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CE CCK cc CORRE LiL ALCL rebuild RESTAR' rejuvenatiol sis gna | 1 reinventior 5 rothiq (REBIRTH Geos Learning < in this lesson you will learn how to: + describe feolings and emotions + the use of one/a/ an * use the changes in indirect speech at a much later time ‘+ make word combinations with opportunity on + tak about animats * use questions in indirect speech * Use the past perfect continuous + make word combinations with pet Fluency booster 1 in this lesson you will learn how to * talk about ruraf vs. urban + use 50 vs. neither * use wish + past perfect + make word combinations with mistake foo Soe * talk about education * use verbs with two objects * use indirect questions + make word combinations with education Fluency booster 2 + describe jobs + use possessive belore ~ing forms + use wish + would + make word combinations with career Wrap it up! 1 Pee * talk about leisure activites * use 50 vs. such (a/an) tse the future perfect + make word combinations with stress Fluency booster 3 poge 6 page 14 page 22 page 24 page 32 page 40 page 42 page 50 page 54 page 62 Peek ee ( ( ‘ dale eesti > se wows (athe pra) 1 fe eancarerpecge nailing 7a hems eee oautukestett et ae * talk about ways of speaking * use verbs of belier + use the saquence of adverbs * make word combinations with communication tel Fluency booster 4 page 80 oe ‘make word combinaions with punishment meet * use whoever / whenever / whichever / wherever / whatever / however 10 Bet ers Fluency booster 5 po 98 Wrap itup!2_ page 100 Word booster sae 108 Language booster pooe 19 es Eee : pone 125 Nasierng comet fave 18 cee ove 127 Pal ste page 128 Uses of THE pave 123 Extra page page 130 settsudy pove 131 Self-study - Answer key page 142 Are you living your dream? 1 Kick it off! A. Check what is true for you. My friends (_ ) keep criticizing / (_) never criticize me. ( ) There are some things / ( ) There's nothing I'd like to change about my appearance. B. Talk to a friend about your answers. (J ‘A; My dream life and my real life are totally different. B: Really? How different? ‘A: In my dream life, tm rich and | lead a stress-free life. B: What do you intend to do about it? 2 Vocabulary Describing feelings and emotions Word rar 0 A. How ate they feeling? What happened? Guess. (oaf BEA > How's the girl feeling? She is very happy. What happened? 1'm not sure, she may have seen e2o Now compare your guesses to what really happened. Go to page 130. ccc cere cec< ( te SC@CCCECECEECCECC CEC EEC | Listen again and answer.» 3 Listening 4 Speak up A. Listen and choose, << A Following is a list of the most common dreams / goals people have in life What are your dreams? > Visiting @ dream holiday destination. Owning a home. Getting in shape. Owning a dream car. Learning a new skill (music, language). Having an ideal job. 1. How does Liz feel at first? Seal lei ce a pleased annoyed . » vvvvyvy 2. Is Scott supportive at st? ale ey —— yes 10 C. Tak to a frond. asf 1. What's the relationship between Scott and Liz? 2. How old is Liz? — sree otyour dream BB 3. What does Scott think about Liz's job? s ntion person you would lke Pai tet natn) 4. What does Scott advise Liz to do? 5. Mention one excuse Liz gives not to make a change. We use one, not a/an: ~ In contrast with another or others: One student has finished the test, the others havent = ~ In the expression one day: One day well buy our dream house. = With hundred or thousand when we want to 6. What will she probably do about her job? Why would you feel like quitting @ i be precise: high-paying job? Tak to a friend. Gof How many dollars do you have on you? or One thousand and two. ~ In expressions like ust one, only one: areerperpecives “new Galenges ey We have plenty of dogs, but only one cat. profesional grou - kde ~undentized Is it too late to change? 1 Learning changes in indirect speech at » much later time A Read this. Be | wrote @ science fection book and fi ‘Tom is a good friend of pubish it next month. Se iets Gee | want to get married next February Zealand andwe years ago vat to Rave my frst kid by the end of I visited him. This is what oe roa ' | have plans to live here in this house the said tom with my new family. % - —__sa“e ec “@@@@2@G2@2@G24242462G242 6262622220086 0 0000666 You can come and visit me once a year. B. None of his plans were successful, His book wasn't published. He broke up with his fiancée, He had 4o move to a small aparhment and I can’t go visit him this year. Complete the sentences. iE ~ But you said you publish your book the following month, ~ You also said you _ to get married the following February. ~ You plans to live there in that house with your new family ~ You said | {G0 and visit you once a year. C. Choose according to the changes that were made. When the lady reported what her friend said she changed “next month’ to ... (_ ) the following month (__ ) that month ‘She changed that expression because she was referring to the promises he made (yesterday ( ) ata much later time Language poge 119, D. You were going through some old stuff and found a New Years resolution list your brother wrote 10 years ago. Talk 4o him about thi list. Giansf 79 His life today: He has the same weight he had 10 years ago. Go to the gym tomorrow He has never seta foot in the gym. Break up wit. He got married to Sharon. He stil has the same job. Ex. You said you would start a diet the following week, but... 2 Reading A. Group discussion. + In your opinion, is there an age limit for making changes ina person's career, lifestyle and relationships? B, Read the passage and matk what is NOT true. a i . Ray Kroc changed his career when he was 52 years ol. One of the biggest fast-food franchises mentioned in the passage is McDonald's. itis difficult to find examples of people who have made changes late in their lives. . Some people who are not happy with their lives have different excuses to avoid changing, ,. The passage does not encourage life changes. . Changing involves self-awareness. C. Find words / phrases with the same meaning in the text. lt a -——$ a: a —— D. Work in small groups. GKanf + Mention one benefit of getting out of your comfort zone. * How do you feel about changes? Are you afraid of them or do you welcome them? + Self-awareness is only possible with a therapist. Do you agree? do le 15 hoppy ole onorten pusie tetera? Excuse #1 ~ Im too scared. Im afraid of tying ‘something new and losing eventing. Uso this 20 fear to move forward so you can be proud of = ees iinet tal Me tne Gass a oe Pe ae = canes autaetre ir a Bont wor orzertecion © rection now, its DERE Cgd Fie ORC 1 Vocabulary Phrase! veros A, Study this. BE page call off hold onto see to — What would you like to do at the frst ‘opportunity? + In which circumstance would you pass up an opportunity for a promotion? It you were given a window of ‘opportunity to change your life completely, would you take it? C. Write two questions using combinations from A. D. Talk to a ftiend using the questions above. 4 Check this out! A. Match. |. Why don't you let me drive (@ENSTENS 2. found myself QUEXERESIERS not knowing what to do. ( ) To be at a point when 2 choice must be made. (_) As an alternative, different from what usually happens. B. Group discussion. 1. What would you like to do this weekend for a change? 2. When you are at a crossroads, how do you decide what to do? 90 wih your gt ea Shap cooson ‘nog your opters 5 Fluency Sagi People have been reinventing themselves since the beginning of time. Although fear of change is human nature, people always find ways to overcome this anxiety in order to accomplish new goals. Most of the time we feel the need to grow. The results may not be what we expected, but we cannot pass up the opportunity because we are afraid of bad results. 1. Do you agree that fear of change is human nature? 2. How well do you accept failure? 