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Jan 8, 2021 (OP) #10 Jan 9, 2021 (OP) #14

Tool updated to v 1.1, �rst post updated too to �ts these changes! Updated to v1.2

First post updated with new informations and download link

08.01.2021 - v1.1 - Added prepatched setup.exe (10.0.19041.572 from Windows 10 20H2 v2) to suppress 0xC0000005 error - Many thanks infuscomus from Win-Raid forum
George King George King
MDL Expert - Added w32uires MUI patch to get perfect setup look by removing unneded installation steps MDL Expert
 Aug 5, 2009  Aug 5, 2009 09.01.2021 - v1.2 - Added CaptureVHD.cmd for easy capturing Syspreped VHD
 1,234  1,234 - Improved BCD localization on setup media
 1,281  Shortyportuguese, Muggaen, abbodi1406 and 1 other person like this.
 1,281 - Fixed diskpart handling for removing unnneded recovery partition created during setup
- Fixed generated boot.ini attributes
 60  60
[TOOL] POWIS - Powerful Windows Setup - Support Windows Vista, 7, 8.0, 8.1, 10, 11 and their Servers equivalent
@infuscomus CaptureVHD.cmd is ready, let me know how it goes
[TOOL] XP2ESD - Create modern Windows XP installer

 Mr.X, abbodi1406, Muggaen and 1 other person like this.

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[TOOL] POWIS - Powerful Windows Setup - Support Windows Vista, 7, 8.0, 8.1, 10, 11 and their Servers equivalent

Jan 9, 2021 #11 [TOOL] XP2ESD - Create modern Windows XP installer

@George King
 Tools  Like  + Quote  Reply

I have XP installed in a VMWare VM, how do I run wimlib on it to make a wim out of it?

infuscomus Jan 9, 2021 Last edited: Jan 9, 2021 #15

MDL Junior Member
@George King
 Apr 25, 2020
 52 your CaptureVHD.cmd had problems on my machine - It said it could not �nd some drive or path speci�ed, and then on the Capture WIM step it got stuck and ended up in a loop, stopping it I ended up with a 250gb WIM �le.
0  Tools  Like  + Quote  Reply infuscomus
MDL Junior Member

 Apr 25, 2020

Jan 9, 2021 Last edited: Jan 9, 2021 #12
 52
do all updates just mean MassStorage and USB ?! (not DriversPack for Windows XP)
0  Tools  Like  + Quote  Reply
Why do you need both Windows 7 and Windows 10 ISO ?! Why don't you just use an ISO?
Great job, it would be perfect if it automatically installs all drivers like Tools does

last thing, is it possible to add multiple languages in the boot.wim to translate the installation GUI? Jan 9, 2021 Last edited: Jan 9, 2021 #16
MDL Member I did not understand what you need w32uires.dll.mui �les in all languages ...
if you create a SysPrep the RunOnce function I see it useless ... the SysPrep exists just for this, a clean installation without adding anything during the installation. @George King
 May 2, 2018 in the next days I will test it ...
 174 OK, got the install.wim now - ASSIGNLETTER was G for me, not X
 65
But now in XP2ESD_Builder I'm getting "Access is Denied" prompts when I'm running as Administrator.
 10  Tools  Like  + Quote  Reply infuscomus
MDL Junior Member
edit: It seems I mixed up my win7 and win10 ISOs
 Apr 25, 2020
Jan 9, 2021 (OP) #13
 52
infuscomus said: ↑ 0  Tools  Like  + Quote  Reply
@George King

I have XP installed in a VMWare VM, how do I run wimlib on it to make a wim out of it?
George King Jan 9, 2021 #17
MDL Expert I'm preparing Capture.cmd right now to make it easy for every one. Will be ready in few hours.
@George King
 Aug 5, 2009
 1,234 can you do an experiment to see if you can get XP to boot in UEFI mode using your installer?
 1,281 WindowsMyStyle said: ↑
 60 do all updates just mean MassStorage and USB ?! (not DriversPack for Windows XP) infuscomus
MDL Junior Member
Why do you need both Windows 7 and Windows 10 ISO ?! Why don't you just use an ISO?
Great job, it would be perfect if it automatically installs all drivers like Tools does  Apr 25, 2020
last thing, is it possible to add multiple languages in the boot.wim to translate the installation GUI?
 52
I did not understand what you need w32uires.dll.mui �les in all languages ... 6
if you create a SysPrep the RunOnce function I see it useless ... the SysPrep exists just for this, a clean installation without adding anything during the installation.
0  Tools  Like  + Quote  Reply
in the next days I will test it ...

