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The Philippine administrative system: A review of the past, present, and the
future research

Technical Report · January 2022

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18768.64006

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2 authors:

David Cababaro Bueno Aristeo Salapa

Columban College Inc. University of Southeastern Philippines


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Institutional Multidisciplinary Research and Development Journal
IMRaD Journal, a peer-reviewed and refereed
journal aimed to circulate institutional and scholarly IMRaD Journal
articles, faculty and student researches, and other
----------------------------------------------------Institutional Multidisciplinary Research and Development Vol.
scientific works.
4 JuneJournal
ISSN 2619-7820

The Philippine administrative system: A review of the

past, present, and the future research
David Cababaro Bueno
Dean of Graduate School for Professional Advancement and Continuing Education (G-SPACE)
Columban College, Inc., Olongapo City
Student, University of Luzon

Aristeo C. Salapa
Professor, University of Southeastern Philippines
Visiting Professor, University of Luzon
Abstract: Its earliest institutions were barangays, but Hinduism and Islam brought greater governments. Spanish
immigrants expanded Spain, culminating in Manila's Captaincy General of the Philippines. The Philippines was independent
within New Spain. This reliance on local leaders for the government led to the principalia. Some Muslim and interior countries
lost Spanish rule. The 19th-century mestizo elite defined Filipino identity. They initiated the Propaganda Movement, which led
to the Spanish-American War. In 1898, Spain relinquished control. The US ruled the entire archipelago after the war. It had
strong ties to the Nacionalist Party and other political parties. There was a constitution and a president in 1935. The WWII
Japanese invasion shattered independence hopes. The Japanese occupation ended in 1946. Over time, the Liberals and
Nacionalistas traded charismatic leaders and shared principles. Martial law dissolved the two-party system in 1972. The
Philippines is a presidential democracy. The Philippine Constitution is the legal framework. Constitute 1987 was approved by
a national vote. Many additional laws and government norms, and regulations support it. These include administrative, court,
and municipal laws created under the constitution. All administrative functions are included. The goal is to identify and
communicate the guiding principles. Organizational behavior is a subset of behavioral sciences vital to public administration.
These methods made more sense. People's motivation and productivity are influenced by various elements - political, social,
economic. These also help understand government behavior. In dealing with government agencies and officials, many have
seen that human attitude, presupposition biases, and perceptions influence how the administration is done. It is democratic
because the people choose their leaders. It is democratic because the people are sovereign. The Philippine government is
unitary, presidential, and bureaucratic. The president governs it. The Philippines is a unitary state with a single president. The
Philippine government has three branches: legislative, executive, and judiciary. Finally, it is bureaucratic, with superior and
inferior/rank-and-file offices and officials. The current Philippine system of government has a strong President and an equally
strong Vice President, each elected individually for a single six-year term. There is no re-election for both except that the Vice-
President can run for president. The former president can also run for other positions (one former president is now the city
mayor of Manila, and another was elected as a Congresswoman). In essence, the president is like an absolute monarch with a
limited six-year term because impeachment to remove him from power is so expensive, time-consuming, tedious, and uncertain
that it can't be relied on to work. In short, today's bureaucracy is a product of how it has been regarded and utilized by the
government in power. Like most public institutions, its functions are largely determined by the goals they are set to achieve,
the processes that society expect them to utilize, the amount of power and resources that they are vested with, the level of
accountability that they exercise, and the outputs and the outcomes they are expected to deliver. The administrative system has
shown that while bureaucracy is judged in how it can respond efficiently and effectively to society's challenges, it must be
understood in terms of its functions within a political context. Thus, the Philippine administration is heavily influenced by the
Spanish and American colonial regimes, which have shaped the country's culture. An examination of pre-colonial societies
provides a framework for locating Philippine "public administration" in this article. Today's administration requires a review
and examination of our historical roots, which could have a significant impact on public administration in the Philippines." By
comparing pre-colonial traits to Western models of public administration, the analysis will be widened..

Keywords: The Philippine administrative system, review,past, present, future research, public administration
Perhaps it adapts to the present political, social, and
Our colonial history has had a huge impact on the
economic conditions. In 1521, the Portuguese navigator
development of our country. Both Spain and the United
Ferdinand Magellan highlighted the grabbing impact of
States have left an indelible mark on Philippine politics. They
colonial rules on Philippine soil. As a result, in the early
established bureaucracies based on their idiosyncrasies,
1900s, the American occupation began.
whims, and caprices. In other words, regardless of the
The Spanish colonial regime brought about changes in
circumstances, governments have always had a strong desire
the political, social, and economic spheres. When it acquired
to promote and safeguard the public's interests (Camartan,
control of the Philippines to "solidify its dominion," it
established a centralized management system. Even though
Throughout Philippine history, the bureaucracy has
Manila was the capital, the "Spanish friarchy" permitted
evolved in response to society's changing demands and
various communities to coexist in the archipelago. Despite
temperament. It was founded more than three centuries ago
some community opposition, practically all indigenous
by the colonial administration.
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IMRaD Journal, a peer-reviewed and refereed journal aimed to circulate institutional and scholarly articles, faculty and student researches, and other scientific works.
ISSN 2619-7820
----------------------------------------------------Institutional Multidisciplinary Research and Development (IMRaD) Journal

