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I want to say Peace to the nation of the 5% also known as the Nation of the Gods and

Earths, and all those who believed in me and the truth of my abilities. I write this book as a

reference book and a book to use in your daily life and struggles. I write this book from my

experience and knowledge that I have acquired over the years. Read it with an open mind. And
by open, I mean that you will for a time suspend the notions and as I will prove to you in this

book propaganda that you have been taught in school, by news magazines, and the majority of

other outlets for the “facts” of science and history. In doing this, you will discover that you are

like the sleepers in the movie Matrix. You have been living a life in a dream world, where things

are not as they seem. You are living in a place that has the truth hidden from others while

substituting a series of carefully crafted lies to keep you permanently blinded, with the truth only

having a chance to briefly surface from time to time. This book will be your chance to see the

truth, to learn what is going on behind the scenes and the many facts that have been carefully

hidden from your view. If you will read it with an open mind, you will be able to take the first

step toward seeing what is really going on, and see the lies behind the people who are attempting

to keep the truth from being revealed about them, as well as the ancient past and the ways it will

affect the future.

I received knowledge back in the fall of 1975, I was just getting out of a gang called the

black skulls and wanted to change my way of thinking. There was a place on linden blvd called

the Far East and they were Sunni Muslims I attended a couple of their services but it was not for

me. I first got knowledge from this short brother named Tislam Allah at 59 night center at J.H.S.

59 0n merrick and Springfield, but soon after getting this knowledge I moved to south ozone

park where there were no Gods to be found just a lot of the remaining seven crowns gang. I did

have my foundation which were the supreme mathematics and supreme alphabets and studied
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them but still there was no one to build with so I fell back into a life of just existing. Then I went

to school up in Manhattan and met some brothers from Mecca and medina and started learning

more about the nation of the gods and earths and became more attentive to their knowledge of

our black people here in north America. Being taught that the Blackman was god was new to me

and interesting. I began to study and found myself learning information that I never knew before.

This was the greatest thing that could have happened to me these lessons saved my life and

without them I might be dead physically. I give nothing but praise to the all the elder gods that

paved the way for me and so many other brothers and sisters, I’ll forever be in their debt.
Because like most of those reading this book, you have been hoodwinked by the

education establishment which by intent or by accident, has become the prime purveyor of the

lies that make up the “party line” that keeps the truth hidden. This education has been so deeply

ingrained in almost every educated human being, so that responses and views are like thick

sunglasses that prevent seeing in a dimly lit room. It is only by removing those glasses that one

can see what’s real, and in the process find the truth. 

Because of this conditioning and training through the educational system as well as the

entertainment and news media, those hiding the truth have a very powerful tool: Denial. And

often they don’t have to employ it directly; like rats trained by electrical shock, you jump to

attention and deny the truth when it’s presented to you. Years of conditioning with the electric

shock of scorn and derision have taught you to do this. You not only do the work of hiding the

truth, because of your conditioning you may even humiliate those who would bring the truth to


I write this book because I think it is time for our nation to have a books and references to

help them in their growth as Gods and Earths. I was lucky because in my time there were a lot

more brothers and sisters teaching, but now there are far and few, that one of the reasons for this

book. Some of the people who are being taught are going to move away and lose contact with

their educator and enlightener and this book will be of assistance in their growth. This book is for

the purpose of educating our people on the reality of the true and living god Allah. The
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information I put in here is researched and true to the best of my ability. This conditioning has

filtered through the educational system for centuries, so that today’s scientists, doctors, and

historians are likewise victims to it. As I will document in this book, when confronted with the

truth of history, artifacts, or fossils, they have learned to shut out the facts from their minds

through their educational conditioning or if that truth is too strong to ignore, then they may hide

it from site and attempt to forget. Because if they do not, they will quickly become the object of

scorn and derision from their peers, with a quick trip to unemployment as one of the “kooks” or

“nut cases” that are today full of similar men who attempted to have an open mind and register
their second thoughts or reservations about the dogma of lies which they had been taught. Thus

denial is the first tool trotted out. It is the typical “educated response” when a researcher,

newsman, or scientist is presented with anomalous evidence and findings that don’t fit neatly

into the category of “containment.” And likewise today’s academia is comprised of individuals

living in intellectual boxes of dishonesty.

For you and each person who will read this book with an open mind, that can change.

Because for over 35 years now, I have been carefully tracing, finding, the truth. I started by

investigating the origins of ancient civilizations: Their builders, their myths, their legends. Little

by little what I discovered prompted and provoked me to seek answers beyond the party line. As

Henry Ford, the automotive genius of the last century so aptly put it, “History is more or less


I took all the lessons that I have collected over the years and decided to put it into one book so it

could be kept and passed on years to come. The history of the original people has no beginning

nor ending our history is older than the sun moon and stars. This was a lot of work to finally sit

down and get my thoughts right to manifest these years of lessons in one book. The lessons and

add on facts and all plus degrees are from my understanding and you will have to draw your own

understanding to the degrees, I’m just setting the foundation you have to build the temple.

Modern historians, of course, play a game of deny, deny, deny, coming up with explanations for

these accomplishments that are nearly as amazing as the artifacts they try to explain away. As
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you will see, the explanations and dismissals are full of holes. For there is truth to the many

stories that are now denied. What you have been taught to scoff at and dismiss as myth more

often than not may be truth.

By simply looking at the ruins of the past, a person quickly discovers that the ancients

constructed architecture that was so accurately positioned to “stellar and planetary coordinates”

that only recently has modern science and computer technology been able to fathom the

relevance of such positioning. (Indeed, some ancient constructions appear to have positioning

that modern science does not yet understand.) How the ancients were able to gain such
knowledge with crude tools and the marginal math today’s archeologists claim they had is

impossible to explain. When not ignoring and denying, today’s “modern sciences” develop very

pathetic explanations and theories. Yet these remain as “facts” because those scientists and

researchers seldom dare to suggest otherwise, less they find their careers at an end.

Perhaps the most startling thing about the ancient wisdom and understanding which you’ll be

looking at throughout this book is that the calculations and knowledge behind them was, as is the

case today, dependent on computers for such computations. Instead, it seems entirely possible

(indeed probably since instrumentation that would permit such calculations has never been

found) the work was done in the heads of those creating the monuments and machinery. 

Yet the truth remains: Those legends, myths, and oral traditions may not be as farfetched as you

have been taught, and even would prefer to think. In fact they may have at least nuggets of truth

in them. That truth points back to a period of time in the dateless past when great civilizations

flourished with scientific and engineering achievements (which still challenge modern intellects)

were the norm. I don’t want you to just take my word on this it is, after all the Truth is a hard pill

to swallow, especially after the propaganda you have been fed from the popular media as well as

the “facts” found in almost any science or historic textbook. Instead I simply want you to read

this book with an open mind. Do that, and I will provide you with enogh  proof and evidence and
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background findings so that you can go do your own research as to challenge the information of

what I have said in this book.

There were a lot of people that came to uplift the people before the Father Allah Clarence

13X Jowar Smith but they only dealt with half measures and not complete truth. The Nation of

Gods and Earths was founded by Clarence 13X after he left the Nation of Islam’s Temple #7 in

Harlem, New York (the same temple where Malcolm X was a minister from 1960 to 1963). He

was the first to let it be known on the streets that the Blackman is god and that we are the lost

found here in North America. Elijah Muhammad was the founder of the nation of Islam and it
was these teachings that the Father Allah took to the streets of New York City. At the time, NOI

members were not allowed to discuss the traditon  and what took place in the mosque with

outsiders and were supposed to kep  all information in complete secrecy . In the early ‘60s, the

NOI Temple had total control of the lessons and guarded them from the average person you had

to become Muslim in order to get lessons. Allah decided that the truth should be taught not only

in the mosques but to all the human family of the planet earth so we will always remember and

give honor and praise to this man Clarence 13X who we acknowledge as the Father Allah. The

history on the father will be spokeof  more in depth later in the bok.  I’m going give it to you the

same way I got it pure and uncut and that is the same way I’m going to give it back.

The nation of the gods and earth started in 1964 when the Father left mosque temple #7

in Harlem New York. Allah was not happy with the way the NOI (nation of Islam) were teaching

the lessons, so he decided to leave and teach on the street. Allah did not need no mosque or

temple to teach his truth, and the world was his platform and he began to build a nation. . Allah

Started with 9 young black brothers from the hood up in Harlem, and this is how this great nation

as we have today called the Nation of Gods and Earths was start.   Allah tok  nine black young

brothrs  from the hood and began to teach them and they became to be known as the “First

Born”. They were Karriem or Black Messiah, Niheem or Bisme Allah, Uhuru, Kihiem, Al-

Jabbar or Prince Allah, Al Jamel, Bilal or Jihad or ABG7, Akbar, and Al Saam  They called

Allah, “The Father” because many of them were the products of broken homes and this was the
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only father they knew. These were the First Nine Born. The NGE have grown over the years

since it began in 1964 by Clarence 13X the Father Allah. When the Father left the Mosque with

the Lesson his main objective was to teach the knowledge of the original people here in North

America ghettos. At that time Black people were still going thru the self esteem complex. The

white race had done so much to destroy the spirit of the Blackman through the years of racism

and Jim Crow laws and segregation the need for God that was needed. I will go further in to the

Fathers history later on in the book

The Nation of Gods and Earths teaches that the Original Blackman is God, and the Black
woman is the Earth who is a Queen. The Nation emphasizes the importance of education and self

awareness, learning the importance of their role as a father and god. As Gods, black men realize

that they have the power to change their trouble situation for the better and, break free of the

vicious cycle of black men having no hope going back and forth to jail some of things that

plagues the deteriorating Black communities of the U.S. Today there are thousands of young

black men and women who are members of The Nation of Gods and Earths who are learning the

knowledge of themselves and taking that knowledge to improve them in life. Allah focus his

attention on the people in the community and a lot of people talk about how he taught the young

but Allah reached some adults alo.  He developed the science of Supreme Mathematics. Supreme

Mathematics is the first 10 Degrees that are learnt when we first get knowledge of ourselves and

the principles which correspond to the nine basic number units which the zero in our number

system is cipher to be complete. Allah took his message to poor, the hustlers and hard core street

drug dealers and thus.  Using the Supreme Mathematics and Alphabets, Allah taught them the

meaning of their names, age what degrees mean and what’s the meaning of life and other facts of


The Nation of Gods and Earths teach the divinity of the Blackman, as god who is true and

living Blackman and not a spook, or a mystery god. Father Allah also developed his own system

of teachings, known as the Supreme Mathematics and the Supreme Alphabets The “divine

sciences” of Supreme Mathematics and Alphabets are sets of principles, attached to numerals
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and to the letters of the alphabet, which serve as the keys to divine knowledge. For Five

Percenters, the “science of Supreme Mathematics is the key to understanding man’s relationship

to the universe We tech  that Islam, for the Nation of Gods and Earths, is a mathematics-based

science, a way of life and not a religion, and not a set of beliefs Why We Are Not Muslims and

do follow the wys  and rituals of Muslims. I just feel that this book is for all my people to use

and to have and so you can elevate yourself to higher heights. Knowledge is infinite and

knowledge is accumulated facts. So these degrees are truths and are actual fact, and this lessons

should be passed on to the next generation and to the next until.

The more you learn the greater you become. The knowledge that I learned saved my lfe 

it was this knowledge that help be survive when I was in the belly of the beast and it was this

knowledge that help me survive when I was shot on the streets of south Jamaica queens and it

was this same knowledge that got me my bachelor degree in2002. As I grew I added on to the

knowledge of myself. I’ve learned that knowledge is infinite and the more you learn and read the

greater the mind becomes. You are responsible for the growth and development of yourself and

if you fail to prepare then prepare to fail and the one who suffer the most is you and if you have

seed then they will suffer also. So as you read and go over the information put in this book kow 

that this book is like a reference take the information and become your own scientist, go back to

the lab dissect it analyze it and come to the actual scientific truth that governs all principals of


The Book of life will enlightened the world to the truth of god and life as it is. The

Original man is god. The knowledge is for the purpose of teaching others the, Truth about our

history and where we come from. Most of the people here in North America do not know where

they come from or anything about their ancestor or their contribution to civilization. In these

pages I will let Knowledge be born to the best of my ability so sit back and let’s take a Journey

into the galaxy of the universe and explore the beauty and wonders of all the worlds. The Black

race has no beginning or ending our people were made from the black mud of the earth millions

of years ago. There is no other race of people that dates back to our history. Our people are the
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ones that have been inflicted with injustice for thousands of years. Robbed raped and murdered

for the planet earth, which is rightfully ours learn your history and Teach all the human family of

planet earth about civilization, righteousness, the knowledge of himself, and the science of

everything in life, love peace and happiness.


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The Supreme Mathematics

The Supreme Mathematics is the very first lesson that is taught to all new born and

people wanting to learn. When teaching new born to the knowledge of oneself it is the same way

that one uses in when a person is young and start learning. We teach children how to count from

one to ten, and this is the first method use in teaching children the relationship of items and how

to register it in their mind. The first thing that’s important to realize is that our Supreme

Mathematics does represent the actual fact reality to life existence. Mathematics plays a role in

each person life whether you want to realized it or not it because it does. Mathematics is life

Principles that has govern the universe for the last 78 trillion to be exact and continues each and

every day. The Supreme Mathematics is 1 of the 8 different component of our Book of Lessons

which consisted of 120. In conjunction with the Supreme Mathematics, we have “7 additional
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components. The Supreme Mathematics and the Supreme Alphabets, Allah and Justice created

together, he taught the first born to break down these degrees and how to apply them to life

experienes.  The Supreme Mathematics and The Supeme  Alphabet, 1-10’s, 1-14’s, 1-36’s, 1-

40’s, Actual Facts, and Solar Facts which correspond to the 8 Points on our Universal Flag.

Learning all of the 8 lessons that make up 120 is very important a requirement to be a successful

teacher and educator in this nation and is required by all the Gods and Earths who take on the

duty as civilized people. 

The 8 Lessons and 8-Point Curriculum that corresponds to our Universal Flag are

follows: 1. Supreme Mathematics 2. Supreme Alphabet 3. 1-10’s (Student Enrollment) 4. 1-14’s

5. 1-36’s 6. 1-40’s 7. Actual Facts 8. Solar Facts. The Supreme Mathematics, Supreme Alphabet,

1-10’s, 1-14’s, 1-36’s, 1-40’s, Actual Facts, and Solar Facts actually help a person to expand

their knowledge and learn the science of everything in life. And also distinguish who’s who, who

is really the real ones who have studied these lessons and are really out there teaching and

educating the babies. Now you going to come across any  people who are going to try and use

our mathematics and language but mathematics is more than just some words on a piece of paper

it is a high science of supreme intelligence.

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     Knowledg     Wisdo     Understandin     Culture or Freedo     Power or Refinemen   

Equalit     Go     Build or Destro     Born10.  Ciphe     


1- Knowledge- is to know, to listen, to observe, and respect. Knowledge is the foundation

of all things in existence. As the sun is the foundation of our solar system, the black man is the

foundation of his family.

2.WISDOM- Wisdom is the manifestation of the knowledge. The ways and action people

use to make their knowledge known such as by speaking wisely. Wisdom means to wise the

dumb or posses a wise dome {to be wise} wisdom is also the black woman.

3.UNDERSTANDING- Understanding is the mental picture one draws up of knowledge

and wisdom, to see things clearly through the power of all Seeing Eye the mind. Understanding

is the best part. Understanding is also the child.

4.CULTURE or FREEDOM-Culture is ones way of life Islam is the culture of freedom

and righteousness, the culture of peace in, which all things coincide and exist in harmony.

Freedom means to live a life free from ignorance and lies that make one dumb.

5.POWER or REFINEMENT-Power is the truth, which is the only means of refinement

for to go according to the truth, is to purify and make one self-clean. Truth is the power to

respect the mentally dead from their present state of unawareness and ignorance of self.

6.EQUALITY-Equality is to deal equal with all things. Knowledge, wisdom, and

understanding. {To deal equal mentally and physically}.

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7.GOD-God is the highest Supreme Being Blackman of Asia. The highest physical form

of living mathematics.

8.BUILD OR DESTROY-Build means to add on to life and Destroy means to take away

from life. In order to build righteousness, one must first destroy the devilishment within his or

her circumference.

9.BORN-Born means to give birth or bring into existence. A mental birth meaning to be

born through the womb of the wisdom of almighty god. A physical birth meaning to be born

from the womb of the black women.

10.KNOWLEDGE CIPHER-A Cipher is the completion of a circle, which consist of 360

degrees. Knowledge Cipher is the completion of one cipher meaning to add one on to the

knowledge of Islam by completing their mental composition through the teaching of Islam.


1. A     14.Now, Nation or End.

2     15.Cipher

3.     16.Power

4. Di     17.Queen

5. Equa     18.Rule or Ruler

6. Fa     19.Self or Savior

7.     20.Truth or Square

8. He or     21.Universe

9. I     22.Victory
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10. Jus     23.Known

11.      24.Unknown

12.      25.Why

13. Ma     26.Zig, Zag, Zig (which means Knowledge wisdom, and understanding)














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Who is the original man?

The original man is the Asiatic Blackman. The maker, the owner, the cream of the planet

earth, father of civilization and god of the universe.

Who is the colored man?

The colored man is the Caucasian Whitman. Yacub grafted devil of the planet earth?

What is the total population of the original nation in the wilderness of North America and

all over the planet earth?

The total population of the original nation in the wilderness of North America is

17,000,000 with the 2,000,000 Indians makes it a total of 19,000,000. And all over the planet

earth 4,400,000,000.

What is the total population of the colored people in the wilderness of North America and

all over the planet earth?

The total population of the colored people in the wilderness of North America is

103,000,000. And all over the planet earth 400,000,000.

What is the area in square miles of the planet earth?

The area in square miles of the planet earth is a 196,940,000 square miles.

What are the exact square miles of useful land that is used every day by the total

population of the planet earth?

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The useful land that is used every day by the total population of the planet earth is

29,000,000 square miles.

How much is used by the original man?

The original man uses 23,000,000 square miles     How much is used by the colored man?

The colored man uses 6,000,000 square miles.

     What is the said birth record of the nation of Islam?

The nation of Islam has no birth record. It has no beginning nor ending. It is older than
the sun, moon, and sta

   0.   What is the birth record of said nations other than Islam?

Buddhism is 35,000 years old and Christianity is 551 years old.

ENGLISH C LESSONS      1-3     My name is W.F. Muhammad     I came to North

America by myself     My uncle was brought over here by the trader 379 years ago     My uncle

does not speak his own language     He does not know he is my uncle     He likes the devil

because the devil gives him nothing     Why does he like the devil     Because the devil planted

fear in him when he was a little boy     Why does he fear the devil now that he is a big man?10. 

Because the devil taught him how to eat the wrong food.11.  Does this have anything to do with

the above question # 10?12.  Yes Sir! That made him other than himself.13.  What is his own

self?14.  His own self is a righteous Muslim.15.  Are there any other Muslim other than

righteous?16.  I beg your pardon! I never heard of one.17.  How many Muslim sons are there in

North America?18.  Approximately 3,000,000.19.  How many original Muslims are there in

North America?20.  A little over 17,000,000.21.  Do you mean to tell me some of the 17,000,000

do not know they are Muslims?22.  Yes Sir!23.  I hardly believe that unless they are Blind, Deaf,

and Dumb!24.  Well they were made blind, deaf, and dumb when they babies.25.  Can a devil

fool a Muslim?26.  No not now a day.27.  Do you mean to say the devil fooled them 379 years

ago?28.  Yes, a trader made an interpretation that they would receive more gold for their la   
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which was more than they were earning in their own country.29.  Did they receive more gold?

30.  No the trader disappeared and there was no one to speak their language.31.  Then what

happened?32.  They wanted to go back to their own country but could not swim 9,000 miles.33. 

Why didn’t they own people come and get them?34.  Because their own people didn’t know,

they were over here.35.  When did their own people find out they were over here?36. 

Approximately 60 years ago.


Lost Found Muslim Lesson No. 1

     Why isn’t the devil settled on the best part of the planet Earth?

Because the Earth belongs to the Original Man, and knowing that the devil is weak and

wicked, there wouldn’t be any peace among tem.  So, they put them on the worst part, and kept

the best part preserved for himself ever since he made it, the best part is in Arabia, at the Holy

City of Meca.  The colored or Caucasian man is the deil.  Arabia is in the Far East and is

bordered by the Indian Ocean in the South     Why did Musa have a hard time civilizing the devil

in the year 2,000 B     Because he was a savge.  A savage is a person who has lost knowledge of

himself and living a beast lfe.  Musa was a half Original Man, and a propet.  2,000 B.C. means

before Chrst.  In the Asiatic world, it was in the year 11,00.  Civilize means to teach knowledge

and wisdom of the human family on the planet Ea         Why did we let a half Original Man like

Columbus discover the poor part of the planet Earth?

Because the Original Blackman is God and owner of the Earth and knowing every square

inch of it, he has chosen for himself the best prt.  He didn’t care about the poor prt.  Columbus

was a half Original Man, and was born in Italy which is in South East Eurpe.  His full name is
Author Last Name / Short Title / 20

Christopher Columbus, and the place he discovered was North Amerca.  He founded the Indians

here who were exiled 16,000 years ago from Inia.  They are Original people     Why did we run

Yacub and his made devils from the root of Civilization over the hot Arabian Desert, into the

caves of West Asia, as they now calls it Eurpe.  What is the meaning of EU and RPE?  How long

go?  What did the devil bring with im?  What kind of life did the devil live ten?  And how long

before Musa came to teach the devil of their forgotten trick knowledge?

Because they started, making trouble among the righteous people accusing the righteous

people of telling lies, causing them to fight and kill one anoter.  Yacub was an Original
Blackman and was Father of the devil he taught the devil to do this devilishment. The root of

civilization is in Arabia, at the Holy City of Mecca which means where knowledge and wisdom

of the Original Man started when the planet was first founed.  We ran the devil over the hot

Arabian Desrt.  We took from them everything except their language, and made them walk every

step of the ay.  It was 2,200 miles he went savage, and lived in the caves of Eurpe.  EU means

hillside and ROPE means the rope to bindin.  It was 6,019 years go.  Musa came 2,000 years

later and taught them how to live a respectful life how to build a home for himself and some trick

knowledge that Yacub had taught him, which was devilishment; Stealing, telling lies and how to

master the Original an.  Musa was a half Original Man, a prophet that was predicted by the 23

scientists in the year 15,019 years ago     Why did we take Jerusalem from the deil?  How long


Because one of our righteous brothers, who was a prophet by the name of Jesus was

buried there, and they used his name to shield their dirty religion, which is called Christianity

also to deceive the people so they would believe in im.  Jesus’ teaching was not Christianty.  It

was Freedom, Justice, and Equalty.  Jerusalem is in Palestine in Asia Mior.  Jerusalem is a name

given by the Jews, which means founded in Peace, and it was first, built by the Original Man

who was called Jebus, Salem, and Orel.  We took the city from them about 750 years ag     Why

does the devil keep our people illiterate?

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So, that he can use them for a tool, and also a slve.  He keeps them blind to themselves so

that he can master them illiterate means ignorant     Why does the devil call our people African?

To make our people of North America believe that the people of that continent are the

only people we have, and they are all savaes.  He brought a trading post into the jungle of that

continent. The original people that live on that continent, they are the ones who strayed away

from civilization, and are living a jungle lfe.  The Original people call this continent Asia, but the

devil calls it Africa to try and divide tem.  He wants us to think that we are all different     Why

does the devil keep our own people apart from their social equality?
Because he doesn’t want us to know, how filthy he is in all his affars.  He is afraid

because, when we learn about him we will run him from amongus.  Social means to advocate a

society or group of men for one common case.  Equality means to be equal in everything     Why

does Muhammad makes the devil study from 35 to 50 years before he can call himself a Muslim

son and wear the greatest and only flag of the universe. And he must add a sword to the upper

part of the holy and greatest universal flag of Islam?

So that he can clean himself, up. A Muslim does not love the devil regardless to how long

he studies. After he has devoted 35 to 50 years to try to learn and do like the original man he

could come and do trading amongst us and we would not kill them as quick as we would other

that is who have not gone under this study. After he goes through with this labor from 35 to 50

years, we permit him to wear our holy flag, which is the sun moon and stars. He must add a

sword to the upper part the sword is an emblem of justice it was used by the original man in

Muhammad times. Thus it was place on the upper part of the flag so that the devil can always see

it so he will keep it in mind, that any time he reveal the secret we gave him this chance so that he

can clean himself up and come amongst us his head would be taken off by the sword. The holy

flag of Islam is the greatest and only flag known in the universe. The universe is everything, sun,

moon, and stars they are planets. Planets are something that is grown or made from the

beginning. Holy is something that is not been diluted mixed or tampered with in any form.0. 

Why does Muhammad and any Muslim murder the devil? What is the duty of each Muslim in
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regards to four devils? What reward does a Muslim receive by presenting the four devils at one


Because he is one hundred percent weak and wicked and will not keep and obey the laws

of Islam. His ways and actions are like those of a snake of the grafted type. So, Muhammad

learned that he could not reform the devil, so they had to be murdered, because they know he is a

snake and also if he were allowed to live, he would sting someone else. Each Muslim was

required to bring in four devils. And by having and presenting four devils at one time, his reward

was a button to wear on the lapel of his coat, also free transportation to the holy city of Mecca to
see his brother Muhammad.1.   Have you not heard that your word shall be bond regardless of

whom or w     Yes my word is bond and bond is life, and I will give my life before my word shall

fail.12.  What is the meaning of F.     The Fruit of Islam. This is the name given to the military

training of men that belong to Islam in North America.3.   What is the meaning of Captain and

Lieutenant? Captain and Lieuten     The duty of the captain is to give orders to the lieutenants

and the lieutenant’s duty is to teach, and also train the private soldiers.4.   What is the meaning of

M.G.T and G.     Muslim Girls Training and General Civilization Class. This is the name given

to the women and girls that belong to Islam in North America teaching them how to keep their

house how to raise their children and how to keep their husband sew cook and in general, how to

act at home abroad. These training units were named by their prophet W.D. Fard.

Author Last Name / Short Title / 23

Lost Found Muslim Lesson No. 2

     Who made the Holy Koran or Bible? How long ago? And will you tell us why does

Islam renew its history every 25,000 years?

The holy Koran or bible is made by the original man who is Allah the Supreme Being

Blackman from Asia. The Koran will expire in the year 25,000, 9080 years from the date of this

writing. The nation of Islam is all wise and does everything right and exact. The planet earth,

which is the home of Islam, is approximately 25,000 miles in circumference. So the wise man of

the east Blackman makes history or Koran to equal his home circumference, a year to every mile.

Thus every time his history last 25,000 years, he renews it for another 25,000 years     What is

the circumference of the planet earth?

24,896, approximately 25,000 mile     What is the diameter of the planet earth?

7,926 miles     What is the total square miles of the planet earth?

196,940,000 square miles     What is the total square miles of land and total square miles

of water?

57,255,000 square miles of land, and 139,685,000 square miles of water     What is the

total weight of our planet?

6 sex trillion tons. A unit followed by 21 ciphers     How fast does our planet travel?

1,037 1/3 miles per hour     What makes rain, hail, snow, and earthquakes?

The earth is approximately covered under water approximately ¾ of its surface. The sun

and moon, having attracting powers on our planet, while it is making that terrific speed of 1037
Author Last Name / Short Title / 24

1/3 miles per hour on its way around the sun. The sun draws this water up into earth rotation,

which is called gravitation, in a fine mist that the naked eye can hardly detect. As this mist

ascend higher, and increasing with other mist of water in a different current of the atmosphere,

until she become heavier than gravitation, then she distills back to the earth in the forms of drops

of water or drops of ice, which depends on how heavy the mist was and the current of air she was

in. There are some layers of currents real cold and warm, and some very swift and changeable.

When this mist strikes a cold current it become solid ice in small round drop or in a light fluffy

form which is called snow. This water is never drawn above 6 miles from the earth surface by
the sun and moon. The reason it rains back on our planet is because the water cannot get out of

the earth atmosphere with its high speed of rotating around the sun, which makes it impossible.

Earthquakes are caused by the Son of Man experimenting with high explosives. In fact all of the

above is caused by the Son of Man     Why does the devil teach the 85% that a mystery GOD

brings all t     To conceal the true and living god which is the son of man, and to make slaves out

of the 85% by keeping them worshipping something that they cannot see invisible and he makes

himself rich from their labor? The 85% knows that it rains, hail, snow, and hear thunder above

their head but do not try to learn who is causing this to happen by letting the 5% teach them.

They believe in the 10% 0n face value.     Who is that mystery      There is no mystery GOD. The

son of man have searched for that mystery GOD for trillions of years and was unable to find this

so-called mystery GOD, so they have agreed that the only GOD is the son of man, and they lost

no time searching for that, that does not exist.     Will you set up home and wait for a mystery

God to bring you f     Emphatically NO! Me and my people who have been lost from home 379

years have tried this so-called mystery God for bread clothing and a home, and receive nothing

but hard time, hunger, and nakedness and out of doors. Also beaten and killed by the ones that

advocated that kind of god. And no relief came to us until the son of man came to our aid by the

name of our prophet W.D. Fard     Tell us why does the devil teach t     Because he desire to

make slaves out of all he can, so that he can rob them and live in luxury.     But brings rain, hail,

snow, and earthqua     They continue daily to teach the 85% that all they see and hear such as
Author Last Name / Short Title / 25

rain hail, snow and earthquakes comes from that mystery god that no one will be able to see until

he dies. This is believed by the 85%, the 10% know when man dies that he will never come back

and tell the living weather he died or not, because the dead is never known to return from the

grave. In all the history of Islam there never revealed anyone coming back from a physical death,

but there is a chance for a mental death because the lost found was once dead mentally, and

many of them have recovered from it. But they were not physically dead, only mentally dead.   

Who is the      The uncivilized people poison animal eaters, slaves from mental death and power.

People who do not know who the true and living god is and their origin in this world, and
worship that they know not. Who are easily lead in the wrong direction but hard to be lead in the

right direction?     Who is the      The rich slave makers of the poor. Who teaches the poor lies to

believe that the almighty, true, and living God is a spook and cannot be seen by the physical eye,

otherwise known as the blood suckers of the poor.     Who is the 5% of this poor part of the

planet earth?

They are the poor righteous teachers who do not believe in the teaching of the 10% and

who is all wise and know who the true and living god is, who teach that the true and living god is

the son of man supreme being Blackman of Asia who teaches freedom, justice and equality to all

human family of the planet earth. Otherwise known as civilized people. Also Muslim and

Muslim sons.     What is the meaning of civilization?

One having knowledge wisdom understanding culture refinement and is not a savage in

pursuit of happiness     What is the duty of a civilized person?

The duty of a civilized person is to teach he who is savage civilization and righteousness,

the knowledge of himself and the science of everything in life, love, peace, and happiness.     If a

civilized person does not perform his duty, what must be d     If a civilized person does not

perform his duty, which is teaching civilization to others, he shall be punished with severe



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When I say unto the wicked thou shall surely die and thou give not warning nor speaks to

warn the wicked of his wicked way to save his own life. The same wicked man shall die in his

own iniquity, but his blood will I require at thine hand.

St. Luke CHAPTER 12:47

And that servant, which knew his lord will and prepared not himself neither did

according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.     What is the prescribed laws of Islam

to the said person of that abil     That the civilized is held responsible for the uncivilized and

must be punished by the nation of Is          Who is the founder of unalike attracts and alike re   
An original man who was a scientist by the name of Yacub, born 20 miles outside the holy cit of 

Mecca, in the year 8,          How old was the foun     When Yacub was 6 years old, while playing

with 2 pieces of steel he discovered that one piece had magnetic in it and one did not. He learned

that the piece with magnetic attracted the piece without magnetic. Then he told his people that

when he was old enough that he would build a nation that would be unalike, and he would teach

them and they would rule for 6,000 years.     Tell us what did he promise his nation he would   

That he would make a devil, graft him from his own people and he would teach them

tricknowledge, and how to rule his people for 6,000 years.

      What was his idea of making the devil? It was predicted of him to make devil in the

year 8,400 before he was born so he was born with a determined idea to make a people to rule

for six thousand years (6000).     How long did it take to make de     600 years of grafting the

devil or making him from the Blackman?     What year was t     It was in the year 8,400 which

means from the date of our present History or Koran about 2,600 years before the birth of the

prophet Musa.     What was the name of the place where the devil was manufactu     Pelan, the

same as Patmos; In Revelations Chapter 1:9 an Island situated on the Aegean Sea. I john who

also am your brother and companion in tribulation and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus

Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos , for the word of god and for the testimony of Jesus

Christ.     What were Yacub first rules and regulations, including all Laws enforced while

manufacturing the de     Yacub first rule were to see that all his followers were healthy strong
Author Last Name / Short Title / 27

and good Breeder if  not he sent them back, and all that was not good in multiplying would

marry at the age of 16. Next Yacub gave his people the law of birth control, which was to be

enforced while manufacturing the devil, which was to destroy the alike and save the unalike

which means to kill all black babies and save the brown babies. The law was given to all doctors,

ministers, nurses, and cremators. The doctors laws was to examine all that was desiring to marry,

must first be qualified by the doctor, in return he qualified or disqualified them to the minister.

The minister who would only marry those that was unalike. The nurses’ law was to kill the black

babies at birth by sticking a pin in its head or feed it to some wild beast, and tells its mother a lie
that her baby was an angel baby and it was taken to heaven, and some day when she dies, he

would have secured a home in heaven. But save all the brown babies and tell its mother that she

was a lucky mother and her baby was a holy baby and she should take good care of it and

educate it and some day it will grow up to be a great man. All doctors, ministers, and nurses

Yacub put under the death penalty if they failed to carry out the law. Also the cremator who

would burn the black babies whenever the nurses bring them. And also death to anyone who

revealed the secret. Yacub also had other laws and regulations which are not mentioned in this

lesson.     Tell us why was Yacub successful in all his undertak     Because the people who were

his followers, followed Yacub laws regardless of what he told them to do they did it, if not they

paid with their lives for every law they broke. Yacub did not build prison houses for his people

when one fell victim to the law the penalty was death and was enforced on everyone that fell a

victim.     Tell us what and how the devil is m     The devil is made from the original people by

grafting and separating the germs. In the Blackman body, there exist two germs a black germ and

a brown germ. Yacub with his law on birth control separated the brown germ from the black

germ and grafted it into white by destroying the black germ. After following, this process for 600

years the germ became white and was no more original. Also, by thinning the original blood the

germ became weak and wicked and was no more the same. Thus, this is the way Yacub made

devil.     To make devil what must you first     To make devil, one must first begin grafting from

the original?     Tell us the mental and physical powers of a real de     The mental power of a real
Author Last Name / Short Title / 28

devil is nothing in comparison to that of the original man. He only has 6 ounces of brain while

the original man has 7 ½ ounces of brain. The devil has 6 ounces of brain and they are grafted

brain. The devil is weak bone and weak blooded because he is grafted from the original man.

The devils physical powers is less than 1/3 that of the original man, therefore his mental and

physical powers is much weaker than that of the original man.     What is a real de     Any grafted

man which is made weak and wicked or any live grafted germ from original is devil.     And can

you reform de     No! All the prophet have tried to reform the devil but were unable, so ey 

agreed that it cannot be done unless they grafted him back to the original man which takes 600
years. So, instead of losing time we decided to take him off the planet who only number 1 to

every 11 original man.     Tell us the exact date of the expiration of the devil civilizat     Expired

1914.     Tell us the exact number of years, month, and days the devil being birth on our pl   

6,020 years, 72,241 months, and 2,197,351 days at the te   of this writing.     Tell us why the

devil teaches the 85% that God is a righteous and unseen being that exist everywh     Allah is

God in the earth and heaven above. He just and true and there is no unrighteousness in him, for

he is not unseen, but is seen and heard everywhere for he is the all eye seeing     Then why did

God make de     To show forth his powers that he is All Wise and Righteous, and that he could

make a devil, which is weak and wicked, and give him the power to rule the earth for 6,000

years, then destroy the devil in one day without falling victim to the devil civilization. Other wise

to show and prove Allah is God! Always has been, Always will be.     Tell us would you hope to

live to see the Gods take the devil into hell in the very ar   fut     Yes I fast and pray Allah that I

may live to see the hereafter when Allah comes in his own good time and takes the devil off our

planet.     What will be your reward in regards to the destruction of the de     Peace and

happiness. I will give all I have and all within my power to see this day for which I have waited

379 years. This lesson number 2 was given by our prophet W.D Fard which contains 40

questions and answers by the honorable Elijah Muhammad. One of the lost found in the

wilderness of North America, February 20, 1934.

The Actual Fact

Author Last Name / Short Title / 29

The Pacific Ocean covers 68,634,000 square miles.

The Atlantic Ocean covers 41, 340, 000 square miles.

The Indian Ocean covers 29,321,000 square miles.

The lakes and rivers cover 1,000,000 square miles.

The hills and mountains cover 1,910,000 square miles.

The desert covers 14,000,000 square miles.

The height of Mount Everest is 29,141 feet high.

Sound travels at the speed of 1,120 feet per second9.   Light travels at the speed of
186,000 miles per second.

10. Theearthis93millionmilesawayfromthe         Thereare1,760yardsand5,280feetequalas 

TheArcticOceancovers390,000squaremi         There are 12 trillion, 478 billion, 118 million, and

400 Thousand square miles onhe   planet earth

The Solar Fac     Mercury is 36,000,000 away from the su     Venus is 67,000,000 miles

away from the sun     Earth is 93,000,000 miles away from the sun     Mars is 142,000,000 miles

away from the sun     Jupiter is 483,000,000 miles away from the sun     Saturn is 8886,000,000

miles away from the sun     Uranus is 1,783,000,000 miles away from the sun     Neptune is

2,793,000 miles away from the sun     Pluto is 3,680,000,000 miles away from the sun

Author Last Name / Short Title / 30


1. Knowl     7.Food

2. Wi     8.Clothing

3. Understan     9.Shelter

4. Fre     10.Love

5. Jus     11.Peace

6. Equa     12.Happiness

Author Last Name / Short Title / 31

The 12 Jewels of Islam

Knowledge Knowledge means to know listen observe and respect knowledge is

accumuled   Facts. To Know the Ledge so you don’t fall off the edge into the Devil Civilization.

Wisdoms Wisdom is the manifestation of knowledge the ways and actions one use to

make knowledge born. Wisdom means to posse a wise dome, and wise words spoken by a wise

Understanding Understanding is the best part the mental picture one draws of knowledge

and wisdom to see things clearly thru the power of the third eye which is the mind.

Freedom Freedom is the freedom to think in a free mind where no chains hold back the

true thoughts of truth. Freedom means to have a free dome.

Justice Justice is ones penalty or reward for your acts and deeds. Justice is Just I Cee

Equality through the power of the third eye everything is seen.

Equality Equality means to deal equally in life. Equality in life is living and wanting the

same equality for your brothers and sisters what I want for myself.

Food Food is the life substance for the body and the mind. Food is the main factor which

gives the body energy to live. Without food the body would die. Food is also knowledge for the

mind because if you don’t feed the mind with information and knowledge it will die also.

Clothing Clothing is used to clothe the body from the elements of nature and to clothe the

mind from the cold harsh reality of negative people.

Shelter Shelter is a place where we use to shield ourselves from the four seasons of

weather. Shelter is also used for protection from the wild beast, animals and insects in the wild,

shelter is also a shield used mentally to shield devilishment.

Love Love is a high form of Understanding. To love is to give to your brothers and sisters

unconditionally for the up liftmen of our people.

Author Last Name / Short Title / 32

Pce   Peace is the absence of confusion. Peace is the serenity that you have brought

yourself with the knowledge of self. Peace is what you find at the end of all the lies that you

were told, finally a peace of mind.

Happiness Happiness is the state of enjoyment from the jewels given by Allah it is the

complete satisfaction of self and the sprit that exist within you. Happiness is what is given to

those who live for righteousness an everlasting life of peace and prosperity.

     Add On Facts
There are 63,000 inches in a mile.

Africa is 12,000,000 square miles.

Asia is 17,000,000 square miles.

Europe is 3,650,000 square miles.

North America is 8,400,000 square miles.

Ocean Islands is 4,000,000.

Polar Region is 6,205,000 square miles.

South America is 6,000,000 square miles.

Add on Fact     The Sun is 76 Trillion Years ol     The Earth is 66 Trillion Years ol   

The stars are 72 Trillion Years ol     The Moon is 240, 00 miles away from the Earth     The Earth

atmosphere weight 11 2/3 quad trillion ton     The weight of gravitation is 15 pounds per square

miles     A Cubic foot of the Earth Weight 30lb     The Measurement of a rain drop is 1/16 of a

inch or 1/3 of a millimete     One Cubic foot of water weighs 62 ½ lbs10.  There are 7.14 lbs of

air pressure around each individual body on the planet earth.

The Human Bod     Each human brain consist of 14 billion cell     The eye weighs ¼ o   

The capacity of the stomach is about 2 ½ pt     There are 206 bones in the bod     There are 32

bones in each ar     The fingers have 3 bones and the thumb has      There are29 bones in the skul 

The chest has 25 bones 6 breast bones and 24 rib bone     The spine has 26 bones10.  The legs

has 31 bones
Author Last Name / Short Title / 33

Add on Fact

1.  What is the weight of the atmosphre?  112/3 Quintillion ton

2.  How long is the Nile River? 4,690 miles

3.  How wide is the Nile Rier?  The Nile River is 13/8 miles wide.

4. When did the moon separate from the eath?  66 trillion years ago.

5. When did the stars come into existence. 72 trillion years ago.

6. How much does one cubic foot of earth weiht?  One cubic foot of earth weight 80

7. How much does one cubic foot of water weight? One cubic foot of water weight 62 ½


8. How far can lighting be heard? Lighting can be heard up to 15 miles.

9. How fast does thunder clouds travel and how far? Thunder is 1to 3 ¼ miles high and

travel at a speed of 60 to 186 miles per hour.

10. How long is the Nile River? The Nile River is 4,690 miles.

11. How wide is the Nile River? 1 and 3/8 miles wide.

12. How much does one cubic foot of earth weiht?  One cubic foot of earth weight 80


13. How much does one cubic foot of water weight? One cubic foot of water weight 62 ½


14. How fast does thunder clouds trael?  Thunder clouds travel at 60 to 186 miles per


15.The diameter of the Sun is 853,000 miles

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The Enlightener (The NGE National Anthem)


















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The Five Percent Nation which was what it was called when the Father Allah started this

nation or The Nation of Gods and Earths as it is called today was started in 1964. Today

members call it the Nation of Gods and Earths which was founded by Clarence Jowars Smith

around 1964. Clarence Jowars Smith was his government name and once he joined the Nation of

Islam he changed his name to Clarence 13X and rose to the rank of lieutenant in the Nation of

Islam’s military training unit, the Fruit of Islam. Aside from his formidable physical karate skills

he learned while overseas in the army, he was a very powerful man who was well skilled with

his hands. Clarence 13X had an eloquent and hypnotic speaking style that quickly enabled him to

become the student minister of Temple #7 up in Harlem. But the Nation of Islam soon entered a

period of turmoil during the time of Malcom X  in which Malcolm X was suspended and rumors

of Muhammad’s extramarital relationships began to spread throughout the black community.

There were a lot of reasons why the father left the temple #7 in Harlem. Clarence 13X’s own

teachings began to stray from doctrine, and he and the Nation parted ways in 1963. Less than a

year later, Clarence 13X reemerged and began teaching a revised Black Muslim theology. He

was student minister in the 7th Temple in New York City when he was escorted from the Nation
Author Last Name / Short Title / 36

for his preaching or gambling activities (the very reason of his escorting were never to be

known). He said that he was God, renamed himself Allah and started spreading his thoughts on

the streets of Harlem among the youth. In the early years the group had around two hundred

members but today there are about 250,000,000.

 Clarence 13X built a close relationship with Mayor John Lindsey and in 1967 they got a

house in Harlem. The “Allah School in Mecca” (Harlem was renamed as Mecca and Brooklyn as

Medina, the further relocation of Allah) still serves as the Five Percent headquarters.”Allah,” as

Clarence 13X now called himself, reinterpreted the Nation of Islam’s set of Lost-Found Lessons,
a catechism that resulted from Fard’s purported conversations with Elijah Muhammad. These

Lessons, which every Black Muslim had to memorize, asserted that 85 percent of humanity is

mentally dead and ignorantly destroys itself through vice and immorality, while another 10

percent possess the truth but oppress the first 85 percent by convincing them to believe in a

“mystery god” who cannot be seen in this lifetime. The remaining five percent constitute the

“poor righteous teachers” who also possess the truth -- namely, that the “Living God is the Son

of Man, the Supreme Being, or the Black Man of Asia.”Elijah Muhammad had used this lesson

to prove that Master Fard, who was his teacher, was God. But Clarence used it to prove that all

men possess the potential to become gods themselves. In 1969 the organization’s life took a huge

turn, when Father Allah (Clarence 13X) was killed. 

The crime is still remains unsolved, there are different theories on who committed the

crime, whether they were members of the NOI or the homicide was related to gambling. Since

then the Nation doesn’t have a leader, it has meetings, called parliaments, which usually occur in

public spaces. Today there are thousands of young black men and women who are members of

The Nation of Gods and Earths. There are even thousands more who are not members but whose

lives have been affected in some positive way from learning the knowledge of themselves at an

early age. Why isn’t the man who is responsible for awakening so many black youth known to

the masses of our people? Why has this man never been honored? Perhaps it’s because his full

greatness won’t be realized until the world beholds the greatness of the masses of black youth
Author Last Name / Short Title / 37

whose lives he touched. Let’s take the time now to look back at the life of Allah: the man history

has yet to remember. Allah was born Clarence Smith on Friday, February 22, 1928 in Danville,

Virginia. He was the fifth son of Louis and Mary Smith. His sister Bernice and younger brother

Harry A (A Allah) were born after him to complete the family of seven; six boys and one girl. As

a baby his mother nicknamed him ‘Put’ and this is what he was called throughout his early

childhood years. Allah’s early childhood experience was characterized by the Jim Crow laws of

segregation in the south which meant that blacks were separated from whites in housing, schools,

theaters, etc. 
Allah and his brothers and sisters never minded not being with “whitey” as they referred

to them as. They enjoyed life amongst their own people and never were interested in going

where they weren’t welcomed. The Smith family lived at 834 Valley Street. It was a six block

walk into the heart of town where the movie theaters were located at. The blacks had a choice of

going to the “colored” theater or sitting in the balcony of the white’s theater. Allah and his

siblings carried memories of looking down at “whitey” from the balcony of the theater and

remarking how silly and trivial they were. Summers were spent by the Smith children in St.

Petersburg, Florida with relatives. There, they would swim in a river behind a slaughter house

where cows were prepared for market. There was a landing in the middle of the river at the base

of a train trestle where they would swim to in order to catch candy thrown by “whitey” from the

windows of passing by trains. Allah was a very strong swimmer. His brothers would joke that

Johnny Weissmuller (Tarzan) didn’t have anything on him. One day they were out swimming.

Allah and one of his friends had reached the landing at the trestle when they spotted A Allah

going down in the water. Allah dove back into the river, reached his brother quickly and pulled

him to safety. He had saved his brother’s life. His father, Louis, was a tall man, he wasn’t very

built, kind of lanky but he was a helluva man, strong in sense of convictions. An event that must

have heavily influenced Allah’s attitude towards life in general and whites in particular occurred

in at their house in Danville while he was still a young boy. 

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On this occasion, Allah witnessed his father fight a burly Whiteman in front of their

house. His father ended up knocking this man over the banister of the house and they had to beat

the man’s son and daughter who tried to come to their father’s aid. All this had taken place

because the Whiteman had cursed in front of Allah’s mother! Perhaps more so than anything

else, these were the kind of experiences that developed and made Allah, the man. He had

instilled in him a “down home” sense of values, convictions, street wisdom, and awareness. In

the 1940’s, Allah’s mother, Mary moved to New York for employment. She rented an apartment

in Harlem. In 1946, Allah came north to join his mother and older brothers. Once in New York,
his nickname, ‘Put’ that his mother had coined for him when he was a boy was mistaken for

‘Puddin’ and this is what he became known as. Allah performed a number of odd jobs to keep

money in his pockets. Among them was a fruit stand that he opened up in a little hole-in- the-

wall in Harlem. It was also in Harlem in the 1940’s that he developed a love for gambling which

remained with him throughout his life. He played a lot of pool in Harlem these days and got a

reputation as a pool shark. In 1946 he met Willeen Jowers and grew to love her very much. 

He wanted to marry her but because she was only seventeen years old at the time and

didn’t have her mother’s permission, she couldn’t marry him. Allah and Willeen had two sons

together. A-Allah and B-Allah, born in 1949 and 1951 respectively. However in order to prove to

Willeen’s mother that he wasn’t dependent on her to marry he married another woman whom he

loved very much by the name of Dora. He and Dora also had two children, Clarence and

Christine. In 1950, Allah joined the Army and went to fight in the Korean War. This experience

required a new set of principles of him other than anything he had thus far encountered. In war,

he learned not to befriend anyone because of the uncertainty of who was the next to be killed.

However even being half a world away and at war didn’t deter him from the loves of his life. He

would send home money regularly to his families. Money which he had won gambling. In Korea,

Allah just missed being killed on many occasions. 

One such incident occurred while he was walking through a field flanked by men in his

unit. Gunfire broke out and the men on the sides of him were picked off and killed. It was as
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though he had a calling that he had to fulfill back in the states. He endured the time in Korea,

completed his bid, and returned to the United States with a high and prestigious award for his

outstanding service record. While he was away, his wife Dora, had become a Muslim and

entered the Nation of Islam under the leadership of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. When he

returned he too accepted the teachings of Islam and he joined her at Temple No. 7 under Minister

Malcolm X. It was in the Temple that he met Justice, then named Akbar, who would become his

closest associate for many years to come. His years at Temple No. 7 began inauspiciously

enough, his initial duty was elevator operator for the temple. However, he was to rise through the
ranks quickly. Soon he was promoted to the position of lieutenant with the responsibility of

training the Fruit of Islam (FOI) in karate which he had learned while he was in Korea. The FOI

is the military training of men in the Nation of Islam. He studied his lessons hard and soon

became very proficient at them. The lessons developed in him a fiery wisdom. And he had a

speaking style that was unique to him, a slow methodical cadence stressing syllables that

normally aren’t. It was hypnotic. 

He was again promoted, this time to the position of student minister. Elijah Muhammad

had received word of this fiery young student minister and traveled to New York to meet him,

and bestow him with the name Abdullah. It was at this point that turmoil began to develop with

him in the temple. Allah had been a man who always thought for himself, he was no follower. At

this point in time, the teachings of the Nation of Islam was that W.D. Fard, the man who came to

North America and taught Elijah Muhammad, was the Supreme Being, Allah. At the same time,

however, the lessons that the Muslims studied, which were written by Elijah Muhammad and

W.D. Fard, clearly stated throughout that “the original man is Allah, The Supreme Being, and the

Blackman.” The lessons also state that “there is no mystery god” and that we should “lose no

time searching for that which does not exist.” One day in 1963, Allah was addressing the student

minister’s class. He was speaking about one of the lessons which dealt with what makes rain,

hail, snow and earthquakes? He was manifesting his self style, literal interpretation that “all the
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above is cause by... man.” The head of the FOI, Captain Joseph, walked into the room and heard

what Allah was teaching. He stopped the meeting, dismissed the men, and spoke with Allah. 

He told Allah that he couldn’t teach what he was teaching there. It is also at this point

where there is disagreement as to exactly what happened. Muslims who were in the temple with

Allah say that he had marital problems or that it was his love of gambling that caused his leaving

the temple. Those outside the temple point out that this couldn’t be the case because these were

acts that call for a hearing and at most a suspension for a period of time from the temple, not

lifetime expulsion. They assert that it was something much more deeply rooted than either of
these reasons. At any rate and for whatever reasons, the differences that had developed between

Allah and the Muslims were irreconcilable. It was a time of turmoil in general for the Nation of

Islam. Minister Malcolm X himself was given a never ending suspension from the temple. And

so Allah left the temple, he took with him Justice and other brothers who understood the reality

of his teachings. He brought with him his lessons that had so much to do with him developing

into a fiery orator. He left the temple and was back on the streets of Harlem. This time to teach

Islam to the masses of black youth who had not been reached by Muslims. Birth of a Nation

1963, Allah left temple number 7. On May 31, 1965 Allah was speaking at a rally in front of the

Hotel Theresa, located at 2098 7th Avenue, when two police officers attempted to break up the

raly.  As a result a disturbance was brought about. 

Allah along with several other men were arrested for unlawful assembly and disorderly

condct.  At the arraignment in criminal court before Judge Francis X O’Brien, he told the judge

that he was wrong for accusing the righteous people and that the city would blowup.  When

offered a lawyer, he told the judge that he was Allah and that he would represent himself. The

judge then ordered that he be taken and held in custody on a $9,500 bond. That September the

judge in Supreme Court part thirty ordered him to be placed in the custody of the Psychiatric

Unit at Bellevue Hospital for psychiatric treatment. This was the result of him proclaiming

himself to be God (Allah). While at Bellevue he continued to teach the youth and authorities

transferred him to Mattawan as a means of separating him from his growing naton. 
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Notwithstanding, the nation continued to gow.  Allah’s Five Percent traveled to see him in

Mattawan Hospital in Beacon, .Y.  And the nation spread to Beacon and neighboring Newburg

as Five Percenters from New York City frequented these communities.

Upon returning to New York City in 1967 the Five Percent held their first Universal

Parliament in Mount Morris Park to welcome Allah home. Thousands of Five Percenters turned

out to welcome Allah’s retrn.  Allah spoke to them and there was a thunderous response that

reciprocated his greeting of Peace! Allah thanked them for being strong and continuing to grow

in his physical absece.  He knew they had been building because of all the young he saw. “You
are all pace setters of the world, you are Guardian Angls.  Keep teaching and you will take over

the word.”  At one point in the parliament there was a disturbance caused by some Muslim

followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad who were members of Temple No. 7 when Allah

was thre.  They had come to question him as to why he was teaching the youth of the nation that

he was Alah.  Allah responded that “the Muslims of the Nation of Islam have never seen W.D.

Fard and they worship him as Allah. But they say that they don’t worship a mystery od.  So you

are worshipping in blind faith. 

Elijah said we had to stand up on our own two fet.  You can bring Elijah, and any of his

ministers to Rockland Palace and he will tell you that I am Alah.  You or any Muslims can’t

judge me or my sons and your lessons say that anything made weak and wicked from the

Original Man is devil, and you are running around worshipping a Half Original Man and not the

Blackmn.”  The Muslims departed as the Five Percenters celebrated a moral victory with

thunderous cries of “All praises are due to Allah!” The Mayor’s Man in Halem  it was also in

1967 that John V. Lindsay term in office saw the eruption of Crown Heights, Brooklyn in racial

turmoil between the Black and Jws.  In his efforts to influence and settle the situation in Crown

Heights, Mayor Lindsay realized that the city administration was not in touch with the true

leaders of the people in the communities. This prompted Mayor Lindsay to create a Task Force

that could develop ties with the community leaders. High on the Mayor’s list of priorities was

Alah.  A meeting took place on May 11th between Allah and Barry Gotherer, one of Lindsay’s
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aies.  At this meeting Allah requested the city to provide buses to the Five Percenters for a picnic

and a building for a school for him to teach them. On the last Sunday of May, Barry Gotherer

attended the Five Percenters Parliament. He told them that the Mayor was interested in working

with them, that the city would provide buses for them to go to the beach in Long Island, and that

they had plans to secure a building for them at Seventh and 126th Stret.  The following Sunday,

the Five Percenters filled six buses and went to a Long Island State Prk.  Allah later told Barry

that he wasn’t as much interested in the buses as he was in his wrd.  That on the street was all

that mattered. That your word is your bond. Early that summer Allah’s street academy opened at
2122 7th Avenue where it remains to this very ay.  One of the Five Percenters named Universal

Shaamguadd presented Allah with an emblem that he designed and it was ordained as the

Universal Flag of the Five Percenters.

The emblem was painted on the window of the street academy and put on pins that they

wore on their laps.   He had come into a realization that would have far reaching implications. A

realization that would shake New York City and be felt around the world forever. He knew from

his lessons while in the temple that the Original Man (Blackman) was the Supreme Being, God.

Supreme means the most high, being means to exist. God, therefore is the name given to the

highest form of existence: the Blackman. This supreme form of life is the vehicle through which

Allah’s will is made manifest. There is no substance in the Universe or world that the Original

Blackman’s body does not consist of. Even the forces we see around us, above us and below us

have their beginning with us. He also knew from his lessons that 85% of the people were

mentally blind, deaf and dumb, while 10% of the people were devils who kept the 85% ignorant

and that 5% were the righteous people who would lead the people from certain destruction. What

he now realized was that this was applied to him individually. T

hat he, as an individual, was God and therefore could not sit by idle and depend on a

“mystery God” to do what he himself was blessed with the innate abilities to do. He changed his

name from Clarence 13X to Allah and went to the streets of Harlem to do God’s job. God’s job

as he saw it would be to reach his blind, deaf and dumb people and from them raise the 5%
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Nation. To spread his message, Clarence13X devised peculiar systems reminiscent of the Kabala

and other mystical traditions, which he called the Supreme Mathematics and the Supreme

Alphabet. For Five Percenters, Islam is less a religion than a science that can “breakdown”

ordinary words through linguistic gymnastics. For instance, in the Supreme Alphabet A stands

for Allah, which, broken down, stands for Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head, thereby proving that the

divinity of Allah is physically present in humanknd.  

The First Born His first student he named Karriem, later to become Black Messah.  Allah

chose him to be the first black youth with this knowledge because of his ability to attract the
youth in the community and because he was a black seed (meaning a dark complexin). 

Fundamentally to Allah’s teachings was that the black seed was the first seed and most dominnt. 

Since the number ‘one’ represents the principle of knowledge in the Supreme Mathematics, the

black seed being the first seed, was referred to as the “knowledge sed”.  Therefore Allah

understood that Messiah’s nature was to be a source of knowlege.  Messiah brought other black

youth to be taught by Allah. Allah began by teaching nine black yoth.  The number nine

represents the principle of ‘born’ in the Supreme Mathematcs.  Nine is the highest number in the

numerical system, thus it means to be complete, just as it take nine months for a baby to be

birthed into this world. Thus, these nine black youth came to be known as the “First Born”. They

were Karriem or Black Messiah, Niheem or Bisme Allah, Uhuru, Kihiem, Al-Jabbar or Prince

Allah, Al Jamel, Bilal or Jihad or ABG7, Akbar, and Al Slam  they called Allah, “The Father”

because many of them were the products of broken homes and this was the only father they kew. 

Thus the Father taught his First Nine Brn.  

Uder  the Five Percenters doctrine, a member does not become fully divine until he or she

has memorized every word of the Lost-Found Lessons of the divine sciences. Once this is

achieved, then men take the name Allah and become Gods, and women take the name Erth 

hence the group’s name. The original meaning of the five percent is coming from the N.O.I who

are the5%.  It appeared in the “Lost found Moslem Lesson No. 2”, a forty-question catechism

written by W. D. Fard and answered by Elijah Muhammad . The 85% are those without the
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knowledge, the mentally blind, deaf and dumb who are bent on self-destruction. The 10% are the

bloodsuckers of the poor, those who have knowledge and power but who use it to mystify and

abuse the 85%. The 10% include the “grafted” white devil as well as the orthodox Muslims and

Christian preachers who preach that god is a “spook” or a “mystery god.” And the remaining 5%

are the poor, righteous teachers, who are aver all of the ‘dealings’ of the 10% and their mission is

to rescue the 85%.

The Father taught them that they were of the Most High even though they would be

considered by some to be the most low in the wilderness of North Amerca.  That they should not
be anti-white nor pro-black, but they should be anti-devilishment and pro-righteousnss.  And that

they should fear nothing in this world, that even the devil did not fear death. His only fear was of

Allah, because he knew not when or how he would come. That if they were one with Allah, there

should be no reason to fear anything in this world. He told them that they did not need guns

unless they had the legal paper for them because their tongue was their sword and that they could

take more heads with the word than any army with machine guns could everdo.  And that he who

must live by the gun shall surely die by the un!  He didn’t teach them to fight fire with a tulip,

but he taught them not to try to put out a fire with gasoline. The First Born were each required to

teach 10 children or people younger than themselves and they shall be their frit.  Like farmers,

they would be held responsible for the development of their crops and that they should do all

within their power to keep the snakes out of their gardns.  They should watch and see what kind

of things tried to infect or poison their fruits and then weed them out. This would ensure them of

a righteous harvst.  He taught them that some of them or their fruit may have to die to show the

rest that everything is real, and that they should hold fast and pray to Allah that is within, and

that each of them would be rewarded according to his individual woks.  He said that future of all

the human families of the planet and mankind in general depends on the success of Allah’s

Nation of the Five Percnt.  

The basis of the Five Percent Nation was that the black man was the Supreme Being also

known as God. Clarence 13X also made the Supreme Alphabet and the Supreme Mathematics
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The 5%percenters’ science is based on these, in which every number and letter has a further

meaning, like the 7th (the “perfect number”) letter of the Supreme Alphabet, g, stands for God

(Five Percenters greet each other with ‘Peace G!’ which is a commonly used statement in hip-

hop, oo)  That black people are the original people of the planet earth.2. That black people are

the fathers and mothers of civilization.3. That the science of Supreme Mathematics is the key to

understanding man’s relationship to the universe.4. Islam is a natural way of life, not a religion.5.