3, In what situations would you get cold feet? 4. IF you could reinvent yourself right now, what would you change? an ere Cores Per ais eee ott es 5 Smooth flow of ideas in writing Paragraph flow is usually accomplished by coherent sentences and smooth logical connections ‘among ideas. Combine your ideas using connectors and relative pronouns, for example, to help you achieve this smoothness in your writing. Study these examples: Original: Detectives solve complex cases. They are admired by a lot of people. People think they have a glamorous routine because of fictional characters. Their routine in real life is quite different. Revision: Detectives, who are admired by a lot of people, solve complex cases. Although people think they have @ glamorous routine because of fictional characters, their routine in real life is quite different. Original: Friends should never lie to each other. | hate when | know a friend lied to me. | don't lie, and | don't expect my friends to lie to me. And lies can make friends drift apart. Revision First of all, friends should never lie to each other. So, | hate when | know someone lied to me. | don't lie; therefore, | don't expect anyone to lie to me either. On top of that, lies can make friends drift apart. Original ‘Adam Levine is a famous singer. He is an actor too. He first starred in the movie Begin Again. He was bom in California, He started his music career in 1994. Revision: ‘Adam Levine is a famous singer and actor, who first starred in the movie Begin Again. Annative Californian, he started his music career in 1994. A. Rewrite the passage below to make the flow of ideas smoother. Everybody wants to find happiness. I's a universal search and not everybody is able to find it. {In my opinion, you can only find happiness when you know yourself very well. And | think that helping other people is important too. This is my definition of happiness, but the definition of happiness varies from person to person. What is yours? B. Choose a topic and write @ short paragraph about it. Make sure fo use the hints above. Are you for or against the death penalty? What do you think of volunteer work? 129 hwenc Are you a cat or a dog person? 1 Kick it off! A. Read the sentences and mark them true or false according to what you think. + 11am a cat person, not a dog person. ‘i * | would love to have lots of pets in my house. : +I have an unusual pet. I “am aa of a nso enna =I don't eat meat or fish because of my principles. B. Tak to a fiiend about your answers. Goa ‘A: | am a dog person. | love the way they get excited when their owners come home. B: That's true, but you don't have t6 give cats a bath and they are always clean. ‘A; But dogs.. 2 Vocabulary Animais Wir 7 Pm 05-06 A. Challenge your patiner. re at DG vine ec Bp, ve ami? en Birds live in nests / stables / hives. cat +L eroak. Horses live in trees / hives / stables. snake * +1 can meow and purr. Bees live in hives / forests / trees. horse + *1 usually bark and grow. Elephants live in forests / trees / nests frog * +1 like to neigh. Bats live in caves / holes / hives. dog * +1 am always buzzing. Monkeys live in trees / nesis / stables. bee + + If you hear me hiss, run. Answers 130 B. Talk to @ partner about your ideal pet. (oof * What kind of pet would it be? '* What would it look like (color, breed, etc.)? * What activities would you be able to do with it? * Where would you keep it? ‘ay cute ~haiy- strong — loyal ~ quit - playful inside - ouside ~ ona farm 6 CCCecCecCce ¢ Ccertrrct CcCcocce 3 Listening AA Listen to Liz and Tom talk and undetine. «<= Y Tom Liz is a dog person. Tom Liz is a cat person. Tom Liz likes both cats and dogs. B. Listen again and mark the sentences Trve or False. wea 1. Tom wants to take the test too. ( ) 2. Liz totally agrees with the result of the test () 3. Lizis an extroverted person. ( 4. Tom enjoys silence and likes to spend time on his own. () 5. Tom is afraid of cats. ( ) 6. Liz is planning a birthday party. (_) 7. Liz admits she is afraid of dogs. ( ) 8. Tom and Liz probably live in different houses. ( ) C. Talk to a friend. GOS + How often do you take personality tests? * Do you usually agree with the results? * What's your opinion about them? 4 Speak up A Why do people have pets? > to keep them company > to socialize (with other dog owners) > to reduce stress > tw have something to do > B. Tak 4o a fiend about your answers. Gof C. Now retell your conversation, | asked my friend why people had pets and he answered that it was because it was good for socializing. My friend asked me if/ had a pet. asked my friend if he believed people had pets to show status. Questions in indirect speech Where does Peter live? She asked where Peter lived What are you doing? ‘She asked me what | was doing. Yes/No Questions Is it raining? She asked if it was raining, Have you been to Scotland before? She asked me if | had been to Scotland before. othe ree eRe el mee Re 1 Learning Past perfect continuous A.Read this. HE B. Read the sentences and match the ones which indicate... (1) @ continuous action that started and continued for some time in the past. (2) a completed action in the past. | had been looking for the perfect pet ( for a long time, when I found Napoleon. ( } Since | proposed the idea, (_) she had been telling me (_) how much she hated pets. pave 120 C. Create sentences in the past perfect continuous to complete the sentences in the box. Talk to a friend. Gf He finally sent me a text. 1 A: B: | had been trying to reach my brother for an hour when he finally sent me a text. D. Talk to a partner. ‘What had these pets been doing by the time their owners got home? mus @@GEGECOCOCCOCCOCOCCOCOCOCL 2 Reading A. Group discussion. + Read the title of the passage and tell your friends what you think the text is about. B. Read and choose the best answer according to the passage. 1. Humans and pets need dog whisperers, dog behaviorists or dog charmers because * dogs are behaving badly these days. * humans have lots of money to spend (on their dogs. 2, The pet industry * discourages dog owners from humanizing Humanizing dogs their pets. 1 The most loved household pet is sil the dog. * encourages dog owners to humanize ‘Once known as man's bestfriend, today the dog their pets. kay core eet emnna oe. Poy 2° having a really | ‘being dogs these 3. The word ‘they”in line 21 refers to GWelove reve pestoleo emiaicerss, ‘pet industry + dog owners, * dogs dog behavioists and dog whisperers to care for ‘our bad-behaved dogs as we do today. But who's to bleme? ‘On the one hand, we have people who are 10 choosing to have fewer kids and more pets. ‘Some are even substituting kids with pets. People don’ consider themselves dog owners, ‘but dog parents, which is not bed at all. There are {ots of proven benefits of owning pets in genera. 15 The only problem is expecting dogs to behave tke humans and to enjoy the same tings humans do. ‘On the other hand, there isthe pet industry and marketers who want all the money they can get. “They offer every kind of product they can tink of 20 to tum dogs into itl furry humans. Dog parents feel obliged to offer their dogs all they can get in return fo their unconditional love. The dog industry has reached high levels of growth, even in times of economic crisis. 25 This sudden change rom the backyard to sharing the owner’ bed has confused dogs. ‘Dogs are pack animals and have specific needs. They need a pack leader 10 folow as well as exercise, discipine and affection. 30 Dogs must know who is in charge, who is the “alpha dog” If they get mixed signals from the human, they show signs of anxiety, bad sometimes, 4, In paragraph 4, the author infers that dogs’ bad behavior is because they are being treated as humans and not as dogs, and this confuses them. strue * false C. Find words / phrases with the same meaning in the text. D. Work in small groups. GS * Why do you think people humanize dogs? * Are you for or against it? * How often do you talk to animals and inanimate things? saacine pb ves becom animate things’ eating dogs ke dog, We ves become do believe that. = jo believe that So, ik tt you ys you cog 's clear to me tha lke @ dog ora mini human?” One advantage/disadvantage of. 9 pei Can a pet make your life happier? 