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A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of
Master of Engineering (Geotechnics)

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



“Dedicated to my family especially to my beloved mum

and dad, my sister and my brother, and my
friends for their support, encouragement and
concern… I really appreciate it and love you all…..
“Also not forgotten to all my lecturers and course mates for their
help and cooperation while completing my study”


First of all I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor,

Dr. Ahmad Safuan A. Rashid and co-supervisor, Dr. Rini Asnida binti Abdullah for
their encouragement, patience, critics and cooperation. Without their continued
support and interest, this dissertation would not have been completed.

I am also indebted to Universiti Teknologi Malaysia particularly to Faculty of

Civil Engineering for funding my study and providing me guidance in completing
my dissertation. I would also like to remarks my gratitude to those technicians from
the Department of Geotechnical laboratory especially Mr. Zulkifli for the
cooperation and useful information during the performing of my laboratory works

I also would like to extend special credit to my beloved family for their
spiritual and financial support which really helps me during the tough time of the
study. My team-mate, Julia Tay Jia Min, also deserved special appreciation for her
support and assistance throughout the completion of this dissertation. My fellow
postgraduate friends should also be recognized for their support and information.
Unfortunately it is impossible for me to list all the great people in this very limited
space. I will be always grateful for all the help and guidance. Thank you so much.


The relationship between the undrained shear strength, su , and

overconsolidation ratio, OCR, of clay material (kaolin clay) is important in order to
estimate the material strength for preparing the ground model for small scale
physical modeling test. In this study, the relationship between these parameters is
determined using a modified Rowe cell equipped with a vane shear blade. Kaolin
samples were prepared under different consolidation ratios and the unit weight of
kaolin is measured using the modified Rowe cell device, while the undrained shear
strength, su, was determined using the vane shear apparatus. It was found that the
values of the consolidation ratio, CR, were inversely proportionate to su. A
correlation between su and OCR was established based on the laboratory results and
validated with several previous studies. In addition, a comparison was made
between the developed equation and some existing equations from the literature. It
was found that the proposed equation provide a close prediction to the previous
laboratory results with a Root Mean Square Error less than 1.2. A difference arose
due to the different types of clay used between previous and current studies. A
positive relationship is established between the unit weight and OCR values for
kaolin clay.


Hubungan antara kekuatan ricih tak tersalir, su dengan nisbah lebih

penyatuan, OCR, untuk bahan tanah liat (tanah liat kaolin) adalah penting dalam
menganggar kekuatan tanah bagi ujian pemodelan fizikal berskala kecil. Dalam
kajian ini, hubungan antara kedua-dua parameter tersebut ditentukan dengan
menggunakan sel Rowe yang telah diubahsuai dan dilengkapi dengan bilah ricih.
Sampel kaolin telah disediakan di bawah nisbah penyatuan yang berbeza dan berat
unit kaolin diperolehi dengan menggunakan alat sel Rowe, manakala kekuatan ricih
tak tersalir, su, telah ditentukan dengan menggunakan peralatan bilah ricih. Kajian
ini mendapati bahawa nilai nisbah penyatuan, CR, adalah berkadar songsang dengan
su . Satu korelasi di antara su dan OCR telah dihasilkan berdasarkan keputusan
makmal dan disahkan dengan beberapa keputusan daripada kajian sebelumnya.
Tambahan pula, satu perbandingan telah dibuat berdasarkan persamaan yang telah
dicadangkan dengan beberapa persamaan yang sedia ada daripada pembacaan. Ia
didapati bahawa, persamaan yang telah dicadangkan telah memberi ramalan yang
hampir dengan keputusan makmal dengan ralat punca min kuasa dua kurang
daripada 1.2. Perbezaan yang wujud adalah disebabkan oleh tanah liat yang berbeza
digunakan dalam kajian sebelumnya dengan kajian sekarang. Hubungan positif
antara berat unit dengan nilai OCR tanah liat kaolin telah ditubuhkan.