That education should be fashioned to enable us to be self-sufficient as a people.6. That each one

should teach one according to their knowledge.7. That the Blackman is god and his proper name
is ALLAH. Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head.8. That our children are our link to the future and they

must be nurtured, respected, loved, protected and educated.9. That the unified black family is the

vital building block of the nation. Five Percenters depart from NOI in their teaching of the

Supreme Alphabet and Supreme Mathematics, an arcane system devised by Clarence 13X

wherein each letter or numeral denotes a concept with an accompanying parable.”A” stands for

Allah, “B” is Be or Born, “C” is See and so on. This process of teaching is referred to as

“dropping science” For example, the 14th degree (letter) of the Supreme Alphabet “N” stands for

Now and Nation, and begins something like this:”Now is the time for the Black man to wake up

and come into the realization of Islam, which is the true and righteous Self, which is his true

Nature and his true Nation.”Five Percenters refer to many geographical locales by a Middle

Eastern name: Brooklyn is “Medina,” for example, Manhattan, NYC is “Mecca” while Seattle,

Wash., home of a regular parliament, is “Morocco.

In the two previous years from June of 1969, Allah had risen to become a very powerful

figure within New York Cty.  He had achieved a kind of international celebrity status; Canadian

television did a story on him; a sociologist from Sweden interviewed him and he had plans to

meet with Chinese representatives on June 20, 169.  The young Five Percenters were fast

presenting a growing problem among the City’s black yoth.  They defied authority and taught

other black youth that they didn’t need a Whiteman’s education or job. The Police Department

and the Board of Education had difficulties in finding people who were both street-wise and
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sufficiently schooled in Black Nationalist philosophy to establish relationships with these youth

to redirect their activities and thinkng.  They were aware of the controversial racial questions

involved. The controversial means of dealing with rebellious black youth with pacification

programs of recreation, job recruitment, remedial education, and traditional social work wasn’t

enogh.  Within the white power structure Allah was being viewed as a dangerous man. In 1967,

Allah began to teach the brothers that they were Gods also, as he had realized in himslf.  He had

them change their names from Muslim names to come in the name of Allah as their family name

and take a name from their mathematics or alphabets to go with it. 

Thus, for example, a Five Percenters with a name like I Islam was renamed Um Allah,

Hakiem was renamed Born Allah, Dihoo was renamed Knowledge Allah, and soon.  Allah was

very particular at distinguishing his nation from the Muslims. He taught the sisters that the earth

is the Black woman’s twin in nature. Thus Five Percenters women are called Earhs.  The Black

woman is symbolic to the earth in many ways the earth is the only planet in our solar system that

is capable of reproducing life the moon, the earth’s counterpart, reflects the light of the sun in

much the same way that the woman reflects the teachings of her an.  Five Percenters women

wear long dresses so that they are clothed with three fourths of their body covered symbolic of

the earth being three fourths covered with waer.  Earths were encouraged to study nutrition so

that they could provide a healthy environment for their family. He taught all of his Nation, Gods

and Earths that the way for the black nation to regain its position of greatness in the world again

was to take care of and teach the babies. In 1968, Allah started giving indications to his Five

Percenters that he would be departng.  He would tell them things like, “After this year there

won’t be any Five Percenters anymre.  You will be the Nation of Gods and Earths, not the Nation

of Islam... If I die I don’t want you standing over me crying because if I could I’d reach up and

slap yu.”  Or he would say to a friend while gesturing to one of his Five Percenters, “If I die

tomorrow and he keeps teaching, how can I be dead?” In 1969, Allah began to prepare his Five

Percenters for life on their own without im.  He spoke with all of them in the Street Academy

and one by one told them what their qualities were and left each of them responsible for a
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function for the Naton.  He told them that he had to leave them because “the only way to attract

the killer is to give blood” and that if they ever needed him all they had to do was come together.

On the night of June 12, 1969, Allah was at his Street Academy speaking with his Five

Percentrs.  He spoke with them well into the night about male-female relationshps.  Those who

were present still remember to this day the euphoric feeling that he left them wth.  A feeling so

good that they didn’t notice that the yellow cab driver whose taxi that Allah got into wasn’t the

cab of A-Allah that he usually left wth.  

Shortly after Allah had left, word came back that he had been brutally gunned down in
the Elevator of Martin Luther King Towers on 112 Street in East Harem.  He was hit with seven

or eight powerful blasts fired by his assailants. The Five Percenters rushed down to where their

“father” was stricen.  Many of them stood around cryng.  At least one of them had remembered

what Allah had told them and didn’t shed a tear. On Saturday, June 14th, Mayor Lindsay and his

aide Barry Gotherer met with the Gods at their Street Acadmy.  He told them of the sorrow that

he felt also at the death of Alah.  One by one the Gods spoke about the reasons that they loved

Allah and pledged to continue his wrk.  One God said that “the only way we can show we loved

Allah is to bild  to become our own carpenters, doctors’ lawyers, painters and electricians.”

The funeral was held on Monday afternoon at Unity Funeral Chapel on 8th Avenue and

126 Stret.  It was a massive event as Harlem bid farewell to the man they affectionately called

“Puddn”.  Four hundred people packed the chapel. Gods and Earths repeated the sentence “Allah

cannot ie!  Allah is God, and God lives forever!” as they passed the walnut casket bearing the

earthly remains of the man who had reached out to them and taught tem.  The funeral procession

through Harlem to Ferncliff Cemetery, in Hinsdale, New York, where he was cremated, included

seven bus loads of black youth. Who killed Allah? At that time Seventh Avenue was bustling

with all types of shady activities from varied sorts. There was gamblers, dope peddlers, con-men,

pimps, prostitutes, Muslims, powerful black church ministers, political activists, all coexisting

amongst each other. The operators in Allah’s assassination could have been any number of the

street people found along Seventh Aveue.  However, like Jesus, he could even have been
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betrayed from amongst one of his own; those who are closest to you can hurt you the most. Allah

always said that the only one that can ever hurt me is a Five Percenters. The Daily News had ran

a story that quoted an unidentified police spokesman as alleging that the Black Muslims were

behind the death of Allah because they wanted to do away with so-called “splinter grous.”  Louis

Farrakhan, who was minister of Temple No. 7 in Harlem, emphatically denied this account

pointing out that “the police and the white power structure are tired of the Muslims and the Black

militants, and would like to rid themselves of both by instigating, provoking and inciting black

people to fight and kill each other.” The one who killed Allah is the one who feared his power
the most. The one who would stand to gain the most by black youth not being awakened to the

knowledge of themselves. The one who enters our communities with the expressed purpose of

concern for those in need and offering programs but with hidden motives of identifying,

monitoring, and sabotagng.  And now I ask you, who killed Allah? Many people from outside

the Nation thought that Allah’s longtime friend, Justice, would fill the rule that Allah had lft. 

Those within the Nation felt that Knowledge Allah had been groomed by Allah well enough to

do the job. However, Allah had told his Five Percenters before he left them that his death would

born the Nation of Gods and Earhs.  That they did not need a leader because they were all leaders

of themselves and their family, and when black people have leaders the devil can easily execute

them to derail the movement. After the death of Allah the Gods were, as Allah had predicted,

dead for a year. They were devastated by his lss.  For a year there was increased drinking and

drug se.  However, at the end of 1970 there was two events that indicated to the Gods that they

were on their way to recovery. The first was a party that the Gods from the Bronx and Queens

who attended Harlem Prep School together, gave in Hollis, Queens in December 1970. The

second occurred that same New Year’s Eve when the Gods from all four boroughs brought in the

New Year together at the Street Academy.

As Allah had told them, if they ever needed him all they had to do was come together. In

1971, the Gods and Earths came alive as a Nation. They selected representatives to attend

International events at the United Nations; they started teaching black youth in other states; they
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started math, science, sewing, and first aid classes in many parts of the city; Gods began teaching

at Harlem Prep and representing the school at science seminars; they instituted the Nation’s

annual “Show and Prove”, which is an educational and scientific display of their progress in

continuing Allah’s work [held each year in the month of June, to commemorate the date that he

was killed]; they instituted an economic program called “Build the Builders.” There were several

Gods who were responsible for teaching in the Brnx.  Among them was Born Allah, a very

powerful and articulate God who was in the Nation since the early days. [Years before this, in

1968, while Allah was attending a Christmas party at City Hall he had a discussion with Burt
Roberts who was then, District Attorney in the Bronx. Roberts told Allah, although supposedly

joking at the time, that “I have no problem with your being Allah. You can be Allah all you want

in Manhattan, in Queens, in Kings County but you come up to the Bronx county and tell people

you’re Allah and I’ll have your black ass in jail. Born Allah taught young Gods in the Bronx that

they were responsible for defending and maintaining their own neighborhoods. They did not

view the police as being protectors of their neighborhoods but rather as their oppressrs.  

An incident occurred in Sept. of 1973 in which a man was killed on the street by a large

group of people from the community for firing a gun savagely on the street. Born Allah was

singled out and railroaded for his crime because the white authorities identified him as the “ring

leader” of the Gods. He was given a twenty-five year to life sentence and to this day sits in a jail

cell, not for the crime of which he is accused, but for the crime of teaching black youth to be

sovereign over themselves and community. This is analogous to the case of Nelson Mandela in

South Africa who also taught his people that they should not denounce violence as long as the

white authorities continued to perpetrate violence against them. Both of them have sat in jail for

the better part of the last twenty-five years for their views. Another event that further illustrates

that the forces that killed Allah were alive and active in the Bronx took place in 176.  A very

sincere God by the name of Kyleek had acquired use of the local manpower office for use of the

Gods and Earths in the community to hold classes in martial arts, sewing, etc...  He had the keys

to the building and was responsible for opening it up everyday which he did faithfuly.  One day
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he didn’t show up to open the building and he hasn’t been heard from since. The Nation began to

grow in epic numbers among black yoth.  Gods and Earths were teaching and multiplying in all

black neighborhoods within the City and in many neighboring staes.  Now it was more than just

youth who were predominantly from the same socio-economic background; low income, broken

families, with histories of run-ins with the authorities, but also included bright, middle class

youth from working family backgrounds. So, the Nation reached across all class divisins.  And

most importantly, unlike other organizations that falter under when their leader is taken from

them, the Nation of Gods and Earths grew prolifically after Allah was taken from them
Today there are thousands of young black men and women who are members of The

Nation of Gods and Earhs.  There are even thousands more who are not members but whose lives

have been affected in some positive way from learning the knowledge of themselves at an early

ge.  Why isn’t the man who is responsible for awakening so many black youth known to the

masses of our peole?  Why has this man never been honored is a question that have never been


     God & Earth

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The Gods and Earths are essentially a group of Asiatic men and women who explore and

understand the universe. God and Earth seek harmony in their environment and in self. God and

Earth are devoted to learning and applying such measures, which will insure a rapport between

themselves and the elements of their environment, thus, they direct their thoughts and attention

to every possible avenue of information and experience, nourished by knowledge, they set out to

correct and amend their course in life to the betterment of themselves and all with whom they

come in contact. Such a course is the most satisfying and enduring. Knowledge cannot help but

improve one’s appreciation and mastery of life. However, such a course is also beset with many
challenges and hurdles, which often seem insurmountable. The inherent frailties of man the

jealousy, lust, indolence, and greed about him are forces that act as shackles to his desire to know

and master life. For each man and woman in history who has tried to explore new frontiers, there

were multitudes crying out against them. People dislike dealing with the unknown. Man must

explore and know the innermost natures of life and in this pursuit of knowledge, upsets are

bound to occur. As new light is thrown into existing beliefs and practices, man is often obliged to

change his views. Self, which is you, is subject to impressions from many more sources than

those that arise from the external world of matter. It is true that all of these elements are part of

you and your existence. Animate, living things, including man, have an aura. Fields of radiation,

of energy, which extends around the body it can be perceived by other beings and by animals, its

forces, are invisible, but they exist. 

Man is a generator, he generates energies within himself. Some, such as nerve energy,

have common, measurable electrical qualities. Others are of such a high frequency that their

physical properties can be determined only by their effects upon persons and things. There may

be a sudden emotional attraction toward the other or there may be an equally strange feeling of

dislike or discomfit. Auras can and do affect inanimate objects and these, in turn, in a subtle way,

affect our own auras to cause within an emotional reaction to them, if the aura is of that kind.

Notice the emotional sensations you experience among strangers, in a conveyance, perhaps going

to or from work; the same things work with books or magazines that obviously have been
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handled by many people. Thoughts can be transferred from one mind to another; this is personal

magnetism. Thought is energy; it can be transmitted under certain conditions. An experiment is

to begin to concentrate upon someone, without letting the person see that you are looking in their

direction, fix the whole of your attention upon them. Dismiss all other thoughts from your mind

except that the person will look up in your direction, visualize this one thought, and they will

look up at you.

We have two nervous systems a central and autonomic, the autonomic system is related to the
central in an intricate way, and the central is sight, hearing, taste, and the motor nerves.

Autonomic is subliminal psychic impulses that are vibrations from a nonobjective source.

Autonomic can receive subtle vibrations of energy and transfer them to the central nervous

system. Here is a test to try the next time you are fatigued and need a mental stimulus, bring the

thumb and the first two fingers of the right hand together, take a deep breath and gently press the

fingers into the hollow at the back of the neck against the skull. Press gently, but firmly, at the

same time, exhale slowly, you will feel calm, relaxed and mentally refreshed nothing more. The

study of the nervous system and levels of consciousness shows how all nerve energy is


Every electrical impulse sets up an electrical or magnetic field of radiations, an electrical field

surrounds a point of electrical impulses; the body is composed of a positive and negative

polarities. The brain is the control board of the nervous system. Now we see by this that thoughts

are thought-forms and electrical impulses. Eyes wander about receiving numerous impressions

by sight with all of them being transmitted by vibrations to the brain centers where they are

translated into thought-forms or pictures. Words transmitted by vibrations of an electrical nature

to the nerves attached to the drums of the ears, and through the impulses received on the

eardrum, send forth vibrations along the nervous system to the centers of the brain. The same is

true of tasting and smelling.

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In ourselves, we will find not isolated powers but universal forces at work. (As above, so

below) There are three universal principles or fundamental manifestations that affect the state of

existence. These are called TIME, SPACE AND MIND. Space is that portion of the universe

beyond the immediate influence of earth and her atmosphere. Nowhere in the universe is space

empty, it is occupied by extremely tenuous matter generally gas and solids, from this we see that

space and time are actually intimately intertwined. Matter exists both as gas and as dust grains in

the space between stars. Space is that property of the universe associated with extension in three

mutually perpendicular directions. In the “Theory of Relativity”, when the velocity of light is
approached, the classical laws of gravitation no longer apply, space no longer has the relations

commonly assigned to it, and time slows down, this is why time is different in space. 

Our sun and the family of planets revolve around a central sun, which is millions of light years in

distance, and it requires approximately 25,000 years for our sun to make one revolution in our

galaxy about 2083.33 years per sign. The sun’s orbit is called the zodiac which is divided into 12

signs, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn,

Aquarius and Pisces, (with the earth it takes about 12 months 28 to 31 days per sign).

In conclusion, the cosmic influences are invisible, but they act upon man, heat and light are

intangible and incorporeal nevertheless, they act upon man and the same is true of other invisible

influences. Man’s body is not the real man nor is the material universe God. Man is composed of

an invisible mind and a visible body, so too God has an invisible and a visible domain, in all we

say that man is God, for man is not the body nor the soul but Mind, this is why man cannot die,

‘Peace From A Son of Man’. These are the teachings of the Father Allah and his 5% nation of

Gods and Earths. When the Father went to the streets of NYC he came with the teaching of

Elijah Muhammad and WD Fard, this is what He taught the youth of Americain ‘1964’.  The

children he taught ‘learned to quote these teachings’ (Degrees that the “Father gave the NGE,

these degrees came from temple 7 NYC under Brother Malcolm X. who was a student of Elijah

Muhammad who’s teacher was WD Fard, the degrees are also known as ‘120’ and to this day, 44
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years later, (2008) ‘this is taught in the ghettoes of the united States of America’. Now I ask you,

are we a ‘Gang’, ‘Religious Order’ or Culture.

The Nation of Gods and Earths

The Nation of Gods and Earths, sometimes referred to as NGE, Allah’s Nation, the Five-

Percent Nation, the Five-Percent Nation of Islam, or the Five Percenters was founded in 1964 in
the Harlem section of the borough of Manhattan in New York City by Clarence Smith, known

most commonly to the public at large as Clarence 13X, but referred to by his contemporaries and

students as Allah (the Arabic word for God) or the Father. The Nation of Gods and Earths

angered religious and political leaders, who viewed the group as little more than an offshoot of

the Nation of Islam (NOI), which was already viewed by traditional Muslims as heretical. While

the Nation of Gods and Earths is commonly characterized as an organization, an institution, a

religion, or even a gang, representatives of the Nation teach that it is a way of living. The Nation

of Gods and Earths teaches that the Original Blackman is God, the Original Black woman is the

planet Earth, and through the inner esoteric powers of the Gods and Earths, people can transform

and possess their true potential. The Nation of Gods and Earths was founded by Clarence 13X

after he left the Nation of Islam’s Temple Number Seven in Harlem, New York (the same temple

where Malcolm X was a Moorish American minister from 1960 to 1963). Multiple stories exist

as to why Clarence and the NOI parted ways: some have him refusing to give up gambling;

others have him questioning the unique divinity of Wallace Fard Muhammad, whom the NOI

deified as the True and Living God in person; or questioning his position due to the fact that Fard

was part-Caucasian. The story states that Clarence was then disciplined by the NOI and

excommunicated in 1963, but another version of events says that he left on his own free will

along with two others, Abu Shahid and Four Cipher Akbar (known in NGE circles as Justice),[1]

who agreed with Clarence’s questioning of Wallace Fard Muhammad.

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In December 1964, after leaving the NOI, Clarence was shot in a basement gambling den

called the Hole. He survived the shooting, assumed the name Allah, and, according to some,

boasted that he was immortal.[1] He then began to teach others his views based on his

interpretation of NOI teachings. Clarence found success with the disenfranchised youth on the

streets of Harlem, which, unlike the NOI, included whites ad Latinos.  Clarence taught the NOI

lessons to his group of young followers (who came to refer to him as the Father), but instead of

teaching them to be Muslims, he taught them that they were God the same way he was. The

women who came into Clarence’s growing nation to study along with the males were taught they
were symbolic of the planet Earth, because it is the planet on which God produces life (hence the

female practitioners using Earth as their title). The NGE, then, is more of a cultural practice than

a religious one and, in fact, the group does not call itself a religion at all. Its position is that it

makes no sense to be religious or to worship or deify anyone or anything outside of oneself when

adherents themselves are the highest power in the known universe, or Supreme Being, both

collectively and individually. In addition to the lessons of the NOI, The Father taught a system of

numbers that he developed called Supreme Mathematics that can be compared to the Jewish

mystical tradition of Kabala, or even more closely related to the Arabic Abjad numerals. In this

system, the numbers from one to nine, and zero all represent principles and concepts. Coming

together to discuss the Supreme Mathematics is the most popular ritual of the NGE. Whenever

Gods and Earths meet, they speak about the Supreme Mathematics and 120 Lessons. This

dialogue is referred to by the Five-Percent as building, which is the eighth degree of the Supreme

Mathematics, and it means to add on to the cipher, a completion of a circle of 360 degrees. Gods

and Earths can build their minds, which means to elevate or add on to the knowledge one has.

Building also refers to the building of their physical bodies, their financial status, or to intuitions,

among much more that the principle of Build can represent. Representatives of the Nation of

Gods and Earths view themselves (men of their Nation) as their own God (both individually and

collectively as the Original Man).[4] Gods and Earths sometimes refer to themselves as

scientists, implying their search for knowledge and proof, and not beliefs in theories. The
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teachings of the Nation of Gods and Earths are passed on through oral tradition, much like the

griots of West Africa. The advancement of a God or Earth is based on his or her memorization,

recitation, comprehension, and practical application of the Supreme Mathematics and the

Supreme Alphabet both developed by The Father and also the 120 Lessons, sometimes referred

to as degrees, a revised version of the Supreme Wisdom lessons of the NOI, originally written by

Wallace Fard Muhammad and Elijah Muhammad. The term Five Percent comes from NOI

doctrine that sees the world population divided into three groups: 85% of the people are blind to

the knowledge of themselves and God, while 10% of the people know the truth but teach a lie for
their personal gain; seen as part of this 10% are religious leaders that teach that God is an

incorporeal being (hence the term “mystery God”). The 10% also includes the governments and

corporations of the world that deceive and mislead the majority of the world through most of the

available media outlets. The remaining 5% are the poor righteos teachers  those who do not

subscribe to the teachings of the 10% as they know and teach that God is the Blackman of Asia.

Black in Five-Percent doctrine includes all non-Caucasians and Asia refers to the whole planet

Earth, or Pangaea.

Supreme Mathematics the Supreme Mathematics is a system of understanding numerals

alongside concepts and qualitative representations that are used along with the Supreme

Alphabet.[6][10] The Supreme Mathematics is taught to be the highest system of mathematics,

used to give qualitative value to numbers in addition to quantity. For example, the numeral 1

symbolizes Knowledge, 2 symbolizes Wisdom, and 3 represents Understanding. The system

(similar to numerology), when properly used, maximizes a person’s logical thinking in order to

solve life’s problems. Supreme Alphabet the Supreme Alphabet is a system of interpreting text

and finding deeper meaning from the NOI Lessons by assigning actual meanings to the letters of

the Roman alphabet. For example, the first letter, A, stands for Allah; the 12th letter, L, stands

for Love, Hell, or Right; and the 13th letter, M, stands for Master. The corresponding

mathematical number of each letter is also important to the alphabet’s use. This symbolic
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alphabet was developed with assistance from Justice by the Father after splitting from the Nation

of Islam, after which he developed his Supreme Understanding.


The Universal Flag

This lesson was written by the person who created and made our universal flag of the

NGE flag Universal Shaamguad Allah. There have been lots of stories but I write this from one

of the plus degrees I acquired over the years. So learn this truth. In the name of the True and

Living God, The Supreme Being, The Host of Creation, Master of the Day of retribution and the

King of Kings, The Almighty God Allah One to Whom All Praises are due. Forever and

Hereafter. And in the name of his son of the Universe Savior God and divine Deliverer do I greet

you my Beloved brothers and sisters in Universal greeting of peace. First as always I hope this

brief communication finds you in the best of health mentally as well as physically. I would like

to take this opportunity to discuss the subject which is very close and dear to me. One which has

been clouded by misunderstanding and misconceptions since its very acceptance. It is an object

of which I’m the creator of and could easily wite a book  on, however I will try to give you the

brief history and understanding of.

In 1965 Allah instructed all the first born to either go back to school or get a job. This the

first born of medina did without hesitation while the majority of us was enrolled in the youth

leadership and training program. At that same time sponsored by the office of economic
Author Last Name / Short Title / 58

opportunity some of us enrolled in vocational and cultural programs. We received $38.63 a week

the leadership program paid slightly more believe it or not, back then this was enough for us to

rent a furnish room, buy food, and a few pieces of clothing and still take a sister to the show if

we wanted to. I managed to enroll in both programs don’t ask how. I always had a genuine love

for art even in the grave, but I was also a fool, and was too busy seeking a degree in streetology

to pursue it while I was in public school. The art program gave us all the material that we needed

and before long my little furnished room seemed to have more art material than the art dept

itself. Now this allowed me to work on the subject that related to our teachings such as portraits
of W.D. Fard Muhammad. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Father was the ones that

amazed me the most, by the way they related the universe and its relations to us here on the

planet earth. So the majority of my oil paintings and drawings were of the Sun Moon and Stars.

One which I considered my masterpiece was of our Solar System with a mathematical

breakdown of all the planets. I was so proud of this drawing that I painted it on the ceiling of my

furnished room. When the old Jewish landlord saw the painting on the ceiling he nearly had a

heart attack. I never did find out whether it was it because of what I painted on the ceiling or

because of what I painted that cause his reaction.

One day I decided to take this picture to theFather and  he showed an interest in my work

and achievements and I knew I would receive some constructive criticism. This day when I met

the father and justice on 126st the father complimented the picture and then he asked me to walk

with him and as we walked he began to explain the errors that I had made and what was the

proper order of the universe. Brothers and sisters did not ask where we walked because I did not

know where we walked. I do know that as we walked he taught, and I recalled feeling as though

we were walking to the universe. All I recall seeing was the thing she spoke about. He spoke

about the Sun, the planets the stars, Haley’s comet and other shooting stars he spoke about the

universe itself. All I recall seeing was the things he spoke about the sun the planets the stars

Haley’s comet and other comets and shooting stars. He spoke about falling stars and space voids

now called Black holes. After what seemed like a personal tour of the universe, I recall him
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saying to me remember equality can never get above Allah. Six which is equality when drawn up

to its fullest equality shall distill back to whence she came, to her seven is impossibility. With

this I realized that we were at the train station. While the conversation seemed to have lasted

only a short period of time and it was broad day light when we began the conversation it was

now pitch dark. The ather told  me that I would not understand everything that he told me, only

that I would see it in what Time. With that we said peace and I got back on the train and headed

back to Medina.

Now if you think that I was in love with the universe before, you can imagine how I felt
after my experience that day with the father, my experience with the father help encourage me

and really brought out that love for art. It was then that I decided that I would make a picture for

the father birthday February 22, and I wanted to show him what picture I seen in my mind from

the conversation and experience the other day. I wanted him to see the relationship of the

painting and how it relates to us as a nation. Now you must remember that at that time we use to

use the same flag as the Nation of Islam the crescent and the star, so when some of my brothers

saw me adding the 7 and the 8 points they thought I was flaking out today they say bugging out.

The flag was completed in May of 1966. It was one the three considered out of the best of three.

Black eed, Gykee  Allah and myself went to visit him one day while he was incarcerated and we

took him the flag that I had drawn up, however the authorities would not allow us to take it in on

the visit, so the father did not see or receive the flag until April of 1967 when he came home. I

took it to him in Mecca. The Father took one look at it and said that’s it that is our new Universal


The five pointed star symbolize Knowledge, The Seeds, the child with the power, the

supreme Knowledge that was manifested by W.F. Muhammad and revealed to us by almighty

God Allah it is solid black. The Crescent Moon symbolizes Wisdom, The woman (without child)

it reflect light (Truth or Knowledge) and is not yet at its fullest equality. It also symbolizes the

Divine Wisdom that was manifested by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and was revealed to

us by Almighty God Allah it is Solid Yellow. Together the Stars and Crescent stand for
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Knowledge and Wisdom which is the unity of knowing it and speaking It.(Teaching). It also

symbolizes the earth(woman with child) a planet that has Life, and the dominance the woman

has over the Seeds (the child or the knowledge) while it is young, and has been a symbol of

Freedom, Justice and Equality since the awakening of Islam in the west of North America. The 7

has seven sides. It symbolizes the Original Man, The True and Living God, The Supreme Being

Almighty God Allah. Since the very beginning and creation of the Supreme Mathematics the

number 7 has always been the mathematical terminology for the creator of the Universe the

Asiatic Blackman who is Allah. The 7 is solid black and stands for the Supreme Understanding
that was revealed to us by Almighty God Allah himself. The number seven shows a unification

of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, man woman, and child and it shows the authority of

Allah over the planets and the stars and the proper order of the universe. The seven symbolizes

the master of Wisdom, Culture and Equality at all times, because they are six, and can never

dominate Allah so they must remain in six or distill back to whence it came. Thus no part of the

Crescent moon should ever show over the top of the 7.

The white background symbolizes the white clouds of deception that have drowned our

people in a sea of ignorance, and feeble attempts by the wicked to conceal the true and living

God which is the Son of Man. The cipher(circle) around the Allah Crescent Star is Black the

Original color of the Sun (anything that burns that hot and that long cannot be yellow.) This

symbolizes the Sun, The Universal Symbol of truth and light and whose power can evaporate all

clouds of deception (lies). The eight points are the symbol of the ever expanding Universe and

symbolize the ray of the Sun, and the speed and distance that the truth is capable of traveling.

There are two sides to each point the left is black, this represents the Original Blackman. The

right side is gold. The gold represents the brown and the yellow seeds(from the first of the brown

to the last of that of the yellow). Just as Jacob separated the seeds, 200 years from black to

brown, 200 years from brown to yellow and 200 years from yellow to Caucasians. Allah taught

us that each brother should have a seed thus he s reunited  in the seeds, together they are united

as one. The eight points are a sign of he who is the master builder of rain, hail, snow, and
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earthquakes. The sixteen sections one for each year and degree that our seeds(child) must master

before he is at the age of self responsibility and required to teach civilization.

I have given you a basic knowledge of the flag and its history. My complete

understanding would have to cover every minute math term and angle from solomens child to the

compass square to the galaxy. However I do hope this will enlighten you and answer most of the

questions that were asked of the meaning to our Universal Flag.

Beware of false Knowledge: It is more dangerous than            Peace, Love an           

Universal Shamgaud Allah


The Manifestation to the Universal Flag of The5%

The Universal flag of the 5% consist of the number 7, the Sun, Moon and Stars. This

shows the Universal bond of the Blackman, Woman, and Child existing on earth as in the
Author Last Name / Short Title / 62

Universe. The seven stands in the center of the flag and represent the Blackman entering the

womb or equality of the black woman the (Wisdom). The Sun represent the Original Blackman

who is Almighty God Allah. The Sun is the lifer giver and without light from the sun the earth

cannot exist, the Sun is the center of our Universe and so is the Blackman the center of his

Universe. He is the one who shines light to all the planets and furnishes light warmth, and heat to

the earth. The Moon is the woman who is the reflector of the Sun light, she reflect the light to the

stars in her Universe She is united one with god to make his universe complete. The Star

represents the Unerstanding  which is the Seed the Child. The star also represent the
understanding of God. The five points on the star shows the power that God posses and him

showing his power by the divine truth in which he speak. It also shows how GodUnderstand  of

the Power he posses. The moon and the star touches the 7 seven always showing the love and

unity they have for the God of their universe. The black seven Represent the Asiatic Blackman

and God of the Universe, the black is his dominant factor in the Blackman and it represent the

Universe from which it is black, but do allow light to exist. Light is shined by the Sun his truth,

to the rest of his universe. 

All things are born from the mind of Allah, and the 7 in the center showing that

everything must rotate and go around him Allah the God. There are 8 points on the Universal

flag which represent the universal builder in you. There are 2 sides in each point all together

there are 16 Shades, 8 dark sides on the left side of each point and 8 light sides in each point.

These 16 shades represent the 16 shades of the Original People, 8 shades of brown and 8 shades

of yellow. There are 4 long points on the flag and 4 short points. The distance from the one long

point to the short point is 45 degrees and the distance from one long point to the other point is 90

degrees. From one point to another point is 15 degree. The 8 points also stand for the Universal

builder Building on the 8 major lessons of 120 Degrees, which are the Supreme Alphabets, The

Supreme Mathematics, Student enrollment, 1-10 English C lesson 1-36, Lost found lesson 1-14

Lost Found lessons 1-40 Actual Facts and Solar Facts.. If you multiply the 8 points the 15

Degrees of each point you will get 120. Now if you multiply 120 x 3 you will get 360 degrees.
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120 Degrees of Knowledge Sun Man, 120 Degrees of Wisdom Moon Woman, and 120 Degrees

of Understanding Stars Child, this showing the Universal unison between us and our Universe

existing in 360 Degrees of Life. From one long Point to the next point is a 45 Degree angle and

when you multiply the 45 degree angle times the 8 points yu get 360.  And if you add the 4

which is Culture and the 5 which is the Power or Refinement you get 9 which is Born. Saying

that the Culture of the Universe is a true clean way of life which is Islam. When the God

Universal Shamgaud made the universal flag he had vision the whole universe in his mind he had

just finish speaking with the father so his thoughts were crystal clear on how he would make the
flag and his manifestation of th universal  flag that he designed was 100% Right and Exact. The

Universal Flag Born Islam which is our way of life, it is the science of all things in life the true

Essences of the Universe, the Blackman, Woman, and Child.

What each

1.     We teach that the Black People are the original people of the planarth

2.     We teach that the Original Black race are the Mother and Father of Civition

3.     We teach the Science of Supreme Mathematics and Supreme Abets

4.     We teach that Islam is not a Religion but a Culture which is a Natural waylife

5.     We teach that the Babies are the greatest and are our priority in educatthem

6.     We teach that the babies are the future and we should teach & nurture ,love,pect

7.     We teach that the Original Blackman is God and Owner of the Planarth

8.     We teach that Education is important to our success in building oution

9.     We teach that Knowledge Wisdom and Understanding, Sun Moon and Stars and

Man Woman and Child are the all one and the same.

Author Last Name / Short Title / 64


Known Aliases: Pork, Swine, Hog, Pig, Lard, Animal fat, Animal shortening, Gelatin,
Hydrolyzed animal protein/protein, Collagen, Enzymes, Tallow, Emulsifiers, Stabilizers (Mono

and Di-glycerides), Tween, Swine pepsin, Calcium stearate, Poly-sorbates, Monostearates, Fatty

acids. The prohibited flesh of the swine to be taken as a food is beyond righteous imagination. It

is difficult to understand why Christians eat such divinely-prohibited flesh, while having a Bible

and the law given to Moses against the swine flesh. Other prophets, down to Muhammad,

preached against the eating of swine. ALLAH TAUGHT me that this grafted animal was made

for medical purposes, not for a food for the people, and that this animal destroys the beautiful

appearance of its eaters. It takes away the shyness of those who eat this shy less flesh. Nature did

not give the hog anything like shyness. he Table of  Filth He is the foulest animal. He lives off

nothing but filth. The only way you can get him to live and eat better food is to keep him from

getting to filth. He is so poisonous (99 per cent), that you can hardly poison him with other

poison. You can even give him lye, something you’d think would cut up the intestines when

eaten. Snakes can’t poison them; they eat them and fatten. 

The bit of the snakes don’t harm them, because they eat the biter. He is so poisonous and

filthy, that nature had to prepare him a sewer line and you may find the opening on his forelegs.

It is a little hole out of which oozes pus. This is the filth of his body that cannot be passed fast

enough. HE IS THE greediest animal. He never knows or cares to stop eating, as long as he sees

something to eat. He is the dumbest animal. He keeps his nose smelling and eyes looking for

something in the earth. You could feed him all day long, and he will never look up to see his
Author Last Name / Short Title / 65

feeder. In case of bad weather arising, he is never intelligent enough to go in before it actually

starts raining or hailing on his back. He takes no warning. He will keep his head in the earth,

rooting until the storm is lashing his back with rain and the lighting is blinding his eyes. Please

learn to eat one meal a day, and let it be without swine flesh and many of the ailments you are

now suffering and getting medicine from the doctor, will disappear. TO DIABETICS: Eat one

meal a day, and lay off that starch and sugar that is making you sick. Write and let me know that

you have tried eating once a day, shunning sugar and starches and before a week’s time, your

urine is negative of sugar and acid is negative.

Hog Made from Cat, Rat & Dog Excerpts taken from How to Eat to Live, Book 2 “Who

wants to eat the combination of these fleshes: cat, rat and dog? This is what the ho is made of 

the dog, cat and rat, and the Bible teaches you that he is from a mouse. Read Isaiah 66:17, ‘they

that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst,

eating swine’s flesh, and the abomination and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the

Lord.’ “The hog, according to the teachings of God, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to

whom praises are due forever, is very poisonous. It contains more poison than a rattlesnake. Of

course white people eat rattlesnakes. It is not the flesh of the rattlesnake which is so poisonous,

but the sac full of poison, which it carries in its mouth. When the rattlesnake strikes it empties

the sac of poison into your flesh. This causes death to the victim, if he does not receive attention

quickly. But, the actual flesh of the hog is 999% poison (nearly 1000%) as taught to me by God,

in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom praises are due forever. This poison is not

going to kill you instantly. It drags you along for many years. “It is a very deceitful poison. It is

in the form of live worms commonly called pork worms (trichinae). In a hog eater’s body, these

worms multiply by the millions. They first enter the walls of the stomach and then from the

stomach pass out to the intestinal walls. And, from the intestines they travel up the back in the

spinal cord into the muscles of the body and finally into the brain. When these worms get into

these two places, last mentioned (of the body), the disease becomes incurable. Look at the

pictures in physiology books or in the dictionary where this worm is enlarged several hundred
Author Last Name / Short Title / 66

times. The lives of people with such poisonous worms in their bodies are usually limited to less

than one hundred years. And for many, less than seventy years. 

There are a few who live past a hundred years, whose constitutions may have been much

stronger than others. The pig is a mass of worms. Each mouthful you eat is not a nutritious food

but a mass of small worms the naked eye cannot detect. Worms thrive in the hog. When these

worms are digested into your system, they cause a high birth rate to hundreds of new worms

called larvae which travels the blood stream of your system and lodge in your muscles. These

worms even enter your brain, lungs or your spinal fluid. They cause muscular aches, fever and
many other symptoms of sickness. The worm has an amazing ability to go undetected in your

system for many years. “The scientific name of the ill-causing worm found in all pork is

Trichinella spiralis which causes trichinosis. “Despite what veterinarians, public health officials

the Agricultural Department or your doctor say, the best defense against the pig is DO NOT EAT

IT! When you do eat it you do not hurt God, His Messenger, the Muslim or anyone else. You

hurt yourself. Inspection and governmental seals on pork do not remove the danger of the worms

yet in the pork to make it safe for you to eat.”Pork is often referred to as “cured.” The word

“cured” is the past tense of the verb “cure.” If a meat has to be cured before we eat it, we should

not even take the chance to eat it.”IT IS A MEDICINE and not food.”“Since there is poison in it,

the flesh of swine will cure most any kind of disease. Take a slice of this “fatty” and “salty” pork

and you have a boil on you some place, full of fever; lay a piece of fat on it and it will soon draw

it out. “This is not all it will do in a curing way. 

I do not have time and space here to put this in this article, but the white man knows and

he will bear me witness that I am teaching you the truth of this hog.”The purpose for making this

animal only was for whites. Because of their being a grafted race, they were made weaker,

physically, through the man from whom they came (the Black man). Since the body of the

grafted is weaker than the original body, it would be easier for them to attract germs than the

original man. You should not argue with me about this because all of the diseases that trouble us

today -- from social disease to cancer came from the white race, one way or another.”“Do not tell
Author Last Name / Short Title / 67

me about four or five hundred years or one thousand years; I am referring to this people’s entire

historical scope. They have had 6,000 years to mix and poison our people. Some of you are

foolish enough to accept all the blame. But God clears you of it. This refers to those who love the

devils so well they would like to dispute God about them. I am teaching, only, you the truth take

it or leave it.”


Why Pork Pig Swine Meat is forbidden in Islam

The other non-Muslims and atheists (disbelievers of the true and living God) will agree

only if convinced through reason, logic and science. Eating of pork can cause no ess than 70 

different types of diseases. A person can have various helminthes like roundworm, pinworm,

hookworm, etc. One of the most dangerous is “Taenia Solium”, which is in lay man’s

terminology called tapeworm. It harbors in the intestine and is very long. Its ova i.e. eggs, enter

the blood stream and can reach almost all the organs of the body. If it enters the brain it can

cause memory loss. If it enters the heart it can cause heart attack, if it enters the eye it can cause

blindness, if it enters the liver it can cause liver damage. It can damage almost all the organs of

the body. Another dangerous helminthes is Trichura Tichurasis. A common misconception about

pork is that if it is cooked well, these ova die. In a research project undertaken in America, it was

found that out of twenty-four people suffering from Trichura Tichurasis, twenty two had cooked

the pork very well. This indicates that the ova present in the pork do not die under normal

cooking temperature.DISEASES CAUSED BY PORK IN DETAIL The following lists show

germs or parasites that are found in pork and some diseases caused by them. Many of these

diseases are contagious while some are proven fatal. This proves that the more science advances

the more Islam is shown correct as a religion of God. 

Author Last Name / Short Title / 68


worms ) it is the most dangerous parasite to man (Rheumatism and muscular pain). The infected

persons shown no symptoms recover very slowly some die, some reduced to permanent invalids.

No one is immune from this disease and there is no cure. TAENIA SOLIUM (Pork tape worm)

the worm causes malnourishment of the person leading to anemia, diarrhea, extreme depression

melancholia and digestive disturbances. Cysticercosis means that larva enter the blood stream

then settle down in one or more of the vital organs of the body, for example: brain, liver, lungs or
spinal cord. They grow and encapsulate, inducing pressure to the system around, resulting in

dangerous diseases (diarrhea, digestive disorder, anemia, chronic invalidation). ROUND

WORMS Examples: Ascaris, which may lead to digestive disturbances, appendicitis, obstructive


HOOK WORMS Examples: Ancylostomiasis, which may lead to anemia, oedema, heart

failure or retarded growth (mental and physical), tuberculosis, diarrhea and typhoid.

SCHITOSOMA JAPONICUM Bleeding, anemia and other syndromes; if ova are settled in the

brain or spinal cord, paralysis and death may occur.PARAGOMINES WESTERMAINI

Infestation leading to bleeding of the lungs (endenve haemoptysis ) PACIOLEPSIS BUSKI

Digestive disturbances leading to persistent diarrhea; generalized oedema CLONORCHIS

SINENSIS Chlonorchiasis-obstructive jaundice, liver enlargement METASTRONGYLUS APRI

Causes bronchitis, abscess of the lungs GIGANTHORINCHUS GIGAS Cause anemia and

digestive disorders. BALATITIDIUM COLI Causes acute dysentery and general weakness.

BACTERIAL DISEASES Tuberculosis Fusiformis necrofurus: causing foot-rot which is very

difficult to heal. Salmonella Cholera suis: causing cholera Paratyphoid Bruceellosis: Acute, sub

acute and chronic. It may lead to permanent disabilities. Swine Erysipelas: causing Erysipelas in

man. VIRAL DISEASES Small pox: is a source of infection to man. Japanese B-encepphalitis: It
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is the source of infection Influenza, foot mouth disease, gas tro-enteritis of the new born babies.

PROTOZOAN DISEASES Toxo plasma goundii- It is a very dangerous diseases. 

A new born baby of an infected woman may die within few days or weeks after delivery.

But if he survives he may develop blindness or deafness. In adult chronic exhaustive fever with

enlarged liver and spleen may occur. Pneumonia, or celebro- spinal meninggitis which may lead

to death or madness. The patient may become blind and deaf too. OTHER DISEASES Flesh of

the pork is hard to digest and may lead to chronic digestive disturbances. Pimples, boils, cysts

are common in pork eaters. These are some of the parasites and diseases found in pork and/ or
the skin of pigs and certainly there are many more. There is still no means of killing these

parasites, in the tissues, neither has anyone found a method of expelling them, even produced

any specific treatment for the diseases. 

FATS IN PIGS Pork contains more fats than other meats. Therefore, people who love of

pork are fatter than others. Cholesterol is higher in their blood thus making them more flat to

asthereosclerosis cardiovascular accidents and sudden death. PIG IS THE MOST SHAMELESS

ANIMAL The pig is the most shameless animal on the face of the earth. It is the only animal that

invites its friends to have sex with its mate. In America, most people consume pork. Many times

after dance parties, they have swapping of wives; i.e. many say “you sleep with my wife and I

will sleep with your wife.” If you eat pigs then you behave like pigs. We look upon America to

be very advanced and sophisticated. Whatever they do, we follow after a few years. According to

an article in Island magazine, this practice of swapping wives has become common practice in

South Asia. PIG IS ONE OF THE FILTHIEST ANIMALS ON EARTH The pig is one of the

filthiest animals on earth. It lives and thrives on muck, feces and dirt. It is the best scavenger that

I know that God has produced. In the villages they don’t have modern toilets and the villagers

defecate in the open air (Body releases) and Very often these releases are cleared by pigs. Some

may argue that in advanced countries like Australia, pigs are bred in very clean and hygienic

conditions. Even in these hygienic conditions the pigs are kept together in sties. No matter how
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hard you try to keep them clean they are filthy by nature. They eat and enjoy their own as well as

their neighbor’s excreta. CONCLUSION Isn’t Allah merciful to us? When Allah Almighty

prohibits (Haram) something for His servants, He does so certainly out of His overflowing mercy

on them, to save them from all what may bring them harm; Allah is indeed Ever-Kind and Most



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The God Tribe of Shabazz

God has declared that we are descendants of the Asiatic black nation and of the tribe of

Shabazz. Originally they were the tribe that came with the earth or this part of the earth 66

trillion years ago when a great explosion on our planet divided it into two parts. One we call the

earth and the othr the moon.  Some have suggested that Shabazz comes from the Old Testament,

but I found nothing there that really resembles it. There is a Sheshbazzar, “Prince of Judah,” in

Ezra 1:8, but it is the name of an individual, not a tribe, and the difference in form between

Shabazz and Sheshbazzar is too great. Another name there is Shethar-Boznai (Ezra 6:6), but it is

even ess likely.  Urdu-speaking Muslims from South Asia who come to America and encounter

the name Shabazz see in it an obvious resemblance to the Persian name Shahbâ, a popular given

name among Indian and Pakistani Muslims. Lâl Shahbâz Qalandar, of thirteenth century Sindh,

is one of the most beloved saints of Pakistan. Shahbâz is Persian for ‘royal falcon’, so it carries a

connotation of pride and nobility. For this reason, Indians and Pakistanis in America assume that

Shabazz is really Shahbâz, Americanized.

This opinion might seem to be strengthened by the fact that some of the da‘wah to

African-Americans in the early years of the twentieth century was done by Urdu- and Panjabi-

speaking Ahmadis/Qadiyanis, beginning in 1921. This early Indian influence, which may have

introduced some quasi-Islamic ideas into Marcus Garvey’s movment, which  formed part of the
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religious background when Noble Drew Ali was running the Moorish Science Temple for the

“Asiatic” black race, one of the direct forerunners of the Nation of Islam (and which was also a

successor of Garveyism: “Up, you mighty race...”). However, it is doubtful that this line of

speculation could lead to a satisfactory derivation for Shabazz, despite the close phonetic

similarity. We would need to document the actual transference of the name Shahbâz to African-

Americans by Indian immigrants. In the absence of such evidence, it would make more sense to

look for an Arabic derivation, and one that is semantically closer to the mark, considering what is

known about the sources of Elijah Muhammad’s doctrine.

First of all, the likely semantic import of the name, and thus the purpose it was intended

to serve, cannot be ignored. When giving a name, it is important to select one with the right

meaning, as Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, taught. The meaning of one’s name

contributes an important component of one’s self-image and it must accord with one’s chosen

identity. Elijah Muhammad’s mission among African-Americans was to uplift them from their

state of misery and degradation, to which four centuries of racist oppression had reduced them.

He effected a thorough transformation of their self-image, and he needed to give them their

ancestors name and rename them so as to remind them of their past greatness, their superior

status among the peoples of the world. Their voices could then be heard to ring with pride when

they identified themselves with their ancestors name and the tribe of Shabazz in which they came


It is difficult to say how much of Elijah Muhammad’s teaching was his own invention or

how much came from Master W. D. Fard Muhammad, whom Elijah called “Allah” God.” Still

the basic outlines of the “Lost-Found Nation,” tribe of Shabazz History is known to have

originally been Fard’s contribution tothe nation.  Shabazz could have come from Arabic. The

clue that led to the solution was the final doubled z the Persian word shahbâz ends in a single z.

Why was the Shabazz z doubled? Generally, in Arabic morphology (except for the derived

pattern if‘alla), a final consonant is doubled only when it belongs to a geminated root, i.e. one in

which the second and third letters are the same, as in hajj (Hajj) or shaddah (sh-d-d). Four-letter
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roots, however, are not geminated in this fashion. Then it occurred to me, might this be a

compound of two words? In that case, the name would divide into shab + azz. There is no

equivalent in the Roman alphabet for the Arabic letter ‘ayn. Careful writers represent it with a

left-handed apostrophe, but it is commonly omitted. If we supply two missing ‘ayns to these two

syllables, we get two genuine Arabic words sha‘b meaning ‘a people’ and ‘azz, a verb meaning

‘to be mighty and glorious’. Thus sha‘b ‘azz clearly means in Arabic ‘a people mighty and


According to the Nation of Islam, the Tribe of Shabazz was the only survivor of thirteen
tribes which lived on earth 66 trillion years ago The God of this people and of the Earth and of

the heavens said that this man went into Africa, as it is known today in what they called at that

time, the jungles of East Asia and began a tribe from himself because of the other scientists

rejecting his idea. So the idea, was he will not make it known to the others and he told all those

who wanted to leave and start a new civilization to follow him into the jungle. It was known,

what his idea really was before he even committed to the act of doing it. And we are the people

that was produced and that was 50,000 years ago, according to the Word of Almighty God, Alah,

to me.  After a rogue scientist blew up the planet, splitting off the moon, the other tribes

perished. The Tribe of Shabazz relocated to “the rich Nile valley of Egypt and the present seat of

the Holy City, Mecca, Arabia They were a technologically advanced society, but one faction was

led by Shabazz himself into previously unoccupied areas of central Africa because he wanted

them to be hardened. There they evolved into the more dominant negroid features as we see

today. He wanted the people to undergo a form of life that would make them tough and hard, and

the other scientists wouldn’t agree with him.

So this scientist named Shabazz took his family and wandered down into the jungles of

Africa. Prior to that time no one lived in the jungles. Our people were soft; they were black but

they were soft and delicate, fine. They had straight hair. Right here on this Earth you find some

of them look like that today. They are black as night, but their hair is like silk, and originally all

our people had that kind of hair. But this scientist took his family down into the jungles of
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Africa, and living in the open, living a jungle life, eating all kinds of food had an effect on the

appearance of our people. Actually living in the rough climate, our hair became stiff, like it is

now Yacub was a member of the Meccan branch of the tribe and, according to Fard, and was the

creator of the white race. The Tribe of Shabazz is said to have reached its peak in the yar 4084

BC.  There is also, according to the Holy Quran-an, and even according to His own sayings, a

cycle of 50,000 years that once every 50,000 years, there comes a major change in our

civilization. I say OUR civilization because that we had no other civilization on the Planet Earth,

according to the Word of Almighty God, Allah, He is referred to in the 22nd Surah of the Quran-
an as the Great Mahdi. Mahdi means one according to the Quran-a. A Self Independent Person

who comes to guide others, while he, himself, is self guided this the ability of God. The tribe, of

Shabazz, are a great people that started 50,000 years ago and became father of their civiization

and  in which other tribes and families has been produced since that time and has spread out over

the planet earth. Don’t get me wrong now. Don’t make a mistake in thinking that I’m telling you

this was the beginning of the man on the Earth. Remember the tribe of Shabazz comes from the

original man who has no beginning nor ending, they are the ones who took the people into East

Asia as they now call Africa Fifty thousand (50,000) years ago and started the population at that

particular spot. We have no exat record of  the first original man steps here on the lanet earth  but

it runs way into the trillions. It was 78 Trillion years when Allah began to manifest the universe

into the physical form with the Sun as thefoundation.  Around 76,000,000,000 years the earth

was created to be a part of the universe and was called Al Asia. Most people who go by the bible

think that life only began 6,000 years ago and can’t even phantom 50,000. So I choose not to

take them any further than that. It is not absolutely necessary to do so, as you are in the number

six. And number 6 we will deal with and not with 66 and 76 trillions of years, nor will we go

further into 50,000 years, only just to tell you that this is the beginning of our particular father

that carried us in that particular area or continent they call Africa, where we began about 50,000

years ago, was called the jungles of East Asia.

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The Separation of the Earth and the Moon

There was a wise black scientist, sixty six trillion years ago, began to argue with the other

scientists because he wanted the people of Earth to speak a certain language, and since they

wouldn’t agree he wanted to destroy civilization. So this scientist drove a shaft into the center of

the Earth and filled it with high explosives and set it off. He was trying to destroy civilization; he

was trying to destroy the black man. But you can’t destroy the black man; the black man can’t

destroy himself. The black man has the most powerful brain in the universe. So there is no

intelligence more powerful than the intelligence of the black man. And because of this the black
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man can’t even create thought that would destroy him. He is indestructible. You can blow up

everything and the black man will still be here. You just can’t get away for him, brother. So The

Honorable Elijah Muhammad said he filled the Earth, the planet, with high explosives and set it

off, and when it was exploded the piece that you and I today call the moon was tossed out here

into space and it rotated around the Earth. It still rotates around the Earth; it came from the Earth;

it was blasted right off the Earth. And as it was blasted right off the Earth, it turned over and over

and over and all of the water that was on it stayed with the earth. 

So that the piece that was blasted out there has no water on it today, and because it has no
water on it has no civilization on it, has no life on it. You can’t have life where there’s no water

there’s no life; where there’s no life there’s no civilization. Can you understand that? So this

dead piece, called the moon by us today, turning over and over and over, lost all of its water, all

of the water coming with this piece. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us that this piece,

that the earth, that we remained on, shifted, dropped thirty-six thousand miles in the pocket that

we remained in. And as it dropped and all of water came with it, that left a situation in which

today the Earth that we now live on weighs six sextillion tons. The weight of it is six sextillion

tons. And as it makes its way around the sun, the strong power of the sun’s rays striking the

equator causes the planet to turn on its own axis at the speed 10371/3 miles per hour. And he

teaches us that the square mileage of the Earth is 196,940,000 square miles which means only

57,255,000 square miles of land stuck up out of 139,685,000 square miles of water. Three-

fourths of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. Part of the water that left the moon is here

with the Earth. So you say since it’s the natural law for water to seek its own level, why doesn’t

it overrun the land? The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says that as the Earth speeds around the

sun turning on its axis 10371/3 miles per hour it creates gravity and the strong attracting power

of the sun pulls on the waters of the Earth, drawing them up into the Earth’s atmosphere in fine

mist that the naked eye can hardly detect. As this water gathers into the Earth’s atmosphere it

then distills and comes back to Earth. When it gets heavier than the atmosphere in which it is, it

distills and comes back to the Earth in the form of water, rain, hail, or snow. 
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All of the water that you see coming out of the sky went up into the sky. Everything

that’s coming down on the Earth got up thee by leaving the Earth. Do you understand? And he

teaches us that it comes back down in the form of hail or rain or snow or whatever else you have,

depending upon the temperature of the current atmosphere that it was in. He says that at night the

gravitational pull of the moon takes over, and, because the power of the moon is not as great as

that of the sun, once the attracting power of the sun is absent at night the moon takes over, but

since it can’t pull the waters up like the sun does, it still has that magnetic pull and it causes the

waves that you see out there on the ocean to churn. It is the moon that does that; the moon makes
the waves go up and down. It never lets them level out. If they leveled out the water would

overrun the land. It also causes the shifting of the tide. This is the pull of the moon upon the

waters of the Earth. If it weren’t for the attracting powers of the sun and the moo upon the Earth,

the waters would overrun the land and drown out civilization. All of this was done by man

himself, not some Mystery God. A black man set this up. And you and I have been running

around in the trap that the white man put us in, thinking that the only one who can do anything is

a Mystery God and what the Mystery God doesn’t do the white man does.

There was no white man when the earth separated. The white man was nowhere on the

scene. when the moon was blasted away and we came along with the Earth, one tribe was in fact

destroyed. Prior to the time that the explosion took place there were thirteen tribes. In the

explosion set off sixty-six trillion years ago the thirteenth tribe was destroyed and then all of the

times down through the wheel of time since then there were twelve tribes until six thousand

years ago. And six thousand years ago, a scientist named Yacub created another tribe on this


Understand, prior to the time the explosion took place, there were thirteen tribes, but the

thirteenth tribe was destroyed in that explosion and then six thousand years ago another tribe

came on the scene. It was made different from all of the twelve tribes that were here when it

arrived. A new tribe, a weak tribe, a wicked tribe, a devilish tribe, a diabolical tribe, and a tribe

that is devilish by nature. So that before they got on the scene, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
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says that when we came with the Earth, the oldest city on the Earth is the Holy City, Mecca, in

Arabia. Mecca is the oldest city on Earth. Mecca is the city that is forbidden. NO one can go

there but the black man. No one can go there but the Muslims. No one can go there but the

believer. NO one can go there but the righteous. And at Mecca are kept the records of history

that go on back to the beginning of time.


The Earth Moon & Woman

In the lessons of the Nation of Gods and Earth we teach that the Woman is symbolic to

the Earth and Moon. The Woman as well as the Moon and Earth go through different Stages

each month, each year. The woman as well as the moon go through 4 cycles and are broken

down in 4 parts and this is Sex, Will, Emotions and Personality. The moon is also broken down

to 4 which is the First Quarter, the Second Quarter Half Moon, ¾ Quarter, and the Full moon,

then the Moon disappear for three days so every 28 day this process takes place each year and

each 28 days woman has her ministration where for 3 to 5 days she is not clean to have sex. It

also takes 3 days for the life germ or sperm to reach the point of woman’s fertilization tube. The
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earth which is the home of Islam is 24,896 miles proximally 25,000 miles in circumference and

is covered ¾ of her surface under water, so the black woman should dress according to her

natural existence the earth and she should acknowledge that they are one of the same. Mother

Nature goes through four stages on the planet earth which is a part of everyday life; she gives us

spring the first stage the summer which is the second stage the fall which is the third stage and

the winter which was the last. Women are able to get pregnant only 4 days of the month when

she is ovulating and this is from the 28th to the first of the next month.

 The Earth and, The Moon and, The Woman are one and the same and that is the reason
why we include the moon as woman and also it is because at one time the earth and the moon

were one planet until it was separated by a scientist dealing with high explosives that blew it up.

The Earth, Moon and, Woman goes through stages each month so this is why sister’s moods are

so different because they are forever going through one of her cycles. When she is warm and

cordial this is her Spring Mood, when she is hot and sexual this is her summer mood, when she

just wants to hug and cuddle this is her fall mood or Fall back mood, and when she is mad and

cold this is winter mood. The woman goes through the same stages as our planet earth and men

must remain the same caring man as she goes through with her season changes. The Blackman is

the symbolic to the sun and he must continue to shine his light positively as the earth rotate

around the sun and the moon rotating around the earth. They are both in his gravitational pull and

light is given to them both unconditionally.

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The Asiatic Black woman

The original woman is the Asiatic Black woman is the Queen of the Universe and wears

the crown of the queen bestowed to her by her king who is God. She is the mother of civilization

and queen to her king the Blackman. The Asiatic black woman bear witness to the truth that the

original Blackman is god and acknowledge that he is the make her the owner and cream of the

her planet earth. Asia is the best part and when the black woman comes in unison with her god
the best part is always brought out showing her beauty as the mother earth. The Black woman is

the Wisdom who speaks wise word to those is seeking knowledge of life. Black is dominant and

her wise dominate mind reflect light to the rest of her cipher which exist within 360 degrees of

life. As mother of civilization she is the queen, who civilizes her seeds with the dignity, truth and

righteousness, she is the reflector of Gods light and teacher of knowledge wisdom and

understanding to all the human family of the planet earth. 

The Queen speaks wisely and clearly making her knowledge known of her authority

righteousness and dedication to living out her and showing her power which is the truth of her

reality. The Asiatic Black woman is a strong part of the building of the universal family structure

she is secondary but she is definitely necessary god universe cannot be complete without the

manifestation of the black queen reflecting the light of god. The queen lives her life respectfully

at all time and she is the mother of god’s divine seeds Her understanding is her best part as she

teach the knowledge of her culture to the babies. Her role is to teach all of the greatness of the

black woman and make righteous sisters to carry on the will of Allah, her duty is just as

important as god as gods duty she must also teach the civilization and righteousness the

knowledge of herself love peace and happiness the Black Queen will be seen by the light that she

reflects. She is the Asiatic Black woman a mother to all and god’s reflector of his divine light.

Author Last Name / Short Title / 81


M.G.T & G.C.C

Manifesting God’s Teachings & General Comprehension of our Culture Peace! As, the

Nation of Gods and Earths, also known as the Five Percent Nation, we were given the same

lessons as the Nation of Islam, by our Father and Founder-Allah. We were additionally given the

sciences of Supreme Mathematics and Supreme Alphabet to live according to and apply to gain a

better understanding of life. These principles were also given to us so that we would be able to

read and interpret the N.O.I lessons with OUR own understanding. Today’s degree in the 1-14 or

Lost Found Muslim Lesson No. 1 is:”What is the meaning of M.G.T. and G.C.C”Ans: Muslim

girls training and General Civilization Class. This is the name of the training given to women

and girls of Islam in North America. Teaching them how to: keep a family, raise their children,

keep a husband, sew/cook, and in general, how to act at home and abroad. These training units

were named by our Prophet, W.D. Fard. “First I would like to send positive thoughts out to the

Earths in this great Nation who manifest and live out this degree. As well, I’d like to send

positive thoughts out to the Muslim’s in the N.O.I. who subscribe to the same training. We, as

the Nation of Gods and Earths, do not subscribe to be Muslim. Allah did not teach us that. He

told us that we were his Five Percenters and later he told us we were the “Gods and Earths”. So

when learning these degrees from the various sets of lessons, a pro-mathematically mindset must

be apply to gain the greatest understanding as to how it applies to us. One way we have down
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this is to understand the meaning of words through acronyms- Islam or I self Lord and Master,

Allah or Arm Leg Leg Arm Head etc...Concerning this particular degree the same must take

place. Our women we call the “Earths” and are not “Muslims” for they do not subscribe to the

religion of Islam. We subscribe to Allah’s understanding and culture. 

