EBOOK - 100 Days of Spanish Words and Expressions

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100 Days of Spanish Words and Expressions

MyDailySpanish.com | 2016

Hello and welcome to MyDailySpanish.com! ¡Hola y bienvenidos!

Thank you for downloading a copy of this free 100-day vocabulary and expressions pack. I hope
that you will have a great time learning Spanish with the help of this e-book.

In the next pages, you’ll find 100 days’ worth of vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and slang
expressions. Each day, you have:

• Ten (10) new Spanish words

• One Spanish idiomatic expression, and
• One slang expression

So just imagine, if you allot a few minutes daily to check this e-book, you will learn a whopping
1,000 words, 100 idioms and 100 slang terms in just a little over three months! That’s a whole lot
of new Spanish words to add to your vocabulary bank, making this e-book the perfect material
to supplement your existing Spanish lessons.

Of course you can choose not to follow the sequence presented in this e-book: you can pick this
up whenever you feel like it (perhaps once in a blue moon), or you can totally forget about it after
you download. Well, that’s too bad if you do because if you follow the daily method provided in
this e-book, not only will you learn a whole lot of Spanish words and expressions, you’ll also learn
something even more helpful: you’ll be able to create a learning habit.

A learning habit---once you develop it through continuous daily practice---will keep you
motivated in learning Spanish and will ensure that you will continue with your lessons and
achieve your goals in being proficient in the Spanish language. If you want more details about
creating a good learning habit, check out this article on How to Create a Daily Habit.

There are plenty of other articles that you can read at My Daily Spanish.com. Please feel free to
visit it regularly.

And so, without much more ado, here is your 100-day vocabulary and expressions pack. Enjoy!


Founder, MyDailySpanish.com
Day 1 – Greetings

Hola Hello

¿Qué pasa? / ¿Qué hay de nuevo? What's up?

Buenos días Good morning

Buenas noches Good night

Buenas tardes Good afternoon

Hasta luego See you later

Adiós Goodbye

Te veo pronto See you soon

¿Cómo te va? How's it going?

¿Qué haces? / ¿Qué estas haciendo? What are you doing?


A buena hora que te veo / ¿Qué bueno que te What a good timing to meet you (At a good hour
veo? that I see you)

Slang term:

Muy buenas / Buenas Greetings (used at any time of the day)

Day 2 – Feelings

Bien Good

Alegre Happy

Mal Bad

Triste Sad

Decepcionado / Decepcionada Disappointed

Ansioso / Ansiosa Anxious

Relajado / Relajada Relaxed

Te veo luego / Hasta luego See you soon

Enfermo/ Enferma Sick

Hambriento/ Hambrienta Hungry


A mal tiempo, buena cara To show a good attitude even during a bad
situation (At bad time, good face)

Slang term:

De la patada / Fatal Awful

Day 3 – Food

Desayuno Breakfast

Almuerzo Lunch

Cena Dinner

Postre Dessert

Huevos Eggs

Tocino Bacon

Panqueques / Panquecas Pancakes

Jugo Juice

Malteada / Batido Milkshake

Frijoles Beans


A palo seco To eat something dry or without any beverage

(At dry stick)

Slang term:

Provecho Have a good meal

Day 4 – Likes and Dislikes

Me gusta I like (one thing)

Me gustan I like (multiple things)

Delicioso / Deliciosa Delicious

Asqueroso / Asquerosa Disgusting

Genial Awesome

Agradable Fine

Desagradable Unpleasant

Gusto Taste

Gustó Liked

Terrible Awful


Ni fu ni fa To not like any of the choices (Neither fu nor


Slang term:

De buena gana On good will

Day 5 – Nationalities

Americano American

Británico British

Francés French

Italiano Italian

Europeo European

Chino Chinese

Japonés Japanese

Coreano Korean

Canadiense Canadian

Español Spanish


Como Pedro por su casa To become too comfortable in an unfamiliar

place or situation (Like pedro by his house)

Slang term:

Galo French
Day 6 – In a Restaurant

El restaurante the restaurant

La mesa the table

El cuchillo the knife

El tenedor the fork

La cuchara the spoon

Los palillos The chopsicks

Comer to eat

Ordenar to order

Para llevar for take-away

La propina the tip


Restaurante /cafetería de mala muerte A restaurant with disappointing food (Greasy


Slang term:

Jartar To eat excessively

Day 7 – Receiving and Giving Help

Necesitar to need

Ayuda help

Entender understand

Aquí tienes here you go

La cuchara the spoon

De nada you’re welcome

Asistencia assistance

¿Dónde estoy? where am I?

Discúlpe excuse me

Mucho gusto nice to meet you


Hoy por ti, mañana por mi To help someone hoping that you will receive
help back in the future (Today for you, tomorrow
for me)

Slang term:

¿Entiendes? Do you understand?