1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Problem Statement 2
1.3 Objectives 3
1.4 Scope of the Study 3
1.5 Importance of the Study 4
1.6 Summary 4

2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Cohesive Soil 6
2.2.1 Kaolin Clay 7
2.3 Engineering Properties of Kaolin Soil 8
2.3.1 Moisture Content 8

2.3.2 Specific Gravity 8

2.3.3 Atterberg Limits 9 Liquid Limit (LL) 10 Plastic Limit (PL) 11 Plasticity Index (PI) 11
2.3.4 Compressibility Characteristics 12 Coefficient of Consolidation, cv 12 Compression Index, cc 13
2.3.5 Unit Weight 14
2.4 Shear Strength of Soil 15
2.4.1 Undrained Shear Strength 16 Vane Shear Test 17
2.5 Consolidation Test 20
2.5.1 Conventional Consolidation Test (Oedometer) 20
2.5.2 Consolidation Test (Rowe Cell) 22
2.6 Previous Study on Estimation of Undrained Shear
Strength from Consolidation Ratio (CR) 23
2.7 The use of relationship between Undrained Shear
Strength and Overconsolidation Ratio in the small
Scale Physical Modeling Test 28
2.8 Summary 30

3.1 Introduction 32
3.2 Operational Framework 33
3.3 Literature Review 35
3.4 Soil Classification 35
3.5 Development of Modified Rowe Cell 35
3.5.1 Development of Modified Rowe cell using
Diaphragm Concept 36
3.5.2 Development of Modified Rowe cell using
Piston Concept 43
3.6 Calibration 47
3.6.1 Linear Variable Displacement Transducer (LVDT) 49

3.6.2 Pressure Transducers 51

3.6.3 Vane Shear 52
3.7 Calibration of the Modified Rowe Cell 53
3.8 Preparation of Sample 54
3.9 Consolidation Test 55
3.10 Vane Shear Test 56


4.1 Introduction 59
4.2 Soil Classification Test 59
4.2.1 Atterberg Limits 60
4.3 Hydrometer Test 62
4.4 Specific Gravity 63
4.5 Rowe Cell Consolidation Test 63
4.5.1 Analysis of Time-Compression Curve 64
4.5.2 Analysis of the e-log p’ Curve 68
4.6 Undrained Shear Strength 69
4.6.1 Results Validation 73
4.7 Results of Soil Unit Weight 75


5.1 Introduction 78
5.2 Conclusion 78
5.3 Recommendations 79


Appendices A - G 88 - 106



2.1 Classification of Soil by Plasticity

Index (Das, 1999) 11
2.2 Coefficient of consolidation at the end of each
consolidation pressure (Liu, 2007) 12
2.3 Compression index, cc from previous study 13
2.4 List of result for undrained shear strength, su, obtained
by Effendi (2007) and Rashid (2011) 30
3.1 Calibration factor 51
4.1 Results of LL, PL and PI of kaolin clay 60
4.2 Comparison of LL, PL and PI results with previous study 61
4.3 Coefficient of rate of consolidation for each pressure 67
4.4 Values of cc with respective OCR 69
4.5 Results of su from vane shear test (Diaphragm Concept) 70
4.6 Results of su from vane shear test (Piston Concept) 70
4.7 Summary of the results of undrained shear strength, su 74
4.8 Unit Weight and su values for respective OCR 76



2.1 Atterberg Limits and its indices

(Lambe and Whitman, 1951) 10
2.2 Vane shear blades (Chandler, 1988) 18
2.3 Stress distribution on blades (Chandler, 1988) 19
2.4 Oedometer apparatus (Terzaghi, 1925) 21
2.5 Schematic diagram of Rowe consolidation
cell (Head, 1986) 22
2.6 Correction factors for (Larsson et al., 1984) 24
2.7 Package for centrifuge tests (Almeida and Parry, 1988) 26
2.8 Consolidation test setup (Effendi, 2007; Rashid, 2011) 29
3.1 Overview of laboratory work strategies 34
3.2 Consolidation Characteristics obtained by
Hird and Moseley (2000) and Srisakthivel (2003) 37
3.3 Schematic Diagram of a modified Rowe cell
(Diaphragm Concept) 39
3.4 Schematic diagram of filling de-aired water into
the diaphragm (Gofar and Kassim, 2005) 40
3.5 Photogrammetric diagram of the diaphragm system 40
3.6 GDS pressure controller to apply a consolidation pressure 41
3.7 Setup of diaphragm concept modified Rowe cell 41
3.8 Schematic diagram of modified Rowe cell base
and vane shear 42
3.9 Actual diagram of modified Rowe cell base
and vane shear 42