1 Vocabulary Phrasal veros A. Study this. He chicken out monkey around fish for duck out horse around wolf down B. Tak to a friend. Geof pyar P00? 107 Ore re Te oe ee et 3] a 2 Listening A. Listen and answer. xad< Write one of the benefits the man mentions in the passage. B. Listen again and correct the sentences according to the passage. waal< ‘The man believes that having a dog brings you lots of benefits. Statistics show cats are the most popular companions nowadays. The man suggests choosing a pet that suits your income. There are less and less people choosing to have fish as pets. Fish can make people angry Rabbits don't recognize their owners. C. Group discussion. Whats your opinion about having pets in @ house where there are small children? 20 RRC a ee eee een ee Cte ete € Ct ¢£ 3 Sounds good A. Stud) pet. ' these word combinations with i B. Talk 40 a friend. Go ‘> Would you consider adopting a pet? ‘> What would you do if you found a lost pet? + If you could, what exotic pet would you like to have? ‘<> What was the longest you have ever kept a pet? > What are the qualities of 2 good pet owner? “<> Whats your opinion about exotic pet trade? C. Write two questions using combinations from A. D. Talk to a ftiend using the questions above. KS A. Match. 1. Okay, Okay, Johnny, filet you use my car ‘over the weekend. Stop @IRITEID! 2. My uncle is the (BEIER) in his company (_) annoy, irritate, bother someone (_) the most important person in an organization B. Group discussion. 1. Who, in your family, bugs you the most? 2. How long will it take you to be the top dog in your profession? 5 Fluency agi We all agree that having @ pet brings lots of benefits and joy to your home. However, if you are thinking of adopting a pet there are some factors you need to consider. When you adopt a pet, you are responsible for it, especially the young ones, because they rely on you for absolutely everything. You may also need to check if anyone in your household is allergic to the pet you want to bring home. ‘Also, just lke humans, animals need to be healthy and happy, so consider the cost of food ‘and veterinary care before adopting one, 1. Why do people abandon pets? 2. What other advice would you give to somebody who wants to adopt a pet? 3. Do you know anybody who has adopted a pet but wasn't able to take care of it? 4, Have you ever been to a pet adoption event? Did you fee! like adopting one? Peeras Tere ere peel oy 1 Speaking A. Get ready 4o convince someone o adopt an exotic pet. * Get together with a friend. * Choose one of the pets below and think of arguments you can use to convince someone to adopt it. Spiky, the hedgehog b ‘Slimy, the snail Unique "cute snes =a = shel funy antennas «a B. Get together with a different friend and try 4o convince him/her to adopt the pet you chose. When you finish, change roles. Deere ecu ee Ree RR eee eee ee See eC Actually, | believe... make great pets, but... C. Were you able to convince your friend? 2 Watch this! A. Watch Episode | of More Explorations and answer the questions below: 1. What does FOMO stand for? 2. What popular saying best summarizes the idea of FOMO? The best things in life are free. The grass is aways greener on the other side of the fence. The first step is always the hardest. B. Watch the episode again. Check what's tight and correct what's wrong. 1, FOMO is a 21st-contury feeling, 2. Social media has increased the occurrence of this phenomenon, 3. People usually show the best version of themselves in social media. 4. We check our text messages while on a date, for example, because we feel good to be available all the time. 5. FOMO affects a growing portion of teenagers. 6. One of the ways to survive FOMO is having a negativity detox. 7. We have to be busy all the time to avoid FOMO. 8. We should all accept that in life i's impossible to have it all. 3 Pronunciation Silent letters A.Listen and say. GRE island calm could assign haf should handsome tak would answer walk castle salmon B, Talk to a friend. = ng ee i Who would you take to a desert island? How much homework does your teacher usuelly assion? Have you ever been to a castle? Do you mind answering personal questions? Who's the most handsome man in your family? When was the last time you ate salmon? B bbe rR RR RC Re Ria 1 Kick it off! A. Answer these questions. Do you ever wish you had more free time? ‘Do you wish you had grown up in the countryside? ‘When was the last time you said, /f only my city were less polluted? Are there differences between country people and city people? | ‘Would you rather live in a place where thete are more entertainment options? B. Talk to @ friend about your answers. KS ‘A: | wish | lived in @ bigger place. My house is very small for my family. B: Really? | live in a small apartment, but | like it the way it is. Plus, it's very close to my job. ‘A: That's great, because you don't have to waste time in traffic. B: Yes. That's the best part. But I have to admit, if | lived in a quieter place, it would be nicer. 2 Vocabulary Au! vs. won A.Talk to a friend. Goof + How would your life be if you had to lve in a big city / in the countryside? oostepa P99? 107 * What would be the most difficult part for you to get used to? + How long would it take you to get used to this different lifestyle? B. Group discussion. Yo jor, E J an ae If you could choose any city in the world to live i, peas sokre which one would you choose? Give your reasons, local cuisine ¢ < ooooc¢ ams G@ GOOCCOCOCOQCCOCOCCOCOOCOOCOCCOCOC< ¢ 3 Listening A. Listen to the conversation and mark 4 Speak up A Are you a city or @ county person? COCOCECCEECECEEEEECEEC( GCCeceret ct CEC t ( whose parents are moving to the county. wea< Sam's Julie's B. Listen again and mark the sentences true or false. wel< 1. Sam lives by himsef 2. Julie is not sure whether she should move toa house or an apartment. 3. Julie wishes she could move to the Countryside too. 4, Julie believes that an apartment is both cheaper and safer, but Sam doesn't agree with her. 5. Sam thinks apartments are cheaper than houses. 6. Julie offers to help Sam find a place to live C. You want 4o find a place to live by yourself. Talk to your fiend about your housing needs and ask for help. Cos Talk about: + the price range How much can you afford? * the neighborhood Where would you lke to ive? * transportation How are you going to move around? * pet policy Do you have a pet? Would you rather lve in a house or in an apartment? 1. How often do you eat out? a) often b) never 2. What bothers you more? a) bugs ») polltion 3. What time do you get up on weekends? a) at 7:00 b) at 11:00 4. 1d rather hang with. a) people ——_b) animals 5. Where would you rather spend the afteroon? a) at the mall) outdoors 6. What drives you crazy? a) silence b) noise Now talk to a fiend and find what you have in common. KS Group discussion My friend and | answered the questions in A. | am definitely a city person, ‘and so is my friend. We both like to eat out. | don't feel very comfortable ‘round insects and bugs, and neither does he. He likes outdoor activities like fishing. Well, | don’ ‘That is so boring in my opinion. | am a mall rat. Now talk to the group about what you and your partner agreed and disagreed on. So vs. neither Agreeing / disagreeing - Affirmative A: | am excited about the party. B; So am |. / Well, | am not. | dont like parties, Agreeing / disagreeing - Negative A: | don't like bugs. B: Neither do |. / Oh, | do. They are 0 interesting. What would you change about the past? 1 Learning wisn + past pertect A. Read this. [BIE B. Read the passage and answer. In the man's opinion, what should he have done earlier? He wishes he : a He wishes he aoe Lemeage yo C. What do these people regret? Talk to your friend. Go A: | wish I had told him the truth. / If only | had told him the truth. i B: But why did you lie to him? il A: | didn't want to hurt his feelings. But I regret that. What can I do now? qf = 4 ; , a i i i ! a | il | i q i D. We all have regrets. Tell your partner about... Xf I | cone, when | was younger. something you wis : st, | hen | was a child. "jou had? hedeit | remembered, | wish thed/hact.. | when Wa | eaten/drunk. yeste bought. ger: Now you have to move on. / Dont blame yourself. / Try nt to lett get you down, 2B bam @EQGQOQOQOQOCOGCOCOCOCCOCOOQCOCOCOCOLCHO ee ( C coc. ¢ c 2 Reading A, Group discussion. Gaas If you had the chance to travel to the past land change one thing about it, would you do it? Give your reasons. B. Read and answer. (BE 1. What does the author regret? 