Day 8 – Shopping

El mercado the market

La tienda the store

El quiosco the kiosk

El supermercado the supermarket

Comprar to buy

Vender to sell

Pagar to pay

El cajero automático the ATM

Inventario stock

Marca brand


Costar un ojo To be too expensive (To cost an eye)

Slang term:

Forrado / Forrada A wealthy person

Day 9 – People and I

La familia the family

Las personas the people

Los compañeros de trabajo the coworkers

La novia the girlfriend

El novio the boyfriend

Los primos the cousins

Los padres the parents

Los abuelos the grandparents

El padrino the godfather

La madrina the godmother


De tal palo tal astilla Like father like son (From such a stick, such
a splinter)

Slang term:

Mis viejos My parents

Day 10 – Colours

Rojo Red

Verde Green

Amarillo Yellow

Negro Black

Blanco White

Claro Bright

Oscuro Dark

Rosa Pink

Marron Brown

Gris Grey


Rojo como un tomate To blush (Red like a tomato)

Slang term:

Colorado Better: pelirrojo A ginger person

Day 11 – Handy Words

Posible Possible

Imposible Impossible

Lástima Pity

Lástima Shame

Poco Little

Mucho A lot

Demasiado Too much

Suficiente Enough

Solo Just / Alone / Only

Direcciones Directions


A fin de cuentas Ultimately (At the end of accounts)

Slang term:

Bastante A lot
Day 12 – Clothing

La ropa the clothes

Los pantalones the pants

La camisa the shirt

La falda the skirt

La corbata the tie

La chaqueta The jacket

El abrigo the coat

Los zapatos the shoes

La ropa interior the underwear

Las botas the boots


Zapatero a tus zapatos To each their own (Shoemaker to your


Slang term:

Chancleta / huarache Slip on leather sandal

Day 13 – Living Creatures

Humano Human

Animal Animal

Perro Dog

Gato Cat

Fish Pez

Serpiente Snake

Conejo Rabbit

Tigre Tiger

Elefante Elephant

Burro Donkey


Hacer el mono To be foolish (To do the monkey)

Slang term:

Pollito o pequeñito Little one

Day 14 – Universe and I

Universo Universe

Espacio Space

Estrellas Stars

Cielo Sky

Telescopio Telescope

Luna Moon

Sol Sun

Galaxia Galaxy

Satélite Satellite

Gravedad Gravity


Viendo estrellas To be dizzy (To be seeing the stars)

Slang term:

En las nubes Absent-minded

Day 15 – Time

Tiempo Time

Tarde Late / Afternoon

Temprano Early

Noche Night

Hora Hour

Minuto Minute

Segundos Seconds

Pasado Past

Presente Present

Futuro Future


A buenas horas, mangas verdes It's already too late (At good hours, green

Slang term:

Madrugón To get up really early

Day 16 – Caring

Cuidado Careful / Care

Peligroso Dangerous

Seguro Safe / Sure

Importante Important

Cuidadosamente Carefully

Responsible Responsible

Irresponsable Irresponsible

Calmado / Calmada Calm

Cuidate Take care

Tragedia Tragedy


Ponerse las pilas To pay attention (Put on the batteries)

Slang term:

Tramposo Sly person

Day 17 – Lost in Space

Perdido / Perdida Lost

Extranjero / Extranjera Foreigner

Mapa Map

Allí There

Aquí Here

Llegar To get

Cómo puedo How can I

Deseo I wish to

Tren Train

Avión Airplane


Como aguja en un pajar To be difficult to find (Like a needle in a


Slang term:

Gringo Foreigner
Day 18 – Professions

Profesión Profession

Ingeniero Engineer

Profesor Professor

Policia Policeman

Diplomático Diplomatic

Vendedor Salesman

Enfermero / Enfermera Nurse

Arquitecto Architect

Bombero Fireman

Abogado Lawyer


Doctores tiene la Iglesia To leave something to a professional (The

church has doctors)

Slang term:

Mili Military
Day 19 – Human Parts

Ojos Eyes

Cabeza Head

Nariz Nose

Brazos Arms

Manos Hands

Piernas Legs

Pies Feet

Rodillas Knees

Labios Lips

Oidos Ears


Con la miel en los labios To be left wanting more (With the honey on
the lips)

Slang term:

Tetas Breast
Day 20 – Bargains

Barato Cheap

Costoso Expensive

Descuento Discount

Oferta Sale

Demanda Demand

Porcentaje Percent

Tasa Rate

Comisión Commission

Estafa Scam

Por unidad Per unit


Gran tímo To be cheated out of something (Great rip


Slang term:

Ofertón Big sale

Day 21 – Street Talk

Calle Street

Avenida Avenue

Ciudad City

Estado State

Esquina Corner

Girar Turn

Estrecho Narrow

Despacio Slowly

Recto Straight

Comunidad Community


A la vuelta de la esquina To have something close by (At the turn of

the corner)

Slang term:

Ratero Delinquent
Day 22 – At the Hospital

Medicina Medicine

Vomito Puke

Digestión Digestion

Sangre Blood

Musculo Muscle

Huesos Bones

Sedante Sedative

Cirugía Surgery

Cirujano / Cirujana Surgeon

Vacuna Vaccine


Hacer visita de médico Very punctual and short visit (To do the
doctor's visit)

