to stand out at a
party? A: Perfect! Why don't we grab a pizza and watch a

Assign Word booster 5.3 as homework and correct movie together, then?
orally in the following class.
B: Great idea!
-If for some reason they are not able to use their
A: Well, let me get back home because I have some
phones, you can choose one of the alternatives on
housework to do. Have a great party tonight.
page X (General Information).
B: Thanks, Dan. See you on Friday.
QR Code- Answer key A: See ya. Bye.

1. If you dress up for a party, you put on special clothes.

2. If you smarten up, you make yourself look neat and B. Say that they are going to listen to the speakers
attractive. once again to get more details.
3. If you try on shoes, you put them on to see if they fit you. -

Explain that they have to complete the sentences

4. If you give away old clothes, you donate them to
according to the recording.
people who need them. t
Play the recording once students do the exercise.
5. If you throw away something, you get rid of it because
you no longer need or want it.
te -Correctorally.
6. If you stand out, you are easily noticeable among a C. Ask the question in the book to the whole
group of people. group
and have them discuss. Mention that
they can use
the words in the Word bank to answer the
B. Explain the exercise and allow them some time to Go over them, having group
write the questions. repetition
explaining the new ones.
- Pair students up and allow them some time to talk.

Remind them to ask additional questions.

2 Listening
New words
A. Ask them what kind of party they see in the picture. charity cocktail party
In case they don't remember, tell them (cocktail party).
Say that they are going to listen to a conversation New verbs
between Dan and Julia.
t o dress up to stand out
Explain that they have to listen to the recording and

to put together t o try on

tell you who is attending a cocktail party tonight.
Play the recording once students do the exercise.
- to smarten up
- Correct orally.

48A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
3 Sounds good 4 Check this out!
A. Say that they learn word combinations
are going to A. Ask students to read the examples in the book and
with clothes.
match the idioms with their corresponding
Play the recording and have group repetition. definitions.
Make sure they understand each combination. If - Pair them up and allow them some time to do the
necessary, translate. exercise.
B. Allow them some time to complete the questions in - Correct orally and make sure they understood each

the book using combinations from A. idiom.

Pair students up and ask them the
to have a brief discussion.
to use
questions B. Ask the questions in the book to the whole group.

Have students share their experiences.

-Allow them some time to talk and remind them to
ask additional questions.
5 Fluency
Shortcut Play the recording students read the
- -

In case you don't have much
time, ask each student Explain the new words if necessary.
to choose only two
questions to ask each other. Ask the questions in the book to the whole group.

Encourage students to use the expressions in the box

C. in their answers.

Say that they are supposed to write two questions,

using at least two different combinations from -

Make sure everybody participates.

exercise A.

Allow them some time to write the questions.

New words
Shortcut a piece of cake outer
In you don't have much time, ask students
case to all dressed up
write the questions at home and have the outrageous
conversation in D in the following class. change of clothes personal image
dowdy d unfashionable
D. Pair students up and ask them to use their questions
lovely wacky
to have a brief discussion.
Allow them New verbs

some time to talk and remind them to

ask additional questions. to go out of fashion t o mend
to go out of style

3 Sounds good 4 Check this out!
A. Study these word combinations with A. Match.
clothes. vA
1. Cory is all dressed up because he is
fine representing his company at an awards
fancy/ lovely
pretty /
EArv dowdy/ old-fashioned ceremony.

outrageous strange / wackyngiuca 2. I think jeans will never

go Out offashion
curdols dirty clean / fresh style
best/ fomal/ evening
casual/everyday / ordinary cothes 2To become unfashionable.
T o be dressed in one's best clothes.
wamsummer/winter clothes
outdoor outer
c t u e Cohes B. Group discussioon
change remove 1. How often do you get all dressed up?
iron mend / wash Cones
2. What clothes accessories have gone
make design out of style recently?
a change of

5 Fluency
B. Complete the questions using the Finding the perfect outfit for a special occasion
combinations above and talk to a or even for your everyday routine is not a
piece of cake. It's quite impossible not to
friend. about what to wear. After all, your
Did you use to wear image can say a lot about you. If you dress up
clothes when you were younger? too much or if you dress too casual for a
certain event, people might get the
Do you enjoy wearing wrong idea
about you.
1. How hard is it for
How long does it take you to you to choose what to
your clothes?
2. How Iong does it usually take you to
When do you usually wear dressed every day? get
clothes? 3. Do you believe women have
a harder time
than men when choosing
Do you ever your what to wear?
clothes? Why/why not?
4. What occasions do
you find it harder to
C. Write two decide what to wear?
questions using combinations
from A. 5. How important is personal image?

I think you're missing the

point, because...
I couldn't agree more.
That's what I think.
You've got a point, but..
D. Talk to a friend using the questions P'm not sure about..
above. B

49 Fluency
Wrap it up! 1

1 Written exercises
A. Read and answer according to the text. (20 points; 4 each)
1 The most challenging and rewarding things in life are the relationships we have. A harmonious
relationship allows us to learn a lot about ourselves. Unfortunately, fear of being hurt often
prevents us from having a gratifying relationship. There is one occasion though, when we seem to
4 put all that behind: when we find a perfect match, or better said, a soul mate. The problem is,
finding a person to share our life with is not an easy task. Knowing yourself better makes it easier
sO you've got to know your positive and negative traits; the things you like and the ones you can't
put up with. The moment you find a potential soul mate, pay attention to how he/she is, what
8 he/she does and how he/she lives his/her life. A strong and independent person can make the
relationship much more stimulating but also more complicated. Beware of possessive and
controlling people. Obviously physical attraction counts, but it is not the most important thing.
Remember: your perfect match needs to be somebody who can feed your soul.

1. What are people afraid of when it comes to relationships?

They are afraid ofbeing hurt.

2. What's the author's suggestion to overcome it?

His suggestion is tofind a soul mate.

3. On line 4, soul mate can be replaced by: X ) your true love your best friend
4. On line 9, beware ofcan be replaced by: expect
X)be careful with
5. Does the text recommend that we should avoid relationships with strong and independent people?

No, it doesnt.

B. Answer with complete sentences. (20 points; 4 each)

1. How long have you been studying here?
I've been studying here (fortwo years /sincelastyear)
2. How long does it usually take you to put together an outfit?

usually takes me(10minutes)topultogelher anoutfit.

3. Who had finished the test before time was up?

(Peter)hadfinishedthetestbeforetime wasup.
4. Where would you have spent your last vacation if you had won $10,00o?

fl hadwon S10,00,Jwonledhnespentit(in haly).

5. What is the most delicious food you have ever eaten?
(Mygrmdnnuscheesecake)isthemostdeliciousfood I have ever eaten

Teacher's Notes
Wrap it up! 1

Tell students that the exercises in the review

lessons have the same format as the exercises on their test so they should
pay careful attention to what they have to do in each.

1 Written exercises

A. Ask students to read the text and then

answer the questions.
- Correct orally.

B. Ask students to answer the questions with complete sentences

Correct orally.

5OA Fluency1
Teacher's Notes
C. Ask students to complete the sentences using the best verb.
Correct orally.
D. Ask students to rewrite the sentences using the cues given.
Correct orally.

E. Ask students to choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

- Correct orally.

C. Complete with the best verb (20 points; 4 each)

1. Lies make friends

diift apart (put up with / drift apart)
2. I needed to bolt down my breakfast and leave because I got up late. (bot down/ eat out)
3. The last time I went on a road trip, Istopped by a very good gas station. (took off / stopped by)
4. Itd take than
me more an hour at the gym to work off a Big Mac. (kick off / work off)
5. Of course Sheila stood out in that red dress. All the other women were dressed in black.
(stood out / tried on)

D. Rewrite the sentences

using the cues given. (2O points; 5 each)
1. I'm not big fan of
vegetables, but I really like broccoli. (although)
Although I'm not a big fan of vegetables, I really like broccoli.

2. Mike isn't on the airplane and he isn't in the boarding area either. (neither... nor)
Mike is neither on the airplane nor in the boarding area.
3. On their last vacation, my friends went bungee jumping. They also went sky diving. (both... and)
On their last vacation, my friends went both bungee jumping and sky diving.

4. Full-length dresses are chic. They very stylish for evening parties. (In
Full-length dresses are chic. In addition, they are very stylish for evening parties.

E. Choose the best altemative. (20 points; 4 each)

1. My father would never put on a shirt.

a)modern flowery b) cotton green c) French striped

2. A friend of told me all about the game.

a) my b))mine c) Jake

3. There is there. Are you you heard voices

coming from that room?

a)somebody b) anybody c)nobody

4. has started a diet more than once.

a)Everybody b) Most of them c) Not many of us

5. Claire over ten dresses, but none of them pleased her.

a)has been trying on b) has tried on c) is trying

51 FluencyL
2 Listening Comprehension Exercises

A Part
Listen to a dialog once and answer; (10 points; 5 each)
1. Who are the speakers?
a) a soccer player and his coach

(b))a doctor and a patient

c) two sports fans

2. Where does the conversation take place?

a) in somebody's living room
b) in the stadium

c)in the hospital

Part 2
Listen to it again and check the sentencesthat apply. (30 points: 5 each)
1. The speakers are talking about the first match of the season.

2. Gary has never played in the main team before.

3. Jake hurt himself in the beginning of the game.

4. The game is over and the result is set.

5. Jake feels frustrated.

6. Jake is sleepy.

B. Listen and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false): (30 points; 5 each)
1. Rachel started worrying about the way she dresses after her last job interview. ( T)

2. Rachel had a positive feedback about her clothing style. (F)

3. In her opinion, the interviewer looked sloppy. ( F)

4. Rachel wears plain clothes to avoid drawing attention to herself. (T)

5. Most of her clothes are flowered or spotty. (F)

6. If her friends had told her the truth, she might not have had that bad experience. T

Teacher's Notes
2 Listening comprehension exercises
A. Part 1

-Tellstudents that they are going to listen to a dialog once and they are supposed to answer the two questions in
the book.

Play the recording once and allow them some time to answer the questions in Part 1.
Part 2
Tell students that they are going to listen to the same dialog again and they are supposed to check the sentences
that apply.

Play the recording again and allow them some time to do the exercise in Part 2.

Correct Parts 1 and 2 orally.

A: Nooo! How could he miss the goal? There was nobody to block him!
B: Calm down, Jake. It's just a game.
A: How can you say that, Dr. Philips? It's the most important match of the season. If we lose this game, we're out.
We're so close to the finals.
B: t'sa shame you injured your leg right after the game kicked off. If you hadn't broken it, the coach wouldn't have
had to put Gary in your place.
A: Iknow, I know. It's not Gary's fault. He is a good player. I'm sure he will give it his best shot, but it's his first game
on the main team.
B: There's still time to change the score, so the result is still up in the ai
A: It's just that it's hard to be in a hospital bed you know and watch the game on TV. I should be there.
B: 1get it, but there is nothing you can do right now. How's the pain?
A: It's almost gone. The painkiller is working.
B: Igave you a strong one so you may feel sleepy.
A: Idoubt it, Doc. I'm too nervous.

B. - Tell students that they are going to listen to a monolog twice and that they are supposed to mark the sentences
true or false.
- Play the recording twice and allow them some time to do the exercise.

- Correct orally.

Hi, my name is Rachel and could really use some help wth my clothes. I had never woried about them before my
last job interview. It the worst experience I thought I doing OK until right towards the end the
was ever. was
interviewer advised me to smarten up ifl wanted to be taken seriously. I was shocked. When it comes to fashion,
Ihave always preferred comfort to appearance but I had no idea l looked sloppy or scruify. I hate drawing attention
to myself,so I keep it simple. Most of my clothes are plain. Im not a big fan of flowery or spoty patterns and
definitely you will never see me wearingtight leather pants or expensive fur coats. But you know what hurt me the
most? None of my friends ever said anything. Friends should tellthe truth even if it hurts you, don'tyou think?

52A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
the sentences in the book.
C. -

Tell students that they are going to listen to a dialog twice and they are supposed to complete
- Play the recording twice and allow them some time to do the exercise in the book.

- Correct orally.

A: Just in time! Five minutes later and we would have missed the flight
B: And whose fault would it be? It took you half an hour to decide what to eat and when they finally brought your
order, you returned it
A: The soup was cold and they had put toasted garlic in it. You knowI can't stand garlic. I wouldn't have returned
the soup ifI hadn't asked, twice, for the no garlic option.
:Yes, they dropped the bal I would have done the sameiflhadn't been worried about the time. Missing our fight
trip. And we ve been planning it for years.
wouldn't be the best way to start the
A: Iknow, honey. I'm soryIstressedyou out. You know Im not a fussy eater. I can eat almost everything without
any problems, but not garlic. But you know what annoyed me the most? The waiters lack of attention. Why can t
people do their jobs appropriately?
B: Maybe he was not in a good day. We all have those days, don't we?
A: Yes, everybody does. ButI don't let it affect my job.
B: That's one of the things I like about you, dear, but not everyboy is the same. Come on, let's enjoy our free drink
and relax. The plane will take off in a couple of minutes.
A: Cheers

3 Speaking
- Tell students to choose one of the topics and prepare a short speech about it.
- Then have them sit with a partner and talk.

C.Listen and complete the sentences:(30 points; 3 each blank)

1. They would havve 1missed the flight ifthey had arrived five minutes later.

2. It took the woman

half anhour_to decide what to eat.

3. She returned her soup because it was cold and had (toasted) garlic in it.

4. They have been planning the trip for years

5. The woman isn a fussy eater.

6. The waiter's lack of attention annoyed the woman.

7. The woman doesn't let a bad day affect her Job

8. They will enjoy a(free)drimk before the plane takes off.

3 Speaking
Choose one of the topics and talk about it.

You can give your opinion, present the arguments for or against the issue, point out the positive and

negative aspects, give examples, etc.

Someone to look up to

Junk food addiction

The best trip ever

Team sports vs. individual sports

Dress code at the workplace

www.loto¬aich.com br


es DIinA

53 Fluency




01010101 10 0 1010101 90



S d o f s to lok a! me oriti0s and k Meii sUme ques0ns

Suggested questions
Hi HTpUNtant is eCNioiogy fyOuf e
TtN UTent K3 yOu Duy lectroinc
22 deviCes Where

rhowdo yuu leei atuut riew leiicognes

Phave you bvef sei useda dune'
Wial dyuthnk of simart guisses
Are you a computer geek?

1 Kick it off!
A. Answer these questions.
Have you ever listened to a podcast?

Have you ever streamed video on a smart TV?

Do you know what spyware is?

Do you know how to program a simple game?
Can you name 3 companies that make computers?

Can you forward a text message you've received from a friend to another friend?

B. Talk to a friend about your answers.

A: I love podcasts. I frequently download and listen to podcasts. How about you?
B: I don't. To tell you the truth, I don't know what a podcast is.
A: Really? It's an audio file like a radio broadcast..

2 Vocabulary Talking about technology

A. Choose a topic and tell a friend how to do it. Word
booster page

unlock-yeuF phone
iNStallan app on your phone First, you need to press
find and watch a video online this round button. Then swipe
the slider from left to right and enter
add a new contact to your phone your password.

B. Talk to a friend. 3
How can you copy and paste a text u_ing only the keyboard?
How often do you empty the recycle bin on your computer?
Do you usually open a lot of windows or just one at a time? Vioisaca www.fotoseat
How easy is it to zoom in a photo on your phone?
Do you click on any links you receive in your email?
How do you unlock your phone, using a password, your fingerprints or your voice?

Teacher's Notes
6.1 Are you a
computer geek?
-Read the title out loud and address the question to Script:
the whole group. 1. Installing an app on your phone
First tap the store icon. Then browse the app you
want to download. When you find it, tap the
1 Kick it off!
Download button.
A. Tell students they are going to answer somne
questions about technology. 2. Finding and watching video online
First you must open your browser. Next, enter the
Read each question, presenting the YouTube address. Then search for the video you
new vocabulary.
Write the new words on the board and model want. When you find it, push play and have fun!
pronunciation by having group repetition. 3. Addinga new contact to you phone
Background notes: Just open the address book app. Then tap the Plus
icon. Next, type the name and the address. Finally,

A podcast is a digital audio file that can be tap "Save"

downloaded from the Internet and played on a
computer or device that you can carry with you,
such as a
smartphone. B. Say that they are going to have a conversation
Spyware is a malicious com Jter program whose
about technology.
aim is to gather information about how someone
uses the Internet, or personal information such as Explain that they are supposed to take turns asking
passwords, without the user's consent. the questions in the book.

There are many companies that manufacture Ask different students to read the questions in the
computers. Some examples are: Apple, HP, book and make sure they understand them.
Lenovo, Dell, Samsung, Sony, etc. -

Pair them up and allow them some time to talk.

Remind them to ask additional questions.
B. - Pair students up and explain that they are supposed
to have a brief conversation using the questions
from A. Shortcut

Ask two students to read the model dialog in the -in case you don't have much time, ask each student
to choose only two questions from the list to ask
each other.
Remind them to ask additional questions.
- Allow them some time to talk.

New words
2 Vocabulary
A. Start the activity by asking students how much they smart TV spyware
understand about technology.
New verbs
Say that in this lesson they are going to learn words
to talk about technology. t o forward to program to stream
Ask them to go to page 112.
Now explain the task and aska student to read the
model in the book out loud
Pair students up and ask them to take turns
teaching each other how to do one of the things in
the book.
Wrap activity up by playing the recording and
having students compare their answers.

56A Fluency1
Teacher's Notes
3 Listening C. - Read the question in the book out loud. Mention
that they can use the words in the Word bank to
A. Say that they are going to listen to a conversation. answer the question. Go over them, having group
Explain that they have to listen to the recording and and explaining the new ones.
say who these people are and what the man is Pair students up and allow them some time to talk.
looking for
- Ask different students to read the options in the 4 Speak up
book and help them with the vocabulary if necessary. A. Ask the question in the book and read the options
Out loud, explaining the new words.

Play the recording once students do the exercise.

- As you read, students check their answers.
- Correct orally.
If they have other suggestions, they can write them
down as wel.
A: Can Ihelp you? B. - Pair students up and ask them to have a brief
B: I'm looking for a laptop computer discussion using what they checked in A. Remind
A: Follow me, please. them to ask additional questions.
A: I have this brand-new touch-screen model. It's a Wrap the activity up by asking some students to
two-in-one computer. You can use it as either a present their ideas.
Computer or a tablet.
C. - Go over the questions in the book by asking
B: Hmm. Nice.
different students to read them.
A: It comes in three different colors: black, siver and red.
Pair them up and allow them some time to use their
B: I hike the black one. Can you tell me about its smartphones to find the answers. If it's not possible,
technical specifications? they should try to guess the answers.
A: Sure. It's a pretty fast computer, enough for Allow them some time to work.
everyday use. Its processor is 3.10 gigahertz.
B: What about the memory? Correct orally.
Wrap the activity up by reading the LEARN THIS!
A: It comes with 8 gigabytes of RAM included and you note about subject questions.
can buy extra memory ifyou want.
Ask different students to read the examples and
B: Interesting. How about the hard drive?
make sure they understand them.
A: It's 2 terabytes.
If necessary, provide an extra example on the board:
B: I see.
Who invented the telephone?
A: One of its best features is the display. It's a 13-inch
display. Alexander Graham Bell
B: Is it LED or LCD? invented the telephone.
A: LED. It gives a brighter and sharper picture Background notes:
B: What's the sound like?
A: The sound is excellent. It comes with a 3W built-in Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph founded Netflix
speaker on August 29, 1997.
B: I liked this model. How much is it? The first

webpage went online on August 6, 1991.

A: Well, it's your lucky day. This model is on sale. Its
Nobody knows for sure who the inventor of the

original price was $399. Now it's only $299 And, if

you buy it now, Il give you a fifty-dollar gift card email is. Some people say it's Ray Tomlinson, while
to use on our online store. others say it's Shiva Ayyadurai.
B: That's great. 1l take it. -

The first video uploaded to YouTube is called "Me

A: Good! at the zoo" and it was uploaded on April 23,
B. Say that they are goingto listen to the conversation New words
once again to get more details.
built-in GB Processor scientific
Explain that they have to complete the information
cashier Ghz RAM speaker
about the product the person is interested in.

Go over the paragraph in the book, making sure

display learning research W(watts)
students understand the vocabulary.
engaging on sale sales clerk
New verbs

Play the recording once students do the exercise.


to invent
Correct orally. to upload

3 Listening 4 Speak up
A. Listen to a conversation between two A. Why is technology important? Check
people. Who are they? What's the man your answers.
looking for? A
two friends makes life easier.

(X) a sales clerk and a customer makes communication faster.

boosts scientific research.

a cashier and a customer
makes learning more engaging.
The man is looking for a laptop computer: >helps businesses grow.

B. Now talk to a friend about your

B. Listen again and complete. 4
The laptop computer has a 3.10 Ghz

processor and 8 GB of RAM. C. Talk to a friend.

Who founded Netflix?
It has a 13 "LED display. What went online in 1991?
Who invented email?
It comes with a , W.built-in
What was the first video uploaded to YouTube?
speaker. al
The original price was $. 399
and now it's only $ 299 THIS!
When who /what / which are the subject of
a question, we do not use auxiliary verbs like
dodoes / did in the question.
C. Where do you shop for electronic
devices? Why? Talk to a friend. Who introduced the first iPhone to the world?
Steve Jobs did. / Steve Jobs introduced the
first iPhone to the world.

What makes life easier? Technology does.

Technology makes life easier.
Who did you see at the party? I saw Tom.
online-electronics store- supermarket Who saW you at the party? Tom saw me there.

good prices

on sale -

different models

57 Fluency
What's the greatest invention of all time?

1 Learning Modals in the past

A. Listen and complete. Did you know...?
Oleg or ashin 2007
When the first iPhone was introduced in
teny4urben www
fotosnerch com by the world should have paid more then.
attention to it. Back
people couldn't imagine how this new piece of technology
would revolutionize everything. including small things like
gum sales. Consumers waiting in supermarket checkout
lines used to buy things on impuise and with the invention
of the iPhone they stopped looking around and started

focusing on their smartphones. Since the iPhone invention,

gum sales have deciined 15

B. Choose.
We use should have + past participle to..

m a k e a suggestion about a present situation

(X) criticize a pastaction
booster page 120

C. What should/shouldnt/could these people have done? Talk to a friend.

Jessica's mom didn't cook Tina got fired because
Kyle's mom is she arrived late too Paul's girfriend
enough food for dinner
angry because is mad because
because she didn't know
he got to0 many many times. She used she doesn't know
Jessica's best friend would to tell her boss somne
Fs at school. lame excuses. where he is.
visit them.

