Settings Recommendations R6

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GE Multilin UR
series relays

May 2006
GE Multilin Setting Recommendations: UR series



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05/05/2006 Page 2 of 144 Settings recommenations R6
GE Multilin Setting Recommendations: UR series


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GE Multilin Setting Recommendations: UR series

UR series relays feature common platform hardware and firmware functionality, same
PC program is used to interface all UR relays. In the design of UR relays, the term
“element” is used to describe a feature that is based around a comparator. Elements are
arranged into two classes, GROUPED and CONTROL. Each element classed as a
GROUPED element is provided with six alternate sets of settings, in setting groups
numbered 1 through 6. The setting group that is active at a given time defines the
performance of a GROUPED element. The performance of a CONTROL element is
independent of the selected active setting group. Some settings for current and voltage
elements are specified in per-unit (pu) calculated quantities. UR relays Sources concept
allows for processing 2 or more CTs inputs individually plus summing up currents
internally which increase security for some applications.
Important observation is that all UR platform elements are exactly identical with
respect to settings and functionality. This means that IOC, distance or undervoltage
elements are exactly the same on D60, G60 or L60 relays. Therefore, all
recommendations below are applicable to the same elements throughout all UR series
In spite of D60 is designed primarily for EHV applications with mostly single-pole
tripping, it can be applied on any voltage level as either primary or backup protection.
For example, following distance setting recommendations are fully applicable to
applications of D60, D30, L60, L90 or G60, as these relays are using same protection
distance algorithms. The difference is number of zones and specific single-pole tripping
elements, which are found in D60 and L60 only .
Another example is transformer (T60/T35) or bus differential (B30/B90). Same
differential functions with same menus and same algorithms are used in above-mentioned
relays; therefore recommendations are fully applicable to all of these relays.
Because of this “universality” of UR series relays, following recommendations are
structured by functionality rather than by the relay type.

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GE Multilin Setting Recommendations: UR series


This document outlines recommendations for settings when GE Multilin UR series relays
are used protecting any voltage level lines or transformer-line blocks. UR series distance
related functions include the following:
A.1. 5-zones Phase and Ground distance elements, with all zones settings
individually configured per zone. Zones can be shaped MHO, QUAD,
directional or non-directional.
A.2. Power Swing Blocking/Out-of-Step Tripping-to prevent distance elements
misoperation during swing conditions.
A.3. Load Enchroachment-to prevent operation of phase distance during heavy load
A.4. VT Fuse Fail detector-to prevent distance elements misoperation during VT
secondary circuits problems.
A.5. Line pickup-to provide protection when line is energized onto the fault and
distance elements don’t have memory voltage established to operate on their
A.6. Single-pole tripping package, which includes Phase Selector, Open Pole and
Trip Output elements-to provide correct operation.

The phase and ground mho distance function uses a dynamic 100% memory-polarized
mho characteristic with additional reactance, directional, and overcurrent supervising
characteristics. The phase quadrilateral distance function is comprised of a reactance
characteristic, right and left blinders, and 100% memory-polarized directional and current
supervising characteristics. When set to “Non-directional”, the mho function becomes an
offset mho with the reverse reach controlled independently from the forward reach, and
all the directional characteristics removed. When set to “Non-directional”, the
quadrilateral function applies a reactance line in the reverse direction instead of the
directional comparators. Refer to D60 Chapter 8 for additional information and theory
behind UR distance functionality. Each zone is configured individually through its own
setting menu. All of the settings can be independently modified for each of the zones
except 3 common settings: a) Source; b) memory duration; c) force self-polarization.

Note: when UR distance function is applied, local utility practice, standards and
settings recommendations have to be considered first as guidance for settings
calculations. This document gives some supplementary advises on specific for UR


This setting specifies the source of current and voltage used for distance function. In
case of breaker-and-the-half configuration, source configured as sum of 2 currents had to
be assigned with this setting as it’s shown below.

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GE Multilin Setting Recommendations: UR series


This setting specifies the length of time a memorized positive-sequence voltage
should be used in the distance calculations. The memory is established when the positive-
sequence voltage remains above 80% of its nominal value for five power system cycles.
Set MEMORY DURATION long enough to ensure stability on close-in reverse three-
phase faults. For this purpose, the
maximum fault clearing time
including protection operation
maximum time TPROT, plus breaker
opening time TBRK and breaker fail
operate time TBF in case breaker fails
to open in the substation should be
TMEM = TPROT + TBRK + TBF + T1cycle (B-1)

On the other hand, the MEMORY DURATION cannot be too long as the power
system may experience power swing conditions rotating the voltage and current phasors
slowly while the memory voltage is static, as frozen at the beginning of the fault.
Keeping the memory in effect for too long may eventually lead to incorrect operation of
the distance functions.


In some special cases, keeping memory voltage too long can cause incorrect
operation of distance function. These cases are, for example;
fast power swings on applications where Outer shape and distance zone
characteristics are in the close proximity; locus can enter distance zone
characteristics, before Power Swing operates.
ring-down effect on the lines equipped with shunt reactors on single-pole
tripping applications. For such cases user-selected operand (for example AR
1-P RIP operand) can be configured to force self-polarization.

B.2.4. REACH
Accuracy of UR distance elements reach is guaranteed within 5% for any current.
Additional sources of inaccuracy are CT and VT errors, primary system parameters errors
resulting in settings errors etc. Such errors in this document are assumed to be not more
than 5%. However, based on the local utility practice, additional security factors can be

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GE Multilin Setting Recommendations: UR series

B.2.4.1. Z1 and Z2 REACH

Generally, Z1 reach for Phase and Ground Distance is recommended to 85-
90% of the line positive sequence impedance (Z1L). Reach error for UR series Z1
is guaranteed to be within 5% for SIR up to 30 and any transients, including
caused by CVT. However, distance reach, particularly Z1 reach accuracy, depends
on CTs transient performance as well. If CT class, used for particular application
guarantees 5% accuracy and adequate transient performance (for example IEC
class TPX or TPY with an accuracy of 5P20), then 90% reach is adequate setting.
For poorer CTs reach has to be decreased accordingly to 85% or even lower.
Z1 ≤ 0.9 • Z1L (B-2)

Z2 has to reliably cover remaining 10-15% of the line, which Z1 doesn’t cover and
provide backup protection for Z1 of the adjacent line close-by faults. Generally,
Z2 reach for Phase and Ground Distance is generally set to:
1.25 • Z1L ≤ Z 2 ≤ Z1ADJ • 0.5 + Z1L (B-3)
of the protected line (Z1L) and adjacent lines (Z1ADJ) positive sequence
However, possible “infeed” or “outfeed” have to be considered. Picture B-1
below denotes that, when setting up Z2 for protection 1, problem arises when line
BC is shorter than line BD. Setting Z2 of protection #1 to cover 50% of the line
BC impedance will cover much smaller portion of the line BD. From other hand,
Z2 underreaching is possible due to fault contribution from line BC.

3 4
1 2 n ZBD D
5 6
Figure B-1: Distance reach with infeed at remote bus

Apparent impedance, Z2 of protection #1 during fault F1 would see is equal to:

Z APPAR = Z AB + n • Z BD + BC • n • Z BD (B-4)
As it appears from the formula above, protection #1 is prone to overreaching due
to current contribution from line BC. However, setting Z2 to apparent impedance
value has a danger of overreaching when infeed is removed. If status of the
remote breaker is available for protection #1, this can be addressed by using 2
different reaches in 2 different setting groups.

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GE Multilin Setting Recommendations: UR series

Distance applications on lines with a tapped transformer might create

overreaching problems if station C contributes to fault current.
n Z AB (1-n) Z AB
1 2


Figure B-2: Distance reach with a tapped transformer
Apparent impedance seen by protection #1 during fault F2 at the remote bus
would be:
Z APPAR = n • Z AB + (1 + C ) • (1 − n ) • Z AB (B-5)

Same condition applies to Z1 and has to be checked as well. If tapped transformer

primary winding is wye grounded, ground distance Z1 and Z2 additionally has to
be set to take into account zero-sequence current infeed from transformer neutral
for the fault at the reach point.
Z2 reach, additionally to general equation B-3, conditional equations B-4 and B-5
has to be checked as follows:
Immunity to faults on the middle and low side of the transformer at the
opposite line’s terminal bus;
Z 2 ≤ Z1L + 0.9 • K I • Z T (B-6)
where KI is current distribution factor per figure B-1 and equation B-4.
Immune to faults on buses next to opposite line’s terminal bus, taking
into account current distribution factors and parallel lines between buses.
Coordination with Z1 of the adjacent line;

Z 2 ≤ Z1L + 0.9 • K I • Z1ADJ (B-7)

Applying distance on parallel lines, Z2 has to be coordinated with Z1 of
the parallel line at the opposite terminal as per equation B-7 above, plus
taking into account possible cascade tripping;

B.2.4.2. Z3 REACH
If a remote backup philosophy is followed, then the reach of both phase and ground
elements must be set to account for any infeed at the remote bus, plus the impedance of
the longest line which terminates on this remote bus. The time delay must coordinate

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GE Multilin Setting Recommendations: UR series

with other time-delayed protections on any remote line. Circuit loading limitations
created by a long zone reach may be overcome by using lens or quadrilateral
characteristics and/or a load encroachment, supervising characteristic. Consideration
should also be given to a situation where the load impedance may enter into the relay
characteristic for a time longer than the chosen time delay, which could occur transiently
during a system power swing. For this reason the Power Swing Blocking function should
be used.
Generally, Z3 should backup adjacent line protection if adjacent line protection or
breaker fails to clear the fault and should coordinate with Z2 of the adjacent line;
Z 3 ≤ Z1L + 0.9 • K I • Z ADJ
2 (B-8)
Additionally, per NERC requirement, the zone 3, if used, should not operate at or below
150 percent of the emergency ampere rating of a line, assuming a 0.85 per unit voltage
and a line phase angle of 30 degrees;
0.85• VL
Z min
LOAD = (B-9)
3 •1.5• I max
where VL is the line nominal voltage and I max
L is the line maximum current.
If a MHO characteristic is used, then minimum safe Z3 reach is determined as;

min Z min
Z3 = (B-10)
cos(RCA L1 − 30°)
If this is not satisfied, then Load Encroachment has to be used or lenticular characteristics
as described below.

B.2.4.3. Z4 and Z5 REACH

A further contribution to remote backup, the reach of this element must be set to account
for any infeed at the remote bus. The time delay must coordinate with other time-delayed
protections on the next line. The use of a lens characteristic or the load encroachment
element may be advantageous if load limits are a problem. To avoid extremely large
reach settings, the D60 has the ability to implement any element so that it is reverse
looking, which then can provide a back up for the longest line terminated on the local
bus. This strategy can be beneficial if the reduced reach helps discrimination between the
load and fault conditions, but must be implemented at both ends of the protected line.
Also one of the zones can be used as a start zone (check zone), covering all zones in
forward and reverse directions.


Generally, MHO shape for phase distance is recommended. However, where arc
resistance during phase-to-phase faults is of concern, QUAD characteristics can be used
instead. For ground distance, especially for Z1 and Z2, QUAD shape is recommended to
provide resistive fault coverage.

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GE Multilin Setting Recommendations: UR series


This setting has to be set to the line positive sequence impedance angle for both phase
and ground distance elements at the reach point. If, for example, line’s positive sequence
impedance is Z1L = 10Ω • e j85° then setting is φ=85°.
For non-homogeneous lines, where line impedances are different, this should be a
composite impedance of 2 lines impedances for particular zone reach point. For example,
if line#1 is overhead with impedance of Z1L = 10Ω • e j85° and if line#1 is overhead with
impedance of Z1L = 5Ω • e j65° , composite impedance for zone 3 reach point, assuming
current distribution factor KI=1 and 125% of the adjacent line zone 2 reach will be:
1 2
Z3 = Z1L + 0.9 • 1.25 • Z1L = 10Ω • e j85° + 0.9 • 1.25 • 5Ω • e j65° = 14.8Ω • e j78.4°
Accordingly, zone 3 reach an RCA should be set to Z3=14.8°Ω and RCA φ3=78°.


This setting specifies the ratio and angle between the zero-sequence and positive-
sequence impedance required for zero-sequence compensation of the ground distance
elements. Settings have to be calculated at the reach point, individually per zone.

Z0L ⎛ Z0L ⎞
Z0 / Z1 _ MAG = and Z0 / Z1 _ ANG = arg⎜ ⎟ (B-11)
Z1L ⎜ Z1L ⎟
⎝ ⎠

For example, if Z1L = 10Ω • e j85° and Z0L = 27Ω • e j75° then:
27Ω • e j75° ⎛ 27Ω • e j75° ⎞
Z0 / Z1 _ MAG = = 2.7 , Z0 / Z1 _ ANG = arg⎜ ⎟ = −10°
10Ω • e j85° ⎜ j85° ⎟
⎝ 10Ω • e ⎠


The ground distance elements can be programmed to apply compensation for the zero
sequence mutual coupling between parallel lines. If this compensation is required, the
ground current from the parallel line (3I_0) measured in the direction of the zone being
compensated must be connected to the ground input CT of the CT bank configured under
the DISTANCE SOURCE. Applying compensation for mutual coupling is
recommended for ground distance zones 1 and 2 only.
Applying compensation beyond settings itself needs correct wiring and Source settings as
Wiring of protected and parallel line’s CTs have to done accordingly
diagram below (1A tap is shown):
Signal source assigned for distance has to include both phase CT input
and ground CT input.

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GE Multilin Setting Recommendations: UR series

1b 1b

1c 1c
2b 2b

2c 2c

D60-1 D60-2 3b

3c 3c

4b 4b

4c 4c

L1 L2

Figure B-3: CT connections for parallel line zero-sequence mutual coupling compensation
Eventually setting have to be calculated as follows;

Z0M ⎛ Z0M ⎞
Z0M / Z1 _ MAG = and Z0M / Z1 _ ANG = arg⎜ ⎟ (B-12)
Z1L ⎜ Z1L ⎟
⎝ ⎠

For example, if Z1L = 10Ω • e j85° and Z0M = 4Ω • e j80° then:

4Ω • e j80° ⎛ 4Ω • e j80° ⎞
Z0M / Z1 _ MAG = = 0.4 , Z0M / Z1 _ ANG = arg⎜ ⎟ = −5°
10Ω • e j85° ⎜ j85° ⎟
⎝ 10Ω • e ⎠

Figure B-4: Sources assignment for parallel line zero-sequence mutual coupling


These settings apply only if the GND DIST Z1 SHAPE is set to “Quad” and controls
the polarizing current used by the reactance comparator of the quadrilateral characteristic.
In general, a variety of system conditions must be examined to select an optimum
polarizing current. As current measured by the relay differs from current at fault location,
these settings allow compensating for that difference, reducing error thereof. The
calculated angles reflect errors between the ideal and applied polarizing angles.
Therefore, after selecting the polarizing current, the corresponding angle should be
chosen as the non-homogeneity correction angle. If abs(Θ 0 ) < abs(Θ 2 ) the zero-sequence
network is more homogenous (the zero-sequence current approximates the fault current

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better), and the zero-sequence polarizing should be selected. Otherwise, the negative-
sequence is a better polarizing signal.


Z0A d Z0L (1-d) Z0L Z0B I0

Z1A d Z1L (1-d) Z1L Z1B


Figure B-5: System non-homogeneity settings

To select polarizing signal, zero-sequence or negative sequence, following has to be
Which current angle is smaller
Which current angle has less deviation and is more consistent therefore
Which current angle is positive or negative; positive values of the angle result
in a potentially overreaching condition, therefore negative values having other
above listed factors similar, is more preferable.
Once selection of polarizing current is made, the value of the ANGLE is calculated as
⎛I ⎞ ⎛ Z + (1 − d ) ⋅ Z1L ⎞
Θ 2 = ang⎜⎜ 2R ⎟⎟ = ang⎜⎜ 1B ⎟⎟ (B-13)
⎝ I 2F ⎠ ⎝ Z1A + Z1L + Z1B ⎠
same equation applies for zero-sequence current.
For example, the zero-sequence non-homogeneity angle is varying between –6.21 deg
and 2.44, while negative-sequence angle varies between –5.35 deg and 5.71 deg, the
choice would be zero-sequence with a setting of 2.44 deg.


DIR RCA setting selects the characteristic angle (or ‘maximum torque angle’) of the
directional supervising function. If the mho shape is applied, the directional function is an
extra supervising function, as the dynamic mho characteristic itself is a directional one. In
conjunction with the quadrilateral shape selection, this setting defines the only directional
function built into the phase or ground distance element. For both phase and ground it is
recommended to set it to line positive sequence impedance angle. However, it’s worth to
note that DIR RCA setting affects bottom part (base) of the QUAD characteristics.
Having DIR RCA set to angle less than RCA angle, tilts bottom part clockwise; angle
greater than RCA tilts bottom part counter clockwise. If element is chosen as “non-
directional” this setting has no impact on element characteristics as directional checks are

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Selects the comparator limit angle for the directional supervising function. This setting
affects the bottom part of characteristics, both MHO and QUAD, however it has greater
impact on QUAD characteristics having larger resistive reach. It’s important to assure
that bottom part blinder is at least 5-10° below R axis in the quadrant IV. Therefore, for
both phase and ground QUAD elements, ϕCOMP _ LIM setting is recommended as
minimum of 2 conditions below:
ϕ DIR _ RCA ≤ ϕCOMP _ LIM ≤ ϕ DIR _ RCA + 10° (B-14)
ϕCOMP _ LIM ≤ 90°


COMP LIMIT produces the lenticular-type characteristic of the MHO function and a
tent-shaped characteristic of the reactance boundary of the QUAD (quadrilateral)
For MHO characteristics it can used to improve loadability of the protected line.
This might be particularly important for phase distance Z3. In general there are 2
approaches: a) use Load Encroachment to block distance during heavy load
conditions; b) set lens-shape characteristics.
If option (b) is chosen then COMP LIMIT setting has to be calculated as follows;
Impedance locus during heavy load conditions, assuming 50% safety factor for
overload (safety factor can be adjusted, as needed) is:
Z LOAD = 0.67 • (B-15)
where: UPH-GR_MIN is minimum phase-to-ground secondary voltage and
I_PH-MAX is maximum phase current during heavy load conditions
ϕCOMP _ LIM = 180° − 2 • arctan 2 (B-16)
⎡ Z ⎤
Z 2LOAD − ⎢ R ⎥
⎣ 2 ⎦
where ZR is the reach of the respective zone.
For QUAD characteristics 90° setting is mostly recommended for phase and
ground elements. Setting can be reduced to 80° or even 70° for ground
distance when distance RCA angle approaches 90° and system non-
homogeneity is not used or unknown-this would prevent overreaching during
resistive faults.


QUAD RGT BLD setting defines the right blinder position of the quadrilateral
characteristic along the resistive axis of the impedance plane. This setting applies only to

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GE Multilin Setting Recommendations: UR series

the quadrilateral characteristic and should be set giving consideration to the maximum
load current and required resistive coverage. Following conditions apply:
Integrity of the QUAD characteristics;
R RGT _ BLD ≤ 4.5 • Z R (B-17)
Desired resistive fault coverage;
R RGT _ BLD ≥ 1.25 • [R F + Z L • cos(ϕ L )] (B-18)
where RF and ZL are secondary fault arc resistance and line impedance
Immunity during heavy load conditions per equation B-15 above-set above
value per this formula.


QUAD RGT BLD RCA setting defines the angular position of the right blinder of the
quadrilateral characteristic. It’s recommended to be set to line RCA angle.


QUAD LFT BLD setting defines the left blinder position of the quadrilateral
characteristic along the resistive axis of the impedance plane. This setting applies only to
quadrilateral characteristic. It’s recommended to set it to the half of the QUAD RIGHT
BLINDER setting.


QUAD LFT BLD RCA setting defines the angular position of the left blinder of the
quadrilateral characteristic. It’s recommended to be set to line RCA angle.


These settings apply to phase distance elements only and can be applied to look through a
three-phase delta-wye or wye-delta power transformer. In addition, VTs and CTs could
be located independently from one another at different windings of the transformer. Refer
to D60 manual to select correct settings for your application depending on the
transformer group and CT/VTs location.
Figure B-6 below demonstrates sample system configuration and settings calculations
for such application. There are 2 sets protection H and X at both sides of the 13.8/315 kV,
Dy-11 150MVA transformer.
Normally, in order to respond to the fault shown in the figure, a distance relay shall be
applied at the relaying point X. If, for example the secondary fault impedance at the
intended reach point is:
pri CTR 60
R = ZL • = 30.11 • e j85°• = 0.688 • e j85°Ω (B-19)
VTR 2625

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delta wye, 330° lag AB

ZL = 30.11Ω∠85°

150 MVA, 10%


VT = 13.8kV/120V VT = 315kV/120V
CT = 8000:5 CT = 300:5


Figure B-6: Phase Distance through transformer

For relay applied at the point H, transformer impedance and group have to be taken
into account. As both CT and VT are located at the opposite of reach point transformer
side, then settings have to be set as:
Consequently, at point H (13.8kV side) secondary line impedance and transformer
impedance will be as follows:
Transformer primary impedance at 13.8kV side is;

Z Tpri _ H
E% VnH
• =
( )2
10 (13.8)2
• = 0.127 • e j90°Ω (B-20)
100 MVA 100 150
Total secondary impedance to the reach point at relay point H will be;
2 2
CTR ⎡ VnH ⎤ CTR 1600 ⎡13.8 ⎤
Zsec_ H
= Z pri
• •⎢ ⎥ + ZTpri _ H • = 30.11 • e j85°• •⎢ +
R L VTR ⎢⎣ VnX ⎥⎦ VTR 115 ⎣ 315 ⎥⎦
+ 0.127 • e j90° • = 2.569 • e j88.4°Ω (B-21)


DIST VOLT LEVEL setting is relevant for applications on series-compensated lines, or

in general, if series capacitors are located between the relaying point and a point where
the zone shall not overreach. For plain (non-compensated) lines, set it to zero.
Sample system on the diagram B-7 above shows location of the series capacitors on the
protected line and in the vicinity. There are 2 approaches to set distance reach for such
Reduce distance reach accordingly zone reach a series capacitors locations;
At the Sending Bus, one must consider an external fault at F1 as the 5Ω capacitor
would contribute to the overreaching effect. Any fault behind F1 is less severe as
extra inductive line impedance increases the apparent impedance:
Assuming 20% safety margin,
Reach Setting: 0.8 x (10 – 3 – 5) = 1.6Ω if the line-side (B) VTs are used
Reach Setting: 0.8 x (10 – 4 – 3 – 5) = –1.6Ω if the bus-side (A) VTs are used

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The negative value means that an underreaching zone cannot be used as the circuit
between the potential source of the relay and an external fault for which the relay
must not pick-up, is overcompensated, i.e. capacitive.

Figure B-7: Series-compensated line distance settings

Use adaptive reach control feature, the DIST VOLT LEVEL setting shall be set
accordingly per zone.
Setting is entered in per unit of the phase VT bank configured under the
DISTANCE SOURCE. Effectively, this setting facilitates dynamic current-based
reach reduction. In non-directional applications (DIST DIR SETTING set to “Non-
directional”), this setting applies only to the forward reach of the non-directional
zone. This setting is a sum of the overvoltage protection levels for all the series
capacitors located between the relay potential source and the far-end busbar, or
location for which the zone must not overreach. The setting is entered in pu of the
phase VT nominal voltage, Line-to-Ground (RMS, not peak value). If a minimum
fault current level (phase current) is causing a voltage drop across a given capacitor
that prompts its air gap to flash over or its MOV to carry practically all the current,
then the series capacitor shall be excluded from the calculations (the capacitor is
immediately by-passed by its overvoltage protection system and does not cause any
overreach problems). For example, for Sending end of the 500kV system shown on
the diagram above, assuming that voltage protective level for 2 capacitors of 3Ω
and 4Ω (line VT used) are V3Ω =122kV and V4Ω=163kV RMS bus, setting should
calculated as;
V + V4Ω 122 + 163
VPU = 3Ω = = 0.99pu (B-22)
VnLG 500 3
Refer to D60 manual for more information on the theory and operation on series
compensated lines.


The both phase and ground distance elements are supervised by the magnitude of the
line-to-line current for phase distance (fault loop current used for the distance
calculations) or 3I0 current for ground distance. For convenience, phase distance is
accommodated by the pickup (i.e., before being used, the entered value of the threshold
setting is multiplied by √3. If the minimum fault current level is sufficient, the current

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supervision pickup should be set above maximum full load current preventing
maloperation under VT fuse fail conditions. It has to be noted that phase distance zone 1
is mostly affected by VT fuse fail conditions as time delayed phase distance zones are
blocked in time, while ground distance is supervised by 3I0 which normally is small and
caused by unbalance in phase currents. From another hand it has to be sensitive enough
for the end of the zone faults under minimum system conditions taking into account
current distribution for all system configurations.
0.8 • I min
ISUPV ≤ (pu) (B-23)
where I min
F is the minimum phase-to-phase fault for phase distance and 3I0 current for
ground for the end of the zone fault.
When fault current doesn’t allow setting phase distance above maximum load current,
to eliminate racing between VTFF and phase distance Z1, supervision by 50DD is
recommended accordingly GE Multilin application note. In any case setting current
supervision too low for both phase and ground distance (below 0.2pu) is not


The Power Swing Detect element provides both power swing blocking and out-of-step
tripping functions. The element measures the positive-sequence apparent impedance and
traces its locus with respect to either two or three user-selectable operating characteristic
boundaries. Upon detecting appropriate timing relations, the blocking and/or tripping
indication is given through FlexLogic™ operands. The element incorporates an adaptive
disturbance detector. This function does not trigger on power swings, but is capable of
detecting faster disturbances – faults in particular – that may occur during power swings.
Operation of this dedicated disturbance detector is signaled via the POWER SWING
50DD operand.
The Power Swing Detect element asserts two outputs intended for blocking selected
protection elements on power swings: POWER SWING BLOCK is a traditional signal
that is safely asserted for the entire duration of the power swing, and POWER SWING
UN/BLOCK is established in the same way, but resets when an extra disturbance is
detected during the power swing. The POWER SWING UN/BLOCK operand may be
used for blocking selected protection elements if the intent is to respond to faults during
power swing conditions. Different protection elements respond differently to power
swings. If tripping is required for faults during power swing conditions, some elements
may be blocked permanently (using the POWER SWING BLOCK operand), and others
may be blocked and dynamically unblocked upon fault detection (using the POWER
SWING UN/BLOCK operand).
Refer to D60 manual for more information on the theory and operation Power Swing
Blocking and Out-of-Step tripping.

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The shape of the largest distance zone being blocked by Power Swing dictates POWER
SWING SHAPE setting to provide adequate coordination between Power Swing and
distance zones. The shape of the Power Swing element does not affect operating
principle. If, for example, Phase Distance Z3 is the largest zone and it’s QUAD shape,
then it’s recommended to set POWER SWING SHAPE as QUAD.


POWER SWING MODE setting selects between the 2-step and 3-step operating modes
and applies to both power swing blocking and out-of-step tripping functions. The 3-step
mode is recommenended if there is enough space between the maximum load impedances
and distance characteristics of the relay that all three (outer, middle, and inner)
characteristics can be placed between the load and the distance characteristics.


POWER SWING SUPV setting is a common overcurrent pickup level supervises all
three power swing characteristics. The supervision responds to the positive sequence
current. It has to be set below minimum current supervision setting of phase distance
zones, which are being blocked;
z1 Zn
ISUPV ≤ 0.8 • min(ISUPV ÷ ISUPV ) (B-24)


POWER SWING FWD REACH setting specifies the forward reach in secondary ohms of
all three mho characteristics and the inner quad characteristic. For a simple system
consisting of a line and two equivalent sources, this reach should be higher than the sum
of the line and remote source positive-sequence impedances. Detailed transient stability
studies may be needed for complex systems in order to determine this setting.
Z FWD ≥ 1.25 • ZL + ZSf ) (B-25)


POWER SWING FWD RCA setting specifies the angle of the forward reach impedance
for the mho characteristics, angles of all the blinders, and both forward and reverse reach
impedances of the quad characteristics. It has to be set to line’s positive sequence
impedance angle.


POWER SWING QUAD FWD REACH MID setting specifies the forward reach of the
middle quad characteristic. The setting is not used if the shape setting is “Mho”. Setting
should be calculated as average between Inner and Outer Power Swing reach settings.

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POWER SWING QUAD FWD REACH OUT setting specifies the forward reach of the
outer quad characteristic. Set this setting to provide same impedance margin as for
resistive reach of the Power Swing Outer and Inner zones


POWER SWING REV REACH setting specifies the reverse reach of all three mho
characteristics and the inner quad characteristic. For a simple system of a line and two
equivalent sources, this reach should be higher than the positive-sequence impedance of
the local source. Detailed transient stability studies may be needed for complex systems
to determine this setting.
Z REV ≥ 1.25 • ZSb (B-26)


Should be set in the same way as forward ones.


POWER SWING OUTER, MIDDLE, and INNER RGT BLD settings specify the
resistive reach of the right blinder to coordinate better with a load especially for MHO.
The blinder applies to both “Mho” and “Quad” characteristics. Set these values high if no
blinder is required for the “Mho” characteristic.


All the coordinating timers are related to each other and should be set to detect the fastest
expected power swing and produce out-of-step tripping in a secure manner. The timers
should be set in consideration to the power swing detect characteristics, mode of power
swing detect operation and mode of out-of-step tripping. This timer defines the interval
that the impedance locus must spend between the outer and inner characteristics (2-step
operating mode), or between the outer and middle characteristics (3-step operating mode)
before the power swing blocking signal is established. This time delay must be set shorter
than the time required for the impedance locus to travel between the two selected
characteristics during the fastest expected power swing. See example below of how this
timer setting is calculated.

Example for Power Swing setting calculations

Condsider sample system shown below with following parameters:

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Zb Z1, Z0 Zf
~ ~

Figure B-8: Sample system for Power Swing calculations

VT: VTpri=161000/√3V, VTsec=115/√3V, ⇒ VTR= VTpri/ VTsec=

CT: CTpri=600, CTsec=5A. ⇒ CTR= CTpri/ CTsec=600/5=120
Protected Line:
Length: L=100 km
Line impedance: ZL1pri=35Ω∠85°, ZL0pri=105Ω∠80°
ZL1pri * CTR 35 *120
ZL1sec = = = 3Ω∠85°
VTR 1400
ZL0pri * CTR 105 *120
ZL0sec = = = 9Ω∠80°
VTR 1400


0 R

Figure B-9: Power Swing R-X diagram

Normal primary system impedance of the source behind relay: Zb=60Ω,

Zb * CTR 60 *120
ZSb = = = 5.14Ω secondary ohms
VTR 1400

Normal system impedance of the source in front of the relay: Zf=70Ω,

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Zf * CTR 0 *120
ZSf = = = 6Ω secondary ohms
VTR 1400

Maximum load current allowed is: IL = 600A =1.0pu, ⇒ load impedance is

VT sec* CTR
ZL sec = = 13.3Ω
3 * IL

As MHO Zone 3 is being blocked by Power Swing Blocking in this example, the Inner
Limit Angle is established by coordination with Zone 3. Goal is to find where swing
locus intersects Zone 3 (point 2), take a safety margin of 25% (point 3) and establish
angle then.