Slang term:

Estirar la pata To die

Day 23 – Accommodations

Lavadora Washing machine

Secadora Drying machine

Nevera Fridge

Cocina Kitchen

Lavaplatos Dish washer

Calefacción Heating

Balcón Balcony

Mueble Furniture

Mesa Table

Sillas Chairs


Tirar la toalla To give up (To throw the towel)

Slang term:

Taburete Chair
Day 24 – Gifts

Regalo Gift

Envuelto Wrapped

Lazo Ribbon

Sorpresa Surprise

Compartir Sharing

Juguetes Toys

Caridad Charity

Aniversario Anniversary

Navidad Christmas

Cumpleaños Birthday


A caballo regalado, no le mires el diente To not be picky about a gift (To a gifted
horse, don't look it's teeth)

Slang term:

Guay Cool
Day 25 – Measuring

Metro Meter

Centímetro Centimeter

Milímetro Millimeter

Kilómetro Kilometer

Gramo Gram

Kilogramo Kilogram

Largo Long

Corto Short

Litro Liter

Mililitro Milliliter


Mucho bulto To take too much space (Too bulk)

Slang term:

Migaja Small portion

Day 26 – At School

Asignatura Subject (at school)

Libros Books

Bolígrafo Pen

Marcador Marker

Arte Art

Deportes Sports

Geografía Geography

Historia History

Literatura Literature

Programación Programming


Como un libro abierto To be open/transparent (Like an open book)

Slang term:

Cole School
Day 27 – Hobbies

Leer To read

Cantar To sing

Trotar To jog

Correr To run

Pasatiempo Hobby

Escribir To write

Viajar To travel

Cocinar To cook

Dibujar To draw

Pintar To paint


Rascarse la panza To be lazy / not wanting to do anything (To

scratch the belly)

Slang term:

Tiempo de ocio Free time

Day 28 – At the Airport

Aeropuerto Airport

Billete Ticket

Boleto de embarque Boarding pass

Pasaporte Passport

Maleta Suitcase

Equipaje Luggage

Terminal Terminal

Cabina Cabin

Aerolinea Airline

Pasajero Passenger


A duras penas To barely do something ()

Slang term:

Pasaje Ticket
Day 29 – Camping

Campamento Camp

Fogata Bonfire

Frutas Fruits

Repelente Repellent

Tienda de acampar Tent

Madera Wood

Salchicha Sausage

Pescar To fish

Oso Bear

Cuento Story


La cabra siempre tira al monte To go back home

Slang term:

Cuates Group of friends

Day 30 – Seasons and Weather

Invierno Winter

Verano Summer

Primavera Spring

Otoño Fall

Nieve Snow

Lluvia Rain

Humedad Humidity

Playa Beach

Calor Hot

Frío Cold


Llueve a cántaros A lot of rain (Stick of water)

Slang term:

Solazo very sunny

Day 31 – Planning

Planes Plans

Calendario Calendar

Organizar Organize

Presupuesto Budget

Pregunta Inquiry

Cita Date / Appointment

Reunión Meeting

Agencia de viajes Travel agency

Acuerdo Agreement

Desacuerdo Disagreement


Más vale prevenir que lamentar It's better to prepare / plan ahead (It's worth
more to prevent than to lament)

Slang term:

Menjurje Diverse things done without order

Day 32 – Drinks

Bebida Drink

Agua Water

Hielo Ice

Borracho Drunk

Sobrio Sober

Té Tea

Leche Milk

Cerveza Beer

Ron Rum

Burbujeante Sparkling


Estar pedo To be extremely drunk

Slang term:

Chela Beer
Day 33 – Cinema

Cine Cinema

Película Movie

Reservación Reservation

Estreno Premiere

Actor Actor

Actriz Actress

Protagonista Protagonist

Fantasía Fantasy

Acción Action

Suspenso Thriller


Muy padre / De pélicula Something awesome (Of movie)

Slang term:

Pelis Movies
Day 34 – Work Life

Jefe Boss

Trabajar To work

Salario Salary

Beneficios Benefits

Proyecto Project

Tiempo completo Full-time

Tiempo parcial Part-time

Impuesto Tax

Equidad Equity

Experiencia Experience


Tener palancas To be in a position because of inside

connections (To have a socket)

Slang term:

Patrón Boss
Day 35 – Things I have done

Comí I ate

Jugué I played

Salí I went out

Conocí I met

Sabía I knew

Juventud Youth

Ñiñez Childhood

Antes Before

Ayudé I helped

Castigué I punished


A lo hecho, pecho To accept what has been done (To what is

done, chest)

Slang term:

