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Core Activity # 2: English Culture Influence in human development

Photo Name Enrollment # Career Semester

José Abraham Corral Sánchez 1816827 IMF 7

Demian Santiago Mendoza Ledesma 2032705 ITS 3

Miguel Ángel Olivo Roque 1832118 IMA 7

Gustavo Eduardo Hernández Chapa 1855937 IMTC 7

José Alfredo Martínez Arriaga 1831050 IMF 8

Juan Carlos García Rodríguez 1917025 IME 7

Photo Name Enrollment # Career Semester

David Adrián García Arango 1908060 IMTC 7

Brandon Emmanuel Hernández Almeraz 1992193 IMTC 7

For the following presentation we give a view to the English culture that, due to
its great wealth and its history, we are surprised by the great amount of influence
that is imposed in much of the world, incorporating many aspects that relate us in
a large part of our daily lives.
For this, we see 5 aspects of English culture that stand out, in these we see the
aspects such as ancient civilization, government, education, we also include
sporting and musical aspects that set a point and part of how they have been most
influential around the world.
However, we highlight a large part of these aspects as a basis in society as in the
customs that this same culture has.
English culture and its impacts

English culture has made great contributions to

world culture, and sports are also part of that
culture. Among them, football is undoubtedly the
most popular worldwide. In this sense, England
can claim several "first" in the history of football,
such as the first game and the first official rules.

I consider that football has impacted for good

because I believe it is the most known and most
practiced sport in the world.
English culture and its impacts

The second reason is that I believe that unites people, leaving aside
that there are local teams, and everyone has their fans, in time of
the competition for the World Cup always people meet to support
their national team, this in an atmosphere of harmony.
And the third reason I believe is health, because being the most
known sport in the world, there are many more people practicing it
and as benefits it is that it improves heart health, also helps
coordination and promotes teamwork that I also believe helps in
life in general.
Population of the
united kingdom
The United Kingdom has more than 65 and a half
million inhabitants, very unequally
distributed, with a large urban population. The
population density is also
highly variable but generally high.
It is a multiracial country given the enormous
amount of immigrant population of very diverse
origin (Southeast Asia,
Far East, Mediterranean, Eastern Europe, Black
Africa, etc).
The UK is made up of
four nations
Britain. On this island combine three nations:

Scotland. It is located in the northern part of the island of Great Britain and covers a third
of its surface. It also has almost 800 islands. Its capital is Edinburgh.

Welsh. It occupies a peninsula that is located in the western part of the island. It has two
official languages: English and Welsh. Its capital is Cardiff.

England. It occupies the southern and central part of the island and almost 100 small
islands. It is a unified State since the year 927.

North Ireland. It occupies the northeastern part of the island of Ireland and represents
only 30% of the island's territory. It was founded as a nation in 1921. It is divided into six
Industrial Revolution
I think the industrial revolution make a great impact with the human
development, mainly with economies. The Industrial Revolution
transformed economies that had been based on agriculture into
economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and
the factory system. New machines, new power sources, and new ways of
organizing work made existing industries more productive and efficient.
New industries also arose, including, in the late 19th century, the
automobile industry.
Important inventions of the Industrial Revolution included the steam
engine, used to power steam locomotives, steamboats, steamships, and
machines in factories; electric generators and electric motors; the
incandescent lamp; the telegraph and telephone; and the internal-
combustion engine and automobile, whose mass production was
perfected by Henry Ford in the early 20th century.
How did the Industrial
Revolution change society?
The Industrial Revolution increased the overall amount of
wealth and distributed it more widely than had been the case
in earlier centuries, helping to enlarge the middle class.
However, the replacement of the domestic system of
industrial production, in which independent craftspersons
worked in or near their homes, with the factory system and
mass production consigned large numbers of people.
Art in U.K
Art is an important part of British history and
culture. Many British artists created irreplaceable
works of art whose appeal influenced many artists
around the world. The traces of the development of
British art go back to prehistoric periods
The Stonehenge, built around 2600 BC, is clearly
the oldest British work of art we know so far. The
influence of the Roman conquest and other
preceding historical epochs are still present in the
United Kingdom. Ancient churches and cathedrals
have the same illuminated manuscript and sculpture
as when they were built centuries ago
José Corral: I believe that the theme of sport does impact a lot within
human development since this most of the time impacts people
positively, from helping health to all the exercise that entails, also the
social development of the person living with more people in a healthy
way and in an environment that is also mostly peaceful. Sports can help
overcome differences and foster dialogue, thus helping to break down
prejudices, stereotypes, cultural differences, ignorance, intolerance and

