BU360 Social Impact of Business

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BU360 Social Impact of Business

Ashworth College

BU360D Assignment 4

BU360 Social Impact of Business  
Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to
Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be
sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format.
Your response should be four (4) double‐spaced pages; refer to the "Format Requirementsʺ
page for specific format requirements.
Describe the roles of the World Bank (WB), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and World
Trade Organization (WTO) in the acceleration of globalization.


BU360D Assignment 08 Right of privacy at workplace

BU360 Social Impact of Business  

Some people believe that the right of privacy should be extended to the workplace. Others
feel that, on the contrary, that such an extension would constitute an unwarranted incursion
into the management's right to manage.

1. Please comment on this debate, using examples from the text discussion of electronic
monitoring, romance in the workplace, employee drug testing, and employee honesty testing.

2. Are there particular circumstances under which it is, or is not, appropriate for employers to
monitor employee behavior? Discuss two (2).

Ashworth Semester Exam BU360 Social Impact of
The instrumental argument states that stakeholder management is:
a more realistic description of how companies really work.
more effective as a corporate strategy.
simply the right thing to do.
determined by the amount of stock owned by the firm.

The explosive use of social media in an example of __________ environment.


Which of the following companies is being the most socially responsible?

The Flex-Arrow company is attempting to operate in a way which will help local students get
education and jobs.
Quantum Inc. halts its production of toxic gases after it becomes evident that people object to this
practice and are threatening legal action.
Andover, Inc. strives to maximize profits before contributing to an environmental protection fund.
The ABC Company changes its product design in order to comply with regulatory mandates.

Global market channels involve a firm producing goods in:

their home country and exporting them to other countries.
their home country to sell at home.
a foreign country to sell at home.
a foreign country to sell abroad.

Under the U.S. Corporate Sentencing Guidelines, if a firm has developed a strong ethics program,
corporate executives found guilty of criminal activity may have their sentence:
decided by the company.

A corporate political strategy does NOT:

hinder a competitor's ability to compete economically.
seek to continue the firm's economic survival or growth.
determine the legal limits allowed for campaign financing.
exercise a firm's right to a voice in government affairs.

Which pattern of consumption is recommended for reducing humanity's global footprint?

Purchase goods from firms that always seek to maximize their profits.
Choose less harmful products.
Build more transit stops on the outskirts of towns.
Eat more beef.

A technological application that uses biological systems or living organisms to make or modify
products or processes for specific use is called:
biosphere outcome.

The "agency problem" arises when:

owners manage the company on their own behalf.
there is no separation of ownership and control in a company.
managers act in their own interest, rather than in the interest of shareholders.
shareholders act in their own interest, rather than in the interest of the board.

Regarding the objectives of a company's community relations department, the primary goal is likely to
improving the financial bottom line.
building relationships with important community groups.
collaborating with other company teams to create policy.
supporting pro-business community organizations.