D. Complete the sentences below.

1. When I was ,I should have
2. When I was I shouldn't have

E. Talk to a friend about your answers.

Teacher's Notes
6.2 What's the greatest invention of all time? B. Ask studentsto read the example in blue in
exercise A and mark the correct answer for the
Read the title out loud and address the
the whole group.
question to use of should have + past participle.
- Allow them some time to do the exercise.
1 Learning
-Correct orally and ask students to go to page 120.

Ask students to identify the two objects

illustrated in
the book (iPhone and chewing gum). Chewing gum is a C. Pair students up and say they are supposed to
a new word; write it on the board and have
group read each situation in the book and discuss with
repetition. their friend what each person should/shouldn't
have done. They are supposed to ask at least one

Then, ask students if they know what the first iPhone

had to do with the additional question for each situation.
sales of chewing gum.
Say that they are going to listen to the recording to Allow them some time to talk.
find out.
Correct orally.

Play the recording once -

students pay attention.

D. Ask students to complete the sentences in the book

Now ask them to read the paragraph in the book and individually.
fill in the gaps with the information from the recording.
-If necessary, play the recording a second time. E. - Pair students up and have them discuss the

- Correct orally. sentences in D.

Allow them some time to talk and remind them to

ask additional questions.
Did you know that the iPhone has had a huge impact
on small things, like chewing gum sales? Although
it wasn't the first smartphone, the original iPhone was New words
much better than its competition. Back then the world back then invention
should have paid more attention to this new piece of
technology. Supermarket checkout lines used to be
checkout line lame excuse
a major point of sales for gum. Consumers waiting Consumer
on impulse
in line to pay for their goods would look around and
chewing gum
buy things on impulse. With the invention of the
iPhone, people have stopped looking around and
New verbs
started focusing their attention on their smartphone
screens while waiting in line. As a result gum sales to decline to get fired
have declined 15 percent since 2007, the year Steve tofocus torevolutionize
Jobs introduced the iPhone to the world.

58A Eluency
Teacher's Notes
2 Reading D. - Divide the students into small groups.
- Read the questions in the book and make sure
A. Ask students to describe the photo. Then read
the title of the text out loud, explain what rebirth students understand them.
means and have group repetition. Mention that they can use the words in the Word
- Now ask them the questions in the book. bank to answer the questions. Go over them, having
explaining the new ones.
Make sure everybody participates. group repetition and
- Allow them some time to talk.
B. Say that they are going to read a text to find out the
answer for the question in exercise A.
Play the recording students read the text. New words
Ask them to read it again in silence and do the powerful
exercise in the book. You should time your students. rebirth
Recommended time: 3-4 minutes.
easy-to-use revolutionary

After that, ask them to compare answers with a friend.

introduction .rumor
- Correct orally
launch tech
C. Explain the exercise and pairstudents up. over the course of time transformation

Allow them some time to complete the task. platformn unforgettable

New verbs
to release to state
In case you don't have much time, assign this exercise t o unveil
as homework and correct orally in the following class. to reshape
to reveal

2 Reading
A. Group discussion
Look at the picture and the title of the text.
What industry is it, in your

B. Read the text. In which

paragraph (a-f)
does the author refer to..


2. the change
of the new gadget
in the consumer's behavior

people's impression of the gadget c

how the gadget affected the music

5. an event a
industry e
The rebirth of an
6. the concept of the product b
a When Steve Jobs entered the stage of the
Apple Town Hall on October 23rd, 2001, the
C. Match the words in
orange in the text world couldn't imagine that the new gadget he
was about to unveil would
with the definitions below. teshape not only
Apple's future, but also the entire music industryy.
That was the birth of the iPod.
to happen to come true_ b "With iPod, Apple has invented a whole
category of digital music player that lets you put
pOwerfiul your entire music collection in your pocket and
strong listen to it whereven you go. With
iPod, listening
to music will never be the same
anywhere Wherever Jobs on that unforgettable
again," stated
C It's amazing how the iPod
introduction of a new launch launch didn't
the tech industry at first. Rumors were impress
that the
product company would release a revolutionary PDA
personal digital assistant). Instead, they "just
to reshape unveiled a music
tochange playerclaimed most tech
experts. They shouldn't
tounvei power havelunderestimated its
to reveal d Along with this new gadget came
iTunes and
two years later, the iTunes store. This
combination changed the way music was powerful)
played and produced. sold,
D. Work in small groups. e The digital store brought more than 200.000
songs of the biggest artists under a single
The way people listen to music has changed and easy-to-use
platform for just 99 cents
over the course of time. How do you listen to each song. Users were not forced to
an entire album
music nowadays? Have you changed it? any longer. Now they were
able to choose what
they really wanted. As
a result, artists started making more money
and the entire music industry
transformation on its business.
faced a huge
music streaming Service fSo yes, Steve Jobs's
download songs and
prediction came tnue,
stream music on your phone
listening to music has not been the same
since then.
free music apps

Are we living in a weird wired world?

1 Vocabulary Phrasal verbs

A. Study this.
start up i Wipe out

hack into shutdown U L GetEroaPs(HWND hwnd)

run out of
signup rt 0 t h=FALSE Word. booster
page 113

B. Choose three questions to ask a friend.

How long does it take your computer to start up?
How often does your phone run out of battery?
How fast does your laptop computer shut down?
Has anyone ever hacked into your computer?
Do you ever sign up to receive updates from websites?
Have you ever wiped out your cloud drive by mistake?

2 Listening
A. Listen and answer.
Who has a problem with the computer?
Matt has aproblem with his conmputer: Information
Transaction complete


B. Listen again and complete with Mat or Rachel.v

1. Matt has to hand in a paper tomorrow.

2 Matt can't start up his / her computer quickly.

3 Rachel suggested that the other person's computer may have been hacked into.

4. Rachel all his her files because of a computer virus.

Rachel suggests asking a friend to help them.

contact the support

C. Group discussion ask a friend
What do you do when you have problems with technology? try to fix it yourself

Teacher's Notes
6.3 Are we
living in a weird wired world? 2 Listening
Read the title out loud and address the A. Say that they are going to listen to a conversation
question to

the whole group. between Matt and Rachel.

1 Vocabulary Explain that they have to listen to the recording and
tell you who had a problem with the computer
A. Pair students up and ask them to do
the task using -Play the recording once - students do the exercise.
the QR code.
- Correct orally.
-When they finish it, go over the list of phrasal verbs
in the book. Write them on the board. You should Script:
review or introduce the simple past and A: Hey, Matt. What's wrong?
participle forms. B: Ihave to finish this paper for tomorrow, but there's
Ask extra questions. In case they have something wrong with my computer.
with any phrasal verb, help them.
A: Really? What's going on?
B: I'm not sure. It has been acting weird lately.
Suggested questions: A: Acting weird?
How long does it take your car to start cold
up on a B: Uh-huh. It takes forever to start up and when
morning? it does, things run very slow. For example, ifI open
What would you do if someone hacked into the word processor and start typing something, the
(Instagram) account? words don't appear instantly on the screen. IfI run
What do you do when you run out of a music app simultaneously, things get even worse.
money? I really don't know what's going on.
Have you ever wiped out your
smartphone agenda by A: Gee, Matt. Do you think somebody has hacked into it?
Do you remember any store nearby which has recently B: I don't know. Maybe. Things are dangerous these
shut don? days. Maiware, spyware, viruses.
Have you ever signed up to do volunteer work? A: Once a irus wiped out all my hard drive when I
shut down my computer. I lost all my files.
Assign Word booster 6.3 as homework and correct
orally in the following class. B: That's too bad.
A: Hey listen, let's call Mark. His father works in IT.
If for some reason they are not able to use their Maybe he can help you.
phones, you can choose one of the alternatives on B: Good idea, Rachel
page X (General Information).

B. Say that they are going to listen to the

QR Code- Answer key again to get more details.
speakers once
1. If you start up your that they have to complete the sentences with
computer, you turn it on and load -

the operational system. Matt or Rachel according to the
2. If a person hacks into your computer, he/she connects

Go over each sentence in the book and

to it secretly and illegally to get confidential information. virus, by writing the words on the board and computer
group repetition. having
3. If your computer runs out ofspace, it has no space left.
4. If somebody wipes out your hard drive, he/she

Play the recording once students do the exercise.

- Correct orally.
removes everything from it.
5. When you shut down your computer, you stop it from C. -

Ask the question in the book to the

whole group and
working. have them discuss. Mention that
they can use the
6. If you sign up to receive a newsletter, you subscribe to it. words in the Word bank to answer the
Over them, question. Go
having group repetition and explaining the
new ones.
B. - Explain the activity and pair students up. -

Have students share their answers.


Allow them some time to talk. Remind them to ask

additional questions New words
(Computer) virus paper wired
Shortcut cloud drive update
In case you don't have much New verbs
time, ask each student
to hack into t o shut down to start up
to choose only two questions. .to run out ot t osign up to wipe out
Teacher's Notes
3 Sounds good 4 Check this out!
A. Say thatthey are going to learn word combinations A. Ask students to read the examples in the book and
with technology. match the idioms with their corresponding

Play the recording and have group repetition. definitions.

Pair them up and allow them some time to do the
Make sure they understand each combination. If
necessary, translate.
- Correct orally and make sure they understood each
B. Pair students up and ask them to use the questions idiom.
to have a brief discussion.
B. - Ask the questions in the book to the whole group.
Allow them some time to talk and remind them to
ask additional questions. - Have students share theirs answers.

5 Fluency
Shortcut - Play the recording- students read the paragraph.
in case you don't have much time, ask each student Explain the new words if necessary.
to choose two questions in the box to ask each
other - Ask the questions in the book to the whole group.

the expressions in the box

-Encourage students to use
C. Say that they are supposed to write two questions, in their answers.
using at least two different combinations from -

Make sure everybody participates.

exercise A.

Allow them some time to write the questions.

Shortcut New words

- In case you don't have much time, ask students to
accessible existing
write the questions at home and have the advance innovative
conversation in D in the following class. advanced sophisticated
bell and whistles state-of-the-art
D. Pair students up and ask them to use their questions
New verbs
to have a brief discussion.
- Allow them some time to talk and remind them to
t o go offline to take advantage
t o pull the plug
ask additional questions.

3 Sounds good 4 Check this out
A. Study these word combinations with A. Match.
technology EvBEE 1. This brand-new smartphone has so many
bells and whistles that are simply useless
current/ existing for me.
the latest / brand-new
advanced/sophisticated 2.The network puled the plug on) that
state-of-the-art leading-edge o dDy
comedy series because of its poor ratings
innovative emerging ecinology during the first season.
have adopt / apply technology (1) Special features to attract more buyers.
introduce/create / improve
take advantage of technology (2)To bring to an end.
advances in
the impact of tsphnooy B. Group discussion
1. Do you like cars with a lot of bells and
B. Talk to a friend. 2. Who should pull the plug on
parents or teachers?
What current technology would you
consider testing soon?
How often do you adopt brand-new
technologies? 5 Fluency
Do you ever search for the advances in In today's world, where
technology? just about anything
is more convenient and accessible
What's the latest
technology in (sports)? of the advances in
technology, it seems we
What's the downside of the impact of can't live without it
anymore. We are more
technology on people's lives? and more dependent on our
How do you feel when innovative laptop computers, tablets and many other
technologies are introduced at gadgets that surround us. As many people
school work? say, we are living in a weird wired world.

1. Are
technological advances always good?
C. Write two questions using combinations
from A. 2. How dependent on
technology are you?
3. Should we go offline sometimes? If yes,
when? If not, why not?

4. Should parents control how much time their

kids spend their cell

We should/ shouldn't..
D. Talk to a friend using the questions We'd better (nat)...
above. . .
61 Fluency1

1 Speaking
A. Get ready to contradict an idea.
NO wwiog
Choose one topic.
1 . You are what you wear.
2. Women have a better sense of style than men.

3 . Texting is the new talking.

4. Technology has made us more impatient.

Get together in pairs or small groups and.

discuss the reasons that lead people to believe the statement is true.

find arguments to contradict the idea.

-think of real life examples you can use.

Take notes of the main points.

Decide how you are going to present your arguments.

B. Present your arguments. Be as convincing as possible

1t seems that. However
The truth is...1tis reasonable to think that..
Unfortunately,. Actually

C. Which argument was the most effective?

Teacher's Notes
Fluency booster 3
1 Speaking
A. - Go over the topics in the book.

Have students choose one of the topics.


Divide them into

pairs small groups and explain the task.

Allow them some time to discuss and take notes of the main points, following the items in the book.

B. Explain that they are supposed to support their point ofview by using their notes. Say that they can use the
expressions in the book during the discussion. Go over the expressions and make sure they understand their use.
Have each pair/group share their opinions. Remind them to be as convincing as possible.

Make sure everybody participates.

C. Address the question to the whole group and have them vote for the most effective argument.

62A Fluency1
Teacher's Notes
2 Watch this!
A. Ask students what the most important invention of all time is and why.
- Say that episode 3 is going to talk about inventions by mistake and how they revolutionized the world.

Explain that they have to watch the video segment and say what inventions the items in the book inspired.

Play the video segment once -

students do the exercise.

- Correct orally.

B. - Say that they are going to watch the segment once again to get more details.

Explain the exercise and go over the sentences in the book.


Play the video segment again students do the exercise.


- Correct orally.

Wrap the activity up by asking their opinion about the episode.

3 Pronunciation
A. - Mention that this exercise focuses on the final /d/ and /t/ sounds.

-Playthe recording once have students follow it in their books.

Play the recording again- have group repetition.

Ask students to take turns reading one group of words.

B. Have different students read the questions in the book out loud. Make sure they pronounce the word endings
- Then pair students up and allow them some time to talk.

Writing bank
- Ask students to go to page 125.

New words
inevitable wallpaper cleaner
play dough World War II

2 Watch this!
A. Watch Episode 3 of Explorations to find out what inventions the items below inspired.

chocolate bar wallpaper cleaner

microwave pven Play dough
B. Watch the episode again and complete the sentences
1. Some
of the most important discoveries in the world were made by accident
2. Themicrowave ovenwas invented in the US in 1945.

3. After World War II, play dough started to be sold to schools and teachers
4. Post-it notes were discovered by mistake in 1968 by Dr. Spencer Silver.

5. Failures are inevitable, so people shouldn't get upset

6. Failures can lead to a

great discovery_

3 Pronunciation final /d/ /t/ sounds

A. Listen and say.E

mud mad reject gift
dead child pocket cut

bed band worst hot

B.Talk to a friend.
What time do you usually go to bed on weekends?
What do you have in your pocket right now?
What makes you mad?
What's the worst gift you've ever received?
Wridng,page 125
bank 3 P a g e 125

When you were a child, what was your favorite band?

Doyou like hot weather?


Tell students to look at the photos and ask them some questions.
Suggested questions:
How often do you see a doctor?
Do you ever work out?
What's your diet like? Do you ever eat fruit and vegetables?
How much junk food do you ea?
What makes a person beautiul in your opinion?
Would you have plastic surgery?
How healthy is your lifestyle?

1 Kick it off!
A. Make these sentences true for youU.

T hardly ever go for a routine checkup.

I believe I have a balanced diet.

I caught a cold two months ago.

I don't drink enough water.

Iusually sleep eight hours every night.

I never work out / play sports.

B. Talk to a friend about your answers. ..

A: I go for a general checkup once a year.
B: Me too. In my opinion, it's important to take care of your health.
A: I agree. When was the last time you saw a doctor?

2 Vocabulary Parts of the body Word

pages 113-114

A. Group discussion
What part of your body do you like best? Why?

What would you change about your body?

B. Talk to a friend. 3
Have you ever...?
sprained your wrist
broken an arm / a leg
burned your hand
cut a finger while cooking

Dumped your head

twisted your ankle
Teacher's Notes
7.1 How healthy is your lifestyle? B. Say that they are going to have a conversation
Read the title out loud and address the about injuries. Write the word injuries on the board,
question to have group repetition and translate it.
the whole group.
Go over the phrases in the exercise, having group
repetition and teaching the new words.
1 Kick it off!
Tell students to make three combinations to ask
A. Tell students they are going to read some sentences each other. Remind them to ask additional
about some habits related to health. Explain that
while you are reading each sentence, they are
supposed to make them true for them. Allow them some time to talk.

Read each sentence, presenting the new vocabulary.

Write the new words on the board and model Shortcut
pronunciation by having group repetition. In case you don't have much time, ask students to
B. -
Pair students up and explain that they are supposed ask each other two questions.
to have a brief conversation using the sentences
from A.

Ask two students to read the model dialog in the

New words

- Explain that they are supposed to read the balanced cold routine checkup
sentences in the book, making extra comments
New verbs
about them. Remind them to ask additional
questions as well. to bump to twist
- Allow them some time to talk.

2 Vocabulary
A. Start the activity by asking students to tell you the
parts of the body they already know in English.

Say that in this lesson they are going to learn more

parts of the body.

Ask them to go to pages 113 and 114.

- Now address the questions in the book to the whole
their answers.
group. Ask them to give reasons for
- Make sure everybody participates.

66A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
3 Listening B. Say that they are going to listen to the speakers
once again to get more details.
A. Say that they are going to listen to Josh and Trisha.
- Explain that they have to complete the chart
-Explain thatthey have to listen to the recording and
according to the recording.
tell you the injury they had in common.
Play the recording once - students do the exercise.
-Go over the chart and make sure they understand it.

- Correct orally. Play the recording once students do the exercise.

- Correct orally.

Script: C. Read the question in the book out loud. Mention

Josh that they can use the words in the Word bank to
answer the question. Go over them, having group
Im a clumsy guy. Every time I'm in a hurry, something
bad happens to me. Last time Igot up late, for repetition and explaining the new ones.
I cut - Pair students up and allow them some time to talk.
example, myself badly while fixing my breakfast.
I couldn't stop the bleeding. So I needed to go to the
hospital. As a result, I got three stitches in my left
hand. Another time I was skateboarding in the park 4 Speak up
near my house. Suddenly it started raining andI ran A. - Ask the question in the book and read the options
back home. Guess what?! I twisted my ankle and fell out loud.
down on the street. I couldn't walk for over a week.I - As you read, students check their answers.
wish I were less clumsy.
- If they have other suggestions, they can write them

Trisha down as well.

For me, cooking is a nightmare. Whenever I decide B. Pair students up and ask them to have a brief
to cook something, incidents happen. Once, for discussion using what they checked in A. Remind
example, I decided to make some pasta for my family. them to ask additional questions.
I was about to pour the tomato sauce on the
spaghetti when I accidentally dropped it on my right C. Students are going to share their answers from B
foot. I was wearing flip-fiops. So I burned my foot. It with the whole group.
was so painful I couldn't put on any shoes for week.
On another day, I was slicing some vegetables to hep
Have two students read the examples in the book.
Say that when we want to be emphatic in
my mom make a salad. I don't know how, but beforeI affirmative sentences we can use do, does and did.
had finished, I cut my hand badly. My mom took me
to the hospital and i ended up getting a few stitches -

Ask different students to read the examples in

in my hand. I wish I were a little more careful in the LEARN THIS!

kitchen -

Have students share their answers. Make sure they

are emphatic.

3 Listening 4 Speak up
A. Listen to Josh and Trisha. What A. What can we do to take care of our
did they have in common? v health? Check your answers.
work out

>eat more fruit and vegetables

g o to bed early

>avoid junk food

not drink soda

They both cut themselves. B. Now talk to a friend about your


B. Listen again and complete the chart.

C. Share your answers with the whole
Josh group. Give reasons.
Injury What he was doing Hospital I do think we should work out
more often, because...
cut himself He was fixing his

twisted his He was Jessica does believe

skateboarding. that we'd better not eat junk food
on weekdays, because...

Injury What she was doing |Hospital
She was making pasta
burned her for her family. / She was THIS!
foor cooking.
We usually use do, does and did to ask
She was slicing some
cut herself a question. However, we can use them in
affirmative sentences to emphasize arn idea.
I do lke fruit and vegetables. I eat them
regularly. ( like fruit and vegetables a lot.)
C. How clumsy are you? Talk to a He does avoid eating junk food on weekdays.
friend. (He tries really hard not to eat it.)

Jessica dicd ty yoga, but she didnt like it.

(She really tried that.)
stumble fall injure yoursetf break things

67 Fluency
Are you obsessed with your appearance?

1 Learning wish simple past

A. Listen and read.

People usually find one thing or another that they don't

like about their bodies. For example, maybe you wish
you didn't have a big nose, or perhaps you wish
you were a few pounds lighter. It's normal to have VookFORM
thoughts like those. But the thing is: don't let them 9demeano

affect your life. Just remember that we are all beautiful ZdnnerPose
in our Own way. Dutatian


B. Choose.
We use wish + Simple past to talk about...

like to be different.
(X) a present situation that you would
a past action that you regret doing. Langu3g9
page 121

C. What are these people's wishes? Talk to a friend.

These crow's feet I always have

My forehead I'm too short
to be a professional on my face make problems shopping
seems to0 big for shoes because
for my face. basketball player. me look so old.
my shoe size is 11".

44 in Brazil

D. Write down two situations that you would like to be different in the present. Use wish +
simple past

E. Talk to a friend about your wishes.

A: I wish I had money to travel the world.
B: Really? Where would you go first?
A: Italy, I guess.

Teacher's Notes
7.2 Are you obsessed with your D. - Ask students to write two wishes they have.
Read the title out loud and address the question to -

Allow them some time to do the exercise

the whole group.
E. Ask two students to read the example in the book.
1 Learning - Pair them up and have them share their wishes.

A. Play the recording - students read the passage in Remind them to ask additional questions.
the book.

B. - Ask students to read the examples in blue in

New words
exercise A and mark the correct answer for the use
of wish + simple past. pound crow's feet

Allow them some time to do the exercise.

Correct orally and ask students to go to page 121.

C. -Pair students up and ask them to read the situations

in the book. Explain that they have to say what each
person wishes for.

Teach the word crow's feet by writing it on the

board and having group repetition.

Allow them some time to talk.

- Correct orally.

68A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
2 Reading
A. Address the New words
question in the
book to the whole group.

Make sure everybody participates. (low) self-esteem COsmetics

B. Say that they are going to read a text about what (plastic) surgery disorder

people can do to express their admiration for their a bunch of filler injection
idols. a whole new level idol

Play the recording -

students read the text. admiration likewise d


Ask them to read it again in silence and do the

exercise in the book. You should time your students.
attempt procedure
Recommended time: 3-4 minutes. belongin9 psychiatrist
After that, ask them to compare answers with a Botox rib T
friend. celeb-inspired sadly
- Correct orally.

New verbs
C. Explain the exercise and pair students up.
-Allowthem some time to complete the task. toexplain t o idolize
to go under the knife to make money
Shortcut togo wild t o swoon
in case you don t have much time, assign this exercise as to google to take the cake
homework and correct orally in the following class.

