Development of Fuzzy Based Ergonomicvalue Stream Mapping EVSM Tool A Case Study in Indian Glass Artware Industryproduction Planning and Control

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Development of fuzzy based ergonomic-value

stream mapping (E-VSM) tool: a case study in
Indian glass artware industry

Bhawana Rathore, Ashok Kumar Pundir, Rauf Iqbal & Rohit Gupta

To cite this article: Bhawana Rathore, Ashok Kumar Pundir, Rauf Iqbal & Rohit Gupta (2022):
Development of fuzzy based ergonomic-value stream mapping (E-VSM) tool: a case study in Indian
glass artware industry, Production Planning & Control, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2022.2035447

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Development of fuzzy based ergonomic-value stream mapping (E-VSM) tool: a

case study in Indian glass artware industry
Bhawana Rathorea, Ashok Kumar Pundira, Rauf Iqbala and Rohit Guptab
Operations and Supply Chain Management Area, National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai, India; bOperations Management
Area, Indian Institute of Management Ranchi, Ranchi, India


In a competitive working environment, conscious workers and stringent labour regulations have forced Received 4 January 2021
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to focus on operational performance along with workers’ Accepted 17 January 2022
performance and their health issues. Evidence from literature uncovered that lean implementation in
the manufacturing industry worsens the workers’ health and safety due to the lack of consideration of
VSM; ergonomics; human
social aspects. This ignorance has forced SMEs to focus on considering social aspects along with eco- factors; musculoskeletal
nomic and environmental aspects for improving their workers’ health and safety. Therefore, this study disorders; lean
aims to develop a tool that integrates lean and ergonomics to improve the workers’ health and safety,
along with operational performance. Hence, Human Factors and Ergonomic (HFE) indicators were
incorporated into the VSM tool under a fuzzy environment. The Fuzzy-based Ergonomic-Value Stream
Mapping (E-VSM) tool identifies the area of scope for ergonomic and managerial interventions at the
workplace and evaluates the HFE indicators with lean indicators. This integrated tool helps manage-
ment to improve the Workers’ health and safety and enhance operational performance synergistically.

1. Motivation and introduction work environment by improving the operational performance

(Technical aspect) and workers’ performance (social aspect).
There has been increasing pressure on Small and Medium-
The social aspects concern human relations, whereas tech-
Sized Enterprises (SMEs) due to conscious workers and strin-
nical aspects are the process components. However, they
gent labour regulations for improving their Worker’s health
focus on the technical aspect for improving operational per-
and safety issues at the workplace. Workers’ health and
formance and often ignore the social aspect while imple-
safety issues such as awkward working posture, repetitive
menting lean (Botti, Mora, and Regattieri 2017). This
task, mental stress, and job satisfaction are exacerbated in
ignorance can affect the Worker’s health and safety1 at their
SMEs of industrially developing countries (ILO 2018).
Moreover, competitive working environment are escalating workplace. Several studies examined the association of lean
more pressure on SMEs to align their business strategies in implementation and its impact on workers’ health and safety
such a way, that synergistically improves operational and (Losonci, Demeter, and Jenei 2011; Koukoulaki 2014;
Worker’s performance (Sakthti Nagaraj and Jeyapaul 2018). Abeysekera and Illankoon 2016). Many studies on lean imple-
Previous studies highlighted and suggested the increased mentation found that the negative impacts on workers are
importance for industries, irrespective of their size, to incorp- strongly associated with some lean practices (Bouville and
orate lean and ergonomics/human factors either simultan- Alis 2014; Pearce, Pons, and Neitzert 2018). Sakthi Nagaraj
eously or sequentially for achieving operational excellence and Jeyapaul (2021) highlighted the reasons behind the
and enhancing Worker’s performance to sustain in a com- above negative effect, such as fast work pace, time pressure,
petitive global market (Jasti and Kodali 2015; Choudhary and increased workload, which impacts the Worker’s health
et al. 2019). However, Costa et al. (2019) reported that indus- and can cause Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). For
tries were failed to achieve the successful integration of lean instance, Womack, Armstrong, and Liker (2009) reported
and ergonomics. Therefore, several researchers identified rea- MSDs and mental health issues among auto-assembly work-
sons behind these failures such as lack of training and skill ers due to repetitive tasks, work pace, forceful exertion, and
(Yadav, Jain, Mittal, Panwar, and Lyons 2019), the complexity awkward posture. According to Lloyd and James (2008), a
of Lean Manufacturing (LM) implementation (Lander and high prevalence of upper limb disorders was found due to
Liker 2007; Magnani, Carbone, and Moatti 2019), and lack of increased work pace by incorporating Just in Time tool in
consideration of social aspect (Jarebrant et al. 2016). their food processing supply chain. These negative impacts
Many industries considered lean as one of the potential of lean implementation on Worker’s health and safety
solutions to meet customer demand and create a healthy affected the workers’ performance which can cause an

CONTACT Bhawana Rathore, Operations and Supply chain management Area, National Institute
of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai, India
ß 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

overall reduction in operational performance due to higher With this motivation, this study attempted to develop a
absenteeism and injury rates (Sobhani et al. 2017). fuzzy-based Ergonomic-Value Stream Mapping (E-VSM) tool
Many studies sporadically offer valuable insights and rec- and demonstrated it with the help of the SME case study.
ommendations to integrate Human Factors and Ergonomics SMEs are considered as backbone of manufacturing sector and
(HFE) with lean for improved results (Westgaard and Winkel are a primary source of income in emerging economies across
2011, Tortorella, Vergara, and Ferreira 2017). This can be the world (Yadav, Jain, Mittal, Panwar, and Lyons 2019). The
achieved by understanding and comparing these two para- contribution of Indian SMEs towards Gross Domestic Product
digms, as shown in Figure 1. In this integrated relationship, (GDP) is 37.54%. Indian Glass artware industry is one of the
the following dimensions are identified to be common: home-based arts and craft SME that contribute to the Indian
‘Motion waste reduction’, ‘Employee and employer relation- economy by offering employment. Unfortunately, SMEs are
ship’, ‘Lead time reduction’, ‘Improved operational perform- plagued with several occupational hazards and health issues of
ance and Workers’ performance’ and served as a basis for this workers’ than medium and large industries because of the
integration. The long-term goal of integrating HFE into the scarcity of resources and technical capabilities (Cagno et al.
lean tools is to enable the organization to consider production 2014). These industries are highly labour-intensive and prone
system performance and risk factors for the prevalence of to several HFE risk factors, such as awkward working posture,
workers’ issues in the manufacturing sector (Hoffmeister et al. repetitive task, mental stress, and heavy workload among the
2015). However, no pragmatic integration could be found workers (ILO 2015; Rathore, Pundir, and Iqbal 2020). Therefore,
where lean and HFE is integrated to map, measure, and ensuring the safety concerns and competitiveness of SME sec-
improve operational and workers’ performances synergistically. tor is important to achieve the overall growth of manufactur-
Therefore, there is a need of a tool, which can be used to ing Sector as well as the national economy. Hence, this study
integrate both workers and operational aspects to throw light integrated HFE risk factor into the VSM tool in four categories,
on potential improvement opportunities for manufacturing namely, Physical, Psychosocial, Managerial, and Work design fac-
SMEs. Measuring the Physical, Psychosocial, Managerial, and tors for evaluating HFE risk level through experts’ (experienced
Work design risk factors across the whole process map and workers’ and industrial engineers) opinions. But in some instan-
incorporating it with the traditional Value Stream Mapping ces, these expert’s opinion carries uncertainty and subjective
(VSM) could help to visualize the opportunities for improving nature of human thinking. In order to capture this vagueness
operational and Worker’s performance, simultaneously. This in the decision-making process, the Fuzzy set theory
integration increases the proportion of Value-Added Work2 (Zadeh 1965) is incorporated into the study to consider the
(VAW) in the manufacturing process and simultaneously uncertainty, vagueness, and subjective nature of human think-
reduces the workers’ workload. ing and quantifying the HFE indicators more easily.

