ProfEd Preboard September 2021 Answers

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Gurong Pinoy International

Preboard Examination (Professional Education)

1. Which one of the following categories in the taxonomy indicates the highest level of
a. Synthesis c. Comprehension
b. Application d. Analysis

2. Teacher Joanne makes her preschoolers touch, rub, and manipulate natural and artificial
object in learning, such as a leaf, petals, wooden blocks, etc. What kind of learning experience is
given importance in this case?
a. Anatomic c. Kinesthetic
b. Tactile d. Chimera

3. History teacher Ted made efforts to make connections between new information of the EDSA
peaceful revolution with past lessons on the Philippines Hispanic revolution. How is this effort
of teacher Ted known in the cognitivist learning theory?
a. Elaboration c. Differentiation
b. Modification d. Integration

4. In the scientific process, what thinking skill is referred in the process of mentally analyzing
and evaluating data on evidences?
a. Creative thinking c. Interpretative thinking
b. Critical Thinking d. Constructive thinking

5. To what domain does the pre-school lesson objective “To color the fruits correctly” apply?
a. Affective c. Psychomotor
b. Cognitive d. Behavioral

6. If teacher Cora sees honesty as a timeless virtue for yesterday/today/tomorrow, what

principle does she value?
a. Pragmatism c. Existentialism
b. Perennialism d. Conceptualism

7. There are values in the home environment that should form part of the school environment
during early childhood development. Which of the following has greatest significance to
carrying over from the home to the school?
a. Respect c. Hygiene
b. Caring d. Discipline

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8. Which of the following can be classified as a terminal learning outcome?
a. Dichotomy between aquatic and land animals
b. Planned change for animal’s protection
c. Understanding the frog’s life cycle
d. Sense of scientific attitudes

9. According to Piaget’s theory on cognitive development, children in the pre-operational stage

are egocentric in thinking. One should therefore understand why a three-year old __________
I. Assumes that other people see, hear and feel exactly the same as he does
II. Is unable to see a situation from another person point of view.
III. Expects everyone to pay attention to him.
a. I and II b. II only c. I, II and III d. I only

10. Among the following contemporary theories of learning, which explore situations confined
to certain people, place or events?
a. Constructivism c. Case-based reasoning
b. Social cognition d. Ecological physiology

11. Of the following forms of communication, which is the most personal and not so broad as
to threaten human intimacy?
a. Facebook c. E-mailing
b. Face to face communication d. Letter correspondence

12. Jocelyn is already in college. What reading activities should she be guided on following the
stages/period of continuity/ progression in development reading?
a. Expanding reading ability c. Refinement in the use of reading materials
b. Beginning d. Reading readiness

13. Which of the following is NOT a factor in early child development?

a. Decorum of the child c. Early stimulation of the child
b. Language spoken by the child d. Age of the child

14. Learning is influenced by social interaction and interpersonal relations. What must teacher
a. Give more independent study
b. Make students work collaborately
c. Make students reflect on how they learn
d. Make student feel good about themselves

15. Teacher Jean asked her students to bring small plants in pots, and then organize and mark
them according to categories. e.g. flowering, ornamental, herbal, etc. What skill was desired in
this activity?
a. Discovery activity c. Investigative activity
b. Processing activity d. Classifying activity

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16. Which of the following can be a more effective strategy to advance higher esteem for the
teaching profession and its rightful share of available talents?
a. Adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction
b. Removal of entry examination for aspirants
c. Quota system for the teaching profession
d. Use of advertising and promotions

17. Which should be used as standards for interpreting a learner’s performance?

a. Grade c. Relative measures
b. Objectives d. Forms

18. What within the experiential part of the Basic Education Curriculum is Values Education that
serves as the practice environment for holistic learning to develop a healthy personal and
rational self-identity?
a. Makabayan c. TLE
b. MAPEH d. Edukasyon sa Pagpapahalaga

19. Which of the following is an example of positive non-verbal behavior by teachers?

a. Teachers frowns and sneers
b. Teacher grabs, slaps student
c. Voice volume shows arrogance
d. Stands or sits that shows alertness