D. Divide the students into small groups.

Read the question in the book and make sure students
understand it.
- Mention that they can use the words in the Word
bank to answer the question. Go over them, having
group repetition and explaining the new ones.
- Allow them some time to talk.

2 Reading
A. Group discussion
If you could look like a celebrity, who would
it be? Why?

B. Read and mark the sentences Irue or

1. ( T) Super-fans are
people who dont
mind doing crazy stuff just to look
like their idols. gvictorla www.folosoarc

2. ( T) Going under the knife to look like a

celebrity is not unusual.
3. (T) In some cases,
people sell their More than super-tans
belongings to make money to have 1 You have probably heard about super-
these cosmetic procedures. fans. For example, the girl who goes to
every concert of her favorite boy band or
4. ( T) They think that if they look like the guy who watches every single match
celebrities, they'll be as popular as 5 of his favorite soccer team. And then, there
is a whole new level of fans. I am
them talking
about people who go wild and don't mind
5. (F) People never succeed in going under the knife just to express their
this kind of
admiration for their idols.
surgery. 10 Aspiring Califomian actress Julia Rivers
32, spent over $200,000 on plastic
surgery (including removing six ribs)
C. Find wordsphrases with the same to look like
Angelina Jolie. Likewise,
meaning in the text. 28-year-old Christopher Adams, a man
15 from Philadelphia, sold a car and a
to go under the knife motorcycle to pay for Botox and filler
to have surgery (line 8)
injections in an attempt to look like his
attempt favorite actor, Ryan Gosling.
try Cine 17) Both Julia and Christopher are not the
a bunch of 20 only ones when it comes to
a lot of (line 22) celeb-inspired
surgery. lf you google this tem, you'll find
a bunch of similar and
to enter a state of euphoria (line 31)oSWoon sometimes crazier
As a psychiatrist once
to be the best/worst (line 33)] o lakethe cake explained during
25 an interview for a famous website,
to admire (ine 37) to idolize "Consciously or unconsciously, people think
that if they look like a
particular celebrity,
it will bring them the power that celebrities
have, the power to attract people, to be
30 a heartbreaker, to have
D.Work in small groups. guys or girls
SWOoning over them."
What makes people go under the knife to look o In short, far as extremes can go, this
like a famous person? kind of fandefinitely takes the cake. Sadly,
while a few cases súcceed, most of the pu
35 time these attempts result in a huge failure.
disorder How about you? How far would you go to
low self-esteem idolize your favorite star?
lack of confidence

7.3 ORO
When was the last time you saw a doctor?

1 Vocabulary Phrasal verbs

A. Study this.v
get over11Vto pass out vs. come to
come down with throw up
fight off pass away Word
page 114

B. Talk to a friend. .

How long does it take you to get over a flu?

What can we do to fight off a cold?

A Name two celebrities who have recently

passed away.

What can make someone pass out?

What would make you throw up?

What do you do when you come down with
a fever?

2 Listening
A. Listen and identify the speakers.
Beth Nina Steve Nick

B. Listen again and answer. 4

1. Why didn't the woman go to the party?
Because she came down with a sore 1hroal
2. Has she totally recovered from it yet?
Not yel. Shesstill coughing
3. What probably caused Steve's nervous breakdown?
Stress probably cauUSed il. / Being under pressure pobably caused it.

C. Group discussion
What do you do when you are stressed out?

Teacher's Notes
7.3 When was the last time you saw a doctor?
Read the title out loud and address the question to - In case you don't have much time, ask each student
the whole group.
to choose only two questions.

1 Vocabulary
2 Listening
A. Pair students up and ask them to do the task
using A. Ask them what's going on with the man in the
the QR code.

When they finish it, go the list of phrasal verbs

over Saythat they are going to listen to a conversation
in the book. Write them on the board. You should between two coworkers.
review or introduce the simple past and
past Explain that they have to listen to the recording and
participle forms. identify the speakers by checking their names in the

Ask extra questions. In case they have book

with any phrasal verb, help them. Play the recording once - students do the exercise.

- Correct orally.
Suggested questions:
What can you do to get over an
girlfriend? Script:
A: Why weren't you at Nina's party last Saturday night,
What do you usually do when you come down with a Beth?
sore throat? B: I came down with a sore throat and stayed in bed
Should people fight off their assailant when all weekend long.
they're A: Poor you! How are you feeling now? Have you
being robbed?
gotten over it yet?
Have you ever passed out? Ifyes, how long did it take B:I'm still coughing, but I'm much better now, thanks.
you to come to? A: Hey, listen. Have you heard about Steve?
Have you ever thrown up on a road trip? B: No, I haven't. What happened to him, Nick?
A: He hada nervous breakdown
What famous singer has recently passed away? the during meeting

Assign Word booster 7.3 as homework and correct B: Oh no! Is he OK?

orally in the following class.
A: He's fine now, but he's
going to stay home this
week. Being under pressure flares up his

If for some reason they are not able to use their B: And he's been so stressed out
phones, you can choose one of the alternatives lately, right?
page X (General Information) A: Uh-huh. I do hope he back soon.
B: Me too.

QR Code- Answer key B. Say that they are goingto listen to the speakers
1. If you get over an allergic reaction, you recover from it. once again to get more details.

2. If somebody comes down with an illness, he/she gets a


Explain that they have to answer the questions in

the book according to the
disease or illness which is usually not very serious. recording.

Ask different students to read the

3. If your body fights off an illness, it prevents the illness book.
questions in the
from making you sick.
4. If you pass out during a vworkout, you lose

Play the recording once students do the exercise.

- Correct orally.
consciousness for a while.
C. Ask the question in the
5. If you come to, you recover consciousness.
and have them discuss.
book to the whole group
6. Throwing up is a
synonym of vomiting.
7. If a person passes away, this person dies. New word
B. Explain the activity and New verbs
pair students up.
t o come down with to get over

to throw up

Allow them some time to talk. Remind them to ask t o come to t o pass away
additional questions. t o fight off t o pass Out

70A Fluency1
Teacher's Notes
3 Sounds good 4 Check this out!
A. Say that they are going to learn word combinations A. Ask students to read the examples in the book and
with treatment. match the idioms with their corresponding

-Playthe recording and have group repetition. definitions.

- Pair them up and allow them some time to do the
-Make sure they understand each combination.If
necessary, translate.
- Correct orally and make sure they understood each
B. -

Pair students up and ask them to use the questions idiom.

to have a brief discussion.
B. Ask the questions in the book to the whole group.
Allow them some time to talk and remind them to
- Have students share their experiences.
ask additional questions.

Shortcut 5 Fluency
In Play the recording students read the paragraph.
case you don't have much time, ask each student
to choose two questions in the box to ask each other. Ask the questions in the book to the whole group.
Encourage students to use the expressions in the box
in their answers.
C. Say that they are supposed to write two questions,
using at least two different combinations from

Make sure everybody participates.

exercise A.

Allow them some time to write the questions. New words

cold feet homoeopathic
Shortcut deeply inlove
In case you don't have much time, ask students to dental meditation
write the questions at home and have the emergency nonsense
conversation in D in the following class. enthusiastically nutritional
head over heels
D Pair students up and ask them to use their questions
to have a brief discussion.
New verbs
Allow them some time to talk and remind them to
ask additional questions.
to concern to suppose to undergo

3 Sounds good 4 Check this out!
A. Study +these word combinations with
A. Match.
1. I usually get cold feet when I have to
speak in public.
beauty / hair
emergency urgent 2. Tina is head over heels about her new
treatment boyfriend.
alternative homoeopathic
medical / dental / nutritional reaiment
rough/ harsh/ hospital (2)deeply in love
eundérgo treatment ( )nervous
gethave / receive
need/require refuse
respondto / seek peewne B. Group discussion
recommend suggest
1. What makes you get cold feet?
2. Have you ever been head over heels?

B. Talk to a friend.
Have you ever undergone beauty
5 Fluency
treatment? Taking care of your mind is as important as
How often do you get dental treatment? taking care of your body. Having a healthy mind
When was the last time you needed helps us live better. Once your mind is in a good
hospital treatment? place, you do things more enthusiastically.

What kinds of treatment have you Dealing with stressful situations, for
received? gets easier because you think before you act.
Doctors say that diseases related to the mind are
What do you think of alternative
even more serious than other
treatments? diseases.
What should you do when someone 1. How important is a healthy mind?
refuses treatment?
2. Do you agree that diseases related
to the
mind are more serious? Why/why not?
C. Write two questions using combinations
3. What do you do to take of your mind?
from A. care

4. Have you ever tried activities like

yoga and things like that?

As far as P'm concermned, .

Suppose that..
share your view, because.
He/She is quite right because..
D. Talk to a friend using the qvestions For me this is nonsense, because
above. . . .


A5 15

30 30
uammu anhnl
I AM.. 11
10 2
9 3


Tell students to look at the

photos and ask them some questions.
Suggested questions:
Do you consider yourself a
punctual person?
How early/ late do you show for
up your appointments
What's the busiest day of the week for you?
On average, how long do
you study work every day?

How many times a week do

you take some time for yoursei?
How often do you wish you could sleep more?
What time do you usually get up on weekdays?
Are you a busy person?

1 Kick it off!
A. Answer these questions.
WEDNESDAY What's your favorite day of the week? Why?

How do you usually feel on Sunday evenings?
AA free time?
Do you ever wish you had more

Are you able to multitask?

How busy was your last week?

How long has it been since your last vacation?

B. Talk to a friend about your answers.

A: For me, the best day of the week is Friday. It's the last weekday and you don't need to worry

about the time you go to bed.

B: What do you usually do on Friday nights?
A: I usually hang out with my friends. How about you?

2 Vocabulary Early birds vs. night owls

Word booster page 115

A. Are you an early bird or a night owl? Take the quiz to find out.

Go to page 130. How many in the group?

Earlybirds: Night owls:

B. Talk to a friend.
What's your sleep schedule like?
Are you usually happy and full of energy on Monday mornings?
Who is the most pefectionist person you know?
Are you a goal-oriented person?
What time do you try to be in bed on weekdays?
How often do you feel groggy in the morning?

Teacher's Notes
8.1 Are you a busy person? 2 Vocabulary
Read the title out loud and address the question to A. Say that in this lesson they are going to talk about
the whole group. early birds and night owls.
Ask them to go to page 115.
1 Kick it off!
B. Saythat they are going to havea conversation in pairs.
A. Tell students they are going to answer somne
questions about their everyday life.

Tell students to take turns asking and answering

questions. Remind them to ask additional questions.
Read each question and make sure students
understand them.
B. -

Pair students up and explain that they are - In case you don't have much time, ask students to
to have a brief conversation
using the questions ask each other only two questions
from A.

Ask two students to read the model dialog in the


Allow them some time to talk. New words

early bird night owl

New verb
to multitask

74A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
3 Listening C. Ask the question in the book to the whole group
and have them discuss. Mention that they can use
A. Say that they are going to listen to Kristin, Brian and
the expressions in the box to start their answers. Go
Over them and have group repetition.
Explain that they have to listen to the recording and
say if each person is an early bird or a night owl.

Play the recording once -

students do the exercise. 4 Speak up

- Correct orally.
A. Ask the question in the book and read the options
out loud.
Script: them the board
Explain the new words by writing on
Kristin and having group repetition.
My classes used to start very early. So to get to school -

As you read, students check their answers

on time, I had to get up around 5:30 every day, to
get dressed, grab some breakfast and get the school - If they have other suggestions, they can write them
bus. I remember that my dad used to go crazy because down as well.
it took me a long time to get out of bed and to do all
that stuff. He would keep coming to my bedroom door B. Pair students up and ask them to have a brief
a couple of times to wake me up. it was so hard for me discussion using what they checked in A. Remind
to leave my bed. I'd feel so sleepy and groggy until the them to ask additional questions.
end of the first period at school, which was around
C. Read the introduction in the book.
a.m. Thank God I need to get up so early
nowadays. I'm in colege and as >'m living in the - Pair students up and explain that they are going to
university dorms, I can stay in bed much longer. I'm a have a brief discussion.
much happier human being now
Before they start the discussion, read the LEARN
Brian THIS! note in the book. Make sure students
As soon as I get up in the morning, I grab my stuff and understand the use of get/ have something done.
go to the gym. I work out for about an hour. Ater that Allow them some time to talk.
I take a shower, have breakfast and go straight to
college. I stay at college until 4 p.m. every day. In the

Wrap the activity up by having students share their

evening I usually stay home. I ike to watch TV series,
study for my exams and rest. Ialways go to bed around
10 p.m. By that time, I'm not productive anymore. On
weekends I usually stay up a little longer, but even so, New words
I ike to wake up early. I can't stay in bed after I wake beforehand distraction organizer
up. It's so boring.
Alex New verb
Ever sinceI was a little boy, I'm not a very aPproachable to block out
person right after I ake up. Until I get my coffee, .

Ihave no energy at all. If I have an appointment early

in the morning, I have a lot of trouble getting up and
as a result, l am usually late. After having some lunch,
I get a spurt of energy andI can do things quickly
because I get excited Another thing about me is that
I'm very creative after everyone else in my house has
gone to bed. I can concentrate better late at night. I
think Il never be a morning person.

B. Say that they are going to listen to the speakers

once again to get more details.
Explain that they have to check what's true about
each person.
- Go over the chart and make sure they understand it.

Play the recording once- students do the exercise.

Correct orally.

3 Listening 4 Speak up
A. Listen to three people talk. Say if they are A. What makes a good time manager:
earty bitds (EB) or night owls (NO). .
plan his/her day beforehand
>use a calendar / an organizer .

>have focus
>prioritize things
>block out distractions (e.g. cell phone)

Kristin Brian Alex

B. Listen B. Now talk to a friend about your
again and check what's true about
each person. answers.
1. She used to be woken up by
her father. C. Geting some of your things done can
2. Getting out of bed wasn't easy for her.
help you manage your time. Talk to a
3. She's a morning person now. friend. 3
Do you have your room organized or do you
4. He usually wakes up full of energy. organize it yourself?
5. He goes to the gym as soon as he
leaves college. Does your family get the laundry done or do
you do it yourselves?
6. He stays in bed longer on weekends.

Alex Does your dad have his car washed or does

he do it himself?
7. You'd better not talk to him early in the
morning. Do you get your computer fixed or do
you try
8. He gets energetic after having some to fix it yourself when it breaks down?

9. He'd rather do creative tasks at night

than in the morning. LEARN
C. How long does it take you to get ready
in the moming How hatd is it for you to haveget +
something +
past participle
get out of bed? Talk to a friend. . . We use this structure to say that someone
arranges for something to be done.

Hmm.. Let me see.... My brother gets his hair cut at the new
That depends.. barber shop downtown.
Wel. Mr. Fox had his hotel reservations booked
by his secretary.

Are you a real multitasker?

1 Learning verb object + infinitive

A. Listen and complete.

In a recent study, an American professor asked some NOT THAT
volunteers to watch a video and talk at the same time.
She found out that their performance dropped by IMPORTANTDONT
30% Later, she told her audience toface TEXT
two visual challenges. She found out that their ability to
concentrate on both images dropped by 50%
This experiment allows ustounderstand why it's DRIVE
dangerous to text and drive at the same time, for GETTHERE SAFE

B. Which sentence is corect according to the text

The professor wanted to watch a video.
The professor wanted some volunteers to watch a video.
bo0ster page 121

C. Complete the sentences below.

1. Parents expect their kids to

2. My mom advised me to .

3. Our English teacher will ask us to

4. This school doesn't allow people to

D.Talk to a friend about your answers.

E. Make appropriate cormbinations or create some of your own to talk to a friend.

your classmates to do?
do want
What your mom/ to give (somebody)?
does dad expect
Where to go?
did your best friend advise (somebody)
When allow to help with (the
your boyfriend housework)?
Why would girlfriend ask
to think about (the trip)?

Teacher's Notes
8.2 Are you a real multitasker?
B. -Ask students to read both sentences and indicate
Read the title out loud and address the the correct one.
the whole group.
question to
Allow them some time to do the exercise.
1 Learning
-Correct orally and ask students to go to page 121.
Ask a student to read the ad and ask the
group if they
agree that we should never text while driving. C. Have students complete the sentences in the book
Say that they are going to understand the individually.
we shouldn't do that.
reason why
D. - Pair students up and ask them to compare their
Play the recording once - students pay attention.
sentences. Remind them to ask additional questions.

Now ask them to read the

paragraph in the book and
fill in the gaps with the information
Allow them some time to talk.
from the recording.
-Wrap the activity up by having students share their

If necessary, play the

recording second time.
a sentences with the whole group.
- Correct orally.

E. - Pair students up and ask them to take turns making

combinations or creating some questions of their
Script: own to ask their friends.
You have probably heard that it's not safe Allow them
to text -

some time to talk.

while driving. But why? A recent
that multitasking is only
experiment revealed
possible when it involves two Shortcut
different stimuli, like listening and
watching. An
American professor asked some volunteers to face two

In case you don't have much time, ask students to

ask each other only two questions.
different visual challenges. She found that the
participants' ability to concentrate on both images
dropped by 50 percent. Later, when she asked them to
watch a video and talk at the same time, she noticed
that their performance New words
dropped by 30 percent. The
professor proved that we are able to listen to music audience multitasker
while driving, but it's too
dangerous to text and drive
at the same time. So
if you drive and have this awful New verb
habit you should kick it immediately before
it's too late
to concentrate

76A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
D. - Divide the students into small groups.
2 Reading
- Read the question in the book and make sure
A. Address the question in the book to the whole group.
students understand it.
Make sure everybody participates. - Allow them some time to talk.
B. Say that they are going to read a text about
Play the recording - students read the text. New words
Ask them to read it again in silence and do the all in al1 productivity
exercise in the book. You should time your students.
Recommended time: 3-4 minutes
breakneck u t rtrapidly
deep simultaneously
After that, ask them to compare answers with a friend.
input surroundings
Correct orally. minor synonym
C. Explain the exercise and pair students up. myth to double
- Allow them some time to complete the task.
pace unable

In case you don't have much time, assign this exercise
New verbs
as homework and correct orally in the following class t o engage to glance

2 Reading
Have your eyes up
A. Group discussion and the phone down, Clickety
when your feet are Click

Why do people multitask? shuffling all TOp

around town.
B. Read and answer. WITH YOUR
1. What consequence does the brain suffer
because of multitasking?
Itloses capacity for deep thinking.

2. What does the brain

actually do when
think we are multitasking?
we The myth of
It switches from one task to another rapidly multitasking
1We like to think that we can use our brainss to
deal with more than one task all at once. It's
true that we can talk and watch television at
the same time, but we simply can't have two
3. Why do people tend to suffer accidents 5 conversations simultaneously, for example.
when they are texting and walking? Believing that engaging in several activities at
the same time is a synonym for productivity
Because they are just unable to pay attention is a complete myth. Instead of saving time,
multitasking doubles not only the number of
totheir surroundings whenthey glanceattheir 10 mistakes, but also the time itself. Besides, it
Sinartphones. makes the brain lose the capacity for deep
Several research results have shown that our
C. Find words/ phrases with the same brain can only process one input at a time.
15 However, what our brain is really good at is
meaning in the text.
switching from one task to another
all at once In other words, you are not
at the same time (ine 2) performing two
things at once, you're just taking turns doing
myth different things.
fictitious stony (line 8) 20 Now if at this point I couldn't convince
to make twice large (line 9)
as odouble I ask you to go to a busy area in
your city
and watch different people walk and text
to change (ine 16)- lo swilch for a while. You will be amazed at
number of minor accidents you will witness.
tosee (ine 24) to witness 25 The thing is: people are just unable to
attention to their surroundings when they
extremely fast (line 32). breakneck have their eyes down, glancing at their
All in all, hultitasking is nothing but an

D. Work in small groups. 30 illusion. The do-it-all myth is neither

helpful nor healthy. We frequently feel the
Have you ever witnessed a minor accident in pressure of living life at a breakneck pace.
which someone was texting and doing So, slow down, take it easy and/maybe
something else al the same time? if yes, to your surprise, your routine will be much
35 more productive.
describe it.

Have you ever been in a race against the clock?

1 Vocabulary Phrasal verbs

A. Study this.
rush off do over hurry up
fit in(to) fall behind put off
dir Word
page 116

B. Talk to a friend.

When was the last time you had to rush off to school?
Would you be able to fit 5 different appointments into one morning?
How do you feel when somebody asks you to hury up with something you're doing?
Do you get mad when you're asked to do a tedious task over?
What do you do when you fall behind with
your work/ schoolwork?
What do you always put off doing ?

2 Listening
A. Listen and check the best answer. v
Brian and Tina are probably...

a) friends b)coworkers c) boyfriend girfriend

B. Listen again and answer. 9 gstockstudio www.fotosaarch.com.br

1. Why is Brian hurrying Tina up?

Because they ll have a video call with the Brazilian team.

2. Why is Tina going to do Mr. Fox's presentation over?

Because he didn'1 like it.

3. Where is Tina going after the video call?

She s going to the bank.

C. Group discussion
How helpful are video calls?

Teacher's Notes
8.3 Have you ever been in a
race against the clock?

Read the title out loud and address Shortcut

the question to
the whole group. In case you don't have much time, ask each student
to choose only two questions.

1 Vocabulary
A. Pair students up and ask them to do the task 2 Listening
the QR code. using A. Say that they are going to listen to a conversation
between Brian and Tina.
When they finish it, go
over the list of phrasal verbs
in the book. Write them on the board. You

Explain that they have to listen to the recording and

should identify the relationship between them.
review or introduce the
simple past
and past
participle forms.

Play the recording once students do the exercise.

Correct orally.

Ask extra questions. In case they have problems

with any phrasal verb,
help them. Script:
A: Hurry up, Tina! We're going to be late for the video
Suggested questions: call with the Brazilian team.
How often do you have to rush off in the B: I'm coming, Brian. Just a second.
because you got up late?
How difficult is it to fit in extra activities in your B: OK, I'm here.
everyday routine? A: Great! Did you finish Mr. Fox's presentation?
How often do B: I did, but Ill have to do it over because apparently
people ask you to hurry up? he didn't like it... humph!
Has a teacher ever asked you to do over a school
A: Really?I can't believe it. Mr. Fox is unpredictable.
paper? Why? Im sure you did your best
Did you ever fall behind your friends when walking B: Never mind. I'l deal with it later.
with them? A: Could you fit Jack and Lisa in our schedule?
When was the last time you had to put off something B: Yep!They'll be here in the afternoon.
because you were sick? A: Great! I'm really looking forward to
talking to them.
B: Me too.

Assign Word booster 8.3 as homework and correct A: OK. we're ready for the guys in Brazil, then.
orally in the following class.
B: Yes, Let's go online! As soon as we end this
we are.
call, I'l have to rush off to the bank.