Figure 1. Integrating relationship between lean and ergonomics paradigms.


The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 iv. This tool helps in capturing the relationship between
presents an overview of the theoretical background of lean process and control (e.g. relationships between manu-
and HFE through an extensive literature review. Section 3 facturing processes and controls like production sched-
states the research objectives with a brief outline of the uling) (Seth, Seth, and Dhariwal 2017)
research methodology. Section 4 introduces the case study
considered in this study. Section 5 demonstrates the findings Many researchers have developed extensions of VSM such
of the study with a list of ergonomic interventions. Section 6 as sustainable value stream mapping (Sus-VSM) (Faulkner
presents a discussion on the results obtained and verified and Badurdeen 2014; Brown, Amundson, and Badurdeen
with the previous studies. Section 7 highlights some man- 2014), scrap-value stream mapping (Carmignani 2017),
agerial implications of this study. The last section of this green-value stream mapping (Mun ~oz-Villamizar et al. 2019),
study presents the limitations and future scope. energy value stream mapping (Bush et al. 2014), and LCA-
integrated VSM (Vinodh, Ruben, and Asokan 2016). Similarly,
many previous studies implemented VSM and demonstrated
2. Literature review
the significance of VSM implementation in their SMEs in the
This section aims to understand the theoretical background Indian context (Vinodh et al. 2010). Thus, the implementation
of lean and its impact on Worker’s health and safety. In add- of the VSM tool is considered feasible in India using the
ition, this section also identifies HFE categories and their Rother and Shook (1999) VSM framework, as shown in
measuring indicators with the help of reputed peer-reviewed Figure 2. Moreover, earlier studies have recommended inte-
journals’ studies. grating ergonomics and VSM paradigms to improve oper-
ational efficiency and Worker’s health issues simultaneously
in the manufacturing system (Botti, Mora, and Regattieri
2.1. Background of lean and VSM 2017; Brito, Vale, et al. 2020). Therefore, there is a demand to
After the second world war, the most renowned Toyota modify the VSM tool by incorporating the HFE paradigm
motor corporation could not afford huge resources and high under the fuzzy environment for enhancing operational effi-
investment to rebuild the massive devastated infrastructure ciencies and decrease the overall Worker’s health issues.
and facilities. Therefore, the engineers Eiji Toyoda and Taiichi
Ohno at Toyota started implementing the Toyota Production
2.2. Impact of lean practices on workers’ health
System (TPS), later known as Lean (Ohno 1988). Krafcik
and safety
(1988) first time coined the word ‘Lean’ based on TPS in his
thesis at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Shah and Lean philosophy is based on sociotechnical systems theory,
Ward 2007). After this, it was popularized by the books ‘The and it was coined by Tavi-stock Institute of Human Relations
Machine that Changed the World’ (Womack, Jones, and Roos in the 1950s (Koukoulaki 2014). This theory provides an
1990) and ‘Lean Thinking’ (Womack and Jones 1997). Many understanding of the interrelationship between the technical
researchers reported several mature lean tools in the market and human aspects of lean manufacturing. It recommends
such as VSM, JIT, Kaizen, and TPM, which are used as oper- that technical and social sub-systems should be optimized to
ational practice (Bhamu and Sangwan 2014; Hu et al. 2015). create an effective and healthy work environment. But in
VSM is a widely used lean tool that helps to identify some instances, a technical system is implemented that
value-added and non-value-added activities within the pro- causes negative effects on the social system with the conse-
duction system by visualizing information and material flow quences of reduced performance of the whole system (Eason
with the help of symbols, arrows, and indicators (Rother and 2007). In the last two decades, several studies have examined
Shook 1999; Womack and Jones 2003; Carmignani 2017). It the aftermath of lean implementation on Worker’s health
visualizes the waste across the entire value chain using dif- and safety in the manufacturing and service industry (Sprigg
ferent lean performance indicators, such as lead time, prod- and Jackson 2006; Hasle et al. 2012; Koukoulaki 2014).
uctivity, cycle time, operator performance, quality, standard Table 1 presents the overview of studies investigating the
time, and take time (Pakdil and Leonard 2014). Some other impact of lean on workers’ health and safety. Around 75% of
unique and additional features which make VSM is an appro- the studies revealed the negative impact of lean such as
priate tool for this study is given below: fatigue, repetitive tasks, heavy workload, and mental stress
on workers’ health and safety which reduces the organiza-
i. VSM tool provides leverage to analyse qualitatively and tions’ productivity. However, few studies reported the posi-
quantitatively (Serrano, Ochoa, and Castro 2008). tive outcome of lean on Worker’s health and safety
ii. It provides a proper understanding of local (workstation (Wickramasinghe and Wickramasinghe 2011; Marudhamuthu
level) and global process (entire value chain) improve- and Pillai 2011).
ment scenarios and rational connections between two Moreover, previous studies investigated the relationship
levels. (Thanki and Thakkar 2016) between lean and the risk factors (e.g. job autonomy, work
iii. VSM tool is very flexible and adaptable. Therefore, it pace, job satisfaction, ergonomic risk) and found the high
can be used in different application areas such as the prevalence of MSDs issues, upper extremities, fatigue, and
manufacturing, service, and construction sector (Seth, stress among the workers (Saurin and Ferreira 2009). Leroyer
Seth, and Goel 2008). et al. (2006) examined the psychosocial factors and

Figure 2. Framework for VSM implementation. Source: adapted from Rother and Shook (1999).

Table 1. Overview of studies investigating the impact of lean on workers’ health and safety.
Study Industry Methodology HFE indicators Results
Jackson and Garment industry Survey analysis Job demands Positive impact (þ)
Mullarkey (2000) Increased job demand
Mehri (2006) Automobile industry Qualitative study Workload and illness Negative impact ()
& injuries High record of illness and injuries and
heavy workload
Leroyer et al. (2006) Automobile industry Time series Job demand and Negative impact ()
Worker’s health Reduced psychological health and high
physical work demand
Conti et al. (2006) Metal industry Cross sectional study Physical and mental stress Negative impact ()
Increased physical and mental stress
Sprigg and Service industry Cross sectional study Job clarity, job Negative impact ()
Jackson (2006) autonomy, workload Lower job autonomy, Less job clarity,
Heavy workload
Karia and Asaari (2006) Mixed industry Cross sectional study Job satisfaction Positive impact (þ)
High job satisfaction
Lloyd and Food processing industry Historic perspective Prevalence of MSDs, Negative impact ()
James (2008) Work pressure High prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders
issues and increased work pressure
Womack, Armstrong, Automobile industry Cross sectional study Ergonomic risk factors Negative impact ()
and Liker (2009) More repetitive task
Saurin and Manufacturing assemble line Historic perspective Work pace and workload Negative impact ()
Ferreira (2009) Increased work pace and workload
Marudhamuthu and Garment industry Case study Worker fatigue Positive impact (þ)
Pillai (2011) Reduce worker fatigue
Wickramasinghe and Textile industry Longitudinal study Job involvement Positive impact (þ)
Wickramasinghe Increased job involvement
Kumar and Garment industry Case study Worker fatigue Negative impact ()
Sampath (2012) Increased worker fatigue
Br€annmark and General manufacturing industry Literature review MSDs risk factors Mixed impact ()
Håkansson (2012)
Jonker et al. (2013) Healthcare industry Cohort study Mechanical exposure duration No major differences
Bouville and Alis (2014) Mixed industry Empirical study Job satisfaction, job stress, Negative impact ()
health condition at work Worsening health condition, increased
job stress
Abeysekera and Supply chain Survey analysis Sitting posture, Assessment Negative impact ()
Illankoon (2016) of workplace conditions Awkward working posture, Worsen noise
and heat condition
Sakthti Nagaraj and Textile industry Survey analysis Job strain, awkward work Negative impact ()
Jeyapaul (2018) posture, job satisfaction Awkward working posture, Heavy job strain,
Low job satisfaction

