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Eyelid hematoma is swelling or accumulation of blood under the skin of

the eyelids due to rupture of the eyelid blood vessels. Petals hematoma is a
disorder that is often seen in blunt eyelid trauma. If the bleeding is deeper and
affects both lids and is shaped like sunglasses (raccon eye) that is being worn,
it is due to rupture of the ophthalmic artery which is a sign of a skull base
fracture. In the rupture of the ophthalmic artery, blood enters the two orbital
cavities through the orbital fissure. The first treatment can be given a cold
compress to stop the bleeding. Furthermore, to facilitate the absorption of
blood, warm compresses can be applied to the eyelids.
Picture1.2: Eyelid hematoma

conjunctival edema Conjunctival tissue which is mucous membrane can be

chemotic in any disorder, including blunt trauma. If the lids are exposed to the
outside world and the conjunctiva is directly exposed to the wind without being
able to blink, this condition can cause conjunctival edema. Severe conjunctival
edema can cause the eyelids to not close, thereby increasing the stimulation of
the conjunctiva. In conjunctival edema, decongestants can be given to prevent
fluid retention in the conjunctival mucous membrane. In severe conjunctival
chemotherapy, it can be done on the side so that the chemotic conjunctival fluid
comes out through the incision
Picture1.3. Conjungtival edema

Subconjunctival hematomas occur due to rupture of

blood vessels under the conjunctiva, such as the conjunctival artery
and the episcleral artery. Rupture of these blood vessels can be the
result of whooping cough, blunt trauma or the state of blood vessels
that break easily. If the eye pressure is low with oval pupils
accompanied by decreased visual acuity and subconjunctival
hematoma, it is advisable to explore the eyeball to look for possible
rupture of the bulbus oculi.

Picture1.4. Subconjungtival Hematom

Corneal edema can give complaints in the form of blurred vision and the
appearance of a rainbow around a light bulb or light source being seen. The
cornea will appear cloudy with a positive placedo test. Severe corneal edema
may result in the entry of inflammatory cell powder and neovascularization into
the corneal stromal tissue. The treatment given is a hiertonic solution such as
5% NaCL or a hypertonic saline solution of 2 – 8%, glucose 40% and albumin
solution. If there is an increase in eye pressure, acetazolamide can be given.
Soft contact lenses may be given to relieve pain and improve visual acuity.

Picture1.5. Subconjungtival Hematom

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