peoples adopted Roman Catholicism, particularly in the mentality. We could have risen above colonial influences and
southern region. "One striking feature of Spanish colonial developed a distinct Filipino identity (De Leon,
authority, as seen by Endriga, is the gap between rhetoric
and practice," Danilo R. Reyes writes in his book "Public This paper reviews the Philippine administrative
Administration in the Philippines: History, Heritage, and system's past, present, and the future research
Hubris." Rigid rules and high standards have been
abandoned to protect one's self-interest. Following that, the
highest bids were hired by the government. Scholars say this This report was written with the help of a literature
is the time of the spoils system or patronage system. review. A literature review is a systematic examination of
Throughout the American colonial period, a central scholarly papers, books, and other materials related to a
administrative system was maintained. On the other hand, particular subject, field of study, or theory to summarize,
the Americans developed "a powerful public education synthesize, and critically evaluate these materials in light of
system and an honest, efficient, and successful civil service the research question (Fink, 2014). An integrative review
system," both of which were critical to their basic evaluates and critiques representative literature on a topic,
administrative philosophy. While the Spanish government resulting in new frameworks and viewpoints—a literature
claimed responsibility for spreading Christianity under the review is a fantastic way to show your readers how your
friars' influence during the Spanish era, Americans instead research fits within a larger field of study while also offering
advocated for the separation of church and state; an overview of your sources. All studies with similar
governmental affairs must be separate from church assumptions or research questions are included in the
transactions. literature corpus. Integrative reviews must meet primary
Since the amalgamation of the two colonial research's clarity, rigor, and repeatability requirements. It is
administrations, the Philippine bureaucracy has emerged, the most common sort of review in the social sciences.
with a particular Filipino character. Until recently, a Literature reviews are vital for scholarship since science
centralized administrative system was in place. Even though is ultimately a cumulative endeavor (vom Brocke et al.,
the country adopted decentralization in 1991 with the 2009). Expert knowledge syntheses are becoming
passage of the Local Government Code by Congress to increasingly crucial in keeping up with the rapidly growing
establish more responsive governance, the national literature on electronic public administration, assisting
government retains significant power at the lower levels of practitioners, scholars, and graduate students in
administration. Politics oversees the administrative system. understanding the content of various empirical or
In some cases, an appointment to a government office is at conceptual publications. A literature review is required for
the discretion of a politician. the following reasons, among others:(a) what has been
It breaks my heart to read that the Philippine published about a topic; (b) identifying any interpretable
administration is filled with political games. The trends or patterns in a certain study area; (c) combining
bureaucracy in the Philippines looks to be riddled with empirical facts to underpin evidence-based practice; (d)
political bias. Officials, officers, and personnel impose a generating new frameworks and theories; and highlighting
political structure on all levels of government. The issues or concerns that need more examination (Paré,
government has been plagued by corruption and graft for a Trudel, Jaana, & Kitsiou, 2015). As a result, the authors used
long time. Corruption becomes ingrained in the culture from a systematic data processing strategy consisting of three
the top levels of government down to the lowest. processes, namely: (a) screening and searching the
The so-called "elite minority" is another roadblock. A literature (Levy & Ellis, 2006; vom Brocke et al., 2009; Paré
small number of wealthy individuals and corporations have et al., 2015); (b) extraction and analysis of data (Okoli &
dominated society since colonial times, and they still do so Schabram, 2010; Jesson et al., 2011); and (c) composing a
now. The pursuit of one's self-interest usually results in literature review. These supplied extensive and useful
breaking the law. To put it another way: "This has led to an directions on carrying out each phase of the review
elite-centric bureaucracy that is more attentive to their process.
interests than to the great majority of Filipinos," argues
Professor Felipe De Leon Jr. Distrust and antagonism Discussions
toward the government, which just a small group of elites Pre-Spanish Period. Before the Spaniards arrived, the
runs, is pervasive (De Leon, Philippines consisted of towns or villages known as
Subservience is one of the most obvious effects of colonial barangays, named after balangay, a Malayan term meaning
rule. The Philippines' history has been marked by a "boat." Before Ferdinand Magellan's arrival, Filipinos lived
reluctance to challenge the status quo. The rank-and-file in a series of barangays, small towns connected by regional
workers of the Philippines remain mute in the face of their trade networks. People of Austronesian origin used Balangay
self-serving bosses as the country descends into anarchy. boats to get to the Philippines, and the word "barangay"
A better system – we can no longer change the course of comes from the word "balangay." The underclasses of these
history or alter fate. Perhaps, had we not been colonized, the societies included serfs and slaves. In contemporary times,
Filipinos should have been left alone from the start to the powerful individuals who led them were known as Datus,
metamorphose and construct a system of governance although other civilizations used different nomenclature.
responsive to their culture and heritage; it might have Indianized datus grew in power as Hinduism expanded. In
evolved through their nationalism and consciousness. It may the mid-15th century, Sulu became the first significant state
have employed a sufficiently sensitive system to the Filipino to accept Islam.
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IMRaD Journal, a peer-reviewed and refereed journal aimed to circulate institutional and scholarly articles, faculty and student researches, and other scientific works.
ISSN 2619-7820
----------------------------------------------------Institutional Multidisciplinary Research and Development (IMRaD) Journal