BU360 Lesson 1 Exam SCORE 95 PERCENT

In the first step of a stakeholder analysis, __________ of the

focal organization identify the issue to be considered.
Question options:
Question 2 
Which of the following is considered to be a nonmarket
Question options:
Nongovernmental organizations
Question 3 
According to management scholar Karl Albrecht, scanning to
acquire environmental intelligence should focus on:
Question options:
eight strategic radar screens.
six management templates.
eight process improvements.
six ethical decision indicators.
Question 4 
A corporation's issue management activities are usually linked
Question options:
both the board of directors and top management.
the board of directors.
top management.
the strategic governance committee.
Question 5 
Departments or offices within an organization that reach
across the dividing line that separates the company from
groups and people in society are:
Question options:
inter-departmental divisions.
geographic location areas.
boundary-spanning departments.
organizational maps.
Question 6 
Contemporary issue management:
Question options:
is a linear process.
was useful in the 1970s, but not today.
is used by all government agencies.
is an interactive, forward-thinking process.
Question 7 
An analysis of the stability or instability of a government is an
example of scanning the _____ environment.
Question options:
Question 8 
All of the following are considered to be external
stakeholders, EXCEPT:
Question options:
Question 9 
Once an issue has been identified its implications must be:
Question options:
acted upon.
In instances when we find some person or group holding
multiple duties we refer to such parties as maintaining:
Question options:
roll sets.
the interests of primary stakeholders.
a particular ownership theory.
an independent status set.
When working well, the issue management process:
Question options:
is static and never pulls in additional information that would disturb the balance.
generates two specific options for each issue.
minimizes dialogue with the stakeholders and focuses on short-term survival.
continuously cycles back to the beginning and repeats.
In your text, all of the following represent the dynamic
environment of business, EXCEPT:
Question options:
evolving business regulation.
changing social expectations.
new technology and innovation.
the unemployment rate.
Failure to understand the beliefs and expectations of
Question options:
causes a company's profits to increase in the short run.
causes a company's profits to decrease in the short run.
causes the performance-expectation gap to grow larger.
increases the chance of a corporate buyout.
In accord with modern stakeholder theory, a business and its
stakeholders are best visualized as an interconnected:
Question options:
With the explosive growth of technologies that facilitate the
sharing of information, what kind of stakeholder power has
become increasingly important?
Question options:
Economic power
Political power
Legal power
Informational power
The issue management process is a:
Question options:
beneficial tool used only to maximize the positive effects of a public issue for the organization's
beneficial tool used only to minimize the positive effects of a public issue for the organization's
systematic process companies use when responding to public issues that are of greatest importan
confusing process that is rarely used to help top management within an organization.
The issue management process has how many stages?
Question options:
The main reason that a number of European countries require
public companies to include employee members on their
boards of directors is so that:
Question options:
the employees will be available to answer other board members' questions.
management will not have to attend meetings.
employees' interests will be explicitly represented.
employees will have more power than any other stakeholder.
Which statement is NOT correct?
Question options:
Business and society need, as well as influence, each other.
The boundary between business and society is clear and distinct.
Business is a part of society and society penetrates far and often into business.
Business and society are both separate and connected.
Customers can exercise economic stakeholder power by:
Question options:
voting on a proposed merger of a company and a competitor.
boycotting products if they believe the goods are too expensive.
attending a company's annual meeting.
applying for a job with the company.


BU360 Lesson 2 Exam SCORE 100 PERCENT

Which of the following is an argument against corporate social

Question options:
It requires skills businesses may lack.
It creates an imbalance between corporate power and its economic responsibility.
It improves business value and reputation.
A majority of stockholders are against it.
Question 2 
An emerging business model that attempts to strategically
balance the interests of all stakeholders in order to solve
social and environmental problems is called a:
Question options:
balanced corporation.
B Lab.
B corporation.
CSR corporation.
Question 3 
Modern corporations can be considered socially responsible if
they are:
Question options:
responsible to the stockholders of the company.
creating job, thus positively influencing the lives of employees.
are highly profitable.
generating dividends for the company's stockholders.
Question 4 
According to the iron law of responsibility:
Question options:
in the long run, those who do not use power responsibly will lose it.
in the short run, always sacrifice social goals in favor of economic goals.
law is more important than social or economic responsibility.
in the long run, economic responsibility leads to social responsibility.
Question 5 
The three strategies of globalization can be summarized using
what three words?
Question options:
channels, operations, and chains
export, locate, and purchase
sell, make, and source
ethics, import, and sell
Question 6 
Positive reputation can be valued as an intangible corporate:
Question options:
Question 7 
The Twilight Company demonstrates its commitment to social
and environmental responsibility, not just locally or regionally,
but worldwide. This is an example of:
Question options:
corporate social responsibility.
global sustainability.
global corporate citizenship.
community investing.
Question 8 
Business leaders, such as automaker Henry Ford, developed
___________ to support the recreational and health needs of
Ford employees.
Question options:
corporate social responsibility programs
corporate citizenship programs
social networking programs
paternalistic programs
Question 9 
Single-party rule by communist parties still remains in:
Question options:
An example of a Global Action Network, or GAN, is:
Question options:
the World Trade Organization.
nongovernmental organizations.
the Kimberley Process.
the Heritage Foundation.
Assets that a person accumulates and owns at a certain point
in time are called:
Question options:
According to Barlow v. A.P. Smith Manufacturing :