Echarse un sueñito To take a nap

Day 36 – Love Interest

Consejo Advice

Novio Boyfriend

Novia Girlfriend

Beso Kiss

Olvidar To forget

Quejarse Complain

Inocente Innocent

Compromiso Commitment

Matrimonio Marriage

Sentimiento Feeling


Como un par de tórtolos A lovey-dovey couple (Like a pair of doves)

Slang term:

Besuquear To kiss repeatedly

Day 37 – Conversation Topics

Chisme Gossip

Noticias News

Moda Fashion

Tecnología Technology

Negocios Business

Amor Love

Relaciones Relationships

Prestigio Prestige

Inversión Investment

Retiro Retirement


Hablar hasta por los codos To talk too much (Talk through the elbows)

Slang term:

Chismorrear Gossip
Day 38 – Sports

Fútbol Soccer

Béisbol Baseball

Voleibol Voleyball

Tenis Tennis

Ciclismo Biking

Fanáticos Fans

Clubes Clubs

Estadio Stadium

Capitán Captain

Falta Foul


Así es la vida Something unexpected happened (Soccer is

like that)

Slang term:

Seguidores o porras Fans

Day 39 – Politics

Presidente President

Alcalde Mayor

Embajador Ambassador

Gobierno Government

Paz Peace

Guerra War

Elecciones Elections

Monarquía Monarchy

Democracia Democracy

Dictadura Dictatorship


A rey muerto, rey puesto To replace someone quickly (Dead king, king

Slang term:

Presi President
Day 40 – Economy

Pobre Poor

Rico / Adinerado Rich

Crédito Credit

Débito Debit

Prestamo Loan

Alquiler Rent

Fideicomiso Escrow

Dinero Money

Cheque Check

Transacción Transaction


Con una mano delante y otra atrás To be poor (With a hand in front and the
other behind)

Slang term:

Pobretón Poor
Day 41 – Hardware Terms

Computador Computer

Impresora Printer

Teléfono Telephone

Teléfono móvil Mobile phone

Teléfono inteligente Smart phone

Ratón Mouse

Teclado Keyboard

Auricular Earpiece

Micrófono Microphone

Procesador Processor


En la misma onda To understand someone else (In the same


Slang term:

Ordenador Computer
Day 42 – Cars

Coche / Automóvil Car

Camión Truck

Limosina Limousine

Grua Crane

Ambulancia Ambulance

Camioneta Van

Gasolina Gasoline

Repuestos Parts

Mantenimiento Maintenance

Velocidad Speed


Trabajar juntos To make a collective effort (To pull the car)

Slang term:

Coche Car
Day 43 – Music and I

Guitarra Guitar

Piano Piano

Violín Violin

Concierto Concert

Coro Choir

Director Director

Voces Voices

Actuación Performance

Líricas Lyrics

Compositor Composer


Músico pagado toca mal son To not trust the quality of something paid in
advance (Paid music doesn't make a sound)

Slang term:

Micrófono Microphone
Day 44 – University

Universidad University

Clases Classes

Horario Schedule (classes)

Especialización Specialization

Filosofía Philosophy

Psicología Psychology

Bachiller Bachelor

Pasantía Internship

Certificación Certification

Voluntario Volunteer


Estoy en la gloria To be in a happy place or situation (To be in

the glory)

Slang term:

Novato Freshmen
Day 45 – In the Kitchen

Sal Salt

Azucar Sugar

Cebolla Onion

Zanahoria Carrot

Pimienta Pepper

Arroz Rice

Carne Meat

Pollo Chicken

Pescado Fish

Tomate Tomato


Ser cocinero antes que fraile In order to be an expert one must have the
experience (To be a cook before a monk)

Slang term:

Jamar To eat
Day 46 – Being Ill

Temperatura Temperature

Fiebre Fever

Tos Cough

Picazón Itch

Viral Viral

Gripa Flu

Migraña Migraine

Corazón Heart

Pulmones Lungs

Estornudo Sneeze


Peor el remedio que la enfermedad To end up with worst problems (Worse the
remedy than the sickness)

Slang term:

Una fuerte gripa Strong flu

Day 47 – Preferences

Comedia Comedy

Drama Drama

Documental Documentary

Tipo de Type of

Ficción Fiction

Romance Romance

Gordo / Gorda Fat

Flaco / Flaca Skinny

Alto / Alta Tall

Bajo / Baja Short


Para gustos, colores To have different taste (For likes there are

Slang term:

Flacucho Very skinny

Day 48 – Tourism

Turismo Tourism

Turista Tourist

El festival The festival

Guía turistico Tour guide

Senderismo Hike

Famoso Famous

Paracaidismo Parachuting

Hostal Hostel

Lugar Place

Excepcional Remarkable


Perder el Norte To be lost / disoriented (To lose the north)

Slang term:

Mal día Having a bad time

Day 49 – Natural Events

Volcán Volcano

Tormenta Storm

Huracán Hurracaine

Tornado Tornado

Terremoto Earthquake

Sequía Drought

Tsunami Tsunami

Maremoto Seaquake

Tifón Typhoon

Inundación Flooding


Llueve sobre mojado When one bad thing comes after

another (Rains over wet)