If for some reason they are not able to use their

A: All right. Lucas and Paulo are
phones, you can choose one of the following
Hi guys!
already online...
page X (General Information).
B. -Say that they are going to listen to the
once again to get more details.
QR Code - Answer key

1. If you rush offfrom a place, you leave this place quickly.


Explain that they have to answer the questions in

the book according to the recording.
2. To fit in means to find time or space to do something. -

Ask different students to read the

questions in the
3. If somebody hurries you up, this person makes you do
something more quickly. -

Play the recording once students do the exercise.

4. If you do over a report, you do it again because it was Correct orally.
not good enough.
C. Ask the question in the book to the whole
5. If you fall behind with your schoolwork, you fail to do it group
and have them discuss it.
on time.
6. If you put off an appointment, you postpone it.
New words
against the clock coworker video call

B. Explain the activity and pair students up. New verbs

to do over to fit into) to put off
Allow them some time to talk. Remind them to ask
additional questions. t o fall behind to hurry up to rush off

78A Fluency1
Teacher's Notes
3 Sounds good 4 Check this out!

A. Ask students to read the examples in the book and

A. Say that they are going to learn word combinations
with time. match the idioms with their corresponding

Play the recording and have group repetition. - Pair them up and allow them some time to do the
- Make sure they understand each combination. If
necessary, translate.
- Correct orally and make sure they understood each
B. - Pair students up and ask them to use the questions idiom.
to have a brief discussion.
Allow them some time to talk and remind them to B. Read the topics in the book out loud.
ask additional questions.
- Have students share their experiences.

5 Fluency
In caseyou don't have much time, ask each student
to choose only two questions in the box to ask each Play the recording-students read the paragraph.
other. Ask the questions in the book to the whole group.

Encourage students to use the expressions in the box

in their answers.
C. Say that they are supposed to write two questions,
using at least two different combinations from

Make sure everybody participates.

exercise A.
Allow them some time to write the questions. New words
idle reasonable

Shortcut in the long run

roller coaster
In case you don't have much time, ask students to lead spare
write the questions at home and have the passionate ups and downs
conversation in D in the following class.
precious wisely

D. Pairstudents up and ask them to use their questions New verbs

to have a brief discussion.
to beat the clock t o scream
- Allow them some time to talk and remind them to
to live life to the fullest
ask additional questions.

3 Sounds good
4 Check this out!
A. Study these word combinations with A. Match.
time.E 1. Dustin thinks that
moving out now
will help them save some money
long short in the long run.
reasonable precious/quality
idle/free/ leisure / spare ive 2. Lucy beat the clock and was able
lead /waiting to arrive before the doors were locked.
fun good/great / pleasant time (2)finish a task before a deadline
have time (1)over a long period of time
give spend take
find make / gain/ save time
waste / lose run out of ime
B. Group discussion
1. Talk about something you did that off
in the long run. Give details.
2. Talk about a day you beat the clock. Give
B. Talk to a friend. details.

How often do you make time to

with your
hang out
friends? How about your family?
What do you enjoy doing when you have
5 Fluency
Some spare time? Time is of
one people's most
precious things in
What can we do to save time in the life. Make sure you spend yours doing what you
morning? are really passionate about and with the people
How would you feel if you ran out of time you truly love. You'll find time for anything.
in your English test? If you want it, you've
got to make it. As they say,
What do you "Life is like a roller coaster. It has
usually do when you realize ups and
you're wasting your time on something? downs. But it's your choice to scream
or enjoy
What do you usually do when you don't the ride." So, here's my advice:
use your time
have a reasonable time to finish a school wisely and enjoy your life!
1. Do you agree with the
passage above?
Whywhy not?
C. Write two questions using combinations 2. Are you a good time manager?
from A. 3. How often do you
spend some quality time
with the ones you truly love?
4. Are you living your life to the fullest?

hat's so tue, because..

I somewhat agree, because..
D. Talk to a friend using the I'm afraid I have to disagree, because...
above. .

79 Fluency1

1 Speaking
A. Get ready to use your creative skills to help people lead better lives.
Choose a topic.
1. Time is money. 10 tips to make the best of
your time.
2. 10 reasons why you should take one
day at a time.
Pair up with a classmate and...

brainstorm the tips or reasons you can mention.


decide which ones you are going to use.


discuss how they can help.

Take notes of the main points.

Decide how you are going to present your talk.

B. Present your ideas as if you were giving a short talk.

First of all,., Keep in mind that.
Make sure you... Equally important is..
It's essential that., Last but not least...

C. Which talk was the most interesting?

Teacher's Notes
Fluency booster 4
1 Speaking

A. Go over the topics in the book.


Have students choose one of the topics.


Divide them into pairs and explain the task.


Allow them some time to discuss and take notes of the main
points, following the items in the book. Remind them
to decide how they are
going to present their talk to the whole group.
B. - Explain that they are supposed to present their ideas using their notes from the previous task. Say that they can use

the expressions in the book during the presentation. Go over the expressions and make sure they understand their use.

Have each pair present their short talk.


Make sure everybody participates.

C. Address the question to the whole group and have them vote for the most interesting talk.

80A Fluency1
Teacher's Notes
2 Watch this!
A Ask students if they have less time nowadays than they had when they were younger.
Say that episode 4 is going to talk about time management and why it's so important these days.
- Explain t h a t t h e y have t o watch t h e video s e g m e n t a n d check w h a t is n o t m e n t i o n e d o r s h o w n o n t h e video.

-Play the video segment once- students do the exercise.

Correct orally.

B. Say that they are going to watch the segment once again to get more details
Explain the exercise and go over the sentences in the book.

Play the video segment again students do the exercise.

- Correct orally.

Wrap the activity up by asking their opinion about the episode.

3 Pronunciation
A. Mention that this exercise focuses on the final i/.

Write the words tiny and kidney on the board to

help you explain the final /i/.

Play the recording once have students follow in their books.


Play the recording again have group repetition.


Ask students to take turns reading one group of words.

B. -

Have different students read the questions in the book loud. Make
out sure they pronounce the word endings

Then pair students up and allow them some time to talk.

Writing bank
- Ask students to go to page 126.

New words
24/7 factor
contrast (noun) monkey
elevator unacceptable

2 Watch this!
A. Watch Episode 4 of Explorations and check what is NOT mentioned or shown on the video.

a) a stressful daily routine

(b)healthy foods
c) tips to live better
d) contrast between past and present

B. Watch the episode again and mark the sentences True or False.
1. T ) People are busier than ever nowadays.
2. F) We do everything faster now.

3. (T) Checkout lines and elevators are examples of stressing factors

4. ( F) Saying NO is unacceptable.
5. (F) Being online 24/7 helps you manage time.
6. (T) Keeping a to-do list is a good way to decide what to do first.
7. (T) The idea of a balanced lifestyle varies from person to person.

3 Pronunciation final i / in words like tiny and kidney

A. Listen and say.B
ugly lazy money Disney
rainy funny key monkey
crazy fluency Mickey attorney

B. Talk to a friend.
Do you enjoy watching funny videos online?
Where can we see Mickey mouse?
What do you usually do onrainy days? Wrdng
page 126
Have you ever talked to an attorney?
Do you ever feel lazy on Mondays?
Where do you carry your keys?
81 Fluency
SO pimkic
0% BOLDE8 18a a s 8a1D

23IA293 -

SNE 3 -50%


Tell students to look at the photos and ask them some questions.
Suggested questions:
What do you spend most of your money on? Why?
How often do you/ does your family shop for groceies?
When was the last time you bought a new cell phone?
How many times a year do you buy new clothes?
Have holidays lke Christmas become occasions just to sell products?
Do you have a favorite brand?

1 Kick it off!
A. Take notes.
What's the first brand that comes to
your mind when you think about...?

.cars ...fast food

..Sodas .SportsS
..technology airliness

...the Internet ...coffee shops

B. Talk to a friend about your answers. .

A: When it comes to sports, Nike is the first brand that comes to my mind.
B: Really? Do you ever buy Nike products?
A: To tell you the truth, I don't. How about you?

2 Vocabulary Advertising Word page 116


A. Talk to a friend. ..
What's the most efficient form of advertising nowadays? How about the least?
Are billboards allowed in your city?
How often do you receive online ads?
Do you watch TV commercials or change channels during commercial breaks?
f you were a digital influencer, what products would you like to advertise? Why?

B. Work in small groups.

What's the best TV commercial of
all time? Why?
What brands are really good at making
TV commercials? Give reasons.

Teacher's Notes
9.1 Do you have a favorite brand? B. -Divide the class into smalli groups.
Read the title out loud and address the question to Explain that they are supposed to talk about the
the whole group. best TV commercial of all time.
Go over the questions in the book and make sure
1 Kick it off! they understand them.
- Allow them some time to talk.
A. Tell students to write down the first brand that
comes to their mind when they think about the - Wrap the activity up by having each group share
items in the exercise. their conversation with the whole group.
Read the items out loud and make sure students
understand all of them.
Allow them some time to do the exercise individually. -

In case you don't have much time, have a group

B. -

Pair students up and explain that they are supposed discussion instead.
to have a brief conversation using the notes from A.

Ask two students to read the model dialog in the


Explain that they are supposed to read the

sentences in the book, making extra comments
about them. Remind them to ask additional
questions as well.

Allow them some time to talk.

2 Vocabulary
A. Say that in this exercise they are going to talk about
Ask them to go to page 116.

Now say that they are going to have a conversation

about advertising.
Tell students to take turns asking and answering
the questions in the book. Remind them to ask
additional questions.
If time allows, have them write an extra question
individually in the book. Then, have them ask this
question to a friend.

84A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
3 Listening C. - Pair students up and read the questions in the book

A. out loud. Ask them to have a brief discussion about

Say that they are going to listen to lan, Sue and Rick
-Explain that they have to listen to the recording and
say what forms of advertising each person is talking Mention that they can use the words in the Word
about. bank to answer the question. Go over them, having
group repetition and explaining the new ones.
Play the recording once students do the exercise.
Allow them some time to talk.
-Correct orally.
4 Speak up
A. Start by reading the definition of slogan out loud.
It seems to me that a good radio spot is one that sticks Then read the four slogans in the book out loud and
have students suggest what kind of products they
in your head. I remember a
song from a radio spot for could advertise.
candy from when I was a child. The lyrics were so cheesy
but at the same time they were so As you read, students make their sugges tions.
easy to learn that I
couldn't get them out of my head for a long time. B. - Pair students up and explain that they are supposed

Although the lyrics were not good at people always

all, to think of other examples.
remember the brand when someone starts
singing it. I -

Students may say slogans in their mother tongue.

think things like that are genius. Companies should However, make sure they have the discussion in
that more often. English.

Allow them some time to talk.

I think it's crucial that a TV commercial Wrap the activity up by having students share their
clearly answers.
communicate the benefits of the product it is selling.
There are so many bad commercials these days that C. Exploit the ad in the book by asking a few questions.
sometimes people don't realize what the product is for.
That's too bad if you consider that companies usually Suggested questions:
spend millions producing these videas. I think acvertisers What is the ad about?
should be more careful when creating a commercial to Would you eat this burger? Why/why not?
avoid such problems. Is the ad good? Why/why not?
Rick Read the introduction out loud and as
you do so,
Ibelieve that digital influencers are here to stay. It'sa call their attention to the use of modifiers
clever and inexpensive form of advertising and reading the LEARN THIS! note in the book.
companies should invest more money in it Many people Divide the students into small groups and explain
especially teenagers, enjoy following famous influencers. that they are going to have a brief discussion
using the questions in the book.
Besides, everybody relates to them easily because
they are people like us. Celebrity endorsements are Allow them some time to talk.
too expensive. In addition, famous people are too far -

Wrap the activity up by having students share

from people's everyday life. IfI had a company, Id their answers.
definitely get in touch with influencers.
New words
B. Ask them to read the two groupsof sentences and try advertiser relevant unappetizing
to match them according to what they heard in A. rather slogan unbelievably
Allow them some time to complete the exercise
individually. New verbs

Play the recording again so they can check their answers. to step forward to stick in one's head
Correct orally.
3 Listening 4 Speak up
A. Listen to three people talk. Whet form A. A slogan is a short phrase that is easy to
of advertising is each person talking remember and is used to advertise
about? something. What products could these
slogans advertise?
7ab a bte
Get more Pay less
Step torward. Feelfresh

B. Talk to a friend. .
Sue Can you think of any other slogans? What do
lan Rick they advertise? What's your favorite? Why?
TV comnercials
radio spots digital
influencersand celebrity
endorsements C. Work in small groups.
B. Listen again and match. v
1. A good radio spot fb
2. People always remember a brand when
CO grab
3. A TV commercial should clearly
4. Advertisers should be more careful when
yours inoN
5. Everybody relates to digital influencers
because they
6. Celebrities

( 3 )communicate the benefits of its product.

The burgers in ads look
incredibly delicious.
(2)starts singing a song from an ad. They look so good that we feel like eating them.
(4)creating a commercial to avoid The problem is that the burger we actually
communication problems. get generally looks pretty bad and rather
(6)are too far from real life.
Can you think of other situations like this?
( )sticks in your head. How do you feel when they happen? What
do you usually do?
(5)are people like us.

C. Do you think digital influencers are a LEARN

good fom of adverising? Why / why nof? THIS!
Talk to a friend. We
often use words like very or a little to
or emphasize a characteristic in a sentence.
a little unappetizing
veryprety / really/ rathertasty
investment- relevant-to communicate
incredibly / extremely/unbelievably good

85 Fluency
Are you a shopaholic?

1 Learning Doubie comparatives

A. Listen and read.a
We are living in the age of consumerism. It seems that
the more people earn, the more they spend. Advertising

campaigns are
geting smarter and smarter. They have a
great impact on the way people spend their money. On the
other side of the coin, banks and credit card companies make
people more and more consumerist because it has become
easier and easier to get credit.
The big problem is that most of the time, people buy things on
impulse and they don't think about how they are going to pay
their bills. As a result, they end up being in debt.

B. Answer according to the text.

What happens when people earn more money? They spendmore money.

Are people more consumerist now than they were before?es,they are.

9page 121
C. Choose three sentences to complete.
1. The more Ibuy shoes,
2. The happier my is
3. The less I save money,
4. The more / less the better.

D. Talk to a friend about your sentences. .

E. Choose a topic and write two questions about it.
It's harder and harder to find a boyfriend / girlfriend nowadays.
My English is getting more and more fluent.
Buying things on impulse is more and more common.

F. Ask the questions above to friend.

Teacher's Notes
9.2 Are you a shopaholic? E. Read the sentences in the book out loud and have
Read the title out loud and address the question to students vote for the one they are going to use for
the whole group. the discussion.

1 Learning Allow them some time to write two questions

A. Play the recording - students read the passage in
the book. F. Pair students up and allow them some time to
B. Ask students to try to
answer the questions in the

Allow them some time to do the exercise. New words


Correct orally and ask students to go to page 121. fluent

C. -

Ask students to complete the sentences in the book. Consumerist on the other side ofthe coin

Allow them some time do so.

D. Pair students up and have them talk about the

sentences in C. Remind them to ask additional

Allow them some time to talk.

Teacher's Notes
2 Reading D. - Divide the students into small groups.
- Read the question in the book and make sure students
A. Address the questions in the book to the whole
group. understand it.

Make time to discuss.

everybody participates. Allow them some

Background note:
B. Say that they are going to read a text about how
people can be influenced when they are shopping. Here are someaspects that can influence us to
our purchase decisions: brand, price, package,

Play the recording- students read the text.

people's opinion, digital influencers, etc.
Ask them to read it again in silence and do the
exercise in the book. You should time your students.
New words
Recommended time: 3-4 minutes.
absolutely purchase
After that, ask them to compare answers with a friend.
- Correct orally.
for instance
C. - Explain the exercise and pair students up. tween
in-flight unconsciously
Allow them some time to complete the task.
influenced urge
New verbs
In case you don't have much time, assign this exercise
t o come to one's mind t o persuade
as homework and correct orally in the following class.
to influence

2 Reading
A. Group discussion
Can friends influence our shopping choices?
What about strangers?

B. Match sentences -4 with gaps ad in

the text.E
1. The answer is: absolutely!
2. However, it's funny to see science prove

3. As
how wrong we are.
Why we buy what we buy
we can see, shopping is a huge part 1 We all like to think we're in control of our
of our lives. choices, especially when it comes to shopping.
4. Another interesting discovery was that a Did you know that a lot of factors have
the power to influence not only the way we
passengers were also influenced by what 5 shop but also the reason we do so?
their neighbors bought. Ads might be the reasonable explanation
that comes to your mind. Of course, they
c a n persuade us to spend more and more
money, but the people around us also have
C. Find words phrases with the same 10 a great and sometimes even
bigger impact.
meaning in the text. Different studies have prover that shopping
with friends increases our urge to purchase.
That happens because since our so-called
short for advertisements ads "tween phase" we are used to judging
Cline 6) 15 different brands (probably unconsciously)
and valuing our friends'
acceptable (line 6) What about
strangers? Can they make a
in our shopping behavior too?
a very strong desire urge b Agroup of researchers studied the in-
Cline 12) 20 flight shopping experience and they learned
amazing things on how passengers can be
ween easily influenced by people around themn.
phase between 10 and 12
For instance, the average number of
years of age (line 14) purchases per passenger increased by 30%
25 if they saw somebody near them
for example Cline 23)- make a purchase. c l f they saw
somebody buying some kind of food, they
were around 40% more likely to buy food
things we buy(line 24) themselves. Researchers concluded that
30 the more purchases passengers saw, the
8s a result line39) therefore more likely they'd be to make their own.
COWe make decisions all the time
while shopping. It's fascinating to realize
how much those decisions are affected
D. Work in small groups. 35 by people around us. So, next time you
g0 shopping, mind who you shop with:
What else can influence us to make our friends and even strangers can somehow
purchase decisions? Mention at least two be responsible for your shopping choices.
Therefore, take care
different aspects.

87 Fluency1
How stingy are you?

1 Vocabulary Phrasal verbs

A. Study this.a

get by (on) sell out

pay back cut back on

save up rip off
page 117
VladimirFloyd www.fotosearch.com.or

B. Talk to a friend.

Can you get by on $100 a week?

How fast do tickets for a
out in your country?
concert usually sell

A How long would it take you to pay back


Have you ever been ripped off in a store?

How do you feel when you have to cut back on your

2 Listening
How long would it take you to save up $1000?
A. Listen and answer. A
Are Chad and Lisa college students?
a) yes b) no c) not mentioned

B. Listen again and complete. v

1. Chad decided to take a gap year before college
2. He needs to cut back on his expenses because he's going backpacking in Europe.
3. He intends to get somepart-time jobsto help him get by during his trip.
4. Lisa is happy for Chad, but she's going to him.
5. They are probably going to . celebrate on Friday.

C. Group discussion
What are the advantages of taking chill out- have some time for yourself
lean things noteacher or textbook could ever teach
a gap year before starting college?
Teacher's Notes
9.3 How stingy are you? 2 Listening

Read the title out loud and address the

the whole group. question to A. Say that they are going to listen to a conversation
between Chad and Lisa.
1 Vocabulary Explain that they have to listen to the recording
and answer the question in the book.
A. Pair students up and
the QR code.
ask them to do the task using -

Play the recording once -

students do the exercise.

- Correct orally.
When they finish it, go over the list of
in the book. Write them on the phrasal verbs
review or introduce the
board. You should
simple past and past
A: How about going to that new club downtown next
participle forms.
-Ask extra
Friday, Chad?
questions. In case they have problems with B: I can't. I'm saving up right now, Lisa.
any phrasal verb, help them.
A: Why?
Suggested questions: B: I decided to take a gap year before college. I want to
How do poor families go backpacking in Europe, have some time on my
get by on such a small income? own. So I need to cut back on my expenses right now.
What would you do ifa
good friend of yours didn't The more I save up, the better it will be.
pay you back?
A: I see. When are you going then?
Are you saving up now? What for?
B: Next summer, right after we graduate from
How fast do new (iPhones) sell out? high
Is it important to cut back on
sugar when you are on A: Awesome! What country are you
going to visit first?
a diet?
B: I'm thinking about Spain. A friend of
my brother's
Are people frequently ripped off in your neighborhood? spent some time there and she simply loved it.

Assign Word booster 9.3 as homework and correct A: Cool! What other places are
you considering visiting
orally in the following class. during your stay?
If for some reason B: Portugal, England, France and Greece.
they are not able to use their
phones, you can choose one of the alternatives on A: Are you going to take any courses too?
page X (General Information). B: Actually, I'm not. I'm thinking about getting some
part-time jobs. I'm tired of studying. Besides, I'll make
QR Code - Answer key some extra cash to
help me get by during my trip and
Il have some time to
1. If you get by on $500 a month, you manage to explore the places too.
A: I'm really happy for you, Chad. You're a
survive with little money. pretty smart
2. f you pay someone back you give this person the guy. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time there. Ill
miss you very much.
same amount of money that you borrowed from them. B: Thanks, Lisa. I'm gonna miss you too.
3. If you save up, you keep money instead of
spendingit. A: You know what? We should celebrate.
Let's go to that
4. If something sells out there is no more of it to buy. club. Don't worry about money. Tll
5. If you cut back onyour expenses, you spend less B: Oh, really? You're the best, Lisa!
6. If somebody gets ripped off this person is charged too
much money for something B. Say that they going to listen to the

once again to get more details.
B. Explain the activity and pair students up Explain that they have to complete the sentences in
Allow them some time to talk. Remind them to ask the book according to the
additional questions. Ask different students to read the sentences in the
book and present the new words on the board.
Shortcut -

Play the recording once students do the exercise.

-In case you don't have much time, ask each student
to choose only two
Correct orally.
questions. C. Ask the question in the book to the whole
and have them discuss. Mention that they can use
the words in the Word bank to answer the
Go Over them, having
group repetition
explaining the new ones.
Have students share their answers.

New words on the next page

88A Fluency1
Teacher's Notess
3 Sounds good 4 Check this out!
A. Say that they are going to learn word combinations A. Ask students to read the examples in the book and
with money. match the idioms with their corresponding definitions.
-Playthe recording and have group repetition. - Pair them up and allow them some time to do the

Make sure they understand each combination. If

- exercise.
necessary, translate. Correct orally and make sure they understood each
B. - Pair students
up and ask them to use the questions
to have a brief discussion. B. Ask the questions in the bookto the whole group.

Allow them some time to talk and remind them to -

Have students share their experiences.

ask additional questions.
5 Fluency
Shortcut Play the recording - students read the paragraph.

In case you don't have much time, ask each student

to choose only two Ask the questions in the book to the whole group.
questions in the box to ask each
other. Encourage students to use the expressions in the box
in their answers.
C. -

Say that they are supposed to write two questions, Make sure everybody participates
using at least two different combinations from
exercise A.