Question options:
<p>the laws prohibited charitable contributions.</p>
<p>charitable contributions are bad corporate investments for the short-term.</p>
<p>socially responsible actions must be approved by a majority of the firm's stakeholders.</p>
<p>socially responsible actions are an investment in the future, thus an allowable expense.</p>
Corporate power refers to the capability of:
Question options:
competitors to influence legislation, trade, and the stock market based on their organizational res
politicians to influence corporations, employees, and unions, based on their organizational resou
corporations to influence government, the economy, and society, based on their organizational r
CEOs to influence product development, employee morale, and currency indices, based on their
A society where economic power is concentrated in the hands
of government officials and political authorities is called a:
Question options:
central state control system.
a social democracy.
a political control system.
a military dictatorship.
When undertaking social initiatives, a company:
Question options:
must take out social responsibility insurance,
will always receive long-term profits.
may sacrifice short-term profits.
risks bankruptcy in nearly every case.
Which of these U. S. companies is the best example of using
globalization to reduce the price of products?
Question options:
Toys R Us
Some companies have created a department of corporate
citizenship to:
Question options:
adopt the United Nation's Global Compact Principles.
decentralize under common leadership wide-ranging corporate citizenship functions.
centralize under common leadership wide-ranging corporate citizenship functions.
narrow the job of the public relations office.
Philanthropic funding and public relations are examples of:
Question options:
drivers of the corporate social responsiveness phase.
policy instruments of the corporate social stewardship phase.
policy instruments of the corporate social responsiveness phase.
drivers of the charity principle phase.
Representation on the World Bank's board of directors is
based on:
Question options:
the size of the member nation's population.
the size of the member nation's economy.
the size of the member nation's land mass.
equal representation of all member nations.
The Heritage Foundation scored which nation of the world
among the most repressed as of 2012?
Question options:
Hong Kong
North Korea


BU360 Lesson 3 Exam SCORE 90 PERCENT

Ethics policies typically cover all of the following issues

Question options:
developing guidelines for accepting or refusing gifts from suppliers.
encouraging discriminatory personnel policies.
avoiding conflict of interest.
maintaining the security of proprietary information.
Question 2
Which U.S. Act provides executives representing U.S.-based
companies from paying bribes to foreign government officials,
political parties, or political candidates?
Question options:
USA Patriot Act
U.K. Bribery Act
Corruption of Foreign Officials Act
U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Question 3
All of the following values are present in most ethical
decisions, EXCEPT:
Question options:
be fair and just.
be kind.
act responsibly.
be honest.
Question 4
Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, corporations are required to:
Question options:
have executives vouch for the accuracy of a firm's financial reports.
have their audit committee comprised of only one executive.
collect reimbursements from the U.S. government if financial restatements occur.
have stockholders vouch for the accuracy of a firm's financial reports.
Question 5
At the core of rights reasoning is the belief that:
Question options:
the company's right to a profit must be protected.
respecting others is the essence of human rights.
the right to join a union is no longer universally accepted.
economic and political powers determine who is right.
Question 6
Cross-cultural contradictions arise due to:
Question options:
the emergence of a developing country's economic power.
religious differences adhered to by business executives.
differences between home and host countries ethical standards.
differences between different languages that may lead to misunderstandings.
Question 7
Regarding the U.K. Bribery Act, which of these statements is
Question options:
It provides an exemption for "facilitating payments."
It contains a strict liability offense for failure to prevent bribery by commercial organizations.
It prohibits bribery only for government officials.
It requires that improper actions be made "corruptly."
Question 8
A recent study found that, compared with the 1980s,
managers today place what importance on moral values, such
as honesty and forgiveness?
Question options:
less importance
about the same importance
slightly more importance
triple the importance
Question 9
A bottom-line mentality in business is best reflected in which
Question options:
"I want it."
"We have to beat the others at all costs."
"Help yourself and those closest to you."
"Foreigners have a funny notion of what's right and wrong."
Question 10
Integrity-based ethics programs:
Question options:
seek to avoid legal sanctions.
combine concern for the law with an emphasis on employee responsibility.
threatens employees with punishment for non-compliance with the ethics program.
are predominately implemented within the European Union.
Question 11
According to a 2013 opinion poll, Americans hold a dim view
Question options:
the Supreme Court.
business executives.
Question 12
A conception of right and wrong is:
Question options:
impossible to know.
based on stakeholder dialogue.
determined by power.
the definition of ethics.
Question 13
People everywhere depend on ethical systems to tell them
whether or not their actions are:
Question options:
legal or illegal.
right or wrong.
financially attainable or not.
logical, practical, and reasonable.
Question 14
Business managers need a set of ethical guidelines to help
Question options:
understand the changing customs throughout the world.
justify the resolution which best helps themselves.
identify and analyze the nature of any ethical problem.
describe what's best for shareholders as opposed to customers.
Question 15
A purchasing agent directing her company's order to a firm
from which she received a valuable gift is an example of:
Question options:
conflict of interest.
ethical relativism.
moral relativism.
Question 16
Recipients of corporate ethics awards show that:
Question options:
awards are based on economic power, not ethical performance.
firms can be financially successful and ethically focused.
being legally compliant results in receiving an ethics award.
improving ethical performance is very costly but bolsters a firm's reputation.
Question 17
When the benefits of an action outweigh its costs, the action
is considered ethically preferred according to:
Question options:
utilitarian reasoning.
virtue ethics.
theological reasoning.
Plato and Aristotle.
Question 18
If a manager approaches ethical issues with a self-centered
approach, emphasis will be on:
Question options:
social relationships.
economic efficiency.
Question 19
Which country recently enacted new laws to counter bribery
and corruption?
Question options:
Question 20
All of the following are considered to be ethical issues for
marketing professionals, EXCEPT:
Question options:
fostering trust in the marketing system.
embracing ethical values.
doing no harm.
avoiding fair market stipulations.


