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Team 2.

The 70´s

 Automobiles in the 70s used to be heavier and currently they are made of light
materials to make them lighter.
 Although there were already cars in the 70s, most people traveled by bicycle and today
it is no longer used as a means of transport.
 The cars of the 70's used to be more unsafe, currently with technology air bags were
put on that can save your life.
 Before ships were used to transport something from one country to another, and now
airplanes are used that are much faster


 Before you used to use a typewriter and now you can use a computer.
 In the 70s they used to use a walkman to listen to music and now you can listen to it
on a portable speaker.
 In the 70s phones used to be used only for calls, now you can buy, play, travel with
them virtually.
 In the 70s TVs used to be small and heavy, now they are thin and high resolution.

 In this decade they used to go to naturopathic doctors and now in 2021 they give us
more man-made medicine.
 In the 70's it used to have less than 20 medicine specialties and today there are 50.
 Before, the patient used to be physically examined and now with medical innovations
it is done by means of computers that examine us.


 Pants in both men and women used to be tight and flared pants. didn't use to each
have their own design and taste, and now it is cmmon to do it.
 The clothes used to be of the same design, with very light garments, now the clothes
are used with different types of fabric, such as cotton, wool, etc.
 skirts used to reach knee length and were worn at formal events, didn' t use to be of
different sizes and styles such as miniskirts, dresses

 People used to use letters, now text messages are used.

 Before the newspapers were used to read the news and now they are read on the cell


 School used to be face-to-face, it didnt used to be online like today.

 Education used to be stricter and punishments were more aggressive such as bodily
harm, now the student can only be punished with reports.
 The materials used to be homemade and scarce, they didnt use to usually plastic and
easy to find as they are now.


 In the 70s music used to be more romantic, now it's more explicit.

Team members

 3. Xavier Blanco Robles

 4. Adair Calvo Canseco
 21. Ernesto López Olivera
 22. Diego Alejandro López Pérez
 24. Karla Estrella López Rodríguez
 35. Joaquín Rojas Rojas

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