Slang term:

Largarse To leave a place

Day 50 – Confrontation

Confrontación Confrontation

Herir/ herido Hurt

Perdonar Forgive

Intención Intention

Pelear To argue

Gritar To yell

Error Mistake

Obviamente Obviously

Pegar/ golpear To hit

Maltrato Mistreatment


Mala hierba nunca muere To refer to a known bad person, who

persist in doing harm and not willing to
improve its behavior (Bad herb never
Slang term:

Dar lata To upset

Day 51 – Junk Food

Hamburguesa Burger

Papas fritas French fries

Golosinas/ aperitivos Snack

Helado Ice cream

Crema batida Whipped cream

Agridulce Sweet and sour

Cacahuete Peanut

Nueces Nuts

Torta Cake

Tarta Pie


Comer como un cerdo To eat in a way that disgusts others (To eat
like a pig)

Slang term:

Botanas Snack
Day 52 – Uncertainty

Incertidumbre Uncertainty

Quizás Maybe

Posiblemente Possibly

Inseguro Insecure

Confiar To trust

Asegurar To make sure

Asumir To assume

Tímido / Tímida Shy

Autoestima Self-esteem

Aterrado Terrified


No aclares que oscureces To make a situation more confusing by trying

to clear it up (Don't brighten that you darken)

Slang term:

Gallina/pendejo Coward
Day 53 – Crimes

Crimen Crime

Infracción Infringement

Fianza Bail out

La ley The law

Prisión Prison

Fuga Jailbreak

Evidencia Evidence

Sentencia Sentence

Juez Judge

Fiscal Prosecutor


Me sabe mal To be sorry (It tastes bad to me)

Slang term:

Chota, poli Police force

Day 54 – Adventurer's Tale

Aventura Adventure

Orientación/ guía Guidance

Destino Destination

Salto Jump

Complicaciones Complications

Cuerda Rope

Entusiasta, interesado Keen

Miedo Fear

Trampa Trap

Maniobra Maneuver


No pegué un ojo To be unable to sleep (To not stick eye)

Slang term:

Fiera/ valiente Fearless

Day 55 – Brilliant Minds

Brillante Brilliant

Ingenioso Clever

Inteligente Smart

Neurona Neurone

Cerebro Brain

Razonamiento Reasoning

Creatividad Creativity

Improvisación Improvisation

Conocimiento Knowledge

Prodigio Prodigy


Ser un diamante en bruto To have great potential (To be a brute


Slang term:

Sabelotodo Smart
Day 56 – Getting a Job

Entrevista Interview

Referencia Reference

Secretario / Secretaria Secretary

Permanente Permanent

Proveedor Supplier

Bolsa de valores Stock market

Desempleado Unemployed

Aceptado / Aceptada Accepted

Rechazado / Rechazada Rejected

Rol Role


Salvarse por los pelos To get barely get out of a bad situation (To
be saved by the hairs)

Slang term:

Jornal Money earned in a day

Day 57 – Joking

Broma Joke

Jugando Playing

Payaso Clown

Comediante Comedian

Reír To laugh

Burlarse To make fun

Bufón Buffoon

Malicia Malice

Consideración Consideration

Atributo Attribute


Riendo a carcajadas To laugh a lot (Laughing to chuckles)

Slang term:

Padre Fun
Day 58 – In Trouble

Problema Problem

Decisión Decision

Habitación Room

Deposito Storage

Extintor Extinguisher

Rescate Rescue

Helicóptero Helicopter

Incendio Fire

Secuestro Kidnap

Conflicto Conflict


Meter la pata To screw up (To insert the foot)

Slang term:

Atorarse To choke
Day 59 – Grooming

Peine Comb

Peinado Hairstyle

Corte de cabello Haircut

Ducha Shower

Maquillaje Makeup

Cepillo Brush

Cepillo de dientes Toothbrush

Secador de pelo Hairdryer

Espejo Mirror

Joyería Jewelry


Estar hecho un Cristo To wear dirty clothes or lack grooming in

general (To be made a Christ)

Slang term:

Guapo / Guapa Good looking

Day 60 – Foolish

Tonto Fool

Mal calculado Miscalculated

Despistado Clueless

Consecuencia Consequence

Alternativa Alternative

Arrogante Arrogant

Torpe Clumsy

Arriesgado Risky

Atrevido / Atrevida Daring

Reto Challenge


Cargar con el muerto To be doing something no one else wants to

(Carrying the small owl)

Slang term:

Estar detrás del palo Clueless fool

Day 61 – Defeat

Derrota Defeat

Intentar To try

Caerse To fall

Revancha Rematch

Levantarse To rise

Estado de ánimo Mood

Motivación Motivation

Rendirse To give up

Dudar To doubt

Rivalidad Rivalry


Donde quiera se cuecen habas. Bad things can happen to anyone (In every
place they cook broad beans)

Slang term:

