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Muhamad Fajri Anhar

Bachelor of Social, Management

East Jakarta | P: 085880483083 | |

Professional Summary.
As a Administrative Staff almost 2 years experience providing administrative functions and support to
goverment while maintaining inventory and operations efficiently A highly determined individual, quick
adapting and a passionate in Financial Islamic Institution. Eager to learn new things and up to any challenge.
Equally good in individual and team work.

Work Experience
Administration Staff (July 2020 - June 2022)

Report daily (condition of teachers, position in schools, supervisors and education staff), preparation of
school administration work programs, management and implementation of school
administration/infrastructure (manage the finance pf goods and service), managing BOS and BOP Finance,
Make SPPD details. preparation of student administration, preparation administration for all employee (
holding correspondence, filling employee letters) and preparation of public relations administration

BANK BJB KCP Pondok Gede – Bekasi

Internship Frontliner Staff (September - October 2020)
Responsible for serving the customers to open 50 new acoount in one day. To help checking for support and
verify customer information and completeness as an identification the legality of the financing application
documents to be submitted. To help for checking and verifying customer data that will apply for credit by
checking the financing history at Bank Indonesia SID (Debtor Information System). Provide the best service
to all customers.

Education Background

Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan (2018-2019)
Member of Public Relations Division

Skills and Proficiences

Excellence in communication skill
Problem solving of many kinds the customer problem in fast pace
Coorporative and polite in handling the customer need
Flexible and hard working
Adaptable and easily blend in any working environment Scan Whatsapp From Here!
Speak and writing two language, English and Indonesian

Technical Skills
Proficient Using Microsoft Application
-Microsoft Word
-Microsoft excel
-Microsoftpower point
And can working efficiently with many kinds of computer software

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