Spanish Colonial Period (1521–1898). Following brave and devoted Spanish soldier, helped Spain colonize the
Spanish colonization, the archipelago culture evolved from Philippines. King Philip II ordered Legazpi to split the
diverse native Asian and Islamic civilizations, including Philippines into huge regions called encomiendas, managed
animist religious practices, to a distinctive Southeast Asian- by chosen encomenderos. The King made his conquistadors
Western combination, mainly Spanish. The colonial the first encomenderos in the colony. The encomenderos had
government of Spain is a monarchy in every sense of the the authority to collect taxes on behalf of the King in their
word. In Spain's democratic monarchy, the King serves as encomiendas. But the encomiendas were not for sale. The
prime minister. Spain set up a national colonial encomenderos were territorial overseers tasked with
administration to administer the Philippines' provinces, protecting the encomienda's residents, maintaining peace
cities, towns, and municipalities. Local governments assisted and order, promoting education and health, and assisting
in building schools and other public works. Spain ruled the missionaries.
Philippines from 1565 to 1898. In those days, Spain was far The Spanish colonial administration established
away. Thus, the Islands were administered by the Viceroy of bureaucracy. This bureaucracy was distinguished by color,
Mexico, another Spanish province. A governor-general specific calling, and status. The colonial bureaucracy had a
administered the Philippines when Mexico became fatal flaw: the members' private and personal interests drove
independent in 1821. The King was aided in this by a separate them to defy the stated colonial rule of the administration.
government committee overseeing colonial affairs. From The colonial bureaucracy's fatal flaw was its moral
1565 until 1837, it was known as the Council of the Indies, corruption. To put it simply, the colonial government was
and from 1863 to 1898, it was known as The Overseas "bankrupt in productive policy," with officials who were
Council. either corrupt or tyrannical in their activities. Spain's
Even though many of the regulations don't apply to the colonial objectives left much room for bureaucrats to
colonial situation, it is being followed. It was also a legislative interpret or implement policies enunciated in Spain; the
and judicial branch. Spain's colonial system consisted of a Spanish regime's philosophy regarding public office; the
national government and local administrations that oversaw colonial office in Manila's dependence on Spain; its highly
provinces, cities, towns, and municipalities. A King centralized organization; and the regime's negativism
represented the governor-general of the Philippines. The towards Filipinos. A colonial bureaucracy was an entity that
governor-general may appoint and remove public officers, enforced conflicting colonial aims. It was governed by an
save those he picked. He oversaw all government ideology of public office that allowed the King to dispose of it
departments and tax collecting. It also suggests that the as he wished. This idea led to the practice of selling or buying
governor-general had legislative authority. He made public office. The fundamental idea of public office and the
proclamations to help legislation take effect. tactics required to accomplish it made corruption inevitable
A special judicial court named Residencia investigated a and increased tolerance. The Spanish colonial government's
governor-performance. The new governor-residencia organizational framework favored centralization. It was the
generals reported its conclusions to the King. The Visita or Governor-style.
Council of the Indies sent a Vistador General to inspect the In the physical sense, the concentration of the Spanish
colony. The Visitador General informed the King personally. population in Manila made it easier for them to use this as
The Royal Audiencia might also advise the Governor- the center of the colonial government. It was also a colonial
General and check for and report his excesses. The Audiencia bureaucracy characterized by negativism of Spaniards
also audited colonial expenses and reported to Spain towards Filipinos that sprung from their view that the Indios
annually. The archbishop and other authorities might were morally and politically inferior. For this reason, the
denounce the colonial government's misdeeds to the Spanish Indios could not be given any responsible position in the
King. bureaucracy. If at all. They can occupy only the lowest levels
Despite all these checks and regulations, an abusive of bureaucracy, the town, and the village. The description
governor-general could easily get away with paying the and assessment of the Spanish colonial government only
Visitador and other investigators. The Spaniards built proved that colonial masters could only share with their
municipal governments to help administer the land. The colonies what they knew based on their own experience.
alcadia and the corregimiento were the two kinds of
American Colonial Period (1898–1946). On July 1,
municipal governance. The alcadia ruled the subdued
provinces, commanded by the alcalde mayor. The 1902, the US Congress passed the Philippines Act, giving the
Philippines some autonomy. The US replaced military rulers
corregimiento, led by corregidor, ruled the non-Spanish
in the Philippines with a civilian administration led by
regions. The alcalde mayors were the provincial
William Howard Taft. American colonization of the
representatives of the Spanish King. They ran the provincial
Philippines lasted 48 years, from 1898 when Spain ceded the
administration, enacted laws, and collected taxes. They were
Philippines to the US through 1946 when the US recognized
given a meager wage and had access to the galleon trade. To
Philippine independence. America occupied the Philippines
ensure effective governance and tax collection, each province
until its independence on July 4, 1946.
was divided into towns or pueblos overseen by
American expansion was described as one undertaken
The Governardorcillo had four lieutenants: the Teniente "without a constant purpose" or a specific colonial objective.
There were explicit interests indicated by business, church
Mayor, Teniente de Policia, Teniente de Sementeras, and
groups, and even military strategists. Yet, there was no
Teniente de Ganados (lieutenant of the livestock). Also
consensus on how the colonial venture was undertaken. In
implemented was Encomienda. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, a
this context, the American colonial bureaucracy was
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IMRaD Journal, a peer-reviewed and refereed journal aimed to circulate institutional and scholarly articles, faculty and student researches, and other scientific works.
ISSN 2619-7820
----------------------------------------------------Institutional Multidisciplinary Research and Development (IMRaD) Journal