1. Point 1 is middle of sources and line impedances and is calculated as follows

Z1sec + ZSf + ZSb 3 + 5.14 + 6
Z 0 −1 = − ZSb = − 5.14 = 1.93Ω
2 2
2. Point 2 is intersection of MHO zone 3 (assumed 6Ω) calculated as and swing

Z1− 2 = Z 0 −1 • ( Z3reach − Z 0 −1 ) = 1.93 • (6 − 1.93) = 2.8Ω

3. Point 3 is safety margin

Z1− 3 = 1.5 * Z1− 2 = 1.5 * 2.8 = 4.2Ω

4. Inner Limit Angle is;

ZL1sec + ZSf + ZSb
2 7.07
ILA = 180 − 2 • arctan( ) = 180 − 2 • arctan( )=
Z1− 3 4.2
= 180 − 2 • 59 = 62

5. Outer Limit Impedance from point 1 to point 4 is determined by maximum load,

assumed exporting load at 30°;

Z1− 4 = 0.8 • ZLsec • cos(RCA − 30 ) = 0.8 • 13.3 • cos(85 − 30 ) = 6.1Ω

Consequently, Outer Limit Angle (OLA) is determined similarly to ILA as follows;

ZL1sec + ZSf + ZSb
2 7.07
OLA = 180 − 2 • arctan( ) = 180 − 2 • arctan( )=
Z1− 4 6.1
180 − 2 • 49.2 = 82

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6. Average rotor velocity during stable power swing is 2 slip cycles per second (real
number has to be confirmed with system studies) δ=2cyc/sec

7. Then Delay 1 Timer (D1T) is determined at fnom=60Hz (power cycle is cyc=16.7ms)

OLA − ILA 82 − 62
D1T = = = 0.028 sec
360 δ 360 2
• •
cyc f nom 0.0167 sec 60

Refer to D60 manual for other Power Swing Blocking settings recommendations, related
mostly to Out-of-Step tripping.


The LINE PICKUP element (SWITCH ONTO A FAULT) is typically applied to trip the
line when energizing onto a fault. When a line was de-energized the distance elements
are blocked for a short period of time in order to avoid racing conditions between the
voltage and currents building up from zero to their steady state values. Normally the
LINE PICKUP protects the line during the switch on conditions. Another applications of
this element on the D60 include a HYBRID POTT pilot-aided scheme and positive-
sequence undervoltage function. The element responds to the positive-sequence voltage
in order to detect un over/under voltage condition and to phase currents in order to detect
line end open and excessive current conditions.
The elements interfaces with Zone 2 (zone 2 can operate the LINE PICKUP) as well as
with the TRIP OUTPUT scheme. The trip command from the LINE PICKUP is
automatically accepted as a request for a three-pole trip action.
The element asserts a number of output FlexLogic operands that can be used freely as per
UR convention. Some of them are “pre-wired” to the HYBRID POTT and TRIP
OUTPUT elements.
The line pickup feature uses a combination of undercurrent and undervoltage to identify a
line that has been de-energized (line end open). Three instantaneous overcurrent elements
are used to identify a previously de-energized line that has been closed onto a fault,
which could be due to maintenance grounds that have not been removed. Faults other
than close-in faults can be identified satisfactorily by the distance elements, which
initially will be self or faulted phase polarized and then become memory polarized when
a satisfactory memory signal is available.


This setting has to ensure that during any fault on line, which is being energized, fault
current is above IOC pickup setting. Energization from both ends of the line and
corresponding minimum fault current has to be considered.
0.9 • I min
I IOC _ PKP ≤ (pu) (B-27)

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where I min
F is the minimum SLG fault current for fault on the line when line is energized
from any line terminal.
It’s generally desirable to set pickup above maximum load current. If this is not possible,
then coordination delay described below has to be employed.


The positive sequence undervoltage pickup setting is based on phase to neutral quantities.
If Delta VTs are used, then this per unit pickup is based on the ‘(VT secondary setting)
/sqrt(3)’. Undervoltage condition along with no current (factory threshold of 0.05 pu)
condition for a user-settable period of time (LINE END OPEN PICKUP DELAY) needed
to declare a LINE END OPEN condition to arm Line Pickup if breaker is closed onto the
fault. This setting has to be lower than minimum possible operating voltage at this
terminal. Typically, 0.7-0.8pu is recommended.


This delay is needed to declare Line End Open which arms Line Pickup operation and
sets operand LINE PICKUP LEO OPEN used in some pilot schemes. Delay should be
long enough to overcome ring-down effect on long or cable lines with shunt reactors.


This delay dictates for how long Line Pickup is still armed for operation after normal
energization if fault occurs shortly after closing of the breaker. As distance is ready for
operation after 5 cycles of “clean” voltage, it’s recommended to choose this setting not
shorter than 6 cycles. After this time fault clearance is dependant on distance function.


This setting defines how long it takes for voltage to build-up to normal (above LINE
PICKUP UV PICKUP setting) level in all 3 phases to declare normal, without fault,
energization. This time cannot be too low as UR voltage signals filtering have some
delay, generally 40ms is recommended. After this time expires, Line Pickup is blocked if
voltage is normal. If line being energized carries significant load, then on this time has to
be slightly increased as voltage can be depressed during energization.


Co-ordination features are included to ensure satisfactory operation when high speed
‘automatic reclosure (AR)’ is employed. The AR CO-ORD DELAY setting allows the
overcurrent setting to be below the expected load current seen after reclose. Co-
ordination is achieved by all of the LINE PICKP UV elements resetting and blocking
the trip path before the AR CO-ORD DELAY times out. The AR CO-ORD BYPASS
setting is normally enabled. It is disabled if high-speed autoreclosure is implemented.

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Ungrounded systems or Petersen Coil grounded systems don’t have intentionally applied
grounding. However, they are grounded by natural system capacitance to the ground.
Phase-to-ground fault essentially is not causing high fault current flow as current is
dictated by just system zero capacitance Ia=3I0=3Vs/Xoc.

~ 3I0Σ
(faulted line) (rest of the network,
unfaulted lines)
21 IC0Σ

a) b) c)

Figure B-10. SLG fault at ungrounded system: a) zero-sequence

current distribution, b) system voltages, c) zero-sequence current

When a phase-to-ground fault does occur, the unfaulted phase-to-ground voltages are
increased essentially by 3 throughout the whole ungrounded system, thus increasing the
probability of the insulators breakdown in the same or geographically different location
belonging to the same ungrounded system. This may trigger cross-country fault, when
one phase-to-ground fault exists on the protected line, while another phase-to-ground
fault occurs in other phase of the adjacent or remote line belonging to the same system.
When such cross-country fault occurs, it’s possible to trip one line only, leaving the
system with one phase-to-ground fault until fault is cleared.

21 AG


Figure B-11. Cross-country SLG faults, AG on the protected line

and BG on the adjacent line

Distribution of the fault zero-sequence current is complicated during cross-country

faults; therefore distance protection, especially ground distance is subject to
significant errors. There might or might not be contribution of the zero-sequence
current, which is normally used to compensate ground distance, from the source.
Considering a forward cross-country fault on the radial line (both faults are

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downstream the relay measuring point but one fault is on the protected line while
another fault is on the outgoing from opposite bus feeder), there is no zero-sequence
current flowing through the relay location, therefore ground distance will not have
chance to operate. However, 2nd fault should be cleared by the protection of the
adjacent line. In the case if sources are present at both ends of the line, during forward
cross-country fault, situation is similar to the radial line ground distance
measurement; there is no zero-sequence current flowing through the relay location
and correct distance measurement is possible to the nearer fault.
If, however, one phase-to-ground fault exists in the forward direction, while another
fault in the different phase exists in the reverse direction, then there is a zero-
sequence current flowing through the relay location. However, magnitude and angle
of the zero-sequence current are dictated by how far are two fault locations from each
other relative to relay measuring point and phases involved. This current can/cannot
be used to compensate ground distance. Figure B-12 below illustrates the complexity
for the correct measurement of the distance to fault for the ground distance. If fault
behind the relay measuring point is assumed in phase A while the fault in the forward
direction is assumed in the phase B, then there is a shift by a , a and 1 between
positive-, negative- and zero-sequence networks respectively, where a denotes a
phase shift of 120°. If forward fault occurs in phase C instead of phase B, then the

(1-m) Z 1S m Z 1S n Z 1L (1-n) Z 1L Z 1S 2
E1 E2

(1-m) Z 2S m Z 2S n Z 2L (1-n) Z 2L Z 2S

(1-m) Z 0S m Z 0S n Z 0L (1-n) Z 0L Z 0S

Figure B-12. Sequence networks connections during cross-country fault on the line with
sources at both ends
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shift will be a, a and 1 respectively.
Particularly, depending on the cross-country fault locations and system impedances at
both (or just one in case of radial line) line terminals, there might be 3 different
conditions with regards to zero-sequence current and ground distance elements:
1. No zero-sequence current at all if both fault locations are in the relay’s
forward direction.
2. Zero-sequence current with correct direction, which might be used for
ground distance in case of radial lines as shown in the Figure B-10 above.
3. Zero-sequence current with undermined direction, depending on the both
sources impedances and fault locations in case of cross-country fault on the
transit lines between two sources when one fault in in the forward direction
while another fault in the reverse direction.
Taking into mentioned above, directional elements based on sequence components
cannot be used to achieve required functionality. The proper determination of the
fault location can be achieved with phase directional element only and a proper logic.
When protecting ungrounded/resonant/grounded system, system protection can be
organized in a way that fault in phase B is never sensed and tripped therefore, due to
CTs might not be installed in phase B in all locations (installed in phases A and C
only). In such case throughout the whole system there should be adopted a rule of
how protection operates during cross-country faults.
For example following protection rules can to be adopted for the particular system
and following relay functionality can be achieved:
1. AC or ACG or ABC: trip issued
2. AG-bg: trip issued
3. CG-bg: trip issued
4. AG-cg: trip issued
5. BG-cg or BG-ag: no trip issued
6. CG-ag: no trip issued (fault ag is expected to be cleared by the adjacent line
Note: upper case letters denotes fault on the protected line, while lower case denotes
fault in the other location of the ungrounded/resonant grounded system as shown in
the Figure B-11 above.
To achieve such functionality, following protection elements are used:
1. Phase and Ground Zone 1 and zone 2 set in the forward direction output
operands of specific loops.
2. Phase and Ground Zone 3 set as overreaching non-directional zone
supervising any distance trips.
3. Phase IOC1 specific phases pickup operands are directionalized with Phase
Directional OC and used to supervise distance trips for certain combinations
of fault phases involved.
For example, protecting a 33kV line with Z1=10Ω∠75° and Z0=30Ω∠65°,
CT=300/5A and VT=33000/110V, following setting can be adopted;
Phase Distance Zone 1: Direction forward, reach at 80%, MHO shape,
Ground Distance Zone 1: Direction forward, reach at 80%, QUAD shape,
Z0/Z1 MAG=3, Right blinder set at 3 times reach, Left blinder at 1.5 times.

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Figure B-13. Distance elements characteristics

Phase Distance Zone 2: Direction forward, reach at 150%, MHO shape,

Ground Distance Zone 2: Non-directional, forward reach at 150%, reverse
reach at 25%, QUAD shape, Z0/Z1 MAG=1, Right blinder set at 3 times
reach, Left blinder at 1.5 times.
Phase Distance Zone 3: Non-directional, forward and reverse reach at 200%,
MHO shape.
Ground Distance Zone 3: Non-directional, forward and reverse reach at 200%,
QUAD shape, Z0/Z1 MAG=1, Right blinder set at 3 times reach, Left blinder
at 1.5 times.
Phase IOC1 set at 1.2pu.
Phase Directional OC1 set at 15° RCA angle.
Backup Phase IOC2 delayed by appropriate time in case of distance doesn’t
operate due to for example VT Fuse Failure.
Phase Undervoltage set at 0.7pu.
Logic shown below at the Figure B-14 is self-explanatory matching required
functionality outlined above:
Virtual output ANY AG (VO2) is providing a trip, if there is a ground fault in phase
A in the forward direction. It becomes active if either Ground Distance zone 1 or 2
operate provided that Phase Directional indicates trip in a phase A forward direction.
Virtual output CG-BG (VO2) is providing a trip for a specific fault when CG fault is
in the forward direction while BG is in the reverse direction. Again, Phase Directional
is supervising type of the fault. There is a provision for the case of the radial line,
when there will not be a phase B fault current flowing through the relay location in
tne reverse direction. Phase Directional Block B (Reverse) is supplemented by
PHASE UV DPO A meaning that if voltage is normal in phase A, then fault “must
be” in the phase B only.
Virtual output FWD PH-PH (VO1) is providing a trip if any forward phase-to-phase

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5 8





11 20


PH DIR1 BLK A 15 19




OR 23


Figure B-14. Flexlogic for required functionality

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The GE L60 Line Phase Comparison Relay provides a simple phase-comparison
principle successfully employed by analog and static relays for many years along with the
significant advantages of a modern microprocessor based relay. Relay can be used in
Permissive Tripping or Blocking mode operation, Single-phase comparison or dual phase
comparison mode, 2- or 3-terminal applications in both Single-phase comparison or Dual
Phase comparison modes. Operating current can be either I 2 − K • I 1 or 3I 0 . All signal
processing is completely digital, including AC currents and voltages filtering, sequence
components and mixing current formation, processing of received from remote terminal
Square waves. GE Phase Comparison protection offers superior performance due to
unique algorithms and approaches. Particularly, on breaker-and-a-half applications,
currents from 2 CTs are brought and processed in the relays individually. This allows
detecting external fault locally and process local and transmitted square pulses
accordingly scheme chosen to prevent false operation, especially due to CT saturation.
Received from remote terminal square waves are sampled 64 samples per cycle, same as
AC signals. These samples are conditioned and filtered to detect zero-crossing precisely
and reject noise due to fault and corona. Provision is made to compensate for channel
delay and signal asymmetry. Superior phase comparison oscillography allows
visualization and tracking of all phase comparison signals, which are critical for
troubleshooting, analysis, commissioning maintenance. For weak-infeed and line end
breaker open conditions, there is a provision with Open Breaker Echo element. Phase
Comparison can be applied for both 1-pole tripping and 3-pole tripping applications. In 1-
pole applications Phase Comparison has to be programmed to operate together with
Phase Selector and Trip Output, which detect which phase is faulted. Single-pole trip is
issued for SLG faults only, for other faults Trip Output issues a 3-pole trip.



As was mentioned above, phase comparison can operate with one CT connected
to the relay or two CTs at breaker-and-a-half applications. It’s strongly
recommended to connect both CTs individually to process and sum it up in the
relay internally. This gives significant benefits and security compared with
external summation of CTs.

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Synchro- DISTANCEand


Figure C-1: Sources configuration for breaker-and-a-half configuration

As L60 is using special DSP type 8P, source #2 is not available.

These sources will be assigned to certain elements differently to assure correct

functionality. For example, sources “CT1” and “CT2” processing currents from two
breakers individually have to be assigned to two Breaker Failure elements per each

breaker accordingly. Similarly, these two currents are processed individually in Phase
Comparison element. Sum of 2 currents is calculated on the source “Sum CT” which is
used for overcurrent, distance and other protection elements. This source also has 3-phase
voltage VT bank, needed for distance protection as well.

In spite of this is beneficial and it is recommended to process currents from 2 CTs

individually and then sum them up internally in the relay, it’s possible to do summation
externally and bring sum of two currents to the relay. Then 2 sources are needed only.


Communications channel connections are made on special 8P type DSP module. This
special 8P type module allows using L60 phase comparison relay in any mode, such as
single-phase comparison or dual-phase comparison for 2-terminal line and single-phase
comparison or dual-phase comparison for 3-terminal line.

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~ 5c ~ 6c
~ 6c ~ 5c
~ 5b ~ 5b


L60 - 1 PLC PLC L60 - 2
~ 6b ~ 6b
~ 5a ~ 6a
~ 6a ~ 5a

Figure C-2: 2-terminal single-phase comparison channel connection

The L60 channel interface requires an external battery to drive inputs and outputs. The
module can be used with any battery voltage. However, the battery voltage must be
87PC SCHEME \ 87PC CH1(2) RX VOLT settings, which define the acceptable
voltage threshold received from the PLC. The L60 communications outputs are
MOSFETs and inputs are implemented with optocouplers, excluding any galvanic

Tx Positive Ch 1
~ 5c

~ 5b

~ 5a

Rx Positive Ch 1
~ 6c

~ 6b

~ 6a
~ 7c

~ 7b
~ 7a
~ 8c
~ 8b

~ 8a

Figure C-3: 2-terminal single-phase comparison PLC connection

~ 5c ~ 6c
~ 6c ~ 5c
~ 5b ~ 5b


L60 - 1 PLC PLC L60 - 2

~ 6b ~ 6b
~ 5a ~ 6a
~ 6a ~ 5a

Figure C-4: 2-terminal dual-phase comparison channel connection

For dual phase comparison 3-frequency PLC is needed: middle frequency, which is guard
frequency is used to monitor the channel, high frequency shift is used to key on the
positive half of the sinewave and low frequency shift is used to key on the negative half.

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Tx Positive Ch 1
~ 5c
Common (+) Ch 1
~ 5b
Tx Negative Ch 1
Rx Positive Ch 1
~ 6c
Common (-) Ch 1
~ 6b
Rx Negative Ch 1
~ 6a
~ 7c
~ 7b
~ 7a
~ 8c

~ 8b
~ 8a

Figure C-5: 2-terminal dual-phase comparison or 3-terminal single-phase comparison

PLC connection
3-terminal applications can be utilized in both single-phase comparison and dual phase-
comparison modes. For single-phase comparison both AM (amplitude modulated) or 2-
frequency FSK (frequency-shift keying) PLC can be used. For dual-phase comparison, 3-
freuency PLC is needed. Connections for 3-terminal single-phase comparison are shown
below. Dual-phase comparison connections are similar to 2-terminal dual-phase
comparison shown above.

~ 5c ~ 6c
~ 6c ~ 5c
~ 5b ~ 5b


L60 - 1 L60 - 2
~ 6b ~ 6b
~ 5a ~ 6a
~ 6a ~ 5a

~ 5b
~ 6b
~ 5a
~ 6a
~ 5c
~ 6c

L60 - 3

Figure C-6: 3-terminal single-phase comparison PLC connections

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This setting is used to select Phase comparison mode and scheme used to protect the line.
It has to be exactly the same at all line terminals. Following options are available:
5This se
2TL-TR-SPC-2FC: 2 terminal line, permissive tripping, single phase comparison, 2
frequency channel.
2TL-BL-SPC-2FC: 2 terminal line, blocking scheme, single phase comparison, 2
frequency channel.
2TL-UB-DPC-2FC: 2 terminal line, unblocking, dual phase comparison, 2 frequency
channel (FSK PLC only); scheme cannot be used for breaker-and-a-
half applications.
2TL-TR-DPC-3FC: 2 terminal line, permissive tripping, dual phase comparison, 3
frequency channel.
2TL-BL-DPC-3FC: 2 terminal line, blocking scheme, dual phase comparison, 3
frequency channel.
3TL-TR-SPC-2FC: 3 terminal line, permissive tripping scheme, single phase
comparison, 2 frequency channel carrier to two other terminals.
3TL-BL-SPC-2FC: 3 terminal line, blocking scheme, single phase comparison, 2
frequency channel carrier to two other terminals.
3TL-TR-DPC-3FC: 3 terminal line, permissive tripping scheme, dual phase comparison,
3 frequency channel carrier to two other terminals.
3TL-BL-SPC-3FC: 3 terminal line, blocking scheme, dual phase comparison, 3
frequency channel carrier to two other terminals.

Choice of the scheme depends on communication channels available, number of line

terminals and power system specifics. Please refer to L60 manual for recommendations
to select 87PC scheme.

C.2.4. 87PC BLOCK

This setting is used to block 87PC with a cutoff switch or during communication failures.


Selects whether current is supplied from one current source (either single-breaker CT
application or dual-breakers with CTs summed externally) or from two separate sources
(breaker-and-a-half or ring configurations), where currents from both CTs are fed into the
L60 individually. Set it to “One Source Current” if either CTs are summed externally or
just one breaker (one CT) terminates the line. Set it to “Two Sources Current” if either
CTs from two breaker on breaker-and-a-half configuration are being summed in L60
internally. Relay automatically computes current from DSPs in the “F” and “M” slots.


A mixed I 2 − K • I 1 signal or a single 3I_0 signal can be chosen with this setting as the
operating signal for the FDH and FDL detectors and square waves generator. The
constant K in the mixed excitation signal is adjustable. Selecting 3I_0 mode means that

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phase comparison will operate for SLG faults only-another protection like distance is
required to be engaged for phase-to-phase faults. This setting has to be the same at all
line terminals. I 2 − K • I 1 mode allows Phase comparison to detect any type of the fault.


Selects the K factor used for the mixed-excitation operating signal I 2 − K • I 1 . Typically
this setting for this factor is chosen 0.1-0.2 meaning that element will operate for any
fault type. However, when sensitivity for FDL or FDH is no enough, for example at
weak-infeed applications, this factor can be reduced significantly, however this is
limiting ability to detect phase-to-phase. In this case, elements responding to phase-to-
phase faults, such as Phase Distance or Phase IOC must be assigned with FDL/FDH
settings. See below how FDL/FDH pickup is chosen and sensitivity checked. It’s
recommended to start setting calculations with setting K=0.15 and then modify if
necessary. It’s not recommended to lower K below 0.03 as it affects mixed current
magnitude used to form square waves, specifically during 3-phase faults.


This setting applies exclusively to the negative-sequence mixed mode operating current
I 2 − K • I 1 and specifies a leading angular shift for the originally developed operating
signal. The operating signal is always developed taking the A-phase as reference for
calculating symmetrical components. This setting can be used to control the angular
position of the operating current with respect to the voltage of any phase that might be
used by the line carrier in a particular application. This allows minimizing the impact of
positive corona on dependability of single-comparison blocking schemes. Effectively this
setting shifts the transmitted pulses in time with the intent to minimize – for majority of
faults – the overlap between the “space” periods, and positive peaks of the voltage in the
phase used by the carrier. Normally, this angle shall be adjusted to follow conductor that
is used by the carrier, plus the extra line characteristic angle RCA (RCA is close to 90o).

REF ANGLE Phase rotation, ABC Phase rotation, ACB

Carrier in phase A 90o(RCA) 90o(RCA)
Carrier in phase B 240o+90o(RCA) = 330o 120o+90o(RCA) = 110o
Carrier in phase C 120o+90o(RCA) = 110o 240o+90o(RCA) = 330o
Table C-1: Reference phase for blocking schemes to reduce corona effect

This setting must be set identically at all terminals of the line, or the scheme will be
dramatically impacted, to the extent of entirely diminishing security and/or dependability.
The same caution applies to the scheme type, operating current, and K settings


Application of L60 in straight phase-comparison mode is obviously limited to lines where
the minimum 3-phase fault current is considerably higher than maximum load current,
which holds true for majority of applications. On some applications, particularly on 3-

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terminal lines, using phase distance, unvervoltage, sequence componenets IOCs and
disturbance detectors reacting to the change in the sequence components currents can
chieve improvement in sensitivity. FDL starts keying when fault occurs on the protected
line or in the vicinity. It’s critical to ensure that FDL has enough sensitivity for all types
of the fault. If this is not possible, then additional keying starters have to be assigned in
parallel with built-in FDL using 87PC FDL AUX setting as is shown below. Generally,
keying is not desirable under normal load conditions; therefore it’s recommended to
calculate FDL setting as follows:
FDL = 1.1 • K • I1L (C-1)
where I1L is maximum line load current.
It must be noted that in some cases there might not be enough sensitivity for internal SLG
faults. In such cases, by reducing K factor FDL could be set much more sensitive,
operating mainly on the negative-sequence current. Minimum FDL setting in such case
should not be less than 0.04 pu to provide immunity to load unbalance and CT errors.

C.2.10.87PC FDL AUX

This setting is used to assign additional protection element(s) if sensitivity of the FDL,
operating on the mixed I 2 − K • I 1 current is not enough for all faults on the line or in the
vicinity. There might be a need to boost keying with sensitive negative sequence IOC set
just above maximum phase currents unbalance (for example 0.05pu) in case if
calculations show that FDL is not sensitive to SLG or LLG faults. Or might be assigned
with phase distance if there is no enough sensitivity to 3-phase faults. Disturbance
detectors reacting to change in the sequence current might be utilized as well.

Figure C-7: Auxiliary FDL assignment


The FDH level detector setting must be such that it will respond to any internal
unbalanced internal fault with a margin at least 50%. That is minimum negative sequence
current for an unbalanced fault at any location on the protected line must be at least 1.5
times the negative sequence pickup of FDH. An additional requirement on FDH pickup
setting is that it be sufficiently above FDL to ensure security on external faults.
Acceptable margins are defined below for 2-terminal and 3-terminal lines as follows;
FDH = ( 4 ) • FDL + 0.375 • I C1 for 2-terminal line (C-2)
FDH = ( ) • FDL + 0.375 • I C1 for 3-terminal line (C-3)
where I C1 is positive sequence line charging current

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If charging current compensation is used, then 2-nd term in the equations above can be
Setting chosen per formulas above insure security against misoperations on external
faults. It’s necessary to check that with FDH setting determined, the mixing current
I 2 − K • I 1 output at all terminals for any internal fault will be sufficient to operate FDH
with 50% margin.
First step it should be determined that for the minimum 3-phase fault anywhere on the
line the network I 2 − K • I 1 is at least 1.5 times FDH pickup;
I13θ MIN • K ≥ 1.5 • FDH (C-4)
Whether or not SLG or LLG at the same location will also result in a the mixing current
I 2 − K • I 1 output of at least 1.5 times FDH pickup will depend upon the K setting,
maximum load current and the Z0 / Z1 ratio. Fault circuit studies are required to determine
either there will be enough negative sequence current for FDH for different types of the
fault. Simplified approach to determine this, using tables and curves is presented below in
the section C-4.

C.2.12. 87PC FDH AUX

This setting is used to assign additional protection element(s) if sensitivity of the FDH,
operating on the mixed I 2 − K • I 1 current is not enough for all faults on the line. It has to
be coordinated with 87PC FDL AUX, which has to be more sensitive to provide
coordination for external faults. In general, elements used for FDH AUX have to be the
same as for FDL AUX at the remote terminal.


Channel asymmetry is needed when PLC channel elongates or shortens the square pulse.
This has to be done in the field with actual PLC channel. The adjustment of the pulse
asymmetry refines the duration of the Mark and Space square pulses. This adjustment
compensates for asymmetry in the signal channel caused by the receiver’s tuned filters
and signal coupling path. Value of asymmetry can typically be from 0 up to 1.5 ms,
which can contribute to significant error in coincidence detection. Since asymmetry
depends on operating conditions and specific carrier, it has to be tuned in the field only.
Procedure to measure the asymmetry is to inject single-phase current at one line terminal
at least 1pu, lower FDL setting to 0.05pu to start transmitting and trigger oscillography at
both terminals. At the sending end observe that positive and that negative square pulses
are symmetrical with respect to injected current sinewave. Measure the duration of the
transmit pulse at one end and receive pulse at the other end. If received pulse is longer
than transmitted one, it means that PLC channel elongates the pulse and has to be
trimmed; use duration difference with a negative sign. If receive pulse is shorter than
transmit one, use duration difference with a positive sign. Measurement is taken per each

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Tx duration=9.38ms Rx duration=10.63ms

Figure C-8: Pulse asymmetry measurement

For the example above, channel asymmetry setting is 9.38ms-10.63ms= -1.3ms.

C.2.14. 87PC CHANNEL 1/2 DELAY

Channel delay is needed to compensate for signal propagation in order to set local
positive and negative square signals in phase with respect to each other. This can be done
after pulse asymmetry is adjusted. There are 2 methods; load current method and GPS
synchronized injection method. Load method can be done if line is carrying sufficient
load (not less than 0.2pu) and the ratio of charge current to load current is less than 1/5.
To generate negative-sequence current, it’s possible to shorten out one or 2 current
phases at one end with FT type switches then lower FDL setting to 0.05pu temporarily.
At the receiving end it’s necessary to trigger oscillography and measure the difference
between raising edge of the local positive or negative square and the received square
pulse. The time difference between 2 edges, receive Rx and NEG (or POS depending on
the scheme) becomes channel delay setting. Typical value for channel delay is 3 to 6 ms.
This setting can be adjusted later after post fault analysis. With a GPS synchronized
testing, currents at both ends have to be in–phase simulating internal fault. Triggering
two GPS synchronized test sets at opposite line terminals and capturing oscillography at
both ends gives essential info for fine channel delay tuning.

Figure C-9: Channel delay measurement with on-load method

Time, measured between 2 cursors above becomes Channel Delay setting.

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C.2.15. 87PC RX 1/2 VOLT

These settings select a threshold for the DC voltage signal received from the carrier(s).
This setting plays important role in conditioning of the received from PLC DC signal; a)
it helps to reject noise due to capacitive coupling between cables conductors, b) it also
eliminates building up and tailing off problems of the received from PLC square signal
caused by capacitance and inductance of cable between PLC and L60 and PLC output
circuitry as well. These settings are dependent on the station battery voltage or carrier
nominal output voltage if used. A value of 10 to 20% of carrier nominal output voltage is
recommended. For example, if station battery is 125V DC rated, setting would be
125•0.15=18.8V. Setting it too low makes receive circuitry susceptible to noise due to
capacitive coupling between cables conductors. Setting it too high may shorten the
received square wave.


For any internal fault the angle between the keying quantities I 2 − K • I 1 at the two or
three terminals of the line must be small enough to assure tripping via comparator will be
reliable. If this angle is less than 60º there will be sufficient margin for secure tripping.
This will be true if:
I1 3θ MIN
≥ 1.75 (C-5)
I1 L
From other hand, stability angle should be high enough to provide stability during
external fault and possible errors in measurement due to load, charging current, CT errors
and errors in communication channel.
ϕST = ϕI1C + ϕCT + ϕPLC
where: ϕI1C is the capacitive current compensation angle, evaluated as angle between
local ILF and remote IRF currents during external fault per figure below. It has to be noted
that for lines with RCA angle close to 90º, charging current is not causing phase error,
however it effects FDH and FDL pickup at opposite line terminals. In spite of this
angular error is a function of minimum fault current and charge current, for security,
minimum fault current is assumed equal to FDH pickup setting.




Figure C-10: Effect of charge current on the 87PC phase angle

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⎡ FDH • sin( RCA ) − I1C ⎤

ϕI1C = RCA − ATAN ⎢ ⎥ expressed in electrical degrees,
FDH • cos( RCA ) ⎥
⎣⎢ ⎦
where I1C is a line capacitive current, FDH is setting of FDH and RCA is line X/R angle.
If charging current compensation is employed, then error due to charging
current can be neglected.
ϕCT is the CTs error and saturation compensation angle and can be adopted as
equal 10° for most cases unless there is a special consideration or concern,
for example CT saturation. For such cases ϕCT should be estimated and
increased, say up to 20°.
ϕPLC is the error in the channel propagation delay measurement and setting plus
error in the relay estimation of the square pulse rising/falling edge. It can
be adopted equal to 10º.
Typically, setting of stability angle is chosen from 55º to 75º. Recommended setting for
majority of applications is 65º. Setting below 45º is not recommended.


