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Vidyamandir Classes

JEE Advanced-2022
Selected Question for Revision | Physical Chemistry-I










VMC | Chemistry 1 Physical Chemistry-I | JEE-2022

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28.   1 1 
For the Balmer series in the spectrum of H-atom, v  R H  2
 2  , the correct statements among (I) to (IV)
 n1 n 2 
I. As wavelength decreases, the lines in the series converge
II. The integer n1 is equal to 2
III. The lines of longest wavelength corresponds to n 2  3
IV. The ionization energy of hydrogen can be calculated from wave number of these lines
(A) II, III and IV (B) I, II and IV (C) I, III and IV (D) I, II and III
29. 1
The number of orbitals associated with quantum numbers n  5, m s   is:
(A) 15 (B) 50 (C) 11 (D) 25
If the shortest wavelength in Lyman series of hydrogen atom is A, then the longest wavelength in Paschen series of
He  is:
5A 9A 36A 36A
(A) (B) (C) (D)
9 5 5 7

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31. The kinetic energy of an electron in the second Bohr orbit of a hydrogen atom is [ a 0 is Bohr radius] :
h2 h2 h2 h2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
42 ma 20 162 ma 20 322 ma 02 642 ma 20
Paragraph for Question No. 32 – 34
The wave function,  n, l , ml is a mathematical function whose value depends upon spherical polar coordinates
(r, , ) of the electron and characterized by the quantum numbers n, l and ml . Here r is distance from nucleus,
 is colatitude and  is azimuth. In the mathematical functions given in the Table, Z is atomic number and a 0 is
Bohr radius.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

3 2  Zr 
 Z  
(I) 1s orbital (i) a (P)
 n,l ,ml   e  0
 a0 

(II) 2s orbital (ii) One radial node (Q) Probability density at nucleus 
a 30
5  Zr 
 Z  2  2a 
2p z (iii)  n,l ,ml    re  0  cos  (R) Probability density is maximum at nucleus
orbital  a0 

(IV) 3d 2z (iv) xy-plane is a nodal plane (S) Energy needed to excite electron from n=2
state to n = 4 state is 27/32 times the energy
needed to excite electron from n=2 state to n
= 6 state

32. For He  ion, the only INCORRECT combination is:

(A) (I) (iii) (R) (B) (II) (ii) (Q) (C) (I) (i) (R) (D) (I) (i) (S)
For hydrogen atom, the only CORRECT combination is:
(A) (II) (i) (Q) (B) (I) (i) (P) (C) (I) (iv) (R) (D) (I) (i) (S)

For the given orbital in Column 1, the only CORRECT combination for any hydrogen-like species is:
(A) (I) (ii) (S) (B) (IV) (iv) (R) (C) (II) (ii) (P) (D) (III) (iii) (P)

35. The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is –13.6 eV. Consider an electronic state  of He  whose energy,
azimuthal quantum number and magnetic quantum number are –3.4 eV, 2 and 0, respectively. Which of the
following statement(s) is(are) true for the state  ?
(A) It has 3 radial nodes
(B) It has 2 angular nodes
(C) The nuclear charge experienced by the electron in this state is less than 2e, where e is the magnitude of the
electronic charge
(D) It is a 4d state


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43. Which of the following expressions is correct?

 p 1
(A) M    RT (B) M    RT (C) M    RT (D) M  (p)RT
p  p
44. A helium atom is two times heavier than a hydrogen molecule. At 298 K, the average KE of a helium atom
is :
(A) Two times that of a hydrogen molecule (B) Same as that of a hydrogen molecule
(C) Four times that of a hydrogen molecule (D) Six times that of a hydrogen molecule
45. Which of the following expressions correctly represents the relationship between the average molar
kinetic energies of CO and N2 molecules at the same temperature?
(A) KE(CO)  KE(N 2 )
(B) KE(CO)  KE(N 2 )
(C) KE(CO)  KE (N 2 )
(D) Cannot be predicted unless the volumes of the gases are given
46. The density of air is 0.001293 g mL1 at STP. Its vapour density will be :
(A) 10.0 (B) 15.0 (C) 1.44 (D) 14.4
47. Which pair of molecules has the strongest dipole – dipole interactions ?
(A) NH3 and CH 4 (B) NH3 and NH3
(C) CH 4 and CH 4 (D) CO2 and CO 2
48. 1 mole of each of X1 ,X 2 ,X 3 with van der Waal’s constants a (in atm L3 mol–2) 1.0, 3.8, 2.1 respectively is kept
separately in three different vessels of equal volume at identical temperature. Their pressures are observed to be
P1 , P2 and P3 respectively. On the basis of this data alone, select the correct option (neglect the effect of ‘b’)
(A) P1  P2  P3 (B) P2  P1  P3 (C) P2  P3  P1 (D) P1  P2  P3
49. At a high pressure, the compressibility factor (Z) of a real gas is usually greater than one. This can be
explained from van der Waals equation by neglecting the value of:
(A) b (B) a (C) Both a and b (D) V
50. Which of the following gases has the highest value of the van der Waals constant a?
(A) CCl4 (g) (B) NH3 (g) (C) CO2 (g) (D) H 2O(g)
51. The pressure of real gas is less than the pressure of an ideal gas because of:
(A) Increase in collisions (B) Increase in intermolecular forces
(C) Finite size of molecules (D) Statement is incorrect