ergonomics risk factors and their impact on the Worker’s due to high repetitive tasks and increased work pace.
health during the lean implementation. Llyod and James Similarly, a study investigated the association of lean job
(2008) implemented customer controlled Just in Time in the design and musculoskeletal risks and found the repetition of
food processing supply chain and revealed a high prevalence the task is higher at the lean plant (Womack, Armstrong, and
of upper limb disorders among the food processing worker’s Liker 2009). In conclusion, implementation of lean principles,

especially in the manufacturing industry is strongly associ- and Alis 2014; Koukoulaki 2014; Arezes, Dinis-Carvalho, and
ated with a high prevalence of MSDs symptoms, stress, and Alves 2015; Rodrıguez et al. 2016). These risk factors are consid-
fatigue issues among the workers. These issues among the ered in our study as HFE categories to measure the risk level3
workers can reduce their performance and productivity at in glass artware industry, as shown in Figure 3. The detailed
the workstation, which leads to reduced operational perform- description of HFE risk factors categories and their measuring
ance. Therefore, there is a need to develop a tool that indicators are presented in Table 2.
integrates lean and ergonomics to improve workers’ perform-
ance and operational performance synergistically. In order to
develop this tool, HFE categories and their indicators are
2.4. Integration of HFE categories and their indicators
required to identify from the literature and incorporate into
into VSM tool under fuzzy environment
the VSM tool. The integration of HFE into lean tools plays a significant role
in the successful implementation of the lean strategy (Botti,
Mora, and Regattieri 2017). Past studies have widely exam-
2.3. Identification of HFE indicators to access the
ined the impact of lean implementation on the workers’
human factor risk level
health and safety (Yusoff, Arezes, and Costa 2013; Koukoulaki
HFE is a discipline that focuses on human and machine 2014; Sakthi Nagaraj et al. 2019; Sakthi Nagaraj and Jeyapaul
interaction, viewed from the multiple perspectives of the 2021). Womack, Armstrong, and Liker (2009) investigated the
engineering, design, technology, science, and management of risk factors with the help of their expert’s opinion and exam-
human-compatible systems (Karwowski 2005). Many studies ined the association of lean job design with MSDs symptoms.
have widely discussed how HFE can optimize worker’s output Sakthi Nagaraj et al. (2019) found repetitive task is one of
and overall system performance (Karwowski 2005; Karwowski the prominent physical risk factors at the lean manufacturing
2012). Ergonomic interventions such as digital designed work- plant with the help of expert’s opinion that were collected in
station, improved tool and task design is considered as one of five-point Likert scale. Similarly, Koukoulaki (2014) revealed
the solutions for improving workers’ output and overall system an association between lean practice and the prevalence of
performance (Zare et al. 2020). Ergonomically designed work- MSDs, cumulative trauma disorders, and psychosocial impact
stations and jobs decrease the risk of MSDs issues, injuries, through assessment graded scale of 1 to 10. None of the
absenteeism rates and simultaneously enhancing operational abovementioned studies has considered uncertainty and
performance. Larson and Wick (2012) found that implementa- vagueness associated with expert’s opinion.
tion of ergonomically designed workstations decreased the Some vagueness, ambiguity, and impreciseness exist in
MSDs issues and improved workers’ productivity. workers’ responses due to the absence of past data and the
Rathore, Pundir, and Iqbal (2020) investigated the relation- subjective nature of human judgement (Rathore and Gupta
ship between physical risk factors (e.g. awkward work posture, 2021). In order to overcome this drawback, our study incor-
forceful exertion, and repetitive task) and the prevalence of porated Fuzzy Set Theory (FST) to capture the ambiguity in
MSDs symptoms among the glass artware workgroup. Similarly, experts’ responses (Singh and Benyoucef 2011). Triangular
many studies have examined the association of psychosocial Fuzzy Numbers (TFN) are used to take the experts’ responses
(job satisfaction, mental workload, job stress, psychological in this study. This is widely adopted in many problems of
strain), managerial (supervisor support, communication system, operations management due to its robustness and their
co-workers support, and reduction of resources) and work computational simplicity (Taylan et al. 2014; Chan, Sun, and
design risk factors (job clarity, job autonomy, job rotation) with Chung 2019). Previous studies reported that TFN is a profi-
the prevalence of MSDs issues among the workers (Bouville cient way to formulate decision problems involving

Figure 3. HFE category and their indicators considered in this study.


Table 2. Human factor and ergonomic (HFE) indicators used in this study with description and literary sources.
HFE categories HFE indicators Description with literary sources
Physical factors 1. Repetitive task Repetitive tasks refer to the task performed again and again (Kilbom 1994) and this causes the
development of MSDs among SMEs workers (Dianat and Salimi 2014). Therefore, the repetitive
task can be included in the VSM tool (Jarebrant et al. 2016).
2. Working posture Working posture refers to the posture adopted by the workers while performing the task (Corlett,
Madeley, and Manenica 1979). Awkward posture can increase the risk of developing MSDs
among SMEs workers and should be considered for leanness (Hermawati, Lawson, and Sutarto
2014; Santos, Vieira, and Balbinotti 2015). Hence, this factor has been considered as a human
factor indicator into VSM tool (Jarebrant et al. 2016).
3. Forceful Exertions Extreme forceful exertion has been associated with the development of MSDs (Alasim, Nimbarte,
and Jaridi 2019) and it can be considered as HFE indicator into VSM tool (Jarebrant et al. 2016).
4. Occupational vibration Occupational vibration refers to vibration experienced to whole body or a certain part of the
workers’ body, especially hand-arm system while executing the manual task (Kjellberg1990).
Occupational vibration is one of factor which cause MSDs among the manual activity (Finco
et al. 2021). Therefore, it is important to consider this in our study.
Psychosocial factors 1. Job satisfaction Job Satisfaction refers to the favourableness with which employees view their work. Bouville and
Alis (2014) identifies adverse effect of job satisfaction on lean implementation but Rodrıguez
et al. (2016) stated that job satisfaction is positively associated with the operational
2. Mental workload Mental workload may refer either to the objective workload imposed by the task or to the subjective
ratings of the operator with regard to the demands of the task (Gaillard 1993). It also considered as
aspect of cognitive load (Paas et al. 2003). According to Koukoulaki (2014), lean implementation can
cause time pressure that may impact the physical and psychological workload parameters among
the workers.
3. Job stress Job stress is defined as a dynamic condition in which a worker is confronted with an opportunity,
constraint, or demand on doing what he or she desires (Schuler 1980).
4. Psychological strain Psychological strain or psychological distress refers to the feeling emotional and mental stress.
Koukoulaki (2014) found that lean implementation develops the psychological strain on workers.
Managerial factors 1. Reduction of resources This refers to reducing any kind of resources (raw material, machine, personnel skill, etc.) during
performing the task. Koukoulaki (2014) highlighted the positive correlation of lean
manufacturing (Just-In-Time) with reduction of resources.
2. Supervisor support Supervisor support refers the degree to which supervisors recognize the value of employees’
voluntary (Goussinsky and Livne 2016)
3. Communication system According to Cassell, Worley, and Doolen (2006), communication is critical component to the
requirements of the internal customer and coupled with the one-piece flow which forms the
foundation of lean systems.
4. Co-workers’ support Co-workers’ support help to share knowledge and expertise when others face problems or novel
issues. Koukoulaki (2014) found that the lack of co-worker support can cause stress among
the workers.
Work design factors 1. Job rotation Job rotation is considered as a strategy for substituting workers between activities with different
occupational demands and exposure levels (Howarth et al. 2009). Many studies identified
negative outcome of lean implementation on job rotation (Bouville and Alis 2014).
2. Job clarity The amount of information and briefing available to a worker that is necessary to perform the required
tasks effectively (Chan and Schmitt 2000). Briefing and performance monitoring are related with low
job clarity (Sprigg and Jackson 2006).
3. Task design Task design means outlining the task, duties, responsibilities, qualifications, methods and
relationships required to perform the given set of a task.
4. Job autonomy Job autonomy allows the employees to determine the pace, sequence, and methods when
accomplishing tasks (Volmer, Spurk, and Niessen 2012). Hasle et al. (2012) identified negative
impact of lean manufacturing practices in job autonomy.
MSDs: musculoskeletal disorders