Allow them some time to write the questions. New words

at all costs flat broke
Counterfeit tough

case you don't have much time, ask studentsto

write the questions at home and have the
conversation in D in the following class. New verbs
to deposit t o invest t o owe
D. - Pair students up and ask them to use their questions
to have a brief discussion.
Allow them some time to talk and remind them to
ask additional questions.

New words (page 88)

gap year stingy textbook

New verbs (page 88)

to cut back to rip off
to get by to save up
to intend to sell out
to pay back

3 Sounds good 4 Check this out!
A. Study these word combinations with A. Match.
money. YBE
1. Sheila avoids going to the doctor at all costs
2. I don't know what happens to Ben. He's
bigeasy / pocket always flat broke). - e
private/ government
COunterfeit atsohey
(1)whatever happens
make have / earn / take
invest/ save/ deposit 0
(2)having no money at all

Spend 7 waste run out of

money B. Group discussion
donate/give money
dutowe / exchange 1. What do you avoid doing at all costs? Why?
borrow/ lend
2. What do you do when you're flat broke?

B. Talk to a friend.
What would you do if for
5 Fluency
any reason you
made some big money right now? Some people say that money doesn't bring
Do you know how to invest
happiness, while others totally disagree with that
statement, claiming that it may not buy happiness,
How often do you/your parents donate
but they'd rather cry in a Mercedes rather than on
money? a bus. Who's right? That's a tough question, but
Have you ever taken counterfeit money? the truth is: people tend to forget that happiness
-What would you do if you were on a trip doesn't come from getting new things, but
and ran out of money? knowing how to be thankful for the things we have.
Who don't you mind lending money to?
1. In your opinion,
What about borrowing money from? can money buy happiness?
Why/why not?
2. Are you more of a saver or a
C. Write two questions using combinations 3. Which is more important: money or happiness?
from A. Why?
4. Would you rather find a job which gives you
more satisfaction or more

Without a doubt, ..
Some people may disagree with me,
D. Talk to a friend using the questions As I see it, ..
89 Fluency1


12 211243946/73
14 23 22 FREE 48
13 19/455/72
36/47 74

Tell students to look at the
photos and ask them some questions.
Suggested questions:
Do you enjoy playing any kind
of games?
How often do you play board games?
When was the last time you played video games?
Have you ever played the lottery?
Who in your family likes to play bingo?
Are you a competitive person?

1 Kick it off!
A. Answer these qvestions.
Are you motivated by competition? A n dt h n e
W i n n e ri s .

Who's the most competitive person you know? NNUR

How do you feel when you take part in competitions?

What's the most competitive thing you've ever done?

What do you think of competitiveness - is it good or bad? Why?

Do you agree? Why/why not?

"Competition is not all about winning."

B. Talk to a friend about your answers.

A: My best friend is the most competitive person I know. He loves competitions.
B: Really? Have you ever beaten him in a competition?
A: Actually, I have and he got really mad.
pages 117-118

2 Vocabulary Games and related words

A. Talk to a friend.
What games did you use to play when you were younger??
What games do you play now?

Would you ratherplay video games or board games?

Are you good at solving jigsaw puzzles?
f not, would you like to?
Have you got a portable video game?

B. Work in small groups.

Popular video games
When you were 10 2 years ago Now


Teacher's Notes
10.1 Are you a competitive
person? B. Divide the class into small groups.
Read the title out loud and address the
question to

Explain that they are supposed to talk about

the whole group. popular video games in the past and now. They
may use their smartphones to search for examples.
1 Kick it off!
Go over the information in the book and make sure
A. Tell students they are going to answer some
they understand what to do.
questions about being competitive.
Allow them some time to talk.

Read each question, presenting the new

vocabulary. Write the new words on the board Wrap the activity up by having each group share
and model pronunciation by having their conversation with the whole group.
B. Pair students up and explain that they are Shortcut
supposed to have a brief conversation using the In case you don't have much time, have a group
questions from A. discussion instead.

Ask two students to read the model dialog in the


Allow them some time to talk. New words

2 Vocabulary competitiveness motivated
A. Say that in this lesson they are going to talk about

Ask them to go to pages 117 and 118.


Now say that they are going to have a

conversation about games.

Tell students to take turns asking and answering

the questions in the book. Remind them to ask
additional questions.
-If time allows, have them write an extra question
individualy in the book. Then, have them ask this
question to a friend.

92A Fluencyl
Teacher's Notes
3 Listening C. - Pair students up and read the questions in the book

A. Say that they are going to listen to a teacher out loud. Ask them to have a brief discussion about
explain them.
Explain that they have to listen to the recording and Mention that they can use the words in the Word
tell you what the studentsare going to do next. bank to answer the questions. Go over them, having
-Play the recording once - students do the exercise. group repetition and explaining the new ones.
Allow them some time to talk.
-Correct orally.
Script: 4 Speak up
All right folks. Before you start, make sure
your group has A.
Ask the question in the book and read the options
a game board, 100 letter tiles inside the
cloth bag and out loud.
one letter rack for each
The rules are pretty simple.

As you read, students check their answers.

To determine who goes first, If they have other suggestions, they can write them
pass the bag around the
table and each of you must draw one letter tile. The down as well.
with the tile closest to letter A goes first. Then,
put these B. Pair students up and ask them to have a brief
tiles back into the bag and shake it.
Now it's time to draw your game tiles. discussion using what they checked in A. Remind
ch player is them to ask additional questions.
Supposed to draw seven. After that, put your tiles onto
your tile rack. Do not show them to your fellow players, ok? C. -

Read the introduction in the book. As you do so,

The first player should place the initial word on the board. call their attention to the
use of the prefixes by
This word must use at least two tiles and it must be reading the LEARN THIS! note in the book.
placed across the star square in the center of the board. -

Divide the students into small groups and explain

After forming a word, score your points. The star
square that they are going to have a brief discussion.
is a double word score.
The next step is to draw as many new tiles as you have Allow them some time to talk.
just played. For example, if three of the tiles were used to -

Wrap the activity up by having students share their

form your word, then draw three new tiles and place them answers.
on the rack.
The player that goes next must form a new word that
connects to any word on the board. Remember: all the
tiles on the board must be connected. New words
The game ends when all players either have exhausted Content legal
their tiles or cannot play any more words. Then, add up
your points. The person with the highest score is the
illegal letter rack
Winner impossible possible
Have you got any questions? (short pause) inappropriate unpleasant
No? Great! You're all set. Time to play!
incomplete usual

New verbs
B. Say that they are going to listen to the explanation
once again to get more details.
to add up to disagree
Explain that they have to check the rules that are t odetermine to draw
right according to the recording and they are
Supposed to correct the wrong ones.
Go over the sentences and make sure they
understand it.

Play the recording once students do the exercise.

- Correct orally.

3 Listening 4 Speak up
A. Listen to a teacher talk. What thee A. What makes
are a good video game?
students going to do next?
a great story
They are going to play the game. good art style

>elements of surprise

B. Listen again. Check the rules that B. Now talk to

are a friend about your
right and correct the wrong ones.
1. Each player needs a letter rack.
C.Work in small groups.
PixelHobot www.folosearch.com.br Most kids may disagree, but according to0
experts, parents should watch out for what
2. Each person must draw a tile to determine games their children play. Unfortunately,
who goes first. there are several kinds of games with
inappropriate content for children these days.
3. The first The recommendation is to do some quick
player is the one who gets the
tile with the highest number of points. research about a certain game before

closest to letter A allowing kids to play to avoid unpleasant

4. The initial word must be placed anywhere
Should parents control what
on the board. across the star square in games their
the center of the board children play? How about other stuff, such
as TV programs, movies, books, etc?
5. You must add up the points whenever you
Did your parents use to control the
form a new word. / games
you played, the movies you watched, etc?

6. When it's your turn, you must form a word Have you ever had an unpleasant surprise
while playing a game?
that connects to the last word played.
any word on the board

C. Do you enjoy playing word games THIS
What are the advantages of playing
The prefixesun-, inm-, in-, il-, ir and dis-
them? Talk to a friend. . . give the words the opposite
possible - impossible
challenging regular irregular
improve vocabulary honest dishonest usual-unusual
exercise the brain complete - incomplete

keep the mind sharp legal-illegal

93 Fluency
Are you a gamer?

1 Learning Direct and indirect speech

A. Listen and complete.

lan said he had always dreamed of becoming

a professional gamer. He mentioned that
made him feel alive and he
video games
explained that sometimes he even imagined
He also said
himself inside thegame _.

that he had already taken part in competitions.

He added that his parents thought it was
a crazyidea but he was sure they
Would support him no matter what.

lan Anderson, 32
lan at 17

B. Compare and answer

lan said,Tve always dreamed)of becoming a professional gamer
lan said(he had)always dreamed) of becoming a professional gamer. LarngEJ9 page 122
What are the differences between the two sentences? Circle them.

C. Who said what? Match.

1. Don't forget to read chapter 4.
2. I want a new doll for my birthday.
3. Unfortunately, Mr. Fox had a heart
4. It won't take long to get to New York.
5. Be quiet because Jack is sleeping.
6. I can't stop playing Saving Zombies.

D. With a friend, take turns reporting what

they said. Use the cues below.

5themom/asked us 2 the girl/ said that

the teacher warned'us the gamer/ admitted that
4 the pilot/ announced that 3the doctor/ explained to Mrs. Fox

E. With a friend, take turns reading out your sentences and contrdicting each other.
Student A goes to page 129. Student B goes to page 130.

Teacher's Notes
10.2 Are you a
gamer? C. -

Have students match the sentences with the photos

Read the title out loud and address the individually.
the whole group.
question to

D. -

Pair students up and have them take turns

1 Learning reporting
what each person from exercise C said. Remind
A. Say that they are going to listen to them to use the cues in the book.
an interview lan
gave when he was 17. -Allow them some time to do the exercise.

Play the recording once students pay attention. Correct orally.

Now ask them to read the
paragraph in the book
and fill in the gaps with the information from the E. - Pair students up and have each student go to the

recording. Corresponding page indicated in the book.

If necessary, Say that they are going to take turns reading out
play the recording

a second time.
sentences and contradicting each other.
Correct orally. -Use the example in the book to explain what they
are supposed to do. If necessary, have two students
Script: model the first sentence of the exercise.

Allow them some time to talk.

At 32, lan Anderson is a
professional gamer who has
made millions of dollars doing what he loves the

Correct the exercise orally by having different pairs

most: act out their dialog to the whole
playing video games. Let's listen to an interview he gave group.
when he was only 17:
New words
I've always dreamed of becoming a
I know it sounds weird, but the
professional gamer. chapter gamer
thing is, video games
make me feel alive. When I'm playing a
game, I get New verbs
involved with the story and sometimes Ieven
myself inside the game. I have already taken part ina to dream to mention
couple of competitions and I can say I did pretty well in
all of them. Although my parents think it's a
crazy idea,
I'm sure they will always support me no matter what.

B. Ask students to compare the sentences in the book

and identify the differences.

Allow them time to do the exercise.


Correct by writing the sentences on the board and

pointing out the differences.

Then, ask students to go to page 122.

94A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
2 Reading
New words
A. Ask a student to read the title of the passage out loud.
Make sure students understood it and then, address alcohol gaming addiction
the question to the whole group. arcade machine graphics

B. Say that they are going to read a text about game at the expense of handheld
addiction. chemical impulse

Play the recording students read the text.


common in summary
Ask them to read it again in silence and do the control resource
exercise in the book. You should time your students.
device schoolwork
Recommended time: 3-4 minutes.
After that, ask them to
dopamine storyline
answers with a friend.

- Correct orally. drug abuse substance
early days
C. -

Explain the exercise and pair students up. elaborate under no circumstance

Allow them some time to complete the task.

even tough
Shortcut New verbs
In case you don't have much time, assign this exercise
as homework and correct orally in the following class. to amuse toinfer
to elevate to release
to hesitate totrigger
D. - Divide the students into small groups.

Read the question in the book and make sure

students understand it.
- Allow them some time to discuss.

2 Reading
A. Group discussion
Read the title of the article.
What's your opinion about it?

B. Read and answer.

1. Did the poor graphics and resources affect
the popularity of video games in the
No, not at all because people were amused by
video games

2. What can be inferred from

paragraph 2
gaming addiction in the early days?
Gaming addiction was less conmon because video
games were available only on arcade machines.
How big of a problem is
3. According to the author,
what should you VIdeo game addiction?
do when you realize that a
person from 1 Since the 1970s, video games have
your family would rather spend more time the attention of not only kids and teens, but also
playing games than hanging out with their adults. In the early days, graphics and resources
friends? were not as complex as the ones in today's
5 games. Even so, people were amused by the
Inthat case, youshould look for professional help new kind of entertainment at that time.
before the situation gets worse. When it all started, most games were
available on arcade machines and it was not
common to have one at home.
10 games can be played 24/7 on handheld
C. Find words phrases with the same game devices, personal computers and evenn
meaning in the text. smartphones. They have become more
elaborate too, with interesting characters and
to capture (line 1) to grab advanced storylines.
15 Although many people, including
in the beginning (line 3) nthe earty davs don't agree that gaming can be a parents,
hamful and
addictive activity, some professionals claim
it can be a that
accessible (line 8) available dangerOus thing when an individual
spends most of his/her time
20 at the expense of physical playing games
interaction and schoolwork activity, others.
all the time (line 10) 24/7 social
Psychologists explain that video game
Cat the eypense of addiction is
with the sacrifice of (line 20) What happens
a type of
when someone is
impulse control disorder.
25 game is that it might playing a
tending to cause uddictive trigger the release of
addiction (line 29) dopamine, a brain chemical which elevates
our mood and
provides a rush of This
substance is the same transmitterenergy.
somethingimportant (line 32) big issue other addictive activities like alcoholinvolved in
or drug
30 abuse, for instance.
In summary,
compulsive video gaming is a
D. Work big issue which under no circumstance
in small groups. . should
be ignored. If you know somneone who suffers
from it, don't hesitate in
Do you believe that video
game addiction is 35 help before it seeking professional
asserious as gambling? Why/ gets worse.
not? why
10.3 OYO
Is playing more importantthan winning?
1 Vocabulary phrasal verbs
A. Study this.
gn m u t
play àgainst
plav Cotot/
Win oveer

play along with od win out nm

play out Win back t Ounst

Osil www.fotosearch.com.Dr
Word booster
page 118

B. Make three questions using three different phrasal verbs.

C. Talk to a friend using the questions above. .

2 Listening
A. Listen and answer. v
What is the main topic of the conversation?
a) organizing a party b) persuading people

B. Listen again and check. dmutroa www.fotoserch.com.br

1. El thinks she can win Mike over because...

a) his party theme is lame. (b))she is quite persuasive.
2. What can be inferred from the conversation?
a) Mike is as convincing as El. b)) Will is not a convincing person.

3. Julie is probably..
a)Wil's ex-girlfriend. b) a friend of Will's.

C. Group discussion
How persuasive are you? What do you do strong arguments
use your cham
when you want to win people over ask for help

Teacher's Notes
10.3 Is playing more important than winning? 2 Listening

Read the title out loud and address the question to A. Say that they are going to listen to a conversation
the whole group. between El and Wil.

1 Vocabulary

Explain that they have to listen to the recording and

answer the question in the book.
A. Pair students up and ask them to do the task using -

Play the recording once students do the exercise.

the QR code. - Correct orally.

When they finish it, go over the list of phrasal verbs

in the book. Write them on the board. You should Script
review or introduce the simple past and past A: Hey, Wil! Where's Mike?
participle forms. B: Idon't know, El. I haven't seen him today. Why?

Ask extra questions. In case they have

with any phrasal verb, help them.
problems A: Ive got to talk to him about the party theme. He
wants to go with costumes. I think it's lame. We did
that two years ago. I'd rather go in a different
Suggested questions: direction. Ineed to win him over.
How do you feel when your team plays against a B: Win Mike over? You're kidding, right? Mike is the
better team? most stubborn guyI know. It's impossible to
Do you tell the truth when persuade him. He's got such a strong personality.
you don't want to play
along with an absurd idea? He never changes his mind.
What is the best thing to do when you have no idea A: Iknow! But I'm stubborn too. Ialways play along
how a difficult situation will play out? with people in situations ike this to build their
Are you good at winning people over? Confidence in me. That's my game! And to tell you
the truth, Im really good at winning people over.
Do you agree that no matter what the truth
always B: Really? Im quite the opposite. I couldn't even win
wins out in the end? Why/why not? Julie back after we broke up and I've tried
What can one do to win back someone's trust? everything, but nothing seems to work.
Assign Word booster 10.3 as homework and correct A: Really? Come on! You can't be like that. Do you
orally in the following class. want me to talk to her?
B: (laughs) I'm good, thanks.

If for some reason they are not able to use their A: Oh, look who's coming. Mike!
phones, you can choose one of the alternatives on (calling himn)
page X (General Information). Just watch and learn, Will
B: (laughs) OK, OK.
QR Code- Answer key
B. Say that they are going to listen to the speakeers
1. To play against means to compete against someone once again to get more details.
or something.
Explain that they have to answer the other
2. If you play along with a person, you pretend to
cooperate with this person in a joke, scam, etc. questions in the book according to the recording.

Ask different students to read the

3. When a situation plays out, it happens or ends in a
present the new words on the board.
questions and
particular way.
4. If you win somebody over, you persuade this person to -

Play the recording once students do the exercise.

agree with you. - Correct orally.
5. f something or someone wins out, it succeeds after
a lot of difficulty. C. Ask the questions in the book to the whole
6. To win back means to get something that you had and have them discuss. Mention that they can
before but lost temporally. use the words in the Word bank to answer the
question. Go over them, having group repetition
and explaining the new ones.
B. Explain the activity and allow them some time to write
Have students share their answers.
the questions individualfy.

C. Pair students up and allow them some time to talk. New words
Remind them to ask additional questions. charm convincing
Shortcut New verbs
In caseyou don't have much time, ask each student to play against to play out t o win out
to write only two questions t o play along with
- -- -
- win over

96A Fluency 1
Teacher's Notes
4 Check this out!
3 Sounds good
read the examples in the book and
A. - Say that they are going to learn word combinations A. Ask students to
with gamne match the idioms with their corresponding definitions.
Pair them up and allow them some time to do the

Play the recording and have group repetition.

- Make sure they understand each combination. If
- Correct orally and make sure they understood each
necessary, translate.
B. Pair students up and ask them to use the questions
B. -Ask the questions in the book to the whole group.
to have a brief discussion.
- Allow them some time to talk and remind them to - Have students share their experiences.
ask additional questions. 5 Fluency
Play the recording
students read the paragraph.
- Ask the questions in the book to the whole group.
In case you don't have much time, ask each student
- Encourage students to use the expressions in the box
to choose only two questions to ask each other.
in their answers.

C. Say that they are supposed to write two questions,


Make sure everybody participates.

using at least two different combinations from
exercise A.
Allow them time to write the New words

some questions.
all part of the game .Olympic
away one-on-one
In case you don't have much time, ask students to
child's play opening
write the questions at home and have the conversation
in D in the following class.
New verbs
D. Pair students up and ask them to use their questions t o compete to handle
to have a brief discussion.
- Allow them some time to talk and remind them to
ask additional questions.

3 Sounds good 4 Check this out!
A. Study these word combinations with A. Match.
game. YBER
1. Taking risks is all part of the game to
ball teamOlympic*
children's/ party
2. Cooking is child's play to my sister. She's
game a great cook.
first/opening/final/ last game
(1) normal; natural
away home game (2) something very easy to do
play a/ lose a / win a
improve one's / raise one's game
take part in a / compete in a B. Group discussion
1. "Anxiety about getting old is all part of the
+Olympic Games game." How do you feel about that?
2. What do you consider child's play?

B. Talk to a friend.
Would you rather play an outdoor or an 5 Fluency
indoor game? Why?
Competition is one of the things that makes
Did you use to enjoy playing children's our lives thrilling. Most people enjoy competing
games? so they can see how far they can get and how

Where did the last Olympic Games take strong they are. People with stronger
place? personalities are very competitive and usually
do better in individual competitions while shy
Are you into team games?
ones are better off playing in teams. However,
When was the last time your team lost a the most important thing is that everybody
game? should know that winning and losing are all part
What do athletes usually do to improve of the game.
their game?
1. In your opinion, are shy people able to take
part in one-on-one competitions?
C. Write two questions using combinations 2. How competitive are you?
from A. 3. Would you rather play individually or in
teams? Why?

4. How well can you handle defeats?

udaf duttc

The way I see lt, ..

As far as l'm concerned,

D. Talk to a friend using the questions

Ihave to agree with because.
above. y
97 FluencyL
Fluency 5
booster 5

1 Speaking
A. Get ready to review and recommend something.
Choose an item.
1. Online store
2. Outlet store
3. Mobile game
4. Console or computer game

Get together in pairs or small groups and... edharconstock www.lotosearcn.com br

stores for

select three options within the category you chose (three online example)

discuss the positive and negative aspects of each.

decide which one you will recommend.

Take notes of the main points.

Decide how you are going to present your review.

B. Preset the options and give your recommendation.

The best thing about The downside is...
One is... while the other.. Both... and..
All in all.. If you, then we recommend..

C. Which argument was the most effective?

Teacher's Notes
Fluency booster 5
1 Speaking
A. Go over the topics in the book.

Have students choose one of the topics.


Divide them into pairs or small groups and explain the task.
Allow them sometime to discuss and take notes of the main points, following the items in the book.
Remind them to decide how they are going to present their review to the whole group.

B. -Explain that they are supposed to present their ideas using their notes from the previous task. Say that
they can use the expressions in the book during the presentation. Go over the expressions and make sure they
understand their use.

Have each pair / group present their review.


Make sure
everybody participates.
C. Address the question to the whole group and have them vote for the most effective argument.

98A Fluency1
Teacher's Notes
2 Watch this!
A. Ask studentsif they are big fans of video games.
- Say that episode 5 is going to talk about the invention of the video game and some facts about it.

- Explain that they have to watch the video segment and answer the question in the book.

- Play the video segment once - students do the exercise.

Correct orally.
B. - Say that they are going to watch the segment once again to get more details
- Explain the exercise and go over the sentences in the book.
- Play the video segment again - students do the exercise.

- Correct orally.

Wrap the activity up by asking their opinion about the episode.

3 Pronunciation
A. Mention that this exercise focuses on stressed final syllables.

Write the words cook and cookie on the board to help you explain.

Play the recordingonce -

have students follow in their books.


Play the recording again -

have group repetition.

- Ask students to take turns reading one group of words.

B. Have different students read the questions in the book out loud. Make sure they pronounce the word endings
- Then pair students up and allow them some time to talk.