20. Among the cognitive objectives, what refers to putting together the components of an idea
in order to summarize a concept?
a. Analysis c. Comprehension
b. Synthesis d. Application

21. Considering the children’s cognitive developmental stages based on Piaget’s theory, in the
preschool how would you tackle a lesson on classification? Ask one preschooler
a. to classify objects on one attributes at a time
b. to arrange objects based on two or three attributes at the same time
c. just to color objects to develop manipulative skills because they are not yet capable
of classifying
d. color objects to classify them

22. At what historical phase did Filipinos get formal tutoring for democratic sovereign life which
we started to enjoy on July 4, 1946?
a. Hispanic colonial regime
b. June 12, 1898 Declaration of Independence
c. Japanese occupation
d. American colonial regime

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23. What variation of storytelling involves children telling a story with the use of material sets
and props?
a. Story enactment c. Puppet stories
b. Lap board stories d. Flannel board stories

24. Scientific attitudes need to be developed among young learners. Which attitudes does pupil
Lina lack when she accused without evidence her seatmate Tin of stealing her sandwich?
a. Humility c. Curiosity
b. Persistence d. Objectivity

25. Schools are referred to as second homes. What pillar stands for caring and nurturing
a. Learning to be c. Learning to live together
b. Learning to do d. Learning to know

26. The teacher is obliged to ensure certain qualities in choice and use of assessment
instruments. What was not observed when teacher Leslie gave a test that included materials
that were not covered by class lessons?
a. Efficiency c. Practicality
b. Validity d. Reliability

27. Teacher Lina says “very good” to every student after an answer. Is this a sound classroom
a. No, because the teacher must equally say “very bad” when necessary
b. Yes, because students must be made to feel good every time
c. Yes, because the teacher must be generous with praise
d. No, because genuine praise must be deserved

28. Teacher Loraine is aware that she cannot teach reading in a flash. Following the Goddel’s
Reading Skills Ladder, what step will she first focus on for beginners?
a. Using sentence structural analysis c. Using word phonetic analysis
b. Basic sight words d. Using contextual clues

29. Following Ausubel’s Meaningful Learning Theory, what kind of behavior model is applied by
the Cinderella character in portraying moral lessons on life from rags-to-riches?
a. Concrete c. Live
b. Symbolic d. Real

30. Of the type of toys for children, which is not only safe but is a favorite tool for a child’s
aesthetic expressions?
a. manipulative toys c. building books
b. musical toys d. craft toys

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31. How do you classify the objective “To summarize the salient features of a good essay” in
terms of Bloom’s Hierarchy of educational objectives at the cognitive level?
a. analysis c. knowledge
b. application d. synthesis

32. Which of the following situations shows technology engaging learners in active,
constructive, intentional, authentic and cooperative learning?
a. Posting messages/ photos in the Facebook
b. Discovery activity in intense group research
c. Surfing internet information sites
d. Collating materials from the web

33. Among written categories of assessment methods, what instrument did teacher Mona use
when she used a checklist in order to grade the dramatic performance of students in a play?
a. product rating scale c. performance test
b. oral questioning d. observation and self-reports

34. Education should help in inculcating a spirit of empathy in students so that it can have a
positive effect to their social behavior throughout their lives. This refers to learning to
a. live together c. be
b. know d. do

35. Public school teachers plan to organize a peaceful rally to express their grievances over
education policies. How can this be legally done?
a. support of students c. support of education officials
b. support of parents and community d. get permit for rally outside of
work hours

36. Teachers evaluate student’s achievements because __________________________

a. they want to know how their students perceived their method of teaching
b. they have to translate their student’s performance into marks
c. they have finished the coarse outline
d. they want to know if they are able to reach the goal of their teaching efforts

37. What scientific skill is demonstrated in inferring the probable weight of four guavas, when
one of these guavas weigh 50 grams?
a. comparison c. interpretation
b. observation d. measurement

38. In science teaching, what can be classified as a self-directed strategy in knowing concepts,
principles and motivations?
a. field trips c. realia
b. project d. role playing