This setting is used to seal-in the output phase comparison element after operating by the
time defined by this setting. A value of 30 ms or higher is recommended. A value of 0 ms
operates the element during integrated coincidence only, meaning that operand 87PC OP
output is set and reset on every cycle.


This setting increases security during and after the clearing of an external fault by
preventing false tripping during transient current intervals. Setting of typically 30-50ms
gives enough security.


This setting is used to reset transient blocking and allow tripping. This delay should be
selected long enough to cope with transient conditions including not only current
reversals but also spurious negative-sequence currents occurring during unequal pole
opening during breaker operations. This setting cannot be too high, as this would prevent
timely fault clearing during evolving external to internal faults. Typically, value of 50-
100ms is recommended.


If a protected line has a tapped transformer, is most preferable approach to apply L60 in a
3-terminal configuration if measurement from tapped leg CT is available. This gives most
secure and reliable application solution. If, however, current measurements or channel
between tapped of the protected line s/s and two other terminals are not available, then
measures outlined below have to be taken.

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As the tapped line may be energized from one terminal only, or there may be a low
current flowing through the line, phase-comparison element has to set to provide stability
for such conditions. Accordingly, the FDH pickup setting must be high enough in order
to prevent maloperation from total load current of the tapped transformer(s). However,
this doesn’t guarantee correct operation of L60 during transformer energization and
during LV transformer faults. Increasing FDL and FDH setting to be immune from
transformer inrush current and transformer LV fault decreasing sensitivity as above
calculations should take into account the requirement for the pickup setting resulting
from line charging currents as well. Certainly, a security factor must be applied to the
above stability conditions. Alternatively, distance supervision can be considered to
prevent maloperation due to transformer load currents.


Distance supervision should be used to prevent maloperation of the L60 protection
system during faults on the LV side of the transformer(s). As explained in the Distance
Backup/Supervision section of this Chapter, the distance elements should be set to
overreach all the line terminals and at the same time safely underreach the LV busbars of
all the tapped transformers. This may present some challenge particularly for long lines
and large transformer tapped close to the substations. If the L60 system retrofits distance
relays, there is a good chance that one can set the distance elements to satisfy the
imposed If more than one transformer is tapped, particularly on parallel lines, and the LV
sides are interconnected, detailed short circuit studies may be needed to determine the
distance settings


L60 has capability to detect harmonics caused by transformer inrush current or by other
phenomenon like sub synchronous oscillations caused active power system components.
As it is known, during transformer energization, current at the line terminal CTs contain
whole spectrum of harmonics including 2nd, 7th, 11th and 14th..

Figure C-11: Using FlexElements to measure THD during XFMR energization inrush

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On the transfromer HV side 2nd harmonic prevails which is used to detect transfer inrush
for transformer differential inhibit. However, on the line terminal CT, due to line
capacitance and inductance, shunt reactors harmonics spectrum is different with other
harmonics besides 2nd one
Therefore it’s beneficial to use THD for the line projection. L60 measures Total
Harmonic Distortion (THD) in all 3 phase currents plus neutral current, which are
available for protection purposes though FlexElement (Universal Comparator). Output of
the Flexelement can be used to block sensitive Neutral IOC or Phase Comparison on
transformer energization.
Typical pickup setting for THD is 10-25%. THD measurements are available per sources,
therefore, on the breaker-and-a-half applications source which sums both CT current has
to be used for that.


Where tractional load is tapped form the line protected by L60, significant and variable
negative sequence current might exist on the line, not allowing sensitive FDL or Negative
sequence IOC assigned with FDL AUX setting and FDH settings. On such lines it’s
beneficial to detect fault based on the change in the sequence components of the currents.
Again Flexelement can be used to enhance such application.

Figure C-12: Using FlexElements to detect change in sequence currents

Picture above depicts Flexelements setup to detect increase\decrease in the positive,

negative (similarly zero-sequence) currents 2 times per power cycle on the 50Hz system.
Output of Flexelements should be assigned to 87PC FDL AUX and 87PC FDH AUX
settings to start phase-comparison when change in the current components is detected.
Such Flexelement will be immune to slow increase of the current components but will
operate on a step change of the operating quantities.


It’s important to understand that fundamentally, phase-comparison is dependant on the
coincidence of the local and remote squares only detected by the coincidence detector in
order to make a right tripping decision. However, FDL and FDH are very important

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components of the element and should assure correct starting by FDL detector and
arming action by FDH detector to allow coincidence detector operate correctly. Therefore
some precautions are needed when choosing setting for FDL and FDH or assigning
auxiliary element to compliment those detectors.
Even if direct coordination between FDL and FDH at opposite ends of the line is not
needed, it should be checked that FDH at one end and FDL at the opposite ends of the
line have enough security margin. This is especially critical when Blocking scheme is
used. It’s not advisable to set pickup setting of FDH at one end of the line the same, close
or lower than FDL at other end of the line. FDL at remote terminal should always be
more sensitive and reach farther to external faults behind remote bus. Diagram below
illustrates that. For protection #1 it’s critical to ensure that for any type of the fault F1
beyond terminal B, where FDH of protection #1 still operates, FDL at terminal B is
sensitive enough and has at least 20% margin for operation. It has to be noted that fault
current even for through fault might be quite different due to line capacitance, reactors on
the line etc. Situation worsens when there is a tapped load off protected line which can
infeed/outfeed fault current. Same checks are needed to coordinate protection #2 FDH
with protection #1 FDL for fault F2.

F2 IF (I_1, I_2, I_0)

1 2 IF F1


Figure C-13: Coordination between FDH and FDL at opposite ends of the line

To secure FDH and FDL setting at opposite ends of the line during external fault, for 2-
terminal line, the relationship between the FDH setting at one end of the line to FDL
setting at the other end of the line is as follows;
FDH A ≥ I1C + 4 • FDLB (C-6)
For 3-terminal line, the formula is as follows;
FDH A ≥ I1C + 8 • FDLB(C) (C-7)
where FDLB(C) is a maximum of FDL settings at 2 other terminals

The maximum negative sequence charging current will flow when maximum negative
sequence voltage appears on the line. The maximum negative-sequence voltage will
appear on the line when a phase-to-phase fault occurs at or near one of the terminals. This
voltage will be only half of the system normal phase-to-neutral positive sequence voltage
at this terminal. It will appear at the point of the fault and will diminish along the line
back towards the zero potential bus. If it is assumed that system negative sequence
impedance is large compared with line impedance, then the voltage will not diminish
very much along the line. On the other hand, if the system impedance is small, then the
voltage diminishes to zero. A reasonable compromise is to assume that the voltage

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diminishes to about half of its maximum value at the other terminal. This results in the
average from both terminals negative sequence voltage of
⎡V V ⎤
V2 = ⎢ N + N ⎥ / 2 = 3 • VN = 0.375 • VN of the normal system phase-to-neutral voltage
⎣ 2 4 ⎦ 8
of the line. Therefore in calculations of FDL/FDH in equations above, factor of
3/8=0.375 is applied.
If charging current compensation is applied, then term I1C in the equations above can be
Note: If system studies prove that there is sufficient margin between FDH setting and
minimum fault current, it’s recommended raising FDH and FDL setting to prevent
unnecessary 87PC starts during remote external fault. FDL setting has to be calculated
back from adopted FDH setting maintaining margin per formulas C-2 (C-3) or at least


If calculations prove that straight phase-comparison mode is not sensitive to 3-phase
faults, then phase distance is needed to force keying.
The following system data must be known before the setting and the resulting response of
the L60 relay can be determined:
1. Maximum fault current that can flow in the terminals of the line,
2. Minimum positive-sequence current I3ØMIN that will flow in each terminal for
internal 3-phase faults near each terminal.
3. System zero sequence impedance Z0 and system positive sequence impedance Z1
as viewed from the each of fault locations on the protected line as above (2) to
determine the Z0 / Z1 ratio.
4. Positive sequence charging current of the protected line under normal load
5. Protected line positive-sequence and zero sequence impedances if sensitivity of
straight phase comparison operating on mixed I 2 − K • I1 current is not enough
and distance supervision is needed.

Although both FDL and FDH are mostly responding to the negative-sequence current,
which is present in all but 3-phase faults, pickup setting of both fault detectors is related
to maximum load and minimum 3-phase fault. In general, fault studies must determine
the magnitude and relative phase angle of the I 2 − K • I1 quantity for all types of the fault
on all combinations pf phases for all reasonable system conditions and including the
effect of power flow. Relay calculates symmetrical component current based of phase A
reference. As during AG fault I1 and I2 are approximately 180º apart (neglecting load and
charge current) and producing smallest I 2 − K • I1 quantity therefore, this fault type has to
be considered first to determine FDL and FDH sensitivity. Then 3-phase fault needs
attention further. Simplified approach of selecting settings is outlined below.

Following step-by-step procedure is recommended in determining setting and application


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1. Assume first that intermediate K=0.15 factor is to be used.

2. Calculate FDL setting accordingly equation C-1.
3. Calculate FDH setting accordingly equation C-2 or C-3
4. Determine the minimum positive sequence current for a 3-phase fault anywhere
on the line.
5. Determine the ratio of the K times FDH setting to maximum full load current,
that is FDH
K • I1L
6. Determine the ratio of the minimum 3-phase fault current to K times the FDH
I13θ MIN • K
setting, that is . This ratio should be minimum 1.5
7. Enter Table C-2 below at the value of the FDH calculated in (5) above. Select
K • I1L
the proper value in the second column as calculated in the (6) above. In the
column K=0.15 check the range of Z0 / Z1 for which setting will provide good
performance. If this range is greater than that expected on your system, the
application is good.

FDH I13θ MIN • K Acceptable range of Z0 / Z1

K • I1L K=0.2 K=0.15 K=0.1
1.15 1.5 - 0.55-1.3 0.3-3.7
1.15 2.0 0.65-1.3 0.35-3.0 0.2-5.0
1.15 3.0 0.2-3.00 0.2-5.00 0.2-5.0
1.15 4.0 0.2-4.8 0.2-5.00 0.2-5.0
1.5 1.5 - 0.5-2.1 0.25-4.2
1.5 2.0 0.5-1.7 0.3-3.5 0.2-5.0
1.5 3.0 0.2-3.4 0.2-5.0 0.2-5.0
1.5 4.0 0.2-5.0 0.2-5.0 0.2-5.0
2.0 1.5 0.80-1.00 0.45-2.30 0.25-4.70
2.0 2.0 0.45-2.00 0.25-4.00 0.2-5.0
2.0 3.0 0.2-4.00 0.2-5.0 0.2-5.0
2.0 4.0 0.2-5.0 0.2-5.0 0.2-5.0
2.5 1.5 0.7-1.1 0.4-2.7 0.2-5.0
2.5 2.0 0.4-2.2 0.25-4.3 0.2-5.0
2.5 3.0 0.2-4.3 0.2-5.0 0.2-5.0
2.5 4.0 0.2-5.0 0.2-5.0 0.2-5.0
4.0 1.5 0.6-1.4 0.35-3.0 0.2-5.0
4.0 2.0 0.3-2.5 0.2-4.8 0.2-5.0
4.0 3.0 0.2-4.8 0.2-5.0 0.2-5.0
4.0 4.0 0.2-5.0 0.2-5.0 0.2-5.0
Table C-2 Acceptable ranges for Z0 / Z1 for different ratios of 3PH fault currents and
line’s load
8. If the value obtained in (7) above is too small, repeat all steps for K=0.1. If the
range of Z0 / Z1 is now satisfactory, the application is good. If not, phase distance
supervision assigned with FDH AUX is needed to detect 3-phase faults and force
phase comparison to operate. It may also be needed to assign phase distance with
FDL AUX if straight phase comparison sensitivity is not enough to start keying.
Depending on the scheme this might be either forward looking (permissive

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tripping) or reverse looking (blocking scheme) phase distance element. Distance

element must ensure enough reach for all 3-phase faults on the line.
9. If Z0 / Z1 range is greater obtained under (7) is greater than required, additional
security could be obtained by either raising FHD pickup setting (leaving FDL
alone) or by selecting factor K=0.2. In either case the application the application
would then have to be re-checked.
Alternative quick method to check FDH setting is using Table C-3. Table C-3 below
indicates negative sequence current calculated in terms of full load current I1L for
I13θ MIN
different K with respect to ratio. Enter Table C-3 at the next lower below the
I13θ MIN
ratio determined above. In the column headed by “K” setting, read FDH
pickup, which is in negative sequence amperes expressed as a multiple of full load
current I1L. This setting will ensure that for the range of Z0 / Z1 in the Table C-2
I13θ MIN
corresponding to this ratio and K setting, any unbalance fault at the same
location as 3-phase fault will result in a negative-sequence current at least 1.5 times
I13θ MIN FDH pickup I2 / I1 L
I1L K=0.2 K=0.15 K=0.1
1.75 0.277 0.195 0.167
2.0 0.250 0.191 0.191
2.25 0.214 0.214 0.214
2.5 0.238 0.238 0.238
2.75 0.262 0.262 0.262
3.0 0.286 0.286 0.286
3.5 0.334 0.334 0.334
4.0 0.382 0.382 0.382
Table C-3 Acceptable FDH pickup setting for different K and the
ratio between minimum 3-phase current to load current

Also, checking either magnitude of the negative sequence current for particular
application is enough or not for FDH, can be done using curves below

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Z0/Z1<1 (B)
Z0/Z1>1 (A)

Figure C-14. Ratio of I2/I3ØMIN vs different Z0/Z1 for ØG or ØØG faults

These curves provide the means of determining the negative sequence current for a fault
at given location on the protected line in terms of the positive sequence fault current for a
3-phase fault at the same location and he ratio of Z0 / Z1. Where Z0 / Z1 ratio is less than
1.0, the double-phase-to-ground (ØØG) fault yields the lower negative sequence current
and curve B should be used. Where, Where Z0 / Z1 ratio is greater than 1.0, phase-to-
ground fault (ØG) are limiting and curve A should be used.

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Example A. Assume an application on the 2-terminal line, where maximum load current
is 0.8pu, minimum 3-phase fault current is 3.2pu and normal positive sequence charge
current is 0.1pu. System Z0 / Z1 is varying from 2.4 to 3.0.
• Assuming K=0.15, calculate FDL per formula C-1 as;
FDL = 1.1 • K • I1L = 1.1 • 0.15 • 0.8 = 0.13pu

• Calculate FDH per formula C-2 as;

FDH = ( 4 ) • FDL + 0.375 • I C1 = ( 4 ) • 0.13 + 0.375 • 0.1 = 0.21pu

3 3
• Determine the FDH ratio;
K • I1L
FDH = 0.21 = 1.75
K • I1L 0.15• 0.8
I13θ MIN • K
• Determine the ratio;
I13θ MIN • K 3.2 • 0.15
= = 2.29 (is above 1.5)
FDH 0.21
• Entering Table C-2, column #1 at 1.5 (closest below to the calculated above) and
column #2 entering row headed with “2.0”, it can be found in the column K=0.15
that acceptable Z0 / Z1 range is 0.3-3.5 which is greater that system 2.4 to 3.0.
This means that FDH is sensitive enough for any fault on the line and for any
unbalance fault on the line there will be enough margin of at least 50% above
FDH pickup.
• Additionally, per curve A of Figure C-13, for Z0 / Z1 of 3.0, the minimum SLG
negative-sequence fault current will be 0.15 of 3-phase fault current which yields
3.2 • 0.22 = 0.7 pu . During SLG fault I1= I2= I0; assuming fault on the phase A,
meaning that I1 and I2 are vectorialy subtracted in the formula I 2 − K • I1 , which
yields I 2 − K • I1 = 0.7 − 0.15 • 0.7 = 0.6pu . Margin for FDH operation is
0.6/0.21=2.85, which is greater than required 1.5.
Conclusion: for this application, L60 can be applied in straight phase-comparison
mode, there is enough margin and sensitivity for FDL and FDH for all faults on
the line. Distance supervision is not needed.

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Example B. Assume an application on the 2-terminal line, where maximum load current
is 0.8pu, minimum 3-phase fault current is 2.0pu and normal positive sequence charge
I13θ MIN
current is 0.1pu. System Z0 / Z1 is varying from 4.0 to 5.0. If ratio is less than

4.0, most likely phase distance supervision will be needed.

• Assuming K=0.15, calculate FDL per formula C-1 as;
FDL = 1.1 • K • I1L = 1.1 • 0.15 • 0.8 = 0.13pu

• Calculate FDH per formula C-2 as;

FDH = ( 4 ) • FDL + 0.375 • I C1 = ( 4 ) • 0.13 + 0.375 • 0.1 = 0.21pu

3 3
• Checking FDH setting per Table C-2;
I13θ MIN
At = 2.0 = 2.5 FDH setting should be 0.238 • I1L = 0.19pu to have
I1L 0.8
enough negative-sequence current. Lowest FDH=0.19pu is chosen.
• Determine the FDH ratio with FDH;
K • I1L
FDH = 0.21 = 1.75
K • I1L 0.15• 0.8
I13θ MIN • K
• Determine the ratio;
I13θ MIN • K
= 2.0 • 0.15 = 1.43 (is below 1.5)
FDH 0.21
• Re-calculating with K=0.1, FDL=0.09pu, FDH=0.16pu
I13θ MIN • K 2.0 • 0.1
• Ratio FDH = 0.16 = 2 and ratio = = 1.25pu (again below
K • I1L 0.1• 0.8 FDH 0.16
1.5 meaning that still not enough sensitivity for 3-phase faults). Therefore it’s
decided to leave K=0.1 with FDH=0.16pu and FDL=0.09pu to increase
sensitivity to asymmetrical faults.
I13θ MIN • K
• Table C-2 can not be used as = 1.25 ≤ 1.5 . This means that FDH is
NOT sensitive enough for 3-phase faults on the line.
• Per curve A of Figure C-13, for Z0 / Z1 of 5.0, the minimum SLG negative-
sequence fault current will be 0.22 of 3-phase fault current which yields
2.0 • 0.15 = 0.3pu . During SLG fault I1= I2= I0; assuming fault on the phase A,
meaning that I1 and I2 are vectorialy subtracted in the formula I 2 − K • I1 which
yields I 2 − K • I1 = 0.3 − 0.1 • 0.3 = 0.27pu . Margin for FDH operation is
0.27/0.16=1.68, which is greater than required 1.5.
Conclusion: for this application, L60 cannot be applied in straight phase-
comparison mode, there is no enough margin for 3-phase faults and sensitivity
for FDL and FDH alone for all faults on the line. Distance supervision is needed.

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Zero-sequence overcurrent protection is used at all voltage levels, from distribution to
EHV, but the degree to which it is employed depends on the actual voltage level. At
110kV and above, it is used strictly as backup. On subtransmission, it might be the only
form of protection, or it might be used as a backup to a pilot scheme. Overcurrent relay
protection can further be broken down into phase versus ground, and instantaneous
versus time delayed.
If the line does not have pilot protection, all faults must be cleared in general in 1
second or less. If the line has pilot protection, then the backup overcurrent relays do not
have to clear in 1 second or less since the primary protection is expected to operate.
At 110kV and above, phase relays in general are not required to protect for remote
station breaker failures, but ground current relays are. In order to protect for a breaker
failure, non-permissive ground pilot or ground time overcurrent relays should pick up for
ground faults in the next line sections with infeed.
1) It's not a requirement for both relays to pick up, only one;
2) Clearing time is not an issue, only relay pickup. Sequential tripping is allowed.
Cases where this cannot be met should be noted in the settings issued through
PCIS and the asset owners notified accordingly.
1 2



Figure D-1. Ground O/C reach for remote BF

In setting the relays in Figure D-1 and checking for a breaekr failure at Station 2 for
protection on line A-B, the following should be checked: for all ground faults on the lines
C-D and E-F, relay A should have at least have at least 1.3 times PU for either the pilot
trip or the ground TOC element. However, sequential clearing is allowed. This should
take into account current distribution at station 2 and all considered contingencies.
Considered contingencies depend on the system configuration, voltage level, security and
dependability of protection applied on lines C-D and E-F. Typically these contingencies
are: transmission line(s) out of service, generating unit(s) out of service, pilot protection
on adjacent line out of service etc
Typically, coordination of O/C relays is a rigorous and sometimes difficult task. This
requires system data to carry out short circuit studies, maximum and minimum fault
current expected to flow through protective devices, type of protection schemes at the
adjacent system elements, normal and maximum load current at system components, CT
data including excitation curves, motors starting current and time, etc.
Coordination must ensure such settings that device will not operate in the backup
areas until the primary protection assigned to that area have the opportunity to clear the
fault. The primary objective of coordination studies is to set the protection to operate as
fast as possible for faults in the primary zone and delay sufficiently for faults in the

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backup zones. As such, referring to the figure D-1 above, protection on the line A-B
should be from one hand be sensitive enough to operate for all faults on the line A-B,
from another hand should not operate prior than protection on the lines C-D and E-F for
faults on these lines. There are few methods of achieving proper relay coordination:
• Discrimination by time, when appropriate time delay is chosen for each relay on
the adjacent lines,
• Discrimination by current, when appropriate pickup setting is chosen based on the
fact that fault current value increases for faults closer to the source,
• Discrimination by both current and time, using inverse time characteristics,
• Discrimination by direction, when O/C element is allowed to operate for fault in
the chosen direction only.


There are two Neutral Directional Overcurrent protection elements available on UR
relays. The element provides both forward and reverse fault direction indications the
NEUTRAL DIR OC1 FWD and NEUTRAL DIR OC1 REV operands, respectively. The
output operand is asserted if the magnitude of the operating current is above a pickup
level (overcurrent unit) and the fault direction is seen as “forward or “reverse”,
respectively (directional unit). Directional elements itself are not meant to be used for
direct tripping; they are used to directionalize Neutral Overcurrent elements like IOC and
TOC, also can be used in pilot schemes to provide additional coverage for high-resistive
faults to supplement Distance function.

Figure D-2. Neutral Directional OC1 menu

The overcurrent unit responds to the magnitude of a fundamental frequency phasor of

the either the neutral current calculated from the phase currents or the ground current.
There are two separate pickup settings for the forward- and reverse looking functions,

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respectively. If set to use the calculated 3I_0, the element applies a “positive-sequence
restraint” for better performance: a small user-programmable portion of the positive–
sequence current magnitude is subtracted from the zero-sequence current magnitude
when forming the operating quantity.

-3V_0 line
line line

REV Operating FWD Operating

Region Region


3I_0 line

ECA line

-ECA line

-3I_0 line LA



line line
3V_0 line

Figure D-3. Neutral Directional Voltage-Polarized Characteristics


This setting selects the polarizing mode for the directional unit. If VOLTAGE
polarizing is selected, the element uses the zero-sequence voltage angle for polarization.
The user can choose to use either the zero-sequence voltage V_0 calculated from the
phase voltages, or the zero-sequence voltage supplied externally as the auxiliary voltage
Vx, both from the NEUTRAL DIR OC1 SOURCE. The calculated V_0 can be used as
polarizing voltage only if the voltage transformers are connected in Wye. The auxiliary
voltage can be used as the polarizing voltage provided SYSTEM SETUP AC INPUTS
VOLTAGE BANK AUXILIARY VT CONNECTION is set to “Vn” and the auxiliary
voltage is connected to a zero-sequence voltage source (such as open delta connected
secondary of VTs). The zero-sequence (V_0) or auxiliary voltage (Vx), accordingly, must
be higher than 0.02 pu nominal voltage to be validated as a polarizing signal. If the
polarizing signal is invalid, neither forward nor reverse indication is given.
If CURRENT polarizing is selected, the element uses the angle of the ground current
connected externally and configured under NEUTRAL OC1 SOURCE for polarization.
The Ground CT must be connected between the ground and neutral point of an adequate
local source of ground current. The ground current must be higher than 0.05 pu to be
validated as a polarizing signal. If the polarizing signal is not valid, neither forward nor
reverse indication is given. Polarizing current can be obtain in few different ways,

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• Current transformer in the power transformer neutral

• Current transformer in the tertiary of the power transformer
• Current transformer in the station earthing (zig-zag) transformer neutral
For a choice of current polarizing, it is recommended that the polarizing signal be
analyzed to ensure that a known direction is maintained irrespective of the fault location.
For example, if using an autotransformer neutral current as a polarizing source, it should
be ensured that a reversal of the ground current does not occur for a high-side fault. The
low-side system impedance should be assumed minimal when checking for this
condition. A similar situation arises for a Wye/Delta/Wye transformer, where current in
one transformer winding neutral may reverse when faults on both sides of the transformer
are considered.
When more than transformers operate in parallel with grounded neutrals, CTs from
all transformers neutral have to be paralleled and then connected to the relay 4-th input. It
should be noted that although there may be a CT in the transformer neutral, current from
that CT may or may not be valid as a polarizing source during the fault the depending on
the transformer arrangement and system conditions. Not every transformer provides a
suitable source for polarizing current.

(5 Amp CT)

F 1b

F 2b

F 3b

F 4b
F 1a

F 1c

F 2a

F 2c
F 3a

F 3c

F 4a

F 4c

F 5a

F 5c

F 6a

F 6c
F 7a

F 7c















UR relay

Figure D-4. CTs and VTs polarity connections

Following typical transformer arrangements are suitable/not suitable for Current

• Two-winding Delta/Wye grounded transformer, CT in the Wye grounded neutral-
• Two-winding Wye grounded/Wye grounded (or ungrounded) transformer, CT in
the Wye neutral-not suitable
• Three-winding Wye/Delta/Wye grounded transformer, CT in the Wye grounded
• Three-winding Wye grounded/Delta/Wye grounded transformer, CTs in both
Wye grounded neutrals-suitable (CTs from both neutrals have to be paralleled)

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• Three-winding Wye grounded/Delta/Wye grounded transformer, CT in the Delta

winding-suitable (if Delta is unloaded-one CT is enough, if Delta is loaded-CTs
in each of 3 legs have to be connected in parallel)
• Three-winding autotransformer Wye grounded /Wye grounded/Delta, CT in
grounded neutral-most likely not suitable. This depends either current in the
autotransformer neutral will always flow up the neutral or not. Later holds true if
following condition is met;
> (D-1)
VH S0 T0 T0
ZL + ZL + ZD
where VL is autotransformer wye low side voltage
VH is autotransformer wye high side voltage
Z D is transformer delta winding equivalent impedance
Z L is low side source zero-sequence equivalent impedance
Z L is wye low side transformer zero-sequence equivalent impedance
All impedances are in per unit on a common MVA base.
However, it must be remembered that low side source impedance may vary with different
system conditions and with system growth, therefore, in general, CT in autotransformer
neutral is not recommended as a source for polarizing current. CT in the autotransformer
Delta winding is also non suitable for polarization, reversals may occur same way as in
the autotransformer neutral CT.
For DUAL polarizing selection, the element performs both directional comparisons
as described above in CURRENT and VOLTAGE polarizing. A given direction is
confirmed if either voltage or current comparators indicate so. If a conflicting
(simultaneous forward and reverse) indication occurs, the forward direction overrides the
reverse direction. Table D-1 below summarizes polarizing and operating quantities when
setting NEUTRAL DIR OC1 OP CURR is chosen as “Calculated 3I0” meaning that
operating neutral current is calculated by the relay from 3 phase currents.

Directional Unit Overcurrent

Polarizing Mode Direction Compared Phasors Unit
Voltage Forward -V_0+Zoffset • I_0 I_0•1∠ECA
Reverse -V_0+Zoffset • I_0 -I_0•1∠ECA
Current Forward IG I_0
Iop = 3•(|I_0| – K•|I_1|)
Reverse IG -I_0
if |I_1|>0.8pu
Dual Forward -V_0+Zoffset • I_0 I_0•1∠ECA
OR Iop = 3•(|I_0|)
IG I_0 if |I_1|<0.8pu
Reverse -V_0+Zoffset • I_0 -I_0•1∠ECA
IG -I_0
Table D-1. Polarizing and operating quantities for “Calculated 3I0” modes

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Selects the polarizing voltage used by the directional unit when "Voltage" or "Dual"
polarizing mode is set. The polarizing voltage can be programmed to be either the zero-
sequence voltage calculated from the phase voltages ("Calculated V0") or supplied
externally as an auxiliary voltage ("Measured VX"). Typically, external voltage is
required if voltage to the relay is supplied from delta connected VTs or if there is no 3-
phase voltage available to the relay. Voltage supplied externally is expected to be open
corner delta; this voltage has to configured under the source, used for the element and VT
nominals have to be reflected correctly in AC Inputs\Voltage menu.
When NEUTRAL DIR OC1 POL VOLT is set to “Measured VX”, one-third of this
voltage is used in place of V_0.


This setting indicates whether the 3I_0 current calculated from the phase currents, or the
ground current shall be used by this protection. This setting acts as a switch between the
neutral and ground modes of operation (67N and 67G). If set to “Calculated 3I0” the
element uses the phase currents and applies the positive-sequence restraint; if set to
“Measured IG” the element uses ground current supplied to the ground CT of the CT
bank configured as NEUTRAL DIR OC1 SOURCE. If this setting is “Measured IG”,
then the NEUTRAL DIR OC1 POLARIZING setting must be “Voltage”, as it is not
possible to use the ground current as an operating and polarizing signal simultaneously.

Directional Unit Overcurrent

Polarizing Mode Direction Compared Phasors Unit
Voltage Forward -V_0+Zoffset • IG/3 IG•1∠ECA
Reverse -V_0+Zoffset • IG/3 -IG•1∠ECA Iop = |IG|

Table D-2. Polarizing and operating quantities for “measured IG” mode


This setting controls the amount of the positive-sequence restraint as indicated in the
Table D-1 above conditionally based on the either magnitude of the positive-sequence
current is above or below 0.8pu. If set to use the calculated 3I_0, the element applies a
“positive-sequence restraint” for better performance: a small user-programmable portion
of the positive–sequence current magnitude is subtracted from the zero-sequence current
magnitude when forming the operating quantity. The positive-sequence restraint allows
for more sensitive settings by counterbalancing spurious zero-sequence currents resulting
1. System unbalances under heavy load conditions.
2. Transformation errors of current transformers (CTs) during double-line and three-
phase faults
3. Switch-off transients during double-line and three-phase faults
It’s generally recommended to set this factor K=0.063 for better performance for most
applications. It is reduced if ultra-sensitive directional discrimination is needed on the
heavily loaded lines in order to detect highly resistive faults. Setting it to zero removes

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the restraint completely. It may be set higher if large system unbalances or poor CT
performance are expected.


This setting specifies the offset impedance used by this function. The primary application
for the offset impedance is to guarantee correct identification of fault direction on series
compensated lines. In regular applications, the offset impedance ensures proper operation
even if the zero-sequence voltage at the relaying point is very small. Zero-sequence
voltage may be close to zero during internal faults if there is a strong zero-sequence
source behind the relay.

The offset impedance is entered in secondary ohms.

