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Name: Putri Rania Abida

School: MASS TBI

Social Media

Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Honorable, all the judges and all my beloved friends in this best room.

First and foremost, let’s thank to Allah the Almighty God who has given us some
mercies and blessings so that we can participate in this speech contest. And, don’t forget
to deliver our shalawat and salam to our Prophet Muhammad Saw who has brought us
from the darkness to the brightness.


You know that everyone, every time, and everywhere talks about social media. And
even you, right? I mean, it’s impossible if you guys don’t have one. Even, when we’re
in dormitory, like what I’ve just shown. Social media is an integral part of everyone’s
life in this era, especially the youth of today. It impacts them both positively and
negatively. Hello everyone, my name is Rania and I’m from Madrasah Aliyah. So,
today we’re going to talk about social media.

In fact, it has changed the entire idea of making friends, it allows youth to make
friend with others, all over the world and talk with them for unlimited hours. And of
course, they can do it whenever they want. Nowadays, even video chatting is free of
cost. Indeed, social media has been a blessing for extroverts, and introverts (like me),
students, pen pals, and all social dwellers.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Social media is a fantastic way to get people to express themselves. For example,
you have a date with your boyfriend or your girlfriend. It’s impossible if you didn’t
make a post or story about it. Because, you want to share to people what you feel now,
you just want to share your happiness.

They help portray your interest, your views, and help showing to people who you
are. They offer a platform for you to be yourselves, to be creative, to be who you want
to be. And most importantly, have an audience for all of this. And you can do it on
TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, twitter, and YouTube.

Educationally, social media plays its valuable part. Never before have a student been
able to help each other in such an instant way with educational materials, school tips,
project advices, and exam preparations.

On the other hand, social can have a negative impact on youth as well, as with games
and TV. It’s quite possible to become addicted to this site, so that they become glued to
the internet for hours. This extreme use of technology can affect productivity, mental,
and physical health.

Actually, that reminds me of myself. I admit it, sometimes I’m very addicted to
social media. Especially, a game called Genshin Impact. If anybody here know and have
this game, raise your hand! And let’s play together when we got home, I mean, I need a
friend to kill the boss. But, fortunately I have a natural alarm that always stop me to
play this game. Guess who? My mom. And, if my mom doesn’t warn me, the it will be
like: “AAAARGH! I hate this game! Why I kept losing?! AAAAARGH!” See? It effect
mental health, and that happens a lot. OK, back to topic.

Where unfortunately, there are bullies at most schools, there are cyberbullies too. As
in normal life, children should be monitored and complaints looked into.
Danger can arise in many ways. For example, stalking, toxic chats, and sending
inappropriate content. Many website policies make information public and youth can
often not to be aware because the blindly allow and permit access. Irresponsible
behavior can lead to privacy breaches and unacceptable sharing of content. Rarely,
though serious consequences can lead to hacking of their social media account and
sometimes bank account as well. That means, you might lose all of your money.

Youth today have a habit of putting everything into this site in the form of images,
posts, and live locations. It makes them easily tractable and can aid criminals in
committing such a terrible crimes, like stalking, kidnapping, or worse, murder.

Although, this crimes are rare a parallel and be seen with the real world. In short, the
real world is policies and safeguards are carried out to try to protect our youth from
harm. Now, serious safeguards and education need to be implemented for proper use of
internet or social sites.

What a long speech. Anyway, we can conclude that social media has both good and
bad impacts on youth. It is vital that information on the internet must be used and shared
with responsibility. As beneficial it is, it can be harmful as well if not used wisely.
Individual responsibility is a key within a regulated set of rules. Youth today must be
educated about how to use it and learn about the positive and negative impacts of their

OK, I think that’s all from me. Thank you for your kind attention and please forgiv
me if I have some mistakes. Then, last but not least, don’t have a nice day, have a good

Wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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