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Ha Anh Duong

Name: Ha Anh Duong

ID: 1568749
Professor’s name: G. Sewell
Class name: ENG 2205, (Fall Term/2020)
Date: October 19, 2020

Annotation 2
Genesis 6-9
Noah & The Flood
“And it happened in the six hundred and first year, in
the first month, on the first day of the month, the waters
were dried up from the earth, and Noah took off the covering
of the ark and he saw and, look, the surface of the ground was
dry. And in the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the
month, the earth was completely dry.” (p.165, line.13-17)
The passage speaks of the tremendous power and power of
the LORD. In Western culture, God is the creator and the
savior. It is said that God's eyes and ears are omnipresent;
God is always watching the workings of time and space. Anyone
who makes a mistake must pay the price for their sins before
God. Disbelief in God engulfed man in a lasting flood except
for Noah 's family - the only one who always turned to LORD
with absolute loyalty and confidence. We can consider this
event as the law of cause and effect that people suffer when
there are thoughts and actions that are offensive to the gods.
“And God spoke to Noah, saying, “Go out of the ark, you
and your wife and your sons and your sons’ wives, with you.
All the animals that are with you of all flesh, fowl and
cattle and every crawling thing that crawls on the earth, take
out with you, and let them swarm through the earth and be
fruitful and multiply on the earth.”” (p.165, line.17-21)
Becoming the only survivors of the great greatness, this
is seen as the Lord's reward to Noah's family for their
respect for supreme virtue. His admonition is like forgiveness
and giving the destiny to Noah. From here, life begins to be
reborn and developed. A new world order was established where
only human beings always turned to the LORD with devotion.
“seedtime and harvest
and cold and heat
and summer and winter
and day and night
shall not cease.” (p.165, line.30-34)

Ha Anh Duong

This is the Lord's affirmation of his protection and

protection for the Earth. He realized that punishing people by
making them disappear would only disturb the workings of space
and time, and the Earth would decline and lead to destruction.
Using contradictory images, the LORD embraced every aspect of
life, in order to further affirm his promise.

Hebrew Bible. Genesis 6-9

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