Writing bank
- Ask students to go to page 127.

New words
goatee percentage
Juicy table tennis
New verb
to simulate

2 Watch this!
A. Watch Episode 5 of Explorations and answer.

What is the main purpose of the episode?

a)to list the best games of all time

b) to contrast the early video games with

the new ones

c) to show a brief history of video games

and curiosities about them

B. Watch the episode again and match.

1. 1970s ) Commercial video games took off.
2. 1983 4) It simulated a table tennis match.
3. Pac-Man 3 ) It was inspired by a pizza.
4. Pong 2) Mario Bros was incredibly popular.
5. 38 6 ) Percentage of Americans that play video games.
6. 49 (5) Average age of gamers.

3 Pronunciation Stressed final syllables

A. Listen and say. e
Cook cookie trend trendy
move movie cough coffee
juice juicy goat goatee

B. Talk to a friend.
How often do you cook?
What was the last movie you watched on TV?
What's your favorite juice?
How much coffee do you drink
every day?
Wridng.bank5 page 127

Where can we buy cough drops?

Where do you buy trendy clothes?

99 Fluency
Wrap it up! 2
1 Written exercises
A. Read and answer according to the text. (20 points; 4 each)
1 "I am terribly sorry I am late, but I was stuck in traffic." How many times have you heard this
excuse or given it yourself? No matter where you are or who you are meeting, there is always
Someone who will be late. Sadly, in the modern world, people seem to have less and less regard
4 for punctuality. I sometimes feel l am the last person to believe that being late is a serious lack
of respect for the other person's time and effort to show up at the time that was previously
agreed on. Being late once or twice may be unavoidable, after all, emergencies do happen.
However, being stuck in traffic is not one of them, it is lack of planning and responsibility. Today
there are apps that show traffic flow and alternative routes in real time. Besides, if you are not
familiar with a certain route, add at least 15 or 20 minutes on top of what Google Maps, Waze
or GPS shows you. The truth is, people try to cram too many activities into a busy schedule and
fail to follow it. Being late to an appointment is just one of the consequences.

1. What does the author consider a serious lack of respect?

The author considers being late (lack of pumctuality) a serious lack of respect

2. Mention one thing that can help people to avoid being stuck in traffic.
Use apps that show traffic flow and alternative routes. /Add at least 15 or 20 minutes on top ofwhat Google
Maps, Waze or GPS shows you.
3. On line 8, flow can be replaced by: sign X ) movement; progress
4. On line 10, cram can be replaced by: (X) fit )hurry
5. Would the author of the text accept being stuck in traffic as an excuse for being late?
No, he/she wouldn i.

B. Answer with complete sentences. (20 points; 4 each)

1. Bill arrived late for a meeting. What ghould he have done?

should haveleftearlier:/Heshould have called.

2. Who usually helps you out?
(My husband)usually helps mne out.
3. Where does the coach expect the players to meet him?
Thecoaclh expects them to meethim (atthe stalium)
4. When was that video posted?
w s posted (to daysago).
were different in your life?

5. What do you wish

wish ( dicln 1have to get up so early).

Teacher's Notes
Wrap it up! 2
Tell students that the exercises in the review lesson have the same format as the exercises on their test so they should
pay careful attention to what they have to do in each.

1 Written exercises
A. Ask students to read the text and then
answer the questions.
Correct orally.
B. -

Ask students to the

questions with complete sentences.
- Correct orally.

OOA Fluency1
Teacher's Notes
C. Ask students to match the sentences with the correct verb.
- Correct orally.

D. -Ask students to rewrite the sentences using passive voice.

- Correct orally.

E. Ask students to choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.


C. Match: (20 points; 4 each)
1. What is the best way to a cold? 3 fall behind
2. Somebody hacked into my computer and all my files.
fight off
3. Try not to schedule. A lot of people depend on us.
2 wiped out
4. If you your expenses, you can save enough for a nice trip.
5win back
5. He just wanted to his money 4 ) cut back on

D. Rewtite the sentences using passive voice. (20 points; 5 each)

1. They bought the tickets a long time ago.

The tickets were bought a long time ago.

2. Alexander Graham Bell invented the

The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

3. We will sell organic products here.

Organic products will be sold here.

4. They clean the rooms in the morning.

The rooms are cleaned in the morning.

E. Choose the best altemative. (20 points; 4 each)

1. A: Did you ? You look fantasticl
B: Yes. My hairdresser is very good.
a) cut your hair b)) have your hair cut c) changed your hairstyle

2. The competition is getting more

a) hard b) harder and harder (c) and more difficult

3. They created an ad that is simple and effective. It is amazing.

a)unbelievably b) a little c) not really
4. Sometimes I wish a credit card. Maybe I wouldn't be flat broke so often.
a) had b) didn't have c) could pay
5. Two weeks ago, Claire finally admitted that she
under the knife to change her nose.
Just like we suspected.
a) will go b) had gone c) goes

2 Listening comprehension exercises
A Part
Listen and answer: (10 points; 5 each)
1. What are they talking about?

a) tips to win a game

b) a
video game
c) number of levels

2. What is the relationship between the speakers?

a) teacher and student
b) boyfriend and girlfriend
c) brother and sister

Part 2
Listen and complete with L (Lucy) or K (Kyle). (30 points; 5 each)
1. (L) has a higher level.
2. (K) doesn't like to lose.
3. (K) has more experience.
4. ( L ) found a rare item and got extra points.
5. (K) went after the giants.
6. (K ) made a bad choice.

B. Listen and choose the correct altenatives: (30 points; 5 each)

1. The man realized he dependent on his smartphone.

a)is extremely b) is not very

2. That happened when his

a) car was robbed (b) smartphone died

3. He felt when he disconnected from the digital world.

(a) lost b) relieved

4. sets his business lunches and saves them on a digital calendar.

a) He himself b) Somebody
5. In his opinion, a public phone is difficult.

a) using b) finding
6. He blames for the stressful morning.
a) his dead phone b) taxi drivers

Teacher's Notes
2 Listening comprehension exercises
A. Part 1

Tell students that they are going to listen to

the book.
a dialog once and they are supposed to answer the two questions in

Play the recording once and allow them some time to answer the questions in Part 1.
Part 1
-Tell students that they are going to listen to the same
that apply.
dialog again and they are supposed to check the sentences

-Play the recording again and allow them some time to do the exercise in Part 2.
Correct Parts 1 and 2 orally.

A: Yay! Level 38!
B: What?I can't believe
you leveled up before me!
A: Why are you so upset? Please don't tel me
you're madjust because a girl beat you in a game.
B: Of course not. I would feel the same
if you were a guy. I don't like to lose.
A: It's just a game, Kyle.
B: Yeah, but I'm the one who
taught you how to play.
A: You should be proud. Your little sister learned the lesson wel
B: Too well. How did you do it? I was way ahead
of you!
A: I found the blue diamond and it got me a thousand bonus
B:The blue diamond? That's incredibly hard to get
A: Iknow
B: Where did you find it?
A: In one of the dragon eggs.
B: I knew I should have chosen the dragons.
A: What made you change your mind?
B: Iread a tip that said the more giants I killed the better.
A: Well you made a bad choice, but it's not the end of the world. Get over it.
B: I will. And I bet Ill get to the next level before you.
A: Ha! Well see.

B. Tell students that they are going to listen to a monolog twice and they are supposed to choose the correct
alternatives to complete the sentences.

Playthe recording twice and allow them some time to do the exercise.
- Correct orally.

Thadn't realized how dependent on technology we havebecome untilyesterday. My car broke down and I couldnt
call the insurance company because my smartphone had run out of battery. For the first time in years I was
completely disconnected from the digital world and I felt absolutely lost. I didn't know who I was supposed to meet
for lunch or where I should go because I have my business lunches set by my secretary and saved on my digital
calendar.I didn't even knowifl was late becauseI don'twear a watch anymore. Calling my secretany was not an
option either. I stopped memorizing phone numbers a long time ago. Besides, public phones seem to be extinct
And it is impossible to get a taxi without an app. Taxi drivers simply ignore you when you raise your hand to try
to get a cab.It was a stressful morning and al that because of a dead phone. Shouldn't we be able to do without a

02A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
C. - Tell students that they are going to listen to two monologs and they are supposed to complete the sentences in

the book.
Play the recording twice and allow them some time to do the exercise
Correct orally.

love shopping and I'm ashamed to say that I buy far more things than Ireally need. I'm one ofthose peoplewho
can'tresista sale. I wish I could And things have become worsesince I got a promotion. The more money I have the
more I spend. Yesterday, for example, I was passing by a shoe store and there was this incredible sale on boots. I
ended up buying two pairs.

I don't really care for shopping so I buy only what is essential. I shop for groceries once a week, butl only buy clothes
when mine are too old. My wife says Im stingy, but I disagree. Ijustdon'tlike to waste money. People todayare
getting more and more consumerist. They don't think about the impact of this kind of behavior on the planet
or on

what really matters in life.

3 Speaking
- Tell students to choose one of the topics and prepare a short speech about it.

- Then have them sit with a partner and talk.

C. Listen and complete: (30 points; 3 each blank)A
The man and the woman have different views on
The woman wishes she could resist a3 Sale but she can't.
And now that she has gotten a promotion she is spending even more.

Her last purchase was two pairs of boots that she didn't need.

The man, on the other hand, only buys essential things, but he doesn't think he is

stingy . In fact, he does worry about the impact of consumerism

on the planet

3 Speaking
Choose one of the topics and talk about it.

You can give your opinion, present the arguments for or against the issue, point out the positive and

negative aspects, give examples, etc.

The greatest invention of all time

Being healthy
Early birds vs. night owls

TV commercials

Video game addiction


I03 Fluency1

1.1 Describing personalities

a) strong and independent d) kind and generous

b) wild and crazy e) laid-back and reiaxed

c)shy and reserved f) neat and tidy

1. Helping other peopie makes Dylan very happy. He's very

2. Sheila is a woman. She doesn't have problems making her own decisions.
3. Thomas doesn't like rules and is always excited about new experiences. I guess he's a _guy.

4. Josh doesn't enjoy being in a messy and disorganized place. He's a guy

5. Susan doesn't like to talk about how she feeis. She's

6. Kelly never gets stressed out. She's very.

1.3 Phrasal verbs

Rewrite the parts in italics using a verb from the box.

ask out
getback together look up to

put up with drift apart break up

1. Josh invited Karen to go on a date with him.

Josh asked Karen oul.

2. I've always admired my father. He's a brilliant man.

l've aways looked uptomy father Hes abrilliant man.

3. Steve and I used to be good friends when we were kids. As we grew up, we gradually lost track of
each other.

Steveand I used to begood friends whenwe were kids. As we grew up,wegradually drified apart.
4. 1 can't tolerate lies. I get really upset when someone doesn't tell me the truth.

I cant putup withlies. / get reallyupset when someonedoesn'ttell me the truth.

5. After dating for almost 5 years, Jon and Emily decided to end their relationship.

Afier dlating for almast Svears. Jon and Emily decidedtobreak up.
6. Sarah and Jonas have just started dating again.
Sarah and Jonas have just gotten back together

Teacher's Notes
Word booster
1.1 Describing personalities

Play the recording and have group repetition.


Pair students up, ask them to

try to guess the meaning of the words and do the exercise in the book.
Correct orally and make sure they understood the new words.

Ask some extra

Suggested questions:
Who seems to be the strongest the group?
person in
Who is the neatest and tidiest
person you know?
Who is shy and reserved in your
How neat and tidy are you?
Do you enjoy being around wild and crazy people?

Ask students to go back to page 8.

CQUNEW words
disorganized stressed out
gradually tidy 0UyG
New verbs
t o date to tolerate

I04A Fluency1
Teacher's Notes
2.1 Fruits and vegetables
- First, play the recording and have group repetition of the different kinds of fruit.

Ask some extra questions.

Suggested questions:
What's your favorite fruit?
What fruit do you eat most often?
What fruit don'tyou like?

Ask students to go to the next page.

New words

apple melon
avocado papaya
banana passion fruit
berry peach

blackberry pear

blueberry pineapple
cherry strawberry
citrus fruit tangerine
grape tropical fruit
grapefruit watermelon


2.1 Fruits and

kiwi fruit

bananas chermes

grapes melon
peach watermelon


blackberries raspberries blueberries
Citrus Fruits
Citrus Fruits

emon tangerines
Tropical Fruits
ropical Fruits

pineapple papaya
mango passion fruit


green beans


mushrooms eggplant

Zucchini potatoeS
green pepper




lettuce spinach watercress

Teacher's Notes
Play the recording and have group repetition of the different kinds of vegetables
Ask some extra
Suggested questions:
What vegetables do you usually eat?
What vegetables haven't you ever tried?
What vegetables don't you like?

Ask students to go back to page 16.

New words

arugula green pepper

broccoli greens
cabbage lettuce
Carrot peas
cauliflower pumpkin
Corn spinach
eggplant sweet potato
garlic watercress

green beans

1OA luency
Teacher's Notes
3.1 At the airport
Play the recording and have group repetition of the words related to the arrivals concourse.

Then, ask students to go to the next page.

New words

arrivals board information desk

baggage claim luggage cart

2.3 Phrasal verbs
1. bolt down
2) eat all of something
2. eat up
)eat something quickly
3. eat out
5 consume less of something. usually to improve your health
4. pick at
6 ) eat a lot of food
5. cut down on 3eat at a restaurant instead of at home
6. pig out 4 ) eat without appetite

3.1 At the airport

Arivals concoursecg



1. arrivals board 2. baggage claim 3. escalators 4. information desk 5. luggage cart

107 Fluency
DepartUres concourse

6. boarding pass 7 . check-in counter 8. check-in line 9. carry-on lugagge

10. metal detector 11. scale

Boarding area veE

15 1

12. gate 13. airline 14. airplane 15. boarding bridge 16. crew 17. pilot 18. flight attendant

Teacher's Notes
-Play the recording and have group repetition of the words related to the departures concourse and the boarding area.

Wrap this part up by asking some extra questions.

Suggested questions:
What was the longest time you had to waitfor your bags at the baggage claim?
Do you have to pay to use a luggage cart in (Brazil)? How about in The United States?
Have you ever had problems going through the metal detectors?
What do you usually take in your carry-on luggage?
Would you like to be a flight attendant?

Ask students to go back to page 26.

New words
airline Crew
airplane departures
arrivals concourse
boarding area
boarding bridge flight attendant
boarding pass
carry-on luggage metal detector
check-in counter
check-in line

108A Fluency1
Teacher's Notes
4.1 Extreme sports
- First, play the recording for the extreme sports and have group repetition.

Ask some extra questions.

Suggested questions:
Do you enjoy watching motor/car racing competitions on TV?
Would rather go rafting or water skiing?
Where can you go bungeejumping?
Is it safe to go skateboarding on the street?

Ask students to go to the next page.

New words

bungee jumpin9 rock climbing

canoeing scuba diving

car racing skateboarding

hang gliding skiing
motor racing skydiving
rafting snowboarding

3.3 Phrasal verbs
Choose the best altenative.
1. Jake his sister at the bus station last week.
a) came... back (b)picked... up
2. On our way to the beach, we are going to my cousin's house.
a)stop by b)takeoff
3. My plane wasn't supposed to until 5 p.m.
a) stop by (b) take off
4. I need to these documents at the bank.
a)see... off b)drop off
5. They went to the airport to because they were going
their children.
on an excursion to Disney World.
a))see.. off b)come... back
6. Dr. James from Australia last Saturday.
a))came back b) took off

4.1 Extreme sports and sports equipment

Extreme sports
1. hang gliding 3. motorcycling 5. car racing 7. scuba diving 9. skydiving 11. skateboarding
2. canoeing 4. bungee jumping 6. rafting 8. rock climbing 10. skiing 12. snowboarding

I09 Fluency
Sports equipmentVER
13. kayak 15. raft 17. mask and snorkel 19. gloves 21. knee pad
14. paddles 16. fins 18. skis and poles 20. goggles 22. elbow pad




4.3 Phrasal verbs


1. work off 2. try out for 3. give up 4. kicks off 5. knocked out 6. cool down

(3) Sheila had to the race after she had a back injury.

6) Ifyou don't after working out hard, you can injure yourself.

( 4 )The baseball match . at 4 o'clock.

5 ) Jack threw a single punch and his opponent.

(2) My brother is very excited because he's going to the city's basketball team.

(1) The girl is taking a cycling class because she wants

to the cheesecake she ate last night.
Teacher's Notes

Play the recording for the sports equipment and have group repetition.

Ask some extra questions.

Suggested questions
For what extreme sports do you need goggles?
Do you ever wear elbow and knee pads when you ride a bike?
Ask students to go back to page

New words
cheesecake mask

elbow pad paddle

equipment pole
fin punch
goggles raft
kayak ski
knee pad snorkel

Teacher's Notes
5.1 Describing clothes and fashion
First, play the recording for the describing clothes exercise and have group repetition.
-Ask some extra questions.

Suggested questions:
What pattern would you never wear? Why?
Would you rather wear tight orloose jeans? What about T-shirts?
Are full-length dresses elegant in your opinion?
Do you ever wear long-sleeve shirts?

Ask students to go to the next page.

New words

checkered print
cotton ripped
flowery short-sleeved
full-length silk
fur sleeveless
long-sleeved spotty
loose striped
plain Wool

5.1 Describing clothes and fashion
Describing clothesa
1. plain 2. checkered 3. flowery 4. spotty/ spotted 5. striped 6. print


(2 Cove i
7. baggy / loose 8. tight

9. cotton 10. fur 11. leather 12. silk 13. wool


14. full-length 15. sleeveless 16. long-sleeved 17. short-sleeved 18. rippedd


Describing fashion
chiC old-fashioned trendy
fashionable quirky sloppy stylish flashy scruffy

Looking awful
Looking good

chic. fashionable, stylish, trendy quirky. sloppy. flashy: old-fashioned, scruff

5.2 Phrasal verbs

1. dress up (5 get rid of something by putting it in the trash can, for example
2. smarten up 3 ) put something on to see if itfits you
3. try on 4) donate something
4. give away 2 ) make something or somebody neat and attractive
5. throw away (6) become noticeable
6. stand out (7) put on special clothes

6.1 Talking about technology

Study these combinations.
1. click/ tap a button, an icon

2. copy and paste a file, a link, a photo, a text

3. empty the recycle bin ciLtd o

4. open / close a file, an app, a (new) window

5. enter an address, your username, your password

6. lock/ unlock a cell phone

Now study these examples. YBER

1. When you see the slider, awipe it from left to right with your finger.
2. Zoom in so you can see his tattoo more clearly.
3. Type your name and phone number.

4. Press and hold the side button.

5. Browse or search for the app you want to download.

Teacher's Notes
Play the recording for the describing fashion exercise and have group
Pair students up and ask them to use their smartphones to help them classiy the adjectives into looking good or o0n

awtul. They are supposed to use an

English-English dictionary app / website to help them. In case they can't use E
phones, provide them with some dictionaries.

Correct orally and make sure

they understood the new words.

Ask some extra

Suggested questions:
Are there situations that it's ok to be
scruffy? Mention a person you know that always looks stylish.
How chic do you dress to go to a
wedding? What do you think of flashy colors?

Extra pages - Lesson 5-Vocabulary A


Pair students up and ask them to

go to page 128.

Explain that they are supposed to choose three people to describe what
they are wearing.
comments on their style, e.g. X looks very sloppy to me. I would never wear that shirt. They should also make

Allow them some time to talk.


When they finish, ask them to go back to page 44.

6.1 Talking about technology

-First, play the recording for the word combinations and have group repetition.

Make sure students understand them and if necessary, translate.

Ask some extra questions.

Suggested questions:
Do you usually remember to empty the recycle bin on your
Is it easier for an old person to tap or click on a button?
How do you unlock your phone?

Now play the recording for the examples in the book and have group repetition.

Make sure students understand them and if necessary, translate.


Ask some extra questions:

Suggested questions:
How simple is it to use the mouse to zoom in a map on your computer?
How fast can you type a text?
Do you press and hold the side button
of your phone to turn it off?

When they finish, ask them to go back to page 56.

New words New verbs

baggy icon password
sloppy to browse tosteal
button .IT (information technology) quirky text
chic link
to copy to swipe
recycle bin trash can to empty to tap
clearly memory card scruffy trendy to hold to type
finger newsletter side button username to paste to unlock
flashy old-fashioned slider
to presSs t o zoom in

112A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
7.1 Parts of the body
First, play the recording for the words related to the face and have group repetition.
Make sure students understand them and if necessary, translate.
Ask some extra questions.

Suggested questions:
Would you like to have a nose job?
What hair color would you like to have?
Can you name a celebrity who hasa broad forehead?

Ask students to go to the next page.

New words

cheek forehead
chin nose

eyebrow tongue

6.3 Phrasal verbs
1. There is something wrong with my smartphone. It is taking a long time to .

a)) start up b) hack into

2. Somebody my bank account and stole all my money.

a) signed up (b)) hacked into
3. My cell phone's memory card has space again. I guess I need to buy a
bigger one.
a) started up (b)) run out of

4. The IT guy had a hard time recovering Jack's hard drive after he accidentally
a) shut down (b) wiped out

5. Don't forget to save your files before your computer.

a))shuttingdown b) running out of

6. I never for newsletters. They're so annoying.

a)) sign up b) wipe out

7.1 Parts of the body


- hair


ear cheek

chin mouth
tooth (teeth)
pnakimala www.folosearch com.br
Aleuss4 www.lctesArch.com.D

I13 Fluency1
Trunk and limbs

wrist head.





w leg


foot (feet)

7.3 Phrasal verbs

Match and complete.
1. Iget a fu shot every year. Thae's why I hardly ever comedown with the flu. throwing up
2. I can't put up with fish. When I smell them, I feel like throwing up fight off

3. Two players passed oul during the game because of the hot weather.
passed away

4. Drinking lot of orange juice helps you

a _

Light off the flu. come to

5. Sadly, John's aunt puSSed awayin a car accident. come down with

6. You will gel oveCr this sore throat if you drink lots of water.
passed out

7. Ittook Chad almost 15 minutes to COme t0 after he passed out. get over
Teacher's Notes
Play the recording for the parts of the body and
have group repetition.
Make sure students understand them and if necessary, translate.
Ask some extra questions.
Suggested questions:
What sports can you play to exercise your legs? How about your arms?
What parts of the body can you exercise if you lift weights?
How many feet can you see in this room?
When they finish, ask them to go back to page 66.

New words

elbow limbs
flu shot shoulder
hand trunk
knee wrist

14A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
8.1 Early birds vs. night owls

Play the recording students read.

Have each student in class read a sentence from the text until you have it all read.

Make sure students understand the words and if necessary, help them.