2. Does the author consider himself popular ‘on Twitter? 3. Why do people usually have regrets? 4. What were the regrets related to family? 5. Is the author an expert on writing about? topic he! . In your opinion, what was the best advice he gave’ C. Find words / phrases with the same meaning in the text. D. Group discussion. Tb va eu ar So cs el haven't done? * What's your advice for people who regrets too much? | dont think you should have... / Its not so bad. Look on the bright sie. 29 What's your biggest regret? 1 Yesterday I ran into Sally, who was my first ‘rue love. It has been 20 years since we last saw each other and Sally is stil beautiful ‘and glamorous. When | told her! had a 5 crush on her, but never had the guts to ask her out, she said she felt the same. If oniy | hhad told her, our ives might have been very diferent. People usually have regrets either for doing 10 bad things, or for not doing something when ‘they could have. Most ofthe times they are ‘unhappy about their present ives and blame themselves for the bad choices they made in the past. Because of that | posted this 15 question on Twitter: What is your biggest ‘Iwas amazed at the amount of answers | ‘got: over 300 tweets. Everybody at some pint in their ives did something they wish 20 they hadnt done. We are all humans, we are bound to make mistakes. We are unable fo ‘choose wisely all the time. ‘Analyzing the answers, | saw a pattem. People's regrets were related mostly to love, 25 family and career, and to my surprise most of the people regretted not doing things, such as: ~ not marrying their true love not being wih mom/dad when they died 30 = not spending time with their chien ~ not traveling more not taking a dream job opportunity Well, my level of knowledge in this area {snot very high, but what | leamed from 35 making my share of bad choices is that whatever happened, happened. You regret ‘Gry, moum, pound your plow ‘and then ledim from it. Ty to be a better person and move on. Your worst enemy 40 is your fear. So, you need to be confident ‘and take risks. Accept that you are going ‘to make mistakes. At the end of the day, ‘you will see tht tis much better to try to ‘do something right and eventually make 2 45 mistake than regret not doing t out of fear. Just like Sally and me. one 2 IR euCe CREM Tur Birt rz ORC 31 1 Vocabulary Phrase ros A. Study this. BE id binaup —fguecut— ghoup cian sane ee B. Choose three questions and ask a friend. Gf Would you like to give up your current pace of life? ‘Where would you like to bring up your kids, in @ big city or in the countryside? = Do you have your future figured out? Is there anything you would lke to do away with in your life? ie ‘ How long would it take your family to give in to the idea of living in another country? Would you be able to go without malls, theaters and all the perks of big city life? 2 Listening A. What's the problem with James? Listen and matk. << ~ He doesn't like his lifestyle. - He wanted to change his lifestyle. ~ He failed changing his lifestyle. B, Listen again and complete the sentences according to the passage. wal James had a heart attack when he was _ . His doctor said he had to |. James used to work |. James decided to move to . Today James has a . He works oy bene C.Group discussion. +15 there anything you would like to give up doing? * What would you do if you wanted to kick @ habit? biting your nails / twitling your hair / procrastinating / spending too much 30 Coe OU. Cee er CC Ok CS Cet OC. Gtk CC © 3 Sounds good A, Study these word combinations with mistake. GRE — a Ce cd ei B. Talk fo a friend. GOS <> Can you think of a big mistake someone made? “<> When was the last time you made a spelling mistake? “+ Do you usually acknowledge your mistakes, or do you try to cover them? “+ Have you ever sent a text message to the wrong person by mistake? What happened? + Ave you able to lear from your mistakes? C. Write two questions using combinations from A. D. Talk 4o a fiiend using the questions above. a1 4 Check this out! A. Match. 1. There's no use GUNES ton b bed dneettees te tone be boon lost and there's thing we can do. 2. Now we are going to COSTED with some rock and roll from the 1950's. (_ ) to feel sorry about something that hs already happened ( ) to try to return to the past. B. Group discussion. 1. IF you could turn back the clock to last weekend, what would you do differently? 2. Do you know anybody who constantly cries over spilt milk? Who is it? 5 Fluency Gli Regret is defined as a negative emotional stat it involves biaming ourselves for something bad that happened and cant be undone. ‘Athough painful to experience, it can be a helpful emotion in the sense that it can result in refocusing and taking corrective action or pursuing a new path. However, no matter how hard we try, we all have regrets; things we believe we could have done differently. So, put yourself five years from now. Would you regret ‘any aspect of your present life? 1. What would you regret doing or not doing in the present? 2. Would you say you need to travel more or work more? 3. Do you spend time with your family? CRE CCR aed 1 Kick it off! ‘A. Each one of us learns in a specific way. Choose what best applies to you. Visual learners: Like to take notes Use notebooks, ‘Aor learners pictures, colored Like to tak ightghiers aes Faronbe raes but and notes. get faces. poe ‘Are easily disvacted by but can be distracted ‘sounds. by visual disorder or Prefer to hear movement. information, ike lectures eee fd dicustions on conn, Remember by aking about what was learned. B. Talk to a fiend about the kind of leamer you are. Gaxf As | chose the fist column, B: It means you are a vival leamer. Do you agree? ‘A: Yes, | am totally visual. How about you? 8: Wel, | am kinesthetic. | ke to move around, 2 Vocabulary taiking abou education A. Talk to a friend. (of * Do you consider yourself a good learner? ‘In your opinion, what are your best characteristics as a learner? ‘+ What would you like to change? B. Group discussion. Goof + Are you a dedicated leamer or do you give up easily? * What was the most dificult learring situation you have been through? + And the easiest? * What was one thing you tried to leam, but haven't leamed yet? 34 Kinesthetic learners Try things out, touch, feel and manipulate objects. Gesture when speaking, are poor listeners and Quickly lose interest in long discourse. Remember what has been done. In general, | find. Believe it or not. | would say that Like most people |... SOOCHCHOOOOOOCOOOOEOCEECE EOE COOCOCOCECEEECEECE 3 Listening A. Listen to Charles, Kate and Josh and match. wel< B, Listen again and write C for Charles, K for Kate and J for Josh. weal< 1. This person is a visual leamer.( ) 2. This person is a kinesthetic learner. () 3. This person is an auditory learner. ( 4 His/Her mom didn't understand his/her way of studying. ( ) He/She was an inquisitive student. () 6. He/She has a sports store. (_) 7. He/She enjoyed activities outside the classroom. ( ) 8, He/She trains @ sports team. ( ) 9. He/She writes as a hobby. ( ) C. Talk to a friend. Goo * How are/were you at school? * What are/were your problems? * What do/did you like about school? 