S_op = Z x I0


V0 -V0 Zoff x I0

a) I0

S_pol S_op = Z x I0

V0 Zoff x I0
-V0 V0
Figure D-5. Offset impedance during internal (a) fault and external (b) fault
For regular application, this setting is recommended:
Z0 L Z0 L
< Z OFFSET < (D-2)
5 2
where Z0 L is line zero-sequence impedance

For series-compensated line application, this setting is recommended to be calculated

considering overvoltage protection levels for all the series capacitors located between the
relay potential source and the far-end equivalent system and local equivalent system
behind the relay. Ground directional overcurrent function (negative-sequence or neutral)
uses calulated offset impedance to guarantee correct fault direction discrimination. The
following setting rules apply:

1. The offset impedance must be higher the net capacitive impedance between the
potential source of the relay and the local equivalent system (ensures correct operation on
forward faults). If the net impedance between the potential source and the local
equivalent system is inductive, then there is no need for an offset. Otherwise, the offset
impedance shall be at least the net capacitive reactance.

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2. The offset must not be higher than the net inductive reactance between the potential
source and the remote equivalent system (ensures correct operation on reverse faults). For
simplicity and extra security, the far-end busbar may be used rather than the remote
equivalent system.
protection reactance
0.5 pu 0.6 pu 0.5 pu 0.7 pu
-2 Ω -4 Ω -3 Ω -5 Ω


3Ω 10 Ω 7Ω


F2 A B B A F1

Protected Line
Figure D-6. Offset impedance on series compensated lines

As the ground directional functions are meant to provide maximum fault resistance
coverage, it is justified to assume that the fault current is very low and none of the series
capacitors is guaranteed to get by-passed.
For example for the system shown above for the Left Terminal:
Bus side VTs (A):
Impedance from the VTs backward to the equivalent system;
REV = −2 + 3 = +1Ω , inductive, no need for the offset, minimum offset
Z0 Σ

reverse impedance is adopted Z0 MIN = 0Ω

Impedance from the VTs forward to the equivalent system;
FWD = −4 + 10 − 3 − 5 + 7 = +5Ω , maximum offset impedance
Z0 Σ

Z0 MAX = 5Ω
Z0 MAX + Z0 MIN 5 + 0
Recommended setting Z0 OFFSET = = = 2.5Ω (D-3)
2 2
Line side VTs (B):
Impedance from the VTs backward to the equivalent system;
REV = −2 + 3 − 4 = −3Ω , capacitive, offset is needed, minimum offset
Z0 Σ

reverse impedance is adopted Z0 MIN = 3Ω

Impedance from the VTs forward to the equivalent system;
FWD = 10 − 3 − 5 + 7 = +9Ω , maximum offset forward impedance
Z0 Σ

adopted Z0 MAX = 9Ω
Z0 MAX + Z0 MIN 9 + 3
Recommended setting Z0 OFFSET = = = 6Ω
2 2
For neutral directional, line and system zero-sequence impedances assumed for
calculations, for negative-sequence directional rules are the same, but negative-sequence
impedances shall be used instead.

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This setting defines the characteristic angle (ECA) for the forward direction in the
"Voltage" polarizing mode as shown on the figure D-3 above. The "Current" polarizing
mode uses a fixed ECA of 0°. The ECA in the reverse direction is the angle set for the
forward direction shifted by 180. Note that angle associated this setting is always lagging.
For applications on the solidly grounded or resistive grounded systems it should be
chosen equal to the line zero-sequence impedance angle. For example, if line zero-
sequence impedance is Z0 L = 10Ω∠82° , than the setting should be “82° Lag”.
For applications on the distribution ungrounded systems, where fault current is
capacitive, angle should chosen as “-90° Lag”.


This setting defines a symmetrical (in both directions from the ECA) limit angle for
the forward (reverse) direction as shown on the figure D-3 above, lines FWD LA and
REV LA. Essentially lowering Limit Angle below 90 degrees makes directional
discrimination more stringent and secure therefore. For most applications, setting of 80-
85° is appropriate. Depending on the line zero-sequence impedance angle, lower setting
may limit resistive faults detection.


This setting defines the pickup level for the overcurrent unit of the element in the
forward direction. When selecting this setting it must be kept in mind that the design uses
a ‘positive-sequence restraint’ technique for the “Calculated 3I0” mode of operation.
Value of the setting depends on what is the application of the Neutral Directional
function. If this element is used to directionalize Neutral IOC or TOC, setting should be
at least 1.5-2 times lower than the relevant IOC/TOC pickup.
For applications with Pilot schemes, when element is used to detect high-resistive
fault which distance cannot detect, the setting should a compromise between security and
maximum detectable high-resistive fault resistance. Setting the element too sensitive at
applications, where CT saturation may cause spurious zero-sequence current during 3-
phase faults may jeopardize correct operation of the scheme. From the other hand setting
it too high limits the ability to detect low level tree faults. Latest requirement dictates
typically setting of 600A or less of the primary neutral current. When Neutral Directional
is used with Permissive schemes, coordination between remote terminals directional
elements is generally not needed, settings are chosen based on the current contribution
from each terminal. However, for Blocking schemes, coordination between reverse
element at one terminal and forward element at another terminal is needed.
• For regular 2-terminal application, Forward elements at one end should be set
2 times the Reverse element at the other end.
• For 3-terminal or for 2-terminal application with tapped transformer with wye
grounded primary winding, Forward elements at one end should be set 2.5
times the Reverse element at the other end
Typical setting of this element when used with Pilot schemes is 0.2-0.5pu.

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This setting defines the pickup level for the overcurrent unit of the element in the reverse
direction. When selecting this setting it must be kept in mind that the design uses a
‘positive-sequence restraint’ technique for the “Calculated 3I0” mode of operation.
Same rules apply as for Forward Pickup above. When element is used with a Pilot
Blocking schemes, setting should be coordinated with the Forward element at the
opposite end as described above. Typical setting is 0.1-0.3pu.


This setting is used to Block the element during certain condition when element will not
operate correctly. This includes VT Fuse Fail conditions or one pole open condition at
single-pole tripping applications.


Neutral overcurrent elements are used to provide sensitive protection against ground
faults. Since neutral current exists only when fault current flows into the earth, this
protection doesn’t have to be above load. Therefore, neutral elements are unaffected by
the load except small unbalance which usually exists in phase currents. Also during open
conditions on the single-pole tripping applications, certain pre-caution should be taken.
There are 2 types of neutral OC elements on UR series relays: instantaneous overcurrent
(IOC) and time overcurrent (TOC). There are two IOC and TOC elements per one CT
bank on UR series relays, which allows applying several steps of protection to achieve
proper coordination. Overcurrent elements have to be coordinated with upstream and
downstream ovrecurrent element of other projection devices. There are 3 fundamental
principles of coordination of overcurrent relays:
• Discrimination by time, where appropriate time interval is chosen to provide
coordination for different OC elements at the adjacent elements of power system.
• Discrimination by current, relying on the fact that fault current changes with the
position of the fault as impedance changes between source and the fault.
• Discrimination by both current and time when both of two methods above are
used together.

Instantaneous overcurrent (IOC) elements

The Neutral Instantaneous Overcurrent element may be used as an instantaneous function
with no intentional delay or as a Definite Time function. The element essentially
responds to the magnitude of a neutral current fundamental frequency phasor
calculated from the phase currents. A “positive-sequence restraint” is applied for better
performance. A small portion (6.25%) of the positive-sequence current magnitude is
subtracted from the zero-sequence current magnitude when forming the operating
quantity of the element as follows;
I OP = 3 • (I 0 − K • I1 ) where K=1/16
Especially at low SIR values, fast fault clearance times may be seen as extremely
important, both from system stability, and from equipment damage viewpoints. The high-
set overcurrent element IOC, when set appropriately, is extremely useful in achieving

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these goals. It helps the setting calculations if the system impedances are reasonably well

Figure D-7. Neutral IOC menu


Instantaneous overcurrent IOC1 (1-st step of neutral OC) operate with no intentional
delay and is set not to overreach any other protection device on adjacent lines.
Primary protection Primary protection
zone relay #2 zone relay #4

1 2 3 4 5

Figure D-8. Coordination of IOCs

The fundamental principles for settings of IOC with reference to Figure above, for
protection #2, are:
1. Protection should not operate for far bus B maximum ground fault current;
I PKP = K • If G (D-4)

where K is safety factor varying from 1.1 to 1.3 depending on utility practice
max is maximum
and/or the degree of conservatism of protection engineer, If G
ground fault current, which can be either LG or LLG depending on system

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2. If value calculated above per formula D-4 is greater than maximum fault current
on the bus A behind ( I OP > I max
FR ), then directional control is not needed.
Otherwise neutral directional should be used to directionalize IOC.
3. Sensitivity and protection coverage should be checked by the ratio of the
minimum line fault current to element operate setting I min
F1 / I OP , which should
be greater than 1.5 for close-in faults. Coverage of 30-50% of the line is
considered adequate, as the rest of the line is protected by the time overcurrent
elements (TOC).
4. If 2-nd step neutral IOC is applied as a backup for the relay #4, then it has to be
time coordinated with the instantaneous 1-st step neutral IOC of the relay #4. For
the close-in fault F2 to the relay #4, 2-nd step IOC at the relay #2 should be
sensitive enough to detect this fault and have a time delay of typically 0.25-0.5s.


For the 1-st step Neutral IOC delay is typically zero, for the 2-nd step it’s typically
0.25-0.5 seconds as indicated above.


This setting provides seal-in of the trip signal once element operated. It should be
long enough to maintain trip signal until all breaker poles breakers open, even if current
slightly changes during the fault.


This setting is used to directionalize Neutral IOC by assigning corresponding Neutral
Directional OC operand or to block element during Open Pole condition if it’s set
sensitive enough to operate during such conditions.
If intent is to allow Neutral IOC operation in the forward direction, the simplest
approach is to assign Neutral Directional OC REV operand with this setting. However, it
has to be noted that, if Neutral Directional OC is blocked with VT Fuse Fail Op operand,
during VT Fuse Fail conditions Neutral IOC becomes essentially non-directional. To
block IOC during VT Fuse Fail conditions, VT Fuse Fail Op operand has to be OR-ed
with Neutral Directional OC REV and then assigned to Block setting.

Time overcurrent (TOC) elements

The Neutral Time Overcurrent element can provide a desired time-delay operating
characteristic versus the applied current or be used as a simple Definite Time element.
Neutral TOC protects the remaining part of line, which IOC doesn’t cover. Usually, such
combination of TOC and IOC provide characteristics, which is easily coordinates with
adjacent lines relays. The neutral current input value is a quantity calculated as 3I0 from
the phase currents and may be programmed as fundamental phasor magnitude or total
waveform RMS magnitude as required by the application. Two methods of resetting
operation are available: “Timed” and “Instantaneous” (refer to the Inverse TOC Curve
Characteristics section for details on curve setup, trip times and reset operation). When

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the element is blocked, the time accumulator will reset according to the reset
characteristic. For example, if the element reset characteristic is set to “Instantaneous”
and the element is blocked, the time accumulator will be cleared immediately.

Figure D-9. Neutral TOC menu


This setting chooses operating quantity of the element to respond either to the
fundamental phasor magnitude or to total waveform RMS magnitude. Choice of the
operating quantity depends on which downstream relay type UR is being coordinated
with: in the case of electromechanical relay responding to RMS, obvious choice is
“RMS”. If downstream relay is digital, responding to the fundamental, then this setting
should be “Phasor”.


This setting should generally ensure that relay #2 TOC provides a backup for the
relay #4 for the whole line B-C ground faults. The minimum 3I0 fault current at the end
of the line fault F3 taking into account all contingencies and infeeds should be considered
to select this setting.

I min
I OP = (D-4)
1 .3
On the other hand, setting cannot be too sensitive as unbalance in phase currents may
be as high as 10-15%.
Regulations in some utilities has placed an upper limit of 600 amperes primary for the
ground TOC pickup to protect against low level tree faults


UR relays provide extensive collection of inverse time characteristics curves to allow
coordination with any protective relay including electromechanical ones. Choice of the
curve depends on the utility past practice, presence of other types of the relays on the
adjacent system components and coordination studies using modern software packages.

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Table below indicated curves available on the UR series relays. Curves can be
initialized and plotted either using URPC program or using formulas stated in UR
manuals. If specific curve is not found in the UR curves library, up to four curves can be
programmed using FlexCurves A to D and then used with TOC elements.

Table D-3. Inverse time characteristics curves available on URs


Time delay multiplier essentially provides coordination margin between adjacent
system components relays, which might be either instantaneous or inverse time
characteristics. A margin of at least 20-25 cycles is considered adequate, when
coordinating with 5 cycles or faster circuit breakers. For the system shown on the figure
D-8 above, coordination between relays #4 and #2 depends either relay #4 has
instantaneous or inverse time characteristics.

1 2 3 4 5

X~ #2
X~ 25~

1000 ^
2000 ^
2499 2500

Figure D-10. Coordinating TOCs at adjacent lines

It’s required to coordinate at the highest level of fault current, unless one can find an
excuse to coordinate at a lower level. Why? Consider the system in Figure D-8
coordination of TOC elements of relays #4 and #2. Assume the five fault points 1...5 on
the line B-C have fault levels of 1000, 1499, 2000, 2499, and 2500 respectively. Relays
#2 at A location must operate slower than the relays #2 at B location. Figure D-10 shows
the two curves for relays #2 and #4. Since fault current levels can range from 0 to
thousands of amps, and times can range from 0 to hundreds of seconds, the curves are
always plotted on a log-log scale. Move to the left and the times increase. The more to
the left, the more dramatic the increase, even though it appears the separations decrease
(remember this is log-log scale). Referring to the figure D-10, the separation of the two
curves at assumed 5 fault points 1...5 are 25~, 26~, 30~, 40~, and 60~, respectively.

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If relay #4 at B does not have an instantaneous overcurrent element, so the

coordination must be done at the highest level of fault current, point of 2500A in this case
as shown in the Figure D-10 above.
Now consider that relay #4 has an instantaneous element IOC set at 1500A primary.
Remember, the rule says, "Coordinate at the highest level of fault current, unless you can
find an excuse to coordinate at a lower level." Now, there is an excuse. Instead of
coordinating at 2500A, coordination is done at 1499A, just below the "level of
instantaneous". The result is shown in Figure D-11: a lower setting at relay #2 can be
used if relay #4 has an instantaneous element

#2 with inst at #4
#2 without inst at #4


1499 ^
2500 A

Figure D-11. Coordinating TOC with IOC at adjacent lines

Coordination can be checked without plotting curves by using inverse time

characteristics formulas posted in UR manuals. For example, if UR is using IEEE-Very
Inverse Curve with a time characteristics described by formula indicated below and is
being coordinated with an instantaneous element.
⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
t = TDM • ⎢ 19.61 + 0.491⎥
⎢⎛ 2 ⎥
I ⎞
⎢⎜ ⎟ −1 ⎥
⎢ ⎜⎝ I pickup ⎟⎠ ⎥
⎣ ⎦
Assume than pickup setting was chosen as I pickup = 132A and fault current just below
relay #4 instantaneous IOC element seen at the relay #2 is I = 581.5A . Considering that
relay #4 trips at that current at 27.5 cycles plus coordination margin of 25 cycles, the total
desired tripping time of t = 27.5 + 25 = 52.5 cycles, which is 1.05 seconds on the 50Hz
system, required time delay multiplier TDM can be found;
TDM = t = 1.05 = 0.67
19.61 + 0.491 19.61 + 0.491
2 2
⎛ I ⎞ ⎛⎜ 581.5 ⎞⎟ −1
⎜ ⎟
⎜ I pickup ⎟ −1 ⎝ 132 ⎠
⎝ ⎠

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Operating time can be verified using URPC software. In order to do that, one should
select System Setup\FlexCurves\FlexCurve A menu as it’s shown in the figure D-12

Figure D-12. Initializing Inverse Time curves from URPC

Then desired curve is chosen with “initialize from” setting, in our example IEEE
Very Inverse and one should click Initialize FlexCurve button. URPC calculates array of
time values against multiple of the pickup. Resulting time for certain multiple of the
pickup can be obtained by multiplying corresponding time value to the TDM multiplier
chosen before. For example above, for the multiple of pickup 581.5/132=4.405 it can be
found from the time values array that at the multiplier 4.4 time is t ' = 1559ms . Resulting
time is obtained as t = t '•TDM = 1559 • 0.67 = 1045ms , which corresponds to the value
obtained by using IEEE Very Inverse characteristics formula above. By clicking View
FlexCurve button, FlexCurve can be viewed and plotted

Figure D-13. IEEE Very Inverse curves initialized with URPC

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In practice, such calculations should be carried out for all considered contingencies
such as minimum or maximum operating system conditions, lines I or out of service, AR
cycle etc, placing faults on all feeders outgoing from the station B. Using relay
coordination software, such task becomes much easier, when user can plot curves of
many relays simultaneously, visualizing coordination margin between relays.

Figure D-14. Example of coordination software plots


Two methods of resetting operation are available: “Timed” and “Instantaneous” (refer
to the Inverse TOC Curve Characteristics section for details on curve setup, trip times
and reset operation). When the element is blocked, the time accumulator will reset
according to the reset characteristic. For example, if the element reset characteristic is set
to “Instantaneous” and the element is blocked, the time accumulator will be cleared
Time overcurrent time calculations are made with an internal ‘energy capacity’ memory
variable. When this variable indicates that the energy capacity has reached 100%, a time
overcurrent element will operate. If less than 100% energy capacity is accumulated in this
variable and the current falls below the dropout threshold of 97 to 98% of the pickup
value, the variable must be reduced. The “Instantaneous” selection is intended for
applications with other microprocessor or static relays, which set the energy capacity
directly to zero when the current falls below the reset threshold. The “Timed” selection
can be used where the relay must coordinate with electromechanical relays.


This setting is used to directionalize Neutral TOC by assigning corresponding Neutral
Directional OC operand or to block element during Open Pole condition if it’s set
sensitive enough to operate during such conditions.

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Phase overcurrent protection is used both as primary and backup protection practically in
every protective zone of the power system. The instantaneous overcurrent functions
(IOC) are providing high-speed tripping for high-fault currents, typically close-in faults.
The time overcurrent functions (TOC) relays can provide a desired time-delay tripping
characteristics against fault current and is applied to sense any fault producing current
above the maximum load. In case of transmission lines, the fault current direction can be
either forward or reverse, therefore directional element should be applied. This is not a
case for radial distribution lines, transformers, generators etc. Phase time overcurrent
relays (TOC) are typically applied only on distribution lines or radial lines.


The phase directional overcurrent elements (one for each of phases A, B, and C)
determine the phase current flow direction for steady state and fault conditions and can be
used to control the operation of the phase overcurrent elements via the BLOCK inputs of
these elements.

Figure E-1. Phase Directional menu

This element is intended to apply a block signal to an overcurrent element to prevent

an operation when current is flowing in a particular direction. The direction of current
flow is determined by measuring the phase angle between the current from the phase CTs
and the line-line voltage from the VTs, based on the 90° or ‘quadrature’ connection. If
there is a requirement to supervise overcurrent elements for flows in opposite directions,
such as can happen through a bus-tie breaker, two phase directional elements should be
programmed with opposite element characteristic angle (ECA) settings.
To increase security for three phase faults very close to the VTs used to measure the
polarizing voltage, a voltage memory feature is incorporated. This feature stores the
polarizing voltage the moment before the voltage collapses, and uses it to determine
direction. The voltage memory remains valid for 1 second after the voltage has collapsed.

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TP U 0

VA G(Unfault ed) Fault angle

set @ 60o Lag

VA G(Faulted) IA
set @ 30 o


+ 90

Phasors for Phase A Polarizat io n :

VPol = VBC* (1/_ECA ) = p olarizing vo lt age

IA = o peratin g current
ECA = Eleme nt Characteristic A ngle @ 30

Figure E-2. Phase A Directional polarization

The main component of the phase directional element is the phase angle comparator with
two inputs: the operating signal (phase current) and the polarizing signal (the line voltage,
shifted in the leading direction by the characteristic angle, ECA). The following table
shows the operating and polarizing signals used for phase directional control:

Table E-1. Polarizing and operating inputs

There are some important things to remember about Phase Directional element:
• Element is permanently blocked and therefore cannot assert outputs when
operating current is below 5% × CT nominal.
• Element is permanently blocked and therefore cannot assert outputs when the
polarizing voltage is less than the ‘polarizing voltage threshold’.
• Element operates per phase, asserting PH DIR 1 BLOCK A, PH DIR 1 BLOCK
B and PH DIR 1 BLOCK C operands when phase currents direction is in the
reverse direction (from line to bus). In other words, element output is logic “1”
when current are in non-tripping direction.
• There is an operand PH DIR 1 BLOCK which is OR gate of all 3 phase operands.
• After voltage collapses in at least one phase, element operates on memory
voltage during one second. Once memory has expired, the element can be forced
to assert Block output permanently until voltage returns to nominal or to de-
assert Block output until voltage returns to nominal.

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• If, prior to reverse fault, power flow was “forward” with element output logic at
“0”, it would take some for the element to assert logic “1” (Block). Therefore, if
element is used to block Phase IOC, there should be delay of 10-20ms added to
IOC to prevent racing between IOC and Phase Directional OC.


This setting assigns a source to derive operating current from 3-phase current and 3-phase
voltage configured on the same source from. Please refer to System Setup\Sources menu.


This setting is used to select the element characteristic angle, i.e. the angle by which the
polarizing voltage is shifted in the leading direction to achieve dependable operation.
With reference to Figure E-2 above, if line positive sequence impedance is
ZL1 = 10Ω∠60° , then this setting is chosen as ECA = 90° − 60° = 30° for intention to
block Phase OC during reverse faults. If element is used to block any elements during
forward fault, then the element’s maximum torque angle should be shifted by 180° with a
setting of ECA = 90° − 60° + 180° = 210° . To sense direction of the power flow during
normal operating conditions, setting should be ECA = 90° − 30° = 60° (logic “0” for
positive “out-of-the-bus” direction of the power flow and logic “1” for negative “into-the-
bus” direction of the power flow) assuming typical load angle of 30° on the line.


This setting is used to establish the minimum level of voltage for which the phase
angle measurement is reliable. When voltage is below this setting, it’s assumed that either
VT is either de-energized or VT Fuse Fail occurs. The default value is “0.700 pu”. This
setting is chosen based on the minimum voltage during 3-phase fault in the protected
VPOL _ V _ THLD = min (E-1)
1 .2
where 1.2 is a safety factor
From the other hand, this setting should not be set too low; if fuse is blown in one
phase only of the VT, phase-to-phase voltage is becoming 0.577pu of the nominal
voltage, however voltage for polarization is not good anymore. Unless Phase Directional
is blocked by VT Fuse function, it’s not recommended to choose setting below 0.577pu.


This setting is used to select the required operation upon expiration of voltage
memory. When set to "Yes", the directional element permanently maintains output logic
“1”, thus permanently blocking the operation of any phase overcurrent element under
directional control after voltage memory expires. When set to "No", the directional
element permanently maintains output logic “0”, thus allows tripping of phase
overcurrent elements under directional control. Choice of the setting depends on the
utility practice and protection philosophy.

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This setting is used to block element during certain conditions such as VT Fuse Fail or
during Open Pole condition at 1-pole tripping applications with VT on the line side.


Instantaneous overcurrent (IOC) elements

The Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent element may be used as an instantaneous function
with no intentional delay or as a Definite Time function. The element essentially
responds to the magnitude of a phase current fundamental frequency phasor.

Figure E-3. Phase IOC menu


Instantaneous overcurrent IOC1 operates with no intentional delay. It’s applied for
line protection, transformer protection, motor protection etc. Depending on the
application, the pickup is chosen differently.
a) Line protection -element provides protection for close-in 3-phase faults and
should not overreach its zone of protection. Maximum 3-phase fault current at
the opposite bus fault during all considered contingencies is considered when
calculating this setting;

I PKP = K • If 3max
Θ (E-2)

where K is safety factor varying from 1.3 to 1.5 depending on utility practice
and/or the degree of conservatism of protection engineer, If3max
Θ is a maximum 3-
phase fault on the remote bus current.

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Sensitivity and protection coverage should be checked by the ratio of the

minimum line fault current to element operate setting If 3min
Θ / I OP , which should
be greater than 1.5 for close-in faults.

b) Transformer protection -element typically is applied on the HV winding only

providing supplemental to transformer differential protection for heavy primary
transformer faults. Phase IOC should not operate during transformer energization
inrush, maximum short-time load (cold-load) or the maximum external (LV or
MV bus) faults.
max , I short _ time , If max )
I PKP = K • max(I inrush (E-3)
overload 3Θext
where K=1.5-2.0 typically
c) Motor protection - IOC element typically is applied to protect induction motors.
Faults generally produce current greater than the locked-rotor starting current,
except turn-to-turn faults. The motor is the end device in the electrical system, so
instantaneous IOC can be used without any coordination. Pickup should be
chosen above normal starting (usually locked rotor) current and well below
minimum fault current

I PKP = K • Vn (E-4)
X1S + X 'd'
where K is a safety factor with typical values K=1.6-2.0, X1S is the system
positive-sequence impedance and X 'd' is the motor subtransient reactance.
Typically motor starting current is 6-8 times nominal current.
Sensitivity during phase-to-phase then is checked as;
S = 0.866• Vn (E-5)
Value of S greater than 2-3 is considered satisfactory.


Generally, IOC1 operates with no intentional delay. However, sometimes some small
delay is needed to overcome transients or uncertainty. As indicated above, if IOC is
directionalized with Phase Directional IOC, delay of 10-20ms is needed to overcome
transient “positive power flow→reverse fault” condition.


This setting provides seal-in of the trip signal once element operated. It should be
long enough to maintain trip signal until all breaker poles breakers open, even if current
slightly changes during the fault.

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E.2.4. PHASE IOC1 BLOCK A, B and C

This setting is used to either directionalize Phase IOC by assigning corresponding
Phase Directional OC operand(s) or to block element during certain system conditions.
Entries are provided per phase to allow element operation per phase for single-pole
tripping applications or special schemes evaluating current flow direction per phase.

Time overcurrent (TOC) elements

The phase time overcurrent element can provide a desired time-delay operating
characteristic versus the applied current or be used as a simple Definite Time element.
The phase current input quantities may be programmed as fundamental phasor magnitude
or total waveform RMS magnitude as required by the application.
The element incorporates a voltage restraint feature (when enabled). This is accomplished
via the multipliers (Mvr) corresponding to the phase-phase voltages of the voltage
restraint characteristic curve as explained below. This feature is useful when protecting
rotating machines; generators, motors and synchronous compensators.

Figure E-4. Phase TOC menu


This setting chooses operating quantity of the element to respond either to the
fundamental phasor magnitude or to total waveform RMS magnitude. Choice of the
operating quantity depends on which downstream relay type UR is being coordinated
with: in the case of electromechanical relay responding to RMS, obvious choice is
“RMS”. If downstream relay is digital, responding to the fundamental, then this setting
should be “Phasor”.


Phase TOC usually is applied a s a backup protection operating with intentional
delay. Depending on the application this setting is chosen differently.

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a) Line protection –usually, Phase TOC is not used for tripping on the
transmission lines (sometimes overload signal), however it’s widely used on
the distribution lines. It should be chosen as maximum of short-time
maximum load current and magnetizing inrush of the transformers supplied by
this line:
I PKP = max ⎡(1.5 • I max max ⎤
Load ), (1.5 • I Insrush ) ⎥⎦ (E-6)
where 1.5 is safety factor, allowing for 150% overload or margin during
Then sensitivity is checked during phase-to-phase fault at the end of the protected
line when line is energized from this terminal only:
S= (E-7)
If S<3, it’s recommended to decrease setting to provide necessary sensitivity
and use undervoltage, supervising Phase TOC. Set the undervoltage relays at
0.9pu, but make sure that for a three phase fault at the end of the line, the
calculated voltage is no higher than 0.8pu, giving a 0.1pu margin.
b) Motor protection – TOC is used to protect from failure to accelerate to rated
speed in the normal starting interval, motor stalled condition, low-magnitude
phase fault current and overload. Generally, Thermal Model function,
following motor thermal curves provides best protections against overload.
When Phase TOC is applied together with Thermal Model function, then they
have to be coordinated by plotting motor starting curves, motor thermal limit
curves and Phase TOC inverse time characteristics. Choosing appropriate
TOC inverse-time characteristics curve, coordination is achieved. Typically,
TOC pickup is chosen as one-half of the locked-rotor current or less.
c) Generator protection- Phase TOC provides backup protection and usually is
employed as voltage-restraint function. The voltage-restraint function changes
TOC pickup to decrease with decreasing voltage (see description below). If
TOC is employed as a voltage-restraint function, then pickup is chosen as
150% of the FLA (full load amperes) of the generator.
I PKP = 1.5 • FLA (E-8)
d) Transformer protection- requirement for overload overcurrent protection are
specified in IEEE Std C37.91-2000 IEEE Guide for Protective Relay
Applications to Power Transformers. This is sometimes complicated task as
setting depends on the transformer thermal damage curve and frequency of the
through faults. Usually pickup is set to 250% of the rated current, however
this could allow that transformer to be damaged without the protective relay


Time delay multiplier essentially provides coordination margin between adjacent
system components relays, which might be either instantaneous or inverse time
characteristics. A margin of at least 20-25 cycles is considered adequate, when

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coordinating with 5 cycles or faster circuit breakers. Principles of choosing TD Multiplier

are the same as explained above for Neutral TOC-please refer to the Neutral TOC section
for consideration for TD Multplier.


Two methods of resetting operation are available: “Timed” and “Instantaneous” (refer
to the Inverse TOC Curve Characteristics section for details on curve setup, trip times
and reset operation). When the element is blocked, the time accumulator will reset
according to the reset characteristic. For example, if the element reset characteristic is set
to “Instantaneous” and the element is blocked, the time accumulator will be cleared


This setting enables the voltage restraint characteristics of the Phase TOC which allows
better coordination with other relays. The effective pickup is dynamically changed
depending on the measured voltage:
I effect set

A voltage-restraint characteristic is shown in the Figure below.

M (multiplier for Pickup)


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
V (pu)

Figure E-5. Phase TOC voltage-restraint characteristics

E.2.10. PHASE TOC1 BLOCK A, B and C

This setting is used to either directionalize Phase TOC by assigning corresponding
Phase Directional OC operand(s) or to block element during certain system conditions.
Entries are provided per phase to allow element operation per phase for single-pole
tripping applications or special schemes evaluating current flow direction per phase.

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Single-pole tripping is available on UR D60, L60 and L90 relays. To incorporate
single-pole tripping functionality, phase-segregated protection is needed able to
determine and trip faulted phase and then continue maintaining protection functionality
during Autoreclosure dead time (one pole open condition). On L60 and D60 this is
achieved by using Trip Output function, which is collecting trip requests form protection
elements, getting information from Phase Selector, Open Pole detector, autoreclosure,
breaker status to produce correct action. On L90 relay, it’s achieved by using 87L Trip
function. His document will concentrate on D60 and L60 single-pole tripping


The open pole detector is intended to identify an open pole of the line circuit breaker.
The scheme monitors the breakers auxiliary contacts, current in the circuit and optionally
voltage on the line. The scheme generates output operands used to block the phase
selector and some specific protection elements, thus preventing maloperation during the
dead time of a single pole autoreclose cycle or any other open pole conditions. The
scheme declares an open pole at the moment a single-pole trip is issued.
In two breaker and breaker and a half applications, an open pole condition is declared
• both breakers have an open pole on the same phase or
• the current on the line drops below a threshold or
• the current and voltage on the line drop below a threshold.