3.10 Schematic diagram of a modified Rowe cell

(Piston Concept) 44
3.11 Cross-section of modified Rowe cell (Piston Concept) 45
3.12 Consolidation piston 45
3.13 Air compressor system supplies air pressure to
pneumatic cylinder 46
3.14 Data logger MPX 3000 48
3.15 50 mm Linear Variable Displacement Transducer (LVDT) 48
3.16 1500 kPa pressure transducer 49
3.17 Personal computer with WINHOST programme 50
3.18 Linear Variable Displacement Transducer (LVDT)
calibration process 50
3.19 Pressure Transducer Calibration Chart 52
3.20 Vane Shear Spring Calibration Chart 53
3.21 Graph of e versus log p’ 54
3.22 Calibration for dial gauge 56
3.23 Modified Rowe cell with vane shear apparatus 57
4.1 Plasticity Chart 61
4.2 Particle size distribution of kaolin clay 62
4.3 The settlement versus log time curve for
Rowe cell consoldiation 64
4.4 The settlement versus log time curve for
Rowe cell consolidation 65
4.5 The settlement versus log time curve for
Rowe cell consolidation 65
4.6 The settlement versus log time curve for
Rowe cell consolidation 66
4.7 The settlement versus log time curve for
Rowe cell consolidation 66
4.8 Variation of coefficient of rate of consolidation pressure 67
4.9 The e-log p’ curve for Rowe cell consolidation 68
4.10 Correlation of su with OCR from vane shear test
(Diaphragm Concept) 71

4.11 Correlation of su with OCR from vane shear test

(Piston Concept) 71

4.12 Normalized and CR for kaolin and Gault clays 72

( )

4.13 Normalized su over stress and CR for kaolin and

Gault clays 73
4.14 Correlation of unit weight with su 76
4.15 Correlation of unit weight with OCR 77


BS - British Standard
cv - Coefficient of consolidation
cc - Compression Index
CR - Consolidation Ratio
LL - Liquid Limit
OCR - Overconsolidation Ratio
PI - Plasticity Index
PL - Plastic Limit
p - Pressure
p’ - Effective pressure
SL - Shrinkage Limit
Gs - Specific Gravity
su - Undrained Shear Strength
USCS - Unified Soil Classification System
e - Void ratio
w - Water Content
ϕ - Angle of internal friction
τ - Applied torque
tan ϕ - Coefficient of friction
°C - Degree Celsius
% - Percentage
c - Soil cohesion
σ - Stress
γ - Unit weight



A1 Calibration and sample data of hydrometer test 88

A2 Pretreatment data 88

A3 Hydrometer test data 89

B Hydrometer scale calibration 90

C Unified Soil Classification System, USCS

(Casagrande, 1948) 91

D Pore Water Pressure for OCR 1 92

E Pore Water Pressure for OCR 2 95

F Pore Water Pressure for OCR 5 99

G Pore Water Pressure for OCR 10 103



1.1 Introduction

The relationship between undrained shears strength, su and overconsolidation

ratio (OCR) for cohesive material is one of the important relation in geotechnical
field where it is used to estimate the behavior settlement of clay material under
different consolidation ratio and to prepare a ground model under a targeted strength
for small scale physical modeling test. From the past, laboratory scale tests were
carried out to establish this relationship using oedometer apparatus (Terzaghi, 1925),
centrifuge equipment (Springman, 1989) and Rowe consolidation cell (Rowe and
Barden, 1966). Several researchers have conducted studies to establish the
relationship between undrained shear strength, su, and overconsolidation ratio (OCR)
for clay material (Nunez, 1989; Springman, 1989, 2004; Sheahan et al., 1996; Pant,
2007; Abdulhadi, 2009) and sand (Phillips and Valsangkar, 1987).

Although several studies have been conducted, the techniques suggested by

previous researchers are having problems dealing with it. Those techniques need
special handling while moving the samples from the consolidation device, longer
consolidation time after removing it from the consolidation device, expensive
facilities to conduct the test, vane shear installation problem and etc. (Sheahan et al.,
1996; Almeida and Parry, 1988; Springman, 1989). Therefore, a new device should
be developed to provide a better and cheaper method in measuring the undrained
shear strength and establishing the relationship between OCR and su of cohesive soil.

1.2 Problem Statement

A series of studies have been conducted to establish the relationship between

undrained shear strength, su, and overconsolidation ratio (OCR). From the past
decade, several researchers have conducted studies to develop the relationship
between undrained shear strength and overconsolidation ratio of soil. The
importance of establishing this relationship is to obtain the targeted strength of soil
on small scale physical modeling. By establishing the equation, the value of
undrained shear strength can be estimated under known values of consolidation
pressure. The values of undrained shear strength can be determined through this
equation and this make the process of determining the undrained shear strength
easier and reduced the error while carrying out the test.

Based on the previous studies that have been made, the relationships between
su and OCR are doubtful since the consolidation pressures on the sample were
released in order to perform the vane shear tests. A series of vane shear tests inflight
in the centrifudge on the kaolin clay has been conducted to propose this relationship
between su and OCR. However, expensive facility was used to conduct the test and
much experience is needed in order to conduct the centrifudge test made the process
difficult to handle (Springman, 1989).