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39. What value between sexes is inculcated in efforts to develop non- existent attitude among
young children such as through the use of non- biased language, neutral toys, etc.?
a. neutrality c. sensitivity
b. gender respect d. justice

40. English teacher Jun teaches grammar by limited concentration on memory and application
of rules, immediately tested by daily quizzes. What learning theory is applicable in this case?
a. cognitivist c. connectionist
b. Gestaltist d. behaviorist

41. How is the moral character of a teacher most accurately summed up when he/she have
reached a level of development emotionally, socially, spiritually, appropriate to age status?
a. being a virtuous person c. being morally mature
b. being loving person d. being fully human

42. In technology setting, which is essential so that learners can achieve effectively the learning
a. graphs and maps c. digital or computer devices
b. audio visuals d. realia

43. At the elementary level which must be done to curb pupil’s lack of motivation, low self-
esteem, and lethargy?
I. help children discover their special talents and interests
II. organize interest clubs
III. focus solely on academic for lesson mastery

a. III only c. I only

b. I and II d. II only

44. Which is most likely the behavior of students whose minds are solely guided by the id?
a. students would be very considerate and understanding with one another
b. students would discuss and ask questions a lot
c. students would do more independent homework
d. students would find it difficult to wait patiently for their turn at the canteen when

45. Which of the following is an effective closure of a lesson parallel to the importance given to
set induction?
a. Time is over. See you again tomorrow!
b. There is the bell. Goodbye class!
c. It is already time. See you tomorrow!
d. Before we end, state our science concept again.

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46. Among unit plan components, to what cluster do models, replicas, charts, graphs and
specimens belong?
a. objectives b. evaluation
b. resources and materials c. learning activities

47. Guided by Max Scheler’s Hierarchy of values, what did student Mimi prefer to practice
when she decided to go on an out-of-town picnic to enjoy the day with friends, rather than
attend a required Sunday mass?
a. vital values c. pleasure values
b. spiritual values d. values of the holy

48. Student teacher Ana has a very strong knowledge base in Earth Science. In effect, which will
she most likely be capable of doing?
a. can make an experimental set up on the planets
b. can answer all questions pertaining to Earth Science
c. can easily make new associations with other disciplines
d. can plan a trip to Mars

49. Using rubrics, which is futuristic and hypothetical among the following criteria chosen to
assess a planned student affairs program for the school year?
a. Feasibility of projects/ activities c. Significance of the student affairs program
b. Projected impact of projects d. Full participation of students

50. How do you classify the objective “To identify the parts of the flower” in terms of Bloom’s
taxonomy of educational objectives at the cognitive level?
a. application c. knowledge
b. analysis d. synthesis

51. Teacher Lia manages a nursery class. What stage/period of reading should she observe in
teaching reading skills to her pupils?
a. period of refinement c. period of rapid growth
b. reading readiness d. beginning reading

52. In his class, Teacher Jim carefully focuses on his students’ strengths and weaknesses. What
type of test should he give?
a. summative c. diagnostic
b. formative d. developmental

53. Beyond formal learning, modern schools give regard to parents and the community. What
contemporary theory of learning favors this attitude?
a. academic cognition c. organizational cognitions
b. social cognition d. economic cognition

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54. In introducing a lesson, at what point has Teacher Noni engaged his students in
a. mention the part of the lesson
b. introduction of the topic and learning outcome of the lesson
c. tell the class the topic to be discussed and learned
d. talk about the lesson

55. How is the disorderly behavior of children classified when they are shy?
a. psychomotor c. moral
b. intellectual d. psychological

56. In the revised basic education curriculum, what is the basic tool subject and essential
learning areas in addition to Filipino, English and Science?
a. Music c. Mathematics
b. Philippine culture d. Physical Education

57. Which of the following opinions about books is about the sensible delight they give the
a. Books are treasured wealth of the world
b. The book is man’s greatest invention so far
c. A man without a book is like a body without a soul
d. A book is a garden in a pocket