Figure F-1. Open Pole menu

The Open Pole feature uses signals defined by the GROUPED ELEMENTS \
supervision can be used only with wye VTs on the line side of the breaker(s).

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Open pole is declared by the element based on either current-voltage combination, 1

or 2 breakers poles position or by protection operation informing Open Pole element that
pole open condition is imminent.


This setting is used to block Open Pole during some conditions, for example VT Fuse
Fail. This would effectively force 3-pole tripping operation of the Trip Output.


This setting enables/disables voltage supervision needed to evaluate pole position. If
voltage is not used, then pole position will be evaluated based on current only.


This setting establishes the current threshold below which an open pole is declared.
Setting of 0.03-0.05pu is appropriate.


This setting specifies positive-sequence shunt reactance of the entire line. If shunt
reactors are applied, this value should be a net capacitive reactance of the line and the
reactors installed between the line breakers. The value is entered in secondary ohms. This
setting is relevant if open pole condition at the remote end of the line is to be sensed and
utilized by the relay. If reactors are installed on the line side and relay is measuring
combined charging current-reactor current the setting is calculated as;
X1line _ capacit • X react
XC1 = (F-1)
X react − X1line _ capacit
where: X1line _ capacit is the line total positive sequence capacitive reactance
X react is total installed on the line reactors positive sequence inductive
If identical reactors are installed at both ends of the line, the value of the inductive
reactance of each reactor is divided by 2 (or 3 for a 3-terminal line) before using in the
above equations. If the reactors installed at both ends of the line are different, the
following equations apply:
X react = 1 (F-2)
1 + 1
X end1 end 2
react X react
For 3-terminal line or different number of reactors it’s calculated similarly.


This setting specifies zero-sequence shunt reactance of the entire line. For 3-reactor
arrangement (three identical line reactors with Xreact reactance are solidly connected
phase to ground), zero-sequence capacitive reactance is calculated same as positive-
sequence reactance per formula F-1 above, but sing zero-sequence line capacitive
reactance. For-4-reactor arrangement (identical line reactors with Xreact reactance wye-

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connected with the fourth reactor with Xreact_n reactance connected between reactor-
bank neutral and the ground) it’s calculated as follows;

X 0 line _ capacit • (X react + 3• X react _ n )

XC0 = (F-3)
X react + 3• X react _ n − X0 line _ capacit


This setting specifies pickup level for the remote-end current estimated by the relay as the
local current compensated by the calculated charging current. The latter is calculated
based on the local voltages and the capacitive reactances of the line. This setting is
relevant if open pole condition at the remote end of the line is to be sensed and utilized by
the relay (OPEN POLE REM OP FlexLogic™ operand). Setting of 0.03-0.05pu is


This element is primarily used to collect trip requests from protection elements and
other inputs to generate output operands to initiate trip operations. This element may or
may not be used for three-pole tripping applications.
This element must be used in single pole operation applications.
For single-pole tripping applications this element is used to:
• determine if a single pole operation should be performed
• collect inputs to initiate three pole tripping, the recloser and breaker failure elements
• collect inputs to initiate single pole tripping, the recloser and breaker failure elements
• assign a higher priority to pilot aided scheme outputs than to exclusively local inputs.

Figure F-2. Trip Output menu

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This element works in association with other D60/L60 elements that must be
programmed and in-service for successful operation. The necessary elements are:
Breaker Control, Open Pole Detector, and Phase Selector. The recloser must also be in
the “Reset” state before a single pole trip can be issued. Outputs from this element are
also directly connected as initiate signals to the breaker failure


This setting is used to enable the element and to select the required mode of
operation. If selected to “3 Pole Only” outputs for all three phases are always set
simultaneously. If selected to “3 Pole & 1 Pole” outputs for all three phases are set
simultaneously unless the phase selector or a pilot aided scheme determines the fault is
single-phase-to-ground. If the fault is identified as being AG, BG or CG only the
operands for the faulted phase will be asserted.

F.2.2. TRIP 3-POLE INPUT-1(6)

This setting is used to select an operand representing a fault condition that is not
desired to initiate a single pole operation, e.g. phase undervoltage. Use a FlexLogic OR-
gate if more than six inputs are required. Backup protection and time-delayed zones are
recommended to cause 3-pole tripping. Pilot schemes are “pre-wired” to Trip Output,
therefore there is no need

F.2.3. TRIP 1-POLE INPUT-1(6)

Selects an operand representing a fault condition that is desired to initiate a single
pole trip and-reclose, if the fault is single phase to ground, e.g. distance Zone 1. Use a
FlexLogic™ OR-gate if more than six inputs are required. The inputs do not have to be
phase-specific as the phase selector determines the fault type. It has to remembered that
fault selector holds fault type during 500ms only, therefore instantaneous elements or
elements delayed not more than 400ms can be assigned only to cause 1-pole tripping.
Appropriate elements are: Z1GR, Z1PH, Phase IOC, Neutral IOC, 87PC (needs some
logic, refer to Phase Comparison section). Usually, distance zone 2 is not used for single-
pole tripping, however this is possible.
If built-in AR function is used, the AR FORCE 3-P TRIP operand is asserted by the
autorecloser 1.25 cycles after single-pole reclosing is initiated. This operand calls for a
three-pole trip if any protection element configured under TRIP 1-POLE INPUT
remains picked-up. The Open Pole Detector provides blocking inputs to distance
elements, and therefore the latter will reset immediately after the TRIP 1-POLE operand
is asserted. For other protection elements used in single-pole tripping, the user must
ensure they will reset immediately after tripping, otherwise the fact that they are still
picked up will be detected as an evolving fault and the relay will trip three-poles. For
example, if high-set phase instantaneous overcurrent is used (TRIP 1-POLE INPUT X:
“PHASE IOC1 OP”), then OPEN POLE OP ΦA shall be used for blocking Phase A of
the Instantaneous Overcurrent element. In this way, after tripping Phase A, the Phase A
Instantaneous Overcurrent element is forced to reset. Phases B and C are still operational
and can detect an evolving fault as soon as 8 ms after tripping Phase A. Neutral and

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negative-sequence instantaneous overcurrent elements shall be blocked from the OPEN

POLE BLK N operand unless the pickup setting is high enough to prevent pickup during
single-pole reclosing. 2 cycles after Open Pole operated, all further trip requests will
cause 3-poletrips: that provides 3-pole tripping for developing faults clearing during AR
dead time.


Selects an operand, representing a fault condition, that is desired to initiate three pole
reclosing, e.g. Phase Distance Zone 1. Use a FlexLogic™ OR-gate if more than six inputs
are required. The operand TRIP AR INIT 3-POLE is hard-wired to AR function-no need
to assign operands in AR element, if assigned with this setting.


Selects an operand that will force an input selected for single pole operation to
produce a three-pole operation. The AR DISABLED FlexLogic™ operand is the
recommended value for this setting. Power system configurations or conditions, which
require such operation, may be considered as well.


This setting is used to set an interval equal to the inter-relay channel communications
time, plus an appropriate margin, during which outputs are not asserted. This delay
permits fault identification information from a remote terminal to be used instead of local
data only. This can be used for the weak-infeed terminal, which might have not enough
fault current contribution to determine fault type correctly. Remote strong-feed terminal
would dictate what is the fault type and which phases exactly to trip.


This setting should be used to guarantee accuracy of single-pole tripping under
evolving external to internal faults. When a close-in external fault occurs, the relay is
biased toward very fast operation on a following internal fault. This is primarily due to
depressed voltages and elevated currents in response to the first, external fault. The phase
selector may exhibit some time lag compared to the main protection elements. This may
potentially result in a spurious three-pole operation on a single-line-to-ground internal
fault. Delaying tripping on internal faults that follow detection of reverse faults solves the

Figure F-3. Increasing security for evolving faults

To increase security during such external-to-internal evolving faults, logic shown in
the Figure F-3 above is recommended. As long as the VO1assigned with this setting is
asserted, the trip action will be delayed by TRIP DELAY ON EVOLV FAULTS time.

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Typically this operand should combine reverse zone indications (such as Zone 4 pickup)
with a half-cycle pickup delay, and 2-cycle dropout delay. This setting should be used
only in single-pole tripping applications, when evolving faults are of importance, and
slightly delayed operation on evolving faults could be traded for enhanced accuracy of
single-pole tripping.


This setting should be used in conjunction with the REVERSE FAULT setting (see
above). Typically this value should be set around half a power system cycle. This setting
should be used only in single-pole tripping applications, when evolving faults are of
importance, and slightly delayed operation on evolving faults could be traded for
enhanced accuracy of single-pole tripping.


This setting is provided to reset TRIP 3-P, TRIP PHASE A, TRIP PHASE B, TRIP
PHASE C operands, which are latched after operation. Note that Trip latches are reset
with OPEN POLE BRK PH A(B, C) OP operands automatically. However, if Open Pole
element is blocked or is not used such as for 3-pole tripping applications, these setting are
provided to reset Trip latches with breaker auxiliary contacts, for example

Phase Selector
The D60 uses phase relations between current symmetrical components for phase
selection. First, the algorithm validates if there is enough zero-, positive-, and negative-
sequence currents for reliable analysis. The comparison is adaptive; that is, the
magnitudes of the three symmetrical components used mutually as restraints confirm if a
given component is large enough to be used for phase selection. Once the current
magnitudes are validated, the algorithm analyzes phase relations between the negative
and positive-sequence currents and negative and zero-sequence currents (when
applicable) as illustrated below.

Figure F-4. Phase Selection for single-pole tripping

Due to dual comparisons, the algorithm is very secure. For increased accuracy and to
facilitate operation in weak systems, the pre-fault components are removed from the
analyzed currents. The algorithm is very fast and ensures proper phase selection before
any of the correctly set protection elements operates.
Under unusual circumstances such as weak-infeed conditions with the zero-sequence
current dominating during any ground fault, or during cross-country faults, the current-

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based phase selector may not recognize any of the known fault pattern. If this is the case,
voltages are used for phase selection. The voltage algorithm is the same as the current-
based algorithm, e.g. phase angles between the zero-, negative-, and positive-sequence
voltages are used. The pre-fault values are subtracted prior to any calculations.
The pre-fault quantities are captured and the calculations start when the Disturbance
Detector (50DD) operates. When the trip command is issued by the trip output logic
(TRIP 1-POLE or TRIP 3-POLE) and during open pole conditions (OPEN POLE OP),
the phase selector resets all its output operands and ignores any subsequent operations of
the Disturbance Detector.


Figure F-5. Phase Selector logic

Output operands of the Phase Selector are important indications for post-fault analysis.
It’s recommended to assign at least PHASE SELECT A (B, C), PHASE SELECT
MULTI-P and PHASE SELECT VOID operands into oscillography digital channel to be
captured during fault.

As it was mentioned above, Trip Output is interaction with many other elements in
order to perform tripping action correctly. These elements include; autoreclosure, breaker
control, phase selector, pilot schemes, open pole detector etc. This is especially critical
for single-pole tripping applications. Therefore, it’s of importance to configure these
elements correctly.

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Phase Selector
Volts Reset
and Output Fault Locator
Block Specific Protection Elements
Trip Output Amps
Trip 1-Pole
Inputs Setting Request Trip

Pilot- Pole
Schemes Detector
A or B or C
Setting Setting

Inputs Outputs Initiate Breaker

1-Pole Failure
Channels Breaker Breaker
1 and 2 1 and 2
AG SLG Pole State OOS
BG Faulted
CG Phase

Setting Permission
e Inputs k
Reset t r
Breaker t
Control i 1
n Outputs &
3-Pole 3-Pole g 2
Trip Trip
Line Pickup Setting

Multi - Phase
Void Force 3-Pole
3-Pole Operation
Setting Operation Setting
AR Force 3-P

Reclose Request Trip
AR Initiate 3-Pole


Figure F-6. Interaction of Trip Output with other elements

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There are 2 types of the autoreclosure (AR) function on UR series relays: a) 1P/3P, 2-
breakers control, 4-shots AR function, found on the transmission line relays such as L90,
L60, C60 and D60; b) 3P single breaker control AR function found on distribution line
relays, such as F60, F35 and D30. This document covers transmission class (a) AR.
AR provides up to 4 shots, where 1st shot is either 1-pole or 3-pole, while all
sequential shots are always 3-pole. AR function is interacting with many other different
functions, such as:
• Breaker Control under SETTINGS \ SYSTEM SETUP \ BREAKERS
BREAKER 1(2) menu
• Pilot scheme, Phase selector etc
To perform autoreclosure cycle correctly, it’s vital for AR scheme to have essential
information of the breaker(s) pole position. It’s strongly recommended to utilize built-
in Breaker Control function.
Reclosing practices are quite variable, depending on the type of the circuit and
individual company philosophies, which have to be taken as guidance. Utilizing UR
autoreclosure allows achieving any required AR functionality.

G.1. BREAKERS function

This function provides a single-point connection to the breakers open and close coils
from multiple sources, such as; protection functions, AR function, faceplate pushbutton,
SCADA via communication protocols, interlocking action etc. These functions are
provided for two breakers; a user may use only those portions of the application relevant
to a single breaker, which must be Breaker 1.

Figure G-1. Breakers menu

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• BREAKER 1(2) FUNCTION: Set to "Enable" to allow the operation of any breaker
control feature.
• BREAKER1(2) PUSH BUTTON CONTROL: Set to "Enable" to allow faceplate
push button User 2 and User 3 operations.
• BREAKER 1(2) NAME: Assign a user-defined name (up to 6 characters) to the
breaker. This name will be used in flash messages related to Breaker 1.
• BREAKER 1(2) MODE: Selects "3-pole" mode, where all breaker poles are operated
simultaneously, or "1-pole" mode where all breaker poles are operated independently.
• BREAKER 1(2) OPEN: Selects an operand that creates a programmable signal to
operate an output relay to open Breaker No. 1(2).
• BREAKER 1(2) CLOSE: Selects an operand that creates a programmable signal to
operate an output relay to close Breaker No. 1(2).
• BREAKER 1(2) ΦA/3-POLE: Selects an operand, usually a contact input connected
to a breaker auxiliary position tracking mechanism. This input can be either a 52/a or
52/b contact, or a combination the 52/a and 52/b contacts, that must be programmed to
create a logic 0 when the breaker is open. If BREAKER 1 MODE is selected as "3-
Pole", this setting selects a single input as the operand used to track the breaker open
or closed position. If the mode is selected as "1-Pole", the input mentioned above is
used to track phase A and settings BREAKER 1 ΦB and BREAKER 1 ΦC select
operands to track phases B and C, respectively.
• BREAKER 1(2) FB: If the mode is selected as 3-pole, this setting has no function. If
the mode is selected as 1-pole, this input is used to track phase B as above for phase A.
• BREAKER 1(2) FC: If the mode is selected as 3-pole, this setting has no function. If
the mode is selected as 1-pole, this input is used to track phase C as above for phase A.
• BREAKER 1(2) EXT ALARM: Selects an operand, usually an external contact
input, connected to a breaker alarm reporting contact.
• BREAKER 1(2) ALARM DELAY: Sets the delay interval during which a
disagreement of status among the three pole position tracking operands will not
declare a pole disagreement, to allow for non-simultaneous operation of the poles. If
single-pole tripping and reclosing is used, the breaker may trip unsymmetrically for
faults. In this case, the minimum alarm delay setting must exceed the maximum time
required for fault clearing and reclosing by a suitable margin.
• MANUAL CLOSE RECAL1 TIME: Sets the interval required to maintain setting
changes in effect after an operator has initiated a manual close command to operate a
circuit breaker.
• BREAKER 1(2) OUT OF SV: Selects an operand indicating that Breaker 1(2) is out-

The autoreclose scheme is intended for use on transmission lines or distribution with
circuit breakers operated in both the single pole and three pole modes, in one or two
breaker arrangements. The autoreclose scheme provides four programs with different
operating cycles, depending on the fault type. Each of the four programs can be set to
trigger up to two reclosing attempts. The second attempt always performs three pole
reclosing and has an independent dead time delay.

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When used in two breaker applications, the reclosing sequence is selectable. The
reclose signal can be sent to one selected breaker only, to both breakers simultaneously or
to both breakers in sequence (one breaker first and then, after a delay to check that the
reclose was successful, to the second breaker). When reclosing in sequence, the first
breaker should reclose with either the 1-Pole or 3-Pole dead time according to the fault
type and reclose mode; the second breaker should follow the successful reclosure of the
first breaker. When reclosing simultaneously, for the first shot both breakers should
reclose with either the 1-Pole or 3-Pole dead time, according to the fault type and the
reclose mode.
The signal used to initiate the autoreclose scheme is the trip output from protection.
This signal can be single pole tripping for single phase faults and three phase tripping for
multi-phase faults. The autoreclose scheme has five operating states.
• Enabled- Scheme is permitted to operate
• Disabled- Scheme is not permitted to operate
• Reset- Scheme is permitted to operate and shot count is reset to 0
• Reclose In Progress- Scheme has been initiated but the reclose cycle is not
finished (successful or not)
• Lockout- Scheme is not permitted to operate until reset received

Figure G-2. AR menu

Philosophy of applying AR on transmission or distribution lines is different.

Distribution lines: For an overhead line without or with minimum induction motor
load, fast reclosing offers a relative high probability of rapid restoration of service. The
almost universal practice for such lines is to use 3 or even 4 attempts to restore service
before locking out. Generally, the first attempt is instantaneous, the second about 10-20
seconds later and the third attempt is above 20 seconds.
Reclosing is generally not used on the underground feeders because cable faults are
usually permanent. For distribution lines with large motor loads or synchronous
machines, care is required that reclosing at the utility substation does not cause damage to
the rotating equipment. Reclosing that will connect the two parts together out of phase

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resulting in power surges and large mechanical shaft torques that can cause severe
With synchronous machines, reclosing must be delayed until machines are removed
from the circuit; then reclosing can restore voltage and pickup static load. This can be
accomplished by frequency relays and undervoltage relays or “live bus”-“dead line”
function of synchronism check function.
For induction motors, reclosing should not take place until their residual voltage has
decreased to 33% of rated value.
Transmission lines: Lines used to transfer power between stations require high speed
reclosing on both terminals to restore service. High-speed can be applied when there are
parallel ties in the network to provide an exchange of power and holding stations in
synchronism. This requires high-speed simultaneous tripping at both line terminals as is
limited therefore to lines protected by unit protection such as line current differential, line
phase comparison and pilot protection. Reclosing on transmission lines usually calls for
the following:
1. Single-pole tripping is preferable as statistically 80-90% of the faults are SLG
and opening faulted phase only allows for power exchange over two
remaining phases, thus keeping sources in synchronism.
2. Reclose one end instantaneously and other end after checking that bus
voltage and line voltage are synchronous. Synchronous sources are usually
considered when voltages across open breaker are of sufficient magnitude,
frequency is within prescribed limit and angle of those two voltages is within
typically 20-50°
3. Without unit protection, reclose with time delay; a) live bus-dead line, b) live
line-live bus with synchronism check, c) live line-dead bus.

G.2.1. AR MODE
This setting selects the Autoreclose operating mode, which functions in conjunction with
signals received at the initiation inputs as described previously.
AR MODE Single Multi Single Multi Multi Multi Single Multi
phase phase phase phase phase phase phase phase
fault fault fault fault fault fault fault fault
or LO or LO or LO or LO or LO or LO
or LO or LO or LO or LO or LO or LO
or LO or LO or LO
or LO or LO or LO or LO or LO or LO

Table G-1. AR modes

• “1 & 3 Pole”: This mode is selected when 1st shot needs to be high-speed single-pole
for SLG faults and delayed 3-pole during multi-phase faults. In this mode, the
autorecloser starts the AR 1-P DEAD TIME timer for the first shot if the autoreclose
is single- phase initiated, the AR 3-P DEAD TIME 1 timer if the autoreclose is three-
pole initiated, and the AR 3-P DEAD TIME 2 timer if the autoreclose is three-phase

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time delay initiated. If two or more shots are enabled, the second, third, and fourth
shots are always three-pole and start the AR 3-P DEAD TIME 2(4) timers.
• “1 Pole”: This mode is selected when AR should be allowed to reclose single-pole
during SLG faults only, when one pole of the breaker(s) opens only. In this mode, the
autorecloser starts the AR 1-P DEAD TIME for the first shot if the fault is single
phase. If the fault is multi-phase or a three-pole trip on the breaker occurred during
the single-pole initiation, the scheme goes to lockout without reclosing. If two or
more shots are enabled, the second, third, and fourth shots are always three-pole and
start the AR 3-P DEAD TIME 2(4) timers.
• “3 Pole-A”: This mode is selected for 3-pole tripping applications, when AR should
be allowed to reclose for SLG single phase faults only, although the trip is three pole.
The autorecloser uses the AR 3-P DEAD TIME 1 for the first shot if the fault is
single phase. If the fault is multi phase the scheme will go to Lockout without
reclosing. If two or more shots are enabled, the second, third, and fourth shots are
always three-phase and start the AR 3-P DEAD TIME 2(4) timers.
• “3 Pole-B”: This mode is selected for 3-pole tripping applications for any type of
fault and starts the AR 3-P DEAD TIME 1 for the first shot. If the initiating signal is
AR 3P TD INIT the scheme starts AR 3-P DEAD TIME 2 for the first shot. If two or
more shots are enabled, the second, third, and fourth shots are always three-phase and
start the AR 3-P DEAD TIME 2(4) timers.


This setting specifies the number of reclosures that can be attempted before reclosure
goes to Lockout when the fault is permanent. This setting has to be chosen based on the
breaker design and manufacturer specification of the breaker capability to interrupt fault
current, to permit fault arc to de-ionize and not to restrike.


AR: This setting selects a FlexLogic™ operand that represents manual close command to
a breaker associated with the autoreclose scheme. Typically, it’s assigned with Flexlogic
operand representing breaker manual close operation from the panel control switch or
from SCADA or from any of both. Upon asserting of this operand, the AR is blocked for
the time defined by the setting AR BLK TIME UPON MAN CLS (anti-pumping).


The autoreclose scheme is disabled for a programmable time delay after an
associated circuit breaker is manually commanded to close, preventing reclosing onto an
existing fault such as grounds on the line. This delay must be longer than the slowest
expected trip from any protection not blocked after manual closing. If the autoreclose
scheme is not initiated after a manual close and this time expires the autoreclose
scheme is set to the Reset state.

G.2.5. AR BLOCK BKR1/2

This input selects an operand that will block the reclose command for Breaker 1/2. This
condition can be for example: breaker low air pressure, reclose in progress on another

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line (for the central breaker in a breaker and a half arrangement), or a sum of conditions
combined in FlexLogic™.


This setting defines the expected time to close the breaker pole(s) since AR issued close
command. If breaker doesn’t reclose within time, specified by this setting due to
mechanical or circuitry problems, AR is sent to lockout condition. Setting is based on
manufacturer specifications of the breaker closing time plus adequate margin.

G.2.7. AR 1P INIT
This setting selects a FlexLogic™ operand that is intended to initiate high-speed single-
pole autoreclosure via timer AR 1P DEAD TIME. If Trip Output is used, then single-pole
AR initiation happens automatically- no need to assign anything with this setting. Usually
high-speed reclosure is initiated when line is tripped from both ends by instantaneous
protection and is reclosed simultaneously from both ends. Mostly, line current differential
line phase comparison and pilot schemes are recommended to be initiating high-speed
reclosure. The intent is to try to have both terminal breakers tripped and reclosed at the
same instant, reducing the effect on the power system

G.2.8. AR 3P INIT
This setting selects a FlexLogic™ operand that is intended to initiate three-pole
autoreclosure via first timer AR 3P DEAD TIME 1, which can be used for a high-speed
three-pole autoreclosure. If Trip Output is used, then three-pole AR initiation happens
automatically- no need to assign anything with this setting. Consideration for high-speed
reclosure indicated above for 1P initiation, is applicable to 3P high-speed initiation as

G.2.9. AR 3P TD INIT
This setting selects a FlexLogic™ operand intended to initiate three-pole autoreclosure
via second timer AR 3P DEAD TIME 2, which can be used for a time-delay
autoreclosure. Typically, time delayed protection or non-unit protection is assigned to
cause time delayed reclosure on the transmission lines.


This setting selects a FlexLogic™ operand that indicates a multi-phase fault. The operand
value should be zero for single-phase to ground faults. If Trip Output is used, then multi-
phase fault is declared automatically- no need to assign anything with this setting. For
relays, not having Trip Output scheme (C60, L90) setting needs to be assigned with an
operand indicating multi-phase fault (87L Trip 3P on L90).


This setting selects a FlexLogic™ operand which indicates that the breaker(s) has opened
correctly following a single phase to ground fault and the autoreclose scheme can start
timing the single pole dead time (for 1-2 reclose sequence for example, Breaker 1 should
trip single pole and Breaker 2 should trip 3 pole). The scheme has a pre-wired input from

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Breakers scheme indicating breaker(s) status. Setting is provided in case when Breakers
scheme is not used.


This setting selects a FlexLogic™ operand which indicates that the breaker(s) has opened
three pole and the autoreclose scheme can start timing the three pole dead time. The
scheme has a pre-wired input from Breakers scheme indicating breaker(s) status. Setting
is provided in case when Breakers scheme is not used.

G.2.13. AR 3-P DEAD TIME 1

This is the dead time following the first three-pole trip. This intentional delay can be used
for a high-speed three-pole autoreclose. However, it should be set longer than the
estimated de-ionizing time following the three-pole trip. Long experience has indicated
that on average the dead time for the fault arc to de-ionize and not to re-strike is:
t = kV + 10.5cycles (G-1)
This formula applies when all three poles are open and there is no trapped energy, such as
from shunt reactors, or induction from parallel lines. If this is not a case, dead time can be
increased by 50% or greater.

G.2.14. AR 3-P DEAD TIME 2(3,4)

This is the dead time following the 2nd (3rd, 4th) three-pole trip or initiated by the AR 3P
TD INIT input. This intentional delay is typically used for a time delayed three-pole
autoreclose (as opposed to high speed three-pole autoreclose).


This setting selects an operand that will increase the duration of the dead time for the first
shot (either single-pole or three-pole) due to possibility of non-simultaneous tripping at
the two line ends. Typically this is the operand set when unit protection (line differential,
line phase comparison or pilot protection) is out of service.


This timer is used to set the length of the dead time 1 extension for possible non-
simultaneous tripping of the two ends of the line during condition, defined by the setting
AR EXTEND DEAD T 1. Typically this should be time difference between distance Z1
and Z2 on the opposite ends of the line.

G.2.17. AR RESET
This setting selects the operand that forces the autoreclose scheme from any state to
Reset. Typically this is a manual reset from lockout, local or remote. It has to be
remembered that AR is automatically reset from either Breaker Manual close command
derived from Breakers element or 10 seconds after breaker was closed if previously it
was locked out. This setting is mostly used, if before breaker close operation, AR has to
be brought into “Enabled” state.

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A reset timer output resets the recloser following a successful reclosure sequence. The
setting is based on the breaker time which is the minimum time required between
successive reclose sequences. For example, this can be time required to restore air
pressure in the air blast breaker or to charge the spring plus adequate margin.


This setting selects an operand that indicates that the breaker(s) are closed at the end of
the reset time and the scheme can reset. The scheme has a pre-wired input from Breakers
scheme indicating breaker(s) closed status-no need to utilize this setting if Breakers
scheme is used. Setting is provided in case when Breakers scheme is not used.

G.2.20. AR BLOCK
This setting selects the operand that blocks the Autoreclose scheme (it can be a sum of
conditions such as: time delayed tripping, breaker failure, bus differential protection,
etc.). If the block signal is present before autoreclose scheme initiation, the scheme is
taken out of service with AR DISABLED FlexLogic™ operand being set. If the block
signal occurs when the scheme is in the RIP state the scheme will be sent to Lockout.

G.2.21. AR PAUSE
The pause input offers the ability to freeze the autoreclose cycle until the pause signal
disappears. This may be done when a trip occurs and simultaneously or previously, some
conditions are detected such as out-of step or loss of guard frequency, or a remote
transfer trip signal is received. When the ‘pause’ signal disappears the autoreclose cycle
is resumed. This feature can also be used when a transformer is tapped from the protected
line and a reclose is not desirable until it is disconnected from the line. In this situation,
the reclose scheme is ‘paused’ until the transformer is disconnected.


This timer is used to set the maximum time interval allowed for a single reclose shot. It is
started whenever a reclosure is initiated and is active until the CLOSE BKR1 or CLOSE
BKR2 signal is sent. If all conditions allowing a breaker closure are not satisfied when
this time expires, the scheme goes to “Lockout”. This setting should be greater with
adequate margin than the maximum dead time for all shots. Settings beyond this will
determine the ‘wait’ time for the breaker to open so that the reclose cycle can continue
and/or for the AR PAUSE signal to reset and allow the reclose cycle to continue and/or
for the AR BKR1(2) BLK signal to disappear and allow the AR CLOSE BKR1(2) signal
to be sent.

G.2.23. AR TRANSFER 1 TO 2
This setting establishes how the scheme performs when the breaker closing sequence is
1-2 and Breaker 1 is blocked. When set to “Yes” the closing command will be transferred
directly to Breaker 2 without waiting for the transfer time. When set to “No” the closing
command will be blocked by the AR BKR1 BLK signal and the incomplete sequence
timer will send the scheme to Lockout.

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G.2.24. AR TRANSFER 2 TO 1
This setting establishes how the scheme performs when the breaker closing sequence is
2-1 and Breaker 2 is blocked. When set to “Yes” the closing command will be transferred
directly to Breaker 1 without waiting the transfer time. When set to “No”, the closing
command will be blocked by the AR BKR2 BLK signal and the incomplete sequence
timer will send the scheme to Lockout.


This setting establishes how the scheme performs when the breaker closing sequence is
1-2 (2-1) and Breaker 1 (2) has failed to close. When set to “Continue” the closing
command will be transferred to Breaker 2 (1), which will continue the reclosing cycle
until successful (the scheme will reset) or unsuccessful (the scheme will go to Lockout).
When set to “Lockout” the scheme will go to lockout without attempting to reclose
Breaker 2 (1).

G.2.26. AR 1-P DEAD TIME

Set this intentional delay longer than the estimated de-ionizing time after the first single-
pole trip. For single-pole trip-reclose operation longer de-ionizing times are required for
energy coupled from unopened phases can keep the arc active. The de-ionizing times can
be increased by 50% of calculated with the formula G-1 above.


This setting selects the breakers reclose sequence:
• Select “1” for reclose breaker 1 only,
• Select “2” for reclose breaker 2 only,
• Select “1&2” for reclose both breakers simultaneously,
• Select “1-2” for reclose breakers sequentially; Breaker 1 first and Breaker 2
• Select “2-1” for reclose breakers sequentially; Breaker 2 first and Breaker 1


The transfer time is used only for breaker closing sequence 1-2 or 2-1, when the two
breakers are reclosed sequentially. The transfer timer is initiated by a close signal to the
first breaker. The transfer timer transfers the reclose signal from the breaker selected to
close first to the second breaker. The time delay setting is based on the maximum time
interval between the autoreclose signal and the protection trip contact closure assuming a
permanent fault (unsuccessful reclose). Therefore, the minimum setting is equal to the
maximum breaker closing time plus the maximum line protection operating time plus a
suitable margin. This setting will prevent the autoreclose scheme from transferring the
close signal to the second breaker unless a successful reclose of the first breaker occurs.