BU360 Lesson 4 & 5 Exam SCORE 95 PERCENT

In a survey of 110 companies in 2014, the most frequent

public affairs tactic was related to:
Question options:
grassroots issues.
political action committees.
issues management.
federal government regulations.
Question 2
Cooperation between business and government often occurs
Question options:
they encounter a common problem or enemy.
business can afford it.
business operates at arm's length from the government.
government has the support of the people.
Question 3
To influence government policymakers' actions, an
information strategy involves:
Question options:
business leaders speaking before government policymakers.
government policymakers hiring special interest groups for fact-finding projects.
businesses listening to government policymakers in order to develop a corporate strategy.
gaining support from other affected organizations.
Question 4
Deregulation is often:
Question options:
a politically popular idea.
a politically unpopular idea.
seen during a democratic federal administration.
found in European countries but not in the United States.
Question 5
Government's role is to create and enforce laws that:
Question options:
control businesses' action in society.
protect businesses' interest in society.
protect society from business.
balance the relationship between business and society.
Question 6
Regulation can be argued as justified based on:
Question options:
collective market theory.
utilitarian and justice grounds.
the life cycle of regulation.
Question 7
Governments being asked to regulate driving distractions are
examples of public policy:
Question options:
Question 8
In recent annual Harris polls, which entity did Americans
believe had the greatest amount of political power?
Question options:
Small businesses
Large businesses
Political action committees
Question 9
When managers become personally involved in developing
public policy, that firm is at the _______________ organizational
level of business political involvement.
Question options:
Question 10
Which of these statements accurately describes a Super PAC?
Question options:
It allows limited contributions from unions.
It allows limited contributions from individuals.
It is also called the dependent expenditure-only committee.
It does not allow direct contributions to candidates or political parties.
Question 11
An example of a regulatory agency charged with enforcing
social regulation is the:
Question options:
Federal Aviation Administration.
Federal Trade Commission.
Federal Communications Commission.
Internal Revenue Service.
Question 12
Economists reported that the costs of regulatory compliance
were highest for:
Question options:
vehicle safety.
antitrust issues.
consumer protection.
workers safety.
Question 13
In 2011, the Global Electoral Organization (GEO) discussed
which of these critical election administration issues?
Question options:
How to disengage electoral stakeholders
The role of the media in elections
How to increase election disputes
How to hide dark money contributors
Question 14
Which of the following is NOT a constituency-building
strategy tool?
Question options:
Expert witness territory
Advocacy advertising
Public relations
Legal challenges
Question 15
Under U.S. law, lobbyists must disclose their:
Question options:
political affiliation and expenses.
earnings and expenses.
Question 16
Which of the following represents a   structural  remedy for an
antitrust violation?