58. Which of the following is NOT among the elements to consider in applying David Ausubel’s
advance organizer process?
a. age of learners c. nature of the learning material
b. degree of prior familiarity d. subject overview

59. Which forms the foundation of all cognitive objectives without which the next level of
higher thinking skills cannot be attained?
a. analysis c. synthesis
b. application d. knowledge

60. Which one of the following categories in the taxonomy indicates the highest level of
a. comprehensive c. synthesis
b. application d. analysis

61. Within the context of instruction learning, which of the following manifests the teacher as an
effective teacher?
a. great command of technology
b. teacher transmission of bulk of information
c. setting of a fun environment in teaching
d. discovery by students of learning opportunities

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62. Teacher Anna answers that the aim of development is the complete fulfillment of man and
his development in a holistic way as an individual member of a family and community and as a
responsible citizen. Which fundamental type of learning does Teacher Anna assert?
a. learning to be c. learning to live together
b. learning to do d. learning to know

63. Ms. Casio was having problems with discipline in her class. Which questioning technique is
appropriate for the situation?
a. varied questions c. difficult questions
b. stimulating questions d. low- level thinking questions

64. At what point does the science learner engage in critical thinking?
a. gathering evidence c. examining or judging objects
b. learning procedures d. observing objects

65. Synthesis is a complex method for creativity and may require a skilled facilitator to
implement. What is a more parallel methodology which can be more easily applied in classroom
or in school?
a. group dynamics c. conference
b. seminar d. brainstorming

66. Principal Dona is carefully focused on providing healthy, beautiful, and nurturing physical
environment in her school. She believes learners are shaped by their own environment. What
philosophical heritage of learning does she values most?
a. existentialist c. essentialist
b. behaviorist d. perennialist

67. This is the scenario in teacher Maggy’s class: The bell has rung but the students are still
absorbed in their group discussion. The small groups haven’t moved from their seats as they are
busy arguing on what the Philippine government should do with China’s encroachment of the
Scarborough shores. Which is true of the class?
I. active learners
II. does things for the sake of grades
III. they have strong knowledge based on government and international relations

a. I, II and III c. I only

b. I and III d. III only

68. What role does assessment play in determining the aptitude of students for some courses (
e.g most likely to succeed in Humanities, Vocational subject, Science, etc.)?
a. diagnostic role c. formative assessment role
b. summative role d. placement role

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69. Facilities such as classrooms fixtures and equipment can often damage the morale of new
teachers and become an obstruct for adapting well to school environment. What should be the
policy for assigning said physical facilities?
a. position ranking basis c. needs of students’ basis
b. first come, first served basis d. service seniority basis

70. The class lacks information on the lesson topic. What activity can Teacher Don do to fill up
this need?
a. assessment c. lecture
b. drill d. evaluation

71. Which should be used as standards for interpreting a learner’s performance?

a. forms c. grade
b. relative measures d. objectives

72. What established the format of public school in the Philippines?

a. Philippine Commonwealth government
b. Efforts of barangay officials
c. A Hispanic royal decree of 1863
d. Efforts of Spanish missionaries

73. In the instructional framework of learning strategies, which component is demonstrated by

Teacher Jose who identifies the skills required in writing a personality essay and shows his
personality written essay showing the steps he used to complete it?
a. application c. consolation
b. modeling d. review

74. As a practice worldwide, the revision of the basic elementary and secondary grades
curriculum is per decades or every __________________________________
a. every 2 years c. every 5 years
b. 10 years d. every year

75. A young mother observes her seven-year-old girl glued to her computer games. What
aspect of family life suffers due to obsession of the young with technology gadgets?
a. discipline and obedience c. family social life
b. family economic life d. parent-child relationship

76. Which entity/ agency is in charge of primary education by virtue of the Basic Education act.
Of 2001 or RA 9155?
a. DECS or Department of Education, Culture and Sports
b. DepEd or Department of Education
c. CHED or Commission on Higher Education
d. TESDA or Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

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77. Participants in a class discussion did not tell what were the real/true situation concerning
the problem of drug use in the community. What was lacking in the class discussion?
a. interaction c. honesty
b. direction d. articulation