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52. A balloon filled with ethyne is pricked with a sharp point and quickly dropped in a tank of H2 gas under
identical conditions. After a while the balloon will have
(A) Shrunk (B) Enlarged
(C) Completely collapsed (D) Remained unchanged in size
53. Which of the following comparisons of the average kinetic energy and the average molecular speeds of H2
and N2 gases at 300 K is CORRECT?
List 1 [Average kinetic energy] List 2 [Average molecular speed]
(A) H2 = N2 H2 = N2
(B) H2 < N2 H2 > N2
(C) H2 = N2 H2 < N2
(D) H2 = N2 H2 > N2








61. The polymerization of ethylene to linear polyethylene is represented by the reaction,

  CH 2  CH 2 n Where, n has large integral value. Given that the average enthalpies of
n CH 2  CH 2  
bond dissociation for C  C and C  C at 298 K are +590 and +311 kJ/mol respectively, calculate the enthalpy of
polymerization per mole of ethylene at 298 K.

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62. The surface of copper gets tarnished by the formation of copper oxide. N 2 gas was passed to prevent the oxide
formation during heating of copper at 1250 K. However, the N 2 gas contains 1 mole % of water vapour as
impurity. The water vapour oxidises copper as per the reaction given below :
2Cu(s)  H 2O(g)  Cu 2O (s)  H 2 (g)
pH 2 is the minimum partial pressure of H 2 (in bar) needed to prevent the oxidation at 1250 K. The value of
ln(p H 2 ) is _______.
(Given: total pressure = 1 bar,
R (universal gas constant)  8J K 1 mol 1 , ln(10)  2.3. Cu(s) and Cu 2 O (s) are mutually immiscible.
At 1250 K : 2Cu(s)  O 2 (g)  Cu 2 O (s); G Θ   78000 J mol 1
H 2 (g)  O 2 (g)  H 2O (g); G Θ   178000 J mol 1; (G is the Gibbs energy)
63. Choose the reaction(s) from the following options, for which the standard enthalpy of reaction is equal to
the standard enthalpy of formation.
(A)  2H 2O()
2H 2 (g)  O 2 (g)  (B) 2C(g)  3H 2 (g) 
 C 2 H 6 (g)
1 3
(C) S8 (s)  O2 (g) 
 SO2 (g) (D) O 2 (g) 
 O3 (g)
8 2




68. P – V plot for two gases (assuming ideal) during adiabatic processes are given in the figure. Plot A and plot B
should correspond respectively to:

(A) He and H2 (B) H2 and He

(C) He and Ne (D) H2 and Cl2

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69. Which of the plots of ln K vs   is/are correct?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

70. Two blocks of the same metal having same mass and at temperature T1 and T2 , respectively, are brought in
contact with each other and allowed to attain thermal equilibrium at constant pressure. The change in entropy, S,
for this process is :
 T  T2   T  T2 
(A) 2C P ln  1  (B) 2C P ln  1 
 2T1T2   4T1T2 