characterized as follows: No person's will or influence was would significantly affect the character and nature of the civil
dominant, unlike in the Spanish colonial period where the service. The 1955 bureaucracy was characterized as it was
governor-general, the archbishops, and the parish priests vulnerable to nepotism. Despite an order that prohibited the
occupied powerful positions. The administration was appointment of relatives, this was unenforceable during this
regulated by laws and not specific officials' personal period. It was attributed to the closeness of Filipino families
decisions and actions. The new civil service was to develop and the expectations that successful members of the family
independently of clerical intervention. In its early years, the are obligated to extend aid to less successful relatives. The
civil government inherited civilians and discharged soldiers spoils system in the civil service was another serious defect.
whom the previous American military government With the constitutional provisions that the civil service shall
employed. When caught doing petty corruptions, they were embrace "all branches and subdivisions of the government,"
imposed on every case. It conveyed to the Filipinos that there it was expected that the merit system would prevail in most
was a big difference between the American and the Spanish bureaucracy. The civil service law was enacted. However, it
administration. The political interference and the spoils divided positions in the service into two: classified and
system were excluded from the new civil service during the unclassified service. Whether emergency, seasonal, or
American colonial period. It manifested in the appointments permanent, Laborers were considered part of the
and removals from office and bureaucratic conduct. The unclassified service regardless of their salaries. Therefore,
government officials and employees were prohibited from these unclassified and temporary positions were the
engaging in private business unless the governor-general stronghold of nepotism and patronage in the bureaucracy in
obtained permission. 1995. Nepotism and the spoils system tended to reinforce
In 1973, Governor Harrison discovered that permission each other. Corruption by government officials appears to be
for bureaucrats to invest in private enterprises was given part of the regular menu of publications.
freely. He issued an executive order that virtually denied The people seem to accept the allegations of bureaucratic
future permission for the duration of his administration. He corruption as "normal." The role of the media in peacefully
argued that the practice of bureaucrats in private business correcting governmental faults was an element of the
tends to detract from administrative efficiency and environment that influenced all government officials
sometimes leads to maladministration and often to the (elected or appointed). The American colonial
suppression of facts as to the true state of public service. The administration brought the rule and practice that public
relationship between the Civil Service bureau, which inquiry and criticism of government personnel and officials
introduced reforms in the colonial bureaucracy, and other was permissible. Thus, freedom of the press and other means
bureaus, particularly the heads of executive bureaus and for organized and peaceful self-expression and civic action
offices, was somewhat strained. Due to the Civil Service gave the political system much-needed organic flexibility.
bureau's strong push for civil service reforms, which were These are means for self-criticisms and self-correction
not immediately accepted. within the political system. Two features of the bureaucracy
For the first time, public officials and transactions in 1955 were attributed to Spanish influence: its centralized
were governed by public trust. Public servants were held organization and the administration of laws based on the
responsible. The Civil Service Act of 1900 established and civil law system enforced by the Spanish bureaucracy. The
maintained an efficient and honest civil service in all strong influence of the American colonial system was also
executive branches of the Philippine Islands, central, very apparent in the Philippine bureaucracy of the mid-
departmental, and provincial, and in the City of Manila, by 1950s. Most of the laws of the bureaucracy were still those
merit-based appointments and promotions and competitive laid down by the American colonial period. Filipinos were
examinations where practicable. still looking to the American civil service system for new
The American colonial civil service was apolitical. It ideas on innovations and changes that they could adopt to
covered all jobs in the civil administration, including insular improve or modernize their civil service system. The
and provincial, and the Manila municipal government. The bureaucracy during the American period also provided the
Civil Service Board was an autonomous office reporting Filipinos the training in new techniques, methods, and
directly to the Governor-General. That body had institutions of government. During this period, the
considerable authority. Overall, federal officials enjoyed job bureaucracy served as an instrument of social change and
stability, appealing hours, generous leave, and status. innovations when it was placed under Filipino control. It
Filipino participation in the civil service was undertaken was charged with implementing national economic and
systematically. It was largely due to the policy of community development programs, establishing its role as
Filipinization of the Democratic administration. Rapid the nation's instrument of controlled and deliberate social
Filipinization was done through forced resignations, lower change. Unlike the Spanish bureaucracy, the Philippine
pay in the higher positions, and the abolition of certain bureaucracy did not constitute a distinct social class or have
positions. By 1919, Americans constituted only six percent of class attributes. The merit basis of open competitive
the total bureaucratic force of 803. examination militated against the civil service organization
on a class basis. The competitive examination system was
The Early Republic (1946–1965). The Philippines
based on the educational system, which did not cater to a
granted its independence in 1946. The country had just gone specific population segment and served all population
through WWII, which caused severe physical destruction
and economic decline. While these factors would pose
Therefore, the rules governing entry precluded
demanding challenges to the public bureaucracy, the
membership in the bureaucracy as the exclusive prerogative
emergence of the two-party system soon after independence
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IMRaD Journal, a peer-reviewed and refereed journal aimed to circulate institutional and scholarly articles, faculty and student researches, and other scientific works.
ISSN 2619-7820
----------------------------------------------------Institutional Multidisciplinary Research and Development (IMRaD) Journal