78. Which of the following will most effectively encourage the new teachers for active
participation in the school’s unique educational culture?
a. debriefing with colleague c. constructive feedback
b. teacher induction program d. involvement in planning/ designing activities

79. Which should be the LAST activity in a lesson plan?

a. mapping the sequence of activities c. identifying the evaluation procedure
b. setting learning outcomes d. assessing the needs of learners

80. On managing the class as a group, what is the problem when the class atmosphere is
punitive, tinged with partiality, too competitive or too exclusive?
a. Poor group organization
b. Dissatisfaction with classroom work
c. Dissatisfaction in group climate
d. Group emotions such as fear, depression, etc.

81. To manage behavior, the teacher needs to be able to identify the mistaken goals of
students. What is the hidden goal of students who refuse to cooperate or participate?
a. goal is to get revenge c. goal is to seek power
b. goal is to get attention d. goal is to isolate self

82. Which is the correct sequence of objective in the subject “History of the Philippine
revolution against Spain”?
I. Roots of clamor for independence
II. Steps taken from the KKK to organized revolution
III. Review of the past events leading to 1896
IV. Assessment of achievements of the 1898 republic
a. I, II, III and IV c. III, I, II and IV
b. IV, III, II and I d. II, IV, I and III

83. One very important type of communication skill which is receptive in nature and requires
one to be very alert is
a. writing c. speaking
b. reading d. listening

84. Who introduced Gestalt psychology which influenced the importance of understanding in
the teaching – leaning process?
a. Robert Gagne c. Max Wertheimer
b. David Ausubel d. Albert Bandura

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85. This is a more appropriate understanding of technology in education?
a. inventions and equipment c. hardware, designs and equipment
b. methods and process d. channels and instruments

86. Of the various facets of schedule of class events of the day, which pertains to the flow of
daily activities to facilitate learning, comfort and security?
a. variety c. routine
b. balance d. pace

87. What does a teacher do if she practices differentiated instruction?

a. sees to it that all students are motivated to learn
b. present learning material appropriate to the students’ developmental level
c. applies a multidisciplinary teaching approach
d. makes students collaborate with one another on instructional tasks

88. What is the most basic foundation for moral principles?

a. the civil code c. the manual law
b. the criminal code d. the constitution

89. Following Albert Bandura’s social learning theory, what can be achieved from the public
television’s live coverage of Senate hearings on plunder cases, such as on the misuse of pork
barrel funds?
a. personality imaging c. TV revenues
b. behavior change d. entertainment

90. Reading involves an organic and mental process. Which faculty of a normal person is used
for the physiological process of seeing and identifying images (words)?
a. nose c. ears
b. hands d. eyes

91. In a one-hundred item test, what does Jenny’s raw score of 70 mean?
a. she got a score above the median
b. she surpassed 30 of her classmates in terms of scores
c. she got 70 items correct
d. she failed the exam

92. What is the introduction of new ideas, goods, services and practices in education e.g. new
educational technologies?
a. progression c. innovation
b. integration d. inculcation

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93. Children aged 2 to 3 needs to develop their sense of autonomy or will go through life
doubting them. What should parents and teachers do?
a. help them to develop a sense of self and personal identity
b. consistently provide children with care and affection
c. help them cope with the demands of academic tasks
d. help them develop their sense of personal control over physical skills and a sense of

94. From researches and your own observation, which among the following is NOT an
identifiable characteristic among elementary students?
a. strong gang spirit c. boys growing more rapidly than girls
b. physical growth and development d. strong tendency to imitate

95. During Hispanic days in the Philippines, friars taught the Cartilla and discipline by the “use of
the rod” on erring young “indio” students. What type of conditioning was applied for this
a. onward conditioning c. overt conditioning
b. operant conditioning d. outright conditioning

96. What is being developed when students are engaged in activities that require examination,
diagnosis or analysis?
a. open- mindedness c. objective thinking
b. critical thinking d. creativity