4 Speak up A A leaming strategy is an action that helps students learn more effectively. Language leamers usually develop their own stratagies fo help them leam the new language. Read the leaming strategies below, and then write one of yours Witing: | Send emails or text messages to native speakers. Pronunciation: | Read o tex to your teacher ‘Structure: | Explain to someone the topic you have just learned. ‘Speaking: | Ask yourself open-ended ‘questions and answer them. Now, alk to a fiiend about the strategies you use fo improve your writing, speaking, pronunciation and the shuctute. Gof Some verbs have two objects; direct (a thing), and indirect (e person) ‘The usual word order is (1) person— (2) thing. Ex. Ill send Veronica a text message. I we want to emphasize the thing, we put @ preposition (to or for) and the person after the thing. Ex.: | will show the test results to my parents. Ask (to) Make (for) Buy (for) Prepare (for) Cook (for) Send (to) Get (for) Teach (to) Give (to) Tell (to) Lend (to) Write (to) ote Dae eB Ce E-Cee sR CLC 1 Learning indirect questions A Read this. BE B. Look at the sentence in blue in the text and answer. Langage one What was the question the author wanted to ask? a) Why people are so afraid of making mistakes? b) Why are people so afraid of making mistakes? C. Everybody makes mistakes, Do you know how your friend deals with his/her mistakes? Ask him/her indirect questions. KS 1. When was the last time you made a mistake? | wonder 2. Are you able to laugh at your own mistakes? passe aren 1, on pine mes tami dation prion Dairies 4. Did you make many mistakes in your last test? I'd like to ask you if 5. How often do you acknowledge your mistakes? Would you mind teling me if 6. Are you hard on other people's mistakes? D: Find out your teacher's secrets. Write #wo indirect questions. Ex. What's your favorite way of killing a cockroach? | wonder what's your favorite, Do you make your bed in the moming? Would you mind telling me if you make your bed. 2 Reading A. Group discussion, * How do you deal with the mistakes you make in English? B. Read the text, In which paragraph does the author refer to... BE * a case where making mistakes can be fatal. + the reasons why people are afraid of making mistakes. * the fact that making mistakes in language teaming is no big deal. After all, language leamers create nothing new. + accepting that we are going to make mistakes and not fearing them. + a great inventor who made many mistakes before being successful. * the impossibility of speaking a foreign language without making mistakes when you are learning it C. Find words / phrases with the same ee D, Work in small groups. Seay * When it comes to English do you make most of your mistakes in speaking, in writing, in listening or in reading? * What can you do to improve your English? 7 The art of making mistakes 1 Why are we so afraid of making mistakes? In deny on ney aes bet eicckee a 15 them, “Many of life faiures are people wo clit not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” speaker tothe for 157,680 hours (18 years X 365 ‘days X 24 hours). It would be insane to ask '95 8 second leamer to follow this, DR a clues 1 Vocabulary Pirasat vers A. Study this. BE catch up (with) go over take up drop out (of) look upturn in B. Talk to a friend. QJ sams Word. pave 108 booster | ec he Nac a eee tost eee et eae lassmates when you miss a cass 2 Listening A. Listen and answer. «aS Where does this conversation probably take place? B. Listen again and choose. sa 1. Why did Mr. Lane quote Albert Einstein? 2. Does Jim like to study? a) To give a conclusion to his explanation. a) Yes ) Because he likes Albert Einstein b) No 3. According to Mr. Lane, when you graduate. 4, Who learned how to change diapers yesterday? 1a) you stop studying, but you can't stop leaming. a) im 'b) you stop learning, but you cant stop studying. _b) Sally C. Discuss in groups. You can't teach an old dog new tricks, means that itis often dificult to get people to try new ways Of doing things, especially if they have been doing something in a particular way for a long time. Whats your opinion about this? ‘Bake a postive ference ~ say eave ~ edutood ~ new Sxl sonior Glzens a ‘adapt to changes ~ ever-changing word innovation ~ development ~curosty Roe HRC eee eee ee ¢ CC Ce ee Creek eet € ¢ 3 Sounds good A. Study these word combinations with B. Talk to a friend. Gna “What is your opinion about the education provided inthis county? What ean be done to improve it? ‘> Are you satisfied with the education you received / or are receiving? ‘+ Ifyou could go to another country to ‘complete your education, where would you go? Why? ‘+ Do you know of any adult education project for unemployed people? C. Wie 2 questions using combinations from A. D. Ask the questions above fo 4 friend. KS 4 Check this out! A. Match. |.Peter qualified for the race (ATIIEIND. 2. Leaming English (EEE. () very easy, very simple () very successfully B. Group discussion, 1. What would be as easy as ABC for you? 2, What is necessary to pass an exam with flying colors? 5 Fluency Gali Just because you graduated from college, it doesn't mean that you automatically stop learning. One of the worst things you can do to yourself is to close your mind off to new knowledge or ideas, or to think that you stop learning. We are creatures that need constant challenges in order to continually grow, no ‘matter how old we are. Think about it. 1. How do you see yourself 5 years from now? What do you intend to be learning at that point? 2. How do you see yourself as a senior citizen? Do you think you wil stil be able to learn new things? 3. Are old people in general open to new ideas? Do you know people who are still learning things in their old age? 4. Albert Einstein said, "When we stop learning, we start dying’: Do you agree with him? 5. Do you think itis possible to learn a new thing every day? What have you learned today? Ti es ent hae haven't made my mind yet, but I'm... / DO eretes Fluency, Leelee 1 Speaking A. Get ready to compare life in a big city to life in a small town, * Get together in two groups: Group A will tak about fein big ity. Group B will talk about life in a small town. Pros: * Decide how you are going to present your ideas to the other group. B. Present your ideas as if you were giving a short talk. Peete Cee Runs eee ee Se) BS ae Pea C. Based on the presentations, where would you rather live? Why? 40 € c¢ CC hee C 2 Watch this! A. Before watching Episode 2 of More Explorations, mark whether the sentences below are myths or facts. 2 3 1. We only use 10% of our brain C Ymyth (fact Its impossible for our brains to multitask. (myth (__) fact Physical exercise makes you smarter. ( ) myth (fact Men have larger brains than women. ( ) myth ( ) fact 4. 5 Now watch Episode 2 to find out the answers. People are either left-brained or right-brained. ( ) myth (_) fact B. Watch the episode again. Check what can be inferred from it. 1 aa hen ‘There isn't @ single function in our body that isn't controlled by our brain. - Scientists have figured out all the functions of the brain. |. Simple activities don’t require much of the human brain. . Playing a sport, for example, is a good way to protect the brain from degeneration. . Multitasking is only possible when our brain dedicates part of the attention to each task. Gender doesn't determine whether a person is intelligent or not. People usually use both hemispheres of the brain. 