of certain persons or distinct groups of persons of families. corruption, and waning public support at this point. In the
The extensive coverage of the service made the bureaucracy 1984 legislative elections, the opposition fielded a cohesive
a motley aggregate of individuals representing diverse candidate and gained support from former members of the
families, interests, ambitions, and occupation groups. In ruling party. In 1985, in response to mounting criticism,
other words, instead of constituting a specific and restricted Marcos held a hastily called election with no foundation in
social class, the bureaucracy represented the various social the constitution. The opposition refused to recognize
and economic elements in the population as a whole. Marcos' victory in the 1986 election. As a result of the People
Although the bureaucracy in 1995 was important, it was not Power Revolution that toppled Marcos, Aquino was elected
an independent power in Filipino politics. Instead, it was president.
highly vulnerable to attacks from politicians from the PD 1 required the most thorough overhaul of the
executive and legislative branches who meddled with the Philippine executive branch. Among the major structural
merit system. changes implemented were (1) it decentralized national
In all these, we see the bureaucracy as essentially creating government functions to the extent necessary for improved
its times, shaped by its history and the legacies it inherited administration by reducing the agencies under the
from our colonial era. It responded to nation-building president's office and creating 11 uniform administrative
demands after our independence in 1946, and it had to rely regions, (2) it standardized the organization and common
on the systems and principles it worked with during the operational activities departments. Four staff services were
American colonial period. However, the political party formed in each department for planning, finance and
system and its operations adversely affected the enforcement management, administration, and technical services, (3) it
of the merit system. facilitated the preparation and execution of national
development plans by creating the National Economic and
The Marcos Regime (1965–1986). Marcos imposed
Development Authority (NEDA), (4) it converted the single-
martial law in 1972 despite starting a constitutional
headed Civil Service Commission into a three-person
conference in 1971. Marcos justified the action by citing the
Commission, (5) it decentralized personnel functions to line
communist insurgency and Muslim separatism, both on the
departments, bureaus, and regional offices, (6) it created the
rise in the country. One-fifth of the communities in the Career Executive Service as the highest level of government
nation had communist rebels living in it at one point. Marcos
presented his administration as waging war against the
These structural changes were accompanied by the
country's wealthy landowners, who had long held power. To
summary dismissal of many personnel in 1973 and 1975. The
keep the nation running smoothly when martial law was in
basis for this purge was not established and struck fear
existence, he turned to the more technocratic civil service,
among civil servants and caused employee behavior to
which was amenable to his ideas. Shortly after, the country
underwent its first major restructuring since independence,
A more significant change was the politicization of
including purging the civil service. During the martial law
neutral civil service. Civil workers were forced to "volunteer"
era, the military also grew in authority and resources under to join Marcos' political party, the Kilusan Bagong Lipunan
Marcos' control. In November 1972, the revised constitution
was adopted by the conference. Shows of hands in citizen
Aside from being politicized, the bureaucracy served as a
assemblies endorsed it in 1973, but the procedure did not
major instrument of Marcos' authoritarian leadership and
fulfill the 1935 constitution's conditions for constitutional
continued to be a highly centralized structure despite efforts
modification. It proposed a semi-presidential form of to decentralize political control.
administration. This process was illegal, but the constitution
On the other hand, American concepts of development
had already taken effect. A constitutional amendment signed
and administration sought to bring about economic growth
into effect in 1976 granted the executive branch control over
because of the vision and ideology of the bureaucracy, which
legislation-making. The barrio subdivisions were renamed
was taught modern techniques of planning, implementation,
barangays by Presidential Decree in 1974. In 1975, the
and the evaluation of development programs. Thus, the
Integrated National Police was established, bringing
bureaucracy under Marcos was fraught with ambivalence. It
national policing under local administration. Before the 1978
was authoritarian, yet it was supposed to be doing this in the
election of the Interim Batasang Pambansa (IBP) legislature,
name of democracy. It was committed to the vision of
Marcos continued to rule by decree. Aside from COMELEC, development, but it was politicized as it identified itself with
Marcos had total authority over the bureaucracy at all levels
the government's leadership of the day.
of government, even municipal ones. Marcos' Kilusang
When the Marcos government fell, the bureaucracy was
Bagong Lipunan party won handily in both the national
described as an interventionist in that government competed
elections of 1978 and the municipal ones of 1980. Marcos
with the private sector, a bloated bureaucracy, corrupt,
outlined a "new society" he envisioned as an alternative to
highly centralized, and inefficient.
the old oligarchies that existed. Marcos' reforms aimed to
weaken regional power centers while strengthening ties The Aquino Regime (1986–1992). Aquino utilized
between the national administration and the broader the 1973 constitution as a "freedom constitution" before
population. When martial control was lifted in Mindanao, forming a new constitution-making commission. The
Marcos instituted a system of national autonomy. As a result "Freedom Constitution" declared the Aquino Government to
of the United Nationalist Democratic Organization, Marcos' be directly installed by the Filipino people alongside the New
detractors gained strength. The government's reputation had Armed Forces of the Philippines. As a result, President
been tarnished by the failing economy, widespread Aquino can now wield executive and legislative powers
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IMRaD Journal, a peer-reviewed and refereed journal aimed to circulate institutional and scholarly articles, faculty and student researches, and other scientific works.
ISSN 2619-7820
----------------------------------------------------Institutional Multidisciplinary Research and Development (IMRaD) Journal

