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Business, Management y sustainability Department

Business and International Development School

First Delivery – Scenery 3

Comparison Between Colombia and Canada on the pillar 4: HealthHealth and

Primary Education

Aguirre Forero Sergio

Cortes Castellanos Samuel Alejandro

Guarnizo Gale MaríaMaría del Pilar

Nader Aranda Salma

Rodriguez Quintero Daniela


Globalization and competitiveness

September 2022

General objective

Analyze the health and primary education pillar by making a comparation

between Colombia and Canada based on the Global Competitiveness Index evaluation

pillars done by the World Economic Forum (WEF), a special branch of the World Bank

in charge of ranking the economies of each country.

Through an exploratory investigation, we want to know in depth the

administration model that is currently used by the entities responsible for managing the

primary education and health system in Colombia and Canada, their responses to

unexpected variables in the order of the health system, and their responses to unexpected

variables in the order of the primary education system, known about the history of the

health area of each country, possible advantages and disadvantages of each country

compared with each other and finally reach the conclusion by collecting every

informationinvestigated detail suitable to clarify the difference between themthe health

system of a developed country and a country underdeveloped.

Specific objectives

1. To compare the health system and Primary education between Canada

and Colombia, identifying strengths and weaknesses for each of them according to

the evaluation index parameters.

2. Identify the health and education management model of the countries

mentioned above.

3. To analyze from the origin and in depth each system to propose possible

alternatives for improvements in the developing country that in this case is

Colombia versus the developed country that we have taken as an example,; Canada.

Key Words:

 Health: “State in which a living being, or organism has no injury or disease

and normally performs all its functions. Series of physical conditions in which a living

being is found in eacha given circumstance or moment.” definitions of Oxford Languages.

 Primary Education: “Stage of the educational system that includes six

academic courses that will be studied ordinarily between the ages of six and twelve.”

definitions of RAE.

 System: “Orderly set of rules and procedures that regulate the functioning

of a group or collectivity. Set of rules, principles or measures that are related to each

other.” definitions of Oxford Languages.

System of health and primary education in Canada:

Canada is one of the most developed countries around the world, in social issues,

education and public health, emphasizing in the last topic, we are going to discuss

significant differences between this country and ours, Colombia.

The government of Canada overseesoversees financing public health services for its

citizens, this role is determined by the national constitution.

The responsibilities are divided between different governments, this means that, provincial

and territorial governments have most of the responsibility of the social services. The federal

government is responsible but for some groups of people. Health care is financed by

taxation, such as personal and corporate taxes, sales taxes, and other revenue.

Some of the roles by the provincial and territorial governments include planning and

funding of care in hospitals and other health facilities, negotiation of the salaries to health

professionals, planning promotions for health initiatives, administration of insurance plans

and some extra benefits that are not covered by the federal government such as ambulance

costs not included, drugs prescribed outside hospitals, dental, vision and hearing care.

In the other hand we have the Canadian primary education. It begins at the six years old on

the first grade and continues until reaching grade twelve, when they are 18 years old, they

finish high school. According to the grade in which the students are, they will be in what we

call Elementary School, Junior High School, or the Senior High School.

It works with the block system; it refers to the spaces of time that are allocated for each

subject during the week. In Canada you have different classmates in each subject. Each

student, depending on the subjects they choose, has a different schedule. It is possible to

coincide in some classes with the same companions, but it is more likely that in each class

there will be variation and you will have new companions.

There is also another aspect to highlight, and that is that it is not the teachers who move

and change classrooms when the bell rings. As each student goes in different directions, each

teacher has her classroom, decorates it, and adapts it to her taste according to the way she

teaches the class. In other words, each teacher organizes their teaching space to feel

comfortable and transmit everything they want to their students.

The flexible routs to improve yourself, the active practice throughout the school

education, making space to personal improve out of school it can be conclude that studying in

Canada provides a guarantee of quality training that is very well adapted to prepare young

students for the future of work and for life in general.


System of healthhealth and primary education in Colombia:

Colombia is a country with participatory democracy and a capitalist economic system, but

it isit’s classified among the countries of second level, in this country the healthhealt and

primary education system is established and regulated by the central government.

The healthhealt system according to the laws is free to access for the low-income people

through a social program called SISBEN in which they categorize the population and identify

the most vulnerable population and this in order to make it possible for the right to health to

cover the entire population although in the reality this objective is not achieved. Our health

system the central axis is the General System of Social Security in Health (SGSSS) which has

two regimes, the first is the contributory regime and the other is the subsidized regime. The

first regimen is for people with incomes equal to or greater than the minimum wage, whether

they are salaried, independent workers or pensioners, and the other regimen is for all people

who do not have the ability to pay. Although we only have two basic regimens, we still have

a special regimen, which is only for the national police, military forces, the teaching

profession and others.

In Colombia, being affiliated with the health system is mandatory and is done through

health promoters (EPS) whether public or private. This is for the mandatory health plan (POS

- for the contributory regimen, and POS-S for the subsidized regimen) the EPS oversee

collecting the funds, most of the funds come from the Solidarity and Guarantee Fund

(FOSYGA) but those who provide care to the user in health are the health-providing

institutions (IPS) these can sometimes be integrated into the eps, or not be.

Many people with high incomes are listed in our health system, however, in most cases

they obtain private consultations with doctors they trust. And as we said before, the health

system is regulated in such a way that it can reach the entire population, however it still does

not, so sometimes people with limited resources are forced to also carry out private

consultations because they do not reach health system coverage.

Now about the primary education system, our primary system is called basic education and

is made up of five years of study, it is not mandatory to meet a certain age range to have

access to it, our primary system is called basic education and is made up of five years of

study, it is not mandatory to meet a certain age range to have access to it, many parents even

choose to give their children from 3 to 5 years of preschool learning before the primary basic

education. In Colombia, basic primary education can be in free institutions or private

institutions, the truth is that this education is compulsory, and the government fights to avoid

academic desertion, and encourage school participation in children with limited resources.

In public institutions, the aim is to monitor the children's families and their well-being, in

many cases the family welfare institute (ICBF) interferes. The children are also provided with

the relevant food in these institutions, and in many cases, they are even provided with

transportation and electronic equipment to continue developing their school activities at

home, but despite the efforts, there is still no complete coverage of the primary education

system throughout the country.

Comparison conclusion:

Based on the information that we have been discussed, and making an objective

comparison of the characteristics between the two countries, we can conclude the immense

organizational backwardness of our third world country in these areas mentioned, although

there are plans of attention to the population in matters of public health and education, it is

not possible to guarantee the quality of life of the citizen, because of the society that has

many problems with the correct implementation of educational and health plans with the

EPS, adding to this social problems of internal conflicts, political corruption that affects the

most vulnerable population.

Finally it is important to emphasize that the effort of some government agencies are not

the most effective since new improvement plans must be proposed, so even if free education

is not of quality and this must be guaranteed for children since in the youngest years is when

you begin to take direction in life and it is necessary that Colombia does the best for a

development that can beneficial for all.

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