3 Pronunciation Some English words that change meaning with pronunciation A Listen and say. BE prosent to present tear - to tear object =t0 object ‘lead ~ to lead project to project te to ve desert = to desert bow - to bow protest o protest wind - to wind B Talk 4o a friend. Wetting - roe 26 Whats the best present you've ever received?” What would you protest against? Have you ever been on live TV? When would you wear a bow tie? What usually brings tears to your eyes? What projects have you been working on? 4 ie? Ts ele UE RR Re 1 Kick it off! A. Check the jobs you think will be in high demand in 20 years and citcle the ones you 4hink will be replaced by technology. — Ee _ travel agent arpitereynamecwraiyn, SOOT “cashier 7 driver B. Talk 40 a friend about your answers. (of ‘A: | believe doctors will be in high demand in the future. B: | agree with you. People are living longer nowadays than they did in the past. A: In fact, | believe jobs related to health care will be in high demand. B: On the other hand, | believe... won't exist in the future. Whore gx 109 2 Vocabulary describing jobs A Challenge your friend. og Can you say...? 2 jobs that require a college degree 2 jobs that are directly linked to technology 3 jobs for people who are very creative 3 jobs that can tum you into a celebrity 4 jobs for people who like to talk 4 jobs that don't require a college degree 5 jobs for people who like to deal with people 5 jobs that are linked to health care B Group work. What job is this? Write the description of a job, but dont tell your friends what it is. Then, read your description to the group. They are supposed to guess the job you described. * This person takes care of people. * He/She can help you a lot if you have a problem. + Itis important to see this person regulary. * This person can save your life. A nurse? A physiotherapist? A doctor? oC anno oc mus @@GGEGOCOCOCCCOCOCOCOQAGC 3 Listening A. Listen and write their present jobs. weal< ees Kate B Listen again and check the sentences that are tight. veh < 1. (—) Many people believe that kids have trouble finding the right. career because they have to start working at the age of 17 oF 18 (_) Another problem people face when finding their dream job is the pressure of having to choose right. 3. () Jane was lucky. She has the job of her dreams and she didn't have to look for it. 4. (_) Kate, on the other hand, is still looking for the perfect job. 5. (__) Kate wishes she had followed her instincts about choosing a career. 6. (-_) Scott found his dream job on the second attempt. 7. (According to 2 poll, two in every three people don't lke their current job. C. Group discussion. + How easy /difficult is it for people to choose a career? * What advice would you give someone who is unhappy with his/her job? ‘arer apttade test chile a a ‘alent = volrier~ apprentice ~ tem 45 4 Speak up ‘A. What jobs will be in high demand? The old sometimes has to go to make room for the new. Same jobs might be extinct in the future, but many others will be in high demand due to technological advances. Here are some ideas. Can you think of some others? drone operator self-driving car mechanic end-of-life coach privacy managers memory augmentation therapists amnesia surgeons organ agents vo vyvvvyYY B, Discuss with a friend the reasons why these jobs wil be in high demand. (CJ C. Werk in stall groups Choosing a career is one of the most dificult processes to go through, bot fr teenagers Bnd their parents. Especially nowadays, ‘when technology and communication systems are changing people's noods and wil Setermine what jobs wil be replaced and the ones that wil stl be around. However, my Son's geting started in @ career was not such 2 cific task. He had.a very special teacher wo showed her students the most promising Careor paths, but, most of al focused on ther rowing as people and not only on making money. 1. How were (are) you (being) prepared to Choose your career? 2. How dificult i ito anticipate successful future career cholces? 3. How can a teacher influence someone's career? We can use the possessive before ~ing forms to focus, ‘0n who Is performing the action. Compare: ‘Smoking in the office is not allowed. Your smoking in the office Is unacceptable. | appreciate hel | Bpprets YSlRB Bi me wth the problem, cole d MT LE ea melas eg 1 Learning wish + yous ‘A. Ms. Hunt is taking to Steve about his employee performance review. Listen and read. BE | B. Answer this question. When Ms. Hunt expressed her dissatisfaction with Steve's behavior at work, what verb tense did she use after / wish? Eee eee ee eee He Language oo: 121 C. Write five sentences about the most annoying habits people have at school / in the office. + swear all the time * listen to music loud * talk about politics /religion / + be distracted all the time ‘brag about themselves —_soccer teams all the time * eat smelly food at their desk * sell things * chew gum / bite fingemails / * interrupt you all the time * be too noisy pick nose / scratch their head * be a know-it-all J wish people wouldn't swear ail the time. D. Group discussion. Tell your friends about the annoying situations you may be going through and ask them what you could do to solve your problems with them. J wish John wouldn't swear all the time. Its not appropriate in the workplace. You could charge him 10 cents for each swear word he says. 4% 2 Reading A. Group discussion. Being successful at work is not a matter of only knowing how to do the job anymore. Nowadays we must also have a different set of skills such as creativity, decision-making, critical thinking, team work, among others. What do you think about this statement? Read and answer. ME 1. Whats the diferenc Between hard and soft skills? 2. Which skills are more important to have these days? 3. According to the author, what shouldn't you do ona résumé? 4, Would you ever lie on your résumé to get job? Why (not)? C. Read the passage and match, 1. Hard skils (H) or sot skils (S)? () floxiitty ) proficiency in a foreign language ) emotional inteligence ) people management 2. Match the words in orange in the text with the definitions below. D, Work in small groups. Gosh Make a list of your soft skis and discuss them with your group, # Hard vs. soft skills 1 You meet all the for your dream jb, then you apply fori. Knowing there isnt ‘anybody who can fil the postion better than you. And yet, somebody else gets the job. 5 You wonder, What happened? Employers now for a ee dae eee ic ‘two cetegores: hard skils and soft skis. You have probably heard of them, butin case you Ho havent, hard skils are the ones you need to perform the job. They are aoguired through formal education and training programs, inctuding college, short term traning classes, online courses, certification 18 programs 2s well as on-the-job training. (On the other hand, sft skis combine social sis and character traits. The term scribes atbutes tht indicate high ‘emotional inteligence. Examples of sot skils 20 are: communication, motivation, leadership, patience, persuasion, problem-solving bites, time management, and the lst ‘goes on. ‘You may ask, What skils are important to 25 have? Although hard sklls are necessary for ‘any positon, employers are more prone to hire applicants with particular sot skis. Tis is because while itis easy to train a new ‘employee in a specific hard ski itis much 30 more dificut, and sometimes impossible, to train someone ina soft ski, such as Patience. ‘As you can see, itis important to have both of sil lsted on your resumé. ‘35. Hard skils show that you are able to do the knowledge. ‘want to improve your chances of geting that dream job, make sure you have a 40 good Jof hard and soft skis listed. (One last, but important piece of advice: resist the temptation of ving on your resumé. When you are listing your soft skis, be sure to write the ones you actuelly 45 have. Employers are able to spot a lie when they see one and this wil definitely ruin your chances of getting the job. pion 2 PE a Ce Cee ate ea ed 1 Vocabulary phrasal vers A Study this. (BBE bur out fall through lay off draw up knuckle down measure up B, Choose three questions and ask a friend. Gog What are the signs an employee is burned out? Are you the kind of person who draws up a list of your professional / p What do you usually do when a plan you make falls through? How long before a test do you knuckle down and study for it? be Have you ever been laid @ff, or do you know somebody who has? What can be done when an employee doesn't measure up to achieve the | 2 Listening A. Listen and matk. gS Where does this conversation probably take place? in the restroom at their desks around the coffee machine B. Listen again and write T (true) or F (False). «<< 1. Mr. Hunt is probably their boss. ( ) ‘Mr. Hunt is probably @ workaholic. ( ) (Only Mr. Richards was uncomfortable at the end of the meeting. ( z 4 4. Mr. Hunt told a silly joke before slamming the door behind him. ( ) ° 5. Mr. Hunt isn't a very understanding boss. ( ) 6. ». Mr. Hunt is a people person. ( ) C. Group discussion, Would you rather work with somebody who has a great technological knowledge, but no people Skills, or the other way around? Is emotional intelligence important in your opinion? 