impreciseness and vagueness (Zhao, Guo, and Zhao 2019; and Gupta 2021). The lP ðx Þ is a membership function of
Sah, Gupta, and Bani-Hani 2021). For a better understanding the fuzzy number (refer Figure 4), as explained below:
of the fuzzy method, we elucidated some frequent used
fuzzy terms and described them in next sub-sections. >
> 0, x  a1
> x  a1
< , a1  x  a2 ;
lP ð xÞ ¼ a2a a1
3 x
2.4.1. Fuzzy set theory (FST) >
> , a2  x  a3 ;
Let us assume X is the universe of discourse : a30, a2
a3  0
XeðX1 , X2 , X3 . . . . . . Xn Þ: Then, a fuzzy set P in a universe of
discourse is expressed by a membership function lP , which
is expressed as lP ðxÞ ! ½0, 1: The key idea of a fuzzy set is ii. Linguistic term
that an element has a degree of membership in a fuzzy set, When experts expressed their opinion in words or senten-
ranging between 0 and 1. ces in the form of natural or artificial language (Herrera,
Herrera-Viedma, and Martınez 2000). The conversion scales
i. Triangular Fuzzy Number (TFN) are required to translate language words into fuzzy numbers,
A fuzzy number P ¼ ða1 , a2 , a3 Þ is known to be TFN. which are defined by the TFN (Gul, Ak, and Guneri 2019).
Where, a1 is small possible value, a2 is middle possible value Therefore, we employed a linguistic term table to obtain
and a3 is large possible value in TFN respectively (Rathore responses from the workers.

To sum up, the literature review found the negative Indian glass artware industry. Hence, this study was
impact of lean implementation on workers’ health and safety attempted by setting the following research objectives:
and their consequences on workers performance. Therefore, RO1: To identify the lean and HFE indicators to measure the
previous studies have suggested to develop a tool that prag- human factor risk level.
matically integrates HFE and lean paradigms for improving
RO2: To incorporate human factors and ergonomics indicators
the workers’ and operational performance synergistically. In into value stream mapping.
addition, the review of the available literature reveals that
RO3: To explain the fuzzy-based E-VSM approach through a case
there is a lack of tool which integrate HFE into VSM in Indian study of glass artware manufacturing process.
glass artware industry under the fuzzy environment, as
shown in Table 3. In order to achieve the aforementioned objectives, HFE
indicators were integrated into traditional VSM to develop a
fuzzy-based E-VSM tool to visualise both lean and ergonom-
ics wastes throughout the entire value chain and accom-
3. Research objectives and methodology plished in five steps, as presented in Figure 5. First, HFE and
lean performance indicators are identified through an exten-
Several previous studies have discussed and investigated the
sive literature review. Second, measurement items for each
relationship between ergonomics and lean by highlighting
identified indicator are developed and validated through
the potential benefits of their integration in different con-
questionnaire to access the human factor risk level. Third,
texts (Jarebrant et al. 2016; Brito, Ramos, et al. 2020; Brito,
HFE categories are incorporated in traditional VSM. Fourth, it
Vale, et al. 2020) and their impact on Worker’s performance
explains the fuzzy-based integrated tool of HFE and lean tool
(Bouville and Alis 2014; Abeysekera and Illankoon 2016). in glass artware industry. In the last step, the results of the
However, no pragmatic integration could be found where current state and future state are compared and discussed.
HFE and VSM are integrated under the fuzzy environment to
map, measure, and improve operational and Worker’s per-
formances synergistically. Therefore, the present work aims 4. Overview of the case study
to develop a fuzzy-based E-VSM tool to enhance operational The glass artware is one of the home-based cottage SMEs in
efficiencies and decrease workers’ health and safety issues in India and a major source of income for rural communities. It
manufactures glass artware products such as bangles, crock-
ery, souvenir, and chandelier using the traditional manufac-
turing process. Its manufacturing process consists of ten
activities such as, mixing of raw materials, batch preparation
from mixed raw material, charging (Feeding the mixed raw
material into furnace), Melting (Heating the raw material at a
temperature of 1350 C), Gob making (convert the raw mater-
ial into glass bulb), Parison preparation and joining
(Hammering and shaping the glass bulb), Reheating (again
reheat the shaped glass bulb), Spiral making (glass bulb feed
to machine for giving spiral shape), cutting (bangles are cut
from each other) and sorting (discarded damaged and
defective bangles). The detailed glass bangle manufacturing
Figure 4. Membership function for the triangular fuzzy number P. operations and sequence of the activities are shown in

Table 3. Summary of studies integrating HFE and VSM under fuzzy environment.
Research studies Economic aspect Societal aspect Fuzzy aspect Industry type
Panizzolo et al. (2012) 冑 Small and medium enterprises manufacturing
Schmidtke, Heiser, and Hinrichsen (2014) 冑 Production process of exhaust gas purification catalysts
Jasti and Sharma (2014) 冑 Crankshaft manufacturing
Tyagi et al. (2015) 冑 Gas turbines manufacturing
Alaskari, Ahmad, and Pinedo-Cuenca (2016) 冑 Small and medium enterprises manufacturing
Lacerda, Xambre, and Alvelos (2016) 冑 Automobile manufacturing
Rodrıguez et al. (2016) 冑 冑 Plastic manufacturing
Jarebrant et al. (2016) 冑 冑 Plastic component manufacturing
Botti, Mora, and Regattieri (2017) 冑 冑 Hard shell tool cases manufacturer
Seth, Seth, and Dhariwal (2017) 冑 Transformer manufacturing
Pearce, Pons, and Neitzert (2018) 冑 Engineering jobbing shop
Dhiravidamani et al. (2018) 冑 Automobile
Bhuvanesh Kumar and Parameshwaran (2018) 冑 冑 Polyethylene
Brito, Ramos, et al. (2020) 冑 冑 Metallurgical company
Brito, Vale, et al. (2020) 冑 冑 Packaging company
Sakthi Nagaraj et al. (2019) 冑 冑 Textile manufacturing
Our study 冑 冑 冑 Glass artware manufacturing
Note.冑 sign indicates the particular aspect is included in that study.

Figure 5. Research methodology for evaluating integration of HFE into lean implementation.