Paliza Big defeat

Day 62 – Victory

Victoria Victory

Logros Achievements

Campeones Champions

Recompensa Reward

Inspiración Inspiration

Habilidad Skill

Determinación Determination

Impresionante Impressive

Expectativa Expectation

Talento Talent


Como anillo al dedo To fit something/somewhere well (Like ring

to the finger)

Slang term:

Exitoso Something very succesful

Day 63 – Behaviors

Comportamiento Behavior

Estresado Stressed

Avergonzado Embarrassed

Sospechoso Suspicious

Arrepentido / Arrepentida Regretful

Enfadado Angry

Eufórico Euphoric

Desesperado Desperate

Actitud Attitude

Controlador Controlling


Entre ceja y ceja To be obsessed with something (Between

eyebrow and eyebrow)

Slang term:

Pesada Bad behavior towards someone

Day 64 – Showing Appreciation

Aprecio Appreciation

Afecto Affection

Bienestar Well being

Felicitaciones Congratulations

Apretón de manos Handshake

Abrazo Hug

Celebración Celebration

Invitación Invite

Dar animo To cheer up

Halago Compliment


Eres la bomba You are cool (You are the bomb)

Slang term:

Mola To like
Day 65 – Accessories

Correa/ cinturon Belt

Bufanda Scarf

Gafas/lentes de sol Sunglasses

Pulsera Wristband

Anillos Rings

Reloj de pulsera/mano Wristwatch

Sombrero Hat

Gorra Cap

Mascara Mask

Collar Necklace


Entre pitos y flautas Between this and the other (Between

whistles and flutes)

Slang term:

Chacas Person that wears sportswear and gold

Day 66 – Pet Care

Mascota Pet

Jaula Cage

Esterilizar Sterilize

Dueño Owner

Compañero Partner

Limpieza Cleaning

Alimentar To feed

Parásitos Parasites

Pulga Flea

Raza Breed


Llevarse como perros y gatos To not get along well (Get along like dogs
and cats)

Slang term:

Can Dog
Day 67 – Armed Forces

Fuerza aérea Air force

Ejercito Army

Marina Navy

Soldado Soldier

Reserva Reserve

Patrulla Patrol

Armamento Weaponry

Reglamento Rules

Obedecer To obey

Lealtad Loyalty


Slang term:

soldado raso Soldier (new recruit)

Day 68 – Producing Things

Producción Production

Masivo Massive

Proceso Process

Manufacturar Manufacture

Granja Farm

Industria Industry

Lana Wool

Ganado Livestock

Trigo Wheat

Distribución Distribution


Slang term:

Rancho Farm
Day 69 – The Press

La prensa The press

Demora Delay

Estampa /estampilla Stamp

Fotografía Photography

Testimonio Statement

Periodismo Journalism

Articulo Article

Tinta Ink

Cámara Camera

Revista Magazine


cambia chaquetas To switch sides (To switch jacket)

Slang term:

Prender la mecha To provoke

Day 70 – Progression

Limite Limit

Progreso Progress

Acelerado Accelerated

Ajuste Adjustment

Obstáculo Obstacle

Adaptarse To adapt

Superar Overcome

Tropezar To stumble

Retrasar Stall

Crecimiento Growth


La vida es corta y hay que vivirla / La vida es To enjoy life (To live that it's two days)
como un helado disfrútala antes de que se
Slang term:

Colmo The limit of something

Day 71 – Wild West

Vaquero Cowboy

Nativo Native

Alguacil Sheriff

Caballos Horses

Duelo Duel

Alcohol Alcohol

Persecución Chase

Carroza Carriage

Mercenario Mercenary

Héroe Hero


Ahuecar el ala To leave quickly (Hole up the wing)

Slang term:

Enganchar To catch someone

Day 72 – Taking and Giving

Dar To give

Recibir To take

Agregar Add

Remover Remove

Alinear Align

Justo Fair

Decomisar Confiscate

Rogar To beg

Donar To donate

Solicitar To request


Arrimar el hombro To give help (Move the shoulder)

Slang term:

Mendingar A beggar
Day 73 – Royalty

Rey King

Reina Queen

Monarca Monarch

Príncipe Prince

Princesa Princess

Heredero Heir

Caballero Knight

Guardia Guard

Realeza Royalty

Legado Legacy


Hablando del rey de Roma Speaking of which (Speaking of the king of


Slang term:

Mirrey King
Day 74 – At the Hotel

Estacionamiento Parking

Servicio Service

Vista View

Incluido Included

Satisfecho Satisfied

Recepción Lobby

Ascensor Elevator

Cortina Curtain

Hora de entrada Check-in time

Hora de salida Check-out time


A lo chambón To do something without any organization or

order (At the punches)

Slang term:

Cama Bed
Day 75 – At the Casino

Ruleta Roulette

Naipes Cards

Apuesta Gamble

Aleatorio Random

Suerte Luck

Fichas Chips

Tragamonedas Slot machine

Cartera Purse

Billetera Wallet

Bote/ premio gordo Jackpot


Ir con pies de plomo To be cautious (To go with lead feet)

