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Sunday, 01 - 03 - 21

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A social problem or social issue is any condition

or behavior that has negative consequences for
large numbers of people and that is generally
recognized as a condition or behavior that
needs to be addressed.
Characteristics of a Social Problem
1. The objective condition must be perceived to be a social problem
publicly. That is, there must be some public outcry. People must
become actively involved in discussing the problem. Public
attention becomes directed toward that social condition.
2. The condition must involve a gap between social ideals and social
reality. That is, the condition must run counter to the values of the
larger society. At the beginning of the 20th century alcohol abuse
was perceived to be a very serious social problem, responsible for
family breakdown, abandonment of children, accidental death at
work, and violence in society. A "Temperance Movement" emerged
that further consolidated public opinion to a point that people
wanted to do something about it.
Gerlie Bontilao
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Characteristics of a Social Problem
1. A significant proportion of the population must be involved in
defining the problem. (A large proportion of the population must
be concerned about the condition… It must have national
attention. If only a small segment of the population gets involved
you have an interest group pushing for the general public to do
something about the condition-- not a social problem).
2. The condition must be capable of solution through collective
action by people. If no solution is perceived possible, people will
resign themselves to their fate. A good example is government
bureaucracy-- If everyone takes the attitude that "you can't fight
city hall", government bureaucracy doesn't emerge as a social
Gerlie Bontilao
problem. Rather, it is a part of life that everyone must live with.
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As hunger rises, Philippine authorities take aim at farmers
and rural activists

Integrated Camera
Last year had already been unkind to
Renato Gameng, a farm worker in the
Philippines’ northern Isabela
province. The coronavirus brought
periodic lockdowns, leaving farmers
stranded from their crops. A
controversial rice import liberalisation
law had decimated domestic rice
production, leaving fewer jobs.

Then, late in 2020, the Philippines was hit by six straight storms
culminating in November’s Typhoon Vamco. The floods that followed
washed out farm land in Gameng’s Cagayan Valley region, sweeping
away houses and animals, and destroying corn and rice crops during the
harvest season.

Integrated Camera
Today, food prices have skyrocketed in
local markets, and temporary farm jobs
are scarce. “Our normal lives are in
poverty,” said Gameng. “This is not
normal for us.”
Filipino farm workers like Gameng are
struggling after a year of lockdowns and
disasters decimated crops and income.
And their pain has been passed on to
consumers in the form of soaring food
prices and rising hunger.

Food inflation rates reached 6.2 percent in March, and more than one in five
Filipinos didn’t have enough food to eat at some point in 2020 – a record
high that is double pre-pandemic levels – according to household surveys by
Social Weather Stations, a non-profit research institution.

Integrated Camera
Government relief – sporadic cash payments of about $100, or food
parcels – hasn’t come close to meeting people’s needs. Instead,
rights groups say the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte
has tried to silence its critics, including outspoken rice farmers like
Gameng, citizens criticising the slow pace of food aid, and relief
workers trying to fill the gaps.

Gameng chairs the local rural alliance DAGAMI. Like other

progressive farmer leaders, he has been labelled a terrorist and
threatened by local officials for speaking out against government
“I’m just fighting for the welfare of farmers,” Gameng said. “It’s the
government who caused the poor farmer’s burden.”

Integrated Camera
1. Who are the people involved?
2. What are the challenges faced by
the farmers?
3. What are the values presented in
the text?

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The text says__________. Text-To-Self
This reminds me of______.
If this happens to me, I
I am like(character) because we

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This reminds me of the world


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guard-praised-online-after-helping-cashless-student/ DRILL

The text says__________.

This reminds me of______.
If this happens to me, I would_________. Text-to-self
I am like(character) because we both____.

This reminds me of the world Text-to-worl

because_______. d

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Sunday, 01 - 03 - 21

New meeting join


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Template by @jycelinn

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