The black woman bears witness to her man/husband/mate as God and lives according to

the laws he prescribes at home and abroad (according to mathematics and the best interest of

man, woman and child of course). She bears life just as the Earth does and she is as beauty and

fertile as the three layers of the Earth’s surface: black (like the top soil), brown (like the
clay/mud; also includes the “red”) and yellow (like the sand). She covers her surface

approximately 3/4ths of the way with modest clothing just as the planet is covered approximately

3/4th’s of its surface with water. Her attitudes change with the seasons, real cold, real warm,

some very swift and changeable. Yet she can be drawn up to a higher equality. Yes, she has her

high points (Mt. Everest) and her low points (canyons, trenches and valleys). She is the Mother

of Civilization, nurturing all life on the planet. She is Queen of the Universe, because as the Sun

gives her his light, she transforms that into life and maintains the order of mathematics on her

planet, which we call nature (both through the sun’s light or “teaching” and her magnetic

field).This is the knowledge of her culture. Her role within our beautiful Nation. So when

learning these degrees and lessons, she must be able to see herself within them, and in a context

that is indicative to our teachings. The above mentioned degree speaks of her function in the

home which many sisters look down upon in this age of feminism and egalitarian anarchy. 

However just as Knowledge Culture borns Power (1+4=5), these skills are necessary for

survival and self sufficiency. Many think otherwise. Allow me to add on. How to keep a family.

“Keep” meaning to “preserve”. To preserve the family and aid in the maintenance of it as an

institution so that it promotes the healthiest of lives for our children, community and people.

Giving all that you have and all within your power to uphold the family structure of man, woman

and child. We live in a society that no longer promotes strong families. Everything is about the

acquisition of money and capital. People chose careers over family. They chose to feed their own
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selfish goals rather than dealing in equality. They feel their future is more secure in a 401k than

in their children. The family as an institution is what gives the children morals, ethics, identity,

and culture. The family is responsible for the Childs education, primarily. How to raise their

children. Providing for their children the best possible role model, as a black woman. Instilling in

them the teachings of Almighty God Allah via their God, and universal principles to allow them

to grow and be the most respectable and dignified men and women to walk the planet. How to

keep a husband. “Husband” in the dictionary means “manager of resources”. To do for that man,

and keep him in his position as God of that universe. 

Knowing how to treat him and support him. Knowing how to show and appreciation and

love for him and his mathematics. Sew/Cook. These are basic life skills. Being able to sew

means that you can mend your own clothes as well as make your own clothes. What is you had

no money or the economy collapsed and money wasn’t worth anything or a situation like

hurricane Katrina occurred and you weren’t able to go to the store and buy clothes? Cooking is a

necessity for the same reasons- self sufficiency. As the Earth, you are responsible for the health

of your God and your children. Foods comes through the Earth (vegetables, fruits, grains etc.)

Their lives are in your hands, not knowing what the right foods are to eat and why, and how to

prepare them could cost you, your God and your children’s lives. And being proficient at

cooking as well as sewing can serve as a means not only to save money (eating out) but as a

means to MAKE money. In general, how to act at home and abroad. I cannot advise you how to

act at own and abroad except in manner that shows respect to appreciation for your God and your

Nation. The specifics of that, is an understanding born from the God (primarily) and you. As the

Blackman teaches and guides his black woman, she is to then take those teachings and apply

them to the home circumference and abroad. Thus, Manifesting God’s Teachings and a General

Comprehension of our Culture. Yes, the black woman needs to be trained and instructed in these

skills because unfortunately not every sister was born knowing how to cook well. Just as not

every brother can fight, thus, the military training. 

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However, M.G.T and G.C.C can include born from the God (primarily) and you. As the

Blackman teaches and guides his black woman, she is to then take those teachings and apply

them to the home circumference and abroad. M.G.T and G.C.C, in my opinion can/should

include more than just the above mentioned skills. I am not suggesting that the Earths should

only be held accountable for this degree and not learning 120 degrees, nor am I saying that a God

doesn’t need to know how to sew/cook etc. In my opinion For me to teach the knowledge of this

culture, I have to be able to do whatever I ask my Earth to do. This promotes self sufficiency as

God. I don’t need anyone to cook for me. Again, this history is to be written by the Original man,
who is Allah, Supreme Being Blackman of Asia. Then lived out a year to every mile by the

Earth. Be Original, Be creative. When I gave my Earth this degree, I told her to think about 7

definitions for M.G.T. and 7 for G.C.C. to encourage the approach from a pro-mathematical

angle. She came back to be a few days later and the first definition she gave to me was

“Mastering Gastronomical Techniques”, which is the science of food combining. And let me say,

she is one hell of a cook. B-u-t I make a mean vegan bread pudding!!!!Please Educate Allah’s

Cherished Earths PEACE! By Sha-King Allah


What is an Earth? An Earth is a righteous Black woman who adheres to her true culture

which is Islam. In this Nation of Gods and Earths (and since earliest history in such places as

ancient India and Sumerian), the Blackman is God, symbolic to the Sun, while the Black woman

(Queen of the Universe) is the Earth.The Earth is the 3rd planet from the sun. She is the only

planet in the Solar System that is capable of bringing forth life. This is through the process of the

Sun providing light and heat for the Earth to absorb (and the Moon to reflect, as this is the

second nature of the Black woman. 

However the Moon lacks Wisdom (water) and has no life on it). This is reproduced

exactly in the Blackmans relation to the woman. Just as the Earth brings forth life, or fruits of the

seeds that God plants. The Black woman brings forth a child from the Blackman, which comes
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through her after 9 months.The Earth is approximately covered on its surface by 3/4ths of water.

The Black woman, out of respect for herself, her culture, her children and her God, covers

herself the same way. There are no veils worn in this nation, however the hair is usually, if not

always, worn in a wrap or covering. An additional fact, which happens to be in support of

keeping the hair natural and in a covering, is that Perms and straighteners, although well known

to damage and destroy (kill) the hair also cause cancer. Inquisitive (or doubtful) minds can

research this. The Black woman is a Queen, and is treated as such in this nation, as in the Best

Part. She was made by God to procreate the Human family. 

Without her, we have no us.MGT Skills1. How to keep a House?Learning skills to

maintain a healthy clean environment using the experience of your sisters, knowledge from

reference books, arts and crafts and self help books on design, etc.2. How to raise children?

Learning the art of parenting skills, which would include the experience of your sisters,children’s

development books, child psychology and social psychology.3. How to take care of your

husband?Learning to develop and maintain good interpersonal relationships with your partner.

Learning from the experience of your sisters, related literature, etc. The objective here is to learn

good communication skills.4. How to sew?Learning to actually sew clothing, to dress in a

moderate fashion, shop economically for clothing, where to shop, how to select the best quality

fabrics and how to keep maintenance of family clothing.5. How to cook?Learning the art of

cooking, how to select nutritious foods, while learning the art of exotic cultural cooking, how to

shop economically and where to shop for the best quality of foods.6. In general how to act at

home and abroad?Learning the art of having a proper attitude, being respectful, assertive,

attentive and alert, etc. The objective here is to learn how to be aware of the environment, etc.

The obligation of an Earth goes beyond these equality items. One of the most important is to be a

role model for other young sisters and serve as a guide. If she cannot do this duties than she is

certainly NOT a true and living earth. By 

Shabazz Adew Allah

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 Black Woman  Lessons #1-36

1. My Name is Mother of Civilization.

2. I came into existence by my creator, God, the Black man.

3. My sister was bought by the white man’s luxury.

4. My sister does not know the language of truth.

5. My sister does not know she is a Black queen.

6. She likes the Devil because of his luxury and false security.

7. Why does she like the devil?

8. Because he taught her to cultivate man through sexual attractions.

9. Why does she fear the Devil?

10. Because she is not born to the realization of the Black man, God.

11. Does that have anything to do with the above said statement?

12. Yes, because she does not master Gods truth making her other than herself.

13. What is her own self?

14. Mother of civilization and queen within her Gods universe.

15. Are there any women in Islam taking birth control?

16. I beg your pardon, I never heard of one.

17. Thousands are going around to their nature as mother of civilization

18. How many Original Black women are not in accord with their culture?

19. There are still a large number of black women that are ignorant to the truth.

20. Do you mean to say they are still servants?

21. Yes Mam

22. Well, I cannot understand why.

23. Because the devil made them that way

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24. Can the devil fool an Earth?

25. Not if she’s in total submission with her God.

26. Do you mean to say she was not in total submission 420years ago?

27. Yes. She was threatened with death to her children if she did not submit to the will o 

28. Did she submit?

29. Yes. There was nothing else to do

30. What happened then?

31. She was forced to the will of the devil, if she refused she was killed.
32. Why didn’t her own man help her?

33. Some tried but were killed instantly

34. When did he finally help her?

35. Exactly a year ago when our father great God Allah taught us that we were Gods and

the Black woman is a queen and mother of civilization. It is through her that the black man’s

nation will be built. A nation of righteousness, it is through her that our existence is continued.

The universe is everything but without the earth there would be no existence. The Black man

helped her by teaching her knowledge of self and drawing her up to her fullest equality and also

by refinement. So she could see who she is and accept her rightful place as the mother of

civilization and queen of the universe in the greater nation of the God.

36. There is only one original queen and that is the queen of Allah, the Black righteous

women. Note :( 35th Degree) Deals with 1967 when the Father made manifest the Black woman

being Earths. The Father fatted her with Knowledge-Knowledge

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The Do’s and Dn’ts of the  Mothers and Daughter of M.             

1. Your head should be covered at all times (in public), especially during the times of


2. Your arms are to be covered at least 1-1/2 inches below the elbow. 3. Your dress is to be at a

proper length at all times (in public) and ankle length skits or jumper  tops. Sisters. twenty years

and older in wrap or floor length skirts Elderly in A-line skirts. 4. No tight fitting or revealing

garments. No tying up of the waist in a corset like fashion, with hip bel              5. Your shoes

should be no higher than 2-1/2 inches. No cut outs.6. The neck line is to be properly closed.

There are many ways to do this.7. You should not cross your legs (over knee), except for down

at the ankles. This ws first done  by the Caucasian to show off the curvature of the thighs. It is

also bad for your circulation. Your legs should always be properly closed.8. No fingernail polish

is to be worn, except for the clear nail hardener. We should also keep up with our nail care 9. NO
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MAKE UP is to be worn. Let your natural beauty shine through. No relaxing, coloring or

frying.10. Do not eat in public while riding public transportation, or while walking down the

street.11. Do not yell across, or down, the street, or out of car and house windows. ALLAH

DOES NOT LIKE LOUD BOISTEROUS WOMEN!!!12. Bathe at least once a day or the

equivalent to. You should not shave your underrms or pluck  your eyebrows in access. You may

clip your hairs with a pair of scissors. You may also clip your pubic hairs to cut down on extreme

perspiration. You should never cut you head hairs!!! You may, however, clip your


DEODERIZED SANITARY NAPKINS OR TAMPONS!!!14. Chewing gum looks bad and

teases the digestive system. If you have to chew gum you should not do so on the streets.15. You

are not to be outside on the streets at night. You should not hang out n the street  corners, at pool

halls, bars, liquor stores, discos, etc. No matter whether a family member owns one.16. Always

go clean and neat.17. You should keep your mind clear of bad thoughts.18. You should wear

cotton under pants. Cotton absorbs your sweat and cuts don on vaginal  infections that other

materials cause.19 Practice eating one meal a day!!! As The Messenger teaches us this is for our

own good. 20. When driving in a car with a brother (that is not your husband, father or blood

brother) whether he is married or single, you should always be seated in the back seat.21. Sleep

in appropriate night clothes and teach our children the same.22. Strive to dress and act

feminine...avoid appearance of masculinity.23. We submit to right and righteousness.24. We ask

questions when we don’t understand.25. We are punctual.26. Brush teeth and comb hair daily.27.

Practice to improve handwriting, cooking, sewing and speaking ability.28. We talk in soft

moderate tones.29. Wear stockings that are smooth textured and near our skin color or tone. 30.

We have short engagements to avoid falling victims of restrictive law. 31. We wear clothing

suitable for weather and season of the year. 32. Salute national on MGT Class day only. 33.

Carry complaints and suggestions through the proper channels. 34. Strive to cultivate love and

respect for self and others. 35. Visit the sick and shut-in36. We pay charity.37. We strive to

attend Savior’s Day (our Al-Hajj) 38. It is not necessary to pray during menstruation.39. We do
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not give believers phone numbers and addresses to strangers especilly over the  phone. Tell them

to see the mosque secretary.40. We do not permit our children to take liberties in other people’s

homes.41. Wearing lace or think scarves is inappropriate for the mosque.42. We do not got to

any of the devil’s amusements such as movies.43. We do not wear pointed toe shoes.

44. DON’T EAT HOG (pig, pork, swine, and lard) we don’t touch this divinely prohibited flesh.

45. Don’t wear sheer or see thru clothing.46. Don’t Smoke.47. Don’t steal, fight each other.

48. Don’t be quick to jump to conclusions about a person or what he or she says.49. Don’t

criticize unjustly without cause.50. Don’t be rude or disrespectful.51. Don’t be careless and
neglectful of duties to home or mosque52. Don’t be quick tempered.53. Don’t be withdrawn and

distrustful.54. Don’t be easily persuaded to do wrong by lost-founds, be they relatives or friends.

55. Don’t be selfish and evil-thinking.56. Do not bring up problems to the Captain or Minister if

you can solve them first. 57. Don’t give your word unless you’re sure you can fulfill it.58. Don’t

break the confidence of a sister. 59. Do not stay away from class just because they are not run the

way you think they should be. 60. We submit to our husband as long as he is right. 61. We

observe ablution before prayer. 62. We practice proper conduct and teach our children the same.

63. We take an interest in anything that may affect our children. 64. We practice the highest

forms of health hygiene and sanitation. We stress the importance of washing hands after using

bathroom and flushing commode to our children. 65. We save money for future use...unforeseen

misfortunes. Strive to avoid credit. 66. Strive to wear white as soon as possible. 67, Pray five

times a day, making sure you say Morning prayer. 68. Whenever a new sister comes into the

Mosque, we try to do our best to make her feel at home. 69. Be gentle, kind and firm in dealing

with sisters. 70. Be clean, neat and well-groomed at all times, EVEN AROUND THE HOUSE.

71. Think before speaking. 72. Train children to be respectful to all adults, Mosque officials and

teachers. 73. Keep an interest in current events (news). 74. Be careful of leaving doors unlocked

when in and out of the house. Also be careful of who you let into the house. 75. A sisters looks

for the good in a sister instead of harping on the worst. 76. A sister discovers what can be done

instead of grumbling about what cannot. 77. A sister draws her strength from a deep belief in
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Allah and trust in Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s Teachings. 78. We regard problems, small or

large, as opportunities. 79. We push ahead when it would be easy to quit. 80. We accept small

gains realizing that the longest journey starts with one step. 81. We accept misunderstanding as

the price of sowing the greater good of others. 82. We try to make suggestions for improvements

in a constructive manner. 83. We make it a matter of principle to attend all mosque meetings and

activities. 84. We fight those who fight with us. But we are never the aggressor. 85. We do not

attempt to teach Islam to Lost/Founds, We ask them to the mosque so they can get official

teaching. 86. We do not use aluminum cookware. We use glass, stainless steel, and corning ware.
87. We do not eat nuts. (peanuts, walnuts, etc.) 88. We do not give Xmas gifts or cards. We give

Savior’s Day gifts and cards. 89. We do not use tampons. We use sanitary napkins. 90. We do

not go bare legged. 91. We don’t date and have boyfriends. 92. We don’t flirt and pursue brother.

We let them pursue us. 93. We don’t gossip and spread rumors. 94. We use Clorox for

dishwashing. 95. Don’t wash kitchen line with other clothing. Wash separately. 96. Don’t wear

slits in skirts. We wear pleats. 97. Don’t wear hair curlers in the street. 98. Don’t eat tuna or any

fish that weighs over 50 lbs. 99. Don’t eat fresh baked bread, wait at least 24 before eating it.

100. We don’t practice any vices; gambling, swearing, drinking intoxicants, using dope,

perverted sex acts, adultery, fornication, etc.


The Black Woman, is the Original Woman and Mother of civilization. The Woman is the

natural producer of nations. She is more precious than a treasured black pearl, found deep within

the Oceans waters. It is a most happy diver, who discovers such a rare example of art and wealth,

and beauty; however there are no comparison of the black woman with gold of the mines, and
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pearls of the sea...Gold and precious pearls are discovered; they yet exist but the knowledge Is

not known to so many of us, all praise is due to the Almighty God, Allah; In the manner in which

I compare the gold and pearl to me, and the Discoverer, Almighty God, Allah. The Original

Woman The original woman is the Asiatic black woman. Mother of Civilization, Queen of the

Planet earth. the most prized possession of Allah. The most beautiful of the completion of

Allah’s creation. Man and Woman It is a biological fact, man has forty-eight (48) chromosomes.

Chromo - meaning coloring, and some - meaning bodies or agents, which being joined to the

female ovum, make up the anatomy and physiology of mankind. They are listed as (46) plus one
(X) and one (Y) factor. In that the female has two of the (X) factors instead of one (X) and one

(Y), the factor standing for the masculine (Y), and the factor standing for the feminine, (X).

Therefore, male reads on a biological scale, (46XY) and female reads, (46XX), thus the make is

the positive man, and the female is the negative man. Howver, in child birth  if the (Y) factor

pre-dominates over the (X) factor, then the child will be a boy. Conversely, if the (X) factor pre-

dominates, it will be a girl. Also since man possesses both the (X) and (Y) factors, his nature is

the positive one, and the female possessing only the (X) factor, is the negative. In science which

is the study of nature’s laws, we find that all matter is composed of atoms; and the atoms are

primarily composed of two (2) charges of electrical energy. One positive, and the other negative.

And with just the (46XY) (positive), and the (46XX) (negative), the difference is that the

positive charge and negative charge making up the center or nucleus of the atom is inhabited by

the negative charge alone. Life :( One hundred and twenty Degrees) Life and substances are one

and the same, one and forever inseparable but different aspects however, of the one reality; Life

is a positive Electricity substance; negative life is a dynamic static. Life is activity or spirit; and

substance is form or matter; life is the father and begets, substance is the mother and conceives.

In addition to these two aspects of life and substance, there is still a third; life is a potential

activity and need’s a field of operation.

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For many thousands of years the Black woman has been worshipped, revered and

idolized by individuals, families and nations not only in Africa but around the world. Ancient

records show her as queen, goddess, scholar, diplomat, scientist, icon, prophet and freedom

fighting warrior exalted with and sometimes above her father, husband and brothers. The African

Black woman has administered great and mighty nations, led determined and capable armies into

battle and founded splendid and enduring royal dynasties. Indeed, no other human of any racial

or ethnic type has been as widely venerated as The Black woman. This brief degree therefore, is

intended as a secure African man’s historical recognition, tribute and salute to the prominence,

grandeur and majesty of The Black women. The Black Woman is the Original Woman who is

the mother of civilization and Queen of the planet earth. The Black Woman is the natural

producer of all nations for it was her with the Blackman who is god that gave life to all other

races on this planet earth. She is more precious than a treasured black pearl, found deep within

the ocean waters. however there are no comparison of the black woman with gold diamonds or

pearls of the sea she is the most precious thing in the world. 

The original woman is the Asiatic black woman she is the Mother of Civilization, Queen

of the Planet earth she is the most prized possession of Allah. The most beautiful of the

completion of Allah’s creation. She is the womb of man making her woman a part of man from

the very beginning it is a biological fact, that man has forty-eight (48) chromosomes. Chromo
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meaning coloring, and some meaning bodies or agents, which being joined to the female ovum,

make up the anatomy and physiology of mankind. They are listed as (46) plus one (X) and one

(Y) factor. In that the female has two of the (X) factors instead of one (X) and one (Y), the factor

standing for the masculine (Y), and the factor standing for the feminine, (X). Therefore, male

reads on a the biological scale, (46XY) and female reads, (46XX), thus the make is the positive

man, and the female is the negative man or woman However, in child birth if the (Y) factor pre-

dominates over the (X) factor, then the child will be a boy. Conversely, if the (X) factor pre-

dominates, it will be a girl. Also since man possesses both the (X) and (Y) factors, his nature is
the positive one, and the female possessing only the (X) factor, is the negative. In science which

is the study of nature’s laws, we find that all matter is composed of atoms; and the atoms are

primarily composed of two (2) charges of electrical energy. One positive, and the other negative.

And with just the (46XY) positive and the (46XX) (negative), the difference is that the positive

charge and negative charge making up the center or nucleus of the atom is inhabited by the

negative charge alone.

 So the Blackman is god and the dominant life giver who gives life to all with the woman

as the carrier of the seed of life. She is the Mother Earth who have been one with God accepting

his light and seed giving life to all for trillions of years For many thousands of years the African

woman has been worshipped, revered and idolized by individuals, families and nations not only

in Africa but around the world. Ancient records show her as queen, goddess, scholar, diplomat,

scientist, icon, prophet and freedom fighting warrior exalted with and sometimes above her

father, husband and brothers. The African woman has administered great and mighty nations, led

determined and capable armies into battle and founded splendid and enduring royal dynasties.

Indeed, no other human of any racial or ethnic type has been so widely venerated as has the

Black woman therefore, it is intended as a secure African man’s historical recognition, tribute

and salute to the prominence, grandeur and majesty of The Black Woman who is the Queen of

the planet earth. She is and has always been important to the growth and development of the
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Blackman and the Black Family. Her Courageousness goes back thousands of years but it still do

not make her God who is the maker the owner and cream of the planet earth. Of all the countries

of ancient times it is Kemet (Ancient Egypt) that stands out above all others. Kemet was indeed

the heart and soul of early Africa. When we examine Kemetic civilization we note what is

perhaps the proudest achievement in the whole of human existence. 

It is therefore proper that we look first at the role and stature of Black men and women in

Kemet in the Valley of Nile. First things first Kemet was African not only her origins, but from
the very beginning and through the great part of the paranoiac period African people endowed

with dark complexions, full lips, broad noses and tightly curled hair were overwhelmingly

dominant in both the general population and the ruling elite. Ancient Kemet was Africa par

excellence. It has been noted that the most significant single fact to keep in mind when

discussing the topic of women and leadership in ancient Africa is that there was basic equality

between men and women. Women of the ancient Kemetic royal families enjoyed considerable

influence and freedom of movement, and occupied positions of great power and authority just as

the Kings. There is not a single recorded incident of sexual assault or domestic abuse against an

African woman by her Black African Kings, in the entire history of Kemet. 

Kemetic women inherited and willed fortunes, wrote love poems, introduced legislation

at the courts of law and commanded the respect of king and commoner alike. Queen Ahmose

Nefartari participated actively in the expulsion from Kemet of the Hyksos first invaders and

occupiers. Ahmose-Nefartari was born royal heiress and became one of Africa’s most brilliant

queens. After the twenty-five year reign of Ahmose I, Nefartari governed jointly with her son

Amenhotep I. The veneration of Ahmose Nefartari continued for more than six hundred years

after her death. To her memory was attached a special priesthood, who recited in her honor a

prayer only used in addressing the gods. Nefartari was given considerable authority in the cult of

the King of the Gods when she was made Gods Wife of Amen, a position that held a chief role as
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a priestess in the national religious center, and was provided with goods and property legally

documented and published for all to see on a monumental stellar set up in the Temple of Amen at

Karnak. Her royal titles included the exceptional Female Chieftain of Upper and Lower Kemet

Makare Hatshepsut’s twenty one year reign occurred near the zenith of Kemet second golden

age. This was an era marked by great internal stability and international prestige. One of the

Hatshepsut’s proudest achievements was a highly successful expedition to the African land of

Punt regarded by the Kamet’s as “God’s land.” Hatshepsut’s royal titles included: “King of the

North and South, Son of the Sun, The Heru of Gold, Bestowed of Years, Goddess of Risings,
Conqueror of all Lands, Lady of both Lands, Vivified of Years, Chief Spouse of Amen, the

Mighty One.” Queen Tiye was the beloved wife of Nebmare Amenhotep III, and the mother of

Akhenaten and Tutankhamen. Tiye is one of the most interesting figures in history. 

Amenhotep and Tiye married while quite young and shared one of the great love affairs

of the ages. That she was of great ability and powerful influence is proved by association with

her husband in all of his ceremonial records. She was such an integral part of Kamite affairs that

on more than one occasion foreign sovereigns appealed to her directly in matters of international

significance. The surviving portraits of Tiye show her with distinct beautiful Black woman

features. Queen Nefartari was “The Beautiful Companion” of Ramses II. Her two major titles

were “King’s Great Wife and “Mistress of the Two Lands.” After her death, Nefartari was

worshipped as a divine Osirian, or a soul which has become deified. Under the attributes of Asr

(Osiris), Kemet lorder of the dead, she was adored as a goddess. Queen Nefertari’s body was

housed in a 5,200 square foot tomb decorated with vivid wall paintings the most splendid in the

Valley of the Queens the Place of Beauty. Her tomb paintings and inscriptions depict Nefartari as

a woman of great charm and exquisite taste, adorned with magnificent jewelry and wearing

fashionable gowns. Queen Istnofret, another distinguished African Black woman, was a

contemporary of Nefartari, and was elevated to the position of Great Royal Wife upon

Nefertari’s death. Queen Istnofret was the mother of Prince Ramses (Senior King’s Son). Prince
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Khaemwaset (one of the most brilliant men of the Ramesside era) and Prince Merneptah who

eventually succeeded his father as King. 

Queen Istnofret died in approximately year 24 of Ramses II’s reign. Although it was

extremely prominent, Kemet (Ancient Egypt) was only one of many great African nations where

women held high positions. Makeda, for example, the semi legendary Queen of Sheba (Saba), is

thought to have lived during the tenth century B.C.E. This woman had all the qualities of an

exceptional monarch, and appears to have ruled over a wealthy domain encompassing parts of
both Africa and Arabia. She is called Makeda in the Ethiopian text known as the Kebra Negast,

Bilqis in the Koran, and the Queen of Sheba in the Bible. Women of antiquity were legendary for

their beauty, power and lover affairs. The Queen of Sheba was an Especially great Queen of

Ethiopia. Queen of Sheba (960 B.C.), Candace of Meroe and her defeat of Alexander the Great

(332B.C.),Amanirenas, Amanishakhete, Nawidemak, Amanitore (Acts8:2640), Shanakdaknd


Ethiopia was also known as Nubia, Kush, Aksum, Abyssinia and Queen of Sheba was

one thousand years before Christ, Ethiopia was ruled by a line of virgin queens. The one whose

story has survived into our time was known as Makeda, “the Queen of Sheba.” Her remarkable

tradition was recorded in the Kebra Nagast, or the Book of the Glory of the Kings [of Ethiopia],

and has been held in the highest esteem and honor throughout the length and time of Abyssinia

for a thousand years at least, and even today it is believed by every educated man in that country

to contain the true history of the origin of the Solomon line of kings in Ethiopia, and is regarded

as the final authority on the history of the conversion of the Ethiopians from the worship of the

sun, moon, and stars to that of the Lord God of Israel. 

The Bible tells us that, during his reign, King Solomon of Israel decided to build a

magnificent temple. To announce this endeavor, the king sent forth messengers to various
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foreign countries to invite merchants from abroad to come to Jerusalem with their caravans so

that they might engage in trade there at this time, Ethiopia was second only to Egypt in power

and fame. Hence, King Solomon was enthralled by Ethiopia’s beautiful people, rich history, deep

spiritual tradition and wealth. He was especially interested in engaging in commerce with one of

Queen Makeda’s subjects, an important merchant by the name of Tamrin. Solomon sent for

Tamrin who “packed up stores of valuables including ebony, sapphires and red gold, which he

took to Jerusalem to sell to the king.” It turns out that Tamrin’s visit was momentous. Although

accustomed to the grandeur and luxury of Egypt and Ethiopia, Tamrin was still impressed by
King Solomon and his young nation. During a prolonged stay in Israel, Tamrin observed the

magnificent buildings and was intrigued by the Jewish people and their culture. But above all

else, he was deeply moved by Solomon’s wisdom and compassion for his subjects. Upon

returning to his country, Tamrin poured forth elaborate details about his trip to Queen Makeda.

She was so impressed by the exciting story that the great queen decided to visit King Solomon

herself. To understand the significance of state visits in antiquity in contrast to those of today

(for example, President Clinton’s trips to confer with foreign heads of state), we must completely

remove ourselves from the present place and time. In ancient times, royal visits were very

significant ceremonial affairs. The visiting regent was expected to favor the host with elaborate

gifts and the state visit might well last for weeks or even months. Even by ancient standards,

however, Queen Makeda’s visit to King Solomon was extraordinary. In 1 Kings 10:1-2, the

Bible tells us: “1. And when the Queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the

name of the Lord, she came to prove him with hard questions 2. And she came to Jerusalem with

a very great train, with camels that bear spices and very much gold, and precious stones. And

when she was come to Solomon she communed with him of all that was in her heart.” 1 Kings

10:10 adds: “She gave the king 120 talents of gold, and of spices very great store and precious

stones; there came no more such abundance of spices as these which the Queen of Sheba gave to

King Solomon. We should pause to consider the staggering sight of this beautiful Black woman
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and her vast array of resplendent attendants travelling over the Sahara desert into Israel with

more than 797 camels plus donkeys and mules too numerous to count. 

The value of the gold alone, which she gave to King Solomon, would be $3,690,000

today and was of much greater worth in antiquity. King Solomon, and undoubtedly the Jewish

people, were flabbergasted by this great woman and her people. He took great pains to

accommodate her every need. A special apartment was built for her lodging while she remained

in his country. She was also provided with the best of food and eleven changes of garments
daily. As so many African leaders before her, this young maiden, though impressed with the

beauty of Solomon’s temple and his thriving domain, had come to Israel seeking wisdom and the

truth about the God of the Jewish people. Responding to her quest for knowledge, Solomon had a

throne set up for the queen beside his. “It was covered with silken carpets, adorned with fringes

of gold and silver, and studded with diamonds and pearls. From this she listened while he

delivered judgments. Queen Makeda also accompanied Solomon throughout his kingdom. She

observed the wise, compassionate and spiritual ruler as he interacted with his subjects in

everyday affairs. Speaking of the value of her visit with the King and her administration for him,

Queen Makeda stated: “My Lord, how happy I am. Would that I could remain here always, if but

as the humblest of your workers, so that I could always hear your words and obey you.”How

happy I am when I interrogate you! How happy when you answer me. My whole being is moved

with pleasure; my soul is filled; my feet no longer stumble; I thrill with delight.”Your wisdom

and goodness,” she continued, “are beyond all measure. They are excellence itself. Under your

influence I am placing new values on life. I see light in the darkness; the firefly in the garden

reveals itself in newer beauty. I discover added luster in the pearl; a greater radiance in the

morning star, and a softer harmony in the moonlight.

 Blessed be the God that brought me here; blessed be He who permitted your majestic

mind to be revealed to me; blessed be the One who brought me into your house to hear your
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voice. Solomon had a harem of over 700 wives and concubines, yet, he was enamored by the

young Black virgin from Ethiopia. Although he held elaborate banquets in her honor and wined,

dined and otherwise entertained her during the length of her visit, they both knew that, according

to Ethiopian tradition, the Queen must remain chaste. Nevertheless, the Jewish monarch wished

to plant his seed in Makeda, so that he might have a son from her regal African lineage. To this

end the shrewd king conspired to conquer the affection of this young queen with whom he had

fallen in love. When, after six months in Israel, Queen Makeda announced to King Solomon that

she was ready to return to Ethiopia, he invited her to a magnificent farewell dinner at his palace.
The meal lasted for several hours and featured hot, spicy foods that were certain to make all who

ate thirsty and sleepy (as King Solomon had planned.) Since the meal ended very late, the king

invited Queen Makeda to stay overnight in the palace in his quarters. She agreed as long as they

would sleep in separate beds and the king would not seek to take advantage of her. He vowed to

honor her chastity, but after years spend together they fell in love and lived amongst each other

until she had to leave one day the Queen and her entourage prepared to leave Israel, the King

placed a ring on her hand and stated, “If you have a son, give this to him and send him to me.”

After returning to the land of Sheba, Queen Makeda did indeed have a son, whom she named

Son of the wise man and reared as a prince and her heir apparent to the throne. Upon reaching

adulthood, the young man wished to visit his father, so the Queen prepared another entourage,

this time headed by Tamrin. She sent a message to Solomon to anoint their son as king of

Ethiopia and to mandate that thenceforth only the males descended from their son should rule

Sheba. Solomon and the Jewish people rejoiced when his son arrived in Israel. 

The king anointed him as the Queen had requested and renamed him Menelik, meaning

“how handsome he is.” Though Solomon had many wives, only one had produced a son,

Rehoboam, a boy of seven. So the king begged Menelik to remain, but the young prince would

not. Solomon therefore called his leaders and nobles and announced that, since he was sending

his first born son back to Ethiopia, he wanted all of them to send their firstborn sons “to be his
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counselors and officers.” And they agreed to do so. Menelik asked his father for a relic of the

Ark of the Covenant to take back with him to the land of Sheba. It is said that while Solomon

intended to provide his son with a relic, the sons of the counselors, angry at having to leave their

homes and go to Sheba with Menelik, actually stole the real Ark and took it to Ethiopia. Menelik

returned to Sheba and, according to tradition, ruled wisely and well. 

And his famous line has continued down to the 20th century when, even now, the ruler of

Ethiopia is the “conquering lion of Judah” descended directly from King Solomon and the Queen
of Sheba these stories provide a relatively clear picture of a highly developed state distinguished

by the pronounced overall status of women. Makeda was not an isolated phenomenon either

there were many and many times, in fact, do we hear of important women in African and

Arabian history. Dahia al-Kahina of Mauritania was especially active in the North African

resistance to the Arab invasions that occurred at the end of the seventh century. About 690 AD

she assumed personal command of the African forces, and under her aggressive leadership the

Arabs were briefly forced to retreat. The Arab invaders of Africa were relentless, however, and

as the African plight deteriorated, the dauntless Kahina ordered a scorched earth policy. The

effects of the devastation can still be seen in the North African countryside. According to

tradition, Kahina eventually took her own life rather than admit defeat to the Arabs. With her

death ended a magnificent attempt to preserve Africa for the Africans. Queen Nzingha, also

known as Ann Nzingha, was overlord of portions of both Angola and Zaire. She has been called

the “greatest military strategist that ever confronted the armed forces of Portugal.” Nzingha

military campaigns kept the Portuguese in Africa at bay for more than four decades. 

Her objective was nothing less than the complete and total destruction of the African

slave trade. Nzingha sent ambassadors throughout West and Central Africa with the intent of

enlisting a huge coalition of African armies to eject the Portuguese. Queen Nzingha died fighting

for her people in 1663 at the ripe old age of eighty one Africa has known no greater patriot. “The

first accomplishment of the African woman, in partnership with the man, was the creation of a
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functioning family unit. This major step in human development laid the foundations of the

organization of all subsequent societies and institutions. In Africa the woman’s ‘place’ was not

only with her family. She often ruled nations with unquestioned authority.


Black Women is a gift from god.

Black women are a beautiful gift from God to this world. I look at what God has done.

He created you, molding you, shaping you and forming you into a wonderfully and fearfully

made creature. No matter where you end up in life whether up or down, know that whether you

are light or dark or somewhere in between, have a big nose, or small nose small lips, or just plain
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thick hips, you are a BEAUTIFUL BLACK QUEEN no two of you are alike. You are made in

the image of God to reflect the light of God she is a beautiful black queen who is mother of

civilization. Black women are a beautiful gift from God to this world to be one with him to be a

great leader to his babies When I browse at the beautiful black woman faces in my life my heart

swells as I look at what a great and wonderful job God has done with all the beautiful black

mother Earths. He created you, molding you, shaping you and forming you into a wonderfully

and fearfully made Earth trillions of years ago. No matter where you end up in life whether up or

down, Live your life at its best, and never forget that the race is not given to the swift nor to the
strong, but to the one that endures until the end. 

Keep running and never ever forget you are a woman of excellence. Always walk in that

office. Head up! Back straight. Eyes straight ahead. You are beautiful black Queen and a queen

of beauty, thou hast given color to the world! Among other women thou art royal and the fairest!

Like the brightest of jewels in the regal diadem, thou Goddess of Africa, Nature’s purest

emblem! Black men worship at thy virginal shrine of her truest black love, Because in thine eyes

are virtue’s steady and holy mark, As we see in no other, clothed in silk or fine linen, From

ancient Isis the Goddess, to the Queens of antiquity you are the Wisdom of God. When Africa

stood at the head of the elder nations, The Gods used to travel from foreign lands to look at thee:

On couch of costly Eastern materials, all perfumed, reclined thee, as in thy path flowers were

strewn sweetest that bloomed. Thy transcendent marvelous beauty made the whole world mad,

Bringing Solomon to tears as he viewed thy comeliness of Queen of Sheba Anthony and the

elder Caesars wept at thy royal feet of Cleopatra Preferring death than to leave thy presence,

their foes to meet. You, in all ages, have attracted the adoring world, And caused many a bloody

banner to be unfurled: You have sat upon exalted and lofty eminence, To see a world fight in

your ancient African defense. Today you have been dethroned, through the weakness of your

men and you have those who craved your smiles and your hand Those who were all monsters

and could not with love approach you and have insulted your pride and now attack your good

virtue. Because of disunion you became mother of the world, Giving tinge of robust color to five
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continents, Making a greater world of millions of colored races, Whose claim to beauty is

reflected through our black faces. 

From the handsome Indian to European brunette, there is a claim for that credit of their

sunny beauty no one can ever take from the credit of thee, black woman Queen of all women

who have borne trials and troubles and racial burden. we shall, acknowledge your beauty in

Africa, Restoring the pearly crown that proud Queen Sheba did wear to you is an honor Yea, it

may mean blood, it may mean death but still we shall fight together for you are a Queen and

warrior fighting next to her King in battle Bearing our banners to Victory with men of Africa
might. For thou art fairest, queen of the seasons, queen of our love No condition shall make us

ever in life desert thee, Beautiful Black Queen of the ever green land and placid blue sea.

Whispers of her coming vibrate Through gorges and hills Valleys and plains City and country

She is without beginning and without end Her name etched out on the ancient walls of ancient

caves and buried temples Her image molded into clay figurines Yet few who see her know her

Many wait lifetimes for her But recognize her not Walking in their midst This unordinary mother

of civilization and extraordinary Black Woman who is a Queen by any other name.

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The 23 Scientist Histories

Allah is God in the heavens above and earth below. Allah in the womb of space before

the physical existence of life. Allah always existed in the spirit of the universe called triple

darkness. In the beginning Allah manifested the first atom 76 trillion years ago that atom sparked

life to the rest of the universe. Allah was and is the first god to ever exist. He created himself in

the universe trillions and trillions of years ago and now exists in the dwelling of the temple of the

Blackman. After making the universe Allah he manifested himself on earth. Allah created

himself from the state of triple darkness and manifested himself in to the original man the Asiatic

Blackman. That why we know that the original man was black because he comes from that

which is black the universe. Once Allah had finish creating the universe and the earth became

cool he put the Blackman in Africa and fashion man from the black mud and blew the breath of

life in the Blackman and he became a living soul. The planet earth which is the home of Islam is

24,896 miles approximately 25,000 in circumference and the Blackman from the east who is

Allah makes his history to equal his home circumference. A year for every mile. Now the planet
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earth is not a perfect cipher so there is imperfection in the planet that is the home of Islam, and

so is their imperfection in today’s Blackman. 

At the beginning we original black people strived for perfection and lived accordingly to

natural life of mathematics. The firsts Gods lived there life righteously and build for perfection.

They lived in peace and righteousness and they taught their generation how to do the same and

they did for generation after generation. After years of success the Allah made up a Divine

council of 23 of the wise elders called the 23 Scientist. The 23 Scientist were true and living

gods who predicts the well being of the black race on the planet earth. The 23 Scientist were well
educated men who studied all the sciences in life. That governed the whole affairs of our people

here on earth and the universe. They were the best minds of the people, the father of civilization

they were. These men were the most intelligent gods in existence; their wisdom was greater than

Solomon’s of the bible and Quran. They held ciphers and build for the future of our black people

as a whole. They established a history and culture for us to live and go by for Allah is the best

knower of all. As I said the 23 Scientist were the most wisest men on earth and they taught

Freedom Justice and Equality from day one to all the original people on the planet earth as well

as civilization and righteousness. At the time of these 23 Scientist there was not yet devil or

devilishment. We the original people were a people living in peace, there was no unrighteousness

amongst them, and life was good in the beginning. The 23 Scientist had nine major duties. The

first duty was to predict and write the history of the original Blackman who is god so they wrote

their history to equal their home circumference 25,000 years and after 25,000 years they renewed

it of another 25,000 years. 

So the 23 Scientist had to predict and write the history of the Blackman for thousands of

years to come. At the beginning of every 25,000 years the 23 Scientist would go throughout the

four corners of the planet earth to all the nations that had spread out over the planet earth and

these gods took notes an stay and lived amongst the people for a short period of time studying

how the people have advanced over the last 25,000 years. Now this went on for thousands of

years. Now I’m not saying that these Scientist lived a thousand years no not at all what  I’m
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saying is that the first 23 Scientist laid down the foundation and there format was carried down

from generation to generation. When one died another would take his place to always keep the

cipher going. I don’t know when the practice ended but it did exist and it was how the original

man predicted and made his history. Now the Scientist were able to detect the thughts of the

people  by mind detecting mind the knowledge of Alah is so great and  Allah in his purest form

show his power by living his existence seen. Allah is god in the heaven above and earth below

and he has always existed in the universe of our world. As we continue to grow over the planet

earth the 23 Scientist past great knowledge down to the gods and they recorded history and
continue to past it down. Over the years they started seeing the changes in the minds of the

people they saw the seed of dissatisfaction thousands of years before it materialized as a reality

of people. The 23 Scientist knew the head gods who were the sole authority and keepers of

righteousness and truth and they came together and decided was must be done here on earth.

Allah has the power over all things he is the great mighty power that always existed. When Allah

predicted anything it is going to be lived out to his actual manifestation. He also can change his

prediction as easy as the wind blow, remember Allah is god and there isn’t any in this universe

that Allah can’t do. We had all this prophetic history written down in scrolls of papyrus and was

passed down over the generations to the gods. All that history was written down and predicted by

these 23 Scientist who were god and all the predictions were lived out over the years. 

When parts of our history is about to be fulfilled the 23 Scientist raises up a righteous

man from the midst of a particular people and this man is given the knowledge by the 23

Scientist to keep the people living a righteous way of life. What he was called in the past I really

don’t know but the title we give them now are wise righteous prophets of Allah. Now this man

begins to teach the people of the way they are living and warn them of the prophesy of Allah to

be fulfilled and lived out. As he begins to teach his prophecies are written down by him and the

people who he is around. This information is then passed down from generation to generation so

the people have a guide or set of rules, and laws of god to live by. Back when we first began to

record our history the scrolls or scripture were kept in the temple with the wise and it was
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accessible to all the original people living on the planet earth. You had not just the prediction of

our history in these temples but the sciences of all things in life, from the study of the stars to the

healing of our people naturally. Thought time some of these scriptures and scrolls were gathered

and put in books called the bible, the Quran, and the torah, plus many more other books that

teach spiritual guidance and how to act accordingly to Allah the God.

There is a real significant to the number 23 Scientist. There are 23 scientist and when

Allah adds on to the Cipher you have 24. He is the one who gives his final judgment and

blessings. The 23 Scientist with the supreme god Allah 24 go in accordance to the 24,896 miles
approximately 25,000 miles on the planet earth in which we make our history. The number 24 is

a significant number as there are 24 hours in a day and the 24,896 miles which is the

circumference of the planet earth. The hours in a day is actually 23 hours 56 minutes and 46

seconds, so our planet make a 1 degree a minute rotation a year at the poles so it takes 25,000

years to make a complete 360 degree rotation. The 23 Scientist knew all about the astronomy and

that’s how they were able to make our history every 25,000 years. This knowledge was recorded

and passed down but with the rape of Africa and the destruction of the original Blackman

civilization this information was lost. When the Caucasian Alexander the great and others

invaded Egypt or Kemet whatever name you choose to be right, they burned down all the

libraries with thousands of years of knowledge and history of the original man that we had

recorded for thousands of years. Today only the Mayans have a 25,000 year calendar that expires

in 2012. Their calendar would have gone further if the conquistadors didn’t destroy their

civilization when they invaded central and South America. The 23Scientist wrote our history to

equal our home circumference a year to every mile. The duty of the civilized is to teach

civilization and righteousness all the days of our lives, so the 23 Scientist responsibility is to

make sure that the black man is living and going according to their history that is predicted for

them to be lived out. The bible and the Quran were books of recorded history and prophecy

which gives accounts and describes events that have taken place in the past and events that are to

take place in the present and the future. The 23 scientist duty was to make sure that all that is
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prophesize is lived out all the way to the end of the devils civilization. The 23 Scientist were

responsible for collecting and keeping the knowledge and wisdom of the original people

preserved. The 23 scientist were the god head and they taught all the family of the planet earth. I

was taught at the time of the 23 Scientist there were 7 billion people who were on earth that was

divided into 12 tribes or nations. The scientist would get a person from each nation, one who

they felt capable of doing their duty to keep the people civilized and being responsible to their

nation growth and development. The 23 Scientist who were the Divine supreme council for

thousands of years had given the people a history for them to live out. The 23 Scientist are the
ones who predicted the birth of Yacub and the making of the devil. They also predicted Musa

birth and him civilizing the devil. They were great men of knowledge and wisdom and to them

do we give praise and honor to because these were the men who laid down the foundation to the

gods. The disappearance of the 23 Scientist is still unknown it was said that the scientist went

into hiding after one of the 12 tribe leaders who was a great god and who was next to be accepted

as one of the 23 elders or scientist tried to destroy the earth by dealing with high explosives this

caused the scientist to go underground being that the rest of the nations felt it was the 23

Scientist responsibility of making sure that this did not happen. The 23 Scientist agreed that they

would no longer govern the affairs of the nations openly and began to meet secretly in private


The 23 Scientist held there meeting and continued to record history in private and were to

stay secluded for thousands of years and when they felt it was time to come to the nations again

they would. It was said that the 23 Scientist rsurfaced once again  and revealed their identity to

the mass of people in ancient, and one of the original black men there by the name of Atum

which means self created had acknowledge the elders and proceed in their teaching. From the

beginning the 23 Scientist duty was to preserve the history of the original people and give them a

recorded history of our existence here on earth so know that the wise black man who was a

master of science never wrote his history like it is written today, of the past. The wise black man

in that day wrote his history to equal his home circumference earth, and the circumference of the
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Earth is 24,896 miles, approximately 25,000 miles. So when the wise black man of the east

writes history it is a year of every mile, he writes history to last for 25,000 years not the history

of the past, but the history of the future. The original people on this Earth was wise black men

who was in tune in and could tell what’s going to happen in the future just as clear they can see

ahead just as clear as theycan remember all of  the past. And every 25,000 years civilization

reaches its peak, or reaches its perfection. And they sit down and write history for the next

25,000 years. After this they put it in a vault at the Holy City, Mecca, and this has been going on

and on for the last 66 trillion years. So, in the year one of the cycle in which we now live, he says
that in the East there are twenty-four wise men. They’re spoken of in the Bible as twenty-four

elders or twenty-four prophets or twenty-four scientists or twenty-four imams. Twelve of them

are major and twelve of them are minor. So these twenty-three men are called together by this

one, which makes twenty-four. And these twenty-four, these twenty-three presided over by the

twenty-fourth, are spoken of in the Book of Revelation where John said he had a vision in

heaven where there was a throne, and around the throne were twenty-four seats and on the seats

sat twenty-four elders. These twenty-four elders are called angels. They are actually twenty-four

wise black men who live rights here on this Earth, but no one know who they are. At the end of

every 25,000 years this one calls all of them into conference, and they sit down at the Holy City,

Mecca, and he informs them that the history of the past 25,000 years has expired and it’s time to

write a new history. So these twenty-four, these scientists, begin to tune in on the population of

the planet Earth and he says that back in his day -at that time there were five billion people on

this Earth -all of them black, not a white man in sight -five billion people -not a white man in

sight, so he says that when these twenty-four scientists begin to tune in, they look down through

the wheel of time. They can tell not only what the people on this Earth are thinking, but they can

tell what their children are thinking, what the unborn children’s children are thinking, what the

unborn children’s children are thinking. They can look right down through the wheel of time and

tell minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour, day-by-day, week-by-week, monthly-by-month, year-by-

year, for 25,000 years exactly what is going to take place.

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The History of Yacub

Yacub made devil and created white people by a process of grafting the “black” to a

“white” from the original black population of the world. All the races except the black race were

from Yacub work. However the “black race” included all Asian peoples, considered to be shared

ancestors of the Moors. “Whites” were defined as Caucasians Europeans White Jewish colored

people. It took 600 years of grafting for Yacub and his Doctors Minister Nurses and Cremators

to make the devil Yacub creations. The reasons for Yacub actions were that he was dissatisfied

and the people of that time were dissatisfied. Yacub was born in Mecca, at a time when 30% of
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the people were “dissatisfied”. And 70% satisfied. He was a member of the Mecca branch of the

Tribe of Shabazz. At the age of six he discovered the law of attraction which was UN alike

attract and alike repel by playing with two pieces of steel. This insight led to his plan to create a

new people who would be UN alike and will cause trouble. He “saw an unlike nature in human

being that was a negative nature, and was made to attract the others positive people, who could,

with the knowledge of tricks and lies, would rule the original black man. By the age of 18 he had

learned all knowledge at the universities of Mecca. He then discovered that the “original black

man” contained both a “black germ” and a “brown germ”. With 59,999 followers he went to
Patmos where he grafted from the black genes, and created a brown race after 200 years, killing

all dark babies, and after another 200 years you have the Red and finally, after 600 years the

white race was created.

In the year 8400 it was register that among five billion black people, seventy percent

would be satisfied and thirty percent would be dissatisfied. And out of that thirty percent would

be born a wise black scientist name Yacub, and Yacub would teach among these thirty percent

dissatisfied form whom he would come, and create a new race, start a new world, and a new

civilization that would rule this Earth for six thousand years to come. So they brought these

findings back to the king and they were put in a book and this was put into the history and then

when the year 8400 came, Yacub was born. When Yacub reached the age of six years he was

playing in the sand one day with two pieces of metal, two pieces of steel, at which time he

discovered what is known as the law of magnetism: that unlike attracts and like repels. Two

objects that are alike repel each other like two women repel each other, but man and woman

attract each other. Unlike attracts and like repels. Yacub discovered this. So Yacub knew that all

he had to do was make a man unlike any other man on this Earth and because he would be

different he would attract all other people. Then he could teach this man a science call

tricknowledge, which is a science of tricks and lies, and this weak man would be able to use that

science to trick and rob and rule the world. So Yacub turned to his uncle and said, “When I grow

up I’m going to make a man who will rule you.” And Yacub uncle said, “What can you make
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other than that which will cause bloodshed and wickedness in the land?” And Yacub pointed to

his head and said,” I know that which you know not.” Yacub was born with a determined idea to

make the white man because it had been predicted 8400 years prior to his birth that he would be

born to do this work. So he was born with this idea in him, and when his uncle realized that this

was he about whom it had been prophesied his uncle submitted Yacub went to school in the East;

he studied the astronomical sciences, mathematical sciences, and the germination of man. He

discovered that in the black man there are two germs. In the black man there are two men the

black man and a brown man. In the black man, body there are two Germs the black germ, which
is a strong positive germ, and there’s a brown germ weak negative germ. Yacub was the first one

to discover this and Yacub knew that by separating that brown one from the black one, and then

by grafting the brown one from the black one so that it became lighter and lighter, it would

eventually reach its lightest stage which is known as white. And when it got to that stage it

would be weak, and because it was weak it would be susceptible to wickedness. And then Yacub

could take that weak man that he made and teach him how to lie and rob and cheat and thereby

become the ruler of all the rest of the world.

Yacub began to preach at the age of sixteen. He began to preach all over Arabia in the

East. He preached among the thirty percent who were dissatisfied and got many of them to

follow him. As they began to listen to Yacub teachings and believe them, his teachings spread,

his followers grew, and it created confusion in the land. So much confusion came into existence

over there that they threw Yacub’s followers in jail, and as fast as they would throw them in jail

they taught more people. So the teachings spread in jail. Finally Yacub was put in jail, under an

alias. And one day, things began to get out of hand and the authorities went to the king and told

him that they couldn’t control these people, but that they had the leader of the people in jail right

now, and the king sai, “Take me to him.”  And when the king went to the jail where Yacub was,

he greeted Yacub with “As-Salaam-Alaikum, Mr. Yacub” I know you’re Mr. Yacub and Yacub

said, “Wa-Alaikum-Salaam” I am Yacub! And the king said, “Look, I came to make an

agreement with you. I know that you are the one that it is written or predicted would be on the
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scene in this day and would create a new race; ant there is nothing we can do to stop you. But in

order for us to have peace we want to make an agreement with you. In order to stop the

confusion and for there to be some peace in the land, we want you to agree to take all who will

follow you and exile yourselves out on an island in the Aegean Sea.” Yacub told them, “I’ll go.

But you’ve got to give me everything that I will need to bring into existence a new civilization.

You’ve got to give me everything I’ll need. You’ve got to supply me with everything I need for

the next twenty years.”

The king agreed with Yacub, and the government of that day agreed to supply Yacub and
his followers with everything they needed for twenty years. And he says that he gets this from

the Bible where it says Jacob wrestled with the angel. Jacob was Yacub, and the angel that Jacob

wrestled with wasn’t God, it was the government of that day. “Angel only means “a power,” or

somebody with power. When a man has his wings clipped, you say that he has lost his power,

lost his position. So wings only mean a position of power entrapped him. So when it says Jacob

wrestled with an angel, is only used as a symbol to hide the one he was really wrestling with.

Jacob was wrestling with the government of that day. He made the government of that day give

him everything he needed to last him and his followers for twenty years, Yacub agreed, and the

government agreed, and Yacub took all of his followers down to the sea.

Yacub took 59,999 of his followers down to the seaside, with himself making 60,000. He

piled them in boats and took them out to an island in the Aegean Sea called Pelan. In the Bible

it’s called Patmos. When you read in the Book of Revelation where John, on the island of

Patmos, heard the word of the Lord that is Yacub. What was John doing on the island of Patmos?

John was Yacub. John was out there getting ready to make a new race, he said, for the word of

God. What was the word of God? The word was that in the year 8400 a new man would be

made, a new race world be made. And when Yacub and his followers got out there his followers

realized that Yacub was wiser than any man of his day, and they recognized him as a God; he

was a god to them. So when you get to the place in the Bible where it says, “And God said, ‘Let

us make man,’“ that was Yacub too, not the Supreme Being. It wasn’t the Supreme Being who
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made the sun who said, “Let us make man.” When the Supreme Being made the sun he said,

“Let there be light.” He said He was supreme, He was independent, and He needed no help, no

associates. But when it came to making a man, that god said, “Let us make man.” He didn’t

speak with independence, because there were two different gods.

God the Supreme Being made the light. His word is “be”; that’s how He makes things.

But Yacub, who was lesser god, said to 59,999 of his followers, “Let us make man, and let us

make a man in our image, in our likeness. We’re going to make a white man.” It was Yacub

talking: “Make him in our image and in our likeness, and give him dominion over the fowl of the
air and the fish of the sea and the creatures of the land. And we’ll call him Adam.” It’s only a

name for the white man. The white man has taken mastery over the air, his airplanes rule the sky,

his submarines and ships rule the sea, and his armies rule the land. This was the man that was

made six thousand years ago and the purpose for making him was so he could rule the Earth for

six thousand years. The first thing Yacub did was to get his ministers, doctors, nurses, and

cremators together. He gave them the laws because he had to set up a birth control law. He told

the doctors whenever two black ones come to him to get married to stick a needle in their veins,

take some blood, and go back and tell them that their blood doesn’t match so that they can’t

marry. He also said when a black one and a brown one come, let them get married, or if two

brown ones come let them get married. Then he told the nurse nine months after they’re married,

when you’re ready to deliver their child, if it’s a black child, put a needle in its brain and feed it

to a wild animal or give it to the cremator. Let it be destroyed. But if it’s a brown child, take that

child to the mother and tell her that this is going to be a great man when he grows up because

he’s lighters than that the others. Tell her that the child you destroyed was an angel baby and it

went up to heaven to prepare a place for her when she dies. Same old lie they tell you today -

when a little baby dies he goes to the same place a man goes when he dies -right down into the

ground. Is that right or wrong?

Yacub First law was to set up his birth control law which was to destroy the alike and

save the unalike kill the black babies and save the brown babies. Within two hundred years they
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had killed off all of the black babies on the island. Everything black on the island had been

destroyed. And then Yacub only lived 150 years. But he left laws and rules and regulations

behind, for his followers to go by. And after they had destroyed all of the black on the island of

Pelan, they began to work on the brown germ. They saved the yellow and destroyed the brown,

because you see in the black there’s brown and in the brown there’s yellow. Can you see how it

goes? The darkest one always has a lighter one in it. So in the black man there’s a brown man, in

the brown man there’s a yellow man, in the yellow man there’s what? A white man. Oh yes.

Getting weaker all the time. So it took two hundred years to destroy the black. And then they
worked on the brown for two hundred years. And in two hundred years all the brown was

destroyed and all they had on the island of Pelan was a yellow or mulatto-looking civilization.

And then they went to work on it and began to destroy it. So that after six hundred years of

destruction on the island of Pelan, they had grafted away the black, grafted away the brown,

grafted away the yellow, so that all they had left was a pale-skinned, blue-eyed, blonde-haired

thing that you call a man. But actually the Bible calls him the devil. That’s the devil that the

Bible is talking about: old Lucifer, Satan, or the serpent. Because the lighter they got, the weaker

they got. As they began to get lighter and lighter they grow weaker and weaker. Their blood

became weaker, their bones became weaker, their minds became weaker, and their morals

became weaker. They became a wicked race; by nature wicked. Why by nature?

The Book says concerning the devil: “He was conceived in inequity and born in sin.”

What does this mean? At the outset the nurses had to kill the little black babies, but after a while

it got so that the mother, having been brainwashed, hated that black one so much she killed it

herself. Killed it herself, and saved the light one. And right on down for six hundred years. In

order for the white one to come into existence, the darker one was always murdered, murdered

this went right into the nature of the child that was being born. The mother wanted a light baby

when the child was being conceived. This went right into the baby. The mother hated black when

the child was being conceived; this went right into the baby. So that at the end of the six hundred

years, after planting the seed of inequity right into the brain, right into the mind, right into the
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heart, right into the nature of these people, by the time they got the white man, they had someone

who by nature hated everything that was darker than he was. Why, they had to murder off the

black to get to the brown. They had to murder off the brown to get to the yellow. They had to

murder off the black, brown, and yellow in order to get to the white. And right to this very day

the white man by nature wants to murder off the black, brown, and yellow. You don’t have to

teach him to kill the black man. He does it for sport. He does it for kicks. He does it because it’s

his nature to do it. Do you understand that?

So in six hundred years now they got a devil on the scene, a blue-eyed devil, bond-haired.
Oh yes, they were out here on the island of Pelan. Yacub was dead. Yacub was their father but he

never saw them materialize into the creation of devil. They never saw him. Yacub was their god.

When the Bible says no man has seen God, that’s what it means. No white man has seen their

god. Not one of them saw Yacub because Yacub only lived to be 150 years old. This doesn’t

mean that no man can see God the Supreme Being. Why, the Book of Revelation says when He

comes every eye will see Him. After these devils got grafted now we’re not going to call them

white any more. We call them what they are. White, that’s their color, but devil, that’s what they

are. These aren’t white people. You’re not using the right language when you say the white man.

You call it the devil. When you call him the devil you’re calling him by his name serpent;

another name snake; another name beast. All these names are in the Bible for the white man.

Another name Pharaoh; another name Caesar; another name France; French; Frenchman;

Englishman; American; all those are just names for the devil. So after they were out there six

hundred years, after they were made and grafted and Yacub was dead, then they packed up their

bags and made it back to civilization.

Yacub had left them some laws to go by. He left them a science called “tricknowledge”:

how to divide and conquer. Yacub told these people in his book: “All you got to do to take over

the world is lie. Go back among the black people. Take your woman and send her to the black

man’s woman and let her lie about the neighbor across the street. And then send another woman

to that woman to lie on this woman to that woman. And when they get through spreading those
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lies and they all started fighting and killing one another, you tell them to let you be the

mediator.” This is the trick the white man used. It all comes from Yacub. You see, he’s an

underdog. He’s a minority, and the only way a minority can rule a majority is to divide the

majority. This is the trick that the white man was born to execute among dark mankind here on

this Earth. Yacub said, “When you go back among them, lie about them to each other, and when

they start fighting, ask them to let you be the mediator. And as soon as you become the mediator

then you’re the boss.” The white man has done this trick everywhere.

When these devils went back into Arabia they started telling lies, started confusion, and
in six months’ time they had turned heaven into hell. Oh yeah, they had so much fighting going

on among our people, brother, it became hell. We never did fight each other; we loved each

other, we were in harmony with each other. And when these devils came back into our midst

they turned our paradise into a hell. So it was taken to the king and the king looked into the book

and said, “Why, these are Yacub people.” He said, “They were made to do what they’re doing

and the only way to have peace is to get rid of all of them. Put them all to death.” So the king

gave the order for all of the devils to be rounded up. And by devils I mean all those blue-eyed,

blond-haired, white things. He gave orders for them to be rounded up there in the East, and they

were rounded up. They were rounded up and taken down to the edge of the Arabian Desert. They

were stripped naked, stripped of everything except their language we put lambskin aprons around

their waists to hide their nakedness. We put them in chains and marched them across the hot

sands of the Arabian Desert. This is what the black man did to the white man, brothers. This is

what the gods did to the devils. Actually, if you think I don’t know what I’m talking about, those

of you who are Masons, you go through this and don’t understand it. When you go in, they put a

lambskin apron around your waist.