concurrently. This power was utilized to amend the Family interests. (5) In its battle with the civil service, executive
Code to enhance workplace gender parity. The 1987 power trappings also benefit the executive. Philippine
constitution reintroduced democracy to the 1935 presidents have much power under the constitution. It
constitution. But there were term limits, a multi-party allowed her to stick to her guns even if her decisions were
system, and local elections coordinated with national unpopular with the bureaucracy. (6) The bureaucracy is
elections. Many of the legislation passed when the country further weakened by its inefficiency and reputation for
was under martial law were repealed because of the checks corruption. Its lack of attention to improving its performance
and balances. As a result, there is a new Senate. People's and productivity kept it from gaining allies from other social
power's new constitution featured direct democracy forces. The support was forthcoming only when the
components such as the ability to alter the constitution by Executive branch appeared to have treated the bureaucracy
"initiative and referendum," recall of local elected officials, unjustly.
and measures ensuring civil society groups' freedom to
The Ramos Regime (1992-1998). When it came time
organize after the people's power movement ended. Unless
for the 1992 presidential election, Ramos emerged
otherwise noted, laws passed under the 1973 constitution
victorious, even though claims of electoral malpractice
remained until the new constitution. Under the dictatorship,
marred the election. There were simultaneous presidential,
wealthy families confiscated their economic assets and
returned them. The old elite regained control of the local parliamentary, and local elections for the first time in 1992.
In addition, 24 senators were elected in this election, with
government in the Philippines. Despite coup attempts, rising
the twelve with the lowest votes serving just a three-year
inflation and unemployment, and natural disasters, Aquino's
term. Due to this election, 12 senators for staggered six-year
government did undertake some land reform and the
terms were implemented. During the Aquino
opening of the market.
administration, there was an energy problem that Ramos
With re-democratization as her principal goal, the
had to deal with, which he handled by issuing contracts that
government reformed political and public service structures.
favored power companies. During the term of the Ramos
That's why the Presidential Commission on Government
administration, government-owned monopolies were
Reorganization felt the need to "de-Marcosify" the
bureaucracy. Improving front-line service efficiency and privatized, economic regulations were loosened, and
economic growth was accelerated. The death sentence was
operational cost-effectiveness were to be promoted through
reintroduced, and a law creating a party-list system was
private sector initiatives. In summary, bureaucracy was to
signed, but the anti-subversion act was revoked. To
serve democratic goals. However, the Aquino administration
decentralize power, the Local Government Code was
has dealt with a bureaucracy aggressively protecting its
employed. The government and the Moro National
interests while progressively holding the executive
Liberation Front signed a peace treaty. Aside from working
accountable. They fought unfairness, lack of political
with civil society, Ramos' social reform plan failed to produce
impartiality, and reckless behavior.
meaningful change. Due to resistance from Aquino and other
By changing personnel and organizational rules, Aquino
controlled the civil service. Aquino used her revolutionary sectors, he was unable to modify the constitution as he had
persona to discard others. It was accompanied by a
restructure unlike any other. The government's initiative to The Estrada Administration (1998-2001). Joseph
transform the bureaucracy was indecisive and undecided. Estrada won in the 1998 election with a populist campaign
While the government pledged to uphold due process and that directly addressed the concerns of lower-income
transparency, it carried out summary dismissals, Filipinos. Aquino and the Catholic Church opposed Estrada's
questionable reorganizations and showed weaknesses in attempt to change the constitution to lessen economic
enforcing ethical and performance norms. It brought about protectionism. Government forces fought back against the
conflict between the executive and the civil service. Thus, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in an "all-out battle," gaining
bureaucracy under the Aquino government was dominated back control of the major insurgent base at Camp Abubakar.
and controlled by the executive. (1) Executive control of the Nonetheless, despite broad anti-rebel enthusiasm, the
bureaucracy is fostered by authoritarian culture, which is administration was beset by suspicions of favoritism and
reinforced by the hierarchical nature of the organization. corruption. For the jueteng gambling incident, the House of
Civil servants accept the orders of powerholders, and they Representatives impeached him. Protests erupted when
tend not to question these orders. (2) The civil service is Estrada's Senate backers effectively barred evidence
divided. Member organizations tend to fend for themselves presented during the impeachment trial. Following EDSA II,
rather than act in a united manner when dealing with the Philippine Armed Forces moved from Estrada to Vice
policies such as the salary standardization law or those President Arroyo. The Supreme Court ruled Estrada's
affecting the reorganization of their offices. (3) the slow position void, compelling him to resign and vacate
economy and the accompanying scarcity of work Malacanang Palace.
opportunities exacerbate the factors. Not wanting to
antagonize their heads for fear of losing their jobs, civil The Arroyo Administration (2001-2010). Arroyo
servants tend to be less critical and more submissive to their was sworn in as President of the Philippines on January 20,
leaders. (4) The battle of the civil service against executive 2001. Arroyo's People Power Coalition won most seats in the
dominance happens in an economic and social framework 2001 elections, cementing its status as the country's leader.
dominated by the political and economic elite. Civil servants Arroyo halted a revolution attempt in the financial area in
are socially mobile individuals unlikely to work against class 2003. After less than a year in office, Arroyo was eligible for
re-election as president and won by a razor-thin margin.
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After her victory, Arroyo made many constitutional entails. The term is derived from the ancient Greek terms
