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Name : Navis Hilda Karimy

School : MASS Tebuireng

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah wa sholatu wassalamu alla rosulillah sayyidina wamaulan
muhamadin wa ala alihi wa shohbihi ajmain amma ba’du
-Excellency to the juries of english speech contest
-honorable to the comite of english speech contest
-respectable to all the audiences
First of all lets thanks to our god who has been giving us mercies and blessings so we can
attend this contest without any troubles and obstacles
Sholawat and salam always be with our prophet muhammad saw who has guided us from
jahiliyah era to islamiyah era
My name is navis hilda iam from salafiyah syafiiyah tebuireng islamic senior high
school. Standing in front of you all i would like to deliver my speech under the tittle

Everyone this time we are faced again with a pandemic after a few years ago namely the
covid pandemic. Do u know what covid is? Covid is a virus that attacks human respiratory
system,this virus caused by SARS COV-2.people infected with covid have a characteristic
like fever cough and difficulty breathing symptoms can progress to severe pneumonia.this
virus can be spread through the air and unhealthy lifestyle.therefore in pandemic era we must
implement a better lifestyle
Do u know what the mean of better lifestyle? A better or healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle that
pays attention to all aspects of health. I will give u some tips for healthy life during pandemic
1. Take a nap for 7-8 hours
2. Eat enough food that contains carbohydrates,proteins,minerals and vitamin
3. Do sports like cardio,jogging,gym,stretching
4. Maintain hygiene. Make sure to wash your hands with soap and running water for
at least 20 scond at regular intervals,such as before and after eating,after using
toilet,after activities and if your hands dirty. If you cough or sneeze you can cover
your mouth and nose with tissue after that immediately throw the tissue in the
trash and wash your hand thourghly
Ad dont forget to keep your house clean
Guys not only phsyical health that we must take care but mental health too so this is a
several tips u can take to keep your mental health in good condition
1. Reduce news intake,reading information or news is necessary but dont let it make
you anxious consuming too much news on certai topic can make mental health
also disrupted,u only need to read 1-2 news everyday from trusted sources
2. Spend time with family, weknow that from morning until evening we always busy
with activities so u can spend time with family when time to eat or on weekend by
talking,playing games or calling with a video call application
3. Tell a story,if u feel uncomfortable in certain things u can share your story with
people u trust like family,close friends even psychologists
After u sharing your story you will feel relieved
4. limit alcohol consumption,when under stress there are most people who consume
alcohol and smoke to relieved it however when conditions like this please dont
consume alcohol and excessive
5. do hobbies,many of the following things might be your hobbies like
gardening,drawing,cooking,playing games and many more,maybe after u do your
hobbies u can be happy
6. speak for yourself, self talk is when you try to talk with yourself abt whatever
youre feeling,positive affirmations delivered during self talk can reduce the risk of
mental health disorder
these include reducing anxiety,eliminating negative perceptions and providing
opportunities for self control

thats all my speech today, thank you for your attention please forgive me if i have
some mistakes the last i say
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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