They put you in what’s called the “cable tow.” Right or wrong? And then they make you

jump up and down on an electric mat. Make you take off your shoes and put the juice in the mat

and make you jump up and down. Why? What are they getting at? That’s all a sign of what

happened to the white man six thousand years ago. It just doesn’t have anything to do with you,
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but you’re supposed to be walking on hot sands when you jump up and down. Right or wrong?

You’ve all been in some of that stuff. They tell you that’s crossing the hot sand. And if you walk

up to a Negro Mason and you ask him, “When you crossed the hot sand were you walking or

riding?” he’ll say, “I was walking.” He’s a fool. Because he was riding. He was riding

horseback. He was riding on a camel. It was the white man that was in chains. It was the white

man that had the apron around him. It was the white man that was walking the white sand. We

walked them at high noon. We wouldn’t even let them walk at night. We stopped at night. And

you know how hot the sun and the sands are in Arabia.
We expected the white man to die when we were running him out of the East. But that

fool lived, brother He lived. A lot of them died on the desert. And I might come back -all of this

is tied up in the Masonic ritual. When a man gets initiated into the higher degrees of that order he

goes through this. They put on the chains, they put on the aprons, and they darken him up and

pretend to be driving him across. Then when he gets up to the top order in those degrees, they

tell him what it means. The white man, they tell the white man what it means; a white Shriner, a

white Mason, what it means. A Negro never learns what it means. But it actually points back

toward the time when the white man, who is the devil, or Adam, as they say, was cast out of the

Garden. When the Bible says Adam sinned and was cast out of the Garden, this is what is meant.

And an angel was put at the East gate to keep him from coming back in. When the white man

was run out of the East by the Muslims six thousand years ago into the caves of Europe, the

people called Turks were put there at the Straits of the Dardanelles, with swords, and any old

devil that they caught trying to come back across the water WHOP!!! Off went his head. The

Book tells you that the angel had a flaming sword, and any time any of them tried to come back

across they were put to death. The white man went into the caves of Europe and he lived there

for two thousand years on all fours. Within one thousand years after he had gotten there he was

on all fours, couldn’t stand upright. You watch an old cracker today. Crackers don’t walk upright

like black people do. Every time you look at them, they’re about to go down on all fours. But

those who have had some education, they straighten up a little bit because they’re taught how to
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straighten up. But a black man can be the most dumb, illiterate thing you can find anywhere, and

he still walks like a million dollars because by nature he’s upright, by nature he stands up. But a

white man has to be stood up. You have to put a white man on the square. But the black isborn

on the square.  Within one thousand years after the white people were up in the caves they were

on all fours. And they were living in the outdoors where it’s cold, just as cold over there as it is

outside right now. They didn’t have clothes. So by being out there in the cold their hair got

longer and longer. Hair grew all over their bodies. By being on all fours, the end of their spine

begins to grow. They grew a little tail that came out from the end of their spine...Oh yes; this was
the white man, brother, up in the caves of Europe. He had a tail that long. You ever notice that

anything that walks on all fours has a tail? That which straightens up doesn’t have a tail, because

when you get down, you see, you just make that spine come right on out. And just like a dog, he

was crawling around up there. He was hairy as a dog. He had a tail like a dog. He had a smell

like a dog. And nothing could get along with him but another dog.

All the beasts up in Europe wanted to kill the white man. Yeah, they tried to kill the white

man. They were after the white man. They hated the white man. So, he says, what the white man

would do, he’d dug a hole in the hill, that was his cave. And his mother and his daughter and his

wife would all be in there with the dog. The only thing that made friends with the white man was

the dog. Everything else hated him. He’d sit outside of the cave at night in a tree with rocks in

his hand, and if any beast came up and tried to get in the cave at his family, he’d throw rocks at

it, or he’d have a club that he’d swing down and try to drive it away with it. But the dog stayed in

the cave with his family. It was then that the dog and the white man amalgamated. The white

woman went with the dog while they were living in the caves of Europe. And right to this very

day the white woman will tell you there is nothing she loves better than a dog. They tell you that

a dog is a man’s best friend. They lived in the caves with those dogs and right now they got that

dog smell. They got that dog...they are dog lovers. A dog can get in a white man’s house and eat

at his table, lick out of his plate. They’ll kiss the dog right on the nose and think nothing of it.

You’re not a dog kisser. You don’t see black people kissing or rubbing noses with dogs. But
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little white children will hug dogs and kiss dogs and eat with dogs. Am I right or wrong? You -

all have been inside their kitchens cooling their food, and making their beds, you know how they

live. The dog will live right in the white man’s house, better than you can; you try and break

your way in there and they’ll put a rope around your neck [chuckle], but the dog has got free run

of the whole house. He’s the white man’s best friend they lived up there for two thousand years,

and at the end of two thousand years the scientists of the East, realizing that it was originally

predestined that the white race would rule for six thousand years, and that they already lost two

thousand years in the caves of Europe, sent a prophet up there, form Mecca, to teach the white
race, the race of devils, how to become civilized again, and become upright, and come back and

rule the way they had originally been meant to. The name of that prophet was Moses. Moses

never went down into Egypt. Moses went into the caves of Europe and civilized the white man.

It was Moses who raised the devil form a dead level to a perpendicular and placed him on the

square. Moses taught the white man how to cook his food. Moses taught the white man how to

build a house for himself. He taught the white man also some of that forgotten tricknowledge

that Yacub had originally taught them which was lying stealing and trying to master the original

man it was Moses who put the white man back on the road toward civilization. He told him that

he was supposed to rule for six thousand years, but that much of the time had already been lost,

and at the end of time one would come who would destroy the whole white race. Moses taught

them this. And this is why when the Jews, two thousand years later, were looking for the

Messiah, they thought that Jesus was the Messiah and they put him to death because they knew

when the Messiah came he was going to destroy that whole race of devils. The Jews knew this,

so they put him to death thinking that they could stop him from destroying them. But actually,

they made a mistake because Jesus two thousand years ago wasn’t the Messiah. Their time

wasn’t up two thousand years ago. Their time would not be up until two thousand years later, the

day and time that we’re living in right now.

So, brothers and sisters, I just wanted to point out that the white man, a race of devils,

was made six thousand years ago. This doesn’t mean to tell you that this implies any kind of
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hate. They’re just a race of devils. They were made six thousand years ago, they were made to

rule for six thousand years, and their time expired in the year 19914. The only reason God didn’t

remove them then was because you and I were here in their clutches and God gave them an

extension of time -not them an extension of time, but they received an extension of time to give

the wise men of the East the opportunity to get into this House of Bondage and “awaken The

name Yacub is the Arabic variant of the name of the Biblical Patriarch known as Jacob in

English language versions of the Bible, and as Ya`aqob in Biblical Hebrew. Yacub has some

parallels to the Biblical Jacob’s role as the father of the tribes of Israel. Referring to the story of
Jacob wrestling with the angel, Malcolm X states that Elijah Muhammad told him that “Jacob

was Yacub, and the angel that Jacob wrestled with wasn’t God, it was the government of the

day”. This was because Yacub was seeking funds for his expedition to Patmos, “so when it says

Jacob wrestled with an angel, ‘angel’ is only used as a symbol to hide the one he was really

wrestling with”. However, Malcolm X also states that John of Patmos was also Yacub, and that

the Book of Revelation refers to his deeds: “John was Yacub. John was out there getting ready to

make a new race, he said, for the word of the lord”

The History of Abraham & Yacub

In the year of 6,400, Abraham came to the Holy Black People, which includes the Brown, Red

and Yellow, to warn them about the unrest that was among them. His coming was predicted by
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our Brother Scientists, commonly known as the twenty-four elders (spoken about in Rev. 4:4) in

the year one of this 25,000 year cycle. His (Abraham’s) job was to do as all the prophets of

Allah; warn his people of their evils and disobedience to the Will of Almighty God Allah,

thereby separating those who would heed his teachings, FROM THOSE WHO WERE

DISSATISFIED. Among these dissatisfactions were the speaking of tongues and not being

satisfied being other than Black “which is not a color”, but the substance from whence all colors

come, such as brown, red and yellow. Brothers, please remember that everything that goes

around comes around. About 8,400 years ago it was our people speaking tongues, today it has
come back around to the people who’s beginning started it; today we see our arch-enemies, the

Catholics, arguing among themselves about the speaking of tongues, saying it will cause chaos

among the believers We spoke Arabic, we were given the proper dialect to use, yet we wanted to

change it or as was said, we wanted to improve it, or make it more easier to understand, or more

suitable to each family plus Brown, Red and Yellow. This, however, was wrong for we see what

happened in order to straighten out the wrong; (a grafting out of it). Brother, in our days, about

8,400 years ago in order to put an end to the dissatisfaction, Allah allowed Yacub to graft the

devil (white man). So we can say, the speaking of tongues, in our days, repercussions was the

having a people rule over us, who is not a people of Allah. Now, today, the devils speaking of

tongues are going to cause all kinds of chaos among his followers, thereby revealing to us that

they and their religion is Hot. The religion of Allah and the prophets which is going to cause all

of our people Black Brothers and Sisters, who have eyes to see and ears to hear to flee unto their

own kind, who will be under the banner of Islam, which in turn will destroy Christianity or “the

speaking of tongues”. 

Brother, do bear in mind that we are the seeds of Abraham, by this, I mean some of the

same things Abraham was teaching; we, the followers of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad

are doing today, which is, trying to remain ourselves “STAY BLACK”!, by separating ourselves

from those of our pigmentation who are integration-conscious and not satisfied being the

“Original People”. Abraham told our Holy Black Brothers and Sisters that if they did not stop
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their rebellious ways and take heed to his teachings, which was entire submission to the Will of

Allah (God), that in the year 8,400, as was predicted, a child by the name of “Yacub”, commonly

known as “Jacob” in the Bible, would be born and that he would make a people who would rule

over them, a people who would deal with them cruelly, a people who would show no mercy, but

would show or cause malignity among them. This, up unto this day, we can see these Yacub’s

grafted devils are masters at causing malice or malign, speaking evil of or causing us to speak

evil of each other. So in the year 8,400, Yacub was born, and at the age of six while playing in

his uncle’s back yard with two pieces of magnet, he found that the unalike attracted the alike;
broke down: un-alike=(white); alike=(like Allah, original) and that alike repels. [Unalike attracts

alike repels] Does not the Black fight against Black, while being attracted by the devil, wanting

to him? When we, the Muslims, live upright according to the teachings of the Lamb, are we not

un-alike our brothers who are not living the teachings? Does not our brothers who have eyes to

see and care enough for themselves and Allah become attracted by our unlikeness of them who

remain among those who take part in the ways of the devil who is unalike the both of us?

‘YACUB’ You have noticed statements saying Yacub was playing in his uncle’s backyard, well,

he also called his uncle “father”; this is because his father died before he was old enough to

know him. So through playing with these magnets, Yacub found what his mission or purpose in

life would be. So he told his uncle, saying, “Father, I know that which you know not.” His uncle

replied, “Yacub! what is it that you know, that I know not?” Yacub’s reply was, “I am going to

make a man when I grow of age”, meaning when he finishes the study of genetics. His uncle

replied, “Yacub, do you not know that if you make a man other than the original man who is

already here on the Planet Earth, you will be making the devil himself?”

Yacub replied, “Nevertheless, I know that which you know not.” From Yacub’s

continuously saying he knew what his uncle knew not gives one the impression that Yacub’s

uncle did not know his mission or purpose for being on the planet earth. And speaking of today, I

wouldn’t be a bit surprised if some devil didn’t tell another, that if they set up a birth control

system in Liberia, they would make a people other than we originally was, of course it wasn’t
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said for righteousness sake, but for fear we wouldn’t have the strength needed to do the hard

labor. So, brother Yacub became of age 12, in other words, came into the knowledge of how he

would graft a people, finished all the universities throughout the Holy Land, and began going

about converting the dissatisfied Black people to his doctrine which was based on lies and

trickery; Genesis 27:35 tells of how he, Yacub, dealt with his said father with subtlety; Genesis

27:36 further shows Yacub taking Esau’s birth-right. One phase of this birthright was to rule all

over the planet earth, which Yacub’s children have done for the last 6,000 years by supplanting.

Brother, if we check Yacub’s history close enough, we would have to find that he did his job
through supplanting.

As the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad has said, “Our Black Brothers and Sisters who

followed Yacub had no idea that he intended to strip them of their dignity, their birth-right, their

clothes of knowledge (meaning mind) nor did they have any idea that he, Yacub, would strip

them of their clothes for covering their privates or shame. Brother, if we give Yacub’s children’s

actions of today, some comparative observation with his works, we can find that for everything

he and his scientists did back there, is being carried out here today, the only difference is the

names have been changed to so-called medical terms or more technical terms, or more scientific

terms, which in itself is a form of his teachings of high tricknowledge of words, etc.

To further show or compare Yacub’s children with his works of old, we know he stripped

the Holy/Black Sisters and Brothers of their “holy garments” which were long robes covering

their entire bodies. We see the Lamb today putting our clothes back on us and our sisters, next

we will put our robes back on. You see, Brother, whenever a Sister or Brother has his or her holy

garments on, they must use each other’s true selves in order to entice the other. This Mr. Yacub

could not have, for as it was it took him six hundred years to come up with his civilization, so as

to entice the Brother and Sister to commit immoral acts which thereby enabled him to get more
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children. He made them wear cloth that only covered their privates, leaving more than half of

their bodies exposed to the naked eye. Remember, this was in essence an experiment Yacub was

going through. So today and for the last four-hundred and about ten years, we see Yacub’s

children have been experimenting with us in an even more subtle way than their father.

A good place to start for reference would be “Liberia”. We know that Mr. Yacub set up a

rigorous birth control system at the beginning of his civilization, by dividing the brown babies

from the black, the brown from the reds, the reds from the yellow. Now bear in mind these are

only the major solutions, for there were nine more lighter colors that came after these.
Many places in the bible will show that a people were grafted from another without any

uncertainty. For instance, the Acts 17:26, shows Mr. Yacub must have made or grafted his

people (white man) from the Black, for Allah Himself created all nations of one blood. Of

course, these nations are the Brown, Red and Yellow.

The fifth parties are not really a Nation, but a “race”, a group of 400,000,000 people-

beast racing with time! In the same verse it shows that, as the Most Honorable Elijah

Muhammad has said, these Yacub grafted devils were doomed, or limited from the day they

were grafted. The bounds of their habitation on our planet earth were 6,000, and we bear witness

he is some 50 years overdue and only Allah is the best knower! As to how many more days he

will be allowed to dwell here in this wilderness (called earth in the bible to throw us off). Verse

42 of the same chapter further proves it was the lighter babies being separated from the dark, in

it, it says; “when the cattle were feeble=light (REMEMBER THE LIGHTER THEY GOT, THE

FEEBLER IN REALITY THEY WERE), he (Yacub) put them not in (meaning, not among the

Dark); the feeble was Labin’s, and the stronger Jacob’s (Yacub’s). This can be easily understood,

because Yacub was a jet Black man. Stronger Yacub’s; meaning like Yacub. If there be further

doubt in our minds to this and we have an understanding of the bible, we can see where it was

predicted, that we, the Black people, had two Nations in our sperm (called womb in Genesis

25:23). In the very same verse it also shows that one people shall be stronger of the two, and for

that matter, all others. Verse 23 also further shows the elder would serve the young, we bear
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witness that we are the elder, for it has not been recorded in history our beginning, over here or

over there, yet we know that we have served a boy who is the young AND IS ONLY SIX DAYS

OLD! Brother, Mr. Yacub also got an idea about making devils by seeing that his parents had

produced a light and a dark baby, as shown in Genesis 25:25.

Mr. Yacub lived to be 150 years of age; we would expect the bible to tell exactly, but I

think Genesis 5:3 come close enough, considering whose version it is. Yacub Goes Through the

Holy Land Teaching ‘After going throughout the Holy Land teaching and consorting the

dissatisfied of the “Holy people” for so long, the word got around about he and his teachings,
somehow he was thrown in jail. Of course, this didn’t stop his doctrine from being spread, for his

followers carried the word on. Yacub was the god of his people who were longing for a change,

they were dissatisfied and diligent to Yacub’s teachings, therefore to jail him or them could not

and did not stop his ideology. While Mr. Yacub was in jail he continued his teaching, the word

got to the captain, who then consulted the Sultan, telling him that there was a man other than the

Original Man, who was already on the planet Earth, and that he (Yacub) was causing unrest in

the prison (I hope you can see this being said about we the Muslims, too). So the Sultan being a

wise man consulted Mr. Yacub. Upon his entry, he asked among the prisoners, “Who is it that is

called Yacub?” Yacub was a large Black Brother and very bold, he (Yacub) stepped forward and

said, “I am called Yacub”, the wise Sultan then said, “As Salaam Alaikum”, Mr. Yacub’s reply

was, as salaam alaikum The Sultan proceeded to ask Yacub about his plan of making a people

un-alike the Original people, who were already here on the planet earth. Yacub told him, “Yes, I

am going to make a people.” So the Sultan said, “You realize that we can’t have such here in the

Holy Land”, then Yacub told him if he would give him and his followers land and supplies to

last them twenty-years, they would leave. This is shown to us in Genesis 30:26, (Yacub asks for

his followers). Genesis 30:28 could be giving us an idea of what the wise Sultan said to Yacub,

such as, “How much do you need, etc?” Genesis 30:32 shows Mr. Yacub telling the Sultan he

would take away all the dissatisfaction if he (the Sultan) would provide him with the necessary

supplies. This or these versions can be gone deeper into, but our aim is only to give you a little
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insight, the Mosque can show you all things needed. Allah is with us, we, before long, WILL BE



Brother, notice, just as Mr. Yacub told the wise Sultan of that region, he would relieve

him of all his troubles if he would supply him and his followers with LAND, etc., I ask you, is

not the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad telling this government to give us land and 20 years

supplies and we will leave him, thereby ridding him of the dissatisfaction which is among him

(the accursed?) Of course, you realize that we, the followers of the Lamb are the

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad is many thing in one, too many. It depends on how close

we observe him. Now we know he is not going to do as Yacub, graft a people through sup

plantation, or cross breeding. We see what Yacub did with his few degrees of knowledge - to do

evil. Now, how much more can and will the Lamb do good with Supreme knowledge and

wisdom? Brother, we all will think as we will, the profoundness of our thought depends on how

we apply or call on our mentality.

If we should think deep enough and pure enough, we will find the Lamb, too, is making a

people, not through tricks, cross breeding force, but through knowledge of self, God and the

devil. What were we before we heard and started living the teachings of the Lamb? Do not even

our furthest associates see the change in us, the difference after we accept Almighty Allah

through the teachings of the Lamb? This is the physical change. Now is there any need of our

speaking of the mental change? Yacub made a people mentally and physically through birth

control, etc. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad is making a people mentally and physically

through knowledge of self. He, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, has said we need not

make any excuses for some of us being spotted up, because we bear witness that we’ve been like

sheep in the midst of sex perverted beasts.

So he is teaching us to separate ourselves, and when we are separated mentally and

physically, I don’t believe we will have to be told how to get all our clothes back on, thereby
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going all the way back home (Jet black).A sheep see, but only a few realize and will admit that it

must be for the best that we all do not have all of our clothes for knowledge and clothes for

covering. Its indeed a pity to see those so (blessed) be so rebellious against their true identity.

‘Yacub on the Island of Patmos ‘Upon arrival to the Island of Patmos, (Mr. Yacub verifies that

he was there in Rev. 1:19) or Pelan, located in the Aegean Sea, he started his government, or

staff, headed by a doctor, a priest, a nurse and a cremator (as shown in Exodus 1:15 - the nurse).

Exodus 1:9-10 shows Yacub talking to his other staff members; and wonder can we recall when

the Pharaoh of this day said the same thing about us, the tribe of Shabazz. Remember “Hitler”
Herbert Hoover when he was in office? The doctor’s job was to take blood tests of the people

who wanted to be married; if two Black people came to be married, he would pass them without

question, but if a Black man and a Sister of light complexion tried to get married, he (the doctor)

would go behind a screen, come back and tell them there were defects in their blood (serpent

liar). Now if by chance these couples whom he turned down decided to live together or slip

around together, Mr. Yacub, didn’t make an issue out of it, he simply had their heads cut off.

Today, wonder why before we can get a marriage license (to marry our own queen, incidentally),

we must get an approved “blood test”? Believe me, the accursed Shaitan has been a very

obedient son to his father Yacub!

For he has carried out his works to a tee. Instead of going behind a screen today, the

doctor goes into what we call his “laboratory”, and after a certain number of different shades has

passed, or after a certain quota of the year, he tells some sort of lie to try and hinder a Brother

and Sister from so-called legally marrying. Of course, this has not worked as it did in Yacub’s

time, for his son is not allowed to such open actions as his father, for he would be warring

against his very nature, which is to be a fornicator. After a man or woman commits fornication or

adultery for TWO THOUSAND YEARS it is useless to think they would be against such in the

latter 4,050 years. The priest’s job was as is today, to marry, counsel, lie, etc., to the couple, and

spread Yacub’s doctrine. Is not he too trying to follow his father’s teachings up to this very day,
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TRYING TO DECEIVE EVEN THE ELECT chosen of Allah, going before and behind the

Truth Bearer trying to change the truth to a lie?

All praise is due to Allah, for this only works among the weak of us, who then is not

worthy of Allah’s truth. Yacub told the nurse that she was to stick a sharp instrument in the

mold, which is the tender part of all the Dark Black baby boys heads. She was to help deliver the

baby - she was called the midwife (Exodus 1:16). She being an original Sister having a

conscience still having fear of Allah, went to Mr. Yacub and questioned him, asking him what if

the child’s family is happy over him whether he be light or dark, boy or girl? She also did this
because she did not like the idea of murdering her Brothers and Sisters. And seeing that Yacub’s

followers were well disciplined and he was such a master at lies and trickery, she, the nurse was

convinced when he told her to tell the young brother’s parents that it was being taken to Mecca

to be blessed so that it’s seed to come would be blessed, thereby seemingly relieving her of her

duty of murdering them. She was to, instead of sticking the Holy Black Brother in the mold of

the head, to take him to the cremator, who was to cremate the child without question.

About 600 years after Mr. Yacub set up his staff and started his civilization, in the year

9,000 of our calendar, his scientists were successful in grafting a pale skin, showing no life, pink

eyed germ weakness; they had thick woolly hair, thick lips, big nose looking like albinos of

today. This tie can be seen through the like the devil shows for an albino, and the dislike an

albino has for him, especially when the albino has knowledge of himself, other, than that they

may get along as the hand in the glove. By doing this Mr. Yacub could control how many Black

babies would be born in a year or years, or even down to how many would be born per hour, day

or week or month. His separation of the colors from each other is shown in Genesis 30:40. In the

same book (verse 37), it shows that he had begun working with the Brown, Red and Yellow, to

make the “white” (Caucasian) appear that was in the rods (their sperms) through these things Mr.

Yacub came up with the devil. Today, his children are still trying to make a people; they have

developed all kinds of pills. If we watch our papers, listen to radio, or those who can, watch

television, we can see Yacub’s children trying to further their birth control system. In the old
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days when our ancestors were first brought to the Dominican Republic, the slave master wanted

strong backs and weak minds. We were naturally strong so he didn’t have to be particular where

we came from, such as brother being forced to have sister, etc.; the baby would still be strong

enough for labor, but it is easy to see how he might be lacking in mental capabilities.

Just as Yacub kept tabs on how many Black, Brown, Red and Yellow babies were being

born on his island, his children has followed closely in his footsteps by trying to keep tabs on

how many of we, the so-called negroes (Holy Black People members of Allah God’s tribe of

Shabazz) are born per hour, day, week, month, year. Yacub wanted the lighter sperms-germ, his
children are after even worse than that, they want to let just so many blacks be born in order to

keep the public off of them, and in the background kill thousands. They want to allow more

spotty-up children to be born; this will come through the ignorance of our people who are

integration-conscious. But put a limit as to how many of them there should be. This also

coincides with Yacub, their father, drawing the title of the devil, murderer from the beginning.

Other words, to even start this birth control system, to which they have come 400 years ago, but

are now trying to sell to the public; they had to murder some Holy Black children. Among their

religious faiths, they are arguing as to whether they should practice their father’s teachings on

birth control or not. They are angry with each other and ALMIGHTY GOD (ALLAH) IS


Before Mr. Yacub died, he drew up maps showing his people the way back into the Holy

Land. After his scientists had come up with his people, who had went through TWELVE

solutions (and if they would have been taking one more solution, they would have been running

sores. We bear witness how weak and sickly they are, as it is).They built rafts and sailed back to

the Holy Land. Upon their entrance, they were stoned by the Holy Black children who had never

seen the likes of such people before. So the elders, people of wisdom and knowledge, knew who

these Yacub grafted people were, so they put out an edict throughout the holy land telling the

Holy Black people not to stone these people for they are of Yacub’s civilization. The wise

Sultans, or Imams, then had a meeting with some of Yacub’s people and told them that they were
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going to be allowed to enter into the Holy Land, or stay there, and that they would be free to go

all over providing they did not start any confusion or unrest among the people, and that they

could be intimate with all the families or eat of all the fruits in the Garden (Holy Land) except

the fruit in the midst of the Garden (which was the Black Brothers and Sisters). For by having a

Black brother or sister,

Yacub’s people broke the Divine Law of Almighty God Allah. For as we know, one of

Yacub’s main reasons of grafting them was to take out the dissatisfaction that was among or in

us. And seeing that they had only been made six months, I could see no need in taking the evil
out of us if we were going to allow it to be put right back in through integration.

Genesis 1:5 shows the wise Sultan telling them upon leaving them enter the Holy Land that if

they touch the Holy Black brother and sister they surely would die. We know ours, the Black

seed, are dominant and will kill all that it comes in contact with. So, Brother, within six months

after these Yacub grafted devils were in the Holy Land all kinds of confusion started; Brothers

started warring against one another and Sisters likewise. Yacub’s people would go to the Holy

Black Brothers and Sisters and tell one the other was speaking evil of them, they began stealing,

something that was never seen in the Holy Land. One of their major faults was as it is today

(Greed), and they want of material things. We, being the Original people, the “Best” naturally

had to be the best of Gold, Silver, Diamonds, etc., whereas these Yacub grafted people had never

seen such, and being evil by nature, they could not help but yield to their lust, so they began to

steal our gold and silver cups, plates and many other things that were conventional to us.

They would tell one brother that the other brother committed such crimes, thereby starting all

kinds of unrest.

The word got to the Sultan of the land of this unrest so he then had an investigation of

these Yacub grafted devils and found that it was them causing all the trouble, he then consulted

his Imams, directors of the different districts, and they decided to drive them out of the Holy

Land. So at high noon (12:00 o’clock) our Holy Black Brothers mounted camels with our

favorite weapon drawn, the scimitar, and as Job 30:5 tells, they drove these people from among
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the Holy People across the Arabian Desert at a distance of 2200 miles to dwell in the cliffs of the

valleys, in caves of the earth or holes and in the rocks of Europa (Job 30:6).

‘Vegetation ‘Europe was void of all so they ate mallows by the bushes, and juniper roots

for their food. Whenever Allah turns his back on a people, that people goes astray, so Allah

stripped these devils of all knowledge of civilization, therefore they had no sense of discretion or

direction; they ate their food raw; they had no knowledge of economics, or how to build good

shelter; they nearly went all the way into the animal family! They were only dressed in goat skin

which was wrapped around their privates; to they had poor food, poor shelter and little clothes.
They were viler than the earth, meaning the land they were in, Europe. (Job 30:8).

As for clothes, we know whether it be man or beast, Nature has its way of looking out for

them, so seeing that they had so little clothes on plus they had begun going into the animal

family, (Daniel 4:33) shows their body was wet with dew, meaning they were exposed to the

weather, being too dumb at first to even go inside of the caves! The same verse shows that

because of this exposure and mixing with the animals, their hairs grew as eagles feathers and

their nails grew as bird claws. After constantly being attacked by the wild beasts, they built small

trenches in the sides of the hills and used clubs and rocks to ward off the vicious beast. They

weren’t successful this way; too many of their people were being killed. So then, they found the

animal, only, that they could befriend, originally called the wild “Jackal”, known today as the

“dog”. Moves into the Caves’ they then moved into the caves, that is the bulk of them moved

into the caves, for some had already moved in.

They moved into these caves for two reasons; better shelter and because they felt they

had a better means of protecting themselves through the wild jackal dog, who would warn them

at night when the animals were, near. They would then set big boulders over the openings of

these caves and when any animal would try to enter, they would drop the boulders on them and

since they had very little green roots to eat, they began eating these beasts they killed; from

thence they became meat eaters or cannibals. They had no knowledge of burying their dead, so

after beginning to eat meat they would eat even their dead, THEY EVEN WENT SO FAR AS
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TO KILL EACH OTHER FOR FOOD. This is one of the reasons they look at one’s size, for it

has been handed down from the caves of Europe; of the larger ruling the small, or the stronger

eating the small. Brother, seeing that Allah had turned His back on these people (or was

punishing them for their evils done in the Holy Land), they became degenerates, as Romans 1:24

tells us, in the 2,000 years they were in the caves. Allah gave them up to uncleanliness through

the lust of their own heart (minds) to dishonor their own bodies, and have succeeded in making

many of our Holy Black Brothers and Sisters take part in such, for them seeing and being as they

are, cannot be freaks, but can only take part. Romans 1:25 shows us that they changed the truth
of Allah into a lie. We bear witness that they have taken the truth (Islam) and twisted it, and call

it Christianity, which is a lie! Roman 1: 26-27 shows us of how the men turned to each other,

receiving in themselves that recompense of their error, which was meat. In short, homosexuality.

The women changed the natural use of their bodies. They at one time ate their little ones after

giving birth to them, as Deuteronomy 28:53 tell us. We knowing that everything that goes

around comes around, and there is nothing new under the sun; there will be nothing new about

the (Jezebel) repeating that performance in the near future because of want and famine.

Deut. 28:57 may make the above statement more clearer. They did not, do not and will never

retain Allah in their knowledge, such as following the NATURAL LAW, HAVING MORALS

(Romans 1:26).


The History of General Monk Monk

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 The Devil was manufactured on the isle of Pelan (Patmos); they came back across the

dessert and entered the holy city of Mecca in the year 9,000 because Yacub taught them that

Mecca was their home. Elijah Muhammad says that they stayed amongst the righteous for six

months telling lies on the righteous having them to fight and kill one another. He stated: That we

clothed them, shelter and treated them good because we knew them to be a mutation and was

grafted from the Original people and felt it was our duty to care for them. They moved freely

build homes amongst us then they were seeking to find ground to cause trouble and confusion

amongst the righteous people. They say that they would go up to the Blackman and tell him a lie
that his brother was messing with his wife and the other would tell the same lie. They told the

Black woman their husband was untrue causing suspicion between the Original people. After a

while suspicion produce distrust and lead to argument debates and naturally soon fighting and

killing. The Devil was not suspected at first because they would always step in between the

unrest and offer a settlement which made many believe them to be people of peace. They were

soon to be discovered as being the cause of the confusion and were rounded up. So it was taken

to the king and the king looked into the book and said, “Why, these are Yacub people.” He said,

“They were made to do what they’re doing and the only way to have peace is to get rid of all of

them. Put them all to death.” So the king gave the order for all of the devils to be rounded up.

And by devils I mean all those blue-eyed, blond-haired, white things. He gave orders for them to

be rounded up there in the East, and they were rounded up. They were rounded up and taken

down to the edge of the Arabian Desert. 

They were stripped naked, stripped of everything except their language we took

everything from them: our book, shelter, science, food and clothing and left them with nothing

but their language of telling lies and stealing. An order was set down for them to be driven across

the hot Arabian dessert and out of Asia. Asia means Light. The Devils were naked and was given

an apron to hide their shame for our women. An army was ordered to drive them across the

dessert into west Asia, which was a land of beast and caves. We put lambskin aprons around

their waists to hide their nakedness. We put them in chains and marched them across the hot
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sands of the Arabian Desert. This is what the black man did to the white man, brothers. This is

what the gods did to the devils. Actually, if you think I don’t know what I’m talking about, those

of you who are Masons, you go through this and don’t understand it. When you go in, they put a

lambskin apron around your waist. They put you in what’s called the “cable tow.” Right or

wrong? And then they make you jump up and down on an electric mat. Make you take off your

shoes and put the juice in the mat and make you jump up and down. Why? What are they getting

at? That’s all a sign of what happened to the white man six thousand years ago. It just doesn’t

have anything to do with you, but you’re supposed to be walking on hot sands when you jump up
and down. Right or wrong? You’ve all been in some of that stuff. They tell you that’s crossing

the hot sand. And if you walk up to a Negro Mason and you ask him, “When you crossed the hot

sand were you walking or riding?” he’ll say, “I was walking.” He’s a fool. Because he was

riding. He was riding horseback. He was riding on a camel. It was the white man that was in

chains. It was the white man that had the apron around him. It was the white man that was

walking the white sand. We walked them at high noon. We wouldn’t even let them walk at night.

We stopped at night. And you know how hot the sun and the sands are in Arabia. We expected

the white man to die when we were running him out of the East. But that fool lived, brother He

lived. A lot of them died on the desert. And I might come back -all of this is tied up in the

Masonic ritual. When a man gets initiated into the higher degrees of that order he goes through

this. They put on the chains, they put on the aprons, and they darken him up and pretend to be

driving him across. Then when he gets up to the top order in those degrees, they tell him what it

means. The white man, they tell the white man what it means; a white Shriner, a white Mason,

what it means. A Negro never learns what it means. But it actually points back toward the time

when the white man, who is the devil, or Adam, as they say, was cast out of the Garden. When

the Bible says Adam sinned and was cast out of the Garden, this is what is meant. And an angel

was put at the East gate to keep him from coming back in. When the white man was run out of

the East by the Muslims six thousand years ago into the caves of Europe, the people called Turks
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were put there at the Straits of the Dardanelles, with swords, and any old devil that they caught

trying to come back across the water WHOP!!! Off went his head.

So under the leadership of General Monk Monk he drove the devil into the caves of west

Asia as we now call Europe. General Monk Monk rode a white horse with a Long Sharp Sword

in his hand and those in his army rode Arabian horses or camels with Sharp Swords in their

hand. Those that were in the army were the ones the Devils had tricked and knew the Devils

ways and actions well. And this is how they got them back for the hard times they received by

the Devils. As they pushed westward they didn’t t stop day or night. If one of the Devils fell to
the sand eneral Monk Monk ordered them to  take their head and slay them right there on the

spot man or woman it id not matter. General Monk Monk  ran the devil from amongst us and

made them walk every step of the way until they reached the first oasis which was 1100 miles

from Mecca. Allowing them to rest, eat and drink some water for they had another 1100 miles to

go before they would be clear of the land of paradise. After reaching the second oasis the whole

group of Devils was savage and acting like animals. General Monk Monk had covered 2200

miles and was in Turkey of what they now call Turkey. 

Once he let them loose they were attracted to the caves and ran wild up into the hillside

They tore off their apron and live a beastly way of life (Bible Gen. 2:25) The Devil was grafted

on Pelan and was put in a new Pelan called Europe (Gen. 3:23). General Monk Monk told his

army that they must stay in Asia Minor Turkey and guard the border to make sure that they don’t

try to enter back into the land of peace. (Gen. 3:24) General Monk Monk told his followers

(army) that because they are the ones who fell victim to the Devil tricks and did kill and hurt

each other they must pay for such actions by sitting down in Asia Minor and keep the Devil

bottled up in the cold caves and hillsides of Europe. General Monk Monk gave his followers

swords, every time a Devil would try to ease out of the caves and try to make it back to Mecca

take off their head went. After a while the Turks use to go across theborder just to take their

heads.  I think this is where the Prophet Muhammad got the idea from later on when Muhammad
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or any Muslim murder the devil. All the beasts up in Europe wanted to kill the white man. Yeah,

they tried to kill the white man. 

They were after the white man. They hated the white man. So, he says, what the white

man would do, he’d dug a hole in the hill, that was his cave. And his mother and his daughter

and his wife would all be in there with the dog. The only thing that made friends with the white

man was the dog. Everything else hated him. He’d sit outside of the cave at night in a tree with

rocks in his hand, and if any beast came up and tried to get in the cave at his family, he’d throw

rocks at it, or he’d have a club that he’d swing down and try to drive it away with it. But the dog
stayed in the cave with his family. It was then that the dog and the white man amalgamated. The

white woman went with the dog while they were living in the caves of Europe. And right to this

very day the white woman will tell you there is nothing she loves better than a dog. They tell you

that a dog is a man’s best friend. They lived in the caves with those dogs and right now they got

that dog smell. They got that dog...they are dog lovers. A dog can get in a white man’s house and

eat at his table, lick out of his plate. They’ll kiss the dog right on the nose and think nothing of it.

You’re not a dog kisser. You don’t see black people kissing or rubbing noses with dogs. But

little white children will hug dogs and kiss dogs and eat with dogs. Am I right or wrong? You -

all have been inside their kitchens cooling their food, and making their beds, you know how they

live. The dog will live right in the white man’s house, better than you can; you try and break

your way in there and they’ll put a rope around your neck but the dog has got free run of the

whole house. He’s the white man’s best friend.

Many of the Devils went deeper into the caves where they killed animals who lived there

and ate them raw thus moved in their caves, the caves of the animals was not tall enough for

them to stand upright so they began to bend down. After a while they got used to it and their

arms began to grow to balance their back. Hair grew all over their body because it was cold and

nature cloth them with a coat of hair like the animals. The cave men ate all the smaller things

found and cast their bones outside the caves where jackals or what we now call dogs lay proud

for them. The bigger animal began to move closer to the caves to eat the cavemen for there was
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no food for them to eat. The Devils ate all the food up from the bigger animals so these became

the hunter of man. The jackals who were always outside waiting for bones became the white

man’s best friend because every time the big beast would come near the cave they would bark

warning the cave man of danger. Some Devils lived in trees and other uncivilized places. The

dog soon became one of the cave man families and now lived in-doors. The Book tells you that

the angel had a flaming sword, and any time any of them tried to come back across they were put

to death. The white man went into the caves of Europe and he lived there for two thousand years

on all fours. Within one thousand years after he had gotten there he was on all fours, couldn’t
stand upright. You watch an old cracker today. 

Crackers don’t walk upright like black people do. Every time you look at them, they’re

about to go down on all fours. But those who have had some education, they straighten up a little

bit because they’re taught how to straighten up. But a black man can be the most dumb, illiterate

thing you can find anywhere, and he still walks like a million dollars because by nature he’s

upright, by nature he stands up. But a white man has to be stood up. You have to put a white man

on the square. Butthe black is born on the square.  Within one thousand years after the white

people were up in the caves they were on all fours. And they were living in the outdoors where

it’s cold, just as cold over there as it is outside right now. They didn’t have clothes. So by being

out there in the cold their hair got longer and longer. Hair grew all over their bodies. By being on

all fours, the end of their spine begins to grow. They grew a little tail that came out from the end

of their spine...Oh yes; this was the white man, brother, up in the caves of Europe. He had a tail

that long. You ever notice that anything that walks on all fours has a tail? That which straightens

up doesn’t have a tail, because when you get down, you see, you just make that spine come right

on out. And just like a dog, he was crawling around up there. He was hairy as a dog. He had a

tail like a dog. He had a smell like a dog. And nothing could ge along with him but another dog. 

The dog was to watch the caves while the man was out hunting for food to protect the woman.

The Caucasian man and woman was walking on all fours using stone tools, eating raw meat with

blood running out and eating their dead. While the white man was out hunting the dogs used to
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lick and smell the woman’s womb, which the woman liked because of its stinging sensation. She

began to love the dog because of the attention it gave her while the man was away. The cave man

learned the way of the dog and began to lick and suck her womb. The Messenger also added that

the dog began to have sex with the woman, which was very easy for them being that the woman

walked on all fours like the dogs themselves. The dogs began planting their seeds in the women

causing the women to birth mutations. 

The Messenger says these mutations were white babies, which had tails and the color of

dogs’ hair and eyes. Their hair was blond at first. All types of disease originated at this period,
such as the common disease syphilis which comes from dogs as any doctor can tell you if he

knew the American Medical Journal if the disease comes from a dog type life this tells us to ask

ourselves how many of us have come to get it? The cavewoman was full up with syphilis and all

kind of deadly germs, which spread and spread. When Musa came to the border and entered the

main land he was unable to go up into the caves because filth and waste covered the land and he

was unable to enter to perform his said duty. Musa had to use the pig to eat the filth and waste

before he could go in. Note: The history of Musa shall tell you the complete ordeal of the

prophet this lesson shall deal with a certain portion of history. Thanksgiving which is a white

race holiday the Messenger teach that this holiday is all symbolic to what took place in General

Monk Monk time. The white man tries to trick us into believing that when he came to America

they met the Indian they had a big feast and gave gifts. But the white man when he came to

America or New World he went to look for food when they saw the turkey it reminded them of

the Turks who wore red fez with a tassel hanging down their heads, which was loose meat upon

the Turkey head. This is why they named the bird Turkey. The white man would take this bird

and chop off its head. It was symbolic to General Monk Monk followers the Turks would do to

them. This turkey was General Monk Monk followers. Asia Minor was called Turkey because

the Turks that had the key locked them up in the caves and hillsides of Europe. The Devil was

not really actually lead out of the caves until 1492. The opening of the New World allowed them

to come to complete their ruler ship

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Musa The Great Civilizer

In the year 10,920 of the Asiatic Calendar the birth of a half Original man came into

existence by the name of Musa, commonly referred to in the Bible as Moses. The name Musa is

his righteous name, which means the Great Civilizer. When the birth of the half-original man

was known, the daughter of the Pharaoh took him as her own this was easy to do because the

Egyptians and Hebrews were of the same skin tone. This enabled him to do his work later on in

the life, which was to civilized Yacub’s grafted people, for they were living a beastly way of life.

The first 40 years of Musa’s life, he spent in Egypt, without having any knowledge of what he

had to do in life.

In the year 10,960 when he turned 40 years old, he came amongst the original Hebrew

people to obtain the knowledge that he needed. He spent the second 40 years of his life amongst

the original Hebrews. This is when he was studying 180 degrees of knowledge that he received

in order to civilize Yacub’s grafted people, this is what makes him a half original because he had

only half the knowledge of the original man. This is why Musa gave the grafted people 33.33

degrees of wisdom, strength and beauty that he had and they later used this knowledge that Musa
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gave them to open up seats of worship, this is why to this day and time as to when one receives

33.33 degrees of wisdom, knowledge, they are considered a Muslim-son in 120 degrees.

In the year, 11,000 it was the end of the 40 years Musa spent amongst the original people

studying. He began to awaken to the work he had to which was to civilize Yacub’s children. But

when he went to the caves, he had to come back out because of the filth.

It was impossible for him to enter with such filth, so he came up with a plan, which

would enable him to enter the caves. He began to think out a solution dealing with three savages
of the planet Earth, which were the rat, cat and dog. Then he began to put the three to work on

the caves and the filth that was in them. First, he sent in the rat, but the rat failed, then he sent the

cat in the cave, but the cat also failed, then Musa sent in the dog and it did a better job but not

good enough for Musa to enter. Now Yacub is the father of these grafted people who Musa came

to civilize, and he (Yacub) was a bio-chemist and he had wrote down the information that would

be require so that Musa could bring forth an animal that would take away the filth of the caves,

so that Musa could enter the caves.

Musa took this information and began to put it to work. He took the gene (sperm) and

spliced it from the cat and the rat and injected it into a female dog. The dog gave birth to a Boar.

Musa sent the animal in the caves and it did the job like a vacuum cleaner. Then Musa was able

to enter the caves, but as he went in, he had to started fires in circles to keep these people from

killing him, so as time went on he started manifesting to the grafted people. Teaching them of

wisdom, knowledge and how to build homes for themselves and how to live a respectable way of

life. This work was some-what hard for Musa because these people had been living in the caves

and they were living a beastly way of life for over 2,000 years. They (the old) did not want to

leave the caves, so Musa had to think of a way to get them out of the caves, so he took about 300

of their older men tricked them up on a hill and blew them up. The others in the caves were

scared so when Musa entered the caves he was allowed to live with them, this way he could
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teach them, because the ones he killed were old and the leaders of the old way, this way, he then

only had the young to teach. Musa died at the age of 120 years, he died in the year 11,040 After

the death of Musa, and the Europeans gradually came out Europe. The first were the Jews, which

first came out under the teachings of Musa through the first five books of Musa; they were also

able to teach their other brothers through Masonry and the first five books of Musa. As the Jews,

started coming out of Europe, they all headed toward Jerusalem, which they had found to be a

peaceful place. The European was once run out of the holy lands such as Jerusalem and they

started the war of the crusades. This is the untold story of Musa the great Civilizer, (this plus
degree was born in 15050), now when the Europeans came out Europe this time, they started

capturing the lands of Africa to build their homes on it, they also start their civilization amongst

the original people, based on the teachings of the original people, just with a European ideology.

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The History of Nimrod

Two key figures in the origin of Christmas are Nimrod, a great grandson of Noah, and his

mother and wife, Semiramis, also known as Ishtar and Isis. Nimrod, known in Egypt as Osiris,

was the founder of the first world empire at Babel, later known as Babylon (Genesis 10:8-12;

11:1-9). From ancient sources such as the “Epic of Gilgamesh” and records unearthed by
archeologists from long-ruined Mesopotamian and Egyptian cities, we can reconstruct

subsequent events. After Nimrod’s death (c. 2167 BC), Semiramis promoted the belief that he

was a god. She claimed that she saw a full-grown evergreen tree spring out of the roots of a dead

tree stump, symbolizing the springing forth of new life for Nimrod. On the anniversary of his

birth, she said, Nimrod would visit the evergreen tree and leave gifts under it. His birthday fell

on the winter solstice at the end of December. A few years later, Semiramis bore a son, Horus or

Gilgamesh. She declared that she had been visited by the spirit of Nimrod, who left her pregnant

with the boy. Horus, she maintained, was Nimrod reincarnated. With a father, mother, and son

deified, a deceptive, perverted Trinity was formed. Semiramis and Horus were worshipped as

“Madonna and child.” As the generations passed, they were worshipped under other names in

different countries and languages. Many of these are recognizable Fortuna and Jupiter in Rome;

Aphrodite and Adonis in Greece; and Ashtoreth/Astarte and Molech/Baal in Canaan. During the

time between Babel and Christ, pagans developed the belief that the days grew shorter in early

winter because their sun-god was leaving them. When they saw the length of the day increasing,

they celebrated by riotous, unrestrained feasting and orgies. This celebration, known as

Saturnalia, was named after Saturn, another name for Nimrod. We know from Genesis that

Nimrod was the first to begin to be a mighty one after the flood. Apparently his name signifies

“Subduer of the Spotted one” [=leopard], indicating that he managed to tame the leopard, and

employ it in his hunting. For this reason he was often associated with spots as seen on the
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garment of Bacchus and the fawn of Moumis. Notice also the branch of Moumis to identify him

as the son and his wings to make him a mighty one (see illustration).

Using leopards would have greatly helped him in becoming a mighty hunter. But he did

not stop at subduing and hunting animals. Like a wild beast he turned his skills to hunting and

subduing people, thereby becoming the first tyrant who set himself up as a king over his fellow

human beings. Gradually he had developed his skills to the extent that he was able to conquer

whole peoples through the ‘art’ of warfare. No doubt he sought to dominate the whole known

world. In the conquered territories however, he founded new cities and presented himself as a
benefactor of the people. His skill and power were such that he became the subject of the

proverbial saying: “Just like Nimrod a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah” Genesis 10:8-12.

There also seems to be an allusion to Nimrod in Jeremiah’s saying “Can a Cushitic change his

skin? or a leopard its spots? YOU yourselves would also be able to do good, who persons are

taught to do bad” Jeremiah 13:23. Thus Nimrod became the prototype of tyrannical ruler ship. It

is no surprise then that God’s Word began to use the symbolism of wild beasts for the world

powers that are modeled after the sort of ruler ship Nimrod pursued.4 However his power was

not to last. With the help of his father Cush, Nimrod had started a false religion in which they

worshipped as gods prominent figures from the early history of mankind, such as Adam.

Apparently Nimrod even tried to convert the patriarch Shem to this apostasy by means of the

signs of the Zodiac. But Shem brought him to trial and had him executed by the sword and

dismembered as a warning to all. Now that their mighty hero had perished what could his wife

and those Nimrod had given high status do to hang on to their power and the empire that Nimrod

had built? By the time Nimrod got killed the idea of the immortal soul and reincarnation had

been introduced to his following allowing him to be regarded as a reincarnation of Adam. It is

not difficult to see how Nimrod’s followers would have been told that like Adam after his dead

had supposedly become like God, but later reincarnated in Nimrod, Nimrod himself had now

become a god and would in due time reincarnate again. In fact Hislop informs us that this is

exactly what Nimrod’s wife Semiramis told his subjects. She even provided a false sign of his
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survival after death by means of the (Yule)-log that ‘mystically’ overnight turned into the

evergreen (Christmas) fir tree. In this way Nimrod ‘had received a sword-stroke and yet revived’.

A son of her was later identified with the ‘reincarnated Nimrod’. This gave rise to the universal

depiction of the pagan Messiah as a baby in the arms of his mother, also known as the ‘Madonna

with child’.6 (see illustration).

Semiramis was determined not to play the role of a sorrowful widow but to turn events to

her advantage so that she would “sit a queen”. She survived Nimrod by 42 years. Therefore she

could carry on and expand for much longer than her husband the false worship that had been
started. At the same time she led a very licentious life so that the description of “mother of the

harlots” in Revelation is very apt as a reference to her literal harlotry as well as her ‘spiritual

fornication’ in turning people away from the true religion.7 That is probably the reason that the

Bible models Babylon the Great mainly after her as the prototype. She became the symbol of

apostasy through false religion Where Nimrod had power because of his prowess as a subduer of

man and beast by the use of force, Semiramis derived her power mainly from keeping her

subjects in religious submission by the claim that as the female counterpart of Nimrod and the

mother of the reincarnated ‘god’ she deserved to be worshipped as a goddess. In due time the

Mother-goddess became the favorite object of the pagan worship. All the various titles and

attributes of Nimrod were now also applied to her and vice versa her titles and attributes were

later also applied to Nimrod’s ‘reincarnation’. In this way she came to be worshipped as the

goddess of love and of the hunt, war, etc.

Now her main counselor and promoter in setting up her own worship seem to have been

Cush, the father of Nimrod. We know this because the voice of antiquity testifies that Cush was a

ringleader in the great apostasy and under the name of Hermes, Cush came to be seen as the

‘interpreter’ and prophet of the gods. In Babylon he was even worshipped under the name of

“Nebo” which signifies “The Prophet”. As such, he gave oracles, practiced augury, pretended to

have miraculous powers, and was an adept in magic. He was the great wonder-worker, and

answered exactly to the terms of the prophecy, when it said that he “performs great signs, so that
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it should even make fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind.”

Revelation 13:11-13

The relationship between Nimrod, Semiramis and Cush is the same as the one between

“the wild beast”, its ‘image’ and the ‘false prophet’ in Revelation chapter 13. Between them they

cover the entire range of power by means of the political, religious and commercial systems of

this world. However, this does not necessarily mean that “the wild beast” is the totality of

tyrannical rule, or that its ‘image’ is all false religion or that the ‘false prophet’ is the entire

commercial world. Nor does it mean that each deals exclusively with either political, religious or
commercial power. Rather it would seem that in the same way that Nimrod, Semiramis and Cush

were the main proponents of these systems in antiquity, Revelation uses the symbolism of “the

wild beast”, its ‘image’ and the ‘false prophet’ for the main proponents of Satan’s systems of

oppression during the Lord’s day.”The Christmas tree, as has been stated, was generally at Rome

a different tree, even the fir; but the very same idea as was implied in the palm-tree was implied

in the Christmas fir. Now the Yule Log is the dead stock of Nimrod, deified as the sun-god, but

cut down by his enemies; the Christmas tree is Nimrod redivivus-the slain god comes to life

again” (reincarnated).

At the winter solstice, the sacred tree was cut down in remembrance of Nimrod’s death

and decorated, as a king would adorn himself. So, the tree represents Nimrod and decorating it is

a symbol of adoring the pagan go with the beauty fit for a king.  When the tree died (the needles

fell and it was naked), all fires in the village were extinguished, ...put out. The worshipers would

gather and the Baalmas tree was set on fire. A “holy meal” was cooked upon the flames. Sacred

fire from this sacrifice was taken back home to re-fire the hearth, as a reminder of Nimrod’s

rebirth (reincarnation) and sovereignty over the home. This is the meaning of the Yule log fire.

The pagans would take the residue of the burned tree and carve an idol out of it. Although the

heathen reported that anyone who did not venerate or worship the Nimrod Bush was in danger of

disease or death, the Prophets calmed the fears of God’s people by predicting that avoiding these

Baal idols would bring them no curse or harm. Because there is no danger of idols bringing upon
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God’s people disease and death, some modern liberals are now teaching it is permissible to have

these Nimrod Bushes (groves), in the home and in the house of God. They are teaching that since

no curse of the tree can harm us (we being protected by the Spirit of God), it is acceptable to

decorate the Nimrod Baalmas Bush with gold and silver like the pagans, exactly what Jeremiah

warnedthe Jews NOT TO MIMIC OR FOLLOW.  Read carefully what the Prophet Jeremiah

wrote concerning the ancient practic of decorating the Baalmas tree.  Remember it was not called

the Christmas tree until the Catholic Church gave it that name:

Because Tammuz was killed by a wild boar, the hog was sacrifice in retaliation to that
species.  The boar’s head and ham were eaten with great triumph. Not eating pork in the Old

Torah was God’s way of precluding the Israelites from evr celebrating the Baalmas event.  Pork

was not evil of itself, the evil was that it was a heathen sacrifice and to eat that scrificed to idols

was forbidden.  The pig was the central sacrfice of the Baalmas celebration.  To defile a Jewish

Temple with the sacrifice of a pig was then to turn it into a Baal Temple. The murderer of

Tammuz (the pig), is re-killed (sacrificed) each Christmas as many fix ham for the family dinner,

and the ham is eaten in celebration to the Baalmas holiday. They may not know how eating ham

became associated with Christmas dinner, but the Truth is there for anyone to discover if they

will take a look. Start with Alexander Hislop’s book on page 99. A Christmas tree is said to have

sprung out of the grave of Tammuz. The Babylonian pagans believed Nimrod as Tammuz was

reincarnated. It is customary during Christmas time for pagans to knock on wood if they do not

want something to come to pass said in the presence o the Baalmas tree (Nimrod Bush).  Now,

we are not saying that it is sin to eat ham, pork chops, or bacon, because the Law against such

sunset the dy Jesus was nailed to the Cross.  What we are saying is that the pagan practice of

sacrificing and eating pig meat was a central aspect of the Baalmas festivities and continues

down to us today and this was the purpose of the Law prohibiting eating pork.

The birth of Messiah was brought over into pagan customs to camouflage and give them

approval by the Catholic Church. Remove the birth of Messiah from Christmas and the paganism

cannot be mistaken. Depart from the Baalmas and defeat the Caholic papacy in its corruptions. 
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The cry to keep Messiah in Christmas is the sad begging of Catholic sympathizers who still want

a cover up and an excuse to celebrate the “feast of fools.” The Christmas tree then symbolizes

the pagan doctrine of reincarnation and an indwelling god. The tree is a symbol of a false

doctrine and the presence of a false god. It stands contrary to the Truth, in that the presence of

the Christmas tree teaches it is not appointed once for a man to die and then the judgment.

Joining the Christmas tree with the birth of Jesus in a manger or even associating it with the birth

of Messiah is wrong. The Christmas tree is symbolic of reincarnation as the way to eternal life.

Messiah is the only WAY!

The birth of Jesus Messiah represents the Truth that mankind is lost and that our only

hope is in the Acts 2:38 plan of salvation. The Christmas tree is then a lie. Its presence speaks of

a lie. It is the devil’s message that Jesus Messiah is not the Way, the Truth, and the Life. That

there is another way, another truth, another life, brought from Mystery Babylon, and through

reincarnation everyone can obtain eternal life without Messiah. The Nimrod-Jews call this

reincarnation The Christmas tree does not belong in the home of Christians. The Christmas tree

has a direct connection to the groves planted on the high places around the altar of Baal. Pastor

Reckart reports that: “The pagan worshipers planted the groves to reconstruct a symbolic Garden

of Eden, where in the mysteries the serpent committed adultery with Eve and this adultery is r-

enacted in the Baalmas ritual.”  This is exactly practiced in witchcraft covens today.

The pagans would gather within a large circle drawn around the idol(s). They would hold

hands, dance and strip naked while singing and chanting runes of sex, life, death, and

reincarnation. At a point in the ritual after a child is sacrificed over the naked body of a woman

(their altar), the priest and his priestess would open the mystical circle and the worshipers poured

forth divided into pairs for the sexual immorality to follow aong the grove (Christmas trees). 

How much adultery and sexual perversion is associated with the Baalmas celebration today is

unknown, but we do know that adultery, fornication, and sexual apostasy runs rampant as the

“spirit of the Baalmas” holiday sweeps them away into gross stupidity destroying homes,

marriages, families, and self esteem.

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An image of a mystical tree of life was set up in the groves. Fruit on this tree symbolized

the first “gift-fruit” under the tree that Eve gave to Adam and now represents promiscuity

(daringness) and eternal life through sexual reincarnation. Secret doctrine about the tree was

judahized in the Sefiroth of the Cabbalah. This mysticism attempts to replace Jesus Messiah the

true tree of life represented in the Menorah, the seven-branch candlesticks of the tabernacle. The

original pagan Christmas was for the children alright, as thousands throughout the centuries died,

sacrificed at Christmas fires to ole Nick (Nick means devil check your dictionary).


The History of Buddha

Buddha was an Original Asiatic Blackman who was a doctor, physics and mathematician.

He was a wise teacher who set out to build a Nation in India, in the year 5,020 of the 23rd

Qur’an. His Real name was Siddhārtha Gautama (Sanskrit: सिद्धार्थ गौतम; Pali: Siddhartha Gotama)

and he was the spiritual teacher from ancient India who founded Buddhism In most Buddhist

traditions, he is regarded as the Supreme Being God the Buddha of our age. “Buddha” meaning

means “awakened one” or “the enlightened one. The time of his birth and death are uncertain:

most early 20th-century historians dated his lifetime as 563 BC to 483 BC; more recently,

however, at a specialist symposium on this question, the majority of those scholars who

presented definite opinions gave dates within 20 years either side of 400 BCE for the Buddha’s

death, with others supporting earlier or later dates. Buddha and his monks spent four months

each year discussing and rehearsing his teachings, and after his death his monks set about

preserving them. A council was held shortly after his death, and another was held a century later.

At these councils the monks attempted to establish and authenticate the extant accounts of the

life and teachings of the Buddha following systematic rules. The ancient Indians were generally

not concerned with chronologies, being more focused on philosophy. The Buddhist texts reflect
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this tendency, providing a clearer picture of what Shakyamuni may have taught than of the dates

of the events in his life. These texts contain descriptions of the culture and daily life of ancient

India which can be corroborated from the Jain scriptures, and make the Buddha’s time the

earliest period in Indian history for which significant accounts exist.[8] According to Michael

Carrithers, there are good reasons to doubt the traditional account, though, according to

Carrithers, the outline of “birth, maturity, renunciation, search, awakening and liberation,

teaching, death” must be true.

Buddha was born in Lumbini and was raised in the small kingdom or principality of
Kapilvastu, both of which are in modern day Nepal. At the time of the Buddha’s birth, the area

was at or beyond the boundary of Vedic civilization, the dominant culture of northern India at

the time; it is even possible that his mother tongue was not an Indo-Aryan language. The early

texts suggest that Gautama was not familiar with the dominant religious teachings of his time

until he left on his religious search, which was motivated by an existential concern with the

human condition.[13] At the time, a multitude of small city-states existed in Ancient India, called

Janapadas. Republics and chiefdoms with diffused political power and limited social

stratification, were not uncommon amongst them, and ere referred to as gana-sanghas.  The

Buddha’s community does not seem to have had a caste system. It was not a monarchy, and

seems to have been structured either as an olgarchy, or as a form of republic  The more

egalitarian gana-sangha form of government, as a political alternative to the strongly hierarchical

kingdoms, may have influenced the development of the Shramana type Jain and Buddhist

sanghas, where monarchies tended toward Vedic Brahmanism

According to the traditional biography, the Buddha’s father was King Suddhodana, the

leader of Shakya clan, whose capital was Kapilavastu, and who were later annexed by the

growing Kingdom of Kosala during the Buddha’s lifetime; Gautama was the family name. His

mother, Queen Maha Maya (Māyādevī) and Suddhodana’s wife, was a Koliyan princess. On the

night Siddhartha was conceived, Queen Maya dreamt that a white elephant with six white tusks

entered her right side, and ten months later Siddhartha was born. As was the Shakya tradition,
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when his mother Queen Maya became pregnant, she left Kapilvastu for her father’s kingdom to

give birth. However, she gave birth on the way, at Lumbini, in a garden beneath a salt tree.