Ask some extra questions.

Suggested questions:
Are you a morning person or a night person?
How smart/creative / fun (..) are you?
How early / late do you go to bed?
What are you like when you wake up, happy and full of energy or tired and grog9y?
Are you more productive in the morning or after lunch?

Extra pages - Lesson 8-Vocabulary A

- Ask them to go to page 130.

Have students answer the quiz individually.

- When they finish, ask them to count how many "As" and "Bs" they marked. Say that if most of their answers are "A',
they're probably an early bird and if most of their answers are "B", they're probably a night ovw.
- Ask students to go back to page 74 and have them share their results. As they do so, complete the information in the
book with the number of early birds and night owls in the group.

New words

energetic optimistic
goal-oriented perfectionist
groggy planner
indulgent productive

8.1 Early birds vs. night owls

Early Birds VS. Night Owls
If you are a morning person, Now, if you are more of a night person
you are an early bird. you are a night ow.

Early Birds Night Owls
wake up early and have productive mornings. go to bed late and would rather wake up
late the next day.

have a better sleep schedule and go to bed early. are more energetic and productive at night.

wake up happy and full of energy. wake up tired and feeling groggy.
prefer mornings to any other time of the day. prefer night time to any other time of the day.

Words to
describe them
indulgent planner
optimistic excited creative

15 Fluency
8.3 Phrasal verbs
1. Jack might lose his home after falling behind / rushing off with the payments.
2. My mom
always hurries / fits me up / into in the morning.
3. Unfortunately I wasn't able to fit / set Dennis into/ up Mr. Mills' schedule.

4. Jack got stressed out because Mrs. Hill asked him to do/ rush all the reports Over off.

5. Lisa and Jared had to (put off / fall behind the wedding because Lisa's mom got very sick.

6. As soon as I get up in the

morning I set up rush off to the gym.

9.1 Advertising EYBER5


magazine ad TV commercial

Buy one.
Get one free.

radio spot FISKsponsorship

digital influencer merchandising

online ad
celebrity endorsement
Teacher's Notes
9.1 Advertising
Play the recording and have group repetition.
Make sure students understand the words and if
necessary, help them.
Ask some extra questions.
Suggested questions:
Which is moreefficient nowadays, a celebrity or a
digital influencer?
Should billboards be prohibited to avoid visual
pollution in big cities?
Can you think of any good radio
spots? Why are they good? What products do they advertise?
Are online ads more efficient than
magazine ads? Why?

Ask students to go back to

page 84.

New words
ad sponsorship
billboard street vendor
celebrity endorsement TVcommercial
digital influencer
radio spot

ll6A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
10.1 Games and related words

Play the recording and have group repetition.

- Make sure students understand the words and if necessary, help them.

Ask some extra questions.

Suggested questions:
Are you into board games? Ifyes, what's your favorite?
Which do you like better, a portable video game or a video game console?
Are you able to play dominoes?
How long would it take you to solve a
500-piece jigsaw puzzle?
What's the best video game console in your opinion?
Ask students to go to the next page.

New words

board game dice

checkers die
chess domino
console jigsaw puzzle
controller portable video game
COunter tic-tac-toe
deck of cards tile

9.3 Phrasal verbs
1. The Smiths a small income every month.
a) save up
b) get by on
2. I'm right now because l want to spend some time abroad.
a) saving up b) selling out
3.I couldn't buy the new iPhone because it in 10 minutes.
a ) sold out b) cut back on
4. Mary never her parents when she borrows money. She's such an irresponsible girl.
a) rips off (b))pays back
5. The government is planning to investments in education.
(a) cut back b)get by
6. Tourists are usually afraid of getting by street vendors.
a) cut back b)ripped off

10.1 Games and related wordsa

JJ ww.fotosearch.com.o

chess S dominoes
board games COA

w w.fot search.com.br
Tatik2 www.folostarch.com.br
checkers portable
jigsaw puzzle
E . video game
video game

Sannie32 www.lotocorch.comn.br GE N TLIE NE SS

deck of cards
KIN DINIESS controller
L www.lotosa tch.com.o
w.fotes urch.com.or BATE, IN CJE
one die (two dice)
tiles console
Plaving a game CYBER

Whose turn is i#? Come on!

Hurry upl
We're tied.
Yes, I wonl
That's not possible.
Sorry you lost!

10.3 Phrasal verbs

Complete the sentences to solve the crossword puzzle.
1. It won't be easy but we'll . win out in the end.
2. The New York Nicks are going to plaragainstthe Brooklyn Nets this weekend.
3. I hope things play out the way we planned.
4. Jessica decided to play along with her boyfriend's idea because she didn't want to upset him.
5. It's impossible to win Jake over He's such a stubborn guy.

6. This is the only way to Win back their trust.

NoE& A

4Ao G

Teacher's Notes

Say they are going to learn expressions to when

they're playing a game.

Play the recording

students repeat.

Make sure students understand the

expressions and if necessary, help them.
Ask students to go
back to page 92.

New verb
to upset

Teacher's Notes
Language booster
1.2 Present perfect vs. present perfect continuous
Say that they are going to compare the present perfect simple to the present perfect continuous.
Read the first topic and write the examples on the board, pointing out the different verb

Say that in both cases the meaning is very close and they can use both tenses interchangeably. The present perfect
continuous emphasizes the duration of the activity.
Say that now you are going to show some specific cases of each verb tense.
Go over each topic, reading the explanation and asking different students to read the examples.
When you finish, ask some extra questions.
Suggested questions:
How long have you been studying English at Fisk?
How many books have you studied so far?
What do you think (your mom) has been doing all (morning)?
Ask students to go back to page 10.

2.2 How long + it take + to...?

Say that we use the expression how long + it take + to when we want to talk about the time necessary to do
Write both examples on the board, explaining them.
Say that this structure can be used with other verb tenses and ask different students to read the examples in the book.
-When you finish, ask some extra questions.

Suggested questions:
How long does it take you to come to Fisk?
How long did it take me to learn English? What do you think?
How long would it take you to learn how to make (an Ikebana)?
How long will it take your father to get home tonight?
Ask students to go back to page 18.

3.2 Past perfect


Read the introduction of the past perfect and write its form on the board: had + past participle.
- Explain the new structure by writing an example on the board:
When Megan woke up, Dustin had already fixed breakfast.
Ask different students to read the examples in the book.
When you finish, ask some extra questions.
Suggested questions:
Had you already taken a shower when you had breakfast this morning?
What had (your mom) done by the time you got home yesterday?
Had you learned how to read and write before you were 6?
- Ask students to go back to page 28.

New words
completion interchangeably
New verb
t o publish


1.2 Present perfect vs. present perfect continuous

In general, you can use Present perfect (have/has past participle) and Present perfect
Continuous (have/has been + V-ing) interchangeably when you talk about length of time.
We've had beautiful days lately.
We've been having beautiful days lately.
The Present perfect emphasizes completion. em ue
Ive written three articles about relationship and they will be published soon.

The Present perfect continuous describes an activity which is still in progress.

ve been writing an article about friendship all day, but I still don't know how to finish it.

These verbs are not used in continuous tenses:

be, like, know, understand, want, hear

2.2 How long + it take + to ... ?

We use this structure to ask or talk about the time necessary to do something.
How long does it take your mom to cook dinner?
Ittake her about an hou to cook dinner.
How long does it take to fly from São Paulo to Miami?

It usually takes 8 hours to get there.

Other examples:
How long dig it take you to finish that report? It took me 2 weeks to finish.
How long will it take the chefs to finish this dish? It will take them half an hour.
How long would it take Dustin to learn German? It'd take him around 3 years to do that.

3.2 Past perfect

We use the structure had
in the past.
past participle to explain that an event
happened before another one

When I got to the restaurant, they had already ordered their food.
l'd learned French when I went to Paris.
Before I visited my cousin in Australia, I hadn't seen
Had Paul been to Hong Kong before (he learned to
speak Chinese)?
Common expressions with the past perfect are: already, before, never, until recently
Fluency 1
4.2 Third conditional
We use the structure if (past perfect) + would have + past participle to talk about unrea
situations in the past (possible events that didn't happen).

If you had invited me, I would have gone bungee jumping with you.
(1 didn't go bungee jumping with you because you didn't invite me.)

If they had stayed a little longer, they might have taken a selfie with the team.
(They didn't take a selfie with the team because they didn't stay longer.)

They could have gone to the game if Mary hadn't forgotten to invite them.
(Mary forgot to invite them. So, they idn't go to the game.)

5.2 Adjectives
Adjectives can be classified into opinion and fact. Here are some examples:
Opinion: beautiful, boring, cool, nice, ugly, comfortable, stylish, sloppy
Fact: big, blue, American, spotty, tight, ripped, rich

Opinion adjectives usually come before fact adjectives:

a stylish blue dress / a boring American movie cool tight jeans
When there is more than one fact adjective, the more general comes before the more specific:

YBERE Measurement Shape Age Color Patten Origin Material

big small square young red plain American cotton
huge tiny round new dark spotty Brazilian glass
short tall rectangular old greenish flowery northern wooden
heavy light oval ancient golden checkered southern plastic
silver print eastern metal
striped westernh rubber

a tiny round black button / a heavy old wooden table / happy young southern boy

Note: We usually avoid using more than three adjectives together.

6.2 Modals in the past

We use should have (should've) + past participle when we criticize past actions.
Michael should could have texted hiS mother. She freaked out when she realized it was late
and he hadn't gotten home.
Dave shouldn't have eaten all the cake. His sister hadn't eaten any yet.

Teacher's Notes
4.2 Third conditional

Read the introduction of the third conditional and

write its form on the board:
if (past perfect) +
would/could/might have + past participle.
Explain the new structure by writing an example on the board:
If the Liverpool hadn't missed the
penalties, they might have won the match.
When you finish, ask some extra
Suggested questions:
What would you have done
if you hadn't started your English course?
If had been born a (boy/girl), what would you mom have named you?
Where would you have gone last weekend

Ask students to go back to

if you had had more money?
page 36.

5.2 Adjectives
Say that adjectives can be classified into opinion and fact. Mention that
because it can vary from person to person. What is good for me can be good example is
opinion adjective
an of an

fact adjectives will never bad for another person. On the other hand,

Read the examples in the book.


Say that opinion adjectives usually come before fact

a cool blue T-shirt adjectives and write some examples on the board:
a delicious cheese pizza

Read the examples in the book.


Finally, say that when there is more than one fact adjective, they should follow the order in the box.

Go over the box and write some examples on the board:

a big round wooden table
a red checked shirt
Read the examples in the book and say that they should avoid using more than three adjectives together.
Ask students to go back to
page 46.
Background note:
We usually
have a specific order of adjectives in English.
reason, we
Without this order, the sentence sounds unnatural. For this
group adjectives by type and try to use them in the order
presented in the book. However, like most grammar
rules, the order of adjectives is not fixed and you may find slight variations from grammar book to
grammar book.
6.2 Modals in the past
-Write the new structure on the board and say
mention that should have in spoken English that we
use this
combination when we criticize past actions. Also,
usually becomes should've.
Ask different students to read the examples in the book.

When you finish, ask some extra


Suggested questions:
(Lisa) forgot to hand in her compositions. So, she got a bad mark, What should she have done to
I need to get a better mark?
buy a sandwich,
but I don't know where I left my wallet. I can't find it.
Where might I have left it?
(Damon) didn't answer his girlfriend's call. She
another girl. What could he have done to avoidfreaked
out and broke up with him because she
this mess? thought he was with
Ask students to go back to page 58.

New wa
New verb
easterm huge rectangular Southern wooden
glass metal round square t o freak out
golden northern rubber tiny
greenish Oval silver western

120A Fluency1L
Teacher's Notes
7.2 Wish + simple past
Say that we use wish + simple past to say that we would like a present situation to be different.
Ask different students to read the examples in the book and explain them.
Say that it is possible to use were with Ihe/she/it in this structure.
Ask a student to read the example in the book.
When you finish, ask some extra questions.
Suggested questions:
You don't have money to go to a new dance club, but you really want to go. What do you wish for?
Who is your best friend? He/she thinks he/she is a little overweight right now and he/she would like this situation to
be different. What does he/she wish for?
John and Mary) need to work tomorrow morning, but they want to go out tonight. What do they wish for?
Note: Guide your students to answer the
questions using wish +
simple past.
Ask students to go back to page 68.

8.2 Verb + object + infinitive

Start by comparing both sentences with the verb need in the book. Read the first one out loud and ask your students
who needs to understand the risks of texting and driving. Then read the other sentence and ask the same question
so they can realize the difference.
Say that when we need somebody to do something, we use the structure verb + object + infinitive
Ask different students to read the examples in the book and make sure students understand them.

Wrap it up by mentioning the common verbs that follow this structure.


When you finish, ask some extra questions.

Suggested questions:
What time do your parents usually expect you to get home on weekends?
What language will I allow you to speak in class next semester?
What do you want your best friend to give you for your birthday?
Ask students to go back to page 76.

9.2 Double comparatives

Say that we use comparatives + the when we want to show cause and effect.
Ask different students to read the examples in the book and explain them.
-Write these beginnings on the board and have students complete them out loud.
The hottera day is, the..
The more you study for a test, the..
The less time you have, the...

Say that we can also use comparatives + and when we want to show the idea of increase or decrease.
-Ask different students to read the examples in the book and
explain them.
Say these sentences out loud and write an adjective on the board. Then guide students to
new structure. say a sentence using the
Suggested sentences:
My best friend is working out a lot. (thin) He/she is getting thinner and thinner.
Jack hasn't gotten his hair cut since January. (long) His hair is getting
longer and longer.
These collectible items a very rare nowadays. (expensive) Theyre becoming more and
Ask students to go back to page 86.
more expensive.

New words New verbs

cause lab
to drease
constantly participant to wish
effect tolerant

7.2 Wish +
simple past
We use wish + Simple past to say that we want something to be different from how it is now.
I wish I had more time to work out more often.
( can't work out regularly because I don't have much time.)

My mom wishes she didn't have to cook dinner every day.

(My mom cooks dinner every day and she doesn't like it.)

They wish they could travel every year.

(They don't travel every year, but they would like to.)

We generaly use wish + with , he,

she or it.
I wish were more tolerant sometimes.

8.2 Verb +object + infinitive

need tounderstand the risks of texting and driving.
need my son to understand the risks of texting and driving.
When we need somebody to do something, we use the structure verb + object + infinitive.
The teacher wanted the students to answer the survey.
Ryan expects the participants to get to the lab at 2 p.m.
The results will allow us to understand the downside of multitasking.

Common verbs that can be used in this structure are: want, allow, expect, ask, need, advise, tell

9.2 Double comparatives

We often use comparatives with THE to show cause and effect. When one change happens,
another follows.
The richer a person is, the more expensive their taste is.
The more money you save now, the more money you will have to spend on your trip.
The less you have, the more you value it.

We often use comparalives with AND to show the idea of increase or decrease. It can also show
something that changes constantly.
Susan loves shopping. She's becoming more and more consumerist.
Jack is growing so fast. He is taller and taller every day.
Having a new credit card approved is less and less difficult nowadays.

121 Fluency 1
10.2 Direct and indirect speech
When we change from direct speech (the exact words someone said) to indirect speech (the
words someone uses to report what another person said) we have to change the verbs and the
pronouns in the sentence.
Direct speech: John said, "My new game is quite good."
Indirect speech: John told me his new game was quite good.
Study this table.a

Direct speech Indirect speech

He said, "I work part-time." He told me he worked part-time.

He said, "My dad is working hard." He told me his dad was working hard.

He said, "Our sister has worked a lot." He told me their sister had worked a lot.

He said, "We worked together." He told me they had worked together.

He said, "Jonathan was working late." He told me Jonathan had been working late.

He said, "My sister and I are going to work

hard."| He told me he and his sister were going to work hard.
He said, "They will work around the clock." He told me they would work around the clock.

He said, "The boys can work full time." He told me the boys could work full time.

He said, "The girls may work overtime. He told me the girls might work overtimne.

He said, ' Jake must work alone in the project." He told me Jake had to work alone in the
He said, "Work hard" He told me to work hard.

He said, "Don't work too much." He told me not to work too much.

Sentences with would, could, should and past perfect do not change in the indirect speech.
Some common reporting verbs are:
admit confirm report
announce explain reveal d nda
answer mention suggest
comment remember warn t

Teacher's Notes
10.2 Direct and indirect speech
Say that the first sentence on the board uses the exact words lan said and this is called direct speech. Now refer to
the second sentence and say that these are the words used by someone to report what lan said and this is called
indirect speech.
Ask two different students to read the two examples in the book.
Say that they are going to see more examples in the chart.
Play the recording -students listen and read. Make sure they understood the examples.
Say that sentences with would, could, should and pastperfect do not change in the indirect speech.
- Then go over the list of reporting verbs in the book. If necessary, help students with meanings.

- Practice the new structure by putting some sentences in the direct speech in a bag. Have different students draw a

sentence and report it to the whole group.

Suggested sentences:

(Jake) said, "T want to buy a new game." (comment)

(My brother) said to the whole family, Tm going to live abroad."(announce)
(My cousin) said, Tcant lendyou my portable video game because it broke down." (explain)
The teacher said "You should read chapters 2 and 3 for the test "


Ask students to go back to page 94.

New verbs
t o announce
t o warn

122A Fluencyl
Teacher's Notes
Writing bank
1 Mastering connectors I
skills by dealing with aspects related to
students that in the Writing bankthey are going to master their writing
text coherence.
Mention that in this first exercise, they will learn some connectors.
- Say that connectors are used to link ideas and add sophistication to their writing style.
Remind them that in Essentials 2 they briefly studied and, but and so.
Now say they are going to learn more sophisticated connectors.
Go Over the examples in the book by writing each connector on the board and askinga different student to read the
corresponding example. If necessary, translate the connector.

A. Explain the exercise and pairstudents up.


Allow them some time to rewrite the sentences.

- Correct orally.

B. Assign this exercise as homework.

- Ask students to choose a topic and write a short text about it using at least four connectors.

Ask them to write it on a separate sheet of paper and hand it in in the following class for correction.

New words
besides fluently
even sO in addition

Wriing bank

1 Mastering connectors
Connectors are used to link phrases and sentences. It is one of the best ways to add sophistication to
your writing style. However, using them incorrectly results in incoherent writing.
Study these connectors:

Jake got his phone and texted his girlfriend.

That restaurant is cheap. In addition, it offers quality food.
Addition Sheila is a strong She is also very independent.

love grapes and berries. Besides, they are really good for health.

don't like broccoli, but I eat it once in a while.

Contrast Although it's sunny outsid, take an umbrella with you.

I liked that movie. Hoiwever, I wouldn't watch it again. It's too long.
It rained all weekend. Even so, we went to the beach.

A. Rewrite the sentences using the connectors given. Make the appropriate changes.
1. Living abroad is a great life experience and you can learn a new culture. (in addition)

Living abroad is a greatlife experience. In addition, you canlearn a newculture

2. I don't speak English fluently, but I want to study in the United States. (although)
Although I don I speak English fhuently, I want to study in the United States.

3. Thomas is a great singer and he can dance. (also)

Thomas is a great singer: He can alsodance.

4. I'm not good at sports, but I played basketball in college. (even so)
mnot gooda sports.Even so. Iplayed basketball in college.
5. Working out is good for your health and it helps you sleep better. (besides)

Working out is goodfur your health. Besides, it helps yvou sleep better
6. T'd like to visit New York soon, but I don't have enough money to travel. (however)
' dliketo visit New lork suun. However,Idon t have emough money to Iravel

B. Choose one of the topics below and wride a short text using at least four connectors.

onk food is Make new friends,

ybad thing but keep the old ones.

23 Fluency
2 Mastering connectors I
either... or are used to introduce
n e connectors both... and, not only... but also, neither... nor and
two topics.

Study these examples:

Both... and
Both Brazil and Argentina are in South America
Soccer is a sport both for men and women.

Not only Martha but also Jessica is moving to Canada next year.
Not only... but also
You can get to the beach not only by car, but also by bus.

Neither Cory nor Brian speaks French.

Neither.. nor
Neither my cousin nor my friends want to go bungee jumping9
Either Jake or Brandon is going to help me with the decorations.
Either... or
We can either drive to the station or get a taxi.

The verb takes the plural form with both... and.
2With not only... but also, neither... nor and either... or, the verb takes the singular or plural form
depending on the subject that is closer.

A. Rewrite the sentences using the connectors given. Make the appropriaBe changes.
1. Tony Stark is rich. And he is famous too. (not only... but also)
Tony Stark is not only rich but alsofamous.

2. If my mom doesn't take me to the party, my brother wil. One of them will take me. (either... or)
Either my mom or ny brother will take ne to the party.

3. Doug isn't going sky diving or bungee jumping. He's afraid of extreme sports. (neither... nor)
Doug isgoingneithersky diving,nor bungee junmping,Hes afraid of exreme sports.
4. My best friend is thinking of going rock climbing next holiday and I'm thinking of doing that too.
(both.. and)
Both my hest friend and I are hinking of going rock climbing next holiday

B. Choose two places or two famous people and write a short text comparing them. Useat
least three connectors.

New York and San Francisco Both New York and San Francisco
are wo places I want to visit one day. are in The United States..

Teacher's Notes
2 Mastering connectors II

Say that in this exercise they will learn connectors to introduce two topics.
Go over the examples in the book by writing each connector on the board and asking a different student to read the
corresponding example. If necessary, translate the connector.

Wrap it up by reading the note about verb agreement.

A. Explain the exercise and pair students up.


Allow them some time to rewrite the sentences.

B. Assign this exercise as homework.

Ask students to choose two places or two famous people. They are supposed to write a short text comparing them
and they have to use at least three connectors.
Ask them to write it ona separate sheet of paper and hand it in in the following class for correction.

New words

both... and neither... nor

either. or not only.. but also

124A Fluency1
Teacher's Notes
3 The passive
Read the use of the passive out loud.
Then, write the example on the board, explaining how to form the passive. As you write it on the board, students
complete the exercise in the book.

Apple designed the iPhone in 2007

(doer of the action) (the action) (receiver of the action)

The iPhone was designed (by Apple) in 2007.

(be + past participle)

- Reinforce t h a t in t h e passive t h e d o e r changes place with the receiver and the action follows t h e structure b e + f

participle Point out that in the passive, the verb to be follows the same verb tense of the main verb in the active voice.
You should also say that the doer can be omitted in the passive when it's unknown or not important.
Say that they are going to see other examples in the chart.
Play the recording - students read.

-When the recording is over, make sure they understood all the examples. If necessary, help them.
- Check their comprehernsion by writing two more examples on the board and asking for your students' help to form

the passive.

Suggested examples:
JK.Rowling wrote "Harry Potter" in a café.
The company will hire 100 new interns.