Figure 6. The selected case study operates 12 months per specific colour used for bangle making. Total natural gas
year with the demand of 2200 Toras4/month and has four consumed by the tank furnace is 950,000 m3/day. It
main plant sections: operates on a single shift of 8 hours per day from
Monday to Saturday, excluding breaks for lunch and rest.
i. Tank furnace area- It consists of a tank furnace with ii. Moulding area- It consist of many moulding worksta-
many orifices opening, and each opening depicts a tions where gob making process is carried out by giving

Figure 6. Detailed process of glass artware (bangle) manufacturing operation.

proper shape through moulding and reheating. It oper- the videos and photos method in order to estimate the
ates on a single shift of 8 h, excluding 30 min for lunch standard time for all the ten processes. Initial ten observa-
and 20 min for breaks, resting, and workstations’ clean- tions were taken for each activity to compute the cycle time.
ing area. After collecting the valid number of observations, cycle time,
iii. Spiral shaping fabrication area- It consists of machines operator performance, throughput yield, defects, and scraps
where gob material is converted into a round bangle were calculated and presented in Table 4. Second, soft data
shape through a spiral shaping machine. It requires was collected with the help of expert’s opinion to quantify
skilled workers to make accurate precision to create dif- the human factor risk level using measurement items under
ferent size bangles. After this, bangles are separated by sixteen identified HFE indicators (refer Appendix Table A2).
cutting through a diamond cutter tool. Workers were asked to rate the measurement items for each
iv. Inspection area- It consists of sorting and inspecting activity with the help of a linguistic scale, as shown in
bangles for the further final deployment process. Table 5.
The English version of the questionnaire was translated
This industry experiences a high prevalence of MSDs issues into the local language according to their comprehension
and a significant amount of non-VAW, which reduces both level, and all illiterate workers were assisted in filling the
the workers’ and operational performance. Moreover, workers questionnaire and survey. Two academicians and an indus-
are directly exposed to an extensive range of psychosocial trial engineer verified the translated survey sheet by using a
(mental stress, job dissatisfaction, and strain) and physical face validation approach. Initially, the sheet was also vali-
hazards (MSDs issues and fatigue) (ILO 2015; Srivastava et al. dated by some workers through a pilot study. The reliability
2000). Therefore, the company focuses on interventions (ergo- of the test-retest questionnaires was examined using Kappa
nomic and managerial) to reduce musculoskeletal discomfort coefficients (0.81–0.89), exhibiting a proficient questionnaire.
among the glass artware workers and productivity improve- The investigator conducted a one-hour session to introduce
ment to sustain quality. The company is committed to: the methodology and purpose of the study. We explained
this by giving examples of MSDs issues and explaining how
 To decrease its overall societal issues this study is important. After this, we trained them on how
 To enhance the Workers’ health and safety at the work- to respond to the survey. The survey on HFE risk factor was
place and operational performance. performed on the working day of the week and at the end
of the shift.

4.1. Data collection

4.2. Calculation of HFE category score
Traditional VSM is used for the visualization of quantitative
During data collection, measurement items were rated the
representation of a value-added or non-value-added process.
human factor risk level for each activity with the help of
In this study, visualization of four HFE categories, namely,
linguistic terms. The experts expressed their opinions in a
physical, managerial, psychosocial, and work design factors,
linguistic term, which are further defined by the TFN varia-
were also incorporated in traditional VSM to represent the
bles (a1 , a2 , a3 ). Referring to Gupta, Biswas, and Kumar (2019)
score for each activity in their respective category, as shown
the crisp value of these fuzzy variables can be calculated by
in Figure 7. This study required two types of data, namely
Eq. (1) and considered as a rating of measurement items
hard data (e.g. cycle time, customer demand, lead time, and
(Ra ). The average of these rating (Ra ) is the score for individ-
standard time) and soft data (worker posture, repetitive task,
ual HFE indicators (Ib ) and calculated by using eq. (2). The
job autonomy, and job satisfaction) to represent the present
average of individual HFE indicators (Ib ) depicts the score for
and future state of the production system. First, Hard data
the HFE category (ICc ) and is computed by using Eq. (3).
was collected through Gemba-walk (Tyagi et al. 2015; Seth,
Seth, and Dhariwal 2017), observation, and interviews in the a1 þ 2  a2 þ a3
Crisp value ðRa Þ ¼ (1)
glass artware industry. Time study was conducted by using 4

Figure 7. Modified value stream mapping tool.

Table 4. Data collection for developing current state map.

Lean performance indicators 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CT (min) 1.5 2.1 0.55 1.9 0.51 0.58 0.35 0.52 0.25 0.41
ST (min) 0.51 1.2 0.39 0.5 0.4 0.45 0.24 0.42 0.15 0.32
OP (%) 34.00 57.14 70.91 26.32 78.43 77.59 68.57 80.77 60.00 78.05
Input 400 400 400 384 384 384 384 384 375 375
Scrap 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 4 0 8
Defects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 2 5
TPY (%) 100 100 97.50 100 100 100 100 98.44 100 96.53
WIP (Toras) 100 30 15 17 15 20 15 20 25 35
Note: low skilled operation; semi-skilled operation; skilled operations
1: Raw material mixing; 2: batch preparation; 3: charging; 4: melting; 5: gob making; 6: Parison preparation and joining; 7: reheating; 8: spiral formation; 9:
cutting; 10: sorting.

Table 5. Fuzzy linguistic scale. Ib: Average score of the of bth HFE indicator (I)
Code Linguistic term Triangular fuzzy number (b ¼ 1,2,3 … … . n), and n represents the total number of
1 Very low risk level (0,1,2) HFE indicators in an indicator category.
2 Low risk level (1,2,3)
3 Medium risk level (2,3,4)
ICc: Average score of cth HFE indicators category (IC).
4 High risk level (3,4,5)
5 Very high-risk level (4,5,5)
5. Demonstration of fuzzy based E-VSM tool
Ib ¼ ðR1 þ R2 þ R3 ::::Rm Þ=m (2) 5.1. Current state map

I1 þ I2 þ I3 In The current state map of fuzzy-based E-VSM tool was devel-

ICc ¼ (3) oped by using the collected data, which presents lean indica-
tors and human factor risk score corresponding to each
Where, a1, a2, and a3 are the triangular fuzzy numbers. activity, as shown in Figure 8. Lean indicators (lead time, cycle
Ra: Rating of the ath measurement items (a ¼ 1,2, time, standard time, operator performance, and throughput
3 … … m), and m represent the sum of all measurement yield) for each activity were calculated using the formula
items corresponding to respective indicator. (refer Appendix Table A1), and human factor risk score was

computed for each activity with the help of the above-men- Total Scrap per shiftðminÞ ¼ Total number of scrap product
tioned Equations (1–3).

cycle time
Lean performance indicators of the current state map are
presented in Table 6. Total team performance in the current ¼ 22
8:67 ¼ 190:74 min
state map was low (52.83%) because of the additional time Total defects per shift ðminÞ
(4.09 min) required to complete a toras over Standard Time
¼ ðNumber of defects products of each operation
(ST). Time waste due to defective products and scrap products
was 12.39 min and 190.74 min respectively per shift. Time loss
Respective cycle timeÞ þ allowances
due to the scrap bangles was the total time spent to finish ¼ ð17
0:52 þ 2
0:25 þ 5
0:41Þ þ 1 ¼ 12:39 min
the total number of bangles, and time loss due to defective
bangles was estimated by adding Cycle Time (CT) of each
HFE category score obtained from Equation (3) are ranged
defective bangles and allowances. 1 min was assigned to gob-
making activity for transferring gob for the next operation. from 0 to 5 and then classified into risk levels [0–1: Very low
Total time loss due to defective and scrap products was level, 1–2: Low level, 2–3: Medium level, 3–4: High level, and
approximately 203.13 min. The reason behind this time loss 4–5: Very high level]. In this study, activity above the
was a quality issue, machine breakdowns, or other issues. The medium risk level was considered as a critical activity, as
results of the lean performance indicators used for the current shown and highlighted in Table 7. On the basis of the phys-
state of the glass artware production process were calculated ical factor category, spiral formation activity was at a very
by given below expressions: high-risk level, and raw material mixing, gob making, and
" # parison preparation and joining activity were at a high-risk
Standard TimeðSTÞ
Operator PerformanceðOPÞ ¼
100% level. It is also observed that all skilled activities (5, 6, and 8)
Cycle TimeðCTÞ were at a high and very high-risk level due to the complex
4:58 nature of work and acquired awkward work postures by
¼ ¼ 52:8%
8:67 workers. Raw material mixing was a low-skilled activity, but it
was at a high-risk level due to repetitive hand and arm
Rolled Throughput Yield ðRTPYÞ%
movement and vibration during mixing, whereas other low-
¼ TPY1
TPY3 :::TPY10 skilled activities were at a medium-risk level.
¼ 1
0:965 On the basis of the psychosocial factor’s category score, gob
making, and spiral formation were at very high-risk level as
¼ 0:889 ¼ 88:9%
they composed of critical activities that require high decision-

Figure 8. Current state map of fuzzy based E-VSM tool.