8 ( CCC ¢ oo. ee et ee ( Cc ¢ 3 Sounds good A. Study these word combinations with career. long / brief / short brillant / successful Promising / academic medical / sporting musical build a /have a — “areer make a / pursue @ begin a / boost a give up a / end a ruin a / change a at the peak of (your) B Talk fo a friend. Gf * <> What are some examples of promising careers? + Would you like to pursue @ musical career? “> Do you believe that learning a foreign language can boost your career? <> What would make you give up your career? <> What is a dangerous thing to do when you are at the peak of your career? ‘+ Would you consider following an academic career? C. Write two questions using combinations from A, D. Talk fo a friend using the questions above. 49 4 Check this out! A. Match. 1. The business world is tough today. There's 2 general GOED atmosphere. 2. She is a hard worker and often (5D () To do more than expected of you. (_) An intense rivairy with no concer for morality. B, Group discussion, 1. Would you be able to survive in a dog-eat-dog work environment? What would you do? 2. What do you tink of workers that go the extra mile to do their work? Flay byte res ~ generous «a ret = od he bx ekg ‘engaged « enthusiastic 5 Fluency Bai Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the capacity to identify, evaluate and manage emotions in ‘one's self as well as in other people. Although it {sa valuable asset in the workplace, high emotional intelligence may not necessarily be beneficial for all jobs. Occupations that are generally individualistic such as research scientists or accountants dontt require this personality trait. If you lack El consider choosing @ career that doesnt involve dealing directly with people. 1. Do you believe emotional intelligence is. something we can learn, or is it something we've got to be born with? 2. Would you say you have high or low El? 3. Would you consider taking @ course to improve your EI? Why? 4. Can you name someone you know who has high E1? Why do you think so? cheese Wie} Set ole | 1 Written exercises A. Read and answer. (20 points; 4 each) c Talking about choices may be a thomy issue for some people usually because of the deep regrets they have concerning the bad choices they have already made, and how these choices affected their lives ‘and the lives of people around them. Due to the fear of making bad choices and regret them later, 4 People tend to go for what is familar to them refusing to take up new responsibilities, refusing to get out ‘of their comfort zones. The problem is, when people dont try anything new just because they are unable 10 deal with failure, they have to deal with the fact that their ives wil never change. This seff-blame = they feel about past failures will prevent them from achieving a brighter and more promising future. é€ & When they decide not to face new challenges, they can feel frustrated and insecure. The most common regrets people have are usually related to: not pursuing @ dream career, not folowing their ideals, not. ‘getting @ degree, not spending more time with their families, not traveling more, not ending an abusive relationship, among other things. People should never let their past failures hold them back. They should 12 accept the fact that they ate going to make mistakes and own up to them. They shouldn' try to change ~ ‘what cant be changed. They should move forward. 1. According to the text, why do people usually don't take up new responsibilities? 2. What's the author's suggestion to people who want to have a great future? é 3. On line 6, what does self-blame mean? (_ ) relieve / happiness ( ) guilt / remorse = 4. On line 13, what does move forward mean? ( ) advance / continue - ( ) fail / regret € 5. Does the author recommend we should analyze our past to change things that happened? = B. Answer with complete sentences. (20 points; 4 each) S 1. How long had Susan been working for the same company before taking that unique opportunity? 2. What does Billy wish he had done before moving to a big city to live by himself? OC 3. Can you tell me if Megan and April have acknowledged their mistake? ‘4. Who do you wish would stop bragging about their successful career? 5. Should pet owners teach their pets good manners? 50 “anit ci | ( ( CE CSCCEC TC CUCCTCeCetertes C. Complete with the best phrasal verb. (ZO points; 4 each) erg fa} Ck 1. After receiving a promotion, Mark hopes to to his new responsibilities. 2. The instructor gave us clear instructions about the balloon ride, so we wouldn't 3. They their research successfully and now they are about to receive a prize. 4, Because of his bad grades, Josh had to his studies for the final exams. 5. The marketing executive gave us the task of what had gone wrong with the campaign, ). Choose the best altemative. (20 points; 5 each) 1. His about politics all the time annoyed everybody. a) talk b) talking ©) talked 2. | can't afford the rent in that neighborhood in New York. 2) Neither can't | b) Neither do |. ©) Neither can |. 3. I saw many giraffes during my last trip to Africa, but only rhino a)an b) one oa 4. Adam wants to ___and show his grandchildren famous rock bands from the 80's. )turn back the clock —_—_b) cry over spit mik _¢) go the extra mile Rewrite the sentences using the indirect speech. (20 points; 5 each) | met Paula last year and this is what she told me. 1. My friends will go to the zoo tomorrow. She said that 2. | was writing a long composition yesterday. She said that 3. Tony and Daniel went to the station an hour ago. She said that 4. My sister is going to get married here. She said that 2 Listening Comprehension Exercises A, Part | Listen to a dialog once and answer. (IO points; 5 each) «eS 1, What is the relationship between the speakers? a) a travel agent and 2 customer b) an exchange student and a reporter ©) two childhood friends 2. Where does the conversation take place? a) at Jason's car b) ata travel agency ©) ata park Part 2 . Listen to it again and check the sentences that apply. (30 points; 5 each) weA< 1. The speakers are talking about Jason's next trip. 2. Jason felt depressed after geting nto the airplane by himselt. 3. Jason hadn't been to the USA before. 4. Susan saw the pictures Jason posted and felt shocked. 5. Susan doesn't think Jason is a country boy. 6. Having contact with nature and dealing with animals were what Jason liked best. B. Listen and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false): (30 points: 5 each) weal< 1. Lilly has always wanted to become a physiotherapist ( . Her parents kept telling her she should follow her dreams. ( ( 2, ) 3. Being a marketing executive sounded very interesting to her. ( 4, She felt very exhausted after 5 years of college. Cs 5. She's a marketing executive now. o) 6. Lilly is not satisfied with her job anymore. C) 52 CLL eCCCUCCE CK .e . Teo ct tC cee C C. Listen to the conversation between Kate and Jason and answer. (30 points, 5 each) x 1. How's Kate feeling about her trip? 2. Who has seen to the documents for the trip? 3. Why aren't they going to see any wild animal park? 4. What popular animal in Thailand is endangered? 5. Are both Kate and Jason against animal cruelty? 6. What do monkeys usually do in Thailand? 