Soal Lat PTS S-1 SD Kls 2 English

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who is the creator of the song lenggang kangkung

a. AT Mahmud

b.Lilis Suryani

c. Ibu Sud

d.Ibu Kasur

2. Where does the song Lenggang Kangkung come from?

a. Bali
b. West Java
c. Jakarta
d. East Java

3.Can Mamat Teach jaenab to sing lenggang kangkung song ?

a. Yes He Can
b. No, He Can not ….
4. Does Mumun like to study with many friends ?
a. Yes, she does …..
b. No, she does not
5. Will they study together at school ?
a. Yes, they will
b. No , they will not …
6. DO they like to study together.
a.Yes, they do
b.No, they do not.
7. what the picture is this …

a. Triangle
b. Circle
c. Rectangle
d. Square

8. The Diamond picture is…





9. What is the picture ..

a. Octagon
b. Oval
c. Square
d. Star
10. the picture square is..
a. c.

b. d.
11. How Many star in The picture
a. four
b. five
c. six
12. How many big triangle in the picture
a. one
13. how many square in the picture
a. one
14. Look at the picture
The tiger is in the position…
a. in the first position
b. in the third position
c. in the second position
15. the monkey is in the position
a. in the second position
b. in the third position
c. in the first position
16. the eleven is in the position..
a. In the fourth position
b. in the sixth position
c. in the fifth position
The doll is …

She won ……. Place

a. Second
b. First
c. Third
18. She won… place
a. First
b. Fourth
c. fifth

She Come…
a. Second
b. Third
c. First
20. number 13 write …
a. eleven
b. twelve
c, thirteen

21. Please write no 11 …..

22. please write no 20
23 please write no 15

24. please write sentence from this picture


Please write sentence form this picture.
26. Write the phase based on the pictures …


27 write the phares based on the pictures…….


28. Look at the picture and complete the word

__ W __ __ V __
29. Look at the picture and complete the word

__ ___ X __ __ E N
30. look at the picture and complete the word

U t n

a. Yes, I am
b. Yes, I do
c. No, I Do
Does mamat like bir Pletok ?

a. Yes , he is
b. No, he does not
c. Yes, she do

33. Does mamat lke ice cream

a. yes , she does

b. yes, he does

c. no, she does


I LIKE ….. , But I don’t like …

a. Tea , ice cream c. banana, tea
b. Milk, soda
35. I LIKE ….. ,But I don’t like……
a. Milk, doger ice
b, bir pletok , soda c. Ice cream, cake

36. complete the sentence


1. Translate in to Indonesian

I Like selendang mayang ice

Mamat like ice cream, but he does not like soda


I Like apples, but I don’t like banana


I like drining betawi’s traditional drinks such as doger ice and kolang kaling ice
But I don’t like bir pletok


2, translate oridinal numbers into Indonesian

SECOND …………………………….

FOURTH ………………………………

3rd ………………………………

first ………………………………..

5th ……………………………..

2nd ………………………………….

NINTH …………………………………..

1ST ……………………………………………

2. Translate shape into Indoenesian

TRIANGLE …………………………………….

Star ………………………………………
Circle ……………………………..

Oval ………………………………..

Rectangle ………………………………..

Diamond …………………………….,

3. Translate in Indonesian

Eraser ……………….

Ruler ………………

Bag ……………………

Drawing book …………………………..

Paper ……………..

Marker ………………….

Sharpener …………………………………

4, Please write sentence with ‘ like ‘ , buat kalimat dengan kata Like 2 contoh

1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…
4. Based on the picture , write sentences





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