At the age of 29, Siddhartha left his palace in order to meet his subjects. Despite his

father’s effort to remove the sick, aged and suffering from the public view, Siddhartha was said

to have seen an old man[Disturbed by this, when told that all people would eventually grow old

by his charioteer Channa, the prince went on further trips where he encountered, variously, a

diseased man, a decaying corpse, and an ascetic. Deeply depressed by these sights, he sought to

overcome old age, illness, and death by living the life of an ascetic At the age of 29, Siddhartha
left his palace in order to meet his subjects. Despite his father’s effort to remove the sick, aged

and suffering from the public view, Siddhartha was said to have seen an old man Disturbed by

this, when told that all people would eventually grow old by his charioteer Channa, the prince

went on further trips where he encountered, variously, a diseased man, a decaying corpse, and an

ascetic. Deeply depressed by these sights, he sought to overcome old age, illness, and death by

living the life of an ascetic At the age of 29, Siddhartha left his palace in order to meet his

subjects. Despite his father’s effort to remove the sick, aged and suffering from the public view,

Siddhartha was said to have seen an old man[Disturbed by this, when told that all people would

eventually grow old by his charioteer Channa, the prince went on further trips where he

encountered, variously, a diseased man, a decaying corpse, and an ascetic. Deeply depressed by

these sights, he sought to overcome old age, illness, and death by living the life of an ascetic

They divided the teachings into distinct but overlapping bodies of material, and assigned

specific monks to preserve each one. In some cases, essential aspects of teachings attributed to

the Buddha were incorporated into stories and chants in an effort to preserve them accurately.

From then on, the teachings were transmitted orally. From internal evidence it seems clear that

the oldest texts crystallized into their current form by the time of the second council or shortly

after it. The scriptures were not written down until three or four hundred years after the Buddha’s

death. By this point, the monks had added or altered some material themselves, in particular

magnifying the figure of the Buddha His followers was wise but when Buddha died, they began
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to do other then the teachings of Buddha. The wall or gates of Mecca was built in the six

thousandth year of the 24th Qur’an in order to keep the Buddhist Monks out, and they are the

ones, who strayed away from Buddhism and Buddha, to change his testimony to make it easy on


According to these, Siddhartha escaped his palace, accompanied by Channa aboard his

horse Kanthaka, leaving behind this royal life to become a mendicant. It is said that, “the horse’s

hooves were muffled by the gods” to prevent guards from knowing of the Bodhisattva’s

departure. This event is traditionally called “The Great Departure”. Siddhartha initially went to
Rajagaha and began his ascetic life by begging for alms in the street. Having been recognized by

the men of King Bimbisara, Bimbisara offered him the throne after hearing of Siddhartha’s

quest. Siddhartha rejected the offer, but promised to visit his kingdom of Magadha first, upon

attaining enlightenment. Siddhartha left Rajagaha and practiced fewer than two hermit teachers.

After mastering the teachings of Alara Kalama (Skr. Ārāḍa Kālāma), Siddhartha was asked by

Kalama to succeed him, but moved on after being unsatisfied with his practices. He then became

a student of Udaka Ramaputta (Skr. Udraka Rāmaputra), but although he achieved high levels of

meditative consciousness and was asked to succeed Ramaputta, he was still not satisfied with his

path, and moved on.

Siddhartha and a group of five companions led by Kaundinya then set out to take their

austerities even further. They tried to find enlightenment through near total deprivation of

worldly goods, including food, practicing self-mortification. After nearly starving himself to

death by restricting his food intake to around a leaf or nut per day, he collapsed in a river while

bathing and almost drowned. Siddhartha began to reconsider his path. Then, he remembered a

moment in childhood in which he had been watching his father start the season’s plowing. He

attained a concentrated and focused state that was blissful and refreshing, the jhāna. After

asceticism and concentrating on meditation and Anapana-sati (awareness of breathing in and

out), Siddhartha is said to have discovered what Buddhists call the Middle Way a path of

moderation away from the extremes of self-indulgence and self-mortification. He accepted a

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little milk and rice pudding from a village girl named Sujata, who wrongly believed him to be the

spirit that had granted her a wish, such was his emaciated appearance. Then, sitting under a papal

tree, now known as the Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, India, he vowed never to arise until he had

found the Truth. Kaundinya and the other four companions, believing that he had abandoned his

search and become undisciplined, left. After 49 days meditating, at the age of 35, he attained

Enlightenment; according to some traditions, this occurred approximately in the fifth lunar

month and according to others in the twelfth. Gautama, from then on, was known as the Buddha

or “Awakened One.” Buddha is also sometimes translated as “The Enlightened One.” Often, he
is referred to in Buddhism as Shakyamuni Buddha or “The Awakened One of the Shakya Clan.”

At this point, he is believed to have realized complete awakening and insight into the

nature and cause of human suffering which was ignorance, along with steps necessary to

eliminate it. This was then categorized into ‘Four Noble Truths’; the state of supreme liberation

possible for any being was called Nirvana. He then allegedly came to possess the Ten

Characteristics, which are said to belong to every Buddha. According to one of the stories in the

Āyācana Sutta (Samyutta Nikaya VI.1), a scripture found in the Pāli and other canons,

immediately after his Enlightenment, the Buddha was wondering whether or not he should teach

the Dharma to human beings. He was concerned that, as human beings were overpowered by

greed, hatred and delusion, they would not be able to see the true dharma, which was subtle,

deep and hard to understand. However, Brahmā Sahampati interceded and asked that he teach the

dharma to the world, as “there will be those who will understand the Dharma”. With his great

compassion to all beings in the universe, the Buddha agreed to become a teacher. For the

remaining 45 years of his life, the Buddha is said to have traveled in the Gangetic Plain, in what

is now Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and southern Nepal, teaching his doctrine and discipline to an

extremely diverse range of people from nobles to outcaste street sweepers, mass murderers such

as Angulimala and cannibals such as Alavaka. This extended too many adherents of rival

philosophies and religions. The Buddha founded the community of Buddhist monks and nuns

(the Sangha) to continue the dispensation after his Parinirvāna (Pāli: Parinibbāna) or “complete
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Nirvāna”, and made thousands of converts. His religion was open to all races and classes and had

no caste structure. He was also subject to attack from opposition religious groups, including

attempted murders and framings.

Buddha is perhaps one of the few sages for whom we have mention of his rather

impressive physical characteristics. A kshatriya by birth, he had military training in his

upbringing, and by Shakyan tradition was required to pass tests to demonstrate his worthiness as

a warrior in order to marry. He had a strong enough body to be noticed by one of the kings and

was asked to join his army as a general. He is also believed by Buddhists to have “the 32 Signs
of the Great Man”.

The Brahmin Sonadanda described him as “handsome, good-looking, and pleasing to the

eye, with a most beautiful complexion. He has a godlike form and countenance, he is by no

means unattractive. It is wonderful, truly marvelous, how serene is the good Gotama’s

appearance, how clear and radiant his complexion, just as the golden jujube in autumn is clear

and radiant, just as a palm-tree fruit just loosened from the stalk is clear and radiant, just as an

adornment of red gold wrought in a crucible by a skilled goldsmith, deftly beaten and laid on a

yellow-cloth shines, blazes and glitters, even so, the good Gotama’s senses are calmed, his

complexion is clear and radiant.” This only made them go astray, causing them to fight and kill

one another in India as the Devil did to the original man in Mecca thousands of years later. One

year a Minister of the scholarship clan under the first Buddha, who had been studying in Mecca

visited India and the true followers of Buddha, he told them of the Monks and high Priestesses of

the faraway land Mecca and how he taught that all men are Allah, and how He Allah had made

Angles and suns. Thus, Buddha would return from the dead as he did and would be praised as

one of the Sons of Men who are Gods. Many tried to get into the city and take it from the true

sons of Buddha; the students of fallen Angels told the people that they would send four billion

warriors from the Far East if they did not surrender the city over to the fallen Angels and their

students. However, they did not fall for the tricks of the fallen Angels in that day and time. Allah

commissioned the Monks of Buddha to go and search for the new Buddha, who would return to
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the sons of men, but they were unable to find this one, so they all agreed that they would return

to the temple and wait for this son of man to come. Many Monks became wild for they had

started worshipping idols as gods, the truthful followers of Buddha stayed in India, but the

Monks were ran out, of the city, this is why you have many versions of Buddha’s teachings.



1. What does Buddha mean? Buddha means the enlightened one, who has found their

self, has thereforefoundtheUniverseandhasbenenlightenedtotheabsolutetruth.  2.When was the

First Buddha born on this Earth, and who was he? Buddha was born 55,000 years ao and he was

a Prophet of Allah.  3. When and where was Buddha born? Buddha was born in a place Asia

(Earth) in what is now called or known today as Pakistan India, therefore Buddha was of the

Asiatic (so-called Blackman) descendent and wasnot what is considered oriental.  4. Is Buddha’s

name written in the Book of Life? Yes! He was a God not a Buddhist, just as Jesus was a God

and not a Christian. 5. Who gave Buddha his name? Allah himself gave Buddha his name at the

age of 30 hewaseducatedbythegreatestscientistofAsiaticnationinthatdayandtime.  6. When did

Buddha leave India in that day and time? The Date is unknown. 7. What did Buddha look like?

Buddha was very dark in complexion, with dark brown-planted eyes, with curly dark brown hair

he was an original man. 8. What is Buddha teach? Buddha taught Freedom, Justice and

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 9. 35,000 years ago means 5,020 in the 23rd Qur’an, each cycle or Qur’an equals 25,000 years. 

10. In the year 15,020 in the 24th Qur’an or cycle is the year1934. He was the son of a King

He lived between six and seven centuries before Christ. He resigned his royal state and

went to live in the jungle, and among the lowest and most unhappy classes, so as to learn the

secret of human pain and misery by personal experience: tested every known austerity of the

Hindu ascetics and excelled them all in his power of endurance: sounded every depth of woe in

search of the means to alleviate it: and at last came out victorious, and showed the world the way
to salvation. What he taught may be summed up in a few words, as the perfume of many roses

may be distilled into a few drops of attar: Everything in the world of matter is unreal; the only

reality is the world of Spirit. Emancipate yourselves from the tyranny of the former; strive to

attain the latter. The Rev. Samuel Beal, in his Catena of Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese

puts it differently. “The idea underlying the Buddhist religious system is,” he says, “simply this

‘all is vanity’. Earth is a show, and Heaven is a vain reward.” Primitive Buddhism was engrossed

, absorbed by one thought, the vanity of finite existence, the priceless value of the one condition

of Eternal Rest. Buddha is an Original Asiatic man who was a doctor, physics and

mathematician. He set out to build a Nation in India, in the year 5,020 of the 23rd Qur’an. His

followers were wise but when Buddha died, they began to do other then the teachings of


The wall or gates of Mecca was built in the six thousandth year of the 24th Qur’an in order to

keep the Buddhist Monks out, and they are the ones, who strayed away from Buddhism and

Buddha, to change his testimony to make it easy on themselves. This only made them go astray,

causing them to fight and kill one another in India as the Devil did to the original man in Mecca

thousands of years later. One year a Minister of the scholarship clan under the first Buddha, who

had been studying in Mecca visited India and the true followers of Buddha, he told them of the

Monks and high Priestesses of the faraway land Mecca and how he taught that all men are Allah,
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and how He Allah had made Angles and suns. Thus, Buddha would return from the dead as he

did and would be praised as one of the Sons of Men who are Gods. Many tried to get into the city

and take it from the true sons of Buddha; the students of fallen Angels told the people that they

would send four billion warriors from the Far East if they did not surrender the city over to the

fallen Angels and their students. However, they did not fall for the tricks of the fallen Angels in

that day and time. Allah commissioned the Monks of Buddha to go and search for the new

Buddha, who would return to the sons of men, but they were unable to find this one, so they all

agreed that they would return to the temple and wait for this son of man to come. Many Monks
became wild for they had started worshipping idols as gods, the truthful followers of Buddha

stayed in India, but the Monks were ran out, of the city, this is why you have many versions of

Buddha’s teachings. 

                                         Jesus Was an Original Blackman

The earliest gods and messiahs on all the continents were black. Research has yielded an

impressive amount of material on the subject. The Messiahs and Prophets some of whom lived

many centuries before Jesus had lives which so closely paralleled that of Jesus that it seems most

likely that the story of the latter was adapted from them. Moreover, the word Christ comes from

the Indian, Krishna or Chrisna, which means “The Black One.” Many of the Madonna’s painted

in the earliest centuries of Jesus the Christ were black, according to historians, and it wasn’t until

the Renaissance that it became popular to give the mother of Jesus the features of a Florentine

maiden a white woman. Here in the United States, well over 95% of the 27 to 30 million people
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of African descent are Christians and they joined most of the rest of the Christian world in

observing the birth of Jesus on December 25, Christmas Day.

No other historical figure has received the recognition, acknowledgement and

unquestioned loyalty of Black people in the western world that Jesus has. Yet, despite their

widespread respect for and worship of Jesus, few Black people in the Americas or elsewhere

ever have raised the question of whether Jesus was Black and whether the doctrine that he taught

was of African origin. Most preachers, deacons and pastors were trained by white theologians or
taught in white owned, controlled or financed seminaries, the average Black minister will not

only deny that Jesus was a black man and taught freedom justice and equality, but they will be

quick to claim that it is sinful to raise the question of his color, but also will insist that Jesus was

colorless and declare that it really don’t matter and the blue eyed blond painting of him hovering

over the minister’s pulpit is just a white reflection of Jesus Christ’s universality, which is BS.

The Caucasian race took Jesus teachings and his righteous way of life and made up their own

religion, based on his life, and It is quite understandable then why the masses of Black

Christians, who generally hold their ministers in igh esteem, and continue to bow before,  pray

and worship a blue eyed blond hair Caucasian man on a cross whom they have come to know as

Jesus without ever questioning the image, the teachings or their pastors account of the story and

its impact on them, their families and the Black race has been affected as a whole by these lies.

Recognizing the historical significance of religion to black people and observing its

present role in their nations and communities the world over, I feels that it is high time that the

deeply rooted religious beliefs of blacks be fully examined by us Black scholars with the truth

toward freeing the race of false doctrines and misconceptions that were designed to perpetuate

black inferiority and servility. Since religion plays a key role in molding black people opinion

and guiding black people behavior in Africa the specific intent of this lesson on religion, is to

reveal what modern science is proving each day that the roots of all major religions are traceable
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to the Black Race of ancient Africa and that most of the world’s venerated religious leaders were

black. I hoped that these revelations will instill a sense of pride in black people, and dismiss the

day when false images will be removed from their houses of worship and free them of the

widespread assumption which is deeply embedded in their individual and collective

subconscious that they are cursed and doomed to failure because they are a curse people who are

born in sin.

Jesus was a black man and there is much evidence to substantiate this. As I discuss this
evidence, I would like to consider in some detail that Jesus was and to focus on the history of

Christianity because Jesus’ blackness will not be fully understood or accepted without this

background. Who was Jesus? That is a very difficult question to answer, for Jesus was and still is


Things too many different people. To Christians he is Almighty God who was a part of

the making of the universe who was the Son of God, also known as the Son of Man, the Prince of

Peace, the word that was made flesh, who through his trials, sufferings, temptations, death and

resurrection, he provides us for the remission of sins, redemption and eternal life for those who

follow his teachings and accept him as their personal lord and savior.

To me, he is one of the world’s 16 crucified saviors, who was the last of them to be

crucified I might add , whose life fit an almost identical pattern from the time of Horus in 4100

B.C. and according to the most ancient teachings and beliefs, he was the first savior. The life that

Jesus purportedly led, the activities in which he engaged, his teachings, his trials and sufferings

and eventual death and resurrection, are identical to those of Horus and Osiris, two ancient

Egyptian gods. This point of view or revelation, though potentially shocking to the mass of

believers, is nevertheless common knowledge to those who know the truth and teach it.

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So Jesus and the belief system that he represents are thus a reappearance of one of the

most beautiful ideas of the ancient black Africans who lived in Egypt. The story of Jesus

represented the eternal Father by the ever coming Son, as in the Child Horus. This was the child

of a mother who was an eternal virgin, the word made flesh: the virgin birth, the resurrection, the

Father God who is identical to his own son and other doctrines believed to be specifically

Christian were Egyptian teachings way before there was even the concept of Adam and Eve,

Judaism, Christianity and Arab Islam.

Christianity as a religion had its origins in ancient Egypt Yes. In addition to what I have

just stated, in the Egyptians teachings that it is found a trinity and a unity, and the Egyptians

believed in punishment as well as everlasting happiness and peace not surprisingly, the doctrine

of everlasting life and the belief in the resurrection of the “Spiritual Body” are imbedded in their

history. This brightest and most prominent feature of the Egyptian religion, and this we find was

their belief before the time of the first kings of African dynasty.” The general teachings and

cosmological world view of the Egyptians eventually filtered down and provided the foundation

for later so called ‘Western Religions, of Judaism, Christianity and Arab Islam. This point is

thoroughly documented by the brilliant and prolific African scholar, Dr. Josef ben-Jochannan, in

an epic work, African Origins of the Major Western Religions. These teachings were handed

down to the Essences a mythical Jewish sect in pre-Christian times who were responsible for the

development of many of the teachings and concepts attributed to Jesus.

There is no doubt in my mind that Jesus was a righteous Blackman who doctrines are

directly traceable to its African Egyptian roots. Jesus was one of the world’s many saviors whose

beliefs and teachings were founded on the doctrines and principles of the ancient African

Mystery System, and the events of his life directly parallel those of Horus the first honored

savior who lived at least 4100 years before the existence of Jesus Christ. For example, Horus was

born of a virgin (Immaculate Conception), so was Jesus, he disappeared at age 12 and reappeared
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at 30; he died at age 33 and so did Jesus. On the third day, he arose again and ascended into

Heaven to sit on the right hand of his father, etc. Horus was cut into 14 peces; Jesus was stabbed

fourteen times.  Jesus and the other world saviors are copied from that of Horus. Their

biographical facts are the same; only the names have changed.

There are parts of Jesus’ life that are generally unknown to the public most of the facts

surrounding his life are absolutely unknown to the general public. To be specific, there is a

twenty one year period of his life that is completely unaccounted for in the Gospel. These 21
years, I would argue, are of critical importance in understanding that Jesus was as well as the

source, inspiration and eventual development of his message and teachings. The fact is that not

only Jesus but also John the Baptizer and some of Jesus ‘disciples were taught, by Egyptian

priests who taught them some of the fundamentals of the African Mystery System which later,

through adaptations and distortions, became the foundation for what is now known as

Christianity in its various forms. The fact that Jesus was a student in the African Mystery System

and Jesus was taught and did study at various subsidiary schools of Luxor in Africa and

elsewhere like Tibet, India, and Asia. The fact is that it was in Africa that Jesus became

acquainted with the knowledge of the science of everything in life and it is this knowledge that is

largely responsible for much of the teachings that is accredited to Jesus.

The African Mystery System was the educational system in Africa. It was called a

‘mystery’ by E. Budge, the Famous Egyptologist, and other Egyptian scholars; but it was not a

mystery to Africans at all because it was the teachings that was passed down from generation to

generation. It encompassed many branches of knowledge, including all of the sciences,

philosophy, physics, and all of the liberal arts of all courses, and metaphysics. The foundation of

that which was later called Greek philosophy comes directly from the teachings of the African

Mystery System. If an individual wants confirmation of this, he can consult such books as G.M.

James’ Stolen Legacy,

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B.D. Alexander’s History of Philosophy, Alfred Weber’s History of Philosophy,

William Turner’s History of Philosophy and Zeber’s History of Philosophy.

Included as a part of the ancient African Mystery System were the major beliefs

contained in the so called western religion of Judaism, Christianity and Arab Islam. For those

who want a closer look at this, I would recommend the Egyptian Book of the Dead and The

Ancient Mysteries by C.H. Vail. Another book which provides great detail is Albert

Churchward’s Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man. It lays out all of the Hebrew, Christian and
Hindu doctrines that come

Directly from the African Mystery System. A comparable book, also written by

Churchward, is Origin and Evolution of Religion.

The details of Jesus’ life from ages 12 to 33 are documented in the Aquarian Gospel of

Jesus the Christ by Levi. It gives an account of Jesus’ interaction with his African teachers and

the teachings which they bestowed on him it documents the travels of Jesus from Africa to India

and his eventual return to Africa, and confirms how Jesus acquired his cosmological world view

in the process of his travel. Anacalypsis by Godfrey Higgins, The Black Messiah by Albert

Cleage Jr., and Jesus and The Zealots by S.G.F. Brandon, The Apocryphal New Testament by

M.R. James, Rahids’ Aquarian Gospel (another portion of the books removed from the Bible).

The Secret Books of the Egyptian Gnostics by J. Doresee. There are literally hundreds of

references toback up what I have said, including the  work of Gerald Massey, E.A. Wallis

Budge, J.A. Rogers, Albert Churchward and, of course, the works of Yosef Ben Jochannan.

These references that I have given will allow interested scholars and individuals to begin to

research for themselves and scratch the surface of the wealth of material that is available on this


Author Last Name / Short Title / 164

Jesus was able to develop his own spiritual talents. For countless centuries, scholars have

suggested that many of the teachings attributed to Jesus were very much influenced by the

teachings of the Old Testament but no doubt the expression of such a viewpoint subject’s one to

declarations of heresy by those in orthodox church circles. In other words, to even suggest that

any part of the message of Jesus is or was less than original no doubt, heresy. But, heresy or not,

the historical facts speak for themselves. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls by a young

Bedouin, Mohammad el-Deeb, in 1945, did much to shed some light on this controversial topic.

These scrolls were discovered in the northwest part of the Dead Sea Valley near Jericho in a
series of caves on the edge of a valley named Wali Qumran.

In the entire twentieth century, no discovery has had a greater impact on Biblicists,

theologians and Judea-Christian exponents than the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Most

scholars greeted the news with exultation. Such was not the case, however, for orthodox

Christian believers in Jesus as “the only begotten Son of the Father. Their response to the

discovery of the scrolls and its implications was less than joyful. Ancient prophets, such as

Isaiah, Moses, Daniel, and Zachariah, had predicted the coming of “the Messiah,” “the Holy One

of God,” “the Prince of Peace,” etc. And, early Bible authorities were aware that people had

already prophesied the coming of a “teacher of righteousness.” It was naturally assumed that this

was a term equivalent to those in the scriptures and that Jesus was the fulfillment of the

prophecies as well. But the Dead Sea Scrolls revealed that by the time of Jesus, the “teacher of

righteousness” had already come and gone. Compounding this is the fact that the Dead Sea

Scrolls were a source of further embarrassment to scholars of Biblicism because many of the

sayings attributed to Jesus as original are found in the old ancient Egypt records. Among the

expressions and sayings generally laimed by Christians as originally from  Jesus, are found in the

pre Christian records of the Egyptians way before Jesus and they are: “Peace on Earth and good

will to men,” “You are the salt of the earth; you are the light of the world. The thirst for

righteousness. The kingdom of God. The Sons of light and the Children of darkness.”
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The Dead Sea apocalyptical scrolls and The Book of Enoch, which were found in the

caves of Qumran, beyond a shadow of doubt, have been dated before Jesus Christ and

Christianity. However, these writings contain numerous phrases and concepts similar to those in

the Sermon on the Mount. Also a list of selected sayings compared to the Beatitudes of Jesus is

remarkably similar to that of African proverbs which goes on to say that “obviously the best

explanation is

That Jesus was taught in the taining schools of the people of Africa.  The evidence also
points to New Testament persons as disciples of this same cult. The Bible descriptions of John

the Baptizer, his life and personal habits conform to the practices of the Qumran community.

Again in my mind there is little doubt that Jesus teachings originally came from the teachings of


African Mystery System and were later incorporated as part of the foundation of what is

called Christianity today. These are the astounding revelations concerning the life of Jesus and

the origins of his teachings, so let us return to our original statement was that Jesus of the world

renown was indeed a Blackman and there are many paintings, statues and icons that portray him

as such.

Jesus was a Blackman, and there are numerous early paintings, statues and icons that

graphically depict both Mary and Jesus as Blck people. According to Godfrey Higgins  who

visited the cathedrals of Europe before the anti-religious period of the French Revolution, all the

Madonna’s and Christ Childs were depicted as black: “In all the Roman countries of Europe, in

France, Italy, Germany, etc. the pictures of Jesus Christ, as well as his mother are described to be

black. The infant Jesus in the arms of his black mother, are perfectly black. If the reader doubts

my words, he may go to the cathedral of Moulin’s to the famous chapel of the Virgin of Loretto,

to the Church of Annunciata; the Church of St. Lazaro, or the Church of St. Stephen at Genoa, to

St. Francisco at Pisa; to the Church of Brixer in the Tyrol, and that of Padua; to th Church of St.
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Theodore at Munich, etc.  All have the original statues of mother and baby Jesus and all of them

are black.

This is further supported and documented by the work of J.A. Rogers, Albert

Churchward, Yosef Ben Jochannan, C.W. King, J.S. Matthews, Gerald Massey and various other

writers who give detailed accounts of the original Black Mry and Jesus. It was with the advent

of  Michelangelo, who used his family to pose for the paintings that he did of the last supper,

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, etc coupled with European white racism that we begin to see Jesus
portrayed as a white man. But how could it be otherwise? How could a group of people

simultaneously living and practice white racism and justify slavery under the guise of bringing

the message of Christianity to the ‘heathens’ or ‘pagan black savages ‘in Africa at the same time

tell the truth that Jesus was a Blackman and the fact that Jesus taught freedom justice and

equality and did not teach Christianity which was started by white Romans. Africa is where most

reported that Jesus was born in a cave in Ethiopia and it was not until the Nicene conference that

Jesus’ birthplace was changed to a stable in Bethlehem and he became white. There were two

councils of the Christian Church held in Nicea (Nice), in what is now northwest Turkey. The

most important was in 325 A.D. by Constantine and 219 bishops from all of the powerful Roman

regions attended it. It was the intent of Constantine to change Christianity into Christendom. In

other words, religion would now become the vehicle of government control over the people.

Achievement of this goal involved changing some of the tenets of Christianity. Anyone

who is interested can obtain a copy of the proceedings of the Nicene Conference and see the

tremendous political struggle that was going on between the people of Rome. One will notice

that at least 18 books including the book of Mary that were part of the Quoin Bible. The original

parts of the bible were removed from the canons. Furthermore, many of the ancient African

teachings, including the concept of reincarnation, were removed from Christianity also. And it

was at this time that they put into the new bible the ancient teachings of the Egyptian concept of
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the Immaculate Conception and birth. The original bible was changed at the council of Nicea

called the Nicene Conference and this was not the first time that church leaders had gotten

together to fight over what was to be accepted as their new religion called Christianity. A similar

conference was held in Jamnia in A.D. 90, at which time other changes were made.

Now some scholars, of course, would challenge your position that Jesus was a black man

on the ground that he was Jewish and could not therefore have been Black. Many are

misinformed because the original Jews were Black people. The people who are called Jews today
are not the original Jews but are the ones who took this way of life and made it their own. Jesus

was not the only great religious leader who was Black. Most of the ancient prophets and saviors

of most religions were depicted in their original form were black. All of these ancient prophets,

gods and teachers were black. This suggests that the universal black race was dominant in the

ancient world?

One might read Gerald Massey’s Egypt: The Light of the World, from archaeological and

anthropological evidence alone, there is no doubt that the race of Black people was the race that

is responsibility for the growth of humanity. In other words, we were here before anyone else

and our presence was felt and known throughout the world before there was a thing ad religion.

We not only occupied Africa, but our remains have been discovered from the Fiji Islands to

Tasmania, Melanesia, India, China, Japan, Mexico and even Europe. Any place that the white

man had went scientists have found traces of the Blackman and shown that the original race of

people in all of these areas was the black race. They are intentionally kept from the public. You

take a situation where you have a group of people namely white people who have actually taken

philosophy, religion, education, science, liberal arts, everything that you can associate with the

word of god and his “culture” from black people. They have taken it, distorted it, adopted it and

used it against the very people from whom they received it from, us, as a justification for slavery.

So, it was convenient to enslave black people in Africa under the guise of spreading the
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teachings of Jesus under the disguise of Christianity when it fact the religion was not the religion

of Jesus but of Rome.

I feel that this information is critical to the self esteem and future of Blacks around the

world so they can see that they are not following the teachings of Jesus who contribution as the

originator of a righteous culture of “civilization” have been systematically kept from us. Our

inventions, our philosophies, our religious concepts and systems have been stolen, copied,

distorted, adopted and then used against us. We as a people must begin to assert ourselves and to
reclaim our history and our science, and become knowledgeable about who we are, whence we

came, and where we are going. Without a thorough knowledge and understanding of our own

history we will remain a lost people living a lie. The development of Christianity was designed

by a people who wanted to justify the mistreatment of future people. Jesus taught freedom justice

and equality and after his death his followers taught the same.

Now the people who originated and was around Jesus must have suffered a traumatic

setback with his death. For a while we don’t know what happened to the followers of Jesus. They

apparently scattered, but not too long thereafter it seems that they came to the conviction that

something had happened. They did not want people to think that Jesus murder would stop

anything and especially his message of righteousness which was freedom justice and equality.

Now it’s not clear what happened exactly after Jesus immediate death but what we do know is

that the followers of Jesus were absolutely convinced that he will be raised from the dead and

had been taken away into heaven as a vindication of his messianic identity and was the murdered

crucified and risen Lord. The resurrection story brings a different perspective to the

understanding of Jesus. If he thought of himself as a prophet, as a messenger and son of God,

and was not one to change the word of God that always existed but to fulfill the word, so it is no

way that he thought of himself to be raised by God after he dies. As I said earlier a lot of things

were changed and made up after the death of Jesus.

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It’s probably in these early days after the death of Jesus that the people formed a

movement and this movement starts to get people to recognize that they must continue to carry

the words of righteousness that Jesus taught and they reorganize around his memory and realized

that they too must continue to teach freedom justice and equality to all the human family of the

planet earth, and upon this growing understanding that he had not been raised from the dead his

followers formed a movement which was still thoroughly a sect within Judaism. People fail to

realize that Jesus was from a Jewish back ground even thought he dealt with a higher science of
life most of his followers ere of a Jewish traditional background.  They started teaching of the

coming of the kingdom of God here on earth. They started a new movement that was not a

Christian but a Jewish movement. Because all were Jews and there was no such thing as a

religion named Christianity yet. The earliest group of people who followed Jesus teachings were

probably small, a sectarian group. At least one group of them seems to be based in Jerusalem, but

there may be others as well who may have spread the message of Jesus throughout the

countryside. To me it is like now a day as when Elijah Muhammad taught the message of

knowledge of self to the people it spread all thru the lands of America. So I can imagine in all

probability there were at least one or more people in Galilee as well teacing the message of

Jesus. So we have to  realize that the earliest days of the Jesus movement after his death was

really a small pocket of people who activity all focused on the truth of Jesus teachings that he

was the Messiah who the people who were waiting for.

Now who were the members of these earliest groups, well if Jesus was black than it is

more than likely that most of the earlier followers of Jesus including his brother James who was

black also. It’s hard to know in all the cases of those who accepted his message but what we

know from the bible a few names are largely from the New Testament itself. After Jesus death

the movement took to Jerusalem and it seems to be James, the brother of Jesus, who was the

leader of the group for a whole generation and no one know who it was exactly thereafter. So if
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Jesus was black his brother James had to be black also. We hear of other people too who had to

be black so the first movement after the death of Jesus had to be a black movement who were

spreading the message of freedom justice and equality, which was an endangerment to the

Roman Empire. There are others in the Jerusalem congregation as well as with James including

Peter and some of the other original disciples of Jesus, but beyond that we know very few names

and they had to be a very small group of people still holding on tightly to their own beliefs and

expectations while at the same time holding on and continuing in their Jewish tradition.

One of the earliest indications that we have of the people who started teaching the

message of Jesus is what we tend to call “wanders which were traveling preachers and prophets,

who go on saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand, continuing the legacy of Jesus’ own

preaching, of freedom justice and equality. They travel around with no money and no extra

clothes and they apparently begged for food. They were considered to be the poor righteous

teachers. These people were black and were treated bad by the Romans who treated them as

slaves being that they were in power at the time. This is a different picture of the earliest form of

the people who followed Jesus movement than what we’ve come to expect from the pages of the

New Testament and yet, it’s within the tradition, itself. We hear even in Paul’s day that he

encounters people who had come from Judea, with a different kind of gospel message, and it

looks like these are the same kind of wandering charismatic’s people that we hear of, in the

earlier stages of the movement, after Jesus’ death.

One of the things they had to do is they have to distance themselves from their dominant

cultural environment. A group of righteous always arises within a community with whom it

shares a basic set of beliefs and yet, it needs to find some mechanism for differentiating itself

from that community. So the righteous groups are always in tension with their environment. That

tension is manifested in a variety of ways mostly controversies were over belief and practice;

different ideas of purity and piety. But another manifestation of that tension is the tendency to
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want to spread the message to the people and hit the road and convince others that the truth of

god being the Blackman is real. Christianity begins really as a sect among Judaism. One of

several sects that we know of is from about the same time as Josephus the Jewish historian who

tells us about a number of prophets and massagers who taught what Jesus taught and it appeared

that some of those who gathered together seeking followers were wiped out by the Roman army,

and their followers were disbursed, and if you read the series of revolts that Josephus talks about,

he said that a lot of their leaders were captured and murdered. The story of the followers of

Jesus, in one sense begins with something that, ironically, Pilate said about him. One of the facts
that seems to emerge from the stories about Jesus, the earliest ones which we incorporate into the

gospels, is that he is crucified with a sign on the cross which says, “The King of the Jews.” From

Pilate’s point of view here is someone who was a potential leader of an insurrection against

Rome. So Pilate wanted to send a sarcastic message so he had chosen the most humiliating form

of death which was available which was reserved for slaves. nd most of the roman slaves were

black.  So he was saying, “This is what happens to a King of the Jews.”

The followers of Jesus, who don’t go away as they’re supposed to have to deal with that

fundamental question, what does this mean is that the one that they had all of these expectations

about has been crucified. How do we deal with this, not merely the end of his life, but the

shameful end of his life? And, the amazing thing is, they said, Pilate you are right he was the

King of the Jews, so “Pilate killed him but God was suppose to have raised him from the dead”.

That’s the very beginning of it all. That is an act of interpretation, that is to say. A second bit of

interpretation is to say, yes, “King of the Jews,” what could this mean? It obviously does not

mean, “King of the Jews,” in the way that a generation later, Bar Kochba would try to be King of

Israel and restore the political kingdom of Israel, liberated from the Romans. And so the early

followers were Jews, and they begin to search the scriptures, of the Old Testament looking for

what clues that may be hidden there which no one has noticed before. They begin to find

promises in scripture of an anointed king who will come at the end of days, a notion which they
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share with many other Jews, at the same time. So this is where it all begins, with this kind of

interpretive process, which of course goes in many different directions.

So the story and messages of Jesus after his death was very deeply influenced by Jewish

tradition even way before the early Christian period started. Jesus followers taught that the God

of the metaphysical age is dead. There is not a personal god out there external to human beings

and the material world. We must reckon with a deep crisis in the talk of god and replace it with

talk about whether the universe has meaning and whether human life has purpose. The notion
that God interferes with the order of nature from time to time in order to aid or punish was no

longer credible, in spite of the fact that most people still believe it. Miracles are an affronted to

the justice and integrity of one’s behavior however understood. Miracles are conceivable only as

the inexplicable otherwise they contradict the regularity of the order of the physical universe.

Prayer is meaningless when understood as requests addressed to an external God for

favor or forgiveness and meaningless if God does not interfere with the laws of nature. Prayer as

praise is a remnant of the age of kingship in the ancient Near East and is beneath the dignity of

deity. Prayer should be understood principally as meditation as listening rather than talking and

as attention to the needs of yourself. The doctrine of the atonement that claim that God killed his

own son in order to satisfy his thirst for satisfaction is sub rational and sub ethical. This

monstrous doctrine is the stepchild of a primitive sacrificial system in which the gods had to be

appeased by offering them some special gift, such as a child or an animal. This idea comes from

the pagan Romans.

The resurrection of Jesus did not involve the resuscitation of a corpse. Jesus did not rise

from the dead, except perhaps in some metaphorical sense. The meaning of the resurrection is

that a few of his followers probably no more than two or three finally came to understand what

he really was all about. When the significance of his words and deeds dawned on them, they
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knew of no other terms in which to express their amazement than to claim that they had seen him

alive. The Bible does not contain fixed, objective standards of behavior that should govern

human behavior for all time. This includes the Ten Commandments as well as the admonitions of

Jesus. As you can well imagine, I don’t agree with much of this the notion that a mystery God

interferes with the order of nature from time to time in order to aid or punish is no longer

credible, in spite of the fact that most people still believe it and the early follower did not teach

this either. The followers of Jesus continue to teach the message of Jesus which was freedom

justice and equality, and these teachings is what was taught to the people until Saul who changed
his name to Paul comes into the picture.

It was not Jesus followers who started the teachings of Christianity but Saul who called

them Christians as he went across the land persecuting all those who spread Jesus teachings. Saul

who changed his name to Paul is the true founder of what is called Christianity and not those

who were Jesus followers who were still practicing Jewish traditions originally he was known as

Saul of Tarsus and was an admitted persecutor of Jesus earlier followers who might have found a

more effective way to undermine the followers of Jesus. After years of persecuting them he

found a way to infiltrate their ranks and began to teach a doctrine that opposed the teachings

attributed to Jesus on several fronts, replacing Jesus teaching of freedom justice and equality and

universal compassion, distracting those from the true teachings attributed to Jesus. It must be

noted that Jesus never wrote anything, and his reported teachings are based on accounts whose

authorship cannot be verified with certainty, but we can still cite the body of teachings attributed

to Jesus is what has not been handed down to us over the last 2,000 years.

Despite the widespread, uncritical adulation of Paul by those who listen to others instead

of thinking for themselves, have often found great cause to find fault with Paul who changed the

original teachings of Jesus which was freedom justice and equality the most famous criticisms

comes from Thomas Jefferson, who wrote in a letter to James Smith, that “Paul was the first
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corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus.” (Works, 1829 edition, vol. 4, p. 327.) George Bernard Shaw,

the English playwright, is widely quoted as having said that it would have been a better world if

Paul had never been born. There was no such religion called Christianity until Saul who changed

his name to Paul started teaching this, and this new teaching had nothing to do with the man

Jesus teachings. These new teachings were Paul own teachings. Jesus reportedly provides a

teaching of the universal compassionate love by which the evil within us can be transformed into

a more holy kindness of loe for your fellow brothers and sisters.  Jesus account clearly includes a

behavioral component to his requirements for salvation while he does not say that this satisfies
any debt in fact, James suggests this by his comments in James 2:26, that we demonstrate our

faith if it is genuine by our works and our deeds.

Jesus references to the two great commandments, he says this too and you will

Live showing clearly that salvation is related to your works deeds and your actions.

Another time during his ministry, Jesus taught that the people who would go to heaven must be

as little children while Paul wrote that maturity demands us to forsake the things of childhood.

Thus, Jesus teaches us that the kingdom of heaven will be filled with those who lived their lives

in active compassion and childlike innocence, while Paul envisions a heaven of crusty, serious

mature grouches who merely have to profess acceptance or the belief in Jesus without ever

actually performing a single kind, compassionate, cheerful or childishly playful deed. Paul, on

the other hand, wants to throw out the Law of Moses! Romans 10:4: “For Christ is the end of the

law for righteousness for everyone who believes. Many try to reconcile this direct contradiction

by saying that Jesus’ death, atonement and resurrection fulfilled and completed the Law of

Moses, bringing it to an end. But to fulfill a law or command is to comply with it fully. Jesus

specifically stated in Matt 5:17 that he came to fulfill the Law of Moses, not destroy it. He came

to ensure full compliance. And then he sets the time frame for that compliance, in the next verse

(Matt 5:18 cited above): until all this means everything has been fulfilled, and to make it even

more unambiguous, he states that this will be until heaven and earth have passed away, that not
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one dot or iota in the Law will be affected. Saul was not founder of Christianity and not the

original people who were his followers.


The History Of Jesus The Christ

Jesus Christ is one the most fascinating and controversial figures in history. Despite his

humble origins a son of a carpenter from the Judean countryside, short life about 33 years, and

very short public career between one and three years Jesus is the central focus of the world’s

largest religion and has meant many things to many people since his death almost 2,000 years

ago. Merriam Jesus “arguably was the most important figure in the history of western civilization

religion.” the racial identity of Jesus has offers evidence that the Christian Savior was a black

man. There is as much evidence that Jesus was a black man or at least a dark man as the rest of

the people in the bible were. And there was evidence of his blackness in the testimony of his

disciples, who had nearly as good an opportunity of knowing what his complexion was as

anyone else in the evangelist’s society today, but many won’t say anything about it.

In pictures and portraits of Jesus Christ by the early Christian era, he was represented as

being black. When he was born the king of that time ordered that he was to be murdered with all

first born of that time, so his mother Mary and father Joseph fled to Egypt the land of black. So it
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would have been impossible for a white child and family to blend in withthe mass population of

Black Egyptians.  White Christians never mention his complexion but are quick to paint portraits

of him as a white European with blond hair and blues, even Solomon who was the son of David

who the Jews give praise, declared that he was black. I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of

Jerusalem. According to the bible itself, then, Jesus Christ was a black man. Let us suppose that

at some future time he makes his second advent to the earth, “black people waiting for that

mystery god”, as some Christians anticipate he will do, and that he comes in the character of a

Black messiah, how would he be received by our racist hating white Christians of America.
Would they worship a Black God? To say that the early pictures and images of the Virgin

Mary and the infant Jesus represent them with black complexions is not enough. Sir Godfrey

Higgins informs us that “In all the Roman (Catholic) countries of Europe, France, Italy,

Germany, etc., the God Jesus Christ, as well as his mother, is described in their old pictures to be

black. The infant God Jesus in the arms of his black mother, his eyes and drapery white, is

himself perfectly black. If the reader doubts my word he may go to the Cathedral at Moulin’s, to

the famous Chapel of the Virgin at Loretto, to the Church of the Annunciate, the Church at St.

Lazaro, or the Church of St. Stephen at Genoa, or St. Francisco at Pisa or the Church at Brixento

or a small chapel of St. Peters on the right hand side on entering, near the door; and in fact, to

almost innumerable other churches in countries professing the Roman religion.

Very often the black figures have given way to white ones and in these cases the black

ones, as being held sacred, were put into retired places in the churches, but were not destroyed,

and are yet to be found there. Their real blackness is not to be questioned. A black virgin and

child among the white Germans, Swiss, French and Italians has seen quite a large number of

these black images of the Madonna and infant in his European travels and has discovered that

some of the images possess African features. Evidently early Christians must have thought that

Jesus Christ was a member of the Ethiopian race or they would not have so stressed the dark hue

of the skin of the Savior and his mother in their pictures and statues. According to Christian

dogma, Jesus was the Son of God. Thus, Jesus existed with God “in the beginning” which means
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before Time began. He is identical with God the Father, in all ways, and in all power and

attributes. Jesus Himself made this claim, when He said, “I am in the Father, and the Father in

me” (John 14:10), showing and proving that father and son are one of the same Jesus Christ, like

God the Father, is existing in Eternity Past, Present, and Future.

There never was a time when He did not exist, nor is there a time when He will cease to

exist. Jesus equally shares God’s attribute of never having been created. Jesus is not only a

created being, He created all things and again, “I and my Father are one.” John 10:30 Father and

Son are one of the same. Since children are, as a rule, similar in complexion to their parents it is
reasonable to assume that God also is black. This conclusion is both logical and scientific.

“There is a strong reason to believe that god, the Blackman was very dark skin, wooly haired and

flat nosed.” And since the bible tells us that man was created in God’s image, then beyond all

doubt God must be the Blackman. The reason that white Christians citizens of the world do not

believe Jesus is black, is based on racism and prejudice, white people would have absolutely no

use for a black God: and the black citizens would not have any confidence in an Ethiopian God

who had so long neglected his own race of people. However, I do not think such a situation will

come to pass, the overwhelming majority of people do not believe what is plausible or what is

true; they believe what is comforting or pleasing. One of the most commonly held facts is that

Christianity as we know it today was not invented until the fourth century, after the council of

Nicea in 325 A.D. The book, and soon to be movie, The Da Vinci Code, makes this very claim

(among other very bizarre assertions).

Many say that the early Christian church thought of Jesus Christ as just a good moral

teacher, and did not worship Him until the 4th century when the Trinity and deity of Christ was

“invented.” However, our examination of this question, using biblical sources, the writings of the

early church fathers, and secular sources, will clearly show that Jesus was worshipped as God by

the early second century (113 A.D.).Even though many acknowledge that the Bible says clearly

that Jesus is God, those people would claim that the Bible was edited long after originally

penned. Such claims fly in the face of volumes of documents written by the early church fathers,
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which were white. Since many of these writings can be definitively dated to the first and second

centuries, such claims of the rewriting are obviously false. Some of this evidence will be cited


The earliest Aramaic-speaking Christians refer to Jesus as “Lord” in the earliest extra-

canonical Christian book, the Didache, which scholars agree was written no later than the late

100s. The word “Lord” (Greek Kyrios) was used by the Greeks to designate divinity. Justin

Martyr, a second-century church father, baptized new believers in the name of the triune God the

Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, acknowledging the equality of the three distinct persons of
the Trinity. Pliny the Younger as governor of Pontus/Bithynia from 111-113 A.D. wrote in his

Letters 10.96-97 to Emperor Trajan regarding the early Christian church and, their worship of

Christ, and how he had persecuted, tortured, and murdered the people who called themselves

Christians. Before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, our earliest Hebrew copy of the Old

Testament was the Masoretic text, dating around 800 A.D. The Dead Sea Scrolls date the time of

Jesus and were copied by the Qumran community, a Jewish sect living around the Dead Sea. We

also have the Septuagint which is a Greek translation of the Old Testament dating in the second

century B.C. When we compare these texts which have an 800-1000 years gap between them we

are amazed that 95% of the texts are identical with only minor variations and a few

discrepancies. In considering the New Testament we have tens of thousands of manuscripts of

the New Testament in part or in whole, dating from the second century A.D. to the late fifteenth

century, when the printing press was invented. These manuscripts have been found in Egypt,

Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Greece, and Italy, making collusion unlikely.

The oldest manuscript, the John Rayland’s manuscript, has been dated to 125 A.D. and

was found in Egypt, some distance from where the New Testament was originally composed in

Asia Minor). Many early Christian papyri, discovered in 1935, have been dated to 150 A.D., and

include the four gospels. Thousands of early Christian writings and legionaries (first and second

century) cite verses from the New Testament. In fact, it is nearly impossible to put together the

entire New Testament just from early Christian writings For example, the Epistle of Clement to
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the Corinthians dated 95 A.D. cites verses from the Gospels, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians,

Ephesians, Titus, Hebrews, and 1 Peter. The letters of Ignatius dated 115 A.D. were written to

several churches in Asia Minor and cite verses from Matthew, John, Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians,

Galatians, Ephesians, and Philippians, 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. These letters indicate that the

entire New Testament was written in the first century A.D. In addition, there is internal evidence

for a first century date for the writing of the New Testament. The book of Acts ends abruptly

with Paul in prison, awaiting trial Acts 28:30-31.

It is likely that Luke wrote Acts during this time, before Paul finally appeared before
Nero. This would be about 62-63 A.D., meaning that Acts and Luke were written within thirty

years of ministry and death of Jesus. Internal evidence is that there is no mention of the

destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Although Matthew, Mark and Luke record Jesus’ prophecy

that the temple and city would be destroyed within that generation Matthew 24:1-2,Mark 13:1-2,

Luke 21:5-9,20-24,32 no New Testament book refers to this event as having happened. If they

had been written after 70 A.D., it is likely that letters written after 70 A.D. would have

mentioned the fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy. As stated by Nelson Glueck, former president of

the Jewish Theological Seminary in the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, and renowned

Jewish archaeologist, “In my opinion, every book of the New Testament was written between the

forties and eighties of the first century A.D.”. Most Bibles include the options as footnotes when

there are discrepancies. How could there be such accuracy over a period of 1,400 years of

copying? Two reasons: The scribes that did the copying had meticulous methods for checking

their copies for errors.

The true and living GOD made sure we would have an accurate copy of God’s word so

we would not be deceived. The Mormons, liberals as well as some Jews and Muslims claims the

Bible has been tampered with. As far as the historians of the day were concerned, Jesus was just

another face on the big screen. Jesus was not considered to be historically significant by

historians of his time. He did not address the Roman Senate, or write extensive Greek

philosophical treatises; He never traveled outside of the regions of Palestine, and was not a
Author Last Name / Short Title / 180

member of any known political party Jesus was about teaching freedom, justice, and equality. It

is only because Christians later made Jesus a “celebrity” that He became known. Sanders,

comparing Jesus to Alexander, notes that the latter “so greatly altered the political situation in a

large part of the world that the main outline of his public life is very well known indeed.

Jesus did not change the social, political and economic circumstances in Palestine. Harris

adds that “Roman writers could hardly be expected to have foreseen the subsequent influence of

Jesus Christ on the Roman Empire and therefore to have carefully documented” Christian

origins. How were they to know that this black Nazarene prophet would cause such a fuss? Jesus
was executed as a criminal, providing him with the ultimate marginality. This was one reason

why historians would have ignored Jesus. He suffered the ultimate humiliatin, both in the eyes of

Jews Deut. 21:23  Anyone hung on a tree is cursed! and the Romans (He died the death of slaves

and rebels. On the other hand, Jesus was a minimal threat compared to other proclaimed

“Messiahs” of the time. Rome had to call out troops to quell the disturbances caused by the

unnamed Egyptian referenced in the Book of Acts. In contrast, no troops were required to

suppress Jesus’ followers. To the Romans, the primary gatekeepers of written history at the time

did not keep an account of Jesus life, the same way that they didn’t keep an account of martin or

Malcolm X life, Jesus during His own life would have been no different than thousands of other

everyday criminals or rebels that were crucified.

Jesus marginalized himself by being the voice of the people who were oppressed. Of

course, there was no Palestine News Network, and even if there had been one, there were no

televisions to broadcast it. Jesus never used the established “news organs” of the day to spread

His message. He traveled about the countryside, avoiding for the most part and with the

exception of Jerusalem the major urban centers of the day, teaching civilization and

righteousness to the people. Jesus’ teachings did not always appeal to all the people and some

found it to be offensive to, the established religious order of the day. It has been said that if Jesus

appeared on the news today, he would be seen as a troublemaker the same way they looked at

martin Luther king, Malcolm, and Farrakhan. He certainly did not make many friends and there
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were a lot of people who wanted him dead for teaching the truth. Jesus lived a righteous lifestyle

and alienated many people, he did not want to be associated with the common Romans or the

Jew who mainly dealt with devilishment, lying, stealing, and trying to master the original man.

He associated with the despised and rejected: Tax collectors, prostitutes, and the band of

fishermen He had as disciples. Jesus was a poor righteous teacher; he was a person in a land run

by wealthy urbanites. Yes, class and race discrimination was alive and well in the first century

also! Jesus was 100% God and 100% Asiatic Blackman Man at the same time. A final

consideration is that we have very little information from first-century sources to begin with. Not
much has survived the test of time from A.D. 1 to today. Historians have cataloged the non-

Christian writings of the Roman Empire other than those of Philo which have survived from the

first century and do not mention Jesus. Here are our concluding thoughts on the matter: If the

thinking world is to hold to the position that Jesus Christ was a real character, there must be

sufficient evidence to warrant that he was a living Blackman. What, then, is the evidence that

Jesus Christ lived in this world as a man? The authorities relied upon to prove the reality of Jesus

Christ and how he is mentioned in the four Gospels of the New Testament Matthew, Mark, Luke

and John. These Gospels and these alone, tell the story of his life. Now we know absolutely

nothing of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, apart from what is said of them in the Gospels.

Moreover, the Gospels themselves do not claim to have been written by these men. They are not

called “The Gospel of Matthew,” or “The Gospel of Mark,” but “The Gospel According to

Matthew,” “The Gospel According to Mark,” “The Gospel According to Luke,” and “The

Gospel According to John.” No human being knows who wrote a single line in one of these

Gospels. No human being knows when they were written, or where. Biblical scholarship has

established the fact that the Gospel of Mark is the oldest of the four.

The chief reasons for this conclusion are that this Gospel is shorter, simpler, and more

natural, than any of the other three. It is shown that the Gospels of Matthew and Luke were

enlarged from the Gospel of Mark. The Gospel of Mark knows nothing of the virgin birth, of the

Sermon on the Mount, of the Lord’s Prayer, or of other important facts of the supposed life of
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Christ. These features were added by Matthew and Luke. But the Gospel of Mark, as we have it,

is not the original Mark. In the same way that the writers of Matthew and Luke copied and

enlarged the Gospel of Mark, Mark copied and enlarged an earlier document which is called the

“original Mark.” This original source perished in the early age of the Church. What it was, who

wrote it, where it was written, nobody knows. The Gospel of John is admitted by Christian

scholars to be an unhistorical document. They acknowledge that it is not a life of Christ, but an

interpretation of him; that it gives us an idealized and spiritualized picture of what Christ is

supposed to have been, and that it is largely composed of the speculations of Greek philosophy.
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, which are called the “Synoptic Gospels,” on

the one hand, and the Gospel of John, on the other, stand at opposite extremes of thought. So

complete is the difference between the teaching of the first three Gospels and that of the fourth

that every critic admits that if Jesus taught freedom, justice, and equality as the Synoptic relate,

he could not possibly have taught as John declares. Indeed, in the first three Gospels and in the

fourth, we meet with two entirely different Christ’s. Did I say two? It should be three; for,

according to Mark, Christ was a man; according to Matthew and Luke, he was a demigod; while

John insists that he was God himself. The Christian religion has been and is a mighty force in the

world even though it is based on falsehood and lies. It has stayed the march of civilization, and

made martyrs of some of the noblest men and women of the Caucasian race: and it is today the

greatest enemy of knowledge, of freedom, of social and industrial improvement, and of the

genuine brotherhood of mankind. The progressive forces of the world are at war with this Asiatic

Race and this war will continue until the triumph of truth and freedom is complete. There is not

the smallest fragment of trustworthy evidence to show that any of the Gospels were in existence,

in their present form, earlier than a hundred years after the time at which Christ is supposed to

have died.

Christian scholars, having no reliablemeans by which to fix the date of their 

composition, assign them to as early an age as their calculations and their guesses will allow; but

the dates thus arrived at are far removed from the age of Christ or his apostles. We are told that
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Mark was written some time after the year 70 A.D. Luke about 110 A.D. Matthew about 130

A.D. and John not earlier than 140 A.D. Let me impress upon you that these dates are

conjectural, and that they are made as early as possible. The first historical mention of the

Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, was made by the Christian Father, St. Irenaeus, about the

year 190 A.D. The only earlier mention of any of the Gospels was made by Theopholis of

Antioch, who mentioned the Gospel of John in 180 A.D. There is absolutely nothing to show that

these Gospels the only sources of authority as to the existence and teachings of Jesus Christ were

written until a hundred and fifty years after the events they pretend to describe.
Walter R. Castles, the learned author of “Supernatural Religion,” one of the greatest

works ever written on the origins of Christianity, says: “After having exhausted the literature and

the testimony bearing on the point, we have not found a single distinct trace of any of those

Gospels during the first century and a half after the death of Christ.” How can Gospels which

were not written until a hundred and fifty years after the death of Jesus Christ be true, today if

you attempt to write the life of a supposed character of a hundred and fifty years ago, without

any historical documents upon which to base his narrative, his work would not be a history, it

would be a fiction because, Not a single statement in it could be considered true or facts that

relied upon because he was not there. Christ is supposed to have been a Jew, and his disciples are

said to have been Jewish fishermen. His language and the language of his followers must,

therefore, have been Aramaic the popular language of Palestine in that age. But the Gospels are

written in Greek every one of them. Nor were they translated from some other language. Every

leading Christian scholar since Erasmus, four hundred years ago, has maintained that they were

originally written in Greek. This proves that they were not written by Christ’s disciples, or by

any of the early so called Christians because Jesus was a Blackman of African descent and not


Foreign Gospels, written by unknown men, in a foreign tongue several generations after

the death of  Jesus did not know the facts about Jesus or his ife and only knew what was told to

them  such is the evidence relied upon o prove that Jesus was not a Christian.  But while the
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Gospels were written several generations too late to be of authority, the original documents, such

as they were, were not preserved. The Gospels that were written in the second century no longer

exist. They have been lost or destroyed. The oldest Gospels that we have are supposed to be

copies of copies of copies that were made from those Gospels. We do not know who made these

copies; we do not know when they were made; nor do we know whether they were honestly

made. Between the earliest Gospels and the oldest existing manuscripts of the New Testament,

there is a blank gulf of three hundred years. It is, therefore, impossible to say what the original

Gospels contained.
There were many Gospels in circulation in the early centuries, and a large number of

them were forgeries. Among these were the “Gospel of Paul,” the Gospel of Bartholomew,” the

“Gospel of Judas Iscariot,” the “Gospel of the Egyptians,” the “Gospel or Recollections of

Peter,” the “Oracles or Sayings of Christ,” and scores of other pious productions, a collection of

which may still be read in “The Apocryphal New Testament.” Obscure men wrote Gospels and

attached the names of prominent Christian characters to them, to give them the appearance of

importance the whole Christian religion is based on lies. Works were forged in the names of the

apostles, and even in the name of Christ. The greatest Christian teachers taught that it was a

virtue to deceive and lie for the glory of the faith. These worthless white genealogies show how

much the New Testament writers knew about the ancestors of their hero. If Jesus lived, he must

have been born. When was he born? Matthew says he was born when Herod was King of Judea.

Luke says he was born when Cyrenius was Governor of Syria. He could not have been born

during the administration of these tow rulers for Herod died in the year 4 B.C., and Cyrenius,

who, in Roman history is Quirinius, did not become Governor of Syria until ten years later.

Herod and Quirinius are separated by the whole reign of Archelaus, Herod’s son. Between

Matthew and Luke, there is a contradiction of at least ten years, as to the time of Christ’s birth.

The fact is that the early Christians who started the religion of Christianity had absolutely no

knowledge as to when Christ was born.

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The Encyclopedia Britannica says: “Christians count one hundred and thirty-three

contrary opinions of different authorities concerning the year the Messiah appeared on earth.”

Think of it one hundred and thirty-three different years, each one of which is held to be the year

in which Christ came into the world. What magnificent certainty! Where was Christ born?

According to the Gospels, he was habitually called “Jesus of Nazareth.” The New Testament

writers have endeavored to leave the impression that Nazareth of Galilee was his home town.

The Synoptic Gospels represent that thirty years of his life were spent there. Notwithstanding

this, Matthew declares that he was born in Bethlehem in fulfillment of a prophecy in the Book of
Micah. But the prophecy of Micah has nothing whatsoever to do with Jesus; it prophesies the

coming of a military leader, not a divine teacher. Matthew’s application of this prophecy to

Christ strengthens the suspicion that his Gospel is not history, but romance.

Luke has it that his birth occurred at Bethlehem; whither his mother had gone with her

husband, to make the enrollment called for by Augustus Caesar. Of the general census mentioned

by Luke, nothing is known in Roman history. But suppose such a census was taken. The Roman

custom, when an enrollment was made, was that every man was to report at his place of

residence. The head of the family alone made report. In no case was his wife, or any dependent,

required to be with him. In the face of this established custom, Luke declares that Joseph left his

home in Nazareth and crossed two provinces to go Bethlehem for the enrollment; and not only

this, but that he had to be accompanied by his wife, Mary, who was on the very eve of becoming

a mother. This surely is not history, but fable. The story that Christ was born at Bethlehem was a

necessary part of the program which made him the Messiah, and the descendant of King David.

The Messiah had to be born in Bethlehem, the city of David; and by what Renan calls a

roundabout way, his birth was made to take place there. The story of his birth n the royal city is

plainly fictitious.  His home was Nazareth. He was called “Jesus of Nazareth”; and there he is

said to have lived until the closing years of his life. Now comes the question was there a city of

Nazareth in that age?

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The Encyclopedia Biblica, a work written by theologians, the greatest biblical reference

work in the English language, says: “We cannot perhaps venture to assert positively that there

was a city of Nazareth in Jesus’ time.” No certainty that there was a city of Nazareth! Not ony

are the supposed facts of the life of  Jesus Christ imaginary, but the city of his birth and youth

and manhood existed, so far as we know, only on the map of mythology. What amazing evidence

to prove the reality of a Divine man! Absolute ignorance as to his ancestry; nothing whatever

known of the time of his birth, and even the existence of the city where he is said to have been

born, a matter of grave question! After his birth, Christ, as it were, vanishes out of existence, and
with the exception of a single incident recorded in Luke, we hear absolutely nothing of him until

he has reached the age of thirty years. The account of him being found discussing with the

doctors and high priest in the Temple at Jerusalem when he was but twelve years old, is told by

Luke alone. The other Gospels are utterly ignorant of this discussion; and, this single incident

accepted, the four Gospels maintain an unbroken silence with regard to thirty years of the life of

their hero.

What is the meaning of this silence? If the writers of the Gospels knew the facts of the

life of Christ, why is it that they tell us absolutely nothing of thirty years of that life? What

historical character can be named whose life for thirty years is an absolute blank to the world? If

Christ was the incarnation of God, if he was the greatest teacher the world has known, if he came

to cave mankind from everlasting pain was there nothing worth remembering in the first thirty

years of his existence among men? The fact is that the Evangelists knew nothing of the life of

Jesus, before his ministry; and they refrained from inventing a childhood, youth and early

manhood for him because it was not necessary to their purpose. Luke, however, deviated from

the rule of silence long enough to write the Temple incident. The story of the discussion with the

doctors in the Temple is proved to be mythical by all the circumstances that surround it. The

statement that his mother and father left Jerusalem, believing that he was with them; that they

went a day’s journey before discovering that he was not in their company; and that after

searching for three days, they found him in the Temple asking and answering questions of the
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learned Doctors, involves a series of tremendous improbabilities. Add to this the fact that the

incident stands alone in Luke, surrounded by a period of silence covering thirty years; add

further that none of the other writers have said a word of the child Jesus discussing with the

scholars of their nation; and add again the unlikelihood that a child would appear before serious-

minded men in the role of an intellectual champion and the fabulous character of the story

becomes perfectly clear.