3 Speaking Choose one of the topics and talk about it. You can give your opinion, present the arguments for or against the issue, point out the positive and Negative aspects, give examples, etc. * Changes are always welcome. + My ideal pet. * County people vs. ety people. * Leaming is always fun. * Being a cigital influencer. MER Cee RENT aCe urd 1 Kick it off! A. How do you blow off steam? Read the sentences below and circle the numbers that correspond to your opinion ~ from | (disagree completely) to 5 (agree completely). Oe) BO) B. Talk to a friend about your answers. (Kf ‘A: My favorite fun activity is playing video games ally? Playing video games stresses me out. ‘A: What do you do for fun? ‘d rather read a good book. i 2 Vocabulary teisue sciives Word reo A. What activity ate you doing? GZ.J 20, + Answer questions about it, but you cannot say “yes" or “ * The student who guesses your activity takes your place. B. Choose a topic and talk about ## nonstop for one minute, + Talk about ways people spend their time badly. * How people's free time activities change as they get older. ‘+ How much free time do you have in a week? Is it enough? * Why is having no free time a bad thing? * Do you think sleeping is a good way to spend your free time? Why (not)? * Do you think 2 four-day work week would be a good idea? Give reasons. 56 ooadnnan: (axe eC ANDDDABAAANOE 1Ox¢ ¢ DOANE ac a 3 Listening 4 Speak up A Listen and choose. +h < A. Check your answers. Its easy to get stressed out these days. When you think you are losing it, what do you usually do to let off steam? What are the alarming aspects of Americans choice of leisure activities? > | pound my pillow. > |ery out lous. > | wait to cool off and take action. > {listen to music. > I write about it. > B. Now discuss your answers with your fiends. QJ C. Tak fo a fiend. GS Family, friends, relationships, work, responsibilities. We have to juggle so many They aren't interested in socializing ‘They are obsessed with physical activities. ‘They are worried about their communication. B. Listen again and complete. « How difficult is it for you to identify your ‘main sources of stress? ‘> What are some typical symptoms of stress? ‘> What can people do to reduce stress? \ Do you know any stress management techniques? ‘<> How easy is it for you to handle stress? ‘> What would increase your stress nowadays? C. Write two questions using combinations from A. D. Talk to a friend using the questions above. Gog a 4 Check this out! A. Match. 1. suppose every marriage has its (SEND aD. 2. I know you ean do it if you make up your mind, because| (Ifyou are determined enough you can find a way to achieve what you want (_) Times of success, happiness and times of failure, unhappiness. B. Group discussion. 1. Do you agree with the statement, Where there is a will there is a way? Can you think of any situation this idiom is not applicable? 2. Life is all about ups and downs. Its easy to deal withthe ups, how do you deal with the downs? find a way S have @ plan be brave and face the situation 5 Fluency Gage ‘There are thousands of activities meant to relieve stress. Needless to say that one activity can have different effects on people; while it may be extremely relaxing for one person, it might be awfully stressful for the other. However, there is one activity that has the power of loosening up everyone which is meditation. Meditation is free, powerful and can be practiced by anyone, anywhere. It is extremely beneficial and can help us feel better. 1. What is the most relaxing activity in your opinion? 2. How about the most stressful? 3. Have you ever tried meditating? If yes, how did you feel? / If no, would you like to try? 4. When was the last time you did physical activity? What was it? eT Sy booster 1 Speaking A. Get ready for a job interview * Get together in two groups: Group A will be the interviewers. Group B will be the interviewees * In your own group, think of the items below: Group A: Imagine you work for a big company that is looking for a new marketing intern. Think of some aspects about the position (salary, work hours, benefits and perks, etc.). You can also come up with some questions to use during the interview, besides the ones in part B. Group B: : Imagine you are applying for a position as @ marketing intern at an important company. Make up a profile you can use during the interview (your strengths, your weaknesses, your education, etc.) You can also think of ideal answers for the questions in B. B. Get together with a person from the other group and act out the inferview. Duar ue age CC Nn re eee eC cd Why should this company hire you? Do you have any questions for me? C. How did the interview go? / Why would/wouldn't you hire the applicant? 62 CCCCCOCCCCC CCE o.oo A. Ce. oo ¢ 2 Watch this! A Watch Episode 3 of More Explorations and answer: ° = Why isn't the quote “Choose a job you love, and you will 7 never have to work @ day in your ife” completely true? ( 5 B, Watch the episode again. Matk the sentences True or False 1 ) A person works on average 71% of the year. ) Over our lifetime we viork around 31 years unt retirement ) Ifyou really love your job, nothing wll make you enxious or stressed ) Unpleasant stuff might make a person question their career choice all the time. ) We should all take into account the pros and cons of a career before choosing to pursue it. ) Allin all, the important thing about one's job is to fee! accomplished and satisfied no matter how stressful it might get sometimes. ( at 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 6. ¢ 3 Pronunciation Homophones A.Listen and say. (ie bear bare air heir err flour flower heal heel he'll pair pear road rode rowed vary very to two too your youre there their they're B. Talk to a friend. Would you like to go on a road tip with your friends? When was the last time you rowed a boat? 111 go to the supermarket to get some flour and a bunch of flowers. What do you need? What would you do if you found out you were an heir to a lost fortune? To err is human. To blame somebody else for your errors is even more human. What do you think of this sentence? I cant stand pears. How about you? 6 eb CUR coheed 1 Kick it off! ‘A, How much do you know about att? True or false? ‘The opera Carmen was writen by Georges Bizet. i Located in New York, MoMA stands for Museum of Mixed Ars. ii “The Painting La Giaconda is also known as Mona Lisa. i Picasso is one of the founders of impressionism. on Weasley and Harry Potter, who are characters of a famous series, are related. “There were 100 Dalmatians in the children's book which wes made into a fim by Walt Disney. ‘The Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from the people of France. David Copperfield, Criss Angel and Harry Houdini are names of famous actors. ‘Answers on page 130 B. Tak to a friend about your answers, GJ ‘A: How many sentences did you get right? - B: | got 5 sentences right. How about you? A: Attis not my cup of tea. | got only one correct. B: Really? Which one? S 2 Vocabulary Forms of ar Word apres C A. Talk to a friend. KS ; ‘+ What forms of art do you like? * Do you think of cartoons and comics as art? + Name a famous artist in the form of * How about magic shows? ert you nediioned + Can people express themselves through * Is this person rich? music and dance? L + What mae hi parson famous? + How did you lke your art classes at school? raiural tater, ols, luck Nard work, Monon some ena ~ marketing skills, help from others) ne foes fone + How often do you go to museums, = art galleries and movies? ¢ B. Work in small groups. ~ What do you think about contemporary art? = Would you rather go to a traditional or contemporary art exhibit? Why? = What is the purpose of art, in your opinion? 66 ¢ Ce ¢ 3 Listening A. Listen and match. << As Ted (1) ) wants to play the drums. ) has a headache. ) wants to be rich and famous. ) needs a break. ) is focusing on the negative. is not sure if he/she likes playing. B. Listen again and answer. w