  T  T 1/2    T  T 2 
(C) 2C P ln  1 2
 (D) C P ln  1 2

 T T
1 2   4T T
1 2 

71. When 1-pentyne (A) is treated with 4 N alcoholic KOH at 175°C, it is converted slowly into an equilibrium
mixture of 1.3% 1-pentyne (A), 95.2% 2-pentyne (B) and 3.5% of 1, 2-pentadiene (C). The equilibrium was
maintained at 175°C. Calculate G for the following equilibria :
B 
A G1  ?
B 
C G 2  ?
From the calculated value of G1 and G 2 indicate the order of stability of (A), (B) and (C). Write a reasonable
reaction mechanism showing all intermediates leading to (A), (B) and (C).
72. One mole of a non-ideal gas undergoes a change of state (2.0atm, 3.0 L, 95K)  (4.0atm, 5.0 L, 245K) with a
change in internal energy, U  30.0 L atm. The change in enthalpy (H) of the process in L atm is:

(A) 40.0 (B) 42.3

(C) 44.0 (D) not defined, because pressure is not constant
73. Match the transformations in Column I with appropriate option in Column II.
Column I Column II
(A) CO2 (s)  CO 2 (g) (p) Phase transition
(B) CaCO3 (s)  CaO(s)  CO2 (g) (q) Allotropic change

(C) 2 H  H 2 (g) (r) H is positive
(D) P(white, solid)  P(red, solid) (s) S is positive
(t) S is negative
74. Match the thermodynamics processes given under Column I with the expressions given under Column II.
Column I Column II
(A) Freezing of water at 273 K and 1 atm (p) q0
Expansion of 1 mol of an ideal gas into a vacuum under isolated
(B) (q) w0
Mixing of equal volumes of two ideal gases at constant Ssys  0
(C) (r)
temperature and pressure in an isolated container
Reversible heating of H 2 (g) at 1 atm from 300 K, followed by
(D) (s) U  0
reversible cooling to 300 K at 1 atm
(t) G  0

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75. The reversible expansion of an ideal gas under adiabatic and isothermal
conditions is shown in the figure. Which of the following statement(s)
is(are) correct?
(A) T1  T 2
(B) T 3  T1
(C) w isothermal  w adiabatic
(D) Uisothermal  U adiabatic

76. The standard state Gibbs free energies of formation of C(graphite) and C(diamond) as T = 298 K are:
 f G [C(graphite)]  0 kJ mol 1 ;  f G [C(diamond)]  2.9 kJ mol 1.
The standard state means that the pressure should be 1 bar, and substance should be pure at a given temperature.
The conversion of graphite [C(graphite)] to diamond [C(diamond)] reduces its volume by 2  106 m3mol 1. If
C(graphite) is converted to C(diamond) isothermally at T = 298 K, the pressure at which C(graphite) is in
equilibrium with C(diamond), is : [Useful information: 1J  1kg m 2s 2 ; 1 Pa  1kg m 1 s 2 ; 1 bar  105 Pa]
(A) 14501 bar (B) 29001 bar
(C) 1450 bar (D) 58001 bar
77. For a reaction, A  P, the plots of [A] and [P] with time at temperatures T1 and T2 are given below.

If T 2  T1 , the correct statement(s) is (are) :

(Assume HΘ and SΘ are independent of temperature and ratio of ln K at T1 to ln K at T 2 is greaterthan

. Here H, S, G and K are enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs energy and equilibrium constant, respectively)

(A) HΘ  0, SΘ  0 (B) G Θ  0, HΘ  0

(C) G Θ  0, SΘ  0 (D) G Θ  0, SΘ  0




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82.  Cu 2 (aq)  2 Ag (s) reaches

In a 1.0 L aqueous solution when the reaction 2Ag  (aq)  Cu (s) 
equilibrium, [Cu 2 ]  xM and [Ag  ]  yM. If the volume of solution is doubled by adding water, then at
x y x y
(A) [Cu 2 ]  M , [Ag  ]  M (B) [Cu 2 ]  M , [Ag  ]  M
2 2 2 2
x y x y
(C) [Cu 2 ]  M , [Ag  ]  M (D) [Cu 2 ]  M , [Ag  ]  M
2 2 2 2

83.  PCl3  g   Cl2  g 

For the reaction PCl5 
Which of the following sketch may represent above equilibrium? Assume equilibrium can be achieved from either
side and by taking any one or more components initially.
(Given K C for the reaction < 2) ?