amendments to establish a parliamentary system. In the 'demos' (people) and 'kratos' (to rule). A democratic country
House, this had great momentum but failed due to resistance has a governing structure in which the people can participate
from the Senate, a close Supreme Court verdict, and civil in decision-making. Democracy is defined as a government
society groups. However, Arroyo's supporters retained of the people, by the people, and by Abraham Lincoln. It is
control of the House of Representatives after uniting the also a republican country (Republic of the Philippines) where
2007 Senate election and handily winning. After her term, the head of state and government is the president of the
the Arroyo government was widely perceived as extremely Philippines directly elected by the Filipino people.
corrupt, making her the most unpopular president since the Legislative authority was delegated to a bicameral Congress
People Power Revolution of 1986. Despite Arroyo's comprised of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
disapproval, there was no widespread effort to replace her. A The Philippines has its system of judicial courts with the
large part of it was because past people's movements had Supreme Court on top of the ladder. The Philippines
been deemed ineffective since they failed to transform the government was modeled from the same Presidential system
political system substantially. that runs the US. Even though we copied, there are many
differences with our version from the US. However, we do
The Benigno Aquino III Administration (2010-
not have an electoral college. Our senators are elected at
2016). As a result of Aquino's anti-corruption campaign, the large instead of by region or state as originally designed in
economy grew, and he remained popular. Other goals
the US. We are unitary, not federal, with a central
included making independent agencies like the Supreme
government concentrated on Metro Manila.
Court and Ombudsman more effective. Aquino's government
Thus, the Philippine Government is essentially
was praised for its political stability and perceived
republican and democratic. It is republican because the
cleanliness; it also had the greatest approval ratings since
citizens select the persons who govern them. It is democratic
Marcos' time in office. However, natural disasters and
because sovereignty resides in the people. Thus, the
revelations about pork barrel scams and another misuse of
Philippine government is also unitary, presidential, and
discretionary funding fueled resistance to the Obama
bureaucratic. It is unitary because the powers are lodged in
administration's policies in the years that followed. Rather the central government. The president governs it, hence,
than being directed at Aquino personally, this resistance
presidential. Finally, it is bureaucratic as it is composed of a
grew out of frustration with the perceived ineffectiveness of
systematic structure with superior and inferior/ rank-and-
reform in the broader political system.
file offices and officers. The Philippine government
The Duterte Administration (2016-present). The comprises three interconnected branches: the legislative,
2016 Presidential Election favored Rodrigo Duterte, the executive, and judicial systems. Elections for public officials
mayor of Davao City. On a populist platform, Duterte are held every three years for local officials, and a
garnered support from many socioeconomic groups, notably presidential election is coinciding six years for the
the middle class. Duterte pursued a War on Drugs, which the presidency. Economically, we have restrictions on Foreign
opposition, now dominated by Liberal Party politicians Direct Investment embedded in our constitution, preventing
sympathetic to Aquino, denounced the deaths as crimes foreign investors from fully owning a company.
against humanity. Duterte's aggressive anti-drug campaign
Conclusion and Future Research
is highly appreciated because drug issues were
underappreciated under the previous two administrations. The Philippines' original institutions were barangays, but
He then concentrated on infrastructure development and the larger administrations arose once Hinduism and Islam
abolition of the communist insurgency by designating the arrived via regional commercial networks. Spain expanded
Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army after the advent of Spanish immigrants, culminating in
(CPP-NPA) as a terrorist organization, establishing an Manila's Captaincy General of the Philippines. Despite being
integration program for ex-rebels, and granting amnesty to part of New Spain, the Philippines was independent. The
those who were eligible to join the group. With the principalia emerged due to the reliance on local leaders for
agreement of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the the government. Spanish control ended in several Islamic
government expanded and empowered Muslim autonomy, and interior countries. 19th-century mestizo aristocracy
replacing the ARMM with the more powerful Bangsamoro formed a distinct Filipino identity.
region. As a result of the 2019 midterm elections, the They started the Propaganda Movement, characterized
opposition lost all its senatorial candidates and only had a by anger, independence, and revolution, followed by the
few victories in the lower chamber. Economic initiatives, Spanish-American War. Spain gave over the Philippines in
notably those aimed at the poor, have largely been sustained 1898. After the war, the US governed the whole archipelago.
throughout Duterte's administration. Because of this shift in Aside from the Nacionalista Party, the former aristocracy
politics, it's become a more authoritarian state. Its political had significant political roots. In 1935, the Philippines had a
practices have shifted toward illiberal democracy, with legal constitution and a president. The Japanese invasion in
institutions politicized and little concern for checks and WWII ended ambitions for independence. Liberation from
balances. Japanese occupation came in 1946. During this time, the
Liberals and Nacionalistas swapped power: their charismatic
The Philippine administrative system today. The
leaders and common beliefs. In 1972, the two-party system
present-day Philippine administrative system is currently
was destroyed by the imposition of martial rule. The People
under a democratic government where most decisions are
made through voting. People's rule is what democracy
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Power Revolution installed Aquino. A new charter weakened process, where a constituent assembly will ratify it for a
it. It's a brand-new national operating system! nationwide plebiscite. Another possible amendment to the