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This setting is used in breaker-and-a-half applications to allow the autoreclose function to
perform reclosing with only one breaker previously opened by bus protection. For line
faults, both breakers must open for the autoreclose reclosing cycles to take effect. This
setting should be assigned with an operand, which is set when Bus Protection operates
and opens one bus breaker as a result. This operand has to be either latched or sufficiently
delayed for the time longer that 1st shot dead time to allow AR to close the bus breaker.

The synchronism check function is intended for supervising the paralleling of two
parts of a system, which are to be joined by the closure of a circuit breaker. The
synchrocheck elements are typically used at locations where the two parts of the system
are interconnected through at least one other point in the system. Two synchrocheck
elements are available.

Figure G-3. Synchrocheck menu

Synchrocheck verifies that the voltages (V1 and V2) on the two sides of the
supervised circuit breaker are within set limits of magnitude, angle and frequency
differences. The time that the two voltages remain within the admissible angle difference
is determined by the setting of the phase angle difference ΔΦ and the frequency
difference ΔF (slip frequency). It can be defined as the time it would take the voltage
phasor V1 or V2 to traverse an angle equal to 2 × ΔΦ at a frequency equal to the
frequency difference ΔF. This time can be calculated by:
T= 1 (sec) (G-2)
360° • ΔF
2• ΔΦ
where: ΔΦ = phase angle difference in degrees; ΔF = frequency difference in Hz.
For example, for default setting ΔΦ = 30°, ΔF = 0.1 Hz, the time while the angle
between the two voltages will be less than the set value is:
T= 1 = 1 = 1.67 sec
360° • ΔF 360° • 0.1Hz
2 • ΔΦ 2 • 30°

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Result of this formula implies that if the admissible angle difference between two
sources voltage is 30° and sources slip frequency is 0.1 Hz, then reclosing should take
place within 1.67 seconds.
Syncrocheck can operate if either three-phase or single-phase voltage from both sides
of the breaker is supplied to the relay. As a minimum requirement for synchrocheck to be
set and to be functional, is to assign this either three-phase or single-phase voltage from 2
different VTs to two different sources in the UR System Setup\Sources menu. If one or
both sources are de-energized, the synchrocheck programming can allow for closing of
the circuit breaker using undervoltage control to by-pass the synchrocheck measurements
(Dead Source function).

The selected sources for synchrocheck inputs V1 and V2 (which must not be the same
source) may include both a three-phase and an auxiliary voltage. The relay will
automatically select the specific voltages to be used by the synchrocheck element in
accordance with the following table.

Table G-2. Synchrocheck modes

The voltages V1 and V2 will be matched automatically so that the corresponding
voltages from the two sources will be used to measure conditions. A phase-to-phase
voltage will be used if available in both sources; if one or both of the Sources have only
an auxiliary voltage, this voltage will be used. For example, if an auxiliary voltage is
programmed to VAG, the synchrocheck element will automatically select VAG from the
other source. If the comparison is required on a specific voltage, the user can externally
connect that specific voltage to auxiliary voltage terminals and then use this "Auxiliary
Voltage" to check the synchronism conditions. If using a single CT/VT module with both
phase voltages and an auxiliary voltage, ensure that only the auxiliary voltage is
programmed in one of the sources to be used for synchrocheck.
Exception: Synchronism cannot be checked between Delta connected phase VTs and a
Wye connected auxiliary voltage.
Note: The relay measures frequency and Volts/Hz from an input on a given source with
priorities as established by the configuration of input channels to the source. The relay
will use the phase channel of a three-phase set of voltages if programmed as part of that
source. The relay will use the auxiliary voltage channel only if that channel is
programmed as part of the Source and a three-phase set is not.

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This setting selects the source for voltage V1. This source has to have either three-phase
voltage or single-phase voltage assigned on the source.


This setting selects the source for voltage V2. This source has to have either three-phase
voltage or single-phase voltage assigned on the source. It must not be the same as used
for the V1 above.


This setting selects the maximum primary voltage difference in ‘kV’ between the two
sources. A primary voltage magnitude difference between the two input voltages below
this value is within the permissible limit for synchronism. This setting typically should


This setting selects the maximum angular difference in degrees between the two sources.
An angular difference between the two input voltage phasors below this value is within
the permissible limit for synchronism. This setting is usually 20°, but can be can be
increased to 30° or even greater angle, up to somewhat 50°. Smaller setting limits the
time when voltages phase is within permissible region.


This setting selects the maximum frequency difference in ‘Hz’ between the two sources.
A frequency difference between the two input voltage systems below this value is within
the permissible limit for synchronism. Typical value of this setting is 1%-2% of the
nominal frequency, however it’s dependant on the Max Angle Frequency setting as well,
as these two setting dictate for how long reclosure is permitted.


This setting specifies the required hysteresis for the maximum frequency difference
condition. The condition becomes satisfied when the frequency difference becomes lower
than SYNCHK1 MAX FREQ DIFF. Once the Synchrocheck element has operated, the
frequency difference must increase above the SYNCHK1 MAX FREQ DIFF +
SYNCHK1 MAX FREQ HYSTERESIS sum to drop out (assuming the other two
conditions, voltage and angle, remain satisfied). Typical value of this setting is 0.1%-
0.2% of the nominal frequency.


This setting selects the combination of dead and live sources that will by-pass
synchronism check function and permit the breaker to be closed when one or both of the
two voltages (V1 or/and V2) are below the maximum voltage threshold. A dead or live
source is declared by monitoring the voltage level. Six options are available:
1. None: Dead Source function is disabled

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2.LV1 and DV2: Live V1 and Dead V2

3.DV1 and LV2: Dead V1 and Live V2
4.DV1 or DV2: Dead V1 or Dead V2
5.DV1 Xor DV2: Dead V1 exclusive-or Dead V2 (one source is Dead and the other
is Live)
6. DV1 and DV2: Dead V1 and Dead V2
Selection depends on the terminal where AR is being applied and generally is different at
opposite terminals of the line.


This setting establishes a maximum voltage magnitude for V1(2) in ‘pu’. Below this
magnitude, the V1(2) voltage input used for synchrocheck will be considered “Dead” or
de-energized. Generally, this setting is chosen 0.1-0.3pu.


This setting establishes a minimum voltage magnitude for V1(2) in ‘pu’. Above this
magnitude, the V1() voltage input used for synchrocheck will be considered “Live” or
energized. Typically this setting is chosen 0.7-0.9pu, depending on the how low voltage
can be at this terminal before reclosing.


Synchrocheck element has 3 outputs (Flexlogic operands), which can be used depending
on the requirement of the application:
• SYNCH1 SYNCH OP which is set (high) when voltages V1 and V2 are in synch
based on chosen settings
• SYNCH1 DEAD S OP which is set (high) when voltages V1 and V2 live-dead
combination is met based on chosen settings
• SYNCH1 CLS OP which is set (high) when either of 2 conditions above are
satisfied (OR gate of SYNCH1 SYNCH OP and SYNCH1 DEAD S OP)
Individual outputs for V1 (V2) ABOVE MIN and V1 (V2) BELOW MAX are also
available for individual programming in special cases.
Basically, high-speed reclosure doesn’t need to be supervised by synchrocheck. For time-
delayed reclosure this is needed however: it is recommended to AND AR close command
with appropriate synchrocheck operand as shown below in the Figure G-4.

Figure G-4. Coordinating Synchrocheck and AR

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Usually it’s predetermined by the user, which terminal closes first and which follows.
Terminal closing first needs to check dead line-live bus condition (dead line charging),
while the other needs to check synchronism to eventually restore the power transit.
Example: If it’s necessary to charge the line from station A after 5 seconds breaker
was tripped for “dead line-live bus” condition, while station B would reclose 2 seconds
after line was charged with synchronism check or in 15 seconds if line is still dead in case
station A failed to charge the line.

1. T=5s for DLine-LBus 1. T=2s for LLine-Lbus

with synch
2. T=15s for DLine-LBus

Figure G-5. Example of Coordinating

Synchrocheck and AR at opposite terminals

Relay at A:
Assuming that Trip Output scheme and Breakers scheme are used: AR in initiated
automatically from Trip Output:
1. Synchrocheck 1 is selected as Live V1 (bus)-Dead V2 (line) as shown in the
Figure G-3 above.
2. AR dead time timer #1 is set to 5 seconds
3. In the Flexlogic AR CLOSE BRK1 is AND-ed with SYNCH1 DEAD S OP,
assigned with a Virtual Output closing the breaker.
Relay at B:
Assuming that Trip Output scheme and Breakers scheme are also used: AR in
initiated automatically from Trip Output. This relay has to wait until either voltage
appears on the line to reclose in 2 seconds with synch or if voltage doesn’t appear, then
reclose in 15 seconds.
1. Synchrocheck 1 is selected as Live V1 (bus)-Dead V2 (line) as shown in the
Figure G-3 above to reclose in 15 seconds for the 2-nd condition.
2. As AR is initiated automatically from Trip Output it has to be paused until

Figure G-6. Sample logic for conditional reclosing

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voltage appears on the line or if it doesn’t appear reclose in 15 seconds

anyways. Sample logic is shown in the Figure G-6 above.
3. Virtual output “Pause AR” is assigned with the AR setting PAUSE.
4. Now AR dead time timer #1 is set to 1 second.
5. In the Flexlogic AR CLOSE BRK1 is AND-ed with SYNCH1 SYNCH OP,
assigned with a Virtual Output closing the breaker.

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Protection systems are coordinated so that the circuit breaker(s) nearest the fault are
opened to interrupt, or clear, the fault with minimum impact to the remainder of the
power system. This critical operation requires that the circuit breaker interrupt, or clear,
fault current.

A 3 4

1 2 5 6
Load Load
7 8
Figure H-1. Local and remote breaker fault clearing

While infrequent, circuit breakers occasionally fail to trip, or fail to clear a fault.
Depending on the power system network topology other circuit breakers must then be
called upon to trip and isolate the sources contributing to the fault. Referring to Figure H-
1, assume a fault exists between breaker 3 and breaker 4. Protective relays associated
with breaker 3 and breaker 4, designed to detect faults on the line between these breakers,
operate and command breaker 3 and breaker 4 to trip. In this example, breaker 3 fails to
interrupt the fault current. Therefore, all sources that continue to supply fault current
through breaker 3 must be interrupted. Assuming sources at stations A and C, locally,
breakers 2, 5, and 7 must be opened, or remotely, breakers 1, 6, and 8 must be opened.
To implement remote breaker failure backup protection for breaker 3, the protective
relays at breakers 1, 6, and 8 must have overreaching elements that sense faults anywhere
on the line between breaker 3 and breaker 4, and operate after a time delay, typically
about 0.5 seconds. This time delay is required to allow time for the local line protection
on breaker 3 to operate, and for the breaker to successfully clear the fault, recognizing
that the local protective relay scheme on breaker 3 may include time delayed tripping to
coordinate with other protective relays. Remote backup protection does not have the
benefit of knowing exactly when the breaker is commanded to open. Therefore, the
remote backup protection must include sufficient time delay to accommodate all possible
tripping delays.
The advantage of remote breaker failure protection is that it is completely
independent of protective relays, control systems, and battery supplies at the station with
the failed breaker.
Remote backup, however, has several disadvantages: a) all tapped loads between
breakers, 1-2, 5-6, and 7-8 are dropped causing widespread customer outages; b) the
lengthy backup clearing time will cause excessive system voltage dip duration, additional
damage to faulted equipment, possible damage to unfaulted equipment, and may lead to
system instability; c) due to possible infeed effects from the other lines, it may be
difficult to set the relay at 1 to detect faults on the entire length of the adjacent lines; d)
the settings required at 1 to provide sufficient reach to detect faults out to the remote ends
of the adjacent lines may be so sensitive that the line is susceptible to tripping under

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heavy load during extreme disturbances, which could initiate or exacerbate a wide-area
cascading outage.
An alternative to remote backup is local breaker failure protection, which receives a
signal directly from the line protection relays at the same station as the impaired breaker,
indicating when the trip command is sent to the breaker. Local breaker failure protection
eliminates the disadvantages of remote backup protection. Using the example in Figure
H-1 again, when the protective relay on breaker 3 senses a fault on line 3-4 and issues a
trip to breaker 3, local breaker failure protection starts a timer. If the timer times out, and
the fault is not cleared by breaker 3, then the local breaker failure scheme sends trip
signals to adjacent breakers 2, 5, and 7. The local breaker failure scheme has several
benefits over the remote backup scheme. If there are sources at buses A and C, tapped
loads between breakers 1-2, 5-6, and 7-8 can still be served. The total clearing time for
the fault is reduced substantially compared to the remote backup method. The timer
setting for the local breaker failure scheme is composed of breaker interrupting time plus
some margin. Margins have been used from less than 1 cycle to 3 cycles as dictated by
the critical fault clearing time. Protective relay time is not included in this time delay.
This timer setting is typically less than 12 cycles, compared to 30 cycles for remote
backup. This time difference could mean the difference between a stable and unstable
system for some critical faults and may substantially reduce the extent of damage at the
fault. The primary disadvantage of local breaker failure protection is that it may suffer
from common-mode failure. Station battery failure, for example, that may be the original
cause of the breaker failure condition, may also disable the local breaker failure
protection. Likewise, local protective relay malfunction may cause a failure to trip the
breaker, and also fail to initiate the local breaker failure timer. The cost of separate
breaker failure relays, while once a major consideration, has been significantly reduced as
the breaker failure function has been integrated into each UR protective relay.
There are many things that may cause the failure of a circuit breaker to interrupt fault
current. If a defective trip coil or trip circuit is the cause for the failure, slow clearing of
the fault will not cause further damage to the breaker. However, some common causes for
the failure to interrupt are that the breaker mechanism travel is incomplete or the
mechanism is slow; components needed for the interruption: (resistors or capacitors), are
faulty; or the dielectric material in the interrupter is out of specification (low pressure,
low temperature) or contaminated. If these are the causes for the failure to interrupt, the
breaker needs protection to prevent further damage. By the time the remote backup
protection has operated, the arcing inside the interrupter will likely cause a phase-to-
ground fault internal to the breaker. These internal faults may lead to explosions and
fires. As a result of the slow clearing of the original fault, what could have been a minor
breaker repair project, if the faulty breaker had been isolated in a timely manner, now
may require the replacement of the breaker and possibly other equipment in close
proximity to the faulty breaker.
Basic breaker failure protection provides a means to trip adjacent current sources if a
fault is detected by protective relays and the associated breaker(s) fail to interrupt the

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0 Rampdown
(ASS UMED 1.5 cyc les) (A SSUMED 3 cy cles)
(As sumed 2 Cycl es) (A ssume d 3 Cyc les)

INI TIATE (1/8 cy cle) BREAKER FAILURETIM ER No . 2( 1/8cycle)



OCCURS cycles
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Figure H-2. Fault clearing timing chart

Two conditions are used to monitor proper breaker operation during a fault clearing
operation. These are:
1. A protective relay trip signal (BFI),
2. The presence of current flow in the breaker 50BF and/or,
3. Breaker pole(s) closed position indicated by auxiliary contact.
The breaker has failed to operate properly if both of these signals are present for a period
greater than the expected breaker clearing time. A delay on pickup timer, with a time-
delay setting that exceeds the breaker normal clearing time, is used to determine
successful operation of the breaker. If the breaker operates properly, either one or both of
the 50BF or BFI inputs will de-assert and stop operation of the timer.
Two schemes are provided in UR: one for three-pole tripping only (identified by the
name "3BF") and one for three pole plus single-pole operation (identified by the name
"1BF"). The philosophy used in these schemes is identical. The operation of a breaker
failure element includes three stages:
1. Initiation: A FlexLogic™ operand representing the protection trip signal initially
sent to the breaker must be selected to initiate the scheme, except for the D60 and
L60 relay were this is already programmed as a trip output (the protection trip
signal does not include other breaker commands that are not indicative of a fault
in the protected zone). The initiating signal should be sealed-in if primary fault
detection can reset before the breaker failure timers have finished timing.
2. Determination of a breaker failure condition: The schemes determine a breaker
failure condition via three ‘paths’. Each of these paths is equipped with a time
delay, after which a failed breaker is declared and trip signals are sent to all
breakers required to clear the zone. The delayed paths are associated with Breaker
Failure Timers 1, 2, and 3, which are intended to have delays increasing with
increasing timer numbers. These delayed paths are individually enabled to allow
for maximum flexibility;
a. Timer 1 logic (Early Path) is supervised by a fast-operating breaker
auxiliary contact. If the breaker is still closed (as indicated by the auxiliary
contact) and fault current is detected after the delay interval, an output is
issued. Operation of the breaker auxiliary switch indicates that the breaker
has mechanically operated. The continued presence of current indicates
that the breaker has failed to interrupt the circuit.
b. Timer 2 logic (Main Path) is not supervised by a breaker auxiliary contact.
If fault current is detected after the delay interval, an output is issued. This
path is intended to detect a breaker that opens mechanically but fails to
interrupt fault current; the logic therefore does not use a breaker auxiliary

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contact. The Timer 1 and 2 paths provide two levels of current

supervision, Hi-set and Lo-set, that allow the supervision level to change
from a current which flows before a breaker inserts an opening resistor
into the faulted circuit to a lower level after resistor insertion. The Hi-set
detector is enabled after timeout of Timer 1 or 2, along with a timer that
will enable the Lo-set detector after its delay interval. The delay interval
between Hi-set and Lo-set is the expected breaker opening time. Both
current detectors provide a fast operating time for currents at small
multiples of the pickup value. The overcurrent detectors are required to
operate after the breaker failure delay interval to eliminate the need for
very fast resetting overcurrent detectors.
c. Timer 3 logic (Slow Path) is supervised by a breaker auxiliary contact and
a control switch contact used to indicate that the breaker is in/out of
service, disabling this path when the breaker is out of service for
maintenance. There is no current level check in this logic as it is intended
to detect low magnitude faults and it is therefore the slowest to operate.
3. OUTPUT: The outputs from the schemes are:
a. FlexLogic™ operands that report on the operation of portions of the
scheme; BRK FAIL x T1 OP, BRK FAIL x T2 OP, BRK FAIL x T3 OP.
b. FlexLogic™ operand used to re-trip the protected breaker BRK FAIL x
FAIL x RETRIP. A re-trip operand provides a second opportunity for a
breaker to trip before a breaker failure is declared, and can be used to
inform maintenance personnel that breaker inspection may be beneficial
should the breaker successfully open. For circuit breakers with two
separate trip coils, the scheme should be designed to activate the re-trip if
one of the trip coils fails to function properly. The re-trip logic can be
utilized to energize the second trip coil and open the breaker before a
breaker failure condition is declared. Second trip attempt can be delayed if
needed using Flexlogic timers.
c. FlexLogic™ operands that initiate tripping required to clear the faulted
zone BRK FAIL x OP. The trip output can be sealed-in for an adjustable
d. Target message indicating a failed breaker has been declared and
illumination of the faceplate Trip LED (and the Phase A, B or C LED, if

H.1.1. BF1 MODE

This setting is used to select the breaker failure operating mode: single pole or three


This setting is used to select the source for respective breaker current. When used on
breaker-and-a-half applications, BF1 and BF2 should be pointed correctly to the source
having respective circuit breaker CT configured on it, not a sum of 2 CTs current.

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Figure H-3. BF menu


Set it to "Yes" if it’s desirable to supervise breaker failure initiation with a current
flowing through the breaker. BF element will only be initiated if current is above the
supervision pickup level. However, some faults, for example transformer or generator
faults may not produce enough current, therefore usage of this setting is limited to
applications, where BF is initiated by protections insuring that fault current is above
value defined by the setting BF1 PH AMP SUPV PICKUP below.


Select "Yes" if it’s desirable to seal-in BF initiation (BFI) with current. The element will
only be sealed-in, if current flowing through the breaker is above the supervision pickup
level. If current is below BF1 PH AMP SUPV PICKUP setting, the BFI will not be
sealed-in and will drop-off when protection initiated BF is reset. If selected “No”, BFI
will not be sealed at all. It’s recommended to use seal-in when protection initiating
breaker failure is not sealed-in. For example, when Trip Output element is assigned to
initiates BF, there is no needed to use seal-in, as Trip Output operands are latched until
breaker(s) poles open.


This setting selects the FlexLogic™ operand that will initiate 3-pole tripping of the


This setting is applicable only when BF1 USE AMP SUPV is set to “Yes” and is used to
set the phase current initiation and seal-in supervision level. Generally this setting should
detect the lowest expected fault current on the protected breaker. It can be set as low as
necessary (lower than breaker resistor current or lower than load current) - Hiset and
Loset current supervision will guarantee correct operation.

I PH min
PKP = K • If1Θ for 1-pole tripping BF (H-1)

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I PH min
PKP = K • If 2Θ for 3-pole tripping BF (H-2)

where K is safety factor chosen as 0.4-0.5 typically


This setting is applicable only when BF1 MODE is chosen 3-pole and used to set the
neutral current initiate and seal-in supervision level. Generally this setting should detect
the lowest expected neutral fault current on the protected breaker. Neutral current
supervision is used only in the three-phase scheme to provide increased sensitivity during
asymmetrical faults when fault current is low. This setting is used only for three-pole
tripping schemes.
N = K • IN min
I PKP for 3-pole tripping BF only (H-3)

where K is safety factor chosen as 0.3-0.4 typically

H.1.8. BF1 USE TIMER 1

By choosing this setting "Yes", the Early Path becomes operational. Timer T1 has the
shortest time delay of the three, based on the expected breaker mechanism operating
time, plus a safety margin. The timer operation is enabled by a fast 52aa contact assigned
with a setting BF1 BRK POS1 φA/3P (B,C) setting that is driven by the breaker
operating mechanism. The 52aa contact is adjusted to open as soon as the breaker
operating mechanism begins its motion to open the breaker. Opening the 52aa contact
stops and resets timer T1. If timer T1 expires because the 52aa contact remains closed,
the logic initiates breaker failure output.


Timer 1 is set to the shortest time required for breaker auxiliary contact Status-1 to
open, from the time the initial trip signal is applied to the breaker trip circuit, plus a
safety margin.
T1 = BRK 52aa _ op _ time + TS (H-4)

where TS is safety margin not recommended to be less than 3 cycles.

H.1.10. BF1 USE TIMER 2

By choosing this setting "Yes", the Main path becomes operational. Main path has an
intermediate time delay based on expected breaker current interrupting time plus a safety
margin. The timer operation is enabled by current detectors (50BF) that dropout (reset)
when the breaker contacts interrupt fault current. Current detector dropout stops and
resets timer T2. If timer T2 expires because the current detectors remain picked up, the
logic initiates breaker failure output.


Timer 2 is set to the expected opening time of the breaker, plus a safety margin. This
safety margin was historically intended to allow for measuring and timing errors in the

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breaker failure scheme equipment. In microprocessor relays this time is not significant. In
UR relays, which use a Fourier transform, the calculated current magnitude will ramp-
down to zero somewhat later after the current is interrupted, and this lag should be
included in the overall margin duration, as it occurs after current interruption. The
Breaker Failure Main Path Sequence diagram below shows a margin of two cycles; this
interval is considered the minimum appropriate for most applications. Note that in bulk
oil circuit breakers, the interrupting time for currents less than 25% of the interrupting
rating can be significantly longer than the normal interrupting time.
T 2 = BRK op _ time + 50BFRST + TS (H-5)

where BRK op _ time is breaker main contact operating time

TS is safety margin not recommended to be not less than 3 cycles;
50BFRST is reset time of breaker failure OC detector, depending on the fault
current to pickup setting ratio with values indicated in the Figure H-4 below


Figure H-4. BF overcurrent supervision reset time

H.1.12. BF1 USE TIMER 3

By choosing this setting "Yes", the Slow path becomes operational. Timer T3 has the
longest time delay of the three, based on expected overall breaker operating time, plus a
safety margin. The timer operation is enabled by a 52a contact assigned with BF1 BRK
POS2 φA/3P (B,C) setting that, preferably, is driven by a direct link with the breaker
interrupting contacts. Opening the 52a contact stops and resets timer T3. If timer T3
expires because the 52a contact remains closed, the logic initiates breaker failure output.
This relatively slow breaker failure logic supplements the other two stages of the breaker
failure logic for breaker failure operations where the operating mechanism operated, but
the main contacts did not, and the breaker current was below the pickup on the 50BF
current detectors.

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Timer 3 is set to the same interval as Timer 2, plus an increased safety margin.
Because this path is intended to operate only for low-level faults, the delay can be on the
order of 300 to 500 ms.

H.1.14. BF1 BKR POS1 φA/3P

This setting selects the FlexLogic™ operand that represents the protected breaker early-
type auxiliary switch contact (52/aa). When using 1-Pole breaker failure scheme, this
operand represents the protected breaker early-type auxiliary switch contact on pole A.
This is normally a non-multiplied Form-A contact. The contact may even be adjusted to
have the shortest possible operating time.

H.1.15. BF1 BKR POS2 φA/3P

This setting selects the FlexLogic™ operand that represents the breaker normal-type
auxiliary switch contact (52/a). When using 1-Pole breaker failure scheme, this operand
represents the protected breaker auxiliary switch contact on pole A. This may be a
multiplied contact.


This setting is used to select the FlexLogic™ operand that represents the breaker In-
Service/Out-of-Service switch set to the Out-of-Service position to block T3 path, which
is not supervised by any overcurrent detector. On breaker-and-a-half application this
should be an operand representing the combination of both breakers.


This setting sets the phase current output supervision level. Generally this setting should
detect the lowest expected fault current on the protected breaker, before a breaker
opening resistor is inserted.


This setting sets the neutral current output supervision level. Generally this setting
should detect the lowest expected fault current on the protected breaker, before a breaker
opening resistor is inserted. Neutral current supervision is used only in the three pole
scheme to provide increased sensitivity. This setting is valid only for 3-pole breaker
failure schemes.


This setting sets the phase current output supervision level. Generally this setting
should detect the lowest expected fault current on the protected breaker, after a breaker
opening resistor is inserted (approximately 90% of the resistor current).


This setting sets the neutral current output supervision level. Generally this setting should
detect the lowest expected fault current on the protected breaker, after a breaker opening

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resistor is inserted (approximately 90% of the resistor current). This setting is valid only
for 3-pole breaker failure schemes.


Sets the pickup delay for current detection after opening resistor insertion.


This setting is used to set the period of time for which the trip output is sealed-in. This
timer must be coordinated with the automatic reclosing scheme of the failed breaker, to
which the breaker failure element sends a cancel reclosure signal. Reclosure of a remote
breaker can also be prevented by holding a Transfer Trip signal on longer than the
"reclaim" time.


These settings select the FlexLogic™ operand to initiate phase A, B, or C single-pole
tripping of the breaker and the phase A, B, or C portion of the scheme, accordingly.
This setting is only valid for 1-pole breaker failure schemes. When Trip Output is used
(D60, L60) BF is initiated automatically from Trip Output.

H.1.24. BF1 BKR POS1 φB / BF1 BKR POS 1 φC

These settings select the FlexLogic™ operand to represents the protected breaker early-
type auxiliary switch contact on poles B or C, accordingly. This contact is normally a
non-multiplied Form-A contact. The contact may even be adjusted to have the shortest
possible operating time. This setting is valid only for 1-pole breaker failure schemes.

H.1.25. BF1 BKR POS2 φB / BF1 BKR POS2 φC

This setting selects the FlexLogic™ operand that represents the protected breaker
normal-type auxiliary switch contact on pole B/C (52/a). This may be a multiplied
contact. For single-pole operation, the scheme has the same overall general concept
except that it provides re-tripping of each single pole of the protected breaker. The
approach shown in the following single pole tripping diagram uses the initiating
information to determine which pole is supposed to trip. The logic is segregated on a per-
pole basis. The overcurrent detectors have ganged settings. This setting is valid only for
1-pole breaker failure schemes.
Upon operation of the breaker failure element for a single pole trip command, a 3-pole
trip command should be given via output operand BKR FAIL 1 TRIP OP.

Note: It is desirable to set the breaker failure timer so that the total fault clearing time is
less than:
• transient stability time,
• the time to damage major equipment such as conductors and transformers,
• the time that major customers’ processes may be affected.

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Stability constraints typically require breaker failure timer settings in the ten to thirty
cycle range, but in rare cases may require settings as low as four cycles. Equipment
damage typically occurs for clearing times greater than thirty cycles. Clearing times that
impact major customer processes may be longer than thirty cycles. If the required
clearing times are less than thirty cycles, it is highly unlikely that faster breaker failure
clearing will prevent the process shutdown.

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The T60 and T35 Transformer Management Relays are microprocessor-based relays for
protection of small, medium, and large three-phase power transformers. The T60 relay
can be configured with maximum of four three-phase current inputs and four ground
current inputs (banks), and can satisfy applications with transformer windings connected
between two breakers, such as in a ring bus or in breaker-and-a-half configurations. The
T35 Transformer Management Relay is available with two to six banks of three-phase
inputs: either CTs, or CTs and VTs for applications of up to six breakers/CTs associated
to transformer windings The T60 and T35 relays perform magnitude and phase shift
compensation internally, eliminating requirements for external CT connections and
auxiliary CTs.
The Percent Differential element is the main protection function, which is identical in
both T60 and T35 relays. Instantaneous Differential protection, Volts-per-Hertz (T60
only), Restricted Ground Fault (T60 only), and many current, voltage, and frequency-
based protection elements are also incorporated.
The T60 and T35 include sixteen fully programmable universal comparators–
(FlexElements™), that provide additional flexibility allowing the user to customize their
own protection functions using any signal measured or calculated by the relay.


The CT primary and secondary ratings are entered here. The relay assumes that the CTs
are connected in a wye configuration with polarity marks as shown in the wiring diagram
per the manual. It also assumes that CTs with a 5A secondary are connected to the 5A
relay inputs (terminals with an “a” in their designation), while CTs with a 1A secondary
are connected to the 1A relay inputs (terminals with a “c” in their designations). Figure
I-1 depicts CTs assignments for 3-winding 138/69/13.2 kV transformer with CTs 600/5,
1200/5 and 2000/5 respectively in each winding.
The ratings entered here are used for ratio matching of the CTs, if summed by a Signal
Source, and in the determination of the source’s base current, as described below. Note
that the CTs and their ratios should be such that they do not present a loading constraint
on the power system. When the CTs measure directly the transformer terminal currents,
this usually means that the primary

Figure I-1. Transformer CTs configuration

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rating of the CT should not be less than the full forced cooled rating of the transformer,
as CTs typically have a rating factor of 150%, and few operators allow transformer
emergency loading above 140% of the forced cooled rating
Sources are a mechanism that allows creation of named entities that may sum currents
from different CT banks, and associate the currents along with their voltage inputs.
Source settings specify which DSP (CT/VT) module currents and voltages are processed
for later use. For example, specifying Phase CT input as “F5” means that 3-phase current
measured by DSP module installed in the slot “F”, terminals starting from “5” are
processed on this particular source. Protection elements use sources to specify which AC
inputs they use. The base current and the primary rating of a source is the highest CT
primary rating of the CTs summed by that source. Any currents summed by a source are
rescaled to this base before summing. Overcurrent relay settings are in per unit on the
base of the source it measures. The differential elements use this primary rating to
determine its base current.
For transformer applications, it is advantageous to have a separate source for each CT
bank, rather than using sources to sum the currents that add to the winding current. This
provides with extra security during through fault with some CT saturated due to
differential element can obtain a restraint signal from any other configured supplying
adequate current . For example, for 2-breakers applications (breaker-and-a-half or ring
connection), it’s beneficial to assign separate source for each breaker CT instead of
summing up 2 breakers CT in one source.