97. Problems of discipline (misdeeds, lapses, minor offenses) can be reduced through
enthusiasm which can be matched by the enthusiasm of learners. What can draw a laugh and
reduce tension from all?
a. verbal reinforces c. dialogues
b. non- verbal gestures d. sense of humor

98. Teacher Joe makes his lesson content within the capacity of his young fourth grade learners.
What is the quality of teacher Joe’s lesson content when he fits lessons to learners’ capacity to
absorb the lesson content?
a. learnability c. balance
b. validity d. variability

99. It is believed that the teacher has an invisible aura of light surrounding his/her person that
influences the class. To what learning does this influence best relates to?
a. learning by drills c. learning by trial and error
b. learning by recitation d. learning by observation and imitation

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100. For young Filipino learners studying English as a second language, which of the following can
best generate language learning?
a. listening activities c. drills
b. simple exercise by use d. study of grammar

101. What mistake is Teacher Zeny trying to avoid by never ignoring any student or group of
students in her discussions and other activities?
a. non-direction c. divided attention
b. dangled activity d. abrupt end

102. Teaching English, Teacher Ramon is careful about his lesson content. What quality of content
did he achieve when he made certain her information came with the “information explosion”
which he got in the internet, such as on how to effectively teach phonics?
a. balance c. significance
b. interest d. learnability

103. Teacher Lina practices experiential or learner-centered teaching. Which of the following
strategies will she LEAST engage in?
a. project discovery quest c. lecture- test/assessment
b. problem-solving activity d. laboratory

104. In Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, at what age does the child acquire the use of
logic and reasoning so as to be able to sort objects and situations by size, color, shape and
a. 0-1 years c. 2-3 years
b. 4-7 years d. 7-12 years

105. What initiative provides unity and camaraderie among professional teachers?
a. communication with former classmates
b. membership in the teacher association
c. friendship among peers
d. loyalty to one’s alma mater

106. Which words can be used in formulating competency outcomes in the comprehension
a. reframing, critic, evaluation
b. discussion, differentiation, comparison
c. generalization, composition, construction
d. perception, recognition, observation

107. Teacher Buenaflor was awarded for her special efforts to create a nurturing environment
in the school. What character has she shown?
a. humble c. loving
b. simple d. mature

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108. Teacher Lorna thinks she is the best among peers, while others are below her stature. What
is her attitude towards people?
a. bukas nalang attitude c. holier than thou attitude
b. crab mentality d. bahala na attitude

109. Who among the educational psychologists gave importance to Eugenics or breeding,
stating that well- bred children create better, more moral and happier learning environment?
a. David Ausubel c. Francis Galton
b. Edward Thorndike d. John Dewey

110. On managing the class as a group, what is the problem when a teacher gives workload to
students that are too light or too heavy?
a. poor group organization c. dissatisfaction
b. poor interpersonal relations d. disturbance in group climate

111. In the school, where or in whom does genuine learning begin, such that there is no real
learning without him/ her?
a. the principal c. the school guidance counselor
b. the classroom teacher d. the student

112. Which of the following disorder is described when children are unable to produce sounds
correctly due to problems with stuttering or difficulties in pronunciation and articulation?
a. receptive disorder c. expressive disorder
b. language disorder d. speech disorder

113. In the implementation of the curriculum at the classroom level, effective strategies are
called “Green”. Which of the following belongs to the Green Flag?
a. homogenous students grouping c. rigidity of movement
b. excess in chalkboard talk d. student interest and teacher enthusiasm

114. What is the popular name for those whose intellectual abilities are not impaired and are
able to recognize letters, but have difficulties in reading, writing and spelling?
a. mentally retarded c. phonic
b. dyslexia d. autism

115. What is stressed by the Essentialist philosophy in education?

a. sociopolitical realities (reconstruct) c. technological literacy (progressivism)
b. educational trends and issues d. universal truths (perennialism)

116. In responding to the learning needs of special children, what negative value or condition is
directly remedied by our democratic educational system?
a. parochialism in culture c. traditional learning
b. elitism in education d. discrimination among learners

