Soal STS B.Inggris Kelas 1

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Mapel : Bahasa Inggris Nama : ……………………

Kelas : I (Satu) Hari/Tanggal :

Nilai :
Semester : Ganjil

I. Choose the right answer by crossing (x) a, b or c!

( Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (X) a,b atau c!)
1. Ali : Good morning!
Eva : Good !
a. afternoon a.[ ei ]
b. morning b. [ bi]
c. night
2. “ n – e – i – g – v – e – n “ c. [ di]
The correct word is . . . . 7. X : How do you spell it?
a.Evening Y : It is a ……
b. eningve a. t – l- e- a – b
c. veninge b. t- a- b- l- e
c. t- b a- e- l
3. Mother : Good. . . …. dear
8. The first letter is…
Soni : Good night mom
a. Morning
b. a
b. afternoon
c. w
c. night
9. Susan :What is this?
4.Susi : Good bye Rina
Wulan : It is a …..
Rina : Good … Susi, see you
tomorrow. a.Pencil
a.Bye b. door
b. soon c. book
c. fine 10. Dona : What is it?
5. Shella : How are you? Danu : It is a . . . .
Rully : I am …. a.Window
a.Thank you b.Blackboard
b. fine c. cupboard
c. sorry
6. What letter is it? It is….
II. Fill in the blanks with suitable answer !
( Isilah titik- titik dengan jawaban yang benar!)

11. “Selamat siang “ bahasa inggrisnya ….

12. “ Good evening” bahasa Indonesianya….
13. “ r – l – e – r – u “The correct word is . . . .
14. The spelling of“ C “ is . . . .
15. This is a . . . .

III. Answer these questions bellow!

( Jawablah pertanyaan- pertanyaan berikut!)

16. Translate! ( terjemahkan!) :

a. Good morning : ……….
b. Good bye : ………..

17. X : ……afternoon
Y : Good afternoon
I. Pilihan Ganda
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. C
10. B
II. Esai
11. Good afternoon
12. Selamat sore
13. ruler
14. [ ci]
15. clock
16. a.selamat pagi
b.selamat tinggal
17. Good

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