Time Time

(A) (B)

Time Time

(C) (D)
84.  Au() . Above equilibrium is favoured at:
Au(s) 
(A) High pressure low temperature (B) High pressure high temperature
(C) Low pressure, high temperature (D) Low pressure, low temperature

85.  2NH3 (g)

Considerthe reaction N 2 (g)  3H 2 (g) 

The equilibrium constant of the above reaction is K p . If pure ammonia is left to dissociated, the partial pressure of

ammonia at equilibrium is given by: (Assume that PNH3  Ptotal at equilibrium)

33/2 K1/2
p P
33/2 K1/2
p P
p P
p P
(A) (B) (C) (D)
16 4 16 4

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86. The solubility of a salt of weak acid (AB) at pH 3 is Y  103 mol L1 . The value of Y is________.

(Given that the value of solubility product of AB (K sp )  2  1010 and the value of ionization constant of

HB (K a )  1  10 8 )
87. Consider the following reaction:
 2NO 2 (g); H 0  58kJ
N 2 O4 (g) 
For each of the following cases (a, b), the direction in which the equilibrium shifts is:
(a) Temperature is decreased (b) Pressure is increased by adding N 2 at constant T
(A) (a) towards product, (b) no change
(B) (a) towards reactant, (b) towards product
(C) (a) towards reactant, (b) no change
(D) (a) towards product, (b) towards reactant
88.  B  C is K (1)  (2)
If the equilibrium constant for A  eq and that of B  C  P is K eq , the equilibrium

 P is:
constant for A 
(A) K (1) (2)
eq / K eq (B) K (1) (2)
eq  K eq (C) K (1) (2)
eq K eq (D) K (2) (1)
eq  K eq








VMC | Chemistry 11 Physical Chemistry-I | JEE-2022

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101. Which statement is not true?

(A) pH of 1 108 M HCl is 8

(B) 96500 coulomb deposits 1 g equivalent of copper

(C) Conjugate base of H 2 PO 4 is HPO 42 

(D) pH + pOH = 14 for all aqueous solution
102. In aqueous solution, the ionization constants for carbonic acid are:
K1  4.2  107 and K 2  4.8  1011
Select the correct statement fort a saturated 0.034 M solution of the carbonic acid.

(A) The concentration of CO32 is 0.034 M

(B) The concentration of CO32 is greater than that of HCO3

(C) The concentration of H and HCO3 are approximately equal

(D) The concentration of H is double that of CO32

103. Which of the following salts is the most basic in aqueous solution?
(A) FeCl3 (B) Pb(CH3COO)2 (C) Al(CN)3 (D) CH3COOK

104.  H3O   OH  , the value of G at 298 K is approximately :

For the equilibrium 2H 2 O 

(A)  80 kJ mol 1 (B) 80 kJ mol1 (C) 100 kJ mol 1 (D) 100 kJ mol 1

105. 3 g of acetic acid is added to 250 mL of 0.1 M HCl and the solution made up to 500 mL . To 20 mL of this solution
mL of 5 M NaOH is added. The pH of the solution is________.
[Given: pKa of acetic acid  4.75, molar mass of acetic acid  60 g/mol, log 3  0.4771]
Neglect any changes in volume.

VMC | Chemistry 12 Physical Chemistry-I | JEE-2022

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106. Dilution processes of different aqueous solutions, with water, are given in LIST-I. The effects of dilution of the
solutions on [H  ] are given in LIST-II.

(Note: Degree of dissociation () of weak acid and weak base is << 1; degree of hydrolysis of salt <<1; [H  ]

represents the concentration of H  ions)

(10 mL of 0.1 M NaOH + 20 mL of 0.1 M acetic the value of [H  ] does not change on
(P) 1.
acid) diluted to 60 mL dilution
(20 mL of 0.1 M NaOH + 20 mL of 0.1 M acetic the value of [H  ] changes to half of its
(Q) 2.
acid) diluted to 80 mL initial value on dilution
(20 mL of 0.1 M HCl + 20 mL of 0.1 M ammonia the value of [H  ] changes to two times of
(R) 3.
solution) diluted to 80 mL its initial value on dilution
10 mL saturated solution of Ni  OH 2 in
equilibrium with excess solid Ni  OH 2 is diluted to the value of [H  ] changes to times
(S) 4. 2
20 mL (solid Ni  OH 2 is still present after of its initial value on dilution
the value of [H  ] changes to 2 times
of its initial value on dilution
Match each process given in LIST-I with one or more effect(s) in LIST-II. The correct option is:
(A) P  4, Q  2; R  3; S  1 (B) P  4, Q  3; R  2; S  3
(C) P  1, Q  4; R  5; S  3 (D) P  1, Q  5; R  4; S  1

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