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Activity Sheet 

Name: Camila O. Villadores Score: _______________

Course, Year and Section: BSBA FM-2C Date: June 01, 2022

Direction: Read and understand the ethical dilemma below. Analyse it

using the 7-step of Moral Reasoning of Scott Rae. Write your analysis on
the space provided.  

A. Ethical Dilemmas in Personal Relationships 

Michael had several friends including Roger and Daniel. Roger has
recently met and started dating a wonderful lady named Phyllis. He is
convinced this is a long term relationship. Unknown to Roger, Michael
observed them at a restaurant several days ago and realized Phyllis is the
wife of his other friend Daniel. 

 Michael is deciding whether to tell Roger that Phyllis is married

when he receives a call from Daniel. 
 Daniel suspects his wife is having an affair. Since Daniel and his
wife share many friends and contacts with Michael, Daniel asks if
Michael has heard anything regarding an affair.
 To whom does Michael owe greater friendship or loyalty in this
 No matter who he tells, he knows that it is going to end up hurting
one, if not both friends. 
● Should Michael reveal to Roger that Phyllis is married? 
 Should Michael tell Daniel what he knows about Roger and Phyllis?
Does that fact that Daniel asked him a direct question have an impact on
what Michael should do? Should Michael speak up to both Daniel and
Roger? Does he remain silent and hope his knowledge is never

Write here the Case Analysis using the 7 Steps to Moral Decision Making:
First, the gather facts are:
• Should Michael speak up to both Daniel and Roger? Does he remain silent and
hope his knowledge is never discovered?
Second, the conflict appears on how the wife of Daniel seems on having an
affair with his friend, and Michael is struggling whether to confront his friends.
Third, the principles that have bearing with the case: a) The principle to not
cheat when in a relationship and; b) The principle to not to tolerate bad behavior
and; c) The principle to be honest at all times.
Fourth, the possible alternatives for Michael is to seek for help and advice in
order to be familiarized with the reactions if ever one would find out.
Fifth, if we will compare the alternatives with principles, this will lead for
Michael not to tolerate any kind of this behavior and he will not add fuel to the
fire as the longer he will keep his silence, the more challenges they have to face.
Sixth, if we are going to assess his options, both might have hurt their feelings
but it is the best way compared to hiding the truth and what he knows from
them. If he will have the advice, he will have an idea whet to push through
about telling his knowledge.
Seventh and lastly, the decision would be telling both of his friend what he
knows about and because it is the best option to do than keeping it from them.
The principles are very important therefore, the basis of the decision is upon the
principle of honesty.

B. Ethical Dilemmas in Life or Death Impact 

Consider a situation in which a group of people are enjoying an
outdoor adventure together.  One person gets stuck in the only way in
or out of an enclosed space, such as a cave. Water starts rising in the
cave due to high tide or heavy rainfall. Everyone will perish if the
person isn’t removed from the entrance. There is no way of removing
the person who is stuck so that the individual will survive. 
• The group has to make an extremely difficult decision. Do they take
an extreme action that will cost one member of the group her life?
Or, do they do nothing, knowing that chances are good that none of
them will survive if that choice of action is taken. 
● Who would be responsible for making such a decision? Is it
different if the person who is stuck offers to sacrifice herself
versus members of the group suggesting that she be eliminated? 
● What are the consequences of facing such an extreme moral
dilemma? It is commonly accepted that killing a person is wrong,
but what about when it’s done to save others? 
● What might the consequences be for the survivors if the group
chose to kill the person who is stuck so they might survive?
Would there be legal consequences?  What about guilt? 
Write here the Case Analysis using the 7 Steps to Moral Decision Making:

First, the gather facts are:

 The group has to make an extremely difficult decision. Do they take an
extreme action that will cost one member of the group her life? Or, do
they do nothing, knowing that chances are good that none of them will
survive if that choice of action is taken.
 What are the consequences of facing such an extreme moral dilemma? It
is commonly accepted that killing a person is wrong, but what about
when it’s done to save others?
 What might the consequences be for the survivors if the group chose to
kill the person who is stuck so they might survive? Would there be legal
consequences? What about guilt?
Second, the ethical and moral issues appear to be: the conflict between the
group making decision whether choosing to sacrifice the person being stuck in
the way of the enclosed cave and then save themselves and be free from that
trauma of near death because of one person. Also, the voice of conscience and
guilt by killing a person which is probably wrong but when it's done only to
save others.
Third, the principles that have a bearing on the case: a) the principle of
saving the life of majority over the aggrieved stuck person b) the principle of
not all forms of killing is wrong as long as it is morally right for the majority in
a certain situation.
Fourth, the possible alternatives: is letting the one person to die as there is no
way to save the person even removing him to survive in which consequently
will amount to greater good for the plurality. However, the guilt of the rest of
the people being saved themselves would still lingers around their life.
Fifth, if we compare the alternatives with principles: this will lead for the
group to consider choosing what is best and morally right for the majority even
someone would sacrifice himself just to save others and there is no legal
consequences of it.
Sixth, if assessing my possible consequences of options: both life is the
underlying concept which hard to decipher in distinct situation but it is the best
decision to measure how the majority would make a bigger difference compared
to the one person. If the group choose to save their lives then a lot more future
would let to achieve.
Seventh and last, the group would make the decision: the decision by the
group is based from moral intuition which tells them how these choices are
against their morality and holistic view of the law, in a utilitarian point of view,
it is to minimize the harm for the choice of choosing one person to die instead
of the many. The duty of decisioning in that kind of situation that the strong
decision to be made is to follow their principles. The rest of the people have
different stories to tell and different humanity to preach, meaning they would
make a bigger difference thus critically examine the situation of what is best for
the plurality.