The Gospels know nothing of thirty years of Christ’s life or of the last years of his life?

How long did the ministry, the public career of Christ, continue? According to Matthew, Mark
and Luke, the public life of Christ lasted about a year. If John’s Gospel is to be believed, his

ministry covered about three years. The Synoptic teach that Christ’s public work was confined

almost entirely to Galilee, and that he went to Jerusalem only once, not long before his death.

John is in hopeless disagreement with the other Evangelists as to the scene of Christ’s labors. He

maintains that most of the public life of Christ was spent in Judea, and that Christ spends many

days in Jerusalem. Now, between Galilee and Judea there was the province of Samaria.

If all but the last few weeks of Christ’s ministry were carried on in his native province of

Galilee, it is certain that the greater part of that ministry was not spent in Judea, two provinces

away. John tells us that the driving out of the money changers from the Temple occurred at the

beginning of Christ’s ministry; and nothing is said of any serious consequences following it. But

Matthew, Mark and Luke declare that the purification of the Temple took place at the close of his

career, and that this act brought upon him the wrath of the priests, who sought to destroy him.

Because of these facts, the Encyclopedia Biblica assures us that the order of events in the life of

Christ, as given by the Evangelists, is contradictory and untrustworthy; that the chronological

framework of the Gospels is worthless; and that the facts “show only too clearly with what lack

of concern for historical precision the Evangelists write.” In other words, Matthew, Mark, Luke

and John wrote, not what they knew, but what they imagined the things that they wrote about

was not 100% actual facts. Christ is said to have spend many months in Jerusalem. It is said that

he preached daily in the Temple.

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He was followed by his twelve disciples, and by multitudes of enthusiastic men and

women. On the one hand, the people shouted praises in his honor, and on the other hand, priests

engaged him in discussion and sought to take his life. All this shows that he must have been well

known to the authorities. Indeed, he must have been one of the best known men in Jerusalem.

Why, then, was it necessary for the priests to bribe one of his disciples to betray him? Only an

obscure man, whose identity was uncertain, or a man who was in hiding, would need to be

betrayed. A man who appeared daily in the streets, who preached daily in the Temple, a man

who was continually before the public eye, could have been arrested at any moment. The priests
would not have bribed a man to betray a teacher whom everybody knew. If the accounts of

Christ’s betrayal are true, all the declarations about his public appearances in Jerusalem must be

false. Let me make a startling disclosure.

Let me tell you that the New Testament itself contains the strongest possible proof that te

Christ of the Gospels was a Blackman.  White European Christians changed documents and

made up stories about Jesus later on in their history. The testimony of the Epistles of Paul

demonstrates that the life story of Jesus is an invention. Of course, there is no certainty that Paul

really lived. Let me quote a passage from the Encyclopedia Biblica, relative to Paul: “It is true

that the picture of Paul drawn by later times differs utterly in more or fewer of its details from

the original. Legend has made itself master of his person. The simple truth has been mixed up

with invention; Paul has become the hero of an admiring band of the more highly developed

Christians.” Thus Christian authority admits that invention has done its work in manufacturing at

least in part, the life of Paul. In truth, the Christian scholars reject all but our version of Pauline

Epistles as suspicious.

Some maintain that Paul was not the author of any of them. The very existence of Paul is

questionable. But for the purpose of my argument, I am going to admit that Paul really lived; that

he was a zealous apostle; and that all the Epistles are from his pen. There are thirteen of these

Epistles. Some of them are lengthy; and they are acknowledged to be the oldest Christian

writings. They were written long before the Gospels. If Paul really wrote them, they were written
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by a man who lived in Jerusalem when Christ is supposed to have been teaching there. Now, if

the facts of the life of Christ were known in the first century of Christianity, Paul was one of the

men who should have known them fully. Yet Paul acknowledges that he never saw Jesus; and his

Epistles prove that he knew nothing about his life, his works, or his teachings. In all the Epistles

of Paul, there is not one word about Christ’s virgin birth.

The apostle is absolutely ignorant of the marvelous manner in which Jesus is said to have

come into the world. For this silence, there can be only one honest explanation the story of the

virgin birth had not yet been invented when Paul wrote. A large portion of the Gospels is devoted
to accounts of the miracles Christ is said to have done. But you will look in vain through the

thirteen Epistles of Paul for the slightest hint that Christ ever performed any miracles. Is it

conceivable that Paul was acquainted with the miracles of Jesus Christ and that he knew that

Jesus had cleansed the leprous, cast out devils that could talk, restored sight to the blind and

speeh to the dumb, and even raised the dead  is it conceivable that Paul was aware of these

wonderful things and yet failed to write a single line about them?

Again, the only solution is that the accounts of the miracles wrought by Jesus had not yet

been invented when Paul’s Epistles were written. Not only is Paul silent about the virgin birth

and the miracles of Jesus, he is without the slightest knowledge of the teaching of Jesus. The

Christ of the Gospels preached a famous sermon on a mountain: Paul knows nothing of it. Christ

delivered a prayer now recited by the Christian world: Paul never heard of it. Christ taught in

parables: Paul is utterly unacquainted with any of them. Is not this astonishing? Paul, the greatest

writer of early Christianity, the man who did more than any other to establish the Christian

religion in the world that is, if the Epistles may be trusted is absolutely ignorant of the teaching

of Christ. In all of his thirteen Epistles he does not quote a single saying of Jesus. Paul was a

missionary. He was out for converts. Is it thinkable that if the teachings of Christ had been

known to him, he would not have made use of them in his propaganda? Can you believe that a

Christian missionary would go to China and labor for many years to win converts to the religion

of Christ, and never once mention the Sermon on the Mount, never whisper a word about the
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Lord’s Prayer, never tell the story of one of the parables, and remain as silent as the grave about

the precepts of his master?

What have the churches been teaching throughout the Christian centuries if not these very

things? Are not the churches of today continually preaching about the virgin birth, the miracles,

the parables, and the precepts of Jesus? And o not these features constitute Christianity? Is there

any life of Christ, apart from these things? Why, then, does Paul know nothing of them? There is

but one answer. The virgin born, miracle-working, preaching Christ was unknown to the world

in Paul’s day. That is to say, he had not yet been invented! The Christ of Paul and the Jesus of
the Gospels are two entirely different beings. The Christ of Paul is little more than an idea. He

has no life story. He was not followed by the multitude. He performed no miracles. He did no

preaching. The Christ Paul knew was the Christ he was in a vision while on his way to Damascus

an apparition, a phantom, not a living, human being, who preached and worked among men. This

vision Christ, this ghostly word, was afterwards brought to the earth by those who wrote the

Gospels. He was given a Holy Ghost for a father and a virgin for a mother.

He was made to preach, to perform astounding miracles, to die a violent death though

innocent, and to rise in triumph from the grave and ascend again to heaven. Such is the Christ of

the New Testament first a spirit, and later a miraculously born, miracle working man, who is

master of death and whom death cannot subdue. A large body of opinion in the early church

denied the reality of Christ’s physical existence. In his “History of Christianity,” Dean Milman

writes: “The Gnostic sects denied that Christ was born at all, or that he died,” and Mosheim,

Germany’s great ecclesiastical historian, says: “The Christ of early Christianity was not a human

being, but an “appearance,” an illusion a character in miracle, not in reality  a myth. Miracles do

not happen. Stories of miracles are untrue. Therefore, documents in which miraculous accounts

are interwoven with reputed facts are untrustworthy, for those who invented the miraculous

element might easily have invented the part that was natural. Men are common; Gods are rare;

therefore, it is at least as easy to invent the biography of a man as the history of a God. For this

reason, the whole story of Christ the human element as well as the divinity is not true. If miracles
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are fictions, Christ is a myth. Said Dean Farrar: “If miracles be incredible, Christianity is false.”

Bishop Westcott wrote: “The essence of Christianity lies in a miracle; and if it can be shown that

a miracle is either impossible or incredible, all further inquiry into the details of its history is


Not only are miracles incredible, but the uniformity of nature declares them to be

impossible. Miracles have gone: the miraculous Christ cannot remain. If Christ lived, if he was a

reformer and, if he performed wonderful works that attracted the attention of the multitude, then

why did he have conflic with the authorities and was crucified  how shall we explain the fact that
history has not even recorded his name? The age in which he is said to have lived was an age of

scholars and thinkers. In Greece, Rome and Palestine, there were philosophers, historians, poets,

orators, jurists and statesmen. Every point of fact of importance was noted by interested and

inquiring minds. Some of the greatest writers the Jewish race has produced lived in that age. And

yet, in all the writings of that period, there is not one line, not one word, not one letter, about


Great writers wrote extensively of events of minor importance, but not one of them wrote

a word about the mightiest character who had ever appeared on earth a man at whose command

the leprous were made clean, a man who fed five thousand people with a satchel full of bread, a

man whose word defied the grave and gave life to the dead. Philo, one of the most renowned

writers the Jewish race has produced, was born before the beginning of the Christian era, and

lived for many years after the time at which Jesus is supposed to have died. His home was in or

near Jerusalem, where Jesus is said to have preached, to have performed miracles, to have been

crucified, and to have risen from the dead. Had Jesus done these things, the writings of Philo

would certainly contain some record of his life. Yet this philosopher, who must have been

familiar with Herod’s massacre of the innocents, and with the preaching, miracles and death of

Jesus, had these things occurred; who wrote an account of the Jews, covering this period, and

discussed the very questions that are said to have been near to Christ’s heart, never once

mentioned the name of, or any deed connected with, the reputed Savior of the world. In the
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closing years of the first century, Josephus, the celebrated Jewish historian, wrote his famous

work on “The Antiquities of the Jews.” In this work, the historian made no mention of Christ,

and for two hundred years after the death of Josephus, the name of Christ did not appear in his


There were no printing presses in those days. Books were multiplied by being copied. It

was, therefore, easy to add to or change what an author had written. The church felt that

Josephus ought to recognize Christ, and the dead historian was made to do it. In the fourth

century, a copy of “The Antiquities of the Jews” appeared, in which occurred this passage:
“Now, there was about this time, Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a

doer of wonderful works; a teacher of such men as received the truth with pleasure. Such is the

celebrated reference to Christ in Josephus. A more brazen forgery was never perpetrated. For

more than two hundred years, the Christian Fathers who were familiar with the works of

Josephus knew nothing of this passage. Had the passage been in the works of Josephus which

they knew, Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Origen and Clement of Alexandria would have been eager

to hurl it at their Jewish opponents in their many controversies.

But itdid not exist. Indeed, Origen, who knew Josephus well, expressly affirmed that 

writer had not acknowledged Christ. This passage first appeared in the writings of the Christian

Father Eusebius, the first historian of Christianity, early in the fourth century; and it is believed

that he was its author. Eusebius, who not only advocated fraud in the interest of the faith, but

who is known to have tampered with passages in the works of Josephus and several other

writers, introduces this passage in his “Evangelical Demonstration,” Book III., p.124, in these

words: “Certainly the attestations I have already produced concerning our Savior may be

sufficient. However, it may not be amiss, if, over and above, we make use of Josephus the Jew

for a further witness.” Everything demonstrates the spurious character of the passage. It is

written in the style of Eusebius, and not in the style of Josephus. Josephus was a voluminous

writer. He wrote extensively about men of minor importance. The brevity of this reference to

Christ is, therefore, a strong argument for its falsity. This passage interrupts the narrative. It has
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nothing to do with what precedes or what follows it; and its position clearly shows that the text

of the historian has been separated by a later hand to give it room. Josephus was a Jew a priest of

the religion of Moses. This passage makes him acknowledge the divinity, the miracles, and the

resurrection of Christ that is to say; it makes an orthodox Jew talk like a believing Christian!

Josephus could not possibly have written these words without being logically compelled to

embrace Christianity.

All the arguments of history and of reason unite in the conclusive proof that the passage

is an unblushing forgery. For these reasons every honest Christian scholar has abandoned it as an
interpolation. Dean Milman says: “It is interpolated with many additional clauses.” Dean Farrar,

writing in the Encyclopedia Britannica, says: “That Josephus wrote the whole passage as it now

stands no sane critic can believe.” Bishop Warburton denounced it as “a rank forgery and a very

stupid one, too.” Chambers’ Encyclopedia says: “The famous passage of Josephus is generally

conceded to be an interpolation.” In the “Annals” of Tacitus, the Roman historian, there is

another short passage which speaks of “Christus” as being he founder of a party called

Christians  a body of people “who were abhorred for their crimes.” These words occur in

Tacitus’ account of the burning of Rome. The evidence for this passage is not much stronger

than that for the passage in Josephus. It was not quoted by any writer before the fifteenth

century; and when it was quoted, there was only one copy of the “Annals” in the world; and that

copy was supposed to have been made in the eighth century six hundred years after Tacitus’

death. The “Annals” were published between 115 and 117 A.D., nearly a century after Jesus’

time so the passage, even if genuine, would not prove anything as to Jesus. The name “Jesus”

was as common among the Jews as is William or George with us. In the writings of Josephus, we

find accounts of a number of Jesus. One was Jesus, the son of Sapphias, the founder of a

seditious band of mariners; another was Jesus, the captain of the robbers whose followers fled

when they heard of his arrest; still another Jesus was a monomaniac who for seven years went

about Jerusalem, crying, “Woe, woe, woe unto Jerusalem!” who was bruised and beaten many

times, but offered no resistance; and who was finally killed with a stone at the siege of
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Jerusalem. The word “Christ,” the Greek equivalent of the Jewish word “Messiah,” was not a

personal name; it was a title; it meant “the Anointed One.” The Jews were looking for a Messiah,

a successful political leader, who would restore the independence of their nation. Josephus tells

us of many men who posed as Messiahs, who obtained a following among the people, and who

were put to death by the Romans for political reasons. One of these Messiahs, or Christ’s, a

Samaritan prophet, was executed under Pontius Pilate; and so great was the indignation of the

Jews that Pilate had to be recalled by the Roman government.

These facts are of tremendous significance. While the Jesus Christ of Christianity is
unknown to history, the age in which he is said to have lived was an age in which many men

bore the name of “Jesus” and many political leaders assumed the title of “Christ.” All the

materials necessary for the manufacture of the story of Christ existed in that age. In all the

ancient countries, divine Saviors were believed to have been born of virgins, to have preached a

new religion, to have performed miracles, to have been crucified as atonements for the sins of

mankind, and to have risen from the grave and ascended into heaven. All that Jesus is supposed

to have taught was in the literature of the time. In the story of Christ there is not a new idea, as

Joseph McCabe has shown in his “Sources of the Morality of the Gospels,” and John M.

Robertson in his “Pagan Christ’s.” “But,” says the Christian, “Christ is so perfect a character that

he could not have been invented.” This is a mistake. The Gospels do not portray a perfect


The Christ of the Gospels is shown to be artificial by the numerous contradictions in his

character and teachings. He was in favor of the sword, and he was not; he told men to love their

enemies, and advised them to hate their friends; he preached the doctrine of forgiveness, and

called men a generation of vipers; he announced himself as the judge of the world, and declared

that he would judge no man; he taught that he was possessed of all power, but was unable to

work miracles where the people did not believe; he was represented as God and did not shrink

from avowing, “I and my Father are one,” but in the pain and gloom of the cross, he is made to

cry out in his anguish: “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” And how singular it is
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that these words, reputed as the dying utterance of the disillusioned Christ, should be not only

contradicted by two Evangelists, but should be a quotation from the twenty second Psalms! If

there is a moment when a man’s speech is original, it is when, amid agony and despair, while his

heart is breaking beneath its burden of defeat and disappointment; he utters a cry of grief from

the depth of his wounded soul with the last breath that remains before the chill waves of death

engulf his wasted life forever.

But on the lips of the expiring Christ are placed, not the heart-felt words of a dying man,

but a quotation from the literature of his race! A being with these contradictions, these
transparent unrealities in his character, could scarcely have been real. And if Christ, with all that

is miraculous and impossible in his nature, could not have been in vented, what shall we say of

Othello, of Hamlet, of Romeo? Do not Shakespeare’s wondrous characters live upon the stage?

Does not their naturalness, their consistency, their human grandeur, challenge our admiration?

And is it not with difficulty that we believe them to be children of the imagination? Laying aside

the miraculous, in the story of the Jewish hero, is not the character of Jean Val jean as deep, as

lofty, as broad, as rich in its humanity, as tender in its pathos, as sublime in its heroism, and as

touchingly resigned to the cruelties of fate as the character of Jesus? Who has read the story of

that marvelous man without being thrilled?

And who has followed him through his last days with dry eyes? And yet Jean Val jean

never lived and never died; he was not a real man, but the personification of suffering virtue born

in the effulgent brain of Victor Hugo. Have you not wept when you have seen Sydney Carton

disguise himself and lay his neck beneath the blood-stained knife of the guillotine, to save the

life of everyone? But Sydney Carton was not an actual human being; he is the heroic, self

sacrificing spirit of humanity clothed in human form by the genius of Charles Dickens. Yes, the

character of Christ could have been invented! The literature of the world is filled with invented

characters; and the imaginary lives of the splendid men and women of fiction will forever arrest

the interest of the mind and hold the heart enthralled. But how account for Christianity if Christ

did not live? Let me ask another question. How account for the Renaissance, for the
Author Last Name / Short Title / 196

Reformation, for the French Revolution, or for Socialism? Not one of these movements was

created by an individual. Christianity grew. The Christian church is older than the oldest

Christian writings. Christ did not produce the church. The church produced the story of Christ.

The Jesus Christ of the Gospels could not possibly have been a real person. He is a combination

of impossible elements.

There may have lived in Palestine, nineteen centuries ago, a man whose name was Jesus,

who went about doing good, who was followed by admiring associates, and who in the end met a

violent death. But of this possible person, not a line was written when he lived, and of his life
and character the world of today knows absolutely nothing. This Jesus, if he lived, was a man;

and if he was a reformer, he was but one of many that have lived and died in every age of the

world. When the world shall have learned that the Christ of the Gospels is a myth, that

Christianity is untrue, it will turn its attention from the religious fictions of the past to the vital

problems of today, and endeavor to solve them for the improvement of the well-being of the real

men and women whom we know, and whom we ought to help and love. Contrary to popular

belief, there was no single man at the genesis of Christianity but many characters rolled into one,

the majority of whom were personifications of the ubiquitous solar myth, whose exploits were

well known, as reflected by such popular deities as Mithras, Heracles/Hercules, Dionysus and

many others throughout the Roman Empire and beyond.

The story of Jesus as portrayed in the Gospels is revealed to be nearly identical in detail

to that of the earlier savior-gods Krishna and Horus, who for millennia preceding Christianity

held great favor with the people in much the same way as Jesus does today. Thus, the Jesus

character is not unique or original, not “divine revelation.” These redeemer tales are similar not

because they reflect the actual exploits of a variety of men who did and said the identical things,

but because they are representations of the same extremely ancient body of knowledge that

revolved around the celestial bodies and natural forces. The result of this mythmaking has been

The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold. In this highly controversial and explosive

book, archaeologist, historian, mythologist and linguist Acharya S marshals an enormous amount
Author Last Name / Short Title / 197

of startling evidence to demonstrate that Christianity and the story of Jesus Christ were created

by members of various secret societies, mystery schools and religions in order to unify the

Roman Empire under one state religion. In making such a fabrication, this multinational cabal

drew upon a multitude of myths and rituals that already existed long before the Christian era, and

reworked them for centuries into the story and religion passed down today. While accessible to

the reader, this book is scholarly, containing hundreds of quotes and 1200 footnotes in over 400


From the very beginning of our quest to unravel the Christ conspiracy, we encounter
suspicious territory, as we look back in time and discover that the real foundation of Christianity

appears nothing like the image provided by the clergy and mainstream authorities. Indeed, far

more rosy and cheerful than the reality is the picture painted by the vested interests as to the

origins of the Christian religion: To wit, a miracle-making founder and pious, inspired apostles

who faithfully and infallibly recorded his words and deeds shortly after his advent, and then went

about promulgating the faith with great gusto and success in “saving souls.” Contrary to this

popular delusion, the reality is that, in addition to the enormous amount of bloodshed which

accompanies its foundation, Christianity’s history is rife with forgery and fraud. So rampant is

this treachery and chicanery that any serious researcher must immediately begin to wonder about

the story itself.

In truth, the Christian tale has always been as difficult to swallow as the myths and fables

of other cultures; yet countless people have been able to overlook the rational mind and to

willingly believe it, even though they may equally as easily dismiss the nearly identical stories of

these other cultures. We have seen that there is no evidence for the historicity of the Christian

founder, that the earliest Christian proponents were as a whole either utterly credulous or

astoundingly deceitful, and that said “defenders of the faith” were compelled under incessant

charges of fraud to admit that Christianity was a rehash of older religions. It has also been

demonstrated that the world into which Christianity was born was filled with assorted gods and

goddesses, as opposed to a monotheistic vacuum. In fact, in their fabulous exploits and wondrous
Author Last Name / Short Title / 198

powers many of these gods and goddesses are virtually the same as the Christ character, as

attested to by the Christian apologists themselves. In further inspecting this issue we discover

that “Jesus Christ” is in fact a compilation of these various gods, who were worshipped and

whose dramas were regularly played out by ancient people long before the Christian era.” Egypt,

the primeval seat of learning, was the high seat of Sun adoration. The Sphinx, with the face to

the east, represents Harmmachus, young Horus, or the rising Sun.

The orb is Osiris, the ruling god of day. In its descent it is the dying deity, going below to

the land of Shades; but only to be resurrected as the victorious Horus, piercing the head of the
dragon of darkness.” The Egyptian sun god Horus, who predated the Christ character by

thousands of years, shares the following in common with Jesus:Horus was born of the virgin Isis-

Meri on December 25th in a cave/manger with his birth being announced by a star in the East

and attended by three wise men. His earthly father was named “Seb” (“Joseph”). Seb is also

known as “Geb”: “As Horus the Elder he...was believed to be the son of Geb and Nut.” He was

of royal descent. At age 12, he was a child teacher in the Temple, and at 30, he was baptized,

having disappeared for 18 years. Horus was baptized in the river Eridanus or Iarutana (Jordan)

by “Anup the Baptizer” (“John the Baptist”), who was decapitated. He had 12 disciples, two of

whom were his “witnesses” and were named “Anup” and “Ana” (the two “Johns”).

He performed miracles, exorcised demons and raised El-Azarus (“El-Osiris”), from the

dead. Horus walked on water. His personal epithet was “Iusa,” the “ever-becoming son” of

“Path,” the “Father.” He was thus called “Holy Child.” He delivered a “Sermon on the Mount”

and his followers recounted the “Sayings of Iusa. Horus was transfigured on the Mount. He was

crucified between two thieves, buried for three days in a tomb, and resurrected. He was also the

“Way, the Truth, the Light,” “Messiah,” “God’s Anointed Son,” the “Son of Man,” the “Good

Shepherd,” the “Lamb of God,” the “Word made flesh,” the “Word of Truth,” etc. He was “the

Fisher” and was associated with the Fish (“Ichthys”), Lamb and Lion. He came to fulfill the

Law. Horus was called “the KRST,” or “Anointed One.” Like Jesus, “Horus was supposed to

reign one thousand years.” Furthermore, inscribed about 3,500 years ago on the walls of the
Author Last Name / Short Title / 199

Temple at Luxor were images of the Annunciation, Immaculate Conception, Birth and Adoration

of Horus, with Thoth announcing to the Virgin Isis that she will conceive Horus; with Kneph, the

“Holy Ghost,” impregnating the virgin; and with the infant being attended by three kings, or

magi, bearing gifts.

In addition, in the catacombs at Rome are pictures of the baby Horus being held by the

virgin mother Isis the original “Madonna and Child?”

an imaginative and superstitious race of black men should have invented and founded, in
the dim obscurity of past ages, a system of religious belief that still enthralls the minds and

clouds the intellects of the leading representatives of modern theology that still clings to the

thoughts and tinges with its potential influence the literature and faith of the civilized and

cultured nations of Europe and America, is indeed a strange illustration of the mad caprice of

destiny, of the insignificant and apparently trivial causes that often produce the most grave and

momentous results.” Clearly, historians of Church dogma and systematic theologians agree that

the idea of a Christian trinity was not a part of the first century Church. The twelve apostles

never ascribed to it or received revelation about it. So how then did a Trinitarian doctrine come


It gradually evolved and gained momentum in the late first, second and third centuries as

pagans, who had converted to Christianity, brought to Christianity some of their pagan beliefs

and practices. Trinitarians then was confirmed at Nicea in 325 by Church bishops out of political

expediency” Long before the founding of Christianity the idea of a triune god or a god in three

persons was a common belief in ancient religions. Although many of these religions had many

minor deities, they distinctly acknowledged that there was one supreme God who consisted of

three persons or essences. The Babylonians used an equilateral triangle to represent this three in

one god, now the symbol of the modern three in one believers.” “The Hindu trinity was made up

of the gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The Greek triad was composed of Zeus, Athena and

Apollo. These three were said by the pagans to ‘agree in one.’ One of the largest pagan temples
Author Last Name / Short Title / 200

built by the Romans was constructed at Ballbek (situated in present day Lebanon) to their trinity

of Jupiter, Mercury and Venus. In Babylon the planet Venus was revered as special and was

worshipped as a trinity consisting of Venus, the moon and the sun.

This triad became the Babylonian holy trinity in the fourteenth century before Christ.”

“Although other religions for thousands of years before Christ were born worshipped a triune

god, the trinity was not a part of Christian dogma and formal documents of the first three

centuries after Christ.” “That there was no formal, established doctrine of the trinity until the

fourth century is a fully documented historical fact.” “Clearly, historians of church dogma and
systematic theologians agree that the idea of a Christian trinity was not a part of the first century

church. The twelve apostles never subscribed to it or received revelation about it. So how then

did a Trinitarian doctrine come about? It gradually evolved and gained momentum in late first,

second and third centuries as pagans, who had converted to Christianity, brought to Christianity

some of their pagan beliefs and practices.”

The doctrine that Jesus Christ the Son of God was God the son was decreed by worldly

and ecclesiastical powers. Men were forced to accept it at the point of the sword or else, thus, the

error of the trinity was propounded to the end that ultimately people believed it to be the truth.

Thus Christianity became in essence like Babylonian heathenism. After reviewing these

blasphemous teachings about Jesus Christ, I ask the question, “How can any knowledgeable

person become a Christian after learning of these lies. Jesus was an original man who taught

freedom justice and equality to all of the human family of the planet earth, and they the roman

Caucasian devils used his name to shield their dirty religion which is called Christianity.

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Muhammad, 570 A.D.

It was in Mecca about the year A.D. 570 that Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was

born. He was born in considerable poverty, and even by the standards of the desert he was

uneducated; it is doubtful if he ever learnt to write. He was for some years a shepherd’s boy;

born in a merchant family in Mecca. His clan is prosperous and influential, but his father dies

before he is born and his mother dies when the boy is only six. Entrusted to a Bedouin nurse,

Muhammad spends much of his childhood among nomads, accompanying the caravans on

Arabia’s main trade route through Mecca then he became the servant of a certain Khadijah, the

widow of a rich merchant. Probably he had to look after her camels or help in her trading
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operations; and he is said to have travelled with caravans to the Yemen and to Syria. He does not

seem to have been a very useful trader, but he had the good fortune to find favor in the lady’s

eyes, and she married him, to the great annoyance of her family. He was then only twenty-five

years old. It is uncertain if his wife was much older, though tradition declares she was forty.

After the marriage he probably made no more long journeys. For the next fifteen years or so he

lives the life of a prosperous merchant. But he develops one habit untypical of merchants. From

time to time he withdraws into the mountains to meditate and pray there were several children,

one of whom was named Abd Manif that is to say, the servant of the Mecca god Manif, which
demonstrates that at that time Muhammad had made no religious discoveries. Until he was forty

he did indeed live a particularly undistinguished life in Mecca, as the husband of a prosperous

wife. There may be some ground for the supposition that he became partner in a business in

agricultural produce. To anyone visiting Mecca about A.D. 600 he would probably have seemed

something of a loafer, a rather shy, good-looking individual, sitting about and listening to talk, a

poor poet, and an altogether second-rate man.

About his internal life we can only speculate. Imaginative writers have supposed that he

had great spiritual struggles that he went out into the desert in agonies of doubt and divine desire.

In the silence of the desert night, in the bright heat of noontide desert day, he, as do all men, had

known and felt himself alone yet not in solitude, for the desert is of God, and in the desert no

man may deny Him may be that was so, but there is no evidence of any such desert trips. Yet he

was certainly thinking deeply of the things about him. Possibly he had seen Christian churches in

Syria; almost certainly he knew much of the Jews and their religion, and he heard their scorn for

this black, stone of the Kabala that ruled over the three hundred odd tribal gods of Arabia. He

saw the pilgrimage crowds, and noted the threads of insincerity and superstition in the paganism

of the town. It oppressed his mind. The Jews had perhaps converted him to a belief in the One

True God, without his knowing what had happened to him. At last he could keep these feelings

to himself no longer. Before he turned forty when he turned to propheteering for fun and profit

Muhammad the merchant travelled quite widely and met Jews, Christians and Greeks, whose
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ideas emerged later in the inspiration he claimed t receive from Allah or the angel Gabriel. 

When he was forty he began to talk about the reality of God, at first apparently only to his wife

and a few intimates. He produced certain verses, which he declared had been revealed to him by

an angel. They involved an assertion of the unity of God and some acceptable generalizations

about righteousness. He also insisted upon a future life, the fear of hell for the negligent and evil,

and the reservation of paradise for the believer in the One God. Except for his claim to be a new

prophet, there does not seem to have been anything very new about these doctrines at the time,

but this was seditious teaching for Mecca, which partly subsisted upon its polytheistic cult, and
which was therefore holding on to idols when all the rest of the world was giving them up. He

also had companions who were Jewish and others who knew the beliefs of Christians. It is likely

that Muhammad was epileptic, he died after complaining of head pains for several days and

many accounts of him seem to suggest somebody whose brain activity was at times lightly fried

Like Mani, Muhammad claimed that the prophets before him, and especially Jesus and

Abraham, had been divine teachers, but that he crowned and completed their teaching.

Buddhism, however, he did not name, probably because he had never heard of Buddha. Desert

Arabia was in a theological backwater. For some years the new religion was the secret of a small

group of simple people, Khadijah, the Prophet’s wife, Ali, an adopted son, Zeid, a slave, and

Abu Bekr, a friend and admirer. For some years it was an obscure sect in a few households of

Mecca, a mere scowl and muttering at idolatry, so obscure and unimportant that the leading men

of the town did not trouble about it in the least. Then it gathered strength. Muhammad began to

preach more openly, to teach the doctrine of a future life, and to threaten idolaters and

unbelievers with hell fire. He seems to have preached with considerable effect. It appeared too

many that he was aiming at a sort of dictatorship in Mecca, and drawing many susceptible and

discontented people to his side; and an attempt was made to discourage and suppress the new


Mecca was a place of pilgrimage and a sanctuary; no blood could be shed within its

walls; nevertheless, things were made extremely disagreeable for the followers of the new
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teacher. Boycott and confiscation were used against them. Some were driven to take refuge in

Christian Abyssinia. But the Prophet himself went unscathed because he was well connected,

and his opponents did not want to begin a blood feud. We cannot follow the fluctuations of the

struggle here, but it is necessary to note one perplexing incident in the new Prophet’s career,

which, says proves him to have been an Arab of the Arabs descendant After all his insistence

upon the oneness of God, he wavered. He came into the courtyard of the Kabala, and declared

that the gods and goddesses of Mecca might, after all, be real, might be a species of saints with a

power of intercession. His recantation was received with enthusiasm, but he had no sooner made
it than he repented, and his repentance shows that he had indeed the fear of God in him. His

lapse from honesty proves him honest. He did all he could to repair the evil he had done. He said

that the devil had possessed his tongue, and denounced idolatry again with renewed vigor. The

struggle against the antiquated deities, after a brief interval of peace, was renewed again more

grimly, and with no further hope of reconciliation.

For a time the old interests had the upper hand. At the end of ten years of prophesying,

Muhammad found himself a man of fifty, and altogether unsuccessful in Mecca. Khadijah, his

first wife, was dead, and several of his chief supporters had also recently died. He sought a

refuge at the neighboring town of Tayf, but Tayf drove him out with stones and abuse. Then,

when the world looked darkest to him, opportunity opened before him. He found he had been

weighed and approved in an unexpected quarter. The city of Medina was much torn by internal

dissension, and many of its people, during the time of pilgrimage to Mecca, had been attracted

by Muhammad’s teaching. Probably the numerous Jews in Medina had shaken the ancient

idolatry of the people. An invitation was sent to him to come and rule in the name of his God in

Medina.He did not go at once. He parleyed for two years, sending a disciple to preach in Medina

and destroy the idols there. Then he began sending such followers as he had in Mecca to Medina

to wait his coming there; he did not want to trust himself to unknown adherents in a strange city.

This exodus of the faithful continued, until at last only he and Abu Bekr remained. In spite of the

character of Mecca as a sanctuary, he was very nearly murdered there. The elders of the town
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evidently knew of what was going on in Medina, and they realized the danger to them if this

seditious prophet presently found himself master of a town on their main caravan route to Syria.

Custom must bow to imperative necessity, they thought; and they decided that, blood feud or no

blood feud, Muhammad must die. They arranged that he should be murdered in his bed, and in

order to share the guilt of this breach of sanctuary they appointed a committee to do this,

representing every family in the city except Muhammad’s own. But Muhammad had already

prepared his flight; and when in the night they rushed into his room, they found Ali, his adopted

son, sleeping, or feigning sleep, on his bed. The flight (the Hegira) was an adventurous one, the
pursuit being pressed hard. Expert desert trackers sought for the spoor to the north of the town,

but Muhammad and Abu Bekr had gone south to certain eaves where camels and provisions

were hidden, and thence he made a great detour to Medina. There he and his faithful companion

arrived, and were received with great enthusiasm on September 20, 622. It was the end of his

probation and the beginning of his power.

Until the Hegira until he was fifty-one, the character of the founder of Islam is a matter of

speculation and dispute. Thereafter he is in the light. We discover a man of great imaginative

power but tortuous in the Arab fashion, and with most of the virtues and defects of the Bedouin.

The opening of his reign was very Bedouin. The rule of the One God of all the earth, as it was

interpreted by Muhammad, began with a series of raids, which for more than a year were

invariably unsuccessful upon the caravans of Mecca. Then came a grave scandal, the breaking of

the ancient customary truce of the Arab in the sacred month of Rahab. A party of Moslems, in

this season of profound peace, treacherously attacked a small caravan and killed a man, it was

their only success, and they did it by the order of the Prophet. The men came to battle. A force of

seven hundred men had come out from Mecca to convoy home another caravan, and they

encountered a large raiding party of three hundred. There was a fight, the battle of Badr, and the

Mecca’s got the worst of it. They lost about fifty or sixty killed and as many wounded.

Muhammad returned in triumph to Medina, and was inspired by Allah and this success to

order the assassination of a number of his opponents among the Jews in the town who had
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treated his prophetic claims with a disagreeable levity. But Mecca resolved to avenge Badr, and

at the battle of Uhud, near Medina, inflicted an indecisive defeat upon the Prophet’s followers.

Muhammad was knocked down and nearly killed, and there was much running away among his

followers. The Mecca’s, however, did not push their advantage and enter Medina. For some time

all the energies of the Prophet were concentrated upon rallying his followers, who were evidently

much dispirited. The Koran records the chastened feelings of those days. The Suras of the Koran,

which are attributed to this period, excel nearly all the others in their majesty and sublime

confidence here, for the judgment of the reader, is an example of these majestic utterances, from
the recent orthodox translation by the Maulvi Muhammad Ali. Oh, you who believe! If you obey

those who disbelieve, they will turn you back upon your heels, so you will turn back losers.

Inconclusive hostilities continued for some years, and at last Mecca made a crowning effort to

stamp out for good and all the growing power of Medina.

A mixed force of no fewer than 10,000 men was scraped together, an enormous force for

the time and country. It was, of course, an entirely undisciplined force of footmen, horsemen,

and camel riders, and it was prepared for nothing but the usual desert scrimmage. Bows, spears,

and swords were its only weapons. When at last it arrived amid a vast cloud of dust in sight of

the hovels and houses of Medina, instead of a smaller force of the same kind drawn up for battle,

as it had expected, it found a new and entirely disconcerting phenomenon, a trench and a wall.

Assisted by a Persian convert, Muhammad had entrenched himself in Medina!

This trench struck the Bedouin miscellany as one of the most unsportsmanlike things that

had ever been known in the history of the world. They rode about the place. They shouted their

opinion of the whole business to the besieged. They discharged a few arrows, and at last

encamped to argue about this amazing outrage. They could arrive at no decision. Muhammad

would not come out; the rains began to fall, the tents of the allies got wet and the cooking

difficult, views became came divergent and tempers gave way, and at last this great host

dwindled again into its constituent parts without ever having given battle (627). The bands

dispersed north, east, and south, became clouds of dust, and ceased to matter. Near Medina was a
Author Last Name / Short Title / 207

castle of Jews, against whom Muhammad was already incensed because of their disrespect or his

theology. They had shown a disposition to side with the probable victor in this last struggle, and

Muhammad now fell upon- them, slew all the men, nine hundred of them, and enslaved the

women and children. Possibly many of their late allies were among the bidders for these slaves.

Never again after this quaint failure did Mecca make an effective rally against Muhammad, and

one by one its leading men came over to his side.

We need not follow the windings of the truce and the treaty that finally extended the rule

of the Prophet to Mecca. The gist of the agreement was that the faithful should turn towards
Mecca when they prayed instead of turning towards Jerusalem as they had hitherto done, and that

Mecca should be the pilgrimage centre of the new faith. So long as the pilgrimage continued, the

men of Mecca, it would seem, did not care very much whether the crowd assembled in the name

of one god or many. Muhammad was getting more and more hopeless of any extensive

conversion of the Jews and Christians, and he was ceasing to press his idea that all, these faiths

really worshipped the same One God. Allah was becoming more and more his own special God,

tethered now by this treaty to the meteoric stone of the Kabala, and less and less the father of all

mankind. Already the Prophet had betrayed a disposition to make a deal with Mecca, and at last

it was affected. The lordship of Mecca was well worth the concession. Of comings and goings

and a final conflict we need not tell. In 629 Muhammad came to the town as its master.

The image of Manif, the god after whom he had once named his son, was smashed under

his feet as he entered the Kaaba. Thereafter his power extended, there were battles, treacheries,

and massacres; but on the whole he prevailed, until he was master of all Arabia; and when he

was master of all Arabia in 632, at the age of sixty-two, he died. Throughout the concluding

eleven years of his life after the Hegira, there is little to distinguish the general conduct of

Muhammad from that of any other welder of peoples into a monarchy. The chief difference is his

use of a religion of his own creation as his cement. He was diplomatic, treacherous, ruthless, or

compromising as the occasion required and as any other Arab king might have been in his place;

and there was singularly little spirituality in his kingship. Nor was his domestic life power and
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freedom one of exceptional edification. Until the death of Khadijah, when he was fifty, he seems

to have been the honest husband of one wife; but then, as many men do in their declining years,

he developed a disagreeably strong interest in women. He married two wives after the death of

Khadijah, one being the young Ayesha, who became and remained his favorite and most

influential partner; and subsequently a number of other women, wives and concubines were

added to his establishment. This led to much trouble and confusion, and in spite of many special

and very helpful revelations on the part of Allah, these complications still require much

explanation and argument from the faithful.

There was, for example, a scandal about Ayesha; she was left behind on one occasion

when the howdah and the camel went on, while she was looking for her necklace among the

bushes; and so Allah had to intervene with some heat and denounce her slanderers. Allah also

had to speak very. plainly about the general craving among this household of women for this

world’s life and its nature and for finery Then there was much discussion because the Prophet

first married his young cousin Zainib to his adopted son Zaid, and afterwards when Zaid had

accomplished his want of her, the Prophet took her and married her-but, as the inspired book

makes clear, only in order to show the diference between an adopted and a real son.  We gave

her to you as a wife, so that there should be no difficulty for the believers in respect of the wives

of their adopted sons, when they have accomplished their want of them, and Allah’s command

shall be performed. Yet surely a simple statement in the Koran should have sufficed without this

excessively practical demonstration. There was, moreover, a mutiny in the harem on account of

the undue favors shown by the Prophet to an Egyptian concubine who had borne him a boy, a

boy for whom he had a great affection, since none of Kadijah’s sons had survived. These

domestic troubles mingle inextricably with our impression of the Prophet’s personality. One of

his wives was a Jewess, Safiyya, whom he had married on the evening of the battle in which her

husband had been captured and executed. He viewed the captured women at the end of the day,

and she found favor in his eyes and was taken to his tent
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These are salient facts in these last eleven years of Muhammad’s career. Because he, too,

founded a great religion, there are those who write of this evidently lustful and rather shifty

leader as though he were a man to put beside Jesus of Nazareth or Gautama or Mani. But it is

surely manifest that he was a being of a commoner clay; he was vain egotistical, tyrannous, and a

self-deceiver; and it would throw all our history out of proportion if, out of an insincere

deference to the possible Moslem reader, we were to present him in any other light. Yet, unless

we balance it, this insistence upon his vanity, egotism, self-deception, and hot desire does net

complete the justice of the case. We must not swing across from the repudiation of the
extravagant pretensions of the faithful to an equally extravagant condemnation. Can a man who

has no good qualities hold a friend? Because those who knew Muhammad best believed in him

most. Khadijah for all her days believed in him -but she may have been a fond woman. Abu Bekr

is a better witness, and he never wavered in his devotion. Abu Bekr believed in the Prophet, and

it is very hard for anyone who reads the history of these times not to believe in Abu Bekr. Ali

again risked his life for the Prophet in his darkest days. Muhammad was no impostor, at any rate,

though at times his vanity made him behave as though Allah was at his beck and call, and as if

his thoughts were necessarily God’s thoughts. And if his bloodstained passion with Safiyya

amazes and disgusts our modern minds, his love for little Ibrahim, the son of Mary the Egyptian,

and his passionate grief when the child died, reinstate him in the fellowship of all those who have

known love and loss.

But the personal quality of Muhammad is one thing and the quality of Islam, the religion

he founded is another. Muhammad was not pitted against Jesus or Mani, and relative stature is

only a very secondary question for us; it is Islam, which was pitted against the corrupted

Christianity of the seventh century and against the decaying tradition of the Zoroastrian Magi

with which the historian has the greater concern. And whether it was through its Prophet or

whether it was in spite of its Prophet, and through certain accidents in its origin and certain

qualities of the desert from which it sprang, there can be no denying that Islam possesses many

fine and noble attributes. It is not always through sublime persons that great things come into
Author Last Name / Short Title / 210

human life. It is the folly of the simple disciple, which demands miraculous frippery on the

majesty of truth and immaculate conceptions for righteousness. A year before his death, at the

end of the tenth year of the Hegira, Muhammad made his last pilgrimage from Medina to Mecca.

He made then a great sermon to his people of which the tradition is as follows. There are, of

course, disputes as to the authenticity of the words, but there can be no dispute that the world of

Islam, a world still of three hundred million people, receives them to this day as its rule of life,

and to a great extent observes it. The reader will note that the first paragraph sweeps away all

plunder and blood feuds among the followers of Islam. The last makes the believing Negro the
equal of the Caliph. They may not be sublime words, as certain utterances of Jesus of Nazareth

are sublime; but they established in the world a great tradition of dignified fair dealing, they

breathe a spirit of generosity, and they are human and workable. They created a society more

free from widespread cruelty and social oppression than any society had ever been in the world


This insistence upon kindliness and consideration in the daily life is one of the main

virtues Islam, but it is not the only one. Equally important is uncompromising monotheism, void

of any- Jewish exclusiveness, which is sustained by the Koran. Islam from the outset was fairly

proof against the theological elaborations that have perplexed and divided Christianity and

smothered the spirit of Jesus. And its third source of strength has been in the meticulous,

prescription of methods of prayer and worship and its clear statement of the limited and

conventional significance of the importance ascribed to Mecca. All sacrifice was barred to the

faithful; no loophole was left for the sacrificial priest of the old dispensation to come back into

the new faith. It was not simply a new faith, a purely prophetic religion, as the religion of Jesus

was in the time of Jesus, or the religion of Gautama in the lifetime of Gautama, but it was so

stated as to remain so. Islam to this day has taught doctors, teachers and preachers; but it has no

priests. It was full of the spirit of kindliness, generosity and brotherhood; it was a simple and

understandable religion; it was instinct with the chivalrous sentiment of the desert; and it made

its appeal straight to the commonest instincts in the composition of ordinary men. Against it were
Author Last Name / Short Title / 211

pitted Judaism, which had made a racial hoard of God; Christianity talking and preaching

endlessly now of trinities, doctrines, and heresies no ordinary man could make head or tail of;

and Mazdaism, the cult of the Zoroastrian Magi, who had inspired the crucifixion of Mani.

The bulk of the people to whom the challenge of Islam came did not trouble very much

whether Muhammad was lustful or not, or whether he had done some shifty and questionable

things; what appealed to them was that this God, Allah, he preached, was by the test of the

conscience in their hearts a God of righteousness, and that the honest acceptance of his doctrine

and method opened the door wide in a world of uncertainty, treachery, and intolerable divisions
to a great and increasing brotherhood of, trustworthy men on earth, and to a paradise not of

perpetual exercises in praise and worship, in which saints, priests, and anointed kings were still

to have the upper places, but of equal fellowship and simple and understandable delights such as

their souls craved for. Without any ambiguous symbolism, without any darkening of altars or

chanting of priests, Muhammad had brought home those attractive doctrines to the hearts of

mankind. Mecca was not merely nor primarily a trading centre; it was a place of pilgrimage.

Among the Arab tribes there had long existed a sort of trading centering upon Mecca and certain

other sanctuaries; there were months of truce to war and blood, feuds, and customs of protection

and hospitality for the pilgrim. In addition there had grown up an Olympic element in these

gatherings; the Arabs were discovering possibilities of beauty in their language, and there were

recitations of war poetry and love songs. The sheiks of the tribes, under king of the poets, sat in

judgment and awarded prizes; the prize songs were sung through all Arabia.

The Kaaba, the sanctuary at Mecca, was of very ancient date. It was a small square

temple of black stones, which had for its corner stone a meteorite. This meteorite was regarded

as a god, and all the little tribal gods of Arabia were under his protection. The permanent

inhabitants of Mecca were a tribe of Bedouin who had seized this temple and constituted

themselves its guardians. To them there came in the months of truce a great in course of people,

who marched about the Kaaba ceremonially, bowed themselves, and kissed the, stone, and also

engaged in trade and poetical recitations. The Mecca’s profited much from these visitors. From
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time immemorial Arabia, except for the fertile strip of the Yemen to the south, had been a land of

nomads, the headquarters and land of origin of the Semitic peoples. From Arabia at various times

waves of these nomads had drifted north, east, and west into the early civilizations of Egypt, in

Mediterranean coast, and Mesopotamia. We have noted in this history how the Sumerians were

swamped and overcome by such Semitic waves, how the Semitic Phoenicians and Canaanites

established themselves along the eastern shores of the Mediterranean, how the Babylonians and

Assyrians were settled Semitic peoples, how the Hyksos conquered Egypt, how the Armenians

established themselves in Syria with Damascus as their capital, and how the Hebrews partially
conquered their Promised Land. At some unknown date the Chaldeans drifted in from Eastern

Arabia and settled in the old southern Sumerian lands.

With each invasion first this and then that section of the Semitic peoples comes into

history. But each of such swarming still leaves a tribal nucleus behind to supply fresh invasions

in the future. After the destruction of Palmyra, the desert Arabs began to be spoken of in the

Roman and Persian records as Saracen Even though Muhammad was the Founder of the

Religious faith of Islam one the true embodiment of the spirit of Islam was his close friend and

supporter, Abu Bekr. There can be little doubt that if Muhammad was the mind and imagination

of primitive Islam, Abu Bekr was its conscience and its will. Throughout their life together it was

Muhammad who said the thing, but it was Abu Bekr who believed the thing. When Muhammad

wavered, Abu Bekr sustained him. Abu Bekr was a man without doubts, his beliefs cut down to

acts cleanly as a sharp knife cuts. We may feel sure that Abu Bekr would never have temporized

about the minor gods of Mecca, or needed inspirations from Allah to explain his private life.

When in the eleventh year of the Hegira (632) the Prophet sickened of a fever and died, it was

Abu Bakr who succeeded him as Caliph and leader of the people (Kalifa Successor), -and it was

the unflinching confidence of Abu Bekr in the righteousness of Allah which prevented a split

between Medina and Mecca, which stamped down a widespread insurrection of the Bedouin

against taxation for the common cause, and carried out a great plundering raid into Syria that the

dead Prophet had projected. And then Abu Bekr, with that faith which moves mountains, set
Author Last Name / Short Title / 213

himself simply and sanely to organize the subjugation of the whole world to Allah-with little

armies of 3,000 or 4,000 Arabs-according to those letters the Prophet had written from Medina in

628 to all the monarchs of the world. And the attempt came near to succeeding. Had there been

in Islam a score of men, younger men to carry on his work, of Abu Bekr’s quality, it would

certainly have succeeded. It came near to succeeding because Arabia was now a centre of faith

and will, and because nowhere else in the world until China was reached, unless it was upon the

steppes of Russia or Turkestan, was there another community of free-spirited men with any

power of belief in their rulers and leaders. The head of the Byzantine Empire, Heraclius, the
conqueror of Chosroes 11, was past his prime and suffering from dropsy, and his empire was

exhausted by the long Persian war. Nor had he at any time displayed such exceptional ability as

the new occasion demanded.

The motley of people under his rule knows little of him and eared less. Persia was at the

lowest depths of monarchist degradation, the parricide Kavadh II had died after a reign of a few

months, and a series- of dynastic intrigues and romantic murders enlivened the -palace but

weakened the country. The war between Persia and the Byzantine Empire was only formally

concluded about the time of the beginning of Abu Bekr’s rule. Both sides had made great use of

Arab auxiliaries; over Syria a number of towns and settlements of Christianized Arabs were

scattered who professed a baseless loyalty to Constantinople; the Persian marches between

Mesopotamia and the desert were under the control of an Arab tributary prince, whose capital

was at Hira. Arab influence was strong in such cities as Damascus, where Christian Arab

gentlemen would read and recite the latest poetry from the desert competitors. There was thus a

great amount of easily assumable material ready at hand for Islam. And the military campaigns

that now began were among the most brilliant in the world’s history. Arabia had suddenly

become a garden of fine men. The name of Khalid stands out as the brightest star in a

constellation of able and devoted Moslem generals. Whenever he commanded he was victorious,

and when the jealousy of the second Caliph, Omar, degraded him unjustly and inexcusably, [3]

he made no ado, but served Allah cheerfully and well as a subordinate to those over whom he
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had ruled. We cannot trace the story of this warfare here; the Arab armies struck simultaneously

at Byzantine Syria and the Persian frontier city of Hira, and everywhere they offered a choice of

three alternatives: either pay tribute, or confess the true God and join us, or die.

They encountered armies, large and disciplined but spiritless armies, and defeated them.

And nowhere was there such a thing as a popular resistance. The people of the populous

irrigation lands of Mesopotamia cared not a jot whether they paid taxes to Byzantium or

Persepolis or to Medina; and of the two, Arabs or Persian court, the Arabs, the Arabs of the great

years, were manifestly the cleaner people, more just and more merciful. The Christian Arabs
joined the invaders very readily and so did many Jews. Just as in the west, so now in the east, an

invasion became a social revolution. But here it was also a religious revolution with a new and

distinctive mental vitality. It was Khalid who fought the decisive battle (634) with the army of

Heraclius upon the banks of the Yarmulke, a tributary of the Jordan. The legions, as ever, were

without proper cavalry; for seven centuries the ghost of old Crassus had haunted the east in vain;

the imperial armies relied upon Christian Arab auxiliaries, and these deserted to the Moslems as

the armies joined issue. Great parade of priests, sacred banners, pictures, and holy relics was

made by the Byzantine host, and it was further sustained by the chanting of monks. But there

was -no magic in the relics and little conviction about the chanting. On the Arab side of the emirs

and sheiks harangued the troops and after the ancient Arab fashion the shrill voices of women in

the rear encouraged their men. The Moslem ranks were full of believers before who shone

victory or paradise. The battle was never in doubt after the defection of the irregular cavalry. An

attempt to retreat dissolved into a rout and became a massacre. The Byzantine army had fought

with its back to the river, which was presently choked with its dead.

Thereafter Heraclius slowly relinquished all Syria, which he lately won back from the

Persians, to his new antagonists. Damascus soon fell, and a year later the Moslems entered

Antioch. For a time they had to abandon it again to a last effort from Constantinople, but they re-

entered it for good under Khalid. Meanwhile on the eastern front, after a swift initial success,

which gave them Hira, the Persian resistance stiffened. The dynastic struggle had ended at last in
Author Last Name / Short Title / 215

the coming of a king of kings, and a general of ability had been found in Rustam. He gave battle

at Kadessia (637). His army was just such another composite host as Darius had led into Thrace

or Alexander defeated at Issus; it was a medley of levies. He had thirty-three war elephants, and

he sat on a golden throne upon a raised platform behind the Persian ranks, surveying the battle,

which throne will remind the reader of Herodotus, the Hellespont, and Salamis more than a

thousand years before. The battle lasted three days; each day the Arabs attacked and the Persian

host held its ground until nightfall called a truce. On the third day the Arabs received

reinforcements, and towards the evening the Persians attempted to bring the struggle to an end by
a charge of elephants. At first the huge beasts carried all before them; then one was wounded

painfully and became uncontrollable, rushing up and down between the armies.

Its panic affected the others, and for a time both armies remained dumbfounded in the red

light of sunset, watching the frantic efforts of these grey, squealing monsters, to escape from the

tormenting masses of armed men that hemmed them in. It was by the merest chance that at last

they broke through the Persian and not through the Arab array, and that it was the Arabs who

were able to charge home upon the resulting confusion. The twilight darkened to night, but this

time the armies did not separate. All through the night the Arabs smote in the name of Allah, and

pressed upon the shattered and retreating Persians. Dawn broke upon the vestiges of Rustam’s

army in flight far beyond the litter of the battlefield. Its path was marked by scattered weapons

and war material, abandoned transport, and the dead and dying. The platform and the golden

throne were broken down, and Rustam lay dead among a heap of dead men. Already in 634 Abu

Bekr had died and given place to Omar, the Prophet’s brother-in-law, as Caliph; and it was under

Omar (634-643) that the main conquests of the Moslems occurred.

The Byzantine Empire was pushed out of Syria altogether. But at the Taurus Mountains

the Moslem thrust was held. Armenia was overrun, all Mesopotamia was conquered and Persia

beyond the rivers. Egypt passed almost passively from Greek to Arab; in a few years the Semitic

race, in the name of God and His Prophet, had recovered nearly all the dominions it had lost to

the Aryan Persians a thousand years before. Jerusalem fell early, making a treaty without
Author Last Name / Short Title / 216

standing siege, and so the True Cross which had been carried off by the Persians a dozen years

before, and elaborately restored by Heraclius, passed once more out of the rule of Christians. But

it was still in Christian hands; the Christians were to be tolerated, paying only a poll tax; and all

the churches and all the relics were left in their possession. Jerusalem made a peculiar condition

for its surrender. The city would give itself only to the Caliph Omar in person. Hitherto he had

been in Medina organizing armies and controlling the general campaign. He came to Jerusalem

(638), and the manner of his coming shows how swiftly the vigor and simplicity of the first

Moslem onset was being sapped by success. He made the six- hundred-mile journey with only
one attendant; he was mounted on a camel, and a bag of barley, another of dates, a water-skin,

and a wooden platter were his provision for the journey. He was met outside the city by his chief

captains, robed splendidly in silks and with richly caparisoned horses.

At this amazing sight the old man was overcome with rage. He slipped down from his

saddle, scrabbled up dirt and stones with his hands, and pelted these fine gentlemen, shouting

abuse. What was this insult? What did this finery mean? Where were his warriors? Where were

the, desert men? He would -not let these popinjays escort him. He went on with his attendant,

and the smart Emirs rode afar off well out of range of his stones. He met the Patriarch of

Jerusalem, who had apparently taken over the city from its Byzantine rulers, alone. With the

Patriarch he got on very well. They went round the Holy Places together, and Omar, now a little

appeased, made sly jokes at the expense of his too magnificent followers. Abu Bekr and Omar I

are the two-master figures in the history of Islam. It is not within our scope here to describe the

wars by which in a hundred and twenty-five years Islam spread itself from the Indus to the

Atlantic and Spain and from Kashgar on the borders of China to Upper Egypt.

Two maps must suffice to show the limits to which the vigorous impulse of the new faith

carried the Arab idea and the Arabic scriptures, before worldliness, the old trading and

plundering spirit, and the glamour of the silk robe had completely recovered their paralyzing

sway over the Arab intelligence and will. Islam prevailed because it was the best social and

political order the times could offer. It prevailed because everywhere it found politically
Author Last Name / Short Title / 217

apathetic peoples, robbed, oppressed, bullied, uneducated, and unorganized, and it found selfish

and unsound governments out of touch with any people at all. It was the broadest, freshest, and

cleanest political idea that had yet come into actual activity in the world, and it offered better

terms than any other to the mass of mankind. The capitalistic and slave holding system of the

Roman Empire and the literature and culture and social tradition of Europe had altogether

decayed and broken down before Islam arose, it was only when mankind lost faith in the

sincerity of its representatives that Islam, too, began to decay.


The Prophet Muhammad History

Into this environment atMecca was born a man Muhammad, Prophet Of  Islam who

would change completely the religious, political, and social organization of his people.

Muhammad c.570-632 came from a family belonging to the Quarish. His early years were

difficult because of the deaths of both his parents and his grandfather who cared for him after his

parents’ loss. He was raised by his uncle, Abu Talib, a prominent merchant of Mecca. His early

years were spent helping his uncle in the caravan trade. Even as a young man, Muhammad came

to be admired by his fellow Mecca’s as a sincere and honest person, and earned the nickname al

Amin, the trustworthy. When he was about twenty years old, he accepted employment by a

wealthy widow, Khadijah, whose caravans traded with Syria. He later married Khadijah and took

his place as a leading influential citizen of the city. Muhammad’s marriage to Khadijah was a
Author Last Name / Short Title / 218

long and happy one, and produced two sons, who both died as infants, and two daughters, of

whom the younger, Fatima, is best known. The Quarish tribe of who the Prophet Muhammad’s

claimed to have descended from Abraham and dates back to Ishmael through his black Egyptian

wife called Hagar. This tribe stressed its Black African lineage with much pride and throughout

time they remained intimately connected with the southern Cushitic tribes who had originated

the worship of the Kaaba the black stone at Mecca. One of the Hadiths claim that Abraham

accompanied Hagar and Ismail to Mecca, in the desert after he left, they settled near the Cushitic

black Arab tribe of Djurhum of Arabia Felix Yemen, among whom Ismail found a wife. Others
contend that Ismail actually married a Black Egyptian Matron woman named Fatima Ar-Rialah.

They begat Twelve Princs the second whose name was Qeydaar Kedar  this Arabic /Hebrew

name means Powerfully Dark Skinned man. Qeydaar Kedar married Fakhira a Matron Woman

from The Qahtaanites Joktan son of Kush another African person.

It is probable that the Djurhum were keepers or devotees of the ancient shrine at Mecca

and that Ismail or his descendants later adopted their religion and became devotees of the

Cushitic practices of the Kaaba. The Hadith claims that Abraham had laid the foundations of the

Kaaba with Ismail and on subsequent visits had completed the construction of the shrine with

Ismail’s help. This claim is somewhat questionable since the Kaaba is so ancient in Arabia that it

was existing even before the time of Abraham’s purported first time visit to Arabia. Another

tradition holds that the Muhammad’s predecessors arose from the strong hold of the Black

Arabians of Yemen. Tradition has it that they moved from Yemen when the Marib Dam was

tragically breached 450 AD and not repaired again which resulted in drought, hunger, political

unrest and population movement to the region around Mecca. See Historians’ History of the

World, 1907. p. 106ff of Volume 8.

About the Fifth Century a Mustareb tribal leader named Kolaib, from the tribe of Rabiah

in Yemen started a movement that agitated for political and social change. He led a general

revolt against “tax gatherers” in Nejd which resulted in the Battle of Hazat in 500AD, after

which he broke Yemen from control of Northern Arabia. Kolaib inspired a general confederacy,
Author Last Name / Short Title / 219

but was eventually assassinated. The Mustareb tribe after many years of warfare eventually

gained control of the kingdom of Kindeh, and then Yemen, Irak and Ghassan. Between 529 AD

until 603 AD we had one of those recurrent episodes in the history of the red sea coastal

principalities where Ethiopia the regional dominant power imposed a form of direct rule on

Yemen which was sliding into political anarchy. Aryat, an agent of the King of Ethiopia, landed

at Aden in 529 AD with an army of 70,000 men to avenge Christians, co-religionists, who had

been persecuted by the king of Yemen, Dhu-Nowas, who was practicing the Jewish religion, and

to restore political order in the wake of endless wars and misrule. Dhu-Nowas perished in the
struggle that followed. The Ethiopian conquering army remained in power with authority over

the entire Arabia Felix or Yemen including the city of Mecca until 603. In the meantime, there

then arose a potent element, the Fihr or Quarish, of Mustareb descent, who had established

themselves in Hedjaz, near Mecca, which already was a religious and commercial centre. About

500 A.D. the Quarish had contrived to become guardians of the Kaaba, a square stone shrine of

unknown antiquity, at Mecca. The keys of this consecrated building were in the hands of the

Quarish, and they fended off their competitors and managed to keep at bay the invading

Christian Abyssinians of 570AD. Mohammed was burn in 570 A.D. By about 600+AD, the

Quarish and their Mustareb allies were the most powerful confederacy in Arabia. Historians

History of the World. London, 1907. Vol. 8, pp. 32ff.)