Slang term:

Embarajar To shuffle cards

Day 76 – Performers

Cantante Singer

Bailarín Dancer

Percusionista Percussionist

Mimo Mime

Luces Lights

Títere Puppet

Artes marciales Martial arts

Presentador Host

Disciplina Discipline

Aplaudir To applaud


Con mi música a otra parte To leave a place (With the music to another

Slang term:

¡Órale! To praise something good

Day 77 – Restrictions

Prohibido Forbidden

Restringido Restricted

Permiso Permission

Acceso Access

Identificación Identification

Nivel Level

Remodelación Remodeling

Piso mojado Wet floor

Cerrado Closed

Cuarentena Quarantine


En boca cerrada no entran moscas To know when to keep quiet (In a mouth shut
no flies get in)

Slang term:

Inconveniente Inconvenience
Day 78 – Bad Traits

Egoísmo Selfish

Envidia Envy

Celos Jealousy

Odio Hatred

Mentiras Lies

Racismo Racism

Flojera/ vagabundería Laziness

Desleal Disloyal

Avaricia Greed

Orgullo Pride


Lamebotas To show excessive admiration in order to

gain something (To make the ball)

Slang term:

Vago Lazy person

Day 79 – Good Traits

Amabilidad Kindness

Honestidad Honesty

Humildad Humility

Carisma Charisma

Crítico Critical

Sencillez Simple

Entendedor Understanding

Obediencia Obedience

Tolerancia Tolerance

Compasión Compassion


De buena gana To do something with a good attitude (Of

good wish)

Slang term:

Simple Simplicity
Day 80 – Office Things

Carpeta Folder

Café Coffee

Recordatorio Reminder

Escáner Scanner

Sala de reuniones Meeting room

Colectivo Collective

Asociación Association

Trabajo en equipo Teamwork

Productividad Productivity

Eficacia Efficacy


Echarle el muerto To put the blame on someone else (To throw

the dead)

Slang term:

Esta cabrón A difficult task

Day 81 –Mail Terms

Oficina postal Post office

Correo Mail

Carta Letter

Sobre Envelope

Paquete Package

Distancia Distance

Correspondencia Correspondence

Formulario Form

Firma Signature

Prioridad Priority


Ha salido rana When something we get/do disappoints us (It

came out frog)

Slang term:

Aventado Quickly
Day 82 – Modeling

Modelo Model

Portada Cover

Sesión Session

Patrocinador Sponsor

Bronceado Tan

Miradas Stares

Tacones Heels

Calcetines Socks

Media Stocking

Vestido Dress


Mucho ruido y pocas nueces To make a big deal out of nothing (Too much
noise and few nuts)

Slang term:

Farandulear To act with arrogance

Day 83 – Newborn Experience

Primogénito Firstborn

Bautizo Baptize

Nombre Name

Apellido Last name

Segundo nombre Middle name

Bendición Blessing

Niñera Babysitter

Chupete Pacifier

Pañal Diaper

Loción/ crema Lotion


Otro gallo cantaría Things would be different (Another rooster

would sing)

Slang term:

Barriga A pregnant woman's belly

Day 84 – Weaponry

Granada Grenade

Cuchillo Knife

Espada Sword

Arco Bow

Mortero Mortar

Cañón Cannon

Lanzallamas Flamethrower

Munición Ammo

Lanza Spear

Arma Weapon


Matar moscas a cañonazos To do something in an inefficient and

expensive way (To kill flies with cannons)

Slang term:

Fusca Gun
Day 85 – Outside the City

Río River

Océano Ocean

Montaña Mountain

Bosque Forest

Arcoíris Rainbow

Cueva Cave

Valle Valley

Isla Island

Picos nevados/ cerros nevados Snow peaks

Desierto Desert


Romper el hielo To end with an awkward situation (Break the


Slang term:

Charco The Atlantic ocean

Day 86 – Human Creations

Rascacielos Skyscraper

Torre Tower

Puente Bridge

Auditorio Auditorium

Sociedad Society

Cohete Rocket

Bomba Bomb

Misil Missile

Pistolas Guns

Tratado Treaty


Donde el diablo perdió el poncho To be very far (In the fifth pine tree)

Slang term:

Munición Bullet
Day 87 – Healthy Lifestyle

Vitaminas Vitamins

Dieta Diet

Minerales Minerals

Caminata Hiking

Caminar Walking

Forma Shape

Oxígeno Oxygen

Ensalada Salad

Avena Oatmeal

Nutrición Nutrition


Dar en el clavo To be right (Hit on the nail)

Slang term:

Escalar To climb a tree

Day 88 – Thanksgiving

Acción de gracias Thanksgiving

Agradecido Thankful

Pavo Turkey

Peregrino Pilgrim

Vecinos Neighbors

Feriado Holiday

Sobras Leftovers

Relleno Stuffing

Engullir Gobble

Mantel de mesa Tablecloth


Ir bien bolo To go somewhere drunk (To go well cooked)