The Philippines is a constitutional democracy led by a government is to shift to a parliamentary form where a
president. The Philippine Constitution is the cornerstone of "ruling party," as in Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, - chooses
the legal system. A countrywide ballot established the the Prime Minister and the cabinet, coming from that party.
present constitution in 1987. It is backed up by other laws, It is felt that the "party system" must be strengthened to
including the Civil Code, Labor Code, Omnibus Investments clarify "accountability" in public service. The present party
Code, National Internal Revenue Code, and government system in the Philippines is very weak - with politicians
norms and regulations. These include administrative orders, moving parties for favors, mostly money.
court orders, pronouncements, and municipal legislation The current Philippine system of government has a
established under the constitution. Approaches include all strong President and an equally strong Vice President, each
administrative functions. The purpose is to discover and elected individually for a single six-year term. There is no re-
articulate the guiding concepts or values. Organizational election for both except that the Vice-President can run for
behavior is a branch of behavioral sciences and researching president. The former president can also run for other
human behavior in administrative settings is essential to positions (one former president is now the city mayor of
public administration. These techniques made more sense Manila, and another was elected as a Congresswoman). In
and were more relevant. They believed that political, social, essence, the president is like an absolute monarch with a
economic, and psychological factors influence human limited six-year term because impeachment to remove him
motivation and labor performance. These also aid in from power is so expensive, time-consuming, tedious, and
comprehending public administration's actions. These uncertain that it can't be relied on to work.
indicated that human attitudes, presupposition biases, and In short, today's bureaucracy is a product of how it has
perceptions impact how the administration is done, which been regarded and utilized by the government in power. Like
many of us have experienced first-hand while dealing with most public institutions, its functions are largely determined
government agencies and public officials. by (1) the goals they are set to achieve, (2) the processes
There is a central government with local autonomy and which society expect them to utilize, (3) the amount of power
geographical and political subdivisions: provinces, cities, and resources that they are vested with, (4) the level of
municipalities, barangays (the smallest administrative accountability that they exercise, and (6) the outputs and the
entity), and autonomous regions. It is bureaucratic in that outcomes they are expected to deliver. The administrative
different departmental agencies are separated by function at system has shown that while bureaucracy is judged in how it
a national level. Within these, instead of a centralized can respond efficiently and effectively to society's challenges,
administration from one source, local department heads are it must be understood in terms of its functions within a
left to decide what suits the needs of their given province, political context. The dynamic of its relationship with the
following the rules given by the central office. It is ideal executive and the Legislative branches of the government
because the respective local agencies can check what needs and with other stakeholders, such as clients and other vested
to be done within their locality using their allocated budget interests in society, shape its role in nation-building tasks.
for providing equipment, needs, and other services of their To a large extent, the bureaucracy's share of power and
location. These departments also communicate with their authority, resources, and information are decided by the
respective leaders with different ideas or opinions on a president and members of Congress. They determine the
matter they may or may not agree on for a certain cause. direction, content, and distribution of public resources.
Social services could be jeopardized when requests are Thus, bureaucracy is currently an executive-dominated
affected by conflicting parties between two different bureaucracy that is highly centralized. While recruitment
departments/agencies. Thus, this is also a negative effect of and appointment to this bureaucracy are expected to be
being in this system. It is too bureaucratic with too much based on merit, interventions of politicians have prompted
central control and not enough management at the doubts about these claims. However, there is a career service,
provincial level. As a result, things move extremely slowly entry to which has been regulated and guarded by the Civil
and are open to corruption. The government needs to dump Service Commission. There is the security of tenure, but
everything and start over literally. The provincial government service may not be as prestigious as it was
government can do a quicker and more efficient job. during the American colonial period. Lastly, the bureaucracy
It is now a republican and democratic state. It is must improve its image in its accountability and integrity,
democratic because the people choose their leaders. It is efficiency and effectiveness, productivity, and
democratic because the people are sovereign. The Philippine innovativeness in dealing with complex social problems.
government is unitary, presidential, and bureaucratic. The The consensus among reformists is that the Philippines
president governs it. The Philippines is a unitary state with a should be a federal state with a parliamentary form of
single president. The Philippine government has three government. The main rationale of a parliamentary system
branches: legislative, executive, and judiciary. Finally, it is of government, like that in Singapore, Japan, Germany, and
bureaucratic, with superior and inferior/rank-and-file Australia, is that the decision-making process is significantly
offices and officials. faster. Not only that, but the prime minister is also chosen
The constitution is now being amended to shift the among the best ministers to lead the government. In a
government to a decentralized federal form that will create meritocracy, this is very important. As for federalism, power
18 "states" instead of a unitary, centralized form. The draft is decentralized from Manila, and regions are empowered to
has been completed and will go through the legislative control their affairs. From the economic perspective, regions

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