Name: _Camila O. Villadores Score:

_______________ Course, Year and Section: BSBA FM-2C
Date: June 01, 2022

Directions: Provide a personal ethical dilemma that you may have

experienced in your life, include a short description of your dilemma
and how it affected your decision making. Try to process and analyze
according to the 7-steps of Moral Reasoning according to Scott Rae
(2018).  Provide your own assessment on the decision you’ve made.
You may also attach a separate sheet of paper, or link to your output.
(30 points) 

My Sarcastic Friend

My friend has a great sense of humor. However, sometimes his jokes

involve making fun of others in inappropriate ways. He will point out
their physical flaw or look for something odd or different about a
person and make an unkind comment. I feel uncomfortable when my
friend does this. Do I say something or just laugh along with him?

First, gather the facts:

• My friend jokes involve making fun of others in inappropriate ways.

• He will point out their physical flaw or look for something odd or
different about a person and make an unkind comment.

Second, the ethical and moral issues appear to be: the conflict
between myself, if I will say something to deter him(my friend) from
making fun or judging others however, it could hurt his feelings that
may offend him and I will laugh along with him without thinking if our
behavior are rightful or not just to keep our friendship.
Third, the principles that have a bearing on the case: a) the
principle not to judge others based on their physical appearance; b) the
principle to not condone any absurd jokes; c) the principle to be kind
towards anyone.

Fourth, the possible alternatives for me is to confront my friend that

not all his jokes are purely contemplated for humor that caused others
in being hurt after pointing their flaws. This alternative is accurately
connote the accustomed principle of do not judge others based on their
looks just to give fun through way of joking. However, the risk of
confronting my friend may take by him seriously or mostly different
from what I supposedly trying to convey on him, perhaps he would be
offended by the words I may say or not, which lead to our

Fifth, if we compare the alternatives with principles: I, myself

would lead not to condone any kind of absurd jokes mostly if is about
defaming someone based on his appearance, hence, concisely
confronting someone doing unrighteous actions is the great thing to do.

Sixth, if assessing my possible consequences of options: both options

made me feel bad about but doing the right thing makes me less bad so
as the best thing to do after all, in the eyes of everyone. By choosing to
confront my friend would be the best decision I would have ever had,
not only for myself but also for his own image as a person.

Seventh and last, I would make the decision: the decision would be
uttering advices and knowledge to my friend regarding his behavior of
judging others, so that he would be enlightened and take this relevant
principle for decision making which is principle of kindness.

The realization of mine regarding based on what I have experienced

whereas, of ethical dilemma is if I would be torn again with two options
or choices, I would precisely choose the right and kind thing to do even
in return might hurt me or others as long as discerning it to be worth-
choosing until the end.

Name: _Camila O. Villadores Score: _______________

Course, Year and Section: _BSBA FM-2C Date:  June 01, 2022

A. Directions: In your own words, briefly explain the following concepts

discussed in the basic Ethical Case Analysis. (5 points each) 

1. Ethical Case Analysis 

Ethical analysis is a method for determining the correct moral judgment in
a given situation. You can find out which solutions are both effective and
moral by analytically examining the circumstance in accordance with your
ethical code. Before acting, ethical analysis principles require you to
develop an accurate picture of the situation and consider the consequences
of your decisions.

2. Moral Reasoning 
The processes involved in how people think about good and wrong, as well
as how they acquire and apply moral principles and standards, are referred
to as moral reasoning. The first principle of moral reasoning holds that if
two cases are fundamentally the same, and any discrepancies are
immaterial to the major issue, both cases should be regarded equally. The
second principle of moral reasoning is intended to deal with situations that
appear to contradict the first.

3. Ethical Dilemma 
An ethical dilemma is a conflict between options in which choosing one of
them would violate some ethical ideal. An important element of an ethical
dilemma is that the individual confronted with it should be able to do both
conflicting acts based on a strong ethical compass, yet he can only do one.

B. Directions: Based on your Learning Packet Discussion Forum, how can

you describe your perspectives compared to your paired classmate?
Answer in succinct and comprehensive manner (10 points)
In regards with the learning packet discussion forum about John situation, I
have also asked one of my classmates which I will call her (A), her
perspective regarding it can be described as strongly opposed by my
perspective. From the question of " Whether he will cheat his way toward
his academic goals or just leave it to fate where he will fail or not?" my
partner answered neutrally and he then explained it to me right after. In
terms of decision making, If John is a grade conscious student then probably
he will cheat because he is candidate for academic honors as well as a
graduating student which he do not want to put all his efforts become waste
but if John is a religious person then he will view cheating as a wrong action
and apparently, leaving it to fate, if the result will come out fails or not. On
the other hand, my perspective has only precisely leaving the result of his
exam to fate because cheating is wrong even on what aspect you could see, it
is more meaningful and fruitful if you attain your dreams or goals without
the help of cheating but the use of your full determination and courage.

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