Figure I-2. Transformer Sources Configuration

Figure I-2 depicts sources assignments 138/69/13.2 kV transformer all three windings
CTs to different sources.


There are 2 major menus “Transformer General” and “Transformer Winding” under
System Setup\Transformer directory defining major transformer parameters and
NUMBER OF WINDINGS: defines the number of sources to be measured by the
differential elements. If, for example 3-winding transformer, has 2 breakers on the HV
side and 2 CTs are brought to the relay and configured individually, then number of
windings is set to “4”. On the contrary, if either one breaker (one CT) only exists on the
HV side or currents from 2 CTs are summed externally, then number of windings should
be set to “3”.

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Figure I-3. Transformer General Configuration


“Automatic Reference Winding Selection”

If set to “Automatic selection”, relay is choosing reference winding automatically for
differential calculations based on CT margin. To compensate for CT ratios not exactly
matching the power transformer ratio, the relay multiplies each CTinput by a magnitude
compensation factor, to put them all on a common base. This common base is the current
from the source used by the reference winding. It is also the base of the Percent
Differential settings Pickup, Break 1 and Break 2, and of the Instantaneous Differential
setting Pickup. Reference winding is chosen based on the CT margin for each winding.
Nominal current per each winding is calculated as:
I N(W ) = (I-1)
3 •V N

where S N is winding nominal power and VN is phase-phase winding nominal voltage

Margin is then calculated as ratio between winding CT primary current and winding
nominal current per equation I-1 above:
MWx = (I-2)
I N( W )

Winding with lowest margin M Wx is automatically chosen as reference.

For example, for transformer shown above in Figures I-1 and I-2 with rated capacity of
50MVA/50/MVA/50MVA respectively, reference winding is chosen as follows;
I N ( 138 ) = 50•10 = 209.2 A
3 •138
I N ( 69 ) = 50 •10 = 418.4 A
3 • 69
I N ( 13.2 ) = 50 •10 = 2186.9 A
3 •13.2

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Margin per each winding is calculated as follows;

M 138 = 600 = 2.87 M 69 = 1200 = 2.87 2000

209.2 ; 418.4 ; M 13.2 = 2186 = 0.915
As the margin at 13.2 kV side M 13.2 = 0.915 is the lowest, the 13.2kV side CT 2000/5
will be chosen automatically by the relay as reference winding.
“Manual Reference Winding selection”
Alternatively, customer can choose reference winding manually by selecting reference
winding from the list of all configured windings. This is recommended when it’s desired
to reference differential to certain winding, typically HV winding. Sometimes, due to
large CT primary on the side chosen a reference winding, differential pickup on other
winding becomes too small, leaving no margin for errors. In such situation it might be
needed to select reference winding manually as well.

PHASE COMPENSATION: Selects the type of phase compensation to be performed by

the relay. If set to “Internal (software)”, the transformer phase shift is compensated
internally by the relay algorithm. Internal (software), allows the standard wye connection
of all CTs. If set to “External (with CTs)”, the transformer phase shift is assumed
externally compensated by the CT connections.

LOAD LOSS AT RATED LOAD: This setting should be taken from the transformer
nameplate. If not available from the nameplate, the setting value can be computed as,
PR = I 2N ( W ) * R W where I 2N ( W )
is the winding rated current and R W is the three-phase
series resistance. The setting is used as an input for the calculation of the hottest-spot
winding temperature.

RATED WINDING TEMP RISE: This setting defines the winding temperature rise
over 30°C ambient temperature. The setting is automatically selected for the transformer
type as shown in the table in T60 manual.

NO LOAD LOSS: This setting is obtained from the transformer data and is used to
calculate the aging acceleration factor.
TYPE OF COOLING: The setting defines the type of transformer cooling and is used to
calculate the aging acceleration factor. The values and their description for this setting are
as follows:
“OA”: oil-air
“FA”: forced air
“Non-directed FOA/FOW”: non-directed forced-oil-air/forced-oil-water
“Directed FOA/FOW”: directed forced-oil-air/forced-oil-water
“Sealed Self Cooled”, “Vented Self Cooled”, “Forced Cooled”: as named

TOP OIL RISE OVER AMBIENT: This setting should be available from the
transformer nameplate data.

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THERMAL CAPACITY: The setting should be available from the transformer

nameplate data. If not, refer to the following calculations.
For the “OA” and “FA” cooling types:
C = 0.06 (core and coil assembly in lbs.) + 0.04 (tank and fittings in lbs.) +1.33 (gallons
of oil), Wh/°C; or
C = 0.0272 (core and coil assembly in kg) + 0.01814 (tank and fittings in kg) + 5.034 (L
of oil), Wh/°C
For “FA” (forced-air) cooling type of cooling, either directed or non-directed, the thermal
capacity is given by:
C = 0.06 (core and coil assembly in lbs.) + 0.06 (tank and fittings in lbs.) + 1.93 (gallons
of oil), Wh/°C; or
C =0.0272 (weight of core and coil assembly in kg) + 0.0272 (weight of tank and fittings
in kg) + 7.305 (L of oil), Wh/°C
For dry-type power transformers:
C = 0.048 × (weight of copper winding); or
C = 0.015 × (weight of core and copper windings from the nameplate); or
C = 0.12 × (weight of aluminum windings); or
C = 0.02 × (weight of core and aluminum coils from the nameplate)

WINDING THERMAL TIME CONSTANT: Required for insulation aging

calculation. If this value is not available from the transformer data, select “2 min.”.

Figure I-4. Transformer Windings Configuration

Transformer “Windings” menu defines winding nominal parameters and group
connections used for phase and magnitude compensation. Transformer differential
protection calculates following quantities (per phase): current fundamental frequency,
2nd and 5th harmonic differential current phasors, and restraint current phasors. This
information is extracted from the current transformers (CTs) connected to the relay by
correcting the magnitude and phase relationships of the currents for each winding per
winding configuration, so as to obtain zero (or near zero) differential currents under
normal operating conditions. Traditionally, these corrections were accomplished by
interposing CTs and tapped relay windings with some combination of CT connections.
The T60 simplifies these configuration issues. All CTs at the transformer are connected
Wye (polarity markings pointing away from the transformer). User-entered settings in the
relay characterizing the transformer being protected and allow the relay to automatically
perform all necessary magnitude, phase angle, and zero sequence compensation.

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WINDING x SOURCE: Defines CT connection for each winding per source, configured
under Sources menu as shown on the Figure I-2 above

WINDING x RATED MVA: Defines MVA per each winding source, used to calculate
winding nominal current for magnitude compensation. T60/T35 calculate magnitude
compensation factor for each winding as follows:
( Wx ) ( Wx )
MWx = (I-3)
( Wref ) ( Wref )
For example, for transformer shown on Figures I-2 to I-4, magnitude compensation
factors for each winding are calculated as follows:
C = 2000•13.2 = 1.00
For 13.2 kV as a reference winding, chosen automatically, M13.2 2000•13.2
C = 600•138 = 3.136
For 138 kV winding, it’s M138

C = 1200• 69 = 3.136
For 69 kV winding, it’s M 69
The maximum allowed magnitude compensation factor (and hence the maximum allowed
CT ratio mismatch) is 32.

WINDING x NOMINAL ∅-∅ VOLTAGE: Defines phase-to-phase nominal voltage

per each winding source, used to calculate winding nominal current for magnitude
compensation s shown above.

WINDING x CONNECTION: Defines transformer group connection per each winding

used for phase compensation. WYE, DELTA or ZIG-ZAG winding connection has to be
reflected with this setting. The first Delta or Zig-Zag winding in the order they appear in
the transformer winding set up, becomes phase reference winding. When none of the
above winding connections are present, the reference is the first Wye winding.

WINDING x GROUNDING: If transformer-winding neutral is grounded, then “Within

zone” has to be selected. Once winding neutral is selected as grounded within zone, zero-
sequence current is automatically calculated and removed from differential calculations.
If there is a grounding bank within differential zone on that winding, such as station
transformer, then grounding should be also selected as “within zone”.

WINDING x ANGLE WRT WINDING 1: Selects the angle of the phase shift for all
windings with respect to (WRT) to winding #1. The angle for the first winding from the
transformer setup must be 0° and the angles for the following windings must be entered
as negative (lagging) angle with respect to (WRT) the Winding 1. This is also closely
related to system phase rotation ABC or ACB.
For example,
• Y/d-1 per IEC nomenclature ABC rotation results in setting of 30° in T60/T35

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•Y/d-1 per IEC nomenclature ACB rotation results in setting of 330° in T60/T35
• Y/d-11 per IEC nomenclature ABC rotation results in setting of 330° in T60/T35
• Y/d-11 per IEC nomenclature ACB rotation results in setting of 30° in T60/T35
• D/y-1 per IEC nomenclature ABC rotation results in setting of 30° in T60/T35
Refer to T60/T35 manual for more details on phase and magnitude compensation.

WINDING x RESISTANCE: Defines winding resistance used in transformer aging



There are 2 differential elements under Grouped Elements\ Group X \ Transformer menu:
Percent Differential and Instantaneous Differential. The T60/T35 Percent Differential
element is based on a configurable dual-breakpoint / dual-slope differential restraint
characteristic. The purpose of the preset characteristic is to define the differential/
restraint ratio for the transformer winding currents at different loading conditions and
distinguish between external and internal faults. Differential/restraint ratio variations
occur due to current unbalance between primary and secondary windings and can be
caused by the following:
1. Inherent CT inaccuracies.
2. Onload tap changer operation - it adjusts the transformer ratio and consequently the
winding currents.
3. CT saturation.

Figure I-5. Transformer Percent Differential menu

PERCENT DIFFERENTIAL PICKUP: This setting defines the minimum differential
current required for operation. It is chosen, based on the amount of differential current

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that might be seen under normal load operating conditions. Two factors may create
differential current during the normal transformer operation: errors due to CT
inaccuracies and current variation due to on-load tap changer operation. A setting of 0.1
to 0.3 is generally recommended (the factory default is 0.1 pu). More precisely setting
can be calculated as follows:
• Error due to CT inaccuracy: assume CT class with 5% guaranteed accuracy is
used. Worst case is when CTs on different Tx windings generate errors in
opposite direction, one CT generates +5% error while another –5% error.
± 5% • I N ( W ) • M C
(W )
I ERR = (pu) (I-4)
(W ) CT

DIFPKP = I ERR − I ERR + TCHANGER + 0.05 (pu) (I-5)

( W1 ) (W 2 )
where 0.05pu is recommended security margin
For example, for transformer shown on Figures I-2 to I-4, error can be estimated
as follows:
I ERR = 1.05• 209.2 • 3.136 = 1.14 (pu)
( 138 ) 600
I ( 13.2 ) = 0. 95 • 2186 .9 •1.0 = 1.04 (pu)
DIFPKP = 1.14 − 1.04 + 0.05 = 0.15
• Error due to tap changer will add more to differential pickup setting. If tap
changer changes ratio by 10%, then 0.1 pu has to be added in formula I-5 above.

PERCENT DIFFERENTIAL SLOPE 1: This setting defines the differential restraint

during normal operating conditions to assure sensitivity to internal faults. The setting
must be high enough, however, to cope with CT saturation errors during saturation under
small current magnitudes but significant and long lasting DC components (such as during
distant external faults in vicinity of generators).

Figure I-6. Transformer Percent Differential characteristics

This setting can be calculated as worst-case differential current over restraint during such
conditions as follows:

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SLOPE1 = ( ) • 100% + K S % (I-6)
where K S % is safety margin withrecommended values of 5 to 10%
For example above, assuming restraint value maximum of 2 windings currents, which is
1.14pu plus +5% of safety margin, yields following:
0.15 pu
SLOPE1 = ( ) • 100% + 5% = 18%
1.14 pu

PERCENT DIFFERENTIAL BREAK 1: Break 1 should be set below a current that

would cause CT saturation due to DC components and/or residual magnetism. The latter
may be as high as 80% of the nominal flux, effectively reducing the CT capabilities by
the factor of 5. Therefore this setting should correspond to the maximum of the linear
operation of the CT, counting up to 80% remanent flux in the core of the CT. To
calculate this setting, CTs knee-point voltage and CTs secondary burden are needed.
⎡V •M C ⎤
⎢ SAT (W )⎥
BP1 = ⎢
CT ⎥ • 0.2 (pu) (I-7)
⎢ R B • I SEC ⎥
⎣ ⎦

where R B = 2 • Rlead + RCT sec + Rrelay is a CT burden resistance, including CT secondary

resistance RCT sec , 2 times conductor resistance Rlead and the relay input resistance
CT is CT secondary nominal current. V
Rrelay . I SEC SAT is CT knee-point voltage.
The Breakpoint 1 is calculated per formula I-7 above for each winding CT, and then the
smallest per unit value is entered as a setting.

PERCENT DIFFERENTIAL BREAK 2: The Break 2 setting defines beginning of the

Slope 2 restraint region to ensure stability during heavy through fault conditions, where
CT saturation results in high differential current. Break 2 should be set below the fault
current that is most likely to saturate some CTs due to an AC component alone.
⎡V •M C ⎤
⎢ SAT (W )⎥
BP2 = ⎢ ⎥ (pu) (I-8)
⎢ R B • I SEC ⎥
⎣ ⎦

PERCENT DIFFERENTIAL SLOPE 2: The Slope 2 setting ensures stability during

heavy through fault conditions, where CT saturation results in high differential current.
Slope 2 should be set high to cater for the worst case where one set of CTs saturates but
the other set doesn't. In such case the ratio of the differential to restraint current
can be as high as 95 to 98%.
The amount of the spurious differential current (magnetizing current of CT) during
external fault can be calculated using the burden, magnetizing characteristic and primary
maximum fault current of the noted CT by solving the following equations:
I relay = I sec 2 − I 2 magnetizing (I-9)
I sec • R B = Vmagnetizing (I-10)

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where I sec is maximum external fault secondary current, I relay is current supplied by
the saturated CT to the relay, I magnetizing is a magnetizing current of the saturated CT,
Vmagnetizing is a magnetizing voltage at secondary fault current.


sample CT
Vmag (V)


0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Imag (A)

Figure I-7. Sample CT magnetizing curve

The magnetizing current of the saturated CT will appear to the differential element
protecting the transformer. Therefore slope has to high enough to cope with this spurious
differential current.
I magnetizing
SLOPE 2 = ( ) • 100% + K S % (I-11)
I relay
where K S % is the safety margin with recommended values of 15% to 25%. Safety factor
accounts for additional spilled differential current due to DC offset in the current,
remanence effect, and errors in calculations.
For example, if sample CT with magnetizing characteristics shown on the Figure I-7
with CT ratio 600/5 and burden 2.1Ω is exposed to maximum 3-phase fault current of
14kA, following calculations are to be carried out;
1. Secondary fault current is equal to: I sec = = 14000 = 116.67 A
N CT 120
2. Voltage at CT terminals is equal to: Vmagnetizing = I sec • R B = 116.67 • 2.1 = 245V
3. Using sample CT curve per Figure I-7, magnetizing current can be obtained equal
to I magnetizing = 45 A .
4. Now current supplied by CT to the relay can be calculated per formula I-9 as:
I relay = I sec 2 − I 2 magnetizing = 116.67 2 − 45 2 = 107.6 A
5. Slope 2 is then determined per formula I-11 as:

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I magnetizing
SLOPE 2 = ( ) • 100% + 10% = ( 45 ) • 100% + 20% = 61.8%
I relay 107.6
Note that minimum available setting for Slope 2 is 50%.

After Pickup, Break 1, Break 2, Slope 1 and Slope 2 are calculated, sensitivity of
protection has to be checked for the minimum fault conditions;
⎡ I min • M C + …+ I min • M C ⎤
⎢⎣ F ( W 1 ) ( W1 ) F ( Wn ) ( Wn ) ⎥⎦
K= (I-12)
max ⎡ I min • M C , I min •M C ,I min • M C ⎤ • S1( 2 )
⎢⎣ F ( W 1 ) (W1 ) F( W 2 ) ( W 2 ) F ( Wn ) ( Wn ) ⎥⎦
To determine sensitivity margin factor K, values of minimum fault current from all sides
has to be obtained from the fault studies. Maximum fault current from any side matched
by compensating factor M will become restraint current. Using value of that current,
Slope, used during minimum fault current conditions can be determined (slope 1 or 2
value). Slope 1 or 2 value during minimum fault current conditions is then used in
formula I-12.
Value of factor K should not be less than 2.

INRUSH INHIBIT FUNCTION: This setting provides a choice for 2nd harmonic
differential protection blocking during magnetizing inrush conditions. Two choices are
available: “Adapt. 2nd”, and “Trad. 2nd” – traditional 2nd harmonic blocking. The
adaptive 2nd harmonic inhibit responds to both magnitudes and phase angles
relationships between the 2nd harmonic and the fundamental frequency components. The
traditional 2nd harmonic restraint responds to the ratio of magnitudes of the 2nd
harmonic and fundamental frequency components. If low second harmonic ratios
duringmagnetizing inrush conditions are not expected, the relay should be set to
traditional way of restraining.

INRUSH INHIBIT MODE: This setting specifies mode of blocking on magnetizing

inrush conditions. Modern transformers may produce small 2nd harmonic ratios during
inrush conditions. This may result in undesired tripping of the protected transformer.
Reducing the 2nd harmonic inhibit threshold may jeopardize dependability and speed of
protection. The 2nd harmonic ratio, if low, causes problems in one phase only. This may
be utilized as a mean to ensure security by applying cross-phase blocking rather than
lowering the inrush inhibit threshold.
• If set to “Per phase”, the relay performs inrush inhibit individually in each phase.
If used on modern transformers, this setting should be combined with adaptive
2nd harmonic function.
• If set to “2-out-of-3”, the relay checks 2nd harmonic level in all three phases
individually. If any two phases establish a blocking condition, the remaining
phase is restrained automatically.
• If set to “Average”, the relay first calculates the average 2nd harmonic ratio, then
applies the inrush threshold to the calculated average. This mode works only in
conjunction with the traditional 2nd harmonic function.

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INRUSH INHIBIT LEVEL: This setting specifies the level of 2nd harmonic component
in the transformer magnetizing inrush current above which the percent differential
element will be inhibited from operating. The value of the INRUSH INHIBIT MODE
setting must be taken into account when programming this value. The INRUSH
INHIBIT LEVEL is typically set to 20%.

OVEREXCITATION INHIBIT MODE: An overexcitation condition resulting from an

increased V/Hz ratio poses a danger to the protected transformer, hence the V/Hz
protection. A given transformer can, however, tolerate an overfluxing condition for a
limited time, as the danger is associated with thermal processes in the core. Instantaneous
tripping of the transformer from the differential protection is not desirable. The relay uses
a traditional 5th harmonic ratio for inhibiting its differential function during
overexcitation conditions. This setting can be chosen as either “Disabled” or “5th”
harmonic only.
OVEREXCITATION INHIBIT LEVEL: This setting is provided to block the
differential protection during overexcitation and applicable when INHIBIT MODE is set
to “5th” harmonic only. When the 5th harmonic level exceeds the specified setting (5th
harmonic ratio) the differential element is blocked. The overexcitation inhibit works on a
per-phase basis.
The Instantaneous Differential element acts as an instantaneous overcurrent element
responding to the measured differential current magnitude (filtered fundamental
frequency component) and applying a user-selectable pickup threshold. The pickup
threshold should be set greater than the maximum spurious differential current that could
be encountered under non-internal fault conditions (typically magnetizing inrush current
or an external fault with extremely severe CT saturation).
• The setting must be higher than the maximum differential current the relay may
detect on through fault accounting for CT saturation. Maximum differential current
value in pu can be used estimated in section PERCENT DIFFERENTIAL SLOPE 2
• The setting must be higher than the maximum inrush current during energization.
• The setting must be lower than the maximum internal fault current seen from any
I max • M C
F( W1 ) (W )
DIFPKP = 0.8 • (pu) (I-13)
Restricted Ground Fault protection (RGF) menu is found under Grouped Elements\
Group X \ Ground Current\ Restricted Ground Fault menu.

Four Restricted Ground Fault elements are available. Restricted Ground Fault (RGF)
protection provides sensitive ground fault detection for low-magnitude fault currents,
primarily faults close to the neutral point of a Wye-connected winding. An internal

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ground fault on an impedance grounded Wye winding will produce a fault current
dependent on the ground impedance value and the fault position on the winding with
respect to the neutral point.

Figure I-8. Restricted Ground Fault menu

The resultant primary current will be negligible for faults on the lower 30% of the
winding since the fault voltage is not the system voltage, but rather the result of the
transformation ratio between the primary windings and the percentage of shorted turns on
the secondary. Therefore, the resultant differential currents may be below the slope
threshold of the main differential element and the fault could go undetected. Application
of the RGF protection extends the coverage towards the neutral point.

If CT(1200:1)


CTg (600:1)

Figure I-9. Restricted Ground Fault connections & principle

The differential current is produced as an unbalance current between the ground current
of the neutral CT (IG) and the neutral current derived from the phase CTs (IN = IA + IB
+ IC):
I gd = I G + I N = I G + I A + I B + I C
The relay automatically matches the CT ratios between the phase and ground CTs by re-
scaling the ground CT to the phase CT level.
The restraining signal ensures stability of protection during CT saturation conditions and
is produced as a maximum value between three components related to zero, negative, and
positive-sequence currents of the three phase CTs as follows:

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where IR1 and IR2 are variable depending on some conditions.

I rest = max( IR0 , IR1 , IR2 )
Refer to T60 manual for exact details how restraint quantities are formed.

RESTRICTED GROUND FAULT x PICKUP: This setting defines the minimum

differential current required for operation. It’s chosen based on the magnitude of the
ground fault current at 5% point from the transformer neutral. To determine pickup
setting value, first maximum phase-to-ground fault current value us determined:
( Wx )
RGFPKP = 0.05 • (pu) (I-14)
3 • RG • I PRI
where RG is the grounding resistor value.

RESTRICTED GROUND FAULT x SLOPE: This setting defines the bias

characteristics for this element. The setting for the slope should be selected based on 2
1. Reliable detection of the internal fault currents corresponding to the point of the
selected distance from the transformer neutral. This is calculated based on the
ability to detect ground fault at 5% from transformer neutral during transformer
full load current.
8.0 • RGFPKP • I PRI
RGFSLOPE = • 100% − K S % (I-15)
I N(W )
where K S % is the safety margin with recommended values of 10% to 20%.

For example, for 11kV winding of the 10MV transformer with CT 600/5 and
grounding resistor of 6.3Ω, this result in the following;
RGFPKP = 0.05 • 11000 = 0.08 pu
3 • 6.3• 600
RGFSLOPE = 8.0 • 0.08• 600 • 100% − 20% = 53%
2. Security check during external 1-phase faults with or without CT saturation
when fault current is greater at least than 1.5pu. Function should produce
enough restraint not to operate during such external fault condition;

ext = 3 • I1 max − RGF
ID (I-16)

Restraint is estimated as zero-sequence current restraint, which is maximum for

this fault:

ext = 3 • I1 max + RGF
IR (I-17)

Then security factor is calculated to check either element has enough restraint:
ext •100%
SF = ≥ 1.3 (I-18)
ext • RGF

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If S F ≥ 1.3 then element is secure during external fault

Refer to GE publication GET-8427B for more details of RGF settings calculations.

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Shunt reactors are used to provide inductive reactance to compensate for the effects
of high charging current of long transmission lines and pipe-type cables. For light
load conditions, this charging current can produce more leading reactive kVA than
the system can absorb without risk of instability or excessively high voltages at the
line terminals.
Two basic shunt-reactor configurations are considered:
1) Dry-type, connected ungrounded wye which are connected to the impedance-
grounded tertiary of a power transformer.
2) Oil-immersed, wye-connected, with a solidly grounded or impedance-grounded
neutral, connected to the transmission system.
Major fault protection for dry-type reactors is generally achieved through over-
current, differential, or negative-sequence relaying schemes, or by a combination of
these relaying schemes. Protection for low-level turn-to-turn faults is provided by a
voltage-unbalance relay scheme with compensation for inherent unbalance.
Major fault protection for oil-immersed reactors is generally achieved through over-
current relaying, differential relaying, or a combination of both. Protection for low-
level turn-to-turn faults is provided by impedance, thermal, gas-accumulator, or
sudden-pressure relays, or by a combination of these relays.
This document covers protection of oil-immersed reactors.

UR relay
F 1a

F 1b

F 2a

F 2b

F 3a



F 4b


F 5b

F 6a
F 6b

F 7a

F 8a

F 8b

Figure J-10. CT connections to T35/T60 relay

Oil-immersed reactors are generally connected to one or both ends of a long
transmission line, as shown in Figure above, are wye-connected with a solidly grounded
neutral. These reactor banks may be switched or may be permanently connected to the
line. Another reactor-bank arrangement that has recently come into use for single-pole
tripping and reclosing of circuit breakers is the four-reactor scheme. In this application, a
fourth reactor is connected between the reactor-bank neutral and ground to suppress the

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secondary arc current in a faulted and disconnected phase conductor during single-phase
fault interruption.
Oil-immersed reactors may also be connected to the substation bus, and as with line-
connected reactors, are generally solidly grounded and may be either switched or
permanently connected to the bus. Relaying protection for bus connected reactors and
for four-reactor configured banks is basically the same as that used for line-
connected, solidly grounded, oil-immersed reactors

Basically, protection of the shunt reactor is provided by the following functions:

a. Percent differential
b. Backup overcurrent
c. Protection for Turn-to-Turn faults
d. Overvoltage function
e. Pole Disagreement Protection


Percent differential schemes (T35/T60) are applied as primary protection for the detection
of winding-to-core or winding-to-tank faults. Where a reactor differential relaying
scheme is used, it is recommended that the current transformers on both sides of the
reactor have similar excitation characteristics.. One of the principal difficulties with shunt
reactor protection is false relay operation during iron-core reactor energizing and de-
energizing. During these periods, DC offset with long time-constants and low-frequency
components of the reactor energization current cause the most problems.

Figure J-11. Winding configuration on T35/T60 relay

Assume that 33MVA reactor in each phase in connected to 230kV line. T36/T60
transformer differential element is used for reactor percent differential protection. Both
winding are configured as Wye connection with grounding “Not within zone”.

The minimum PKP setting defines the minimum differential current, which may occur
during normal operating conditions mainly due to CT errors. For example, if we have
installed C class accuracy CT (up to 10% error) on each winding of the transformer, the
minimum per-unit differential current can be defined as;

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±10% • S N • 3
W) = (pu) (J-19)
where S N is the reactor nominalcapacity in each phase
V N is system nominal line voltage
CT is CT primary rated current
For CT’s 300/1A differential pickup can be calculated as
1.1• S N • 3 0.9 • S N • 3
DIFPKP = - + 0.05 = 0.91 - 0.75 + 0.05 = 0.21 (pu) (J-20)
where 0.05 is security margin

Figure J-12. Percent differential menu

Slope 1 can be calculate the same as for transformer protection with formula J-6 above
using pickup and restraint equal to 1.1•IN calculated with formula J-20 above;
SLOPE1 = (
) • 100% + K S % =
• 100% + 5% = 28% (J-21)


Break 1 should be set below a current that would cause CT saturation due to DC
components and/or residual magnetism. The latter may be as high as 80% of the nominal
flux, effectively reducing the CT capabilities by the factor of 5. Calculation of these
settings is similar to Transformer Differential outlined by formulas J-7 and J-8 above.

The Slope 2 setting ensures stability during heavy through fault conditions, where CT
saturation results in high differential current. Calculation of this settings is similar to
Transformer Differential outlined by formulas J-9 and J-11 above.

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The settings of the 2nd harmonic inhibit function are used for inhibiting the percent
differential protection from operation during reactor energization. The settings
combination of “Trad. 2nd” for the Inrush inhibit function, and “2-out-of-3” for the Inrush
inhibit mode were selected for this application, as it provides good 87T inhibiting and at
the same time, does not influence the operation of the protection, during internal faults


Inrush inhibit mode is recommended “2-out-of-3” for three-pole tripping applications and
“per phase” for single-pole tripping applications.


Commonly setting of 0.2 pu is used. It can be adjusted based on reactor manufacturer
specifications or reactor energization experimental data.


The setting for the instantaneous differential protection is selected to be higher than the
maximum per-unit current, that the relay will measure as differential current during
reactor energization, and above the maximum differential current, that can appear on
through faults due to CT saturation. The energization of the reactor is mostly not of
consideration for this setting, as there is no high inrush currents usually occurs. The
setting of this protection should be determined by checking for CT saturation on through
faults, and fault currents due to internal faults.
The maximum through fault current, produces higher per-unit measurements from both
sides of the reactor, if none of the CTs saturate. However, if one set of CTs saturates, on
such through faults (because unequal CT secondary burden impedances), the relay may
detect differential current. Therefore, it will depend on the degree of CT saturation, to
define the maximum per-unit differential current that can be detected. For example, if the
through fault current on the line side of the 230kV winding is measured as same 10pu,
and the one on the corresponding phase from neutral side of the reactor is measured again
as 20000/2000 = 10pu, no differential current will be produced. However, if the CT on
the neutral side of the reactor does not produce 10pu secondary current, but say 4pu due
to CT saturation during high fault current, the relay will compute differential current of Id
= 10pu-4pu = 6pu
Therefore, the pickup for such application protection should be above 6pu.
A sensitivity check should made also for maximum internal fault current, to verify either
PKP setting of the instantaneous differential is smaller enough than maximum internal
fault current.


Ground fault backup overcurrent protection can be provided by a neutral TOC/IOC
overcurrent element. Phase overcurrent TOC/IOC provides protection for medium-to-
large fault currents.

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Protection for Turn-to-Turn faults is usually provided by:
a. Distance relay (D30/D60), which are usually applied to detect shorted
turns in iron-core shunt reactors. The apparent impedance seen by the relay
during the inrush period, when the reactor is energized, limits the turn-to-turn
fault sensitivity that can be achieved. The relay reach must be set below the
reduced impedance seen during this inrush period and should be selected so
that the relay will not operate incorrectly on the natural frequency oscillation
which occurs when a compensated transmission line is de-energized.
b. Sudden-pressure relay or gas-accumulator relay or both generally provide
the most sensitive means of detecting turn-to-turn faults within oil-immersed
reactors. Contact from these devices can be brought into UR relay via contact
inputs and configure for tripping and alarm.