Table 6. Current state lean performance indicators.  Participatory ergonomic training and proper counselling
Lean performance indicators to reduce job pressure and stress among the workers.
CT (min) 8.67  Managerial recommendations are aiming to improve the
ST (min) 4.58 working conditions at the workplace by providing:
TP (%) 52.83
RTPY (%) 88.9 i. Proper rest and break
Defects per shift (min) 12.39 ii. Limited working hours per shift
Total lead time (min) 40.5 iii. Extra fatigue allowances to prolonged stand-
Scrap per shift (min) 190.74
ing activity
iv. Medium workload
Table 7. The score of HFE risk level corresponding to each activity. v. Moderate work pace
Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 vi. Effective job rotation.
Physical factors 3.73 2.99 2.85 2.71 3.36 3.54 2.75 4.01 2.58 2.49
Psychosocial factors 3.66 2.98 2.79 3.43 4.02 2.77 2.68 3.94 2.37 3.74
Managerial factors 2.91 2.65 2.49 3.25 3.51 2.69 3.13 2.47 2.28 2.67
Work design factors 2.74 2.49 2.07 1.99 3.48 2.19 2.09 4.08 2.12 2.71
5.3. Future state map
Note: Score between 0–1: very low risk level; 1–2: low risk level; 2–3: medium The abovementioned ergonomic interventions were imple-
risk level; 3–4: high risk level; 4–5: very high-risk level.
1: Raw material mixing; 2: batch preparation; 3: charging; 4: melting; 5: gob
mented in the manufacturing system. The implementation
making; 6: Parison preparation and joining; 7: reheating; 8: spiral formation; 9: activities were carefully monitored and observed for 30 days.
cutting; 10: sorting After 30 days, data was collected to develop the future state
Note: low skilled operation; semi-skilled operation; skilled operations.
of the fuzzy-based E-VSM tool, as visualized in Figure 9, and
their lean performance indicators & HFE categories are
making skills, concentration, and focus with continuous physical shown in Tables 9 and 10.
movement, which causes mental stress among these workers
(Conti et al. 2006). Melting was at a high-risk level. Raw material
mixing and Sorting are low-skilled activities, but they found at 5.4. Monitoring the effects of implemented interventions
high risk. Very high and high-risk activities are comprised of
In this study, a significant reduction in the risk level of phys-
various psychosocial factors such as mental stress, cognitive
ical and psychosocial factors category was observed for each
workload, and high dependency on decision-making.
critical activity. Whereas risk level of managerial and work
On the basis of managerial factors category score, melting,
design category was significantly reduced in critical activities
gob-making activity, and reheating were at high-risk level due
and slightly reduced in non-critical activities. A comparison
to the improper workstation and work design. This high risk
of HFE risk levels before and after ergonomic intervention for
was associated with abandonment from the supervisor and a
each category is presented in Figure 10(a–d).
lack of resources. Reheating is considered as low-skilled oper- Critical activities such as raw material mixing, gob making,
ation but was at a high-risk level due to the low priority reheating, spiral making, and cutting achieved above 10% of
given by management towards this activity. workers’ performance. Cycle time and work in process inven-
On the basis of work design factors category score (refer tory in the VSM were reduced as follows: Raw material mix-
Table 7), only gob making, and spiral forming activities were ing (1.5–1.1 and 100), Gob making (0.51–0.47 and 10),
considered critical activities. These activities demand repetitive Reheating (0.35–0.27 and 13), Spiral making (0.52–0.47 and
hand movement and prolonged standing during the entire 15) and cutting (0.25–16 and 19).
working shift. Therefore, they required properly designed tools Lean performance indicators significantly improved for
and job clarity for these activities. However, it was observed the corresponding activity after implementing ergonomic
that the high-risk level of these two activities was associated interventions in the glass artware industry. Cycle time was
with the improper design of tool and job unclarity, whereas lessened by 19.15% per toras and total lead time by 17.73%.
the remaining activities were at a medium and low-risk level. RTPY increased by 1.24%, representing an increase in process
quality. Regarding the quality aspect, scrap and defects were
decreased by 22.8 and 21.79%, respectively. Team perform-
5.2. Actions taken: ergonomic interventions
ance increased by 23.6%. Figure 11 presents the percentage
The ergonomic interventions were identified for all critical improvement in lean performance indicators in the glass
activities, as shown in Table 8. Some common risk factors bangle manufacturing process.
such as the awkward work posture while performing task,
repetitive hand and arm movement, mental stress, and strain
were identified for all activities. To eradicate the abovemen-
6. Discussion
tioned risk factors, the following ergonomic interventions Previous studies have highlighted and suggested the import-
were suggested to the management: ance of improving societal sustainability and operational effi-
ciency simultaneously in the manufacturing system to gain
 The inclusion of the anthropometry aspect in the design- competitive advantage and address different Workers’ issues
ing of ergonomic tools and workstations. such as MSDs issues and stricter labour regulations (Santos,
 Antifatigue mat and some additional accessories for easy Vieira, and Balbinotti 2015; Botti, Mora, and Regattieri 2017).
gripping and comfort during material handling. There has been increasing attention to develop a tool which

Table 8. Root causes and ergonomic intervention for critical activities of glass artware manufacturing.
Category Risk level Activities Perceived reasons Ergonomic interventions
Physical factors High 1. Raw material  Applying pressure while manual mixing of i. Focus on improving the existing way
mixing raw material. of performing gobe making activities.
 Awkward working posture with ii. A high prevalence of MSDs symptoms
prolonged standing. in the lower body regions
 Repetitive hand and arm movement. recommends the ergonomists that
High 5. Gob making  Prolonged standing more attention should be paid while
 Repetitive task movement of hand and arm designing and implementing
while pick and place of gob ergonomic interventions.
 Backward flexed neck iii. Working conditions can be improved
High 6. Parison Preparation  Repetitive hand movement with hammer in by introducing a modified workstation,
and joining a same place working postures, and tools based on
 Prolonged same working posture anthropometry data of these
Very high 8. Spiral Formation  Prolonged sitting posture with folded leges working groups
 Repetitive hand and arm movement
Psychosocial High 1. Raw  Target pressure for preparing batch in a i. Psychosocial session should be
factors material mixing proper ratio organised timely
High 4. Melting  Pressure for quality issues ii. Complicate activities should be
Very high 5. Gob making  Qualities issues dispersed among the team members
 Pressure for preparing proper shape iii. Support and training from
High 8. Spiral Formation  Anxiety for occurring defective lot the supervisor
 Failure pressure due to taking inappropriate
raw material
High 10. Sorting  Last step quality audit failure
Managerial High 4. Melting  Lack of management because of providing i. Design of effective job rotation
factors improper tool ii. Fatigue allowance should be calculated
 Improper workplace design for temperature for each activity
High 5. Gob making  Lack of fatigue allowances to prolonged
standing activity
 Lack of participatory ergonomic training
High 7. Reheating  Not providing proper guidance and training
Work High 5. Gob making  Tool design i. Ergonomically designed workstation
design factors Very high 8. Spiral Formation  Issues in work design and tool should be provided
by management
ii. Organize ergonomic awareness and
training programs for the workers to
assist them in carrying out their tasks
and knowledge about the adverse
effect of MSDs symptoms.