Personal Miguel Olivo: The state system where education is free; and the private
or independent system where parents normally pay a fee. Approximately
Conclusions 7% of British children study in the private system. Despite everything,
parents can decide to send their children to kindergartens or nurseries in
primary schools, to prepare them before starting compulsory education.

Demian Mendoza; My personal conclusion about Industrial Revolution

is that marks the beginning of a new economic system, capitalism, the
economic system by which the world is governed today, and meant a
transformation in the organization of society, class society, with the
appearance of a new group society, the proletari
José Alfredo Martínez :In this activity we managed to see the importance and the aspects that have
marked or given a good impact on society and that more than culture since it is one of the most
significant and ancient around the world

one of the best known works of art is stonehenge is a very old work that has been for many generations
being and I consider world heritage apart art is also in the music many world famous artists and
exclusive meals from those countries.

Gustavo Eduardo Hernández Chapa: I can conclude that it was an enriching and quite interesting
Personal presentation, because it shows important aspects of the culture of the United Kingdom and how these

conclusions have had such a strong impact on our world today. For my case it was interesting to know sports and
cultural aspects that, in a certain way, they monopolized the attention of the entire planet and took a
course that changed the idea of many people.

Precursors of thousands of customs, as well as adoptions of multiple cultures that were appropriated and
guided towards a revolutionary thinking to be seen as a country of opportunity, joy and good life.
Example to follow after events that strongly overthrew a society, which, despite what has been seen, they
got up and gave a different face to what they were. A very interesting activity that made me reflect to the
point of demonstrating what a culture has given us all over the world.
Juan Carlos García Rodríguez: In this activity we included some aspects of English
culture that were considered as the most known, although each one of them is very
different it is necessary to consider them, since for this topic there is a great variety of
aspects to consider and this is very interesting because they are important data that
mark the countries and differentiate them from some other. Although it may be
possible that certain countries share the same aspect, definitely the history behind it is
very different and this is what characterizes the countries. Of the aspects that we
consider in this activity, without a doubt the most well known by other countries are
soccer for being the most popular sport in the world and the famous Industrial
Revolution, which has been discussed during the educational process. In conclusion,

Personal even when talking about the culture of another country, it is important to know it and
it will surely be something very interesting.

conclusions David Adrián García Arango: My personal opinión about English culture is great, in
termes of Sports and Music, they have so much talent, representation and impact over
all the world. Also in politic terms, we discover that the world has also populism and
monarchy as goverment, not as traditional in Mexico and US, in this side of the world
the Republic goverment is applied

Finally, what I consider so important is how everyone has different thoughts, feelings
and culture, and we consolidate and accept other types of culture,
music,religion,typical food, etc.
Brandon Almeraz: I feel that each of these aspects are important because
when reading about this, I realized certain things that I had no idea
about, and they impact everything we do every day, from natural
impacts, to their art and everything that entails this. Thanks to this
activity I was able to understand a little more about English culture and
all its impact, and I was able to learn new things about this topic.

Bibliographical References
A.C.A.D.E.F. (s. f.). Beneficios de jugar al fútbol. ACADEF. Recuperado 23 de agosto de 2022, de
A.F. (2018, 23 marzo). El fútbol: otro invento inglés. Instituto Superior Cultural Britanico. Recuperado 23 de
agosto de 2022, de
Reino Unido. (s/f). Características. Recuperado el 25 de agosto de 2022, de
(S/f). Recuperado el 25 de agosto de 2022, de Editors. (October 29, 2009). Industrial Revolution. August 23, 2022, de A&E Television
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