A. - Explain the exercise and pair students up.

- Allow them some time to rewrite the sentences.

B. Assign this exercise as homework.

Ask students to choose two inventions which they consider important. They are supposed to write a short text
about them and use at least three sentences in the passive.
- Ask them to write it on a separate sheet of paper and hand it in in the following class for correction.

New word New verb

spam t o photoshop

3 The passive
We use the passive when we want to focus on who receives the action. Generally because who does
the action is unknown or not important.
Active voice: Apple designed the iPhone in 2007.
Passive voice: The iPhone was designed in 2007
The iPhone was designed by Apple in 2007.
(be + past participle)

Study these examples:E

Active voice Passive voice

Mike answers the emails. The emails are answered by Mike.

Mike is answering the emails. The emails are being answered by Mike.

Mike answered the emails. The emails were answered by Mike.

Mike was answering the emails. The emails were being answered by Mike.
Mike has answered the emails. The emails have been answered by Mike.

Mike had answered the emails. The emails had been answered by Mike.

Mike will answer the emails. The emails will be answered by Mike.
Mike is going to answer the emails. The emails are going to be answered by Mike.

Mike should answer the emails. The emails should be answered by Mike

A. Rewrite the sentences using the passive.

1. Companies send thousands of spams every day.
Thousands of spams are sent every day.

2. Somebody has hacked into my bank account recently.

Mybank account has been hacked into recently.

3. Somebody will photoshop that ugly photo.
That ugly photo will be photoshoped.

4. People have used FaceTime for a while now.

FaceTime has beenused for a whilenow.

funny video with cats online.
5. The girl posted a

Afunny video with cals was posted onlineby thegirl.

easily wipe out a hard drive.
6. A computer virus can

A hard drive can he easily wiped out by a compuler virus.

B. Write about two very useful for you. Mention their origin and why
inventions which are
Use at least three sentences in the passive/
you consider them important.
4 Parallel structure
When there is a list of items or actions in a sentence, we must use a parallel structure to avoid
confusion on the part of your readers. For example, if the first item is a verb, then the other items
must also be verbs.

Study these sentences:

Ted likes to get up early, a nice breakfast and to go to the gym. X confusing
Ted likes to get up early, have breakfast and go to the gym. OK

More examples:BERS
She likes to talk, but not to listen.
There is a pillow on my bed or in the closet.
Call me as soon as you leave the bank or when you get home.
All Mike wants is money, power and fame.
Lucy seems to be worried, distracted and tired.
Using the subway in New York can be faster than driving there.
Being his friend means being constantly happy.
l'd like both to travel abroad and to buy a new car.
Alex was told not only what to wear but also what to say.

A. Rewrite the sentences using parallel structure. aE

1. Joshlikes to hang out with his friends and staying with his family.
Josh likes to hang out with his friends and to stay with his family. /
Josh tikes hangmg out with is jriends andstaying with his family
2. You are either for us or you are against us.
You are either for us or against us.

3. People like to judge others by their words and what they do.
People like to judge others by their words and their actions. /
People Tike to judge others by what they say and what they do.
4. There are papers to review, reports to file and those emails should be answered.
There are papers to review, reports to file and emails to answer:

5. I like cooking better than to do the dishes.

I like cooking better than doing the dishes.
6. The test was short, but it was difficult.
The test was short, but difficul.

B. Choose a topic and rewrite it using parallel structure. Then, write a text about it.

What you are doing at work is Just as Working out regularly and to eat healthy
mpotant as how much money you make. food help us live long and better.

Teacher's Notes
4 Parallel structure
Read the definition of parallel structure out loud.
Ask different students to read the examples in the book
Explain that the first sentence doesn't read well and is quite confusing when listing the things Ted likes to do, while
the second sentence is clear to the readers. Wrap it up by saying that the sentence elements that are similar in
function should also be similar in construction.
Say that they are going to see more examples.
Play the recording students read.
-When the recording is over, make sure they understood all the examples. If necessary, help them.

Background information:
She likes to talk, but not to listen. (infinitives)
There is a pillow on my bed or in the closet. (prepositional phrases)
Call me as soon as you leave the bank or when you get home. (time expressions5)
All Mike wants is money, power and fame. (nouns)
Lucy seems to be worried, distracted and tired. (adjectives ending in -ed)
Using the subway in New York can be faster than driving. (verbs -ing)
Being his friend means being constantly happy. (verbs -ing)
T'd like both to travel abroad and to buy a new car. (infinitives)
Alex was told not only what to wear but also what to say. (clauses)

A. Explain the exercise and pairstudents up.

- Allow them some time to rewrite the sentences.
- Correct orally.

B. Pair students up and ask them to rewrite the sentences using parallel structure.
- Allow them some time to do it.
- Correct orally.

Suggested answers:
What you do at work is just as important as how much money you make. /What you are doing at workis just as
mportant as how much money you are making.

Working out regularly and eating healthy food help us live longer and better.
- Assign the writing task as homework. Explain that they are supposed to choose one of the topics and write their
opinion about it.
Ask them to write it on a separate sheet of paper and hand it in in the following class for correction.

126A Fluency
Teacher's Notes
5 Uses of THE
Start this exercise by reminding students that THE is not used before names of people, cities, states or countries.
-Then, go over the uses of THE in the book, reading them out loud and asking different students to read the examples
in the book.

Make sure they understand each case and if necessary, help them with extra examples
A. Explain the exercise and
pair students up.
Allow them some time to read the text and fill in the gaps with THE where necessary.

Background note:
An Oscar is used when you refer to the statuette itself because it's one of many. When you refer to the ceremony, the
correct form is "The Oscars"

B. Assign this exercise as homework.

Explain that they are supposed to choose one of the topics and write their opinion about it. When they finish
writing it, they should review their writing, focusing especially on the uses of THE.

Ask them to write it on a

separate sheet of paper and hand it in in the class for correction.

New words
archipelago foundation
awards ceremony mock
mountain range
flop publicist

5 Uses of THE
We use THE..

when we know the thing /

person we are talking about.
The rocking chair is in the basement. / Did
you talk to the mechanic yesterday?
when we talk about something that has
already been mentioned.
Once upon a time, there was a girl. The
girl lived with her grandma.
before names of musical instruments.
Jack plays the guitar and the piano very well.
with superlatives.
Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
with family ames to refer to the whole
invited the Smiths to travel with us.
before adjectives understood group of
as a
The rich should pay more taxes.
before names of rivers, oceans, seas, mountain
ranges, archipelagos, deserts and canals.
The Atlantic covers
approximately 20% of the Earth's surface.
when there is only of something.
The Earth is the third planet from the sun. The president
House. The Pope is coming to Brazil next month.
of the United States lives in the White

before names of buildings, bridges, theaters, awards

ceremony and newspapers.
The New York Times is popular worldwide. / The Golden
Gate bridge is located in San Francisco.

A. Complete with THE where necessary.

RMomo 0nulode
The Razzies is a mock award given to the worst actors and films of
the_ year. While every
actor in Hollywood looks forward to
grabbing Oscar, nobody wants a Razzie. Every
the ceremony takes place night before the Oscars in
Los Angeles,_ California.
In 1981, John Wilson, a famous publicist, was
having a party at his place and started
talking about the films he liked the least that year. He enjoyed
the idea so much that later
he decided to have his own awards
ceremony. Nowadays, around 650 journalists and film fans
members the
of Golden Raspberry Award Foundation and they vote for the_ biggest tcco.sso)
and failures of the_ movie industry. flops
Popular winners include Sandra Bullock,
John Travolta, Will Smith, Ben Affleck, among others.

. Choose a topic and write a short text about it. Make sure you use THE correctly.
The more you eam, the
1Ore you 3pend The rich should pay more taxes.

127 Fluency 1

Lesson 5 Vocabulary A

Lesson 5 Vocabulary D

Lesson 10 Learning E - Student A

Tell Student B these things: Now, contradict Student B based on what he/she
told you before:
CUn tos
1.I cant speak Italian. 1. He/she didn't spend a dime on games.

2. I'm 35 years old. 2. There's a lot of food left at his/her house.

3. My dad gave me a new Playstation. 3. His/her parents are in the USA.

4. Ive decided to travel to Bangkok. 4. He/she will attend Sally's wedding.

5. The meeting will be over at around 5 p.m. 5. He/she got a promotion.

You hear:Ihave two kids.

You read: He/she doesnt have any kids.
You say: But youtold me you had two kids.

129 FluencyI
Lesson 8 Vocabulary A

On a Saturday night a) hang out at your place with your buddies

you'd rather. b) go to a dance club and party all night long

When you get up early on a Sunday a) full of energy

morning, you feel... b) sleepy and tired

a) early in the morning

You'd rather study for a test..
b) when everybody in your house goes to bed

Which sentence best describes a) Planning my future motivates me.

yourself? b) Having good ideas makes me excited.

a) a good night's sleep

Which would you rather have?
b) the pariy of your life

Lesson 10 Learning E - Student B

Contradict Student A based on what

Now, tell Student A these things:
he/she told you before:

1. He/she can speak Italian fluently. 1. I spent $ 500 on new games.

2. He/she is 30 years old. 2. There's no food left at my place.

3. His/her dad gave him / her the new Xbox. 3. I don't know where my parents are
4. He/she has decided to travel to Dubai. 4. I can't attend Sally's wedding.

5. The meeting will be over at around 4 p.m. 5. Ive decided to quit my job.

You hear: I have tvwo kids.

You read: He/she doesn't have any kids.

You say: But youtold me you had two kids.

Lesson 1
A. Write sentences uSing the present perfect or the present perfect continuous
1. It's nearly midnight and Simon drink all evening.

2. He drink more than 6 bottles of beer

so far.

3. He's a good dancer and he dance more than five girls.

4. Jessica, a friend of his cousin, / ask him to dance / for hours now.

5. Simon decline all her invitations.

6. He enjoys spending time with Sasha, a friend of his, and he talk to her/ since he arrived.

7. Jessica is very upset. She /cry in the bathroom twice.

B. Present perfect or present perfect continuous?

1. I want to emphasize that the window is open.
a) My mom has been opening the window.
b) My morm has opened the window.
2.I want to emphasize how I spent my time.
a) I have been watching TV.
b)I have watched TV.
3.I want toemphasize that I finished doing something.
a) I have washed the dishes.
b) I have been washing the dishes.
4.I want to emphasize something I like.
a) I have been liking pop music forever.
b)I have liked pop music forever.

131 Fluency1
Lesson 2

A. Make questions using the structure how long + it fake + to. Then, answer them.

1. the (would)
chef assistant/ wash the greens to make a salad


2. the cooking students/roast that big turkey (did)



3. the moon orbit the Earth (does)



4. you read Cooking for Geeks (will)



5. you and me save money to go to Cancun (would)



B. Answer the questions using a phrasal verb from the box.

break up ask out put up with cut down on eat out

1. What can't you tolerate anymore?

2. When did Mark and Lisa end their relationship?

3. What food would you never consume less?

4. How often do you have dinner at a restaurant?

5. What celebrity would you invite to go on a date with you?

Lesson 3
A. Look al oach
timelne and write a sentece uiing the past poilkct

wOrhel a D

1. When

Tom and Lisa

2. Before

leamed lo will e n lo Llk

3. After

9Ki lwr.lod lun loot

4. When

5. By the tine

B. Write sentences using superlatives + present perfect and the cues below

movielong watch
(The Hobbit) is the longest movie I have ever watched.

1. place /far / be

2. dish / tasty / eat

3. distance / long / run

4. mark/ low / get

5. book / boring / read

Lesson 4
A. Some people are talking about some events in their lives. Write sentences saying what
would have happened if things had been different. Use the thitd conditional
1. JACK: I met my wife when I went to Barcelona. It was love at first sight.

2. KATE: We traveled first class only because we won the lottery.

3. MEG:I forgot to add baking powder to the recipe. As a result, the cake didn't rise.

4. TONY: The quarterback got sick and didn't play. The team lost.

5. LISA: We subscribe to the sports channel. We watched the Super Bowl at home.

B. Complete the setences with a phrasal verb.
try out for work off come back kick off see off give up

1. The football match

doesn't until 3 p.m.
2. After traveling for almost 6 months, Jake was glad to home.

3. I get upset every time I go to the airport to a good friend of mine.

4. When Lucy was younger she wanted to herschool choir.

5. After several years, Cory decided to his career in music.

6. I had to work out hard at the

gym for weeks to those extra holiday pounds.

Lesson 5
A. Alex is traveling tolando and his friends asked him to bring them some stuff. Unscramble
the words to help him complete his list.

tablet case black modern - leather

T-shirt cool -flowery loose

watch rectangular - silver - huge

bag of M&Ms orange - delicious

purse pink huge - stunning
a wallet medium-size - rectangular brown
smartphone white brand new
a/an_ sports cap red vintage awesome

B. Check the sentences that are right and corect the wrong ones.
1. Most people shop[ online these days.

2. Everybody hate waking up early on Mondays.

3. Only a few of my classmates don't understand about fashion trends.

4. Nobody read magazines and newspapers nowadays.

5. Not many of my cousins are going to attend my sister's game.

Lesson 6

A. Change into the passive.

1. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in 1879.

2. Somebody might invent a machine to travel in time one day.

3. Our group of engineers researches innovative technologies every day.

4. Telephone companies will probably adopt more sophisticated technologies in the future.

5. Somebody has sent a lot of spams lately.

6. An American scientist accidentally created what we now know as post-it notes.

B. Rewrite the sentences
using a phrasal verb.
hack into dress up run out of try on
wipe out

1. A powerful virus destroyed my hard drive eompletely

2. Somebody illegally accessed our servers and stole all our new projects.

3. Johnny put on his best clothes to attend his friend's graduation party.

4. 1almost never
put on shoes or clothes to see if they fit when Igo shopping.

5. We have to finish this

project soon because our deadline is coming to an end.

Lesson 7
A. Jared is not happy at all. Read his thoughts and write sentences using wish +
simple past.
I'm 35
and I'm still I missed an
single. opportunity to travel
to China because
can't speak
1 always have Chinese.
to work

Ties are
1 have to move uncomfortable.
Out in a week, I really wanted to
wear jeans at work.

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137 luency
B. Rewrite the questions using an expression. Then, answer them.

get cold reet head over heels

take the cake go under the knife

1. Have you ever felt deeply in love? Ju


2. Would you have the courage to undergo surgeryto look like your favorite movie star?



3. What makes you feel nervous?


4. Who in your family should réceive a prize for being desperate?


Lesson 8

A. Mary is telling Dustin about her new job. Complete the second sentence so that it has a
Similar meaning to the first. Dont forget to use the verbs in parentheses as well.

1. It isn't necessary for us to go to the office every day.

They every day. (expect)

2. All the employees can take their pets to work on Fridays.

They on Fridays. (allow)

3. Everybody can take a nap after lunch to increase productivity

They (encourage)
4. All employees must leave the office before 3 p.m. on Fridays.

They on Fridays. (ask)

5. Everybody should change workstations every other day.

They every other day. (tel1)

B. Match the phrasal verbs in italics with their coresponding meanings.
1. The thieves rushed
off as soon as the police arrived. )make time for sth
2. Dr. Stevens can fit you in this afternoon.
3. Chad always puts off organizing his closet. He hates doing that do something again
4. After being absent from school for 2 weeks, Ryan fell behind his classmates. leave the place quickly
5. They decided to do the whole project over because the boss didn't like it )make less progress
than others


A. Match.
1. The less miserable I feel a) the less I like him.

2. The more jealous my boyfriend gets b) peaceful to live in big cities.

3. It's getting easier and easier c) the healthier I get.

4. The higher the mountain d) to communicate with people nowadays.

5. It's becoming less and less e) the more exciting it is to climb it.

B. Complete the sentences using your imagination.

1. The less sugar lI consume,

2. The sleepier I am,

3. The more money a person has,

4. The less time have,

, the better.
139 Fluency
Lesson 10
A. Lucy doesnt like Jake anymore. He's reminding her of what she told him. Write
following the model.
I'Il always love you. You said you'd always love me.

1. "I can't imagine my life without you."

You said

2. "PIl never be able to live without you anymore.

You said

3. "You're the love of my life."

You said

4. "1 feel great when I'm by your side."

You said

5. "I won't ever lie to you."

You said

6. T've never felt so happy in all my life."

You said

B. Complete the setences with a phrasal verb. Make the necessary changes.

play against Win over

win back sell out cut back on pay back

1. I need to my expenses because I want to go to Dubai next summer

2. The new smartphone in only 10 minutes. The store wasn't expecting

so many buyers at once.

3. I'l never lend Julie money again. Ive done that three times and she's never


4. Jason is very stubborn. It's impossible to him

He hardly ever changes his mind.

Knicks are the Orlando Magic at Madison Square Garden

5. The New York
this Sunday
tried really hard to Sheila since
6. Russel has
they broke up.

Answer key
A. 1. It's nearly
midnight and Simon has been drinking all evening.
2. He has drunk more than 6 bottles of
beer so far.
3. He's a good dancer and he has
danced with more than five girls.
4. Jessica, a friend of his
cousin, has been asking him to dance for hours now.
5. Simon has declined all her
6. He enjoys spending time with
Sasha, a friend of his, and he has been talking to her since he arrived.
7. Jessica is very
upset. She has cried in the bathroom twice.
B. 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b

A. 1. A: How long would it take
the chef assistant to wash the
B: It'd take him/her greens to make a salad?
(around 10 minutes) to wash the greens to make a salad.
2. A: How long did it take the
cooking students to roast that big turkey?
B: I took them (more than 3
hours) to roast that big turkey.
3. A: How long does it take the
moon to orbit the Earth?
B: It takes the moon about 27
days to orbit the Earth.
4. A: How
long will it take you to read Cooking for Geeks?
B: It will take me (a week) to read
for Geeks.
5. A: How long would it take
you and me to save
money to go to Cancun?
B: It'd take us (one
year) save
to money to go to Cancun.

B. 1. I can't put up with

(math) anymore. 4. I eat out (once a
2. They broke up last month.
5. I would ask (Adam
3. 'd never cut down Levine) out.
on (chocolate).

Lesson 3
A. 1. When Jake
joined a rock band, he had (already) worked as a DJ.
2. Before Tom and Lisa
got married, they had (already) traveled the world.
3. After Teddy had
(already) learned to walk, he learned to talk.
4. When Sarah twisted her
foot, she had (already) run 9Km.
5. By the time Rebecca started her
own company, she had (already) made her first million.
B. 1. (Manaus) is the farthest place I have ever been to.
2. (Eggplant lasagna) is the tastiest dish I have ever
3. (10k) is the longest distance I have ever run.
4. (Seven) is the lowest mark I have ever gotten.
5. (The Secret Life of Bees) is the most
boring book I have ever read.

Fluency 1
A. (Suggested answers)
1. If I hadn't gone to Barcelona, I wouldn't have met my wife.

2. If we hadn't won the lottery, we wouldn't have traveled first class.

3. IfI had added baking powder to the recipe, the cake would have risen.

4. had played, the team might would have won.

If the quarterback
Bowl at a pub./
5. If we hadn't subscribed to the sports channel, we would have watched the Super
we wouldn't have watched the Super Bowi at home.

B. 1. The football match doesn't kick off until 3 p.m.

2. After traveling for almost 6 months, Jake was glad to come back home.

3. I get upset every time I go to the airport to see off a good friend of mine.

4. When Lucy was younger she wanted to try out for her school choir.

5. After several years, Cory decided to give up his career in music.

6. I had to work out hard at the gym for weeks to work off those extra holiday pounds.

Lesson 5
A. a modern black leather tablet case
a cool loose flowery T-shirt

a huge rectangular silver watch

of M&Ms
a delicious party-size orange bag
a stunning huge pink purse
a medium-size rectangularbrown

a brand-new white smartphone

an awesome vintage red sports cap

B. 1. Most people shop online these days.

2. Everybody hates waking up early on Mondays.

4. Nobody reads magazines and newspapers nowadays.


Lesson 6
the light bulb in 1879.
A. 1. Thomas Edison invented
time might be invented one day.
2. A machine to travel in
3. Innovative technologies are researched (by our group of engineers) every day.
ill probably be adopted by telephone companies in the future.
4. More sophisticated technologies
have been sent lately.
5. A lot of spams
as post-it notes
was accidently created by an American scientist.
6. What we know

B. 1. A powerful virus wiped out my hard drive. / A powerful virus wiped my hard drive out.

2. Somebody hacked into and stole all

our servers our new projects.
3. Johnny dressed up to attend his friend's graduation party.
4. 1 almost never try shoes clothes when I go
on or shopping.
5. We have to finish this project soon because we are running out of time.

Lesson 7
A. (Suggested answers)

1. wish I were married. 4. I wish I could speak Chinese.

2. I wish I didn't have to work overtime. 5. I wish I didn't have to wear ties at work.
3. I wish I didn't have to move out.

B. 1. A: Have you ever been head over heels?

B: (Yes, once.)

2. A: Would you have the courage to go under the knife to look like your favorite movie star?
B: (Not at all.)

3. A: What makes you get cold feet?

B: (Speaking in public) makes me get cold feet.

4. A: Who in your family should take the cake for

being desperate?
B: (An aunt of mine) should take the cake for
being desperate.

Lesson 8
A. 1. They don't expect us to go to the office every day.
2. They allow us to take pets work
our to on Fridays.
3. They encourage us to take a nap after lunch to increase productivity.
4. They ask us to leave the office before 3 p.m. on Fridays.
5. They tell us to change workstations every other day.

B. (2) make time for sth

(3) postpone
(5) do something again

(1) leave the place quickly

(4) make less progress than others

Lesson 9
A. 1. c


3. d


5. b

B. (Suggested answers)
1. The less sugar I consume, the healthier I get.
2. The sleepier I am, the grumpier I get.
3. The more money a person has, the more he/she spends.

4. The less time I have, the more anxious I get.

5. The more chocolate I eat, the better.

Lesson 10
A. 1. You said you couldn't imagine your life without me.

2. You said would never be able to live without me anymore.

3. You said I was the love of your life.

4. You said you felt great when you were by my side.

5. You said you would never lie to me.

6. You said you had never felt so happy in all your life.

B. 1. I need to cut back on my expenses because | want to go to Dubai next summer.

2. The new smartphone sold out in only 10 minutes. The store wasn't expecting so many buyers at once.

3. 1'1l never lend Julie money again. Ive done that three times and she's never paid me back.

4. Jason is very stubborn. It's impossible to win him over. He hardly ever changes his mind.

5. The New York Knicks are playing against The Orlando Magic at Madison Square Garden this Sunday.

6. Russel has tried really hard to win Sheila back since they broke uD

FISK Immediate
in English


Pelar Paunchev www.folasearch.com.br

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