Question options:
<p>Paying a large fine</p>
<p>Breaking up a monopoly</p>
<p>Disclosure of company information to rivals</p>
<p>Agreeing to change a firm's conduct</p>
Question 17
Antitrust laws protect consumers from:
Question options:
anticompetitive practices by business.
selling products above cost to drive away rivals.
conspiring with business partners to increase competition.
firms using market dominance to expand commerce.
Question 18
Total social regulation costs are:
Question options:
slightly lower than total economic regulation costs.
slightly higher than total economic regulation costs.
significantly higher than total economic regulation costs.
equal to total economic regulation costs.
Question 19
Expert witness testimony is often acquired:

Question options:
<p>through company newsletters.</p>
<p>on the steps of the White House.</p>
<p>in Congressional hearings.</p>
<p>from the <em>Wall Street Journal.</em></p>
Question 20
Governments hold the power to:
Question options:
grant permission to only specific business activity.
grant or refuse permission for many types of business activity.
refuse permission to only government funded activity.
grant or refuse permission based on a firm's economic efficiency.
Question 21
The Sustainability Consortium organized to advance life-cycle
analysis for thousands of products includes all of the
following EXCEPT:
Question options:
Question 22
The process of firms buying and selling the right to pollute is
an example of which type of environmental regulation?
Question options:
Emissions charges
Question 23
The beverage industry's partnership "Refrigerants Naturally!"
is attempting to:
Question options:
reduce water usage.
increase the amount of arable land in use.
reduce the use of ozone-depleting chemicals.
increase the consumption of natural beverages.
Question 24
In coming years, the most successful global businesses will be
those that:
Question options:
develop short-term partnerships between companies in developing countries to transfer environmental t
recognize the imperative for sustainable development as an opportunity both for competitive advantage
avoid fully accounting for environmental costs in calculating measures of production such as the gross
produce products with a limited useful life.
Question 25
A thin layer of gas that protects Earth's surface from excessive
ultraviolet solar radiation is composed of:
Question options:
carbon dioxide.
Question 26
In the U.S., most solid waste:
Question options:
is recycled.
is composted.
is incinerated.
ends up in landfills.
Question 27
Which of the following is NOT true regarding environmental
Question options:
Regulatory agencies can establish standard allowable levels of pollutants.
The government has the power to command business firms to comply with certain standards.
The government rarely interferes in a business's choice of pollution technology.
They are the most widely used methods of regulation.
Question 28
A shared resource, such as land, air, or water, that a group of
people use collectively is a/an:
Question options:
economic village.
collective resource.
global unification.
Question 29
Which stage of corporate environmental responsibility focuses
on the full life cycle of a product?
Question options:
Pollution prevention stage
Clean technology stage
Product stewardship stage
Green management stage
Question 30
Companies that reduce pollution and hazardous waste, reuse
or recycle materials, and operate with greater energy
efficiency achieve a competitive advantage due to:
Question options:
technological innovation.
product differentiation.
green marketing.
cost savings.
Question 31
When businesses form voluntary, collaborative partnerships
with environmental organizations and regulators to achieve
specific objectives, we are witnessing:
Question options:
inter-organizational alliances.
environmental partnerships.
cross-functional teams.
command and control teams.
Question 32
Respecting Earth's rain forests, all the following are true,
EXCEPT they:
Question options:
are the planet's richest areas in terms of biological diversity.
will be severely depleted within the next eight years.
account for about seven percent of our planet's surface.
account for somewhere between 40 to 75 percent of Earth's species.
Question 33
Sustainable development:
Question options:
meets the needs of the present while compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own n
gives precedence to environmental over economic considerations.
balances economic and environmental considerations.
gives precedence to present needs over future needs.
Question 34
Life-cycle analysis involves:
Question options:
accurately recording the production costs at each stage of a product's life cycle.
collecting information regarding the lifelong environmental impact of a product, from extraction to disp
reducing recycling costs for disposable products.
increasing productivity while improving the environment.
Question 35
The commitments of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Question options:
developing national conservation strategies.
eliminating CFC production.
population control education.
massive irrigation projects in developing countries.
Question 36
Being able to continue their activities indefinitely, without
altering the carrying capacity of Earth's ecosystem, is a
characteristic of:
Question options:
ecologically sustainable organizations.
concerned citizens.
codes of environmental conduct.
environmental regulations.
Question 37
Natural capital  refers to the worldwide:

Question options:
<p>supply of resources, such as soil, air, water, and all living things.</p>
<p>combined stock ownership.</p>
<p>combined capital investments.</p>
<p>supply of sustainable developers.</p>
Question 38
By promoting the use of clean cook stoves in developing
nations, a global alliance hopes to reduce:

Question options:

the burning of fossil fuels.

black carbon emissions.

methane emissions.

Question 39

__________ refers to the amount of land and water a human

population needs to produce the resources it consumes while
absorbing its wastes given prevailing technology.