Abdul-Muttalib, son of Hashim, was born in 497, exercised supreme authority in Mecca,

from 520-579, initially with the consent and approval of the Ethiopian colonial army though it

appears that he later revolted against this imposition. He fathered 18 children. He was described

as black as the night. According to tradition, Muttalib believed he needed to sacrifice one of his

sons, in 569, before one of the idols of the Kaaba. He chose his son Abdullah. As the sacrifice

was to be made, some Quarish chiefs rose in protest, and the boy was replaced by 100 camels as

a price of blood. A few days later Abdullah married Amina, daughter of Wahb, chief of the Zohri

family, and so was born Muhammad about August, 570. (Historian’s History of the World, Vol.

8, p. 113) Prophet Muhammad the Black Arab was to unite the whole of Arabia, thus appears to
Author Last Name / Short Title / 220

have had a prominent African Cushitic lineage. According to al Jahiz a renowned Black Arab

writer and philosopher of Ethiopian origin who had lived in Baghdad, the guardian of the sacred

Kaaba Abd al-Muttalib fathered ten Lords, Black as the night and magnificent. One of these men

was Abdullah, the father of Muhammad.

JA Rogers, one of the most pre eminent of Black African historians had the following to

say of Muhammad. Muhammad, himself, was to all accounts a Negro. A contemporary of his

describes him as “large mouthed, and bluish colored, with hair that was neither straight nor curly

Muhammad’s mother was also African. His grandfather, Abd el Motalib, is spoken of as being
very dark. A Negroid strain, more or less predominant, ran through the whole. As Keane says,

“All who accepted the Koran became merged with the conquerors in a common Negroid

population.” Diop in “Origin of Civilization” stated forthrightly that: the entire Arab people,

including the Prophet Muhammad is mixed with Negro blood. All educated Arabs are conscious

of that fact.” In the 5th and 6th century, the pre-eminence of Ethiopia was still seen in the Arabia

and surrounding regions. As such, Mecca was teeming with millions of Black Cushitic Arabian

and Ethiopian scientists, engineers, soldiers, philosophers, writers, social revolutionaries.

Besides the probable Ethiopian origins of Muhammad, Islam was deeply associated with

Ethiopia, and was overwhelmingly influenced by Ethiopia in terms of the formation of its basic

tenets, the elaboration of its doctrine and the development of its philosophy. According to

tradition, the first Muslim killed in battle was Mihdja a Cushitic Black Arab. Another Black

Arab that greatly influenced Islam was Bilal, probably of Ethiopian Yemenite extraction, who

was such a pivotal figure in the development of Islam that he has been referred to as a third of

the faith.

Many of the earliest Muslim converts were original people descendants of the ancient

Black Arabs, or they were African soldiers, administrators, scientist that stayed over from the

70,000 man Ethiopian army that ruled Yemen in these times. In fact, the very survival of the

Islamic faith in its most susceptible period was due to the intervention of the Ethiopian King of

Axum, who saved the earliest followers of Muhammad seeking refuge in Ethiopia from
Author Last Name / Short Title / 221

persecution in Arabia. They were given safety, succor and further education and instruction by

the Priests of Ethiopia. These early teachings under laid the elaboration and further development

of Islamic thought and they remain fundamental in Islamic teachings of today. It is therefore no

wonder that Muhammad had instructed his followers to always be kind and considerate to the

Ethiopians because they are a kindred nation of great righteousness. John G Jackson, another

pillar of Black History stated in his book “The Story of The Moors In Spain” that: At the present

time Arabia is inhabited by two distinct races, namely the descendents of the old Adite, Cushitic,

or Ethiopian race, known under various appellations, and dwelling chiefly at the south, the east,
and the central parts of the country, but formerly supreme throughout the whole peninsula; and

the Semitic Arabians Muhammad’s race found chiefly in the Hejaz and at the north. In some

districts of the country, these races more or less mixed and since the rise of Islam, the language

of the Semites, known to us as Arabic, has almost wholly.

Various studies have confirmed that the inter-relatedness of Arab populations, including

Palestinians, Jordanians, Syrians, Iraqis, and Bedouin, and their African neighbors. Well known

genetic markers connect Arabs especially those of Yemen and Oman very closely with African

population living near in East and Equatorial Africa. A recent study confirms that Yemenite

Arabs have 35% or more African genetic material in their genetic makeup. According to the

study, other so called Arabs, especially those far away from the Arabian peninsula, have as little

as 10% African blood in their DNA . As such, it is possible that the African gene was merely

diluted by the introduction of non Arab and non African genes to the pool when Arabs began to

conquer other Middle East people after the rise of Islam. The real Arabs those who have Arab

ancestors stretching beyond the last 1,400 years are actually 35% Black in their DNA. These

Arabs are from the Arabian Peninsula. Other populations that are now called Arabs became

arabtized through intermarriage and adoption of the Arabic language and culture. These people

are partially Arab and partially descendants of the nations that lived in their region prior to the

rise of the Muslim. Arab genes was diluted by mixing with non African genes, so too the 35% of

the DNA that is Black African genes was diluted and reduced to around 10%. The reduction of
Author Last Name / Short Title / 222

the Black genes from 35% to around 10% also suggests that the large majority around 70% of

genes belonging to the Arabs outside the Arabian Peninsula come from the local nations. The

claim is supported by the historical fact that the original Arab population was relatively small

and could not have populated a region stretching from Iraq to Morocco with such density, no

matter the birthrate.

Sickle cell gene is also highly expressive among the Middle Eastern populations. Sickle

cell is ground in the groups of Black people and is found routinely sequenced amongst the

populations of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iraq and Turkey. Given that sickle cell gene is a rare genetic
mutation even with reference to Equatorial Africa where it originated, its prevalence in the so

called Middle East. Besides the accounts of the classical writers who trace the origins and daily

lives of the original Black Arabs of antiquity, the Islamic Ishmaelite Arab people claim to derive

all their early history from the Bible or Quranic text. The major founding legends of the

Ishmaelite Abraham Arabs are all based uniformly on exegesis and interpretations of Old

Testament stories.

Yet, the Old Testament references to Arabia are scanty. The term Arab itself, as the name

of a particular country and nation, is found only in later Old Testament writings, i.e. not earlier

than Jeremiahs sixth century B.C. In older writings the term Arab is used only as an appellative,

meaning desert, or “people of the desert, or nomadic general. The name for Arabia in the earliest

Old Testament writings is either Ishmael, or Madian Ishmael, or Midian Genesis Chapter 25. The

meaning of the term Arab can be either that of “Nomad, or the Land of the Setting Sun, i.e. the

West, it being situated to the west of Babylonia, which was considered to be where the Biblical

record of Genesis was complied. By the ancient Hebrews who were black, however, the land of

Arabia was called the Country of the East, and the Arabs were termed Children of the East, as

the Arabian Peninsula lay to the east of Palestine. It appears that the Old Testament concurs with

the report that the original Arabs were Black Africans. According to the genealogical table of the

tenth chapter of Genesis, Ham’s first born was Kush. Kush is another word for Black and

according to bible scholars the archetypal father figure of Black African people. The word was
Author Last Name / Short Title / 223

also used to indicate the Black Africans who then lived in the Nile Valley region of Kush which

encompasses from Egypt to Ethiopia, on to Kenya, Uganda and Mozambique.

According to the Old Testament, Cush had five sons whose names are identical with

several regions in Arabia. Thus the name of Sebha probably the same as Sheba, or Saba situated

on the west coast of the Red Sea, occurs only three times in the Old Testament. Sheba was a

Black African built state which existed in the southwest portion of the Arabian Peninsula. The

second is Hevila in northern Arabia, or as Glaser prefers in the district of Yemen and al Kasim.

Yemen as we have seen was and remains a predominantly Black African based area of the
Arabian Peninsula. The third is Regma, or Raamah in south western Arabia, mentioned in the

Sabena inscriptions. The fourth is Sabatacha, in southern Arabia, and as Far East as Oman.

Incidentally, the name Oman is the Arabic form of Ammon the high God of the Black Cushites

and Kemites who established themselves in that region very early in history. Even today, Oman

is predominantly Black in phenotype, even though the people are described as Arabs. Thus, one

begins to see the deep reaching roots of Africa in the Arabic world.

The fifth is Sabatha Sabtah, or Sabata the ancient capital of Hadramaut, in South Arabia.

Hadramaut was also an ancient power base of the Cushitic Ethiopian Black Arabs of Arabia.

Regma’s two sons, Saba and Dadan or Sheba and Dedan or Daidan, are also two Arabian

geographical names, the first being the famous Sheba of the Book of Kings, who’s Queen visited

Solomon. The second location is near Edom, north of Medina. In v. 28 of the same Genesis

chapter, Sheba is said to be a son of Jectan A.V., Joktan, and so, also, Elmodad, Asarmoth,

Hevila, Ophir, etc., which are equally Arabian geographical names, We have seen how Saba

refers to the Queendom of the Queen of Sheba a famous African princess of Ethiopian origin.

Yet, later redactors and interpolated in Genesis chapter xxv, 3, the inconsistent fable of how both

Saba and Dadan are grandson of Abraham. Given that Saba was a famous state whose ruins are

identifiable today, and that it is inextricably linked with Ethiopia and Cush in culture, literature

and ethnicity, the brazenness of this attempted falsification and misappropriation of Black

African history becomes clear once again. Based on these flimsy and highly tenuous connections
Author Last Name / Short Title / 224

between Abraham and Joktan, the entire fallacy of the pale Semitic Arab race so loving

promoted by the western media was constructed.

The Old Testament identifies a second category of Arabs linked with the famous episode

of Sarai’s so called handmaid, Agar. Or Hagar also known as Abraham’s lover, and father her

son, Ishmael. According to this account Ishmael is the real ancestor of the majority of Desert

Arabian tribes, such as: Nabajoth, Cedar, Abdeel, Mabsam, Masma, Dua, Massa, Hadar, Thema,

Jethur, and Cedma  bible names, Nebaijoth, Kedar, Abdeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Massa,

Hadar, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah, respectively. These tribes bore the closest affinity to
the pale Arabised people of modern times. These tribes were uncultured, illiterate pagan

barbarians who did not see any enlightenment until the dawn of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

These were notorious bands of wild desert nomads who raided caravans, traded slaves and made

wars without end. Their hands were against everyman and everyman’s hands were against them.

A third category of Arabs are identified as the Madianite, or Ismaelite, merchants who bought

Joseph from his brethren, that of the forty years’ wandering of the Hebrew tribes over the desert

of Arabia. In later Old Testament times one reads of. Nehemiah, who was persecuted by an Arab

sheikh, Geshem), or Gushamu Nehemiah in Douay Version, In the book of II Chronicles we are

told that the Arabians brought tribute to King Jehoshaphat. The same chronicler further narrates,

how God afflicted the wicked Joram by means of the Philistines and “the Arabians, who were

beside the Ethiopians” 2 Chronicles 21:16, and how he helped the pious Ozias Uzziah in the war

against the Arabians that dwelt in Gurbaal” see The Black Biblical Presence in the Bible and the

Table of Nations” by Rev. Walter McCray.

The Civilization of the Original Black Cushitic Ethiopian Arabs as we have seen is, the

ancient Black Arabs who were a highly sophisticated and literate people. They were given to a

life of leisure, culture and pleasure. They lived a settled live in the many fabulous cities they had

built, and were not given to wandering like the landless Arab tribes from central Asia. According

to Drusilla Houston, they were fond of village life, society, the dance and music. They were good

cultivators of the soil, traders, artisans, engineers and administrators. Like the Cushites of the
Author Last Name / Short Title / 225

Nile valley, they were wont to monumental constructions such as the Marib dam of the

Himyaritic kingdom. The Black Arabs kept close to their African Ethiopian roots. Trade and

cultural exchanges were routine and marriage was contracted and conducted with the easiest of

facility between Africans and Yemenites since there were no caste feelings between them. For a

number of causes, the authentic Arabs from southern Arabia migrated within the Arab Peninsula

and without. These reasons can be summarized as follows: the disruption of their trade to the

utmost degree as a result of the domination of the Anbat Kingdom in northern Hijaz, severing

their trade route between Yemen in the south of Arabia and Sham in the north, the inter tribal
disputes within the Yemen itself namely, the clashes between the Hamdan and the Himyar

tribesmen; finally brought about the collapse of Maâ Arab Dam in 450 or 451 AD.

Today, one hears the deliberate or ignorant misuse and abuse of the word Arab for

political purposes unconnected with the real history of the people and culture. Arab now

represents a diversity of which the pale skin type lays claim to predominance. Yet, it cannot be

forgotten that the original authentic Arabs were Black men and women from Africa. The

children of Kush and Nimrod were black and the Ethiopians who immigrated to the lands of

Yemen and Hadramut and Mesopotamia were original black people too. Even in these days of

rank misinformation, the black skin Arabs still maintain a numerical edge over the Arab pale

skin types of today mixed blood descendants of the Kurds, the Persians and the Turks with

African Arabs. When the African Arabs most of who claim a legitimate link back to Black

Yemen are factored in with the remnants of the Black skinned Arabs of Saudi Arabia, Iraq,

Oman, Yemen, and Kuwait, the Black Arabs of today still predominate in number and in

importance, in the Arab world. That predominance is not accidental. It is a historical thread

which remains valid even in these inauspicious post modern times. Yes, but times come and

times go, and yet the Black Arabs will remain as density of population settlement from Africa in

pre historic and historic times.

Author Last Name / Short Title / 226


The History of Saladin

Saladin was a great Muslim leader. His real name was Salah al-Din Yusuf. He united and

lead the Muslim world and in 1187, he recaptured and took Jerusalem from the devil for the

Muslims after defeating the King Richard of Jerusalem at the Battle of Hattin near the Lake of

Galilee. When his soldiers entered the city of Jerusalem, they were not allowed to kill civilians,

rob people or damage the city. Saladin and his men were Muslims who live with Islam as they

way of life. The more successful Saladin was, the more he was seen by the Muslims as being

their natural leader Saladin and Richard the Lion heart are two names that tend to dominate the

last Crusades. Both have gone down in medieval history as great military leaders though their

impact was limited to the Third Crusade. The Crusades were a series of military campaigns
Author Last Name / Short Title / 227

during the time of Medieval England against the Muslims of the Middle East. In 1076, the

Muslims had captured Jerusalem - the most holy of holy places for Christians. Jesus had been

born in nearby Bethlehem and Jesus had spent most of his life in Jerusalem. He was crucified on

Calvary Hill, also in Jerusalem. There was no more important place on Earth than Jerusalem for

a true Christian which is why Christians called Jerusalem the “City of God”. However, Jerusalem

was also extremely important for the Muslims as Muhammad, the founder of the Muslim faith,

had been there and there was great joy in the Muslim world when Jerusalem was captured. A

beautiful dome called the Dome of the Rock was built on the rock where Muhammad was said to
have sat and prayed and it was so holy that no Muslim was allowed to tread on the rock or touch

it when visiting the Dome. Therefore the Christian fought to get Jerusalem back while the

Muslims fought to keep Jerusalem. These wars were to last nearly 200 years

Saladin was born in Tikrit, what is now called Iraq. His family was of Kurdish

background and ancestry and had originated from the city of Divine, in medieval Armenia. His

father, Najm ad-Din Ayyub, was banished from Tikrit and in 1139, he and his uncle Asad al-Din

Shirkuh, moved to Mosul. He later joined the service of Imad ad-Din Zengi who made him

commander of his fortress in Baalbek. After the death of Zengi in 1146, his son, Nur ad Din,

became the regent of Aleppo and the leader of the Zengids. Saladin’s military career began when

his uncle Asad al Din Shirkuh, an important military commander under Nur ad Din, started

training him. In 1163, the vizier to the Fatimid caliph al-Adid, Shawar, had been driven out of

Egypt by rival Dirgham, a member of the powerful Banu Ruzzaik tribe. Towards the end of

1169, Saladin with reinforcements from Nur al Din defeated a massive Crusader Byzantine force

near Damietta. Afterward, in the spring of 1170, Nur al Din sent Saladin’s father to Egypt in

compliance with Saladin’s request, as well as encouragement from the Baghdad based Abbasid

caliph, al Mustanjid, who aimed to pressure Saladin in deposing his rival caliph, al Adid. Saladin

himself had been strengthening his hold on Egypt and widening his support base there. He began

granting his family members high-ranking positions in the region and increased Sunni influence
Author Last Name / Short Title / 228

in Cairo; he ordered the construction of a college for the Maliki branch of Sunni Islam in the

city, as well as one for the Shafi’idenomination to which he belonged in al-Fustat excuse.

During the summer of 1172 a Nubian army along with a contingent of Armenian refugees

were reported on the Egyptian border, preparing for a siege against Aswan. The emir of the city

had requested Saladin’s assstance and was given reinforcements under  Saladin’s brother.

Consequently, the Nubians departed, but returned in 1173 and were again driven off. This time

Egyptian forces advanced from Aswan and captured the Nubian town of Ibrim. Seventeen

months after al Adid’s death, Nur ad Din had not taken any action regarding Egypt, but expected
some return for the 200,000 dinars he had allocated to Shirkuh’s army which seized the country.

Saladin paid this debt with 60,000 dinars, “wonderful manufactured goods”, some jewels, an ass

of the finest breed, and an elephant. While transporting these goods to Damascus, Saladin took

the opportunity to ravage the Crusader countryside. He did not press an attack against the desert

castles, but attempted to drive out the Muslim Bedouins who lived in Crusader territory with the

aim of depriving the Franks of guides.

On July 31, 1173, Saladin’s father Ayyub was wounded in a horse riding accident,

ultimately causing his death on August 9. In 1174, Saladin sent Turan-Shah to conquer Yemen to

allocate it and its port Aden to the territories of the Ayyubid Dynasty. Yemen also served as an

emergency territory, to which Saladin could flee in the event of an invasion by Nur ad-Din. His

death left Saladin with political independence and in a letter to as-Salih, he promised to “act as a

sword” against his enemies and referred to the death of his father as an “earthquake shock In the

wake of Nur ad Din’s death, Saladin faced a difficult decision; he could move his army against

the Crusaders from Egypt or wait until invited by as Salih in Syria to come to his aid and launch

a war from there. He could also take it upon himself to annex Syria before it could possibly fall

into the hands of a rival, but feared that attacking a land that formerly belonged to his master

which is forbidden in the Islamic principles his follower could portray him as hypocritical and

thus, unsuitable for leading the holy war against the Crusaders. Saladin saw that in order to
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acquire Syria, he either needed an invitation from as Salih or warn him that potential anarchy and

danger from the Crusaders could rise.

Meanwhile, Saladin’s rivals in Syria and Jazira waged a propaganda war, claiming he

Saladin had forgotten his own condition servant of Nur ad Din and showed no gratitude for his

old master by besieging his son, rising in rebellion against his Lord. Saladin aimed to counter

this propaganda by departing the siege to claim he was defending slam from the devil and the

Crusaders and  his army returned to Hama to engage a Crusader force there. The Crusaders

withdrew beforehand and Saladin proclaimed it a victory opening the gates of men’s hearts and
their devotion to the fight for what was right. Soon after, Saladin entered Hims and captured its

citadel in March 1175, after stubborn resistance from its defenders. Saladin attempted to gain the

Caliph an Nasir’s support against Izz al Din by sending him a letter requesting a document that

would give him legal justification for taking over Mosul and its territories. Saladin aimed to

persuade the caliph claiming that while he conquered Egypt and Yemen under the flag of the

Abbasids, the Zengids of Mosul openly supported the Seljuks rivals of the caliphate and only

came to the caliph when in need. He also accused Izz al Din’s forces of disrupting their Jihad the

Muslim Holy War against the Crusaders, stating they are not content not to fight, but they

prevent those who can and are willing. Saladin defended his own conduct claiming that he had

come to Syria to fight the Devil the Crusaders, end the heresy of the Assassins, and to end the

wrong doing of the Muslims and their people. He knew how vicious these devils could be so he

wanted to make sure that ho made am impacts on the crusaders. He also promised that if Mosul

was given to him, it would lead to the capture of Jerusalem, Constantinople, Georgia, and the

lands of the Almohads in the Maghreb, until the word of God is supreme and the Abbasid

caliphate has wiped the world clean, turning the churches into mosques.” Saladin stressed that all

this would happen by the will of Almighty God Allah and instead of asking for financial or

military support from the caliph, he would capture and give the caliph the territories of Tikrit,

Daquq, Khuzestan, Kish Island, and Oman.

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Saladin had captured almost every other of the European Crusader cities. Jerusalem

capitulated to his forces on October 2, 1187, after a siege. Before the siege, Saladin had offered

generous terms of surrender, which were rejected. The Europeans had been fighting and taking

lands for the last thousands of years and the original people were tired of the invasios and the

false gods that they came with.  After the siege had started, he was unwilling to promise terms of

quarter to the English European inhabitants of Jerusalem. Balian of Ibelin threatened to kill every

Muslim hostage, estimated at 5000, and to destroy Islam’s holy shrines of the Dome of the Rock

and the al Aqsa Mosque, this is how dirty the devil fight and his nature of evilness. if they were
not given the right to leave. Saladin consulted his council and these terms were acceptd. Ransom

was to be paid for each English  Frank in the city whether man, woman or child. Saladin allowed

many to leave without having the required amount for ransom for others, but most of the foot

soldiers were sold into slavery. Upon the capture of Jerusalem, Saladin summoned the Jews and

permitted them to resettle in the city. In particular, the residents of Ashkelon, a large Jewish

settlement, responded to his request and came to Jerusalem which was found in peace, not

knowing that these same Jews would 823 years later turn arund and say that Jerusalem is there’s

and  claim it to be their own.

The Christians of Western Europe were stunned by the success of Saladin. The pope,

Gregory VIII, ordered another crusade immediately to regain the Holy City for the Christians.

This was the start of the Third Crusade. It was led by Richard I Richard the Lion heart, Emperor

Frederick Barbarossa of Germany and King Philip II of France. These were possibly the three

most important men in Western Europe with an army of thousands and such was the importance

of this crusade. It was to last from 1189 to 1192. Richard, Philip and their men travelled by boat.

They stopped their journey in modern day Sicily. In March 1191, Philip then sailed to the port of

Acre which was controlled by the Muslims. This was an important port to capture for the

Christians as it would allow them to easily land their ships and it was also the nearest big port to

Jerusalem. Acre was besiegd. Philip’s men were joined by Richard’s.  He had captured Cyprus

first before moving on to Acre. The port could not cope against such a force and in July 1191, it
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fell in to the Christians hands once again. However, the siege had its impact on Philip he was

exhausted and left for France. Richard was left by himself. Hattin and the fall of Jerusalem

promptedthe Third Crusade, financed in England by  Richard I of England led Guy’s siege of

Acre, conquered the city and executed 3000 Muslim prisoners including women and children.

Saladin retaliated by killing all Franks captured from August 28 September 10. Bahā’ a-Dīn

writes, “Whilst we were there they brought two Franks to the Sultan (Saladin) who had been

made prisoners by the advance guard. He had them beheaded on the spot.” The armies of Saladin

engaged in combat with the army of King Richard I of England at the Battle of Arsuf on
September 7, 1191, at which Saladin was defeated. While in control of Acre, the Christians

massacred another 2000 Muslim soldiers who they had captured. When you look at the history of

the Europeans they have always been evil dirty fighting devils, where we captures and released

our enemies they would murder men woman and children because there nature is evil. Saladin

had agreed to pay a ransom for the but somehow there was a breakdown in the  process of

payment and King Richard the Lion Hearted ordered their execution. Richard was determined to

get to Jerusalem and he was prepared to take on Saladin. The march south to Jerusalem was very

difficult. The Crusaders kept as near to the coast as possible to allow ships to supply them. It was

also slightly cooler with a coastal breeze. Regardless of this, the Christians suffered badly from

the heat and lack of fresh water. The Europeans were not use to the Environment or the climate

at night when the Crusaders tried to rest, they were plagued by tarantulas. Their bites were

poisonous and very painful. Both sides fought at the Battle of Arsur in September 1191. No one

won and he delayed his attack on Jerusalem as he knew that his army needed to rest. He spent the

winter of 1191 to 1192 in Jaffa where his army regained its strength. ichard marched on

Jerusalem in June 1192.  However, by now even Richard the Lion heart was suffering, he was

old and was getting no support from his country in England. He had a fever and appealed to his

enemy Saladin to send him fresh water and fresh fruit. Saladin offered the services of his

personal physician. Saladin also sent him fresh fruit with snow, to chill the drink, as treatment.

At Arsuf, when Richard lost his horse, Saladin sent him two replacements. Richard suggested to
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Saladin that Palestine, should be lived in peace by Christian and Muslim, and being the righteous

Blackman that he was Saladin did just this. Why would Saladin do this? There are two reasons.

First, Saladin was a strict Muslim. One of the main beliefs of Islam is that Muslims should help

those in need. Secondly, Saladin could send his men into Richard’s camp with the supplies and

spy on what he had in terms of soldiers, equipment etc.

What they found was that Richard only had 2,000 fit soldiers and 50 fit knights and these

Knights were a part of the later famous Knights of the Templar to use in battle. With such a

small force, Richard could not hope to take Jerusalem even though he got near enough to see the
Holy City. Richard was exhausted and wanted to get back to his country which was in turmoil

since he was a way fighting the crusade and organized a truce with Saladin and the devil pilgrims

from the west who were Europeans would once again be allowed to visit Jerusalem without

being troubled by the Muslims. Neither Richard nor Saladin particularly liked the truce but both

sides were sworn by it and lived it out and in October 1192, Richard sailed for Western Europe

never to return to the Holy Land. However, for Richard the adventure was not over. On his

journey back to England, his ship got wrecked in a storm. He found that he had to travel through

Austria. This country was owned by a sworn enemy of Richard Duke Leopold of Austria.

Leopold had originally been a leading member of the Third Crusade but he had been ridiculed by

Richard who did nothing to stop his men making fun out of Leopold. They called him the sponge

because he drank so much and was drunk so often and he soakedup alcohol like a sponge soaked

up water.  Leopold had lost a lot of prestige and now he had a chance to avenge himself. Richard

was betrayed to Leopold who held him captive for two years until a ransom was paid for him.

Richard arrived home in 1194.Richard was known as the Lion heart by his people because of his

courage and heart of a lion.

All attempts made by Richard the Lion heart to re take Jerusalem failed. However,

Saladin’s relationship with Richard was one of chivalrous mutual respect as well as military

rivalry. When Richard became ill with fever, could be united through the marriage of his sister

Joan of England, Queen of Sicily to Saladin’s brother, and that Jerusalem could be their wedding
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gift. However, the two men never met face to face and communication was either written or by

messenger. As leaders of their respective factions, the two men came to an agreement in the

Treaty of Ramla in 1192, whereby Jerusalem would remain in Muslim hands but would be open

to Christian pilgrimages. The treaty reduced the Latin Kingdom to a strip along the coast from

Tyre to Jaffa. This treaty was supposed to last three years. Saladin died of a fever on March 4,

1193, at Damascus, not long after Richard’s departure. Since Saladin had used most of his

money to fight this jihad and holy war and had given most of his money away for charity, when

they opened his treasury, they found there was not enough money to pay for his funeral. And so
Saladin was buried in a magnificent mausoleum in the garden outside tUmayyad Mosque in

Damascus, Syria.

    Timeline Key Dates

Saladin Timeline of Events and key dates


Saladin is born and spends his early life in Balbek and Damascus

1152 - 1169

Saladin serves under the Syrian ruler Nur al-Din fighting campaigns against crusaders in



Saladin conquers the Fatimid rulers of Egypt


The death of Nur al-Din


Saladin conquers Damascus


Attempt to kill Saladin by the Syrian leader Rashideddin

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Saladin conquers the Syrian city of Aleppo


Saladin conquers Mosul in Iraq


Saladin captures the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem and the city of Jerusalem surrenders to

the Muslims

1187 - 1190
King Philip Augustus of France, King Richard I of England prepare their armies to

recover the Holy City of Jerusalem from Saladin and the Muslims


4th of July: Richard the Lion heart embarks on the Third Crusade


July 11: King Richard the Lion heart gains control of Tyre


July: The crusaders recover the city of Acre from the Muslims

1191 - 1192

The crusaders battle against Saladin for two years but fail to capture Jerusalem from the



September 2: The Peace of Ramla. King Richard and Saladin conclude a truce by the

terms of which Christians are permitted to visit Jerusalem without paying tribute and that they

should have free access to the holy places


Saladin dies on March 4, 1193 at Damascus

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The History of Master Fard Muhammad

As I write this degree of Master Fard Muhammad I give All Praise to this man who was

Allah and came here to North America to teach that the original Asiatic Blackman is god. If it

was not for him millions of black people would still be blind deaf and dumb following the

European Caucasians into the hell in which he lives in. This man was indeed a savior for he
saved a people from that mental death which is the only death that a person can come back from.

He taught us that you can’t return from a physical death so do not follow what we were taught

about a man name Jesus coming back from a physical death to save us. We as original people

owes a great deal to him even if all the 17,000,000 did not take to these teachings he brought the

truth to the ex slaves who were lost and now found and who had lost their culture their language

their way of life and the way most of the 85% act even lost their minds. So I write this degree so

all will know who the first here was in America to teach that the original man is god.

According to what I was told and the lessons that I read over the years, Master Fard

Muhammad or W.F. Muhammad as the 120 degrees refer to him also was from the Quarish Tribe

and whose father name was Alfonso wo was a Jet black man who was predicted by  the ‘24

scientists who comprised of the godhead. The same way that they predicted that Yacub would

make devil 8,400 years before he was born, they also predicted that we would be lost in a strange

land for over 400 years and God would come and save them and restore them to their rightful

place on earth. He decided to teach his son because he knew that his son was the one who would

come to America and save the Black people who were stole and lost for 400 years in a strange

land.  His son would have to be able to sneak into America without being harassed by racist

America so he had to have a near white complexion. The mother of such a child, for various

reasons, had to be white. So Alfonso went into the lands of Europe and married a white woman

with the unusual nam of Baby G. Alfonso then cleaned her up by  refining her and murdering the
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4 devils out of her, thus making her fit to bear a child who would grow up to be God. Alfonso’s

first effort to father a child resulted in a girl. On the next occasion Alphonso had made a boy who

was named Wallace D. Fard and was born February 26, 1877 in the Holy city Mecca. In Sanskrit

Wallis means holy man, prophet. Alfonso then purchased the best books in the world and

educated by the best teachers in the world knowing that his son was the one chosen to save the

lost found people here in North America.

When Fard was fully prepared for his work, he then took his father’s seat among the

righteous and became wise enouh to leave and go teach that Allah is God.  He came to North
America by myself in 1910 and studied the ways of the original people for 20 years. Master Fard

Muhammad was in and out of America, for some twenty 20 years prior to making his presences

known to the Lost-Found black man and black woman of Americawhom he called the ‘Lost

Tribe of Shabazz.  He said, My name is W. F. Muhammad, I came to North America by myself

to reclaim and redeem black people whom he referred to as his ‘uncle’ he stated, “My uncle

referring to the Black man and woman was brought over here by the Trader 379 years ago and

that his uncle who us original people do not talk his own language and he doesn’t know that he is

my uncle. Master Fard Muhammad taught that he comes from the Quarish tribe of Mecca, the

same ethnic group that Prophet Muhammad Peace and Blesings of Allah are Upon Him had

come from.  Then, on July 4, 1930, he declared the independence of the Black man of America.

A year later he met and taught Elijah Muhammad for 3 ½ years. When he arrived in Detroit,

Michigan he took on many aliases such as W.D Fard, Wallace Douglas, Mr. Ford, etc… which

was to protect his true identity, he knew he had job and duty to do and he had to be two steps

ahead of the devil because he knew if they found out who he was and what he was there to do he

would have been killed or exiled like Marcus Garvey before him. So he began to teach door to

door in one of the worst ghettos in America at that time in Detroit known as Paradise Valley.

Moreover, many African Americans had migrated from the Deep South Mississippi, Alabama,

Louisiana, Georgia, etc., to big urban metropolis like Detroit Chicago, New York, Washington,

DC, Newark, and Baltimore escaping racist, Jim Crow laws and were in search of economic,
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political and social relief and mobility. Many of these blacks were steeped in the Christian

tradition in particular the Pentecostal Church tradition where salvation involved fire and

brimstone sermons, Holy Ghost experiences, shouting, healing, speaking in tongues, anointing,

etc., were common religious practices in the Christian Southern tradition. This was the Christian

tradition we lived and the Bible was literally interpreted and there was no compromise when it

came to God the father, Jesus the Son and Holy Ghost. They often attended Church services

seven 7 days a week and many blacks took these social and cultural norms with them to the

north. Thus, we witness the southern rural backwoods church transition evolved into the
storefront churches in the new urban cities.

Master Fard Muhammad used the Holy Bible and the Holy Qur’an he introduced the

Muhammad Ali translation of the Holy Qur’an and in America the Yusuf Ali translation of the

Holy Qur’an was widely accepted amongst the first American Muslims. The Ahmadiyya

Movement followers of Gullam Ahmed were the first Eastern group of Muslims who befriended

blacks and made an attempt to introduce Islam to African Americans. Master Fard Muhammad

based on American standards of race categorization looked white and Caucasian, but Elijah

Muhammad taught that he was an original man who was Allah. Thus, he had a white mother and

a black father. The gene that came from his Father made him an original man. In a society where

race mattered more in the 1930s than perhaps now in 2010, he came like a thief in the night

looking like the dominant white society but had an interest in elevating the Black American race

from their depressed and downtrodden social, political and economic condition. He went door to

door as a silk salesman teaching black people that before Chattel Slavery 1555-1865 they had a

splendid and glorious history under the banner of Islam in the East and were from lineage of

royal kings and royal queens. He taught them the importance of adhering to Islamic dietary laws

and began to constantly win the confidence of some black people in Paradise Valley.

In November 1929 Fard arrived in Detroit, where he sold coats, fine silks and trinkets

under the names Wali Fard, Wallace D. Fard and Wallace D. Fard Muhammad. He made friends

in the local African-American community, telling them that the silks he sold were similar to the
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fabrics worn in their ancestral homeland. When his customers inquired about his experiences in

his homeland, he responded with stories that combined theosophy, traditional Islam and ideas

similar to Moorish Science Temple of America. After he developed a following, he declared that

he had come from Mecca and that he would soon appear in his “royal robes.” He organized his

movement as the Allah Temple of Islam, establishing the University of Islam, which was not a

university at all but a “school” that taught black students from grades one through twelve. He

also established a group of male security guards called the Fruit of Islam, which he copied the

military drill from Booker T. Washington, an African-American educator during this period in

The Nation of Islam was founded by Master W.F. Fard Muhammad on July 4, 1930 in

Detroit, Michigan. One of Fard’s first followers had been Elijah Poole, who later changed his

name to Elijah Muhammad. Elijah began preaching that Wallace Fard Muhammad was the

Mahdi and that it was God directly intervening in the world through Fard. He taught his

followers that, Allah God appeared in the person of Master Fard. He taught that Fard was the

same person referred to in the Bible as, The Son of Man. He taught as his followers believe

today, that The True and Living God operated in Fard’s person. Fard had conferred leadership of

the Nation of Islam to Elijah Muhammad Some maintained that in 1930 or 1931 he met Elijah

Poole who was born on October 7, 1897 in Sandersville, Georgia 1897-1975. Poole and his

growing family had migrated to Detroit from Macon, Georgia or Sandersville, Georgia. Poole

was poor, destitute and unemployed. Poole met Master Fard Muhammad at a public meeting and

immediately embraced Master Fard Muhammad teachings and even recognized him as the

Savior Almighty God Allah. Poole became very close with Master Fard Muhammad who taught

Poole for three and one half years day and night.

Master Fard Muhammad initially renamed Elijah Poole, Elijah Kareem and told the

believer here is Kareem. Master Fard Muhammad also gave his complete full name, which was

Wali Fard Muhammad Wali translated from the Arabic language means friend, Fard means

obligatory or morning star and Muhammad means one worthy of praise and praises much.
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However, Fard’s activities were brought to wider public notice after a major scandal erupted

involving an apparent ritual murder in November 1932, reportedly committed by one of Fard’s

early followers, Robert Karriem. He later said he had committed the murder to bring himself

closer to Allah. Karriem had quoted from Fard’s booklet titled Secret Rituals of the Lost-Found

Nation of Islam. “The unbeliever must be stabbed through the heart. This quotation, as well as

stating that every son of Islam must gain a victory from the devil. Four victories and the son will

attain his reward,” convinced the Detroit police to seek out Fard in connection with the murder.

Although not charged with any crime, Fard was asked to leave town in early 1933 and not to
return. Fard left, but returned secretly to Detroit the next year. Fard was arrested and again asked

to leave Detroit.

In 1934 W.F. Muhammad turned the Nation of Islam’s ministry and organization over to

Elijah Kareem and he gave Elijah 104 books to read. In June 1934, Fard left Detroit for Chicago

and disappeared without a trace. When nothing further was heard from him, some rumored that

he had been killed by police. Others asserted that he had returned to Mecca to prepare for his

eventual return. The later official view of the NOI was that he was in Mecca. Others believe he

had been killed by American Secret CIA Agents whatever he was to be never seen again and has

been cause for a lo of historical speculation over the years.  Elijah Kareem eventually changed

his surname to Muhammad after his teacher W.F. Muhammad. Elijah Muhammad experienced

serious threats and opposition from internal rival leaders within this fragile organization right

after W.F. Muhammad disappeared and these threats eventually forced Muhammad to move out

of Detroit and he went from city to city quietly teaching Islam to all the human family of the

planet earth. Fard taught that Armageddon was imminent. He maintained that black people in the

United States had a duty to discover their origins and purpose. Out of all the nations of the Earth,

especially those in the hells of North America were the only nation without any knowledge of

their history, no control of their present lives, and without any guidance for their future. Black

people had been systematically denied knowledge of their true history by their white oppressors.

Master Fard Muhammad taught that Christianity was a religion of the slave owners that had been
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forced on enslaved or subordinated black peoples for the last 400 years. These were things that

white America did not want black people to hear especially in that era of time. He was teaching

the truth that had been purposely hidden for thousands of years which was new to the lost found

black people here in North America.

Master Fard Muhammad taught that Islam was the original faith and natural way of life

for black people prior to slavery and that the first original peoples of the world were black. He

described white people as a race of devils created by a scientist named Yacub the Biblical and

Quranic Jacob on the Greek island of Patmos. He pointed out the bloody history of the white race
ever since they left the caves of west Asia as they once call Europe. And how the devil

conquered and murdered indigenous or original people where ever they went. Fard claimed that

Prophet Muhammad of Arabia was a black skinned Arab, and that he was the best example for

all mankind, emphasizing to his followers that The Holy Qur’an and the life of Prophet

Muhammad must be studied. He gave Elijah a reading and study assignment, upon his departure,

to prepare him for his mission. He instructed him to find 104 books, most of which were on the

history of the culture of the original Blackman, of Islam and the life of Prophet Muhammad,

according to Elijah’s book, Message to the Black Man in America. Elijah located most of the

books in the library of congress. Fard also taught his followers that his own mother was white

women from the Caucuses Mountains of west Asia as they now call Europe, and that she was a

righteous Muslim woman. Fard’s lessons teach that it was not the color of one’s skin that makes

them evil, but that the evil devilishment that Yacub taught his followers which was devilishment

and made people weak and wicked.

Master Fard Muhammad called his teaching Mathematical Theology because math is a

language of symbols. In so doing, he all but told anyone with a bit of knowledge of life that

nearly everything in the universe was symbolic to Mathematics. The 104 books Fard gave to

Elijah to read represent the 14 Kau of Ra, and the Quran’s 14 mystic letters, which is the

principle contained in those. Alphonso did exist as an actual person, and his mythic significance

lies in his name. Alphonso symbolizes mantic sound power. The “fon” part of his name is of the
Author Last Name / Short Title / 241

same root as “phone” and phonic. Al-Fon represents the sound. Some spiritual schools believe all

that exists is made up of light and sound. Al-Fons plural symbolizes all the sounds or the 50

possible sound powers contained in the Tree of Life’s 3rd sphere, Seker. Alphonso was a jet

black man, symbolizing the conscious level that is metaphorically black, having no movement or

differentiation. The proper mate for divine sound is divine light or energy. So he sought a white

woman to be his wife. Here we have yin and yang expressed on multiple levels. Kundalini is

often symbolized as feminine. Alphonso searched in the hills and caves of Europe, in the upper

hills and depths caves of the subconscious.

Europe from Europa conceals “ur,” light. There he found Baby G. The letters G is the 7th

letter of the alphabets and represents God and also symbolizes the seven chakras of the

kundalini. She is “Baby” G because the chakras are not yet developed to their fullest potential.

Alphonso then cast the 4 devils out of her, purified the chakras and thereby the subconscious.

Baby G is then fit to bear a child who would be God in Person. The 24 scientists’ elders, seniors

are simply the 24 vertebrae along the spine through which kundalini travels. The Book of

Revelation calls them elders and the Enochian system calls them seniors because the elasticity of

the spine has much to do with the ageing process. Fard, then, represents the synthesis of child of

divine light Baby G/Mother Kundalini and divine sound Alphonso. Master Fard said, “I came to

North America by myself.” In Nation of Islam North American represents hell. But hell, itself is

symbolic of the Tuat Underworld which is symbolic of the subconscious. Fard is saying that he

entered the subconscious by the power of his Self and that self is Allah God.

According to the lessons, and what I was taught Master Fard Muhammad was the first to

teach black people here in America the truth that the whites race were devils because of the black

man who was a scientist by the name of Yacub making of the white race of people on the island

of Patmos or Pelan, which was the making of the devil which took 600 years of grting from the

original Blackman and woman.  And that their culture is one of lies and murde that have ruled

for the last 6,000 years.  According to Elijah Muhammad, Master Fard Muhammad taught that

Yacub had to establish a birth control law and a secret policy among the ruling class while on the
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island of Pelan as they now called Patmos. Their secret was that they were to kill all dark babies

at birth and lie to the parents about the child’s fate. Then they were to make sure that the lighter

skinned children thrived and become successful in society. This made light skin over time the

preference. This was the establishment of the idea of White Supremacy. It was necessary to

allow the process of grafting or making of a lighter skin race of people who would be different.

The idea was that if the light skinned people where allowed to mate freely with the dark skinned

people, the population would remain dark skinned due to the genetic dominance of the original

dark skinned people.

This process took approximately 600 years to produce a blond haired, blue eyed group of

people. As they migrated back into the mainland they were greeted and welcomed by the

indigenous black original people where ever they went and according to the supreme lessons of

120, they started making trouble among the righteous people, telling lies and causing trouble

confusion and mischief amongst the righteous people. This is when it was decided by the ruling

class of the original People to round up all that they could find, who where trouble makers and

march them out, over the hot desert sands, into the caves and hillsides of west Asia as they now

call Europe. Master Fard Muhammad claimed that this history is well known, preserved and is

ritualized or re-enacted within many fraternal organizations and secret societies. Also, Fard

taught that much of their alleged savage ways came from living in the caves and hillsides of

Europe for over 2,000 yrs without any divine revelation or knowledge of civilization.

Master Fard Muhammad taught his followers that whites did not become civilized until

the Prophet Moses or Musa was sent to civilize them in the year 2,000BC. Today’s European

Jews are believed to be the progeny of the first group Musa taught. Fard explained that Whites

were considered Devil because they were grafted from the original Blackman and woman h.

According to the lessons Fard taught that the definition for Devil included any grafted man or

any live grafted germ, plant or animal, from its original biological state is devil. In his supreme

wisdom teachings he explains that because they are made weak, their recessive biological nature

made them more susceptible to doing evil than the original people. He indicated that it was
Author Last Name / Short Title / 243

possible for some of them to be righteous, after 35 to 50 years when they study and learn to do

like the original man who is god and submit to the principles of religion of Islam. He claimed

that black people were divine by nature, created by Allah from the dark substance of space. In

“Message to the Black Man of America”, Elijah explains that Blacks had primitive forms of evil

that occasionally appeared among them, long before the making of White people. Elijah reports

from Fard, that dissatisfaction and evil among Blacks caused a major explosion to happen on

earth 66 trillion years ago, that created the current moon, orbiting now around the planet.

Therefore it is safe to conclude that Fard was more focused on dealing with the root and cause of
evil that resided within the original people. His ideology on race is believed by his followers to

be the root of knowledge necessary to correct the problem of white supremacy and evil in

general that is not race related. According to Elijah, Fard wanted the Holy Qur’an a book of

spiritual guidance for all mankind, to become law of the original people so they can live a true

and right and exact way of life.

According to Elijah Muhammad, Master Fard Muhammad taught his followers that Asia

was one of the original words to refer to the entire world and was one land mass. Asia is from the

Greek language, but its etymology goes further into its roots in the Afro-Asiatic languages,

which includes Akkadian an ancient root of Arabic & Phoenician, some of the earliest known

languages. The Greek word Asia, in Akkadian is “asu” meaning to go outside or to ascend,

referring to the direction where from th sun rises or the place of the rising sun.  He taught that

Asia is where the knowledge and wisdom of the original man started when the planet was first

found. Master Fard Muhammad taught his followers that Europe was a place where people

where sent, that they was bound in as one is sent into prison, implying that the sun or light of

civilization has set or gone down on that people. In Phoenician language, an ancient North

African language, the word Asia meant east. Due to the African holocaust and systematic

oppression, he described the condition of Blacks as being that of mental and spiritual death. Fard

claimed that He was born and sent to awakened and reconnect them with their past in the east.

He taught that they would ascend or be resurrected from their mental death. Many old maps
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describe the rest of the world outside of Europe, going south or east, as Asia. Fard wanted his

followers to see themselves as one race with all non-Europeans. Being that the term Asia,

transcended several geographic locations, continents and cultures, it served Fard’s purpose of

connecting Blacks in America with non-Europeans around the world. He wanted his followers to

not think that Africa was the only place that they were connected to racially. He pointed out that

Caucasians are called such because they were sent into the Caucus Mountains of Europe, by the

original people of the Middle East. Fard taught that Asia is the name of the planet earth home

and the home of Islam which renews its history every 25,000 years to equal its home
circumference. He taught the Black race where the first created, and are the original human

beings on the planet earth.

There are many people who continues to teach what Master Fard Muhammad taught 70

years ago, but with more emphasis on devilish behavior found in both Blacks and Whites,

understanding that Master Fard Muhammad intentions where apparently directed at removing

evil and wickedness from the world, regardless of color, permanently breaking the spell of

Yacub. Fard, as all Muslims do, loved and revered Prophet Muhammad as well as his own

mother. He was critical but also respected the Muslim world and taught of a time when his

followers would eventually reconnect with Muslims of all races and colors worldwide, according

to Elijah Muhammad’s book Message to the Black Man. He referred to righteous people as the

5%, who were people of every race and nationality, which work to save humanity from the evil

rule of Yacub’s teachings and those who promote them. In the lessons, those will find truth and

those who possessed it and teach will have eternal life. He explains that humanity can be divided

up in general categories; the 5% who know and teach the truth of the true and living god the 85%

or the majority of humanity that is “blind, deaf and dumb”, which do not know the truth and are

mislead and exploited by the ruling 10%. Who is regarded as the 10% or ruling class of this

civilization as the actual forces of Satan. Today it’s understood by many, in and outside of the

nation, that Fard’s teaching on the Devil was his method of addressing the ideology of white

supremacy and black inferiority that permeates the minds of both people. The nation explains
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that Fard’s teaching helped to reduce the image of whites being superior in the mind of Blacks

and at the same time raise that of Blacks from a position of inferiority, within the thinking of

Blacks and Whites. By this, both people can see each other on a level of equality rather than

whites as superior.

Who is the Mahdi? He is a man, a human being, yet in Him is the Guidance, Knowledge,

Wisdom and Power to bring religion back to its right state; to destroy the enemies of the True

Path of God; and to lay the Base for the Kingdom of Islam Peace, which the Prophet Muhammad

PBUH was appointed to give a sign of. The very ritual of Hajj is a sign of what the world will be
like in totality when the Mahdi establishes the Kingdom of Islam Peace. In that day, there will be

no racism to corrupt the Spirit of Islam. There will be no sexism, there will be no materialism

and there will be no nationalism. All of the corrupters of the True Spirit of Islam will be

completely destroyed. The Holy Qur’an, in its application, is preparation to live in the Hereafter.

The “Hereafter” is here, on Earth, after the destruction of the power of the wicked to interfere

with the establishment of the Kingdom of Islam. In that new world, there will be no need for a

law that punishes adultery, homosexuality, rape, murder, theft or any offense, because there will

be no lawbreakers.

The Holy Qur’an teaches that in the Hereafter, there will be “no vain discourse”, only

peace. This implies a place where there is only righteousness and complete submission to the

Will of Allah, for there is no peace without submission to His Will. The Honorable Elijah

Muhammad said that Islam as we know it will not be in the Hereafter. The principles will

remain, but there will be a totally new knowledge. He said that the Hereafter is a continuation of

this life on the highest plane of existence. It is the life we knew before the Fall of Adam. The

One who brings about this Reality is not a prophet; He is the Manifestation of God. Master Fard

Muhammad, The Great Mahdi, came to North America by Himself. He is a Master with the

Knowledge and Understanding of the root of this world. His Knowledge enables Him to uproot

this world and begin a new one. His complete understanding of our illness, and the illness of the

entire human family, enabled Him to design a medicine teaching to heal us. Master Fard
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Muhammad is the Conduit through Whom the Message from the Lord of the worlds came to us.

He is alive and has Absolute Power to bring His Will into fruition because His Will is in

complete harmony with the Eternal Will of the Originator of the Heavens and the Earth.”

W.F. Muhammad

Wallace Fard Muhammad was a preacher and founder of the Nation of Islam (NOI). He

established the Nation of Islam’s first mosque in Detroit, Michigan in 1930 and preached his

distinctive religion there for three years before mysteriously disappearing in June 1934. His

follower and succeeding leader Elijah Muhammad proclaimed him to have been Allah on earth.

Fard’s real identity is not definitively known. Alternative names on record include Wallace

Wallie Dodd Ford, Wallace Dodd, Wallie Dodd Fard, W.D. Fard, David Ford-el, Wali Farad,

Farrad Mohammed and F. Mohammed Ali. Within the NOI he is generally known as Master

Fard Muhammad. A World War I draft registration card for Wallie Dodd Ford from 1917

indicated he was living in Los Angeles, California, unmarried, as a restaurant owner, and

reported that he was born in Shinka, Afghanistan on February 26, 1893. He was described as

being of medium height and build with brown eyes and black hair As of 1920, he was still living

in Los Angeles, as 26 year-old Wallie D. Ford, with his 25 year-old wife, Hazel. In the 1920

United States Census he reported his occupation as a proprietor of a restaurant, and gave his

place of birth as New Zealand. He provided no known place of birth for his parents, nor his date

of immigration. In 1926, Ford was arrested and imprisoned for drug offenses, serving three years

in San Quentin State Prison between 1926 and 1929. When he was released from prison, he

disappeared from the public record until “Wallace Fard” was arrested in 1932. He was identified

as Wallace Dodd Ford on the basis of photographs and matching fingerprints.

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The NOI rejects this identification of Wallace Dodd Ford as Wallace Fard Muhammad,

interpreting it as part of a smear campaign. They also say that he was born in 1877 which would

put him in his 50s when photographed , and that he came from Mecca. Elijah Muhammad, Fard

Muhammad’s student and successor as Nation of Islam leader, wrote in his book Message to the

Blackman: Allah (God) came to us from the Holy City Mecca, Arabia, in 1930. He used the

name Wallace D. Fard, often signing it W. D. Fard. In the third year (1933), He signed His name

W. F. Muhammad, which stands for Wallace Fard Muhammad. He came alone. He began

teaching us the knowledge of ourselves, of God and the devil, of the measurement of the earth, of
other planets, and of the civilizations of some of the planets other than earth.

Elijah Muhammad also challenged the Hearst press, which had publicized the story, and

offered US$100,000 to anyone who could prove W. F. Muhammad was an alias of Wallace

Dodd Ford. Soon enough Ford’s former common-law wife, Hazel Ford, stepped forward with

proof that W. F. Muhammad and Wallace D. Ford was indeed the same person. She also claimed

to have a child fathered by Ford. She never could prove these allegations; therefore, the money

was never placed in escrow and Ford was never paid the money.

While the question of W. F. Muhammad’s identity is controversial, the current NOI lead

minister, Louis Farrakhan, does accept that Fard was imprisoned. He insists that this was because

W.F. Muhammad’s preaching threatened the racial status quo, not because of any criminal acts.

However, the most zealous NOI followers refuse to even consider this possibility. If one would

take the view that Fard and Dodd/Ford are one and the same individual, his biography can be

partially reconstructed up to 1934. His distinctive mixed parentage allowed him at various times

to claim to belong to several different races, often either African, Arab or Indian. This may have

influenced his later doctrine of the “Asiatic Blackman” and his emphasis on Islam as the

authentic Black religion, though he did not originate these ideas. He also seems to have been a

member for some time of the Moorish Science Temple of America, a religious organization that

states African Americans were descended from the Moors and thus were originally Islamic.
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According to several authors, in spring 1929, after his release from prison, Dodd/Ford

joined the Moorish Science Temple of America, founded by Timoty Drew, where he was

renamed David Ford-el  Timothy Drew, by then known as Noble Drew Ali, needed someone

capable of overseeing his organization while he was awaiting a trial on suspicion of accessory to

the murder of his rival Sheik Claude Greene. He put Fard in charge of the Chicago Temple. On

July 20, 1929, less than a month after he named Fard acting head of Chicago mosque, Nobel

Drew Ali was found dead in his home. David Ford-el claimed Drew Ali had left him in charge

and declared himself the reincarnation of Noble Drew Ali. Arguments erupted over the issue of
successor. Those who had been loyal to Greene argued that Fard had not been with the MSTA

long enough to succeed Drew Ali, and insisted that Charles Kirkman Bey, one of Greene’s

closest allies, had the authority to assume the mantle of leadership. Another faction, headed by

Ira Johnson Bey, claimed that Kirkman Bey was unfit. On September 25, 1929 four of Johnson

Bey’s lieutenants went to Kirkman Bey’s home and kidnapped him. Police were called and a

shootout with police occurred.

One month after the shootout, the stock market crashed. Fard allegedly claimed that the

crash proved he was the reincarnation of Noble Drew Ali. Some of Drew Ali’s followers swore

allegiance to him. The Nation of Islam have denied that Fard was involved in these events,

insisting that he was never a member of the Moorish Science Temple but others bare witness that

these events did take place. In November 1929 Fard moved from Chicago to Detroit, Michigan.

Using the names Wallace D. Fard and Wallace D. Fard Muhammad, he renamed the faction that

he controlled as the Allah Temple of Islam, established the University of Islam, a group of male

security guards called the Fruit of Islam, and other Black Muslim organizations. From Drew

Ali’s ideas, he developed his own theories, mixing traditional Islam with the science of

everything in life, and started teaching his new ideas of truth among African Americans.

Fard’s activities were brought to wider public notice after a major scandal erupted

involving an apparent ritual murder in November 1932, reportedly committed by one of Fard’s

early followers, Robert Karriem. He later said he had committed the murder “to bring himself
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closer to Allah.” Karriem had quoted from Fard’s booklet titled “Secret Rituals of the Lost-

Found Nation of Islam”: “The unbeliever must be stabbed through the heart.” This quotation, as

well as stating that “every son of Islam must gain a victory from the devil. Four victories and the

son will attain his reward,” convinced the Detroit police to seek out Fard in connection with the

murder. Although not charged with any crime, Fard was asked to leave town in early 1933 and to

never return. Fard left, but returned secretly to Detroit the next year. Fard was arrested and again

asked to leave Detroit. One of Fard’s first followers had been Elijah Poole, who later changed his

name to Elijah Muhammad. Elijah began preaching that Wallace Fard Muhammad was the
Mahdi and even deified Fard as the True and Living God. Shortly before he departed Detroit for

the last time, Fard had conferred leadership of the Nation of Islam on Elijah Muhammad.

In June 1934 Fard left Detroit for Chicago and disappeared without a trace. When

nothing further was heard from him, some supporters came to believe that he had been killed by

police. Others asserted that he had returned to Mecca to prepare for his eventual return. The later

official view of the NOI was that he was in Mecca. Others believe he had been killed by Elijah

Muhammad. The Nation of Islam teaches that he boarded the Mother Plane. There is some

evidence that Fard lived at least until the 1960s; his alleged lover stated that he had returned to

New Zealand. The FBI maintained an open file on Fard Muhammad up until as late as 1960,

according to documents published through the Freedom of Information Act. In 1981 Pakistani

scholar Zafar Ishaq Ansari researched Fard’s life and claimed that Fard was identical with

Muhammad Abdullah, a Pakistani Ahmadiyya Muslim. He was an adviser of Elijah Muhammad

since the late 1950s and was the tutor of his son and successor Warith Deen Mohammed. After

Elijah’s death, Warith Deen appointed Abdullah imam of Mosque #77 in Oakland, California.

The November 26, 1976 issue of the NOI journal Bilalian Newsreports Muhammad Abdullah’s

first khutbah at the mosque and shows a photo. Abdullah himself denied that he was Fard, saying

“It is all right to say I am Fard Muhammad for Wallace Warith D. Muhammad. I taught him

some lessons. But I am not the same person who taught Elijah Muhammad and I am not God.
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Fard claimed that Armageddon was imminent. He maintained that black people in the

United States had a duty to discover their origins and purpose. Out of all the nations of the Earth,

diasporic Africans, particularly those in “the hells of North America,” were the only nation

without any knowledge of their history, no control of their present lives, and without any

guidance for their future. Black people had been systematically denied knowledge of their true

history by their white oppressors. Christianity was a religion of the slave owners that had been

forced on enslaved or subordinated Black peoples. He claimed that Islam was the original faith

of Black people prior to slavery and that the original peoples of the world were Black. He called
white people a race of devils created by a scientist named Yacub on the island of Patmos. He

also claimed that Black people were divine by nature, created by Allah from the dark substance

of space and that a “Mother Plane” or “Wheel”, that was seen and described in the visions of the

prophet Ezekiel in the “Book of Ezekiel”, would destroy whites for their supposed evil.

The idea that Islam is the original true religion is derived from mainstream Islamic

theology, which claims that Judaismand Christianity are corrupted forms of God’s original

message that Muhammad reaffirmed. The presence of Islam in eastern countries such as

Indonesia and the Middle East may have led Fard to conclude that it was the historical faith of

Asian peoples as a whole. This theory was directly influenced by Drew, who had claimed that all

non-Europeans are in fact part of a unified Asian race, which he called Moorish. Christian

missionary activity under imperialism may also have contributed to Fard’s association of white

supremacy with the attempted imposition of corrupted religious ideas. The figure of Yacub is

derived from the Biblical Jacob Yacub in the Qur’an, while his activities on Patmos recall St.

John’s Book of Revelation. Thus, he combined central figures in the founding of Judaism and

Christianity. Fard’s racialization of Islamic beliefs is part of the widespread preoccupation with

racial theory and eugenics among many people from various backgrounds at the time. The

common white supremacist idea that Black people were somehow less evolved than whites was

turned around, making Black people the original uncorrupted peoples of the world, of which

whites were defined as a degenerate offshoot. According to Fard, Yacub’s progeny were destined
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to dominate the world for 6,000 years before the original Black peoples once again assumed

power. Fard said this process had begun in 1914, while his followers said he had been sent to

proclaim it. Fard’s followers were given Arabic names to replace their given names. His claimed

birth date is celebrated today by the Nation of Islam as Saviors’ Day.


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The History of John H Hawkins

John H Hawkins was not the first of the slave traders he came from a line of slave traders

before him. His father William Hawkins John Hawkins was born into a wealthy family in the

busy seaport of Plymouth, in southwest England. His mother was Joan Trelawney; his father,

William Hawkins, was a successful businessman involved in the slave trade at the very

beginning. William was a powerful man who was often in trouble with the law. In 1527, for
example, he was charged with beating a Plymouth man almost to death, but he did not receive a

harsh punishment. In 1545 he was accused of piracy and sent to prison for a short time. (Piracy is

the illegal practice of robbing ships at sea.)William was not afraid to take risks to make money,

and in 1530 became the first Englishman to sail from Plymouth to Africa and then across the

Atlantic Ocean to Brazil to trade various goods. This general route became known as the

triangular transatlantic route. Even with his savage behavior and history he became the mayor of

Plymouth twice and was a member of parliament for that town and also boasts of being beloved

by King Henry the VIII. He had made a number of voyages to Brazil first touching the Guinea

Coast. This early route formed the Atlantic trade route that would last hundreds of years. It was

his knowledge and maps that help his son john Hawkins to become so successful. When

Hawkins’s father died, in 1553 or 1554, he and his brothers inherited the business, which

continued to thrive.