Overvoltage function which is used to reduce the risk of excessively high voltage at the
line terminals, particularly when the local circuit breaker(s) is (are) open and the line is
energized from the remote end. Overvoltage relays may be used to disconnect the
reactors under extreme high-voltage conditions, but in this case, the associated
transmission line must be de-energized at the same time, otherwise disconnection of the
reactors would only further aggravate the overvoltage condition on the system.
Overvoltage protection can be implemented in 2 steps with 2 different time delays: for
example V1st =1.1pu@1min and V2nd =1.2pu@1sec.


Pole Disagreement Protection is needed because switching equipment usually consists of
single pole devices, which are not mechanically linked, with each pole having an
independent operator. With such an arrangement, the possibility exists that one pole may
not operate coincidentally with the other poles, thus creating an undesirable imbalance in
system voltages or, in case the switching equipment were called upon to isolate the
reactor bank to clear a fault, might fail to remove the faulted reactor from service. To
ensure that all poles of the switching equipment function in unison, two methods of
detecting pole disagreement can be used, either together or separately. The first method
utilizes auxiliary contacts on the various pole operators of the switching equipment so
that if all poles are not open or closed at the same time a trip circuit is provided to trip all
poles to trip backup circuit breakers to isolate the switching equipment. A second method
of detecting pole disagreement uses a pole disagreement relay designed to compare the
currents in each reactor connected to the transmission system.

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The substation bus and switchgear are the parts of the power system used to direct the
flow of power to various feeders and to isolate apparatus and circuits from the power
system. These parts include the bus bars, circuit breakers, fuses, disconnection
devices, current transformers (CTs), voltage transformers (VTs), and the structure on
or in which they are mounted. To isolate bus faults, all power source circuits
connected to the bus are opened electrically by circuit breakers responding to relay
action. In view of the system downtime resulting from a bus fault, the equipment
should be designed to be as nearly fault proof as practicable. Regardless of the steps
taken to avoid bus faults, such faults occasionally occur. High-speed protective
relaying should be used to minimize fault duration. Shorter faults limit damage and
mitigate the effects on other parts of the power system. Providing proper bus
protection requires a well-designed system.
The number of circuits that are connected to a bus varies widely. When there are
more than six to eight circuits involved, buses are often split to a by a circuit breaker
(bus tie), or a bus arrangement in service is used that minimizes the number of
circuits that must be opened for a bus fault. There are many bus arrangements in
service dictated by the application, economics and flexibility of operation: major
types are illustrated on the figures below.


1 2 3 ---- n-1 n

Figure J-1. Single-bus scheme with bus differential relaying

Single-bus scheme with single breaker per circuit with bus differential relaying is
mostly applied for distribution and lower transmission voltage levels buses. It doesn’t
have operating flexibility and during fault on the bus scheme trips all circuit breakers.

Figure J-2. Sectionalized-bus scheme single breaker with a bus tie

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Two section bus with a single breaker per circuit with a bus tie breaker is used on lower
transmission voltages-this scheme has limited operating flexibility as well.



Figure J-3. Double-bus single breaker scheme with a bus tie

Double-bus scheme single breaker with a bus tie is the most common arrangement for
both transmission and distribution voltage levels. This scheme allows for greater
operating flexibility for breaker maintenance without circuit removal. Fault on a bus
disconnects only the circuits being connected to that bus.


Figure J-4. Double-bus single breaker scheme with a transfer bus and bus tie
Double-bus single breaker scheme with a transfer bus and bus tie is another very
popular arrangement for transmission voltage level. It allows very high operating
flexibility for breaker maintenance by transferring circuit load to a transfer bus. This
arrangement has an advantage of permitting maintenance of either bus or any breaker. In
this arrangement care has to be taken in operating disconnect switches in te proper
sequence to prevent scheme operation under load.

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Figure J-5. Breaker-and-a-half bus scheme

Breaker-and-a-half bus scheme provides the facilities of the double main bus at a
reduction in equipment cist by using three breakers for each two circuits. However,
more complicated engineering s involved as middle breaker in each tie must be
responsive for troubles on either of its associated circuits in the correct sequence.
L1 L2


B1 B2


L3 L4
Figure J-6. Ring bus scheme

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An important advantage of the ring bus is that it requires the use of only one circuit
breaker per circuit into or out of the bus as illustrated in Figure J-6 above. Another
advantage is that each outgoing circuit has, in effect, two sources of supply. Scheme used
on higher transmission voltage levels.
There are different protection methods and techniques for bus relaying:
1. Interlocking schems
2. The differential circuit using simple overcurrent relay (unrestrained
3. High Impedance (voltage operated) differential relaying
4. Liner couplers
5. Low impedance percentage restrained (biased) differential relaying
Both UR series B30 and B90 relays are employing indicated per (5) above low
impedance percentage restrained differential principle. This low-impedance approach
does not require dedicated CTs, can tolerate substantial CT saturation and provides for
high-speed tripping. B30 and B90 relays perform CT ratio compensation eliminating the
need for matching CTs. Microprocessor-based relays allow for advanced algorithms
supplementing the percent differential protection function thus making the application of
the relay simpler but very secure. Advantages are following;
a) Protection of re-configurable busbars becomes easier as the dynamic bus
replica (bus image) can be accomplished without switching current secondary
b) Integrated Breaker Fail (BF) function can provide optimal tripping strategy
depending on the actual configuration of a busbar.
c) Security is enhanced in 2 different ways: first the differential protection
function uses a double-slope double- breakpoint characteristic, secondly the
operating region of the characteristic is divided into two areas Region 1 (low
differential current) and Region 2 (high differential current with possible CT


Region 2 HIGH
Region 1



Figure J-7. B30/B90 differential menu and characteristics

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Differential current I D is calculated as sum of all connected to a given bus feeders

current after CT matching operation;
ID = ∑ Ik
k =1
where I k is current phasor of individual feeder and N is number of feeders
Restraint current is chosen as a maximum of the absolute value of all currents;
I R = max ( Ik )
k =1..N
For the Region 1 of the differential characteristics, the differential operating
condition is declared (DIF1) if following is satisfied;
( )
I D > D pkp AND I D > S L • I R AND I D < B H • S H ( )
where D pkp is differential pickup setting
S L and S H are low and high slope settings
B H is the high breakpoint setting
For the Region 2 of the differential characteristics, the differential operating
condition is declared (DIF2) if following is satisfied;
I D > S H • I R AND I D > BH • S H
d) In order to enhance the security, the directional principle and CT saturation
detector are used. For the directional principle, the angle between major fault
current contributor phasor and differential minus this contributor phasor is
checked. If angle is within limit angle than fault is considered internal. If not-
fault is external.

Internal Fault Conditions

⎛ Ip ⎞ BLOCK
imag ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ID − I p ⎟
⎝ ⎠
⎛ Ip ⎞
ID - Ip real ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ID − I p ⎟
⎝ ⎠


Figure J-8. B30/B90 directional principle

As illustrated in Figure J-9, in the Region 1 differential operation DIF1 is supervised

just by directional principle, while in the region 2 is also supervised by CT saturation
as well.

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Figure J-9. B30/B90 directional and CT saturation trip supervision

The B30/B90 relay operates in the 2-out-of-2 mode in the first region of the
differential characteristic. Both differential and directional principles must confirm an
internal fault in order for the biased differential element to operate.
The relay operates in the dynamic 1-out-of-2 / 2-out-of-2 mode in the second region
of the differential characteristic. If the saturation detector does not detect CT
saturation, the differential protection principle alone is capable of operating the biased
differential element. If CT saturation is detected, both differential and directional
principles must confirm an internal fault in order for the biased differential element to
Because of diverse operating modes in the first and second regions of the differential
characteristic, the user gains double control over the dependability and security
issues. The first level includes slopes and breakpoints of the characteristic with regard
to the amount of the bias. The second level includes control over the split between the
first and second regions of the characteristic.


In order to illustrate settings selection, following sample double bus arrangement with
North and South buses will be used. This station has five circuits (C-1 through C-5) and a
tiebreaker (B-7). Circuit C-1 is connected to the North bus; circuits C-2, C-3 and C-4 can
be routed to either bus via switches S-1 through S-6; circuit C-5 can be connected to
either bus via breakers B-5 and B-6.

C-3 C-5

B-1 S-1 S-3 S-5


CT-1 CT-2 B-2 CT-4 B-4 CT-7

CT-3 B-3


S-2 S-4 S-6


C-1 C-2 C-4

Figure J-10. Sample bus system

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To provide the bus differential zoning as shown in the figures, eight currents need to be
measured. Consequently, the protection can be accomplished either by one B90 or by two
B30s protecting separately North and South buses.


CT-1 600:5 144 0.34 210

CT-2 600:5 144 0.34 205

CT-3 1200:5 288 0.64 200

CT-4 1000:5 240 0.54 200

CT-5, CT-6 1000:5 240 0.54 180

CT-7, CT-8 1200:5 288 0.64 200

Table J-1. Sample bus system CT data

The basic CT data is presented in the table above. Below fault data and sample system
time constants are shown.


C-1 0.00 N/A

C-2 0.00 N/A

C-3 6.00 5

C-4 5.00 30

C-5 3.00 40

Table J-2. Sample system fault data

The magnetizing characteristics of the three different types of CTs used in this example
are shown in the following figure below.




Magnetizing Voltage, V


-2 -1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10
Magnetizing Current, A

Figure J-11. Sample CT magnetizing curves

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The B30 (B90 zone) for the North bus should be wired and configured as follows:
•CT-1 currents should be configured as B1:CT1 (F1 CT bank) and used as the source
of the bus differential zone 1 together with the FlexLogic™ “On” constant for the
•CT-2 currents should be configured as B2:CT2 (F5 CT bank) and used as the source
of the bus differential zone 1 together with the status of the S-1 switch.
•CT-3 currents should be configured as B3:CT3 (L1 CT bank) and used as the source
of the bus differential zone 1 together with the status of the S-3 switch.
•CT-4 currents should be configured as B4:CT4 (L5 CT bank) and used as the source
of the bus differential zone 1 together with the status of the S-5 switch.
•CT-5 currents should be configured as B5:CT5 (U1 CT bank) and used as the source
of the bus differential zone 1 together with the FlexLogic™ “On” constant for the
•CT-8 currents should be configured as B6:CT8 (U5 CT bank) and used as the source
of the bus differential zone 1 together with the FlexLogic™ “On” constant for the

Figure J-12. CTs and Sources configuration


B30 allows up to 6 feeders to be configured on the bus zone. Bus zone should include or
exclude feeders belonging at the moment to the protected bus differential zone. With
reference to the Figure J-10 above, CT-1, CT-5 and CT-8 are permanently connected to
the bus, which is indicated by the Flexlogic operand ON in the Status setting.

Figure J-13. B30 bus zone (bus replica) configuration

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CT-2, CT3 and CT-4 might be included or excluded in the North bus differential zone,
which is reflected by the status of the corresponding isolator S-1, S-3 and S-5.
In spite of in the example is shown just one contact input connected to the isolator
auxiliary contact, for greater security it’s recommended to use 2 breaker auxiliary
contact, one NO while another NC. Using Flexlogic, status of the breaker can be
determined more precisely and securely.

Figure J-14. B30 secure isolator position monitoring

In the Figure above, there are 2 “healthy” position indications: OK (ON) and OK (OFF).
If discrepancy appears between NC and NO breaker auxiliary contacts, then last healthy
position “memorized” with a latch and conditioned with new “wrong” isolator position
will be used. Also alarm is set immediately, allowing operating personnel take preventive
The trip signal should be routed directly to the B-1, B-5 and B-7 breakers while it
should be supervised by the status of S-1, S-3 and S-5 for the B-2, B-3 and B-4
breakers, respectively.


B90 bus zone allows up to 24 feeders to be configured on the bus zone. It also allows
changing the CT polarity for the selected bus zone. This is important when same CT is
used for different zones such as tie-breaker CT.

Figure J-15. B90 bus zone (bus replica) configuration

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CT inputs are configured as individual 1-phase CT inputs.

In spite of it’s possible to use just one breaker auxiliary contact to monitor isolator
position, B90 allows for secure isolator position monitoring by using Isolator
function. This function resides in the B90 Logic relay and is communicating to B90
Protection relays via Direct I/Os.

Figure J-16. B90 isolator configuration menu

B90 isolator function requires two breaker auxiliary contacts, NC and NO, to be
connected and configured on the B90 Logic relay as shown in the Figure above.


This setting defines the minimum differential current required for operation of the
biased bus differential protection element. This setting is chosen based on the
maximum magnitude of the differential current that might be seen under minimum
load conditions. This setting prevents relay maloperation in the situation when the bus
carries little power and the restraining signal is too low to provide enough bias in the
first slope region of the differential characteristic. Setting is chosen based on the CTs
accuracy and possibility of CT AC saturation even for small load currents; for 5% of
CT accuracy, setting of 0.1pu would be adequate. Increase setting if CT accuracy is
worse or if CT AC saturation is possible during change in the load condition.
Also, if within the differential zone, there is a system component, such as capacitor
bank or station/grounding transformer, having its own protection, differential pickup
should be increased above the fault current at the secondary side of such component
to allow for protection operation of this component .


This setting defines the percentage bias for the restraining currents, from zero to the
lower breakpoint (LOW BPNT). This setting determines the sensitivity of the relay
for low current internal faults.
The setting must be high enough, however, to accommodate for the spurious
differential current resulting from inaccuracy of the CTs under load conditions and during
distant external faults. This is needed to cope with CT saturation errors during saturation
under small current magnitudes but significant and long lasting DC components (such as
during distant external faults in vicinity of generators).
When adjusting this setting, it must be kept in mind that the restraining signal used by
the biased bus differential protection element is created as the maximum of all the
input currents. To determine maximum restraint current, the minimum load current

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for each feeder is required. Maximum of these load currents is taken to calculate Low
Slope setting:
SLOPElow = (
I min load
) • 100% + K S % (J-1)
where K S % is safety margin with recommended values of 5 to 10%
For example above, assuming pickup of 0.1pu and maximum of all feeders minimum
load currents equal to 0.7pu plus +5% of safety margin, yields following:
0.1 pu
SLOPElow = ( ) • 100% + 5% = 19%
0.7 pu


This setting defines the lower breakpoint of the dual-slope operating characteristic.
The percentage bias applied for the restraining current from zero to the value specified as
LOW BPNT is given by the LOW SLOPE setting. This setting should be set above the
maximum load current. The LOW BPNT may be moved to the AC current under which
all the CTs are guaranteed to transform without saturation. This includes the effect of
residual magnetism. When adjusting this setting, it must be kept in mind that the
restraining signal is created as the maximum of all the input currents.
The limits of the linear operation of a CT, neglecting the effects of the DC component
and residual magnetism, can be approximated as follows:
V sat
I max =
where: I max is the maximum secondary current transformed without saturation (AC
component only, no residual magnetism),
R s is the total burden resistance,
V sat is the saturation voltage of the CT
The total burden resistance depends on both the fault type and connection of the CTs.
For single-line-to-ground faults and CTs connected in Wye, the burden resistance is
calculated as:
Rs = 2 • Rlead + RCT sec + Rrelay (J-3)
where: Rlead is the lead resistance (one way, hence the factor of 2)
RCT sec is the secondary CT resistance
Rrelay is the relay input resistance



CT-1 1.61 89.55 8.96 1.79

CT-2 1.58 91.25 9.13 1.83

CT-3 1.85 155.84 31.17 6.23

CT-4 1.75 137.30 22.88 4.58

CT-5, CT-6 1.63 147.42 24.57 4.91

CT-7, CT-8 1.85 155.84 31.17 6.23

Table J-3. Limits of Linear Operations of the CTs for the sample system

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Assuming 0.003 Ω/m lead resistance and approximating the B30/B90 input resistance
for the 5A input CTs as 0.2 VA / (5 A)2 or 0.008 Ω, the limits of the linear operation
of the CTs have been calculated and presented in the Limits of Linear Operations of
the CTs table above.
As an external fault may happen on any of the connected circuits, threatening
saturation of any of the CTs, the minimum value of the linear operation limit should be
taken as the HIGH BPNT setting. The limit of linear operation that neglects both the residual
magnetism and the effect of the DC component should be the base for setting the higher
breakpoint of the biased differential characteristic.
The B30/B90 requires the breakpoints to be entered as ‘pu’ values. The relay uses the
largest primary current of the CTs bounding the bus differential zone as a base for the pu
settings. North bus has the largest primary current of the CTs of 1200 A (CT-7 and CT-
8), thus upon configuration of the relays, 1200 A is automatically selected as base for the
pu quantities. With a given I base = 1200 A current, the limits of linear operation have been
recalculated to pu values as follows:
I max(sec ondary )
I max( pu ) =
I base
• CTratio (J-4)
The DC component in the primary current may saturate a given CT even with the AC
current below the suggested value of the higher breakpoint. The relay copes with this
threat by using the Saturation Detector and applying a 2-out-of-2 operating principle
upon detecting saturation.
The residual magnetism (remanence) left in the core of a CT can limit the linear
operation of the CT significantly. It is justified to assume that the residual flux could be
as high as 80% of the saturation level leaving only 20% to accommodate the flux
component created by the primary current. This phenomenon may be reflected by
reducing the saturation voltage in the calculations by the factor of 100% / 20%, or 5.
This, in turn, is equivalent to reducing the limit of linear operation by the factor of 5,
hence the last column in the Limits of Linear Operations of the CTs table.
For example, if the residual flux left in the core of the CT-1 is as high as 80% of its
saturation level, the CT will saturate at 17.92 A secondary, or 3.58 times its rated
current, or at 1.79 pu of the bus differential zone. The reduced limit of linear
operation should be used as the lower breakpoint of the biased differential
characteristic (the LOW BPNT setting). In this way the interval spanning from the lower
to higher breakpoints covers the indistinct area of possible saturation due to the
random factor of residual magnetism. The LOW BPNT setting should be set at 1.79 pu for
the North bus zone as this the minimum value among all feeders.
A combination of very high residual magnetism and a DC component with a long
time constant may saturate a given CT even with the AC current below the suggested
value of the lower breakpoint. The relay copes with this threat by using a 2-out-of-2
operating mode for low differential currents


This setting defines the percentage bias for the restraining currents above the higher
breakpoint (HIGH BPNT). This setting affects stability of the relay for heavy external
faults. Traditionally, the value chosen for this setting should be high enough to

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accommodate the spurious differential current resulting from saturation of the CTs
during heavy external faults. This requirement may be considerably relaxed in favor
of sensitivity and speed of operation as the relay detects CT saturation and upon
detection applies the directional principle to prevent maloperation. When adjusting
this setting, it must be kept in mind that the restraining signal is created as the
maximum of all the input currents.
To set the higher slope and threshold of the high set (unbiased) differential operation,
external faults must be analyzed. Consider an external fault for the North bus relay. It
is justified to assume bus configurations that give maximum stress to the maximum
number of CTs. For this purpose we will assume the tie breaker, B-7 closed; all the
circuitry capable of supplying the fault current to be in service; moreover, they are
connected to the South bus in order to analyze the CT-7 and CT-8 carrying the fault
By comparing the secondary currents (column 3 in the table below) with the limits of
linear operation for the CTs (column 4 in the Limits of Linear Operations of the CTs
table earlier), it is concluded that CT-1 will saturate during this fault, producing a
spurious differential signal for the North bus zone differential protection. All other
CTs will not saturate due to the AC components. The amount of the spurious
differential current (magnetizing current of CT-1) can be calculated using the burden,
magnetizing characteristic and primary current of the noted CT by solving the
following equations:
I relay = I s2 - I magnetizin
g (J-5)

I relay • Rs = Vmagnetizing (J-6)

For Is = 116.67 A, Rs = 1.61 Ω and the characteristic shown earlier in the Figure J-10
“Sample CT magnetizing curves”, the solution is Imagnetizing = 29.73 A, Irelay = 112.8 A.
The magnetizing current of the saturated CT-1 will appear to the differential element
protecting the North bus as a differential signal of 29.73 A, while the restraint signal
will be the maximum of the bus currents (112.8 A in this case).
I magnetizing
I relay
) • 100% + K S % (J-7)

where K S % is the safety margin with recommended values of 15% to 25%. Safety factor
accounts for additional spilled differential current due to DC offset in the current,
remanence effect, and errors in calculations.
Consequently, the slope of the characteristic should be calculated as
) • 100% + 20% = 46% and the pick up of the high set differential elements should
not be lower than 29.73 A, or 2.97 pu. Minimum allowable high slope setting is 50%.
The CTs identified as operating in the linear mode as far as the AC components are
considered may, however, saturate due to the DC components. Saturation will not occur
V > I × R × (1 + ω × T )
if sat s s dc
, where ω is radian system frequency (2πf).
If the above condition is violated, saturation will occur but not before:
( Vsat ⁄ I s R s ) – 1⎞
Ts at = – T dc × ln ⎛⎝ 1 – ---------------------------------------
ωT dc (J-8)

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Columns 6 and 7 of the table below summarize the DC saturation threat for the fault on
C-1. CT-4, CT-6, CT-7, and CT-8 may saturate due to the DC components and may
generate spurious differential signal for both the North bus relays depending on the bus
configuration. The saturation will not occur before 4.7 ms and will be detected by the
Saturation Detector.
The transient saturation of the CTs due to the DC component may be neglected when
setting the slopes of the characteristic as the saturation will be detected and the relay will
use the current directional principle. It must however, be taken into account when setting
the high set (unbiased) differential element


CT-1 14.0 116.67 40 Yes Yes N/A

CT-2 0 0.00 N/A No No N/A

CT-3 6.0 25.00 5 No No N/A

CT-4 5.0 25.00 30 No Yes 15.19

CT-6 3.0 15.00 40 No Yes 35.25

CT-7, CT-8 14.0 58.33 40 No Yes 4.70

Table J-4. External Fault Calculations on the C-1 feeder on the sample bus

Same calculation should be performed for each feeder and worst case has to be
adopted to choose the setting.


This setting defines the higher breakpoint of the dual-slope operating characteristic.
The percentage bias applied for the restraining current above the value specified as
HIGH BPNT is given by the HIGH SLOPE setting. The HIGH BPNT setting should
be set below the minimum AC current that is likely to saturate the weakest CT feeding
the relay. When adjusting this setting, it must be kept in that mind the restraining signal is
created as the maximum of all the input currents.
The dual-slope operating characteristic of the biased bus differential protection
element is shaped to ensure true percentage bias for high restraining currents (see the
following figure). This means that the straight line defining the upper slope intersects the
origin of the differential-restraining plane and a discontinuity appears between the low
and high slope regions (between the LOW BPNT and HIGH BPNT settings). This
discontinuity is handled by approximating the operate/no-operate boundary of the
characteristic using a certain “gluing” function. This ensures smooth transition of the
slope from LOW SLOPE (lower value) to HIGH SLOPE (higher value).
The following parameters of the biased operating characteristic are used by the
saturation detector: LOW SLOPE, HIGH SLOPE, and HIGH BPNT. The saturation
detector uses these settings to detect specific relations between the differential and
restraining currents. The values of these settings should be selected based on the
aforementioned criteria related to the art of bus differential protection.
If an external fault occurs on circuit C-1 of the sample feeder, CT-1 will carry the
fault current. As the fault current is higher than any of the other currents, the current

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supplied by CT-1 will be used as the restraint signal. CT-1 is guaranteed to saturate if
the current exceeds 89.55 A secondary, or 17.9 times its rated current, or 8.96 pu of
the bus differential zone per Table J-3 above. Consequently, considering CT-1, the
value of 8.96 pu should be used as the higher breakpoint of the characteristic.
Considering CTs that could be connected (depending on the positions of the switches)
to the North bus, the HIGH BPNT for the North bus zone should be selected as the
minimum of (8.96, 9.13, 31.17, 22.88, 24.57, 31.17), or 8.96 pu.


This setting defines the minimum differential current required for operation of the
unbiased bus differential protection function. This setting is based on the maximum
magnitude of the differential current that might be seen during heavy external faults
causing deep CT saturation. When selecting this setting, keep in mind that the unbiased
bus differential protection function uses the full-cycle Fourier measuring algorithm and
applies it to pre-filtered samples of the input currents. As a result, the transient measuring
errors including the effect of the DC component are below 2%. During heavy CT
saturation when the currents are significantly distorted, the magnitude of the differential
current as measured by the relay and used by the unbiased bus differential function is
significantly lower than both the peak values of the waveform and the true RMS value.
The measured magnitude practically reflects the power system frequency component
alone. This allows for lower values of the HIGH SET setting.
Setting can be chosen as 1.5-2.0 times the maximum spurious differential current during
external fault with possible CT saturation. For the sample system above, worst case is
external fault on the feeder C-1 when spurious differential current is calculated above
equal to is Imagnetizing = 29.73 A=2.97pu.
DIFFHighSet = 2.0 • I magnetizing = 2 • 2.97 pu = 5.94 pu (J-9)
The unbiased (high set) differential function can be virtually disabled by setting its
operating threshold, HIGH SET, very high.


This setting defines the drop-out time of the seal-in timer applied to the BUS 1 OP Flex-
Logic™ operand.


This setting specifies a FlexLogic™ operand that supervises operation of the element.
Typical applications include undervoltage condition and overall (check) zone. In a
sense the setting is similar to the blocking input, but does not stop the element from
running. This is important for saturation detector, as the latter requires some historical
data. The Bus Differential element shall not be supervised from the blocking input. The
blocking input (BUS ZONE 1 DIF BLK setting) is meant to block the element
permanently, not dynamically from a fault depended condition such as undervoltage.

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This setting specifies a FlexLogic™ operand that forces operation of the zone. Typical
applications include forced trip of the healthy phase from the faulted phase, or a trip
command from the BF function to isolate the entire zone of busbar protection.


The Breaker Failure feature has two parts: Breaker Failure Current Supervision
(residing in the B90 Protection relay) and Breaker Failure Logic (residing in the B90
Logic relay). Breaker Failure Current Supervision acts upon current levels and is
available if the PRODUCT SETUP \ B90 FUNCTION setting is "Protection". Breaker
Failure Logic is based on status information and is available if the PRODUCT SETUP
B90 FUNCTION \ B90 FUNCTION setting is "Logic". The Breaker Failure element
requires B90 fiber optic interconnection and proper configuration of the Breaker Failure
and Direct I/O settings.
B90 Breaker Failure function settings and logic is similar to UR platform Breaker
Failure function described above, except following current supervision setting;
BF1 CT: This setting selects the currents that will be used in Breaker Failure scheme
BF1 for current supervision (AMPSUPV, HISET and LOSET elements) for specific
breaker. Current supervision flags have to be carried over to Logic relay over fiber using
Direct I/O.
For illustration, assume the F7 current is monitored for Breaker Failure protection of a
given breaker as shown below.

Received as DIRECT
INPUTs 1 through 9
breaker auxiliary switches
(if used for BF) IED 4
sent as bits no.13, 14 and 15

phase A current, wired to F7 IED 1

phase B current, wired to F7 IED 2

phase C current, wired to F7

Figure J-17. B90 Breaker Failure configuration

The Protection IEDs 1, 2, and 3 (B90 FUNCTION set to "Protection") send the Breaker
Fail current supervision flags over the Direct I/O communications. Assume bits 13, 14,
and 15 are used for this purpose as follows:
For IED 1:
DIRECT OUTPUT DEVICE ID: "1" (this is an originating device)

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DIRECT OUT 13 OPERAND: "BKRSUPV 3 SUPV OP" (this operand drives

output number 13)
DIRECT OUT 14 OPERAND: "BKRSUPV 3 HISET OP" (this operand drives
output number 14)
DIRECT OUT 15 OPERAND: "BKRSUPV 3 LOSET OP" (this operand drives
output number 15)
For IED 2:
DIRECT OUTPUT DEVICE ID: "2" (this is an originating device)
DIRECT OUT 13 OPERAND: "BKRSUPV 3 SUPV OP" (this operand drives
output number 13)
DIRECT OUT 14 OPERAND: "BKRSUPV 3 HISET OP" (this operand drives
output number 14)
DIRECT OUT 15 OPERAND: "BKRSUPV 3 LOSET OP" (this operand drives
output number 15)
For IED 3:
DIRECT OUTPUT DEVICE ID: "3" (this is an originating device)
DIRECT OUT 13 OPERAND: "BKRSUPV 3 SUPV OP" (this operand drives
output number 13)
DIRECT OUT 14 OPERAND: "BKRSUPV 3 HISET OP" (this operand drives
output number 14)
DIRECT OUT 15 OPERAND: "BKRSUPV 3 LOSET OP" (this operand drives
output number 15)
The above 9 flags must be received at the IED 4. Assume Direct Inputs 1 through 9 are to
be used for this purpose. This is accomplished with the following settings:
For IED 4:
DIRECT INPUT 1 DEVICE: "1" (message received from IED 1)
Phase A)
DIRECT INPUT 2 DEVICE: "1" (message received from IED 1)
Phase A)
DIRECT INPUT 3 DEVICE: "1" (message received from IED 1)
Phase A)
DIRECT INPUT 4 DEVICE: "2" (message received from IED 2)
Phase B)
DIRECT INPUT 5 DEVICE: "2" (message received from IED 2)
Phase B)
DIRECT INPUT 6 DEVICE: "2" (message received from IED 2)
Phase B)
DIRECT INPUT 7 DEVICE: "3" (message received from IED 3)
Phase C)

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DIRECT INPUT 8 DEVICE: "3" (message received from IED 3)
DIRECT INPUT 8 BIT NUMBER: "14" (this is BKRSUPV 3 HISET OP for Phase C)
DIRECT INPUT 9 DEVICE: "3" (message received from IED 3)
DIRECT INPUT 9 BIT NUMBER: "15" (this is BKRSUPV 3 LOSET OP for Phase C)

The received flags are now to be configured for in the Breaker Failure 3 logic as follows:
BF 3 AMP SUPV OP A: "Direct Input 1 On" BF 3 AMP HISET OP A: "Direct Input 2
On" BF 3 AMP LOSET OP A: "Direct Input 3 On"

BF 3 AMP SUPV OP B: "Direct Input 4 On" BF 3 AMP HISET OP B: "Direct Input 5

On" BF 3 AMP LOSET OP B: "Direct Input 6 On"

BF 3 AMP SUPV OP C: "Direct Input 7 On" BF 3 AMP HISET OP C: "Direct Input 8

On" BF 3 AMP LOSET OP C: "Direct Input 9 On"

As the overcurrent supervising flags must be sent via Direct I/Os to the B90 IEDs that
perform the BF functionality, an extra delay is introduced. Consequently, the following is
recommended for coordinating the BF time margin:

Total BF Reset Time 0.7 of a power cycle 0.2 of a power cycle Direct I/O bridge count

BF∑ Re setTime = 0.7cycle + 0.2cycle • N I / Obridge (J-10)

where: 0.7 of a power cycle is the reset of the BF overcurrent elements itself
Direct I/O bridge count = the number of "bridges" between the source and
destination of the Direct I/O messages (Direct I/O delay)

For example, in the four-IED application example shown earlier, IED 2 is two "bridges"
away from IED 4; therefore, the Total BF Reset Time= 0.7 + 2 x 0.2 = 1.1 of a power
system cycle. Note that a message delivery time of 0.2 of a cycle per "bridge" applies
when the DIRECT I/O DATA RATE is set to 128 kbps.

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