Question options:
Ecological footprint
Technological innovation

Sustainable development

Consumption impact

Question 40

Rapid economic development is often accompanied by:

Question options:
increasing population growth.

greatly reduced crop yields.

rising incomes, bringing higher rates of both consumption and waste.

decreasing incomes, bringing higher rates of both consumption and waste.


BU360 Lesson 6 and 7 Exam SCORE 93 PERCENT

In some economically developed countries and in most

developing countries around the world, genetically modified
food was:
Question options:
looked upon with caution but generally accepted.
welcomed as a way to increase crop yields.
rejected by most governments.
viewed with extreme cautions.
Question 2
We are currently in which phase in the development of
Question options:
Question 3
The __________ website received a favorable review because
they limited the ability of hackers to take advantage of one
Question options:
Hackers for Hire
Hacker's List
Question 4
Bill Joy, Sun Microsystems' chief scientist, stated that the rapid
advances in technology:
Question options:
solve every surmountable problem in no time flat.
move too fast, and can take on a life of their own.
are the safest and most human friendly known to civilization.
must be controlled by the companies that invest in them, in order to protect society.
Question 5
In 2014, the percentage of Americans who believed that stem
cell research is morally acceptable was:
Question options:
27 percent.
52 percent.
60 percent.
65 percent.
Question 6
Which country recently required all video-streaming sites to
be approved by the government or risk having their content
Question options:
North Korea
Question 7
Which of the following is TRUE respecting the U.S.
government's PRISM program?
Question options:
Technology companies could voluntarily turn over individual private communications.
The clandestine program was hidden by Edward Snowden.
Critics of the program called it an unwarranted intrusion by Big Brother.
Google challenged the program rules and won.
Question 8
__________ is the practical applications of science and
knowledge to commercial and organizational activities.
Question options:
Digital semantics
Informational analysis
Question 9
Which of the following is NOT true respecting the service
phase of technology?
Question options:
It was the fourth phase in the development of technology.
It emphasized providing services.
It required manual and intellectual skills.
It was dominant from 1900 to 1960.
Question 10
Downloading illegal files, spreading computer viruses, and
stealing from online bank accounts is, collectively, referred to
Question options:
software piracy.
Internet disruption.
Question 11
Which of the following statements MOST accurately describes
a "web-junkie"?
Question options:
He plays video games for hours on end without a break.
She views the real world more realistically.
He is, overall, a fast learner.
She creates "mega-moments."
Question 12
In 2013, North Korea opened Internet access to:
Question options:
all of its natural citizens.
residents of South Korea.
foreigners using mobile devices and lap tops.
investors of Koryolink, a state-owned telecommunications company.
Question 13
The buying and selling of goods and services electronically is
Question options:
Question 14
In which country was anti-spam legislation passed making it a
crime to send unsolicited e-mail messages to people's private
e-mail addresses or cell phones?
Question options:
United Kingdom
Question 15
Software piracy is a major problem:
Question options:
only in North America.
only in Asia.
in North America and Asia.
Question 16
Hackers who intend to profit from their actions are motivated
Question options:
the need for media attention.
a desire to retaliate against the government.
the thrill of it.
financial incentives.
Question 17
The place where information is stored, ideas are described,
and communication takes place in and through an electronic
network of linked systems is called:
Question options:
cloud computing.
a data server.
Question 18
Hackers employed by businesses or government to
intentionally discover weaknesses in information systems are
Question options:
Grey Hatters.
Black Hatters.
White Hatters.
Mad Hatters.
Question 19
The digital divide describes the gap between those:
Question options:
individuals who have access to technology and those who do not.
businesses who use e-business and those who do not.
hospitals who use online information and those who do not.
individuals who use broadband technology and those who do not.
Question 20
How has the increase in information technology affected
criminal activities globally?
Question options:
Crime levels have remained about the same.
Crime has decreased due to better monitoring efforts.
The need for government cooperation has been reduced.
New mechanisms for stealing data, trafficking contraband and laundering money have emerged.
Question 21
Which of the following is NOT a function of board committees?
Question options:
The executive committee works closely with top managers on business matters.
The audit committee reviews the company's financial reports.
The compensation committee administers and approves salaries and benefits.
The finance committee works closely with the human resources department to fund employee salaries.
Question 22
Since the mid-1950s the proportion of American workers
represented by a union has:
Question options:
grown, but only in the manufacturing sector.
remained about the same.
Question 23
The "right to be heard" assures that the consumers' interests
Question options:
receive full and sympathetic consideration.
be protected against fraudulent or misleading information.
be assured satisfactory quality and service at a fair price.
be given all the facts needed to make an informed choice.
Question 24
How are directors (members of corporate boards) selected?
Question options:
Shareholders elect the directors from a list of candidates.
The company's CEO appoints the directors.
The nominating committee elects the directors.
Shareholders with the greatest proportional ownership in the company become directors.
Question 25
Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding
the  Consumer Reports  organization?