Like his father, John Hawkins could be daring and even violent. When he was only

twenty years old, he killed a man in Plymouth. The authorities who investigated the crime

decided that he had acted in self-defense. He saied from Plymouth in 1562 with three ships.  He

violently kidnapped about four hundred Africans in Guinea and traded them in the West Indies

for Elizabethan lxuries: - pearls, ginger, sugar and hides.  He had become England’s first slave

trader. He sailed again in 1564 from the Catt water (part of the estury of the river Plymouth) with

four ships.  The syndicate this time included Queen Elizabeth I, Navy Board Officers and
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members of the Privy Council. He violently enslaved around five hundred people inuinea and

traded them in the West Indies.   His personal profit was huge and the Queen gave him a coat of

arms. It had a bound slave as the crest (see below).Hawkins and his older brother, William,

worked with their father and learned much from him about seamanship and the slave trade. They

also perfected their skills at piracy and privatizing. (Privateers are seafarers who own and operate

their own ships independently but are authorized by their government to raid the ships of enemy

nations, often capturing the entire ship with all its cargo.) Privateers were expected to give the

treasure they stole to the government—though privateer often tried to keep as much as they
could for themselves. Hawkins considered himself a privateer, but many of his actions came

close to being piracy.

In London Hawkins hoped to find financial support for a daring new plan: an expedition

to Africa to buy slaves, who would then be sold at a large profit in the Americas. Portuguese and

Spanish explorers were already conducting a busy slave trade between Africa and the Americas,

and they were stealing gold, silver, and other precious resources from lands in the Western

Hemisphere. If England could participate in this trade, it, too, would become an extremely

wealthy nation. European slave traders considered African people nothing more than a cargo that

could be bought and sold, like sugar or cloth. In fact, slaves were worth much more than most

other types of cargo because they could be put to work on the new plantations that Europeans

were building in Brazil and other parts of the Americas. With slave labor these plantations

produced products such as sugar and coffee, which were then sold for enormous prices in

Europe. Plantation owners needed slave labor in order to build huge fortunes. If they employed

paid workers instead of slaves, they could not make such large profits.

First slaving voyage

Hawkins met several influential businessmen in London, and he began to establish

connections with those in political power. Among these individuals was Benjamin Gonson,

treasurer of the Royal Navy. Gonson helped to persuade a group of London merchants and
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investors to finance Hawkins’s project. In 1562 Hawkins set out on his first slaving voyage.

Most Elizabethan ships were small and crowded, but Hawkins always traveled with chests full of

fancy clothes, fine dishes, and other luxuries. He even hired musicians on his voyages to play for

his own enjoyment. Though his sailors often endured hardships, Hawkins treated himself to the

very best.

Hawkins sailed to West Africa. On the way he captured several Portuguese ships and

stole their cargoes of slaves, spices, ivory, and other goods. With three hundred to four hundred
slaves, Hawkins then set sail for the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean. Forced to live in

brutally overcrowded conditions, half of the slaves died on this voyage. Despite this loss

Hawkins made huge profits from the sale of the surviving slaves. With these profits he bought

goods to sell back in England. He acquired so much gold, silver, pearls, sugar, hides, and other

merchandise that he did not have enough room for it all on his ships. Finding two empty Spanish

vessels, Hawkins arranged for them to carry the extra goods to Spain. He then took his own ships

back to England. But Spanish authorities seized the two ships that had arrived in Spain, claiming

that the English had no legal right to trade in the Western Hemisphere. In 1494 the pope had

divided the Americas between Spain and Portugal. No other country could trade in the Western

Hemisphere without first obtaining permission. But Hawkins had ignored this law. Spain took

possession of the ships’ cargoes and refused to return them to Hawkins. Even with the loss of

these goods, however, Hawkins made an enormous profit from the voyage and immediately

began planning a second venture.

Second slaving voyage

Eager to share in the profits that the slave trade could bring, many high-ranking

individuals in England agreed to help pay for Hawkins’s second voyage. Among them were

some of the most influential advisors to Queen Elizabeth I (1533–1603), including William Cecil

(Lord Burghley; 1520–1598; Lord Admiral Clinton, the Earl of Pembroke; and Robert Dudley
Author Last Name / Short Title / 255

(Earl of Leicester; 1532–1588). Even the queen herself became involved. Although she had said

earlier that the buying and selling of African people was a ‘‘detestable’’ action, as quoted in

Nick Hazelwood’s The Queen’s Slave Trader: John Hawkyns, Elizabeth I, and the Trafficking in

Human Souls, she now agreed to lend Hawkins one of her own ships, the Jesus of Lubeck aka

the good ship Jesus. She also granted Hawkins permission to have a coat of arms, a type of

honorary badge. At the top of the design was the picture of an African slave, bound with a rope.

Hawkins sailed from Plymouth in 1564, with the young Francis Drake (1540–1596), a
relative, sailing with him. When the ships reached Africa, Hawkins sent raiding parties ashore to

capture slaves. Leading a raid himself in December, he was attacked by local fighters and barely

made it back to his ship with his men. In all, Hawkins obtained about four hundred slaves to

carry across the Atlantic. But the voyage encountered trouble, including several storms and a

period without any wind, which prevented the ships from making any progress. The ships almost

ran out of food and water. Reaching the coast of Venezuela in the spring of 1565, Hawkins

discovered that the Spanish authorities there had forbidden residents to trade with him. To

persuade the residents to cooperate, he sent groups of armed men ashore to pretend to capture

certain towns where he wanted to trade. This way the local merchants could buy his goods and

then tell Spanish authorities that they had been forced into it. No real fighting occurred, however.

This strategy worked well, and Hawkins made even more money on this voyage than he had on

his first one.

Third slaving voyage

Back in England after this second voyage, Hawkins began planning a third slaving

expedition. But the queen’s advisors wanted him to wait. Impatient, he kept his fleet in Plymouth

harbor for more than a year. When Spanish ships sailed into this area, Hawkins fired shots at

them. In 1567 he set sail for Africa. As before, he raided the coast for slaves and then, after

enduring severe storms in the Atlantic, he brought this cargo to the Americas. By bullying and
Author Last Name / Short Title / 256

bribing the local authorities, he was able to trade in several ports. But then a severe storm came,

forcing him to anchor in the port of San Juan de Ulna, Mexico. There he hoped to sell his

remaining cargo and repair damage to his ships. Only one day later, though, a large fleet of

Spanish ships entered the harbor. The Spanish did not believe Hawkins when he told them he

had come in peace. Fierce fighting broke out, and the English were almost completely destroyed.

Hawkins lost many men and almost all his goods. Only two of his ships survived.

Hawkins had command of one of the remaining ships, the Minion, and Drake
commanded the other, the Judith. When the two ships were separated Drake sailed back to

England alone. Hawkins later accused Drake of abandoning him, though Drake insisted that he

was just following orders. The battered ships, full of wounded men, had been forced to flee the

fighting before they had taken on any new supplies. There was almost no food or water. As

Hazelwood described it, ‘‘Men chewed on cowhides and chased rats and mice. Cats and dogs

became delicacies.’’ The men aboard the Minion grew so desperate that they begged Hawkins to

set them ashore on a remote part of the Mexican coast. But when he agreed, and asked for

volunteers to leave the ship, they changed their minds. So Hawkins ordered them ashore. He

abandoned 114 men in Mexico, promising to return for them a year later if he ever made it back

to England.

The return journey was filled with horrors. According to an account of the voyage

published in Hakluyt’s Principal Navigations and quoted by Hazelwood, ‘‘Our men being

oppressed with famine died continually, and they that were left grew into such weakness that we

were scantly able to manage our ships.’’ By the time the Minion reached European waters off the

coast of Spain, its men had been without adequate nutrition or fresh water for more than three

months. Many suffered from scurvy, a vitamin deficiency. Hawkins and his ship finally returned

to England in January 1569. This third voyage was Hawkins’s last venture as a slave trader.

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Hawkins began working for the release of the men he had left behind, whom the Spanish

had captured and sent back to Spain. Because the queen’s government did not wish to anger

Spain any further by fighting for the release of these hostages, it suggested that Hawkins try to

trick the Spanish government into releasing the prisoners. Hawkins befriended King Philip II of

Spain (1527–1598) and offered to become his agent. Philip was fooled. He not only released the

prisoners but made Hawkins a grandee, the highest rank for a noble in Spain. He also gave

Hawkins a fortune in cash.

Having next gained the trust of the Spanish ambassador, Hawkins was able to obtain

secret information about a Spanish plot against Elizabeth in 1571. English Roman Catholics,

who were forbidden to practice their religion, hoped to overthrow the queen with Spain’s help,

and then make the Catholic Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots; 1542–1587) queen of England. This

plan became known as the Ridolfi plot. Hawkins revealed the plan to the English government,

and the English conspirators were arrested. John Hawkins was responsible for seven ships n two

squadrons sailing to Guinea in 1566.  Another member of this expedition was Hawkins’ cousin

Francis Drake. In 1567, after a service in St Andrews Church attended by the 400 men of his

crews, he sailed to the West Indies via Guinea again. After much bloodshed on the Guinea coast

50 slaves were transported to the Caribbean.  According to slavers accounts of the time this

would probably have involved killing t least three times that number of people.  Hawkins made

three voyages to what is now Sierra Leone between 1562 and 1569 – enslaving around 1,200


By 1585 Philip II had started planning a naval assault on England. The Spanish fleet,

which had about 130 ships and 19,000 infantry soldiers as well as 8,000 seamen, sailed for

England in 1588. Spain hoped to overwhelm the English navy, invade the country, and

overthrow the queen. The English, with Hawkins third in command, were well prepared. After

several battles in the English Channel with no clear winner, the English initiated a major battle
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on August 7 and 8. They forced the Armada ships to break formation, which gave the smaller

and faster English ships room to maneuver effectively and inflict great damage. The Armada

tried to escape, sailing north toward Scotland. It encountered a devastating storm that wrecked

several ships and drove others off course. Only about 60 of the original 130 ships made it back to

Spain. The powerful Armada had been defeated.

In recognition of Hawkins’s bravery and leadership during the Armada crisis, Queen

Elizabeth made him a knight. (A knight is a man granted a rank of honor by the monarch for his
personal merit or service to the country.) Those who had criticized his decisions during his

disastrous third slaving voyage now began to respect him again. He worked hard to oversee

repairs that the English fleet needed after the fighting. But as the years passed, the queen began

to disapprove of the high costs involved in making naval improvements. She criticized Hawkins

for spending too much, and he feared that she would send him to prison. He petitioned to be

released from his job as naval treasurer, but the queen refused.

In 1590 Hawkins’s wife died. The marriage had been a happy one, and he grieved for her.

After a few years Hawkins married Margaret Vaughan, who had been one of the queen’s ladies-

in-waiting, a woman in the queen’s household who attends the queen. Around this same time

Hawkins organized the construction of a hospital for seamen at Chatham. In 1594 this institution

received a royal charter and was named the Hospital of Sir John Hawkins.

Death at sea

Hawkins sailed on his final sea voyage in 1595. Francis Drake had persuaded the queen

to approve of an expedition to the Caribbean, where English ships would attack Spanish ports

and raid treasure-filled Spanish ships. The queen made Hawkins second in command after

Drake. The fleet anchored at Guadeloupe, West Indies, on October 29, and the commanders
Author Last Name / Short Title / 259

began considering various plans to attack the Spanish. But Hawkins became seriously ill. He

died on November 11, 1595, off the coast of Puerto Rico, and was buried at sea.

A privateer and slave trader, Hawkins nonetheless made significant contributions to

English history. He was respected as a daring seaman and fighter who helped England becomes a

leading slave trading country. William Hawkins unior was Mayor elect of Plymouth in 1568.  In

this year there were believed to be 50 Huguenot pivateers operating in the Engish Channel. 

Thirty of them were English.  William had the biggest stake in te fleet and was virtually Pirate-

in-chief.  During the period up to 1572 the state records are full of the screams of those
Europeans andothers who suffered under these marauders.  Plymouth became the main base of

their operations. In 1572, under political pressure from Spain, their fleeshifted to the other side of

the channel.   William and John went on buying cargoes in Plymouth from rivateers and

‘ransoming’ Huguenot prizes.  London Merchants were still financing slavng voyages to West

Africa out of Plymouth.  Ships were still sailing to the Caribbean, eiht Hawkins vessels and six

others in 1575.  In 1595 he accompanied his second cousin Sir Francis Drake, on a treasure-

hunting voyage to the West Indies, involving two unsuccessful attacks on San Juan. During the

voyage they both fell sick. Hawkins died at sea off Puerto Rico. Drake succumbed to disease,

most likely dysentery, on January 27th, and was buried at sea somewhere off the coast of Porto

Belo. Hawkins was succeeded by his son Sir Richard Hawkins.

Hawkins came to the public’s attention again in June 2006, almost four and a half

centuries after his death, when his descendant Andrew Hawkins publicly apologized for his

ancestor’s actions in the slave trade

Author Last Name / Short Title / 260

The History of Christoer Columbus

Christopher Columbus Oct 1451   May20 1506 Cristoforo Colombo in Italian, Cristóbal

Colón n Spanish, Cristóvão Colombo in Portuguese  was most probably Genoese, although some

historians claim he could have been born in other places, from the Crown of Aragó to the
Kingdoms of Galicia or Portugal among others. He was an explorer and trader who crossed the

Atlantic Ocean and reached the Americas on October 12th 1492 under the flag of Castilian

Spain. His father was Domenico Colombo, a woolens merchant, and his mother was Susanna

Fontanarossa, the daughter of a woolens merchant. Christopher had three younger brothers,

Bartolomeo, Giovanni Pellegrino, and Giacomo, and a sister, Bianchinetta In 1470, the family

moved to Savona, where Christopher worked for his father in wool processing. During this

period he studied cartography with his brother Bartolomeo. Christopher received almost no

formal education; a voracious reader, he was largely self-taught. In 1474, Columbus joined a

ship of the. Spinola Financiers, who were Genoese patrons of his father. He spent a year on a

ship bound towards Khios an island in the Aegean Sea and, after a brief visit home, spent a year

in Khios. It is believed that this is where he recruited some of his sailors. He believed that the

earth was a relatively small sphere, and argued that a ship could reach the Far East via a

westward course.

Contrary to the somewhat widespread notion that Columbus fought with opposition based

on the idea that the earth was flat, it was fairly well accepted at that time that the earth was a

spherical body. What the main debate was over was whether or not it would be possible to get

around it without running out of food or getting stuck in windless regions. Although his

explorations were not the first to reach the Americas, they inaugurated permanent contact
Author Last Name / Short Title / 261

between the New and Old Worlds. He wanted to establish a city there for trade, seaports, and

much more. When he grew into a man he was interested in sailing to Asia by going west. First he

went to the king of Italy and presented his idea before him. Italy wasn’t looking for a way to

Asia; they were still receiving riches from their old trade routes. His three ships were, the Nina,

the Pinta and the Santa Maria Columbus was not the first European to reach the continent. It is

widely acknowledged today that Scandinavians had travelled to North America from Greenland

in the 11th century and set up a short-lived colony at L’Anse aux Meadows. There is speculation

that an obscure mariner travelled to the Americas before Columbus and provided him with
sources for his claims.

There are also many theories of expeditions to the Americas by a variety of peoples

throughout time; see Pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact, one of the most consistent is the first

exploration before 1472 of two, led by João Vaz Corte-Real to Terra Verde today’s

Newfoundland. Giovanni Caboto better known as John Cabot was first to reach the American

mainland which Columbus did not reach until his third voyage. However, there is one thing that

sets off Columbus’ first voyage from all of these: less than two decades later, the existence of

America was known to the general public throughout Europe. Columbus landed in the Bahamas

and later explored much of the Caribbean, including the isles of Juana Cuba and Espanola

Hispaniola, as well as the coasts of Central and South America. He never reached the present-

day U.S.A., although he is generally regarded as the first European to reach “America”, and

“Columbus Day” 12 October, the anniversary of Columbus’ landing in the Bahamas is celebrated

as a holiday.

Unlike the voyage of the Scandinavians, Columbus’s voyages led to a relatively quick,

general and lasting recognition of the existence of the New World by the Old World, the

Columbian Exchange of species both those harmful to humans, such as viruses, bacteria, and

parasites, and beneficial to humans, such as tomatoes, potatoes, maize, and horses, and the first
Author Last Name / Short Title / 262

large-scale colonization of the Americas by Europeans. The voyages also inaugurated ongoing

commerce between the Old and New Worlds, thus providing the basis for globalization.

Coumbus remains a controversial fiure. Some  including many Native Americans  view him as

responsible, directly or indirectly, for the deaths of tens, if not hundreds, of millions of

indigenous peoples, exploitation of the Americas by Europe, and slavery in the West Indies A

legend is that the crew grew so homesick and fearful that they threatened to hurl Columbus

overboard and sail back to Spain. Although the actual situation is unclear, most likely the sailors’

resentments merely amounted to complaints or suggestions.


On January 4, 1493 he set sail for home, not yet understanding the elliptical nature of the

trade winds that had brought him west. He wrestled his ship against the wind and ran into one of

the worst storms of the century. He had no choice but to land his ship in Portugal, where he was

told a fleet of 100 caravels had been lost. Astoundingly, both the Niña and the Pinta were spared.

Some have speculated that landing in Portugal was intentional. The relations between Portugal

and Castile were poor at the time, and he was held up, but finally released. Word of his discovery

of new lands rapidly spread throughout Europe. He didn’t reach Spain until March 15, when the

story of his journey was in its third printing. He was received as a hero in Spain, and this was his

moment in the sun. He displayed several kidnapped natives and what gold he’d found to the

court. Isabella immediately had the Indians clothed in warm velvets; her tenderness for her new

subjects would be a thorn in conquistadors’ plans for years. Columbus also displayed the

previously unknown tobacco plant, the pineapple fruit, the turkey and the sailor’s first love, the


Naturally, he did not bring any of the coveted Indian spices, such as the exceedingly

expensive black pepper, ginger or cloves. Columbus left from Cadiz, Spain for his second

voyage 1493-1496 on September 24, 1493, with 17 ships carrying supplies and about 1200 men

to assist in the subjugation of the Taine and the colonization of the region. On October 13 the
Author Last Name / Short Title / 263

ships left the Canary Islands, following a more southerly course than on the first voyage On

November 3, 1493, Columbus sighted a rugged island which he named Dominica. On the same

day he landed at Marie-Galante which he named Santa Maria la Galante. After sailing past Les

Saintes Todos los Santos, Columbus arrived at Guadaloupe Santa Maria de Guadalupe, which he

explored from November 4 through November 10. The exact course of his voyage through the

Lesser Antilles is debated, but it seems likely that Columbus turned north, sighting and naming

several islands including Montserrat Santa Maria de Monstserrate, Antigua Santa Maria la

Antigua, Redonda Santa Maria la Redonda, Nevis Santa María de las Nieve or San Martin, Saint
Kitts San Jorge, Sint Eustatius Santa Anastasia, Saba San Cristobal, and Saint Martin or Saint

Croix Santa Cruz. Columbus also sighted the island chain of the Virgin Islands, which he named

Santa Ursula y las Once Mil Virgines, and named the islands of Virgin Gorda, Tortola, and Peter

Island San Pedro.

Before he left on his second voyage he had been directed by Ferdinand and Isabella to

maintain friendly, even loving relations with the natives. However, during his second voyage he

sent a letter to the monarchs proposing to enslave some of the native peoples, specifically the

Caribs, on the grounds of their aggressiveness. Although his petition was refused by the Crown,

in February, 1495 Columbus took 1600 Arawak as slaves. 550 slaves were shipped back to

Spain; two hundred died en route, probably of disease, and of the remainder half were ill when

they arrived. After legal proceedings, the survivors were released and ordered to be shipped back

home. Some of the 1600 were kept as slaves for Columbus’s men; Columbus recorded using

slaves for sex in his journal. The remaining 400, who Columbus had no use for, were let go and

fled into the hills, making, according to Columbus, prospects for their future capture dim.

Rounding up the slaves resulted in the first major battle between the Spanish and the Indians in

the new world. The main objective of Columbus’s journey had been gold. To further this goal, he

imposed a system on the natives in Cicao on Haiti, whereby all those above fourteen years of age

had to find a certain quota of gold, which would be signified by a token placed around their
Author Last Name / Short Title / 264

necks. Those who failed to reach their quota would have their hands chopped off. Despite such

extreme measures, Columbus did not manage to obtain much gold.

One of the primary reasons for this was the fact that natives became infected with various

diseases carried by the Europeans. In his letters to the Spanish king and queen, Columbus would

repeatedly suggest slavery as a way to profit from the new discoveries, but these suggestions

were all rejected: the monarchs preferred to view the natives as future members of Christendom.

On May 30, 1498, Columbus left with six ships from Sanlúcar, Spain for his third trip to the New
World. He was accompanied by the young Bartolommeo de Las Casas, who would later provide

partial transcripts of Columbus’s logs. After stopping in the Canary Islands and Cape Verde,

Columbus landed on the south coast of the island of Trinidad on July 31. From August 4 through

August 12, he explored the Gulf of Paria which separates Trinidad from Venezuela. He explored

the mainland of South America, including the Orinoco River. He also sailed to the islands of

Chacachcare and Margarita Island and sighted and named Tobago (Bella Forma) and Grenada

Concepcion. Initially, he described the new lands as belonging to a previously unknown new

continent, but later he retreated to his position that they belonged to Asia. Columbus returned to

Hispaniola on August 19 to find that many of the Spanish settlers of the new colony were

discontent, having been misled by Columbus about the supposedly bountiful riches of the new

world. Columbus repeatedly had to deal with rebellious settlers and Indians. He had some of his

crew hanged for disobeying him. A number of returned settlers and friars lobbied against

Columbus at the Spanish court, accusing him of mismanagement. The king and queen sent the

royal administrator Francisco de Bobadilla in 1500, who upon arrival (August 23) detained

Columbus and his brothers and had them shipped home.

Columbus refused to have his shackles removed on the trip to Spain, during which he

wrote a long and pleading letter to the Spanish monarchs. Although he regained his freedom, he

did not regain his prestige and lost his governorship. As an added insult, the Portuguese had won

the race to the Indies: Vasco da Gama returned in September 1499 from a trip to India, having
Author Last Name / Short Title / 265

sailed east around Africa. Nevertheless, Columbus made a fourth voyage, nominally in search of

the Strait of Malacca to the Indian Ocean. Accompanied by his brother Bartholomew and his

thirteen-year old son Fernando, Columbus left Cadiz, Spain on May 11, 1502. On June 15, they

landed at Carbet on the island of Martinique (Martinica). A hurricane was brewing, so Columbus

continued on, hoping to find shelter on Hispaniola. Columbus arrived at Santo Domingo on June

29, but was denied port. Instead, the ships anchored at the mouth of the Jaina River. After a brief

stop at Jamaica, Columbus sailed to Central America, arriving at Guanaja Isla de Pinos in the

Bay Islands off the coast of Honduras on July 30. Here Bartholomew found native merchants and
a large canoe, which was described as “long as a galley” and was filled with cargo.

On August 14, Columbus landed on the American mainland at Puerto Castilla, near

Trujillo, Honduras. Columbus spent two months exploring the coasts of Honduras, Nicaragua,

and Costa Rica, before arriving in Almirante Bay, Panama on October 16. Columbus and his

men were stranded on Jamaica for a year. Two Spaniards, with native paddlers, were sent by

canoe to get help from Hispaniola. In the meantime Columbus, in a desperate effort to induce the

natives to continue provisioning him and his hungry men, successfully intimidated the natives by

correctly predicting a lunar eclipse, using the Ephemeris of the German astronomer

Regiomontanus. Grudging help finally arrived on June 29, 1504, and Columbus and his men

arrived in Sanlucar, Spain, on November 7. In his later years Columbus demanded that the

Spanish Crown give him 10% of all profits made in the new lands, pursuant to earlier


Because he had been relieved of his duties as governor, the crown felt not bound by these

contracts and his demands were rejected. His family later sued for part of the profits from trade

with America, but ultimately lost some fifty years later. Columbus’s voyages to the Americas

was greed it had nothing to do with finding the new world, historians have abandoned the

rhetoric of discovery No longer do we say that Columbus and the other European explorers
Author Last Name / Short Title / 266

“discovered” America. Rather, the European voyagers encountered Indian peoples and cultures

that had been present in the Americas for hundreds or even thousands of years before Columbus

came to this part of the world. The Spanish and the Portuguese came to the Americas to pursue

dreams of empire, and to get the riches that the rest of the world had to offer and never was it

really about both secular and religious. Although the Portuguese acquired Brazil under the Treaty

of Tordesillas 1494, the Spanish were the principal Iberian power in the Americas.

Their religious aims were simple: to win these people lands and convert the peoples to
Catholicism. Their secular aims included bringing Central and South America under their

imperial governance of Spain in world affairs, seeking great wealth both the gold and gems that

were rumored to abound in the Americas, and gratifying their individual ambitions for power and

glory especially in a stratified society like Spain, the Americas offered intoxicating opportunities

for social and political advancement. Under the terms of this legend, the Spanish colonists were

conquistadors’ conquerors brutal men, interested only in loot, pillage, rape, and murder, who left

a trail of savage destruction wherever they went. Even though many of the early Spanish

conquistadores were interested only in gold and gems and were ruthless in their methods,

emphasis on brutality and greed does not explain how the Spanish created a colonial empire in

Latin America that lasted for more than two centuries longer, indeed, than the British Empire

lasted in that part of North America that we now know as the United States.

The “Black Legend” has some basis, notably in the work of the Spanish priest and former

conquistador Bartolommeo de Las Casas, who intended his impassioned histories to persuade the

Spanish monarchs to restrain the excesses of the expeditions of exploration, conquest, and

conversion that they had authorized. But, as Axtell notes, the “Black Legend” is also largely an

artifact of nineteenth-century Protestant Americans of English or Anglo-Saxon ancestry who

were convinced that Catholic lands and peoples were tyrannous, lazy, cruel, and semi-barbarous.

It has thus obscured the stability, cultural achievements including the founding of universities in
Author Last Name / Short Title / 267

Mexico older than any in North America, and occasional beneficence of the Spanish colonies. It

also should be noted here that slavery in particular, African slavery, because enslaving Indians

proved unsuccessful was introduced to the Americas by the Portuguese and the Spanish over a

century before the first Africans arrived in Virginia in 1619. In part, the European slave traders

joined a slave trade that was several centuries’ old, beginning with West Africans’ selling slaves

to Mediterranean traders in the eighth century. Apparently, the small but continuous traffic in

slaves, in which the Portuguese were the leading European practitioners, exploded in the

fifteenth century when the Portuguese applied slavery to the cultivation of sugar cane, first in
their Atlantic island colonies and then in Latin America.

The Spanish quickly followed owed suit, to be succeeded in the seventeenth century by

the Dutch and in the eighteenth century by the English. “The people of this island and of all other

islands which I have found and seen, all go naked, they are so artless and free with all they

possess, that no one would believe it without having seen it. Of anything they have, if you ask

them for it, they never say no; rather they invite the person to share it, and show as much love as

if they were giving their hearts...”Because Columbus observed that the natives “ought to be good

servants and would easily be made Christians”, and because his “execution of the affair of the

Indies” was a “fulfillment of prophecies in Isaiah,” he “took possession” of the islands, since the

natives were intended by God “to be placed under the authority of civilized and virtuousprinces

or nations, so that they may learn  to practice better morals, worthier customs and a more

civilized way of life.” Should the Indians object, the necessary declarations Columbus read in

Spanish! To the natives, “I certify to you that, with the help of God, we shall powerfully enter

your country and shall make war against you in all ways and manners that we can, and shall

subject you to the yoke and obedience of the Church and of Their Highness. We shall take you

and your wives and your children, and shall make slaves of them...”At virtually every landing on

Columbus second voyage his troops went ashore and killed indiscriminately whatever animals
Author Last Name / Short Title / 268

and birds and natives they encountered, “looting and destroying all they found,” as Columbus’

son Fernando put it.

As one eyewitness recalls “Once the Indians were in the woods, the next step was to form

squadrons and pursue them and kill them, and whenever the Spaniards found them, they

pitilessly slaghtered everyone like sheep in the corral.  So they would cut an Indian’s hands and

leave them dangling by a shred of skin and they would send him on saying ‘Go now, spread the

news to your chiefs.’ Some Christians encounter an Indian woman, who was carrying in her arms
a child at suck; and since the dog they had with them was hungry, they tore the child from the

mother’s arms and flung it still living to the dog, which proceeded to devour it before the

mother’s eyes. On one occasion in Cuba they “began to rip open their bellies, to cut and kill

those lambs - men, women, children, and old folk, all of whom were seated, off guard, and

frightened.”After all, the Indians were only infidels, “naturally lazy and vicious, idolatrous,

libidinous, and commit sodomy.”In less than a decade after Columbus’ first landing the native

population of the island of Hispaniola thousands and thousands of people had dropped by a third

to a half. Before the next century ended, the population of Cuba and many other Caribbean

islands had been virtually exterminated. When the Americans celebrate Columbus Day they fail

to realize that they are celebrating the systematic slaughter of the entire indigenous population of

the Americas: Genocide was a central factor in the establishment of the United States.

There were originally an estimated 80 million Native Americans in Latin America when

Columbus so called discovered the continent and approximately 12 to 15 million more north of

the Rio Grande. By the year 1650, 95 per cent of the native population of Latin America had

been massacred. Michael A. Dorris observes that by the time the continental borders of the

United States were established, the entire population had been decimate “to a low of 210,000 in

the 1910 census.”  Even Columbus expressed his admiration for the culture of the South

American ‘Indians’ whom he subsequently slaughtered, describing them as “so free and so naive
Author Last Name / Short Title / 269

with their possessions that no one who has not witnessed them would believe it. When you ask

them for something they have, they never say no. To the contrary, they offer their share with

anyone”. He even acknowledged: “They the Native Americans are not the best people in the

world and above all the gentlest without knowledge of neither evil nor do they murder and steal.

A French Jesuit priest similarly observed of the Iroquois tribe: “No poorhouses are needed

among them, because they are neither mendicants nor paupers. Their kindness, humanity and

courtesy not only makes them liberal with what they have, but causes them to possess hardly

anything except in common.” According to te missionary priest Las Casus the natives:  are by
nature the most humble, patient, and peaceable, holding no grudges, free from embroilments,

neither excitable nor quarrelsome.

These people are the most devoid of rancor’s, hatreds, or desire for vengeance of any

people in the world they not only possess little but have no desire to possess worldly goods. For

this reason they are not arrogant, embittered, or greedy. They are very clean in their persons,

with alert, intelligent minds However, this Native American culture of altruism, fraternity, and

mutual compassion was to be replaced by other more important European values. The indigenous

population “would make fine servants”, noted Columbus. “With fifty men we could subjugate

them all and make them do whatever we want.” Accordingly, Columbus had returned to the

continent in 1493 with a force of 17 ships, to implement a program of mass slavery and

extermination of the Taino population of the Caribbean: Within three years five million were

dead; fifty years on, the Spanish census recorded only 200 alive. It is worth analyzing this

representative case study of colonialism in some detail to comprehend the reality behind the

distorted version we are so often presented with. Las Casus, the distinguished Spanish priest and

historian, documented numerous accounts of the atrocities perpetrated by the colonialists against

the Native Americans, including hanging them en masse, roasting them on spits, hacking their

children into pieces to be used as dog food, among other horrors. He reported that the Spanish

attacked the natives “like ravening wild beasts killing, terrorizing, afflicting, torturing, and
Author Last Name / Short Title / 270

destroying the native peoples” with “the strangest and most varied new methods of cruelty, never

seen or heard of before”.

In his Brevisma Relacion de la Destruction de lao Indies 1540, Las Casus further

described the hell let loose upon the indigenous population by Columbus and his allegedly

“Christ-bearing” cronies: The Christians, with their horses and swords and lances, began to carry

out massacres and practice strange cruelty among the Native Americans. They attacked the

towns and spared neither children nor aged nor pregnant women not those in child labor, all of
whom they ran through the body and lacerated as though they were assaulting so many lambs.

They made bets as to who, with one stroke of the sword, would slit a man in two or cut off his

head or spill out his entrails. They tore babes from their mothers and dashed their heads against

the rock… laughing and joking... They burned the Indians alive. They cut off the hands of all

they wished to take aive and hung them round the victim’s neck.  They made wooden grid irons

of stakes; bound the Native chiefs upon them and made a slow fire beneath... The officer who

was burning them gagged them with his own hands. I saw all the above things and numberless

other. He further observed.

The common ways mainly employed by the Spaniards who call themselves Christian and

who have gone there to extirpate those pitiful nations and wipe them off the earth is by unjustly

waging cruel and bloody wars. Then, when they have slain all those who fought for their lives or

to escape the tortures they would have to endure, that is to say, when they have slain all the

native rulers and young men (since the Spaniards usually spare only women and children, who

are subjected to the hardest and bitterest servitude ever suffered by man or beast), they enslave

any survivors. With these infernal methods of tyranny they debase and weaken countless

numbers of those pitiful Indian nations. Las Casus also described in horrifying details the grave

consequences of the genocide as it progressed: This island of Hispaniola, once so populous

having a population that I estimated to be more than three millions, has now a population of
Author Last Name / Short Title / 271

barely two hundred persons. The island of Cuba is nearly as long as the distance between

Valladolid and Rome; it is now almost completely depopulated. San Juan and Jamaica are two of

the largest, most productive and attractive islands; both are now deserted and devastated.

On the northern side of the Cuba and Hispaniola lie the neighboring Lucayos comprising

more than sixty islands including the those called Gigantes, beside numerous other islands, some

small some large. The least felicitous of them were more fertile and beautifl than the gardens of

the King of Seville.  They have the healthiest lands in the world, where lived more than five
hundred thousand souls; they are now deserted, inhabited by not a single living creature. All the

people were slain or died after being taken into captivity and brought to the Island of Hispaniola

to be sold as slaves. More than thirty other islands in the vicinity of San Juan are for the most

part and for the same reason depopulated, and the land laid waste. On these islands I estimate

there are 2,100 leagues of land that have been ruined and depopulated, empty of people. As for

the vast mainland, which is ten times larger than all Spain, even including Aragon and Portugal,

containing more land than the distance between Seville and Jerusalem, or more than two

thousand leagues, we are sure that our Spaniards, with their cruel and abominable acts, have

devastated the land and exterminated the rational people who fully inhabited it

The newly established United States continued this policy of ruthless genocide that

Columbus himself had begun, and that other European colonialists continued to perpetrate in his

wake. Mass extermination was eventually followed by a program of mass ethnic cleansing, under

the ‘Indian Removal’ policy, which was implemented to clear land for white settlers. ‘Clearing’

included military slaughter of tribal villages, bounties on native scalps, and even biological

warfare. After the 1830 Indian Removal Act, the natives were marched off their land at bayonet-

point to relocation settlements. The combination of genocide and ethnic cleansing initiated by

Columbus and his merry band of explorers, in which they invaded and established control over

the American continent is rarely openly acknowledged even today. In earlier days, however, its
Author Last Name / Short Title / 272

acknowledgment would be accompanied by its justification. The European explorers, despite

being responsible for seizing the land of another people and systematically slaughtering its native

population, were said to have acted on the right of ‘self defense’ against Native American


The indigenous population was therefore blamed. Of course, it is clear that such myths

were merely redundant attempts to legitimize the brutal invasion and occupation of the land of

another population, along with the systematic genocide of that population. Indeed, the Native
Americans fought only to defend their land, property, and lives from European invaders. Today

however, it is still important to forward the myth of Europe’s benign virtue as the basis of the

formation of a system that cannot afford to admit its fascist roots, roots that may remind it of its

ongoing hypocrisy. This is because a cursory inspection of the record brings to light the

systematic, profit orientated, historical atrocities that have shaped contemporary structures and

institutions, thereby calling into question the benevolence of the contemporary order. As the

American journalist T. D. Allman remarks that in the minds of the invaders, the Native

Americans “were not human beings; they were only obstacles to the inexorable triumph of

American virtue, who must be swept away to make room for a new reality of American

freedom” a freedom which naturally meant that “our own solemnly proclaimed rights to life,

liberty and the pursuit of happiness totally superseded the rights of the peoples whose lives,

liberties and happiness we were expunging of the face of the earth”. “

Their reason for killing and destroying such an infinite number of souls”, elaborates Las

Casus, “is that the Christians have an ultimate aim which is to acquire gold, and to swell

themselves in riches in a very brief time and thus rise to a high estate disproportionate to their

merits. It should be kept in mind that their insatiable greed and ambition, the greatest ever seen

in the world, is the cause of their villainies. And also, those lands are so rich and felicitous, the

native peoples so meek and patient, so easy to subject, that the invaders have no more

consideration for them than beasts. And I say this from my own knowledge of the acts I
Author Last Name / Short Title / 273

witnessed. Similarly, we find a confession from Columbus regarding the real reasons behind the

colonial program he conducted in his journal entry written on 15 November 1493, where he

expresses his excitement over the lucrative potential for enrichment: “There is in these lands a

vast quantity of gold and the Indians I have on board do not speak without reason when they say

that in these islands there are places where they dig out gold, and wear it on their necks, ears,

arms and legs, the rings being very large.” Indeed, in tandem with the critical wealth factor came

the imperious influence of the European superiority complex, providing ample ideological

justification for the fascist notion that all the world’s wealth and resources should be under the
control of the inherently enhanced Western civilization of the so-called ‘white race’.

In the Americas, like everywhere else in the world, the Europeans saw themselves as

harbingers of a superior culture bringing ‘civilization’ to an inferior culture. This is quite clear

from the record. In the name of what Washington Irving called “civilizing” the natives while

bestowing upon them the blessings of European “culture”, the colonialists brought nothing but

death, rape, pillage, slavery and the expansion of European politico-economic hegemony. In one

passage in his journal, Columbus observed of the natives: “They would make good and

industrious servants” 11 October 1492. Elsewhere he concludes: “They are fit to be ruled.” 16

December 1492. In another previously noted passage he gloats over the prospect of what he

elsewhere called “subjugating them all” - of course, in the name of bringing the native

“cannibals” the European version of “humanity.“The conveyors could be paid in cannibal slaves,

fierce but well-made fellows of good understanding, which men wrested from their inhumanity,

will be, we believe, the best slaves that ever were.” Jan. 30, 1494 “From here one might send, in

the name of the Holy Trinity, as many slaves as could be sold, as well as a quantity of Brazil

[timber]. If the information I have is correct it appears that we could sell four thousand slaves,

who might be worth twenty million and more.” 1498 We should consider what was understood

by “wresting” these “cannibals” from their “inhumanity”.

Author Last Name / Short Title / 274

Michael de Cuneo, a nobleman of Saveno at the time, described in detail the

“humanizing” conditions faced by the masses of consequently enslaved Native American men,

women and children: When our caravels... were to leave Spain, we gathered in our settlement

one thousand six hundred male and female persons of thee Indians, and of these we embarked in

our caravels on Feb. 17, 1495, five hundred fifty souls among the healthiest males and females.

For those who remained we let it be known in the vicinity that anyone who wanted to take some

of them could do so, to the amount desired; which was done. And when each man was thus

provided with slaves, there still remained about four hundred to whom permission was granted
to go where they wished. Among them were many women with children still at suck. Since they

were afraid that we might return to capture them once again and in order to escape us the

better, they left their children anywhere on the ground and began to flee like desperate creatures

and some fled so far that they found themselves at seven or eight days distance from our

community at Isabella, beyond the mountain and across the enormous river; consequently they

will henceforth be captured only with great difficulty But when we reached the waters off Spain,

around two hundred of these Indians died. I believe because of the unaccustomed air which is

colder than theirs. We cast them into the sea. We disembarked all the slaves, half of whom were

sick. While conventional opinion has it that global expeditions such as those undertaken by

Columbus were for the purpose of exploration, such evidence reveals that the actual motivation

behind such European ‘explorations’ was the urge to expand and consolidate the European

empire, thereby appropriating land, wealth and cheap labor.

Colonialists manipulated Christianity to manufacture religious justification for their

atrocious policies. Thus, in accord with the task of propagandizing the threadbare indigenous

population that remained after having been massacred, colonial Jesuits set up forts in which

indigenous populations were forcefully incarcerated, indoctrinated with Christian concepts based

on prevailing interpretations of the Bible, and coerced into manual labor. Meanwhile, indigenous

culture was almost entirely eliminated. For instance, children at boarding schools were forbidden
Author Last Name / Short Title / 275

to speak their native language and harshly disciplined, this usually involving verbal and physical

abuse. Though some Native American children managed to run away, others died of illness and

homesickness.These children who had been forcibly separated from their parents were

indoctrinated by their colonial captors. When they were returned to their parents at adulthood

they were unable to relate to their own families, had forgotten their own language, and

effectively became strangers in their own country. As a result they became outsiders, having lost

their capacity to belong to both the colonial culture, and their own native culture. This led to

immense confusion, depression, degradation of cultural identity, and ultimately drinking, suicide
and violence.

Reviewing the recent work of historians on Columbus and the genocidal policies he

brought in this wake, J. Syed elaborates on the plight of children and families under European

colonial occupation: Forced separation of families was another factor in the final solution.

Husbands and wives were not allowed to see each other for eight to ten months. When they met

they could not procreate. Exhaustion and depression took their toll. For the few newly born, the

moments of life were short. Mothers, ‘overworked and famished’, had no milk with which to

nurse them. One witness recorded the deaths of 7,000 children in Cuba in three months. A

tendency to commit suicide was the logical and natural result of the atmosphere in which the

Natives lived. A tradition of individual and group suicide started. Mothers also killed their babies

to save them from the European butchers, and out of depression. The policies of killing, forced

labor and separation of families were continued for decades The net result was the death of a

nation.  In tandem with the slaughter and cultural imposition designed to eliminate Native

Americans impeding European settlement and enrichment, measures were imposed to minimize

the indigenous population’s birth rate.

We may consider the Indian Health Service hospital in Claremont Oklahoma as a

representative example. Seventy-five per cent of the sterilizations performed here were non-

therapeutic. Native American women were being convinced to sign sterilization forms that they
Author Last Name / Short Title / 276

did not understand; under the false impression that such operations were reversible. As a result,

the hospital was sterilizing 3,000 Indian women per year. This was, of course, implemented to

further eliminate the Native American population. It is therefore undeniable that colonialism was

ultimately based on an enduring form of European fascism that reduced the position of

indigenous people to a status of inherent inferiority in the name of power and profit. Historian

George L. Mosse has shown in his The Fascist Revolution: Toward a General Theory of

Fascism, that the central tenets of fascism included: a form of nationalism which outsiders would

be unable to enter into and that tends toward an aggressive xenophobia; the glorification of war,
violence and uncompromising ruthlessness; a culture of irrational barbarism; a drive to establish

a new human order and to consolidate or prop up its own authority within that order; the

elevation of the human will above all constraints of nature, grace or even reason. In this respect,

it is certain that European colonialism constituted a form of fascism, bearing an uncanny

resemblance to Nazism. Clearly, the historical record demonstrates that the celebration of

Columbus Day is basically obscene.

The record is also striking in revealing the ability of contemporary society to rewrite

history simply to avoid facing unsavory facts which, having shaped contemporary structures and

institutions, call into fundamental question the benevolence of those structures and institutions.

The almost total elimination of such horrifying historical realities from contemporary

consciousness therefore bears testimony to the capacity of contemporary society to deceive itself.

Indeed, the covert agenda behind the American elite’s desir to celebrate the annihilation of a

people  an agenda that highlights the fundamentaly fascist nature of European colonization  has

been discussed by the late John Henrik Clarke, Professor Emeritus of African World History at

Hunter College, an internationally renowned scholar and one of the world’s foremost authorities

on African American history.

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The voyages of Columbus mark a starting point of world capitalism and the beginning of

European colonial domination of the world. That is what the ruling powers want everyone to

celebrate. The Columbus anniversary is a celebration of mass murder, slavery, and conquest.

More: it exalts the continuing oppression of billions of people today. Columbus is something

only oppressors or fools could celebrate. Because for the modern ruling class, the important point

is not the actual contact between people it is the world-historic growth of capitalism in Europe

made possible by the plunder of the Americas. And that did not start before Columbus.

Columbus, an “opportunist and willful murderer set in motion the basis of Western capitalism
and exploitation of both Africans and Indigenous Americans who had committed no crimes

against European people, and did not know of European intention to conquer and enslave them.”

Christopher Columbus & the African Holocaust, Professor Clarke notes specifically the linkage

between the historical phase of European colonialism that was pioneered by Columbus, and its

legacy in the continuing dominance of Western ruling elite under the existing international

economic system: In his period, he set in motion an act of criminality that influences our very

life today. He laid the basis for western racism, misconceptions about people and extensive use

of organized religions as a rationale for the enslavement of people. It’s a reoccurring event in

history and it told us as nothing has told us before that history is never old, everything that ever

happened continues to happen.

What we are dealing with now is more than the second rise of Europe; we’re dealing with

the rise of a concept that has taken hold of the mind of most of the world. People throughout the

world are now fighting to get away from that concept and most of the world is now prisoners to

that concept. What he actually did and he should be credited for this Columbus set in motion the

exploitation of two continents for European domination... an attitude that is still with us. The

assumption was because Europeans had the ships and the basic technology they had the right to

go into other people’s country and exploit their mineral resources, take their women and rape

them at will Indeed, Clarke provides extensive documentation of how slavery and genocide were
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institutionalized into a new global system of domination and destruction, which colonized land,

labor, resources and information at the expense of indigenous people. The Holocaust perpetrated

against the Native Americans was therefore characteristic of European colonial exploits in

general. In other regions, such as Asia and Africa, the combination of enslavement, slaughter,

and the introduction of European diseases combined in a similar fashion to facilitate European

domination. For instance, in the African Holocaust between 10 and 20 million Africans were

deported in the name of the Western slave trade; which means that Africa’s population was

decimated by about 100 200 million, since ten people had to be killed for a single African to be
taken alive during capture by slave-traders. Professor Clarke comments: “I am not saying it the

Jewish Holocaust was not tragic, or that it was not wrong. However There is no comparison

between six million and 100 million deaths.”

The African and Native Holocaust, he notes, was “a protracted act of aggression

Europeans declared war on everybody’s culture, everybody’s way of life if you weren’t like him

you were an infidel, a savage.” That was has continued in a more sophisticated form within the

current world order. “This was not a war against the African body, but against the African mind.

And it has not let up to this day On May 20, 1506, Columbus died in Valladolid, fairly wealthy

due to the gold his men had accumulated in Hispaniola. He was still convinced that his

discoveries were along the East Coast of Asia. Following his death, the body of Columbus

underwent excoriation the flesh was removed so that only his bones remained. Even after his

death, his travels continued: first interred in Valladolid and then at the monastery of La Cartja in

Seville, by the will of his son Diego, who had been governor of Hispaniola, the remains were

transferred to Santo Domingo in 1542. In 1795 the French took over, and the corpse was

removed to Havana. After the war of 1898, Cuba became independent and Columbus’s remains

were moved back to the cathedral of Seville, where they were given a pompous catafalque.

However, a lead box bearing an inscription identifying “Don Christopher Columbus’ and

containing fragments of bone and a bullet was discovered at Santa Domingo in 1877. To lay to
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rest claims that the wrong relics were moved to Havana and that Columbus is still buried in the

cathedral of Santo Dmingo, DNA samples were taken in June 2003  “Numbers can deceive, but

evidence tells us that the people whom Columbus found in the Caribbean had totally disappeared

50 years later.

Two historians of the colonial experience in Latin America, Barbara and Stanley Stein,

estimate the population of central Mexico at 25 million when the conquest began in 1519. In

1605, the population was 2 million. In the central Andes, a population of 6 million in 1525 had
sunk to 1.5 million in 1561. The reasons for this demographic catastrophe were complex,

cumulative and brutal: European diseases, immunological breakdowns, forced labor but also

culture shock and sheer anguish. But numbers are not the most important fact about the European

conquest of America. The violent deaths with which the Europeans Spanish, Portuguese,

English, French, and Dutch implanted their power in the New World is but the statistical index of

a far larger occurrence: the irreparable death of great civilizations that possessed education

systems, a separate moral and artistic universe, and forms of human relationship in constantly

evolving creativity. But did the conquest truly destroy the Indian cultures forever? In one sense,

we must answer yes. We shall never know how the Indian civilizations would have evolved

without foreign interference. An interrupted destiny is never a just destiny. But if the fate of pre

Columbian America was to lose its autonomous evolution, it is also true that the very brutality of

the conquest manifested the Indian capacity to survive in spite of the most violent challenges.

For the Indian culture of the Americas, if it did not prevail, did not perish, either. Rather, it

became a part of what one might term the counter-conquest, that is, the Indian response,

followed by the black response, to the purely European presence in the Americas.

The conquest of America continues to be the pause of our historical memory, the origin

of our intense self consciousness and painful brotherhood between the death of the Indian

civilizations of the Americas and the birth of the Hispano Indian civilizations of the New World.
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It is estimated that 100 million Indians from the Caribbean, Central, South, and North America

perished at the hands of the European invaders. Sadly, unbelievably, really, much of that

wholesale destruction was sanctioned and carried out by the Roman Catholic Church and various

Protestant denominations Greed for gold, capitalistic greed through the potential of wealth

through the slave trade, and the religious beliefs of Apocalyptic Christianity were three primary

motivations Columbus had for setting sail. He was successful in his aims, which fueled genocide

aganst tens of millions of Indigenous People.  He was successful in promoting and aiding in

establishing slavery by bringing sugar to Europe and to the New World from Spain, which
created the evil necessity in the eyes of some of humanity’s greatest criminals for the Middle

Passage, where slaves packed like cargo between decks often had to lie in each other’s feces,

urine, and blood. Eternal witnesses to our own creation, the descendants of Indians and

Spaniards in the Americas know that the conquest was a cruel, criminal, bloody event that lasted

for Hundreds of years.

Thanks to all these barbaric acts of torture, Columbus was greeted with arm and leg

chains upon his return to Spain, They sent him to jail in Spain and imprisoned for several week

The men who went with him did not find a lot of gold. They were disappointed and in the end

some of them said Columbus was a cruel tyrant leader. Isabella freed Columbus, and he went

back to Hispaniola. He lived there for ten years. He was rich, but be was not healthy went he

went back to Spain where he died.

Author Last Name / Short Title / 281


Christopher Columbus: The Murderer

On October 11 we in the United States celebrate the discovery of America by Christopher

Columbus in 1492. Which was a lie how you can discover something that already exist?

Columbus was an Italian immigrant and his descendants here in the U.S. consider Columbus to

be a great hero. Others like me disagree he was a thief, liar, kidnaper and murderer. In the United

States, Columbus Day became a Federal holiday in 1934. In 1892, it celebrated the four

hundredth anniversary, the celebration was taught in rituals and speeches of patriotism. In some

states, such as Hawaii and Nevada, it is not a legal holiday. In Berkeley, California, October 11

is celebrated as “Indigenous People’s Day” and in South Dakota it is known as “Native

Author Last Name / Short Title / 282

American Day” but most of the country The second Monday in October is celebrated across

America as Columbus Day. It is a celebration of the man who so called discovered America. In

school, children are taught that. Christopher Columbus was a national hero. In actuality, the man

was a murderer rapist liar thief and kidnapper. It is true that he found a land that was already

known to the original man who is all wise and “civilized, Columbus found the Indians who were

exile 16,000 years ago and yet in this discovery, he erased the natives inhabiting the land. With

slavery, warfare, and inhumane acts. Christopher Columbus and the men who accompanied him

completely destroyed a people, a culture, and a land. These are not actions that should be
heralded as heroic. Christopher Columbus or Christoffa Corombo in the 15th century Genoese

dialect of the Liguria language or Cristoforo Colombo in Italian was born in Genoa, son of

Domenico Colombo, a middle-class wool weaver who later also had a cheese stand where

Christopher was a helper, working both in Genoa and Savona. In one of his writings, Columbus

claims to have gone to the sea at the age of 10. Christopher Columbus was commissioned by the

Spanish king and queen to find a westerly route to the Orient. He and most everyone else

involved believed that he would find a direct route to Japan and China. What he didn’t know is

that there was a continent between the Orient and Europe. The reason for his voyage is that Spain

wanted to find treasures that were rumored to be available for the taking in other parts of the

world. Spain would use any means necessary to take these riches, including war, murder, or any

other means available. The Spanish king and queen were nearly bankrupt from years of war and

wished to fill their banks with more money and to extend their empire to other parts of the


Columbus set sail with his 3 ships. We have many recorded traditions of what happened,

although few source records exist other than Columbus’ own diaries. It is believed by historians

that he first landed somewhere in the Bahamas. Columbus had no idea where he was, other than

he was about 3,000 miles west of Spain, and it didn’t look like China or Japan. In fact, Columbus

himself always insisted that that lands that he visited in his voyages were part of the Asian
Author Last Name / Short Title / 283

continent, as previously described by Marco Polo and other European travelers. He then headed

for what is now Cuba and then to the Island of Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic).

His thoughts and actions throughout his voyages one can see that Columbus was never respectful

of the rights of the natives he encountered. His first sight of what he termed “Indians” was of a

group of attractive, unclothed people. Speculation is that, to him, their nakedness represented a

lack of culture, customs, and religion but in fact they were living a natural way of life. 

Columbus saw this as an opportunity to spread the Christian religion and the word of God, as the
Europeans have done so many times in history, while at the same time considering how they

could possibly be exploited. He believed that they would be easy to conquer because they

appeared defenseless, easy to trick because they lacked experience in trade and in dealing with

the coning deceit of the Spaniard and they were an easy source of profit because they could be

enslaved. It obviously that it did not occur to Columbus to consider these people in any terms

aside from that of master and slave. Not as the Kings and Queens of a great civilization that have

been in existence way before they had a civilization These thoughts were merely a

foreshadowing of what was to come. Even in Columbus’s own letters one can see the arrogance

he possessed in claiming the islands he found. In a letter describing his findings to his friend Luis

de Santangel, he wrote, “And there I found very many islands filled with people innumerable,

and of them all I have taken possession of their land for me their Highnesses. Columbus never

stopped to consider that these islands were not his to take, nor were the people that inhabited

them. He simply took over these lands, even going so far as to rename them all. In order to let

everyone know of his great discovery, he returned to Spain with many new items, including

kidnapped Indians He was attempting to glorify Spain and its monarchs while creating fame for


Columbus’s arrogance and exploitation regarding slavery began on his second voyage. Ferdinand

and Isabella had ordered that the natives be treated kindly. In opposition to this order, Columbus
Author Last Name / Short Title / 284

began exporting slaves in great numbers in 1494. It was because he was not making any real

profit elsewhere on the island that he decided to exploit the one source of income people he had

in abundance. When word reached him that the crown did not want him sending more slaves,

Columbus ignored it. He was desperate to make his expeditions profitable enough for Ferdinand

and Isabella’s continued support. Evidently he was not reprimanded because thousands of

Indians were exported. By the time they reached Spain, usually a third of them were dead.

Bartholomew de las Casas wrote that one Spaniard had told him they did not need a compass to

find their way back to Spain; they could simply follow the bodies of floating Indians who had
been tossed overboard when they died It is horrible to consider that the exportation of these

natives resulted in thousands of deaths. It is much worse when one realizes that they were caused

by one man’s desire for glory. A Catholic Priest wrote in his multi volume History of the Indies

that the Spaniards were driven by insatiable greed, killing, terrorizing, afflicting and torturing the

native peoples. The Spaniards “thought nothing of knifing Indians by the tens and twenty

thousands and of cutting slices off them to test the sharpness of their blades. My eyes have seen

these acts so foreign to human nature and now I tremble as I write.” The natives were not

immune to the diseases of the white Europeans. Some estimates indicate fatality rates of 80-90%

of Native American populations during smallpox epidemics. Columbus apparently didn’t care as

he was after gold and other treasures. He was ruthless in his conquest of the lands that he

“discovered”. Ironically, the Indians also killed many of the Europeans by attacks the soldiers

took advantage of the native women; they raped them, and infected them with syphilis and soon

many of Columbus’ men died of syphilis as they pass it on to each other as they shared and gang

raped native woman. 

The Indians that were not exported were put into slavery on the island. There was literally

no way to escape some form of enslavement. Columbus would let the settlers of his

establishment choose whomever they wanted for their own. One account claims that each settler

had slaves to work for them, dogs to hunt for them, and beautiful women to warm their beds.

This degradation of an entire group of people seemed not to bother Columbus or the Spaniards in
Author Last Name / Short Title / 285

any way. They appeared to consider it their right as superiors. Enslavement of the Indians was

not the only violation they were forced to endure; Columbus also terrorized, tortured, and killed

them. At one point in time, Columbus sent five hundred men into the hills to search for gold.

Upon hearing that the Indians were planning to attack the men, Columbus sent four hundred

soldiers to terrorize them in order to show how strong the Spaniard Christians were. Since

Columbus was in charge, he felt he could do as he chose without repercussions. He believed that

doing devilishment in the name of the Christian Church could do no wrong and therefore never

punished them. One of the Spaniards went through the hills, terrorizing the Indians and stealing
their food. Columbus punished the Indian victims instead of the Christian culprit. Obviously, the

culprit was not so much of a Christian or was he because this is the nature of Christianity. 

His activities, and others like it, soon led to an all out war between the settlers and the natives.

Due to their inferior weaponry, thousands of Indians were wiped out while those that were not

were captured and made to work for the Spaniard mining for gold and silver. Other atrocities

committed by Columbus and his men were reported by Michele de Cuneo, one of the Spaniards

with whom he was traveling. One account tells of how they came upon a canoe and Indians and

they attacked them. They thought they had killed one of the Indians and threw him into the

water. Upon seeing him begin to swim, they caught him and cut his head off with an axe. They

later sent the rest of the Indians to Spain. He also gives a relatively descriptive account of his

rape of an Indian woman; an act committed with Columbus’s blessing Columbus apparently

believed it was his right to pass the captured women out to his men, and they, in turn, believed

they did not need to ask for the women’s consent. As awful as it may be, rape was one of the less

violent acts they committed against the Indians. Columbus was a social climber and self

promoter who stopped at nothing, not even exploitation and slavery, to advance his ambitions.

He may have been the first, but he certainly was not the last to enslave and kill the native peoples

as if their existence was not important. Waves of other explorers came to North, South, and

Central America from other European countries. The English, French, Dutch, Portuguese, and
Author Last Name / Short Title / 286

others came to further plunder the New World that they had discovered. Columbus and his men

could be a very cruel group of people. Under the guise of subduing the enemy, they would

engage in horrific activities. At times, they would make an example of an Indian by cutting his

hands off and tying them around his neck, telling him to then go and share the message. Other

times they would go and massacre an entire village, unconcerned with the age of their victims.

These are the types of inhumane activities undertaken by the men that Columbus led. This type

of treatment continued a pattern seen throughout history. The degradation and belief of

superiority can be seen in the way the American Indians were later treated. It can also be seen in
the way the African Slaves were treated. Columbus certainly set a precedent, although it would

be a stretch to call it an admirable one. 

It is certain that the Indian’s version of the “discovery” would be quite different from the

European accounts had they been given the opportunity to tell it. Certain artifacts have shown

that they were not an uncivilized community as Columbus had claimed. They had a wide range

of abundant food sources, healthy relationships with their neighbors, and were experienced

traders. Despite what Columbus believed, they also had their own distinct religion, termed

Zemiism. It is believed to be “the personification of spiritual power achieved with the aid of

supernatural forces represented in one self. The Indian’s story will never be told because they did

not write it down and never had the opportunity to hand it down. Within a generation of

Columbus’s landing, their entire group of people and their culture became extinct. Bartolommeo

de las Casas wrote, “And it is a great sorrow and heartbreak to see this coastal land which was so

flourishing, now a depopulated desert when the natives began to die off, they were replaced with

African slaves. Today, the descendents of these slaves are the only ones who remain. It is sad

that Columbus’s search for fame led to the eradication of an entire culture. Greed and the desire

for glory caused him to destroy that which he is famed for discovering. Christopher Columbus is

in no way a hero. All he did was encounter unknown lands while trying to get to Asia. He did not

even manage to complete his initial goal of finding a commercially viable route to Asia by
Author Last Name / Short Title / 287

traversing the western oceans. He died feeling a failure because of this, not because of the

tragedy he had brought to the Indians. His great accomplishment was the destruction of an entire

population. How is that heroic? Columbus makes Hitler look like a juvenile delinquent, asserts

American Indian activist Russell Means. Winona La Duke deplores “the biological,

technological, and ecological invasion that began with Columbus’ ill-fated voyage five hundred

years ago.” The National Council of Churches declares the anniversary of Columbus “not a time

for celebration” but for “reflection and repentance” in which the white man must acknowledge a

continuing history of “oppression, slavery and genocide.” Historian Glenn Morris accuses
Columbus of being “a murderer, a rapist, and the architect of a policy of genocide that continues

today.” “Could it be that the human calamity caused by the arrival of Columbus,” African-

American writer Ishmael Reed asks, “was this a sort of dress rehearsal of what is to come as the

ozone becomes more depleted, the earth warms, and the rain forests are destroyed?” “All of us

have been socialized to be racists and benefit from racism constantly,” Christine Slater laments

in the journal Multicultural Education. “The very locations on which our homes rest should

rightfully belong to Indian nations.” Literary scholar Stephen Greenblatt alleges that Columbus

“inaugurated the greatest experiment in political, economic, and cultural cannibalism in the

history of the Western world.” Our history books teach us that despots such as Adolph Hitler, Idi

Amin, and Saddam Hussein were evil men who killed thousands of pople. So Columbus should

be put in that category.


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