Slang term:

Feriado largo A very long holiday

Day 89 – Amusement Park

Montaña rusa Roller coaster

Perro caliente Hot dog

Paseos Rides

Distracción Distraction

Palomitas de maíz Popcorn

Globo Balloon

Algodón de azúcar Cotton candy

Cuota Fee

Muñeco / Muñeca Doll

Fuegos artificiales Fireworks


Pasarse 3 pueblos To exaggerate (To pass 3 towns)

Slang term:

Peluche Doll
Day 90 – Gloomy Days

Sollozando Sobbing

Negativo Negative

Herida Wound

Deuda Debt

Pesimista Pessimistic

Tenso Tense

Abismal Abysmal

Perjudicial Harmful

Terco Stubborn

Culpable Guilty


Lágrimas de cocodrilo To cry in a manipulative way (Crocodile


Slang term:

Cabezón Stubborn
Day 91 – Tying the Knot

Prometida Fiance

Prometido Fiancee

Esposo Husband

Esposa Wife

Compromiso Engagement

Voto Vow

Capilla Chapel

Catedral Cathedral

Luna de miel Honeymoon

Cónyuge Spouse


Llevar los pantalones To be the one that makes decisions (To wear
the pants)

Slang term:

Tortolitos Couple
Day 92 – Cleaning

Jabón Soap

Detergente Detergent

Aerosol Spray

Aspiradora Vacuum

Escoba Broom

Guantes Gloves

Gérmenes Germs

Grasa Grease

Hongo Fungi

Polvo Dust


No ser trigo limpio To be fake (To not be clean wheat)

Slang term:

Empleada Maid
Day 93 – Sailor Life

Marinero Sailor

Ancla Anchor

Salvavidas Lifesaver

Abordo Aboard

Tatuaje Tattoo

Marea Tide

Hundiendo Sinking

Ahogándose Drowning

Impermeable Raincoat

Señal Signal


A la mano de Dios To not be able to influence an outcome (At

the good of god)

Slang term:

Al garete Adrift
Day 94 – Beliefs

Religioso Religious

Dios God

Destino Destiny

Fe Faith

Esperanza Hope

Oración Prayer

Existencia Existence

Santo Saint

Deidad Deity

Sagrado / Sagrada Holy


Ha pasado un angel When there is a sudden collective silence

(An angel has passed)

Slang term:

Fariseo Hypocrite
Day 95 – Constructions

Mausoleo Mausoleum

Monasterio Monastery

Monumento Monument

Catacumbas Catacombs

Bóveda Vault

Almacén Warehouse

Refinería Refinery

Taller Workshop

Refugio Shelter

Cuartel general Headquarters


Ni me va ni me viene To not care about (Neither goes from me nor

comes to me)

Slang term:

Mole de cemento Big building

Day 96 – Cooking Terms

Congelar Freeze

Caramelizar Caramelize

Revolver Scramble

Brocheta Skewer

Sabor Flavor

Estofado Stew

Enternecer Tenderize

Espesar Thicken

Aguado Thin

Lanzar Toss


Estar frito To be in trouble (To be fried)

Slang term:

Fritanga Greasy fried food

Day 97 – Real Estate

Hipoteca Mortgage

Evaluación Appraisal

Cláusula Clause

Bancarrota Bankruptcy

Bienes Asset

Corredor Broker

Depreciación Depreciation

Equidad Equity

Concesionario Grantee

Arrendamiento Lease


Quedarse en el tintero To be pending (To stay in the inkwell)

Slang term:

Lana Money
Day 98 – Technology and I

Pagina Web Website

Versión Version

En línea Online

Fuera de línea Offline

Desarrollador Developer

Aplicación Application

Parche Patch

Ordenador portátil Laptop

Circuito Circuit

Red Network


Se le prendió el bombillo To get an idea (To turn the lightbulb)

Slang term:

Portal Website
Day 99 – College Life

Consejero Advisor

Dormitorio Dormitory

Electiva Elective

Concesión/ subvención Grant

Requisito previo Prerequisite

Beca Scholarship

Investigación Research

Transcripciones Transcript

Fraternidad Fraternity

Hermandad Sorority


Es otro cantar A big difference between two situations or

things (It's another singing)

Slang term:

Cerebrito A person that studies a lot

Day 100 – At the Dentist

Blanqueado Whiten

Inflamación Inflammation

Inyección Injection

Mandíbula Jaw

Frenillos Braces

Cavidad Cavity

Chequeo Checkup

Odontólogo Dentist

Prevención Prevention

Encías Gums


Morderse la lengua To be quiet (To bite the tongue)

Slang term:

Dentista Dentist

Can you believe it’s been 100 days already? Well, that is, if you really wentthrough
the words and expressions everyday which I certainly hope you did.

Learning Spanish is no easy feat, but with a great learning habit and the proper
motivation, you should be able to breeze through it fairly easily.

Don’t forget that if you have any questions, recommendations or anything at all
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