Question options:
<p>It is involved in activities promoting the interests of consumers.</p>
<p>It conducts extensive tests on selected consumer products and services.</p>
<p>It is supported by the Federal government.</p>
<p>It publishes the results of tests online with ratings on a brand name basis.</p>
Question 26
Reasons for increasing the level of employee monitoring do
NOT include:
Question options:
achieving greater worker efficiency.
avoiding lawsuits resulting from inappropriate employee activities.
assuring that employees will not disclose confidential company information.
reducing employee health insurance premiums.
Question 27
All of the following are legal rights of shareholders, EXCEPT
voting on:
Question options:
members for the board of directors.
major mergers and acquisitions.
changes in the corporate charter.
who will become the chief executive officer (CEO).
Question 28
Which of the following is NOT true regarding institutional
Question options:
Institutions invest their funds by purchasing shares of stock in a corporation.
The proportion of individual ownership of stock in the U.S. has declined slowly since the 1960s.
Pension funds and university endowments are examples of institutional investors.
Institutions accounted for 63 percent of the value of all equities owned in the U.S. in 2010.
Question 29
Which law allows individuals who sue federal contractors for
fraud to receive up to 30 percent of any amount recovered by
the government?
Question options:
False Standards Act
Economic Priorities Act (as amended in 1999)

U.S. False Claims Act (as amended in 1986)

Fair Labor Standards Act

Question 30

Which law targeted regulation on issues of complex securities,

especially those related to subprime mortgages?

Question options:
Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Dodd-Frank Act
Affordable Care Act

Securities and Exchange Act

Question 31

In the United States, which of the following agencies enforces

the law prohibiting deceptive advertising?

Question options:

Consumer Product Safety Commission

Federal Trade Commission

Department of Justice

Question 32

Groups that collect and combine data from various sources

into individual profiles that are sold to retailers and
advertisers are called:

Question options:
flash cookies.

data aggregators.

Internet marketers.

360-degree viewers.

Question 33

According to the new social contract:

Question options:
the employer is obligated to provide long-term job security.

job security is based on seniority, but salaries may be lowered for poor performance.

companies try to attract workers by giving them interesting and challenging work.

employers have no fixed responsibilities toward employees.

Question 34
All of the following are examples of fulfilling social objectives
through stock ownership, EXCEPT:

Question options:
selling stock of companies that did business in South Africa when it was ruled under Apartheid.

divesting from Chinese companies that made products with forced labor.

selling stock of companies with a below-market rate of return.

choosing not to invest in Burmese companies that had been accused of human rights abuses.

Question 35

A  living wage has been defined as a wage that:

Question options:
<p>equals or exceeds the minimum wage established by law.</p>

<p>equals or exceeds one-and-a-half times the minimum wage established by law.</p>

<p>supports the basic needs of an average-sized family, based on local prices.</p>

<p>supports half the basic needs of an average-sized family, based on local prices.</p>

Question 36

Warning consumers about possible side effects of

pharmaceutical drugs is an example of consumer protection

Question options:
predatory pricing.

incomplete information disclosure.

hazardous products.

violations of individual privacy.

Question 37

Prior to deregulation, government agencies frequently:

Question options:
encouraged overseas trade, shielding businesses from competition.

held prices artificially high, shielding businesses from competition.

discouraged overseas trade, shielding consumers from selection.

held prices artificially low, shielding consumers from selection.

Question 38

Regarding random drug testing of employees, which

statement is TRUE?

Question options:
It screens randomly-selected employees at various times through the year.

It randomly tests selected applicants before hiring, as a part of a physical examination.

It tests an employee believed to be impaired by drugs and, therefore, unfit for work.

It regularly tests employees from randomly-selected job categories or job levels.

