Ingles Borrador

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When i graduate, i am going to travel around the world, i amgoing to search a work and specialize

in victimology. I am going to créate found an animal shelter, to help as many animals as I can.
When I manage to do it, I will be able to give meaning to my life, since it is my greatest dream.

My parents, my brother and I are going to move house, another achievement that we will

I am going to work on something that I am passionate about, that is worth all the years of study, I
am not going to work on something that makes me unhappy.

My mother is not going to leave the country if I decide to leave, I know I will feel sad but the time
will come to know what destiny holds for me.

I'm not going to do the same thing all my life, I don't want my life to be mononomial, and that's
what I least expect, to have a boring job where I regret having studied or chosen that job.

Living in Mexico took away my hopes of studying what I really love, which is reading. I am going to
be an editor, work in a publishing house, read writings without getting married and make my mind
forget everything.

Although time passes and I can fulfill everything I mention, I am not going to overcome the death
of my pet, it was and will be something that will always hurt me.

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