Furthermore, the potential of mishandling the soil sample might occur by

using the technique suggested by Sheahan et al. (1996) and Abdulhadi (2009).
Moreover, the technique suggested by Sheahan et al. (1996) need be conducted
carefully while moving the samples from the consolidation device to further carry
out the triaxial test. It may take a longer time to consolidate the soil samples in
triaxial after it had been removed from the consolidation device. Meanwhile,
Almeida and Parry (1988) determined the su values using a miniature vane and cone
penetration tests on a consolidated kaolin and Gault clays in a normal gravity force.
Since the vane shear equipments were inserted into the consolidated soil, a vane
insertion error could arise from the installation. Therefore, a new equipment which
is a modified Rowe cell with vane shear apparatus was developed in order to
overcome the previous problem faced and also to establish the relationship between
undrained shear strength and consolidation ratio for kaolin clay.

1.3 Objectives

The aim of this study is to develop a modified Rowe cell equipped with vane
shear apparatus. By developing this method, a more reliable relationship between
undrained shear strength, su, and overconsolidation ratio, OCR, for cohesive soil
could be established. In order to establish the relationship between undrained shear
strength and consolidation ratio for cohesive soil, there are some objectives that need
to be achieved. The objectives are as follow:

(i) To develop a modified Rowe cell (firstly diaphragm concept and

secondly piston concept) equipped with vane shear apparatus in
preparing and measuring the undrained shear strength of kaolin clay.

(ii) To establish the relationship between undrained shear strength and

consolidation ratio (normally consolidation and overconsolidation
ratio) for kaolin clay.

(iii) To compare undrained shear strength from vane shear test with the
previous proposed analytical equation and laboratory results.

1.4 Scope of the Study

This study is carried out to establish a modified Rowe cell equipped with
vane shear apparatus. By using firstly, the diaphragm concept and later the piston
concept, the modified Rowe cell was used to prepare the soil model under different
consolidation ratio values. The piston concept modified Rowe cell was introduced
due to the limitation of the diaphragm concept. The pressure controller of the
diaphragm concept Rowe cell is instable and the extension of the diaphragm is
limited. There are altogether four tests to be done under four different consolidation
ratio values using these two concepts of modified Rowe cell. Kaolin clay was used
as a material for preparing the sample. Vane shear device which is mounted inside

the Rowe cell was used to determine the, su, of the soil samples. A relationship
between su and OCR was established from this study.

1.5 Importance of the Study

In this study, the establishment of the equation is to predict the su of the

ground model for small scale physical modeling under consolidation test. Although
several researchers have established the equation, however, the equation is still
doubtful as mentioned in Section 1.2. In addition, expensive and sophisticated
equipment was used to establish the relation. Therefore, a new method is developed
which is a modified Rowe cell with vane shear apparatus and used to determine the
su value under different consolidation ratio values. At the moment, there are still no
attempt has been made to produce this type of equipment. By conducting this study,
a relationship between undrained shear strength and consolidation ratio was
established. The detail of the modified Rowe cell is later explained in Chapter 3.

1.6 Summary

Overconsolidation ratio (OCR) and undrained shear strength, su, are two most
important engineering properties in preparing the ground model in small scale
modeling test. Currently, to obtain these two parameters, for example, the samples
were consolidated using Rowe cell to obtain different OCR values and then were
trimmed and mounted on the triaxial base Sheahan et al. (1996). This procedure
leads to disturbance the soil sample if it has not been handled carefully.

Nevertheless, the relationships between su and OCR are doubtful since the
consolidation pressures on the previous samples were released after the consolidation
test in order to perform vane shear tests (Sheahan et al., 1996).

The purpose of carrying out this research is to develop a new equipment that
could establish the relationship between undrained shear strength and consolidation
ratio for soft cohesive soil based on the laboratory test. The establishment of the
equation is to predict the undrained shear strength of the ground model for small
scale physical modeling under consolidation test.

In this study, a modified Rowe cell with vane shear apparatus was used to
determine the undrained shear strength value under different consolidation ratio. A
step loading is applied based on Terzaghi’s theory while carrying out the test. The
vane shear test mounted inside the Rowe cell apparatus was used to determine the
under strength of the soil model under constant pressure. By using this method,
result of undrained shear strength can be obtained under different overconsolidation
ratio (OCR) value. Currently, no attempt has been made to produce this type of
equipment and procedures, which produces a more robust prediction of relationship
between undrained shear strength and overconsolidation ratio.

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