Figure 9. Future mapping of fuzzy based E-VSM tool.


Table 9. Future state of lean performance indicators. company-wide rollout of this strategy. Further, this fuzzy-
Lean performance indicators based E-VSM tool has potential usage to reap benefits for
CT (min) 7.01 many cash-starved SMEs, who cannot afford advanced manu-
ST (min) 4.58 facturing machines or large consultancy services to achieve
TP (%) 65.33
RTPY % 90 desired improvements in their operations.
Defects per shift (min) 9.69
Total lead time (min) 33.32
Scrap per shift (min) 147.21 7. Managerial implications
This research could have several implications for industry and
Table 10. Future mapping of score of risk factors category corresponding to researchers. However, this integration of lean and HFE para-
each activity.
digms to achieve societal and operational goals demands more
Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
profound investigation. The developed fuzzy-based E-VSM tool
Physical factors 2.96 2.74 2.57 2.71 2.68 2.54 2.61 3.36 2.28 2.33
Psychosocial factors 2.68 2.61 2.67 2.77 3.04 2.57 2.68 2.99 2.37 3.09
helps the manufacturing SMEs to understand the importance of
Managerial factors 2.82 2.57 2.38 2.87 2.68 2.57 2.79 2.39 1.99 2.58 HFE and identify the scope of interventions for the critical activ-
Work design factors 2.66 2.43 1.99 1.89 2.86 2.08 2.06 2.99 1.98 2.58 ity. Whereas industrial practitioners can identify interventions
Note: 1: raw material mixing; 2: batch preparation; 3: charging; 4: melting; 5: (ergonomics and managerial) for each critical activities in the
gob making; 6: Parison preparation and joining; 7: reheating; 8: spiral forma-
tion; 9: cutting; 10: sorting way that lean and HFE concept is integrated to achieve excel-
Note: low skilled operation; semi-skilled operation; skilled operations. lence in operations and fulfil the organization’s responsibility
towards workers’ health and safety. This would help researchers
integrates operational efficiency with Worker’s performance and production managers to understand the importance of
through lean paradigm, primarily by modifying the traditional Workers’ health and their quality of life at the workplace.
VSM. Jarebrant et al. (2016) accessed the risk level for five dif- Moreover, this tool improved the case study company’s oper-
ferent activities of plastic manufacturing operation by consid- ational performance without compromising their Workers’ per-
ering only physical risk factors under four indicators (e.g. formance-thereby finding a novel way to balance societal and
porosity, force, posture, and physical variation). However, our economic priorities in their goal for sustainable business practi-
study accessed the risk level for ten different activities of glass ces. The major managerial implications are as follows:
bangle manufacturing operation by taking four risk factors
categories, namely psychosocial, physical, managerial, and work  This integrated tool helps management to improve the
design, under sixteen indicators (refer Appendix Table A2). An Workers’ health and safety and enhance operational per-
overview on the comparison of the present study with the formance synergistically.
Jarebrant et al. (2016) study is presented in Table 11.  Fuzzy-based E-VSM tool creates a productive and healthy
Our study has contributed to the existing body of know- work environment for workers and management.
ledge by conducting an empirical study on efficaciously inte-  This study incorporates a fuzzy set in the proposed meth-
grating lean and HFE concepts under the fuzzy environment odology, which captures the vagueness in the workers’
that overcome the trade-offs between these two concepts response and provides more accurate, precise, and realis-
and produce an overall improved synergistic result. Further, tic results.
this study applied an innovative methodology to integrate  This integration offers flexibility for industries to incorporate,
lean and HFE concepts using action case research to collect, omit or modify their approaches to lean and HFE considera-
analyze, and interpret qualitative evidence. Action research is tions based on their specific requirements and situations.
appropriate for examining the adoption and implementation
of lean tools in SMEs case study. The results achieved from
8. Conclusion, limitations, and future scope
the pilot study indicate that the concurrent deployment of
the lean and HFE paradigms is a simple, practical, and effect- The conscious workers and stringent labour regulations pro-
ive approach to improve SMEs’ workers’ performance. For pels the consideration of HFE strategies into operational strat-
instance, both types (lean and ergonomics) of wastes, such egies for improving the Worker’s health and safety at the
as motion, waiting, and defect waste, were reduced substan- workplace. However, the integration of lean and HFE concepts
tially through the entire value chain in the future state of is still in its infancy with lesser practical implementation within
the fuzzy-based E-VSM tool. The fuzzy-based E-VSM tool Indian SMEs. Therefore, it motivates us to perform and dem-
helped in improving the operational efficiency by decreasing onstrate this research with the help of case study. The main
the lead time by 17.73% (Figure 11), and at the same time contributions of this study are fourfold: First, we developed
enhanced the Worker’s performance by decreasing the score the fuzzy-based E-VSM tool for improving lean performance
of risk level (Figure 10(a–d)). The results of this study are vali- and Worker’s health and safety. Second, the fuzzy-based E-
dated by Botti, Mora, and Regattieri (2017), who recom- VSM tool helped increase the overall operational efficiency by
mended that an integrated tool could be very imperative for reducing the lead-time, cycle time, scrap, and defects and sim-
improving the Worker’s performance in the production line. ultaneously improving the Worker’s performance by decreas-
The method of integrating HFE paradigms into the trad- ing the risk level score. Third, this tool incorporates fuzzy set
itional VSM tool under fuzzy environment has successfully which provides more accurate, precise, and realistic risk level
pilot run in the case industry. It has vociferously advocated a score. Fourth, this study helps to identify the critical activities





Figure 10. (a) Comparison of human factor risk level before and after the ergonomic interventions for physical factor category. (b). Comparison of human factor risk
level before and after the ergonomic interventions for psychosocial factor category. (c) Comparison of human factor risk level before and after the ergonomic inter-
ventions for managerial factor category. (d). Comparisons of human factor risk level before and after the ergonomic interventions for work design factor category.

in terms of HFE risk in the industry that were not possible In future, the fuzzy-based E-VSM tool has a wider application
with the traditional VSM. Finally, the fuzzy-based E-VSM tool in multiple case studies on SMEs from other industry sectors
ensures a healthy and productive work environment along for further validation. Future research could extend our study
with lean practices in the glass artware industry. In addition, by incorporating the green paradigm for improving environ-
this study contributed to the SMEs by addressing the research mental performance.
gap concerning the successful integration of lean-HFE para- Like other studies, this study has some limitations. First, this
digms and provided a framework to overcome losses. study considered only one manufacturing layout consist of ten

Figure 11. Percent improvement in the lean performance indicators.