Windows 7 is here for grab Windows 7 PE - boot �les and boot.wim image 2, in new update that will be ready soon there will be also bootloader localization from �les from install.wim
Windows 10 is here to add Windows 10 setup engine to add ESD support into Windows 7 PE Jan 9, 2021 (OP) #18

Do not add multiple languages as its useless. infuscomus said: ↑

For example, I'm using Czech Windows XP that means CS in XP SP3 MSDN ISO names and egual to cs-CZ in Win7/Win10 language terminology images. So I'm using localized ISOs as input. @George King

Modern Windows setup engine have 5 steps during �rst setup phase. can you do an experiment to see if you can get XP to boot in UEFI mode using your installer?
1) Copying Windows �les George King
2) Expanding Windows �les MDL Expert
Can you point me where I can �n how to do it in XP. If I would know how to do it, I can can implement it too. Feel free to post ideas in research topic Or do you mean this instructions?
3) Installing features
 Aug 5, 2009
4) Installing updates
5) Finishing up  1,234  Mr.X likes this.
 1,281
XP2ESD uses only 3  60
1) Copying Windows �les [TOOL] POWIS - Powerful Windows Setup - Support Windows Vista, 7, 8.0, 8.1, 10, 11 and their Servers equivalent

2) Expanding Windows �les

[TOOL] XP2ESD - Create modern Windows XP installer
3) Finishing up

w32uires.dll.mui patch means to remove these unneded setup steps t make perfect look.  Tools  Like  + Quote  Reply

I would like to add support for every langugae that mach XP as you can see at the end of �rst post. Like if you use RU XP upload me w32uires.dll.mui from ru-RU Windows 10 boot.wim\2\sources\ru-RU. Then I'm able to make RES patch
and include it XP2ESD
Jan 9, 2021 (OP) #19

Updated to v1.2.1!
For Driverpacks - yes, this will be added in future as its in to-do list, we need to go step by step to make it Perfect
This is most critical update, now is every custom step performed only after successful installation!
Do all updates means - integrate OnePiece Update pack as is linked in �rst post - these packs are MultiLanguages and perfectly upgrade XP to latest version with everything you shoud need for start. See his project as it includes all
released updates until 22 June 2017
George King
MDL Expert Code:
09.01.2021 - v1.2.1 - Fixed setup process when user cancel setup and target tag file handling
 Tiger-1, SunLion, Mr.X and 1 other person like this.  Aug 5, 2009
 1,234
[TOOL] POWIS - Powerful Windows Setup - Support Windows Vista, 7, 8.0, 8.1, 10, 11 and their Servers equivalent
 1,281 Now its time to check DriverPacks and add support for it
 60
[TOOL] XP2ESD - Create modern Windows XP installer

 Tiger-1, KleineZiege, Mr.X and 1 other person like this.

 Tools  Like  + Quote  Reply

[TOOL] POWIS - Powerful Windows Setup - Support Windows Vista, 7, 8.0, 8.1, 10, 11 and their Servers equivalent

[TOOL] XP2ESD - Create modern Windows XP installer

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 

11 of 16 7/30/22, 11:3312 of 16 7/30/22, 11:33


Jan 9, 2021 #20

George King said: ↑

Can you point me where I can �n how to do it in XP. If I would know how to do it, I can can implement it too. Feel free to post ideas in research topic Or do you mean this instructions?

Some people have been doing experiments over at betaarchive - at least one person got it working -
MDL Junior Member

 Apr 25, 2020

 52
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