Question 39

Consumer groups have generally opposed the idea of product

liability reform using which of the following arguments?

Question options:
Punitive damages should be limited.

Strict liability should be retained.

The burden of proof should be shifted to consumers.

Losers should be made to pay some of the other side's legal bills.

Question 40

The practice of adapting a job to the worker is referred to as:

Question options:
social contracting.

electronic monitoring.

task simplification.


BU360 Lesson 8 Exam SCORE 90 PERCENT

Which type of supplier is hired to provide products or services

directly to a lead firm?
Question options:
Question 2
As communications improve and people around the world are
able to witness the horrors of natural disasters, terrorism and
war, international relief efforts by corporations are becoming:
Question options:
obsolete because of social media.
a liability because of negative media.
more important.
less important.
Question 3
We examine ____________ when we search for the underlying
cause of repeated supplier violations.
Question options:
supplier scoring
root cause analysis
supply chain auditing
Question 4
Habitat for Humanity is considered a:
Question options:
government division.
nongovernmental organization.
program for the homeless.
Question 5
Which of the following is one drawback of conducting supplier
Question options:
Workers trust the auditors to the point of giving away corporate secrets.
Audits scale so well across the supply chain that only general averages can be collected.
On-site inspections are expensive.
On-site inspectors are so fast that teams must conduct hundreds of them in a single day.
Question 6
In 2014, the smallest source of philanthropic contributions in
the United States came from:
Question options:
Question 7
A supplier that controls critical worker skills and technological
know-how holds which type of power?
Question options:
Question 8
Which of the following government rules on equal treatment
of employees does NOT apply to businesses?
Question options:
Discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age is prohibited i
Government contractors must have written positive affirmation action plans to overcome the past and p
Women and men must receive equal pay for performing equal work.
Affirmative action plans must be permanent.
Question 9
A/n __________ audit is employed when a company hires and
trains its own staff of auditors.
Question options:
Question 10
A business community that consists of people who work near
the company is referred to as a(n):
Question options:
site community.
virtual community.
community of interest.
employee community.
Question 11
The share of all giving made up by in-kind contributions of
products and services has been _____ over the past decade.
Question options:
declining steadily
relatively constant
rising steadily
declining sharply
Question 12
The lack of jurisdiction of home country governments over
supplier behavior is exemplified by:
Question options:
the United States Department of Labor having no control over safety in Indonesia.
OSHA being unable to enforce laws in Alabama.
business elites in developing countries effectively blocking regulation.
the Global Compact having moral authority but no enforcement power.
Question 13
As established in 1965, Executive Order 11246 mandates:
Question options:
affirmative action for all government employees.
affirmative action for all federal contractors and subcontractors.
equal pay for equal work for all federal contractors and subcontractors.
family and medical leave for all federal employees for illness or the birth of a child.
Question 14
One reason why firms partner with communities to increase
their economic development is to:
Question options:
expand environmental sustainability.
develop workplace skills.
control the rate of entrepreneurship.
avoid paying higher taxes.
Question 15
Recently released workplace statistics for high tech companies
Question options:
a majority of their workers are white or Asian.
women are more likely to be found performing technical roles.
Pinterest is the only high tech company surveyed with a majority female workforce.
no high tech company surveyed has a female CEO of COO.
Question 16
When a mother or father is granted time off when children are
born or adopted and during the early months of a child's
development, this is called:
Question options:
the parent track.
baby care.
parental leave.
family leave.
Question 17
Which ethnic group, as defined by the U.S. Census, represents
the fastest growing segment of the labor force?
Question options:
African Americans
Native Americans
Question 18
According to a Forbes study, what percentage of executives
agreed that diversity encourages innovation?

Question options:
<p>10 percent</p>
<p>50 percent</p>
<p>68 percent</p>
<p>85 percent</p>
Question 19
Regarding supply chain transparency, which of these
statements is NOT true?
Question options:
A firm's social, ethical, and environmental responsibility is revealed.
Technology is enhancing supplier transparency.
Brand loyalty among consumers is reduced by a firm's revelations.
Recent audits and certifications are publicized.
Question 20
According to a Harvard Business Review  study, which of the
following is NOT an area in which corporate contributions are
most likely to enhance a company's competitiveness?

Question options:
<p>Context of strategy and rivalry</p>
<p>Demand conditions</p>
<p>Stakeholder management</p>
<p>Factor conditions</p>


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