Table 11. Comparison of Jarebrant et al. (2016) with the Fuzzy based E-VSM tool.
Fuzzy based E-VSM tool
Dimensions Jarebrant et al. (2016) study (our study)
Country Sweden India
Industry Plastic component manufacturing Glass artware manufacturing
Lean indicators Lead time Cycle time, standard time, team performance, lead time, defect, scrap and throughput yield
HFE indicators Physical factors Psychosocial, physical, managerial and work design
Target experts Experienced workers Experienced workers with industrial engineering experts
Quantitative method Measurement scale ranged from 1 to 10 Measured items through fuzzy linguistic scale
Interventions No intervention Ergonomics and managerial interventions

activities. Second, environmental, chemical, and safety factors Ashok Kumar Pundir is former Professor in opera-
were overlooked in this study. Such factors also contributed to tions and supply chain management area and former
workers’ performance, but these factors can be considered ave- Dean of Student Affairs at National Institute of
Industrial engineering (NITIE), Mumbai, India. He has
nues for future research work. Third, time exposure, design of
completed his Doctoral Program and Post-
tool and layout of workstation can be HFE indicators to access Graduation in Industrial Engineering from National
the human factor risk level. Though they did not emerge as a Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai
vital HFE indicators in the current study, it cannot be over- and B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering from G.B.
looked but we can consider as potential future scope for the Pant University, Pantnagar, India. He has more than
researchers. Moreover, this study can be performed by various 39 years of academic and industrial experience. His current area of
research includes supply chain management, Operations Management.
lean tools and techniques incorporating HFE indicators to
He has published research papers in referred international journals and
improve workers’ health and safety in the future. also presented research papers in national and international

1. Worker’s health and safety denotes the right of every worker/employee Rauf Iqbal is an associate professor in operations
to perform his assigned task in a safe environment, irrespective of and supply chain management area at National
industry. Based on this definition, our study measures the workers’
Institute of Industrial engineering (NITIE), Mumbai,
health and safety through HFE risk level. India. He has completed his Doctoral Program in
2. VAW is defined as that part of the overall processing time spent by the Ergonomics domain. He has more than 21 years of
workers in creating value (Liker 2004). academic and industrial experience. His current area
3. Risk level referred to the how much the workers are experiencing the risk of research includes work-system design, layout and
of developing MSDs issues, fatigue and stress. facility planning, Engineering anthropometry,
4. One Toras ¼ 296 Bangles. Biomechanics of human movement and
Occupational ergonomics. He has published more than 120 papers in
referred international journals. He has also presented more than 50
Notes on contributors research articles in national and international conferences.

Bhawana Rathore is pursuing doctoral program in

Rohit Gupta is an Assistant Professor in Operations
operations and supply chain management area from
Management area at the Indian Institute of
National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE)
Management (IIM) Ranchi. He obtained his Ph.D.
Mumbai. She did her master’s in industrial engineer-
from IIM Lucknow. He completed his Master of
ing from VNIT Nagpur. Her research interest is
Technology (M.Tech.) programme in Industrial
focussed on work system design, fuzzy logic, supply
Engineering and Management from IIT(ISM)
chain risk, and application of multi-criteria decision-
Dhanbad before joining the Ph.D. programme. His
making techniques.
research interests include application of game theory

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Table A1. Lean performance indicator used in study with literary sources
Lean performance
Indicators (units of measurement) Description Sources
Cycle time (min) Cycle time (CT) refers to the time period between repetitions of Rother and Shook (2003); Lacerda, Xambre, and Alvelos
the same task. It is, therefore, the time taken by all operations (2016); Jarebrant et al. (2016); Seth, Seth, and
of the slowest station/operator of the process. Dhariwal (2017); Sakthi Nagaraj et al. (2019)
Lead time (min) Lead time (LT) refers to the time a product takes to flow from Rother and Shook (2003); Lacerda, Xambre, and Alvelos
start to finish through the value stream or the process. (2016); Jarebrant et al. (2016); Sakthi Nagaraj
Lead time ðLTÞ ¼ customer WIP

60 mins et al. (2019)
demand per hour
Where, WIP ¼ work in process inventory
Total lead time ¼ LT þ CT
Standard time (min) Standard time (ST) refers to the time required by an average Franchetti and Barnala (2013); Dhiravidamani et al.
skilled operator, working at a normal pace, to perform a (2018); Sakthi Nagaraj et al. (2019)
particular task using a proposed method
Operator performance (%) Operators’ performance (OP) refers to the ability of a worker with Ayough, Zandieh, and Farhadi (2020)
comparison to an average skilled operator, as measured by
given below equation

Team performance (%) Team performance (TP) refers to the workers’ efficiency as a Fagerholm et al. (2015)
team to manufacture a product and measured by given below
TP ¼ TotalCT STper pertorastoras

In 1 toras ¼ 296 bangle, in the glass bangle manufacturing

Throughput yield (%) Throughput yield refers to the Worker’s reliability for a specific Sakthi Nagaraj et al. (2019)
activity measured by given below equation:
i  Scrapi  Defecti
TPY ¼ Total input
Total input

Rolled throughput yield (%) Rolled throughput yield (RTPY) refers to the reliability of the Saghaei, Najafi, and Noorossana (2012)
whole operation and is measured by given below equation:
TPY 3 . . . TPY n
Table A2. Table measurement items for determining the risk level of HFE indicators and their category
HFE risk factor categories Indicators Measurement items
Physical factors 1. Repetitive task 1. Work is monotonous.
2. Twisting; wringing; above shoulder level work; gripping movement during repetitive task.
2. Working posture 1. Awkward working posture.
2. Bending and twisting working posture.
3. Disbalanced sitting/standing posture.
4. Stretching distance of hand from chest horizontally/vertically or both.
5. Time duration of prolonged standing/seating in the same place.
3. Forceful exertions 1. Need for operating force or carrying loads.
2. Monitoring the distance between the hand and chest
4. Vibration 1. Experiencing any tingling with the muscles and joints of your hands or arms.
2. Suffering with weakness of grip.
Psychosocial factors 1. Job satisfaction 1. Work activity is motivating and challenging.
2. The simpleness of the issues to resolve.
3. Freedom provided to the workers to prepare their own opinion and decision.
2. Mental workload 1. Complicated task engaged to the workers that may not be accomplished by a worker successfully.
2. Needed cognitive and perceptual activity (Like, deciding, calculating, remembering, thinking, searching, looking, etc.) to accomplish
their activities.
3. Compelling them to accomplish the activity on time to accomplish the target
3. Job stress 1. Workers feel that their job is adversely impacting their physical or mental well-being.
2. Workers have too much work to do and/or too many unreasonable deadlines.
4. Psychological strain 1. Workers are allowed to decide the methods to be used in getting their job done.
2. Workers are allowed to schedule their work.
3. Workers can decide when to do particular job activities.
Managerial factors 1. Lack of resources 1. Availability and allocation of machines and materials to complete a task.
2. Sufficient workers allocated for a job
2. Supervisor support 1. Possibility of supervisor fulfils workers’ requirements.
2. Communication of any major changes among the workers in the work environment informed by the supervisor.
3. Supervisor encourages/motivates Worker even in challenging situations.
3. Communication system 1. Organizing regular inspection and meeting.
2. Ensuing regional language communication.
3. Availability of display accessories for standard operating procedures.
4. Conducting and analyzing internal customer feedback.
4. Co-workers support 1. Possibility of support from fellow Worker in an unfavourable condition.
2. Fellow workers are willing to offer assistance.
Work design factors 1. Job rotation 1. Balancing among the workers in an assembly line.
2. Workers’ willingness to participate in multi-tasks.
3. Resources are available for multi-tasks.
4. Worker’s multi-skill.
2. Job clarity 1. Workers have properly brief about the objectives of their job.
2. Proper briefing of what has to be done.
3. Understanding and idea about what is expected from activity.
3. Task design 1. Work scheduling autonomy
2. Skill variety
3. Decision-making autonomy
4. Job autonomy 1. Workers can decide the method to be used in getting their work done.
2. Workers can schedule their work.
3. Workers can allow to decide when to do specific job.
4. Change work schedule according to workload

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