VFR Flights Lost

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Online Aviation English - English Teacher Oxford - www.englishteacheroxford.co.


VFR Flights Lost.

Describe the photograph below.
Describe the features you can see in the photograph below.
How do VFR pilots navigate?
What difficulties can you experience while flying VFR?


lost disorientated navigational aid compass map stop watch

worsening weather conditions transponder fuel endurance
precautionary landing parachute drop zone MATZ
TV mast power lines power station high ground terrain river
valley built-up area bridge railway motorway road ridge
tree line coast line cliff beach lake dam

You are the pilot of the plane in the above photograph, but you are unsure of
your position. Describe your position to ATC. Presume the orientation of the
photograph is north.

© Copyright English Teacher Oxford 2009

Online Aviation English - English Teacher Oxford - www.englishteacheroxford.co.uk

Now describe your position in the following photographs.

© Copyright English Teacher Oxford 2009

Online Aviation English - English Teacher Oxford - www.englishteacheroxford.co.uk

© Copyright English Teacher Oxford 2009

Online Aviation English - English Teacher Oxford - www.englishteacheroxford.co.uk

If you are lost, what should you do in the following situations.

1. You are near high ground.

If you are lost and you are near high ground, you should look left and
right to check the safest route and you should do a 180 and return to
your last fix to try to orientate yourself. If that fails, you should call your
working frequency and inform them that you are lost.

2. You think you are near controlled airspace.

3. You are a student pilot.

4. The weather is deteriorating.

5. The fuel is getting low.

6. It is getting dark.

7. You have past your ETA and you can’t see the airfield.

8. Your GPS doesn’t correlate with your dead reckoning.

© Copyright English Teacher Oxford 2009

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