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117. Due to the risk in exposing children to some equipment and apparatus, including chemical
elements in a science, what is an effective alternative teaching strategy?
a. lecture c. role playing
b. simulation d. brainstorming

118. Upon receiving the report card of his son on card-giving day, the father who is a medical
doctor went to the teacher and said, “I know my son. He has above average IQ. He does not
deserve these grades?” Based on the factors that affect learning, which may explain the son’s
unsatisfactory grade? The son may have high IQ _____________.
a. but maybe too young for this grade level
b. but may lack intrinsic motivation
c. based on the IQ test but this may not be reliable
d. based on the IQ test but this may not be valid

119. What can teacher Doria encourage in order to foster collaborative/conversational learning
among her high school students?
a. write reflection journals
b. seek ideas and opinions from others (peers, parents, friends, etc)
c. try out ideas suggested by the teacher
d. closely follow ideas from current information sources

120. Which of the following elements contribute to learning, inclusive of higher order
I. Interest III. Performance
II. Motivation IV. Mature reasoning

a. I and II only c. I,II,III,IV

b. I only d. I, II, and III

121. What salient feature of the basic education curriculum provides quality learning by
addressing individual differences of learners?
a. practicality in teaching styles
b. specificity through meaningful experiences
c. rigidity to uphold standards
d. flexibility in teaching learning methods

122. In Erickson’s theory, which of the following is LEAST likely to contribute to the learner’s
human integrity?
a. gainful learning experiences c. personal role and responsibility
b. status/prestige among peers d. acceptance of self and identity

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123. What type of play activities move from individual play to group play within the context of
developing the creative or imaginative faculties of learners?
a. motor/physical play c. solitary play
b. construction play d. fantasy play

124. Teacher Lina organized a structured class discussion with two opposing sides and assigned
speakers on the issue on the use of contraceptives. What was this kind of class discussion?
a. brainstorming c. panel discussion
b. debate d. symposium

125. Of the following, which demonstrates the principle that the good end does not justify the
illegal/moral means?
a. a student makes extra readings for better recitation
b. a teacher takes graduate studies to get a promotion
c. students form a peer group to pass the course
d. a principal collects money from students to set up a computer laboratory

126. Teacher Gloria wants to determine students’ strengths and weaknesses in the use of
laboratory equipment. Which assessment procedure will be most appropriate and authentic?
a. requiring students to submit completed experiments
b. paper and pencil test that requires students to enumerate the do’s and don’ts in the
use of laboratory equipment
c. observation of students’ use of laboratory equipment while they conduct
d. requiring students to submit portfolio

127. To manage behavior, the teacher needs to be able to identify the mistaken goals of
students who become hostile or violent?
a. goal is to seek power c. goal is to get revenge
b. goal is to isolate self d. goal is to get attention

128. In the Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers, moral values are given importance. What
aspect of moral character best relates to the teacher who required good habits and attitude,
while practicing them consistently in life?
a. being fully human c. being a virtuous person
b. being morally mature d. being a loving person

129. Which forms the foundation of all cognitive objectives without which the next level of higher
thinking skills cannot be attained?
a. knowledge c. analysis
b. application d. synthesis

Gurong Pinoy International (Reproduction is STRICTLY prohibited). 17

130. Which is considered ethical when it comes to a teacher applying for a teaching position?
I. There is a vacant position for her
II. She/He is qualified for the position
III. She /He respects the system of selection on the basis of merit and competencies

a. II only c. II and III

b. I, II, III d. I and II

131. In school work management, what is manifested by a teacher’s giving up rest time and
getting unnecessarily overloaded with class preparation requirements?
a. sacrificing for duty c. poor time management
b. burdensome school load d. harassment from students

132. Erickson viewed the elementary school years as critical for the development of self-
confidence. Which one should the elementary school provide?
a. socials to develop interpersonal relations
b. difficult assignments to challenge their abilities
c. opportunities for children to achieve the recognition of teachers, parents and peers
d. rules on academic behavior to be strictly enforced on all pupils

133. In rubrics assessment of acceptance of the family reproductive services in Barangay Tipo-
tipo, Tondo, which is the most immediately tangible-observable of the following selected
a. valuing (clarifying) c. awareness ( mind awakening)
b. characterization (character build up) d. response (action)

134. In constructing a performance checklist to assess acting out a role in class, which of the
following is NOT a relevant behavior checklist item?
a. expression in delivery
b. gesticulation and other body movements
c. motivation and cooperation
d. clarity of speech

135. Our digital generation reads from the internet. What kind of activity do we engage in as we
read and share Facebook materials?
a. economic reading c. social reading
b. professional reading d. developmental reading

136. What characteristics distinguish evaluation from measurement?

a. evaluation requires qualifications
b. measurements include testing; evaluation does not
c. evaluation includes testing; measurements do not
d. evaluation involves a value judgment

Gurong Pinoy International (Reproduction is STRICTLY prohibited). 18

137. A schema is a computer chip in your brain that holds what you know on a subject. Each time
you find something new, you pull out the computer chip on that subject, add the new
information, and return the chip to the storage. The reading technique that activates the schema
a. keyword reading c. skimming
b. previewing d. scanning

138. How are colleges or university schools for teacher education officially known?
a. teacher education divisions c. teacher education institutions
b. teacher education units d. teacher education departments

139. Principal Josefa invited an expert to speak and answer questions on the issue of
cybercrime among faculty and senior students. What kind of discussion was held by the school?
a. brainstorming c. panel discussion
b. symposium discussion d. experience discussion

140. In developing numeracy, what can serve as the basis for mathematical understanding
through concrete experience?
a. seriation c. spatial relationship
b. clarification d. number concept

141. Which is the research method or technique suited for the study of garbage collection in
NCR district 1?
a. marketing research c. observational technique
b. experiment d. focus group

142. Michael Harrington note: “If there is technological advance without social advance, there
is, almost automatically, an increase in human misery.” Which of the following shows that Mr.
Harrington is right?
a. Twitter c. E-mailing
b. Internet pornography d. Facebook

143. It is a common phenomenon that homes in urban or rural places are clean. However, our
streets and parks are dirty; citizens do not bother about garbage collection and rugged roads as
long as these do not affect their family and home. Such situations show that as a people,
Filipinos still lack:
a. Social consciousness c. Personal discipline
b. Community leadership d. Political will

144. What do the school campus expression “promdi” and “barriotic” indicate?
a. The power of the rich c. The prevalence of ethnocentrism
b. The powerlessness of the poor d. Low literacy rate of the country

Gurong Pinoy International (Reproduction is STRICTLY prohibited). 19

145. Lecturer narrates: “I observe that when there is an English-speaking foreigner in class,
more often than not, his classmates perceive him to be superior.” To which Filipino trait does
this point?
a. Lack of confidence c. Colonial mentality
b. Friendliness d. Hospitality

146. The primary purpose of the student council in any school is:
a. To provide training for potential leaders and good followers
b. To provide pupils with some experience in managing the school
c. To provide students and pupils with opportunities for social growth
d. To provide students with experience in democratic self-government

147. A good teacher may provide a good class atmosphere by:

a. Providing pupils with challenging educational experience
b. Setting strict rules and enforcing them partially
c. Allowing the pupils to make all the decisions
d. Maintaining strict discipline

148. Social exposure to various cultures expands a child’s pool of knowledge. Which statement
goes with this sentence?
I. The more experience a child has, the richer his/her world becomes
II. The less experiences a child has, the, more disciplined he/she becomes
III. The more selective parents are in the exposure of their child, the more challenged
the child would become
a. I only c. II only
b. I and III d. III only

149. Personalized education aims to prepare a child for a life-long:

a. Value directed learning c. Self-directed learning
b. Motivation d. none of the above

150. This is a type of research which aims to involve research specialists and classroom teachers
in the study and application of research of the educational problems in the school or in the
classroom in particular.
a. Evaluate research c. application research
b. Action research d. none of the above

Gurong Pinoy International (Reproduction is STRICTLY prohibited). 20

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